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Rev. W. H. Pinkerton Preacher at National City Christian Church Well Known for His Previous Services • To Congregation The Rev. William H. Pinkerton of Los Angeles, Calif., will preach at the National City Christian Church tomorrow morning on “The Assurance of Eternal Life.” He was interim minister of the National City Christian Church in 1933 between the pastorates of the Rev. Harvey H. Harmon and the Rev. Raphael H. Miller. He was also for many years an elder of the National City Church and ac tive in all its affairs. The Rev. Mr. Pinkerton was for two years minister of the Takoma Park Christian Church. Since his removal to Los Angeles he has been active in the program of the Hollywood-Beverly Christian Church. His daughter, Mrs. E. V. Pugh, who will be a guest at the church tomorrow, was president of the Woman's Council of the Holly wood-Beverly Church at Los An geles. Before coming to Washington the Rev. Mr. Pinkerton for many years occupied a leading position among Disciples of Christ as minister of Christian churches in Paducah, Ky., and St. Louis, Mo. At the Thursday fellowship din ner Dr. Miller will deliver the third of his lectures on “The Church and the Present World Sit uation.” Children of the Bible school will present a pantomime, under the direction of Mrs. Ivan Dugan, entitled “Things That Make a Nation Great.”' Ninth Street Church Marks 'Loyalty Month' For several years November has been “loyalty month” In the Ninth Street Christian Church. The mem bers are asked to register present to their name at one service, at least, on the Lord's day. Tomorrow, the Rev. Clifford H. Jope will preach at 11 ajn. on “By a Straight Course.” The choir will sing “The Lord Is My Shepherd.” The junior church meets in the church house at 11 am. Mrs. Doug las will deliver the sermon ctory. “God's Workers” is the theme for Sunday and Bob Dixon. Edward Comingore and Doris Cassell will take part on the program. The pastor will preach at 7:45 p.m. on “Do We Still Sin?” Tire choir will sing “Great and Marvel ous.” by Farmer, and Mr Grayson Hill will sing “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say,” by Rathbun. The annual turkey dinner, given by the Women's Council, will be held November 8, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Next Thursday at 7:30 p.m., the meeting will be in charge of the Eulecktros class. Victor Heflin will render a violin solo. 19th Street Baptist Marks Centennial The Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, of which Dr. Walter H. Brooks is pastor, is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The exercises will continue next week. Dr. Brooks will preach the anniversary' sermon Sunday morning and Dr. Mordecai Johnson, president of Howard Uni versity, will be the guest speaker at the evening services. On Novem ber 12 Dr. Brooks will celebrate his 57th anniversary as pastor of the church and will preach the anni versary sermon that morning. Wesley Methodist Tomorrow will be Joash day. Dr. John W. Rustin, pastor of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church, will preach at 11 am. The choir, under the direction of Marie Little, will offer special music. The young people will meet from 6 to 8 p.m., using for the basis of their discussion groups. “A Study of Youth in the Home,” as one of the backgrounds for marriage. Church of the Epiphany At the 11 o'clock service, which will consist of the holy commu nion and sermon, the Rev. Dr Z. B. Phillips will give the fifth lec ture-sermon on the notable book “Jack, Jill and God.” The special theme of tomorrows sermon is "Are Christian Morals Out of Date?” The other services will be holy communion at 8 am.: Young Peo ple's Fellowship at 6:30; and eve ning service and sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser at 8 p.m. Unity &rl|0ol NEW COLONIAL HOTEL 18th and M Sts. N.W. 11:00 a.m.—"A Daring Deed.’’ by Mar ! gam Ann Feldt. Wed.. 8 p m.—"The Talents.” MARJORIE BRETTS, Soloist. Classes Dally Except Monday. For Schedule Call DI. 343B. • flnaitiur (Ehriatianity National QII|urrl| at $naitiur (Ebriatianity Dr. O. F. Fraaer, Teacher. 1726 H St. N.W. Bandar. November S, 11:00 a.m.—"Alpha and Omega.” Classea on Wednesday. ALL CLASSES FREE Unitarian == ALL SOULS’ CHURCH Sixteenth and Harvard Streets Minister ULYSSES G. a FIERCE. D. D. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship, “A MAN’S BEST FRIEND.” 7:30 p.m.—Motion Picture Hour. i “STORY OF ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL.” THE REV. WILLIAM H. PINKERTON. —Edmonston Photo. Reformation Rites Will Be Observed At Grace Lutheran Dr. Lenski to Preach On 'Privilege of Believing For Yourself' Services tomorrow at Grace Lu theran Church will honor the ref ormation movement under Luther out of which modern Protestantism and religious freedom have come. Dr. Gerhard E. Lenski will have for his theme: “The Sacred Privilege of Believing for Yourself.” Matins will begin at 8:45 a.m. The pastor will preach. Ruthanne Johnson, soprano, will be the special soloist. Margaret Wambsganss will be or ganist and will introduce the serv ice proper with a brief organ re cital. At 11 a.m. Dr. Lenski will speak. The chorus choir, directed by Mis. Carl Rasmussen, will sing Grieg's "Savious, Source of Every Blessing," and Jones’.“Blessed Are the Pure in Heart.” Marian Ranberg. organ ist, will give organ numbers before the service proper. At 6:30 p.m. the Young People's Society will meet. The Rev. Ralph Hershberger of Redland, Md., will speak on “What the World Owes the Jew.” Edward Beasley will lead, and Edda Dayton will conduct the devo tional program. The Fellowship sup per for young people will be held at 7:30 p.m. Confirmation instruction is being held on aturday at 9 a.m., con ducted by the pastor. Rabbi Riverstone To Speak at All Souls' Rabbi Harry Silverstone of Tif ereth Israel Congregation will be the speaker before the class in comparative religion. All Souls’ Church school, tomorrow at 10 ajn. This is his 14th monthly lecture on “The Prophets of Israel.” He will speak on “Zachariah.” At the same time Dr. Leifur Magnusson, formerly Washington representative of the International Labor Office, will start a discussion on “Democ racy and Propaganda.” Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce will preach on “A Man’s Best Friend” at the 11 o’clock service. The Sunday eve ning motion picture hour will be resumed in Pierce Hall at 7:30 with “The Story of Alexander Graham Bell” as the feature. On Monday evening Dr. Pierce will give his final talk on “Why I Am a Unitarian.” At the same time Miss Elizabeth Du Val of the Public Li brary will speak to the “Books of the Month” group. The annual meeting of the Joseph Priestley Conference will be held at the First Unitarian Church in Baltimore Thursday. Gen H. C. Newcomer and Elmer Stewart of the Washington church are among the speakers. ===^==== i llnitg Society of Washington, 0. C. 1326 Eye St. N.W. SUNDAYS: 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:0(1 am.—Lecture 6:45 p.m.—Young People's Group. 8:00 p.m.—Good Words Club. 3:no and 8:60 p.m. Tues—Lessons In Truth 8:06 pm.. Wed —Healing and Prosperity 13:20 to 12:40—Noon Day Silence. Unity Literature for Sale Tel. Met. ISM Sitting &rignrg First Divine Science Chnrch Grafton Hotel, Conn. Ave. at Da Salei. 11:60 a m.—"The Spirit of Truth.” Thursday, 8 p.m.—"Creative Spirit.” j | Rev. G. L. Patch, Minister. spiritual 8>rtrnrr Chnrch of Spiritual Science Dr. Z. A. Wright. Paator. 1329 N ST. N.W. SUNDAY SERVICE—7:30 p.m.. Address By DR. Z. A. WRIGHT. Midweek Service Thur.. 8 P.M. Messages to all by clergy. Rev. M. Mc Farland. Dr. A. Frederick, Dr. Z. A. Wright. Rev. J. Gray. Visiting; Dr. Geo. D Klinefelter and Rev. M. Brown. Seances. 450 N. J Ave. S.E., Mon., Wed;, Frl. at 8 p.m. Line. 10027. BENEFIT—Dr. Gray and Dr. Wright. Sat.. 1 to 8 p.m.. Readings. * (Eliurrti of (Sob CHURCH OF GOD 2407 Minnesota Avenue S.E. (Headquarters at Anderson. Indiana.) ORDER OF SUNDAY SERVICES: Church School—Classes lor Every Age-10:00 a.m. Morning Worship_11:00 a.m. Youth and Junior Crusaders. 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangelistic Service 8:00 D.m ESTHER M. BOYER. Paster 1125 12th St. N.W Phone RE. 0306 Amy K. Lopez, professor of Eng lish in the Ander son College, trav eler. author and lecturer, will be the guest speaker at the Cuurch of God November 5. to and including November 12 each evening at 7:45. Each evening 6:30 to 7:30 will be a Youth Discussion Hour under the leadership of Miss Lopez. "Paths to the Reality of AMY K. LOPEZ eral theme for the T. g. Gorst week. Esther M. |Ktk„ the Boyer. Pastor. Chnreh af God. 7 i New York Avenue Presbyterian Topic, 'Church and War' Children's Sermon To Be Included in Order of Service "The Church and War” will be the topic of the Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall, minister of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, tomorrow at 11 a m. Included in the order of service will be a children's sermon. The choir of 100 voices, under the direction of Charles Dana Beaschler of the Westminster Choir School, will sing “God Bless America,” by Berlin, and the National Anthem. Dr. Marshall will preach at 8 pm. on “The Last Beatitude.” The choir will sing "O Morn of Beauty,” by Sibelius. Miss Mary Kjelgaard and Miss Jean McLaurln of the young people’s department will act as hostesses at the fellowship tea at 6 o’clock. Fol lowing the tea the Lincoln Fellow ship Forum will meet. Dr. Marshall will begin a series of discussions on the Book of Ephesians. The young people’s department will meet at 6:45 o'clock. Dale Purcell will lead the discussions of "Patriotism Plus.” The Tuxis Group will meet at 6:45 o'clock. Miss Carol Colver will give a review of the book “Stranger Than Fiction.” On Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Marshall will conduct the service. ' Foundry Methodist Schedule Announced "Beliefs That Matter" is to be the subject of Dr. Frederick Brown Har ris at 11 a m. in Foundry Methodist Church. At 8 p.m. the theme will be “We or They.” In the Foundry Forge worship service at 6:80 p.m. James Farmer will speak on "Meeting Race Prob lems in Washington.” Ralph Parker will speak to the young people of the Hi-League at 7 p.m. on "Living With Your Family.” The Monday open house for adults of the chujch and neighborhood, centering in the Letts Building, will feature a movie, “The Will and the Way," at 8 p.m. Members of the Haywood Class will act as host esses. Dr. Wesley M. Gewehr of Amer ican University will lecture at 11 a.m. Thursday on "The Back grounds of War.” The service at 7:30 pm. will be in charge of lay men. Reformation Festival Services to Be Held Opening with a processional of vested children’s choirs from six Lutheran congregations, the festival reformation service for children, will be held tomorrow at 3 pm. at the Lutheran Church of the Refor mation. The Rev. George Grewe now, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington, Va.. will preach the sermon and the Rev. Edward Goetz, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church and the Rev. Ralph W. Loew, assistant pastor of the Church of the Reformation, will be in the chancel. Mrs. Merle Cain, member of the National Committee for the Chil dren of the Church of the United Lutheran Church in America, has i been in charge of arrangements. - (EfyrtHtaMpfyian Christadelphian Chapel 133 Webster 8t. N.W.! 8. 8.. 10:10 a.m Preaching. 11:13 a.m._Public Invited._ THE WASHINGTON ECCLESIA. 8. 8.. 10:00 a.m. Service. 11:00 a m. 808 Eve St. N.W._Public Invited.-* _Srgtfrmt_ CHURCH OP THE BRETHREN 4th and North Carolina Avenue 8.E. DR. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Minister. 1 0:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—"Around the Lord’s Table.’* 6:00 n.m.—The Holy Communion will Be Observed. THE WHITE CROSS CHURCH OF CHRIST 1810 Ontario Place N.W. Divine Services Sunday at 4 P.M. The Pastor, REV. JANE B. COATES “THE LOST CHORD” Following Services the Healing and Mes sage Service lor All. Consultations bi Appointment. Col, 6227._•_ (Eljriattan 8>rifnrr First Church of Christ Scientist EAST FALLS CHUBCH. PA. At Little Falls Street Station Sunday Services and Sunday School, ll A.M. Wednesday Services 8 PM. Reading Room at 3348 Wilson Bird. Arlington. Pa. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCI^TY Alexandria. Va George Maxon Hotel Sunday Service and Sunday 8ehool. 11 a.m Wedneaday Service, 8 n.m. Public Cordiully Invited. Rending Room. 110 S. Washington Ut Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church The First Church of Chris1 Scientist, Boston, Mass. First Church of Christ Sciential Columbia Rd. and Euclid St. Second Church of Christ Sciential 111 C St. N.R. Third Church of Christ Sciential 13th and L Sts. N.W. Fourth Church of Christ Scientisl 16th and Oak Sts. N.W. “ADAM AND FALLEN MAN” SERVICES— Sunday 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. Sunday School—11 A.M._ WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING— fi o'clock. __ RADIO PROGRAMS SUNDAYS 10:45 A.M.. STATION WJ8\ BECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS 12:46 P.M.. STATION WRC. READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th SI N.W. Hours 9 to 9 (excep WEDNESDAYS, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays, 2:30 to 5:30 < SECOND CHURCH—111 C SI N.E. Hours, 12 to 5:30 p.m week days. 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH —Coloradi Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:3i and Sundays and holidays, : to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Riggs Ban! Bldg., 3300 14th St., 9 to 9 weel days: Wednesdays. 9:30 to 7 Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m Holidays, 2:30 to 5:30 pjn. All are welcome to attend oar church cortices and ate oar reading room*. It DR. STANLEY BILLHEIMER. Dr. Stanley Billheimer To Be Guest Preacher Dr. Stanley Billheimer, a former pastor here, but now located in Palmyra, Pa., will be the guest min ister Sunday, 8 p.m., in Georgetown Lutheran Church. "That Man—Saul of Tarsus” will be the subject at 11 am. by the Rev. Harold E. Beatty. "The Woman of Samaria” will be the topic in the young people’s meeting, led by Wal lace Malcolm, at 7 p.m. The members of the Lutheran Ministerial Association will be guests of this church Monday at a luncheon at 12:30 noon. The Church Council will meet Tuesday, 8 p.m., at the parsonage. On Thursday, 8 p.m., the subject is "The Kingdom of Heaven.” Dr. Blackwelder To Inaugurate New Series of Sermons A new series of sermons for No vember will be inaugurated tomor row at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation. Dr. Oscar Black welder will begin a schedule of eve ning services built around the gen eral theme of "Christ and Mental Health.” The first subject is "What Are You Afraid Of?” Other topics are: “How Pear Finds Its Oppor tunities in a Disordered Mind," "Mental Peace and Moral Tension,” “How the Sources of Tragedy Are Hard by the Sources of Faith.” Dr. Blackwelder will preach tomor row at 11 a m. on "How Shall We Think of God.” At 8:30 a m., the Rev. Ralph W. Loew, assistant pastor, will begin a series of Sermons concerning the theme. “Great Ideas Born in Trou bled Days.” Tomorrow his sermon is "The God of the Ages.” On the following Sundays the subjects are "Squaring Life With God’s Ways,’ "So God Is International” and "Be yond Tragedy." The children’s choii will sing for these services. The women of the church will hold theii annual Thanksgiving banquet on Wednesday. The guest speaker will be Miss Alice Nickel, missionary from India. Akaalftr &rintrr ■®AK ASH I CSC IENCE"" LITTLE THEATER. 9 Above F N-W. Subject: A TOPIC CLOSE TO THE HEART OF EVERYONE. 11 a m Service (Sun.i Silent Meditation—Color Healing—In spirational Talk—Guidance thru Akashic Tests and a Forum Period. * —EEY. BEBTINE POWERS— UniPfrBaliBt UNIVERSALIST NATIONAL MEMORIAL CHURCH Cor. 16th and S Sts. N.W REV. SETH R. BROOKS, D. D., Minister 10:00 a m.—Church School. Adult Forum. 11:00 a.m.—Worship. Topic: 'THE VOICE OF GOD AND THE SOUL OF MAN'' 7:00 p.m —Y. P. C. U. National Capital Chair. A Genuine Welcome to All. £>pirttuali0t Psychic Message Council House 1100 Twelfth Street Northwest Reading Room Open Daily for Prayer and Meditation Authorized and licensed practitioners available lor individual development, praver healing, private readings or spirit message seance at Council House. Advance Appointment Advisable Telephone Metropolitan 11234. Message Meeting. Friday. 3 p.m. _Deaconess De Long in charge. _ LONGLEY MEMORIAL 312.3 Holntead Place N.W. Between 13th and 14th at Newton Bt. REV. D. J. CAVE. Minister. Sunday. Nov. 5. at 8 P.M. ALL-MESSAGE SERVICE. Mrs. Eigers. Mrs. Hampson, Mrs. Suit Message Service Wednesday at 8 P.M. MRS. JEAN HAMPSON IN CHARGE.J MRS. ELISABETH MeDONALD—Message Service Thurs.. 2:00 p.m.. Apt. ft. lllfl G Cor. 12th N.W. Met. 536ft. Readings b; appointment._ * MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIS’! Services Sunday and Wednesday at 8 p.m Healing and Consultation daily 12 to l pm. Healing each meeting 7 to 8 p.m DR. F. L. DONCEEL, Teacher. _1348 R. I. Ave. N.W. » MRS. SUIT. Psychic Medium, holds a mes sage circle Mon. and Friday. 8 p.m. Advice on all affairs of life. 3423 Holmead PI N.W. Call Col. 0558-W for private reading._ Rev. Mrs. Carol E. McKinstry 1312 Gallatin St. N.W. nt 5000 Block 14th St. Ordained by the Intern’l General Aisemblv ot SBtntuallnti "Blessed are they that mourn, for thei shall be comforted." Matt. 5.4. Message Meetings. Tnes. and Erl. Eyes. S p.m. Pnblle welcome. All reached Georgia 6563, _L_ ■National ^pirltualiat Aaooriation J. K. Simmons. 1341 Newton St. N.W Message Meetings every Thura.. 8 P.M Readings by Appt. Col. 4342; Unity Spiritualist Church 1326 Man. Are. N.W. Sun.. 8:00 p.m.. Lecture by Rev. Harry P. Strack. Spirit Greetings by Rev. Ida E. Strack. Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Sim mons. Mid-week message service at 600 Pa. Ave. 8.B. Thursday at 8.00 p.m. The First Spiritualist Church Services at the Psyehie Center. 131 C Street N.E.. Sunday, 8 P.M. Lecture by the Pastor h REV. ALFRED H. TERRY Subject: “Why Do the Dead Return?" Followed by Spirit Messages. Readings by Mediums Rev. McKinstry and Mrs. Eldon . from 5 to 8 P.M. Light Supper Served. * ) ' i The Church of Two Worlds \ Hotel Continental £•*',?*, PlaX4 Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs, 'Minister Sunday, 8 p.m., Addross by tho Minister Wednesday, I p.m., Massagt Service 1 First Baptist Church B. Y. P. U. to Lead Evening Service, * Justice H. M. Stephens To Address Men's Brotherhood “What to Do With Your Crosses” will be the communion service theme of Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden at the First Baptist Church tomorrow morning. The B. Y. P. U. will be in charge of the evening service, with Harold Carter, Lila Mae Jerman and Arlene Bolling speaking on “The Church and Its Meaning.” Justice Harold M. Stephens of the United States Court of Appeals will address the Men’s Brotherhood at their dinner Monday. The dinner will be followed by a meeting of the board of deacons. “Temple Bells” will be the subject of discussion at the Woman’s Society meeting Wednesday morning, with Mrs. Linton Collins as program leader and Mrs. James G. McMana way and Mrs. Paul F. Hannah as hostesses. The Fidelis Class will hold a business and social meeting Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph F. Worley. 193S Thirty eighth street N.W. There will be a meeting of the Sunday school de partment superintendents at 7 pm. Thursday and on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of the next two weeks a Sunday school study course, with Miss Louise Sergent in charge. Mrs. John S. Bennett, superintendent of Central Union Mission, will speak and the Glee Club from the mission will sing at the opening Sunday school exercises tomorrow morning. Church of the Brethren. At 11 a.m. the pastor will give the communion sermon. The subject will be "Around the Lord’s Table.” There will be a consecration serv ice for babies. At 6 pm. holy com munion will be observed. On Thurs day at 8 pm. will continue the study of “A Quest for a Vital Christian Experience.” 3Frimbfl FRIENDS MEETING (ORTHODOX) 13th and Irving Streets N.W. 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.— Meetings for worship. All welcome._ Friends Meeting ot Washington (Established 1030—9111 Florida Ave.) Meeting (or Worship First Day (Sundavt at 11 a.m Sunday school 8:45 a.m. All interested are welcome._ &glf-&galteatimt SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP Brahmachari Jotin of India SCIENCE OF HEALING Sunday, November A. at II A.M. Public Class in Philosophy and Yoga Wednesday, November 8, at 8 P.M. 4748 Western Ave. N.W. (Between Chesapeake and dfttb Sts.) _(flbrtattan CHRISTIAN I Ntntlj £>trggt 9th ft D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE. Minister. WM. GEO. ORAM. Assistant. - 0:30 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon. "By a Straight Course," Clifford H. Jope. 7:45 p.m.—Sermon. “Do We Btill Sin?" Clifford H. Jope. £bg National (Cttg i Thomas Circle. | RAPHAEL H. MILLER. IVAN H. DUGAN. Ministers 0:45 a.m.—Bible School. 10:60 a.m.—Morning Service. “The i Assurance of Eternal Life." Dr. W. H Pink erton of Los Angeles, Calif. 0:30 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. (flolumbia 3igigl|t0 1435 Park Road N.W. Arthur P. Wilson. Minister } 11:00 a.m.—“The Sonr of Solomon." 7:30 p.m.—Moving Pictures. “Not Guilty at the Judg ment." park Vitm 627 Park Road N.W. J. LLOYD BLACK. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—"Behold He Prayeth.” 8:00 p.m.—“Vision and Practica bility." (fiongrggational S 'The Unmerciful Servant' Theme at Luther Place The Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Eckert, assistant pastor at Luther Place Me morial Church, will preach on “The Unmerciful Servant” at 11 am. to morrow. The Church Council will meet at the parsonage Wednesday evening. Members of the Ladies’ Aid Society and friends will sew for the Red Cross Wednesday from 10 am. to 4 p.m. in the church parlors. The Rev. Charles A. Sullivan, welfare secretary of the Tressler Orphans’ Home, Loyesville, Pa., will give an illustrated lecture Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Y. P. P. The meeting is open to the public. Jnitrrmital Assemblies nt (Sob Preaching tha Cron in Heart of Natien'i Capitol Bethtl Tabernacla N. dopitel and K Sts. BiMe School, 0:30 a.n. 11:00 a n.. Morales Worship. 7 :3« p.m.. Evangelistic. 7:13 p.n., Ties., “Christ Ambassadors." 1:00 p.m., Thar.. Pasting and Prayer. 7:13 p m . Frl.. Pentecost. The Friendly Church. HARRY V. SCHAEFFER, PASTOR I I 1911 H St. N.W. Take Penna. Ave. Cars to 10th 8t. N.W. CALVARY GOSPEL CHURCH 8unday School_»:30e.m. Worship _11:00 a.m. Young People__ «:30 p.m. Organ recital _7:30 p.m. Evangelistic _ 7:43 p.m. Prayer Service at_2:00 p.m. Wednesday _7:45 p.m. Friday _7:45 p.m. DR. JONAS E. MILLER, Minister. Everybody Welcome. The Full Gospel Tabernacle 915 Moss. Ave. NtW. 9:30—Sunday School . 11 o'clock—Morning Worship Topic: "God's Workmanship" 7:45—Evangelistic Topic: "A Question You Must Answer" Everybody Welcome B. E. MAHAN. Minister (Ecmgrrgatumal MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1410 Columbia Road Fred Sherman Buschmeyer, Minister 11:00 a.m “HOW CAN I MAKE RE LIGION MORE THAN REAL?” l«t PHIIRPH ,oth NW lOl vl i U l\vl A Howard Stone Anderson | Walter G. Borchers, Jr. 11:00 A.M. I Loyalty Sunday... Howard Stone Anderson, preaching. “If We Lose The Stars” Choir of 60 ... William Groff, tenor soloist. 8:00 P.M. Channing Pollock’s anti-war drama “THE ENEMY” Beautifully colored slides . . . Dramatic narrative. Song service from the screen. v 3ffm jHgtfrflftiflt If rtt Mrtlipftiflt CUTSTANDING PROPHETIC EVANGELIST AND WRITER in a series of Prophetic-Evangelistic Sermon j Lectures that have stirred the World. November 5-19 Sunday$, 11 A.M., 3 and 8 P.M. Week Nights, 8 P.M. 3 P.M. Nov. 5. Subject: "The Mark of the Beast" What is his mark? Who is the antichrist? Free Methodist Church, corner 12th end N Streets N.W. Rev. Walker Mayfield, Pastor, 1112 N Street N.W. nese Dl. 72S7. Dr. Buschmeyer Announces Topic For Tomorrow Adult Forum Meets At 9:30; Peoce Service Is Being Arranged “How Can I Make Religion More Real?” is the subject of the Rev. Dr. Fred Sherman Buschmeyer, minister of the Mount Pleasant Congrega tional Church, tomorrow at 11 am. The Adult Forum is meeting each Sunday until Christmas, at 9:30 am., under the leadership of Dr. Busch meyer. The church school is preparing a service on peace for November 12. The intermediate and senior de partments of all Congregational churches in Washington will partici pate. Two spirituals will be sung by the junior choir of People’s Church. The high school forum and 20-40 Club invite young people at 6 pm. H. K. Bosley will lead the former group in its further discussion of "The Cure of Crime,” under the theme, “Our Community end the Christian Ideal.” The latter trill convene, In co-operation with the Washington Youth Council, In the fifth session of their Youth Peace Seminar at 7:30 pm. Warren D. Mullln, director of, the labor department of the National Council for Prevention of War, will be the guest speaker at the League of Service dinner on Tuesday at 0:15 o’clock. His subject will be "How Public Opinion Can Promote Peace.” The Rev. Dr. Dwight J. Bradley, executive director of the Council for Social Action of the Congregational Churches, will speak on “Our Her itage of Social and Civic Leader ship,” following the 8:15 o’clock sup per on Thursday. This is the second presentation In a fall series, "This Is Our Heritage.” 3fa» IfruaaUm (S WEDENBORGI AN) CHUBCH or THE HOLT CITT. 10th Utn f) N.W. 9:45 8. 8. JO—Arcana Claaa. 11:00 a.m.—Morn Inc Worahlp. Sermon. 8:00 p.m.—Stud* Hour. Farlih Houm. _Factor, Bar. Faai 8perry._ <%urrt| of GUfrtot 14th St. Chorch of Christ 3460 14th St. N.W. HUGO McCORD, Local Eranfelist 10 a.m.—Bible SchooL 11 am—“A Tranaforated Life.” -« pm —"The Story of the Jews.” {fttfranaplfg UGHTBRINGER LODGE THE THEOSOPUCAL SOCIETY IN AMEBICA Mr. Hufh F. Munro, Sr. Not. S. 3:30 P.M. "The SlcnlSeanee of War." 1325 16th St. N.W. at Scott Circle Pohlie Incited. Collection. • “The Egyptian Religion of Light” Hozcl I. Ismi Bandar, Not. S, 8 P.M. * S:S0 p.m.—Christian Mrstie Clapees. Classes: Inaalrcr. Mon.. 8—Tresrard, Toes., * o ne—Blaratskr, Taes., 8 P.m.— Liberation. Fri., 8 p.ns. WASHINGTON LODGE T.S. _121« H St. N.W._ San., Not. A. 8:1 A P.M.—Talk ‘BEAL MEMOBY.” Wed. 8:1& p.m.. Study .Clasa. Library Open Wednesday. 7:30 ,P.M. Saturday 1:30 to 4 P.M. United Lodge of Theoiophists Hill Bide. 17th and Eye Sts. N.W. No Does, Fees or Collections. &rrtifr*fi ®rultj . I PUBLIC INVITED To Hoar VIRGINIA NEUHAUSEL Author—Teacher—Lecturer—Founder and Director UNIVERSAL SCHOOL OF TRUTH In an INSPIRING SCIENTIFIC TALK on THE SCIENCE BEYOND THE RADIO. i COME and LEARN HOW this GREAT PRINCIPLE ef TRUTH con ba APPLIED SUCCESSFULLY to YOUR | EVERY NEED. !| CHANTILLY ROOM | HAMILTON HOTEL H Fourtaanth and K Sts. N.W. | Sunday, November 5—8 P.M. I Free Will Offering SPECIAL HEALING SERVICES by VIRGINIA NEUHAUSEL | EVERY FRIDAY 8 p.m. at the UNIVERSAL SCHOOL OF TRUTH ra 303 Insurance' Building, 907 Fifteenth Street, N.W. | _S222*22!2_ SECOND 17th aad EaM Capital Sta. Bev. B. M. B. Janet. D. D. i 9 30 a m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—"Christ for He.” 8:00 p.m.—“The Uncudlr.” I Revival Services November 8-17. In i elusive. Preaehint by Bev. R. T. Dodd I of Alexandria. Va. CENTENNIAL 7th and I Streets N.E. Wilson Holder, Pester. S: SO—Bible School. 11:00 A.M. “Faith on Trial” THE LORD’S SUPPER. 6:45—Baptist Training Union. 8:00 PM. “Wanted—A Witness” Thursday at 8:SB p.m.—Prayer and Btbl Stady Meettnr. Prayer far the Sick at Each Service. WEST WASHINGTON Slit and N Streets N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Paster. Worship, 11:00 a m. and 8:00 p.m. METROPOLITAN Sixth end A Sta. N.E. John Compton Boll, D. D. Sermons by Assistant Paster. BEV. ROBERT CARLTON SAVAGE. MORNING AT ELEVEN: “When God Forgets” COMMUNION SERVICE EVENING AT SEVEN PORTT-PIVB ORGAN PRELUDE at 7:35. TENTH ANNUAL ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE Honoring District War Mothers Male Qeortet, Solutes to the Flags, IKeifrated Hymn “Must We Have War?” 9:30 a.m.—Bible School—1.032 attendee last Sunday: 6:30 p.m.—Plve Touns Peo ple'* Societies: 9:30 p.m.—Seth Parkei Hymn Sins. Thursday—7:45 p.m.. Midweek Prayei Meettnc. The Church That Clowe, Coot and Crow* Continually TPUDI 17 10th and N 1 EalVlrLiE* Streeta N.W. MINISTER. RANDOLPH L. GBEGOBT 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—“Have Tun Been Called?" 8:00 p.m.—"Praylar fur Our Eaemleu.' Chillum "«w Guest FRielrer. Goo. W. Grifl*. 9:30 *.m.—Sunday School. ll:ona.m.—The Lord's Suppar. 1 7:15 p.m.—B. T. P. Onion*.__ Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Are. N.E. W. A. Emmas*, Pastor W* Preach ( mllr'il*** Christ I Csmlnt Arils 11:00 ajn. A Representative of the China Inland Mtaaion 8:00 pjn. ( “The Greatest Enemy of God and Man.” GRACE Mh and Soath Carolina Ave. I.E PASTOR. F. W. JOHNSON | i 0:30 a.m.—Bible School Classes for All. 11:00 a.m.—“Haw Much Msnsy Is Enonch?” Communion Service. 0:45 p.m.—B. Y. P. C. (.3 Qroups.) 7:45 p.m.—Church Service. B. Y. P. U In Charge. Church Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8. Yon Are Welcome. FIFTH E Near 7th St-s w r IT 1 rl J b. Brices. Pastsr. 11:00 a.m.—Dr. Gordon Palmer of Phila delphia preachlne. “The Man Who Couldn't Turn Back.’* Communion. 7:45 p.m.—Dr. Pslmerpreachine. “The World Challenges the Church.” 9:30 a.m.—8. 8. John M. Kine teach ing the Bereas. Rev. Japhet. Baracas: Wm. Pierson. Jr.. James Class. 8:30 p m.—B. T. U Programs. Tues. 7:45 p.m—W. M. 8 Meetine. Pageant. “Ont From Rouse Beautiful.” Thursday. 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. KENDALL Mh Near Independence Ave. S.W. Len Franklin Stevens, Minister. 11:00 a.m.—“What Wanld Jeans Du?” Communion. 8:00 p.m.—“The Work of Grace." TAITAMA Plney Branch Read 1 ARUM A A Aspen St. N.W. 11:00 a.m.—“Jeans Asks n Question.” 7:45 p m.—Monthly Sonsfest. I William E. La Rne, Pastor. CHEVY CHASE Western Ave.. W. of Circle. t Rev. Edward O. Clark, Pastsr. 9:45 a.m.—Church 8chool Session. 11:00 a.m.—Consecration Communion Service. “How a New Testa ment Chareh Raised Fangs.“ 8:00 p.m.—Bible Motion Picture: “The Kingdom of God." Welcome! Rational baptist Memorial 16th St. and Colombia Road N.W. Gore G. Johnson, Pastor. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor SPECIAL MEETINGS DR. GEORGE W. TRUETT of Dmllmt, Tax. Dr. Truett preaches at 11 and 7:30. Also Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings at 7:10. Neons, M:lt-13:M, at the New York Avenne Presbyterian Church (between 13th and 14th Streets). (C U <%*♦+* 8th and H Sts. N.W. iLaUjalP REV. W. S. ABERNETHY, Minuter ^ Rev. E. H. Tuller, Assistant 11 AM.—"A SONG OF THE MORNING." Communion Service. Dr. Abernethy. • PM.—"THE RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT EXCEEDS.” Mr. Tuller. 7:45 pjn.—Organ Recital—Thomas Moss. FIR 16th and 0 Streets N.W. ^ * Edward Hughes Pruden, Pastor ll:OOa.m.—"WHAT TO DO WITH TOUR CROSSES.” Dr Pruden 8:00 p.m.—B. T. P. tJ. to Charse. Come to Sunday School. 8:30 a.m.; B. T. P. D., 8:45 p.m. DrTLI A MV *■ 1 AT*' 1,1 1,1 N-W- M- P. OEEMAN. Mialetor. nr. I HAN Y ll:00a.m.—"He Teak a Tewel.” 5:00 p.m.—‘The Sarmea Jeaat DM Nat Preach.” Tha »5m-S Oh. .