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B. & 0. Carloadings During October Far Exceed 1938 Increase of 54,442 Cars Reported In 248,361 Total By EDWARD C. STONE. Revealing a startling gain which will gladden the hearts of all stock holders, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad carloadings for October totaled 248, 3fil, an increase of 54,442 loads over October, 1938, when loadings totaled 193.919. Of the cars loaded in Octo ber. 162.011 were loaded on the com pany's lines and 86.350 received from connections. October loadings also showed an Increase of 22,818 cars over Septem ber of this year which totaled 225, 543. including 147,123 cars loaded on line and 78,420 received from connections. For the month of October. 1930, total loads were 292.195. embracing 191,005 cars loaded on line and 101, 190 received from connections. Carloadings for the week ended November 4 were 55,743. an increase of 12,720 loads over the correspond ing week of last year. While carloading figures are still far under 1930 marks, yet they are significant and indicate an improve ment that cannot be ignored. Should the present trend continue, the fi nancial statement will reflect still further betterment in the final quarter of 1939. Lanston's Business Picks Up. Business of the Lanston Monotype Machine Co. is currently showing improvement following some slowing up earlier in the year. The com pany's domestic business, says to day's Wall Street Journal, is at sat isfactory levels, but foreign volume, which has suffered somewhat in the last year, has received further set back since the outbreak of hostilities abroad and was among the factors contributing to action of directors last week in reducing the quarterly dividend rate to 50 cents from the $1 paid since early in 1933. Lanston stock has recently been selling on the Washington Stock Exchange around 36. It sold earlier in the year as high as 54 and is widely held in the Capital. Officials announced recently that the com pany is perfecting a new model which will go into production Shortly. Corson to Address Bankers. H. Norman Glasco, Union Trust Co., chairman of the auditors' sec tion of the District Bankers' As sociation, announced today that the next meeting will be held at the Lee House tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock. The guest speaker will be John J. Corson, director of the Bureau of Old Age and Survivor's Insurance, Social Security Board. His subject will be "Old Age and Survivor's In surance as it Affects Bank Em ployes.” Recent rulings in regard to bank employes make this subject most timely, an extra large attendance being predicted. Collection Rates Improve. The rate of collections on depart ment store open, or charge, ac counts in September, 1939, showed an increase from August of nine tenths of 1 per cent, according to an announcement made today by the Bureau of Foreign and Domes tic Comerce, Department of Com merce. Last year the rate of col lections declined 1 per cent in the ecuut: pcuuu. The ratio for September. 1939, of 44.0 per cent was 4.8 per cent above the rate of collections in September, i 1938. According to data secured \ through the Federal Reserve Banks. ' open-account collection ratios were above September, 1938. in 11 of the ; 12 Federal reserve districts, with j no change being reported from the Atlanta district. On installment accounts the col lection ratio increased from 16.8 per cent in August, 1939. to 17.2 per cent in September, indicating a gain in the rate of collections on these accounts of 2 4 10 per cent. New Christmas Savings Peak. Santa Claus is going to have ft well-filled pack this year as a result of regular weekly deposits in mutual savings bank Christmas club ac counts throughout 1939. Following their upward climb for some time past, these deposits have reached a new high point. The total for 17 States in which mutual savings banks operate will amount to $61. 384.914, belonging to 1.438.732 Christ mas savers. This is an average account of $42.67. New York easily leads in point of deposits and depositors, the aggre gate amount being $27,190 016, holi day funds of 636.094 depositors. Massachusetts ranks second and Connecticut stands third. "Increased saving for Christmas this year undoubtedly reflects im proved business and employment," said John W. Sandstedt. executive secretary of the association. "Also proves the growth of saving for special purposes." Heard in Financial District. J. Frank White, president of the National Bank of Washington, spent the week end at Atlantic City, at a reunion of bankers, who took a spe cially conducted tour to and from the A. B. A. convention at Seattle. There were 90 of the original party present, guests of the New Jersey Bankers’ Association. Daniei j. Murpny. just lnstanea president of the Security Club of the American Security & Trust Co., has been one of the club's most ac tive members and has a fine record with the bank. The club's other new officers are* Robert P. Talley, first vice president: Y. D. Hollingsworth, second vice president: John F. Don ovan. treasurer, and Mildred V. Barker, secretary. Sidney Simon, Washington branch office of the New York Life Insur ance Co., advanced to the head of the field force in September by pay ing for a larger number of applica tions than any other agent of the company. Mr. Simon has been a New York Life representative since July 29, 1930, and has achieved Top Club membership five times. Today's Trading on Exchange. Washington Railway & Electric 4s led the Washington Exchange in activity today. $1,000 transfers being recorded at 107’2, up from recent sales at 106. Capital Transit stock opened with 25 shares selling at 12?;, 10 more at 127b and 25 more at 12^. The Federal Housing Administra tion today offered $50,000,000 of the new type six-month notes, designed to save interest for various housing projects. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE nr Private wire Dlreet to The Star. 2:30 p.m Prev. 1030 Stock and Seles— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close, chge. 71V, 63 Abbott Lab (1.60a). 14 664 65 65 - 4 564 314 Acme Steel (3a) 1 54 64 54 .— 1 114 64 Adams Exp (,10g).. 3 94 94 94 + 4 25 19 Adams-Millis (1)._. 3 214 214 214+ 4 274 164 Addressog'ph 1.40.. 6 20 194 194— 4 68 454 Air Reduction (la). 12 584 58 58 —4 14 4 Air-Way Elec Appl. 1 14 14 14 10 64 Alaska Juneau ,80g 32 74 7 7—4 2 S A lleghany Corp . 14 14 14 14 -04 54 Allegh'y $30 pf ww. 9 154 154 154 - 4 18 44 Allegh'y pf iw _ 2 14 134 14 - 4 234 8 Allegh'y prior pf .. 1 174 174 174 - 4 284 14 Alleg-Ludlum Steel 6 234 224 224 - 4 114 64 Allen lndust 625g . 2 10 10 10 2004 1514 Allied Chemical (6) 3 175 174 174 -3 154 94 Allied Mills t.75g)_. 1 14 14 14 114 6 Allied Stores - 7 104 104 104 - 1,4 484 28 Allis-Chalm (la). 5 414 41 41 -2 194 124 Alph Port Cmt .75g. 1 154 154 154 -4 34 14 Amalg Leather _ 1 24 24 24 21 12 Antal Leather pf ... 1 164 164 164 — 4 74V5 50 Amerada I") 1 63V, 634 634 -14 -44 16 Am Ag Ch Del (lg). 2 204 204 204 - 4 40‘* 164 Am Airlines - 6 394 384 39 + 4 1<4 94 Am Bank Note 4 124 124 124 - 4 60 494 Am Bank N of (8).. 90s 504 50 50 8 34 Am Bosch . 1 74 71* 71^ 574 314 Am Brake Shoe 75g 6 474 47 474 _m 140 125 Am Br Shoe of 6.25 20s 1334 133'., 1334 1164 834 Am Can 14) .. 11 107 106 1064 -1 404 164 Am Car & Foundry. 32 354 344 344 -24 64 304 Am Car & Fdry pf . 3 564 55 554 -2 254 134 Am Chain &C 65g_. 5 224 224 224 84 6 Am Colortype 12 84 84 84 + 4 114 64 Am Come I Alcohol. 1 84 84 8'* - 4 184 64 Am Crystal Sugar 1 124 124 124 - V, 86', 61 Am Crystal S pf (6) 10s 824 824 824 +4 54 24 Am Encaustic Til 71 34 3 34 + 4 34 2 Am & Foreign Pwr 2 24 24 24 244 10 Am & For'n P *6 of 7 22V, 214 224 + 4 284 124 Am & For'n P J7 pf 4 371, ^64 27',+ 4 94 5 Am & For'n P 2d pf. 1 74 74 74 +4 33 12 Am Hawa'n SS tl). 6 24', 24 24 + “4 8 24 Am Hide* Leather 9 64 6V, 64 — 4 65 414 Am Home Prod 2.40 2 544 544 544 — 4 34 14 Am Ice _. 7 21, 24 24 - V* 9 34 Am international_ 1 7 7 7 +4 304 13 Am Locomotive ._ 5 254 254 264 - 4 794 41 Am Locomotive pf. 4 66 65 66 154 11 Am Mach & Fy .80. Is 144 144 144— 4 54 24 Am Mach & Metals. 1 4', 44 4V, — 4 404 254 Am Metal .<75g) . 7 264 254 254 - 4 26 214 Am News Co 1.50g.. 10s 23 23 23 7 34 Am Power & Light 13 5 5 5 +4 454 28 Am P&L 85 pf 2.601t 4 424 42 424 + 4 524 32 Am P&L 26 pf i3k). 4 50V, 494 50', + 4 184 8', Am Radiator ... 24 104 104 104 224 114 Am Roll inn Mills on iqi.. nu. _ 1. 804 60 AmRoll M pf 2.75k 1 78*4 784 784 154 11'> Am Safety Kaz 1.20 2 124 124 124- 4 20 9 Am Seating (,50e) . 1 124 124 124 - 4 464 254 Am Ship Bldg 1.50k 180s 374 36-4 364 -14 63 354 Am Sm & Ref (2)... 27 534 524 53 - 4 69 594 Am Snuff 13a > .. 1 674 674 674 + 4 41 204 Am Steel Foundry.. 33 35 334 34 -14 144 84 Am Stores (.Bug)— 2 124 124 124 -4 184 9 Am Stove (1.55g)... 3 164 164 164 344 154 Am Sugar Refining. 3 24 224 23 -1 98 75V, Am Sugar R pf (7). 1 S94 89 4 894 - 4 1(04 148 Am Tel & Teieg (9) 26 1694 1684 168 , - 4 874 73 Am Tobacco (5) . 3 804 79 79 -1 894 754 Am Tobacco < B)(5) 8 81 81 81-4 1534 132 Am Tobacco pf (6). 2 145 145 145 84 44 Am Type Founders 4 64 6 64 114 84 Am Water Worka.. 18 134 124 124 - 4 154 34 Am Woolen _ 18 12 11', 114—4 614 281, Am Woolen pf_ 1 60 50 50 -1 12 4 Am Zinc 12 84 84 84 - 4 40 204 Anaconda f.76k) ... 60 334 32', 324-14 344 35 Anaconda Wire & C 1 43 43 43 +1 274 134 Anchor Hoc G1 ,45g 1 22 22 22 1144 111 Anchor H G pf 6 50 50s 114 111 111 21 84 Andes Copper ,25g 2 16 16 16 + 4 34 14 A K W Paper 1 2** 2 4 24 — 4 37 21 Arch-Dan-Mid l.l«g 1 33 , 334 334 - 4 105 97 Armouri Del) pf 17 j 1 101 101 101 + 4 84 34 Armour (111) 17 6*. 64 64- 1, 60 334 Armour (111) pr pf 1 48 48 48 -U, 58 314 Armstrong Cork (1) 6 374 37:4 374 - 4 13 74 Arnold Const 625g 2 11V, 11', 114+ 1, 104 54 Assoc Drv Goods 4 94 91, 94 — 4 42i, 21 Atch Tot. ASF 25 29 4 29 4 294 - 4 71 50 Atch TA-SF pf 3.60g 2 624 624 624 304 15 Atl Coast Line .. 17 25', 24V, 244 264 54 Atl Gulf & W Ind... 1 164 164 164 -14 244 18', Atl Penning (1 ) 9 24V. 23 4 234 - 4 1104 1044 Atl Refining pf (4). 1 1084 1084 108'.. + 4 94 7 Atlas Corp i.26g)._ 2 84 84 84 484 434 AtlaaCorp pf (3) 5 46 454 454,-1 127 116 Atlas Powder pf(5) 50s 120 120 120 -34 8 44 Atlas Tack _ 17 7 7 _ u. 54 IV, Auburn Auto (r)_ 24 4 4 2 4 34 -1 34 2 Austin Nichols_ 1 3 3 3 +4 94 3V» Aviation Com _ 200 84 8 8-4 214 »'• Baldwin Loco ctre.. 37 18'., 18 18 - tj 8*. 34 Balto & Ohio ... 6 74 7 7 _ 114 4*. Balto & Ohio pf 4 9 g.4 g.t4 _ 21V, 104 Barber Asphalt .25g 7 174 164 164 - 4 13 6 Barker Brothers 2 10 94 10 + 4 33 244 Barker Bros pf 2.75 10s 274 274 274 - 4 194 114 Barnsdall (.90g) . 6 144 114 144 _ v. ioy4 cayuK cigars (.75). 5 25* 25* 25*- * 28 17 Beatrice Cre (la i . 1 27* 27* 27*+ * 9* 7* Relding-Hem ( 80). 2 9* 9* 9* + * 33* 16* Bendlx Aviat'n .50g 31 32* 31* 31* - * 21* T ieneficial L'n*1.35g) 2 21* 21* 21* 55* * eneticial L pf 2 50 1 55 55 55 100 . .Jethlehem Stl 1.50g 50 87* 86* 86* -1* 18* 15 , Beth Stl 6% Df <1 * 8 17* 17* 17* 120* 99* Beth Steel nf <7) 1 US* 115* 115* _ * 32* 15* Bigelow-Sanf'd (lg) 1 f.OVi 30* ;;o* - * 34* 11 Black & Decker (1) 3 22 21* 22 17* 8* Klaw-Knux 7 13* 12* 12* - •* 36* 13* Bliss & Laug 2.25a 2 31', 34* 34* — * 23* 14* Bloomingdale (.75) 20s 17 17 17 — * 55 35 Blumenhal (S) pf Ids 55 55 55 +5 34* 16* Boeing Airplane 64 28* 27* 28 -1* 28* 16 Bohn Alum & B ,75g 4 26* 26 26 117 100* Bon Ami IAI Mai 30s 114* 114 114* _ * 60 51 bon Ami (BI 2 50a 150s 58* 57 58* 23* 12* Bond Stores (.80)._ 3 21* 21'. 21* + * 22 16* Borden Co t.90g)__. 12 20* 20* 20 ,- * 32 18* Borg-Warner .75g__ 20 27* 26* 26* + * 34* 19* Bower Roll Brg (2) 1 33 33 33 -1* 7* 5* Brewing Corp (.60). 4 6* 6* 6* + * 15* 7* Bridgeport Brass_ 5 13* 13 131, _ 4, 31* 16* Briggs Mfg (lg) 15 24* 24* 24*- * 41 31 Briggs & Strat (3)_. 1 39* 39* 39* 14* 7* Bklyn-Man Transit 13 12 11* 11* + * 48* 27 Bklvn-Man Tran pf 1 41 41 41 4. i,4 40* 39 Bklyn-Man pf ctfs_. 1 40* 40* 40*+ * 2 1* Bklyn & Queens 6 1* 1* 1* 4. * 30* 13* Bklyn Un Gas(.50g) 20 25* 25* 25* + * 41 31* Brown Snoe (1.50g) 1 36* 36* 36* - 1* 23* 9* Brunswick-B 1.25g 6 22 21* 21* 13* 7 Bucyrus-Erle .... 11 10* 10* 10* 106* 94* Bucyrus-E pf (7)_ 50s 101 101 101 -1 8 4 Budd Mfg - 17 6* 6* 6* - U 56* 29* Budd Mfg pf_ 10s 47 47 47 _i 6* 3 Budd Wheel ... 31 6 5* 5* - * 34* 21* Bulova Watch (2).. 1 31 30* 30*- * 19* 11* Burllngt'n Mills (1) 3 18* 18 18 18* 11 Burr's Add Mch .40. 9 12* 12V, 12* — * 7* 1 Bush Terminal 25 6* 5* 5* - a, 20 6* Bush T Bldgs pf 270s 16* 15* 16 9* 6* Butler Bros (,30g)_ 16 8 7* 7*- * 6* 2* Butte Copper . 10 5 4!a 44, _ 16* 7 Byers - A M 1 Cr. 8 15* 15 15 - * 84* 25* Byers AM of 12.57k 20s 84 81 81 -3 17* 11* Byron Jackson ill 3 16 15* 16 — * 80 13* California Packing 1 24* 24* 24* 3* * Callahan Zinc 20 2* 2 2 — * 10* 4* Calumet & Hec 25g 11 8* 8* 8* - * 17* 9* Campb’l Wyant .20g 3 15 15 15 — * 20* 12 Canada Dry (.50g) 2 15* 15* 15* + * 6* 3* Canadian Pacific 23 5* 5* 5* _ 14 41* 29* Cannon Mills 1.25g_ 2 38* 38* 38*- * 33 13* Carpenter Stl ,70g . 2 27* 27 27 - * 4 2* Carrlers&Gen .125g. 1 3* 3* 3* 94* 63* Case (.11) 3 81 80 81 - * 122* 110 Case (J 1 1C0 pf (7) 60s 116 116 116 + * 64* 38* Caterpillar Trac<2) 9 57* 56 56 -1 29* 13* Celanese Corp .50a. 12 27* 27* 27*- * 109T, 84 Celanese pr of (71 300s 105* 104 105* if'. I ■» v.biulki t «rp .1 nil* HI'/, i()i/4 — y4 72% 58 Celotex Corp pf (5) 10s 61% 61% 61%— % 30% 18% Cent Aguirre (1.50) 1 24% 24% 24% — % 5% 2% Central Foundry _ 4 4 4 4 12% 3% Central RR of N J__ 5 6% 6 6% + % 96 85% Century R M Df<7). 20s 93 92 93 52% 32 Cerro de Pasco (<)_ 2 40% 39% 39% — % 31 6V4 Certaln-teed _ 4 7% 7% 7% + % 47% 22 Certaln-teed pf_ 20s 35 34% 34% — % 30 17 Champ i*aoer & F._ 2 25% 25% 25%+ % 102 98 Champ P&F pf (6). 20s 101% 101% 101% 21% 6% Checker Cab Co __ 1 19 19 19 -2 29% 17% Chea Coro (1.20g)._ 5 27% 27 27% - % 47% 27 Ches& Ohio 12) _. 28 42 41 42 + % 95% 85% Chea* Ohio pf (4).. 1 93% 93% 93%+ % 4% 1% Chi Grt West pf <r) 2 2% 2% 2% + % 14 9% Chi Mall Order (1). 1 13% 13% 13%-% % % Chi M StP* P <r)-_ 4 % % %-% 1% % Chi & Nortnwn ir). 1111 3% 1% Chi & Northw of(r) 7 2% 2% 2% - % 20% 10 CMPneuTool . 1 17 17 17 - % 60% 44 Chi Pn T or pf 2.50. 1 49 49 49 -1% % % Chi KliPlrl 1 % % % 1% % Chi Rl&P 6% pf(r). 1111 15% 10 Chlckasha C O 25g. 1 12 12 12 41 25 Chile Copper (2)_ 40s 35 34 34 —1 94% 63% Chrysler <4g> .. 65 88% 86% 86% 14% 9 City lee&Fuel 90g_ 3 11% 11% 11% 97% 79 City Ice & F pf 6.60 40s 92 92 92 - % 4% 2% City Stores _ 5 4 3% 4 — % 60% 34% Climax Molib 1.20a_ 2 46% 46% 46%-% 36% 21% Cluett Peabdv(.76g) 1 33% 33% 33%+ % 133 105 Coca-Cola (5g) .. 5 123 122% 122% - % 17% 11% Colgate-Falm-P 60 88 15% 14% 15% + % 37% 20% Collins & Aik (1)_ 3 35 34% 34%-% 8% 2% Colo & Southern .. 10s 5% 5% 5% — % 9% 3% Colo & Sou 1st pf 50s 7 7 7 + % 24% 14 Colum BC(A)1.06g 18 23% 23% 23% + % 24% 14 Colum B C (B) 1.05* 5 23% 23% 23% 9 6% Columbia Gas & El. 40 7% 7 7 - % 91 74% Col G&E Df A (6) .. 2 82 81% 82 15% 6% Columb Plo etc 2%f 1 7% 7% 7% + % 96 73 Columb'n Carb «4). 1 91 91 91 - % 67 38% Cornel Credit (4)_ 11 47% 47 47%+% 60 42 Cornel Inv Tr (4)_ 9 52% 52 62% — % 16 8% Cornel Solvent*- 10 12% 12% 12% - t* \ l _ __ _ 2:30 p.m. Prev. 1939 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. ch*e. 31% 25% Comwlth Edis 1.65* 74 31 30% 30% — % 2% IV* Comwlth & South’n 12 H4 1% 1% + % 72% 45% Comwlth A S pf (3) 8 71V* 70% 71V* +1 30% 19 Congoleum 76g . 12 24% 24 24% 8 4% Conn Rwy Sc Lt pf.. 20s 7 7 7 - % 32V* 15% Consol Aircraft .. 26 20% 29% 29% — H 91 79% Consol C pr Df 6.60 50g 87% 87% 87% 11 4% Consol Cop M(.30*) 12 8% 8V* 8% - V* 35 27 Consol Edison 12).. 35 31% 31% 31%+ % 108% 101% Consol Edls of <6)_ 1 108 108 108 +1 2% 1 Consol Film 19 1% IV* 1% 12% 7% Consol Film pf ,75k 6 10% 10 10 - % 7% 4% Consol Laundrlas . 1 4% 4% 4% — % 9% 6% Consol 011 1.80) . 9 8% 8 8 - V* 5% 1 Consol RR Cuba pf. 2 2% 2% 2% 9 1% Consolidation Coal 1 5% 6% 5% 16% 9% Container Corp .25* 5 16% 16 16 100 87% Conti Bak 8%pf(6k) 1 97% 97% 97%+% 51% 32% Conti Can <2g) .. 18 43% 43 43% - V* 116 106 Conti Can of (4.60). 1 114% 114% 114% - % 10% 5 Conti Diamond ... 27 7% 7% 7% - % 38V* 29% Conti inaur (1.60a) 5 38% 37% 38 - % 5% 1% Conti Motor . 155 4% 4% 4% — % 31% 19% Conti Oil (Del) .76*. 23 26% 25V* 25V* -1% 32% 16% Conti Steel 75* . 2 30 30 30 + % 61% 49 Corn Exchan** (8). 30s 59% 59 59 - V* 67% 54% Corn Product* (6)_. 12 63 62% 62% -1% 177 150 Corn Prod Df (7)___ 1 167% 167% 167% + % 4% 3 Coty. Inc (25*) ... 4 4% 4% 4% 2% % Coty Internatl 20*. 4 1% 1 1% 38 16 I'rasft'n 10 24% 23% 24% — % 32% 26% Cream of Wheat<2). 1 31% 31% 31% 13 6% Crosley Core 2 8% 8% 8% — % 41% 20% Crown Cork & Seal 12 rf0% 29% 29% - % 37% 28 Cr’n C&S pf xw 2.25 1 36% 36% 36% — % 16% 9 Crown /.eiler (.60) 12 15% 15 15% - % 91 75 Crown Zeller pf <61 20a 89% 89% 89%+ % 52% 24% Crucible Steel ... 10 46 45% 45% - % 1.3 3 Cuban Am Sugar .. 7 6% 6% 6% — % 7% 3% Curtis Publishing . 13 5% 5% 5% — % 63% 38 Curt Pub pf 2.375k.. 1 54% 54% 54% -1% 13% 4% Cuilies % right 534 11% 11% 11% - % 32% 19'* Curtiss Wr A (1*1 16 31% 30% 30%-% 2.» 13% Cutler Hammer 25* 2 23% 23% 23% + % 112 103 Dayton P&l nf 4 60 10a 108% 108% 108% - % 25% 15% Deere & Co (.75*1 . 18 23% 23% 23% - V* 27% 21 Deers & Co pf( 1.40) 6 25% 25V* 25% - % 28 12% Del & Hudson _ 12 25'* 25% 25% — % 8% 3% Del i.ack & Wn 21 7 6% 6% — % 125% 103 Detroit Edison (6*) 1 124% 124% 124% - % 32% 18 Devoe & lUvn (AI 140a 23 22% 22% - % 34% 28 Diam d Match 1.60 1 34 34 34 44% 36% Diarn’d Mtch pf 1.60 3 40% 40% 40%+ V* 19'a 5% Diamond T Motor.. 3 9% 9% 9% + % 20* u 1 .‘{'Va nistlll.Rnoo 1 & A i* C 1 CL 1 41 I 1C . l 90 66 Distil Seagr pf (6). 3 75% 75 75% +2% 13', 9*i Dixie-Vortex(.50g). 1 12% 12*4 12*4- % 35*4 30 Dlxle-Vori A 1(2.60) 100s 34 33 S 331» — % 32S 10 Dochler Die Casting 2 18*, 18S 18% - S 34 20*4 Dome Mines (2) .. 11 24 23S 24 + % 87*4 55 Douglas Air (3g) — 3u 84S 83*, 84%-% 143S 101S Dow Chamlcal (3).. 3 139 137 139 +1 15', 6 Dresser Mfg __13 15S 14*, 15 + V, 19S 6*4 Dunhlll internatl_ l 8S 8% 8% +■ S 18SS 126S Du Pont (3 76g) ... 1 1 179 178 178 - % 124S 112 Du Pont of (4.60) . 8 121% 121*, 121% +■ % 118S Ills Duauesne 1st pf(6) 20s 116s 116*4 116', - *4 25 12V, Eastern Air Elnei.. 8 23S 22S 22% -IS 8% 3*4 Eastn Roil Mills . 2 6% 6*, SS - V, 186S 138S Eastman Kodak (6) 8 164 163S 164 +• S 30S 15S Eaton Mfg (2)_ 3 28% 28S 28S - % 3*, 1 Ei tint: ion Schlld .. 3 1% 1% 1% 40% 22Vi Elec Auto L (2c) ... 23 38 37 37% - S 17% 8% Electric Boat ,60g_. 10: 17% 16% 16% - % 3% IS Electric & Music .. 2 1% 1% 1% 12 > 6% Elec Hwi & Eight_ 5 8% 8S 8S - V4 41s 20% Elec Pw A Et of ... 5 S3 S2S 32%+ S 42S 28 El Paso Nat O (2).. 6 42 41*, 41% - % 55 32% Endicott-John (3).. 1 44% 44% 44% - % 111 103% Endicott-J pf (6) . 20s 109 108 109 + S 13% 7 Eng Pub Service 12 12% 12S 12S — % 89 65% Eng Pub Svc pf 6 60 1 82% 82S 82% + V, IS *4 Eaull Office Bldg .. 2 IS IS IS 3 1 Erie RR (r) 1 2% 2% 2% 6 1% Erie RR 1st pf <r).. 2 4% 4% 4% + S 13 6 Evans Products_ 1 10% 10% 10% - % 25% 14% Ex-Call-O ( 70g)_ 2 23% 23% 23% - % 2% 1 Exchance Buffet_ 2 is Is IS 8% 2% Fairbanks Co pf 20s 7 7 7 - *4 43% 24 Fairbk’s-Morse .50g 1 37 37 37 4- % 38% 20 Fajardo Sug 1.60g 1 31% 31% 31*,- % 0% 2% Fed Motor Truck 14 5', 5% 5% — % 89*4 82*4 Federat’d DS pf 4.26 1 87% 87% 87% +1% 23% 14% Ferro Enamel (1) . 1 20% 20% 20% — % 38 27*4 Fidelity t'hoe 1 SUa 8 37*, 37% 37% — % 25% 17% Firestone Tire (1).. 6 21% 21% 21% — ", 105% 99% Firestone pf (6) 5 104', 104 104% +1 61 38% First Natl Strs 2.50 2 ‘47 47 47 +- % 31% 15 FlintkoteCo .. 47 20*, 19*, 19% -IT, 38 25 Florence Stove (2).. I 35 35 35 5 1% Foliansbes Bro (r) 1 3*, 3*, 3*t 108% 103% Food Mach of(4.60) 60s 106% 106% 106% - % 29t, 14 Foster Wheeler 1 21 21 21 +- % 90% 66% Foster Wheeler pf. 30s 70% 70S 70%-ll% 9% IV, Francisco Sugar 2 5*, 6 5 +- % 36 18*4 Freeport Sulph Cla) 6 34V, 33% 34%+- V, 5*8 2 Gair (Robert) .. 5 4*, 4», 4*, +- S 18% 7% Gair (Robert) pf... I 16% 16% 16**-% 15% 9 Gamewell (.25g)___ 50s 13% 13% 13% 7% 3% Gar Wood Indust... 3 5% 5*, 5% — % 18*, 9% Gaylord Corn 60g._ 1 15 15 15 9 5% Gen Am Invest 1 7% 7% 7V4 — V, 65 40 Gsn Am Tran l 125g 2 55% 55 55 - 11 7% Gen Baking (.45g)_. 1 7% 7% 7% - S 18 9 Gen Cable _ 10 12% 12 12 - % 35 17*4 Gen Cable (A) 3 24 24 24 -2*4 « i.jutu.. c ic, i**.* in'* — % 44% 31 Gen Electric 75g... 56 40 39% 39% - % 47% 36% Gen Foods (2a) __ 27 44% 44% 44% + % 118'. 107*4 Gen Foods pH 4 50) 1 115% 115% 115% 1% % Gen Gas A El IA) 2 % "* '. 99 72% Gen Mills (3.75k) 7 89% 89 89% - % 127 117 Gen Mills pf 16 > 1560* 122% 121% 122% +1 56% 36% Gen Motors(3.50g) 90 55 54% 54% + % 126% 112 Gen Motors pf i5) 1 121 124 124 — % 6% 3% Gen Outdoor Adv _ 1 4% 4% 4% 10% 7 Gen Print Ink 30k 5 9% 9% 9% + % 110% 105 Gen Print Ink pf(6) 20s 110 110 110 +1% 1% % Gen Public Service 1 1% 1% 1% — % 28 12% Gen Kwy Signal _ 1 21 21 21 -1 1*. % Gen Realty A Util . 7 % % % - % 20% 14 Gen Realty A U pf.. 2 16 16 16 - % 41 19% Gen Refractor .25*. 5 35% 34% 35% - y. 4.3% 16 Gen Steel Cast pf 40s 35% 35 35 -1 19 13% Gen Telephone (1) 5 19V. 19% 19% + % 15% 8% Gen Thea Eq (,63g). 2 13 13 13 27% 15% Gen TSreARub .60*. 15 23% 22% 22% —1% 8% 5% Gillette Saf R (.60) 5 6% 6% 6% — % 54 43% Gillette S R pf (6).. 1 49 49 49 -1 13% 6% Glmbel Broe . .. 6 10% 10 10 - % 66% 43 Glmbel Bros pf (6). 1 53% 53% 53% -1% 24% 14 Glidden Co 3 18 17% 17% - % 2% 1% Goebel Brew (.20a). 1 2% 2% 2% + % 24% ltf% Goodrich (B F) . 35 20’. 19% 19% -1% 74% 53 Goodrich! BFlpf (6) 2 66% 66% 66% 38% 21% Goodyear Rub (1).. 27 26% 25% 25% — % 109% 90 Goodyear pf (6) ... 2 94 93% 93% -2% 5% 2% Gotham Silk Hose.. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 1% % Graham-Palge 106 1% 1% ]% _ y, 10% 4% Granby Consol .40g 1 8% 8% 8% - % 1% % Grand Union 5 1 % % — % 18% 11 Grand Un pf (1.26k) 2 16% 16% 16% 35 24% Grant (WT) (1.40). 5 34% 34% 34% 33% 16% Great North'n pf . 16 29% 28% 28% -1% 22'v 12% Great No O cfi 75* 3 18% 18% 18% - % 37% 23% Great Wn Sug (2) . 2 30% 30% 30%- V. 141% 129% Great Wn S pf (7). 200sl32 132 132 -1% 35% 24V. Green (HL) (2)_ I 32 32 32 -1% 21% 14% Greyhound (50) . 29 17% 17% 17% — % 12% 10 Greyhound of (.55) 1 11% 11% 11% 6 % Guantanamo Sugar 2 2% 2% 2% — % 17% 8 Hall < W F) Prtg 1 16% 16% 16% - % 33% 17 Harb&Walker (lg). 2 30% 30 30 -1 4% 2 Haves Bod* . 8 4% 4% 4% — % 13% 8% keeker Prod ( *0a). 5 10% 10% 10% 101% 63 Hercules P (1.20g). 4 85% 84% 84%+% 135% 128% Hercules P pf 15).. 10s 131 131 131 65% 64 Hershey Choc (!) . 1 61% 61% 61% -1% 19 14% Hinde & Dauch ,75g 1 17% 17% 17% + % 51 29% Holland Furn (2) .. 5 35% 35% 35% -1 66% 47% Homestake (4.60) 7 56% 56 56% - % 36% 27 Houd-Her (A) (2.50) 3 32% 32% 32% -1 17% 8% Houd-Hersh (B) 26g 3 14% 14 14 - VI 73% 60% Household Fin (4).. 1 62 62 62 —1 9% 4% Houston Oil _ 4 7% 6% 6% - «* 35% 21% Hudson Bay 1.75g__ 6 28% 28 28% + % 1% % Hudson & Manhat_ 1 1% 1% )% 8% 4% Hudson Motor_ 5 6% 6% 6% — % 2% % Hupp Motor- 96 1% 1% 1% — 20% i) Illinois (.entrai_ 4 14% J4% 14% — % 29% 16% Indust Rayon .25g_. 3 26 26 26 131 86 Ingersoll Rand(5g). 1 117 117 117 — % 98% 67 Inland Steel (2.50g) 6 88 87 87% -1% 21 9y« Inspiration Copper. 6 16% IS 16 — y4 5% 4% Insuranshares ,10g. 11 5% 5% 6% 9% 2% Intertioro R T <r)4 3y4 3% 3% 46% 17% Interchem (,40g)_ 5 41 40% 41 + % 108 90 Interchem pf 16)_190s 104% 104 104 16% 7% Interlaks Iron — 8 14% 14 14 3% 1% Inti Agricultural— 2 3 2% 2% - % 41 16 Inti Agrlcul pr pf— 8 40% 39% 40% +1 195% 145 Inti Bus Macb (6a). 2 176 175 175 -2 71% 45% Inti Harvester 1.60. 15 62% 62 62% + % 8y4 3% lntl Hydro-E) (A)„ 1 5% 5% 5% + % 17% 2% Inti Mercantile Ma. 170 8% 7 7% +1% 55% 36% lntl Nickel (2) ... 60 41% 40% 40%-% 138 123 lntl Nickel pf (7)._ 1 130% 130% 130% 14% 6% lntl Papei A Power. 14 13 12% 12% — % 62% 25% lntl Paper A Pw pf. 20 49% 48% 48% - % 6y4 3% lntl Ry Cent Am 1 3% 3% 3% - % 60% 39% lntl Ry C A pf 5.75k 100s 60% 49 50% + % 40% 31% lntl Shoe (1.50a) 1 37% 37% 37%+% 105 84 lntl Silver pf (6k).. 1 102 102 102 -3 9% 3% lntl Tel A Teleg ... 24 5 4% 4% - % 9% 4 lntl TAT for ct_ 21 4% 4% 4% 18 13 Jarvis (WB) (lg)_. 9 17% 17 17% + % 85 68 Jewel Tee (4a) .. 1 78% 78% 78% - % 105 59 Johns-Manvllle .T5f 1 78 78 78 83 35 Jones A Laugh bf 1 77% 77% 77% + % 16% 8% Kaufman D S( .50g) 3 16% 16% 16% 18 12% Kayser (J) 1.60g .. 4 15% 15 15 - % 14% 7% Kelsey-Hayes (A).. 4 12 12 12 + % 10% 5 Kelsev Haves (B) . 2 7 6% 6% — % 46% 28 Kennecott Cop .T5f. 60 40% 39% 39% -It* 16% 8% Keystone Stl 60g . 6 15% 15% 15% - % 37% 20 Kimberly-Clark la 1 35% 35% 35% + % 30% 12% Kinney |5 pf(1.50g) 10« 27% 27% 27% 26% 20 KresgeiS S) 11.20). 9 25 24% 25 29% 23% KressIS H)(1.60)__ 1 27. 27 27 - % 29% 20% Kroger Oroe 1.60a_ 14 29 28% 28% + % S 2:30 D m. Prev. 1030 Stock and Sales— Net H!»h. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlirti. Low. Close. Chat. 13% 7 Laclede Qae 20a 9% 9% 9% 18% 14 Lambert (1.60)_ 3 15% 16% 15% 5% 3% Lane Bryant _ 2 5% {.% 5% + % 37% 25 Lee Rub A T 2.50a .. 1 31% 31 31 — % 25 17 Leh Port Cmt 1.25* 2 23% 23% 23% — % 3% % Leh Valley Coal .. 11 1% 1% 1% 8% 1% Leh Valley Coal ot- 8 5% 5 5 - % 27% 20 Lehman Corp (.80). 9 24% 24% 24% + % 56% 36% Ltbbey Ow-F 1.60*. 3 52% 52 62% 10 4% Libby McN A Lib 1 7% 7% 7% 108% 95 Ligg A Myers (4a) . 4 99% 99 99%+ % 109% 95% Llgg & Myers(B)4a 16 101 99% 101 +1% 180 152 Llgg A Myers pf(7) 2 169% 168% 169% +1% 40% 20% Lima Locomotive.. 2 32% 31 31 -2% 47 31% Link Belt (1) _ 2 42% 42% 42% - % 20% 10 Lion OH Ref (1) .. 1 14% 141/, 14% — % 19 13% Liquid Carbide SO*. 1 14% 14% 14% 64% 30% Loew’s. Iqc (2a)_ 14 36% 35% 35% 21% 6 Loft lno 45 17% 16% 16% + % 62 38(4 Lone Star C (*>_ 4 46% 46% 46% -1% 6% 2 Long-Bell (A) 7 4% 4% 4% + % 22% 16% Loose-Wiles (1)_ 1 17% 17% 17% - % 24% 19% Lorlllard (1.20) _ 6 23% 23 23 20% 15% Louis GAE(A M.60I 7 19% 19 19% - % 35 28 Mae AndAForb (2). 1 30% 30% 30% — % 33% 18 Mack Trucks . 8 31 % 31 31 — % 43% 25% Macy (RH) Co (2) _. 4 33% 33% 33% - % 19% 11% Madis Sq Gar 1.35g_ 1 13% 13% 13%+ % 40 25% Magma Copper .75*. 1 35% 35% 35% - % 6% 1 Manatl Sugar . 2 3% 3% 3% — % 14% 5 Man Ry mod gtd(r) 36 13% 13% 13%+ % 12% 12% Man Ry mod gtd ct 1 13% 13% 13(4-11 26% 9 Man Ry gtd ir> 40s 26% 25 26% +1% 5% 4% Marine Mldl'd 32* 6 5% 5% 5% 8(4 3% Market St Ry pr pf. 110s 5% 5% 5% 17% 9% Marshall Field_ 45 17% 16% 17%+ % 45% 26% Martin (Glenn)_ 55 42% 41% 41% — % 5% 2 Martin Parry_ 1 4% 4% 4% 67% 30 Masonite Corn (11_. 13 .19% 38% 39%+ % 37% 20% Math Alklll (1.60).. 7 31% 30% 30% - % 63% 40% May Dept Stre (*>_. 4 53% 52% 53% +2 6% 3% Maytag Co 1 4% 4% 4% 105 93 Maytag 1st pf (6).. 40s 95 95 95 15% 10% McCall Corp (1)_ 12 14% 14% 14%+ % 16% 9% McCrorv Strs _ 26 16% 15% 15%+ V, 24 15% McGraw Elee (1) 2 22% 22% 22% - % 59% 39 McIntyre Pore (2a). 1 47 47 47 - % 18% 8% McKeesport Tin 1 14 14 14 — », 10% 6% McLellan Strs .60*. 3 9% 9% 9% + % 100% 88 McLellan pf (6)_ 10s 101% 101% 101% +1% 14% 6 Mead Corp ... 4 12 11% 11% - % 65% 46 Melville Shoe (4)... 2 61% 63 63 -1% 6% 3 Mengel Co ... 6 5% 5% 5% - V« 28% 14 Mengel Co 6T. pf .. 30s 22 21% 21% - % 21% 11% Merch A Min T .75*. 20s 16% 16% 1B% 39% 25 Mesta Macb 1.50* . 3 34% 34 34% — % 16% 6% Miami Copper 3 12% 12% 12% - % 18 11% Mid Cont Pet (.60*) 5 15% li% 15%-% 37% 18% Mid Steel (1.60*1 .. 2 34 33% 33'%- % 85% 44% Minn-Hon Ros (2).. 1 51 51 51 -1% 114 103% Minn Hon pf B (4). 20s 108% 108% 108% -1% 6% 2% Mlnn-Mollne Imp.. 5 5'% 5% 5% - % 2% 1 Mo-Kan A Texas .. 2 1% 1% 1% 9% 2% Mo-Kan A Texas pf 4 5% 5% 5% — % 2% % Mo Pacific pf lr) 3 1% 1% 1% - % zi iu% Monaitk carpet 25* 1 204 20>4 204— 4 1144 854 Monsanto iZt 7 1074 1064 1064 -24 574 404 Montgom W'd 1 25* SI 544 534 544 - 4 374 224 Morris* Es (3 876 » SOs 34 34 34 +1 19 94 Motor Pioducts 2 134 134 134 174 10 Motor SVheal (1 60) 3 174 174 174 + 4 30 164 Mueller Brass .SOg * 3 25 4 254 254 — 4 74 3'V, Mullins Mf* 1B1 1 54 54 54 - 4 444 30 Mullins Mf* of . 80s 564 364 364 - 4 70 59 Murphy (GC) (8)_ 2 69 68 68 —4 94 4 Murray Coro 7 7 64 64 - 4 94 54 i\ash-Kel»lnator... 23 74 74 74 — 4 264 14 Nash Chat * St L.. 50, 23 23 23 - 4 184 74 Natl Acme .. 3 164 I'i 164 15 74 Natl Aviation 60* .. 25 14 134 134 - 4 284 214 Natl Biscuit (1.60). 34 234 23 2.3 - 4 26V, 144 Natl Cash Keg Mi 26 154 154 154 - 4 16 84 Natl Cyl Gas ( 35*) 4 134 1.34 134 184 124 Nat Dairy (.60*1 . 26 164 154 164 + 4 1174 110 Natl Dairy pf A(7). 30,114 114 114 +1 84 44 Natl Dept Stores .. 3 7', 74 74 — 4 284 204 Natl Distillers (2). 14 244 21 24 - 4 164 84 Natl Gypsum _ 9 114 114 114-4 274 174 Natl Dead ( 60) 24 22 214 214 - 4 145 135 Natl Lead pf(B)(6) 10, 1384 1384 1384 354 144 Natl Malleable _. 4 .284 284 284 - 4 10 6»t Nail P»i * L ■ 60). 8 84 84 84 - 4 82 52 Natl Steel (1.20*) .. 4 71 734 74 - 4 154 54 Natl 5upulv 7 104 104 104 594 334 Natl Sup 6 4 ,6876k 1 414 414 414 -24 54 24 Nall l ea Co _ 3 44 44 44 — 4 114 84 Natomas ( 80) _ 5 9 84 9 294 184 Neisner Broa (1) .. 1 26 26 26 - 4 42 32 Newberry (JJ) (2). 2 414 414 414 17*« 84 Newport Indus 5 144 144 14", — 4 62 27 N Y Air Brake (lg). 8 53 51 524 -14 234 114 N Y Centra: 71 204 20 4 204 — 4 254 104 N Y Chi & St Louis. 7 224 214 214 -4 454 184 N Y Chi * St L of .. 13 384 37 . 374-14 14 4N Y N H A H (r) . 4 14 IS IS 54 2 N Y N H A H pf (r) 8 4 34 34 - 4 17 SSN1 Shipbuilding . 11 15S 144 144 - 4 216 168 Norfolk A Wn (10). 2 208 207 208 +2 294 124 Nor Am Avia 1.40g. 104 284 274 28 - 4 264 18s* North Am Cot.90g> 28 23S 224 224 59 504 No Am 64% Df 2 875 5 574 574 574 - S 594 52S North Am 6% pf 13 ) 2 58S 58 58s + 4 144 7 Northern Pacific 16 114 104 104 - 4 1124 100 NoFn Sta P» pf 16) 2 110', 1094 1104 + 4 64 24 Norwalk Tire 7 64 54 54 - S 414 324 Norwalk T pf (3.60) 20, 44 44 44 104 6 Ohio out.Z0e> 5 84 8 8 - 4 30 144 Oliver Farm Faulp 7 234 23 + 234 — 4 204 12 Omnibus Corp 1.20a 1 144 144 144 1134 1004 Omnibus pf (8) 10, 1044 1044 1044 + 4 84 4'* Uppenhelm Coll .. 2 64 64 64 274 154 Otis Elevator.SOg . 37 184 18 184 - 4 16 74 <>tis Steel 13 134 13 13 - 4 214 16'j Outboari Mot 2.lag 2 23 23 23 +4 70 50 Owens-Ill Glass (2) 4 64 624 624 -24 7', 3 t'ac Am Fisheries 2 54 5', 5V, — 4 74 24 Pacitlc Coast ... 60s 64 6 6 244 .114 t'ac Coast 1st pf .. 70s 23 23 23 — 4 154 34 Pac Coast 2d pf 30, 134 134 134 - 4 124 94 Pac Finance (.90*). 1 114 114 114+ 4 54", 2(4 I'ao Gas A dec (21 16 514 314 314+ 4 504 41 Pao Lighting <31 6 474 474 474 + 4 132 114 Pac Tel & Tel 5.25g. 70s 1234 1224 1234 +24 324 17 Pac Tin spl (.75*).. 2 32 31 32 +1 114 74 Pao Westn 0< 60e). 2 84 8", 84 - V, 44 3 Packard Motor 33 44 4 4 164 94 Pan-Am Airways_ 2 15S 154 15% + V. 2 S Panhandle 5 14 14 14 144 64 Paramount (.16*).. 28 8% 84 84 — 4 134 7% Param't 2d pf (.60). 1 94 94 94 + 4 4 I', Park Utah Mines . 5 24 24 24 - 4 “ ■ "u 1 aino I lt'4 f-J T 21 11% Parker Rust <11_ 2 19% 19% 19% - % 13% 5% Pathe Film _ 14 10% 10% 10% + % 11% 7% Patino Mines . 2 9% 9% 9% — % 57% 48 Penick * Ford 2.25g 1 53 51 5:1 -1% 94% 74 Penney <JC) 2.25g_ 14 90% 89% 90 -1 5% 2% Penn-Dixie Cam . 2 4% 4 4% + % 27% 15 Penn Railroadi 50a) 89 25% 23% 24%+ % 45 30% Peoples G & C 2.60g 1 41% 41% 41% -1% 40 13% Per* Marquette Df 20s 33% 33 33 - % 8% 6% Pfel*er Brew 60* 1 6% 6% 6% - % 47% 28% Phelps Dodge 1.50*. 15 41% 41 41 - % 1% % Phils* RCA I trJ. 3 % % % 103% 74 Philip Morris (Sal. 7 86% 86 86 46% 31% Phillips Petrol (2) 18 42% 42 42 - % 51 35% Pirelli Corp(3.S94e) 60s 46 46 46 -3 12 2%PittsCoal _ 1 7% 7% 714 32% 12 Pitts Coal pf _ 1 27 27 27 +1 14% 4 Pitts Coke * Iron_ 1 11 11 li _ % 95 50 Pitts C & Ir Df (61 10s 75 75 75 -3 175 158 Pitts FtWAC Df (7) 50s 166 166 166 +1 11% 4% Plus Screw _ 7 914 8% 8% - % 16% 7% Pitts Steel _ 1 ]4% 14% 141,, _ 4, 40% 18 Pitts Steel pr pf_ 20g :;6 36 36 20% 6 Pitta & WVa _ 90s 16% 16 16 2% % PlttatonCo _ 1 1% 114 1% - % 24 17% Plymouth 011 1 40a. v 3 22% 22% 22% + % 17 6% Pond Creek C .25*.. 1 15 15 15 - % 16% 7% Poor * Co <.B) __ 3 13% 13% 13% — % 16% 6 Pressed Steel Car.. 18 13% 13% 13% - % 65 50% Proctor & Gam (2a) 8 63% 62% 6 ;% -1 41% 31% Pub Svc <NJ> 1.85*. 12 40% 39% 40%+ % 114% 101% Pub SvclM J )pf (5) 3 109% 109% 109% + % 143 129 Pub Svc (N J )pf<7) 1141 141 141 166 147 Pub Svc(.N J )pf < 8) 160s 161 160% 161 41% 22% Pullman Co (.75*). 18 36% 351% 36% - % 11% 6% Pure Oil _ 13 9 8% 8% 90% 79 Pure Oil pf (6)_ 1 84% 84% 84% - % 81 V« 63% Pure Oil Df <51 4 78 78 78 + % 18% 10% Purity Bakin* .65*. 20 16% 16% 16% + VS 16 11 QuakerStaOill.lOg 1 15% 15% 15% — % 8% 5 Radio Corp ._ 83 6% 6% 6% — V* 67% 63% Radio cv pf (3.50).. 1 69% 59% 59% — % 2% 1% Radlo-Keith-Or (r). 7 1% 1% 1% 26% 12% Raynnier Inc pf_ 2 26 26 26 - % 22% 10% Reading Co (1)_ 1 18 17% 17%-1 28% 20% Reading 1st pf (2).. 1 26% 26% 26% 5% 3 Real Silk Hose _ 4 4% 4% 4% — % 16% 7 Reis & Co 1st pf_ 60s 15% 15% 15% 17% 9% Reming-Rand .80... 8 11% 11% 11%— % 2% % Reo Motor ir)_ 54 2% 2% 2% - % 28% 12% Republic Steel_ 73 25% 25 25 -1 92 43 Rep Steel cv pf_ 1 89% 89% 89% — % 66 37% Revere Cop 6% % pf 210s 52 51% 51% — % 11% 5% Reynolds Spring 42 9% 8% 9 + Vi 58 52 Reynolds Tob (2g)_ 20s 55 55 55 + % 45 35 Reyn’lds Tob(B)2g. 19 37% 36% 37% + % 10% 6% Ricntleid ull 13 9% 9 9 - % 9% 6% Ritter Dental _ 1 9 9 9 + % 17% 10 Roan Antelope .40*. 2 11% 11% 11% — % 2% % Rutland RR pf (r). 1 2 2 2 - Vi 49% 27% Safeway Strs 2.50a 36 49% 48% 48% — % 2: DO D m Prev. Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close, chge. 109 82% Safeway pf (6)_ 20a 102% 102% 102% + % 113 96 Safeway pf («)_ 60a 112% 112% 112% 49% 27% 8t Joseph Lead .75* 4 41% 40% 40% -1% 2 % St L-San Fr pf (r).. 1 1% 1% 1% 17% 10 Schenley Distiller*. 3 14 14 14 76% 61 Schenley pf (5.60).. 1 75% 75% 75%-1 1 % Schulte Retail Sir) 24 % % % 10% 3% Schulte R£ pf (r).. 2 6% 6% 6% 117% 105 Scott Paper pf 4.60. 40* 114% 114 114 -1 1 % Seaboard A L (r)_ 4 % % % 24% 15% Seaboard 011 (1) . 2 21 20% 20% - % 85% 60% Sears Roebuck (3a) 59 85% 83 85% + % 18% »11% Servel Inc (la)_ 8 15% 15% 16%+% 21% 10% Sharon Steel _ 2 17% 17% 17% — % 7% 3% Sharp & Don me_ 2 6% 6% 6% 11% 6% Shattuck (FGX.40) 1 7% 7% 7% 38% 28 Sheaffer Penn 2.75* 100* 37 37 37 -Vi 17% 9% Shell Un 011 1.25*). 10 14% 13% 13% - % 8% 4% Silver King .10* ... 2 7% 7% 7% — Vi 32% 17% Simmons Co (1*)... 3 23% 23% 23%-% 28% 16% Simonds Saw ,7u*_ 1 25 25 25 — % 29% 15% Skelly Oil ( 50g)_ 3 22 22 22 98 92 Skelly Oil pf (6)_ 1 97% 97% 97%-% 21 11% Smith (AO)__ 2 19 19 19 — V, 24 12% Snider Pkg ... 1 20 20 20 — % 15% 10% Socony-Vac'm .60*. 66 13% 13% 13% - % 3% 1% So Amer Gold .20g . 8 2% 2% 2% — V« 35% 14 S Porto R Sug 1.25* 1 25% 25% 25% - V* 18% 13 S E Greyh'nd 1.60*. 1 15% 15V* 15%+ % 29% 23% Southn Cal Ed 1.6ua 10 26% 26% 26% — % 21% 10% Southern Pacific .. 48 16% 16% 16% - % 23% 11% Southern Railway.. 17 19% 19 19 — % 35% 15% Southern Rwy Df... 6 32 31 31% — % 3% 1% Sparks Wlthlngton 120 3% 2% 3% + % 21 14% Spencer Kell( 1.10*) 1 20% 20% 20%+ % 51% 36 Sperry Corp (lg)... 14 49 48% 48% - % 33% 11 Spicer Mfg <2g)_ 11 31% 30% 30%-% 62 42 Spicer Mfg pf A (S) 10a 51% 61% &lVi + V. 16% 8% Spiegel. Inc (.30*).. 15 11% 11% 11%+% 75% 60 Spiegel Inc pf 4.60.. 30s 121, 62% 62% + % 30% 18% Square D Co (,75g). 2 27 27 27 — V, 7% 5% Stand Brands .475g. 26 5% 5% 5% - % 108 94 Stand Br'ds pf 4.60. 5 100% 99 99 + % 4% 2% Stand Gas ft Elec... 6 2% 2% 2% 10% 4% Stand Gas ft Elec pf 3 7% 7% 7% 20% 10 Stand GftE 66 pr pf. 2 18% 18% 18% - % 25% 13% Stand GftE *7 pr pt. 1 23% 23% 23%+% 33% 24% Stand Oil Cal (la).. 25 27% 27% 27%-% 30 22% Stand Oil Ind (la).. 14 27% 27 27%+ % 63% 38 Stand OH N J (la).. 48 48% 47% 47% - % 36 20% Starrett L S .75g ._ 1 32V, 32% 32% -1% 79% 65 Sterling Prod(3.30) 4 75% 75% 75% 12% 6% Stewart-Warner 2 9% 9% 9% - % 17% 8% Stone&Webster.25g 18 12% 12% 12% - Vi 10 5% Studebaker __ 30 9% 8% 9 66 45% Sun 011(1) _ 1 591, 59% 59%+ V* 128', 118% Sun Oil pf (t) _ 20s 125 125 125 11% 7% Sunshine Min 1.20*. 5 10% 10% 10% — % 38% 19% Superheater (.50).. 1 27% 27V, 27% - % 3% 1% Superior Oil 5 2% 2% 2% 30% 22% Sutherl'd Pap 1.20.. 2 29 28% 29 + Vi 25V* 17 Svylft ft Co (1.20)_ 2 21% 21% 21% 37% 24% Swift Inti (2)- 7 32% 31V, 32% + % 12% 4% Symington ww_ 1 10% 10% 10% - % 9% 3% Symington iw _ 3 7:., 71% 71^ _ 43% 33V. TalcottlJ >of(2 75). 20s 34% 34 34 -1% 6% 3% Telautograph .26* 8 3% 3% 3% - v, *9 * ■» i cmi p __ / ij y 7 — fti, 50'i 32H Texas Corp (2) 27 47s 46*. 47 - s 5\ 3V» Tex Gulf Prod .20g_ 11 4u, 4** 414 + i4 38 , 26. Tex Gulf Sul (2) . 15 34S 34*. 34*. - *, US 7 Tax PacC&O i 40)_ 1 9 . 9 . 9S + s 9 6S Texas Pac Ld Tr.__ 3 6». 6S 6*. + s 24 16*. Thatcher Co <1)_ 2 20S 20’, 20s - ». 6 2S Thermoid 5 5s 5 5 - S 32S 14 Thermoid pf 1 75k.. 10s 30 30 30 4-. 2*. Thompson ij R)_ 3 4, 4S 4S - Vi 33S 17 Thomp Prod .75* .. 15 31*. 31 31 - l, 3*. IS Thompson Starrett. 2 2S 2S 2S — V. 15S 7S Thompson Star pf . 4 13s 13s 13V. - *, 14S 9S Tide \Vat*A O .So* . 7 US US US _ i, 221, IDS Timken Det Ax .25* 24 22S 21*. 22S +• S 54S 34S Tlmket Roll B <lg) 8 49S 48S 49S + S 8S 5 Transamerlca (.60) 24 7S 7 7 - S 12S 6s Transcontl & W Air 2 10*. ]0S in*. - y« 10S 5S Transue A Wlllms.. 1 9*, 9', 9', - S 4S 2 Tri-Continental .. 2 3S 3S 3S 7*. 3 Truax-Trapr Coal.. 1 5*. 5*. 5*. 26S 12 20th Century Fox .. 6 14S 14 14', 34S 19*. 20th Cent-F pf 1.60. 1 23S 23S 23S + S 3*. 1*. Twin Cl tv KeoTr.. 2 2*. 2". — S : 35V. 17S Twin Citv R T pf . _ 30s 28 28 28 — i, 12', 7S Twin Coach .. In US US 11*. — S | 4\ IS Ulen&co . . l p„ p, p* + i, 341 a Underw-Ell-F 1.50g ft 49 48 48 -1 12*. 6 Union Has ft Paper 13 US 11*. US - S | 94S 65S Union Carb U.90*). ]6 87*. 86', 87S - S 19*. 15S UnOil (Cal) 1.05*_. 8 17*. 17 17*. + *, 105 81S Union Pactflo (6) .. 5 101S 101 101', 90 78 Union Pac pf (4) . 2 86*. 86'. 86*.+ % 24S 20S Un Tank Car (1.20) 2 23', 23S 23S 51 31 Unit Aircraft <2g). 45 48S 47*. 47*. -IS 13S 7S Unit Air Lines _ 31 12*. 12'. 12S + S 18", 14S Unit Biscuit (1)- 3 16S 16 16 - S ! 69', 52 United Carbon <J).. 1 66S 66', 66S+1S 20 13H Unit-Carr F (.60*). 2 19 18S 18S + S 3*. 2 Unit Corp , 20 2*. 2*. 2*» — S 39S 30S Unit Corp pf(3.45k) 20 38S 37S 38 7S 4', Unit Drue 12 5". 5*. 6V» + S (4 56 Unit Dyew'd pf (7) 20s 58 58 58 - S 8S 3S Unit Electric Coal 5 6 5*. 5*. — », 35S 25*. Unit Eng& Fdry (2 3 35S 34 35S+1S 95 62S United Fruit (4) 5 84*. 84'i 84*.+ i, 14". 11 Unit Gas (rap (1) 28 14S 14S 14s -r S UTS 110 Unit Gas Imp pf (5) 3 116 U5S 115', - s 14 6*4 Unit Met ft Mf* . 7 11 10S 10',- “. 7S 3*. Unit Paperboard .. 4 6*. 6". tv*» - S 16S 5 U S Dlstrihin* pf _ 30s II 11 11 U 5*. U S A For'n Secur.. 18 8 8 _ i, 14 5S U S Freight ... 1 U", US US + V, 113 65S U S Gypsum (2a)... 6 81 80', 80 ,+ l, 10', 3S U S l.eather 3 71, 71, 71, _ 1, 49 32*. U S Pipe ft Fdy (2a) 5 38 37*. 37*.- S 38 28', U S Play Card (2a) 1 34 34 ;:4 +1 6S IS U S Realty & Imir) 3 1*. 1*, \*t 4. 1, 52S 31S U S Ituhhei 55 40 S 38S 29 -1', U2S 86*. U S Rub 1st pf (8).. 5 110', 110 UOS + S 68', 48 U S Sm & Ref (4) .. 3 62S 62 69 70 60 U S S & U pf (3.60). 3 67S 67 67 -t, 82*. 4IS U S Steel 133 73H 72S 72S -IS 120S 981, US Steel rf <7>_ 3 118*. 117', UTS - S 37', 30 U S Toba-cco .96* 6 34', 33*. 54 46*. 39 U S Tobacco pf 1.75 30s 44 43". 43*,- .*. 4 1*. Unit Stockyards 2 2*. 2*. 2.( 8*. 6S Unit Stkyds pf (.70) 3 7 7 7+14 2*. IS United Stores (A).. 10 2*. 2*. 2*. + t., 59'-, 46 United Stores pf __ 1 59 59 59 — 1, 85 60S Univ Leaf Tob (4a) 1 70 70 70 + u, 163 146 Univ Leaf T pf (8). 20s 148 147', 147S 1 H Vadsco Sales_ 1 », »t », — s ... «imuauiii uuiu- e <so% 34% 35 — 7, 38 25 Van Raalte (3a) ... 2 36% 36% 36%-% 116% 109 Van Raalte 1st (7). 80slW 114 114 -i 28% 18% Victor Chem <.75g). 3 28 28 28 5% 2% Va Caro Chemical.. 2 4% 4% 4% 33% 17 Va Caro Chem Df 3 29% 29 29 -1 95 64% Vulcan Detin 2.50g_ 10s 90 90 90 3% 1% Wabash of <A Mr).. 2 2% 2% 2% - % 23% 15% Walgreen (1.40)_ 7 21 20% 21 50%-30% Walker iH)<4)_ 1 35% 35., 35i4 9% 4 Walworth Co- 97 7% 6% 7% + % 14 i, 7% Ward Bak (A)- 3 8% 8% 8% - % 2% 1% Ward Bak (B)_ 10 1% 1% 1% 6% 3% Warner Bros Piet . 12 4% 4% 4% - % 7% 5 Warren Bros lat pf. 30s 5 5 5 _ % , 35% 19% Warren F & P (2a). 7 33% 33% 33% _ « 24% 14% Waukesha Mot (1). 7 22% 22% 22% 32% 20 Wayne Pump 1.50g_ 2 23% 23% 23% - % 3% 1% Webster Etsenlohr 2 3% 3% 3% — 1. 28% 16 Wesson Oil & Snow 3 22 22 22 —1 104 85 West Penn E A(7) 10s 104 104 104 lOo 88 West Penn E pf(6) 40s 100% 100% 100%+ % 112 95 West Penn El pf(7) 80s 107% 107 107% + 1 114 10o% W Penn Pw pf 4.60. 2 115 114% 114%+% 34% 30% West Aut S 1.05b... 6 33% 33 33% + % b% 2% Westn Maryland 7 6 5% 5% 2 % Western Paclilc pf. 2 1% 1% 1% + % 37 16% Westn Union Tel _ 18 28% 27% 28 — % 37% 18% Westhse A B ,625g. 16 30% 29 29%-% 121 82% Westhse Elec 2.50s. 14 112% 110% HI -1% 27% 10% Weston E) Insttlg) 2 26 26 26 — y* 32% 15% Wsstvaco (la) ... 5 32% 32% 32% 36 29 Westvaco pf «1.50> 2 35% 35% 35%+% 9< i4 Wheel & L E pf 5.50 60s 95 95 95 _j 38% 15% Wheeling Steel 7 36% 35% 35% - % 12% 9% White Dental l.«0). 1 11% 11% jp4 15% 7 White Motor .. 12 14% 14% 14% _ u 7 3% White Rock Min Sp 4 5% 5% 5% — % 4% 1% White Sewing Mch. 1 3V, 3% 3% - % 4% 2% Wilcox OH & Gas— 1 3% 3% 3% - % 3% 1 Willys-Overland — 13 2% 2% 2% - % 6% 2% Willy. Overl'd of.. 2 4% 4% 4% - % 7'.* 2% Wilson A Co _ 10 51, 5% t, _ 50% 36 ^Us.on4Co«>f- 1 55^‘ 85 88 59* S°° r.0rth ,2„40)” 61 40* 40* <»% ' 10* Worthington Pump 2 20% 20 20 - % 124% 85 Wright Aero . 10s 118 118 118 -■> J«How Truck ... 33 20% 20% 20% -“% 0* |oung Spg & Wir... 1 13% 13% 13%-% 56% 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T._ 83 51% 50% 50% -1% 2\* 12 Zenith Radio tig) 4 18% 18% 18%-% 3% 2 Zonlte Products ... 13 2% 2% 2% — % Approximate Sales at Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchonae YYne’u"' - 360.000 12:00 Noon_ 540 000 1:00 P.M. ... 690.000 2:00 P.M. TSoiooO sDnlt of trading 10 shares bJ&uSSTO, ■» iftst year. /Payable in stock a Declared or e % ^ claYed thF,%e.r°r "t0Ck k AcCumul,t'd dlTld'"d« «U 0, d» Florida East Coast Plan Is Presented Ej the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 8.—A plan for reorganization of the Florida East Coast Railway, now In receivership, through the issuance of $25,000,000 in new 2 per cent fixed-interest bond* was announced yesterday by a committee of holders of $45,000, \ 000 in first and refunding 5 per cent bonds. The committee is headed by A. M. Anderson, a partner of J. P. Morgan & Co. It proposed that the capital ization of the new company be fixed at $60,000,000. The present out standing $12,000,000 in 4Vi per cent bonds would be exchangeable for the new issue and the balance of the capitalization would be taken up by the first and refunding bonds. Interest on the new issue would be 2 per cent, but it would be en titled to 2'^ per cent additional in any year, dependent upon earnings. Superphosphate Production The Census Bureau says produc tion of bulk superphosphate amounted to 305,538 short tons in September, compared with 279,107 tons in August and 279,381 tons In September, 1938. V * * v Market Recovers Much of Losses Near Fourth [four Shares Drop as Much As 2 Points on Active Opening Period Stock Averages 30 15 15 60 Indust. Rails. Util. Sties. Net change.. —.1 -.2 unc. —.1 Today, noon 73.9 21.7 40.0 525 Prev. day_. 74.0 21.9 40.0 52.3 Month ago. 74.5 22.6 39.1 52.5 Year ago - 79.3 23.2 37.8 54.7 1939 high- 77.0 23.8 40.6 535 1939 low-. 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 1988 high- 79.5 23.5 37.8 54.7 1938 low... 495 12.1 24.9 33.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 235 165 1929 high-146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 615 (Complied by the Associated Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Nov. 8—The stock market took a gloomy view of events today, but brightened up a little as the session progressed. Losses after the moderately active opening ran as much as 2 points, but they were largely retrieved in many cases near the fourth hour. Aircraft and steels felt the impact of the first selling wave, but re covered in fair style later. Once more a budget of favorable domestic news was upset by occur rences abroad and traders appeared at a loss to determine just which way to turn. The peace plea of the Queen of the Netherlands and the King of the Belgians was considered in some quarters as a bearish influence on the war stocks, while in others it was dismissed as unlikely to prove ef fective. London, Paris and Amsterdam markets were lower throughout the day. Backward most of the time were U. S. Steel. Bethlehem. Boeing. Ben dix, Curtiss Wright, Union Carbide, Allied Chemical, Anaconda, Kenne cou, Westinghouse Electric, Cater i pillar. New' York Central and Ches 1 apeake & Ohio. An October sales report of Gen eral Motors Corp.. showing a heavy 5 increase over September and the similar period a year ago, came out during the morning, at a time when the issue had already climbed into i the black. Chrysler also improved, j In the curb. Aluminum. Ltd.; Jones & Laughlin and New Jersey Zinc slipped. Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Nov. 8—Wheat fu tures developed firmness today after a slow start and advanced nearly a cent bushel, aided by a strong cash position and unprece dented drought in much of the Southwest. Trade, however, continued rather slow with many operators awaiting further developments in the latest European peace proposal. December delivery lead the up turn. reaching 88?*, up 7S and within of its war-boom peak of Septem ber 7. which was the highest since the close of 1837. No wheat sales were made in the cash market up to 1 noon and estimated track receipts ! were only three cars. Wheat closed unchanged to higher, December SS1*-^, May 07 867»; corn ■» lower to !s higher, December 50!-. May 527*; oats >, higher-!* lower. WHEAT— Open. High. Low Close. Dec. .RS >s’* >*’, HR'*-’; May ,S0'2 ST’, R6'2 R7-R6’, July .R4’, R5’r .r4’. -4’,*r5 CORN— Dec. . .50’, .5o®, .50'* .50' 2 May .52’. .5:1', .52’, .52’, July .5.1®, .54 .534, .53’, OATS— Dec .36’, .36’, .30®, .36®, May .35®, .35’, .35', .35', July 13', .33', .32’, .32’, SOY BEANS— Dec .06'2 97?, 06', ,07'a May .OR .Oil 07'2 0S'2 Jug__ .06 .06', .95’, .96', Dec. ___ .53', .5.3’, .53', .S3®, M” .54', 54®, 54', 54®. July ._ . .54’, 55 .54®, .541, LARD— Dec. 6.27 6 27 6.25 6 25 Jan. _ 8 35 6 35 Mar. . 6.82 6 R-’ May . 7.00 7.00 6.95 6.97 BELLIES— Jar>- -- 7.00 Chicaro Cash Market. _ No cash wheat Cash corn. No. 1 yellow. ?0',-olNo. 2. 49’,-50‘a: No 3. 4S’, 49',- NO. 1 white. 61'a; No. 2. 61. Oats. No. 2 White, 39: No. 4. 36',. Soy beans. No 2 yellow. 96-97: No. 3. 95',-96',. Barley, malting. 55-62 nominal; feed, 33 nominal. Timothy seed .190-4 15 nominal. Red clover. 12 50-15.00 nominal Red top. S.oo-n.on nominal Alsike. 14 On 1..00 nominal. Alfalfa. 17.50-22.50 nomi nai. 4Vinniper Cash Market. todayN^IIPE^ NoV' 8 ■4>j —Grain range WHEAT— Previous Hish. Low. dose. close. Dec. -..0', .69’, .69’, .70 Mar - .75', 74’, 74’, 7»». JUOATS^" •T6’’ ^ ■«'» Dec. . _ ,32‘i 31’, .32’, .3144 New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 8—Cotton futures advanced sharply todav on the announcement Tuesday in Washington of a new 1939-40 cotton crop loan plan. Aggressive buying through foreign accounts. Wall Street interests and trade short covering met only limited selling. The list was 17 to 24 points higher when the market closed for the 20-minute interval to receive the Government crop estimated and held gains of 12 to 20 points on the reopening. With relatively light trading taking place, there was some selling by local professionals which met a fair trade demand at the slightly lower levels. December was up the most at 9.28 and July was ud 12 at 8.80. The Government crop report of 11,845,000 bales as of November 1 was about in line with trade ex pectations and exerted little in fluence. Early demand tapered off and prices receded moderately as profit taking and local selling came in. Prices around middav were still up 5 to 9 points however December at 9.24 held a net gain of 16. A distant October was ahead 5 at 3.47. Cottonseed Oil. Prices moved narrowly in cotton seed oil futures trading today. December liquidation by commis sion house interests was absorbed by the trade. Around midday the market was 1 to 4 points lower. December got down 4 at 6.55. Transferring from nearby posi tions to the more distant played an important part in early business. Crude oil in the Southeast and valley was 5s* cents bid. Texas was 5.40 to 5.50 cents nominal, depend ing upon location. i i