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Knee-Hi Receives Floral Tribute for Safety Lesson School Principal Urges Pupils to Safeguard After-Visit Record Knee-Hi turned flower fancier yesterday like Ferdinand the Bull and was presented a bouquet of chrysanthemums after her demon stration at Twenty-second street and Virginia avenue S.W. before the children of the Briggs-Mont gomery School. The flowers were altar flowers from last Sunday's services at tha Nineteenth Street Baptist Churcli and were the gift of thp Rev. Walter H. Brooks, 88-year-old pastor of church, through Mrs. May J. Rich ardson, former president of the Briggs-Montgomery Parent-Teacher Association. At the close of the demonstration In which the little safety instructor brought home her lessons to sev eral hundred children and grown ups, Mrs. R. G. Savoy, principal of the school, urged the children to try to keep unbroken Knee-Hi’s rec ord of no injuries to children dur ing school hours after her visits. The little dog and her teacher. Dr. George E. Brunson, child psychologist, are presented by Tire Star with the co-operation of the Board of Education, the Police De partment and the Department of Vehicles and Traffic. Today she was to appear before the children of the Syphax and Bowen schools at Delaware avenue and M streets S.E. at 9:30 a m. To morrow’ she will appear before the Raymond Parent-Teacher Associa tion at 2 p.m. at the school. Tenth 6treet and Spring road N.W. City News in Brief TODAY. Dinner, Washington Urological Society. Mayflower Hotel. 7 p.m. Banquet, Operative Builders, La Fayette Hotel, 7 p.m. Dinner, Izaak W'alton League. Hamilton Hotel, 7:30 p m. Meeting. Washington Philatelic Society. Mayflower Hotel, ft pm. Meeting. Legislative Committee, American Legion, Mayflower Hotel. 8 p.m. Meeting. United Brotherhood of Carpenters. No. 1631, Annapolis Hotel. 8 p.m. Meeting. D. C. Optometric Society La Fayette Hotel, ft p.m. Meeting, Villanova University, La Fayette Hotel. 8 p.m. Smoker, Cornell Alumni Club of Washington, the Lee House. 8 p.m. Dance, Beniamin Franklin Lodge F. A. A. M., Wardman Park Hotel 9 p.m. TOMORROW. Meeting, Conference on Educa tional and Cultural Problems, May flower Hotel, 10 a m.; luncheon, 1 p.m.; dinner, 7 pm. Luncheon. Junior Board of Com merce, Hotel Annapolis, 12:20 p.m. Meeting, Advertising Club ol Washington Board of Directors Raleigh Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon. Cosmopolitan ‘Club Carlton Hotel. 12:30 pm. Luncheon. Kiwanis Club, May flower Hotel, 12:30 p.m. Dinner, Census School, Mayflowet Hotel, 7 pm. Dinner. Reciprocity Club, May flower Hotel, 7 p.m. Card Party and Dance, Immacu late Conception Church, Mayflowet Hotel. 8 pm. Meeting, the Washingtonians Citi Eens’ Association, 5325 Thirtv-eightl Street N.W., 8:15 p.m. Meeting and Buffet Supper, Ph Beta Kappa Association, Carltor Hotel. 8:30 p.m. Meeting. American Society foi Testing Material, Wardman Pari Hotel, all day. Boys' Garden Club to Meet The first winter meeting of th< Civitan Boys’ Garden Club will b< held Friday evening in the club' house, 100 Anacostia road N.E. Th< guest speaker will be W. A. Ross executive secretary of the Futuri Farmers of America. W. R. Beattie senior horticulturist of the Agricuh ture Department, will speak on plan life. Nearly 6,000 tons of honey weri consumed in England in the las 12 months. I FLOWERS FOR KNEE-HI— T Samuel Howard of the Briggs Montgomery School presents Knee-Hi a bouquet of chrys anthemums while Mrs. R. G. Savoy, principal, looks on. —Star Staff Photo. Chiropodists to Hold Scientific Session The Mid-Atlantic Chiropodists’ Association, composed of practition ers in the District, Maryland, Vir ginia and North Carolina, will hold its fifth scienticfic session here, November 18 and 19, in the Wash ington Hotel, Dr. E. E. Thompson, convention chairman, announced yesterday. The Convention Committee in : eludes Drs. Harry Hoffman, Elliot I Schutz. Charles'Conrad, A. M. Stein berg. A. Owen Penney, J. M. Fisch grund and O. E. Roggenkamp. A program of lectures and demonstra- j tions for improved past graduation t education and technique for the 1 promotion of increased public foot ! health and care has been arranged.1 NAPANEE CtutemAutfrAfac/teH* If you are building a new home, or remodeling your present home we will be pleased to submit a plan and estimate for a modern kitchen. Kitchen Equipment Co. 1612 K St. N.W. Phone ME. 1562 I FINER UNITED SERVICE — CHICAGO_ 5 hrs. 10 min. SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES . . PORTLAND . . . SEATTLE . . . . (via PCA to Cleveland) i "EVERYWHERE WEST" Now United provides two lux urious Mainliner sleeper flights daily to California, Portland and Seattle. Lv.5:20 pm and 10:55 pm. Enjoy United's ! service, backed by an un matched record of 30,000 coast-to-coast flights and 140,000,000 miles of flying. J Call travel agents, hotels, or TTNTTrn aiR unes ■ I ■ ! ■'M ■ ■ Mm m M 808 15th St, n. w. V wMM Mi MM Bv MElropoJit«o S656 Voar 'round, tho Main lino Airway I Top is off, clean! Now America’s M FreshestGgarette istasiest-te-op*m,too! I See OLD GOLDS New "Z/P-TOP" Pack! DOOM pour saeokiag onjoymeot with really fresh rig—etw* ia steady tee i—nVur package’Old Gold mot ooly give* you the flaeet tobacco* money can buy, but doubly tools m their fresh flavor aod fragrance with 2 jackets of Cellophane instead of ooe. And now this euciestve double Cellophane package opens double fmicif Try a “Zip-Top” pack of Double-Mellow Old Golds today—at any cigarette counter! ON THE AIR every Tuesday: "Melody and Madnest" with Robert Bench ley and Guest Stan* * * f *. i//&k wfalneS Here'* More Proof I ON THE AIR | i a ■ A V J ■ Your Dollar c BAILEY ALLEN Buys More [ WBAL »‘ Acme ( -■ 57*1 GEORGIA AVE..N. W. ★ :«•*• GEORGIA AVK., ^ 1395 GOOD none ROAD ★ Old Georgetown Kd.. Wot hernia if 11*11-19 G BO KG IA AVKNIK •14 1ITR STREET, N. W. 14*5 FARR ROAD. N. V>. 39*8-4* 14TH STREET. N. W. Ifttt BBNNING ROAD, N. K. 1499 BTM HTRRET, N. W. H. R. 17T1I A K STREETS. N. W. 9744 14TH STREET, N. W. ICftt COLUMBIA R41AD 9**5 GEORGIA AYR., N. W. 994 G STREET. N. W. 491 1SITH STREET, S. R. if Free Parking: Space* at three Market* l«m Prior* Vary Mijrhtly In RM. .....ry —— SMdlan Calif. Raisins li-oz m pkg Blackeye Peas ,b 5c • HOICK HAND PICKED Soup Beans lb 5c CornStarch 13«Pko5« Fancy Wei Shriop «■' 10* Olympia Peas 2 -«•* 9* Sardines “S" 2 2i 9C Light Meat Tuna 10* Tomato Soap^f’^ 19* Lima Beans 2 ,b* 11* Beverages Assorted plus dep Tomato Juice t 2 29* ^s/_, CHOICE CRUSHED CORN 3 » 20c ^■B BM HORMKI/S 12-OS S PAM e.n HORMRl/s 12 oi can _ _ j Spiced Ham 29c Dinty Moore Beef Stow 2 24^,*^o« _cans _ Prepared, Self-Rising 20-oz Pk0 |H ^ Pancake Flour 5 Heinz Soups V 2 S2 25e Armwrt Stor Cookad HEINZ BAKED GORAIE^) BEANS BEEr 2 0 1 1 IP £ cans :an ■ 2 18-oz cans 21c - HEINZ KETCHUP dh3b3-10‘ 2 bT 25c ooooooooooooooooooooooocx Heinz Spaghetti 2 1-nV 21e Ritter’s Spaghetti 3 ^ 19' Hurff’s Spaghetti 3 l2*” 25' Spaghetti Franeo-Ameriean 31c.*nT 23' I Chef Boy Spaghetti 1Ur 10* Sugar Corn vl!rt«.e? 3 «« 25' Gold Seal Oats JX ^ 7' Pineapple Juice N»Sn 3 29' )OOOOQOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQoq| big 14-oz bot 17c M HEINZ CUCUMBER PICKLE \/ 2 ts? 35c v DEL MONTE ^ _ PEACHES 2 27c Del Monte PEAS -12* DEL MONTE SLICED fy No 2l- ty tyQ Pineapple e JJ 1 Local Dretted Stewing Local Draaeod Frying I > CHICKENS CHICKENS fo19c Tkrt'OklKvMt b23c j| U. S. No 1 VISKINQ g^ |g Boneless Hams Z7C. 1LEAN ROAST Pork Loin Rib End © up to 3 lbs LEAN STEER Chuck Roust! C Neck | * li 9 '* ii Cream-White Purely Vegetable Shortening i lb can 17c I 3"" 45c heat-do Roasted Wit-Crest COFFEE •13* M. J. Coffee 2 1-lb tins 37c Acme Coffee lb vac tin 22c Ilm.Hocklsss Fr—h Shoulders lb 15c Sliced Bacon i is mMo pfcg 9c! Tender Steer Round Steak 25c Freshly Or sand Beef * 15c! ! PeBclons Sirloin Steaks ,b 29c Fancy Mb Roast Beef n> 2Sc ! ! Savory Porterhouse Steaks **» 35c Brin's Pork Paddings *» 15s I Weston’s Crackers and Cakes 2 pkgrs 19c Glenwood Apple Sauce 3 No 2 cans 19c Smithfleld Ham Spread 2 2i « jars 25c Gelatine Desserts or Puddings 3 pkg» 19c Spice Cabinet, 8 Spices A Recipe Book 53c O. A C. Potato Sticks 3 2i-oi cans 2Se Sleigh Bell Salad Dressing qt jar 19c Pamunkey Va. Corn Meal 2-lb bag 9c Cut er Shoestring Beets 4 No 2 cans 25c Hurlock Solid Pack Tomatoes 4 No 2 cans 25c GOLD SEAL QUALITY Macaroni or a g%c Spaghetti &,>p 7 i SMALL SMOKED A « !! Skinned Hams * 21 SWIFT’S MOOKFISIJ) SAUSAGE MEAT *19* 9000000000000000000000001 Fan— «rf HaAfcxk ft ;! BONELESS Steak Fish -T*;; Spry or Crisco 3 •* 47* Golden Pumpkin 3--.'25* Pitied Cherries X 2 -19* Sauer Kraal l« 2 15c Gold Medal Whealies 2X19* White Star Tuna -- 15c Argo Red Saloon “ 19* Maxwell House Coffee " 25* Choice Tomatoes » 5* String Beans 5* Toilet Soap *»&*£» 5* Rinso or Oxydol_X 18* fig jjj^ "***"®anam,s ^ IDAHO BAKHta ' Potatoes JteW | FRESH TENDER CALIFORNIA J\ BROCCOLI) : lAc bunch J SI jij CRISP CALIFORNIA CARROTS Bnnch 5c j | FIRM YELLOW ONIONS_4 ^ 9c j YORK IMPERIAL OR OLD FASHION WINESAP MT « | APPLES '•£_ 6 15 • Spinach, Kala, StoslO* Jj Calarda ar Tanilp Or—w J ^ * V CREAMY WISCONSIN CREESE 19l Domestic Swiss Cheese I lb 13c Sliced Amer. Loaf Cheese t lb Sc Italian Grated Cheese li ozpke 9c ShefforiTs’Snappy Cheese pk* 10c PABST-ETT 2 * 25c Sliced, Oven-Fresh Victor BREAD Sugared Do’Nuts 10* SQUARE CAKES Chocolate iH iyc« Cocoanut gm /g Heinz Macaroni 2 i?-oz can* 25c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour 20-oz pkg 10c C. A B. Date A Nut Bread 2 8-oz eans 25c Educator CRAX 16-oz pkg 15c Slicod Hawaiian Pineapple No 11 can 10c Shredded Ralston 12-oz pkg 12c California Mackerel 2 16-oz cans 17c Pure Baking Soda 16-oz pkg 5c Toasted Bread Crumbs 10-oz pkg 5c Cracker Meal 12-oz pkg 5c (Jhteen Anne PETIT POIS M . PEAS 2 ^ 25* N» S SIEVE _ .. „ _ PEAS ts; 23* Shoopog Cora No 2 can 10c Bantam Corn No 2 can 10c Spinach 2 No 2} cans 23c PLAY BOY LYKIT RED HEART DOG FOOD DOG FOOD DOG FOOD 16-oz M I6-01 Diets *16-ozAA. cans 0 cant A’ B’C’ «l cans Fels Naptha Soap 6 bars 2Sc EXTRA STRENGTH Octagon Toilot Soap 3cks 13« Fala Soap Chips 21-ozpkg 19c AUtUIOZIlcI Octagon Soap Pdr 2 pkgs 9« Parlor Matches 3 boxes 10c 29-oz a an- Oakite Cleaner 2 pkgs 19* Chloride of Lima can 10* hot Air Bab-O or Bon Ami can 10* e*"*"" snap r n, 4ur.ll* Laundry SOAP 5'»'• 17* 3b,™10* CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE kC JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES 10 ■ 33' >0000000000000000000000000 SAVE ON raMS 2<M5« ■x point* k'