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MAZOR MASTERPIECES I ij^B \ I MODERN lounge chair I Visit the Wonderland of Maior's 27 Model Rooms MJ DR ^ S?lCU~?iAj>UsG€s6 HM FURMTUIIt t UirilHUIDMC 911 SEVENTH STREET N.W. II Open Monday and Saturday Evenings 'fi, Other Evenings by Appointment ||| , LARGER WOMEN'S * WOMEN'S * MISSES' * JUNIOR FASHIONS—_= KAPLOWITZ OFFERS FOR FRIDAY * TRIO OF SUPER SPECIALS Untrimmed Winter Coats Regularly $29.95 to $35 *16” Smart styles -- swagger, fitted and new reefer types. ★ Imported and domestic tweeds, Camel’s Hair, Har ris tweeds, 100% Shet land s. Solid colors. Also new needlepoint and boucle weaves. ★ Every Coat extra - warmly interlined. ★ Sizes 10 to 46 and 9 to 15. (As Sketched At Lefti Detachable zipper lining of all wool and Camel’s hair. Coat tailored in smart multi-colored herringbone tweed.*16 95 FUR TRIMMED SPORTS COATS *28 Regularly $45 to $69.95 In a variety of fine import ed and domestic tweeds and plaids. Smartly furred with raccoon, beaver, Per sian, skunk. Styles are the wanted fitted, box or swag ger designs. Sizes 12 to 36 only. FUR TRIMMED DRESS COATS . M8 Regularly $69.95 to $»9-95 The ultra popular Julli ard’s, Walther’s, Forst mann’s woolens, effective ly trimmed with Persian, beaver, mink, Jap mink, skunk, leopard In new fitted, box and swagger designs. Misses 12 to 20. Juniors 11 to 15. KAPLOWITZ THIRTEENTH, Between E 6 F L... . —FAMOUS FOR QUALITY FOR A GENERATION ■ i .. A A Two Piano Artists Please As Symphony Soloists Audience Enjoys Interpretations Of Mozart Piece, 'Castellana’; Orchestra Contrasts Bach By ALICE EVERSMAN. Two distinguished musicians, Pierre Luboshutz and Genia Nemenoff, duo-pianists, were the soloists of last evening’s concert by the National Symphony Orchestra in Constitution Hall. The impression they made with their highly sensitive Interpretation of the Mozart E flat concerto and Mary Howe’s ’Castellana” held a distinct note of pleasure on the audience’s part in the discovery of two artists who bring still another tl.VlA t.A tha a rf itnA.nfann nU<i_ __ ing. This was the first appearance of these artists with the National Symphony although they have been heard here before at Mrs. Lawrence Townsend’s- muslcales. For the orchestra’s share of the program. Dr. Klndler had chosen a group of Bach numbers in his own arrangement, the Adagietto from Mahler’s "Symphony No. 5” con cluding with the Tannhauser Over ture. Feeling for Vitality of Bach. Dr. Kindler has a keen feeling for the tremendous vitality of Bach and his transcriptions take this into account. The Grave and Allegro from the organ "Concerto in G K” is a gorgeous work, all-em ig in its sonority and surging flow of melody. The sweep of this powerful and noble music seems to reach beyond the ordinary tonal horizon and musical dimension. It is sturdy with a great strength and richly wholesome with a deep and righteous feeling. Following this came the beautiful “Komm, Suesser Tod” and the Aria and Sinfonla to Cantata No. 29, "Wlr danken dir. Gott.” These contrasting works, a small example of the great versa tility of Bach, were given a finely drawn interpretation by the or chestra whose tonal depth increases from concert to concert. This only two-piano concerto written by Mozart embodies all the spirited and song-like qualities which seemed to bubble forth so freely in this unique composer. It is full of the effectiveness that pianists enjoy and the two artists last evening made the most of it. Their fluent technique was lightly controlled with a particularly joy ous exuberence in the Rondo. Their reading of the Andante was tender and poetic, their tone blending im perceptibly with the woodwinds. r resented. Immediately following the inter mission they were heard again, this time in the Spanish rhythms of Mrs. Howe's "Castellana.” The synopsis, if one might so term it, of Spanish life which this work based on four Spanish folk songs gives, is full of the picturesque, and beauti fully woven together with construc tive skill. There is no redundancy or overemphasis in this writing. It passes from one mood to another smoothly, linking them together with a naturalness that adds to its charm. Mr. Luboshutz, who played the first piano in this number, has a fitting grace and piquancy of touch that gave, with a slight accent here or there, the whole character to the work. Both artists played fcdth fire and brilliancy and were splendidly supported by the orchestra in the fine accompaniment that Mrs. Howe has written for it. A bit of exquisitely poetic com position is the "Adagietto,” from the “Mahler Symphony/’ the only Mahler work, if memory serves correctly, to be played here for some years. There is a story told by Willem Mengel berg about this Adagietto worth re telling. “Mahler told me,” said Mengelberg, “that he sent the manu script of the “Adagietto” to Alma Maria; he meant it as his declara tion of love. He could find no words and he hoped that she would understand. And she did under stand ” It is, in truth, a love song, surely one of the most soulful and tender ever written in music. Its mood is almost too deep and radiant for inclusion in a mixed program. The concert closed with the fa miliar overture to Wagner’s “Tann hauser," ending an evening where interest and artistry never flagged. German Press Moderates Drive on Belgians, Dutch Bt the Aisociated Press. BRUSSELS. Nov. 0.—Sudden re laxation of the campaign against Belgium and the Netherlands in the German press was noted yesterday by a foreign office spokesman who expressed the opinion that the medi ation offer of King Leopold and Queen Wilhelmina had gained its point. Observers said they felt the offer would increase the difficulty of any immediate violation of Belgian or Netherlands neutrality that might have been intended by the warring powers. Some military precautions, how ever, have been taken in the last 24 hours, the spokesman said, includ ing routine calling of several thou sand men to the colors. German troop concentrations near the Netherlands frontier were noted. The newspaper Le Soir said the situation was still serious but not desperate. “We are at the turning point which may be decisive for our Immediate destiny,” it said. “Let us remain calm and resolute.” One of our Prize DE us°2)eL designed by the famous Pal ter De Liso in black or brown suede with contrasting faille inlay—to go so grandly with your dressier dresses at bridge, cocktoil hour and in formal evening weor. QJI O BAGS TO MATCH... $5.75 Coast Strike Ties Up Steam Schooners By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9.—Pick ets lined up around 15 lumber ves sels In port today as the Marine Firemen, Oilers. Watertenders and Wipers' Association put strike action into effect against all Pacific Coast steam schooners. The union, not affiliated with either the C. I. O. or A. F. L„ called a strike yesterday after it had re jected what the employers called a “final offer” in negotiations to re place the work contract which ex pired September 30. Walter J. Stack, chairman of the strike committee, said 250 men—an average of five union men on each ship—were directly involved in the strike and that other schooners would be tied up as they arrive In port. Refusal of the steam schooner operators to grant the men privi leges "similar to those enjoyed on offshore ships” was given by Union Secretary V. J. Malone as the chief reason for the failure In negotia tions. Mattresses Remade $3 STEIN BEDDING CO? igg_lgia_aL-N.w M«t. i3iii *Pkilli|)jjoui$e 1727 L St. N.W. 2-Day Reduction Sale \ Thursday Evening, Friday and Saturday (Open Thursday Evening) Early Dresses os lew at *5 Others 7.95 to 18.95 Were 16.95 to SIS Suits fir Ensembles 510 «p Wert S2S up A Group of Hats, 1.95 ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL | ASK ABOUT OUA LAYAWAY SIFT ULAN I 3.95 Hand* Pa in ted Tilt-Top Card | Table [ 3.19 I Use them for bridge or tea . . . against a fireplace or wall. Hand-painted flower design illustrated on ivory background H with ivory, blue or ivory frame . . . maroon jjjj with walnut finish frame. Mail and phone orders filled while quantities last. j CHARGE II NOW - PAY IN JANUARY I 1 •" V Ts-~~V--a—--’~i BEST&CO. 4UieONNKCTICUTAVL,N.W. Iimtmh 77M I • Young Fingertip Coat In Soft Gray Kid ] ' XT EITHER coat nor jacket, this gray kid combines the smartest features of both, i The new-looking fingertip length is definitely ' young. It is the perfect foil for bright wool , dresses, looks equally well over tweeds. Kid ' is the versatile fur we recommend for college ^ and career girls, because it suits their young i figures and modest clothes allowances. »- -■ ■ * a b m m . ± A The Integrity of the alore from which you buy ia of Importance. 3fultus (Sarftttrkfl & (Eompang Our French Shipment Has Just Arrived EXQUISITE HANDBAGS FOR EVENING Personally Selected in France $ They have just emerged from their tissue wrappings, these lovely handbags, full of charm for style individualists We've never seen finer imports, especially the French petit point bags in selective groups showing exquisite colors and unusual patterns. Others use beauvais embroidery with colorful beaded work typical of the painstaking French needle crafts New wide style frames pick up the design of the bags them selves, pouch styles have delicate chain handles and we have included glittering lame and mellowed brocade in exquisite color notes. Do see them at once. Slultufi (Sarftnrkel & ffinmpattg Just Received Our Important Shipment of FINE FRENCH CORSETS Styles Exclusive With Us in Washington The finest French foundations we have seen, ready for your interested attention today in our Corset Shop, Fifth Floor. Beautifully made, these girdles and corsets have the super lative mission of moulding the figure in the new stemlined styles by means of lovely chiffon hand-woven elastic, or elastic and batiste . . . many with an intricate dropstitch which moulds without crowding, all have the comfortable virtue of being light-in-weight, and exquisitely made in the true French fashion. Our imported models are priced From $|0 to $45 F at Fourteenth Friday at 9:30 l.W. These are tremendous fur values! Made possible only by an exceedingly fortunate special purchase, in the face of a rising fur market. Only the newest silhouettes, fitted, flared, boxy, jackets and greatcoats. Each coat a master piece . . . this is your opportunity, don't miss it! Sizes for women and misses. Just a few of the many available values: DeseriptioB Re*. Sale Price Blended Cross Fox Jackets_$125 00 $79.50 Red Fox Jackets- 169.00 100.00 Black Fox Jackets- 225.00 148.00 Northern Mink-dyed Muskrat_ 245.00 148.00 Hollander Hudson Seal Muskrat_ 245.00 148.00 40-in. Dyed Skunk Greatcoats_ 245.00 148.00 Black Persian Paw- 245 00 148.00 London Dyed Squirrel- 245.00 148.00 Hollander Dyed Hudson Seal (dyed-muskrat) 295.00 169.00 Safari Alaska Seal.. 395.00 245.00 Silver Fox Jackets.. 375.00 245.00 Black Persian Lamb_ 395.00 295.00 Block Caracul Lamb_ 395.00 295.00 Grey Persian Lamb- 450.00 . 325.00 Sheared Beaver, full length_ 595.00 425.00 Let-out Jop Weozel- 695.00 495.00 Let-out Jop Mink- 750.00 595.00 ! ‘ Silver Fox Greatcoat_ 895 00 595.00 (Top) Natural Skunk, Reg. S39S, now 3243.00. (Left) Sheared Beaver, Reg. $395, mow $280. Deferred payments may be arranged to suit individual budgets! 1210 F ST. N.W. s