Newspaper Page Text
First Congregational To Hear Dr. Bradley, Preacher-Poet 'Recovery of Religion' Author to Speak at IT A.M. Service Dr. Dwight J. Bradley, author of “The Recovery of Religion,” poet, distinguished preacher with former pastorates in Webster Groves, Mo., Newton Center and Boston, is a week-end guest of the First Con gregational Church. He has come at the invitation of the 75th Anni versary Committee and is a Dia mond. Jubilee feature. Dr. Bradley spoke last night at a parish dinner and preaches tomorrow at 11 a.m. on "The Faith of the Fathers Is Living Still.” Dr. Bradley preached the ordina tion sermon for the ordination of the Rev. and Mrs. Howard Stone Anderson in St. Louis 12 years ago. He is executive director of the Council for Social Action of the Congregational denomination. Guest Preacher At 8 P.M. The Rev. Frederick J. Bishop, a guest in the city at the invitation of the Pulpit Committee of Ingram Congregational Church, preaches at 8 p.m. The Scroobv Chib meets at 6 p.m. fnr a social i~)r Brarilcv will sneak on "Grapes of Wrath Country.” The Tuxis Club will attend the Pilgrim Fellowship meeting at Peo ple’s Congregational Church. The Standing Committee meets Monday evening at 8 oclock. Dinnrr For Young Women. Mrs. Hannah Hume Calder will address the Women’s Society Tues day on “For Such A Time As This.” The Young Women's Club meets Tuesday for dinner at 6 o'clock. The program on Thursday at 6 pm. has been gliven over to the Chevy Chase Circle, which is pre aenting a New England dinner. Guest speaker will be Dr. Peter Marshall, of New York Avenue Church, on '"The Risk of Reach.” A special business meeting of the church and Congregational Society has been called for Thursday at 8 pm. to act on the resignation of the present clerk of the church and society and to elect his successor. Luther Place Church Topic rTwo Loyalties' The Rev. F. Eppling Reinartz. consulting secretary on promotion In co-operation with the Board of Publication of the United Lutheran Church in America, will preach at 11 a.m. in Luther Place Memorial Church tomorrow morning on "Two Loyalties.” Harrv Yeide will sing "The Mighty God Hath Spoken.” j The young people will not hold a party Tuesday evening, but instead will attend the annual District Lu ther League banquet Wednesday at fi o'clock at the Lutheran Church of the Atonement. The teachers and officers of the Bunday school will naeet for dinner | Thursday at 5:30 p.m. The annual banquet of the Wom en’s Missionary Union will be held In the church parlors November 17 at 6 p.m. Miss Elvira Strunk, mis sionary on furlough from Tsimo, China, will be guest speaker. The Inner Mission Workers’ Con ference. Friday evening at 8 p.m., will head H. E. Hegstrom, superin tendent of the National Training School for Boys. 'Get Out of Country' Dr. Daugherty's Topic The orchestra will give a brief eacred concert at 9:40 a m. in Me morial United Brethren Church to morrow. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty will preach at 11 a.m. on “Get Out of Our Country.” At 7 p.m. the minister will begin a series of evangelistic services, with mes sages on the general theme, “Why Not Try God?,” with this meeting being "What Is the Church Here For?” The Fultz-Crescent Brotherhood Will hold its annual father and son - banquet at the church on Monday at 7 o'clock. There will be features. Including Jack Dalton, radio star, with his guitar and singing, and election of officers. The women will make garments for the children of the U. B. Orphan age on Wednesday at 10 a m., and the Christian Educational Institute will be held at 2 and 8 p.m. the same nay. ur. Maoei silver win oe the speaker. Anniversary Mass In the chapel at St. Gertrude’s School of Arts and Crafts. 4801 Sar gent road N.E., an anniversary mass for the living members of St. Ger trude's Guild will be said at 9 a.m. November 17. On November 28 an anniversary mass for the deceased members of the guild will be said. After both masses breakfast will be pervert at the school. Guild mem bers are urged to attend both masses. CThnumplty ’ » “THE UNIVERSAL zrtNV brotherhood of !(m)) LIFE” aKSHp Thomoi Pond of Baltimore Sundty. Noy. I*. P P.M. 8:30 o.m.—Christian Mystic Cl«*s. Inquirer. Mon.. 8 p.m.—Trouard. Tues.. 2 p.m.—Blavsttky, Tues., 8 p.m.— Liberation. Fri., 8 p.m. WASHINGTON LODGE T.S. 1216 H St. N.W. Bon.. Nov. 12. 8:IS—Talk “CAUSE OF SORROW." Wed. fi:15 c m . Study Class. Library Open Wednesday. 7:30 P.M. Saturday 1:30 to 4 P.M. United Lodge of Theoiophiiti Hill B'dr 17lh and Eye Sis N.W. No Duet. Fee* or Collection*. ^nfiilitir (Eljrtfitiattitg National (Eljurrlj of ^Ofiilitir (Ebrifitianitg Dr. O. F. Fraser, Teacher. 1726 H St. N.W. Sunday, November 12. 11:00 a.m.—“Dues God Punish?’ Classes on Wednesday. ALL CLASSES FREE • DR. DWIGHT J. BRADLEY. Christian Education Service Arranged The church school of St. Paul’s Church, Rock Creek Parish, will commemorate tomorrow at 11 a m. the teachers’ dedication service, symbolizing Christian Education Sunday in the diocese of Washing ton. This service was first sponsored by the Rev. Dr. P. J. Bohanan. subse quently approved by Bishop James E. Freeman and is now being used generally in other parishes in the diocese. The Bohanan Bible members will have a business and social meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the parish house. Plans are being made for a birth day party December 5 under the auspices of the Girls' Friendly So ciety. The Church School will have a father and son banquet December 8 at 7 p.m. The Very Rev. Dean Pow ell of the Washington Cathedral will be the guest speaker. Toast master will be Lewis T. Boynton and address of welcome will be by Dr. Bohanan. Swedish Rifes Tomorrow At First Baptist “The Fellowship of the Tempted” will be the subject of Dr. Edward Hughes Pruden at the First Baptist Church tomorrow morning, and in the evening. “Are You Having Any Fun?” Swedish services will be held at 3:30 p.m., Dr. K. E. Carlson preaching. A festival by the Scandinavian Mission will be held at the church Monday evening with musical num bers and the principal address by J. D. Broman. superintendent of the orphans’ home at Cromwell, Conn . which the mission helps to support. The program will be fol lowed by a social. A dinner will be held at the church Wednesday to discuss plans for as sisting the Brookmont mission church, which is being sponsored by the First Baptist Church. The Ann Jackson class will meet Monday eve ning for business and social activi ties. the Euzelian class Tuesday evening; and the White Cross Wednesday morning. Chevy Chase Presbyterian The Rev. J. Hillman Hollister will preach on “That Other Line in God’r Face" tomorrow morning. The Collegians and Young People's Society will meet together at 7:30 p.m. to discuss, under the leadership of Mr. Wornom, director of religious education, issues raised by Paul «ams, peace worker, and a repre sentative of the German Embassy at recent meetings of the groups. The Fireside Group will meet with Dr. Hollister at 7:30 p.m. The Hearthstones will meet at 6:15 and the Alpha Omegas at 7:30. New Pastor Welcomed A cordial welcome has been given Dr. Edgar A. Sexsmith the newly appointed pastor of the Rhode Is land Avenue Methodist Church. He will speak Sunday morning on “What Think Ye of Christ.” The special musical number by the choir will be “Fear not, O Israel" by Max Spicker. The evening service will open with an old fashion song serv ice led by G. Henry Gilligan, ac companied by the choir. The sub ject of the evening address will be “Our Blessings: A Benefit or an In jury.” Slmwalem _(SWEDENBORGIAN) CHURCH OF THE HOLY CITY. Kith Above Q N.W fl 4S 8. 8. 10—Arcana CUM. 11 no a m—Morning Worghip. Sermon. 8:00 p m —Study Circle Parish House. _Paator. Rev. Paul Sperry. (Eljurrlf of (Sob CHURCH OF GOD 2407 Minnesota Avenue S.l. (Headquarters at Anderson. Indiana.) ORDER OF SUNDAY SERVICES: Church School—Classes lor Every Age-10:OOam. Morning Worship_ll:OOam Youth and Junior Crusaders 7:00 p.m Evening Evangelistic Service 8:00 d m ESTHER M ROYER. Paetsr II2A 12th St. N.W Phone RE. OltOR Httiuerflalifl! UNIVERSALIST NATIONAL ! MEMORIAL CHURCH Cor. 16th end S Sts. N.W REV. SETH R. BROOKS, D. D„ Minister* 10:0U a.m.—Church School. Adult Forum. 11:00 a.m.—Worship; Topic: 'A GOOD EXCUSE FOR BEING ALIVE' 7:00 p.m.—Y. P. C. D. National Capital Choir. A Genuine Welcome to AIL THE WHITE CROSS OF CHRIST 1810 Ontario PI. N.W.. 4 P.M. Presents Rev. Panl W. De Loa Subject, "gtrenethenine Our Faith." Followed by Messaae and Heallnt by Key. Jane B. Coates. Pastor. Consultations by Appointment. Col. B227.» Spiritual Itofttrr Church of Spiritual Science Dr. Z. A. Wrieht. Pastor. 1320 N ST N.W. SUNDAY SERVICE—7:30 p m.. Address By DR. JOSEPH S. REILEY. Midweek Serylee Thar., S P.M. Messaees to all by ctercy. Rev M. Mc Farland. Dr. A. Frederick. Dr. Z. A. Wrieht. Ree. J. Gray. Visitlne; Dr. Geo. D Klinefelter and Key. M. Brown. Seances. 480 N J Aye. S.E., Men.. Wed^ Fri. at • era Line. 10027. BENEFIT—Dr. Gray and Dr. Wrieht. Sat., list ».m„ Bnadlnes. * New York Avenue Presbyterian to Hear Dr. Peter Marshall Choir of 100 Voices, Directed by Beaschler, To Sing at Service The Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall, minister of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, will preach to morrow at 11 a.m. on "A Lawyer's Question." The choir of 100 voices, under the direction of Charles Dana Beaschler of the Westminster Choir School, will sing “Behold I Stand at the Door,” by Emurian. Included in the order of service is a children’s sermonette, the title of which will be "Going Home.” Dr. Marshall will speak at 8 p.m. on “The Dis ciple of the Shadows.” The choir will sing “Heart, Be Still,” by Warren. A fellowship tea for young people will be held at 6 p.m. The Lincoln Fellowship Forum will meet under the leadership of Miss Alberta Bax ter. Dr. Marshall will continue the discussion of the Book of Ephesians, Chapter ii. The Young People's Department will meet at 6:45 p.m. under the leadership of Miss Jean McLaurin. Topic, “They Call Themselves Friends." The Tuxis Group will meet at 6:45 p.m. Miss Betty Jane Nair and Miss Margaret Cooley will give a review of the book “Frontier Friends.” A dinner meeting of the Men’s Club will be held on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. The guest speaker will be Attorney Fred K. Nielson, professor of law at Georgetown University. His subject will be “The Highest Law in Inter national Relations.” A quartet, under the direction of Mr. Beaschler, will give a musical program. On Thursday at 7:30 p.m.. Dr. Marshall will speak and the choir will provide the music. 'A Song in the Night' Is Theme Pastor Chooses The Rev. R. Paul Schearrer will preach at 11 a m. tomorrow in the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church on, “A Song in the Night.” and at 8 p.m. on ‘‘Good Manners.” The Boy Scouts. Troop 33, will attend the evening worship in a body. Alfred Blackburn, James Hulbert, Coleman Hyatt, Leonard Frey and Hansen Smith will lead the young people's meetings. The Church School staff will have a dinner meeting Monday. Follow ing the meeting the teachers and officers of the Junior and Senior Departments will meet in separate session. A missionary drama, ‘‘A Mission ary Treasure Chest," written by Mrs. S. Edward Widdifield, will be presented before the Woman’s So ciety on Wednesday. Mrs. Widdifield will be assisted in the presentation by Mrs. George Cook. Mrs. Edmund Fraser, Mrs. John O'Neill, and Mrs. Frank S. Ray. Luncheon will be served by the Makemie Group. On Wednesday evening the pastor will speak on. "The Environment of the Church " The Takterian Players will meet Thursday night. Lewis Memorial Methodist At the morning service the Rev. John A. Trader will preach on "The Marks of Discipleship.” Several per sons will be received into member snip, ine intermediate and Senior Christian Endeavor Societies will meet with the young peoples’ groups in the Brightwood Park Methodist Church at 6:45 p.m. There will be no evening service in this church. The congregation will be In a union serv ice with the Brightwood Park Church. The service tomorrow eve ning wrill conclude the two weeks of united effort in a “Life-Chang ing Crusade" campaign under the leadership of Mrs. Coretta J. Mason. £>pirilualtat Psychic Message Council House IIOO Twelfth Street Northwest Reading Room Open Daily for Prayer and Meditation Authorized and licensed practitioners available for individual development, prayer healing, private readings or spirit message seance at Council House. Advance Appointment Advisable Telephone Metropolitan A234. Message Meeting. Friday. ‘2 p.m. _ Deaconess De Long_in charge. MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIST Service. Sundav and at S p.m. H'allne and Consultation dally ic to 8 p m. Healing ear-h meeting 7 to S pm. DR. F t.. DONCEEL. Teacher. __1312 R._L Ave N.W. • MRS. ELISABETH MCDONALD—Message Service Thurs . 2:00 p.m . Apt. 5. 111B G. Cor. 12th N.W. Met. 3308. Readings by appointment._ • MRS. SUIT. P.Tchie Medium, hold, a me« «»ge circle Mon and Friday. 8 n m Advice on all affairs of life. 3423 Holmead PI. NW., between 1 nth and 14th St». at New ton. Gall Col. 0558-W for private reading. • LONGLEY !MEMORIAL 3423 Holmead Place N.W.. Cor. Newton St. Sunday, November 12. at 8 P.M. LECTIRE BY REV. D. J. CAVE. Messages bv Mrs. Eggers and Mrs. Suit. Message Service Wednesday at * P.M. _MRS. JEAN HAMPSON IN CHARGE. • Rev. Mrs. Carol E. McKinstry 1312 Gallatin 8t. N.W. at 8000 DIDCO mo at. . . Ordomed by the Intern'l General As'emblv at Svirttuallrti. 'Blessed ere they that moarn. for they shall be comforted." Matt. A.4. Message Meetings, Tnes. and Fri. Eves.. 8 n.m Pobllc welcome. All reached. Georgia gM3._•_ National ^piritnaliat Afionriation 1 K. Simmons. 1341 Newton St N.W Message Meetings every Thurs„ * P.M. Readings by Appt. Col, 4342. _ The First Spiritualist Church Services at the Psychic Center. 131 C Street N.E.. Sunday. S P.M. Lecture by the Pastor REV. ALFRED H. TERRY Subject: “DREAMS AND VISIONS” j Followed by Healing Service. Followed by Spirit Messages. Consultations. Phone Lincoln 1372.* Unity Spiritualist Church 1326 Mats. Avg. N.W. Sun.. 8:00 p.m.. Lecture by Rev. Harry P. Strack. Spirit Greetings by Rev. Ida E. Strack. Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Sim mons. Mid-week message service at 800 Pa. Ave. S.K. Thursday at 8.00 p.m. The Church of Two Worlds Hotel Continental PUzz Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs, Minister Sunday, 8 p.m., Address by the Minister Wednesday, 8 p.m. Message Service n PROPHETIC CONFERENCE— Dr. W. H. Rogers of the First Baptist Church, NeW York City, will address the pro phetic conference on Tuesday at the First Brethren Church. At 2:30 p.m. his subject will be “The Night, the Light and the Dawn” and at 8 p.m. “The Four End-Time Powers of Prophecy: Rome, Russia! Great Britain and Japan." These meetings are sponsored by the interdenominational Prophetic Conference Com mittee of Washington and are open to the public. _ ■ -■ y 1 ■ '“■■■ • - - ■— Dr. Blackwelder Plans Series of Sermons "What Are You Afraid Of?” is the subject at 8 p.m. at the Luth eran Church of the Reformation when Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder be gins a series of sermons. His gen eral theme is “Christ and Mental Health.” At 11 a m. he will speak on "How Shall We Think of God?” The Rev. Ralph W. Loew, assist ant pastor, will continue the series on “Great Ideas Bom in Troubled Days” at 8:30 am., when he will preach on "Squaring Life With God s Ways.” The Bykota Class will hold its annual banquet Wednesday at 6:45 o'clock in the fireside room. Dr, Rufus Weaver will be the guest speaker Thursday at 5:30 at the dinner meeting of the Business and Professional Women s Club. He will speak on "The Problem of Religious Freedom in the World Today.” St. Paul's Church To Stress Armistice At St. Paul s Church on Twenty third street, near Washington circle, the emphasis in music and sermon tomorrow will have to do with the armistice. The choir of men and boys, under the direction of Samuel sole, will provide patriotic airs. The Rev. Arlington A. McCallum will have for his subject "The Need of Armistice—Pilate and Herod Have Become Friends Together.” At 1 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Young People's Fellowship, followed by a service of solemn evensong and benediction at 8 p.m. GLtiriQtaMplfiatt THE~WASHINGTON ECCLESIA S S. 10:00 am. Service 11:00 a m. SOS Eve St. N.W. Public Invited. Christadelphian Chapel 7.V* Webster St. N.W * S. 10:10 a m. Freachinc* 11:10 a m. Public Invited. Dirnnr 8>ftenrr First Divine Science Chnrch Grafton Hotel. Conn. Avo. nt Do Inlet. 11:00 a.m.—"Prepare Ye." Thurr.i 8 p.m.—"Creative Spirit.” Bev. G. L. Pateb, Miniiter. llnttg &rl|ool New Colonial Hotel, 1.3th at M 8t. N.W. 11:00 a m.—"Flrat Things First.* Wed., 8 p.m.—"Stumbling Blocks.* Unity Books for Sale. Tel. DI. 3136. William Groff, Soloist. Margaret Ann Feldt, Speaker. * (Eijrifitiatt &rtrnrr First Church of Christ Scientist EAST FALLS CHURCH VA. At Little Fall. Street Station i Sunday Service, and Sunday School 11 AM Wednesday Services 8 PM. Readini Room at 3118 Wilson S|vd. Arlington Va. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Alexandria Va Georse Mason Hotel, Sanday Service and Sunday School. 11 a.aa. Wednesday Service, 8 p.m Public Cordially Invited. Reading_Room. 110 8. Washington __8t Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd and Euclid St. Second Church of Christ Sciential 111 C St NX. Third Church of Chriat Sciential l.'ltb and L Sta. N.W. Fourth Church of Chriat Sciential 16th and Oak Sta. N.W. SUBJECT: “MORTALS AND IMMORTALS” SERVICES— Duuuaj 11 n.m atiu o r .am. Sunday 8chool—11 A.M._ WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING— 8 o'clock. RADIO PROGRAMS SUNDAYS 10:45 AM.. 8TATION WJ8V SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS 12:45 P.M., STATION WRC. READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St N.W. Hours 9 to 9 (excep WEDNESDAYS, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays, 2:30 to 5:30) SECOND CHURCH—111 C St N.E. Hours, 12 to 5:30 p.m week days. 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH — C o 1 o r a d« Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:31 and Sundays and holidays, : to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Riggs Banl Bldg., 3300 14th St., 9 to 9 weel days; Wednesdays. 9:30 to 7 Sundays. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m Holidays. 2:30 to 5:30 pjn AD IT* w>tHU ao attend our efcereA terete** and km oar raadtnf footu. 'Armistice Echoes' Is Sermon Subject Of Dr. Buschmeyer Peace Worship Service Will Be Held at Mount Pleasant Church “Armistice Echoes” is the subject of the Rev. Dr. Fred Sherman Buschmeyer, minister of the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church, to morrow at 11 a.m. The Chorus will sing de Koven’s “Recessional" and “A Song of Peace” from "Finlandia” by Sibelius. The Adult Forum group is studying the literary and his torical backgrounds of the Bible at 9:30 a.m. The Intermediate and Senior De partments of all Congregational Churches in the city will partici pate in a worship service on Peace at Mount Pleasant at 10 a.m. The high school forum will leave the church at 5:30 pm. for a meet ing of the Pilgrim Fellowship at People’s Congregational Church. The 20-40 Club will hold the sixth and final session of the Youth Peace Seminar at 7:30, in co-oper ation with the Washington Youth Council. Fred Libby, president of the National Council for Prevention v/i »»ni, wii* njjcniv un wimi xviliu of a Peace—What Kind of a World.” Pour members, the Misses Phyllis McCloud and Miss Agnes Irwin, and Dan Carney and Arthur Hacking, will speak to the points raised by Mr. Libby’s discussion. The Brotherhood of Service in vites all men of the congregation to a buffet supper Tuesday at 6:15 o'clock. Dr. D. Butler Pratt will lead the third meeting of the Thursday eve ning series “This Is Our Heritage,” speaking on “Education and Theo logical Contributions of Congrega tionalism.” Washington Retreat League The members of St. Jerome’s Church, Hyattsville, Md. will at tend their annual Day of Recollec tion at the Washington Retreat House, 4000 Harewood road N.E.. un der the auspices of the Washington Retreat League. The retreat master will be the Rev. Edwin G. Kaiser, C. PP. S.. a member of the Fathers of the Pre cious Blood Community located at Charlottesville, Va. He has as the general theme of his conferences “Christ, with Emphasis on the Priesthood of St. Peter; Christ in his Mystic Body, the Church." Mrs. Harrs- c. Lohman, Team captain for St. Jerome's Church, has assisting her. Mrs. Joseph Munroe, Mrs. Carrie Borden. Mrs. Leo Kelly, , Mrs. Edwin Norris and Mrs. Paul Gleis. _ Unitarian_ ALL SOULS’ CHURCH Sixteenth and Harvard Street* Minister ULYSSES G. & PIERCE. D. O. — , 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morninp Worship. “THE FAITH THAT FORTIFIES.” 5:00 p.m.—Communion Service. 7:30 p.m—Motion Picture Hour. "THE CITADEL.” a=r_—'■ erutl| ^rruirra VIRGINIA NEUHAUSEL Founder and Director Universal School of Troth Author and Teacher of THE SCIENCE BEYOND THE RADIO Speaki in two inspiring talks Sunday, November 12 8PM 1 IS TRUTH A RELIGION OR A SCIENCE? Monday, November 13, t P.M. A Special Lessen using blackboard and diagrams Proving Your God-Given-Dominion HAMILTON HOTEL Chantilly Room Public Heallnr Service Every Friday Nlrht. a P.M. at Universal School of Trnth 303 Insurance Bid*., 007 I Mil St. N W. 1 • | Keystone Lessons in Truth “The Way of the Silence” Individual Instruction Only. Dr. Gertrude Sheckells 1848 Col. Rd. N.W. (Philoeopher of Troth) Phone Ad. ARAB CHRISTIAN 1 Ninth fctrrrt 9th A D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE. Minister. WM. GEO. ORAM, Assistant 8:30 s.m.—Bible School 11:00 s.m.—Sermon. “The Power . ef Lore,’’ Clifford R. Jope. 7:45 p.m.—Sermon. “How Did God Moke Man?” Clifford H. Jope. National CCtlg Thomas Circle. RAPHAEL H. MILLER, IVAN H. DUGAN, Ministers 8:45 s.m.—Bible School. 10:50 a m.—Morning Service. “Giv ing Oureelves Kith." Or. Miller. 0:30 p.m.—Voting People'* Meeting. Hark Hirai 627 Park Road N.W. ) J. LLOYD BLACK. Minister. . 11:00 a.m.—“Dwelling In Cnltr." j 8:00 p.m.—“Withered Hands.” (Columbia 1435 Park Road N.W. Arthur P. Wilson, Minister 11:00 a m —“God In Habakknk.” 7:30 p.m.—Evening Forum. Adult Topic. “The Casa* ef Jesus.” •k THJS REV. OSCAR ANDREW UYDEN. Students 25 Years Ago To Celebrate Reunion The Rev. Oscar Andrew Hyden, minister of the Calvary Evangelical Church, Mohnton, Pa., will be the guest preacher at John Wesley A. M. E. Zion Church on Sunday. The occasion will be a reunion of the guest preacher and the pastor, Dr. 3tephen Gill Spottswood, after near ly a quarter of a century. The two ministers were fellow students at Albright College 25 years ago. He is a trustee of Albright Col lege, a contributing editor to his de nominational weekly, the "Evan gelical Messenger.” He was edu cated at Albright College, Franklin and Marshal College and the Lu theran Theological Graduate School. The Rev. Mr. Hyden's morning subject is, "What Is Your Life?” and at night, "The Seeking Shep herd." First Spiritualist. "Dreams and Visions" is the sub ject of the lecture by the Rev. Alfred H. Terry, to be followed by a healing and message service Sun- i day, 8 p.m., at 131 C street N.E. AkaHlfir fcrtrnrr ! §■■ AKASHIC SCIENCE*i| ■ little THEATER. 9 Above E N-W.B ■■■address. SUN . 11 AMBpg ^fttlfrofllal Aaambltea of (Sob - j The Full Gospel Tabernacle 915 Mass. Ave. N.W. Rev. C. S. Tubby of Canada speaks each week niQht of 7:45, except Saturday. Sunday—II o'clock and 7:45. What does the future hold for— The Jewish people, the Dictators, the Nations, the Church? Whet are we to expect in the near future—is the Anti-Christ soon to appear? Hear Rev. Tubby in these timely subjects! Everybody Welcome B. t. MAHAN, Pastor Preaching the Cross in Heart of Nation's Capital Bethel Tabernacle N. Capitol and K Sts. Bible School. 0:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.. Mornlnr Worship. 7:30 p.m.. Ivanaellatir 7:43 p.m.. Toes., "Christ Ambassadors " I :<*n p.m.. Thar.. Pastlna and Prarer. 7:43 n m . Frl.. Pentecost. The Friendly Church. HARRY V. SCHAEFFER. PASTOR UUtljo&iHt aunuAi 3 P.M. hoar NATHAN COHEN BESKIN the Converted RuBtian JEW TELL THE STORY OF HIS LIFE AHD WHY HE IS A CHRISTIAN SEE HIM in hit tacredotal robot, in cluding 'THE HEM OF THE GARMENT" at worn by Chritt. SUNDAY 8 P.M. "Going Down!" The Tragedy af the World Monday 8 P.M. “Sif n* and Lying Wonder*” —a visit te the falx ealts, an* what I saw Every night at S p.m. marvelous prophecy-stirring evangelism by the author of the tract, 'The Mark •f the Boast," and other book* which etirrod tho world. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Fret Methodist Church 12th and N Stt. N.W. WALKER MAYFIELD, PASTOR Phono Dl. 72S7 Dr. Boss to Preach At Hamline Church Tomorrow Dr. Burgan Will Start Series of Sermons In Evening The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Boss, Jr., executive secretary of the Metho dist General Conference Commis sion on World Peace, will be the guest preacher at Hamline Metho dist Church tomorrow at 11 am. Dr. H. W. Burgan will begin a se rf* of sermons at 8 p.m. on the New Testament book. “First Thes salonians.” Prof. Charles H. Omo will ad dress the Brotherhood Bible Class at 9:45 am. on ‘‘Putting God's Kingdom First.” At 6 p.m. the Junior Hi-League will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson. At the same time the High School League will start the first of four programs on "The Significance of Christian Symbolism.” Galal Kema han will be the worship leader. The Epworth League will hold a fellow ship tea at 5:30, followed by a so- ; cial. At 6:45 the league will intro- j duce the first of a series of three evening programs on "Christian i (Efjurrlf of (Clfrifit 14th St. Church of Christ 3460 14th St. N.W. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—"Pleasing God." 8:00p.m.—"Heartfelt Religion." Hugo McCord, Loral Evangelist. (Eongrrgatimtal ifouth Building the New Home." rhe special topic tomorrow night - will be “Individual Preparation for' the New Home,” with the Rev. Daniel W. Justice of Govan’s , Methodist Church, Baltimore, aa; the spealter. Miss Amber Moult will be the worship leader. , The Official Board will meet to morrow night. "Mexico—Land of Enchantment," by Lowell Thomas, and sound mov ing picture of Mexico, will be given Wednesday night. On Friday night the young peo ple will produce the play "Peg o’ My Heart." The following will be the cast: Teddy Kinsey, Howard Stingle, Helen Stevens, Thomas . Owen, Dorothy Shepherd, Eric Peterson, Dwight Ellis, Willaim Huntley and Rita Peterson. It will be directed by Vivian Yeager. 3Fritttdfl FRIENDS- MEETING-(ORTHODOX) 13th and Irving limit N.W 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 am— Meetings for worship. All welcome. Friends Meeting of Washington (Established 1030—2111 Florida Are.) Meetini for Worship First Day iSunda»> at II am Sunday school 0.45 a.m. All Interested are welcome_ QUiristian Sc missionary Allianrr MISSIONARY CONVENTION. Alliance Goipel Tabernacle 5711 Georgia Ave. N.W. Special Missionary Service Tonight W'ith Picture* From PALESTINE. Sun., 10:45 am.. Rev. F B Miller. Y P. 7 p m Mrs L. K. Irish. 7..10 p m.. Great CloMng Rally. (Eonyrryatinnal MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1410 Columbia Road Fred Sherman Buschmeyer, Minister 11 00 AM “ARMISTICE ECHOES” U\ CHURCH ,0,h*--, N W X d l vXl via vlX Howard Stone Anderson Walter G. Bore her*, Jr. 11:00 A.M. A Diamond Jubilee Event. A 75th Annivertary Feature DR. DWIGHT J. BRADLEY of NEW YORK CITY Author of “The Recovery of Religion.” prize-winning poet, distinguished preacher with former pastorates in Webster Groves, Mo.. Newton Centre and Boston. Mass., and present Executive Director of the Council for Social Action of the Congregational denomination, guest preacher on the topic: “The Faith of the Fathers Is Living Still” 8:00 P.M. The Reverend Frederick J. Bishop of ! j Longmeadow, Mass. Guest preacher in co-operation with Ingram Church. A Cappella Choir of 60 Singi at Both Sunday Servicei j SajrtiBt IBaptiat 11— ggg=g^— I SECOND | 17th and East Capitol St* n Rev. H. M. B Jones. D D. | j Preaching hr Rct. R. T. Dodge 4', of Alexandria. 9 30 a m.—Bible School a 11 00 a.m.—"Something You Will Never f , Forget.” I 8 00 p m —"We Are Our Own Builder* " Revival Meetln* Every Evening at 7.45 Until Friday. Rev. Dodre Preaching. CENTENNIAL 7th and t Streets N.E. Wilson Holder( Pastor. 9:30—Bible School. 11:00 AM. “The Doorkeeper*” 6:4A—Baptlit Training Union. 8:00 P.M. “The Wanderer” Thursday at *:00 p.m.—Prayar and Whir Study Meetln*. 1 Prayar tar tha Sick at Each Barrie*. WEST WASHINGTON 31st and N Street! N.W CHARLES B. AVSTIN. Pastor. Worship 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. METROPOLITAN . Sixth and A Sts. N.E. Jehn Compton Boll, D. D. 1 Sermon, by Assistant Pastor BET. ROBERT CARLTON SATAGE. MORNING AT ELEVEN: “Christ—Our Mercv Seat” EVENINO AT SEVEN FORTY-FIVE ORGAN PRELUDE at 7:35. : J “Almost Perfect— S But Rejected” INSPIRATIONAL SONG SERVICE AND BAPTI8MAL SERVICE » no a.m.—Bible School—classes for all aces: A:30 pm—Five Yount People's Societies: Thursday, 7:4S p.m.—Prayer Meetln* Como to tho Church That Glow*, j Goo* and Grow* Continually temple” Itreet* N.FF. MINISTER. RANDOLPH L. GREG.ORY. 9-7to a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Faith of the World.” 8:00 p.m.—*‘84ar» Over Blackout." DVTWftDTU *th A Randolph SK I L 1 T? Ul\ 1 fl Rev. H. J. Smith. Pa*tor 11:00 a.m.—"Two Churches." Men and Mission* 8:00 pm—"The Critical Conflict.” B. Y. P. U. Night. 1 9:45 a.m.—Bible School. 7:00 p.m.-B. Y. P. U. Organized Classe* for Men and Women. Welcome. N.E Corner of N. Canltol and $ Rices Road :30 am—S 8 ft 45 p m—B Y F TT 1 no a.m —Sermon by Dr R W Weaver, Executive Secy . Baptist Convention. Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Ave. N.E. W. A. Emmant, Pa*tor We Pre.eb J Chrltt 1 caminc AfaJn 11:00 a.m. "The Christian'* Altar.” 8:00 pm. | “World Peace— How? When?” Every Saturday Evening at 7:45 Young People's Meeting ; GRACE 9tb snd South Carolina Are. 8.E. PASTOR. F. W. JOHNSON P 30 am.—Bible School. Classes for All. 1:00 am.—Anniversary Sermon Sub ject. ' From the First Day T'ntil Now.” ! 7:45 pm.—The Capital City Choir Will Give a Musical Service. Dr. Seth Rogers Brooks Will Preach ! ft 45 p m—B Y P. U ‘3 Groups‘. jj Prayer Meet'ng Thursday at ft Paste- Would Like to Greet All th« Friends of These 33 Years. < IFTH E N<?ar 7th Sl s w A n j. E. Brigg*. Pastor. 1:00 a m.—Dr Gordon Palmar of Phila delphia preaching. “The Joy of Discovery.” [ 7:45 pm.—Dr Talmer preaching. “Say ing a Lost World.” 1 9:30 s m—S S Prof Sorrell teaching ’he Berea Class Dr Browne, the Barara Deacon Tune, the Phila’hea ft 30 p m—B T XT Playlet. “An After noon With Bill Smith. Can vasser.” 'hurs . ft c m —Devotional Program Fo' 'w-ed by Annual Business Meeting of the hurch. vangelist* Stockton and Gould Our Guests Next Sunday. KENDALL 9th Near Independence Aye. 8.W. Len Franklin Stevens, Minister. 1:00 a.m.— “The Goodness of the Earth.'* 8:00 p m.—“Precious Promises.*• 'A YAM A Piney Branch Road AAUIrlA a Aspen St. N.W. | l:OOa.m.—“The Seen and lTnseen.'* 7:45 pm.—“Believing You Have Life.** William E. La Rue, Pastor. ^:hevy chase W’estern Are.. W. of Circle. Rev Edward O. Clark. Pastor. | 9:45 a.m.—Church School Session. : 1:00 a m —^Loyalty Sunday. “The Gift Become Sacred.” I 8:00 pm.—Bible Motion Pictures, **In the Temple.” Welcome! 8th and H Sts. N.W. REV. W. S. ABERNETHY, Minister Rev. E. H. Tuller, Assistant 11 A M —“CAN WE STILL BE MISSIONARY MINDED?" 8 P.M.—“ARMISTICE DAY AND SHATTERED DREAMS" 9:^0—Sunday School. 6:30—Young People's Groups. 7:45—Organ Recial—Thomas Moss. r I n C T 16th and 0 Streets N.W. lIKj I EDWARD HUGHES PRUDEN, Pastor 11 a.m.—“The Fellowship of the Tempted"—Dr. Pruden. 8 p.m. —“Are Yon Having Any Fun?”—Dr. Pruden. Come to Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; B. Y. P. U., 6:45 p.m.; Swedish services. 3:30 p.m., Dr. K. E. Carlson preaching Scandinavian Mission Festival, Monday, Nov. 13, 8 p.m. with principal address by J. D. Broman of Cromwell, Conn. V A & ray 8 I Are. and 2nd St. N.W. M. P. GERMAN. Minister. Kl* I H Y 11 :nn e.m.—“A Profound Rrllrion." S:00 p m.—“The Repellent Christ." The Men’e Bible Cless Invites Ton to Rear Horace Stevenson Glvs a Practical Interpretation of the Lesson. Rational baptist memorial 16th St. and Columbia Road N.W. Gove G. Johnson, Paator. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor Twenty-fifth Anniversary Services of the Pastorate of Dr. Johnson 9:45 a.m.—Bible School Anniversary Session. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Service, with Sermon, "Not By Measure." By the Pastor. The Lord's Supper. 8:00 pm.—“The Servant of the Lord." Sermon by the Assistant Pastor. Young People's Symposium. “What My Pastor Means to Me.” Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Auditorium Service and Reception. Thursday. 8 p.m.—Church Family Prayer Service