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First Aid For the Ailing House By ROGER B. WHITMAN. Question—Where two sections arc Joined in a long radiator the joint persistently leaks. It was repaired several times with iron cement as it lav on its side, but after it is in position the leak reanpears. due, I suppose, to a “swavback" sag caused by the length. Is there any internal cement that might serve the pur pose? Answer—There is no efficient in ternal cement. Have you tried spreading the iron cement around the joint, then covering it with a metal band, the ends drawn up tight with a bolt? Another method is to cover the joint with the cement and wind a layer of soft iron or brass wire over the soft cement to force the cement into the leak. Tie the ends of the wire by twisting. A center support under the radiator will help. Titanium. Question—What are the advan tages and disadvantages of titanium in paint. Answer—'Titanium is very opaque and has great hiding powers: this and its whiteness explain its ad vantages. Bv itself, however, it is too soft, and in use is usually mixed with oxide of zinc. Pipe Noises. Question—We have been bothered considerably by wall noises caused by the expansion and contraction of the steam pipes when the oil burner goes off and on. Can any thing be done to overcome this con dition? Answer—Pipe in contact with floor Joists or sections of wall usually causes this condition. Your only remedy is to eliminate this friction. This, of course, means locating the troublesome spots and moving the pipe or shaving off some of the joists to eliminate contact with the pipe. Fuel Savings. A correspondent writes—“We in stalled a boiler and oil burner com bination and during the first winter had the attic floor filled with rock wool. Immediately there was a beneficial difference and less fuel used. The next summer rock wool was blow-n into the four walls. Then we added two rooms and now have eight. Our fuel bill for heat and year-round hot water averages $75 a year. Of course, we have storm sash on all windows and doors. North and west windows are weather stripped. As you often stated, one must have all of these to get satis factory results.” An efficient heating system plus Insulation, etc., will always bring about satisfactory results. Porch Floor Punishment. Question—What can I use on the w-ood floor of my porch that takes a lot of punishment from mv chiJ dren? Their shoes take up all the grit from the yard and the lots. Paint does not seem to fill the bill. Answer—A good sized cocoa mat at the foot of the porch steps will help to remove the grit from the soles of the children’s shoes. No paint or varnish will withstand the “sandpaper action" of the grit and dirt on the soles of a shoe. Staining Mahogany. Question—I have a mahogany ta ble which I should like to stain a chestnut color, but have been told that the mahogany color Will bleed through. Would wood bleach pre vent this bleeding? Answer—You should first remove the present finish down to the bare u-ood and then bleach the red ma hogany color out of the wood. This can be done very well with a pre --- , pared bleaching liquid. Or you can use a hot, saturated solution of oxalic acid as a bleach. When the wood is bleached there is little pos sibility of bleeding. Do not try this method on a veneered surface, as the liquids w'ould probably loosen the veneer. New Heating System Question—My 40-year-old frame house was heated with hot-air heat. I intend to put in a new steam heating plant, but am undecided whether to put in oil or coal. I have been told that I must first make sure that the chimney is lined its entire length with tile pipe be fore installing the new boiler. How can I find out about this? Is a coal stoker operated by electricity cheaper than oil heat? Answer—Your local heating con tractor should be able to examine the chimney and advise you of its condition. Or with the help of a mirror and flashlight you can find out about the chimney lining your self. Insert the mirror through the clean-out door or through the smokepipe opening setting the glass at such an angle that the full length of the flue will be reflected. A stoker operated heating plant may be less expensive to operate than oil, al though you must consider that ashes _ will have to be handled. The equip ment cost will be about the same. Subduing Noise. Question—How can I make a flush tank noiseless? Answer—Some outflts are natural ly noisy, and nothing ca- be done about it. In others, however, the sound can be cut down by replacing the tank mechanism with a design that is more modern. Walnut-Veneered Beds. Question—I have walnut-veneered beds which have developed a white stain on the headboard. The var nish has worn off, and when any one rests on the bed pillows against the headboard, the pillowcase sticks to the veneer. How can I remove this condition, and restore the fin ish? Answer—The pillowcase will not ordinarily stick to a wood surface which is free of varnish. The white stain on the headboard may have been caused by perspiration or some hair preparation. Try wiping the stains with turpentine. If this does not remove it, refinishing is advis able. Odor of Medicine. Question—In a small drawer of an antique commode, which I bought and refinished, there is a strong odor of medicine or disin fectant, which resists all cleaning and deodorizing agents. Can you give me any suggestions? Answer—Try the simple method of sunshine and air. Place the drawer out in the open air for the entire day. Another method that ma^be successful, is to coat; the inside and outside of the drawer with two coats of varnish or shellac. Dutch Wooden Shoe. Question—I saw some lamps for a boy's room made from imitation Dutch shoes, with a parchment shade in the shape of a sail. I have a real wooden shoe, more than 30 years old. It is considerably black ening with dust. How can I bleach the wood before polishing and wax ing? Answer—Remove as much of the dirt as possible by rubbing with sandpaper of a medium coarseness. Wipe with benzine; being careful of fire. If the wood is stained, you can bleach it by applying a hot saturated solution of oxalic acid. Leave the bleach on over night. The following day, rinse with plenty of clear water. When the wood has dried, rub with fine sandpaper; then wipe off the dust with benzine and finish as desired. r Owen Heads Realty Membership Group Thornton W. Owen has beer named chairman of the Member ship Committee of the Washingtor Real Estate Board, according t< Fred A. Smith, recently electee president of the organization. Co-operating with Mr. Owen or this committee are: L. F. Colbert of Brodie and Colbert, Inc , S. Dolar Donohoe of John F. Donohoe & Sons, A. C. Houghton of E. Quincj Smith, Inc., James T. Knight o: Lawyers Title Insurance Co. of Richmond, Nathan Poole of the American Co., James A. Sullivan, Jr. of Sullivan Bros., DeVere R. Weeden of J. C. Weedon Co., P. Latimer Barkley of J. Dallas Grady & 8on, Henry C. Cryer of C. W. Simpson Co., Inc., R. G. Koenig & J. Leslie Watson, both of Boss and Phelps. At the organization meeting held last month approval was given to the application of J. Vincent O’Hare, trading as O'Hare Estates, which application was later ap proved by the Board of Directors. Living Room Treatment For a living room which is the last word in comfort, blue and cream are chosen for decoration. The walls, painted a light ivory tan, are com plemented by the delft blue of the couch upholstery, the deep blue and white armchairs and the textured blue carpet. The furniture, modern in design, is of bleached maple and includes—besides the chairs—a min iature piano, desk, coffee and side table with deep couches. One large club chair is covered witn a la irel green fabric. Occasional cushions are vermilion and the dishes on the coffee table are vermilion to match. 4 MONTGOMERYg HILLS FOREST PH Homes of Character ||| !?!S Exhibit Home— St? m 1508 SEMINARY ROAD Silver Spring, Md. Furnished by Hutchison, Inc.— jf®| Draped by Lifon 1 s6,950 up I 81 Beautiful New Homes in a 8888 SB charming woodland setting at Wi rag high elevation. Of center-hall SB plan, the exhibit home has A ^ rag spacious rooms; hardwood floors gra MB throughout; built-in garage; con- SB Mg Ptr plumbing and flashings; gag gsBk screened, weather-stripped and HK BB insulated; Colonial mantel; near m «H schools, stores and churches; gag Mg lAth street bus passes door. §fg gagg 9Pp M daily *rom 10 A.M. to a 1^S ^ Drive out Georgia Ave. past BBS « traffic light in Silver Spring ggg Mg about mile. Left on Semi- MB Ess narv^Rd. (at business center) -■■■)' I WAPLE & JAMES, INC. I jBg| 8133 Geo. Ave. ^^^Silvtr Spring ||||| I BY OWNER I i Only $10,500 I A new home, corner Po tomac Avenue and New- | j ark St. N.W., overlooking Chain Bridge and river. Facing proposed National Scenic Boulevard. 6 rooms, 3 baths, 1 large bedroom and bath on first floor. 2-car garage, rec reation room. Furnished by Hutchison’s W. C. KREMKAU Emerson 5163 - 1852 A IN SILVER STAR HOME—A view of the attract! ve den in the eighth Silver Star Home of the year, located at 3514 Inverness drive, Rock Creek Park Village, Md. The home enters the third week of its 30-day exhibition period tomorrow. —Star Staff Photo. Just Completed TIFUL NEW HOMES LOCATED IN ONE : WASHINGTON'S MOST DESIRABLE AND CONVENIENT SECTIONS IBIT HOME-5411 41st ST. N.W. •amber our pric* it right and farms can ba arranged. estor who realizes environment is one of the most im parts of his purchase will appreciate the exceptionally :ation of these new homes, in one of the city's most close-in neighborhoods. Every convenience is at hand, nes meet highest specifications throughout. Six spacious, j re rooms, three colored tiled baths, recreation room— tractive and spacious—automatic oil heat, complete in , furred walls. High fenced-in lot to paved alley m today and compare with others you have seen cr To Reach: Out Conn. Ave. to Military Road, west ? on Military Road to list Street and houses. For Bmtt.r Hammt 7 15th Sf. hJ.W. Rap. 2340 1716 Taylor St. N.W. Adjoining ROCK CREEK PARK HARRY BLAKE Owner New house at exceptional value, built nndet the owner's personal sapervi slon. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, larte rec reation room, larce heated attic room, tVrstinchonse oil burner, air-eondt tloninx heatlnx system for Winter and Summer nse. Open Day and Evening See Your Brokor for Prico and Taints _ _ Price Redacad to $8,650 5928 Broad Branch ! Rd. N.W. Chevy Chase, D. C. Reconditioned Like New A detached brick corner home of English design in the better part of Chevy Chase, near the Circle. 2 tremen dous bedrooms, 'large living room and dining room, nice kitchen with elec, refrigera tor, built-in garage. j Open Sunday 10 to 6 FRANK S. PHILLIPS 927 15th N.W. Dl. 1411 Distinctive and Individual NEW BRICK Colonials I' " .. —jnnuMLr1 —i *—■ »'-■■■ III Nearby Bethesda, Md. 7102 Stratford Road Prices $9,750 to $10,450 3 and 4 Bedrooms * 2 Baths A community of new detached homes, each individually planned and artistically designed, appealing and perfectly appointed, having large den on 1st floor, porches, attic.-completely equipped kitchens, oil heat and detached garages. Astounding Values—Ideally Located Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to Bank of Bethesda. left on Old Georoe town Rd. to Wilson Lane, then left to Stratford Rd. and homes. Open Today and Sunday L. T. Gravatte I 729 15th St. Realtor. NAtional 0753 Fully Detached De Luxe Homes, $9,950 HOMES FOR WHICH YOU WOULD EXPECT TO PAY $11,500 One Sold • 6 Large Rooms • Air Conditioned • Copper Gutters, Water • 21/2 Baths • Extra Large Kitchen Pipes, Flashings and ip • 2 Fireplaces • Venetian Blinds Downspouts • Recreation Room • Insulated • Near Schools SAMPLE HOUSE, 4312 SOUTH DAKOTA AVE. N.E., BROOKLAND _Farniahad By Hilda N. Millar WALTER VON HERBULIS 1126 VERMONT AVE. NATIONAL 2930 (These JVetv Homes Have Created 'A Sensation—And They Should! | More Than 25 Sold Before Completion *10,450 $9,450 4515 44th St. N.W. Beautifully furnished by HOWARD 8. HEID. TO REACH: Out Mass. Ave. to 48th 8t . north on 48th 8t to Albemarle, east on Albemarle to 44th. turn north '/a block to home. S81R „„ cAvn,“: "A LOOKING FOR A COMPLETE HOME? See These Houses Silver Spring, Maryland Model House (Completely farniehed by The Hecht Company.) 692 Montgomery Ave. New Detached Brick $7,950 1 Financed ta suit you. 6 large well arranged rooms, 3 extra large bedrooms, recreation room, other features include outo | matic heat, slate roof, fully screened, including screened porch, furred walls, insulated roof, weath erstripped, caulked, fully equipped kitchen, all street improvements in and paid for. Convenient to schools, churches, 1 block to St. Michael's Parochial School, 3 blocks to shopping center. To Benc/l Out Georgia Are. (n Stlrer Spring turn right on Mont- , 1 gomerv Ave. (at House A Herrmann I . , Furniture Store) 2 blocks. You wtU see our Han. . . WAPLE k JAMES, INC : 8463 CmtiIi Are., Silrer Sprtaf. ! Shepherd 8200. --- ID Exhibit Home 6806 Denton Rd., Edgemoor, Md. I Your Lost Chance to Buy on This Popular Street I* 6 Rooms • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Tiled Baths • Pine Paneled Den • Detached Garage • Sun Deck • Screened Porch • Full Basement with Lavatory and Laundry • Quiet May Oil Burner • Convenient to every thing • Just an easy drive from downtown • A short walk from the Bethesda shopping center • 2 blocks from rapid transportation • Near good schools • Adjacent to the Edge moor Country Club vspen i oaay or uauy TO REACH: Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to Bank of Bethesda, sharp left on Edgemoor Lane, 5 blocks to Denton Road, left to houses. M. X. STONE r tUestover ■ 1 4 P/annerf Development just off beautiful Mount Vernon Boulevard, between * fl Washington and Alexandria—of over 200 modern brick homes of unequalled value surrounded by beautifully planted parkways and shrub islands. % I Buy Today-Move in Tomorrow-No Bed Tape! No Delay! 1 *490 THAT’S ALL I I No Settlement or Title Expense to Purchaser | $33.45 PER MONTH Including 5% Interest and Principal I Exhibit Home-1202 POWHATAN ST.-Open Daily 1 M ' ★ 15 Minutes t® Downtown Washington-10c Bus Para * Tiled Bath—With Shower * Furred Well* j| 11 ★ 5 Large Rooms ★ Convenient to Everything + Psved Streets ® / j|<(X * Hot W,,,r Hwt ★ Plenty of Closet Space * Concrete Alley % ★ Oil Burner ★ All Improvements in and * fc 9 Paid for 1§1 i§ ffl I/R\ ★ Peek Wool Insulation ■ 9 -B* vttmjriiAuiii/ito " . V (4 Inches) S E ^jH || ^mslcKT FOXeROFT. lie. j| i f >