Newspaper Page Text
Dratfjii ARNOLD. ECGFNF FRANCIS. On Wed nesday. November 15. 1969. at Georgetown University Hospital. EUGENE F. ARNOLD of 1663 31st st n.w., father of Mrs. Cecelia Woods Draper. Burnham Woods Arnold and Fllrabeth Bavne Arnold. Notice of funeral later. 16 BARBER. CLIFFORD WINDSOR. On Monday. November 16. 1969. at Reading Hospital. Pa.. CLIFFORD WINDSOR BAR BER. aged 2.8 years. He is survived by his wife. Nona May Hawkins Barber: his father. F H. Rarber of Laytonsville. Md.; six brothers and two sisters. Funeral services Thursday. November 16. at 2 n m.. at the M. F Church. Laytons ville. Md Interment church cemetery. BECKER. LEONORA L. On Tuesday. November 14. 1969. LEONORA L. BECKER, beloved wife of James J. Recker. Funeral from her late residence. 1867 Lamonl st. n.w. on Fridav. November 17, at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 16 BOTTS. FDW1N T. Suddenly, on Mon day. November 13. 1969. EDWIN T. BOTTS of 1801 Roseriale st. n.e . beloved husband of the latp Betty E Botts and father of Walter. William and Clarence Botts and Mrs Marian Dean of Baltimore. Md Funeral from the Wm. H. Sarrio & Co. funeral chaDel, 412 H st n.e.. on Thursday. November 16. at 2 Dm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. CARVIN. WILLIAM. On Monday. No vember 16. 1969. at his residence. 768 50th st. n.e WILLIAM CARVIN (retired Pull jnan porteri. beloved husband of Willie Carvin Many other relatives and friends also survive him. Remains resting at, the Henry S. Washington A Sons funeral home, 4925 Deane ave. n.e TTunofol ThurcHov Vnviimh/ir Irt of 1 -.1(1 Pm from Tabernacle Baptist Church. Division ave. and Gay st n.e. Interment Harmony Cemeterv. CLARKSON, HARRY F. On Monday. November 13. 1039 HARRY E. CLAR SON. beloved father of Mrs. Helen Guest, brother of Mrs. Cecelia Randolf. Remains resting at Chambers' funeral home. i4no Charm st. n.w.. until 8:30 am. Thursday. November 10. Mass at St Alovsius Church at 0 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery 15 COBBS, PHILIP HENRY On Tuesday. November 14. 19.39. PHILIP HENRY COBBS, beloved brother of Nathaniel Cobbs and Mrs. l.eanora Perrv of New York City, brother-in-law of Mrs. Frances Cobbs He also leaves other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by \V Frnest Jarvis. COLE. JOHN W. neDarted this life Sat urday. November II. 1939, at Gallinger Hospital. JOHN W. COLF. He leaves to mourn a lovmc wife. Mamie Cole: one aunt. Ana Washington, other relatives and a host of fripnds. Remains resting at the Rarnes & Mat thews funeral home. ‘>14 4th st.. s.w.. where funeral services will he held Thursday. No vember 18. at 1 pm.. Rev. Dudley officiat ing. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. COLF, CYRENCS. On Tuesday. Novem ber 14. 1939. at the residence of his nephew. Francis 4 Cole, 8307 33rd st. n.w CYRENUS COLE. Services and interment. Pella. Iowa. COLVIN. BENJAMIN J. On Monday. November 13. 1939. at Emergency Hospital. BENJAMIN J. COLVIN, beloved husband cf the late Isabelle T. Colvin. Funeral services will be held at the Zurhorst funeral home. 301 Fast Capitol st.. on Thursday, November 18, at 10:30 a m. Interment private. COOPER. ROS'A. Officers and members of Wilhne Helpers’ Association are hereby notified of thp death of our late sister. Mrs. ROSA COOPFR. and are reouested to at tend the funeral on Thursday. November ]8 1939. at 1 pm from First Baptist Church. *27th st and Dumbarton ave. n.w. JOSEPHINE BUTLER. President. BEATRICE R. RICHARDSON. Rec. Sec. CUNNINGHAM. LT. COMDR. JAMES JOSEPH. On Mondav. November 13. 1939. ar Thp United States Naval Hospital. Lt. Comdr JAMES JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM United States Naw. beloved husband of Katherine K. Cunningham and father of Carol Joan Cunningham. Remains resting at Chambers' funeral home 517 llth st s.e . until Thursday. November 18. af 10 30 a m : thence to Fort Mver Chapel, where mass will be of fered at 11 am Interment Arlington National Cemetery tCharleston. S. C.. Norfolk Va.. and Long Beach, Calif., pa pers please ropy.) 15 DEVLIN. ELIZABETH L. On Wednes day November J 5, 1939. at her residence. 4535 Avondale st.. Bethesda. Md.. FLIZA •DrTU T nrvt T\T Kn 1 ^ -nnl fian r, f Mary A and the latp Andrew L. Devlin. Funeral from the above residence on Friday. November IT. at 9:30 a m : thence to rhe Church . of Our Lady of Lourdes, where mass will be offered at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 DOMER. CHARLES S. D. On Monday. November 13. 10:45 p m . at Emer gencv Hospital. Cacr CHARLES S. D. DOMEP brother of Mrs. Eulalie Rheem Rowe and Harry T. Domer. Remains rest ing a: Hvsong’s funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w. i Mr. Charles S. D Domer was a cap tain in the Spanish-American War.) Services will be hpld Thursday. Novem ber 16 at 9 p m., at Arlington Chapel. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. DOVER. CAPT. CHARLES S. D. The officers and comrades of Gen. I Nelson A. Miles Camp. No. 1. United Spanish War Veterans, will assemble at Pythian Tem ple. loic 9th- st n.w.. Thursday. November 16. 10.39. at 1 p m., and proceed thence to the chapel. Arlington National Cemeterv. where they will assist in the burial out late comrade. Capt CHARLES S. D DOMER. JOHN PARSONS. Commander. P. F SHOMFTTE. Adjutant. DOMER. CAPT. CHARLES SUMNER. With great sorrow we announce to the comrades of the Military Service Legion the tfea'h of our beloved comrade. Capt CHARLES SUMNFR DOMER. Services will be he'd on Thursday. November 16 1939. at 9 p m., p.r Arlington Chapel. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. MORRIS J HOLE. Commander. CAPT CLARENCE H GREEN. Sec • DOMER. CHARLES S. Member of Com hanv C of 1st n C Volunteer Infantry, formerly the National Fensibles. All mem bers of Company C of the 1st D. C Volun teer Tnfantrv are requested to attend the funeral services at thp Arlington Chapel Thursday. November 16. 19.39. at 2 p m. DONALDSON, RICHARD E. On Wed nesday. Novprnher 15. 1939. at his resi dence OR V st. n.w . RICHARD E. DON ALDSON. beloved husband of Emily H. Donaldson, father of Mrs. Helen Ricker. Mrs. Marian Duhn. Miss Louise Donaldson. Mrs Ada Rurbage. Mrs. Ruth McKenny. Edwm A and J^hn C. Donaldson. Services at the above residence on Fri day. November 17. at 2:30 p.m Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemeterv. Services bv Chambers.’ 16 DWYER, FRANCIS X. On Tuesday. No vember 14 1939. at Georgetown University Hospital FRANCTS X DWYFR. beloved son of Ernest F. and Eileen Dwyer (nee Ryan). Funeral from his la»p residence. 2236 Gbservatorv pi. n.w.. on Friday. November 17. at 8 30 a rrt Requiem mass at Holy Trinity Church at 9 am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 HARRIS. DOCK. On Wednesday. No vember 15. 1939. at Freedmen’s Hospital. DOCK HARRIS, husband of Rachael Har Am?ie Carter, uncle of William Traynhsra of Baltimore. Md Remains resting at the John T Rhine* & Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Rve ,*t.*. s.w. Notice of funeral later. KAl'FMAN. DAVID .1. On Wednesday. November I V 1030. at 1 30 a m., at Emer gency Hospital, in his TSth year. DAVID J. KAUFMAN beloved husband of Clara Kaufman, father of Joseph D. Kaufman. Marguerite Glaser and Alma King. Funeral services at Gawler’s Friday at 11 a m. Interment Washington Hebrew Con gregation Cemetery KEHOE, EDWARD T.. SR On Wednes day November j .V 1030. at his residence. 1430 Clifton st. n w . EDWARD T. KEHOE. Sr beloved husband of Susan E. Kehoe. father of Edward T.. ir ; James F., William A. and Susan V. Kehoe. Services at the above residence on Sat urday Novembpr IS a’ R:30 a.m. Requiem high ma** at Rt. Paul’s Catholic Church. 3 5th and V st* n w.. at 0 a m. Relatives end frjendc invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Services by Chambers.’ 17 KEHOE, FDWARD T. The members of Washington Council. No. 224, Knights of Columbus, are ad . * vised of the death, on Wednes day. November 15. 1030. of Brother EDWARD T KEHOE. an honorary life member of the council, and are requested to attend his funeral services at St. Paul’s Church on Saturday. Novembpr IS. at 0 fi m The member* will meet, at his late residence. 1430 Clifton st. n w.. on Friday. November l?. at s pm. for recitation of Pravers for the deceased „ . _ R F HANDLEY. G. K. DR. A. D. WILKINSON, F S. 16 _r ti^LKAL UIKtLIUKS. v. l: SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected -with the original W. R. Sneare establishment. 1009 H St N W Phone - National 2802 J. William Lee’s Sons Co^ FUNERAL directors Crematorium 4th_ and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 5gQ0 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS Cd7~ Floral Pieces r- F St. N.W. National 4276_ GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE floral tributes at Moderate prices PHONE NAT. OIOS and Sundays Cor. 14th & Eye MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS $40 up MARKERS $15°p FALVEY GRANITE CO. INC £ Established 50 Years .209 UPSHUR ST. N.W. NearRockCreekCemettn Columbia 0793 Maryland Boy, 5, Dies From Gasoline Burns Franklin Warren Pyles, 5, died In Providence Hospital this morning from bums received when gasoline fumes were ignited by a lantern in a bam on his grandfather's farm near Woodyard, Prince Georges County, Md., last night. The boy's uncle, Richard Pyles, 17, said he was working on an auto mobile in the barn when Franklin entered, carrying the lantern. He said he told the boy to keep away, as he was pouring gas into the car buretor, but fumes from the gaso line apparently ignited before the boy could move. The boy is survived by two younger sisters, who live with the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Warren Pyles, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Warren Pyles, who live in Washington. Sratlja KLOPFER. HENRY CLAY. On Tuesday November 14. 1930. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. HENRY CLAY KLOPFER. be loved husband of the late Emma Virginia Klopfer and father of Alma L. Klorfer. Funeral services at his late residence. 4 Banner st.. Hyattsville. Md.. on Thurs day. November MS. a» 11:30 a m. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. 15 KRANZ. NIXON MAE. On Wednesday. November 15. 1030. at her residence. 1712 Taylor st n w . NIXON MAE KRANZ. She is survived by five sisters. Mrs. Minnie Williams. Mrs. Bessie l._ Scott. Mrs. Pearl Taylor. Mrs. Carrie Seals of Morganton. N C . and Mrs. Lillian Scott of Washing ton. D. C . and one brother. Ralph H. Kin caid of Cedar Grove. N J. Funeral services at Hamline Methodist Church. lHth and Allison sts. n.w.. on Fn dav. November 17. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 LANG, GLADYS. On Monday, Novem ber 13. 1030. GLADYS LANG, beloved mother of Lester Lang. Funeral from the chapel of Frank Geier's Sons’ Co.. 11.13 7th st n.w., on Thursday. November 10. at. 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. MATTHEWS. MARY. On Sunday. No vember 12. 1030. at Gallinger Hospital. MARY MATTHEWS, the beloved wife of Carroll Matthews and mother of Clarence A. Carter. Funeral Thursday. November 10. at 1 P.m.. from Boyd's funeral home. lK4o L st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. MCCAWLEY. RICHARD M. Suddenly, on Sunday. November 12. 1030. at Los Angeles. Calif.. RICHARD M. McCAWLEY. j beloved son of Mary and the late Richard | McCawley. Notice of funeral hereafter 15 MORNINGSTAR, HAZEL EDGAR. Sud denly. on Tuesdav. November 14. 1930. HAZEL FDGAR MORNINGSTAR. son of Edgar and Florence Morningstar of 210 Delray ave.. Bethesda. Md Remains rest ing a* the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave., Bethesda. Md. Notice of funeral later. PACH, MOSES. On Wednesday. Novem ber 15. 1939. at his residence, 4902 9th st. n.w.. MOSFR PACH. aged HS years, be loved husband of Annie Pach and beloved father of Mrs. Emily Winters, Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs. Emanuel Horowitz. Mrs. Ju’ius Lieberman. Mrs. Albert Goldsmith and Mr. Julius Pach. He also is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Emma Levy and Mrs. Fannie Schoenthal, and two brothers, Leo and Jo seph Pach. Funeral services at the Bernard Dan zansky Ar Son funeral home. 3501 14th st. i n w . nn Friday. November 17. at 10 a m. I Interment Adas Israel Cemtery. 1H PENN, MILDRED R. On Tuesday. No vember .14 1939. at her residence. 124 D | st s.e.. MILDRED JR. PENN, beloved wife I of William F. Penn, mother of Robert H. ; and William F. Miller and Adele V. Penn. I Funeral from the Zurhorst funeral home, j .301 Fast Capitol st., on Thursday. Novem 1 ber 10. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill ; Cemetery. 15 PETERSEN, EUGENIA. On Saturday. i November 11, 1939. at her residence. 2000 I Conn, ave n w.. EUGENIA PETERSEN, wife of the late Christian F. Petersen and mother of Frimund F Petersen of Sacra i mento. Calif.; Oenrgp h. Petersen of Boise. Idaho; Mrs. F G. Newton of Pittsfield. Mass., and Mrs. Chester Jacobs of Wash ington. D. C. Services at the S H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. November 10. at 10:30 a.m. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. m POWELL, CLARENCE THOMAS. On Monday. November 13. 1939. CLARENCE ! THOMAS POWELL, the beloved father of 1 Dorothy Lee Cockev. Elsie Christine O’Neale i and Margaret Mary Powell; orotner of Mrs. J. W. Ix)ve and Walter H. Powell. Funeral services at the Chambers George town funeral home. 3i«t and M sts n w., Thursday. November i«. at 8 30 a.m.: thence to Holy Trinity Church, where mass will be offered gt 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. PUMPHREY. ELIZABETH ROSS. On Mondav. November 13. j 939. at. 11 32 a.m.. at her residence. 1912 Larona st.. Philadelphia. Pa. ELIZABETH ROSS | PUMPHREY. sister of Anna Henson and i Henrietta Ross. Funeral services and interment in Phila delphia. Pa • Rafferty, nora drury. cm Mon day November 1.1. 1910 NORA DRURY ; RAFFERTY, beloved mother of Marv F. j Donohoe and Rita P. Horbett and Joseph A ' Rafferty. I Funeral services at the residence of her ; daughter. Mrs. James A Donohoe. 5831 , Chevy Chase Parkwav n.w . on Thursday. November lfi. at 9:30 a.m .: thenc# to the i Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament, where i mass will he offered at 10 a.m. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 15 i ROBINSON. GEORGF. On Sunday. No I vember 12. 1019. qt his residence 41) 1st st. s.e.. GEORGF ROBINSON beloved hus band of the late Fli7q Robinson brother j of Mr* Betsy Ynons of Dawson. Ga . and Isiah Robinson. Remajs resting at 'he ! John T. Rhines A Co rineral chapel, Ird ' and Eye sts. s.w ; Funeral Thursday. November Ifi. at 1:10 p.m., from the House of Prayer, nth and ■ M sts n.w. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. SAUNDERS, LEROY. Suddenly, on Sat urday. November II. 1919. LEROY SAUNDERS Funeral services will be held at the Robinson Co. funeral home. 1142 4th st. n.w.. on Thursday. November 19. at 1 p.m. Remains may be viewed at above address Wednesday. November 15. after 6 p.m In terment Wooalawn Cemetery. 15 SHOTTON, THOMAS. On Tuesday No vcniuer ih. i w.w. 1 nUMAo SHOTTON Of 4014 44th st. n.w.. husband of Anne G. Shotton and father of Bruce. Donald. Douglas. John. Thomas. Jr ; Robert and Margaret Shotton. Services and interment Scranton. Pa. SMITH. DARNELL. Departed this life Tuesday. November 14. 1030. at «:30 p.m.. DARNELL SMITH, son of the late John W. and Maggie Jordan Smith. He also leaves two sisters, one brother, an uncle and aunt and other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed after 3 p m. Thursday, No vember 16. Funeral Fridav. November 17. at 2 p.m.. from the Henry S. Washington & Sons fu neral homp. 4625 Deane bvp n.e. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 16 TIGNOR. DR. WILLIAM L. Passed into the great beyond Tuesday. November 14, 1636. at his rpsidence. 621 S st. n.w.. Dr. WILLIAM L. TIGNOR. beloved husband of Mrs. Mattie F. Tignor. devoted father of Mrs. Gladys Tignor Peterson, loving brother of Mrs. Annie T. Neale. Mrs. Sadie T. Hen son. Mrs. Lottie T. Minkins and Attorney Harry L. Tignor. Funeral Friday, November 17. from Zion Baptist Church. F st. between 3rd and 4th sts s.w.. at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. A. J. Edwards officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Remains resting at home after 10 a m. Thursday. Arrangements by Mc Guire. 1(5* TIGNOR, WILLIAM L. Officers and members of Pythagoras Lodge. No 6. F. A. A. M . are hereby ordered to be present at a special communication at the Scottish Rjite Temple at 12 noon Friday. November 1«. 1036. for the purpose of paying tribute to the memory of mir late brother. WIL LIAM T. TIGNOR of 021 S st. n.w* Funeral services will bp held Friday. No vember 17. at J :30 p.m.. at Zion Baptist Church. F st. between 3rd and 4th sts. S. w. By ord^r 0f . MELVIN O SEWELL. W. M. JOHN W. SEWELL. Secretary. TOLSON. MATILDA T. On Wednesday. November 15. 1030. at her home, 3002 I Sheetz avp . Brentwood. Md.. MATILDA ! T. TOLSON (nee Tillie. Miller), beloved wife of Alfrpd C. Toisoji, jr. Services at her late home on Friday. No- | vember 17. at 8 30 a.m.: thence to St. James’ Catholic Church. Mount Rainier. Md.. w'here reauiem mass will be offered at 0 a.m for the repose of her soul. Inter ment St. John’s Cemetery, Forest Glen. Md. 16 WAYSON. EDWARD BERNARD. Sud denly. on Mondav, November 13. 1039, ED WARD BERNARD WAYSON of 1721 8 st. s.e., beloved husband of Mary C. Wayson and father of Nelson E. Duffey. Mrs. Mar garet DnfTev Pittman nf Vnnt*r*v Coli# • Mrs. Helen Wayson Armistead. Mrs. Louise Wayson Swetnam and Miss Mary Wayson. Funeral services at the above residence on Thursday. November 18. at 11 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 WAYSON. EDWARD B. A sbecial com munication of Naval Lodge. No. 4. F. A. A. M., is called for Thursday. November 18. 1939. at 10 a m.. for the Burpnse of attending the funeral of oui late brother. EDWARD B WAY SON. Ry order of the worship ful master. ROLAND M. BROWN. Secretary. WEBSTER, JAMES EDWARD. On Wed nesday. November 16. 1030, JAMES ED WARD WEBSTER, beloved husband of Annie H. Webster. Funeral services at the Thos. F. Murray funeral home. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Friday. November 17. at 2 p m. Relatives, and friends invited. Interment Congres sional Cemetery. 16 WREN, COL. EDWIN ST. CLAIR. Sud denly. on November J4. 1930. at Schofield Barracks. Honolulu. Hawaii, Col EDWIN ST. CLAIR WREN, beloved husband of Virginia Swindell Wren. Due notice of funeral. 16 \ D. J. KAUFMAN. Kaufman (Continued From First Page.) Trade, the Chamber of Commerce, the Masons, Elks, the Association of Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, the Shrine, the Wash ington Hebrew Congregation. Wood mont Country Club and was a direc tor of the TTnion Trust Co., the Columbia National Bank and was a charter member of the Press Club. His family home is at 3809 Jennifer street N.W. Mr. Kaufman was a contributor to 29 different welfare agencies. He served on the Special Gifts Committee of the Community Chest during all the city campaigns. About 15 years ago, one of Mr. Kaufman's daughters, Mrs. Simon L. Nye. died. Several years later Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman presented the Jftanita Kaufman Nye Council House at 611 Sixth street S.W. to the Washington Council of Jewish Women as a memorial to their daughter. The Council House has since become a part of the Com munity Chest organization. While still active in business Mr. Kaufman was appointed a mem ber of the District Board of Chari- ' ties by President Wilson in rec ognition of his philanthropic work. Mf. Kaufman was married 53 years ago to Clara J. Luchs of Washington, who survives him. Also surviving are a son, Joseph D. Kaufman, and two daughters, Mrs. Louise Glaser of Newton. Mass., and Mrs. Le Roy King of this city. Farmers' Club Urges Control of Billboards A taxing system to control plac ing of road signs and billboards and the establishment of the post of landscape architect with the Mary land State Roads Commission have been advocated by the Vansville Farmers’ Club of Prince Georges County. Md. Dr. H. J. Patterson introduced the resolution which suggested to Gov. O’Conor thst the Roads Com mission employ a landscape archi tect to consult with roadside own ers for the improvement of their properties, concerning the use of signs and other ways to make public roads more attractive. The club adopted unanimously the resolution advocating a proper taxing system for "a more adequate control of signs and billboards on public roads" and asked that Gov. O'Conor, advocate legislation taxing all signs in excess of what would be considered adequate for any busi ness concern. • Jewish Center to Hold Institute on Marriage The Jewish Community Center will hold its third institute on mar riage tonight at 8:30 o'clock, with the Rev. Seth Roger Brooks of the Universalist Memorial Church as the principal speaker. Stanley Pos ner will preside. Tomorrow evening the center’s Town Hall will discuss the question, “Shall We Ignore Racial Differ ences?" In addition to the radio speakers from Town Hall. New York a panel of local speakers will be heard. Rubin Borasky will serve as moderator. In iHrmoriam BARNES. LOTTIE C. AND HAZEL M. In sari remembrance of our dear mother. LOTTIE C. BARNES, who died fourteen years ago. November is. 10JJ5. and our dear sister. HAZEL M BARNES, who passed away October 31. 1027 THE FAMILY. • BARNHART. HARRY. In sad bur lov ing memory of my husband. HARRY BARNHART, who departed this life seven years aeo today. November 1ft. 1032. My dear husband lies silent in his grave, but not forgotten. LOVING WIFE. ELLIE. • DEETON. MARY ELIZABETH. In sad and loving remembrance of my dear moth er MARY ELIZABETH DEETON. who de parted this life November 15, 103b. The month of November once more is here. To me the saddest of the vear, Because three vears ago todav My dear mother passed away. SON. FRANK. • DORSEY. MARTHA. In loving memory of our dear mother. MARTHA DORSEY, who left us six years ago today. November 15. 1033. The vears may wipe out many things, But this they wine out never. The memory of those happv days When we were together. LOVING DAUGHTER. MARTHA MERCER. FEDEPf.INE. MARGARET ELLA. In loving memory of our dear mother. MAR GARET ELLA FEDERLINE. who departed this life five years ago todav. November 15, 1034. God gave us a wonderful mother. She was the very best: Her life was filled with suffering, So He took her home to rest. Rest on. dear mother, thy labor is o'er. Thy willing bands will toil no more; Faithful mother, both true and kind.. A truer mother you could not find. In the years that you have been away. We've learned how much the heart can bear: Each passing dav brings thoughts of you. We miss you. mother, everywhere. And right behind life's curtain. Beyond all grief and pain. The»-e will be a haPDier dawning. When we shall meet again. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND AND CHIL DREN. • FLAMMER, M. 1. LORRAINE. This is your birthday, baby, dear, The day God gave me you. So all I can do is send you my love. YOUR LONELY MOTHER. • LETCHER. EUGENE B. In loving mem ory of my beloved husband. EUOENE B. LETCHER, who passed away November 15. 1821. Sweet as the tender fragrance that survives When martyred flowers breathe out their little lives; Sweet as a song that once consoled my pain. But never will be sung to me again— Is thy remembrance. * HIS WIFE. DORA. • LETCHER, EUGENE B. In loving mem ory of our . dear brother. EUGENE B. LETCHER, who departed this life November 15. 1821. Death is a part, of immortality. The. winter that musk pass before the spring; There comes an end for every living thing. But life goes onward for eternity. MARIE. BERT. COURTS, FLOSS. • SHERWOOD. ANNIE E. In memory of our dearly beloved mother. ANNIE E. SHERWOOD, who departed this life No vember 15. 181(1. Down deep In our hearts, dear mother, Is a place kept just for you. HER LOVING CHILDREN. • WILKINSON. HARRY. In memory of our beloved hnsband and father. HARRY WILKINSON, who departed this life five years ago today. November 16. 1834. THE FAMILY. WILLIAMS. PRESTON S. In sad but loving memory of my most devoted friend. PRESTON S. WILLIAMS, who left so sud denly six years ago today. November 16. 1933. SARAH. ( / Murry Guggenheim, Member of Famous Mining Family, Dies Capitalist Long Known For His New York Philanthropies By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 15.—Murry Guggenheim, capitalist member of the famous copper mining family, died today. Mr. Guggenheim, long identified with philanthropic work in New York, died at his Fifth avenue home after an illness of several tiays. He was 81. In the neighborhood of Wall Street, the name of Murry Guggen heim for decades suggested copper, silver and Chilean nitrate, the stock in trade of the famous family firm of which he was a member. Farther uptown, the name meant band concerts on the mall in Central Park on hot summer nights. All over the city, it suggested the dentist’s office to hundreds of thou sands of school children who could not afford the services of a private practitioner. Enlarged Inherited Fortune. The millions of dollars with which Mr. Guggenheim and his wife en dowed their dental clinic and other charities and helped support the Goldman Band concerts, came from one of America’s great family for tunes, founded by Meyer Guggen heim, a Swiss immigrant, and en larged by his seven American-born sons. Mr. Guggenheim was the third of those sons, born in Philadelphia August 12, 1858. He entered the firm of M. Guggenheim’s Sons when it was established in 1881, and re mained with it after it became Guggenheim Bros, in 1915. As it is often told, the story of the origin of that vast mining concern begins with a tale typical of Ameri can business romance. Meyer Guggenheim as a young man plodded from house to house, selling shoe blackening from a pack on his back. Soon, instead of buying his shoe blackening from a Jobber, he began to manufacture his own. From that beginning grew a busi ness devoted to importing and sell ing lace. Took Mine In on Debt. In exchange for a debt, the story continues. Meyer Guggenheim, the lace dealer, took some mining prop erties in Colorado, sight unseen. He sent two of his sons West to investi gate the value of the claims, and the Guggenheim lace company be came a mining enterprise. As a young man Murry Guggen heim spent much of his time at the smelters in Colorado. Later he be came the company's sales expert when his interests were merged with those of the American Smelting & Refining Co. in 1901. The company dealt in everything from Mexican silver to fuller’s earth. In its later years Guggenheim Bros., in which Murry Guggenheim was a senior partner, abandoned active operation of mining properties. He married Leonle Bemheim March 15, 1887. She was the daugh ter of Jacques Bernheim of Muel hausen, Alsace. To them were born a son, Edmond A., and a daughter, Lucille. All survive. Laytonsville Man Dies After Truck-Bus Crash Clifford W. Barber, 28, of Laytons ville, Md., died Monday in a Read ing. Pa., hospital of injuries re- i ceived when a truck he was driving I collided with a bus near Reading. Funeral services will be held at 2 I p.m. tomorrow at the Laytonsville j Methodist Church, with burial in Laytonsville. Mr. Barber is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nona Mae Barber; six brothers, Jesse L. of Bethesda. Md.; Edward H. and Ellis R. of Gaithers burg, Md.; John W. and Clarence A. of Washington and Roy W. Bar ber of Laytonsville: two sisters, Mrs. Zadie Lambert of Olympia, Wash., and Mrs. Bessie Windham of Laytonsville. Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL directors Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Unc. 5537 North Side of Stanton Park City News in Brief TODAY. Dinner, Dartmouth Club, Annap olis Hotel, 6:45 p.m. Meeting, Zeta Chapter, Kappa 3amma Sorority, Raleigh Hotel, 7:30 p.m. Meeting, Concord Club, Lafayette Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Sons of the American Revolution, Mayflower Hotel, 8 pin. Meeting, Calvert Club, Willard Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Catholic Thought Asso ciation. Aquinas Hall, 519 Michigan avenue N.E., 8:15 p.m. Meeting, Alpha Beta Phi Frater nity, Raleigh Hotel, 9 p.m. Dance, Farm Credit Administra tion, Waruman Park HoteL 10 p.m. TOMORROW. Meeting, American Automobile Association, Mayflower Hotel, 9:30 am.; luncheon, 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, North Washington Lions Club, The Kiwanis, 12:14 pm. Luncheon, Kiwanis Club, May flower Hotel, 12:30 pm. 'Turkey dinner, Grace Lutheran Church, Sixteenth and Varnum streets, N.W., 5-7 p.m. Dinner, Cosmopolitan Club (Ladies' Night), Mayflower Hotel, 6:30 pm. Dinner, Traffic Club, Mayflower Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Dinner, Daughters of Isabella Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Dinner, Bishop’s Council, Boy Scouts of America, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Dinner, United States Chamber of Commerce, Carlton Hotel, 7 p.m. Council meeting. Beta Gamma Phi Sorority, Ambassador Hotel 8 p.m. Meeting, Free Lance Writers, Shoreham Hotel, 8 p.m. ONE OF THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD Meeting, Sigma Phi Gamma Sorority, Wardman Park, 8 p.m. Meeting, League of Laymen's Re treats, Mayflower Hotel, 8 p.m. Meeting, Lido Civic Club, May flower Hotel, 8:30 p.m. Inter-Fraternity Pledge Council, George Washington University, Hotel Annapolis, 8:30 p.m. Conference, General Executive Board of International Ladies’ Gar ment Workers’ Union, Willard Hotel, all day. Mrs. Nora Rafferty Dies at Her Home Mrs. Nora Drury Rafferty, 80. of 5831 Chevy Chase Parkway N.W., widow of M. J. Rafferty, died Mon day at her home after a two weeks’ illness. Born in Roscommon, Ireland, Mrs. Rafferty came to Washington when she was 15. She was a member of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church | and took an active interest in local I Catholic charities. Mrs. Rafferty is survived by two ! daughters and a son, all living in I Washington. They are Mrs. James A. Donohoe, Mrs. John E. Horbett and Joseph Rafferty. A brother, Peter A. Drury, also lives here. Funeral services will be conducted at 10 am. tomorrow at Blessed Sacrament Church. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Coughs Up Burr, Dies WYNNE, Ark., Nov. 15 f/P).—Two years ago, when he was 10, Buford Brown drew a burr into his wind pipe when a playmate slapped him on the back while he had a blade of grass in his mouth. The burr lodged in a lung, caused an abscess, defied all efforts to re move it. He coughed up the burr and a few hours later he died. LI 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL HOME 741 llth St. S.E. • Ambulance Service Cremations [If - = B| Every Family Can Afford Ryan Service Beautiful ... is the word that, describes Rvan Service; from start { to finish, the quiet dignity, efficiency and attendant atmosphere all lend their aid in creating a serene beauty that lingers throughout one's memory. Surely, a tribute to loved ones such, as this, is desirable, even though the cost is kept within one’s ability to pay. • TO WAR VETERANS' FAMILIES: ! Call Ryan lor perfect Funeral Services with the knowledge that you will not tor/eit any Veterans’ Funeral Allowance to which you are l entitled. Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. ATlantic 17001701 SHOP EARLY . . . Make your selections NOW from our complete stocks of Men’s Gift Slippers —priced from 1.98 to 4.45 Most Hand-Stained Styles, $10 Most Regular Styles, .095 The FINISH that STARTED a New Shoe Style ' Florsheim introduced hand-stained calfskin... and overnight changed the shoe shade of the nation! For Fall, it’s the top-rank ing shoe style... and, as usual, Florsheim leads the way—with the largest and finest assortment ever! Everything from a straight-tip street shoe to a double-soled brogue, stained by hand to a rich custom finish that only time and care can bring. THE GREATEST FLORSHEIM*VALUE IN 47 YEARS HAHN 14th & G 7th & K *3212 14th *4483 Conn. Ave. 'open eveninos 35 NEW TRI-WEAR DRESS AND CUSTOM STYLES, $5.95 y I