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lekes Hears Conservation Makes Marked Progress Marked progress in guarding against unwise use of valuable nat ural resources on 400,000,000 acres of public land in the United States was reported to Secretary Ickes to day_ in the annual report of the % General Land Office. Commissioner Fred W. Johnson disclosed that the bureau is one of the few In the Government service operating at a profit, the receipts being four times the amount ex pended for its maintenance. New uses for mineral resources, it was said, have resulted from research under the conservation program. Among some of the minerals be lieved heretofore of slight value, the report pointed out, vermiculite is now in great demand for insula tion against heat and cold; gypsum and limestone for conditioning of soils and several species of clay for t - refining both vegetable and mineral oils. The domestic potash industry, largely dependent on Federally owned potash deposits, is continu ing to draw more heavily on these deposits to meet foreign competi tion and to supply farmers with this essential plant food. Conservation of the forage and water facilities on 50,000,000 acres of public domain, outside Federal grazing districts, was advanced through the issuance of 4,000 lim ited grazing leases, the report stated. Goodwill Industries School to Graduate 10 Gbodwill Industries of Washing ton will graduate 10 students at exercises next Tuesday at its head quarters, 1218 New Hampshire ave nue N.W. Coleman Jennings, presi dent of the Community Chest, will be the principal speaker. A dinner will precede graduation ceremonies. Mrs. Bancroft C. Davis will present certipcates, and Dr. Edgar J. Helm, director of the Good will Industries Training School, will offer the benediction. The graduates are W. A. Cham bers, Dayton, Ohio; Frederic Church, Chicago; Everton O. Dibb, Milwaukee; Horton Dibble, Chico pee Falls, Mass.; Marshall Gallo way, Norfolk, Va.; Kurt Haase, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Marvin Isaacson, Min neapolis; F. E. Peters, Ashland, Ohio; Maurice Radcliffe, Youngs town, Ohio, and Walter Winter burg, Jersey City, N. J. Phi Beta Kappa at Yale Elects 5 From Capital Five Washington students have been elected to the Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Yale Uni versity, it was revealed here today. Those elected to membership in the honor society were Richard T. Ewing, son of Mrs. Prank M. Ew ing of 3705 Harrison street N.W.; Herbert P. Galliher. jr„ son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Galliher, Takoma Park, Md.; Charles C. Glover 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Glover, 4200 Massachusetts avenue, K.W.; William F. Hellmuth, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hellmuth, 1732 Kenyon street N.W., and James L. Houghteling, jr., son of Mr. and Mfs. J. L. Hough teling, 2424 Wyoming avenue N.W. All of the students, with the ex ception of Mr. Houghteling, who is a junior, are seniors. At the same time it was anounced that Mr. Hell muth had attained the highest av erage at the school last year, 94.8 per cent. New Drink A new drinir. in Germany is being * produced from wild cherries. ADVERTISEMENT. Inflamed Eyes? Get prompt relief with Lavoptik. Alia relieves granulated eyelids, tired, sore, ■trained, itching, sticky, burning, irri tated or watery eyes. No harmful drugs. 86 years success. Get Lavoptik today. (Eye-cup included.) All druggists. Now’s the time to get the car heater you want I? —and Western Auto’s the place to get it! You’ll 1$ find the exact heater to suit your purpose among our wide variety of sizes and styles—each one fully guaranteed on a complete satisfaction or money-back basis! Easv Pawmonfc °n “W Heater purchase . easy raymerus of $8 00 or more | Expert Installation at Low Cost. | TWIN FLOW *‘D«Lux<" * Compact—fits in any car. 4-feature heating keeps entire car . comfort-Qf defrosts ’ ^ windshield. | Hot Water Heaters New 194u models—‘attractive In appearance—efficient in op eration. Each one an excep tional value. $3-65 to $10-95 Thermostat*-— Part* — Hone for all Hot Water Heat Hot Air Heaters Custom - built to fit CA 70 Plym. 33-37, Dodge 33-4. Ford ''4" 28-34. Clamps OQc over manifold. Ow Blower model for V8 s $0-35 Plenty of heat, fast. ® - I Gasoline Heaters Genuine Stewart-Warner “South-Wind". New improved models. Burn gas from carbu- I retor to produce instant heat In j large volume. Abso- c . . . _ I lutely safe. As low as « *» a a ivra • gig {igkku'eiqhtK / tAWN /,A\ BROOM /3“m ^Sweeps l WIZARDS Satisfy or MONEY-BACK Guaranteed to • Renew Get-away • Renew Power • Save Gas • Save Money GUARANTEED 10.000 MILES Black Leatheroid WINTER FRONT ^ For most ' U| (, cars since ^.■Wl V 1933 Easily s' W installed. f 49« Efficient, Electric DEFROSTING FANS Ideal for cars with heaters. Effective un der all dfiv intr condi- c ^ tions. Take a V >05 less current B than lamp bulb__ nn 4" Metal Blade Fan.*158 CLER-VUE Stops Frost Transparent sheets with squeecee and clear cement for windows, windshield, etc. Prevents frostinr and steaming; in areas covered. FLOOR MATS I Deluxe Felt-Back | “SLEETEX” Defrosting BLADE HEATER PARTS CV>rd Ply q. Hose. Per Ft. 0 All-Rubber Hose. Ft. Oe Thermostats CQc As Low As V* Illuminated Aft, Switch 09* Straight Connection 0 Other parts similar savings ELECTRIC FROSTSHIELD Melts . ice, sleet and ^ snow, prevents frosting and steaming. Emergency CHAINS Case hardened steel. Quickly installed. As low as Other _ _ , style nO. chains at similar FLASHLIGHT 1 59* ? +: Really takes abuse. Has sol id rubber end caps and rub ber coated Du rite barrel. Fo cusing head and unbreak able lens Won't break when | dropped Handsome, Electric PERCOLATORS 4-Cup t* Size 7-Cup Size.$1.10 9-Cup Size.$1.29 Beautiful, high-pol ished aluminum case. Non-scratch, non-heat leet. Make good coffee . . . QUICK . . . right at the table. X;:; : : 1 ; > Hi - ^ - More features . . . Modern styling . . . Better perfor i mances at low prices, as much as 40% under most other well known radios. That’s the reason for TRUETONE’S nation-wide popu larity . . . That’s why more than three-quarter million Truetones have been selected in preference to all other , radios by people all over America. When you select a J Truetone you get proven quality. 1 These values are made possible because every unneces- < sary expense in distribution and selling is eliminated . . . From factory to Western Auto to you. EXTRA SPECIAL j Reg. $19.95 7-tube mantel with ^ 1 •'Stratoscope” which entirely elimi- H nates use of aerial or ground. Beau- ^-u 11 < tiful blended walnut-veneer cabinet. ^• »g| JC If stocks run out your order will be H accepted at this price V for future delivery, tt M ACA 1 if placed before 9:30 W |%9v ^ \ A> Au J Saturday Evening.. Ml FREE HOME TRIAL 18 OTHER POPULAR MODELS New 1940 Models . . . Outstand- < ing beauty, design and perform- < ance . . . See them today at any Western Auto Store. (A> R-tube push-but- (A ac Y -. ^ ton tnsntel. Walnut. *9' * flB IB) 6-tube Walnut_trr.93 *dL f' * BN (O Portable Plays anywhere. By us(s *°w cost batteries *13.03 tD) 4-tube "Pal'-_*6.93 'mJUU SKATES Rubber Cushioned Adjustable 7” to 10’ 4 Sim TOOLS at Reduced PAiceA. -Piece OQ; SocketSet .07* 5-Pc End j j; Wrench Set. 53? Screwdriver Sl 54*4" Blade.. O? fe-Foot |Ci Foldinq Rule. 15? ifecz Claw «ii Hammer... 8“File... II* ' Style \ BOXINO \ CLOVES ' Genuine Sheep-din 4-oz Size for future Chomps tl6* J I ze 42.69 / ze $ 449 / : tfeeJ All WINTER ANTI-FREEZE Protection i&79<! / /. Per CALLON E Only takes ONE to I W TWO gallons to protect I f ANY CAR. ALL WINTER! __ _ WE GUARANTEE WIZARD SUPER I | ANTI. FREEZE will 1— Protect cooling system for the entire s winter . g 2— Prevent rust clogging. | 3— Cause no damage to cooling system... 4— Not leak if system holds water. •NO INl'I.KASANT ODOIIS OI< FI AIKS •SAFI'. Foil AOl— SAI'K FOK AOl II I AII * ‘NON-IHIISONOIS • FON'CKNTIIATKD WIZARD g* DeLUXE 1 45 5.11 51.4—»«“ W‘ilk' rU'" SM 6 More Plate*—25% »■>’• B as srssa ?£*—«* to“p,ct- syi 5' Guaranteed fth *.*« 2 Full Years -5£S^iz»ros-*i.29 » ..-8 ssaar ^ New Long-Life RIB TREAD I Better non-skid' Quieter! E« s i e r. steadier steering! Ali NEW Rubber I . . . not an ounce of 1 "reclaim” in it! jj 15%Discount Fri.tudSaL .. off Prices that are Already Low/ V Why gamble with precious lives by depending n upon old, smooth tires to prevent serious—often ■L tragic—accidents? Why risk delay and discom* HA fort that usually accompany tire trouble in winter? Here’s your last opportunity thii year to IA equip with safe, trouble-free, guaranteed new Davis’ at a substantial extra saving! . . . We say extra saving because Davis T >. regular prices save you about 30% over l 1 \ most other well-known tires of comparable 111 quality and performance! I t S . The new Davis is*full standard size; built 111 in one of the nation’s huge reliable tire fac 111 tories. Incorporates quality and perform 1 IJ ance features typical of highest-priced tires. 1 1 J Come in; see it. Compare quality, fea I 1 „ tures and guarantee ... then compare price! These Prices Good Fri. and Sat. only iSii« Pries Sits Pries 4.40-21. $>fl95 5.25-17...28 4.50-2 ]..?*¥* 5.50-17... O* SK:::*5‘° >»'*s67,° 5.25-I8...JE93 6.25-16...$ OSO 5.50-18... 3 * 6.50-16... O * .'Include trade-in of your old tire. ' Come In today! You'll find these and many other popular models to choose from, priced and styled to suit every need . . . each fully fcunran* feed. P Small down deposit will hold any bike a until Christmas. - ST? lA'-l ofr/s Bikes 5 ID Reg. $22.95 1 y . value ■ . Outstanding Quality j 7 ... that has placed W6st- mi / ern Flyers firmly into na- | tional prominence ... f which means that hun- I dreds of thousands of I -y Western Flyers are giving I ' superlative service all A ~ over America—proven W quality that’s fully .guar- [* anteed. ®Siiii£ LIBERAL f TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE | PASSES I | Flow* Freely Even at K:1 Sub-Zero Temperature* II A premium grade El 100% pure Pennsyl Bi vania oil. Specially El treated to remain El easily pumpable for E] winter driving—yet, II retain all its rich, El • full-bodied lubrjcat II ing olliness. | I QUART 4 A || in Bulk I In || Plat Tax I U ** I SA.E. 2.Cillon$1 14 II Grade Can - 1 /CHRISTMAS f Lay Away Plan I Small deposit holds exact 1 I articles you select now 1 I at SALE PRICES until I A Christmas Eve- /} A\. *S*f!*M*J // t-Vj Cite trie ALARM CLOCK ! $ Beautiful, modern design, die cast case finished in ivorv. green, black or brown enamel. Effective, : gentle chime alarm has shut-off button on top of case. Fully guaranteed by In Sturdy, Flashy TOT TRIKE 95' Strong, streamlined safety construction. No sharp edges to in- i Jure child. Wide rear axle prevents tipping. i H Inch, rib tread rub- • ber tires. Finished in bright red dnamel and nickel. 1 e Juat right for tots 2 years and under. 20x10x3 inch bed has safety rolled edges. Heavy channel steel undercarriage. Roller bearing wheels. Red 1 •MgSSl «f*845 • Lighten Kitchen Taskt The Modern Way! Full-powered 111 volt motor. 3 speeds with fin ger-tip control. Efficient operation — for mixing lightest dressings to beat ing heaviest batter. Re volving base. Detachable, portable motor. t 1 5 BIG 3tm4tirSUlIw^^T!!5????r wear 911-15 H St. N.E. STORES 923-25 7th St. N.W. P51E LURBirillf — .-— >28-31. Plym *28-34 5 Open 8 A.M. to 9 1213 Good illIRfi Rd S E Mail Orders, Add 15%. and many others ciln 58C P.M.—Saturdays, IG«0 UOOB IIOpQ ltd. O.C. We Reserve the Right ' ^ < 9;38 PJtt. ANACOSTIA, P. C. to Limit Quantities , — Pr i * b 1 V