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Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau Staff Reorganized Move Will Increase Agency's Value To Businessmen By the Associated Press. Secretary of Commerce Hopkirn has reorganized the personnel ol the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in an effort to increase the agency’s value to businessmen. Acting in conjunction with James W. Young, director. Mr. Hopkins yesterday reassigned most of the bureau's ranking officers to new duties and at the same time insti tuted a plan of keeping a Angei constantly on the pulse of business Regional Supervisors. To that end. Commerce Depart ment officials in the 12 Federal Re serve cities—Boston, New York Philadelphia. Richmond, Atlanta Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis. Minne apolis. Kansas City, Dallas and Sar Francisco—were made regional su pervisors and instructed to keep ir touch with business so their com bined reports will give the depart ment an up-to-the-minute picture of the business situation. This work will be supervised b; C. Roy Mundee, formerly chief o the Foodstuffs Division. J He will be succeeded in the Food stuffs Division by F. H. Rawls, wh< has been relieved from the positior of assistant director of the bureav at his own request. New Bureau Activity. The other assistant director, N. H Engle, has been assigned to anothe new bureau activity—promotin business research at State univer sities by personal contact with uni versity officials and business men. Most of Mr. Engle's former dutie were added to those of Ernest A Holdup Gives Up to Correct Press Error on Sum Taken It was all a mistake, said Defend ant Booze, and local newspapers were to blame. The Government agreed both in fact and fancy and so did Plaintiff Seltzer. Plaintiff Seltzer ought to know. He is Abraham Seltzer, proprietor of a grocery store at 1418 Twelfth street N.W., where the Booze-Seltzer drama was enacted Monday night. The first act was swift and simple, Actor Lloyd S. Booze. 23, colored, of Arlington, relieving Mr. Seltzer of $80 via a holdup. Act two unfurled at the second precinct police station the following evening when Booze walked into the j station house and publicly berated i his press notices of that day. His Tupper, chief statistician of the bureau. Of Mr. Rawls’ former duties, supervision of industrial divisions was given to Carroll Wilson of Bos ton, who came to the bureau recently from a New York investment firm, and other duties were assigned to Bruce Berckmans, recent recruit from various business executive roles in New York. Harvest Moon Ball As the first of a series of annual dances, the Labor Department Post No. 24, American Legion, will hold ■ a “Harvest Moon Ball” at 10 o'clock tonight in the Mayflower Hotel. Abner C. Lakeman, chairman, has » arranged several novelty dance ‘ ! numbers. L1_^_ = critics, he told officers, were unfair, p Clutched in his hand was a news- ip paper clipping bearing the headline, ft “Bandit Gets $85 in Store Holdup.” W "I’m the man that done it,” he de- || dared, and then took the paper to ijf? task for its error. "In this story it says I took $80, but all I got was If $6.75.” Police, after questioning the con- ip fessed suspect, hooked him on a rob bery charge. He told officers he iff gave himself up because he knew ft they would “catch me, anyway.” If And, besides, there was a mistake in the paper, he said, which he wanted §f corrected. He had used a small fl booklet in his pocket to give the ap- ff pearance of a gun when he staged the holdup, he explained. Police Court Judge Edward M. Curran witnessed act three from the f| bench yesterday and thought it suf- f| ficiently impressive to hold Actor || Booze for the grand jury under $2,500 bond. f| *> Since 1885 ... Washingtonians have placed their confidence in House & Herrmann—depended on us to make their homes all they could hope for. More than VALUES—more than SERVICE—these count less families have found at House & Herrmann an institution to solve their problems when it came to home-making. It didn’t happen over night! Values . . . and Service . . . and Courtesy . . . Guaranteed satisfaction throughout the years have proven that House & Herrmann can be depended upon. Pay us a visit—let us help you plan your home. / EVENING PARKING AT THE CAPITAL i GARAGE gfn • P.N. Z*fc to 12 P.M. DAY RATES, 25c 1ST HOUR 5c EACH ADDITIONAL HOUR 1320 N. Y. AVE. --- I EDUCATIONAL. STENOTYPY Beginner*’ Clagtt* Day and Evening School December 4 Temple Secretarial School 1420 K St. N.W. Not. 3258 KAYS A YEAR TO PAY NO EXTRA CHARGES I | & I 1 OPEN AN ACCOUNT I 1 TODAY s? S I I I “Furniture of Merit99 Since 1885 Convenient Budget Terms Gov. Winthrop # Secretory 2-Pc. Living Room Suite $29 95 A large custom-built lounge suite with more Terms S2.oo Monthly luxuriousness and charm than many a suite that a urge secretary of mahogany sells for much more. Covered in mohair and veneers and hardwood, intenor cotton boucle in wine, green or blue. It will pay la In typical Wmthrop style A yOU to See this Suite tomorrow. H decorative, useful piece of furni ture that serves as a desk, book- Term 17 Monthly case, chest, all In one. * Mirrors Drop-Leaf Table Occasional Chair Cricket Chair 58 50 $14.50 $14-50 54-49 Five styles of fine metal bronze A large solid maple chair with mirrors. Plate glass guaranteed Duncan Phyfe base. Choice of Queen Anne Occasional Chair loose reversible seat and back against silver spoilage. (Only mahogany or walnut veneers of hardwood. Covered in ira- cushions — covered in glazed one illustrated.) over hardwood. ported imitation needlepoint. chintz. I Cocktail Table Lounge Chair Drum Table Cedar Chest I $11.50 $12 50 $5.95 $18 50 Hi Large, deep-seated, comfortable Streamlined Lane Cedar Chest A two-tray Chippendale table lounge chair. Covered in long Choice of mahogany or walnut with full waterfall top. Ex in your choice of solid walnut or wearing tapestry in choice of over hardwood. Has one utility terior of matched walnut ve mahogany. colors. drawer. neers. ===&s=ss=ssksbs^s=^=s=sss== OSTERMOOR MATTRESS Made to sell regularly for $42JO $2985 Ttrmt $200 Monthly § Every one a "Service Stripe" Ostermoor Mattress or l box spring of the same standard and craftsman i building as those sold the year round at the regular I price of $42.50. Open Evenings by Appointment-Phone Dl. 3180 Before 6 P.M. Wing Chair ^ $27 *50 m I Solid cherry hand-carved ball and claw Chippendale legs. Damasks and Brocatelles. Colonial Rocker $19 50 A comfortable rocker with solid mahogany frame. Covered in Colonial tapestry.