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(Earbu of ufyanka McCOY, MARY E. The family of thi late MARY F. McCOY wish to expres; their appreciation for the many kind nesses, expressions of sympathy and lovel: floral tributes during the illness and a the passing of their loved one. THE FAMILY. MORRIS. GEORGE HOPKINS. The fam 11 y of the late GEORGE HOPKINS MORRIS wish to express their appreciation lor th< many kindnesses, expressions of sympath] and lovely floral tributes during the lllnes! and at the passing of their invert one. THE FAMILY. 20* Dr at It a ALEXANDER. DAVID. On Saturday. No vember IS. 1939. at Mount Alto Hospital DAVID ALEXANDER of 1303 Madison st. Alexandria, Va., beloved husband of Bessie Alexander, father of Lucille Diggs. He also leaves five grandchildren. Remains at his late residence. 1303 Madison st. Alexandria Va., after 12 noon Tuesday November 21. Funeral Wednesday. November 22. al 1 p.m.. from the Beulah Baptist Church, Washington st.. Alexandria. Va.. Rev Thornton officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friend; Invited. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jar Vis. 21 BINGHAM. GLENORA BELL. On Sat lirday. November is. 3 939, at the residence of her mother. 502 Rhode Island ave. n.w. GLENORA BELL BINGHAM, beloved wife of Robert Bingham and daughter of Lucs and Joseph R Reli. She also is survivec by a sister. Mrs. Jeanette Baylor; a brother Randolph Bell: a niece. Doris Baylor. Re mains may be viewed at 502 R. I. ave n.w. after 12 noon Tuesday. November 21 Funeral Wednesday. November 22. at 1 pm., from Nineteenth Street Baptisi Church. Rev. Walter H. Brooks officiating Relatives and friends are invited to attend Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Ar rangements bv the Allen & Morrow Funera Home. Inc., 1326 V st. n.w. 21 BLAND, HENRY M Suddenly, on Sun day. November 19, 1939. HENRY M BLAND, aged titf. father of Charles Blan< cf Cherry Hill. Va. Remains resting at the Hall funera home. Orroqnan. Va.. until 1:30 p.m. Tues day. November 21: thence to Greenwooc Baptist Church. Minnieville. Va.. when funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. In terment church cemetery. BRISCOE, MONTELL .IEROME. Or Sunday. November 19. 1939. at the Heny ton. Md.. hospital, after a lone illness MONTELL JEROME BRISCOE He leave: to mourn their loss three brothers. Reid Benjamin and Maston Briscoe: three sis ters. Beatrice. Ethel and Ennistee Briscoe and other relatives and friends. Remain can be seen after tf:30 p.m.. at Smith’, funral home. 1125 19th st. n.w. Funeral Tuesday. November 21. from St Lester’s Church. Ridge. Md., at 11 a.m. BITI.ER. GERTRUDE. Departed thi life on Friday. November 17. 1939, at 9:4( a m., at Garfield Hospital, after a linger ing illness, which she bore with grea Christian fortitude. GERTRUDE BUTLER • the beloved wife of J. Fremont Butler. Shi leaves to mourn their loss a husband, om son. Roland: two sisters. Mrs Solvini Weaver of New York City and Mrs. Rosi Watson nf Bowie. Md.: one brother, Ed ware Scott, and one niece. Mrs. Ethel Catlett both of New York City, and other rela lives and friends. Human hands tried to save you. Pra yers and tears were all in vain: Asleep under the silent mound To awake no more until judgment sounds Funeral Tuesday. November 21. at o'clock. from the Henry S. Washington funeral home. 407 N st. n.w.. Rev. S A Warren officiating. Interment Harmon: Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited ti attend. * CARLTON. LOUISE F. On Sunday November 19 .1939. at. her residence. 161! V st. n.w., LOUISE F. CARLTON. She i survived bv her sister. Homezelle Scott and niece. Anna L. Scott. Funeral from the above residence oi Wednesday. November 22. at 11 a.m. Re mains can be viewed after 6 p m. Tues day. November 21. Relatives and friend Invited. Arrangements by Campbell’s. 2: CHAPMAN, SALLY CURTIS. On Satur day. November 1*. 1939. at Providenc Hospital. SALLY CURTIS CHAPMAN. age< 2 years and 2 months, beloved daughter o Walker and Rebecca Chapman Funeral services at the chapel of Johr R. Wright. 1337 19th st. n.w.. on Tuesday November 21. at 10 a.m. Interment Moun Olivet Cemetery. Frederick. Md. CHASE. EDWARD D. On Sunday. No vember 19. 1939. EDWARD D. CHASE, be loved husband of the late Annie R. Chas< (nee Young!. Services at the T. Frank Murray funera home. 741 11th st. s.e.. on Wednesday November 22. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives anc friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. 21 COLLINS. ADELIA C. Suddenly, or Sunday. November 19. 1939. at her resi dence 5310 Reno road n.w.. ADELIA C COLLINS, wife of the late Millard Collin: and mother of Ruth Collins. Friends ari tn /.oil ot r.fln’lpr't 1 Pn ave. n.w. , , Services will be held at Gawler s chapel 1750 Pa. ave. n.w.. on Tuesday. Novem ber *21. at 2 n.m. Interment private. CONLEY, MARTIN S. On Sunday. No vember 10. 1039. MARTIN S. CONLEY beloved husband of Edith C. Conley (ne< McCauley). Funeral from his late residence. 51( Oglethorpe st. n.w.. on Tuesday. Novembe: 21. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at thi Church of the Nativity at 9 a.m. Relative: and friends invited. Interment St. Mary’: Cemetery. DOWNS. ADDIE ESTELLE. On Sunday November 19. 1039. at her residence, 127( Neale st n.e., ADDIE ESTELLE DOWNS beloved wife of James W. Downs anc mother of Raymond W. Downs and Mrs. Constance E. Rabbitt. Funeral from her late residence Wednes day. November 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 21 DUNN, MARY L. (LULA). On Saturday, November 1«. 1930. at Georgetown Uni versity Hospital. MARY L. DUNN, daugh ter of the late Robert W. and Elizabeth Wilson Dunn and sister of Dr. E. A A Dunn. Services at the Warner E. PumPhrev fu neral home. 84*24 Georgia ave.. Silvei Spring. Md . on Tuesday. November 21. at 1 p.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore. Md. 20 ENGLER. WILLIAM OTTO. On Sunday November 10. 1030. at his residence. 4721 13th st. n.w.. WILLIAM OTTO ENGLER beloved husband of Marv R Engler and father of May Engler Johnson and Iren* H. Engler. Remains resting at his late residence until 10:30 a.m. Wednesday November 2*2. Funeral services at the Lee funeral home, 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e.. at 2 p.m. Friends are invited. Interment Congres sional Cemetery 21 ENGLER, WILLIAM O. A special com munication of Lebanon Lodge. No. 7. F A. A. M.. is herebv called for Wednesday November 22. 1030. at \:15 n.m., at Ma sonic Tempi* to conduct Masonic service? for our late brother. WILLIAM O. ENGLER FRED A. MINNIGH. Master. 2] FARISH. ANNIE. On Sunday. Novem ber 10. 1030, at Mother Jones’ Home. Berwyn. Md.. ANNIE FARISH. belovec daughter of William F. and Marcelina G Farish. Funeral from the residence of her sister Mrs. R. A. Downes, of Lanham. Md . or Tuesday. November 21. at 3 pm. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Whit field Cemetery. Lanham. Md. GARLAND, THOMAS. On Monday. No vember 20. 1930 at his residence. 174C 18th st. n.w. THOMAS GARLAND, be loved husband of Alic* M. Garland, fathei of Mary and Edna Garland Services at Chambers’ funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Wednesday. No vember 22. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. 21 GILL. RUTH D. Suddenly, on Sunday November 19. 1030. RUTH D. GILL (nef Mosher), beloved daughter of Harry Trow* and Mary L. Mosher, sister of Mrs. Mar garet E. Vernon and Mrs Mary A. Pern and mother of Richard Gill. Remains rest ing at Zurhorst's funeral home. 301 Easl Capitol st. Notice of funeral later. GRAMLICH, ADDIE ENNIS. On Satur day. November 18. 1030 ADDIE ENNIS GRAMLICH of 4810 Kansas ave. n.w., wife of John P. Gramlich and mother of Johr C.. Edward C. Raymond R.. Wallace E. Melvin F., Alfred S. and Eugene F. Gram lich Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st,. n.w.. on Tuesday November 21. at 1 p.m Relatives anc friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. HAINSWORTH, EDITH MOORDALE. Or Sunday. November 19. 1030, at Emergence Hospital. EDITH MOORDALE HAINS WORTH of 3500 14th st. n.w.. widow ol Charles G. Hainsworih and mother ol Edith O. Mildred M. and R. G. Hains worth and sister of Mrs. P. J McLaren. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral name. ...'mi lain rt. n.w.. on luesaav. ino Vember 21. at 3 n.m. Relatives and friend; Invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. HARMON, HARVEY F. Suddenly, or Saturday. November IS. 1939. HARVEY F HARMON, beloved husband of Ethel Mas Harmon and father of Harvey Harmon, ir. Funeral from his late residence at. •Clin ton. Md„ Tuesday. November 21, at 2 p.m Interment Glenwood Cemetery. Relative; and friends are invited to attend. HAYES, ROSE A. On Sunday, Novembe] 19, 19.39. at, Garfield Hospital. ROSE A HAYES, beloved sister of A. J. Hayes o: Atlantic City. N. J Friends are invited t( cal) at Gawler’s, 1750 Pa ave. n.w., unti 10 p.m. Monday. November 20. Services and interment will be held a' Emporium. Pa. on Wednesday, Novem ber 22. JACKSON. SAMATHA. On Saturday November IS. 1939. SAMATHA JACKSON wife of William Jackson, beloved mothei of Clarence H. Wells. Funeral services Tuesday. November 21 at 7:30 p.m.. at the W. Ernest Jarvis fu neral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Relative: and friends invited. Interment Pine Bluff Ark21 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L7SPEARECQ Neither successor to nor connected wltt the original W. R Speare establishment 1009 H St. N.W. NationaPj589; J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 82<K FUNERAL DESIGNS^ GUDE BROS CO. . Floral Pieces 1818 F St. N.W._ National 4278_ GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NAT. 01 Of and Sundava Cor. 14th Cr Eye % Dratfja JARBOE. JAMES COLUMBUS. On Sat i urday. November 18. 1939, at Providenci Hospital. JAMES COLUMBUS JARBOE. be loved husband of Rose Ella Jarboe o: Blanchard st.. Edmonston. Md. Remain: resting at. the Oasch funeral home. 4t Maryland ave., Hyattsville. Md. Services at the above funeral home or Tuesday. November 21. at. 8:30 a.m.; thenci to St. Jerome’s Catholic Church. Hyatts ville, Md.. where mass will be at said at f a.m. Relatives and friends invited. In. terment Evergreen Cemetery. Bladensburg Md. KEITH, MOLLIE GASKINS. Departec this life Sunday, November 19. 1939. at hei residence. 2214 12th st. n.w.. at 1:55 a.m. MOLLIE GASKINS KEITH, beloved wile o; Henry R. Keith, mother of Raymond B. Charles W. and Kerpiit K Keith; daughtei of James Gaskins, stepdaughter of Man zella Gaskins, sister of Edward. Walter anc Lawrence Gaskins; niece of Mrs. Susie Wal lace and Walter Wallace. Other relative: and friends also survive. Remains at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 143 You st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday, November 22, frorc the Metropolitan A M. E. Church, 15th anc M sts. n.w.. at 1 pm. Rev. J. C. Becket officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery 21 KNEESSI. MARION. On Saturday. No vember 18. 1939. at Chicago. 111.. MARIOI* KNEESSI. widow of Gustave A. Kneessi. Services at the Tabler funeral home 4-1 * 9th st. n.w., on Tuesday. Novembe: 21. at 2 o’clock D.m. Interment (private Glenwood Cemetery. • ,J£PCH’ ,DA- °n Friday. November 17 1939. at 2926 Upton st. n.w . IDA KOCH beloved wife of the late Bernhard Kocl and mother of John G. Koch. Services at the Huntemann funeral home S'32 Georgia ave.. on Tuesday. Novembe 21. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Baltimore Cemetery. Bal timore. Md. 20 KOONTZ, MYRTLE. On Monday. No vernDer ~u. 1W3SI. at the residence of he daughter. 5521 Colorado ave n.w,. MYR TLE KOONTZ. beloved wife of the lab Frank A. Koontz and mother of Miss Helei Marie and Raymond F. Koontz. Remain resting at the Lee funeral home, 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e. Notice of funeral later. LEWIS. ROBERT II. On Fridav. No vember 1?. 1930. ROBERT H. LEWIS, be loved son of George P. Lewis and brothe of George Lewis, jr : William. Agnes Grimes Blanche Giles. Flla Brown and Lilliai Lewis, and father of Mabel Lewis ant Blanche Williams. Other relatives alsi survive. Remains may be viewed at th« Adams & Smoot funpral home. 2425 Nich ols avp. s.p., after 4 o.m. Monday. No • vember 20. 1 Funeral Tuesday. November 21. 1 pm from the Second Baptist Church. 2nd st. be tween M and N s.w. Interment Rosemon Cemetery. ; LUCKETT. THOMAS .? Suddenly or . Saturday. November 18. 1930, at Casualt: Hospital. THOMAS J LUCKETT. the be loved husband of Helen H. Luckett and fa . of Thomas J.. jr.. and Gloria Luckett Funeral services at H. M. Padgett's fu l neral home. 131 11th st. s.e.. on Tuesday • November 21. at 2 pm. Relatives ant i friends invited. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. MALONE, EDITH M. On Saturday, No member J8. 1030. at Emergency Hospital EDITH M. MALONE, beloved mother o Mrs. Robert Anthony and sister of Mrs Nena Fastnanght and Mrs. Hattie Thoman Services from the Chambers funera home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Tuesday November 21, at 3 p.m. Relatives am friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. oq MASON. DANIEL WALLACE. On Fri day. November IT. 1930. at his residence Church st. n w.. DANIEL WALLAC1 1 MASON, beloved husband of Elizabeth H ' Mason and brother of Howard Mason. Re becca Hall and Georgianna Mason. He alsi is survived by other relatives and man' friends. . Rftnains may be viewed after 1C nooi Monday. November CO. at his late residence ; where funeral services will be held 01 Tuesday. November 21. at 9:30 a.m . lol lowed by high requiem mass at St , Augustine's Catholic Church at 10 am Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrange ments by McGuire. 20* MAWSON. THOMAS. On Monday. No vember CO. 1939. THOMAS MAWSON. be loved brother of Mrs. Annie Anthony. Mrs WilLam J. Steinbaugh. Miss Hannah Maw son. Mrs. Aleda Worthmiller end Mr. Job Mawson. Services at Chambers' Georgetown fu neral home. 31st and M sts. n w„ on Wed nesday. November 2C, at C D.m. Relative and friends invited. Interment Arling'oi National Cemetery. 21 MEYER. HENRY F. W. Suddenly. 01 Saturday. November 18. 1039. at his resi dence. “Evergreen." Bradley blvd,. Mont gomery County. Md.. HENRY F. W. MEYER beloved husband of Rose C. Meyer (ne Crovo). Funeral services at the above residence on Tuesday. November 21. at 10:30 a m Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 20 O’CONNOR, DANIEL A. On Saturday November 18. 1939. at Providence Hospital DANIEL A. O’CONNOR, beloved husband c Mary Agnes O'Connor. Funeral from his late residence. 24 Bry ant st. n.w., on Tuesday, November 21. a 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Martin’s Church i North Capitol and T sts.. where mass wil be offered at 9 a m. Relatives and friend invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery PACHEO, ALVIN EDWIN. On Monday November 20. 1939. ALVIN EDWII PACHEO. beloved father of Edwin, Austii and Helene Ann and son of Mrs. Josepl Pacheo. brother of Joseph C , Edward V. William C. and Helen C. Pacheo. Remain resting at the Chambers Georgetown fu neral home. 31st and M sts. n.w Notice of funeral later. (Providence. R I and Falls River, Mass., papers please copy. PARRON, JOHN. Suddenly, on Sun day. November 19. 1939. JOHN PARRON He leaves to mourn their loss a devout father, William Parron: four brothers flv< sisters, two nephpws. four nieces, othe: relatives and friends. Remains at Camp bell s funeral home. 423 4th st. s.w Notice of funeral later. PAYNE, FRANCES G. On Sunday No vember JO. 1939. at hpr residence. 2152 I st n.w., FRANCES G. PAYNE, the belovec °* y„01lder Payne, mother of Rodney Vonder. Francis and Calvin Payne cousin of Mrs. LauVa Langhorn. Notice of funeral hereafter. i EMM-V At her residence 1343 Oak st n.w.. EMMA ROBERTS. th< beloved wife of the late John Roberts. Services by Chambers’. 1400 Chapir st. n.w. ROBINSON, ANNA. On Monday. No De^?T^oinvV in Baltimore. Md„ ANN/ ROBINSON, beloved wife of Willie Robin son and sister-in-law of L. Robinson. 132* V st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. Arrangement; „n * Morrow Funeral Home, Inc. 1326 V st. n.w. EDWARD H. On Saturday, No SKSber 18,, 1939. at 3720 Upton st. n.w EDWARD RYAN, member of Columbia Typographical Union. No. 101. Funeral from the Huntemann funera home. 5*32 Georgia ave., on Wednesdav November 22. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St Ann’s Catholic Church. Wisconsin and Ne «a,s j aves. n.w\. where mass will bi offered at 9 am. Relatives and friend: mvited to attend. Interment Mount Olive Cemetery. 21 SKEEN, EMMA L. On Sunday. Novem °er_18- 1?39. at Colonial Beach. Va.. EMM/ L. SkFFN, the bploved sister of Mrs. G. H Hamman. Mrs. Elisha Blakey and George Thompson. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 511 11th st. s.e. Notice of time later. STOUT, ELIAS BALL. On Sunday. No vember 19. 1939. at his residence. 4821 Woodway lane n.w.. ELIAS BALL STOUT beloved husband of Catherine Stout. Remains resting at Hysong’s funera !}onie u1,100 N st.. n.w., where services wil be held on Wednesday. November 22, at 1 Relatives and friends invited to at tend. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 21 STRANGE. JOHN EMANUEL. On Sat urday. November 18. 1939. at Children’. Hospital. JOHN EMANUEL STRANGE, be loved son of Richard and Alma Strange brother of Wallace Strange, grandson o Mildred Warner. Funeral Tuesday. November 21. at f Pjn.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis funera church. 1432 You st. n.w. Interment Lin coin Memorial Cemetery. Relatives anc friends invited. SWEENEY, ANNIE E. On Saturday November 18. 1939, ANNIE E. SWEENEY wife of the late Edward WT. Sweeney anc mother of Edward W., Herbert E. anc Stanley N. Sweeney. ,«5£ryiFes at Chambers’ funeral home 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. Novem berat 2 pm. Relatives and friend: invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery --pnpns UlCilOC COPy. I TRUNNELL. CHARLES r. On Sunday November in. 1039. at Walter Reed Hospl tal, CHARLES C TRUNNELL. beloved sol of Laura Trunnell and husband of Bessii Trunnell and father of Mrs. F. M Bur roughs and Laura and Charles TYunnell Remains resting at the Chambers George | town funeral home. 31st and M sts. n w. Notice of funeral later. 21 WALKER. JOSEPH W. On Sunday, No vember 10. 1030, at his residence. 113 Car roll ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. JOSEPH W WALKER, husband of the late Harriett R Walker. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funera home. 2001 14th at. n.w . on Tuesday. No vember 21. at 2 p.m. Interment private. WATERS. CARRIE B On Monday. No vember 20. 1030. st the home of her dBUgh ter. Mrs. Smith W. Allnutt. Spencervllle Md . CARRIE B. WATERS, wife of the lati William Plummer Waters. Notice of services later. WEBSTER. NORMAN. On Friday. No vember 17, 1030. at, Freedmen's Hospital NORMAN WEBSTER. He is survived by f loving wife. Arnettie Webster: one son Norman Webster, jr.: a father, seven bioth ers. five sisters and other relatives ant friends. Remains resting at Frazier’s fu neral home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. WHEELOCK. EDITH M. On Saturday November 18. 1930. EDITH M. WHEE LOCK. Wife of the late Frank H. Wheelock Friends are invited to call at Gawler’s 175fi Pa ave. n.w. " Services will be held at Gawler’s chepel 1750 Pa. ave. n.w. on Wednesday. No vember 22, at 2 p.m. Interment Lewins. ville. Va. In Ulmortam BALDERSON. RICHARD B. In lovini memory of RICHARD B. BALDERSON. wht passed away two years ago today, Novem ber 20. 1937. 'Tts not the tears at the moment shed That tell how loved was that soul that fled ’Tis the silent tears frequently wept And the sweet remembrance kept. Sweet is the memory that shall never fade Sweet is the grave where you are laid. Part of our lives are buried deep Under the sod where husband, father sleeps WIFE AND DAUOHTER. V Rev. J. H. Kuhlmann, 83, Retired Minister, Dies The Rev. J. H. Kuhlmann, 83, one of the oldest members of the former Baltimore Southern Methodist Con ference, died Saturday at the home of his nephew, Elmer Gray, 3042 Dent place N.W. Mr. KUhlmann was born near Lees burg, Va„ the son of German immi grants. He was educated at Vir ginia Military Institute and received his theological degree from Ran dolph-Macon College. During his early ministry he was a circuit rider, later serving ap pointments at Middleburg, Sterling, Falls Church, Manassas and Rem ington, in Virginia, and in Belts ville and Laurel, Md. After the death of his wife in 1916 he retired and came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Gray in George town. Two years later he started the movement which resulted in the establishment of the Methodist Home for the Aged at Gaithers burg, Md. In 1920 he published a history | of the Methodist Episcopal Church South of Cumberland, Md. He is survived by a brother, : Charles A. Kuhlmann of Hamilton, Va., and a number of nieces and | nephews. , Funeral services will be held in the Leesburg Methodist Church at . in Union Cemetery there. W. D. Murray, 81, Dies; "Y" Work Leader By the Associated Press. PLAINFIELD, N. J„ Nov. 20.— William D. Murray, 81, nationally known in Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. ' work, died at his home today after a two week’s illness. He was former chairman of . the ■ foreign department of the national . Y. M. C. A. and traveled in Europe and the Near East on behalf of the • organization. i He was a charter member of the ‘ Executive Council of the Boy Scouts i of America and in 1937 published , “The History of the Boy Scouts of [ America.” ; Miss Mary L. Dunn, 74, ; Church Worker, Dies ’ Miss Mary Lula Dunn, 74, life , long resident of the District of Co lumbia. died Saturday at George town University Hospital after a year’s illness. An employe of the United States ; Patent Office for more than 20 years 1 Miss Dunn was retired several years ago. She was an active worker in the Trinity Methodist Church in Washington and took an interest in the Swartzell Methodist Home ; and the Methodist Home for the 1 Aged. She was the daughter of the late ' Robert W. and Elizabeth Wilson ■ Dunn. Her only survivor is her i brother, Dr. E. A. A. Dunn of Be , thesda, Md. . | * OW uua w ill UC iiClU ill the Warner E. Pumphrey funeral ; home tomorrow at 1 p.m. Interment t will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery, , Baltimore. S Henry F. W. Meyer, 67, Dies at Bethesda i Henry F. W. Meyer, 67, property | clerk at the Smithsonian Institution, ; Washington, died Saturday morn ing at his home. Evergreen, Bradley I boulevard, Bethesda, Md. He had been connected with the Smith : sonian Institution 37 years. The funeral will take place from ! I the home at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow, interment to be in St. Mary's Ceme tery. A native of Bremen, Germany, Mr. Meyer had lived in this coun try since a boy. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rose C. Meyer, and the following children: Mrs. Louis S. Baker and Mrs. Armand J. Sa turelli, both of Washington; Henry J. Meyer. Bethesda; Richard T. Meyer, Washington; Charles B. Meyer, Arlington, Va„ and John L. Meyer, Alexandria, Va. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Henrietta Lind ermann, and a brother, John Meyer. Thanksgiving Dance A formal Thanksgiving dance will be held by the Washington Inter national Club Thursday evening at 1708 New Hampshire avenue N.W. In HUmnriam BIGGS. CHARLES THOMAS. In sad but loving memory of my husband. CHARLES THOMAS BIGGS, who departed this life one year ago today. November 20. 1938. I nftpn sit, and think of you. No one see* me weeD. But deep within my aching heart Your memory I shall always keep. WIFE AND DAUGHTER. • ELLIS, ANDREW J. In memory of our dear husband and father. ANDREW J. ELLIS, who departed this life six years ago today. November 20. 1933. This day comes with sad regret And one that we will never forget,: We will always cherish with love sincere Beautiful memories of onp so dear. As the years go by and we grow older. Your memory is our binding tie: i^ijicuiuiantc Ul inuoc Uo Jo v\nen we were all together. HIS LOVING WIFE. jlAMIE. AND CHIL DREN. FRANK. LOTTIE, JOE. EMORY. • JOHNSON. FRANCIS A. In sad but lov in? remembrance of our dear loved one. FRANCIS A. JOHNSON, who died six years ago today. November 20. 1038. The depth of our sorrow we cannot tell At thp loss of one we loved so well: And while he sleeps in beautiful sleep His memory we shall always keep. THE FAMILY. * TWOMEY, DANIEL D. In loving mem orv of our devoted father. DANIEL D. TWOMEY, who departed this life fifteen years ago today. November 20. 1024. SONS. * If Your Dentist Hurts You Try DR. FIELD PLATE EXPERT Double Suction 1 W1!1."1." » T1*ht Fit In any Month Violet Ray Treatment for Pyorrhea Extraction, SI and *2 Also Gaa EWf* -*10 to $85 Gold Crowns- (A UD Fillings .. ... ill! DR. FIELD 406 7th St. N.W. MEt. «S6 Over Woolworth 5c A lOe Stora COL. 0432 CALL CharnfaM ONE OF THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD i Mrs. Adelia C. Collins Dies After Brief Illness Mrs. Adelia C. Collins, Chfistian Science practitioner in Washington for more than 40 years, died yester day at her home, 5310 Reno road N.W., after a brief illness. Mrs. Collins, widow of Mil lard Collins, for merly with the Post Office De partment, was an aunt of Jus tice Jesse C. Adkins of Dis trict Court. A native of Knox ville, Tenn., she had made her home here more than 50 years. Also surviving Mrs. coiiini. are her daughter, Miss Ruth Collins; a sister, Mrs. Sam Helm of Dan ville, Ky., and the following nieces and nephews: William S. Adkihs, James C. Adkins, Mrs. Gilbert Creech and Knowles Walker, all of Washington; Miss Bird Walker of Fort Worth. Tex., and Daniel and Roscoe Waddell of Knoxville. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Gawler’s funeral home Burial will be private. Don’t Pick DiimnIaa At Surface WT IVTipiGS Use This Fast, Soothing Relief To relieve the itching torment ot pimples, rashes, enema and other aurfare akin conditions, just douse the irritation with soothing, dependable, liquid, «sm SOLUTION. Greaseless. invisible —a pharmacist's time-proved formula of 5 selected ingredients. Combats vegetable and ani mal parasites contacted. Must satisfy you &|!|k real quick or money hark. Ask your’drug- Wlllli I gist today for Bsffl SOLUTION —only 50c. l~" Hit by Blockade Americans Carry Coal in Baskets By the Associated Press. TIENTSIN, Nov. 20.—As wintry weather set in Americans presented a singular sight today as they tried to bring baskets of coal by jinrikisha and automobile into the British and French concessions where the Jap anese blockade has caused a coal shortage. United States Marines, unable to obtain coal for the past 10 days, at tempted to arrange for supplies to be brought by boat down the Hai River from coal yards which are piled high. The blockaded British Concession, facing a growing coal shortage, will be without light, power and water within 10 days, authorities said, unless the Japanese permit supplies to enter. The present flow of supplies, It was said, is confined to a limited ration for hospitals and bakeries. Frank Otis Shepardson, Gladiolus Expert, Dies By tbe Associated Press. MANSFIELD, Mass., Nov. 20.— Frank Otis Shepardson, 59, who was nationally recognized as a gladiolus expert, died at his home yesterday after suffering ill health for the last two years. A lifelong resident of Mansfield, Mr. Shepardsop had traveled widely as a judge in flower shows. He was a former president of the Amer ican Society of Gladiolus Growers and a co-founder of the New Eng land Gladiolus Society. Funeral plans could not be set immediately pending efforts to reach his son, Marshall, who has been traveling through Florida on his honeymoon. STOVE & FURNACE DAD TO f°r Almost rilll I 0 All Makes! I I Other sprays in smaller sizes arranged to your order. $2.00 and up. Delivery Service on all funeral orders. HOLIDAY SPECIAL TABLE PADS Mad. With Tap tt> measure, fit any shape table B| I ^X A National Pad _W I with Confidence Phone or write, our representative will call at your home for measurements. No charge for this service within 20-mile radius. NATIONAL TABLE PAD CORP. 527 9th St. N.W. Room 404 Nat. 4671 —^^EVENINC APPOINTMENTS MADE^^mmmmm^ 1 C&Cw&u>#iSwie4, 1 fp 808 14th St. MEt. 7433 609 12th St. MEt. 9369 Open Evenings by Appointment. Phone Metropolitan 5420 Before 6 P.M. Luxuriously Comfortable2 V A big, roomy chair, designed for S complete relaxation. FEATURES: H Balloon seat and tufted pillow back, carved walnut grip arms :^B . and frame and a heavy quality H tapestry covering in choice of H rust or green figured pattern. Pillow top ottoman to match. jfl^B H No Money Dousnl Super- Value! Smart, New Leatherette OCCASIONAL Huge Savings in MIRRORS We bought them from a promi nent manufacturer at a tremen dous price sacrifice. The savings are reflected at this exceptionally low sale price! No Money Down 2 j roil CHOICE! i $0.95 i Large, deep-seated chairs with high backs, spring seats, strong hardwood frames, attractively carved, brass nail trim. Queen Anne, Chippendale and mod ern period styles. Upholstered in blue, ivory or red leather ette. Easy TermsI Your Choice! $£95 Ovals, squaras, uprights and semi-round shapes with handsome metal bronse finished carved frames. Heavy plata qual ity guaranteed against silver spoilage. Suitable for every room in the house. No Money Down! ~k " 3" ' ‘