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. P • ESTABLISHED 1865 • I DAILY DOUBLE I The Winning Combination p || When you buy from Baker you : get lasting quality and prompt p I- service; that's the combination % ■ that has guaranteed satisfac- p p tion for over 74 years. \Besides, 1 : two completely stocked ware- p houses answer your call for p service, not one alone! The p Barker Daily Double always M p wins confidence. GEO. N. BARKER! I • COMPANY • i LUMBER and MILLWORK i 649-651 N. Y. Ave. N.W. f, 1523 7th St. N.W. CALL NA. 1348 | Treats Inside—Rich in the Essential Vitamins A and D. O wakeful nights for me! Now I soothe “bedtime nerves” with a cup of delicious hot STEERO just before re tiring. What a relief to have refreshing sleep! Try STEERO tonight. BE A TASTY COOK! Discover the secret of tastier, more satisfying cooking. No chef can beat the treats made in a jiffy with STEERO Bouillon Cubes. Coupon for free cook book in each pack age. New 5-cube lOjf package. ; ST. LOUIS—PICKETS OWN FIRM—Charles C. Gaubatz (right), vice president of a cleaning firm, joined a picket line in front of the shop Saturday. A member of the chauffeurs’ union, he said the fact he has worked for the firm 30 years and owns stock in it wouldn’t keep him from siding with strikers who want higher wages. The plant is managed by his brother. —A. P. Wirephoto. Katharine Cornell Hits Accent on Youth Idea By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Nov. 20.—Katharine Cornell, the first lady of the theater to many of its devotees, scoffs at the frequently expounded idea that ma turity is on the downgrade in a world which often places extreme youth in the saddle. “We hear that youth is preferred,” she said, “because of a supposed greater buoyancy and vitality. We hear that the spirit goes into de cline with the passing of the years. It is my opinion that the spirit does 1 not go into a decline. There simply wasn’t enough spirit there to start! with. The lack of spirit may be come more obvious as one grows older, but it doesn’t wither merely because of age.” “From the mere fact that a per son is in the youth stage of life,” reasoned the star of “No Time for Comedy.” "it does not follow that the person is keener and more radi ant and vital than his elders.” Tighter Election Laws Cut Fraudulent Voting The chances for fraudulent voting have been reduced 50 per cent in the last 20 years, a congressional au thority said today, by the virtually 'Nation-'wide tightening of State election laws. Alney E. Chaffee, House reading clerk, said stricter registration re quirements and provisions to pre vent people from voting more than once or “voting the tombstones' were largely responsible. Under Republican auspices. Mr. Chaffee advises Washington worker: in his spare time on how to qualify for voting in their home States. Coogan to Wed Again, Try New York Stage By the Associated Press. PORT WAYNE, Ind., Nov. 20.— Jackie Coogan, grown-up child screen star whose Hollywood mar riage went on the rocks last summer, says he’s going to wed again and try for a career on the New York stage. He disclosed his plans on an over A _ MM V night stop here between one-night stands In Lafayette, Ind., and Kala mazoo, Mich., in the George Abbott comedy, “What a Life.” He said he would marry Harriet Haddon in New York City next fall. The wedding cannot take place, Coogan explained, until a divorce from his first wife, Screen Actress Betty Grable, becomes final 10 months from now. Miss Haddon, in pictures three years, now is playing in an ice revue it a New York hotel. Coogan met tier In Hollywood. She Is 21. He 25. Fwo Die as Planes Collide ALAMEDA, Calif., Nov. 20 UP).— rwo privately owned planes collided In the air and crashed near the water front yesterday, killing the pilots, P. C. Peterson and Chester Vienot. They were flying alone. Italian Liner Reported Held at Gibraltar Br tbe Associated Press. ROME, Nov. 20.—Passengers st riving yesterday on the liner Rex said the Italian liner Vulcania had been detained by British contraband rontrol authorities at Gibraltar. The liners Satumia and Augustus were detained recently under similar circumstances. oaara Ol eczema, simple rashes and many other skin irritations qnickly sub* dned with reliable Besinol Ointment FOR SATISFACTORY COAL Fuel Oil TELEPHONE gcmr 714 13th St. Natl. 3068 f “FAIRFAX” Satin Finish k A washable, durable paint dc- Hfl signed for kitchen fl| and bather o o m Dries to a hard velvet jrlosv. all colors, adapted to harmon izintr. Phone for FREE DE Ml LIVERY. H BUTLER-FLYNN I \j»0» C St. X.W. MEt. 0150 SLOANE'S ORIENTAL RUGS : I Bring a Note of Luxury into the Home And with what meticulous care we choose them. That is why a collection, as large and varied as you wiil always find at Sloane’s, is composed of all masterpieces from famous looms. And when opportunity offers—as now—the unusual ly low price adds an urge for immediate selection. B & Regularly $425 SPECIAL *245 SIZE 9x12 , Quoted sizes on Oriental Rugs are always approximate m Lustrous Kirmans, with their gleaming ivory grounds. Thickly woven Sarouks, in deep wine tones. Gorgeous Khanbahs, with their traditional soft pastel shades. Luxurious Chinese Rugs, that are fast becoming a rarity because of flood and war. [I w&JSLOME , 711 TWELFTH STREET [ - COURTESY PARKING CAPITAL GARAGE ★ CHARGE ACCOUNTS AVAILABLE * . k ★Free Parking Space ^B 5722 Georgia Ave. N.W.* ^ 8529 Georgia Ave. N W.* ^k 1325 Good Hope Rd.A ^B Old Georgetown Rd.. Bethesda^ ★ 8217-19 Georgia Ave. A AM 12th St. N.W. ^k M38 Park Rd. N.W. ^ 2938-40 14th St. N.W. A 1839 Benning Rd. N.E. AB 1479 20th St. N.W. ^ S.E. 17th A R Sts. N.W. a 2744 14th St. N.W. 1052 Tolumbia Rd. ^B 0235 Georgia Ave. N.W. * 900 G St. N.W. ^ 421 13th St. N.E. ^B 221 Md. Ave., Hvattsville^ (Some prices vary in Md.) LEAN ROAST PORK LOIN lb. 1 #1 Rib end B up to 3 lb. Long Cut Sauer Kraut, lb. 6e Fresh Philadelphia SCRAPPLE “ 10e a Crisp California \ CELERY ◄ ◄ 4 ^Y extra Ige. C ^ A stalks MtY A -- 4 4 4 4 4 4 A GLENWOOD HOME STYLE Apple Sauce 2 xj He Kraft Miracle Whip qt. jar 32c m DEL MONTE PEARS 2 N”»M 17c DEL MONTE PEAS 2‘LTgae ^ DEL MONTE SLICED ^ Nn ,,, 4 PINEAPPLE 2 33® 1 Peanut Butter 1H'( “hr 10c a Red Cherries 2 1' 19c 2 Cake FloorsTdS.£S;,?“" 21c / 2 Pail«ak« Flour Buckwhtot *r5c j N C&B Date-Nut Bread can 10c I ^ N. B. C. Ritz Crackers Pkg. 20c t Wet-Pack Shrimp 5L“ 10c 1 Dill or Sour Pickles & 10c i Chase & Sanborn Coffee & 23c 1 Maxwell House Coffee i 25c ] Win-Crest Coffee lb b*« I3e ^urkeys^ i*29' / The Pick of the Flock—Make Your 4 Selection Early ~ OTHER TURKEYS (Toms), lb. 27c "'"" 'f ^r> ' 'Sll* * Don't Forget V Poutry Seasoning ^ pkg. 9C ^ Saae. Thvme nr Mnrinmm Dkz. DELICIOUS, YOUNG LONG ISLAND Ducklings; 17* ' * -r SMALL LEAN ^ FRESH r HAMS ► ">• 17c ► su°" Smoked ^ HAMS ► ,b 21c ► FANCY ROASTING CHESAPEAKE BAY FRESH STEWING Chickens Oysters Chickens “*33*“ “ 23c Meaty Pork Chops lb. 15c Brookfield Sausage Meat lb. 19e Rib Pork Chops_lb. 21c Delicious Sirloin Steaks lb. 27e Tender Round Steak Ib 25c Thanksgiving Vegetables and Fruits OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry 17 oz. " can Sauce oKl Mince Meat XXXX, Brown or Powdered SUGAR 3 & 20* GOLDEN PREPARED V PUMPKIN \ 3 25c ► ^ FANCY CAPE COD < CBAXBEBBIES 2 2?)' ^ U. S. No. 1 Stayman Winesap Apples, 6 lbs. 19c ◄ Thin^kin Fla Tangerines 2 doz. 29c Crisp California Carrots bunch 5e Delicious Box Eating Apples 3 lbs. 19c Idaho Baking Potatoes 3 lbs. 10c Fresh Brussels Sprouts_2 lbs. 25c Californio Iceberg Lettuce_ 2 heads 17c 4 FANCY IMPORTED -- BT *. JUICY FLORIDA f m 2 Chestnuts I» Oranges 2 RED and yellow | Sweet Potatoes 4 10c CHOICE TOMATOES l STRING! JESS REA NS [ Mixed Vegetables ^ YOUR No. 2 t CHOICE con ^ LONG-CUT SAUER k KRAUT \ Choice Mixed .. ~m a NUTS |JK Poper Shell ,b 1 Q ALMONDS 1"C KING KOLE BRITE BRAZILS 2 27© cSSAmm 2:tf CREAMY Choc. Drops »10* Hershey'i 8 oz. ~W A Chocolate cake ■Ivl! CLICQUOT CLUB Beverages qt. 4V C pins bot. qW dep. !► Our Own Delicious 1 k Mince Meat | r 15* Jk Floko Pie Crust 8 oz. pkg. 10c k HEINZ TOMATO V KETCHUPE sr 17<! a ^ asc ► Heinz Tomato Juice 1 2 oz. cpn 7c Heinz A**t. Soups, ex. 4 2 16 oz. cans 25c y Heinz Cucumber Pickle 2 24 oz. jars 35c ^ nbin* rnbrnnbv SPAGHETTI 2 15c 1 11 - nunii DMivcis p BEANS L 2 IS 21c f *» IP- ^ Don't Forgot Gold Seal \ a Supply of Finest ' " * • 73 wi>t taua i v I 16 U£. tails I yv OVEN-FRESH VICTOR k BREAD Tc t Sliced and Wrapped Loaf W k i 3-Layer Block Walnut Cakes «• 43c ^ L Virginia Lee Black Walnut Cakes «*• 27c p j All-Purpose FLOUR lb. C bag Cream-White Vegetable SHORTENING (Old Fashioned FRUIT CAKES Made of the flneit inrredlenti . . . oar famqai quality. Plain or Sugared L Do’nuts f doz. 10* ^ Campbell’s Beans 3e^ l9c L Evaporated Mim^^4c^23c T Camnbell’sTom. Snnn32ftn r If Palmolive Lifebuoy Pr,ce* Meet,T* Cnt11 Cloolne Wednetdiy, November 22nd. 1230. Wuhinrton, D. C.. Only. '-—-* ^ 4 Toilet Soaps “H0." FIL"S l 4 •**• 5c S’- Si: 20®-25c L i Ik A A