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- j I ^THAmsS^ DINNER $135 §g Roast Stuffed Voune Turkey " Giblet Gravy Cape Cod Cranberry Sauce (Film serving ■>/ Turkey it desired) HV Raked Potato Mashed Potato Glace Sweet Potato V V Hubl. rd Squash Boiled Buttered Onions French or Russian Drr ■ V Hearts of Celery Hearts ur Lettuce Sweet Mixed Pickles « | Rolls and Butter 3 Choice of Old Fashioned Squash. Mince or Apple Pie ■ Plum Puddini, Hard Sauce Tea, Coffee, Milk, Ginier Ale Fruit Sherbert Froitn Puddini Ice Cream Tokay Grapes rs HOllla^S NOV.’S L THANKSGIVING MB — jQ^ARD^ 'jHVtiSVlAV DINNER, 85c *74e fyisut 'lima At *1kU J*ont Piice! SPINET PIANOS in the New Fobrikoid Finish ■229 ON VERY EASY TEEMS_ _ • || /J New <Mu^itUuflon Stifle! Huntington has always given more piano value for the money, and this new model is no excep tion! Strongly made of wood with a metal back plate like any other good piano, but instead of the ordinary wood veneer fin ish it is covered in a heavy, durable Fabrikoid (except for legs and trim) I that will not scratch or mar and can be cleaned by merely wiping with a damp cloth. Full 88-note standard piano action and extremely well designed, it's an instrument that will please from both the standpoint of quality and price. Shop now ... a small deposit will hold any piano until Xmas. In addition to the Huntington, we are agents for ten other well-known piano makes—the largest selection in the city. i |i Arthur J nmxs PIAVO COMPANY 1239-G Street - Cor. 13- N.W Treat That Cold Quickly! a cold is a tricky and treacherous thing. It may take a serious turn almost before you know it. Take no chances with any cold. The moment you feel a cold coming on, act quickly, act decisively. Take Grove’s Laxative Bromo Qui nine (LBQ) tablets I Bromo Quinine tablets are famous treatment for a cold. They are known and used the world over. Bromo Quinine tablets do four im portant things: 1. They open the bowels, an advis able step in treating a cold. 2. They relieve the headache and other pains that go with a cold. 3. They clear up that heavy sense of stuffiness that goes with a cold. 4. They help reduce the fever that goes with a cold. Take Bromo Quinine tablets promptly and you do much for the speedy relief of a cold. Get them at any drugstore, a few cents a box. Ask for Grove’s Bromo Quinine tablets. taa Kqgn^iii.Mnwa,m'inmiiEnM-1 / U. S. Presses Demand Japan Lift Barriers To Goods at Tientsin Parley Is Scheduled Today to End Acute Shortage of Fuel The United States pressed de mands today for lifting of Japanese restrictions on movement of Ameri can goods into the foreign conces sions in Tientsin, China. Representatives of the United States Consulate and Chamber of Commerce in Tientsin scheduled a meeting with Japanese authorities today in an urgent attempt to re lieve an acute coal shortage, the As sociated Press reported. Acting Secretary of State Sumner Welles disclosed yesterday that dif ficulties in getting goods for the American communities in the Bri tish and French concessions at Tientsin were increasing despite re peated presentations to the Jap anese of this Government’s conten tion that American trade there should not be interfered with. Mr. Welles made public reports from John K. Caldwell, American Consul General at Tientsin, saying the Japanese had required Ameri cans to dump loads of coal and peanuts on the streets before the shipments were permitted to pass into the concessions. Strong Representations Made. In emphatic tones, he said Amer icans had a right to conduct such trade and that United States rep resentatives in Tientsin were hold ing conversations with Japanese authorities there in an effort to prevent the recurrence of incidents affecting American trade adversely. The restrictions on coal shipments have created a fuel shortage that is causing increasing discomfort to Amorioonc in ~ __ blanketed the city's streets, accord ing to the Associated Press. The American representatives there were expected to demand today that the Japanese at least permit transporta tion of adequate fuel supplies. The British Consulate there has been negotiating unsuccessfully with the Japanese in an attempt to get coal through the barriers. In the face of the outspoken re sentment, Kensuke Horinouchi, the Japanese Ambassador here, asserted that Americans were being given special consideration by Japanese military authorities in China. Suggests Military Necessity. The Ambassador said that while other nations may be delayed in their movements to and from the concessions, “Americans pass very quickly.” As a general rule, he said, Americans are granted preferential treatment. If there has been any delay in the movement of American goods to the concessions, it had developed from military necessity, he said. Mr. Horinouchi pointed out that Chinese were in the majority in both the British and French concessions and that it was possible the Jap anese military authorities were ex amining shipments into the conces sions to be sure they did not include arms. The Ambassador said he hoped the conversations going on in Tient sin would result in an amicable un derstanding. Dutch and Nazis Confer On Neutrality Violations By the Associated Press. BERLIN, Nov. 21.—Authorized sources said today that Nazi officials met charges of violating the Nether lands' neutrality with counter charges of entry into German terri tory. The Netherlands' Charge d'Affaires came to talk over alleged violations of Netherland territory by German aircraft. a Lrerman plane, disabled by anti-aircraft fire, crashed in a Neth erlands meadow yesterday. The pilot was killed. Netherlands aircraft also engaged Nazi planes last Sat urday and Sunday. German and Netherlands repre sentatives agreed to continue in vestigations. The German foreign office dis closed that the German minister to Berne, Otto Kocher, had expressed regrets to the Swiss government that Nazi planes had conducted a "pamphlet bombing" over Switzer land Friday. Guard Officers Recognized Granting of Federal recognition to a number of National Guard offi cers, among them Capt. Donald A. Falk, route 2, Anacostia, D. C., was announced today by the War De partment. Capt. Falk is assigned to the 29th Military Police Com pany, Special Troops, 29th Division. These officers now hold the dual status of commissioned officers in the military forces of the District and the States and as officers of the National Guard of the United States. Justice Laws to Talk Justice Bolitha J. Laws of Dis trict Court will address the Student Bar Association of the George Washington University Law School December 4. The lecture will be public, it wras announced. Coma In tor vour taw today EASTMAN STORES 607 14th W. Japan's South China Advance Checked, Defenders Claim No Progress Reported By Nipponese in Kwangsi Drive By the Associated Press. HONG KONG, Nov. 21.—Chinese government spokesmen reported to day that the Japanese advance into extreme South China had been checked. The advance, aimed at cutting the Chinese “lifeline” sup ply routes from British Burma and French Indo-China, was stopped a few miles from its landing point on Tongking Bay, the Chinese said. The Japanese themselves report ed no progress in 24 hours in the direction of Nanning, Chinese Army headquarters in important Kwangsi Province. Nanning also is terminus of one xmall-gauge railway from French Indo-Chlna over which sup plies have been moving. The Japanese said they were con solidating their base positions on Tongking Bay. The Chinese said the Japanese left wing, a force of 40,000 men, had been held up a few miles from the landing point, which was about 35 miles east of the Indo-China border. A spokesman for the Chinese said, however, that the Japanese center wing had reached the Kwangsi bor der, only 30 miles from Nanning. Japanese air reconnaissance re ports stated that Kwangsi soldiers, among the best in all China, were hastening to Nanning from Kwang tung Province, destroying reads and erecting strong defenses. The Chinese reported that Nan ning and other South Kwangsi cities had been heavily bombed. Finds Father in Wrecked Car ABBEVILLE, S. C„ Nov. 21 (IP) — T. Dale Ferguson, jr., came upon an overturned automobile beside a highway. After notifying police, he dug into the wreckage and extricated the in jured driver. It was his father, Deputy Sheriff T. Dale Ferguson, who died a few hours later in a hos pital. Stayer cf Three Executed CARSON CITY, Nev., Nov. 21 VP). —Burton F. Williamson, 43, a gam bling game dealer who killed his wife and two other persons, was executed in the prison’s gas cham ber today. Williamson shot his wife, Pauline; her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Waddell, and the latter’s husband, Waldo Waddell, near Fallon last August 27 during a family quarrel. How would you like cosh for all the useless trinkets that are lying about the house. Selingers will pay the Highest Cash Prices 1 for all your old gold or 2_ln silver rings, pins, watches, /f&rM even dental gold. Thanksgiving Day Madrillon Restaurant Washington Building, 15th at N. Y. Ave, DINNER 12 Noon to 10 P.M. Fresh Roast Turkey Served with all the traditional trimmings ^ and prepare^ in the famous Madrillon manner. $1.50 per person Dancing From 7:39 to 1 P.M. Music by Carr & Don Orchestra Adelita Varela in Spanish and Mexican Songs and Mary LaMarr in American Swing Songs iiirniME mm ^ vKSSP°8^^^V ■HHHT^^^ j^fliHPBHBH ^piHpjHm^^^H 9 pMHHH ImHII^^H <|fliH HIIHVnBNfl^Bjll^^Ss^^^^ra^ 1940 Model 1 Eight Tubes 1 Push-Button Tuning Built-in Short Ware ^ Radiorgan Tone JiMi Color Blender JmMsl Priced at Only $79 95 1 1940 Model Tam TiiUa» | GREAT VALUES! | « LONG DISTANCE RADIO With the Famous IWAVEMAGNET No Aerial... No Ground j ! Every Set designed for TELEVISION NO MONEY DOWN Liberal Allowance for Your Old Radio • ;; i Eleven Tubes Giant Size Chassis i Motor Wavemagnet A 15-Watt Power Output Mk Miracle Value! A Store $ ear Your Home 814-816 f st. nr;w. 3107-3109 M St. MW. 1111 H St. ME 2017 14th St. MW. 3038 14th St. MW. All Scores Open Till 6 PJML m$Met t$m ♦ A ' ' % * " .. V > * '