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* Beauty*'Comfort'*Silent Speed ftiawatkad CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS Milwaukee Road Travel Bureau 1404-5 Fidelity Phila. Trust Bid*. • Philadelphia, Pa. DON’T DO THAT—FOR YOUR OWN SAKE—Knee-Hi warns Evelyn Barnour, 11, and Raymond Fisher, 11, both of the Ambush School, against holding onto an automobile while riding In their wagon. The little terrier knows that’s an easy way for children to get injured or even killed. —Star Staff Photo. — — ■ — — ■ - - ... Knee-Hi Shows • Pupils How to Cross Wet Street Traffic Safety Dog . Trots Right Along Without Pause to Play Children at the Ambush-Small wood and St. Vincent de Paul Schools probably will cross wet streets more carefully in the future if they fol low yesterday’s example by Knee Hi, the canine traffic safety in structress. And H. B. Jones, ad ministrative principal of the Am bush-Smallwood School, feels sure they will. More than 800 colored children stood at Fourth and M streets S.W. as the first snow of the year fell, cheering the way Knee-Hi trotted briskly across the intersection in obedience to the traffic officer’s sig nal. But they also noted that the little terrier refused to cross the ■ street against traffic, even if Dr. George E. Brunson, her trainer, stood on the other side and whis tled and coaxed her to come to him. Sees “Fine Lesson.” Mr Jones described the safety lesson as “very fine for the chil dren. They’ll take the attitude that if the dpg can cross the street prop erly, then they can do it, too.” “Don’t loaf across when you do cross,” boomed Jack Dalton, one of Dr. Brunson’s assistants, over the loudspeaker system. He called the children's attention to the fact that Knee-Hi didn’t .stop in the middle of the street to play with her mas ter, but continued on until she ar rived safely on the other side. The children applauded enthusi astically when Knee-Hi showed her disapproval of boys hitching a ride on the back of a truck by chasing the would-be riders away from the vehicle and half-way down M street. Plays "Bit by Auto.” Neither does Knee-Hi approve of any one running out into the street after a ball while traffic is moving. She showed her appreciative audi ence what would happen to those who violate such a safety rule by lying, apparently senseless, in the 1 middle of the street after pretend ing to be struck by an automobile. Due to the inclement weather, Dr. Brunson was forced to curtail the safety lessons, which is being spon sored by The Star with the co operation of the Board of Educa tion, the Metropolitan Police De partment and the Department of Vehicles and Traffic. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE and all fnrmi of Iniuranci Thos E. Jarrell Co. REALTORS 731 Tenth Street N.W. NAt. 07AS POSLAM STOPS ITCHING AND LETS YOU SLEEP Concentrated skin-comfort — that's what Poslam is! Put just a little on that aggravating, itching spot tonight. It penetrates the outer layers of the skin and soothes the irritation. Almost at once the itching stops and by morning the redness and soreness begin to fade. With the eruption pacified, healing is promoted. Why wait for relief? Get Poslam today and get sleep tonight. Your druggist sells Poslam, 50*. PoslaM 56 Assigned to Expedition Assignment of 8 officers and 48 enlisted men of the Navy to ac company Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd to the Antarctic was an nounced yesterday by the Navy De partment. The list Includes Chlei Photographer Arthur James Car roll of Capitol Heights, Md. Twen ty-two of the enlisted men will be assigned as crew of the Bear of Oakland and the other 26 to the party which will remain In An I tarctica. I | P • 100% WhoU bran • double-milled-made by f an improved process • delicious to eat • helps relieve constipation caused by too little bulk • accepted by the Council on g Foods of The American Medical . f Association TASTE it—and you’ll know why the new National Biscuit 100% Bran has been an instant success! This golden, ready-to-eat cereal has a wonderful flavor—and a texture that's really different! It is made by an im proved process of double-milling that fur ther breaks down the bran fiber making it less likely to be irritating. National Biscuit 100% Bran helps to develop a large soft mass in the intestines an'd aids elimination. Order a package of thi snewform of bran today. If your constipation is not helped in this simple manner consult a competent physician PRODUCT OF NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ♦ YES, it’s nice to have a lot of money to spend. But don’t for get there’s also plenty of fun to be | had “on the way up’’ to affluence. There’s the satisfaction of achieving something better than you’re used to—stepping up, for instance, to this smart, swift, solid Buick after you’ve been driving run-of-the-mill cars. Just you feel the silk-smooth surge of its great 107-horsepower micro poise-balanced straight-eight engine —and you know that all that went before was only preliminary to this big thrill. You flip the firm, easy gearshift — and the click of its action under your hands says here’s the real thing in precision-made mech anisms, not just a stopgap to tide you over. * You roll your steady, even-going, __ __ i .« wi 111-1 lumg way, auu me laui, staunch, everywhere-substan tial feel of this fine carriage brings a sense of “getting somewhere” as satisfying as your first gilt-edged bond. You’ve got action in this honey. You’ve got style. You’ve got value, and everybody knows it. You’ve got life—you’ll romp up hills and tame the wide-open spaces and doff your cap to no one on the way. And there’s nothing light, or loose, or tinny, or labored about it any where. Here’s the sure, steady, take it-in-stride demeanor of a car that’s competent-plus. Suppose you have to stretch a bit to buy this Buick—well, you’ll find that will only make you prize this great eight all the more! So go look at the car that can mark a milestone in your life. It doesn’t cost a thing to find out how little a really good car will stand you delivered. ■ EMERSON &ORME STANLEY H. HORNER, Inc. I 17th and M Sts. N.W. Phone District 8100 1529 14th St. N.W. Phone NAtional 5800 I „ THE WILLIS MOTOR CO. . HYATTSVILLE AUTO & SUPPLY CO. WINDRIDGE & HANDY INC. 1 Georgia Art. at Sjlrer Soring, Md. 133 Maryland Are., HyxtUriUe, Md. GBeen. 4030-1-3 , 3015 N Moore St, Koeslyn,' Va B nnep. eaw * Choetnnt 5800—Oxford I860 K fiUMI „ TEMPLE MOTOR CO. COVINGTON MOTOR COMPANY, INC. 1 1800 Klnr St., Alexandria, Va. Alexandria 8065 0901 Wisconsin Are., Betbesda, Md. Wisconsin 5010 H __ * _ B ■ .1 < * t THIS NEWEST A>P COFFEE DEPARTMENT The Coffee Department in A&P’s newest Super Market is completely equipped to give you prompt, modem coffee service. Here you will find the world’s largest-sell iing coffee—Eight O’Clock, and A&P’s two other popular favorites, Red Circle and Bokar. These fine coffees are ground fresh to* your order—and ground exactly right for your coffee pot. Ordinarily such superb coffee would be expensive, but because we bring it direct from plantation to you—eliminating %nany in-between profits and handling charges ■—you get it at these amazingly low prices. Visit our coffee department today and discover for yourself why every 7th family (in America buys A&P Coffee!