Newspaper Page Text
- Bond Prices Uneven In Narrow Range As Volume Lags Fractional Advances And Losses Divided; Rails Improve Bond Averages CO 10 10 10 Rails Indust. Util F’sn. Net change +.1 unc. unc. unc. Today, noon 60.3 101.1 96.2 50.3 Prev. day.. 60.2 101.1 96.2 50.3 Month ago. 62.0 99.6 95.7 48.4 Year ago ._ 59.4 98.9 93.6 62.7 1939 high.. 64.9 101.2 97.5 64.0 1939 low .. 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low . 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_110.3 Prev. day. 110.3 Mnth ago 108.0 Year ago. 110.2 1939 high 112.6 1939 low 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) » .__ By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 21.—Bond prices moved over a narrow, uneven range in limited trading today. Gains and losses of fractions were about evenly divided toward noon, with rails predominant on the ad vancing side. United States Governments, after several days of steady prices, imi tated the rest of the indecisive » market and turned uneven. Foreign government dollar loans, with the exception of Argentine and Canadian issues, slumped badly, with Italian 7s slipping 4 points at one time. On the rising side among the cor porates were American Sc Foreign Power 5s. St. Paul 5s. Chesapeake & Ohio 3'is. Firestone Tire 3'pS. Bos ton Sc Maine 5s. New York Steam SHs and Union Pacific 3 '■k of ’71. On the downward slope were In ternational Telephone 5s, Goodrich 4’2S, Anaconda Copper 4'2. Alle ghany 5s of ’49. Loew's 3'is and In ternational Paper 5s. • __ . Output of Distilled Spirits Decreases By the Associated Press. Production of distilled spirits in the United States is reported by the Treasury to have declined in Octo ber to 17.945,842 gallons, compared with 19.219.398 gallons in the same month last year. For the first four months of the fiscal year which began July 1, pro duction amounted to 39.892.300 gal lons, compared with 40.312,254 gal lons In the similar period last year. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Nov. 21.— Dividends d» dared (prepared by Pitch Publishing Co): Extra. Pe-. stk. of Pay Rate. riod.record, able. Aetna Ball Bearing. -40c.. 12-1 12-15 ’ Heileman G Brew 2oc ... 12-5 12-lo Siscoe Gold Mines Ltd lc .. ll-2o 12-15 Resumed. Champion P & F....10C.. 12-1 12-15 Glen Alden Coal ...25c.. 12-11 1---S Natl Bearing Metals 50c __ 11-21 1--6 Increased. Aetna Ball Bear Mfg 35c Q 3-1 3-15 Special. Bost Herald-Traveler 40c 12-1 12-8 Clark Equipment 75c 11-29 12-15 Stock. Bliss fiz Laughlin 50r> 12-1 12-15 Master Elec 15ft 11-24 Accumulated. Iowa Southern Util ~rr pf ct $1.75 11-30 12-15 Iowa Southern Util _ ,. iS. gk rtx2rr pf ct $1.02,a - 11-30 12-15 Iowa Southern Util „, 0rr pf ct $1.50 . 11-30 12-Id St Louis Screw & Bolt 7r< pf $3.50 __ 1 l-2o 12-1 Swan-Finch Oil . (Vr pf 37Vic . . 11-20 12-4 Wisconsin P & L HV pf $1.50 _ 11-30 12-15 Wisconsin P&L , „ „ k . 7rr pf $1.75_. 11-30 12-Id Regular. • Afea Onsco Corp . 50C . 11-21 12-1 Akron Brass Mfg 50c 11-‘.4 1 2-1_ Am Fork & Hoe 25c 12-n 12-Id Am Fork Hoe pf $1 50 Q 1-d 1-1 d Bost Herald-Traveier 40c O 12-21 1-2 Burgess Battery $1.59 11-1H ll-‘.8 Calamba Sug Estate 40c Q 12-15 1-1 _ Clark Equipment 25c 11-29 12-Id Clark Equipment pf $1.75 1 1-29 12-Id Devonian Oil 25c Q 11-19 12-la Foote-Burt 20c 12-5 12-1 a Heileman G Brew 25c Q 12-5 12-Id Landers Frary & Clark 37 Vac Q 12-Id 12-27 National City Lines . 5oc 12-2 12-15 National Oats 25c 11-20 12-1 Pure Oil 25c 12-1 12-20 Siscoe Gold Mines Ltd 3c Q 11-25 12-Id Sperry Com vtc $1 11-30 12-8 Van Norman Mach T1 80c 12-8 12-20 West Exploration 21 c O 12-15 12-20 Weston G Ltd 20C Q 12-15 1-2 ' Woodward <fc Lothrop 5nc 12-10 12-28 Wdwd & Lth 7'e pf $1.7 5 Q 12-16 12-28 k ■ «/ ■ ■ r . * INeW IOTK DurlK STOCKS NEW YORK. Nov. 21 <48.—National As tociation Securities Dealers. Inc.: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS ISFI (2.40)- 36 38 Bank of Man usual - 17*« 18% Bank of N Y (14) 450 460 Bankers' Tr (2) _ _ 57Va 59Va Brooklyn Tr (4) ..... 74 79 Cen Han Bk A Tr (4)_100 103 Chase Nat (1.40) 36 38 Chem Bk A Tr (1.80) ___ 49U 51 Va Commercial (8> 169 175 Cont Bk A Tr (.801 _ 13V, 15 Corn Ex Bk A T (3) _ 59% 60;Vi Empire Tr (.601 _ 12*2 13Va First Nat (Bos) (2) _ 46% 48% First National (100) _1925 1965 Guaranty Tr (12) .. __ 286 291 . Irving Tr (,60i . 12% 13% Manufacturers' Tr (2) 38V2 40Va Manufacturers' Tr pf <2) 52'a 54% Natl City 111 28Va 3(1 N Y Trust (5) _ _ ■ 1 Oil 12 112*2 Public (11 a) _ 30 32 Title G A T 3Va 4Va Virginia Charters RICHMOND. Va.. Nov. 21 (48.—'The State Corporation Commission announced yesterday it had issued the following charters: National Enterprises. Inc.. Harrisonburg Va Maximum capital. $25,000. Samuel F, Roth, president. Harrisonburg. Va. Tc do the business of theatrical proprietor! and caterers for and to public entertain ment and amusement. L. G. Payne. Fred ericksburg. Va.. secured charter. The American Slate Co.. Inc.. Aryonia Va Maximum capital $50,000. Charlei M. Trammell president. Washington. D C To coniduct mining operations. John O Dahlgren. secretary. Normandy Building Washington. D. C.. secured charter. Mount Vernon Builders. Inc., Arlingtor County. Va. Post office address. Arlington Va Maximum capital. $25,000. Georg( S Carpenter president Washington, D C To conduct a general engineering arc contracting business. Waller B. Smith attorney. Courthouse Square. Arlington, Va Paris Exchange Rates PARIS Nov. 21 (48 —Final quotation! for the United States dollar was unchanged at 43.80 francs (2.283 cents to the franci in foreign exchange trading today, com pared with the franc at 2.230 cents lr New York overnight. Exchange on Lon don. 176.625. In the Bourse 3 per cent rentes endec 71.85 francs: 4V4s "A.” 81.15; 4Vis 1937 200.60. London Bar Silver LONDON. Nov 21 '48.—Bar silver 23V2d. unchanged. (Equivalent. 42.62 cent! on the dollar basis of $4.0.3 to the pound. Bar gold. 168s. unchanged. (Equivalent _ $33.85.) Rubber Futures * NEW YORK. Nov. 21 1A0.—Crude rub ber futures opened 6 to 19 higher. Decern ber. IP.97-20.00: March. l*.75b: May 18.2*. b Bid. t I BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire direct te The Star. TREASURY. High Low. 2:55. 2s 1947_ 104.5 104.3 104.5 2 %s 1945 _ 107.26 107.26 107.26 2%s 1949-53_ 104.18 104.16 104.16 2 % s 1951-54_ 106. 105.28 106. 2% s 1956-59_ 105.8 105.7 105.8 2%s 1958-63_ 105.2 104.20 105. 2 % s 1960-65_ 104.30 104.26 104.30 2%s 1955-60_ 106.15 106.12 106.12 3s 1946-48 _ 109.23 109.23 109.23 3s 1951-55 . 108.24 108.21 108.24 3 % s 1946-49_ 110.11 110.11 110.11 3%s 1949-52_ 110.28 110.28 110.28 3 % s 1941 ... 105.8 105.8 105.8 3 %s 1943-45 ... 109.20 109.16 109.19 3 % s 194 4-46 110.5 110.2 110.2 3%s 1940-43 Jun 102.18 102.18 102.18 3%s 1943-47 ... 109.19 109.19 109.19 3 %s 194 6-56 ... 113.29 113.29 113.29 4 %s 1947-52 _ 119.16 119.16 119.16 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3s 1944-52 107.14 107.11 107.11 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low 2:55. Abltlbi P&P 5s 53 . 49 48% 49 Agr Mtg B Col 6s 47 28 28 28 Antioquia 7s 45 A . .. 17 16% 16% Antioquia 7s 45 C_ 16% 16% 16*. Antioquia 7s 45 D 17 16% 16% Antioquia 1st 7s 57 15% 15% 15% Antioquia 2d 7s 57 _. 15% 15% 15% Antioquia 3d 7s 57 16 16 16 Argentine 4s 72 Feb 75 74% 75 Argentine 4s 72 Apr 75 74% 75 Argentine" 4 %s 48 ... 94% 94*. 94% Argentine 4%s 71_ 85 84% 85 Australia 4%s 56_ 75% 75% 75% Australia 5s 55 _ 79% 79% 79% Belgium 6s 55 _ 86% 86 86 Belgium 6%s 49_ 89 88% 88% Belgium 7s 55 _ 99 99 99 Berlin City 6s 58 ... 10% 10% 10% Brazil 6%s 1926-57.. 16% 16 16 Brazil 6%s 1927-57 16% 16 16 Brazil C Ry El 7s 52 . 15 14% 14% Brazil 8s 41 .. 23% 21% 21% Brisbane 5s 58 . _ 75% 75% 75% Ruenos Aires 3s 84 42% 42% 42% Buen Air 4%-4%s 77. 56 55 56 B A 4%-4%s 76 Aug 55% 55% 55% B A 4%-4%s "6 Apr.. 55% 55% 55% Canada 2%s 45_ 95% 95% 95% Canada 3s 67 _ 86% 86% 86% Canada 3%s 61_ 90 89% 90 Canada 4s 60 _ 97% 97% 97% Canada 5s 52 _ 103% 103% 103% Chile 6s 6(1 _ 16 15% 15% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 12% 12 12 Chile 6s 61 Jan . 16% 15% 15% Chile 6s 61 Jan assd.. 12% 12 12 Chile 6s 61 Febr . 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s 61 Feb assd . 12 12 12 Chile 6s 61 Sept assd. 12 12 12 Chile 6s 62 .. 16 16 16 Chile 6s 62 assd_ 12% 12% 12% Chile 6s 63 assd _ 12 12 12 Chile Mtg Bk 6s 61 . 15% 15% 15% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 57 15 15 15 7hile MB 6%s 57 asd. 11% 11% 11% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 61. 15% 14% 15% Chilean Mun L 7s 60. 13% 13% 13% Colombia 6s 61 Jan... 33% 32% 32% Colombia 6s 61 Oct.. 33 32% 32% Copenhagen 5s 52_ 56% 56% 56% Costa Rica 7s 51_ 18 17% 18 Cuba 514s 45 _ 70% 70% 70% Cuba 514s 53 _102% 102% 102% Denmark 414 s 62_ 60 60 60 Denmark 5 %s 55_ 68 68 68 Denmark 6s 42 . 83% 83% 83% Dominic 1st 5%s 40 69 69 69 Dominic 2d 5Us 40 60 68 69 Dominic 1st 514s 42 71% 71 71% Dominic 5 %s 61 ext _ 69% 69 69% El Salvador 8s 48 ct 17 17 17 Finland 6s 45 _ 91% 91% 91% French Gov 7s 49 . 109 109' 109 Ger C Ac Ln 6%s 58 11% 11% 11% Ger Govt 5V>s 65 .. 9% 9 9% Ger G 5 %s 65 un st6 6 6 German Govt 7s 49 ... 10% 10 10 Ger Gov 7s 49 un st.. 6% 6% 6% Italy 7s 51 .. 66% 64 64 Japan 5 %s 65_ 62% 62 62 Japan S%* 54 _ 79% 79 79% Medellin 614s 54. 15% 15% 15% Milan 614s 52 _ 51% 60 60 Minas Geraes 614s 59 9% 9% 9% Norway 4%s 65_ 83 83 83 Norway 414s 56_ 90% 90% 90% Norway 6s 43_98% 98% 98% Norway 6s 44- 98% 98% 98% Oriental Dev 5%s 58. 51% 51% 51% Oslo 414 s 55 90 90 90 Panama 5%s 53 105'* 105% 105% Pernambuco 7s 47_ 8% 7% 7% Peru 1st 6s 60_ 9% 9% 9% Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 9% 9% 9k i Peru 7s 59 10% 9% 911 Poland 4%s 63 asd_ 9 9 9 Poland 8s 50 10 10 10 Porto Alegre 8s 61 _ 9% 9% 9T1 Rio de Jan 8s 46 _ 9% 9% 9% Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68 . 9% 9% 9M Rio Gr do Sul 8s 46 9% 9% 9k Rome 6%s 52 _ 61 59 59 Sao Paulo C 6 %s 57 ._ 8% 8% 8k Sao Paulo C 8s 52 . .. 8% 8% 8k Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 24% 24 24 Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 9% 9% 9k Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 9% 9% 9k Serbs 8s 62 _ 14% 14% 14k Silesia Prov 7s 58_ 7 7 7 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53_ 55% 55% 55k X'jigawa El P 7s 45 ... 90% 90% 90Vi Uruguay cv 3%s 79 _ 44% 44% 44k XTruguay 3%s 78 Dec 44% 44% 44k Uru 3%-4-4%s adj 79 45% 45% 45k Yokohama 6s 61 57% 57% 57k DOMESTIC BONDS. j Adams Exp 4s 47- 103% 103% 103k AllegCorp5s4 4_ 80% 80 80k ] Alleg Corp os 49 ._ 72% 71% 72k Alleg Corp 5s 50 std . 46% 45% 45k Allied Stores 4%s 51 _ 97 97 97 Allis-Chalmers 4s 52 109% 109 109k Am & For Pw 5s 2030 64% 63% 63k Am I GCh 5%s 49... 103% 103% 103k Am T & T 3 >is 61_ 108% 108 108 AmT&T3%s66_ 108% 107% 108k Am T& T 5%s 43 __ 109% 109H 109k Am Wat Wks 6s 75 108% 108 108k Anaconda db 4%s 50 106% 106% 1061 Anglo-Chil Nitr db 67 37% 37% 37k Ai h At r>cz. as si so sn ao Armour!Del)lst4s 55 9914 99 99V Armour!Del)4s 57 98*. 98V* 98V A TAS Fe ad.i 4s 95 st 9054 90!* 90V A TAS Fe pen 4s 95 107'.* 107 107V A TAS Fe CA 4'%s 62 108'/. 1084 108V A TASF TC StL 4s 58 1094 109H 109* Atl A Ch A L 5s 44 . 97Vi 97 97V Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52. 79'* 79 79V Atl Coast L clt 4s 52. 67!* 67'* 67V Atl Coast L 4'*s 64— 64 63!* 64 Atl Coast L 5s 45 ... 77V. 77 77 Atl A Dan 1st 4s 48 39*4 39*4 39* Atl Gulf A W 1 5s 69- 70 70 70 Atlantic Refln 3s 53 - 105 105 105 : Auburn Auto 4-V.s 39. 37 37 37 RAO 1st 4s 48 ... 66 654 65V ' BAOconv 4!%s60—. 19'* 19 19 B A O 4 !* s 60 ct_ 18*4 18 18 B AO 1st 5s 48 _ 67'* 66'.* 67 | B A O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 66'* 654 66' B A O ref 5s 95_ 27'* 27V, 27'. B A O 5s 96 F_ 274 27V4 27* B A O 5s 96 F ct_ 27V* 27'* 27! B AO ref 5s 2000 D— 28V, 28 28 B A O rf 6s 2000 D ct- 274 27T4 27' B A O ref 6s 95 _ 31*, 31V* 31V B AO ref 6s 95 ct_ 31'* 314 31V B A O LEAWV 4s 41 . 60*i 60*. 60* B&OPLE&W V4s41ct 57 67 67 B AO Swn 5s 50 ... 49 48*4 48V B A O Swn 5s 50 ct . 474 47 47 BangAAroos cn 4s 51. 80 78V* 80 Bang A Aroos 5s 43 ._ 1004 100 100 Bell T of Pa 5s 48 B._ 1174 1174 117! Bell Tel (Pa )5s 60 C— 1294 1294 129' Beth Steel 3%s 69 F. 100 994 100 Beth Steel 3>*s 52_ 1084 1084 108! Beth Steel 3 4s 66.__ 105 1044 104* Beth Steel 44s 60... 1074 1074 107' Big Sandy 4s 44_ 1084 1084 108V Bos A Me 4 4s 61 JJ.. 454 434 44* Bos A Me 5s 65_ 454 444 45V Bos A Me 6s 67 _ 454 444 45 Bos N Y A L 4s 55_ 10 94 9* Brklyn City R 5s 41.. 61 604 61 Bklyn C RR 5s 41 cfs. 58 58 68 Bklyn Ed cn 34s 66 . 109 109 109 Bklyn Man T 4>*s 66 794 774 79' Bklyn Man 4V*s 66 ct 794 78 79! Bklyn Un El 5s 50 84'* 824 84' Bklyn Un G 5s 57 B . 1054 1054 105' Buff G E 4 4s 81 1124 1124 112! Buff RAP cn 4V*s 57 41 41 41 B R A Pen 4V*s 57 ct. 404 404 40! Calif OregPwr4s,66 1024 1014 101! Canada South 5s 62.. 87 87 87 Can NR 4 4s 56_ 1004 1004 100* Can NR 4**s 57_100'* 1004 100' Can NR 44s 55_ 1024 1024 102' Can NR 5s 69 July... 1034 1034 103' Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 1044 104 104' Can Pac db 4s perp... 62V* 624 62' Can Pac 4V*s 46_ 794 794 79' Can Pac 5s 44_-,J044 1044 104' . Can Pac 5s 64_Tr 794 794 79' Caro Cl A Oh 6s EJ._. 1084 1084 -108' Celotex 4 4* 47 ww._. 85 85 86 // Hlen Low Z:5S. Cent of Ga 5s 59 C 3Vt 34 34 Cent of Ga 5Us 59... 34 34 34 Cent N Eng 4s 61_ 46 46 46 Cent of NJ gen 5s 87. 174 174 174 Cent N Y Pw 3 % s 68 . 1094 1094 1094 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 74 74 74 Cent Pacific 5s 60_ 534 534 534 Cent Steel 8s 41 _110A110A110A Cert'd deb 6 4s 48 .. 78 774 78 Ches & Ohio 3 4s 63 F 1044 1044 1044 Ches &O 3 4s 96 D . 99 984 99 Ches & O 3 4 s 96 E . 984 984 984 C & O gen 4 4* 92- 1214 1214 1214 Chi & Alton 3s 49_ 114 114 114 Chi B&Q gen 4s 58... 93 4 93 4 934 ChiB&Qref5s71 .. . 904 90 90 C B&Q 111 div 3 4s 49 98 974 974 Chi Grt West 4s 59 234 234 234 Chi Ind & Lou 5s 66 64 64 54 Chi Ind & L gen 6s 66 54 54 54 Chi MU & St P 4s 89_. 264 254 254 CM&StP 4 4s 89 C .. 274 27 27 Chi Mil & St P 5s 75 .. 84 74 74 CM&StP ad j 5s 2000 24 24 24 Chi&NW gen 3 4s 87. 144 144 144 Chi & NW gen 4s 87.. 15 15 15 Chi&NW 44s 2037 . 10 10 10 Chi & NW cv 44s 49. 4 34 34 Chi&NW gen 5s 87- 164 164 164 Chi&NW 6 4s 36_ 17 164 17 Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 64 64 64 Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 ct 54 54 54 Chi RI&P gn 4s 88 rg 114 114 H4 Chi Rl&P gen 4s 88 16 154 16 Chi RI&P gn 4s 88 ct 15 15 15 Chi RI&P 44s 52 A 74 74 74 ChiRI&P cv 44s 60 _ 24 24 24 Chi UnSta34s51 105% 105% 105% Chi & W Ind cv 4s 52. 92 914 92 Chi & W Ind 4 Us 62 . 934 934 934 Childs & Co 5s 43 ._ 594 594 594 Cin G & E 3U* 66 . 1084 1084 1084 Cin Un Term 3%s 69 107% 107% 107% Cin Un Term 34 71 ._ 1074 1074 1074 CCC&StL rf 44s 77.. 56% 56 56% Clev El 111 3Us 65 _ 109 1084 109 Clev Un Ter 44s 77.. 75% 764 754 Clev Un Term 5s 73 .. 82 81% 81% Clev Un Ter 54s 72.. 91% 91 91% Co!oF&Ir5s70_ 71 71 71 Colo & So 4 4s 80 ... 374 374 374 Col G&E 5s 52 Apr ... 1034 1034 1034 Col G & E 5s 52 May 103% 1034 103'• Col G & E 5s 61 _ 1044 104 104 Comw Ed 3 4s 58_ 124% 124% 124% Comw Ed 34s 68_110 110 HO Conn R Pw 3 % 61 .. 109% 109% 109% Cons Ed N Y 3Us 46 107% 1074 1074 Cons E NY db 34s 48 107% 107% 107% Cons Ed N Y 34s 56 108 107'/ 1074 Cons Ed N Y 34s 58 1084 108 108% Consol Oil 3 4s 51 .. 104% 1044 104% Consol Rys 4s 56 16% 16% 18% Consum Pwr 3Us 86 1054 1054 1054 Consum Pwr 3 4s 70 . 109 109 109 Container deb 5s 43. . 102 102 102 Crane Co 3 4*51 1044 1044 1044 Crucible Steel 44s 48 102% 102% 102% Cuba Northn 54s 42 . 32% 32 32 Cuba RR 74s 46 A . 47 47 47 Dayton P&L 3 4s 60. 1084 1084 1084 Del & Hud ref 4s 43 .. 65 64 64 Den G&E 5s 51 . 1074 1074 1074 Den & R G con 4s 36 .. 94 94 94 Den & R G 4 4s 36 _ 94 94 94 D & R G W 5s 55 ast 2% 2% 2% Den & R G W rf 5s 78 6% 6% 6% Det Edison 4s 65 1114 1114 1114 Duquesna Lt 3 4s 65 . 109% 1094 1094 Elec Auto Lt 4s 52... 1094 109 109 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 491* 494 494 Erie gen 4s 96_ 22% 224 224 Erie ref 5s 67_ 17V 17Vt 17V Erie ref 5s 75_ 17V 17 17 Fed Lt&Tr 5s 42 st __ 104 104 104 Firestone T 3 14s 48 _ 106V 106 106 FlaECRy5s74 8V 8*, 874 Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ctfs 8V» 8V 8V Fonda J&G 4s 82 filed 3 3 3 Gen Am lnv 5s 52 105 105 105 Gen Cable 5 74s 47 .. 102 102 102 Gen Alot Ace 3 71s 51. 106V 106V 106V Goodrich 4‘is 56 104V 104 1047a Goth Silk H 5s 46 ww 87 87 87 Grt Nor Ry 3%s 67 .. 73V 73V 73V Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G ._ 103 102« 1 102V Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H _ 91 90V 90V Grt N Ry 1st 4 74 s 61. 104V 104V I04V Grt NR 4748 76 D . 82V 82'* 82V Grt N R gn 4 74 s 77 E 82*. 827, 82*, Gulf M&N 5s 50 _ 81 80V 80V Gulf Sti Stl «7js 61.. 8674 967* 96V Gulf St Util 374S 69.. 107V 1077* 107V Hir Riv & P 4s 54 ... 60 60 60 Houston Oil 4 Vis 54_ 98 98 98 Hudson Coal 5s 62 A. 37H 3714 37V Hud & Man Inc 5s 57. 14V 14 14 Hud & Man ref 5s 57. 46v 46 46 111 Cent 4s 53.... 48V 48 4874 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 50V 5014 50V 111 Cent 4 Vs 66 - 49 48». 487, 111 Cent ref 5s 55 _ 60V 60V 60V ICC&ST NO 474s 63.. 47V 47v 47V ICC&StL NO 5s 63 A 52 52 52 Indust Rayon 4 Vs 48 SSV 98V 98V Inland Steel 3Vs 61 107*, 107V 1077, Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 73V 73V 73V Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 73 73 73 Int it T 6s 32 .. 32V 317, 31V Interlake Iron 4s 47 90‘, 90V 90V Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52 . 14V 14V 14V Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52 IV 17, it, Int Hydro El 6s 4 4 ._ 73V 73V 737, Int Mer Alar 6s 41 ... 59V 597* 59V Int Paper 1st 5s 47... 101V 101 101 Int Paper ref 6s 55... 957, 94V 95V, Int T&T 4 74 s 52- 457. 457, 45.7, Int T&T 5s 55 - 49V 497* 49V James F&C 4s 59_ 57 57 57 Kans C FtS&Al 4s 36 29V 2974 297* K C FS&M rf 4s 36 ct 29 29 29 Kans City So 3s 50 66V 66V 66V Kans City So rf 5s 50 68V 68V 6874 Kan City Term 4s 60. 109V 109 109 Kans G&E4 74 S80.. 104V 104V 104V Keith's 6s 46 - 101V 101V 1017, Ky Cent Ry 4s 87_ 107 107 107 Kings Co El 4s 49_ 81 82 82 Koppers Co 4s 51... 104V 104 104V Kresge Found 3 >4s 47 1047. 1047. 1047, Kresge Found 4s 45.. 105V. 105 105!. Laclede Gas 5s 39_ 84 84 84 Laclede Gas as 42_ 82V 82 8274 Laclede Gas 5 74s 53.. 49V 49 49 Laclede G 5 Vs 60 D.. 49V 49V 4976 1 Laclede Gas 6s 42 A . 46 45 45 Lake S & M S 3 74s 97. 83V 83V 83V 1 Lautaro Nitrate 75... 3474 34V 3474 1 Leh C&N 4 74s 54 A... 53 53 53 . Leh Val Har os 54_ 44 44 44 1 Leh Val Coal 5s 54_ 24*. 24V, 24V, L V RR con 4s 2003.. 187, 187, 18*. L V RR 4s 2003 asd._ 17 16V 16V , L V RR cn 4 Vs 2003. 18 18 18 1 Ligg& Myers 5s 51 __ 127 127 127 ' Liquid Carbon 4s 47.. 109% 109% 109% , Loew’s 3 % s 46_ 101% 101% 101% Lion Oil 4%s 52_100% 99% 99% i LoneStarG 3%s53.. 110% 110 110% Long lsld ref 4s 49 __ 87 86% 87 Long Isl ref 4s 49 st_. 86% 86% 86% i Lorillard,5s 51_ 123% 123% 123% Lorillard 7s 44_ 125% 125% 125% La & Ark 6s 69 _ 84 84 84 i Louisv G&E 3%s 66-. 109% 109% 109% L & Nash 3%s 2003 — 79% 79% 79k L&N 1st 4s 2003_ 85 85 85 L&N unit 4s 40-101A 101* 101* L&N PM 4s 46 100% 10U 100k 1 L&N So Mon it 4s 52_ 73% 73% 73k McCrory Strs 5s 51—. 107 107 107 Me Cent HR 4s 45_ 80% 80 80 i Me Central 4 %s 60—. 53% 53% 53k , Manati Sugar 4s 57—. 38% 38 38 , Manhat Ry 4s 90 ... 75% 74% 75% , Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct 76% ?4% 75k Manhat R 2d 4s 2013- 41% 41% 41% i Mead Co 6s 45 __ 104% 104% 104k , Mich Cons Gas 4s 63. 101 100% 100% a Mil Spa & NW 4s 47.. 16 16 16 i MStP&SSM cn 4s 38.. 6% 6% 6k MStP&SSM 5%s 78— 65 65 55 a MStP&SSM 6s 46_ 3% 3% 3k Mo 111 5s 59_ 63% 63% 63k Mo K&T 1st 4s 90_ 32% 32 32 Mo K&T 4s 62 B- 18% 18% 189 i Mo K&T 5s 62 A_ 22% 21% 21k > Mo K&T ad j 5s 67_ 9% 9% 9k Mo Pac 3d ext 4s 38— 68 68 68 1 Mo Pac 4s 75_ 4 4 4 i Mo Pac 5s 65 A_ 15% 15% 159 » Mo Pac 5s 65 A ct_ 15 15 15 1 Mo Pac os 77 P- 15% 15% 15k i Mo Pac os 77 Fct_ 15 15 15 i Mo Pac 5s 78 G_ 15% 15% 15k Mo Pac 5s 80 H_ 15% 15% 159 i Mo Pac 5s 81 I_ 15% 15% 159 Mob & Ohio 4%s 77 — 30% 29% 30 Mob & Ohio 5s 38 . — 33% 33 33 Mob & O Mont 5s 77_ 23 23 23 > Monong P S 4%s 60 . 110% 110 110 < Monong Ry 1st 4s 60. 106% 106% 106k i Mont Pwr 3%s 66 100 99% 100 k Morris&Es 3 %s 2000. 41% 41% 41k a Morris & Es 4%s 55 — 39% 39% 39k Morris & Es 5s 55 .. 44% 44% 44k 1 Mount StT&T 3%s68 107% 107% 107k i Nassau Elec 4s 51 ... 41 40% 41 Nat Dairy 3%s 51 ww 107 107 107 i. Nat Distill 3 %s 49 .. 103% 103% 103k i Nat R M 1st 4s 51 as. % % 9 t NatR M 4 %s26asst—. 1% 1% lk ti Nat Steel 3s 65 __101% 101% 1014 l New Eng RR 4s 45—. 35 36 35 i New E T&T 4%s 61— 125 125 125 i New Jer-P&L 4%s 60 108% 108% 108k » New Orl P S 5s 52 A— 106% 106% 106k 9 New Orl P S Ss 66 B._ 107 106% 1069 4 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 61 68% 68% 684 N T Central 3 %s 52— 63% 63% 634 1 Rich. Low. 2:55 N Y Central 3Hs 97.. 78% 78% 78% N Y Central 3%s 46 — 77% 77% 77% N Y Central 4s 42 ... 86% 86% 86% N Y Cent con 4s 98 _. 61 61 61 N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A. 68 67 67 N Y Cent rf 5s 2013— 66 65% 65% N Y C L, Sh 3%s 98 .. 61% 61% 61% N YC& St L 3%s 47. 86% 85 85% N Y Chi & St L 4s 46 81% 81% 81% N Y Chl&StL 4%s 78 68% 68% 58% N Y C&StL, 6%s 74 A 67% 67 67 N Y Ch! & St L 6s 41 . 74 73% 73% N Y Conn 1st 4%s 53 . 106% 105% 105% N Y Dock 4s 51 64% 53% 63% N Y Dock cv 5s 47 62% 62% 52% N Y Kdis 3%s 65 D . 108% 108% 108% N Y Kdis ref 3%s 66 109 109 109 N Y G E H&P 4s 49.. 116% 116% 116% N Y G E H&P 5s 48 . 124% 124% 124% NY NH & H 3%s 47— 15% 16% 15% NY NH & H 3 %s 54_ 16 16 16 NY NH & H 3 %s 56_ 16% 16 16% NY NH & H 4s 57 .. 6% 6% 6% NY NH & H 4%s 67— 18% 18% 18% NY NH & II cl 6s 40 . 29 29 29 NY NH & H cv 6s 48. 19% 19 19% N Y O&W ref 4s 92 ... 7% 7% 7% N Y Steam 3%s 63 ... 105 104% 104% N Y S&W ref 6s 37 ... 9% 9% 9% N Y S&VV Ter 5s 43— 40 40 40 N Y Tel 3 %s 67 109% 109% 109% N Y W&B 4 %s 46_ 4% 4% 4% Niag L & O 5s 55_109% 109% 109% Niag Sh 5 Vis 50 103 103 103 Norf Southn 5s 61 ... 13% 12% 12% Norf Southn 5s 61 ct. 12 12 12 Norf & W 1st 4s 96 —. 120 120 120 North Am 3 %s 49_ 106% 106% 106% North Am 3%s 54 105% 105% 105% Nor'n Pac gn 3^ 2047 _ 42% 41% 42 Nor'n P gn 3s 2947 rg 38 38 38 Nor'n Pac 4s 97 .. 69% 69% 69% Nor’n Pac 4s 97 reg.. 66 66 66 Nor'n Pac 4 %s 2047- 48 48 48 Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 C.. 51 51 51 Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 D.. 50% 50% 50% Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 59 58% 59 North Sta Pw 3%s 67 108% 108% 108% Ogden LC 4s 48 ’_ 9% 9% 9% Ohio Edison 3•%s 72.. 106% 106% 106% Ohio Edison 4s 65_108% 108 108 Ohio Edison 4s 67_ 109 109 109 Okla G&E 4s 46 ... 105% 105% 105% Oreg Rlt & N 4s 46 .. 110 110 110 Oreg Sh L 5s |6 gtd_116% 116% 116% Oregon W RR 4s 61„ 106 106 106 Otis Steel 4%s 62_ 77% 77% 77% Pac Gas A El 3%s 66. 107% 107% 10714 PacG&E3%s61_ 110% 110 110% Pac G & E 4s 64 112% 112 112% Pac T&T rf 3 %s 66 B 108 107% 108 Pac T&T 3 U s 66 C 109% 109% 109% Par Broadwv 3s 55 ct 47% 47% 47% Param’t Pic 3US 47.. 86% 86% 86% Parmelee6s4 4 _ 48 48 48 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 101% 101% 101% Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A. 96% 96% 96% Penn P&L 3%s 69... 107 106% 107 Penn P&l, 4%s 74_108% 108 108 Penn RR 3 U» 52_ 86% 86 86 Penn RR 3%s 70_ 88% 88% 88% Penn RR 4s 48 . 111% 111% 111% Penn RR cn 4s 48 stp. 111% 111% 111% Penn RR 4 U ® 81_ 96% 95% 96% Penn RR 4Us 84_ 95% 95% 95% Penn RR 4%s 60 ... 117'% 117% 117% Penn RR gn 4%s 65— 100% 10(1% 100% Penn RR dh 4%s 70— 88 88 88 Penn RR gen 5s 68 .. 1074 1074 1074 Peoria & E 1st 4s 40 7.'1 69 93 Peoria & E ino 4s 90_. 94 94 94 Pere Marq 5s 56 694 694 694 Phila B&W 4 4s 77 C 1084 1084 1084 Phila Co 5s 67 ... 1054 1054 105" Phila Elec 34s 67 1104 110 110 Phila R C& Ir 6s 49 .. 44 4 4 j Philippine Ry 4s 37 _ 64 64 64 : Phillips Petrol 3s 48 1124 1124 1124 PCC&StE 4s 60 H _ 108 108 108 PCC&Stli 4Vi> «4 J. 1144 1144 114'. PCC&StL. 4 4*77 ... 984 984 989 Pitts C&lr 4 4s 52 100 100 100 j Pitt&W Va 4 4s 60 C 4j>4 48 48 Port Gen El 4 4s 60 . 824 82 82 Porto Rico AT 6s 42. 474 474 47'4 Porto R A T 6s 42 st. 4f>4 <64 464 Postal Tel&C 5s 53 174 174 174 Pub SvcX 111 34s 68 1084 1084 1084 Reading Jer C 4s 51.. 614 614 61M Reading R 4Us 97 A. 734 73 73'< Rem R'd 4 4s 56 ww_ 100 100 100 Republic Stl44« 56. 944 944 94^1 Renublfc Stl 4 4s 61. 94*9 944 944 Republic Stl 54s 54. 1084 1084 1089 Revere Cop 4 4s 56 .. 1004 1004 1004 Rio GW colls 49 A.. 124 124 124 Roch G&E 34s 69 106 106 106 Rutland(Can)4s 49__ 94 94 9Vi Saguenay Pw 4 4s 66 1004100 100 St L-San Fr 4 4s 78.. 104 104 10W St L-San F 5s 50 B... 104 104 109 St LS Wist 4s 89 . 60 60 60 St L South Wn 5s 52. 164 16 16 St P K S L 4 4* 41 - 64 64 69 St P Cn Dep rf 5s 72 115 115 115 San A&A Pass 4s 43 614 61 61 San Antonio P S 4s 63 1074 1074 107' San Diego CG&E 4s65 111 111 111 Seabd A L 4s 50 stp 144 144 14' Seabd A L rf 4s 59 64 64 69 Seab'd A L con 6s 45 9 84 89 Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct 4 4 4 4 Shell Un Oil 24s 54 954 954 959 Silesian Am 7s 41_ 28 28 28 Simmons Co 4s 52_ 994 984 99k Skelly Oil 4s 51 _ 105k4 1054 105k Socony Vac 3s 64_ 1044 104 104" So Bell TS-T 3s 79 . 1039, 1034 1034 So Bell T&T 3V*s 62 108 1074 108 Sonthn Kraft 44s 46 974 974 97k So Natl G 44s 51_1054 1059. 1059 So Pac 3%s 46_ 58 574 58 So Pac col 4s 49_ 499. 49 49’ So Pac ref 4s 55—_ 679 67 67 So Pac 4 4s 68_ 519, 61 51 So Pac 44s 69_ 614 51 51" So Pac 44s 81 _ 514 51 519 So Pac Oreg 4 4? 77-. 524 524 52k So Pac S F Ter 4s 50 81 81 81 So Ry gen 4s 56 A_ 61 60 60 So Ry 5s 94 _ 88 4 88 4 88" So Ry gen 6s 56_ 784 774 774 So Ry 6 4s 56 _ 834 83 83 S W Bell Tel 3s 68 . 1054 105H 1054 S W Bell Tel 34s 64 112 112 112 Stand Oil N J 2**s 53 1049 1044 104*’ Stand Oil N J 3s 61 . 1044 1044 1041 Studebaker cv 6s 45,. 96% 964 96k Swift & Co 39*s 50 __ 107 107 107 Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 1074 1074 1074 Ter RR As StL 5s 44 114 114 114 Texas Corp 3s 59 .. 1044 104 104 Texas Corp 34s 51— 1074 107 107k Tex & Pac 5s 80 D 754 75 75v Tex & P MPT 54s 64 101 101 101 Third Av ref 4s 60 50 49 60 Third Av ad.1 5s 60 . 144 134 137 Tide Wat Oil 34s 52 1060. lOfiw mfii Un El(Mo)3%s 62 . 108% 108% 108’ Union Oil<Cal)3s 59. 101% 101% 101’ Un Oil(Cal)6s 42 A —. 112% 112% 112! Un Pacific 3%s 70... 96% 96% 96! Un Pacific 3%s 71 ... 96% 96% 96’ Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 _ 113% 113% 113! Un Pac ref 4s 2008 107% 107 107! Utd Cgr \V Strs 5s 52 71 71 71 United Drug 5s 53_ 77% 76% 77! US Steel 3%s 48 105% 105% 105’ Utah Pwr & Lt 5s 44- 103 102% 102’ Utility P & L 5s 59 80 80 80 Utility P & L 5 %s 47 80 80 80 Vanadium 5s 41 _108% 108 108 Va 11 y 1st 3 % s 66_107% 107% 107! Wabash 4 %s 78 C-_ 11 10% 10! Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 38 38 38 Wabash 5s 76 B_ 11% 11% 11! Wabash 5s 80 D_ 11 11 11 Wabash 5%s 75 . ... 11 11 11 Wabash Om 3%s 41 — 11% 11% 11« Walker H&S 4%s 45. 105 105 105 Walworth 4s 55 _ 66 66 66 Warner Bros 6s 48 ... 85 84 84 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 34% 33% 33! Westcht L gn 3%s 67 107% 107% 107a West Penn P 3%s 66. 110% 110% 110’ West Md 1st 4s 52 .. 83% 83% 83! West NY&P gn 4s 43. 107 107 107 West Pacific 5s 46 A_. 21% 21 21 West Pac 6s 46 A as.. 20% 20% 20! West Union 4%s 50— 66% 66% 66! West Union 5s 51- 71% 71% 71! West Union 5s 60 ... 70% 69% 69» i Wheel Steel 4%s 66— 98% 98% 98’ Wilson & Co 4s 55_103% 103% 103! , Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 18 18 18 i WisC S&DT 4s 36— 8% 8% 8! i W’is El Pw 3%s 68_„ 108% 108% 108! Wis Pub Svc 4s 61— 109% 109% 109« Youngst'n S&T 4s 48 110% 109% 109’ Youngst’n S&T 4s 61 106% 105% 105" Boston Fund Assets Climb in Quarter Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, Nov. 21.—Bostoi Fund reports total net worth o 1 $6,989,254 on October 31, 1939, basei | on market quotations of securitie 1 owned, amounting to $16.08 a shar on 434,775 shares outstanding. This compares with net ^orth c ' $5,385,976, equivalent to $15.16 1 share on 355,306 shares outstandin \ at the close of the Fund’s fiscal yea l on July 31, 1939. ( Du Pont Board Calls Debenture Stock For Redemption Holders Will Receive $125 Per Share on January 25 By the Associated Press. WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 21.— The Board of Directors of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. yesterday called for redemption on January 25, 1940, all shares of debenture stock issued and outstanding on that date at $125 a share and ac cumulated dividends thereon. The redemption price will be paid in cash on that date to the holders of debenture stock upon surrender of their certificates at the office of the treasurer of the company in Wilmington. Dividends on the debenture stock will cease to accrue from and after January 25, 1940. No right, title, or interest in the stock, the company stated, will pass by any subsequent assignment or delivery of the certifi cates. The certificates after Janu ary 25, 1940, will carry only the right to payment of the redemption price. Holders of debenture stock of rec ord January 10, 1940, will receive the quarterly dividend payable on January 25, which dividend will be for the period October 26, 1939, to the date of redemption. Washington Produce BUTTER—90 score. 1-pound prints, 31: tub, 30: 14-Pound prints. 32: 92 score, tub 31; 1-pound prints. 32; V4-pound prints. MEAT8—Choice beef. 18 good beef. 16 l.'z: calves, 10; spring lambs 9; veal. 10 down: pork loin. 20-21 smoked regular ham. 22-33: smoked skinned ham. 24; large smoke skinned ham. 20-21; bacon sliced. 28; bacon, piece. 23; compound. 10; pure lard 8Vb. LIVESTOCK-Pigs. 120-140 pounds, n.4n-5.75; light pigs. 140-lrtO pounds. 5.95-6.25; 170-220 pounds. 5.65-6.00: 220 240 pounds. 5.55-5 NO: 250-300 pounds 4.75-5.75: calves, good grade. 10 less: sows, 4.65-5.65: stags. 4.00 dow'n: weightier ennre •< -ft From Agricultural Marketing Service, i Prices paid net f ob Washington: EGGS—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington (November 21*: White U, S extras large. 34; U. S. extras mediums. 25: U S standards, large. 32 U S standards, mediums, 22; U. S. trades. ID: U. 9 pullets. 17 For nearby ungraded egcs: Current receipts, whites. 22 to 24; mixed colors 20 to 21 LIVE POULTRY—Market weak: turkeys steady Fowl: Colored, all sixes. 13 to 15: No 2s. 10: Leehorns hens and pullets 8 J to 0 roosters. 8 to 9 Chickens Virginia Rock* broilers and fryers, all sizes 15 to 10 No. 2s. 10 to 11 Delaware Rocks and crosses Broilers and fryers, all sizes. 14 to 15: No 2s. 10 to 11: mixed colored fry ers 12 Turkeys: Young toms. 15 pound* and up 17 to 18: voune hens. 10 pounds and up 22: No 2s hen*; and toms. 12: old tom' 15: old hens. 18 Young guinea keats. 134 Rounds and up 10 old keats. lo j a pound Capon'- 7 pounds and down. 18 to 19 8 Dour*d* and over. 21 to 22: No. j 2s and slin* ir> Fruit* and Vegetable*. Compiled by the market news section of ! Agricultural Marketing Service Sales to 8 I o'clock on this morning’s wholesale market in less than nr'o* quantities: APPLES—Market Tteady truck receipts liberal Bushel baskets and l'.-bushel boxes. Maryland Pennsylvania. Viralnia pnd West Virginia. U S No. l. Grimes. 2-!4-inch minimum. 65-75: 2’a-inch mini mum. 75-90: 2*4-Jnch minimum, l.oo-j.15: j Staymans. Cty-inch minimum. 85-00: 2ty inch minimum l.OO-l.lO; Yorks. 2’a-inch I minimum. 75-85: 234-inch minimum. 85 I 90. Black Twigs. 2Mi-inch minimum. 75- . i 85: 2*i-inch minimum. 90-1.00: 3-inch ' minimum. Jonathans. IVinch j minimum. 65-75' 2,/a-inch minimum. 90 ! 1.00. Delicious. 2Mi-inch minimum. 85-90; 2’2-inch minimum. 1.10-125: Golden De licious. 2!T»-inch minimum, 80-1.00: 2N- l inch minimum. 1.00-1.10. Bushel boxes and cartons. Combination extrA fancy and fancy. Delicious. 113s-163s. 1 25-1 50: 72s 100s. 1.50-1.85: Staymans. 100s-150s. 1 15-1.35: 64S-88S. 1 35-1.65: fancy. Golden Delicious. 113s-163s, 1.25-1.40; 80s-100s. 1.50-1.75. AVOCADOS—Market steady: truck ne ceipts light. Florida, flat crates. 75-1.10; few higher CABBAGE—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. New York 5o-pound sacks, domestic flat type. 70-75: Pennsylvania. 5-peck hampers, domestic round type. 90. CARROTS—Marke: steady Truck re ceipts light California. L. A crates bunched. 3.25-3.50; Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, topped washed. 75. CELERY—Market steady. California. ’2-cates. Individually washed 2’2-4-dozen. 2.25-2.50: New York. a2-crates crate i washed 2 00-2.25: mostly 2.25. LETTUCE—Market dull. California. . L._A crates Iceberg type. 5-dozen 3.50 ! 3.75: 4-dozen. 3.25-3.50: New Jersey. Eastern crates. Big Boston type. 2-dozen, fair quality. 50-60. LIMES—Market dull. Florida. ’2-bushel baskets Key. very few sales. 75. INIONS— Market steady. 50-pound sacks. U. S. No 1—New York. Yellows. 65-85; mostly 75. IDAHO—Sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger. 1.10-1.15. POTATOES—Market steady. One Idaho. one Maine, two New York arrived; five broken and eight unbroken cars on track. loo-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1 — New Jersey. Coblers. 1.85-1.90: Pennsyl vania. round whites. 1.75-1.85: Green Mountains 1.85-1.90: Maine. Green Moun tains 2.15: Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 2.25. BROCCOLI—Market steady. Truck re i ceipts light. Pennsylvania, crates. 1-dozen. 1.50-1.75: mostly 1.50: California, crates. 2.75-3.00. CAULIFLOWER—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Long Island, crates, fresh arrivals. 1.25: holdovers, fair condition. 1.00 PEA8—Market dull. California, bushel hampers. 3.26-3.50: fair condition, 3.00. Sweet Potatoes Steady. SWEET POTATOES—Market steady. , Truck receipts moderate. Bushel baskets. Maryland. Goldens. U S No. 1. 75: Vir ginia. Porto Ricans. 75-85: nearby sec t tions. Nancv Halls. 75. SPINACH—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very light. Pennsylvania, bushel baskets. 75. TOMATOES—^Market steady. Lug boxes. Texas. 6x6 and larger. 3.00-3.25: 6x7. , 2.00-2.75; California, 6x6. ordinary to fair condition 1.26-2.50. 1 SNAP BEANS-—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Florida, bushel hampers. Bountifuls. 1.50-1.85: Black Valentines, best. 3.00; poorer. 2.00 SQUASH—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped. 1.50-1.75: yellow. 3.00 CUCUMBERS—Market steady Truck receipts lieht. Florida, bushel baskets. U. S. No 1. 3.50-4.25. PEPPERS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light: 1 'A-bushel crates. California Wonders: Florida. 4.00: Texas. 3.00-3.50. EGGPLANT—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very lieht. Florida. 1'2-bushel crates. 3 50-4.00. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—Market steady. California. 25-pound drums. 2.00-2.25. BANANAS—Per pound. 4. RFID'S—Texas v, crates. 1.50-1.65. COLLAR DS—Norfolk section bushel baskets. 40-50 CRANBERPJ2S—'«-barrel box. Massa chusetts. early varieties 2.00-3.00’ New Jersey late varieties. 3.25. , HANOVFR SALAD — Norfolk section. » bu*be' baskets. 40-50 KALE—Norfolk section, bushel baskets. » 40-50 LANDCRES8—Norfolk section, bushel : ba'kets 75. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. .'t-pound baskets. 50-75: mostly 65. PARSNIPS — Pennsylvania. 'i-bushel 1 baskets. 40-.6O. ' SHALLOTS—Louisiana, barrels. 9.00 10 no PARSLEY—Pennsylvania. '4-bushel bas kets. 50: Texas. 'A crates, 2.00. TURNIP GREENS — Norfolk section, ' bushel baskets. 40-60 1 CASABAS—California, Jumbo crates, 6s t 8s. 2.25: standard crates. 9s-12s. 2.00. CHESTNUTS—Italian. 12-13 per pound. » GRAPEFRUIT—Florida. boxes. 1.50 2.00. as to grade and size. GRAPES — California. table stock, Thompson Seedless. 1.25-1.75, as to condi ' tion: Malagas. 1.25-1.50: Cornichons. 1.25 i 1.50: mostly 1.50: Emperors. 1.60-2.00; : Almerias. $1.75-1.90: Ribiers. 1 50-1.75. ‘ LEMONS—California, boxes, No. 1, 7.00: » No 2. 6 25-6.50. » ORANGES—Florida, boxes. 1.75-2.25, as l to grade and size. PEARS—Oregon and Washington, boxes, Bose. 2.00-2.25: D’AnJou. 2.00-2.26. i PECANS—Georgia and South Carolina, t per pound. Schleys. 20-23: Stuarts. 15-16: Frotscher, 12'/e-13; seedlings. 10-11. 1 PERSIMMONS — California, 20-pound lugs. 1.25-1.50: fair condition. 1.00. 1 PINEAPPLES—Crates, Puerto Rico. 4.00 i 5.00: Cuba. 4.00-4.50. QUINCES—New York, bushel baskets, 75-1.00. TANGERINES—Florida. «i-bushel boxes, 1.25*1.60: fair condition. 1.00. U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK. Nov. 21 OPl.—Prices quoted l in dollars and thirty-seconds: . Approx, f Pet. Mo. Year. Bid. Asked, yield. I 1% Dec., 1939 __ 100.2 Ilk Mar., 1940_101.7 101.9 _ 5 l'A June. 1940... 101.14 101.16 » l'A Dec.. 1940— 101.28 1 01.30 ' iy2 Mar.. 1941... 102.1 102.3 l*i June, 1941- 102.1 102.3 .04 r iy« Dec., 1941... 102.12 102.14 .07 1 1% Mar., 1942... 103.19 103.21 .16 l 2 Sept.. 1942... 104.26 104.28 .T8 , IV4 Dec., 1942... 104.11 104.13 .30 » 1* June. 1943... 101.31 102.1 .55 r lVk Dec., 1943— 101.28 101.30 .64 1 Mar.. 1944... 100.28 100.30 .78 *4 June. 1944_ 99.28 99.30 .76 A NEW YORK CURB MARKET Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hltb. Low. 2:56 Aero Supply (B). 7 4% 4% 4% Air Investors.. 1 2% 2% 2% AlaGrtSou (Jb) 25* 87% 87% 87% Ala Power of (7) 20a 101 101 101 Alum Co of Am 200a 136% 135% 135% Alum Co pf («> . 100s 116 115% 115% Alum Ltd pf (6). 60s 106% 106% 106% Am Beveraae_ 1 1% 1% 1% Am Book (4) .. 10s 46% 46% 46% Am Box Board 2 9 9 9 Am Cynam B.tO. 8 31% 31% 31% Am A For P war 20 % % % Am Fork A H.7ng 100s 13% 13% 13% Am GasAE 1.60a 16 39 38% 38% Am O A El pf 16) 300s 113% 113% 113% Am General 1 4% 4% 4% Am Laund M .80 1 16% 16% 16% Am LtATrac 1.20 2 16% 16% 16% Am Mfs Co ... 60s 27 27 27 Am Meter 2.76b . 2 29% 29% 29% Am PotACh (2b) 60s 85% 84% 84% Am Republics 1 6% 6% 0% Am Seal-Kap .36g 2 5% 5% 6% Am Superpower 124 % % % Am Sup lstpf(6) 200a 77% 77 77% Ark Nat Gas A . 8 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gaa pf 3 7% 7% 7% Art Met Wks ,40g 2 7% 7% 7% Ashland OAR .40 4 644 6 5% Assoc Gas A Elec 5 % % % AssocGAE(A) 2 A A A Assoc GaaAEl pf 16 6 6 Atlas Plyw’d 25b 2 17 16% 16% Auto Vot M 60... 1 6% 6% 6% Avery A Sons ... 2 7% 7% 7% Aviation A Trans 12 3% 3% 3% Babcock A WU . 5 22% 22 22% Baldwin Lo war 1 7% 7% 7% Baldwin Rub.25b 2 7% 7% 7% Barium Stain Stl 1 HI HI HI BarlASeel A 1.20 60s 9% 9% 9% Basic Dol 25b 2 8 7% 7% Bath Iron 18 10 9% 10 Beau Brumm .40g 1 4% 4% 4% Beech Aircraft 1 9% 9% 9% Bellanca Aircraft 18 8 8 Bell Aircraft .. 1 23% 23% 23% Berk A Gay Fur.. 2 % % % Berk A Gay war.. 2 A A A Biles (EWi 2 16% 16% 16% Borne Scry 3.50g. 60s 29% 29% 29% Bourjois. Inc_ 3 5% 6% 6% Breeze Corn 2 7% 7% 7% Brewst Aero ,20b 1 8% 8% 8% Brill (A) ... 2 3% 3% 3% Brown Rubber 9 5% 6% 6% B NAEP of 1 60 1 22% 22% 22% Burma. Ltd 161b 1 1% 1% 1% Burrv Biscuit 1 1% 1% 1% Can Car A Fy pf 150s 23 23 23 Can Col Airways 3 6% 6% 6% Can Marc Wire 1 1% 1% 1% Caro PAL pf 47). 20s 100 100 100 Carrier Corp . 5 10% 10% 10% Catalin Am 15b 4 3% 3% 3% Celan utc pf 47a) 25s 111% ill% 111% Cent NY Pwr pf 5 10s 97% 97% 97% Cent States Elec 12 A % A Centrif Pipe .40 . 9 3% 3% 3% Charis Corp ,55g. 60s 7% 7% 7% Chi Rivet i.30g). 2 10% 10% 10% Cities Service 1 5% 5% 6% Liuco on Ul C. OOV4 OOV4 OD D Cities SPAL $6 pf 10s 85 85 85 City Auto St .15(5 2 64 64 64 Clev Elec 111 (2). 100s 41 41 41 Colon Develop .. 2 24 24 24 Col Fuel & 1 war. 1 74 74 74 Col G A E pf 16) 100* 65 65 65 ColumbUll A Oas 7 24 24 24 Comwlth A S war 22 it h it. Com PAL 1st pf 325s 394 384 384 Com'ty P S 2.15k 350s 33 324 33 Cons GAF Ba 3 SO l 794 794 794 Conti GAE prpf 7 20s 964 964 964 Conti Roll A Stl 4 84 8 8 Cooner Bess 1 10 10 10 Cooper-Bes pr pf 1 25 25 25 Copperwcld 80 25 184 174 174 Cornucopia Gold 2 4 4 4 CorAR pf A 6.50k 20s 734 73 4 734 Creole Petm ,50a 6 244 244 244 Crocker Wheeler 1 64 64 64 Cuneo Press < 3a » 450s 55 544 55 Decca Rec .60g) _ 1 74 74 74 Derby Oil . 2 24 2H 24 Det Gray Iron .04 2 1 4 14 14 Dlvco Twin 40g 1 74 74 74 Driver-Har big l 294 294 294 DubtUer Con .13* 11 14 14 14 DuvaL Texas Sul 1 74 74 74 Eagle Plcher.20g 1 124 124 124 Bast'n Gas A F 4 34 34 34 Eastn GAF • pf 250e 22 21 214 Eastn OAF pr pf 125s 38 374 38 Easy Wash M(B> 1 34 34 34 Elec Bond ft Sb 17 84 84 84 Elec B A 8 pf (5) 2 584 584 584 Elec BAS pf (6) 1 674 674 674 Electro! vtc 4 14 14 14 Bmp Q A F 6% Df 10s 634 634 634 EmpG&FH or 25s 64V* 644 64V, Emp GAF 8(t Df 25s 644 644 644 Equity cy Df (3 i 50s 254 254 254 Esquire (.60) 1 44 44 44 Fairchild Ay 20g 1 114 114 114 Fanstee) Metal 1 13 134 134 Fldello Brew 1 ft ft ft Fisk Rubber 1 104 104 104 Fisk Rub pf (6) 125s 90 89 90 Fla PAL Df 5.68k 100s 89 89 89 Ford (Can) A ill 1 174 174 174 Ford Can Bid) 50s 184 184 18V, Fuller cvpf (3g) 25s 244 244 244 Gamewell pf (6). 20s 854 854 854 Gen Tel pf (3) 1 52 52 52 Gen WGAE pf(3) 100s 38 38 38 Ga Power pf (6) 100s 9S4 98V* 984 Glen Alden C ,25g 6 74 7 7 Gorham Mf 2.25g 1 254 254 254 GAAP 1st pf (7) 75s 133 1324 138 Grt Xo Pap (2a). 50s 434 434 434 Grocery Prod .. 3 24 24 24 Grumann Alr.BOg 2 164 164 164 Gulf OH of Pad > 2 40 40 40 Gulf St Utpf (6) 10s 1114 1114 1114 Hartford Rayon 12 2 2 Hearn Dept Strs 14 4 4 Hearp Dep Sts pf 250s 22 214 22 Hecla Min > 20b) 1 64 64 64 Heller (WE).40a 2 8 8 8 Heyden Ch 1.60a 1 61 61 61 Hollinger G .65a 1 124 124 124 Holophane 1.2og. 1 144 144 144 Humble Oil 2.50. 5 67V, 674 674 Hummel-Ross F. 11 6-4 54 5ft 111-la Power pf . 4 20 194 20 Ill-la Pwr div ct. 2 44 44 44 Imp on Ltd 60s 5 134 134 13ft Imp Tob Can 40a 3 124 124 12ft Ins Co N Am 2a 200s 70 70 70 Int Hydro El pf 1 154 154 154 lnt Petrol 1.60a 18 204 194 20 Int Ptr reg 1.60a 10 204 204 204 lnt Ut pf 1.3125k 100s 164 164 16V int vuam .zzog a a a a Interst H Eq ,50a 10 7% 7% 7* Interst Hos Mills 1 11 11 11 Interst P Del pf 60s 4% 4% 44 Jacobs Co 14 3% 3% 34 JerCP&L pf (7). 20s 103% 103% 103V Jones ft Lau SU 2 36% 36% 36* Kgs C Ltd pf D 5 90s 67 67 67 Knott Corp 30g 1 7% 7% 74 Koppers Co pf 3k 10s 87% 87% 87V Lake Shore M(3) 5 24% 24% 24V Lakey Fdry & M 2 4% 4% 4V Lehigh Coal ft N 6 3% 2% 3 Leonard OH 2 V* % V Line Mater 1 35g 100s 10% 10% 104 Llpton tA) (1)— 2 10 10 10 Lockheed Aire... 24 32% 31% 31* Lone Star ,70g.._ 8 10 10 10 Long Island Ltg 11 1 1 Long laid Ltg pf 500s 34% 33% 34 Long Is) Ltg pf B 460s 31 30 31 LaLand&E.35g 45 5 4% 4* La P & Lt pf (6). 10s 99% 99% 99V Mo Wlllme Dredg 3 7% 7% 74 Majestic Radio 3 -ft % 6 Marion St Shovel 2 3% 3% 3* Master Elec ,90a_ 100s 25% 25% 26V Mead John (*a)_. 75s 154 153% 154 Mesabl Iron .. 2 % % M Mid St P A 1.25g. 1 4% 4% 4T4 Mid Stl P B .20g_. 2 « « )i Midvale Co (lg)_ 25s 112% 112% 112% Mid West Corn... 4 8% 8% 8M Midwest Oil .90.. 6 8% 7% 8 Mining Corp Can. 1111 Minn M&M 1.65g. 200s 58% 58% 58% Mo Pub Svo .20g. 1 4% 4% 4% Mock Jud V .76g. 1 11 11 11 Molybdenum _ 1 5% 5% 5% Monogram Pic— 4 1% 1% 1% Moore (T) Dist— 8 % * # Mount City Cop 3 4% 4% 41 Mount Prodt.60). 6 6 6 6 Muskegon 1.70g_. 1 17% 17% 17% Nat Auto Fibre 2 8% 8% 8% Natl City L (lg). 1 15% 15% 15% Nat City L pf (3) 60s 41% 41% 41% Nat Contain ,40g. 19 9 9 Nat Fuel Gas tl) 10 12% 12% 12-i Nat P ft L pf (6) 2os 88% 88% 88% Nat Rubber Mach 2 5% 5% 6% Nat Transit .85g. 1 8% 8% 8V Nehi Corp (2) . 1 47% 47% 47% Nev-Cal El pf.75g 100s 37 37 37 N Eng T&T 4.60g 60s 124 121% 124 N J Zinc (2a).... 750s 70 69% 70 Newmont (3.50g) 1 73% 73% 78V N I P ft Lt pf (6) 20s 107% 107% 1074 NT Shlpbld fd sh 2 12% 12% 12V Niag Hudson Pwr 12 7% 7 7* Nias Hud 1st (5) 100s 86 85% 854 Niag Hud 2d (B). 10s 69 69 69 NUgShMd(B).. 1 5% 6% 64 i Dividend Kite. Add 00. High. Low. 2:55. | Nlles-Bem-P ,50a. 2 64% 6414 64% ! Nlplsslng M .15*. 11 1 1 | Noma Electric — 4 6 4% 6 Nor Am U * Pwr 1 1% 1% 1% Nor Am LAP pf 76s 69 68% 68% N Am Ray A 50* 2 24% 24% 24% Nor Europ Oil .. 2 ft ft ft Northn lnd P S 6% pf (4.60k) 10s 99 99 99 North n Sta P<A) 1 13% 13% 13% Novadel-A* (2a) 1 37% 37% 37% Ohio Braes (B) 25s 22 22 22 Ohio P 8 pf A(7) 30s 114% 114% 114% Okla Nat Gas 76* 3 17% 17% 17% Okla Nat G pf (3) 100s 46% 46% 46% PacGas 67. pf 1.60 2 32% 32% 32% PanteoecOll . 29 6% 6% 5% Pat Plym’th 2*-. 20s 31% 31 31% Pender Groc (B) 2 14% 14% 14% Pa-Cent Airlines 3 8% 8% 8% Pennroad (.10*). 3 2% 2% 2% Penn PAL pf (6) 10s 107% 107% 107% Penn P&L pf (7) 25*111 111 111 Penn Salt (6*) 26s 170 170 170 Penn W&P 4.60* 100s 72% 71% 72% Pepperell (4*1 .. 50s 85 86 85 PharisT&R 60*. 3 7% 7% 7% PhllaCo (.65*) _ 2 8% 8% 8% Phillips Packing. 7 7% 6% 7 Phoenl* Secur 3 6% 6% 6% Pierce Gov (.40*) 1 11% 11% 11% Pioneer Gold .40 3 2 2 2 Pitts Forging 1 12 12 12 Pitts Metall .75*. 1 9% 9% 9% Powdrell AI .50* 4 4% 4% 4% Pw Corp Can .30* 100s 8% 8% 8% , Pratt & Lam (1*) 1 22 22 22 Premier Gold 12. 1 1% 1% 1% Producers Corp.. 2 % % % Prosperity (B) . 3 5% 5% 6% Pub Sv lnd *6 pf. 375s 40% 40% 40% P 8 Ind 17 pr pf 325* 76 75% 76 Pueet Sd P *5 pf 200s 76% 75% 75% Puget S’d P *6 pf 125s 26 26 26 Rwy Util Inv A . 2 % % % ! Republic Aviat'n 12 6% 6 6% i Reynolds Invest. 5 % % % i Rio Gr V G vtc ... 1 ft ft ft ! Rome Cable 20*. 1 12% 12% 12% Root Petroleum. 1 3% 3% 3% Royal Typ (3)... 160s 62 61% 62 Rustless Jr 25*.. 9 15% 15% 15% St Kegis Paper 17 3 2% 2% Samson United . 2 1% 1% 1% Rcovlll Mfc 60*. 1 33% 33% 33% Scullln Steel . 1 10% 10% 10% Scullln Steel war 2 1% 1% 1% Seeal Lock .4 % % % p Select Industries 3 H % % t Sel lnd al ct 6.50 60s 56% 56% 66% Sher-WHms 2.75* 30s 95% 95% 95% Simmons H & P 2 1% 1% 1% Singer Mfs («*>. 20*161 161 161 Sonotone (.15*).. 5 1% 1% 1% | So Penn 011 1 60.. 3 39% 39 39 S C Ed pf B 1 60.. 2 29% 29% 29% South'n Un Gas.. 1 2% 2% 2% Span & Gen re* 1 ft ft ft Std C&s cvpf 1.60 100s 19% 19% 19% 1 Stand Oil Ky(la) 3 19% 19% 19% Stand Oil (O) la. 5 27% 27% 27% I Stand Pwr & l.t 2 a* Stand Stl Sp(lg). 2 41‘* 414 41** Starrett vtc .. 2 14 IV* IV* Sterchl Bros St». 1 54 54 54 Stinnes (H) 1 A A A Swan-Finch Oil— 2 64 64 64 Taggart .. 2 44 4»* 4*. Tampa Elec 2.24. 1 32 32 32 Tastyeast (A)_ 1 A A A Technicolor 60g_ 8 12V* 12 12 Taxon Oil (.1 Or) 1 34 34 34 Thew Shovel 60a 20<)s 214 214 214 Tilo Roofing (la) 2 124 124 124 Trans-Lux .. 1 14 14 14 Trans west OH — 10 24 24 24 Unexcelled Mfg . 12 2 2 I tin Prem KSI1I. 3 184 18V* 184 ' Unit Chemical — 3 11V* 114 114 Utd Cgr Wh Stre 4 »* *, Unit Gas . 12 24 2 2 Unit Gas war 2 A 4 4 I UnitGaspf (8k) 2 924 914 914 Unit LtAPwr (Al 5 14 IV* IV* Unit LtAPwr (B) 2 14 '14 14 Unit Ll & Pwr Df 7 334 33 33 Unit Shipyds (Al 1 114 114 114 Unit Shlpyds (B) 2 24 24 24 Unit Sh M 2.50a 350s 804 804 804 Unit Sh M of I SO 100s 424 424 424 U 8 Foil (B) 5 44 44 44 U S & Int) Secur. 14 4 4 US&in S pf 2.75k 100* 62 62 62 U S Lines pf 13 3 3 U S Plywood . 2 19 19 19 U S Plvw of 1.60. 200s 264 26 26 Unit Stores new. 4 A 4 4 Unit Wall Paper 9 24 2 24 Univ Corp vtc . 13 3 3 Utah-ldaho Sug 4 14 14 14 Utb P&L pf 3.60k 125* 654 65 65 j Util PAL of (r) 100s 194 194 194 I Utility Eq pf 2k 50s 58 58 58 Vais par Corp 2 IV* 14 14 W Tex L’t $6 pf 6 50s 964 964 96 s West Va C AC 10 3 24 3 Western Alt Exd 1 44 44 44 Westmorel'd (11 26s 10 !0 10 Weslmor Id Coal 100s 114 114 114 Wey’berg Sh 25g 50s 8 8 8 Wolverine Ft C 3 44 44 44 Wolverine T ,40g 1 64 6's 64 Wright Harg.40a 4 64 64 64 Yukon Pac Mfg 6 14 l(i 14 r In bankruptcy nr receivership or being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act er securities assumed n; such companies Rates ol dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last auarterlv or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted special or extra divi dends are not Included xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras e Paid last year f Pay able In stock g Declared or paid so far this year n Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend oaid or declared this year ur Under rule ww With warrants, xw Without warrants, war Warrants. Wholesale Commodities Continue to Decline The general level of wholesale commodity prices was again slightly lower last week, according to the index compiled by the National Fer tilizer Association. This index registered its fourth consecutive weekly decline, dropping to 77.2 in the week ended November 18 from 77.5 in the preceding week, based on the 1926-28 average as iuu. Aiic luwcai puuiL icauicu vy the index this year and also the low est siiice 1934 was 70.3, in the sec ond week of August. The year's high point was 77.8. A decline in the food price index look it to the lowest point reached 1 since the sharp upturn in prices be gan in early September. The farm product average receded moderately, with lower quotations for hogs, poultry- and wool more than offsetting advances in cotton and grains. The cotton index is at the highest point reached since 1937. The group indexes representing the prices of miscellaneous com modities and farm machinery were off slightly. Increases took place in the textile, building material, chemi cal and drug, and fertilizer material indexes. In tne metal group a rise in tin prices offset a decline in steel scrap. • C. & 0. Shares Distributed By Chesapeake Corp. B> the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 21.—E. Asbury Davis, receiver of Chesapeake Corp., announced yesterday a distribution November 30 of common stock and scrip certificates for common shares of Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. in the amount of 6-10 of a share for each share of Chesapeake Corp. held. By the terms of the distribution, which is in line with a program for liquidating Chesapeake Corp., about 1,067,780 shares of C. & O. common stock will be apportioned among holders of the outstanding 1,799,745 shares of Chesapeake Corp. The Allegany Corp., as owner of 71 per cent of Chesapeake Corp., would receive approximately 766,800 shares of C. & O. Financial circles said these shares would replace the present Chesapeake Corp. stock now deposited as collateral for the three i Alleghany Corp. bond Issues. 1 Bondholders Attack Denver & Rio Grande Plan of I. C. C. Pomise Long Fight If Examiner's Report Is Certified By the Associated Press. Major bondholders of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad op posed as "absolutely unacceptable” yesterday a plan to reorganize the road submitted by an Interstate Commerce Commission examiner. In a brief filed with the commis sion, the bondholders objected chiefly to terms under which the road would be consolidated with two subsidiaries, the Salt Lake & Den ver and Salt Lake Western Rail roads. These roads are controlled by the R. F. C., which holds their capital stock as collateral for Den ver & Rio Grande Western loans. The commission examiner pro posed the issuance of new first mort gage bonds to the R. F. C. to the full extent of its claim. None of the new first mortgage bonds would go to the holders of Denver & Rio Grande Western bonds. An insurance group committee, which filed the brief in behalf of major bondholders, previously had reached an understanding with the R. F. C. whereby the latter would accept for its claim 61.07 per cent in new first mortgage bonds and 44.78 per cent in new income bonds. The R. F. C. also agreed to under write $11,443,675 of new money needed. This proposal was rejected by the I. C. C. The committee said litigation of “unknowable length and expense" would result if the I. C. C. certified the examiner’s plan to the Federal Court. I i 50-Cent Drop In Steel Scrap Reported By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 21— Dow. Jones & Co., financial news agency, said in a dispatch today that No. 1 heavy melting steel scrap was currently quoted at $20.50 to $21 a ton. a drop of 50 cents from the previous quo tation. Banks Plan to End Extra Examinations By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 21.—Member banks of the New York Clearing House Association at a special meet ing today will vote on a proposal tc abandon the periodic bank examina tions conducted for almost 30 years, thus saving the association around $150,000 expenses annually. The clearing house, it was pointed out, would receive the reports of the examinations conducted by the con troller of the currency, the State superintendent of banks, the Fed eral Reserve Bank and the Federal Deposit Insiirance Corp., in lieu of j its own examination. Because of the multiplicity of bank examinations, abandonment of [ the clearing house inspections had been advocated for some time by some of the members. Soap Exports Climb September exports of soap and toiletries are estimated by the Com merce Department at $i,000.000. or 44 per cent more than in the same month last year. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC High. Low Noon. Ala Power 4'as 67_ 102*. 102*. 102*4 Ala Power 5s 46 A lost, 1 OS',a 108',* Am G Ac E 5s 2028 108 108 108 Am P & L 6s 2016 _10044 100',2 10014 Appalach E P 4s 63 110 110 110 As El Ind 4‘is 53 __ 58>4 58'4 5814 As G * E 414s 40 C-._ 321-2 30s. 31 As G & E 5s 50 - - 354a 35 35 As G & E 5s 68 _ 35 Ve 3414 341* As G & E 5>2S 77 __ 41 41 41 Bald Loco 6s 50 120 120 '.120 Bell Te C 5s 57 B 1154.115 115*4 Bell Te C 5s 60 C 116 116 116 Birm El 4'is 68 05*. 95*4 9544 Broad River P 5s 54 99 >, 99 99 Cent St El 5'2S 54 - 40'. 40 40 Chi Rys 5s 27 c o d. 46*. 46*. 46*J Cin Str Ry 6s 55 B 85 85 85 Cities Svc 5s 50 73*. 73*4 73*4 Cities Service 5s 58 . 72'2 72'2 72*2 Cities Svc 5s 66 75'2 75*2 75!2 Cities Service 5s 60 72*. 72*. 72*. Cit S P At L 5'As 52 85'2 85*2 85'2 Cit S P fc L 5'2 s 49 86'. 86'. 86', Comun'tv P A- L 5s 57 89 89 89'. Cons G E L * P 3s 69 10S>2 105'2 105'% Cons O Util 6s 43 st 75 75 75 Cont G & E 5s 58 A 91'2 91 91 Cudahy Pks 3*is 55 94 94 94 Denver G At E 5s 49 108 108 108 Det Int Be 6'is 52 5'i 5*4 5>4 East O & F 4s 56 A 77*. 77'-2 77>2 Edis El 111” 3'As 65 110*. 110», 110*, El Pw a- Lt 5s 2030 80VS 80 SO'i Fed Wat 51s 54_ 94 04 94 Fla Pwr coupon 4s 66-- 99 98*. 98*4 Florida P A- T, 5s 54 104*, 104*, 104>i Gary E A- G 5s 44 st_100*4 100*4 100*, vrr ij 01 uuac %''__o _ ”3 n ^ "J n _ vj i Gen Pub Ut R'is 56_ 05% 95% 95% Georgia Pw 5s 67_166% 166% 166'', 'Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 71 Vi 71 Vi 71% : Heller iWE> 4s 46 ww__ 107 102 102 111 Pw A- Lt 5%s 57_ 96% 96% 96% Tl! Pwr A Lt 6s 5.1 A_105% 105% 105% Iil Pw A L B%s 54 B._ 107% 10"% 10"% HI Pw * L 5s 56 C ... 101 lOOVi 101 Indiana Ser 5s 6.1 A_ 70% 70% 70% Ind P A- L 1st 134s fig.. 108% lost-, ins% Inti Pw Sec 7s 57 E_. 46% 46 46 Inti Pw Sec 7s 57 F . 45% 45% 45% Interest Pw 5s 57_ 69 RR1; 6S34 Tnterst Pw 6s 5" _ 55 55 55 Intersf P S 5s 56 D_101% 1oi% 1in% Tnterst PS 4%s 58 F 101 101 101 Ta-N L A P 5s 57 A_ 105 105 105 •ler C P A L 5s 47 B _ _ . 101V, 101% 101% Jer C P A L 4'-s 61 C 105 105 105 Kv Utilities 5s 61 _102% 102V, 107% Kentucky U Rs 69 I.. 101'4 101 101 Lex Util 5s 52 _101’, 101’. 101’. Long Is Lt 6s 45_1013. 1013, 1013. Metrop Ellis 4s 71 E 109% 109% 109% Minn PAL 4%s 78 107% 102% 10"% Minn PALS' 55 106 1 06 106 Miss Pow 5s 55 __ 100»1, loo*!, 100», Neb Pwr 6s 2077 A 1"1% 121% 171% New E GAE 5s 4 7 . 6R34 68% RR1, New E GAE 5s 50 69 69 69 New E Pw 5s 48 98 98 98 New E Pw 5%s 54 .. 99s. 99% 99% New Or PS 6s 49 A_ 1023, 107% 1021, N Y S EAO 4%s 80... 105', 105V, 105% No Con U 5'iS 48 A .. 49% 49% 49’, No Ind PS 4's 70 E ... 10434 104% 104% Northw P S 6s 57 A._ 105 105 105 Oeden G Co 5s 45 ... 109 109 109 Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62... 109 109 109 Okla PAW Bs 48 _102'/, 102'/, 102'/, Pac G A E 6s 41 B ... 110 110 110 Pac P A L Bs BS ... 9.1% 91% 91% Penn C LAP 4%s 77... 101% 101% 101% Penn Os E B%s 59 B._ 107%-107% 107% Peop OLAC 4s 61 D.__ 90 98% 99 Peop GLAC 4s 81 B... 97% 97V, 97V* Phila El P 5'-is 72_111% 113% 113% Pitts Coal 6s 49 ... 104'/, J04V, 104V, Portland GAC 5s 40... 82 82 82 Pub 8er N J 6s ctfs... 148 1 4 734 1 47% Pug Sd PAL 5Via 49.... 97% 97% 97% Pug S PAL 5s 50 C. 06% 96% 96% Pug S PAL 4%s 50 D 92% 91% 9" Quee GAE R'is 57 A_ 96% 96% 96% Safe H Wa 4Vis 79 110% 110% 110% Scripps 5 Vis 43 _ 107% 10"% 10"% Scullin Steel 3s 51 68 68 68 Shw WAP 4%s 67 A 98% 9834 98% 8fcw WArP 4'as 70 D 98 98 98 9 E PAL O’ 7025 A 110% 110'/, linV, Sou Cal E 3%s 60 B 109'/, 109% 109% Sou Co Gas Cal 4%s 68 1051, 105’, 105’, Souw As T 5s 61 A _ 104% 104% 104% Souw PAL 6s 2022 A _ 101 101 101 Std GAE 6s 48 st _ 68% 6834 68% Std Gas A El Hs 51 A. 60 69 69 Texas Elec 5s 60 __ 104% 104% 104% Tide Wat* P Bs 79 A _ 991, 991, 99’i Twin C RT 5%s 5" A . 61% RIVi 61% Ulen A Co Rs BO IV st 9% 9% 9'A Unit LAR D BVis 52 91 90V, 90V, Utah PA-L 6s 2022 A 98'/, 98% 98% Va Pub S 5%s 46 A_1011, 101% 101% West Pa 5s 2030 1063, 106% IOR34 West Pa Tr 5s 60_114'/, 114% 114% Wis PAL 4s 66 106% 106', 106% York Ry Bs 37 mat_ 96 96 96 York Rwy 5s 47 st_ 96% 96% 96% FOREIGN Cuban Tob 5s 44 61 61' 61 Pled El 6%a 60 A_ 48% 48 48 Unit El Svc 7a 56 A .. 46 46 46 ww With warrants. xw Without war , rants, n New. at (stpl Stamped. {Negotiability Impaired by maturity. I