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[SPECIAL MERCHANDISE (..WEDNESDAY! As Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, each merchant on ^ this page offers a special value for Wednesday only. j A&N Trading Co. Formerly Named Army & Navy Trading Co. (Same Firm) 8th & D Sts. REpublic 2545 Our Only Store An Astonishing 1-Day Event MEN'S GLOVES of imported leathers, capeskins, suede, etc. .WED. ONLY 'Imported leathers, capeskins, pigtex and grey suedes; black, tan, brown; lined and unlined gloves. We think this is the city’s outstanding value at 89c. All sizes. Morton's Seventh & D Streets N.W. , No charges, no mail or phone orders, no deliveries . . . Morton's sells the newest fashions at surpris ingly low CASH prices. Once in a Lifetime ... 2 Beautiful, Matched Silver Foxes WEDNESDAY ONLY i i 1 i i i i i IUs hard to believe, but these are full-skin, genuine Silver Foxes, all in perfect condition. And the price is $43 for two matched skins. ALso FUR JACKETS of cross dyed fox, red fox and skunk in cluded at this price. A Small Deposit Holds Your Choice Morton's—Second Floor Hechinger Co. Four Great Building Material Store» MAIN OFFICE DOWNTOWN BR1GHTWOOD ANACOSTIA :: i 15th At H N.E. 6th At C S.W 5935 Ga Ave. 1905 Nichols Are. WINDOW GLASS Replace Broken Panes Now! Cut to your exact size. WED. ONLY :f8r] Size 9"xl2" ! All Sizes Reduced Phone Orders s! ATIantic 1400 MM We Recommend Reasonable Carpenters D. J. Kaufman | 1005 Penn. Ave. 14th & Eye 1744 Penn. Ave. Regular $19.75 All Wool REVERSIBLE COATS I WEDNESDAY ONLY • New patterns in greys and browns • Full shower-proofed • Gabardine on reverse side Chas. Schwartz & Son SINCE 1888 .. . HOME OF PERFECT DIAMONDS 708 Seventh St. N.W., Phone ME. 0060 LOOK FOR THE GOLD CLOCK BABY SHOES Preserved in Bronze or Oxidized Finish Preserve everlastingly your WED. ONLY baby’s first pair of shoes. Bring i them in and we’ll have them ' converted into imperishable metal as reminders of Baby’s toddling, halting footsteps. Also Silver or Gold Plated at Various Prices. Poy 50c a Week Peerless "AN INVESTMENT IN BETTER LIVING” Fine Furniture 817-819-821 7th Street N.W. Just 48 Regular $6.50 PAISLEY COMFORTS (Size 72x84 Inches) | WEDNESDAY Only P Our buyer made a special pur I chase of just 48 of these fine il Paisley Comforts and we hand I:: you the savings of $2.56. All I wool and silk floss lined. Cev f ■ ered in beautiful Paisley Design •| Sateen. Size 72x84 inches. m Hurry down for this one-day * Thanksgiving Special. Save! NU MAIL, PHONE OK C. O. D. ORDERS ACCEPTED! FREE PARKING ON LOT IN REAR OF OUR STORE! Zlotnick, The Furrier On the Corner of 12th & G Sts. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG WHITE BEAR GENUINE BEAVER COATS WEDNESDAY ONLY Our Former Prices Ranged to $450.00 A special within our anniver sary sale. A real value. Quan tity limited, so hurry! All sales final—no exchanges— no refunds. Terms Moy Be Arranged ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE Shah Optical Co. Sp5L 927 F St. N.W. • THANKSGIVING SPECIAL KRYPTOK INVISIBLE BIFOCAL LENSES Highly polished, crystal- 8 line white lenses, ground p out of one piece with no lines or seams that show. A perfect lens for BOTH far and near vision. Examination at no extra cost. Oculist prescriptions included WEDNESDAY ONLY For the post 27 yean the name "SHAH" has been associated with the optical profession in Washington. This signifies that our aim to satisfy is well founded. George's Radio Co. 814-816 F St. N.W. 1111 H St. N.E. 2017 14th St. N.W. 3107-09 M St. N.W. 3038 14th St. N.W. RCA - VICTOR RECORD CABINETS A Sensational Purchase Makes This Value Possible— Sturdy Construction, Beau* tifully Finished. Regularly $17.95 WEDNESDAY ONLY On sale at all stores T Irving's WASHINGTONS LEADING RIDING OUTFITTERS Corner 10th and E N.W. MEt. 9601 IRVING’S “Pre-Thanksgiving” SALE of :Sss RIDINC WEAR! One hoar FREE parking at Conoco Station oppo site Irving’s. E a u i t a blc. Mutual and Post Exchance Orders accept ed. Riding Breeches or Jodhpur Breeches or Jodhpur Shoes WEDNESDAY ONLY REGULAR $3.95 VALUE! Here's one of those bargains that Irving's are famous for. They're regular quality items that sell for doable this price ordinarily. Only Washington's leading riding out fitters can afford to present such amazing prices. Clean-Rite VACUUM STORES 925 F St. N.W. Store Hrs.: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. FREE PARKING LOT ot 9th b G PI. N.W. Completely REBUILT HOOVERS TERMS LOW WEDNESDAY WEEKL? ONLY! NO INTEREST Complete with CHARGES Attachments! on 90 Day £ g J Q C Accounts jh I J \H FULLY GUARANTEED LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON I V U IX V b w b b n II b n Call MEtropolitan 5600 RrT7 K? fcwgi*».Mt*i:5 Peoples Hardware Free Delivery, Phone Nearest Store or Line. 4044 or 10430 14 CONVENIENT STORES, WASH., MD. & VA. ONE DAY ONLY SALE! 100% PURE SHELLAC .NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS: All People’ “Hardware” Stores will be open ’til 9 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 22: closed all day Thankseivine Day. • Nationally Known Brand (omittod due to cut price). P Sold Regularly for 69c QUART. P In Factory Soaled Tamper-proof Cans. P Choice of cither WHITE (clear) or ORANGE (light oak color). P FREE DELIVERY on orders phoned in Wednesday! WEDNESDAY ONLY | Buy with confidence at a PEOPLES HDW. Store. Blackistone, Inc. 1407 H St. N.W.DIst. 1300 FLOWERS FOR THANKSGIVING WEDNESDAY ONLY This beautiful arrangement suitable for centerpiece or a presenta tion gift to your hostess. Made of Snap Dragons, Pompons. Chrys anthemums, with sprays of natural Wheat. Arranged in Paper Mache Jardiers, deliveries made Wednesday or Thursday. Phone DIst. 1300 Charge It Free Delivery Service Ideal Bedding Co. 622 E STREET N.W. Poster Bed, Box Spring and Innerspring Mattress WEDNESDAY ONLY Looks like a mis print; the price, $24.95, is right, ond truly amazing. For here's what you get: • INNER - SPRING MATTRESS, com fortably uphol stered and covered in durable fabric. • POSTER BED in choice of mahos anv, walnut or maple finish. Gracefully styled and sturdily con structed. • BOX SPRING, sairless construc tion. covered same as mattress. The perfect foundation for this fine qual ity inner - sprinc mattress. MILSTONE’S Acme Liquor Store RETAILERS—IMPORTERS 927 Penn. Ave. N.YV. Open Till 9 P.M. "Home of Low Prices” THANKSGIVING SPECIAL! irnrvMtu rt^nMrvtrMVjiNt j t We imnort them direct from the oroduceri and past the savings on to you! YOUR CHOICE OF: ROYALE RESERVE 1926 VINTAGE OR BLEMONT EXTRA DRY 1928 VINTAGE k Whr not make your Thanksgiving dinner the glamor S oua affair that It should be by serving this delicious K sparkling champagne? I Made to Sell for $3.98 ( WEDNES- ; $1.99 DAY ONLY! | Full fifth gallon All Our Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest u in Washington, Virginia or Maryland—One Price w to all! Sport Center ■ Where Sportsmen Meet 8th and D Sts. N.W. REpublic 2545 Washington's Largest Official Boy Scout Headquarters I.—egM"!. Vf 1 M05°^r'„;rX lce Skate Outfits • Ladies’ white elk leather figure WED. ONLY skating outfit, made by Brooks, , guaranteed to fit as snug as the i most expensive skating shoe made. 1 Figure blades are specially tem pered plated steel. • Men’s black elk leather figure ( skating outfit has special rein- ( forcement stitching. Canadian i Club specially tempered plated i steel figure blade. • Men’s hockey outfit made with complete leather lined shoe, heavy reinforced stitching, hard toe. Canadian made chromium-plated hockey style blade. o Regular $39.50 Value! Use an Ideal account. Our prices are cash prices, the only charge for credit */ie« per month or pay in .1 months at no extra charge.