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BUILDERS! CONTRACTORS! ^_ « % ~> ‘ >$. All purpose Tarpaulins ♦ Canvas Covers | (from 4Vi sq. ft. upl * Canvas Bags, etc. - How to Get What You Desire I THE way to be sure of a beautiful final . tribute for a loved one, without unnecessary ex pense, is to call the Gawlers. (Our reputation is your protection). Learn what a deep sense of personal satisfac tion it is to deal with this Washington institution which has your welfare at heart, and where genuine personal interest is taken in your problems. (Our sincere desire is to serve you as a friend, re gardless of the funeral’s cost). Let this list of consecu tive services (as selected by 1,000 Gawler patrons) be assurance that you can satisfyingly fulfill your desires and needs: 75 Services Under $150 132 “ $151 to $250 225 “ $251 to $350 267 “ $351 to $500 140 “ $501 to $600 127 “ $601 to $900 34 " Above $900 No extra charge for services in nearby Maryland and Virginia. WAR VETERANS* FUNERAL ALLOWANCE: The personal assistance we render (without charge) in securing Government allowance, assures prompt payment A Washington Institution Since 1850 Joseph GAWLER’S Sons 1750-58 Penn. Aye. N.W. NAtionol 5512 Just West ol the White House Alfred B. Gawler Walter A. Gawler Joseph H. Gawler • William A. Gawler John P. Gawler ' Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star Signs Warn Italians Against Discussing World Affairs Nation Seen on Level About Her Neutrality In Present War (Eleventh of a Series.) By WILLIAM L. WHITE. ROME. Italy (By Airmail).—In my favorite bar just around the corner they have outside a small kiosk where you can buy English and American papers. Just inside, stuck into the modernistic paneling by a thumbtack, is a sign which translates roughly as follows: “The National Fascist Party suggests that there be no public discussions or predictions of grand strategy or world affairs.” A similar sign is in all the best bars in Rome, where the best dressed Fascists bring their best girls, and it is also in all the smaller outlying second-best bars, where the better-dressed Fascists bring the girls of their best friends. The Italians, whether members of the party or not, do not regard this sign as an unbearable affront to their liberty of speech. They think it is a very sound idea. They think the present is no time for anv Italian to be shooting his mouth off for or against either side in the present war. Neutrality on LeveL The principal discovery I have made since I came to this country is that Italian neutrality is com pletely on the level—a good deai more so, in fact, than is American neutrality. The Gallup poll shows that many Americans would favor going to war if our entry would save the democracies from total anni hilating defeat. duo louiy wuuiu nui go mj war to save anybody else from anything— quite the contrary. Italy will never fight unless it would gain some thing very definite and tangible for Italy, and in the present stage of this war the Italians can’t predict what that could possibly be. She has interests in the Balkans and might have to go in if war moved into that part of the world But she doesn't think it will, be cause Russia and Germany are watching each other’s moves in that region too closely, and for this rea son probably no one will move in the Balkans at all. In the last war she wanted some thing, specifically a piece of the Austran Alps to complete her fron tier and a slice of the Adriatic for good measure. She has both of these now. If the democracies started to go to pieces, of course Italy would come in at the end to grab off a piece of the African coast. But she doesn't think that they will Long Deadlock Seen. The average Italian who turns up in the better bars at around 5 o’clock with his own or another Italian's girl for cocktails thinks this war will be a fairly long-drawn-out deadlock, with presently a nego tiated peace, ending in a mild Allied victory. The industrial north of Italy i which would have been the battle | ground had Italy entered the war. Is now busily making munitions. The big Isotta-Fraschlni automo bile plant was recently given a large order for French airplane mo tors. So this is why the average Italian does not view the placard forbid ding him to predict Italy’s position in world politics as an infringement on his liberty of speech. Far from it. He thinks the placard carries a most realistic and sensible sugges tion. New Plan Seeks to End Improper Jail Releases A new system designed to pre vent future improper releases of prisoners from jail was announced today by Government authorities as the aftermath of the freeing of Rob ert Smith, accused of a serious crim inal offense Smith was released after a nolle prosse was sent to the Jail and he was reindicted for the same offense, because of an error in the first indictment. United States Attorney David A. Pine announced that with Assistant United States Attorney John J. Wilson he had held several confer ences with Thomas M. Rives, super intendent of the Jail, and his assist ant, as well as with the criminal clerk’s office *nd William Adkins, clerk of the criminal courts, in an effort to prevent a recurrence. One of the problems is the ques tion of identity in multiple indict ments against the same man, offi cials said. “As a result of these conferences,'’ Mr. Pine said today, “we are unable to assess responsibility against any Individual or office as there appears to be a joint responsibility, but be lieve that additional checks and safeguards will do much to prevent a recurrence of incidents of this character.” A bicycle powered by a small elec tric motor has been developed In Holland. l KAVtL,_ TRAVEL. GREYHOUND all tlteie EXTRA cAuatitcUj&l Everybody gets what he wants most —*and #hen some —when he goes Greyhound! There’s the additional comfort of deep-cushioned reclining chairs, fresh, warm, constantly changing air, for travelers who like luxury. There’s the extra mileage you can ge\ out of every dollar at Greyhound’s lower fares. You can do twice as much sight seeing at no extra cost by going one Greyhound route and returning another. Then. too. there’s the added convenience of frequent well timed schedules and well-located terminals. Above all, there’s ths big saving at rates that are only 1/3 the cost of driving a car—and ths •xfra saving on round-trip tickets! No wonder regular travelers say “Even a business trip’s a pleasure trip when you go Greyhound!" GREYHOUND TERMINAL 1407 New York Are. N.W., Telephone Notional 8000. Blue Ridre, Phone Metropolitan 1623. Alexandria, Va., 100 North Washinrton St.. Telephone Alex. 350. SAMPLE ONE-WAY FANS CLEVELAND_$7.50 WINSTON-SALEM 3.80 BALTIMORE_ .75 PHILADELPHIA __ 2.55 ALBANY __6.80 CINCINNATI_8.45 LEXINGTON, VA._ 2.65 HARRISBURG_2.30 NEW YORK_4.30 BOSTON_7.70 Big EXTRA Saving*, an Round-Trig* -TT Unusual Old Silver and Antique Jewelry Moderately Priced LOUIS ABRAHAMS 711 G St. N.W. ,■& 7 \ The Better Way to Correct Constipation _ i One way to treat constipation is to endure it first and cure it afterward. The other way is to avoid having it by getting at its cause. So why not save yourself those dull headachy days, plus the inevitable trips to the medi cine chest, if you can do it by a simple common-sense "ounce of prevention”? If your trouble, like that of millions, is due to lack of "bulk” in the diet, "the better way” is to eat Kellogg's All-Bran. This crunchy, toasted, ready-to-eat cereal has Just the "bulk” you need. If you eat it every day-and drink plenty of water-you can not only get regular but keep regular, day after day and month after month! All-Bran is made by Kellogg’s in Battle Creek. Sold 7— ) Recorder ... Public Address System Two Band Radio . . . Phonograph ALL IN ONE UNIT! *13295 With Two Dozen Blank ReeorJt The ideal home entertainer! Ameri can and foreign radio, phonograph and recording machine all in one. No intricate mechanism—if you'can tune a radio, play a phonograph and push a button you can operate the Reeordio perfectly. With it you can make sound records to go with home movies, record baby's first words, your favorite radio programs, keep permanent records of business meet ings, etc., and play them back through the same machine. Twelve inch Magnavox Speaker assures good tone. Also it con be used as a public address system. Very Easy Terms. 8' - ' The Reeordio it tdto avail able in a portable tite (without radio) for $67.SO. Write or phone for book let . . . NATIONAL 4730 Police Leaves to Halt Supt. of Police Bmest W. Brown ordered today that all police leaves be canceled between December 15 and December 23, In order to handle the Christmas shopping crowd, limited leave will be granted police on Sunday, December 17. PART-TIME BOOKKEEPING books started, audited, tax retorts EXPERT—DEPEND ABU inexpensive AUDIT BOOKKEEPING SERVICI City Bcfereneei. |U. 81*1. 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In every pound of this superb blend we combine the world’s finest coffees. Varieties so deeply flavored, so enticingly fragrant, so utterly dependable that Edwards docs more than promise you marvelous coffee ... it guarantees it! Along with this grand quality, you also get real economy. For Edwards, delivered straight from roaster to grocer, costs less than most other vacuum-pacKcd brands. And remember: our money-back guarantee makes it easy for you to compare Edwards, cither regular or drip grind, to the coffee you arc now using! If you like the best, Edwards is a smart buy! GET IT AT SANITARY ■ 4 J M