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CCarH of Sljanka . BROWN. CARRIF J. The family of the late CARRIE J BROWN wish to express their appreciation of the many kindnesses, expressions of sympathy and lovely floral tributes during the Illness and at the death <Jf their loved one. THE FAMILY. Hrattja ANDERSON. MARTHA JANE. On Tues day. November 21. 1939. MARTHA JANE ANDERSON of 1003 Otis st. n.e., widow of Andrew Jackson Anderson. Remains rest ing at her late residence until 7 P.m. Thurs day. November 23. Vesper services Thursday at 8 p.m. at St. Agnes’ Church. 40 One st. n.w. Low mass of reautem will he offered at 7 a.m.. solemn high mass at 10 a.m. Friday. November 24. at St,. Agnes’ Church. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 23 ARBOUR. BENJAMIN F. On Wednes day. November 22. 19.39. BENJAMIN F. ARBOUR, the beloved father of Venetta M. Laud „ Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral home. 810 H st.. n.e.. on Saturday. Novem ber 25. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Washington National Memorial Park. 24 AVERILL, MARIE MARGUERITE. On Wednesday. November 22. .1939. at. her home. 1230 Owen place n.e., MARIE MAR GUERITE AVERILL. wife of John H. Av erill and mother of Mrs. Eugene Wright, Elbert R. and John H. Averill, Jr. Notice of services later. BARBER. CARLITA. On Tuesday. No vember 21. 1939. CARLITA BARBER, daughter of Simpson and Carolyn Barber, friend of Gertrude Moore. Funeral from the Malvan & Schev fu neral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w., Fri day. November 24. at 10 a m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. * BELL. MATTIE R. On Wednesday. No vember 22. 1939. MATTIE B. BELL, wife of Leon M Bell, mother of Mary Louise and Leon Bell. jr. Funeral from Chambers’ funeral home. 140n Chaoin st. n.w.. on Thursday. No vember 23, at 1 p.m. Interment Rocking ham. N. C. BEACH, LYDIA C. On Tuesday. Novem ber 21. 1939. at the residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. S. J Miles. 707 South Barton st.. Arlington. Va.. LYDIA C. BEACH (nee Adams), mother of William R. Dawson of Alexandria. Va. Funeral services at the Thos. F. Murray funeral homp. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e., on Friday. November 24. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Intertnent St. Bar nabas’ Cemetery. Oxon Hill. Md. 23 BLOM. HARRY F. On Thursday. No vember 23. 1939. at his residence. 1925 2nd «-t n.e.. HARRY E. BLOM. beloved nusDand ot Marv k. mom. remains rest ing at Chambers’ funeral home, 1400 Cha pin st. n.w Notice of time later. BOWIE. JOHN R. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. November 22, 1939. at Chicago, 111., JOHN R. BOWIE, beloved brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Bowie Walker. Mrs. Mar garet R. Fowler and William L. Bowie of Tulsa. Okla. Notice of funeral later. Services by Chambers. BRYANT, WILLIAM BENJAMIN. Sud denly. on Tuesday. November 21, 1939, WILLIAM BENJAMIN BRYANT. Remains will be taken to Kinston. N. C., for funeral and interment. Arrangements by Thomas Frazier Co. CONNER, HARRY LAWRENCE. On Thursday. November 23, 1939, HARRY LAWRENCE CONNER. ex-United States post office inspector, beloved husband of Henrietta Deckman Conner. Funeral from his late home. Dares Beach. Md.. on Saturday. November 25, at 10 am. Services at St. Pauls P. E. Church. Prince Frederick. Md.. at. 11 am. Interment in adjoining cemetery. (Har ford County papers please copy.) 25 CONNER. HARRY L. On Wednesday. November 22. 1939. at, Prince Frederick. Md.. Hospital. HARRY L. CONNER, beloved husband of Henrietta Deckman Conner and brother of Mrs Mary C. Johnson, Robert E. Conner and William W. Conner. Funeral services Saiurday morning. No vember 25. at 11 o’clock, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Prince Frederick. Md. Friends and relatives invited to attend. 24* CONNER. JAMES T On Wednesday. November 22. 1939. at his residence. 511 4th st. s.e„ JAMES T,. the beloved hus band of Margaret J. Conner (nee Wilver) and father of Mrs. Laura Delano. Mr. James M. Conner. Wilver Conner. Mrs. Emma Adams. Mrs. Margaret Moran. Mrs. Ger trude Castell. Mrs. Ann Howard. Mrs Mary Deck and Mrs. Ruth Oliss. Funeral from the First Methodist Church, 4th st. between F. and G sts. s.e.. on Sat urday. November 25. at 2 o.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 24 DUVALL. SAMUEL. On Wednesday. No vember 22. 1939. at the Home of the Little 8isters of the Poor. SAMUEL DUVALL, be loved husband of the late Elizabeth Keefe Duvall. Remains resting at the funeral home of Perry Se Walsh, 29 H st. n.w.. until 6 P.m. Thursday. Funeral will be from 220 H st. n.e . on Friday. November 24. at. 11 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. EMMERT, CHARLES G. Suddenly, on Wednesday. November 22. 1939. CHARLES G. EMMERT, beloved husband of Margaret Emmert. Funeral from his late residence. 4504 3 5th st n.w.. on Saturday. November 25. at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 24 FISHER. CORA J. ‘On Monday, Novem ber 21). 1939, at St. Elizabeths Hospital, CORA J. FISHER of 742 50th st. n.e. Many relatives and friends survive her. Funeral Friday. November 24. at 1:30 p.m.. from the Henry S. Washington & Sons funeral home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e. Inter ment Woodlaw’n Cemetery. FOSTER, MARION BROWN, On Wed nesday. November 22. 1939. at the resi dence of her sister. 4707 Conn. ave. n.w.. MARION BROWN FOSTER, wife of the late William E. Foster and beloved sister of Mrs. F. X. McGovern. Mrs. E. M. Nevils, jr.; George F. Brown and Frank Schweitzer. Remains resting at her late residence, 1324 Jefferson st. n.w. Funeral services at the Church of TrnTVsfiffiirAtirm 1410 P.allnnn ct r\ «• on Saturday. November 25. at 10 a.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. Serv ices by Chambers’ funeral home. 24 GOUCHER, WILLIAM J. On Wednes day. November 22. J939, at. Carpen ters’ Home, Lakeland. Fla.. WILLIAM J. GOUCHER. beloved husband of the late Katie E. Goucher inee Schombert), father of Mrs. Clara McGill, Mrs. Mary F. Sher wood. William H.. Edward D. and Thomas B. Goucher. Arrangements for services in Washington to be announced later. GRANBERRY. CLARA M. On Saturday, November IS. 1939. CLARA M. GRAN BERRY, wife of James Granberry. mother of I»oretta, Jessie and Marvin Stringer. Funeral from the Malvan <fc Schey fu neral home. N. J ave. and R st. n.w., Fri day, November 24. at, 1 p.m.. Rev. E. Wil son officiating Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemeterv. • GRIMES. WILLIAM. Departed this life on November 14. 1939, at Emergency Hos pital. WILLIAM GRIMFS. He leaves to mourn a widow and a host, of friends. Funeral will be from James M. Miller & Son’s funeral home, 1702 12th st. n.w., Friday, November 24. at, 2 p.m. Interment Payne s Cemetery. * HARVEY, RAYMOND. On Tuesday. No vember 21. 1939, at Walter Reed Hospital, RAYMOND HARVEY. Remains to Colonial Beach. Va., for fu neral and interment. Arrangements by McGuire. * HAUPT, EDNA MAY. On November 20, 1939, at her residence, 1508 Olive st. n.e., Kenilworth. EDNA MAY HAUPT (nee Cur tin), wife of Louis D. Haupt. Remains resting at the above residence. Funeral services at the Kenilworth Pres byterian Church on Friday. November 24, at 10 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. Services by the Chambers Riverdale funeral home. 23 HAWKINS. JAMES ALFRED. On Wed nesday. November 22. 193.9, JAMES AL FRED HAWKINS, beloved husband of Jer rah Haw'kins. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. November 25. at 11 a.m.. fmm the Twelfth Street Christian Church. 12th st.. between S and T sts. n.w.. Rev. Whitfield officiating. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. Friends invited. 24 HIPKINS, ANNIE E. On Tuesday. No vember 21. 1939. ANNIE E. HIPKINS. the beloved sister of Mary A. Wood and Thomas L. Hipkins. Funeral from the W. W. Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Friday. November 24. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. Bethesda. Md. HOLUB, MARIE. On Wednesday. No vember 22. 1939. at her residence. 4202 10th st,. n.e.. MARIE HOLUB, beloved mother of Joseph Frank Holub. Remains resting at the residence of Mrs. Bessie Michal. 820 North Bradford st., Baltimore, Md. ivcMuiciu Miaas ml ol. wtrutcaiMUS uaiuo* lie Church, 2111 Ashland ave., Baltimore, Md„ on Friday, November 24, at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Holy Redeemer Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. Services bv the Chambers Riverdale fu neral home. 23 . JULIANO, LAURETTA. On Wednesday, November 22. 1939. at her residence, 2105 4th st. n.e.. LAURETTA JULIANO, beloved wife of Vincent Juliano. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. November 25. at in a m.; thence to the Church of the Redeemer. Italian Baptist, at Kirhy st. and N. Y. ave. n.w., where services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 23 KING, MARGARET. On Wednesday, November 22. 1939. MARGARET KING. She is survived bv four sisters, one brother, other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at the Mnlvan A Srhey funeral home, N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. • LASKOWITZ JOSEPH. On Monday. No vember 29. 1939. at his residence, 7X0 10th st s.a.. JOSEPH LASKOWITZ. beloved hus band of Mabel Laskowitz, father of James Robert. Joseph F and Bessie M. Lasko witz. Josephine Renfro, Mary Newman and Clara McFarland. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 617 31th st.. s.e.. on Friday. November 24, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 23 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4tll and Mass, Ave. N.E. Linceln 6200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. Sfatlja LEWIS. JOSEPH D. Suddenly, on Wed nesday, November 22. 1939, JOSEPH D. LEWIS, formerlv ol Alexandria. Va. He leaves three sisters, Mrs. Mary Montaque. Mrs. Julia CamDbell and Mrs. Maude Bean der. and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Sunday. November 26. at 2:30 pm., from Alfred Street Baptist Church, Alexandria. Va. Interment Bethel Cem etery, Alexandria, Va. 25 MADERT. CLARE MAE. On Tuesday. November 21. 1030, CLARE MAE MADERT, beloved wife of Henry M. Madert, sister of Mrs. Gordan De Long and Mrs Nina Cum mings. Remains resting at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 ChaDln st. n.w., until Frldav. November 24. at 10:30 a.m. Services in Fort Myer Chapel at 11 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 23 MADERT, CLARA. Lebanon Chapter. No. 35. O E. 8.: A special meeting is called for the purpose of attending the fu neral of our late sister. CLARA MADERT, at 10 a.m. Friday, November 24, 1939, Ma sonic Temple. LILLIAN ZIMMERMAN, W. Matron. MAGRUDER, Lt. LOUIS S. On Wednes day. November 22. 1939. at Sibley Hospital, Lt LOUIS S MAGRUDER of Landover, Md.. beloved son of the late Edward E. and Laura Magruder He is survived by a brother. Edward Magruder. Remains rest ing at Gasch's funeral home, 46 Maryland ave.. Hyattsville, Md. Services at the above funeral home on Friday. November 24, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment in Arling ton National Cemetery with full military honors. 23 MAGRUDER. LOUIS S. The comrades IHM«I of Richard J Harden Camp. No. ^l*jSL^2. United Spanish War Veterans. fflttA^SWIday. November 24. 1939, at the EBtiSUggflgPythian Temple. 1012 9th st. jSjsa n.w.. for the funeral of our late liana comrade. LOUIS S. MAGRUDER. Services at 11 a.m., at Gasch’s funeral home. 46 Maryland ave.. Hyattsville, Md. Interment Arlington Cemetery. tj t walJER L. PIPER, Commander. H. L. LESLIE, Adjutant. MOSS BURG, ANNIE M. On Wednesday November 22. 1».'(». at her residence. Poolesville. Md . ANNIF. M. MOSSBURG, wife n( ibe late Philip F. MossburB and mother of Mrs. Esther Wier. Mrs. Gene vieve Wise, Claude. Lawrence and Jessie Mossburg. Funeral services will be held at Pooles ville. Md . on Friday. November 24, at 2 p.m MATTHEWS. JOSEPH J. On Thursday. November 23. 11131). at the home of his son, J. J. Matthews. Rockville pike and Edson J?ne- JOSEPH J, MATTHEWS, beloved hus band of the late Nellie G. Matthews. Re mains resting at the funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pnmohrev. 7nn5 Wisconsin ave, Bethesda. Md. Funeral services Saturday. November 25. at Onr Lady Of Lourdes' Catholic Church. Bethesda. Md.. where reauiem mass will be offered at 10 a.m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, npar Rockville. 24 ; NORRIS, VIOLA. On Monday, Novem ber °o. J 939. VIOLA NORRIS, daughter of Samuel and Marguerite Middleton and niece of Amanda Downs. She also is sur vived by other relatives and friends Funeral from the Malvan & Schey fu neral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w.. Fri day. November 24. at 3:30 p.m. Inter ment Alexandria. Va. • PARKER. BESSIE CLARK. Departed this life Wednesday, November 22. 1939. at 6:30 a m., after a brief illness which she bore with Christian fortitude, BESSIE CLARK PARKER (nee Morris), daughter of the late Peter and Martha Morris. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted hus band. George E. Parker; a daughter. Ruth Henderson; three sons. Jerome. Andrew and Morris Clark; two sisters. Miss Jennie Morris and Mrs Louise Stevenson, and a host of other relatives and friends. Re mains at her sister’s residence. 248 12th st. n e . after 12 noon Thursday. Novem ber 23. Funeral Saturday. November 25. at 2 p.m., from the Metropolitan Baptist Church. R st. between 12th and 13th sts. n.w.. Rev. E. r. Smith officiating. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. Arrangements by W. Er- l nest Jarvis. 24 PAINE, RITRD W. On Wednesday. No vember 22. 1939. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. RURD W. PAYNE, of 3605 14th St. n.w . helovpd husband of Mary L. Payne. Services at the R H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. No vember 25, at. 11:30 a.m. Interment pri vate. POWELL. ADELE GRENET. On Thurs day. Novpmber 23. 1939. at 8:30 a m , ADELE GRENET POWELL, widow of Coi. Junius I.. Powell, mother of Adele G. Powell. Notice of funeral later. RECTOR, LILLIE. On Wednesday. No veiiiuiT ih.-jh, LILLIE Ktciun. beloved mother of Mrs Winfred Poland. Mrs. Huber rrear, Mrs. Stanley Career and Joseph Rector. Remains resting at Pearson’s funeral home. 40X Washington st.. Falls Church. Va . where funeral services will be held Friday. November 24. at 11 a m. Inter ment Warrenton. Va. ( 23 REEDER. WILLIAM W ALTON On Mon day. November 20. 1039. at Mount Alto Hospital. WILLIAM WALTON REEDER, husband of Annie Reeder, loving father of William Lester and Citritia Reeder; brother of Charles Henry Reeder and Mrs. Daisy Butler. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting at 842 L st. s.e.. where funeral services will be held Friday. No vember 24. at 9 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Arrangements by John T. Rhmes & Cn.. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. 11???,*'!1*8, EMMA- At her residence. 1343 Oak st n.w.. EMMA ROBERTS, wife of the late John Roberts. She is survived by a niece. Mrs. Lucille R. BuchhoJtz of Penn Wynne. Philadelphia. Pa., and a nephew. Mr. William F Court of (Hermann, MO. ,he Chamb»,'’s funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Friday. November -4. at. 2 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 23 RODMAN SAMUEL T. Suddenly, on Thursday November 23. 1939. at his resi Bomir?! Fvarts sr n.e., SAMUEL T. RODMAN, beloved husband of Charlotte V Rodman and father of Charles Edward and Samuel T. Rodman, jr. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. (901 14th st. n.w.. on Saturday. November at. 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 24 SCHOLZ. MARIA GLEITER. On Thurs uSM„N,0,V(,nlber 2:) at her residence. n w- MARIA GLEITER SCHOLZ. beloved wife of the lale William Robert Scholz. She is survived hv three sons. Robert O., Edwin R. and Oscar R. Scholz. Remains resting at Hysong's funeral home. 1300 N st. n.w.. where services will be held Saturday. November 25, at 11 am. Interment private. 24 SHEPHERD, EUGENE FRANCIS. On Wednesday November 22. 1939. at. the residence of his Darents. 776 Hobart place n.w EUGENE FRANCIS SHEPHERD, be loved son of Margaret (nee Perry) and John Shepherd. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. • STRACK, JOHN On Tuesday, Novem hft-1 • Siblev Memorial Hospital. JOHN STRACK, beloved husband of the late Mary Ann Strack (nee Lorigan). Funeral services win be held at Timothy Hanlon's funeral parlors. 641 H st ne. on Friday. November 24. at 10 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 23 STREAMER. LOUIS P. On Wednesday. November 22. 1939. LOUIS P. STREAMER, father of Milton L. Streamer. Funeral from H. M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 11th st.. s.e., on Friday. Novem ber 24. at 1:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. STRENG. GUSTAVE ADOLPH. Sud denly. on Wednesday. November 22 1939, at Fdmonston. Md.. GUSTAVE ADOLPH STRENG. beloved husband of Nettle Gott Streng of OHIO Delfleld st., Chevy Chase, Md. Funeral services at the funeral home of William Reuben PumDhrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave.. Rethesda. Md.. Friday. November 24. at 2 p.m. Interment Prospect Hill Cem etery. VOLLMER, HERMAN C. On Wednesday, November 22. 103ft. at his residence, 4913 44th st. n.w.. HERMAN C. VOLLMER. he luvea nusoana or Margaret May Vollmer (nee Knoop) and father of Herman Charles Vollmer. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 I4t.h st n.w,, on Friday. No vember 24. at 3 p.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 23 WALKER, FRANCES AGNES. On Wed nesday. November 22. 1939. FRANCES AGNES WALKER, daughter of the late Gen John G. and Sophie Walker, sister of Mrs. J. Curtis James and Mrs. Harrison Cassard. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home, 1490 Chapin st, n.w. Services at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. 23rd st. and Washington Circle n.w.. at 10 am. Friday. November 24. Interment Mount Hebron Cemetery, Winchester, Va. WASHINGTON. ELIZABETH. On Wed nesday, November 22. 1939, at her resi dence. 1344 You st. n.w., ELIZABETH WASHINGTON, daughter of Mrs Margaret King, wife of Albert M. Washington, moth er of Mrs. Christine Clayton, Alfred and Wilford Gilmore: sister of Mrs. Georgia Jones and Mrs. Maggie Harris. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home, 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 23 WASHINGTON. ELIZABETH. Officers and members of Columbia Temple, No. 422. I. Ki ° 5 nf W.. are notified of the death of Daughter ELIZABETH WASHINGTON. Session of sorrow Friday. November 24, 1939, at 8 p.m. Funeral Sunday. Novem ber 29. at 1 p.m., from Third Baptist Church, ftth and One sts. n w GERTRUDE GREEN. D. Ruler. GEORGIAN A HENRY, Secretary. WELDON, RERNIECE. Departed this life on Monday. November 20. 1939. BER NIECE WELDON, beloved daughter of the late Mable and Fontaine Murray. She is survived by her husband. Edward Wei* don: three children, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at 61 H st. s w Funeral Friday, November 24. at 9 a m , from St. Vincent De Paul’s Church. South Capitol and M sts. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. WILSON, GEORGE L. On Tuesday. No vember 21. 1939. at. Glenn Dale, Md„ GEORGE L. WILSON. Remains to Delhi, La., for funeral and interment. Arrangements by McGuire. ♦ FUNERAL DESIGNS' GEO. C. SHAFFERTTncT EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. 0106 gdn fissr Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS CO. Fkmi 1212 r St. N.W. National 4976 Thanksgiving Service Will Close District Baptist Convention Dr. L. R. Scarborough Will Deliver Sermon At Today's Rites The 62d annual meeting of the District of Columbia Baptist Con vention was brought to a close to day with a Thanksgiving service in the Fist Baptist Church, Sixteenth and O streets N.W. The Rev. Dr. L. R. Scarborough, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, preached the sermon. In an address last night before the local convention, at which "Men and Missions” was the theme. Dr. Scarborough declared the evangelis tic campaign inaugurated by the Southern Baptist Convention had resulted in 52,000 more baptisms during the last year than in the previous year. The movement, he said, had “lifted everything else and made itself felt in every line of church activity.” ✓ Other speakers last night were Romaine C. Hassrick of Philadel phia, president of the National Council of Northern Baptist Men, who spoke on opportunities offered men in mission work; Dr. Thomas R. Wilsnn nrPQiHpnt. nf tVio fWliim bia Council of Baptist Men, and the Rev. Dr. William S. Abernethy, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church and chairman of the Committee on Missions. Dr. Abernethy deplored that “the cause of missions today is not in a healthy state," but pre dicted that “it will come again into a place of prominence and make greater advances than we have yet achieved. Special music was pro vided at last night’s meeting by the Westminster Male Quartet. Resolutions Adopted. Adoption of resolutions and elec tion of officers featured a session of the convention yesterday afternoon. One resolution adopted attacked all attempts “to legalize race track and other forms of gambling in the District.” In this connection “the fearless work being done by the Civic Affairs Committee of the Washing ton Federation of Churches to make the Capital a cleaner, better city” was praised. Another resolution condemned the “prevailing conditions regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages” and urged “an intensive and continuous campaign in the churches setting forth the personal and social evils of the use of liquor.” Maj. Ernest W. Brown, superin tendent of police, and his assistants were commended in a resolution “for their enlarged activities for the wel iaie OI Doys in me city through the work of the Metropolitan Police Boys' Club." Appreciation for the space given and treatment of the convention proceedings by the press was expressed in a resolution. Rev. C. B. Austin Re-elected. The Rev. Charles B. Austin, pastor of the West Washington Baptist Church, on motion of E. Hilton Jackson, who praised the work of Mr. Austin in conducting the affairs of the convention, was re-elected president for another year. Other officers re-elected were George B. Fraser, vice president; William N. Janson, secretary; Edward N. Jan son, assistant secretary, and Elgin Smith, treasurer. Grace Baptist Church, Ninth street and South Carolina avenue southeast, was se lected as the place for the next an nual meeting of the convention. At a meeting yesterday of the As sociated Committees on Public Rela tions of the Northern and Southern Baptist Conventions, with repre sentatives also present from the National Baptist Convention, Inc., Dr, Rusus W. Weaver, executive sec tlratljB WILSON. MARY ELIZABETH On Wed nesday. November 22. }J»39. at her resi st n.w.. MARY ELIZABETH WILSON. Surviving arp a sister. Mrs. Ida Bradv; a brother William Tilghman. an<f other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at her Jate resident after 2 pm. Friday. Requiem mass will be celebrated Satur day. November 25. at 10 a.m . at St. Au gustine’s Catholic Church. Interment at Mount Olivet, Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. 24* YOWELL, ALEXANDER J. On Wednes day November 22. 1939, at Garfield Hos pital. ALEXANDER J. YOWELL. beloved husband of the late Sarah C. Yowell and father of Forrest D.. Alexander W.. Joseph Lester and Charles Reginald Yowell. Funeral services will be held at Cham i ‘““tiai IJUIIIC. 0161 aiiU M sts. n.w.. on Saturday, November 25. at 11 a.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Glenwood Cemetery. 24 in iHrmnrtam AMBLER, LOUIS R. In sad but loving memory of my dear husband. LOUIS R. AMBLER, who departed this life one year ago today. November 23, 1938. I little knew bow much he did To smooth my pathway riav by day; How much of joy he brought to me. How much of care he brushed away. But now that T must tread alone The thoroughfare nf life. I find How many cares were borne for me. „ _ By him who was so true and kind. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. MAYBELLE C. AMBLER. * BROWN, CATHERINE W. In loving re membrance of mv dear mother. CATH ERINE W. BROWN, who died twenty-four years ago today. November 23. 1915. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. VIRGIE. • BROWN, LILLIAN. In loving remem brance of my dear foster sister. LILLIAN BROWN, who left me three years ago today, November 23. 1938. My heart still aches with sadness, My eyes shed many tears; God only knows how T miss you At the®nd of three long years. God called you home. It was His will, But, in my heart I love you still; Your memory is as fresh today As in the hour you passed away. YOUR DEVOTED POSTER SISTER. IDA B. HARRIS. • WITHERITE. CATHERINE BLANCHE. In Jovine memory of my dear daughter, CATHERINE BLANCHE WITHERITE. wha Passed awav five years ago today, Novem ber 23. 1934. In the book of life there are memories Of happy moments J have known. And recorded in love is a blessing Of a wonderful daughter—my own. LOVING MOTHER. * ALBANY, N. Y.—“AH^m^IODER^ACT^^ifke^inne^ now can be quite a zippy affair—for Mrs. Norbert A. Pfaffenbach has solved the turkey stuffing problem with a zipper. No longer need the master of the house struggle cutting tough darning cotton to get to that chestnut or oyster dressing. Just a zip— and there you are. In the above photos Mrs. Pfaffenbach demonstrates how it's done. Now, if somebody could ever get the carving problem settled. —A. P. Wirephotos. retary, said that more than 10,000, 000 Baptists, white and colored, were now represented in this combined effort to handle problems connected with property rights of foreign mis sion boards and other questions of public relations with the Depart ment of State and other Govern ment departments. Other groups of Baptists, Dr. Weaver said, prob ably would unite themselves with this movement in the near future. Committees Are Elected. Committees for the ensuing year were elected as follows: , Missions: Dr. E. H. Pruden, chairman; Rev. A. Lincoln Smith, J. H. J. Yule. Mrs. T. Hudson Thomas, Miss Alice Henderson. City Missions: Dr. John E. Briggs, chairman; Rev. M. P. Ger man, Mrs. O. E. Howe, Mrs. J. G. Yaden. John Ruthven. Young People: Louis Lucas, chairman; Bruce Fowler, Howard Rees. Morris Crawford, Mrs. J. Ray mond Nelson. Sunday School: Dr. J. Raymond Nelson, chairman; Rev. E. H. Tuller, J. M. Toney, Carlton M. Long, Miss Emma Guschewsky. capust Men: william Harward, chairman; L. O. Drumwright, W. W. St. Clair, W. H. Gottlieb, Wilbur Bouic. Ministerial Education: Dr. B. P. Robertson, chairman; Dr. T. E. Boorde, Dr. John Compton Ball, Rev. J. W. Loftis, Dr. H. M. B. Jones. Social Service: Rev. R. L. Greg ory, chairman; Rev. W. B. King, Mrs. H. A. Elmore, Miss Harriet Ann Jackson, E. H. De Groot. Advisory: Dr. E. E. Richardson, chairman; Rev. W. E. La Rue, Rev. E. O. Clark, Rev. N. M. Simmons, Rev. Gove G. Johnson. Publicity: Henry L. Sweinhart, chairman; Mrs. D. C. Shankle, Rev. Robert Savage. Building and Loan: E. Hilton Jackson, chairman; J. Alvis Jones, Horace Stephenson. Resolutions; Rev. M. C. Smith, chairman; Rev. Wilson Holder, Rev. Olinda Marseglia, Rev. w. A. Em mans. A special committee on pensions for Baptist ministers and lay church and church institutional workers in the District of Columbia was named last evening by President Austin as follows: E. H. De Groot, chairman; E. B. Shaver, W. W. Everett, John Ruthven and Dr. Robert L. Haycock. Library on Accidents The Bureau of Information of the National Safety Council has a library consisting of 75,000 different pieces of literature on accident pre vention in every phase of human activity. Mrs. Lauretta Juliano, Head of Auxiliary, Dies Mrs. Lauretta Juliano, 58, presi dent of the Ladies’ Auxiliary, Italian War Veterans, died yesterday at her home, 2105 Fourth street N.E. She had undergone an operation six weeks ago. Mrs. Juliano, wife of Vincent Juli ano, custom tailor for the last eight years, was secretary of the Montes sori League and had long been prominently identified with Italian club activities here. She also was an active member of Bethany Chap ter of the Order of the Eastern Star and of the Italian Baptist Church. A native of Italy, Mrs. Juliano came to this country around the turn of the century, and lived in Philadelphia until her marriage in 1903, when she moved to Wash ington. Besides her husband, she is sur vived by three daughters. Mrs. Theresa Hassett, Misses Lena and Eleanor Juliano; five sons. Edward, Victor. Mario, Alfred and Joseph Juliano. and three grandchildren, all of this city, and two brothers, Anabile Nasella, this city, and another brother who lives in Phila delphia. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in the Italian Baptist Church, following services at the residence. The Rev. M. C. Marseglia, pastor, will officiate. Burial will follow in the family lot in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Harry L. Conner Dies At Prince Frederick Harry L. Conner, retired post of fice inspector of the Washington Division, Post Office Department, died last night in the Prince Fred erick (Md.) Hospital after an illness of about 10 days. Mr. Conner had lived at Dares Beach, Md., since retiring from Government service more than a year ago, after many years' service. He was a native of this city and was one of the graduates of the first Business High School here. He belonged to the New Jerusalem Lodge of Masons and the Columbia Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Henrietta Deckman Conner; a sis ter, Mrs. Mary C. Johnson, and two brothers, Robert E. and William W. Conner. The sister and brothers live in this city. Funeral services will be held in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Prince Frederick, at 11 a.m. Saturday. Roosevelt Marks Thanksgiving at Warm Springs Dinner With All the Fixings Is Feature of Celebration in Georgia By the Associated Press. WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 23.— President Roosevelt and nearly half the Nation celebrated Thanksgiving today—a week ahead of the date on which the calendars say the holiday should fall. The calendars were printed befope Mr. Roosevelt decided that Thanks giving this year should come a week before the traditional Anal Thurs day in November. Georgia and 24 other States agreed to advance the date. The main event of the day. a Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and all the fixings, from chestnut stuffing to mince and pumpkin pie, was reserved for the evening. For it, seats were arranged for otw in Lixc tuning nan 01 tiic warm Springs Foundation. Ten of the patients, chosen by lot, were given places at the table of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt, with the choice spot by the Chief Executive’s side reserved for little Ann Smither, a 6-year-old miss from Frankfort, Ky., who has been at the institution five months. The after-dinner program in cluded a short, informal talk by Mr. Roosevelt, a play with incidental music depicting life at the Founda tion as the patients see it, and musi cal selections by a quartet from Tuskegee Institute, Negro school in Alabama. Mr. Roosevelt, here for a week of relaxation, had no particular plans for the early part of the day. White House officials said no visitors were expected at the “little White House” on Pine Mountain, but that the Georgia congressional delegation would call Saturday. Louis S. Magruder, cavalry Utricer, uies Louis S. Magruder, 86, of near Landover, Md., who served as a lieutenant in the 2d United States Rough Rider Cavalry during the Spanish-American War, died yester- i day in Sibley Hospital. Funeral services will be held at Gasch’s ' funeral home in Hyattsville at 11 ; a.m. tomorrow. The Rev. Claude S. Ridenour, rector of St. Luke's I Episcopal Church of Bladensburg. will officiate. Burial will be in j Arlington National Cemetery with ' full military honors. Lt. Magrudef, a member of a prominent Southern Maryland! family, had been ill three weeks j A son of the late Capt. Edward E j Magruder and Laura Magruder, he was born at the family homestead, : Union Valley Farm, near Landover, June 6, 1953. He attended the old Broomsage College near Landover, and in 1887 went to Leadville, Colo. For 30 years he was associated with the Kilpatrick Bros., railroad contrac tors, and assisted in the construction of major railroad jobs in the West. In 1916 he returned to Union Valley Farm, where he made his home. Lt. Magruder was a member of the Harden Camp, Spanish American War Veterans, and was a Mason. He is survived by a brother, Edward Magruder, also of near Landover. Mrs. Marion Foster Dies After Short Illness Mrs. Marion Brown Foster, 43, widow of William E. Foster, died yes terday at the home of her brother in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. F. X. McGovern. 4707 Connecticut avenue N.W., after*a short illness. Her death came just three weeks after the death of Mr. Foster, who was man age! of the District of Columbia branch of the Home Owners Loan Corp. A lifelong resident of this city, Mrs. Foster was a member of the U. S. S. Jacob Jones Post of the American Legion and the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration. She served as a yeomanette in the Navy uunug me worm war. Besides her sister, Mrs. McGovern, she leaves another sister, Mrs. E. M. Nevils, jr., this city; a brother, George F. Brown, Charlotte, N. C„ and a half brother, Frank Schweit zer, Pittsburgh. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Church of the Transfiguration. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. Herman C. Vollmer, 64, Federal Worker, Dies Herman C. Vollmer, 64, a foreman of painters in the Interior De partment, died yesterday at his home, 4913 Forty-fourth street N.W., after a short illness. A native of Annapolis, Md., Mr. Vollmer had been a resident of this city the last 50 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mar garet Mae Vollmer, and son, Herman Charles Vollmer, this city, and a sister, Mrs. Lillie Campbell, Ballston, Va. Funeral services will be held at 3 pm. tomorrow in Hines’ funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. COURT OFFICER—The Su preme Court yesterday named Henry P. Chandler, former president of the Chicago Bar Association, to the newly created post of administrator of Federal courts. He is charged with supervision of dockets to avoid congestion in the lower courts, and also will look after the judiciary budget, a duty hitherto per formed by the Justice De partment. Such an officer was recommended by Presi dent Roosevelt in his 1937 court reform program. The position is for life, and pays $10,000. An assistant, at $7,500, recently was named. —Associated Press Wirephoto. Miss Frances Walker Is Claimed by Death Mfss Frances Agnes Walke", daughter of the late Gen. John G. Walker, died here yesterday after an illness of several months. Miss Walker’s father served in the United States Army during the Mexican War and in the Confed erate Army in the Civil War. Miss Walker had geen a resident of this city for many years and was an active member of St. Paul’s Episco pal Church, 913 Twenty-third street N.W. Surviving are .two sisters, Mrs. J. Curtis James, Gloucester County, Var., and Mrs. Harrison Cassard, this city Funeral services will be held at 10 am. tomorrow in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Burial will be in the family lot in Mount Hebron Cemetery, Winchester, Va. | Announcing : | The Opening of & 2 The only Funeral Home § | under the supervision j | Francis J. Collins 1 i COLUNS I Funeral Home | I 3821 14th St. N.W> 1 jc Telephone Randolph 7117 ^ ONE OF THE r~.' When a funeral is selected at n . Chambers, every casket is plainly rrtces marked with the price which in > eludes a complete funeral with over Plainly 60 services. Marked This handsome solid metal casket proves the quality of Chambers’ fu nerals with distinction at a low cost. FACTS concerning I CEDAR HILL CEMETERY • Prices in beautiful Cedar Hill begin as low as Fifty Dollars ($50) per burial site and include perpetual and thorough care. Every section of this sacred Garden of Memories is beautifully landscaped and ready for immediate use. Both monument and non monument sections Available. Tour inspection is respectfully invited. Cedar Hill Washington’s Most Beautiful Cemetery Located at the end of Pena. A ve. S.E. * Cates open until 1:00 o’clock i i TRADE? SURE WE WILL TRADE Turn in Your Set on a New Model Lionel Train Sets! Approved-Authorized Lionel Repair Station NOTE—All approved Lionel Service Stations display this emblem Distributor of Lionel Parts Factory Trained Technicians __Complete Line of Lionel Trains and Parts We Repaired Your Dad's Train—Why Hot Yours? LIONEL TRAIN SETS, $5.95 UP Come and See the New Scale Model Pennsylvania B-8 Switcher Engine—Now in Stock and Ready for Delivery 1 Charge Accounts Solicited Superior Lock & Electric Co. 1410 L STREET N.W. Phone ME. 9439 NO BRANCH STORES Open Evenings • Catalogues Free • Parking Space Available C . - . - .. Be *ure when you're downtown window shop bpecial Notice P'"9 *° lee our display of Lionel Trains in Telephone Company's window, 723 13th N.W. I I