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Old World Chaos Is Forecast by Rabbi Gerstenfeld Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs Told Despots Bring on Revolt The next generation in this country will be faced with an Old World chaos, Rabbi Norman Ger stenfeld said yesterday in a Thanks giving message to the joint meeting of the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs in the Washington Hotel. \ Correspondence. between the Kaiser and Czar Nicholas II re vealed those rulers claimed “the next generation is ours,” he said, but a brief period of 15 years showed their error. Strength Proves Weakness. It should be recognized that the sources of strength, he told more than 350 luncheon guests, cause the downfall of despots. Servile peoples, as shown in the history of Germany and Russia, may be held in check for a while, but sooner or later they revolt. Property owners and the middle class such as the United States has would have precluded revolt, he pointed out in stating that democracy carries on through humility. “There is no group,” he said, "that is strong enough to become tyranni cal.” He outlined the despotism in Russia and Germany and pointed to the crash of their systems which led to the present forms of govern ment. Urges Democratic Living. “The next generation belongs to God,” he said, in calling for a con tinuation of democratic living. Tom Eagan, president of the Rotary Club, presided at the joint meeting and introduced a number of guests, including officers of the Kiwanis Club. Among the honored guests were Gabriel Dondono and Higinio Acevedo, Colombian Boy Scouts who hiked more than 5,000 miles from their home country to wasmngion. Cherrydale Methodist Mrs. Corretta J. Mason of Lynch burg, Va., will be guest preacher at Cherrydale Methodist Church from Sunday to December 10. She will conduct evangelistic meetings each evening, except Saturday, at 7:45 o'clock at the church, North Monroe and Twentieth streets. Marriage License Applications Thomas H. Tongue, 27, Hillsboro, Oreg ano Bernice M. Healy. 26, Salem, Orcg.; the Rev. J. K. Cartwright. John D. Foley. 49. 27U1 Connecticut ave. n.w- and Julia H. Reineke. 38, 2842 27th st. n.w.; the Rev. Joseph M. Moran. James M. Hurtt. 25. Waverly. Ill- and Mary Hackstafl. 21. II Sherman ave.. Takoma Park, Md.; the Rev. U. G. B. Pierce. George Gatins. 24. 42 Independence ave. s.w., and Kathryn A. Morlarty, 22, 208 Massachusetts ave. n.w.; the Rev. J. . L Kilkenny. Ames L. Norwood. 26. Atlanta, Ga„ and Elizabeth L. Chadwick. 22, 1483 Meri dian pi. n.w.; the Rev. John 8. Spence. Herbert L. Glnsburg. 27. Buffalo. N. Y„ and Suma L Hudaon. 30. 1769 Lamont st. n.w.; Judge Nethan Cayton. William R. Hildebrand, 2d. Brentwood, Md- and Margaret Spratt, 23, 2818 Connecticut ave. n.w.; tbe Rev. A. J. McCartney. William B. Olbson, 36. and Hilda M. S. Fries, 30, both of 2838 Brentwood rd. n.e., the Rev. Sam H. Kornmann. Andrew D. Price. 40, 1428 R st. n.w., and Sue Sbsrman. 33. 2131 Eyt st. n.w.: the Rev. Barnard Braskamp. Lloyd L. Gumb, 38. Chicago. Ill, and Marion M. Bhstterly, 27, Des Moines, Iowa: the Rev. Albert J. Evans. J. Frederick RosenTsi. Hollywood, Caltf and Bluma Karp. 28. New York City; the Rev. Zemach Oreen. Alan B. Mills, Jr- 26. 2101 Connactlcut ave. n.w.. and Louise P. Baxter. 21. 2311 Connecticut ave. n.w.; the Rev. Arling ton A. McCallum. James R. Jonas. 19, 1212 Half it. s.w., and Sara O. Johnson, 18. 804 Fourth st. s.w.; the Rev. Wiley Westray. Andrew Kenney. 4b. 615 50th st. n.e and Virginia Robinson. 45. 1349 Otis pi. n.w.; tht Rev. David S. Craig. James A. Smith, 20. 808 4th st. n.w., and ^earl Pierre. 18. 126 P st. n.w.; Judge Robert E. Mattingly. Ivan R. Hendricks, 23. 1939 17th st. n.w., and Edna C. Hairston. 21. 8404 Meadow lane. Chevy Chase. Md.; the Rev. Oeorge H. White. , „ „ Curtis K. Scott, 39, and Sarah O. Scott, 40. both of 1624 D st. s.e.; Judge Armond W. Scott. Rockville. Marcus Louis Temple, 27. Central Square. N. Y- and Virginia West Beall. 25, Darnestown, Md. . Carl Clarence Armstrad. 24. and Rebedca Grace Harding. 18, both of Rockville. Daniel Walter Carney. 29. Washington, and Alice Perne Wiekes, 22, Takoma Park, Md. Grady Monroe Stuart, 60. Washington, and Mary Eilen Cox. 44, Seat Pleasant. Md. Howard W. Gallaghan, 33. and Mary Viola Stewart. 21, both of Stafford, Va. Richard H. Macrae, 28. Washington, and Sarah Jane Wilson. 26. Haarerstown, Md. William Foster Stearns. 39. Saranac Lake. N. Y- and Mary Warren Brush, 24, Chevy Chase, Md. Charles E. Riordan. 61. and Mary W. New land. 46, both of Washington. Francis J. Ploof. 27, West Brookfield. Mass- and Elizabeth M. Wheeelr. 21, N«w Braintree. Mass. Ray S. Wilkinson, 21, Silver Spring, Md ana Murv r,. naray, it*, uurnuium. wu. Melvin A. Queen, 23. and 6arah T. Fletcher, 20, both of Washington. Clifton Hubert Pohle, 28. Takoma Park, Md . and Ella Mae Price, 22. Washington. Hoyle Kent. 28. and Etta Annie Houston, 26. both of Washington. Jasper M. Williams, 22. and Anne Helm. 23. both of Washington. Robert Wilbur Kent. 25. and Patricia Perry, 25. both of Washington. Deaths Reported John Strack. 79, Sibley Hospital. Edward Chase. 74. Gallinger Hospital. Alice McDade Tuckey, 73, 416 Rlttenhouse st. n w. Myrtle Koontz, 70. 5521 Colorado ave. n.w. Waldemar Kless. 69. Garfield Hospital. Genevieve Searls, 65, Sibley Hospital. Alex G. Milhado. 62, St. Elizabeth’s Hos pital. Joseph Laskowitz. 68, 710 10th st. s.e. Raymond Titus, 67, Garfield Hospital. Charles M. Koontg. 67. rear of 3446 14th st. n.w. Lawrence D. O’Harrow, 62, south of Rail road Bridge. Addie E. Gramlleh. 61. 4816 Kansas ave. n.w. Thomas Garland. 46. 1740 18th st. n.w. Michael V. Cannon, 44, Walter Reed Hos pital. James A. Russell. 37. Gallinger Hospital. Katie Sutherland, 36. Georgetown Hospital. William Bowman, 75. Gallinger Hospital. Hattie Roberts. 70. Freedman's Hospital. Gertrude Butler, 60, Garfield Hospital. Margaret James. 67. Gallinger Hospital. Martha Gibbs. 53. Freedman's Hospital. Ernest Budd. 63. Oalllnger Hospital. Joseph B. Jackson, 50, Freedmen’s Hospital. William W. Reeder, 48, 2650 Wisconsin ave. n.w. David Alexander. 48, 2650 Wisconsin ave. Molite' G. Keith. 44, 2214 12th st. n.w. Glenora B. Bingham, 35, 602 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Norman E. Webster. 28. Freedmen’z Hos pital. John Stisnge. 2, Children’s Hospital. Infant George Lee Morgan, Children’s Hospital. Births Reported Martin and Celeste Roess, Jr., boy. Albert and Emily Kendall, girl. Lester and Doris Breeden, girl. Hugh and Lorraine Crafton. Jr., boy. Vincent and Catherine Hoffman, boy, John and Eleanors Kopecky, girl. William and Louise D'Amato, girl. Isaac and Opal Amburgey. girl. William and Mildred Gregory, girl. Harold and May Fredericks, boy. Ashton and Mattie Carter, girl. Walter and Louisa Tatspauzh, girl. Edmund and Lenora Toland. boy. Lee and Mary Peterson, boy. Leonard and Emilia Zaclewskl. girl. William and Pauline Fletcher, girl. Lewis and Myra Brock, girl. George and Fannie Hart. boy. Carroll and Katherine Gibson, girl. George and Rose Curtis, girl. Cleveland and Teretha Epps, girl. Perfect Quality Seamless! 44.50 Wilton Rugs On Sale Friday Only! A genuine Jacquard-woven Royal Wilton at this price is a value that | should bring you here early tomor row! 9x12 ft. Rich, colorful designs. 42.50 SIZE 9x12 BROAD LOO M REGS | Save $17.55 on each of these high-grade Broad loom Rugs! Closely woven fabrics in a variety of popular colors. Perfect and slight irregulars. Z8.U5 Size 9XI Z-Tt. Rugs Alt wool face rugs, in re- tM ilO productions of Persian and ■ If .ilfl Chinese designs. Sand, I MmW taupe, rust and red. Some ■ slight irregulars. ■ MM Felt-Base Floor Covering Guaranteed perfect quality felt base floor covering, in an array of desirable patterns and eolors. ■a. Vfl. 4.95 Royal Wilton Rugs W.SK. &s5XJSt"g3! 0.47 •ntal reproduction.. Fringed end.. 9x12—9x10.6 Felt Base Rugs re0*99 with border.. Original factor? M wrapped. I Goldenberg’$—FLOOR COVERINGS—Third Floor d 1 ■ ■ i FRIDAY ONLY—REGULAR 9109.00 3-PC. LIVING ROOM Three attractive pieces, covered with durable tit frieze, in choice of colors. Knuckle arm v frames in rich walnut or mahogany finish. Streamline reversible seat cushions. Sagless webb bottoms for comfort and durability. Sofa, Arm Chair and Welted-back Wing Chair. NO MONEY DOWN—CONVENIENT TERMS Goldenberg’s—FURNITURE—Fourth Floor i FRIDAY ONLY! REG. $2.49 DAMASK Drapes & Portieres 1.77 Duplex Damask Drapes, 50 inches wide to the pair, tV* yards long. Pinch pleated, tie backs. Door drapes to match with hemmed and beaded top. Wanted new colors. $1.59 Rayon Curtains $1.00 Tailored Curtains Sheer ninon like all rayon tailored A A Novelty figured Scranton net A A. curtains, made with 1-in. hem on ^ | tailored curtains, in light Ihlav both sides, 214-in. hem at bottom. I ecru color. 2)4 yds. long. Ilal Light ecru. Ptir ■ ratr $1.98 Lace Curtains $1.98 Studio Covers Open mesh weave, in all over A A*J With three separate cushion A and bordered patterns. Ad- 1 ift I covers. Made of floral pat- | iV I i I justable loop, top. 2)4-2)4 I terned cretonne; bos pleated 1 yds. long. Pkir " skirt, tape bound hems. ■ j Goldenberff’t—DRAPERIES— Third Floor. X. $40 ALLOWANCE For Your Old Machine! , Friday! One Day Only! i Domestic Rotary SEW SG MACHINE List Price_$99.50 Allowance_$40.00 Coata You Only This is the famous luxury model Domestic Rotary which carries a lifetime guarantee! At«II!er2..-!Jn"t n-speed knee control Extra Urge1 round "0"° bobbln * 4 414 . Automatic tension Numbered stlteh reg 16 all-steel attach- oI»‘or ments Non-glare sew llte Includaa Draaamaking Comae Fraa! $1 DOWN—$1 A WEEK Main Floor—Sth Street Entrance k INNERSPRING . MATTRESS 8.95 inns*-siesta# UK lawtut a. |m 1 layers of felt over a heavy sisal iittel bate Covered In durable strived tic kins ; rubber button tufted. All reeular sloes. GolAenbcrg'i—Fourth Floor i I 42c 1.68 1.79 **« METAL RADIATOR 32.23 ELECTRIC PERCO- 32.43 WAFFLE MAKER. COVER. In Ivory or wal- LATOR. fine aluminum with suaranteed heatins n«t enamel finish. Ex- Silverslo finish; 7-eup elements, heat indicator tend to 33 inches. else. U. L. approved. and cast aluminum arid. 1.38 69c 1.48 iS?ni84®«Sai.S »hH*T?Smel fln*h! Sr^fi S? |*tSC'oni drein^h.ndJS: ST.^K^' Easy •auctrs, salt and pepper. Heavy saute Quality. to apply. Goldenberg’s—HOUSEWARES—Downstairs. 5.00 Size 72x90 50% Wool Cannon Blankets 3.95 Famous Cannon half wool Blankets, in solid colors of green, peach, blue, rose, brown and orchid. Finished with wide rayon binding. $2 Large Size Plaid Blankets '0x80-inch site, in plaids of J 88 rose, men, bloc. cold, orchid 11 f V and brown. 50% wool! ■ Pair | $1 EVERLASTING SHEETS 81x99 and 72x99 inch sizes, extra length for jm fall and twin beds. Made of heavy 64-square sheeting for long wear--__ BPTl Everlasting Pillow Cases, sizes 45x36 and 42x36 inches, gale price, 22c Rag. 2.00 Plaid Blankats 72tM liu «tri bMTT analltr 4 ,09 tun BUnkiti. M% wmC I WuWi »ltn. g Rag. 3.00 Cotton Comforts 72sM >iu Cmlirti, «-lb». A,09 w»i»ht, **Ttr*4 in print** tiUtn. ML Rag. 49c and 59c Towals Canaan Paatal Tarbiib Tawab. HHa baa*» «nbU thraa* aaaUty. 006 IrrwnUrf44 *"4 MlM *"rt* UU Reg. 1.39 Rayon Tablecloths 53x68 in. Rayon Table Clothe ||||a In pastel shades of croon, blnr. if W peach and eccshrll. Fast Ail VV 79c Scarfs and Vanity Sets Lace Scarfs, In sixes lists M A as and 16x36 In. also 3-plece A BBC Vanity Sets, in eern color |KA with colored inserts. Regular 19c Turkish Towels ltnT In. meet else Don- J A 1 os doe Turkish Towels, extra ■ If 16 honey double thread «ual- I M~ST Ity. with colored borders. g Aw ^ Qoldenbergt'—Main Floor Reg. 49c Hot Dish Mats A>plaeo eet ter the dintnt UbU. 4A« Attractive deelrna. COG Reg. 1.29 Garment Bags S*fSNMnt else, with elppcr tea- Ala teniae, hattr eretenne cetera. g f y Reg. 59c Ironing Board Set Knitted Ironint beard pad with |i_ nanalin cosh-on cover. Fite QA{* •tandard site board. ■ *w 20c Budlla Crochet Cotton Baeiila aeeroerieed area bet eet- d J ,T,rT Reg. 1.19 Utility Cabinet R-drawer atilltr aabtnat for DAaa ahoea. beat or Unretie. OwV Budlla Crochet Cotton ?0«-»d. banka of "Bad Label" |fb brand baeiila ereehet cotton (or I Safi makinr bedspreads. S WV 12-Pocket Shoe Bag 14-poeket site cretonne shoe OAfb bees. In pretty cretonne colors. Reg. 79c Sewing Cabinets Jnnior sise priscille sewinc cab- CQa inets. In walnnt finish. W9li Reg. 69c Knitting Yarn 4-ounee hank, af Camel brand AA. knlttlni yarn, for maklnr J9C afchant. WWW _R*g- 69c Christmas Cards Bex of SI Christmas creetinr 1A cards, in a variety et attractive k&MC dasixns with *1 envalapes. ■'*v Reg. 3.98 Poker Outfit Bevalvinx poker chip rack in A AO walnut finish, with MO poker AJIn chins. 2.98 Leather Brief Cases Genuine super Steel-ribbed A AA leather brief eases, in Mack or / Qg brown. :w * Qoldenberg’t—NOTIONS—Main Floor 5-Pc. Luxury Both Sets lenlul; SI. Consisting of bath salts, dostinr powder, per fnme. toilet water and talcum. Box of Facial Tissues 300 Facial Tissues to bout soft, absorbent and economical. $1 After-Shaving Lotion Early American Old 8pieo After- papa Sharing Lotion or Bath rowder. MUft 55c Gift Perfumes Original Marly Perfumes, indl- pam Mr,1””4 ,or 26c 89c Manicure Sets CaloxManleure Sets. In Bake- pap*, lit# kit. including polish, re- Klifl mover, orange stick, etc. WWW $1.39 Three-Piece DRESSER SETS Hand mirror, brush and eomb, in a selection of colors and patterns. With new unbreakable imitation rlass handles. 75c Noxzema Skin Cream Thi. nationally known Skin |J. Cream is sreaseless and medi- 001* eated. ”¥"¥V $1 Make-Up Box Large mirror in lid, attractive COo picture on cover. VwV $1 Yesteryear Perfume Yesteryear Perfnme in novel “Little lady under glass dome" f lift bottle. ■ w» vrviucnucrg 3—mam t loot Convertible Doll Carriage and Stroller On Sale Friday—One Day Only! Made of covert cloth with contrasting binding, metal collapsible frame, folding hood, rubber-tired wheels. 21 Inches long. Rubber Tire Velocipede On Sale Friday—One Day Only! 18-in. front wheel, bi cycle-type adjustable handle bam. Extra large saddle, rubber - tired wheels. Boys9 and Girls9 Work Tables On Sale Friday—One Day Only! Far girls a seeupWalr equipped pastry table. For beys: Nail-O-Gram table with work bench. PeppertninMUt in TayUmi—Doumttain 1 1 $1-1.59 Imitation Leather TALL HASSOCKS 66* Friday Only! Covered with Imitation leath er with con trasting b i n d ing. 10 to 14 in. 1 high. Slight discoloring!. Third Floor 4.98 Heavy Metal Utility Cabinet 3" Friday Only! 66x18x12 in. with 6 com partments t o hold linens, groceries an d other storage items. Enamel finish. Downstair! Wide Variety 3.25 ATCO PAINTS 2.59 Gal. Friday Only! Choice of pure Unseed oil House Paint, Floor and Deck Enamel, Interi or Gloss. White and colors. Downttairt Gold Finish Bases Pottery Lamps 2 Friday Only! In deep tones and white, at tractive trim ming. Matching shades. An ideal Christmas gift for every housemaker. Downttairt With Adjustable Shades CHINA LAMPS 4-69 Friday Only! Delicately de signed table lamps with silk shades lined i with heat-proof < rayon taffeta, j Velvet or silk binding. Downttairt Water Fall Top CEDAR CHESTS 19*5 I; Reg. 29.95 Fall % cedar interior. 45 in. long, 19 in. wide, 21 in. high — big enough to store blankets and clothes against moth. 3.99 Cornice Ton Venetian Blinds ■ Ivory color with mingled tapes. 24, 25, 28, 38, 34 Third Floor 4.95 Canvas Covered O’NITE CASES 3" Friday Only! Smart brown alligator grain binding and handle. Tan canvas stripe covering. 4 big shirred pockets. Main Floor Men’s Regular $3 OXFORDS 2-co Friday Only! Never before at this low price! Long wearing leather solos and ippers Many styles, all sises. Service for Eight 7.95 Dinner Set 5"* Friday Only! | Semi - porcelain mare; ivory body railed floral shoulder edge*. Beautiful orchid decoration. Doumttain 1 IB FRIDAY—ONE DAY ONLY! Women’s 1.00 Gloves Imported Chinese handmade •II-wool gloves, in bright colors „ with contrasting Q colored embroid- w cry on back. ■ WW **, 79c and $1 Fabric Gloves Women’s double woven __ fabric gloves. In many Eflli styles and colors. Sites 6 to 7U included. VV • Goldenberg’s—Main Floor 79c and $1 Full Fashioned CHIFFON HOSE Friday Only! 39' Silk from toe to top, fall fashioned ringless erepe chiffon hose in new Fall colors. Sixes to 10H. Termed slight seconds. $1 Chiffon Hose • *h**r ehlffon hose, with or without black go 6b®1*: /Ihkloaa crepes. ADh Wanted colors. See- WV end*. ,0 '-00 Rinjleu Hold »» mends” of a well known make. I, 4Bask 3 and 4 thread rins- ZuC l«aa erepe chiffons. 39c Perfect Chiffon Hose ?“** to at. New OQsk fo »* t *"• 8‘*®* 8'* 39c Silk Chiffon Hose "[Wa n*t 0*4 I V OolAenberg't—Matn Floor “