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(Earfc af ulfiattka ADAMS, JOSEPH. The family of the late JOSEPH ADAMS wish to express their appreciation of the many kindnesses, ex pressions of sympathy and lovely floral tributes during the illness and at the death of their husband and father. THE FAMILY. * SratljB BADEN, ELLA YV. On Friday. November 84. 1939, at her residence, 1213 33rd at. h.w.. ELLA W. BADEN, sister of Emma Baden. Funeral from the T. Frank Murray fu Seral home. 741 11 th st. s.e., on Tuesday, ovember 28. at 0:45 a.m. Services at St. Paul's Church. Radpn. Md.. at 11 a.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Church cemetery. 27 BERRY. THOMAS. On Thursday. No vember 23. 1939. at his residence, near Seneca. Md.. THOMAS BERRY, beloved husband of Josephine R. Rerrv, Funeral services at Darnestown Presby terian Church on Sunday. November 26. at £ D.m. Interment church cemetery. 26 RLOM. HARRY F. On Thursday, No vember 23. 1939. at bis residence. 1925 2nd St. n.e . HARRY F. BLOM. the beloved husband of Marv E. Blom and son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Blom. father of Ralph VV. Blom and brother of Olef Blom. Mrs. Astrid Oliveri and Mrs. Frances Marino. Services at Chambers Co. funeral home 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Saturday. No vember 25. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends i invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BOSWELL, FRANK. On Friday, Novem ber 24. 1939, at. Garfield Hospital. FRANK t i_i_i ^ Evans Boswell of 2531 11th st. n.w,. brother of Mrs. Lillie Lawrence. Mrs. Amanda Hodges and Mrs. Katie Anderson: stepfather of Faunders Thornton. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting at Frasier’s funeral home. 380 Rhode Island ave. n w. Funeral Mondav, November 27. at. 1 p.m., from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church Rev. C. T. Murray officiating. 20 BOWIE, JOHN R. Suddenly, on Friday. November 17. 1030. at Chicago. III.. JOHN R ROW IF. beloved brother of Mrs. Eliza beth Bowie Walker. Mrs. Margaret B. Fowler and William L. Bowie of Tulsa. Okla. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Mondav. Novem ber 27. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment, m Rock Creek Cemetery. 20 BROWN, MARC.ARETTA A. On Friday November 24. 1930. at her residence. 713 Pleasant st., Maryland Park, MAR GARETTA A BROWN, beloved wife of Robert P Brown. Services aT the T. Frank Murray fu neral home. 741 11th st. s.e.. on Monday. November 27. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. 20 BROWN, OTTAWAY B. On Tuesday. November 21. 1030. at his residence. 1450 Oak st. n.w . OTTAWAY B. BROWN, hus band of Ellen B. Brown and brother of Mrs. James Caloway and John Brown. He also is survived by many nieces and neph ews. other relatives and friends. Remains • resting at. the Malvan & Schey funeral ; home. N. J avp. and R st. n.w. Funeral from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Fairfax. Va.. Sunday. November 20. 2 o.m. Interment church cemetery. (Lynchburg. Va., and Baltimore. Md., pa pers nlease rnpv ) • BYRD. ELIJAH. On Tuesday. November 21. 1030. at Providence Hospital. ELIJAH BYRD, husband of the Jafe Lucy Byrd, lov ing father of Mrs. Jose Bell Pavton, broth er of James and Holly Ryrd. Two grand children. two great-grandchildren and other relatives and friends also survive. Re mains at the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral Chanel. 3rd and Fyp st*. s.w. Funeral Sundnv. November 20. at 2 p.m.. from Second Baptist Church. Falls Church. Va.. Rev. w. F. Costner officiating. Interment Falls Church, Va. 26 CALLAWAY, JOHN NEMROD. On Wed nesday. November 22. 1039. at Mount Alto Hospital. JOHN NEMROD CALLAWAY, be tuvea n"»uaiin o> aucp ivi. i.auawa>. lov ing brother of Charles S.. Chester Arthur, Letitia Callaway; Lucretia Gill, Teresa Ross. Lillian Estelle and Ethel Carr: step father of William V. Kvle. Remains may be viewed at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 IT st. n.w.. after II a.m. Sunday. November 26 Funeral Tuesday. November 28. at. 1 P.m.. from the above funeral church. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 27 CHAPPELL, IDA M. On Friday. Novem ber 24. 1939. at her residence. 3901 Albe marle st. n.w.. TDA M. CHAPPELL, widow of Dr. John William Chappell and mother of Mrs. Clara Brown and Col. S. L. Chap pell. Notice of services later. CLARKSON, CLIFFORD A. Suddenly, on Thursday. November 23. 1939. at Albany. N. V., CLIFFORD A. CLARKSON, dearly beloved husband of Rosemary Easton and father of Joseph and Lawrence Clarkson. Serviues at Middleburg. N. Y.. Sunday. November 26. at. 3:30 D.m. Interment in Lacolle Quebec. 27 CONNOLLY. JEREMIAH. On Thursday. November 23, 1939. at his residence. 1635 Irving st. n.w.. JEREMIAH CONNOLLY, beloved husband of the late Bridget A. Connolly. Funeral from the above residence on Monday. November 27. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to Sacred Heart Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. 26 DETWY’LER. HILDA SPRIGGS. On Fri., day. November 24. 10M9. at. Freedmen’s Hospital. HILDA SPRIGGS DETWYLER. daughter of John and the late Ethel C. Spriggs, devotpd wife of Leonard Detwyler. sister of Mrs. Hollis West and Mrs. Thelma Fagin. niece of Mrs. Leonora T. Walker. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 Rhode Island avp. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Monday. November 27. at 1 p m.. Rev. George O Bullock officiating. Relatives and friends ! Invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery? 26 i DUSON. MARY. Suddenly, on Friday. November 24. 1939. at her residence. 835 3rd st. s.w., MARY DUSON. loving wife of Robert Duson and mother of Robert Duson, Jr. She also leaves to mourn their loss one sister. Mrs. Edna Williams of Pennsylvania: one brother. Edgar Johnson, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Morris A. Carter Co. funeral home. 2nd *nd e sts. s,w. Notice of funeral later. FARR. MAGGIE JOHNSON. Departed this life on Wednesday. November 22, 1939. ar her residence. 1922 10th st. nw. MAGGIE JOHNSON FARR, devoted wife of Maurice W Farr, loving mother of Marion Johnson Clifford and James N. Johnson. She also leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Alice H. Parker and Mary E. Ford: four brothers. Ernest. George. Charles and William Henson: a son-in-law. Raymond A. Clifford, and other relatives ind friends. Remains resting at Barbour Bros ’ funeral home. 48 K st. n.e.. until I p.m. Saturday. November 25: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Sunday. November 26. at 1 p.m.. from Brown’s Memorial Church. 14th and B sts n.e. Interment, Lincoln Memorial VCiliCtCI J. FOLLIN. THOMAS T. On Friday. No vember 24. 1939. THOMAS T. FOLLIN, husband of the late Mary A. Follln and father of Arthur, Thomas and George Fol lin; Mrs. Annie Hubert and Mrs. Mary A. Baker Funeral from his late residence. 941R Jones Mill rd.. North Chevy Chase. Md.. on Sunday. November 2(1. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. 25 FOOTE, RICHARD FRANC'HOT. Sud denly, on Thursday. November 23. 1939. at Oteen. N. C„ RICHARD FRANCHOT FOOTE, late captain, A. E, F.: husband of L. Helen Foote (nee Abner), father of Helene M. Foote and brother of Morris C. Foote. Remains resting at Milburn T Zirkle’s funeral home. 510 C st. n.e.. until Sunday afternoon. Services at his late residence, 5617 New Hampshire ave. n.e,. on Monday. November 27. at 1,1 a m. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 26 GRAVES. LILLIAN MAY. Suddenly, on Friday, November 24. 1939. LILLIAN MAY GRAVES of Rranchville. Md.. wife of How ard Graves and mother of Albert Lloyd and Howard Graves, jr. Remains resting at Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home. Notice of funeral later. 26 HARGRAVES, ANNA. On Thursday. No vember 23. 1939. ANNA HARGRAVES, mother of Uvella Coleman. Bernice Brown. Mabel. Samuel and Norman Hargraves. She also leaves eleven grandchildren, two brothers, three sisters, two daughters-in law and three sons-in-law. Remains rest ing at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later HAWKINS, GEORGIA MOREA On Thursday. November 23, 1939. GEORGIA MOREA HAWKINS of 604 M st s.e.. wife of Robert Morea. loving mother of Geneva H. Hawkins, daughter of Thomas and Helen Hawkins, sister of Mesdames Ella Hawkins, Mattie Pinkney. Clara Smith. Al berta Brooks, Roy and Arthur Hawkins. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Eve sts. s w . until Sunday. Novemhea 26. at 3 p.m.; then at her above late residence. Funeral Monday. November 27, at 1:30 pm., from T. R. Methodist Church, T. B., Md. Interment church cemetery. JACKSON, IDA. On Tuesday, Novem ber 21. man. at St Elizabeth’s Hospital. IDA JACKSON, loving aunt of Edgar Dug Sins. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. irvirivc 1 Drier * rune T-1_ day. November 23, 1939. at Gallinger Hos pital. LOUISE LEWIS JENKINS, beloved wife of Alfred Jenkins and daughter of -Genevieve Lewis. She also leaves to mourn their loss a devoted grandmother, grand father. three children and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at her late residence. 1337 Corcoran at. n.w., Sunday. November 2fi. Funeral services will be held Monday. November 27. at 9 o'clock at St. Augus tine's Church, 15th st. between L and M gts. n.w. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery JONES. Gl’SSIE HUFFMAN. On Friday. November 24. 1939. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. GUSSIE HUFFMAN JONES, be loved wife of Claude L Jones and mother of Patricia and Virginia Jones Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n e , until 9 D m. Saturday. Services and interment Little Mountain, 8. C 25 KASEHAGEN. LEO WILLIAM. On Fri day, November 24. 1939, LEO WILLIAM KASEHAGEN. beloved husband of Lillian Brown Kasehagen (nee Higgenbotham) and father of Or. Leo Kasehagen. Remains resting at Chambers' funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n w Services at Fort Myer ChaDel, Fort Mver, Vs., on Monday. November 27, at 1:30 Dm Relatives and friends are in vited. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 20 LEWIS. JOSFPH O. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. November 22. 1939. JOSEPH D. LEWIS, formerly of Alexandria. Va. He leaves three sisters. Mrs. Mary Montaque. Mrs. Julia Campbell and Mrs. Maude Bean der. and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Sunday. November 20. at 2:30 In., from Alfred Street Baptist Church. Alexandria. Va. Interment Bethel Cem etery, Alexandria. Va. 25 i Sratlja MATTHEWS. DOROTHY. On Friday. No vember 24. 1939. DOROTHY MATTHEWS, daughter of i.eroy and Grace Matthews. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 ChaDin st. n.w., until Saturday. No vember 25. 9 o.m. Interment Raleigh. N. C. McGEE. RAYMOND C. Suddenly, on Friday. November 24. 1939. RAYMOND C. McGF.F of 4310 10th st. n.e.. the be loved husband of Elizabeth M. McGee and father of Robert. Anne and Mary Frances McGee. Funeral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e.. on Monday. No vember 27. at S:30 a.m . thence to St. An thony's Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m Relatives and friends are in vited Interment Arlington National Cem try 26 McGEE. RAYMOND C. Comrades of Bunker Hill Post. No. 31, Amer ican Legion, are requested to attend services for our late comrade. RAYMOND C. Mc GEE. at 8 p.m. Sunday. No vember 26. 1939. and 8 a.m. Monday. November 27. at the James T. Rvan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e. Also mass at St Anthony's Church. 12th and Monroe sts. n.e. 9 a.m. Monday. Military hurial follows in Arlington Na tional Cemetery. JOHN R. WEITZEL. Commander. HERBERT F AUDAS. Adjutant. McGEE, RAYMOND C. The members of Washington Council. No. 224, Knights of Columbus, are ad vised of the death on Friday. November 24. 1939. of Brother RAYMOND C. McGEE of 4310 loth st. n.e., and are requested to attend the funeral services at St Anthony’s Church or Monday. No vember 27. at 9 a.m. The members will meet at, the Rvan funeial home. 317 Pa. ave. s.p . on Snndav. November 26. at 8 p.m.. for recitation of prayers for the deceased. ROBERT F. HANDLEY, G. K. Dr. A. D. WILKINSON. F S. 26 McKEOWN. ELIZABETH. Suddenly, on Saturday. November 25. 1939. at her resi KEOWN, hHovprt wife of Alexander Me Keown Remains resting at Timothy Han lon’s funeral narior. 041 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 27 MOHON, LENA. On Friday. November 24. 1030. at Alexandria. Va . LENA MO HON. beloved wife of John Mohon of Mc Lean. Va and mother of John J. and James H. Mohon and Mrs. Ralph Barney. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va., where funeral services will be held Sunday. November 2*1. at 2:30 p m. Interment Co lumbia Gardens Cemetery. 25 OLSCEWSKI, MARGARET B. Suddenly, on Fridav. November 24. 1030. at her resi dence. 1360 Spring road n.w., MARGARET B. OLSCEWSKI, beloved wife of the late Leopold Olscewski and sister of Mrs. Anna Schwarz and Mrs. Julius Bruckner of Atlanta. Ga. Funeral from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Anna Schwarz. 2124 O st. n.w., on Monday. November °7. at 8:15 a m Re quiem mass at St. Mary's Church at 0 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 2*5 OSBORNE, AMANDA V. On Saturday. November 25. 1030, at her residence. 1405 Kalmia road n.w.. AMANDA V. OSBORNE, beloved mother of Mary J. Larrimore and grandmother of Alice L. Schramm. Notice of funeral later. OWENS, JANE. On Thursday. November 23. 1030. a' her residence. 2137 5th st. n.w., JANE OWENS, Remains at William T. Tolbert’s. J 308 Gth st n.W. Notice of funeral later. PARKER, MARGARET ELIZABETH. On Thursday, November 23. 1930, at Garfield Hospital, in the 78th year of her age, MARGARET ELIZABETH PARKER, daugh ter of thp into Cortlandt L. and Penelope Butler Parker. Services at. the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st. n.w., on Saturday November 25. at 4 pm. Interment. St. Peter’s Churchyard. Perth Ambov. N. J. 28 RICE. HELEN AUGUSTA. Suddenly, on Saturday. November 25. 1030. ar Provi dence Hospital. HELEN AUGUSTA RICE, daughter of Mrs. Augusta Rice, sister of Rose Waltemeyer of Baltimore. Md., and aunt of Mary A Rice of Riverdale. Md. Remains resting at her late residence. 454 Cecil ave., Rethesda. Md. Notice of funeral later. Services by Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home. 26 SHEPHERD. EUGENE FRANCIS. On Wednesday. November 22. 1030. at the residence of his parents. 776 Hobart place n.w . EUGENE FRANCIS SHEPHERD, be oved son of Margaret (nee Perry) anti John Shepherd Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home after noon Satur dav. November 25. Funeral Sunday. November 26. at 2 pm. from St. Luke’s Baptist Church. Bright wood. Interment at Harmony Cemetery. 26* TAVENNER. FRANK. On Friday. No vember 24. 1039. at his residence. 3023 Dent place n.w.. FRANK TAVENNER. be loved husband nf Mary Lillian Tavenner. He also is survived by four sisters and two brothers. Services at the above residence on Tues day. November 28. at 2 D.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Services bv Chambers’ Georgetown funeral home. 27 THOMPSON, HENRY LEE. On Friday. November 24, 1939. at his residence. 736 Oncknn .-—_ lipxrnw r r>r, SON. beloved husband of Cora Annie Thompson (nee Rice) and father of Mrs. Gertrude T Roberts. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Monday, November 27. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. 26 WALKER, LOUISE LINDSAY. On Sat urday. November 25. 1939. LOUISE LIND SAY WALKER, 812 Ingraham st. n.w.. be loved daughter of Russell K. and Agnes F. Walker and sister of Elaine Walker. Services at the S. H, Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Monday. No vember 27. at. in a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment. Neelsvjlle, Md. 26 WASHINGTON. ELIZABETH. On Wed nesday. November 22. 19.19. at her resi dence. 1344 You st. n.w.. ELIZABETH WASHINGTON, daughter of Mrs. Margaret King, wife of Albert M. Washington, moth er of Mrs. Christine Clayton. Alfred and Wilford Gilmore: sister of Mrs. Georgia Jones and Mrs. Maggie Harris. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home, 30 H st. n.e. Funeral Sunday. November 26. at 1 p m.. from Third Baptist Church, 5th pnd Q sts. n.w. 25 WASHINGTON, SIE. On Wednesday. November 22. 1939. at Mount Alto Hos pital. SIE WASHINGTON, husband of Fiba Washington. Remains at. the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 U st. n.w. Interment Arlington National Cemetery Monday. November 27. at 9:39 a.m. 25 WENINGER, JOSEPH. Suddenly, on Tuesday. November 21. 1939, at his resi dence. 896 22nd st. n.w., Sergt. JOSEPH WENINGER. U. S. Army (retired) Friends are invited to call at Gawler's, 1756 Pa. ave. n.w. Services at Gawler's chapel. 1750 Pa. ave. n.w., on Monday, November 27. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 26 WENINGER, SERGT. JOSEPH. Members of National Capital Post, No. 127. Veterans of Foreign Wars, are requested to pay the respects to Sergt. JO SEPH WENINGER (retired) k Remains resting at Gawler’s Chapel. 1756 Pa. ave. n.w. _ _ Funeral services on Monday. November 27. at. l -30 p.m.. at Gawler's chapel. Burial Arlington National Cem etery. By order of COMDR. WM. P. CAVANAUGH. JOHN GILL. Adjutant. 26 In lUmnriam COWELL. MAY ELIZABETH. A tribute to the memory of my dear daughter. MAY ELIZABETH COWELL, who departed this life three years ago today, November 25, 1936. We were happy when you were with us. When you lived and we were together; But. oh. how changed it all is now. Since you have gone forever. When we are alone we like to stray Along the path of yesterday, To live again in memory The happy days that used to be. Surrounded by friends still we are lonesome In the midst of pleasure we are blue: And deep down in our hearts, dear daughter Is a place kept just for you. BROTHER AND DAD. • CURTIS, NAMAHYOKA. In loving re membrance of our dear mother. "NAMAH” CURTIS, who died four years ago today. November 25, 1934. HER CHILDREN. • JOHNSON. ANNIE. In memory of out devoted mother. Mrs. ANNIE JOHNSON, who passed away eighteen years ago today. November 25. 1921. "May her soul rest in peace.’’ THE FAMILY. • JONES. HATTIE. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear mother. HATTIE JONES, who departed this life six years ago today. November 25, 1933. A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled: A dace is vacant in our home which never can oe nuea. HER LOVING DAUGHTERS. LENA PALM ER AND LORETTA JONES. LUTTGEN, WALTER LATIMER. In lov. ing memory of my dear husband. WALTER LATIMER LUTTGEN. who passed away five years ago today*. November 25. 1934 HIS WIFE, ELSIE LUTTGEN. • SCOTT. SARAH ELIZABETH. In mem ory of our dear mother and grandmother. 8ARAH ELIZABETH SCOTT, who passed away two years ago today. November 25, 1937. Gone, but never forgotten. HER CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. • WEST. JOSEPHINE. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother. JOSEPHINE WEST, who departed this life twenty-five years ago today. No vember 25. .1914. God gave ns a wonderful mother, She was one who never grew old: God made her smiles as the sunshine And He made her heart of pure gold HER DEVOTED SON AND DAUGHTER. W M EDWARDS AND MATTIE M. JOHN STON. • WHITE, AI.TON P. Tn sad but. loving memory of our husband and father. ALTON P. WHITE, who departed this life three years ago today. November 25, 1936. To that, far-distant land He has taken his wav: Past the shadows of night There has dawned a new day. And this be our comfort. Though grief's hard to bear, That far country Is home LOVINC WHITE, AND FAMILY. • 1 Leo W. Kasehagen, 34 Years in U. S. Service, Dies at 67 Retired Clerk in Charge Of Railway Mail to Be Buried in Arlington Leo W. Kasehagen, 67, who re tired March 1 as clerk in charge of the railway mail service after 34 years in the Post Office Department, died yesterday in Mount Alto Hos pital. A native of Chicago, Mr. Kase hagen had lived in Washington since 1920. He made his home at 1353 Jefferson street N.W. Member of Masons. He was a member of Capt. George H. Bentley Camp, No. 3, of Spanish War Veterans and was a lieutenant in the Virginia Guards. A Mason, was a member of Mount Vernon Royal Arch Chapter, No. 14, of Alex andria, Va.: Manasseh Lodge, No. 7, of Manassas, Va., and Kazim Tem ple in Roanoke, Va. Mr. Kasehagen was also a mem ber of the Sixteenth Street High lands Citizens’ Association. Widow Among Survivors. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Lillian Brown Kasehagen; a son, Tir acphoopn r\f Tomormo Pa.; a sister, Miss Katy Kasehagen, and three brothers, Arthur and Todd Kasehagen of Chicago and Felix J. Kasehagen of Wilmington, N. C. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Monday at Fort Myer Chapel by Masons of Manasseh Lodge. Burial with military honors will be in Arlington National Ceme tery. Christian Endeavor The 15th anniversary of Christian Endeavor will be celebrated at Cal vary Baptist Church on December 1, 3 and 7. A banquet will be held December 1 in Shallenberger Hall. The Rev. Arthur J. Stanley will be the speaker. On December 3 at 8 p.m., home-coming Sunday will be observed. On December 7 at 8 p.m. Dr. Daniel A. Poling will speak to the Christian Endeavor Union; and this, incidentally, will be the De cember union meeting. “A Persistent Evil; Must We Have Poverty?” will be the topic tomorrow at the Eckington Young People’s group. They will meet at 7 p.m. under the leadership of Miss Kitty Volland. The Young People's Society of Ninth Street Christian Church will meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Jackson. The Sherwood Young People’s So ciety will meet at Mount Vernon M. mzj. v/uuu.11 wiiii liic t-ziniic:*? yuung people of Washington at 3 p.m. Members will meet at Sherwood at 2:30 p.m. for transportation. Friends are are also invited. The Wallace Memorial Interme diates will meet at the home of Wil liam Armstrong. 4321 Eighth street N.W.. for a “sing," followed by the evening church service tomorrow. On December 1 this group will give a three-act comedy, “Here Come Three Knights," at the church. Both Senior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor groups will be the guests of the Young People's Presbytery of Philadelphia on the week end of December 2 and 3. The second Sunday of each month is to be Christian Endeavor night at the evening church services of Eckington Presbyterian Church. This innovation made its debut No vember 12. Two Sunday nights out of every month will be devoted to "sings” at the homes of various members after the C. E. meetings. Questionnaires will be sent out next week. Fill out and return promptly in self-addressed envelopes i provided for the purpose. J. J. Groeninger, Father Of Consul, Is Dead John J. Groeninger, 88, father of Joseph G. Groeninger, United States Consul at Auckland, New Zealand, died Thursday night at his home in i Baltimore, Md., it was learned today. A daughter, Mrs. Francis j. Hemelt, 340 Decatur street N.E., will attend the funeral services and burial, which will be held Monday in Baltimore. Also surviving Mr. Groeninger are his widow, Mrs. Anne Jennings Groeninger: two other sons, Wil liam J. and Andrew J. Groeninger, both of Baltimore, and another daughter, Mrs. Harold J. O'Keefe of Baltimore. Mr. Groeninger retired some 15 years ago after 60 years as an auditor with the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. ur Death COL. 0432 CALL ONE OF THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS INJTHE WORLD W. Warren Taltavull II & Bro. Funeral Directors 3619 Fourteenth Street N.W. Hobart 5900 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons CoT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Ave. N.E._Lincoln 5200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. Nationalise? FUNERAL DESIGNS] GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES A7 MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. 0106 jand Bandars Cor. 14th Cr Eye GUDE BROS CO. Floral Pieces 1212 r It. N.W. National 4276 Capitals Radio Program SATURDAY PROGRAM. NOVEMBER 25, 1939. P.M.| WMAL, 630k, | WRC, 950k. | WOL, 1,230k. | WJSV, 1,460k. 12:00 Education Forum News Bob Millar’s Orch. Country Journal • 1’;15 Hits and Bits Walter Compton, news " 12:30 Farmers' Union Pgm. .Call to Youth Hits and Bits Let's Pretend 12:45 _"__{Devotions 1:00 j Farmers' Union Pgm.' Shep Field's Orch. Gloomchasers Vesta Eales 1:1 ■> I " ’’ {Stamp Collectors Sports Page 'News—Rhythm 1:30 Yale Harvard (Matinee in Rhythm ! ” " I What Price America 1:45 " " l Ray Kinney's Orch._{ ”_| " 2:00 Yale Harvard Ray Kinney’s Orch. Sports Page News 2:15 " So. Calif.-N. Dame " " {Tonic Tunes 2:30 " " ’’ " " " I Football Souvenirs 2:45_ "_"_"_" _So. Calif.-N. Dame 3:00 iYaleHarvard So. Calif.-N. Dame .Sports Page So. Calif.-N. Dame 3:15 . " " " ” Walter Compton, News 3:30 " " " " " ” I " - 3:45 " ^__ " ” " " | " " 4:00 (Yale Harvard So. Calif.-N. Dame Sports Page So. Calif.-N. Dame 4:15 (European News 4:30 Culb Matinee 4:45..” "_" “_" "_ 5:00 {Evening Star Flashes iReggie Childs' Orch. iSports page (So. Calif.-N. Dame 5:15 (Tune Types ..... .. .. World jjantes 5:30 Benny Carter's Orch. (Singtime {Cocktail Capers Labor News Review 5:45 " "_I " _(E^Jhorgerson, sports Playhouse _ 6:00 ;Star Sports Review News Sports Resume News—Music 6:15 European News Studio Party Pappy and Boys Sports Review 6:30 .Renfrew ol Mounted Religion In News (Walter Compton, news What’s Art to Me 6:45 j " _iStudio Party_[Syncopation Variations {Today in Europe 7:00 !Message of Israel What's My Name? Palmer House Concert Radio Workshop. 7:15 " " Elliott Roosevelt 7:30 Mechanics, Drama Football Scores Student Assembly Gay Nineties Revue 7:45 Mechanics—News_Civic Theater »:uu oreen tiornet tuienn Miner s urcn. carnival ioang Busters 8:15 " | '• " " " I " “ 8:30 Youth vs. Age Heard This One! Union Mission Wayne King's Orch. 8:45 " _1 _1 " _King—News_ 9:00 Barn Dance Arch Oboler's Play iNews Hit Parade 9:15 " " Barn Dance 9:30 " " Death Valley Days 9:45 __I "__ iSymphonic Strings_Sat^Night Serenade 10:00 N. B. C. Symphony Benny Goodman's Or. (Music of Masters jSal. Night Serenade 10:15 ! " " i " " Safety Award 10:30 " " N. B. C. Program News News—Streamline 10:45 " • i " _Music by Moonlight_[Public Affairs 11:00 N. B. C. Symphony INews Joe Sander's Orch. People's Platform 11:15 " “ |Little Jack Little Anson Weeks' Orch. 11:30 News—Baukhage |Berl Bernath’s Orch. Andy Kirk's Orch. Tommy Reynold's Or. 11:45 Del Courtney’s Orch.'George Olsen's Orch. " 12:00 Sign Off Night Watchman Sammy Kaye's Orch. ;Jack Dalton, songs 12:15 | | " L. Armstrong's Orch. 12:30 | Tommy Dorsey's O'ch. Bob Chester's Orch. 12:45_| " ■_! _" '' _ 1:00 1 iSign Oil IQrrin Tucker's Orch. Red Nichols' Orch, EVENING STAR FEATURES TODAY Star Flashes, latest news from everywhere. WMAL, 5:00 p.m. Star Sports Review, “according to Coyle,' WMAL, 6:00 pm. The story of “The Four Elements of Mechanics” is dramatized by the Crossroads Theater in The Star's program for junior high schools, WMAL, 7:30 p.m. me tYtniNO) nmn LiGnii 7:30p.m—WOL, Banks Murray, Jr., conducts Student Assembly, a variety show with an all-student cast from Washington. 7:30 p.m.—WJSV, Beatrice Kay, Joe Howard, Genevieve Rowe and the Four Clubmen revive musical numbers popular 40 years ago during the Gay Nineties Revue 9:00 p.m^-WRC, Nan Sutherland stars in Arch Oboler's play, “Mirage. 9:30 p.m.—WRC, The story of the origin of Reno, Nev., is told by the Old Ranger on Death Valley Days. 9:45 p.m.—WOL, Allred Wallenstein conducts the Symphonic Strings in a selection of classical and semi-classical melodies. 10:00 p.m.—WMAL, Arturo Toscanini conducts the N. B. C. Sym phony Orchestra in an all-Beethoven program: "Leonore.' Overture No. 1 „ __ Beethoven "Eighth Symphony" _ __ _ Beethoven Lento and Scherzo." from "F Major Quartet, Op. 135“ Beethoven "Adagio and Allegro.” from "Prometheus" __ _ Beethoven ■Leonore.” Overture No 2 __ Beethoven 11:00 p.m.—WJSV, Four citizens discuss "Should the United States Mediate the European War?-’ on the People's Platform. SHORT-WAVE PROGRAM 6:00 p.m—BUDAPEST, Orchestra of the Boy Scouts, HAT4, 9.12 meg., 32.8 m. 6:55 p.m.—PRAGUE, Saturday night concert, OLR4A, 15.23 meg, 19 7 m. 7:30 p.m.—ROME. News, chamber music, 2RO, 11.81 meg, 25.4 m.; IRP. 9.83 meg, 30.5 m. 8:15 p.m—BERLIN, News, DJD. 11.77 meg, 25 m.; DJN, 9 61 meg, 31 m. 8:30 p.m.—TOKIO. Orchestra. JZK, 15.16 meg, 19 7 m. 8:45 p.m.—PARIS. Music, TPB11, 11.88 meg, 25.2 m TPA4, 11.71 meg, 25.6 m. 9:00 p.m.—CARACAS, Dance music, YV5RC, 5.9 meg, 51.7 m. 9:15 p.m.—PARIS. Radio sketches. TPB11, 11.88 meg, 25.2 m.; TPA4, 11.71 meg, 25.6 m. 11:00 p.m.—LONDON, News. GSD, 11.75 meg, 25.5 m.; GSC. 9.58 meg, 31.3 m. 12:00 mid.—PARIS Commentaries, TPB11, 11.88 meg, 25.2 m.; TPA4, 11.71 meg, 25.6 m. 23,000 Dropped by W.P.A. Get Other Jobs By the Associated Press. HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 25.— Compulsory furloughs for W. P. A. project workers who had been on the rolls 18 months or longer steered 23,000 to jobs in private industry in Pennsylvania, State W. P. A. Ad ministrator Philip Mathews reports. Of the 63,449 dropped during the last four months under Congress' 18 month rule, designed to rotate em ployment, approximately half went back on direct relief and were re Just Think how happy you'll be to hove the Upholstered Fur niture put in good shape. Here's one time where the old can be made good as new—and for a cost that will make it a good investment when done the CAPITAL expert way. The head of our de partment will bring along OUR beautiful line of patterns — imported and domestic — and you can make your selection right at home, where the fur niture is that's to be cov ered. Its real "custom work" our shops turn out. Let’s have the order and we’ll give you prompt deliv ery—and SATISFACTION. Capital Awning Co. Wm. E. Russell 1503 N. Cop. St. NO. 2951 i certified for W. P. A. jobs, Mr. Mathews said yesterday. Besides those furloughed, Mr. Mathews said, approximately 38.000 who did not have to quit left W. P. A. voluntarily for private jobs in the last four months. Repairing • Renovizing • Modernizing Homes An Investment in Gracious Living We are solving problems every day for people who want to improve the livableness of their homes through renovizing and modernizing. These are never difficult problems for us; nor are they prohibitively expensive to those we serve. That is the wonderful thing about The Eberly Plan, with its discerning comprehension; its efficiency; its experience in bringing homes up to date in equipment and convenience. It will ALL be done with no trouble to you and no burdensome expense. There is only ONE modest profit, no matter how many of our forty services are employed—only ONE responsibility—OURS—and a helpful plan for budgeting the cost if desired. Just send for an Eberly Elan supervisor. He will help you solve the problems— and we will add a satisfied client to our ninety-year-long list. V t 'Make Up Your Mind' Is Pastor's Subject * “Make Up Your Mind!” will be the topic of Dr. Raphael Miller at the National City Christian Church when he will discuss the good and bad propaganda, and the result of intensive modem day effort to influ ence public thinking and decision. John L. Mixon of the Federation of Churches, will speak Thursday evening at the church dinner on “Your Church in Its Community." He will tell the results of the survey of social and religious conditions in the downtown community. Mrs. C. Kelly Tatum will furnish special music. The second of a series of organ recitals will be given tomorrow at 5:15. Mrs. J. Horace Smithy, organ ist, will be at the console and Mrs. Carolina Randall will play several violin solos. The public is invited. At the meeting of the Alpha C. E. Alumni Society at 6:30 in the annex on Massachusetts avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ledig will give an illus trated lecture on South America. Ledig will also sing a solo. Walther League News Officers of the newly formed Jun ior League will meet tomorrow at the home of Edith Volz. Topic, "How to Recruit New Members.” On November 30 there will be a swimming party at the Shoreham at 8 p.m. for the Senior League. Trinity. Mount Rainier, Md.—An illustrated lecture tomorrow on “Christian Symbols" will be pre sented at 7 p.m. November 30—The Sunday School Teachers’ Institute will meet at 8 p.m. December 7—The choir will meet for rehearsal at 8 p.m. Trinity, November 30 and Decem ber 1—A comedy, "Sunbonnet Jane of Sycamore Lane,” by Wilbur Braun, will be presented at 8 p.m. by the Senior League. The leading roles will be played by Gertrude Lane and John Meyer. Luther League News Atonement—For the Seniors Erne lie Black will speak on "Seeking Men for God.” The Intermediates will hold a discussion forum on "Ex pressing Our Gratitude.” Georgetown—The league will visit Faith Lutheran Church, Arlington, Va., at 6:30 p.m. as guests of the Faith Luther League. Incarnation—Mary Semler talks to the Intermediates on “Expressing Our Gratitude.” For the Seniors Gordon Kluge will speak on "Seek ing Men for God.” Luther Place—For the young peo ple George W. Towberman will speak on "Seeking Men for God.” Eleanor Horn will lead devotions. New members will be received at this service. Miss Hazel Anderson ad dresses the Seniors on "Seeking Men for God.” Vivian Wickey talks to the Intermediates on "Expressing Our Gratitude.” Reformation—Dr. Raymond See gar of George Washington Univer si tv urill ariHrocc tho 13 rmToKln League on “Friends or Foes, Science and Religion." Dwight Doty leads devotions. For the young people the Rev William Ducker, member of the Executive Committee of the Luther League of America, will speak on “The Luther League and the Church.” Edwin Patterson will speak to the Seniors on “What to Believe in the War Situation." Genora Iverson leads devotions. St. Marks—Erskine Warder will speak on a special Thanksgiving theme. St. Paul's—Catherine Pettus will talk on "Philip, We Have Found Him." St. Stephens—For the Seniors Jack Donaldson will discuss "Seek ing Men for God." Donald Dere leads devotions. Norma Rasmussen will address the young people on "Seeking Men for God." Zion—For the Intermediates Au drey Souder will speak on “Express ing My Gratitude.” Emma Holzer will address the Seniors on “Seeking Men for God.” Poilus Like Bagpipes Bagpipes are scarce in Paris and an order for a number has been sent to Scotland to satisfy the yearning of a group of French ar tillery soldiers for this kind of music. Soldier E. Chicot, who learned to play a bagpipe in England, in spired the request. Eldbrooke Methodist Missionary Sunday tomorrow. In the morning Dr. Walter M. Michael will install the officers of the Wom en’s Home Missionary Society. Miss Florence Hooper of Baltimore will deliver a missionary address. At the evening service he will preach on "Accepting the Challenge of To day.” This church will unite with other Methodist churches in the commun ity in a group quarterly conference to be held at Metropolitan Memo rial Methodist Church, Tuesday at 8 p.m. Dawson Circle will hold a dinner and social in the social hall Thurs day at 6 p.m. 'Loyalty Sunday' To Be Observed at Grace Lutheran Dr. Gerhard E. Lenski To Set Forth Program For Coming Year “Loyalty Sunday” will be observed tomorrow morning at Grace Lutheran Chnrrh At corwiooc nr nor hard E. Lenski will officiate, setting forth the proposed program for the coming 12 months in his sermon on the subject: "The Church Reap praised." Matins will be held at 8:45 a.m Margaret Simons, soprano, will sing Little s arrangement for “How Love ly Are Thy Dwellings” and Handel's “As Pants the Hart.” Marian Ran berg will be organist. At 11 a m. the junior and senior choirs will unite. Juniors, led by Margaret Wambsganss, will sing “I Walk With Jesus,” by Glaser Seniors, directed by Mrs. Carl Ras mussen, will sing Rachmaninoff’s “Glory and Honor” and Bach’s “At Thy Feet.” A brief organ recital will introduce this service. The young people meet at 6:30 p.m. Alvin L. Paulson will speak on “Why a Lutheran Church?” Jack Baker will conduct the meeting and Dora Brandt will be in charge of devotions The annual voting members’ meet ing for election of officers will be held December 4. 6 p.m. A dinner will be held. Hugh Keiser will preside. George Wendlandt heads the Committee on Arrangements. Baptist Laymen to Meet The Columbia Council of Baptist Men will hold a dinner and meeting for all Baptist laymen on Wednes day at the National Baptist Memo rial Church. Dr. Thomas R. Wilson, president, will preside. The music will be under the direction of Har wood Hall, minister of music, at the First Baptist Church. Special mu sical numbers will be rendered by the Westminster Quartet, which is composed of four male graduates of the Westminster School connected with Princeton University. The ad dress of the evening will b# delivered by a prominent layman of the Baptist denomination. The dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. by Mrs. Balderson and women of the Na tional Baptist Memorial Church. Sumatra Plans Road To aid in developing the vast pine wood resources of North Sumatra a highway will be built to the east coast to permit direct shipment abroad of wood pulp, turpentine and rosin. | Missionary fo Speak A! Wallace Memorial The annual thank offering service will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Wallace Memorial United Pres byterian Church under the auspices of the Women’s Missionery Society, the Bethella Shaw Guild, the Haw thorne Circle and the Nemoin So ciety. The special speaker is one of our missionaries, the Rev. W. ! Donald McClure of Akobo Post, j Sudan. At 8 p.m. he will show moving pictures of his station and the people. On Thursday evening Dr. C. E. Hawthorne will speak. The three special Bible study classes will corv vene at 8:15. The C. E. Players will repeat their three-act comedy, “Here Come Three Knights,” on Friday evening. The young people will be in Philadelphia December 2 and 3 as guests of the young people of the United Presbyterian Churches there. They will attend the Presbyterial rally of the Y. P. C. U. and the an nual banquet. I Calvary Baptist Topic To Be 'That One Big Lack' The Rev. W. S. Abernethy. min ister of Calvary Baptist Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "That One Big Lack.” The topic of the children’s story sermon will be "Something About Wall Paper.” The subject of the evening sermon will be "God’s Country—Is It?” The pastor will be assisted at the latter service by Dr. John A. Swartwout and Miss Prances Foust. The deaf department will meet at 8 p.m. with Harley D. Drake in charge. The Sunbeam Society will meet Tuesday evening. The officers and teachers of the adult department will meet Thursday evening. J. H. Westwater, superin : tendent. presiding. The golden jubilee anniversary banquet of the Tuesday Evening Christian Endeavor Society will be held at the church Friday. Dr Ar thur J. Stanley, vice president of the International Society of Christian Endeavor, will be guest speaker. Atonement Lutheran Because of the recent marriage of the Rev. James T. Powers, assistant pastor, the services will be conducted by the Rev. H. E. Snyder. The sub ject of the morning sermon is “The Last Things.” and in the evening, “Things That Are Eternal.” A check-up and returns will be made next week on the every-mem ber visitation, which was conducted by the men of the parish during the past week. The Ladies’ Aid Society will hold the annual bazaar and dinner in the parish hall the first week in Decem ber. IN A HURRY FOR COAL Fuel Oil TELEPHONE 714 13th St. Natl. 3068 j I' - - } Buy in Rock Creek Cemetery j|| # Intimate Chat Number 32 ^VlHETHER wrapped in a man tie of snow, with the per petual greens peeping through the glistening flakes; or with the flowers and foliage in full bloom of summer, Rock Creek Cemetery is always I beautiful. It is in such peaceful environment that one finds urge to select a shrine for the family, where there is entire absence of any speculative uncer j! tainty. /| pL * W The future of Rock Creek Ceme- # I tery is founded on its historical past. Surety of its continued character i • i • , Iis assurcu 111 us two anu a quarter centuries’ old control; with an en dowment already approximating one million dollars, dedicated to perpetual up-keep, and to the protec tion against desecrating encroach ments. We wish you would make critical inspection of Rock Creek Cemetery, with an appraisement of its appeal :_r £_i._ V_ Ml 1 . , 1!