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Baltimore Rector Will Preach at Cathedral Dr. A. B. Kinsolving Will Conduct Evensong Service Tomorrow The Rev. Dr. Arthur B. Kinsolv ing, rector of St. Paul’s Church, Baltimore, will preach at the peo ple's evensong in Washington Cath edral tomorrow at 4 p.m. At the sendee at 11 a.m. the preacher is to be the Rev. Dr. Theodore O. We del, canon chancellor and director of studies of the College of Preach ers. Celebration of the holy commun ion in the Bethlehem Chapel of the Holy Nativity at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Holy communion is cele brated at the Cathedral on week days at 7:30 a.m. Pilgrimages through the Cathe dral will be held after the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. services. These wdll be led by pilgrim aides and members of the Cathedral Brotherhood. The Bishop’s garden will be open from 12 noon to 2 pm. The service of dedication of the Edgar Priest memorial organ in the Chapel of St. Joseph of Arimathea will take place today at 4 p.m. The full choir will sing under direction vi iaui v/ana.*v a v , uigaiiicsL nilU choirmaster, it will be largely musical and music written by Ed gar Priest, the late choirmaster and organist of the Cathedral, will be featured in the program. The Washington Choral Society, under the direction of Louis A. Pot ter, will give an Advent program in the Cathedral on Wednesday at 8:15 o’clock. It will sing "The Magnificat” and “Sleepers, Wake,” by J. S. Bach. There will be soloists and a chorus of 150 organs, accompanied by the organ and a symphony or chestra. AJ1 are invited. No tickets of admission have been issued. 'Ingratitude' Subject At Hamline Methodist “Ingratitude” will be the subject of Dr. H. W. Burgan at Hamline Methodist Church tomorrow at 11 | a.m. He will give the second of a series of sermons at 8 p.m. on the j “First Epistle of Thessalonians.” The i topic tomorrow night will be “Firstj Thessalonians—Why Written?” Dr. Charles H. Omo will address the Brotherhood Bible Class at 9:45 ( a.m. on “The Works of the Messiah.” j At 4:30 pm. the High School League j will meet at the church and make a j tour of the Franciscan Monastery I for a study of Christian symbolism, j The Junior Hi-League will meet at 6 p.m. It will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson. At 6:45 p.m. the Epworth League will hold the last | of a series of programs on “Chris tian Youth Building a New Home.” I ■me topic tomorrow will be ‘ Re ligion in the Home.” The speakers j Will be Mrs. Theodore Manney and j Mrs. Henry Herrell. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Lowdermilk l Will give a travel talk, with picture# Monday night. On Thursday and Friday nights j the annual bazaar and turkey din- j ner will be held. Holy Communion Will Be Observed The Rev. Dr. Oliver J. Hart, rec tor, will preach at St. John’s Church tomorrow at 9:30 and 11 a.m. on ‘‘The Christlike Life.” The full choir of men and boys, under the direction of Arthur Howes, or ganist and choirmaster, will sing. Celebration of the holy com munion at 8 a.m. The church school will have a special Thanksgiving service at 8 30. At 8 p.m. there will be evening prayer and sermon by the Rev. Nathaniel C. Acton, curate. Services next week are: Daily prayer services from 12:05 to 12:10 p.m. throughout the week. Holy communion services on Wednesday, 7:30 a.m.; Thursday, St. Andrews, noon, and Friday, 7:30 a.m. St. Margaret's Episcopal At 7:30 a.m. a celebration of the holy communion. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.m.; topic, “Adam the Fearful, Father of False Alibis,” preacher, the Rev. William L. Mayo. Beginning tomorrow the 9:30 sessions of the church school will begin with a short children’s service in the church, especially concerning the “why” and “how” of worship. The Young People's Fellowship, Lee Pentz, president, will meet at 7 p.m. for an evening of ‘‘Music and Poetry,” followed by refreshments. The choir, at 11 a.m. wixx Oiilg UilUCi UXiCGHUIl U1 XJl. ; Charlotte Klein, “Benedictus Es” in A flat by H. A. Matthews; “Ho, Everyone That Thirsteth,” by Sir George Martin; “Lead Me, Lord,” by Wesley, and the organ selection will be “Piece Heroique,” by Cesar Franck. Baptist Home Board Election of officers of the Board of Lady Managers of the Baptist Home was held as follows: Mrs. W. B. Hoofnagle, Metropolitan Church, president; Mrs. A. G. Johnson, Cal vary Church, first vice president; Mrs. E. E. Richardson, Congress Heights Church, second vice presi dent; Mrs. H. P. Holman, First Bap tist Church, third vice president; Mrs. J. E. Huhn, Second Baptist Church, recording secretary; Mrs. L. H. Fisher, Brookland Baptist Church, treasurer; Mrs. E. L. Tal bert, Chevy Chase Baptist Church, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. W. Cummings Fifth Baptist Church, pianist. To the Executive Board: Mrs. Z. C. Hodges of West Wash ington Church, Mrs. T. W. Mc Gregor of Highlands Church and Mrs. Nan Street of National Baptist Memorial. McKendree Methodist The Rev. Samuel E. Rose speaks at 11 a.m. on “The Constraint of Love” in the Masonic Hall at Rhode Island and Mills avenues N.E. The Young People’s League meets at 7 pm. Evening song service begins at 8 o’clock. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Rose on “Stumbling Over Riches.” The Sunday School Board and Building Committee will meet in the old Langdon Church on Thurs day at 8 pm. A Lesson for the Week » Old Persian Folk Tale Bears Christian Message \ By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. In Persia, I once heard a tale from a missionary friend, who was a storehouse of Oriental lore, which expresses the genius of the present Lesson. A man died, and presented himself at the Celestial gates. Gabriel met him with the statement that he could be admitted only if he brought vith him the most precious thing on earth. Returning to mortal life, the man pondered long oh values, and cieciaea tnat a priceless pearl, repre senting the greatest of riches, would meet the conditions. But Gabriel disdained it, reminding the suppliant for entrance that such jewels were but building stones in the Celestral C ity. the streets of which were paved with gold So, plainly wealth was not ,he admission fee to bliss. Back on earth the man again pondered long, and concluded that power was the most pre- w T- Ellis cious thing. So he sought widely until he had found the sword oi Alexander the Great. With this symbol, he again approached the ;ates; only to be told that the Almighty laughed at the puny power of man. "Wisdom must be the treasure,’ mused the man; and he searched the earth until he had found the Lost Books of Solomon. With these ir hand, he again presented himsell before Gabriel; only to be told thai the wisdom of man is foolishness wdth God. Four times rebuffed, the discour aged mortal ranged the earth ir vain, seeking some greater treasure At last he gave up, and decided tc report his failure to the Angel. On his w^ay to the Celestial gates he saw a sick man by the roadside emaciated and covered witn sores Deeply moved, he tarried to ministei to the unifortunate, and still weep ing over the poor man’s plight, hi presented himself again to Gabriel Before he could tell his tale ol failure, Gabriel rushed to him, cry ing, “You have found it, the mos precious thing in the world!” Bewildered, the man looked at hii empty hands; but the Angel touched his cheek, upon which still glistenec a tear, saying, “The tear of com passion! The most precious thins on earth! Enter into Paradise.” One word above all others char acterizes Christ—compassion. Agaii and again "He was moved witl compassion.” He shed tears of com passion over the capital of his na tion. His whole public ministr; was spent largely in works of com passion. His cross is the supreiw symbol of compassion. So often wa His work that of healing, that H has been called a medical practi tioner. The cure of Peter's mother in-law was but a typical instance. Wherever Jesus went, He fount human need. The missionary phy sicians who have followed in Hi footsteps have been real representa tives of Him. Only one who know his Orient can fully appreciate hov great is the need for medical min istration. The throngs of sufferers whom I have seen waiting at doc tors’ doors all over the East, an reminders of the crowds who sough healing at Christ’s hands. The Call of China. In this our day, with incredibl; tragic appeals to our compassioi coming from China and Palestin and Poland and Spain, we wonde if Christ in Heaven does not sorrot in sympathy with man’s suffering Surely, every Christian should sem v some sacrificial offering "In Hi; Name,” to these whom their Mastei pities. All the great denominations have united in a Church Commit tee for China Relief, with offices ai 105 East Twenty-second street, Nev York City. They seek a millior dollars, that they may save at leasi a hundred thousand lives betweer now and June. A dollar keeps i child alive for four weeks. More persons — many million! more—have been healed by the ex tensions of the Master’s spirit thar He ever cured by His personal touch We commonly overlook the fact tha the great hospitals which dot civili zation are but expressions of thi spirit of the healing Christ. A fev days ago I had luncheon in thi physicians' dining room on the 28tt floor of the magnificent New Yorl Hospital, a building with beds for s thousand patients, and the lates conveniences and comforts for thi sick and for the staff. No Orienta ; monarch dwells in a more imposing palace than this house of healing erected and maintained by the gift of men and women who partake o Christ’s spirit of compassion. Thi hospital is a skyscraper sermon. | Jesus had nothing, yet He gavi I everything. Vitality poured fron Him. as he shared His innermost | resources of life with the needy ! He was the comrade of all the pool who today minister to their needj | j neighbors with what they have Homeless, Jesus was the refuge o: seekers. Hungry, He was the give] ! of the multiplied loaves. His re j treats, for communion with thi i Father, were broken into by thi . | heedless crowds, yet He was nevet ! impatient with them. His compas | sion stood all tests. When Storms Arise. There seems a contrast, though i is only seeming, between the per . sonal, self-spending ministry of thi Compassionate Christ and His occa sional exercise of His Divine author , ity. Our lesson tells not only o , | the healing of a beloved member o Fisherman Peter's humble home, bu . also of the stilling of the tempest 01 j' the Lake of Galilee l I Any one who has dwelt long b; , ; the shores of Galilee's lake is fa . j miliar with the sudden storms whicl , | arise over this usually placid water . j I have seen the lake lashed witl , I fury’, with whitecaps like those wi . i know on the ocean. Such a storn , arose one day when the wear; . Healer was asleep in a fishing craft . The hardy boatmen were afiTrightet and feared drowning. How helples I the strongest of us in the grip o . natural forces! “Save, Lord; w , perish!” cried the affrighted crew . j And Jesus stilled the storm with ; . I word. , I When storms arise, in our per . I sonal lives or in society, as at pres j ent, wTe turn, like the Galilean boat .’ men, to the Source of authority , The truth of God’s control of al ■ forces is the taproot of all religion Situations are ever arising whereii He, and only He, can save us. T be aware of the power of God, ant 1 to be in submissive fellowship witl 1 it, is to draw’ the sting of life. > _ r The Sunday school lesson for 7 November 26 is “The Works of the Messiah.” — Matthew 8 1' and 9. Dr. Pico Will Address Calvary Forum On Puerto Rico Rev. Orris G. Robinson, Pastor, Will Preach At Morning Service The Rev. Orris Gravenor Robin son, minister of the Calvary Meth odist Church, will preach at 11 a.m. tomorrow. The Calvary evening forum will be held at 8 p.m. with Dr. Rafael Pico of the Catholic Uni versity of America speaking on ‘‘The Economic and Social Conditions of Puerto Rico.” Louis A. Potter, min ister of music, will conduct special music for the morning service. Miss Ann Swindell will speak to the Young People's League on the work of the Social Service Exchange, i Miss Adelle Archer will conduct the service at 7 p.m. Charles Brett is in charge of the . men’s class devotional service for , the Home for Incurables, held at . the home at 3 p.m. J. E. Parrish will i be the speaker and William B. Wells • will sing. Friends of the home are . invited. [ On Thursday evening the minister ; will speak on “The Road to Vic torious Living;” On next Sunday ; morning the sacrament of the Lord's . supper will be observed. !l --- Rev. J. H. Hollister Announces Subject At Chevy Chase Presbyterian j Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. the ! Rev. J. Hillman Hollister will preach ■ j on “Ye Did It Unto Me.” | Dr. Anne Seesholt, author and student of Youth Movements, will address a joint meeting of the ; Collegian^, and Young People's So ciety on “German Youth in a Changing World” at 7:45 p.m. Her address will be the first in a series on "Understanding Modern Ger 1 many.” The High School Groups will meet as usual. The Chew Chnap Cirrlp fall Hin ner will be held in the assembly room Tuesday at 6:30 o'clock. The | program will include a skit, games ' j and an old-fashioned sing. Discussion of "The Meaning of ■ j Salvation” will be continued Thurs ’ j day evening. Eighth Anniversary 14 For Good Will Baptist • | The 8th anniversary of the Good . : Will Baptist Church will be observed ! [ commencing Sunday and closing . j next Friday evening. Dr. James L. l | Pinn will preach the anniversary : | sermon Sunday morning on "Our ! ; Ebenezer.” At 2 p.m. he will con ■ duct services at the District Jail. At 8 o’clock the junior choir, under the I direction of Frank Williams and ; Mrs. Ruth Shorts, will give a pro ' gram. ; On Monday evening a program . sponsored by Mrs. Clara Payne wall t be given by the American Legion Band, Post No. 26. On Tuesday . evening the Sunday school, under , j the direction of Norman S. Anthony, . j will give a program. First Lt. James I R. C. Pinn,, chaplain of C. C. C. 1 camps, Southern district of Virginia, . | will deliver an address. On Wednes i ! day evening Master Landon Morris, > | the boy preacher, will deliver a ser I mon On Thursday evening the i i Usher Board will give a musical and literary program. Wesley Pugh in charge. On Friday evening the Radio Choir directed by Les Wil liams will give a program. This will be followed by the anniversary ban quet. Dr. Rasmussen To Give Sermon on Fight for the Right Mother's Club to Meet; Confirmation Class Instruction Scheduled Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen, pastor at Luther Place Memorial Church, has “Shall We Fight for the Right?” as the subject of his first Sunday morning sermon since his return from Europe. A group of new members will be received. The Mothers’ Club meets Tues day at 7:45 p.m. in the church par lors. Miss Frances Dysinger, ex ecutive secretary of the Lutheran Inner Mission Society, will be guest speaker. Special music will be ren dered by Miss Ann Burger. Devo tions will be led by Mrs. Virginia Allen. Refreshments will be served. The Red Cross sewing, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society, will be finished Wednesday until after the first of the new year. The Rev. Frederick J. Eckert, as sistant pastor, will begin instruction of the confirmation class, December 2, at 3:30. The parish worker will instruct the pre-confirmation group at the same hour. Mendelssohn’s “Hymn of Praise” will be rendered by the choir and quartet December 3, at 8 p.m. Mrs Charles Whitten, pianist, will assisl Mrs. Cornelia L. Kinsella, organist and director. 'Man With a Handicap' Is Dr. Ray's Theme Dr. Clifton K. Ray. pastor of Ep worth Methodist Church, will take as his subject, “The Man With s j Handicap ” at 11 a m., and “The ; Radiant Life” at 8 p.m. Miss Grace Dvgert will have charge of the Wesley Fellowship al 7 p.m. The feature will be a mis sionary pageant,, unaer ute utuxuui of Mrs. Mattie Hardison. Service: of the young peoples’ departmeni will be held at 7 p.m. The annua] dinner of the Weslej Fe'lowship will be held in the social rooms at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday. Dr A. C. PortofI will speak on “Oui Portion of the Universe.” Dr. Ray will preach Thursdaj evening at 8 p.m. on “A Rich Crook.’ The church has launched a cam paign to raise $12,000 to pay off i portion of the indebtedness on th< church Sunday School buildings and to redecorate the church audi torium and some of the smaller as sembly rooms. Church of the Epiphany The Sunday next before Adven tomorrow there will be special serv ices including the celebration of thi holy communion at 8 a m. and th( | several sections of the church schoo I at 9:30, which will have program: i appropriate to the day. At 11 a m., Dr. Z. B. Phillips wil | have for his special theme “Thi Great Preparations in Life.” A spe cial setting of the “Te Deum anc Jubilate,” by Dr. Hall, and thi anthem “O That I Knew Where I | Might Find Him.” by Baumgartner j will be among the special musica selections. | ThQ young people's fellowshi] will meet at 6:30 p.m., and the Rev I Mr. Fraser will be the specia preacher at the evening service at I j o'clock, at which special music wil 5 be sung by the choir of 45 voices. On Thursday, being the Feast o St. Andrew, there will be a celebra j tion of the holy communion at 1 I a.m. News of the Bible Classes Activities of Interest to Local Organizations By PAGE McK. ETCHISON, President Organized Bible Class Association. The Men’s Bible Class of Congress Heights Methodist Church has Joined the Organized Bible Class Association and received the certificate of membership. The officers are: John G. McGee, president; L. R. Fletcher, vice president; T. H. Bellefleld, corresponding secretary; Guy P. Walker, recording secretary; Frank Allen, treasurer; Frank Pinion, chaplain; W. J. Newton, monitor; Rev. J. McCaulay, teacher; L. R. Phil pott, J. B. Finagin, assistant teach-< ers; Frank Luckel, truant officer and Rev. Charles F. Linger, reporter. The Luther Rice Bible Class of First Baptist Church will sponsor a motion picture, “Palestine — the Land of the Bible,” on Fri day at 7:30 p.m. A lecture will be given by Prof. Oscar Autritt. The program is open to all stu dents of the Bible interested in Palestine. The O. W. L. Bible Class of Covenant - First Pres b y t e r i a n Mr- Etchi«on. Church, will hear an address by Charles C. Haig tomorrow morning on “The Powers of Evil.” The Judson Couple Class of Na tional Baptist Memorial Church, will hold a supper business meeting at the Chastleton Hotel, Tuesday, at 7 p.m. The Mizpah Class will hold its business meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Nan R Street, 2802 Wisconsin avenue N.W. A group from the Fidelis | Class will meet at the home of Mary ! James. 1429 Columbia road N.W. Tuesday evening to make the regu lar Tuesdav evening visits. Dr. J. Enos Windsor of Cincin nati, Ohio, will be the guest teacher at the Box Bible Class, Emory Meth odist Church, tomorrow morning. The annual Men’s Night will be held Saturday. This will open with a bowling match at 3 p.m., Takoma Park alleys, between teams from the Box Class and St. John's Methodist Church of Baltimore. A buffet sup per will be served at the church at 6:30 p.m., followed by entertain ment. Reservations should be made with Howard M. Stackhouse, 36 Co lumbia avenue, Takoma Park, Md. Dr. Paul A. Goettlemann of Cath olic University School of Archi tecture, will speak on “Art in the ' Early Church,” tomorrow morning at the Comparative Religion Class, All Souls’ Church. Tire Drake Bible Class will hold a reunion tomorrow morning. Bruce Fowler will preside: Clarence White, song leader; John A. Patterson, jr., will read the scripture lesson; Fred 1 Kirby will lead in prayer; Robert H. Ewing will sing; Linn C. Drake, ■ former teacher, will bring greet i ings and C. D. Hudson will teach the lesson, assisted by Dr. John . Swartwout. The A. B. Pugh Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church will meet tomorrow at 11 am. Justice Bolitha J. Laws will speak on “The . Work of the Messiah.” A meeting i of the Neighborhood Department. including district chairmen and » neighborhood leaders, will be held ■ Tuesday night at the home of l Director Ernest H. Reed, 3213 1 Jocelyn street N.W. The Junior Vaughn Classmen : will have charge of the session of • the Vaughn Class at Calvary Bap . tist Church tomorrow morning W. Wr. Everett, jr., will preside. Mrs ■ ■ ■ ■ Everett will sing and Hillman Harris will be the teacher. The program will open at 9:20 a.m., with a 15 minute sacred concert by the orchestra. George E. Harris, executive secre tary, Organized Bible Class As sociation, will visit the Adult Bible Class of Chevy Chase Baptist Church tomorrow morning. The Trilla B. Young Bible Class of Western Presbyterian Church will be taught tomorrow at 10 a.m. by Dr. Edwin C. Dutton. Mrs. L. H. Hahn is president. The Good Will Bible Class of the Washington City Church of the Brethren will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Lee Wine Kerlin, 609 Quintana place N.W., for its business meeting, followed by a social. The Teachers’ Training Class of Dumbarton Avenue Methodist Church will hold an entertainment and bazaar on Friday at 8 pm. The proceeds are used in the sup port of a native missionary in India, under the direction of the Methodist Board of Foreign Mis I sions. The Rev. John L. Mixon, direc i tor of social welfare of the Wash i inpton Fpripratinn of Chlirrhps will be the guest speaker at the Burrall Class of Calvary Baptist Church to morrow morning. The Choral En semble will sing. “Lead Me, Oh Lord.” Twenty Thanksgiving bas kets were filled from food and money collected last Sunday. The Randall Bible Class of Poto mac Heights Community Church will hear Dr. Robert M. Charles speak tomorrow morning on “The Works of the Messiah.” George M. Gooch, chairman of the committee on evangelism, Or ganized Bible Class Association, will be the guest teacher of the Men’s Class of Takoma Park Baptist Church tomorrow morning. The P. W. Jeffries Class of Francis Asbury Methodist Church will have as guest teacher tomorrow j morning Arthur P. Black, executive ; secretary, Lutheran Laymen’s Movement for Stewardship. During the absence of its teacher, Mrs. J. Enos Ray, the Friendship Class of Emory Methodist Church will have as its guest teacher to morrow Mrs, Brown Culp Chism, assistant to the pastor. The class will hold a business meeting and social Monday night in the parish house. Mrs. Laura Osbourne is chairman of the hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Anna Cromwell, Mrs. Lesta Harris, Mrs. Greta Spears, Mrs. Grace Nairn. Mrs. Jeannette Volland and Mrs. Nona Hartzell. A bake sale will be held December 2 at High’s store, Third and Rittenhouse streets N.W. ! ___ l Healing Services. The Prayer Circle will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the parish hall of the Church of St. Stephens and the ‘Incarnation when the topic will be i “I Will Lift Up My Eyes” by Glenn Clark. There will be a healing I service. Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Brookland. “Our Threefold Covenant” will be the topic of the Rev. M. C. Stith at 11 a m. The Young People’s Choir will sing, led by Harold B. Carleton, Mrs. Flora Bennett at the organ. "Discipleship” will be the subject at 8 p.m. The evening service will be preceded by a short program of or gan music. The Training Union is at 6:45 p.m. Pet worth. The morning theme will be “The Courage That Comes From God’s Presence.” Evening, “God's Call to Greatness.” Song service led by Harold S. King, choir director. At 9:45 Yaden class and Philathea class. Temple. The Rev. R. L. Gregory’s sermon tomorrow morning will be of thanks giving, “Can We Be Thankgul?” The public is invited to attend the 8 pm. service, when a film, “The Pay-Off,” will be shown. Takoma Park. The Rev. William E. La Rue will speak tomorrow morning on “Paul’s Reasoning Ability” and in the eve ning on “The Heavenly Vision.” The Ladies’ Aid Society will serve a pub lic turkey dinner December 1. East Washington Heights. The occasion of the 10th anniver sary of the pastor will be observed by the Rev. Glenn B. Faucett speak ing at 11 o'clock on “Reviewing the past.” At 8 o'clock “Christian World Facts” will be shared. The James W. Many Men’s Bible Class will have charge of the Thursday evening service. Bethany. The ordinance of baptism will be obesrved tomorrow evening. The pastor will speak at both services. His subjects are “This Will I Render Unto Thee” and “Religious Certain ties.” The junior church, conducted by Mrs. Watt, will meet at 11 o’clock. The Men’s Bible Class will be taught by Horace L. Stevenson. The young people’s societies will meet at 6:45. Wisconsin Avenue. “The Miracles of Jesus” will be the topic of the Rev. C. R. Ferguson at 11 a.m. and “Why Repent?” at 8 p.m. Friendship (Colored). “Living in the Spirit” will be the subject of the Rev. B. H. Whiting at 11 am., and “Wings Over Jordan” at 3:30 pm. The Rev. S. E. Clark will speak at 8 pm. Florida Avenue (Colored). At 11 a.m. the Youth Council un der the direction of Milton Rose, head of religious education, will have a youth day program. The pastor will preach on “Building a Better World.” Music by the young people’s :hoir. At 3 p.m. a sermon by thi Rev. C. T. Murray of the Vermon Avenue Baptist will be delivered a i special program of the Progressivi Olub. At 8 pm. the Tents of J. R and J. U. of the District of Columbii will have their annual sermon. Thi Rev, Mr. Rollins will deliver thi sermon. First, Georgetown (Colored). The Rev. Edgar E. Ricks, pasto of Mt. Zion Baptist Church o Roanoke, Va., will preach at 1 a.m. and 8 p.m. Mr. Walter H Brooks, grandson of the Rev. Waite H. Brooks, will address the C. E meeting at 6 p.m. Miss Bernici Norwood of the Howard Universit; school of music will sing. Capitol View (Colored). The Rev. J. Clarke Griffin wil preach on “Those That Wait on thi Lord” at 11 a.m. Christian Endeavo: at 6 pm. Topic, “Using Our Priv ileges.” Miss Thelma Scott will bi the leader. Musical program at 1 p.m., sponsored by the choir, unde: the direction of Mrs. Ethel A. For rest. Happy hour, Friday at 6 p.m ' Third (Colored). Dr. George O. Bullock's topic ii the morning is “The One Remed; for Sin” and in the evening “Whi Wins the Race?” Third Street (Colored). Services will be conducted by th Rev. J. L. Henry Sunday morning At 3 p.m. there will be a chorus fror Baltimore, Md„ and at night specia services. Music will be furnished b the senior choir, James L. Huni director. On Thursday night th choir will present the pageani “Heaven-Bound.” Mount Bethel (Colored). Dr. K. W. Roy will preach at 1 am. on “A Purpose in Life.” At pm. he will preach at the Providenc Baptist Church, Southwest. At pm., sermon. On November 29 at 8 pm. Dr. C T. Murray will preach the 64th an niversary of the Mount Bethel Bap tist Church. On November 30 bap tizing and anniversary prayer an praise meeting. On December 1 D R. D. Grymes will preach the 14t anniversary of the pastor. Mount Carmel (Colored). Dr. W. L. Darby will preach tomor row morning on “Stop, Look an Listen.” Vermont Avenue (Colored). At 11 am. the Rev. C. T. Murra will preach. At 11:20 am. seervict will be in the junior department ( the church, the Rev. S. W. William director. Dr. A. Clayton Powell, si of New York City will be the gue: preacher at 8 pm. Rehoboth (Colored). The 76th anniversary of the churc and the third of the Rev. A. R. I F 1 Johnson begins Sunday morning, , with the pastor preaching on “The Church XSlorious.” In the afternoon 1 the members will worship with the . Mount Lebanon Baptist Church. At . 8 p.m. Rev. W. E. Costner and his ! congregation from Falls Church will ■ be present. There will be preaching each night next week. Zion, Southwest (Colored). ' At 11 a m. holy communion will ■ be observed, with the Rev. A. Joseph ■ Edwards preaching on “The Sermon • in the Sacrament.” At 8 p.m. Hiram Lodge of Masons will hold its • Thanksgiving services and the pas : tor’s subject will be “The Masonry of ’ Thanksgiving.” On Friday night the senior choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Jennie Green Smith, will sing . the cantata “Queen Esther,” by , Dubois. . Christian ! Park View. I “Who Is My Neighbor?” will be ’ the subject of the Rev. J. Lloyd ■ Black at 11 a.m. The annual • Thanksgiving entertainment of the church school will take the place of the evening sermon at 8 o'clock. Fifteenth Street. ) At 11 o'clock, sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “Our Greatest Needs.” Evening sermon on “Where Ppnnlo fin ” At thp rlncn t.bprp will : be a consecration service for those • who will take part in the religious i and social survey of Southeast 1 Washington. I ■ Congregational The Cleveland Park Community. The Rev. Paul W. Yinger will preach Sunday morning the second in his series of monthly sermons on [ “There Are Sermons in Books.” This 3 month he will base his sermon on » the character of Sidney Carton from g Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities.” Mrs. Clifton R. Moore, organist, will !, play Chopin’s “Prelude in D Minor,” Masseret’s “Melody” as an offertory . and a chorus from “Handel” as the . postlude. Mrs. Pearl Alderson, so 1 loist, will sing “O Lord, Most Holy,” •_ by Cesar Frank. Lincoln (Colored). Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak on “Christianity as a Social Force.” The . vested chorus choir, with Miss Cleota 3 Collins as soloist and director, will sing. The Men’s Brotherhood meets at 10 a.m. Arthur A. Greene, direc tor of health and physical education 9 of the Twelfth Street Y. M. C. A., will s discuss “Play, an Asset to Religion.’ f The Young People’s Club will be !, led by Charles E. King, graduate ., student, Howard University, at 6 pm t He will discuss a program for high school and college age students. People’s (Colored). ti The Rev. A. F. Elmeg will preach »jn. on "An or Wings.’ I The youth groups meet at 5 and 6 ! p.m. Plymouth (Colored). Special Thanksgiving music and sermon by the Rev. Arthur D. Gray on “The Stars Against Sisera” will be the main features of the morning worship service. Episcopal Church of the Ascension. Holy communion at 8 a.m. and I morning service and sermon by the ! Rev. Raymond L. Wolven at 11 o'clock. Church of Our Savior. Holy communion at 7:30 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills. Subject, “The Religion of the Long Look.” Confirmation lecture at 8 p.m. in the parish hall and on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. All-Saints’. The Rev. Henry Teller Cocke will have “Anchors of Faith” as his theme at 11 a.m. Holy communion at 7:30 a.m. Boliver Lloyd will preside over the meeting of the young people at 6 p.m. for supper, followed by a discussion meeting at 8. Missionary Meeting. A missionary meeting will be ^reld tomorrow7 at 8 p.m. at fit. Luke's oniuuu. opeuiai spcaitti win ue uie Rev. Lewis A. Baskerville, executive secretary of colored work in the diocese of South Carolina. All of those interested are invited, espe cially members of the Woman’s Auxiliary. Lutheran St. Stephen’s Evangelical. At 11 a.m. the Rev. Sam H. Kom mann will have for his subject “Humility and Thankfulness.” The Senior and Young People’s Leagues will meet at 7 pm. The Rev. Mr. Kommann will conduct the service at Glenn Dale Sanatorium at 5 p.m., his subject being “In Everything Give Thanks.” St. Mark’s. Dr. Einspruch of Baltimore will be the guest preacher at the thank offering meeting at 11 a.m. This is the annual service held under the auspices of the missionary societies. The Rev. J. Luther Frantz will conduct the service. On Wed nesday, 6:30 p.m., supper meeting of the Young Women’s Missionary Society. Miss Margaret Gebhardt is the leader. At 8 pm. the Sunday School Association will meet. Georgetown. “In the Midst of the Street” will be the subject at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Harold E. Beatty. Presenta tion of memorial gifts. Soloists, Margaretta Eckloff and Barbara > Beatty. Mrs. B. Clinton Ritz of Waynesboro, Pa., president of the Women's Missionary Society of the Maryland Synod, will be the guest speaker at 8 p.m. The junior choir will sing. Zion. “The Ship of Life” will be the subject of the Rev. Edward G. Goetz. The service will mark the beginning of the every-member visi tation and the visitors will be con secrated. Mount Olivet (Colored). “The Call of the Cross.” a religious talking picture, will be shown in the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. on Monday evening. Admission is free. A. Riemer of New York will present the picture under the sponsorship of this church. Methodist Rhode Island Avenue. Dr. E. A. Sexsmith will speak at 11 a.m. on “On the Mountain With Christ” and at 8 p.m. on “Life: A Garden or a Wilderness.” A special young people’s program has been ar ranged for 7 p.m., directed by How ard Cope. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. Margaret Harris, will render special music at both morning and evening services. Lewis Memorial. Dr. Edgar C. Berry, superintendent of the Washington District East of the Methodist Church, will preach at 11 a.m.. The Rev. John A. Trader will preach at the evening service on “Not Ashamed.” Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. Wil liam N. Payne, jr., third vice presi dent, will preside. L. R. Keech will have charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Kester, pastor, will give a short talk. Representative Luther Patrick of Alabama will be the guest speaker. The lesson theme is “The Words of the Messiah.” The Rev. H. J. Magonigal, evangel ist, will preach at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m., and conduct evangelistic services every evening during the following two W'eeks at 8 o’clock. The Young People’s Society will meet at 7 p.m. Brookland. The Rev. J. M. Gillum will have for his morning topic “The Kingdom of God—a Reality” and at 8 p.m. “The Simplicity of Faith and Conduct.” Chevy Chase. The Rev. Edward Gardiner Latch will have “The Man Who Kept His Vow” as his theme at 11 am. Lincoln Road. Dr. Reginald Heber Stone will speak on “The Coming of the Word” at 11 am. The men’s Bible class, meeting ^ 10 am., will have -A for the speaker Dr. C. M. Wright. Youth Council meets at 7 pm. and at 8 p.m., after the gospel song serv ice, led by William Stevens, the pastor will speak on “Paying the Price.'’ Waugh. “Joash Day" will be observed to morrow. The Rev. Clarkson R. Banes will speak in the morning on “Our King's Call.” The junior vested choir, trained by Musical Director Gene Stewart, will make its initial appearance in the morn ing service. The senior choir will also sing. At 8 pm. a musical program will be rendered by the three choirs, with Mr. Stewart at the organ. The Women's Guild will serve the annual turkey dinner Decem ber 5. Rosedale. Celebration of the 15th anniver sary of the dedication of the build ing by special services tomorrow morning and evening. Dr. Chesteen Smith will preach in the morning and the pastor, Dr. William A. Hag gerty, in the evening. Gorsuch. The Rev. Richard T. Scholl will preach Sunday morning on “We Have an Altar.” Stereopticon slides on China will be shown at 8 p.m The Ladies’ Aid Society, under Mrs Ella Rowe, will serve the 52d turkej dinner on Tuesdav and Wednesda\ in Pythian Temple, 101 Ninth street N.W. Metropolitan A. M. E. At 11 a.m. the Rev. J. C. Beckett will preach. At 4 pm., meeting by the Interdenominational Sunday School Union. At 8 p.m., sermon by Master Lawton Thomas, under the auspices of the Willing Work ers’ Club. Allen A. M. E. At 11 am. Dr. George Oliver Wing will speak on “Think on These Things.” The senior choir and Allen Chorus will sing at 11 a.m. and 8 pm. services. On Tues day, at 8 p.m., Dr. Wing will preach at Mount Hozeb Baptist Church. Pilgrim A. M. E. Morning services with preaching by the pastor on "The Majesty ot God's Kingdom.” The Young Men’s Club will meet immediately following the service. The installation services of the Church Aid Circle, with s musical and literary program, anc Mrs. Julia West Hamilton as guest speaker will be held in the evening The Board of Stewards will meet Monday night. Randall Memorial (Colored). Celebration of men’s day tomor row. The general theme will b< “Faith of Our Fathers.” The Rev (See ACTIVITIES, Page A-1S.) i Church Appreciation Program Continues At Albright Memorial Sunday School Plans To Observe Parents' Day Tomorrow The church appreciation program continues at Albright Memorial Evangelical Church. At 9:45 a.m. the Sunday school will observe par ents’ day with every boy or girl re ceiving a blue star on his or her parents’ day tag if accompanied to Sunday school or church by a father, mother or both. At 11 a.m. there will be a lay sym posium with “The Future of Al bright Church” as the subject. Those participating will be Ernest Pullman, George Corbin, Jack Osborne, Paul Pennington, Wilbur Snyder, Mrs. Sam Stewart and Dr Sam Stewart. The Hagerstown A Capella Choir, under the direction of Prof. Ray mond Hollinger, will be heard in a sacred concert at 5 p m. The young people will participate In the devo tional program. Alton Richey will preside, Paul Pennington will offer the prayer and Miss Dorothy Bowen will read the Scripture lesson. The young people will later act as hosts for the fellowship tea. The Young People's Shangrala So ciety will meet at 7 p.m. with Miss niucxwj as uie leauer. xviiss Ethelyn Johnston of Passaic, N. J., will be the speaker. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights dinners will be held, with all of the folks whose names come alpha betically from A through K on Tues day and those from L through Z on Wednesday, although any person will be welcome either evening. Moving nirtnrp.c nf tVio ties will be shown both nights. The guest speaker will be Dr. A. F. Mc Garrah of Pittsburgh, Pa. Augustana Lutheran Services Announced Dr. Arthur O. Hjelm will preach on “The Inescapable Judgment” to morrow at the Augustana Lutheran Church at 11 a.m. The choir, un der Miss Lila Knudsen, will rende) “The Great Day of the Lord Is Near,” by George C. • Martin. A group of 30 men. who will carry out the congregation’s annual every [ member canvass in the afternoon, will be commissioned. Moving pictures taken of the con gregation from time to time during the past year will be shown in the j Sunday school rooms Tuesdav eve ning by Clarke Paulsen. Included will also be several reels of the San Francisco Fair and other Western scenes. Refreshments will be served. The Rev. Anton Lundeen, former : missionary to China, and the Rev. jjamtfiMjn, missionary to ai I rica. will conduct a special service Friday evening. The Rev. Mr. Lun deen will tell about his experiences while a captive in the hands of Chinese bandits a few years ago, and the Rev. Mr. Danielson will show pictures of life in Africa. The pub lic is invited. Dr. Hjelm will conduct the Bible study Wednesday at 7:30 pm. Church of fhe Brethren To Dedicate Organ The Church of the Brethren will | dedicate its new organ with ap ! propriate services tomorrow morn ing and evening. At 11 am. the | Rev. W. D. Bowman will speak on “The Power of Music in Worship.” Selections will be rendered by the choir. The chimes will be dedicated as a memorial to Mrs. Daisy B. | Edwards, deceased wife of Lewis I. H. Edwards, in recognition of the | generous gift by Mr. Edwards and i family. At 8 p.m. the congregation j and choir will join in providing "An Evening With Great Hymns.” The pastor will give the spiritual set ting and story of some of the fa mous hymns. The Senior B. Y. P. D. will meet at 6:50. The pastor will speak on “Bible Basis of Brethren in Re ality.” At the meeting of the In uciiiicuirttc .D. I. xr. u. ai D.DU Mrs. W. D. Bowman will speak to the intermediates and their parents. The Home Builders’ Class will have a covered dish supper at the church Wednesday at 6:30. Listed for December The department of religious edu cation of the Episcopal Church has arranged a series of lectures to be given at St. Stephen and Incarna tion Church on December 4, 5 and 6. The time, title and lecturer each day will be: Old Testament, 2 to 4 p.m., the Rev. William M. Bradner, chair man of the department of religious education and Canon precentor of Washington Cathedral; Book of Acts, 5 to 6 p.m., the Rev. Spence A. Dunbar, rector of Christ Church Rockville, Md.; “The Life of Oui Lord,” 7 to 9 pm., the Rev. A. L. Wills, rector of Church of Our Saviour, Brookland, D. C. A supper will be served daily for * those who make reservations. There will be no charge for these lectures but 50 cents will be charged for the supper. Registration cards may be obtained from rectors of the various norieVloe frnm T nnrin m T»_1_ M-—--- * • iWJilWU, executive secretary, department of religious education, Mount St. Alban. West Washington Baptist At 11 am. the Rev. Charles B. Austin will preach a request sermon. Topic, “Heaven.” At 8 pm. the church will begin a series of six un usual evangelistic services, led by the Rev. Perry L. Mitchell, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Arling ton, Va. The fifteenth White Christmas Pageant, under the general direc tion of Supt. Robert L. Haycock, will be held the evening of December 17. The young people will produce a play entitled “A Christmas Dream.” To Choir Directors All material regarding music In the chinches at Christmas must be received by the Music Editor in typewritten (double space) form, not later than Monday, December 11. The special Christmas Church Music Page will appear, Saturday, De cember 23. 1