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Navy's New Ships More Effective, Report Declares Adoption of High Pressure Steam Conditions Hailed By Engineer Bureau Improvements in engineering fea tures, particularly in the adoption of high-pressure steam conditions, have made the Navy's new ships more effective vessels. Acting Secre tary of the Navy Edison was in formed in the Bureau of Engineer ing's annual report, released today, i “These improvements.” the re- ] port set out. “represent a bold step forward in the face of conservatism, trepidation, and no little opposi tion.” The report was submitted by Rear Admiral Harold G. Bowen, who headed the bureau until Septem ber 12. when he was relieved by Rear Admiral Samuel M. Robinson. Admiral Bowes is now director of the Naval Research Laboratory. Ana costia. and has additional duties as technical aid to the Secretary of the Navy. He defended the adoption of high pressure, high temperature steam conditions for steam propelled ves sels of the Navy—a subject of much dispute about a year ago—as pro viding more efficient and economi cal operation of vessels. He pointed out that new machinery has devel oped that is superior to older equip ment. Reliable and Easy to Operate. “In short," Admiral Bowen com mented, “as we have advanced steam conditions we have developed machinery which is not only more economical, but is also more reliable and just as easy, or even easier, to operate, maintain, and protect in battle. The advances to these con ditions have been made by short conservative, well tested steps, and the Navy has gained thereby.” Admiral Bowen explained that pressure was advanced gradually from 200 to the present standard steam conditions of 600 pounds per square inch pressure, and 850 de grees Fahrenheit temperature. He reported that “much progress" had been made in perfecting light weight. high-speed engines for sub marine propelling machinery. “De sign defects have been overcome.'' his report said, “and resulting per formances have been gratifying.” New Destroyers Discussed. In commenting on the new de etrnVPVQ c n m g mhioh hovo boon reported as top-heavy. Admiral Bowen said: "The new' 1.500 and l.R50-ton de stroyers that have joined the fleet have proved themselves to be re liable and efficient in operation. Such few troubles as have developed have been relatively minor in na ture and are being corrected as the vessels become available" Repair facilities afloat are in adequate to handle the load imposed by the increase in number, size and power of new vessels, the report pointed out. "This situation.” it added, "may become acute during the coming year. Repair facilities should be considered for the Atlantic Squad ron. particularly if that squadron is to be augmented by additional ves- I gels.” Other points in the report in cluded : 1. During the 1939 fiscal year progress of shipbuilding was im- , proved, causes of serious delays were eliminated or minimized, and some ships have been completed ahead of time. 2. Shipbuilding wages are showing a slow, steady rise, while material has been holding a constant level for several months. 3. Navy yards and inspection of fices are handicapped through lack Of sufficient officers. 4. An office of research and in vestigation has been established during the year to study problems of broad interest to the bureau. Program Urged to Push Milk Use by Poor The District Commissioners have been asked, through a resolution. *’to undertake a program to increase the consumption of milk among low income families and to take the necessary steps as soon as prac ticable to put this program into op eration.” officers of the Consumers’ Conference on High Prices ^nd Prof iteering have announced. The resolution called attention to ] Department of Agriculture plans for co-operation with local governments in setting up relief milk programs and declared Boston and Chicago are among the cities which success fully have enlarged the fluid milk market through co-operation whth farmers and processors in making milk available to low-income groups. Custom-like Upholstering— A new dress—and you'll love your Furniture as you did when it was new. Let us put on your selection from our assortment of new and ex clusive coverings. You'll be delighted. Capital Uphol stering is different from any other.. It is done with ex pert s k i 11—and combined with good taste—yours and ours. Our Interior Decorator will be glad to come to you— bringing samples—and you work out the upholstery scheme together. You ore welcome fo budget the modest cost. Capital Awning Co. Wm. E. Russell 1503 N. Cop. St. NO. 2958 I UNCLE SAM I ’ SAYS— "Buy Now— Moil Early! 50c PLUTO WATER large 36c 25c IVORY FLAKES large 19c 25c IVORY SNOW iorfe 19c OXYDOL SOAP POWDER large 18c | CHIPSO SOAP FLAKES large 19c . OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 7c con 3 ,or 20c HERSHEY'S BITTER SWEET nnmiran CHOCOLATE r§!5T' -CE 13c 2f 25c M / Y\i . S RECIPE HERSHEY’S BITTER-SWEET COOKIES j I y MU*'1' CS Ingredients: cup Shortening, >2 Cup Brown Sugar. 4 fur\rr\\ »-rr k '2 Teaspoon Vanilla, */2 Teaspoon Soda. 1 7-Ounce q CnUCULfll t p Hershev Bitter-Sweet Bar, '4 Cup White Sugar, Tea spoon Salt, 1 Egg, well beaten; 114 Cups Flour, V2 Cup Broken Nut Meats. Cream shortening, add sugar and egg. Add soda which has been dissolved in 1 tablespoon hot water. Add flour, salt—mix well. Add nut meats and Bitter-Sweet Chocolate. Flavor with vanilla. Drop on greased baking tin. Bake 10 minutes. ■» 1 "■ 1 1 ..” ■ II II | WITH SIMPLE EQUIPMENT FROM PEOPLES I I EastmorttSuper XX Film | 116, 8 exposures-36c | 120, 8 exposures-32c f 122, 6 exposures-59c | 127, 8 exposures-27c | 616, 8 exposures-36c I 620, 8 exposures-32c Agfa Super-Pan Film A8, 8 exposures -30c B2, 8 exposures -35c D6, 8 exposures -40c PB20, 8 exposures-35c PD16, 8 exposures-40c WESTINGHOUSE PHOTO FLASH BULBS Number Eleven_ Number 1 Or Fifteen _■ ° Number Jftc Sixteen_ numoer m | l q Twenty one For better indoor and nigh’ pictures. PHOTO-FLOOD BULBS Number Number 4AC One Two ■ W Use for snapshots and time exposures. j It Pays in Results and Satisfaction to Have Your Films DEVELOPED Cr PRINTED AT PEOPLES Peoples Certified Photo 11 Finishing assures you of natural print tone, ; correct highlight and I shadow detail, non I fading prints . . . everything necessary to clear, clean-cut pic tures. Panel art (deckled edge) prints. REMEMBER . . your films can be developed i correctly but once. Duplicate pictures are only as pood or bad as the nepative. You can be sure I they are developed correctly at Peoples. PHOTO ALBUMS 10° 25s | I Keep- your pictures clean and safe. Sturdy bindings. Pages that 11 take paste. ART CORNERS Pa k of 100- 10c I EASTMAN CAMERAS Brownie Box Junior, No. 620 «PaL.UU Brownie Box __ Junior, No. 616 Brownie qq Boby _ 09C Bullet _$2.00 Built Eye cc Brownie, No. 620 3)2.03 i AGFA REFLECTOR KflKTORKIT m KITS 5US PICTURES I Inexpensive equipment that will pay for 'i many times over in better picture.-, indoors and ?f*er dark Set consists of two folding reflectors for focusing light on sub ject two metal adapter rings for attaching reflectors to light sockets, one exposure ealeu- | l^tor. determines length of time necesssary lo expose ; camera under varying con ditions: and a 10-foot fold ing rule. AGFA SHUR-FLASH B-2 BOX CAMERAS A modern box camera of ^^k compact design, fitted with K a removable flash unit for ^ —M better indoor and night pic- m ^ tures . . . and an eye-level view finder. Takes 8 clear pictures on one roll of film—pictures are the popular 2*» by 3’4-inch size. AGFA CADET BOX CAMERAS Even amateurs get good night ^ snapshots with these hand US ■ i^L some, easy-to-operate box cam ^ ■ - M eras Takes sharp pictures in ■ 9 9^ ^ the 2*4 by 3* 1 -inch size. Enjoy Healthful Sun Baths in the Privacy of Your Own Room . . . KWIKWAY CARBON-ARC SUN LAMPS p* Its ultra-violet rays help clear up certain skin disorders. With dark ^F • 0 glasses. KNAPP-MONARCH INFRA-RED RAY LAMPS 1(5 soothing. penetrating rays relieve minor $ 3 tZ aches and pains. Adjustable gooseneck stand 'r ^ for direct application of heat. a0 • 0 0 i- 1:-1 FOR COLDS AND SORE IHROAI LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 25c 3-Ounce ' M 'X C . 'IhUHIKl j- I Bottle-1- Mm *J USTERlN t 50c 7-Ounce ^ Qc Bottle-M ^^RMiODC_ 75c 14-Ounce C Qc SUES' Bottle-fl# M •> Use this effective antiseptic i for dandruff, and for a sweet breath as well. Buy the eco nomical large size botttle for v— v, _** i every day family use. ir^V.^1 You'll Like Colgate's CUE LIQUID DENTIFRICE it 23c it 39c Gives your teeth a dazzling brilliance, keeps the mouth feeling refreshed. 50c PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC TOOTH BRUSHES Regular 3-Row Adult Size For a Limited Time! The tufted end cleans hard - to-reach back teeth and crevices between teeth. Excellent quality bristles remain firm. In a sanitary carton. 10 FAVORITE VARIETIES | • Chocolate Whipped Creams • Dark Chocolate Mint Creams • Dark Chocolate Creams • Orange Marmalades • Rum-and-Butter Ovals • Milk Chocolate Caramels • Milk Chocolate Nougatines • Maple Nut Creams • Milk Chocolate French Fudge • Milk Nut Chews Each piece is just a bite ... but what a delicious bite! Ten precious flavors, encased in fine chocolate . . . and you can have a pound of any one kind or an assorted pound for only 19c. This is an extremely low price for these popular smaller-sized chocolates. A Fast-Moving, Thrilling New Game! PAN-AMERICAN CHESS Complete with Colored Marbles A new version of the popular marble game, more fascinating because all moves must be made on specific white lines, and jumps are less restricted. For two, three or four players, .. I 20c WINDEX WINDOW CLEANER tunc, 14C CLOROX Size _ _ llC slT 19c To Help Ward Off Colds THOMPSON'S HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES Each pleasant capsule is eaual in vitamin A potency to 4*2 teaspoonsful of cod liver oil . . . also rich in vitamin D content. Helps build resistance. Keep on the Alkaline Side— GRAHAM MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 35c Bottle of 60_ Helps counteract the excess acid that so often invites colds. Pleasant mint flavor. The rleatant Way to lake Your Cod Liver Oil THOMPSON'S COD LIVER OIL CONCEN TRATE TABLETS $1.00 Bottle QQr fsaCeaualblln of 100 .... 03^ ;lff»g po* -tency to a tea-spoonful of cod liver oil. A Splendid Appetizer and General Tonic NUTRAVEN is 2? $1.00 Build ud your body resistance, thus building ud your resistance to colds. Agreeable to the taste. 50c Graham Cold Capsules. 45c 35c Laxative Bromo Quinine, 24c 30c Hills Cold Tablets-19c 35e Vicks Vapo-Rub Salve. _24c 35c Tonsiline_29c 25c "666" Cold Tonic_23c $1.00 Rinex Capsules-89c Thantis Lozenges, tube of 12_25c 75c Hall's Expectorant 59c 35c Juniper Tar Compound, 30c 60c Pertussin for Coughs.-51c 35c Pisos for Coughs-24c 60c Rem for Coughs-49c 60c Smith Brothers_49c 75c Syrup of Sedotole-55c 95c Wampoles Creo-Terpin.79c 35c Hill's Nose Drops-24e 65c Mistol Nose Drops-45c 30c Vicks Vo-tro-nol-24c 75c Vape* Inhalant_.59c $1.00 Thompson's Inhalant, 89c 60c E-Z Nasal Spray-49c 50c Pineoleum Liquid-34c 30c Rel Jelly, tube-24e lo Help Kelieve Colds ! GRAHAM COLD TABLETS (Formerly Cincho-Tone) Box of 25_ ' Take these pleasant tablets at the first sun of a cold for i prompt relief. Soothe§ Cought Due to Cold* ... 25c GRAHAM COUGH SYRUP Don’t put up with that horrid cough when you can get soothing relief for so little. Soothes and Relieves Nasal Congestion KEY'S NOSE DROPS With Ephradina and Chlorbutanol _ These two inaredients are recoanised as superior in the relief of nasal conaestlon due to colds. MILBURN'S LAXATIVE COLD CAPSULES mm _ Don’t 1 e t J C that cold h a n a on pj and d r a a you down —act prompt relief with these capsules that relieve quickly because they dis solve quickly. Get The Vol-U-Box of KOTEX SANITARY NAPKINS Regular Size BOX OF 66 . "^BB just think—5Va dozen ot these soft, comfortable, disposable ^B sanitary napkins—in one compact, easy-to-tuck-away carton that saves you money and frequent trips to the store. SOFT! SAN!LAKY I UlSrVZABLB! KLEENEX TISSUES Use them when you have colds—they're _ o for softer. eliminate Box TOT \ much handkerchief , cnn gge washing. of S00 Fragrant—Non-Sticky . . 50c PACQUIN'S WAND CREAM Coaxes back the softness and whiteness to hands made routh and red by cold weather and housework. Antiseptic Even When Diluted With Two Parts Water PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC 75c 14-Ounce C Oc Bottle_^0 OOLD-WKATHKR HINT . . . gargle daily with effective Pepsoffent. containing Chlorthymol. the sensational, safe germ killer. Buy this economical family stge bottle. Pound Can HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP 8c | i ■■ i 30c WRIGHT'S SILVER CREAM 17c | 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH LiquiJ or Patte _8c_| ”__”j SOLARINE METAL POLISH 25c BON AMI ! POWDER D< Luxe Can 19c I Medium LAVA Ore-Solvent SOAP 5C cake Laundry Sima IVORY SOAP cake ^3for25e