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Private Building In District Totals $359,955 in Week Residential Activity Features Work In City Residential construction featured activity in the District during the past week as the office of Building Inspector John W. Oehmann ap proved permits having a total valu ation of $359,955. Included in the list for the period were permits for 67 one-family dwellings and three small apartments. More important permits follow; Wesmond Building & Invest ment Co., Inc., 1732 K street N.W., owner and builder; G. T. Sant myers, 1410 H street N.W., designer; to erect 20 two-story brick and cin der block dwellings. 1112 to 1144 Branch avenue S. E. and 1101 to 1117 Anacostia road S.E.; to cost $80,000. i H. E. Davis, 4722 Forty-sixth street N.W., owner and builder; Dana B. Johannes, jr., 927 Fifteenth street N.W., designer; to erect seven 2 story brick and concrete block dwellings, 2114, 2118 Forty-ninth street and 4900, 4908, 4912, 4916 W Street N.W.; to cost $49,000. Wesmond Building & Invest ment Co., Inc., 1732 K street N.W., owner and builder; G. T. Sant myers, 1410 H street N.W., de signer; to erect 10 two-story brick and cinder block dwellings, 1101 to 1127 Branch avenue SE.; to cost $40,000. Morris Frank, 907 Fifteenth street N.W., owner and builder; Edmund W. Dreyfuss, 1524 K street N.W., designer; to erect four 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings, 1211 to 1217 Buchanan street N.W.; to cost $20,000. Joseph and Rose Beuger, owners; Walter H. Dawson, 3909 Morrison street N.W., builder; L. W. Giles, 4428 Hunt place N.W., designer; to erect one three-story brick, cinder block store and apartment, 3742 Twelfth street N.E.; to cost $20,000. Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Young, 3525 Davis street N.W., owners; Korzendorfer & Brooks, Inc., 923 Fifteenth street N.W., builder and | designer; to erect one 2-stor.v brick j and tile dwelling. 5082 Lowell street N.W.; to cost 817.000. Frank S. Phillips, 927 Fifteenth street N.W., owner and builder; Harvey P. Baxter, 1108 Sixteenth street N.W., architect; to erect one 2-story brick dwelling, 5100 Lough boro road N.W.: to cost 813.000. Springlawn, Inc., 1103 Sixteenth street N.W., owners and builders; Harvey P. Baxter, 1108 Sixteenth street N.W., architect; to erect two 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings, 4636 and 4640 Windom place N.W.; to cost $5,500 each. Springlawn, Inc., 1108 Sixteenth street N.W., owners and builders; Harvey P. Baxter, 1108 Sixteenth street N.W., architect; to erect two 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings, 4637 and 4641 Windom place N.W.; to cost $5,500 each. Charles Sturbitts, 1101 Vermont avenue N.W., owner; Joseph H. Abel, 1327 Connecticut avenue N.W.,, builder; to erect one 2-story brick tect; to erect one 2-story brick, stone and tile dwelling, 3816 Forty ninth street N.W.; to cost $8,000. W. C. & A. N. Miller Development Co., 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., owners and builders; G. E. MacNeil, 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., archi tect; to erect one 2-story brick dwelling, 3810 Forty-ninth street N.W.; to cost $7,500. W. C. & A. N. Miller Development Co., 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., owners and builders; G. E. MacNeil, 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., archi tect; to erect one 2-story brick, shingles dwelling, 3806 Forty-ninth street N.W.; to cost $8,000. Mr. and Mrs. F. McManus, owners; Peter Schaub, 8614 Colesville road, Silver Spring, Md.. builder; G. T. Santmyers, 1410 H street N.W., de signer; to erect one 2-story brick and concrete block dwelling, 2209 Quincy street N.E.; to cost $5,500. Windsor P. Booth, 1732 Connecti cut avenue N.W., owner; G. Morris Steinbraker, 1041 Jefferson street N.W., builder; Francis Palms, Na tional Metropolitan Bank Building, designer; to erect one l^-story frame dwelling, 2242 Porty-nlnth street N.W.; to cost $5,500. ] Southeast Washington Community Chapel, owner; Louwig E. Crossman, Jr., 322 Sherman avenue, Hillside, Md„ bulldfr; Paul E. Kraft, 99 Val- i ley street, Seat Pleasant, Md., de signer; to erect one 1-story concrete block base, frame above church, 3020 Massachusetts avenue S.E., to cost $4,000. Woodridge Realty Co., 2377 Rhode Island avenue N.E., owners and builders; Keith Hite, 2377 Rhode Island avenue N.E., designer; to erect one 2-story masonry and frame dwelling, 3033 Vista street NE, to cost $4,000. College of the Commissariate of the Holy Land, 1400 Quincy street N.E., owners; Parkhill Construction Co., 1427 I street N.W., builders;' K. V. Parkhill, designer; to .construct steel gallery, 1400 Quincy street N.E., to cost $4,$00. Delaware Realty Co., Inc., owners and builders; John R. Cadle, design er; to make repairs, 1841 Bay street SE„ to cost $500. H. E. Davis, 4722 Forty-sixth street J.W., owner and builder; to erect ;ix brick garages, 2114, 2118>Forty linth street N.W., 4008, 4012, 4016 .nd 4020 W street N.W., to cost 6600. John Joyner, 213 Elm street N.W, owner and builder; H. W. Leroner, 1128 Sixth street N.W., designer; to erect one 2-story frame addition to 213 Elm street N.W., to cost $700. W. C. & a: N. Miller, 1119 Sev enteenth street N.W., owners and builders; to erect two brick and tile garages, 3810 and 3816 Forty-ninth street N.W., to cost $700. Philip Milestone, 716 Thirteenth street N.W., owner and builder; O. T. Santmyers, architect; to make repairs, 937 D street N.W., to cost i $800. and tile dwelling. 2705 Sixth place N.W.; to cost $9,000 E. M. Aiken. Inc.. 800 H street N.W., owner and builder; G. T. Santm.vers, 1410 H street N.W., designer; to erect two 2-story brick and concrete block flats. 1625-27 B street N.E.; to cost $10,000. C. H. Small Construction Co., 930 New York avenue N.W., owner and builder; J. Lee Lane.. 930 New York avenue N.W., designer; to erect three 2-story brick and cinder block four family apartments, 1249, 1255, 1257 Raum street N.E.: to cost $8,500. W. C. & A. N. Miller Development Co., 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., owners and builders; G .E. MacNeil, 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., archi tect; to erect one 2-story brick dwelling. 4901 Rodman street N.W.; to cost $8,500. W. C. A; A. N. Miller Development Co., 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., owners and builders; G. E. MacNeil, 1119 Seventeenth street N.W., archi IN BARNABY WOODS—This attractive home at 6346 Thirty-second street N.W. has been pur chased by Joseph C. Monaghan from Claude Johnson, builder, through the office of Thomas J. Fisher Co. * —Star Staff Photo. tlrflp Chevy Chase, D. C. 4 4 homes sold in this I 1 unusual group of 13 distinctive new homes 5430 41st Place N.W. 3 bedrooms—2 baths, beauti fully finished throughout, with many features seldom found in medium - priced homes. Out Conn. Ave. tn Livingston St., left *2 block to i 1st PI., left to model home. Open Every Day—10 a m. to 9 p.m. EDW. R. CARR , Realtor—Builder 2659 Conn. Ave. AD. 6623 Pretenting a Croup of IS New Hornet in One of Nearby Virginia*t Mott Beautiful Small Home Communitiet WOODLAWN VILLAGE i ARLINGTON, VA. Exhibit Home, 4909 16th Road North Furnished by Electrical Fixtures by Hutchison’s, Inc. Arlington Elec. Co. 2004 14th St. N.W. 2700 Columbia Pike These artistic home* located in one of Virginia’s finest sections, offer the j utmost in convenience and rare charm. Beautiful rolling lots in an estab lished community, convenient to buses, stores, churches and Washington Oolf and Country Club. The interior offers five spacious, attractive rooms with paneled walls. Kitchen | completely equipped. Hot-water heat, oil burner, tile bath, full basement, attic space floored for additional rooms. Homes are Insulated throughout. Open Daily and Sunday to 8:30 P.M. I TP \~REACH? 'out^Lee^Hiphwav^to w Um i n. Glebe Road: left at traffic y ) light to 17th St. North. Right j A\/pn i uAkirc ) on 17th St. to N. Buchanan St., I UVtK I ZD nUMtb \ left one block to 16th Road, j BUILT AND SOLD B. M. SMITH 2408 Columbia Pike. Oxford 2038 mC°MD^re, % I *°LAr<oN **"UHU *,TC»*»fS°r^0 I You can't afford to KL> miss seeing NEW ■ °"«e, ^ ■ ^ l<rentwwd uark ■ by the developeri of Brentwood VUla*e I Rhods Island ft Montana Avos. at 14th St. N. E. ■ . NOW ... a new group of homes, introdudnr the greatest »<( home values Washington has ever seen I Country homes u. ogC\° right in the city—only 10 minutes from the heart of V.A downtown. Homes that have everythin*—yes, every* Sf thin*—to matte living a i K real joy. And at prices CAW1 dhOk/k ■ ^ that will amaze you. ^ g fljf I 4t>e* Driva Out Today B oo Go out Rhode Is‘ fif W BL0TS land Ave. direct to El ljjj S Montana „Ave., at In B B tfvT 14th St. N. E., TeL isf thence right into tA ■ W Brentwood Park. M|Mhaw K, S3ns, B A*o hu'dder and Developer ! ^B 2435 14th St. N.E. DEc. 3200 Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star * \ Hampshire Heights 15 Min. Downtown ! 0n,y $32.50 Month 2 Large Bedrooms, Auto matic Heat, Full Basement. Furnished Exhibit Home, 10 Gude Ave., Takoma Park, Md. Open Daily ’Til 8 P.M. TO REACH Drive out New Hampshire Ave *4 mile past District line to Rav Rd., turn left 200 feet to houses. Smith & Gottlieb, Inc. j ALBERT H. DAVIS. Sales. ^ Put Your Christmas Savings in a New Home in 1A «BRADLEY VILLAGES 23 Sold 'PI Exhibit Homm I 6704 EXFAIR | ROAD Furnished by HUTCHISON'S, INC. Drapes by A# JOHN LIGON, INC. | *5,890 Approx. $39.90 Month ufJ Includes Taxes, Interest. Insur II anca and Principal on F. H. A. I* P1“ New 5-room oil-brick homes in one of M the city's finest residentiol oreos od|a-^>< cent to Edgemoor Club and con-7? | venient to churches, schools, shop-W ping center and transportation. Struc-^rJ turol features never before offered tn7z , a low-cost home. M rr . *t #> n ■ m V h i vf/vri i/ui sy vmu <7 f eirje ii T1 Out Wisconsin Ate. to the traffic liaht at Bank of Bethcsda. turn sharp ^yj left into Edaemoor Lane to Exfair Rd., then left 2 blocks to property. BOWLING & GARDINER f729 Old Georgetown Rd. Wisconsin 6696 Until 8 P.M.Tjt ■ 1 Buy Direct From the Owner end Builder—end Sere! . 55, Bethesda, Md.—Only 2 Left Six Sold Before Completion ‘4990 and *5150 ....I j 4425 Rosedale Avenue ! See for yourself why these four and five room masonry homes are selling ' so rapidly. Best construction, full basements, automatic heat, tiled baths, i steel sash, large lots, paved street. ; Opart 9 AM. to 9 PM. Daily j To Reach: Out Wisconsin Ave. S "blocks beyond Bank of Bethesda ' on Rockville Pike, turn right on Rosedale Are. to end of street. j HENRY J. CONNOR, Inc. 726 Jatkien PI. N.W. Met. 2401 j - ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ I. _■__'. _" * 5025 LOWELL ST. N.W.—$34,500 On a wooded lot of 105 ft. width is this luxurious home having every known appointment. The first floor has exceptionally large hall, living, dining rooms, butler's pantry, kitchen and library, 16x20 ft. The sec ond floor has 4 master bedrooms and 3 full baths. Servant's room, bath and storage on 3rd floor. Rec creation room with fireplace. Built by Korzendorfer Cr Brooks,/ Inc. Drive out Matt. Ave.. turn left at Ward Circle and drive along Nebratka Ave. and the neu> Louahboro Rd., to Lowell St., in Kent. Nati. 4600 PHILLIPS & CAN BY, Inc. iou is* s». n.w. 16th Street Heights Inspect 4340 Argyle Terrace tTnforseen circumstance* ne cessitate the sale of this un usual! v attractive and excep tionally well bnilt home—one | that is conveniently and par ticularly well situated. From the rear there is a command ing view of Rock Creek Park. The house is of taoestrv brick construction, contains 7 com fortable bright rooms — living J rcom with fireplace, screened side porch, huge dininr room, den nr breakfast room, large kitchen pantry. GE refrigera- i tor. 2nd floor—1 splendid bed rooms, 2 tile baths, enclosed fc and heated sleeping porch* | j Storage attic, balsam wool in sulation. New- ABC oil burner. Bu lt-in garage. The owner is j away for the afternoon and you are offered freedom in inspec tion from 2 until dark. It is priced at $1 I ..700 for quirk I sale. Directions: Out 10th St. to Allison, west 2'j blocks to Argyle Terrace, turn left to j t h<*use. | THOS J. FISHER & CO., Inc. 738 Ifith St. X. W._PI-0830 , I———————————————■————— Before You Buy INSPECT AND COMPARE THE HOMES IN SARATOGA TILLAGE SILVER SPRING, HD. Owner I KAY PROPERTIES, INC. ***» I Location, design, quality, spaciousness, equipment such as fi W0 you’ve never before seen in a low-cost home—that’s what v M MM MM M you can expect in Saratoga Village. Five large rooms, ■ ■ UP coloped bath, de luxe kitchen, log-burning fireplace, Q W O W M W — ample closets, floored attic, basement with laundry trays, "'w large wooded lots. A home value unequalled in the Capital F. H. A. 10% DOWN ok|| y a ffw I rrr BALANCE LIKE KENT 0NLY A FEW LEFT TO REACH: Drive nut Pineu flroneft Road ? to Saratoga Ave. (first street vast Philadei- UMlt. »Aio Ave.), turn left to homes on Rap jOinple FIOUSD 624 Roy Driv. REALTY SALES CO. SH. 6622 D°dy”to 9 PM. l^atjerlp tillage ARLINGTON, VA. 6 Different Types to Choose From— f5,990 up Attractive ond individ ual, where friends and , neighbors of their kind live a more abundant life. Brick homes pt originality and distinc tion. 5 and 6 rooms. Two story. Cope Cod or bungalow style Noth ing like it in Arlington. Close in, 10c bus rone. Come and see is all we ask. A REAL BARGAIN IN VIBGINIA~| 6 ROOMS—ATTACHED GARAGE *7,750—*750 Cash f The picture obove gives but o faint conception of the rare charm and beauty of this property. Unique and individual in design, adapted for entertaining, containing every necessary appointment. First floor has beautiful living room with Colonial fireplace, butler's pantry, de luxe kitchen, dining room, side porch. Second floor has 3 bedrooms, tile bath, plenty of closets. Full basement with oil air-conditioned heat, loundry trays and space for recreation room. Extra large lot. Mr. Hines soys . . . "BRING THE FAMILY OUT NOW!" 5-ROOM COLONIAL TO REACH: Cross Kev or Memorial Bridges, out Lee Highway to HOtl block, aui V aaa aa UAHTU left at sign ■■Waverly Village" N. UTAH ST.. ONE block to exhibit home. (JNLT RUN III S? SS Has large living room, with beautiful S fireplace; 2 generously proportioned bed < / s rooms, with large elosets: de luxe bath. I \ a .1: » oil. air conditioned heat; large lot. , Developers Arlington, Vo. Ready to move in. Tel. Chestnut 2440 2116 Wilson Blvd. ^ THIS TREE I | IN THIS HOME FOR i I YOUR FAMILY! .. . £ ** ■»■ Make this the happiest Christinas your family has ever m g known . . . You're going to BUY eventually—*o why not fi take advantage of today’s low prices in the PERFECT IM Community? ft i jHk I mAux/ ijE t —-n 7700 WISCONSIN AVENUE U Tastefully Furnished for Your Inspection A beautiful home, featuring attractive atone front—Colonial face brick— Johns-Manvllle rock wool insulation—Bryant alr-conditloning—De luxe kitchen with steel cabinets, Monel metal sink and ventilating fan—PLUS— Jjf scores of custom-built features—at this remarkably low price. ft Olenbrook Village Is the PERFECTLY planned community, adjoining the *£ new Naval Medical Center, Just >,i mile beyond the Bank of Bethesda . . . fine schools, shopping center and rapid transportation . . . environment ft unsurpassed. -TO REACH - OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY UNTIL 9 P. M.— || Drive out Wisconsin Avenue Vi mile beyond 'SL the Bank of Bethesda to the new exhibit home. f* THE NEWBOLD DEVELOPMENT CO. S 7611 Wisconsin Ave. ft Bethesda. Md.—Bis. S3SS Xjk