Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) ifew 4-Family, 5-Room Apt. Special price. $41.50. 415 Mellon st. ! »e.. Congress Heights. Apt. 2.—Plenty room for storage. Metropolitan 3797. $40—WITH PORCH. An amazing LOW RENTAL for a comfortable apartment in a quiet huilding. within walking distance of downtown and close to stores, cars and buses. Foyer with immense Closet, Living Room. Bedroom. Bath. Kitchen with REFRIGERA TION Open Concrete PORCH. If you are looking for real value SEE THIS APARTMENT NOW! 1432 R ST. N.W. THE FOLLOWING ARE 2 RMS., kit., d. a. and bath with screened porch: HEATED 4—28.34 39th st. n w. —Refg-$5fi.5n 4—3917 W st. n.w. . _55.50 3— 4500 Conduit rd. n.w_50.50 2— olftl 2nd st. n.w. _ 47.00 4— ltiltt 28th pl s.e - 44 00 UNHEATED. 4—.3934 10th st. n e -$43 50 3— 413 Evarts st. n.e. _43.00 3—419 Kennedv st. n.w_42.50 2—2220 40th st. n.w_42.50 2— 905 Quincy st. n.w-42.50 3— 912 Quincy st. n.e_42.00 3—2712 Oth st. n.e. _41.50 2— 2043 41st st. n.w. -41.50 1—4'14 New Hampshire ave. n.w.._ 41.00 3— 1425 Staples st n.e. _40.50 3— 1705 Trinidad ave. n.e_39.50 4— 332 18th pl. n.e. _39.00 4—1721 Minn. ave. s.e._38.50 6—1149A Oates st. n.e-38.50 .3—1278 Simms pl. n.e__38.n0 1— 1822 Md. ave. n.e. _38.00 1 —1210 Queen st. n.e_37.50 2— 715 Jackson st. n.e_37.50 3— 213 20th st. n.e_37.00 2— 1010 R st. s.e. _37.00 3— 1008 E st n.e. _ _37.00 4— 1211 Holbrook ter. n.e_37.00 1— lpon M st. n.e. _37.00 4—2201 10th st. s.e_37.00 2— lots 18th st. n.e_37.00 2— 1010 17th st. se_37.00 3— 1013 F st n.e _ 30 00 2—220 21st st. n e.. _ _ 30.00 The following are 3 rms., kit., d. a. and bath: UNHEATED. 1743 R. I. ave. n.w. . _$50.00 1— 1505 . 39.50 2— 1734 Mass. ave. s.e.. _ 38.00 B. F. SAUL CO.. _National *’100._0*’5 loth St. N.W. 4319 RIVER RD. Duplex: gas heat: 4 rms.. kit., bath, screened porch: $45. SHANNON * LUCHS CO . 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. THE FRANKLIN, 1151 R. I. AVE. N.E. Apt. of 2 large rooms, kitchenette, di nette. bath and screened porch. Large, modern building with elevator and in cinerator. Office on premises. ’ 3100 CONN. AVE." NW. Opposite Zoo Entrance Unusually large rooms and closets; all electricity free. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath _$55 00 ud 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $70.00 Resident Manager. Columbia 2145. AT 14th AND PARK RD' A very reasonable and complete apartment in a select building on a quiet side street, but close to stores of all kinds, theater, schools, cars and buses. Foyer. Living Room. Bedroom. Dinette. Kitchen, Bath and SCREENED PORCH—all for ONLY $47.50! A good value—and an apartment home you will like' 1.341) KENYON ST. N.W. FLATS. 615 Concord ave. n.w , 3 r., k , b., gas heat _ _ __ $52.50 660 B st. s.e., 3 r.. k . b.. gas heat_ 42.50 504 E st. n.e.. 4 r.. kit., bath . 35.00 1112 S. C. ave. s.e., 4 r„ bath. h.-w.h. 3 ...50 GEORGE I. BORGER. 642 Ind. Ave. N.W. Nat!. 0350. GLOVER PARK DUPLEX, 2514 41st Sr. N.W.—$55. ADt. 1—2 rms. kit., dinette, tile bath trlth shower, screened porch, large rear vard. refrigerator. Venetian blinds, locker space: HEAT. HOT WATER FURNISHED. Open for inspection. FLOYD E DAVIS COMPANY. 733 12th St. N.W._ _Na, 0352. FOR COLORED—2257 12th ST. N.W.—3 rooms, kitchen, bath; *30; heat furnished by tenant. LINKINS CC.. 1622 H st. n.w. FOR COLORED—310 OAKDAI.E PL. N.W. 3 rms. kit., bath; latrobe heat: $35. C. W SIMPSON CO., 1024 Vt. ave. Met. 6700._ NEW COLORED APT. BUILDING. 1206 O ST.—1 R . FT.. 3.. $20. AFFLECK. 242.3 PA.JtVE REP. 6663. APARTMENTS WANTED t'URN. APT, 2 GOV'T EMPLOYES, MEN; living room, bedroom. 2 beds, kitchen, pri vate bath: up to $05. Box 86-X. Star. FURNISHED APT.. 2 BEDRMS.. HEAT. Prefer Takoma Park seer ion. Responsible pune couple with ° rhlldren. Dud. 2060. APARTMENTS SUB. WANTED. SUBLET FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR six months in Buckingham Colonial Village ; pr Clarendon. Chestnut 2QUQ. Ext. P02. 3* | APARTMENTS FUR. OR UNFUR. ALTON APTS., 1445 PARK RD. N.W.— Bachelor apts. 1 and 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath: Frigidaire; elevator. See manager._ 1661 CRESCENT PL. N.W.. APT. 60S—2 attrac. rms bath, grill; elec, refg.; shown by appointment: refs. Adams 061Q._ ATTRACTIVE APTS HIGH-CLASS NETGH borhoods; some furnished Car available on «ppt. MRS GREEN Shepherd 5128_ “ CAN YOU BEAT THIS? In-Town 2-Rm, K. Apt.—$40. Modern, attractive elevator apt. bids.: large, bright rooms: special offer to good tenants. Nicely furn. at slight extra. BLAIR. 1321 M st. n.w.__ NEAR UNION STATION. 5-Rra. Apt., $40—Furn., $50. Modern b’de : large, bright cheery rms.; ftewly decorated. One left- Met, 3115. REAL APT. HOMES. SURPRISING LOW RATES. MODERN—DOWNTOWN. Firetroof bldg.: switchboard, elevator gervice; free ref?.: large corner apt., living rm.. bedrm.. kit., bath foyer: only $52: same apt. without bedroom. $37: choice bachelor apt.. $30: neatlv furn. at slight extra. 1030 R st. n.w. Dupont 6500. WARDMAN PARK HOTEL Connecticut Ave. at Woodley Rd. Attractive apartments from 2 rooms, kitchen and bath to 6 rooms, kitchen and baths, fur nished or unfurnished. Also one-room-and-bath units, furnished, now available. Call Asst. Mgr., Col. 2000 DUPOMT \ CIRCLE I APARTMENTS \ . I Opposite Dupont Circle V ;• j ot Connecticut Ave. i. ? j Offering every comfort V,'<\ 1 j and convenience to a V' , J clientele desirous of a l> - | distinctive home environ j ment. Furnished and M Unfurnished Apartments || Weekly or Monthly :| Rates | Room Service Available From V;i ij Restaurant to Apartment* V; 1 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. I I See Resident Manager B Telephone Mich, 6~01 | MOVING, PACKING b STORAGE. MOVING?—Eliminate all worry, all risk. Merchants accents full responsibility. Padded vans. Trained men." Low rates. Call Merchants. National tittup, _____ "apartments furnished. WYATT APTS., 4520 GA AVE —LIV RM.. bedrm.. k., b.. $58. Also 452fl_ 13th at. n w,. $59. lncl. gas, elec Oe, 1S83. 2538 13th 6T. N.W.—2 ROOMS. LARGE kitchen, nrlvate bath, elec. refe. Also 1 h k. room. Adults. J APARTMENTS FURNISHED. (Continued.) 1006 C ST. N.E.—LARGE ROOM. KITCH enette. sink: completely furnished: $6.50 week._ DUPONT CIRCLE VICINITY — LARGE, attrac. furn. front room. Kitchenette, prl vate bath. Frlgldalre. 1510 21st st, n.w. 2123 TUNLAW RD. N.W.—lst-FLOOR studio room, dressing room, private show er bath and entrance, kitchen; elec, refg., utilities included: $45. Woodley 6002._ IN BROOKLAND—4 ROOMS. KITCHEN bath, large porch. Frlgldalre: near bus and cars$10 month. Michigan 3042._ 1006 EA8T CAPITOL ST.. NR. LIBRARY and Capitol—Large living room, bedrm.. bath. elec. kit. and dinette: very beautifully furnished: avail, Dec.1!. Atlantic 643S._ *55—ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR. 2 ROOMS, kitchen, bath and porch, un'im phone: heat, light, gas. O. E. refg. incl. 1427 Perry pi. n.w. Adams 0715._ 6200 ’2th ST. NW;—3 ROOMS. BATH, a m i.. G. E. refg . usfc of phone; to settled counie. no children: avail, Dec. 1._ 2 ROOMS. KIT.. BATH. WELL FURN.. *45 2.204 W .shington Circle. Dist. 4011, Ext. 3i 3. 0-4:30. Met 0245 after 5 p m. 600 B ST. N.E.—2 RMS.. 2nd FL., NEXT bath: everything furn., pulley line. No ob Jection Infant. $7.50._AtL 0556._ CONCORD APTS.—4 ROO~MS_"KIT.. BATH: fireplace and norrh: antiaue furniture, Oriental rugs: *100, North 4120._ PARKER, 3300 16th ST. N.W. CORNER Park rd.—Best location In Washington: private family; will rent 1 or 2 rooms: kitchen privileges: very low rate. Re public 0577. 0-5 p.m. _ SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM USUAL beehive, one of Wallace Bryant's most desirable, artistic 2-room apartments, up to-date bath and kit., large living room with stunning old fireplace; splendidly furnished: beautiful garden. 3100 Dum barton ave. 4:30 to 6 DUPONT CIRCLE. 1622 P—BfD-LTVTNG rm.. kit . bath: newly dec.: Murphy bed, refg.. shower, phone: 1st floor: *50._ BEFORE RENTING A ONE-ROOM APT., see our one-room compartments: conven ience. without cost. *30 uo everything In cluded _1143 15th st, n.w. Rep. 8544 3* 3323 HOLME AD PL. N.W., NR 14th AND Pa-k rd.—Lge. stdio rm and kit., gas. r"f>' . c.h.w' .>mployed_adults. 5226 ILL. AVE N.W . AT SCHOOL—TWO room aot.. h.-w.h.: SS wk.. $30 mo.; g»s and electric, incl. Children permitted._2* 3546 13th ST. N.W.—STUDIO LIV RM.'. large, cheerful bedrm.: din., kit., newly equipped: pvt. bath; everything furn.; suit able 2 or 3: reas. Adams 0172. _2*_ LADY TO SHARE APT. OF 2 RMS.. KIT. bath, phone, with another; $30. Adams 7626. 718 F ST. N.E.—3 ROOMS. FRIGIDAIRE. gas range, all new: private entrance: prl vate bath: $ 12 week: adults. Lin. 2174 ""4 BUTTERNUT ST. N.W.—DESIRABLE furn. apt., 3 rms.. kit. and bath. elec, refg.: pvt home on car line: oil heat; couple. Phone Georgia 8070._ $35 MONTH. UTILITIES INCLUDED. Quick action necessary. 2 rooms, bath, all modern improvements. 1410 Chapin st.. Apt, 11. •_ DUPONT CIRCLE APT.. CONN. AVE. AND Dupont Circle—1 room and bath attrac tively furnished and convenient to down town. Apt. 1006. call at desk, _* WANTED—GIRL TO SHARE 2-ROOM apartment with another; walking distance; reasonable. Phone Dist,. 7681._4* 001 20th ST. N.W.. APT. 6—YOUNG woman to share attractively furnished 2 room apt, with another.__ 6601 EASTERN AVE.. TK. PK.—ONE room, kitchen, near bath. $22.50 tno. Oas and elec. Lady, Shepherd 3405-R._ 3556 13th ST. N.W.—LARGE. NICELY furn. apt., entire floor, private hath, elec. refg.. $10 per week. Adams 0352._ 3337 17th ST. N.W.—1st FL.. 4 ROOMS, kitchen, hath: furniture art'' floor covering m frYCpi. condition, cni. _ COMPLETELY MODERNISTIC. SMALL apt.. Jiv. rm.. kit., dressing rm.. bath, ac commodates 2; nnlikp anything in Wash ington. erav panelled wahs. chromium trimmed, built-in matching furniture, large set-in mirrors and other trickv devices; $65. 2110 10th st. n.w.. Ant. 20 2114 N ST N.W.—1 ROOM. KITCHEN and hath, electric refrigeration on house. Phone Met. 1823._ 1739 EYE ST. N.W.—1 AND 2 ROOM bachelor ao's.. nicely furn.: e’pc inci.; convenient downtown. District 8548._ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED 1 -ROOM apt. consisting of living room, dressing room. bath, dining alcove and kitchen. Available until Jan. 15th. The Kennedy Warren. Adams 9600.__ 1438 NEWTON ST. N.W.—SPOTLETT basement. 2 ants.. 1 rm. and kit., sinks, Frigidaires. shower: $20 mo.: $28 mo. VERY DESIRABLE APT.—4 RMS BATH; ami. Adults. Shepherd 3097. 120 Willow ave . Takoma Park. Md._ 2001 EYE ST. N.W.—2 FRONT RMS.. KIT. and pvt. bath; completely furnished Ideal location;__near dents, and G. W. U._ CONGENIAL YOUNG MAN DESIRES AN other to share 1-mom end kitchen ap* in refined heme. 1250 10th st. n.w,. Dist. *3766.___ 1342 MONROE ST. N.W.—2 RMS., kitchenette and pvt. bath. $42.50 mo. Also 3 large room*:, femi-ovt. bath. $47.50 mo. 2 rms%. porch, $8.50 wk.. Frigidaire, gaelec. Included,____ SPOTLESS BASEMENT tVERY SMALL). 1 rm.. kit., suitable 1 or 2’ sink, Frigidaire, shower: $20 mo. Rand. 5690._ OATES ST. N.E.. 1232—2 NEATLY FUPu nished rooms. Frigidaire. gas, elec., oil heat: reas Atlantic 4166-J._ LARGE. MODERN AND LIGHT 2-ROOM apt : no objection to small children. 1028 Bladensburg rd. n.e. Atlantic 4859-W._ YOUNG LADY. SHARE 1-ROOM. KITCH en and bath art with another: very rea sonable. 2121 H st. n.w., see res, mgr._ 704 CONCORD AVE. N.W- — NICELY equipped liv. rm.. davenport; larce kit,. Frigidaire. gas. elec . c.h.w.; adults, gen tiles: conv. trans.: $45._ TWO BEDROOMS. 2 BATHROOMS. LARGE dining room, living room. si‘ting room with bed couch and fo'-er hall. $125 month for Jan.. Feb.. March 1870 Wvomine ave, Apt. 402. Ph De. 1880. Maid if desired. __3* LADY TO SHARE WITH ANOTHER. 50-50 basis. Call after 4 at Apt. 453. The West moreiand. Hobart 4134.3* THREE LARGE POOMS AND BATH. A M I : adults. Mi. 7781.__*_ 223 10th ST. N.E.—1 ROOM. KIT.. PVT. bath and entrance; c h.w . heat. gas. light, Frigidaire incl.: 2 adults._ 1319 COL. RD. N.W.—FRONT. LGE. BED liv. rm.. kit., refg.. sink, c.h.w.: very desir able. warm, reas.: adults. _ SUBLEASE 1, MONTH. BEAUTIFULLY furn. 2-room apt., nr Conn. a*e.; reason able: references. Adams 0317-J_ 1288 MORSE ST. N.E—BEDROOM AND kit, completely furn, Frigidaire. linens, unlim. phone: garage: Trinidad bus at door. 1112 HOLBROOK ST. N.E.—2 ROOMS, semi-bath: g, h, 1, elec, refg, sink, range: adults: $35.____ WILL SHARE WITH 1 OR 2 LADIES. AT tractive 3-rm, kit, bath ant, or rent separate rm.: avail, now. Cotumbia 7744, Apt, 313-W. eves. Clifton Terrace._ MASS. AVE. AT 22nd ST, 2148 FLA. AVE. n.w.—1 rm. and kitchenette, pvt. ent.; maid service: $35. 808 E ST. N.E.—ONE ROOM. KITCHEN and private bath: reasonable rent._ 821.3 14th ST. N.W.—CHRISTIAN ADULTS, private home. 2nd floor, living and bed reojn. kitchen, private bath, a.m.l._ CHEVY CHASE AFTS —AT CIRCLE: COM pjetelv furn, large 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath: Steinway grand piano: from Dec. 18th to Dee. 30th. $40. Emerson 2888. WANTED. COUPLE TO SHARE COMFORT able ant. or rent room, close in, $25 mo. Dupont 4001,__ 2135-1747 F ST. N.W.—2-ROOM STUDIO apt, pvt. bath. Electrolux refg, $35-S40 trict 2135._ 7019 GEORGIA AVE.. APT. 507—1 RM, sun porch, dressing rm, kit, dinette, completely furn, inci. utilities. Geo. 4518. NEW BUILDING. LIVING RM, BEDRMS, kitchen, dinette, hath: new furn.: latest kit. equip, shower: 14th st. shopping district: 880. 1215 Randolnh st. n.w, Geo. 3900. WESTCHESTER — BEAUTIFUL CORNER apt, kit, bedrm, dining, living solarium, bath: grand piano. Sublet. Emerson 9H8. LA SALLE APT.—YOUNG LADY TO share attractive apt.: reasonable. Call Met. 2161. Ext. 730. after 6 P.m._ 7019 GEORGIA AVE N.W, THE DAHLIA, opposite Walter Reed Hospital. Apply Apt 112._ COMFORTABLE. WELL FURNISHED. 1 rm, k. ar.d b . large closet, Murphy bed with inner-spring mattress, studio couch; reasonable: available immediately. 37(»1 13th st. n.w._ 2* 2145 CALIFORNIA ST. N W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, nicely fur nlshed. Call resident mgr, Dupont 1674, FURN.—APARTMENTS—UNFURN. FREE CAR AND GUIDE. NATL. 8706. EVES, WIS. 6736-J. <141 NEW YORK AVE.rN.W._ 1215 16th ST. N.W. Nicely furn, single and bath apts.: maid. linen, elec.: resident manager._ 1840 PARK ROAD. Nicely furn. 1-rm.. porch apt.: ideal loca tion: gas, elec, on house current: $35. PARK LEE, 1630 PARK RD. Excellent location: attractive living-bed room, spacious dressing room, dinette, kitchen, bath, shower: elevator, Frigidaire: $48 to $53. Hobart 7498.__ EXTREMELY LOW RENT. The Traymore. 1717 17th st. n.w— Beautifully furn, consisting of 1 large liv ing rm, reception hall, dinette, kitchen, bath: Frigidaire: including linens and dishes: 2 large clothes closets. Reduced to 542 50. Apply manager.__ BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED AND AIR CONDITIONED. The Marlyn Apartments present to dts i criminating tenants several three-room : apartments, just completed by W. & J. ' Sloanc This famous furniture-decorating house has created unusual furnishings for' these bedroom, iiving room, dining alcove, all-electric kitchen and bath apartments. Every loom has individual air conditioning, and the location is superb. Phone Emerson 970(1 for an inspection appointment, day time or evening. MARLYN APARTMENTS, 39th St. at Cathedral Ave. SEE THESE APARTMENTS. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, furnished, $57.60 and $55.50. Parking apace. One of the best locations In city. At Rock Creek Park between Taft end the new Calvert 8t. Bridges. 2410 20th st. n.w.. res. mgr. h APARTMENTS FURNISHED. (Continued.) CHOICE 4-RM., PORCH, $60. Modern n.w. bldg.: conv. location: very Urge rooms, splendidly turn., rest fireplace. Argyle. 3220 17th st n.w. Col. 3474._ 1633 16th N.W., COR. R. Second fl.. 3 rms., modern bath: new and beaut, fum.. distinctive; three ex posures; delightful meals.___ London Hall Apt. Hotel 1133 13th St. N.W. Bed-living rm., dress, rm., kit., bath; elec., gas, linen. Frigidaire. $3 Day; $15 Week up $50 Month up Natl. 9010. COLORED^25 24th ST. N.E.—4-ROOM furnished apt. Can be seen by appointment only. Call Atlantic 0008._ FLATS FOR RENT. 2512*2 24th ST. N.E.—3 ROOMS. BATH, Areola heat: $25. Phone North til 83. PARK VIEW. 5 R. AND B., A.M.I.. PINE repair, $32.50 mo. Chevy Chase, fi r. and b., a.m.i . $70.50; trade $5.5(10 equity for clear farm N. E RYON CO., 1210 N Y. ave. National T0H7.__ APARTMENT1_SUBURBAN UNFURN.. 4 LARGE. SUNNY RMS . TILE bath. shor sr. mod Kit., elec refer , oil | heat, c.h.w, large yard: best, sec Hyatts., | Md Hyatts t>4-R National_l 1[HR. __4*_| CLARENDON—NEW. LARGE I IVING RM . porch, bedrm bath, kit.- heat and refg.; ** block to bug: $50. Chestnut 1047. HYATTSVILLE. 13 BANNER ST.. 2 UN furn. rooms, kitchenette. ha*h. unlimited Phone. Adults. Greenwood 2R43. DECATUR HEIGHTS—2 RMS.. KIT . PVT. bath untilrn . heat. ga.c. elec . c.h.w., in new home. Greenwood 1055-W. UNFURNISHED, 3 ROOMS. KIT. AND private hath in oulpt home. Heat. gas. i eler. 1514 N. Veitch, Arlington. Chest nut 2710.___3*_ COLLEGE PARK—LOVELY 5-ROOM APT . tile ba*h and shower, oil heat: modern in every way: 4 blocks from University of Maryland. Call_Berwyn 382-W:_ UNFURNISHED—ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR. 3 rooms, private bath and garage. Phone Alexandria 3004. HYATTSVILLE. 12 PERCY ST —2 RMS . kitchenette, semi-pvt. bath; unfurn. Greenwood 2544-J.__ FURNISHED. 3701 COLUMBIA PIKE. AR liugton. Va.—1 room and kitchen, on bus line. 15 m_in. downtown: a.m.i., electric refrigerator: gentiles: $35. NEARBY VA.—NEW APT. BLDG. Adjoining LYON VILLAGE, nearing com pletion, occupanc'- Dec. 15: liv. rm.. din. alcove, bedrm.. kit., colorful shower bath, porch: SPACIOUS rms. and closets: cor ner step 1 windows. VENETIAN BLINDS, ventilatmrr fans. AMPLE OXFORD CABI NETS. package receivers. Electrolux refg.: SOUND PROOFING. INSULATFD incin erator. locker, laundry. SCREENED STJN DECK. INDIVIDUAL THERMOSTAT. OIL HEAT CONTROL: con -, stores. 10c bus; restricted clientele. McIAINE builder, :»30Q. Chest. 3301 evenings. _ ARLINGTON, VA., •2109 N. UPTON ST. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath $36-537 Good Condition. MOUNT VERNON CORPORATION. _ 2nd Floor Machinists Bldg. NA. 5536. CO-OPERATIVE jAPTS. FOR SALE. HAMPSHIRE GARDENS—BRIGHT APT.' liv. rm . bedrm.. din.. Vit.. bath. 208 Farragut sf.. Apr. 302. Emerson 1327. CONN. AVE. AT PORTER—FOYER. L. R., I b.r.. dinette, kit., large rooms; A-l con- | dition: will sacrifice. Bov 121-V. Star. ROOMS FURNISHED. 1337 TUCKERMAN N.W.—In new home' j A new bedrm. set. Extra large rm Free | phone and all conv.: nr transn. You will feel at home. 1 or 2 people._Rand. 6933 4319 15th ST. N.W.—Large front master i bedroom, private shower bath c h.w.; near I cars, bus: for 1 or 2. Col. 2847._ 2700 CONN AVE.. Apt. 110—Furnished1 room in apartment in Wardman Park Building. Adams 8206_ 1420 N ST. N.W—Walking distance to town: two nicely furn. front rooms, next to bath: twin beds_ 1414 SHEPHERD ST. N.W—Attractive, front, double room: new furniture: adjoin ing bath- convenient car lines. 3 minutes from Park rd. Georgia 2633 after 5 p m. n* 26 'KENNEDY ST. N.E—Nicely furn. rm~ pvt. home Also rm.. pvt. bath; Simmons mattr,. springs._Rand. 6053._ NEAR 16th AND DECATUR—targe studio room or corner bedroom, attractively fur nished to suit 1 or 2 refined gentlemen: oil h ea tusej?f_garage._Randolph 5375 2* 1731 20th ST—Small exclusive ppl Gen tleman with beautiful apartment will rent room and bath, breakfast if desired to an other high-clars gentleman. 535 _ 2* 1816 WILSON BT.VdT Colonial Vil.—Large room for lady. Rpp. 8635._2*_ M ST. N.W.. iust off Conn, ave . at 1710— Bright front room, twin beds, large closet, maple furniture. $27.50 Apt. 2._1 • 917 20th ST. N.W —Front room, twm bee's, nicely f-.rn.: reas.: near depts. and G. W U. After 2 p.m._ 2• 904 23rd ST N W.. near Interior Dept and G W U.—Sincle and double rooms. $2.50 up. Dist. 0202. *_ 5629 KANSAS' AVE. NW.—Verv desir Btle. corner single room for gentleman in private home: all convenierc*s; bu^es every few minutes. Georgia 2003 before 9:30 a.m , pr after 6 pm._2* 2812 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W—Nicely fur nished smg’e and double rooms. Rates reasonable_Call Emerson 6986. 1642 ARGONNE"PLACE NW—Front mas ter bedroom. 3 closets, twin beds, porch, semi-private bath • Columbia 0914-J. 2014 CONN. AVE.—Desirable Igo. front double studio rm.: twin beds, inner-spring mattresses. $20 ea. Decatur 6487._ 1431 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—Nicely furn. room, kitchenette. 2nd fl.. water. $6.50. Newly dpc. bedroom. $5._ 1834 COLUMBIA RD —53 wk. single rms.: double $5 Clean, outside: 4 baths, c h w : basement rm., $2.50; men. Ad a ms 10213. THE VIVIAN. 1723 O st n w. offers lovely rms.. all with running water newly deco rated and furn * tnner-snrine mattresses. Venetian blinds showers switchhd elev : single. $6 50 wklv un: ribles.._$8 50 up GORDON HOTEL on beautiful 16th st.. between Eye and K—Lovely rooms wi*h running water: single from 57.50 weekly: double from $10.50 weekly: with bath from 512.50 weekly: 24-hr elevator and switch board service: excellent dining room. 1753 N ST. N.W.—Clean, comfortable', single and double rooms, newly capered ard painted: rates reas. DOWNTOWN. 1219 VERMONT AVE— Front base. 2 rms.. very warm. pvt. shewer, suit. 4 gent.. $3.50 wk each. Others. 1437 PARKWOOD PL NW.—Comfort', furn., warm rm adjoin, bath, showrr: conv. location: young people: $20. Col. 1936-J FRONT ROOM with pvt. bath, twin teds, recreation room privileges: express bus. 6111 3rd st. n.w, Randolph 1688._ MT. PLEASANT—Master bedroom, private 2-piece bath: block transp.; single, $25; double. $30. Adams .5297. r_ 2007 BELMONT RD.—Newly dec., attrac tive, quiet room; $6 week. Phone Colura bia 5411._ 4* CO-OPERATIVE CLUB. 1607 Eye st. n.w — Ideal downtown location; showers, comfort; $4 wk. up; hot water always; good heat. 1338 TAYLOR ST. N.W.—Front room, private home, conveniently located._ 817 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W.—Front room, cont. hot water, semi-private bath; rea sonable, Georgia 5339. 1953 BILTMORE ST. N.W.—Large room, twin bads, suitable for 2 or 3; southern excos.: reasonable. 1011 k ST. N.W.—Small, clean room for gentlemen. $10 month: c.h.w. 25 BUCHANAN ST* N.E.—New home with new furniture: one double and 2 single rooms. Georgia 2198,_ 1215 TEWKESBURY PL. N.W.—Large front rm. with shower. Jewish couple desired. Rand. 3699._ 1220 O ST. N.W.—Single and dou. well heated and ventilated rms. Can be seen Sat. night or Snntiay afternoon._ 5809 6th ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished room, semi-private bath: conv. transporta tion: reasonable. Georgia 3830._ 1712 PENNA. AVE. N.W.—Front rm.. new twin beds, for one or two; semi-private bath. National 5983. 1816 PARK RD.—Private home, modern conv., choice surroundings; breakfast privi leges; emoloyed person; satisfaction as sured. Adams 0759,_4*_ 6219 12th 'st] N.W.—Attractively fur nished, convenient, suitable 2. Georgia 4207. NEAR 14th ST. N.W.—Furnished room. 1 or 2 employed ladies: homelike; reason able. Phone Hobart 7546._ 3631 JENIFER ST. N.W.—Front beoroom. private bath. 5 windows, unlimited rhone; one or two. Emerson 1336._3* WALKING DISTANCE: near Dupont Cir cle. 2119 O n.w.—Warm front single room, semi-private bath, $3.50 wk.; gentle naan.___* ' 1423 R ST. N.W., Apt. 11—Bright outside room, twin beds, singie or double,_• ROOMS FURNISHED. 186(1 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—Large, bright, comfortable rooms, big closets, bath. hall. porch:_oil heat; private home._4*_ NEAR CHEVY CHASE CTRCLE—Attractive room, large closet, convt. trans.. unlim. Phone: gentleman. Emerson 3440.__ 710 A ST. EE.—Lovely front room, south ern exposure, twin beds, automatic heat, c.h.w.. unlim. phone: S3 week each._ 1448 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Large front rm.. lnner-spr mattress, 4 windows: sing, or double: next to bath. Columbia 7164. i207 CLIFTON ST. N.W.—Single front irm.. It. closet; next to bath: c.h.w.; $3.76 wk. Men only. Adnu 4630. ROOMS FURNISHED. (Continued.) 618 QUEBEC PL N.W.—Lovely^ large, bright, sunny, well-furn. rm.; plenty heat; pvt. porch: unlim. phone; $6.25 wk. Adams 5456._ DUPONT CIRCLE—8mall room. *16; c - h.w.: oil heat; bus and cars 1 block. 1036 19th st. n.w. North 813 4._ 1844 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—2nd fl. rm.; twin beds. 2 refined employed people; *3.50 each per week. References required. 630 8th ST. S.W. — Handsomely furn. room, lor couple or 2 young men; Frig idaire. Also single for gentleman._ 77 V ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished room with porch, next baih: inner-spring mat tress. auto, heat. Near bus and cars. _ 600 Oth ST. N E.—2 light housekeeping rooms; Frigidaire. heat, light, sink; $7.50 week. Lincoln 3 204._ PARKER. 3300 16th st. n.w.. corner Park rd.—Best location in Washington; private family will rent attractive rooms kitchen privileges: very low rate. Phone Republic 0577. 0-5 p.m._ 1220 CRITTENDEN ST. N.W.—Single front room, nicelv furnished, large closet £jace: unlim. phone: pvt, home._ PETWORTH. 428 Taylor st. n.w.—Front room, next to; all conv.; bus or car. Adams 1650._ GLOVER PARK—For a discriminating per son sinale newly furnished room, next to shower bath: excel, transp._Emer. 7086. 1931 CALVERT ST N.W—Lge. bright rms.: also cozy single: conv. transp.: de licious^ food: board opt- Adams 0552._ 1703 R. I. AVE N.W.—Conveniently lo cated: large rooms: running water, show ers: $5 week and up.__ 3443 HARVARD ST. N.W.. Apt. 2—Large furnished room in apt. Prefer couple or two girls._3_ CHEERFUL ROOM adloinlng bath, shower; Vs block ,16th street bus: new private home. Evemngs, Randolph 6238._ THE WESTMINSTER. 1607 17th n.w.— comfortable rooms. running_water. inner spring mattresses: single. $5 un: doubles. $7 un. Showers, elevator. Attractive lobby ASTLEY MANOR. 1913 G s . n w —Dou ble and single rooms, next to shower and bath, running water in each room._ 1424 9th ST. N.W.—Large front room, kitchen, bath. $6 50: also 1 h.k. room. $4: oil hea*. c.h.W. Duponi 2681. "UNUSUALLY PRIVATE nn foor to :t*=elf new. large bedroom. hMh. small den: three closet1-: pontiles onlv; very rea.conaole. 6616 i iii st n.w _:i 1343 EUCLID N.W.-Ltrge parlor bed sittine room. 1st floor. 4 windows; for 2; $•>: also single. _ J404 OGDEN ST N.W.—Lovely modern furnished room. *5 weekly, next to bath. Use of phone ___ 22 L7 WASHINGTON CIRCLE (23rd and Pa. ave n.w.)—Double and single room; warm, comfortably furnished- singl** beds; semi-private bath: walking distance; dou ble._$7: single. $4.___3_ 1476 MERIDIAN PL. N.W—Single or dou ble room: familv of two adults: maid serv ic(: convenient neighborhood___ SCOTT CIRCLE. 1621 R. I.—Rm.. kitchen ette Single rm Abundant lights, heat, linens, serv. Home._Trajjs consid._ DUPONT CIRCLE. 1680 19th st —Large front rm. newly decorated: twin beds; noreh^ For gentlemen. Homey atmosphere. 1841 COLUMBIA RD N.W—Beautifully furn. twin bedrm. in spacious an* . adj. hath: breakfast if desired._Col. 7452._ 1773 T ANTER PL. N.W., Apt. 31. nr 18th, Col. rd—Twin beds, next bath. S ng’e. $5; double. $7._ Adams 8946-J._ 633 K ST N F.—Large, warm room: next to bath and shower. Private home, g£n t!eme,-'> $3 week_ 810 EYE ST. N E —Attractively furn. rooms for hskDg. $5-$6.50 Sleeping r^oms, $3-9-1 Fverythine_fur-i^Linc. 7958-W._ 1447-14 49 MA«S. AVE N W Q ncle room. rirmhi® tn-in rnnninr water. *7. Double room with dining-kitchen, Frigidaire. $10 NR MT PLEASANT CAR. 16th st. bus LaV7P r^om. chw. maid «erv . *20- with ear«*ge. *25 Ad. 2223 3350 17th st n.w. MERRILL MANSIONS.' L'Wl Fairmont nw —Bach. ant. pvt. b. *$: rms. b. *5-$7; rm (man). $3.50: l.h.k rms.. $7-$10. 1227 N ST. N.W—! 2 and 3 rooms for housekeepme- *’ basement rooms. $5 week. 127 12th ST N.E.—Single and double room', near bath: nicely furnished: unlim ited p_hone Atlantic 8903 1916 BILTMORE ST. N W -Well-kept basement room, shower, toilet and wash basin. $12 Columbia 7255 _____ _ 1112 LAMONT ST N W —Girl to share room with another; home privileges. Apply after 5 p m__ 1410 m ST N W.. Apt. 505—Bedrm., semi private bath, kitchen privilege: refined gen tleman. $25. Rep 3260 after 4 p ny 20th AND PARK RD. N W —Large front room, private bath rrodemistic furniture: unlimited nhorr $.30. 20th and ^ark rd n w. Col 0544 _3* 1633 IRVING ST. N.W.—Good location, le. double rms.. nicely fur*. . twin beds. oil heat, pood trans._Columbia 3178. 1417 PARK RD. N.W.. Apt. 24—Attractive larp« room comfortable bed. inrer-spring mattress; 1 or 2; reas. Adams 0528. l f28 VARNUMST. N.W.—Master bedroom, newly furnished, twin beds, private bath, shower; unlimited^ phone; reasonable. ALTtJRAS. 1509 16th st. n.w.—Conven iently located: 24-hour elevator and hotel service: shower baths: *5 week up. 5th AND PFABODY N W —Twin-bed rm.. 1 h.k., for employed adults. *30: on ex press bus line._Randolph 1954. NR. DUPONT CIRCLE. 1717 20th n.w. Apt. 3n0—Larcc front bright room, big closet, unlim. ext. tel.; refs 3310 16th ST. N.W.. cor Park rd.—Lar?e single room, next to bath: *20 per mo.; for employed: unlim._phone._ 1802 LAMONT ST. NW.—Single. 2nd floor, south, screened oorch. nd’acent bath; phone, laundry privileges; women 1371 COLUMBIA RD N.W.—Laree’ double room twin beds, npxt bath. $0; single rooms. *3_and *4 Clean, quiet, warm._ 3312 l*th ST N.E.—Bricht front room. !arj?e closet near bath: semi-detached home. Decatur 4559-M 1 1 (»3 13tb ST N W.—Well-heated, desirable 1 h k rooms, southern expos,. $<> and $6.50 weekly. _ _ NEAR BUREAU "OF" STANDARDS, “in’own er's lovely, new. detached home; 2 rms. private bath each: gentlemen: parking. Emerson 1678. ___ VERY LARGE DOUBLE ROnM. 2nd floor, from: board optional. 3032 N st. n.w. Call Michigan 0059.___ 1717 EYE ST N w.—Cozy, well-heated. at tractively furnished sinvJe rooms, for ladies, $17.50 and $20 month. __ 1718 17th ST. N.W—Nicely furnished rooms, clean, comfortable: newly decorated; single. *1 up: double. $b up. NR. WARDMAN PARK HOTEL—2nd floor, adj. bath; lovely home: $20 2710 Cathe dral ave. n.w. Columbia 5486._ DUPONT “CIRCLE. 1773 Church st. n.w.— N’cely furnished room, semi-private bath, *4. Decatur 3465._ 5614 14th ST. N.W.—Bright 2nd-floor room, near oath: detached home; near cars, buses. Phone Georgia 0609_ 406 B ST. NE—Comfortable room, attrac tively furnished; in private home of three adults.____ 1331 RITTENHOUSE ST N.W.—Master bedroom, private bath, unlimited phone in room._Randolph 5667._ PRINCE KARL HOTEL. 1901 K st. n.w — Attrac rooms, inner-spring matt : running water in every room: shower baths: 24-hr. switch., sec. serv.. elevator. Reas_ rates._ 1604 K N.W—Studio room, newly deco rated and furnished: single-double: flre places. srmij-bath__3* 1907 N ST. N.W.—Nicely furn. twin beds, next b-«th. chw.. lrg. closet, unlim. phone. l.h.k. if desired._ 1370 SPRING RD. N.W.—Large, bright, front room, near bath; conv. trans.: ch.w. 1305 RITTENHOUSE N W—Single room, newly decorated, next to bath. $15 monthly. 1825 MONROE sfT N.W.—Nicely furnish ed entire floor, 2 r., kit., b., Frigidaire and Electrolux.___4 • PETWGRTH. 5119 New Hampshire ave. n.w.—Warm, nicely furnished, next bath: new home :_express_bus.__3* 1712 TAYLOR ST. N.W.—For gentleman; conv. bus and 14th st. cars; reasonable. Call Columbi a_2 fin (L_ GLOVER PARK—Nice single room In pri vate home; on bus line. Phone Emerson 7131._ DUPONT CIRCLE. 2116 O st. n.w.—Lge. room with kitchenette. $8; hall room. $3.50: both adi. bath: pvt., house._ 3009 WARDER ST. N.W.—Large room, next to bath; $15 month._ 2700 RODMAN ‘ RD. N.W.—Private bath, large rock house: second house in the woods back of Broadmoor Apartments^ 521 14t,h ST. S.E.—1 single and 1 double room; dean, neatly furnished; Instant, hot water; near car line and walking dis tance Navy Yard. Reasonable.__ LOVELY CORNER ROOM In private Jew ish home- use of phone and recreation room: $16._Georgia 3981. COLUMBIA HOTEL. 2125 G st. n.w.— Conv to many Govt, bldgs.: clean, nicely furn : single and double rooms, twin beds: hot and cold run. water, showers: 24-houi desk service: $6 and $8 wk.: monthly rates, T3"7 L ST. N.W.—Lovely lst-floor i.h.k. room with range and running water, $6 weekly._______ 1219 TRINIDAD AVE NE—Bright, clean: new furniture, inner-spring mattress, c.h.w., $4 for one: $6 for two. Atl. 2047 . 3* DOUBLE ROCM, PRIVATE BATH. N»wlv decorated; maid service; reason able. 1728 P st.2* “THE MAURY,” 701 19th st nw. —100 beautifully furn. single and twin oedrooms. running water, near showers and tub baths. Inner-soring mattresses, elevator Nicely furnished recep tion room; single. 87 wk UP; double. $8 wk. THE LAFAYETTE HOTEL, lfith AND EYE STS. N.W. Special rates now in effect: $50 for one person. $55 for two. with double bed: $tf(l for two with twin beds. All rooms with tub, shower bath and radio._ POTOMAC HOTEL, 18th and H s's. n.w.—Convenient to all Government bldgs and downtown, excell, cafeteria Inner-spring mattresses through out. Large, light rooms from $8 per wk with running water. $10 with rvt. bath. Natl. 9216_ COURT HOTEL. Newly furnished, clean, airy rooms: $4 wk. and up. $1 per day and up. 41C 6th st. n.w. Met. 6865._ 1748 QUE. First floor: bpth: maid service: 1- 2. 8 or 4 persona $20 each. Redecorated. Im. 0047 8* A ROOMS FURNISHED. 2037 CONN. AVE. Desirable rooms, with or without pvt. bath; single and double. i ROOMS FUR. & UNFUR. LARGE. ATTRACTIVE. WARM ROOM, next bath: adult family: walkins distance; sin ale or double: $!.'>. $ld._Dl. .'>133.• 3* 1”75 N. H. AVE N.W.—Unusually Ige. bay window, find fir . front: quiet home; nr. stores, cars. 10 min. Treasury._ ROOMS UNFURNISHED^ DOWNTOWN. 1»’l» K sf. n.w.—Warm, bright room: single or suite; cooking priv.; from $16 mo. or will furnish. Dupont 0307. 521 14th ST. S.E.—Large front room, large kitchen, gas. electricity and heat, in stantaneous hot water: near car line and Navy Yard. Reasonable._ DOWNTOWN. 101!) K it. n.w. — Warm, bright room: single or suite, from $16 mo. or will furnish. Dupont 0307._ 123 loth ST. N.E.—2 large front rooms: BAs. elec, included, $25 month. Phone Lincoln 5420.__ TAKOMA PARK MD —Choice of 2 bright, clean bedrooms. 1 with running water. Con genial surroundings; $13 to $18. Shrp. 303141.___ COLORED—68 M ST. N.W.—2 unfurnish ed looms for light housekeeping. Reason able. ROOMS WANTED._ COUPLE desire lars* bedroom and sitting room, furnished, with large closets and pri vate shower bath 'connected*, in private 1mmediatc suburb. Box 86-V. Star. 3* SUBURBAN ROOMS._ ARLINGTON. VA.—Large single. double rm . excellent table: homelike environment; garage. 1 732 N. Veitch sL_Ch. 6718. _ TAKOMA PARK—Corner room, private bath, well furn suitable 1 or 2; garage optional. Call Shepherd 4723-J. CLEAN. QUIET ROOM, inner-spring mat tress: next bath; no other roomers. Chest nut 17ni._2*_ ROOMS WITH BOARD 1438 KENNEDY ST. N W —A~ well-appoint ed. detached home, delightful room next bath._showcr:_exceilent food: reasonable._ THE ~ BANCROFT. 1627 19th st. n.w.— Beautiful rooms private semi-private bath^_reas : meals op!ional;_excellent_food. 5310 14th ST N W—Attrac . large room in det. home, select meals; one or two; p^vate family___3* 1219 16th ST. N.W.—Below Scott Circle: within walk dist Govt, offices: double I room, pvt bath excel meals._ 1776 MASSACHUSETTS AVE N.W—A dis I tinctive home for young people in an un | surpassed location, Reasonable.__ MT PLEASANT. 1608 Monroe st. n.w.— Double room twin beds c.h.w.: home i cooking: oil heat; reasonable. Col. 3 051. ! 3149 16th ST. N.W.—Unusual guest home. 1 built for an embassy: all rooms are large | and light, reasonable rates. _ i CHEVY CHASE—Lovely room, twin beds, delicious meals: large grounds; home Driv | ileges: verv leasonable. Wis. 4672._ ; DOWNTOWN—Attractive single, double rooms, running water, twin beds excellent 1 food. 1326 Vermont ave. n.w. $30 np._ ]1410 16th N.W.—Suite for 3. private bath: also double, nicely furnished, phones in | each: excellent meals_ 1407 16th ST N.W.—Warm double rm , ! connecting bath: switchboard: excel, meals; also single vacancy, young lady.__ ! 1822 LAMONT ST N W —Vacancies. 58 weekly up. Best food, fresh vegetables: | brick garage: 55 mont.h_ Adams 5223. 5* 1 1356 OTIS PL. N.W.—Near Cavalier Hotel Le bright rm . nicely furn . pvt. home, dou or twin beds. Excel, meals._ DOWNTOWN. 1219 Vermont Ave.—Select; su:t. 2. $7.59 wkiy. ea : c -h.w : best foods. Very_warm Others. Met. 7204_ 1817 F ST. N W—Large double rooms: near Gcvernmen* hides. Good home-cooked meals_Rate?. S31 and 535._ CHEVY CHASE. D. Y . 3749 Oliver st.— Single and double rms.: excellent meals: pvt, home: very reas. Emer. 1329_ 5008 TLLTNOTS AVE N.W.—lively front ; suitable f°r thren $35 eqrh. 3 meals. I Middle room, suitable two. 535 each._ ; 1629 K ST. N.W.—Attractive single, double rooms, semi-private baths: wonderful repu tat’on_for home-cooked meals: reas. 8*_ 1411 KENNEDY ST N.W.—Nicely fur nished front room: newly decorated: semi private bath: private home, excellent food. _8*_ 1626 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—2 AT tractive doubles. 1 single: phone every room, ample closets, studio furniture, every room a living room: hotel service, selective menus: walking distance.__ WANTED—Married couple or two ladies to share lovely room and board in exclusive Northwest section: unlimited Dhone; 585 for 2 or $50 single. Emerson 3140._ 1436 WHITTIER ST. N.W.. vicinity 16th and Alaska. Large double rm.. pvt. bath, with meals. New air-rond. home, excel. cook and maid. Rand. 2007._ 2521 CONN AVE. N W opp. Shoreham— Warm, attractive, newly decorated: inner spring: ample baths and close's. Delicious home-cooked_mealj3_535_up._Adams 6415. 8fp 21 st ST. N.W.—For dependable young married cou.p’e or 2 young ladies. First class home and privileges. 1519 VARNUM ST. N W.. off 16th—Large, front single room, adjoining bath; excellent meals; private home: reas._ 5505 7th ST. N.W—Large front room, twin bed*:, to share with young lady; next to bath: unlim. phone: Jewish home._ WOULD you L.iis.fc to room ana Doara with a congenial groun of young Govt, emploves? Excel, meals: conv. transp.; only 2 vacancies. 2316 10th st. n.w._ LARGE FRONT ROOM, wholesome meals: recreation room: unlim. Phone; gentlemen pref.: home privileges. Mich. 6336._ WELL-FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM for two. with board. $S0 mo. Phone Georgia 5380._ _ ____ ‘ OLD ENGLISH.” 1635 QUE ST. N.W. Studio or bed rooms, showers, running water: individual dining room service: se iective menu: switchboard: $36 up. 4* TERRACE HALL. 1445 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. N.W. Desirable Single Room. Also Large Double, Newly Decorated. Run. Water. Del. Food. Spacious Dining Room. Reas. Rates. 7* MERIDIAN HOUSE, 2401 15th n.w.. odd. Meridian Park—Dou ble with Dvt. bath Also single. Excellent food : switchboard service: $35 and $40. • THE WHITELEIGH, lflOfi-OS NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W Lovely guest house for young people. Reas, rates Delicious food. Mich. 0536. Bolivian Club, 1633 16th St. N.W. Single rms.. modern baths. Distinctive accommodations Ladies and gentlemen: beaut, turn.; unusual table._ 2800 13TH N.W.— THE HILLCREST. 1st and 2nd floor front rooms, sunny; Virginia cooking: reas.; free parking. 1401 16th ST. N.W. Ideal residence for business people. Pri vate baths, showers; attractive lounges; selective menus: switchboard service._ 2101 WYOMING AVE. N.W., Corner of Conn.—Completely remodeled: all new furniture: inner-spring mattresses: home cooking: delicious food; switchboard service, singles, doubles, triples available. Phone Dupont 3630. ATTENTION. 1743 18th ST. N.W.—JUST OPENING. Everything new. Studio rooms, fireplaces, maple furniture, inner-spring mattresses. House completely redecorated. Lowest rates. Delicious home-cooked meals. Hobart 6136. IMPORTANT. 1408 MASS. AVE. N.W.. Is under new. experienced management, providing the utmost in living at moderate cost. Selective menu. Close in. Di. 5477 4* OPP. WARDMAN PARK, Woodley Inn, 285.3 Woodley rd.—Desirable vacancies. Adams 0523. _ JUST OPENING. 1533 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Newly furnished home for young women, with unusual home atmosphere and cook ing. Hobart 8606.__ STUART HALL, 1704 18th ST. N.W.. AT R MICH. 8800. CONSULT THOSE WHO LIVE HERE Tour lnsnectlon Invited. Rates from S40. h ROOMS WITH BOARD. (Continued.) BELMONT GARDENS, 1750 it ST. N.W., DUPONT 0706. MORE THAN A BOARDING SOUSE, LESS THAN AN 3QTEL. HOUSES FURNISHED. UT. PLEASANT—COMFORTABLY FUR lished. good condition; 4 bedrooms, oil leat; spacious lawn, large trees; $70. Col. ri8i._ NORTHWEST SECTION—12 ROOMS. 3 saths, gas heat, garages, laundry; immense pard: gentleman to retain one room with joard. Rent. $30. Box 75-V. Star._3* DEAR'S LEASE—COMPLETELY. ARTISTI :allyvfurnished: O-room, bath modern brick, nearly res. suburb. Porch. lg\ lawn and tirden, fr#»es. vines, shrubs; oil heat: incl. zaraee; elec. refg. and appliances, fireplace, ovely linens and silver. Large sunny •ooms. Reas, to refined, responsible idults only. Owner leaving city. Shcp lerd 1673-J._ HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOME. ~hevy Chase. Five bedrooms, three baths, idults. Box 68-V. Star. _3• OLD ALEXANDRIA—$75. OR UNFUR aished. a m.i.: newly renovated, ft rooms, 2 fireplaces; antiques, terrace. 710 Wolfe st. 3* jEOROETOWN — DELIGHTFUL HOUSE, newly decorated. JO rooms, 4 baths, large warden, automatic heat, garage. STORY AND CO., MET. 4100. 4433 YUMA ST. N.W. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. Beautiful detached stone-and-frame bouse, situated on a nice Jot. Firfct floor— Living room, dining room, kitchen and Dorch. Second floor—Three bedrooms and wo baths. Third floor—finished attic. Comfortably furnished. Delightfully lo oted for Army or Navy people. W. C. At A. N MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1110 17th St. N.W. Phone Dist. 4404. Evenings and Sunday, Phone WO. 0503. HOUSES FUR. OR UNFUR. S405 N. H AVE.—7 RMS, 2 K, 2B„ H - A h., gas, elec.: suit, two congenial families, ^so-$i>5 mo. Key. 5101 N. H. ave. Geo. 1 **3 ' 1414 MONTAGUE N.W. Detached, ft rooms, breakfast room, classed sleeping porch, oil heat: rngidaire; yard; garage; small apt in ba'-oment: re fin ished _ t h: o u g h ou i. Shep.i;<5._ HOUSES UNFURNISHED. 540 50—0 RMS7 BATH. WHITE NEIGH bnrhood; 1 lare bus zone; near school. Hillside 0543-M.__ CHEVY CHASE. D. C. — BY OWNER. Brokers attention. 8 rms. ba. to 12 rms 17 bedrooms!, 2’.j bas,, $70 to $110; nearby Md . 5 rms.. ba.. new condition. $40 to $47 50. PULTON R. GORDON. 1427 Eye st. Pis 5250. Also office open 7 to 0 p.m._ WESLEY HEIGHTS—8 ROOMS. PINE recr. rm. sert ant's rm. gar., auto. heat. 3. E.: redec.: trees. OWNER. Emer. 4108. 1118 8th ST. 8.W.—$38.50—6 ROOMS j and bath; gas elec.: will redecorate, j Met, 2025. DAVID E BARRY. 1807 H st. | 4414 GA. AVE. N.W.—6 ROOMS AND B inclosed rear porches: newly decorated: $50,00 WALTER M BAUMAN, 1 Thomas Circle. National 8220 _ 1041 NORTHAMPTON ST.—DELIGHT PUT, 7-rm, 2-bath. 1st fi. lavatory, modern; garage: vacant: $100 Amer. Univ. Park. 8 large rms.. bath, $75: roomer available If / desired_Emer 4117.__ 715 SHEPHERD ST. NW. — 7 BRIGHT rooms, bath cellar- garaee: house being renovated, your selection of wall pane” if rented before Sunday: $80._Col 2$47_ VERY DESIRABLE HOME—8 RMS.. 3 baths: gas heat: 2-car saratte: new-house UI1U1UUJ1. WliHirt _Will !»■■■■ 22* EMERSON ST N.W.-S’X ROOMS bn™, rew'y decorated: auto heat; rec-e arion room; nice yard, garage Key ar ,>06 Emerson. Phone Georgia 740$ Available Der 15._ _ 1500 CTJS ST N.E—7 ROOMS 2 BATHS renter hall, fireplaces, gas heat, garage. OWNER. Pppont 1847 3* 723 VARNUM ST. N.W.—SIX ROOMS IN closed sleeping porch and bath, screened-m ■par porch, front porch; parquet floors; 1 so ft. yard In rear: excellent condition. $65. A L EBERSOLE, 1420 New York ave. n w. National 7280. __•_ rAKOMA PARK—MODERN FIVE-ROOM brick home, otl heat; $57.50. Call Shepherd 3444 or 2899. _ f) LARGE ROOMS 2 INCLOSED PORCHES, new condition: near bu:. schools and uores^reasonable._602 st._ ALEX.—NEW. DETACHED: 6 ROOMS l1,* baths: G. E oil heat: porch, garage, large landscaped lot: $70._Temple 2941. 723 SHEPHERD ST. N.W.—6 LARGE rooms, a.m.i.. newlv painted and papered: nnly $45. GEORGE JAMESON. 2818 14th : n.w. Columbia 3888.__ 2728 28th ST N.E.—6 ROOMS. BATH. Areola heat: $37.50. Phone North 6183. TAKOMA PARK—BUNGALOW. GAS HEAT. Plec refg.; det. garage; $57.50. Shepherd 5102._3*_ 3129 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W—4 BED rooms. 2 baths, 2-car garage, $77.50. Wis. 3936-M._^_3* 421 NINTH ST. S.W.—8 ROOMS AND bath: rear Govt depts.; $50. R. O. BEIT, Union Trust Bldg._3*_ 1817 FIRST ST. S W.—FIVE ROOMS AND ! oath, furnace heat; good condition; $25. R. O. BELT. Union Trust Bldg._3- _ 138 LA MONT ST N . W.—6-ROOM BRICK, bath. elec., h.-w.h.: 2 rear porches; avail. Dec._15: $47.50._Emerson 5215._ 7-ROOM. 4-BEDROOM. 2-BATH BRICK j home: unique, wooded: *4 acre; facing | Western ave. (No 4920) at 48th st : at tached gp.raee: fireplace, oil heat. For in- I snection call nearbv owner's home. 4900 Western ave. n.w. Phone Wis. 3351._ 3026 CHANNING ST. N.E.—4 ROOMST kitchenette and bath, a m.i.; newly deco- i rated: $35 month._ 172 TODD PL N E.—*1 ROOMS. BATH, plec.. two sleeping porches: $55. C. W. SIMPSON CO, 1024 Vermont ave. n.w. Met. 5700._ 817 6th ST. N.E.: $50—7 ROOMS. BATH, h-w.h.; good condition. HOHENSTEIN BROS^ 7th and H_sts.__n e. Lin. 0897. 3733 " MORRISON ST. N.W. (CORNER Conn. ave. and Morrison): large detached home of 10 rooms. 2 baths. 3 sun.parlors; 2-car garage, oil heat, excellent condition. LINKINS CO., 1622 H stji.w._ RENT REDUCED. 3302 19th N.W—6 rooms, garage: h.-w.h. Will install auto, heat.: neaj schools, trans. Adams 8894 4614 5th ST. N.W.—BEAUTIFUL 8-ROCM ; brick and garage; newly decorated: yard: : reasonable; rent from owner, monthly agreement. Woodley 7549.__ j AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. j Detached 3 bedrms. breakfast alcove, glassed-in porch: gas heat: 2-car garage: lge lot: 1 sa. from Mass, ave.: $85: 4512 49th st. n.w Call Mr. Moore A DELBERT W. LEE. 1343 H St. N.W._Dist. 4600._ 204 9th ST. N.E.—$45—6 ROOMS, 2 1 baths; Areola heat, electricity. HOHENSTEIN BROS.. 7th gjd H Sts. N.E._Line. 0897. MODERN HOMES. BUNGALOWS, Chevy Chase. D C. Md. and Va. 5 to 11 rooms. 1 to 3 baths; large yard, trees B” sure to inspect our beautiful homes. LESLIE D. MEASELL. Adams 9503. Night, Wo. 4733._2* 4911 TILDEN ST . SPRING VALLEY. Beautiful detached u’hite brick house on nice size lot. less than two years old: liv ing room, dining room. Kitchen on the first floor: four bedrooms and two baths on the second- $125 month W C. A* A. N MIL LER DEVELOPMENT CO . 1119 17th st n.w. Phone DI. 4464. Evening and Sun day phone WO. 9503. _ ISfi/Art Pli. AL1U HUBrl IAJj. Detached. 8 rooms. 2 baths 2 glass inclosed porches, large open porch, serv ant's room with bath 3-car garage: Dver 1 acre of ground: $95. Emerson 725ft,__ 1802 WYOMING AVE~N W 10 rooms. 2 baths, entrance hall, large laundry room and bath with shower In basement: hot-water heat: side and rear yards: $100. H L RUST CO.. 1001 15th St NW Na. 8100. 3552 ROCK CREEK CHURCH RD Semi-detached brick. 7 rooms <4 bed rooms'. 2 baths, glassed-in sleeping porch, h.-w. heat, built-in Rarage. $00. H L RUST CO., 1001 15th St N.W.Na. 8100, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, NEW COND.: large lot, refg.. oil heat, full basement and itt'c, garage: near schools, stores, trans 500. New, ft rooms. 2 baths, air-cond heat, tarage. refg.: conv. location: $77.50 Office open evenings end Sunday. E. M. FRY. INC. Wls, 0740. 4703 Hampden Lane, Bethesda 35 SYCAMORE AVE„ TAKOMA PARK 8 r.. 2 b.. h.-w.h.. large wooded lot: arranged for two families: bafh on 1st Hr.: Immediate possession: $R7.50. WAPLE & JAMES INC., 1224 14th St. N.W._District 3340. LOVELY HOMES. Popular Neighborhood, 2411 OBSERVATORY PL. N.W. Six rooms and bath- modem and in excel lent condition; built-in garage. Rent. $70. 5913 lftth ST. N.W. Detached and of brick construction. Nine large rooms, three baths and two-car ga rage; oil heat. Rent. $125. ROBERT W. SAVAGE 807 Union Trust Hidg. Natl. 3ft30. 4505 WALSH ST., BETHESDA. MD. 5-room and bath detached bungalow, in residential Bethesda Oil heat. elec, refg., Oxford kitchen cabinets. Venetian blinds throughout: large front and side porches; detached garage. $05.00. WEAVER BROS., INC. DIST. 8300. L108 8th ST N.E. ft rooms and bath $40.00 SHANNON & LUCHS CO.. 1505 H St. N.W. National 2345. 514 D ST. S.E.—8 ROOMS. BATH. modern - _ _ $37.50 325 Pth st. s.e.—ft rooms, bath, hot water heat. elec. _ 40.00 1370 Perry pi. n.w.—Detached, fl rooms, bath; arranged for 2 families . _— — 55.00 WALTER A. BROWN. 1415 Eye St. N.W. Natl. 1052 or Wis. 5134. LYON VILLAGE. VA. $55—7 r., b.. h.-w.h., garage. $60—6 r„ b„ h.-w.h.. garage; avail. Dec. 16. . $60—7 r.. b.. h.-w.h.. oil: recond. $80—0 r.. b.. Eng. Colonial, h.-w.h., oil. O. W. CLEVER CO., INC.. 1123 North Irving St., Arl- Va. Ch. 3222, CHEVY CHASE! D. C.. 3753 Northampton St. 7 rooms, 2 baths, oil heat. large lot. WAPLE ft JAMES. INC.. District 334ft. T A' HOUSES UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 217 PEABODY ST~N. w! Bungalow 5 rooms, bath, large yard; $5.6. 8HANNON & LUCH8 CO.. 1606 H St. N.W. National 2345. 6044 DANA PL. N.W. Out Conduit rd. to 5000 block, turn right on Dana pi.: 0 rooms, bath, h.-w h„ gas and electricity; *40. 660 SHEPHERD ST. N.W. 6 rooms, reception hall, bath, hot-water heat; detached garage: $52.50. J O’BRIEN KEY _027 16th St N.W. Met. 5385. 3727 RESERVOIR RD—C HARMINO house, 6 rooms, bath automatic heat: ga rage. large yard; in excellent condition. Rent, $05. _ STORY A* CO . MET.4100._ 1357 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W. 0 rms., 2 baths, built-in garage, oil heat, screened oorches: newly decorated; *75. loo 8th st. n.e.—7 rms., bath, h.-w.h., elec . $50. 4113 5th st. n.w.—<? rms. and bath, h.-w.h and electricity: front and rear porches: newly decorated: new summer and winter liookun Timken oil furnace; $65.50. 738 8th st n.w.—5 rooms and bath, latrobe heat. $35 _LINKIN8 CO . J622 H St. N W._ OIL BURNERS AND 2~ BATHS. 3121 18th N E.—NEW7 HOUSE $75 2046 37th N.W.—7 RMS. $60 50 1443 MONROE ST. N.W —6 RMS.. 809.50 __SAM ROSEY, ADAMS 2700. 1352 B ST. S E — H r.. b., elec., h.-w.h_ *47.60 833 KY AVE. SE — 6 r., b„ elec., h.-w.h. gar_ 65.00 3820 MILITARY RD. N W.— 8 r . b. elec , h.-w.h. _100.00 917 VA AVE. S.W.— 6 r., bath elec. _ 37.50 THOMAS P. BROWN. _(U5^ 4th St S.W._Na. 6872. 716 TEWKESBURY PLACE N.W. — 6 rooms and ba’h; earace; $57 50. THOS. J. FISHER & CO.. INC . 738 15th St. N.W.__ Pi. 6830. 200 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W. 8 r., l'a b.. oil heat: large lot $100 i 329 SHERIDAN ST. N.W. 8 r. 3 b. gas heat: 2-famOv -$85 ! 114 PEABODY ST. N.W. 6 r.. l',i b . rec rm.. nil heat — *80 j 2031 PARK POAD N.W. 8 r„ 2 b., refg.. oil heat $80 I $02 PERN ST. n.w. 8 r.. 3 h,, oil heat *80 3753 NORTHAMPTON ST. N.W. 7 T.t 7 b., oil heat, large In' $80 , 1331 ALLISON STREET N.E. | 7 r.. 3 h . rec. rm . autn heat ?*0 411 MADISON STREET N.W. 7 r., b . h.-w.h.. refe ■ gar $6n 703 ALLISON STREET N.W. 6 r.. b.. incl. pnrche'. oil he;'* $62.50 1305 BUCHANAN ST. N.W. 6 r. b. 3 tnrl. norche hea»eH $n(t 3903 21st STREET N.E. 7 r., b., autn. heat *57.50 1317 OTIS PLACE N.W. 6 r., b.. 7-fami!y: oil heat $59.50 1340 OTIS PLACE N.W. 6 r . b. auto, heat: avail. Dec. 15: without gar. - *o5 520 TUCKERMAN ST N.W 6 r., b., h.-w.h.: avail Dec. 15 S5-.50 2901 OTIS STREET N.E.___ 6 r., b.. h.-w h.. large lot —*52.50 3655 13th ST. N.W. 6 r, b, h.-w.h.: redecorated -"50 1768 W STREET S E. 5 r.. b. autn. heat: brand-new _ $o0 3630 GEORGIA AVENUE N.W. 6 r„ b.. hot-water hea* *50 3206 G STREET S.E. 5-r, buncalow nil hea» $45 316 CHANNING ST, N.E. 7 r . 2 b 3-family; nil heat -$45 WAPLE A- JAMES. INC., 1224 14th St. N.W. D st. 3346._ CHEVY CHASE. D C.—ATTRACTIVE, modern, detached home: 6 rooms. _ baths, break, rm.: oil burner large attic: in sulation: especially nice kitchen: garage; 2 squares to Lafayette School. 1 square to bus: first time rented account owner leaving city. An unusual opportunity at $05. t tt r'nnn/-\\* irriAnT TTV 10n.i 121 W. WOODBINE ST. . . Chevy Chas». Md.—Modern, detached bungalow. 6 rooms. 1 bath: garage: large, shady grounds: $75 month. SHANNON A LUCHS CO . 1505 H ST N.W _NATL 234,-> IN PETWORTH. 1329 Emerson St. N.W. fc large rooms, detached: large front and side porch: renovated throughout; automatic heat: trees: --car garage. Harry Poretsky, RA. 2876. S60T00T Brand-New WESTMONT. Semi-detached, brick. 6 rooms, bath, oil heat, full basement. Visit FURNISHED exhibit home at cor ner Glebe rd .and Columbia Dike, Arling ton. Va KELLEY STEELE A- BRANNER. Chest. 0668 Evenings. Chest. 4549._ 1200 HEMLOCK ST. N W._ CORNER NEAR WALTER REED 7 rooms. 3 complete baths, oil heat, refrigeration, garage: $87.50. 5808 NEBRASKA AVE., CHEVY CHASE. D C. Detached. 6 rooms, 2 baths, oil heat, refrigeration garage, deep lot With fruit, flowers and shrubbery; $85. WALTER A. BROWN. 1415 Eye St N.W, Natl. 1652 or Wis. 5134. 509 RITTENHOUSE N.W.—$52.50. 172 TODD PL. N.E.—$55. 4549 SOUTH DAKOTA AVE.—$70. JEROME S. MURRAY. 1331 G St. N.W. Rep. 2480, Mich. 4529. 3728 12th ST. N.E. 6 rms., bath. 2 inch porches; h-wh. Key next door- -- So'-.ou 2214 NICHOLS AVE. SE 7 rms.. bath, gar.; h.-w.h.. ciec. Newly decorated - Soo.uO TAKOMA PARK D C. 8814 Eastern Avenue 6 rms., bath, porch, auto, heat, $80. R. V. MARCERON, 813 15th St. N.W._Natl. 8588. 19 V ST. N.E. J . . . 8 rms.. bath, air conditioned, gas hea.. e’pe.. gas. rear varri. eA^ace; ?^>0. P. J. WALSHE. INC., 1107 Eye St. N.W._National 8488. NEAR WESTERN HIGH." " OPEN FOR INSPECTION. 2453 TUNLAW P.D. N.W. High-class home, nearly new. 6 rooms. 2 baths. clubroom. 3714 T ST. N.W. 8 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. garage, refg.; completely redecorated: $85. 3818 S ST. N.W. 8 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. garage, refg.; completely redecorated; $80. WAPLE A- JAMES. INC.. _1224 14th St. N.W_Pish 3348_ 4310 Chesapeake St. N.W. 2 blks. Wis. ave. and River rd . detached house. 5 rooms. 2 porches, kitchen and bath. basement_ and garage, large corner *°1' mount'Vernon corporation 2nd Floor Machinists Bldg. Natl, 5538. 3822 T. Choice location. Burleith—8 rooms, both, garagr. Redecorated._Em. 0047._•» _NEW” HOUSES, ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA. 2027 20th ROAD NORTH 2014-18-18 NORTH TROY STREET Semi-de'ached brick. 5 rooms ano bath: eleo refrigeration. Oil burner. air-con ditioned. screened porcn. immcumic wwo session. $55 mo. SHANNON & LUCHS CQ. 1505 H. St, N.W._NA. 2.34o. CHEVY CHASE. D. C„ 5342 41st ST. N.W.—$65. Seven rooms (4 bedrooms', bath with extra lavatory, garage, living room with open fireplace, dining room 15x15. kitchen, pantry, ample closet space; exceptional condition throughout. , National Mortgage & Inv. Corp., National 5833. 1312 N. Y. Ave. > 3204 38th ST. N.W. WEST OF WIS. AVE.. NEAR MASS. AVE. Beautiful semi-detached 4-bedroom home. 2 baths. Oil heat. Open for inspection. 4609 HARLING LANE, BETHESDA. MD. Modern brick bungalow. 5 rooms and bath. Automatic heat. $65.00. 209 DOUGLAS ST. N.E. 6 rooms and bath. Porch, hot-water heat. $55.00. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC., 1510 K ST. N.W. DISTRICT 1015 5816 7th ST. N.W. DETACHED; 6 R.. 1 B. $60.00 107 OXFORD ST., CHEVY CHASE. MD. Detached. 6 r., 2 b.. inclosed sleeping porch; automatic heat. 2-car garage. $110.00. Call MR. FORSTER._DIST. 0568 FOR RENT. 7131 nth n.w.—8 r., 2 b . oil 5324 41st n.w.—1 >,» b, oil heat_75.75 1409 33rd n.w.—6 r.. b., oil heat_65.00 621 Kennedy n.w.—6 r . b . refg 60.00 1679 Wis. ave. n.w.—6 r., b . oil heat 50 00 21 R st. n.e.—6 r„ b , h.-w.h. 47.50 1426 Jackson n.e.—de‘ bvnaalow 4.-> 00 FOR FLATS SEE UNDER APARTMENTS. GEORGE I, BORGER. 643 IND AVE. N.W. NAT, 0350. NEAR NAVY YARD. DETACHER—$45. , , 2831 30th st. s.e.—5 rooms and bath, h.-w.h.: lot 50 ft. bv 150 ft. NAT. MORT. INVEST. CORP., 1312 N._Y._Ave._National &838. CHEVY CHASE, D. C., 5308 41st st.—0 rms . bath, built-in gar.: weather-stripped. screened. On bus line. Conven. to grade and high schools. shop ping district and churches. Possession im mediately: $05. Open all day Sunday or upon request. OWNER. Woodley 4527. 2940 MILLS AVE. N.E. Detached frame, 7 rooms and bath, oil burner, elec, refg., porches; re decorated. $70. SHANNON k LUCHS CO., 1505 H ST. N.W;_NATL. 2345. COLORED 404 FLORIDA AVE. N.W. Store and five 1-rm.. kit. apts.: brings 1137,50 per month; all rented. Will lease tor $80 per month. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP.. H St. NtW. Natl. 3671. HOUSES UNFURNISHED. BURLEITH, RESTRICTED COMMUNITY. NEAR SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, TRANSPORTATION. Several modern homes now avail* able. 8 rooms and bath, some with porches, garage, refrigeration; $88 up. See Mrs. McKone. 3722 T st. n.w. SHANNON A LUCHS CO., 1505 H ST. N.W._NATL. 2348. You Have Found Four bedrms. in a modern brick. 2-bath home with detached garage; spacious yard. 214 Wilson lane. Bethesda, Md, Open for inspection Saturday and Sunday, 2:30 to o p.m. Key at 210 Wilson lane. WALKER A PP.ESCOTT. INC. 5 Dupont Cir. Realtors. North 6314. • 1811 ~BILTMORE ST^ Nfw.^l2 rms.. 0 baths *059 00 1609 Buchanan st. n.w,—8 rms., 2*~ oilin’ ,011 heat 100 00 T-ii- ?»si- n w —12 rms . 3 baths 150.00 i:! d,-',on _st- n 'v._7 rms., b. 00.00 OO'IO Mooreland lane. Bethesda, Md . -—!0 rms , 3 baths 90 00 1331 Allison st. n.e.—8 rms., 3 baths _ 80 00 J™;* ,p!- n w-—8 rms., bath 8o',00 38th st n.w.—« rms., bath 80.00 ;'33 Hobart st. n.w.—0 rms., bath 75.00 J812 Kansas ave. n.w.—7 rms., ..bath; suitable for 2 families 75 00 l?k~ lr,Z:rf «• n.w.—8 rms.. bath 77.50 6108 5fh st. p w.—8 rms , bath 65.00 »04 Crittenden st. n.w.—8 rms.. bath on 2032 Pierce Mill rd. n.w.—7-rms.. bath An ,t°n«Jenow st. n.w.-—6 rms.i bath. refg.. gar. 65.00 4410 n w-—10 rms* bath 60 00 44J0.g.Illlnois ave* n.w.—6 rms.. bath en fin 1447 n-W. 7' rms.r bath 57.50 14iiie?rou At ,n w—8 rms., bath; nnaSaL ?$ hot. water furn- 65.00 •>bVoSiyr dan at- n.w.—8 rms.. bath 60 00 2012 Portner d! n.w.—6 rms., bath; an<l hot water furn. 50.00 19*S,hernlf‘nuave- Tak- pk„ Md.—6 rrns.. bath 40 *o l.Ob.i Quincy st. n.w.—6 rms., bath 49.50 5'„ S ft. n.w—8 rms, bath 47.50 14 i- H.C* 5t- n.e.—6 rms.. bath Alin nac,1'E0n *<• n.e.—5 rms.. bath 44.00 Twill Piiw,er Dl _? e-—6 rms.- bath 42.50 16.0 Addison Chanel rd.. n4o°xr • —8 rms.. bath 40 00 n ‘\L n w.'—H rms • ba*h - 37.50 0 15 Portner nl. n.w.—6 rms.. bath 35 oo 2--i M;f.fLard ave- f w.—7 rms. 27 =0 4" 2 J -c7 —6 rms _ 20.50 B. F. SAUL CO., National 2100 925 15th St. N W For Regularly Employed-Colored! on,ceawd ?Dts • !• 2 r.. k., b„ gas ,elec. -,,1X M St. n.W. _ CA It’.’ 11th st n w. 24*50 Undated apts , l. 2 r.. k„ b.. gas. elec.' lo9< R st n.W cn 827 4th st. n.w. 55 sn 312 Eye st. n.w_.1-21 50 619 2nd st. n.w._ ~ is sri 1 120 Que st. n.w_ _" 20 sn 05 Mvrtle st. n.e,. , 18 50 Office Open Saturday TUI 5:30 pm Washington Housing Corp., __831 H St. K W._ Natl. 3571. FOR COLORED! ‘ 1000 74th st. n.w., also 1000V2 74th st n.w Attractive single room on 2nd fir’ rro,,«,beat and elec, furnished. S16 50 1000 74th st. n.w., also 1009‘2 24th gr n.w. Large 2-room, kitchen apt, 2nd floor, heat. elec. furn.. $24.80. Office Open Saturday Till 5:30 PM Washington Housing Corp . 931 H St N, W. Natl. 3571. , ! colored; - n -o?.ryinB st- n-e.—5 rms.. bath $50 no ,i—.89 Morton st. n.w.—3 rirr-. bath 38.90 B. F. SAUL CO.. _975JSth St._ National 7100 WANTED PROPERTY TO RENT. I i We have discriminating cli ents who wish to rent fur nished houses and apart ments for the winter season and by the year. Please telephone your listings to Mrs. Jack Hayes REALTOR 2020 P St. N.W. Dupont 7784 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. COLORED—6-ROOM HOUSE IN N.W. SEC tlon, available December 15th. Or 6-rocm ant. Mich. 7493, HOUSES FOR SALE. TWO BLOCKS OFF CONN. AVE—3819 Jocelyn £t. n w.—8 rms„ 2 b.. att. gar., screened porch, full basement. Bryant eas h -w. heat. fin. attic. Priced under #11,000. Call MAJ. LANE. Wi 8714. 7 RMS 2 BATHS. MODERN K'TC'-'' 2- car sarase: gas heat; Amer. Univ. Park. S7.050, Terms. Bus at corner. Emer. 4117. GLOVER PARK—8 RMS., 2 BATHS. PAN eled rec. rm., Venetian blinds, awnings, gas heat. 2431 39th pi. n.w. S3.900 SACRIFICE—MODERN 4-BEDRM.. 2-BATH brick home; 33.000: 1st mortgage $7.00o central location. Silver Spring. COFF MAN REALTY CO.. Shepherd 4123 or 3343. ALEX . 219 SOUTH ROYAL ST.—OLD detached house, restored. 6 rooms. 2 baths, oil heat, garden; vacant. Key next dorr: very reasonable nrice and terms. OWNER. Natl. 7938. or Temple 3734 SILVER SPRING. NEAR GA. AVE—NEW. spacious 8-room brick home. 3 bedrooms, oil air-conditioning system: built-in garage: fron" reduced Jr”r *3 230 to 38.990 for quick cash sale. OWNER. S^rp. herd lt'RO-W 3« RAFNABY WOODS—BY OWNER. NEW Er,eland farm house. 3 large rooms. .3*4 baths. 2-rar garage, maid's quarters, recre ation room. Occupied "0 mos. A lovely home, ideal for entertaining. S16.3O0. Woodlev 8313 • NEAR ftoOSEVELT HIGH—8-ROOM C<> lorra] brick, attic garage Priced for tra m^djate salP. OWNER. HO 3128. 3* MT PLEASANT—LARGE PRICK HOUSE*, near storpe and schools, remodeled into 5 apts Very 'mall cash payment balance like rent. Emerson 6513_Natl. 3646._ WELL BUILT. NEWLY RFDECORATED. Georgetown hmise 4. bedrooms, small earden. Sacrifice. 810.000 Call Dupont 050.3: or Sunday. Mich: 6488 _______ BUNGALOW. FRAME, 4ii YEARS OLD paved street: large lot. garage: 4 rooms. In beautiful Huntington terrace, near health center and Naval Hospital. Price only 84.700. with 8500 ca'h. balance like rent. Shown bv acDomtment. Wis. 2432. MANY LARGF OAKS. OVER 30.000 80. ft., in beaut. Forest Hills, with attractive 3- bedrm.. 2-bnth house: lrg. liv. rm, buOt-jn car., auto, h>pat: 815.000. Also semi-det.. redecorated house, close in near Conn. ave. Center hall 2 bed rms. and ba'h 1st fl : 2 bed. 2nd with r^om for bath. Auto heat and ca- 88.250. Mr. Ross, with L. P SHOEMAKER. Na tional 1166, Wood’ev 8716 L E BREUNINGER & SONS OFFER an exceptional buy on Bonifant st. in Silver Spring, just east of Georgia ave. We ask that you compare this well-built, practically new heme at 87.500 with other houses in thi«= price class. Lot 150 ft deep. L E. BREUNINGER A: SONS, National 2040. _ DUlLi ass YUU WOULD BUILD A HOME for yourself and completely equipped. De tached brick, fine lots and trees. See these before you buy elsewhere. 3 styles to choose from. Elig. F. H. A., about $50 month. 4404-4423-4425 Maple ave.. Beth. Turn r. from Wis. ave . 7 short blocks be yond Bank of Bethesda. A. B. DARTON. builder and owner. Wis. 5282. 2! WESTMORELAND AVE^ TAKOMA Park—Det.. 5 rms. b. on 1st. fl. 2 rms. on 2nd n.. 2 sleeping porches. 2-car gar. Asking Sfi.2.->0: easy terms. Open Sat. and Sun. tul dark. Out. Carroll ave. to Elm Randolph 8700. 507 7th ST. SE—SEMI-DET.: 2 FAMI lies; 2 kit.. 2 baths: $300: oil heat. Open. No «17R^_4* 2035 2nd ST. N.E.—fi R, 3 PORCHESi large yard; new condition: rant or exch. $250 cash. Open. North 0170._4• NEW' BRICK 2-STORY DETACHED, slate roof, concrete front porch, full base ment. lots of kit. cab : $5,780. 10% cash. S3!) per month including Interest, taxes and Insurance. Sh, 5700._3* BUTLDER OFFERS OUTSTANDING HOME 0 rms.. 2 beautiful tile baths, knotty pine recreation rm.. gas hot-water heat: conveniently located, overlooking Govern ment pork. Unusual value at today's price Of $8,250. MR. MILLS, Woodley 8843 ’til 8 p m __ TODAY'S BEST Buy! $0,050 CHEVY CHASE. MD. Delightful bungalow in excellent condi tion. Large living and dining rooms. 2 bedrooms, tiled bath. Inclosed sleening Porci1' Stairway from hall to fully insu lated attic Recreation room, built-in ga rage. Bryant gas-furnace Convenient to stores, schools and transportation EDW. H. JONES * CO . INC.. _ WOODLEY 2300._ CLEVELAND PARK—$11,050 NEW IN-TOWN DETACHED HOMES Nearing completion: 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, finished attics, den or breakfast room, ga La.r—-.r('cr(“’>tton room space. IDEAL LO CATION. CONVENIENT TO EVERYTHING EDW, H. JONES & CO.. INC . WO. 2300.’ _ CLEVELAND PARK’ Nr. 34th and Macomb Sts. *11. ,50. Spacious corner Colonial detach ed center-hall home. 8 rooms, 2 baths, brand-new oil furnace. Entire property just been redecorated In new-house condi tion A rare opportunity. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO . National 0352. CHEVY CHASE—$8,450. a black off Conn, ave Brand-new. n rooms, recreation room, modern In every detail. An outstanding value Stop paving rent. Easy terms. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO.. National 0352. _ WILL TRADE BRAND-NEW HOME lOih and Irving vlclnitv iMt. Pleasant); fi large rooms. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, rec reatlon room, porch, gar._Rep. 022fi. CHEVY CHASE. D. C . 3040 LIVINGSTON ST.—$8,250, EASY TERMS fl rooms, bath, garage, atalrway to attic. Oil burner. vacant COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED Woodley 2300. Eves.. Wlaronaln B15S. (Continued on Next Page.) 1