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CHarfi of tTljankfi GALLOWAY. SADIE M. We sincerely express our appreciation to the many friends and organisations for their floral tributes and expressions of sympathy at the passing of our loved one. SADIE M GALLOWAY. THE FAMILY. • $ratt?0 ALLUISI. THOMAS STANLEY. On Sat urday. December 2. 1939. at Sibley Me morial Hospital. THOMAS STANLEY AL LUISI. beloved husband of Annie M. Alluisi. son of the late *ohn V. and Mary A. Alluisi. brother of Bernard M. and Mary C. Orillo. „ , I Funeral from the Huntemann funeral home. 5732 Georgia ave.. on Tuesday. De cember 5. at 8:30 a.m : thence to St. Michael’s Catholic Church. Silver Sprint Md., where mass will be said at 9 a.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 4 ALSUP. WILLIES. Suddenly, on Satur day. December 2. 1939. at his residence. 1351 28th st. n.w.. WILLIES ALSUP be Joved husband of Susie Alsup. loving step ather <ff Gertrude Byrd and William H. French, brother of Lady and Joseph Alsup. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. ANDREWS. ANNIE EMMA. On Satur day. December 2. 1939. at her son’s home. Clarksburg, Md., ANNIE EMMA ANDREWS, aged 73. Funeral services on Tuesday. December 6. at 11 a m., at the home of her son. John T. Andrews. Clarksburg. Md. Interment Church cemeterv. Arrangements by Roy W. Barber. BAILEY. DORA STONE. On Saturday. December 2. 1939. at 2:15 a m,, at her residence. Merrifleld, Va.. DORA STONE BAILEY, devoted wife of the late William Bailey, loving mother of Ellen E. Stone. Cathrine Tardy. Hannah Boyde. O. E. Faison of New York City. L. Lloyd Stone. Sangster S. Stone. Hubert M. C. Stone and Lyman Stone; sister of Lucinda and Lelia Bumbry of Virginia. Many other rel atives and friends aho survive her Re mains may bp viewed at her late residence after 2 p.m. Monday. December 4. Funeral Tuesday. December 5. at 2 p.m., from the First RaDtist Church of Merri fleld. Va. Interment in F: '. Y Church. Va. 4* BAUR, WILLIAM LUDWIG. On Sun day. December 3. 1939. WILLIAM LUDWIG BAUR. son of the late Paul J. and Fred rika Baur. Services at the residence of his niece. Mrs. Alice M. Clancy, on the Marlboro pike at Oakland. Md.. on Wednesday. De cember d. at 11 a m Relatives and friends are invited. Interment in Rock Creek Cemetery. Services by Chambers’ South east funeral home. 5 BOUDREN. BERNARD IGNATIUS. Su^ denly. on Monday. December 4. 1939. at his residence. 1731 Riggs place n.w.. BER NARD IGNATIUS BOUDREN. beloved hus band of Katherine Roche Boudren and father of Miss Mary Virginia Boudren Remains resting at the above residence. Mass will be said on Wednesday. Decem ber fi. at 10 a.m.. at St. Paul’s Catholic Church. 15th and V sts. n.w . for the re pose of his soul. Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment St. Mary's Cem etery. Alexandria. Va. 5 BOWSER, THOMAS. On Friday. De cember 1. 1939. at his residence. 909 Pen dleton st.. Alexandria. Va.. THOMAS BOW SER. grandson of the late R. W. Eentley. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Mrs. Gladys Bowser of New York City; two sons. Thomas, Jr., and Carl Bowser; a devoted mother. Mrs. Lula Bowser; one sister, Mrs Louise Keys, and a host of other relatives and friends. Fuaaral Wednesday. December tf. at 2 p.m . from Mead s Memorial Chapel. Alex andria. Va Interment Union Cemetery. 5 BOYDEN. WILLIAM L. The District of Columbia Society of the Sons of the Amer ican Revolution announces with regret the Hoot), f rnmnofrinf WTT.T.TAM T ROY DEN. BROCK. WILLIAM S. Sunday. Decem ber 3. 1930. at San Fernando. Calif.. WIL LIAM S. BROCK, son of the late Thomas 6. and Florence C Brock Services Tuesday. Dccember ft. at San Fernando. * BROU N. DOR \ BLWCHE. Suddenly On Sunday. December 3. 1939, about 5:15 p m . at her res’denct 909 V st. n.w.. DORA BLANCHE BROWN, beloved wif.» oi Reg - nald Brown and mother of 3ernice Broun She also leaves o;he~ rc’ntive.s and a host of friends to mourn her passing. Notice of funeral Inter. Arrangements by Talbert * BUCHER. HOWARD CLINTON. On Mon day December 4. 1939. HOWARD CLIN TON BUCHFR of 4102 Brandywine st. n.w.. husband of Eleanor Bucher and son of the late Clinton H and Mary A. Bucher and brother of Mrs. Maurice Parker. Miss Rosa Bucher. Mrs. Blanche Lane. Mrs. Edith Hickerson and Miss Betty Bucher. Services at thp S H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday. December 0. a* 1 p.m. 5 CHAPMAN. MARY S. On Saturday. December 2. 1939. at her residence. 328 Eye st. s.e.. MARY S. CHAPMAN, devoted mother of Leo Chapman. She also is sur vived by three sisters, one brother, two grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains mav bp viewed at her late residence aftpr Monday. December 4. 6 p.m. _ Mass will be said at 9 a m mesday. December ft. nr St. Cyprian’s Church, for repose of her sou' Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. ''inngcmer.- b M-'lvan & 6chey. CAMPBELL. LILLIE LLiZABElH. On Saturday. December ? 1939. ar. her resi dence. 744 North Wakefield st.. Arlington. Va.. LILLIE ELIZABETH CAMPBELL < nee Voilmerc be’oved wife of th* late Robert M. Campbell and mother of David R. and Vollmer H. Campbell. Remains resting at the Ives tun^rai home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. where funeral services will be held Tues day. December ft. at 2 p.m. ^ Interment Oak wood Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. % CARY. KATHERINE D. On Sunday. De cember 3. 1939, KATHERINE D, CARY, beloved mother of Lida V. Cary. Funeral from her late residence. 418 Nicholson st. n.w.. on Tuesday. December 6. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. DANIEL, ELIZA TODD. On Sunday. December 3. 1939. at her residence. 1940 Biltmore st. n.w.. ELIZA TODD DANIEL, beloved widow of Selden Brooke Daniel. She is survived by her sister. Sally C. Todd, and four children. Ruth Daniel Mrs. Ed ward E. Farren, Todd Daniel and Selden Brooke Daniel. Services for immediate family on Mon day. December 4. at Gawler’s chapel. Re. atives and friends invited to attend serv ices at the grave in City Cemetery. Fred ericksburg. Va.. on Tunsdn*\ Decern, ^r o. at 12 noon DAY. LOTTIE. Or. Saturday. December 2 1939. at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. LOTTIE DAY. beloved aunt of Antonia and Lovinia Davis and Iifse Semple. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements bv W. Ernest Jarvis. DISTL. NELLIE M. On Monday. De cember 4. 1939. at her residence. 4330 Townsend avp . Boulevard Heights. Md.. NELLIE M. DISTL. beloved wife of the late Paul Dist.l and mother of Dolly Wilson. Pauline Perkins and George Dist’.. Funeral from the above ^residence on Wednesday. December 0. at 9:30 am.; thence to St. Francis Xavier Church. 2800 Pennsylvania avp s.e.. where mass will be offered at in am. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 5 EASHER. CATHERINE RUTH. On Sun day December 3. 1939. at her residence. 1018 Rth st n.e.. CATHERINE RUTH EASHER. beloved mother of Francis E Ruth. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon fu neral parlor. 041 H st. n.e.. on Wednesday December 6. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Name Church at 9 a.m. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 5 EVANS. RICHMOND H. On Saturday. December 2. 1939. RICHMOND H. EVANS, husband of Annie C. Evans, brother of Joseph Evans. Remains resting a’ Stew art's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e.. c may be viewed from 4 D m. Monday. D...’Tiber 4 until 1 cm. Tuesday. December 5. Funeral on Tuesday. December 5. at « p.m.. from Sobers Chanel, Anne Arundel County. Md. FULTON. WILLIAM FRANCIS. On Sun dav December 3. 1939. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. WILLIAM FRANCIS FULTON of Berwyn. Md.. husband of Florence C. Ful ton Remains resting at Chambers’ River dale funeral home until Monday. December 4. at 2 p.m. . t „ „ Services and interment Lockport, N. l. GEMENY. ALBIN LEROY. On Friday. December 1. 1939. at his residence. 4102 13th st. n.e.. ALBIN LEROY GEMENY. beloved husband of olive C. Oemenv. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. luneral home. 2001 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. De cember 5. at 11 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 4 GRASTY. LUTHER W. Departed this life suddenly. November 30. 1939. LUTHER W GRASTY. the devoted husband of Edna M Grasty. He is survived by one daugh ter. Mrs Sophie White: an uncle. Chris topher Grastv; a sister, Mrs. Martha (Bcott. other relatives and friends. Funeral Tuesday. December 5. at 1 D m . from the Metropolitan Baptist Church. Rev E C Smith officiating. Interment In Arlington National Cemetery. Funeral Arrangements bv L. E. Murray & Son. • HALL, JAMES ROBERT. On Satur day. December 2, 1939, at Freedmen's Hospital, after a long illness. JAMES ROBERT HALL, devoted father of Mary, Theodore. James. Dorsey. Grace. Gertrude. Bradford. Bessie and William Hall: brother of Bessie Wallace. Susie Tony and William Hall He also is survived by seven grand children. one steoson. other relatives and many friends. Remains may be seen at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. B.w., after 1 p.m. Tuesday. December 5. Funeral services at Mount Zion Bap tist Church. Arlington. Va.. on Wednes day. December R. at 2 p.m. Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. - 6 HARRIS. CHRISTOPHER C. Suddenly. On Sunday. December 3. 1939. CHRISTO PHER C HARRIS of 2149 California st. B.w.. beloved husband of Ellen Clara Har ris and father of Christopher Cleo. Theron Aubrey and Hillman C. Harris. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday. De cember 5. at 3 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. HAYDEN, ELLEN. On Saturday. Decem ber 2. 1939, at Freedmen’s Hospital. ELLEN HAYDEN. She leaves to mourn their loss three sons. Gaylon. George and Harry Hayden; three sisters. Mrs. Mamie Tucker. Mrs. Anna Jackson and Mrs. Fannie Thompson: three brothers. John H.. J. Harry and Robert Gordon. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains at the residence of her brother. J. Harry Gordon. 8117 Sherman ave. n.w.. after 4 p.m. Monday. December 4. Funeral Tuesday. December 5. at 9:30 g.m.. from the above residence; thence to 8t. Augustine'* Church, where mass will be offered at 10 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. Arrangementy^y W. Ernest J arris. Dratlp HILL, THOMAS HILTON. On Friday. December 1. 1839. at Mount Alto Hoarttal. THOMAS HILTON HILL, devoted lathttoi Thelma Hill Kelley of Orange, Va.: loving brother of Arllce. Lewis and Green Hill, cousin of Ida Lillie: son-in-law of Mary Ruflner of Orange. Va. _ Funeral Tuesday. December 5. at 1 p.m.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, 1432 Yon at. n.w. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Friends Invited. * HOLMES. LOUISE TERRELL. Departed this life on Sunday. December 3, 1839. ■at 429 P st. n.w.. LOUISE TERRELL HOLMES, wife of the late Benjamin Holmes. She Is survived by a devoted daughter. Mrs. Ruth Akers, and two grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains rest ing at the -funeral home of Alex. 8. Pope. 315 ISth sL if. Notice of funeral later. * JONES. HERSCHELL M. B. On Mon day. December 4. 1939. at his residence. 1831 Mass. ave. s.e.. HERSCHELL M. B. JONES, n. D.. loving husband of Mrs. Dicie King Jones. Remains resting at his late residence until; Wednesday, December 6, at 9 a.m. Body tn state at the Second Baptist Church. 17th and East Capitol sts., where services will be held at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Baltimore, Md. (Portsmouth. Va.. and Baltimore. Md.. papers Please copy.) 5 LAKIN. SARAH E. On Saturday. De cember 2, 1039. at the residence of her daughter. 1020 South 19th st.. Arlington. Va.. SARAH E. LAKIN. beloved mother of Mrs. George L. Volth, Mrs. Peggy L. French and Charles W. Lakin, Jr. Remains rest ing at the Ives funeral home, 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va . until 7 a.m. Sunday. December 3. Remains will rest at Feet Bros.’ funeral home. Brunswick, Md„ alter 12 noon Sunday. December 3. Rcouiem mass at S: Francis Catholic Church on Tuesday. December 5. at 9 a.m. Interment Knoxville. .Md. (Brunswick. Md.. papers Dtease copy.i LANGE, FMILE A. On Monday. De cember 4. 1939. at his residence. 31 Adt-ms st. n.w . FMIT.F A. LANGE, beloved hus band of Oussie Lange and father of Idamay Lance. Remains restm” at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 '4th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. LATCHAM. ORDEI.M LOUISE. On Mon day. D'-cembf-r 4. 1930. ORDELIA LOUISE LATCHAM w fp ef Richard Latcham. Notice n" funeral later Services by Chambers’ Riverdale funeral home. LEE. ELMER JOSEPH. On Sunday. De cember 3. 19311. ELMER JOSEPH LEE. son of Norman and Dorothv Lep. brother of Dorothy. Normpn and Bernard Lee: nephew of Etta and Phillip P. Lee. Remains rest ing at Stewart's funeral home 30 H st. n.e. Notice nf funeral later. 6 MASON. EMMA E. Inmates of Rose oi Sharon H. H. of Ruth. No. 442. G. U. O. of Odd Fellows, are notified of the death of EMMA E. MASON. NAOMI J. WILLIAMS, M. N. O. MARY L. HOWARD. W. R. • MILLER. ALEXANDER MACOMB. On Saturday. December 2. 1939. at Walter Reed Hospital. Col. ALEXANDER MACOMB MILLER, jr . United States Cavalry, hus band of Elizabeth S. Miller. Services In the Chanel of West Point Military Academy on Tuesday. December 6. at 2 p.m.. followed by interment in West Point Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 4 MILLER. CORA B. On Saturday. Decem ber 2. 1939. at Philadelphia. Pa . CORA B MILLER, beloved daughter of Susan E. Smith, sister of Joseph L. Smith. Carrie M. Brooks. Ruih E Brooks and S EttaFagan. Services from the chambers funeral home, 517 11th st. s.e . on Tuesday. Decem ber 5. at 2 r>.m Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment- Washington National Cemetery! (Richmond papers please copy » 4 MORTON. MATTHEW M On Sunday. December 3. 1939. at his residence. 923 S st. n.w. MATTHEW M. MORTON, be loved husband of Lucy A. Morton and de voted father of Mary A.. Edward Milton and Esther Naopii Morton. Also surviving are other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. • MUSE. SAMUEL. Departed this life sud denly. Fridav. December ]. 1939. SAM UEL MUSK, son of Daniel and Jennie Muse. He also is survived by a wife. Gladys Muse, and one daughter. Nannie Muse; three brothers. Rev D. Muse. Winder and Clar ence Muse; one sister. Lillian Moore, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Barnes & Mat thews funeral home. 814 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be held Tuesday. De cember ft. at 1 d m.. Rev. Green officiating. Interment Odd Fellows Cemetery. Arling ton. Va. NASH, HELEN. On Monday. December 4. 1939. HELEN NASH, mother of John H. Curtis and Archie Nash. She also is survived bv other relatives and friends. Re main*: resting af the Malvan & Schey fu neral home. N J. ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. • NERSESSIAN. ONNIG M. On Monday. December 4. 1939. at Emergency Hos pital. ONNIG M NERSESSIAN. beloved husband of Sattenig Nersessian and father of Arsen Nersessian. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w , on Wednesday. De cember 8. at 2 p.m. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetpry. 5 O’DONNELL. WILLIS E. (HANK). Sud denly. on Sunday December 3. 1939. at his home. 109 Emerson st. n.w.. WILLIS E. O’DONNELL, behoved husband of Grace G. O'Donnell. Bodv resting at the War ner E. Pumphrev funeral home. 8424 Georgia avp.. Silver Spring, Md. Notice of services later. PATTERSON. MARGUERITE WASSON. Suddenly, on Saturday morning. December 2. 1939. at her residence. 928 Quincy st n.w. MARGUERITE WASSON PATTER SON. bploved wife of John A. Patterson, mother of Lloyd B. Patterson of Keshena, Wis.; Mrs. Norman A. Lufburrow of Bal timore and Mrs. T. Kellev Back. John A. Patterson, jr.. end Mrs. Robert A. Mayer all of Washington. D. C. Services at the S. H. Hines funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w . Tuesday. December 5. at l D.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery. 4 PHILLIPS. WILLIAM EDWARD. Sud denly. on Sunday. December 3. 1939. at his residence. Ardmore. Md.. WILLIAM EDWARD PHILLIPS, aged 97 years, be loved husband 'f the late Margaret Rose Phillips and father of Mrs. Evelyn Cald well. Mrs. Ida Hall and Mr. Henry M. Phillips. Remains resting at. the residence of his daughter. Mrs Caldwell. 12 Mar shall ave., Colmar Manor, Md. Services at *he Ardmore Lutheran Church on Wednesday. December 8. at 2 p.m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Woodfteld Cemetery. Lanham. Md 5 QUINN, ANN L. On Saturday. Decem ber 2. 1939. at Georgetown University Hos pital. ANN L. QUINN (nee McGinnis), be loved wife of John R. Quinn and sister of Margaret. John J., James J. and Edward J. McGinnis. Funeral from her late residence. 232ft Pa. ave. n.w.. on Wednesday. December 8, at 8:30 am.: thence to St. Stephen’s Church. 2ft.h st. and Pa ave. n.w.. where mass will he offered at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 5 RIND. DAISY. On Monday. December 4. 1939. at her residence. 714 Lawrence st. n.e.. DAISY RIND, beloved sister of Miss Arrah Rind. Mrs. R. R. Ellershaw and Mrs. R. L. Giss. Remains resting at her lar° Residence. Notice of funeral later. ROBERTS. KATE R. On Saturday. De cember 2. 1939, at. her residence. Falls Church. Va.. at 10:1ft am.. KATE R. ROBERTS, beloved wife of Archibald F. Roberts and mother of Wm. E. Eonsall and the latp Walter L. Bonsall. Remains resting at the P. A. Taltavull funeral home, 438 7th st. s.w. Fllrmrol T«nr#l.n E . . O _ _ Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Rela tives nnri friend* invited. 4 SCHRUMPF. CHARLES F. On Sun day. December .1. 1019. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. CHARLES E. SCHRUMPF. be loved husband of Eleanor C. Schrumpf, father of Jpsn M. Schrumpf. son of Mrs. Margaret Schrumcf and brother of Marie Schrumpf. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 J4th st. n.w., on Wednesday. December 6. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 5 SISTER M. ELEANORA (O’BRIEN), Sis ter of Holv Cross, died at St. Cecelia’s Academy. 601 East Capitol st., at 8 pm. Sunday. December 3, 1919. Funeral on Tuesday. December 5. at 10 a.m.. from St. Peter's Church. 2nd and C sts. s e. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. SMITH, FRANCIS. On Sunday, Decem ber 1. 1919. FRANCIS SMITH, nephew of Irvin N Smith. He also Is survived by other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey Deanwood funeral home. 4445 Deane ave. n.e. Notice of funeral later. • SULLIVAN. DANIEL JOSEPH. On Sun day. December 3. 1919. at his residence. 3104 Oth st. n.e.. DANIEL JOSEPH SUL LIVAN. beloved husband of Ellen Sullivan (nee Fahey). Remains resting gt Tim othy Hanlon’a funeral parlors. 641 H st. n.e. Funeral from Timothy Hanlon’s funeral home. 641 H st. n.e.. on Wednesday, De cember 6 at 8:10 a.m. High requiem mass at St. Anthony’s Church at 9 a.m. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 5 SULLIVAN. DANIEL J. On Sunday. De cember 3. 1939. DANIEL J. 8ULLFVAN. Remains at Timothy Hanlon's funeral par lors. 641 H st. n.e. Members of the Third Order of St. Francis will meet at the fu neral parlor Tuesday. December 5. at 9:15 p.m. SUTTON. EDNA. Departed this life Sunday. December 3. 1919. EDNA SUT TON. daughter of Henry and the late Jo sephine Butler, wife of william Sutton, mother of Emanuel Sutton and Lenora Sutton, sister of William. James. Carl and Leon Butler and Madeline Rice. Remains resting at Barnes A Matthews’ funeral home. 614 4th st. s.w. Notice of "funeral later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARECO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W R Spear* establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mass. Ave. N.E. Lineetn stop _7 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS CO. «*<*• 121* F St N.W_Natteaal «na GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES Al MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0106 SSiE* Cor. 14th fir Eye Col. James E. Abbot Dies of Heart Attack At Florida Home Annapolis Man Formed U. S. Army's First Field Signal Corps Unit Col. James E. Abbott, 58, U. S. A., retired, prominent veteran and or ganizer of the Army’s first field signal corps unit, died after a heart attack yesterday at his winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Since his retirement, 17 years ago, Col. Abbott had been engaged in the real estate and insurance business in Annapolis, Md., making his home there, in Baltimore, Md., and in Washington. While in this city he stayed at the Army and Navy Club. Born in Annapolis, he was the son of the late Judge William M. Abbott, owner of the Annapolis Evening Capitol, and Mrs. Frances B. Abbott. Col. Abbott enlisted in the Army at the outbreak of the Spanish-American War as a youth of 17. Saw Action in Puerto Rico. Promoted to sergeant, he was in action during the Puerto Rican ex peditionary engagements at Coamo and Abinito Pass, being commended for gallantry during the latter bat tle. The following year he was com missioned a second lieutenant in the infantry and sent to the Philip pines. He fought throughout the insurrection, again being commend ed for bravery in action. Transferred to the cavalry in 1901, Col. Abbott, after various posts in Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma, and a return to the Philippines, was sta tioned at Fort Omaha, Nebr., where in 1904 he organized and equipped Company I, the 1st field signal corps. In 1906 he went to Cuba and re mained throughout the occupation. In 1907 he was in California for a time, supervising supplies. ocr»cu fiim icisiiiu|> During the Moro uprising in 1910 Col. Abbott was again in the Philip pines, serving at Jolo and other islands until 1912. That year he re turned to the United States to be come professor of military science and tactics at the University of Ver mont. He was with Gen. Pershing on the punitive expedition into Mexico and remained on border patrol until 1914, when he attended the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill, Okla. During the World War Col. Abbott was station ed at Camp Upton, N. Y., organizing and training reserves. Col. Abbott retired in 1922 after 24 years in service. Since that time he has been active in veterans’ groups, having been past Maryland department commander of the American Legion, senior vice com mander of Maryland Department of United States War Veterans and a member of the Legislative Commit tee of Spanish War Veterans. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Caroline Oglesby Abbott; a sister, Mrs. A. B. McManus of Washington; two brothers, Charles B. Abbott of Washington and S. Reese Abbott of Annapolis. He will be buried in Arlington Na tional Cemetery at a time to be announced later. • Rev. John F. Eden, 81, Retired Pastor, Dies By the Associated Press. COLUMBIA, S. C., Dec. 4.—The Rev. John Frederick Eden. 81. of Atlanta, Ga., retired Baptist minis ter, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. C. Merchant. He was visiting here and had been ill only three days. Surviving him are three sons, Charles T. Eden, Winter Haven, Fla.; L. R. Eden. Perry, Fla., and Gorman M. Eden, Washington, D. C.; two daughters, Mrs. W. A. Cherry of Atlanta and Mrs. Mer chant. irattjfl WASHINGTON BERNARD. On Sunday. December 3. 1939. BERNARD WASHING TON. beloved husband of Martha Wash ington. devoted son of Mrs. Mabel Speed and grandson of Mrs. Aenes Johnson. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by W Ernest Jarvis WASHINGTON. LULA. On Sunday. De cember 3. 1939. at her residence. 411 O st. 5.W.. LULA WASHINGTON, beloved mother of Mrs. May Tobias, Silas. Ida and Charles Washington and sister of Mr. John Rousev of Bolling Green. Va. Remains resting at the John T. Rhlnet Ac Co. fu neral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. WHITE. JAMES. On Sunday. December 3. 1939. at 5:45 p.m.. JAMES WHITE. He leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Fan nie Williams and Cecelia Spadv: four nieces. Mary Epos of New Haven. Conn.: Mattie Baskervtue. Eldora Roebuck and Lucille Johnson, and one nephew, Hay wood Williams. Remains resting at Rob ertson's funeral home. 1342 4th st. n.w. Funeral from Liberty Baptist Church on Wednesday. December 6, at 12 noon. Ar rangements bv Nathaniel Madden. 1813 South Columbia Pike. Arlington. Va. 5 WILLIS. REV. PAUL. JR. On Friday. December 1. 1939. at Welch. W. Va.. Rev. PAUL WILLIS. Jr., beloved son of Mrs Nannie Willis, devoted husband of Agnes Willis, brother of Mrs Muriel Fitch. Annie Laura. Oodbin and Clyde Willis. He also leaves a host, of other relatives and friends. Remain* at hi* mother's residence. 1512 P st. n w., after 4 p.m. Tuesday. De cember 5. Funeral Wednesday. December 6. at 1 p.m . from the above residence. Elder Charles T. Benjamin officiating. Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Rela tives and friends Invited. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. 5 WILSON, SOPHIA. On Monday. Decem ber 4. 1939. at her residence. 914 1st st. s.e.. SOPHTF WILSON, wife of Singleton Wilson, mother of Mattie Alfert. Ephram. Charlotte ann Thomas Wilson. She also is survived by other relatives and friends. Arrangements bv1 Malvan A Schey. * VASTE, WILLIAM J. On Monday. De cember 4, 1939. at his residence. 214 E st. n.e.. WILLIAM J. YASTE. beloved husband of Cordelia Yaste (nee Bryan). Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e. Notice of funeral later. In Hfmnriam BEALL. WILBUR R. To the sacred memory of our husband and father. WIL BUR H. BEALL, who passed away one year acn today. December 4. 1938. THE FAMILY. BURDSALL. FRANKIE. In loving mem ory of our dear son and brother. FRANKIE BURDSALL. who passed away twenty-one years ago today. The years have swiftly flown. To me It is still a dream. He sleeps, we leave him in peace to rest: The parting was painful, but God knoweth best. _ HIS DEVOTED MOTHER AND BROTHER.* BUTLER. BEATRICE E. (SISTER). De parted this life December 4. 19*25. fourteen years ago. Sister BEATRICE E. BUTLER. In true thought., mind and memory of our beloved daughter, sister, niece and god child. we remember you today as If you were with us. Surrounded by friends we are lonesome. And In the midst of pleasures we are blue; With a smile and a heartache We are still longing for you. MOTHER AND FATHER. MR. ISAAC A. BUTLER. SR.: MRS. MATILDA A. BUT LER, AND BROTHER. ISAAC A.. JR.. AND CHARLES. AND UNCLE OLL1VER. Loved in life, remembered In death. OODMOTHER, MARY A. ROBINSON. • JOHNSON. MARTHA. In loving remem brance Of our dear mother. MARTHA JOHNSON, who departed this life four years ago today. December 4. 1936. Gone, but not forgotten. We rftill have you in our hearts. Today, four years ago you departed. But your love will never leave us. FAMILY. * TROWER, MARY E. In loving memory of MARY E. TROWER. who departed this life two years ago today. December 4. 1937. HERBERT M. BOTTB. • Capitals Radio Program MONDAY'S PROGRAM. DECEMBER 4, 1939: P.M. | WMAL, 630k, i WRC, 950k. I WOL, 1230k. | WJSV, 1460k. 12:00 James A. Farley iNews The Balladeer Kate Smith Speaks 12:15 Farley—Rosa Rio |0'Neils. serial Walter Compton, newslGirl Harries, serial 12:30 Farm and Home Hour [Carters, serial Toronto Trio [Helen Trent, seriel 12:45 " "_I Devotions_" " Gal Sunday, seriel 1:00 Farm and Home Hour Cobwebs & Cadenzas Luncheon Music Goldberg's, serial 1:15 Dr. Joseph Sizoo Ellen Randolph Sports Page News—Music 1:30 Manhattan Melodies Some Like It Hot " " Day Is Ours, serial 1:45 European News " ” Voice ot Experience Road ot Lite, serial 2:00 Reading Adventures I Betty and Bob, serial (Sports Page News 2:15 " " Grimm's D'ghter, ser. " " Dr. Susan, serial 2:30 Navy Band (Valiant Lady, serial " " Your Family and Mine 2:45 " "_[Church Hymns_" _My Son and I 3:00 Divorce Orphans, serial Mary Marlin, serial Walter Compton, news Joyce Jordan, serial 3:15 Chase Twins, serial Ma Perkins, serial Sports Page Society Girl, serial 3:30 Ann Thomas, serial Young's Family, serial " " News—Dances 3:45 Between Bpokonds Vic and Sade. comedy_World Dances_ 4:00 Club Matinee Backstage Wife, serial Sports Page Elinor Lee 4:15 " " Stella Dallas, serial " " " " 4:30 *’ " Lorenzo Jones, serial " " All Washjnglon Hour 4:45 Evening Star Flashes Widow Brown, serial " _ 5:00 iTune Types Girl Alone, serial Meet Miss Julia By xarnieen norris 5:15 " " Midstream, serial Johnson Family 'Tonic Tunes 5:30 'Affairs ot Anthony J. Armstrong, serial Cocktail Capers Happened In Hollyw'd 5:45 Tom Mix, serial Orphan Annie, serial iDomestic Tunes_Scattergood Baines 6:00 iStar Sports Review INews—Streamliner Sports Resume News—Ed Hill 6:15 European News Streamliner Henry Weber's Orch. |A. McDonald, sports 6:30 Center Varieties Baukhage Talking Walter Compton, news; Life's Beautiful 6:45 lowell Thomas Streamliner_W. P. A. Concert [Today In Europe 7 :00 | Ray Kinney's Orch. Pleasure Time I Fulton Lewis, jr. Amos and Andy 7:15 Science on March I Love Mystery 'June Bartlett, songs Lum and Abner 7:30 .Swing Sensations Whispering Rhythm Lone Ranger, serial Blondie, serial 7:45_ " _Q'mark Hittenmark '____ 8:00 Sherl'k Holmes, drama Riggs and Betty Lou If We Call Tune-Up Jime g:15 " ” Syncopation Variations 8:30 True or False Wallenstein Symphony St. Mary's Novena Modern Minstrels J.45 - - - - . - - Minstrels—News_ 9:00 iNews^Rochejter Dr. I. Q. Quiz R- G. Swing, news Radio Theater 9:15 [Rochester Orchestra " ” "This War,' talk m m 9:30 SYouth in Crisis A. Templeton, music Author! Author! 9:45 ”_j;_” w_" ''___ 10:00 lHall of Fun Pasternack Orch. Concert Gems Guy Lombardo’s Orch. 10:15 | " 10:30 'Radio Forum with The Old-Timer News News—Streamline 10:45 'John Collier Master Singers Music to Read By Bert Granotf _ iT-00 |News—J.~Gunther News—Sports Music to Read By P. Sullivan,wiews 11:15'Del Courtney Orch. King’s Jesters Orch. Adrian Rollinl's trio Master Records 11:30 Music You Desire Chicago City Opera Paul Whiteman's Or. ff.45 " " _" "_Sammy Kaye s Orch. 12:00 IMusic You Desire Chicago City Opera Benny Goodman's Or. Paul Kain's Orch. 12:15 Sign Off Night Watchman " ” L. Armstrong s Orch. 12-30 !* " " Joe Sander's Orch. Lawrence Welk s Orch. 12:45 _U_1_!_1_I_ “POOTj [Sign Off [Lyle MurphyTOrch. [Ray Pearl's Orch. EVENING STAR FEATURES TODAY Star Flashes, latest news from everywhere, WMAL, 4:45 p.m. Star Sports Review, “according to Coyle," WMAL, 6:00 p.m. National Radio Forum, John Collier. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, discusses the story of the United States and the Indians. THE EVENING'S HIGH LIGHTS 7:15 p.m.—WOL, June Bartlett, Washington songstress, features "My Man" blues, accompanied by Art Brown at the organ and Prank Young at the piano. 8:00 p.m.—WMAL, "The Adventures of Charles Augustus Milver ton” Is the Sherlock Holmes story told by Basil Rathbone as Dr. Watson. 8:00 p.m.—WJSV, Andre Kostelanetz leads his 45-piece orchestra in special arrangements of popular and semi-classical melodies. 8:30 p.m.—WRC, ‘‘Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes” is* Richard Crook's feature solo with Alfred Wallenstein’s Concert Orchestra. 9:00 pjn.—WJSV, BoS Burns has the title role in "A Man to Re member” at the Radio Theater. 9:30 pjn.—WMAL, The drama on Youth in Crisis concerns ‘‘Good Schools for All.” 9:30 p.m.—WRC, Boyce Brown, saxophonist, and Edna Odell, song stress, are guests of Alec Templeton. 9:30 pjn.—WOL, James Thurber, noted humorist, writer and creator of Spartanesque drawings, is a special guest on Author! Author! SHORT-WAVE PROGRAM 7:00 p.m.—BUDAPEST, Military march. HAT4, 9.12 meg., 32.8 m. 7:30 p.m.—ROME. News: businesswomen. 2RO, 11.81 meg., 25' m.; IRP, 9.83 meg., 30.5 m. 8:00 p.m.—CARACAS. Concert orchestra. YV5RC, 59 meg., 51.7 m. 8:25 p.m.—MADRID. News. EAQ, 9.86 meg , 30.4 m. 8:30 p.m.—TOKIO, Musical program. JZK, 15.16 meg.. 19.7 m. 9:15 p.m.—PARIS, Symphonic concert. TPB11, 11.88 meg., 25.2 m.; TPA4,11.71 meg., 25.6 m. 10:00 p.m.—GUATEMALA, Marimba of the national police force. TGWA, 15.17 meg., 19.8 m. 10:30 p.m.—BERLIN, News. DJD, 11.77 meg., 25.4 m.; DJN, 9.61 meg , 31 m. 11:00 p.m.—LONDON, News. GSD, 11.75 meg.. 25.5 m.; GSC, 9.58 meg., 31.3 m. 12:15 a.m.—PARIS, News TPB11, 11.88 meg., 259 m.; TPA4, 11.71 meg., 25.6 m. A.M. | TOMORROW'S PROGRAM i:00 i 6:15 I 6:30 Today's Prelude 6:45... 7:00 today’s Prelude Weather—Hittenmark Art Brown Godfrey 7:15 Prelude—News Gordon Hittenmark " " J 7:30 Lee Everett " Walter Compton, news News—Godfrey 7;45 - ” Art Brown_I Art Godfrey 8*00 Lee Everett News—Hittenmark |Art Brown Today in Europe 8:15 " " Gordon Hittenmark | ” ’’ Art Godfrey 8:30 Earl Godwin, news " ’’ iWalter Compton, news Magic Carpel 8:45 Melodiana _” * • lArt Brown_Jean Abbey_ fc00~News—Breakfast Club News—Mason Art Brown Alice Blair, serial 9:15 Breakfast Club Mary Mason Mrs. Northcross School of Air 9 30 •' " " " Morning Concert 9;45 - - Cadet's Quartet Walter Compton, news Bachelors' Children foTOO Church in Wildwood ! Man I Married, serial Hits and Bits Kitty Kelly, serial 10:15 Right to Happiness lOther Wife, serial Traffic Court Myrl and Marge, serial 10:30 Mary Marlin, serial iPlain Bill, serial Melody Strings Hilltop House, serial 10:45 'Rosa Rio’s Trio ' Women in White, ser'l J. Metcalfs Choir Stepmother, serial 11:00 News—Ensemble DaveHarum, serial P. Fitzgerald, talk Mary Lee Taylor 11:15 Dr. Malone, serial Road of Life, serial Milton Kaye, organ Brenda Curtis, serial 11:30 Travelling Chet Against Storm, serial Keep Fit to Music Big Sister, serial 11:45 Doctor Says Guiding Light, serial E. Butterfield, piano Aunt Jenny, stories plan 12:00 (Meet Song Writer News Luncheon Music Kate Smith Speaks 12:15 'Merry Music O'Neils, serial Walter Compton, news Girl Marries, serial 12:30 farm and Home Hour Carters, serial Song Shopper Helen Trent, serial 12:45 ' " " Devotions String Orchestra_Gai Sunday, serial llOCTTarm and Home Hour Jeno’BartaiTOrciT Happy Gang Goldbergs, serial 1:15 Virginia Hays, songs Ellen Randolph Sports Page News—Music 1:30 Melody Time Some Like It Hot " “ 5ay,lsl%s’ ”!! 1:45 European News__Road ot Lite, serial 2:00 Gallant Women Betty and Bob, serial Sports Page News 2:15 " ” Grimm's O'ghter, ser. Dr. Susan, serial 2:30 Army Band Valiant Lady, serial " " Your Family and Mine 2:45 " ” Church Hymns_My Son and 1 3:00 Divorce Orphans, serial Mary Marlin, serial Walter Compton, news Joyce Jordan, serial 3:15 Chase Twins, Serial Ma Perkins, serial Sports Page Society Girl, serial 3:30 Anne Thomas, serial Young's Family, serial ” J.e'vs-D'nce, 3:45 Between Bookends Vic and Sade, comedy_World Dances 4:00 Club Matinee Backstage Wife, serial Sports Page Magna Carta 1-15 " " Stella Dallas, serial “ ” Elinor Lee 4.3O " " Lorenzo Jones, serial " " Washington Hoor 4:45 Evening Star Flashes iWidow Brown, serial " ___ 5:00 Tune Types Girl Alone, serial Meet Miss Julia By Kathleen Norris 5-15 " " Midstream, serial Johnson Family Tonic Tunes 5:30 Affairs of Anthony J. Armstrong, serial Jimmy Allen Happened in Holfyw’d 5:45 Tom Mix. serial Orphan Annie, serial Domestic Tunes Scattergood Baines Prof. Jagu Dies at 73 i GLENS FALLS, N. Y„ Dec. 4 <A»). —Fernand Jagu, 73, who retired in 1 1935 after teaching French and Spanish at Union College, Schenec tady, for 15 years, died yesterday at ' his home. Born in France, Prof. Jagu Once wrote a daily political column, “Eu rope, Day by Day,” in the former New York Evening Telegraph under the pseudonym ‘Talofox.” He also taught at Cornell University. Fort Bragg, N. C., is said to be the largest artillery reservation ih the world. / Triple Rebroadcast Hints Radio Network Without Wires Tests Accomplished Virtually Without Static or Fading By the Associated Press. HARTFORD, Conn., Dec. 4 — Radio pioneers have accomplished the first triple rebroadcast in his tory of the new “staticless” fre quency modulation broadcasting without the aid of telephone wires, leading today to a forecast by ex perts of a revolution in the industry within 10 years. All network programs at present are carried to individual stations over telephone wires. The rebroadcast, described by specially invited guests in the studios of WDRC yesterday as "amazing,” was in the presence of Maj. Edwin H. Armstrong, the inventor. “It is just the beginning in the start of chain broadcasting of fre quency modulation,” said the major at the conclusion of the program which was heard virtually without static, fading or distortion. A Yonkers, N. Y., frequency modulated station, W2XCR, broad cast a program which was picked up by another similar-type station, W2XMN, at Alpine, N. J. This sta tion broadcast the program, which, in turn, was picked up by W1XPW, frequency-modulated transmitter for WDRC at Meriden. W1XPW again rebroadcast the Yonkers program which was re ceived at the WDRC studios. William L. Boyden Funeral Rites Held Funeral services for William L. Boyden, 73, librarian of the Su preme Council of Scottish Rite Ma sons of the Southern Jurisdiction, were held at 3 p.m. today at Hines’ funeral home. Mr. Boyden died Friday at his home, 1650 Harvard street N.W. Honorary pallbearers were Walter R. Reed, Col. Cyrus < C. Combs, Thomas F. Jones, Edward A. King, Robert L. Kause, William Donald son, Richard E. Titlow, M. J. Sanger, Selden M. Ely, W. J. Patterson and Ira M. Daniels. Mrs. John A. Patterson Funeral Tomorrow Funeral services for Mrs. John A. Patterson, who died suddenly last Saturday at her residence, *928 Quincy street N.W., will be held to morrow afternoon at 1 o’clock at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Four teenth street N.W. Rev. Dr. Wil liam S. Abemethy, pastor of Cal vary Baptist Church, of which Mrs. Patterson had been for 40 years a member, will conduct the services. Mrs. Patterson is survived by her husband; by five children and 11 grandchildren. A son, Lloyd B. Pat terson of Kenesha, Wis., has come to Washington for the funeral. Chil dren residing here are Mrs. T. Kelly Back, John A. Patterson, jr„ and Mrs. Robert A. Mayer. Another daughter, Mrs. Norman Lufburrow, lives in Baltimore. Walter E. Trufant, Inventor, Dies at 77 WHITMAN, Mass., Dec. 4.—Walter E. Trufant, 77, whose inventions ranged from a coated nail to a friction drive automobile, died in a hospital last night after a long ill ness. Thirty-two patents were granted to him, mainly for various types of nails. Survivors include a daughter. Kathryn Trufant of Washington, D. C. Maj. A. H. Granger Dies ROXBURY, Conn., Dec. 4 OP).— Maj. Alfred Hoyt Granger, an archi tect and great-nephew of Gen. Wil liam T. Sherman of Civil War fame and former Secretary of State John Sherman, died at his home yester day at the age of 72. The mass of the earth is 6,000, 000,000,000.000,000,000 tons. Sister Eleanora Dies; Teacher at St. Cecilia's Sister Eleanora, who taught art at St. Cecilia's Academy here for nearly 35 years, died yesterday at the academy, 601 East Capitol street, after a three-month illness. She was 75 years old. Born in Cloppers, Md., Sister Eleanora was the daughter of Law rence and Margaret O’Brien. She entered the novitiate of the Holy Cross Order at St. Mary’s, Notre Dame, Ind. Five years later she went to St. Mary’s Academy at Salt Lake City, Utah, and then to St. Augustine's Academy at Fresno, Calif. In 1905 she came to the Washington acad emy. As art instructress Sister Eleanora specialized in the painting of china ware and in oils. She is survived by three sisters. Sister Romaine of Holy Cross Acad emy, Mrs. J. J. O’Dea and Miss Nell O’Brien, both of this ci»y. Requiem mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. tomorrow at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Second and C streets S.E. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery. St. Cecilia Mothers’ Club deferred its meeting until Monday. Ill Case of Death COL. 0432 CALL C/utiHfalti ONE OF THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD XMAS SHOPPERS p If yon haven’t received H one of oor illustrated ■ Xmas Gift Folders, came ■ in and ask for it. ■ IF YOU NEED COAL Fuel Oil 714 13th St. Natl. 3068 Arcade Market, Park Rd. fir 14th St. Columbia 1656-7-8. Get the habit of marketing at Goodman's by phone—for meats, poultry, etc. You are assured the best—and you're saved the time and trouble coming to the market. You'll have our Mr. Goodman's per sonal selection—and HE KNOWS— Only what he can guarantee is permitted to come into our re frigerators—beef, lamb, tongues, brains, hearts, livers, hams—chick ens, turkeys raised right around here. High grade, but NOT high priced. Phone—Col. 1656-7-8. Prompt Delivery Anywhere rm ■ " — . Christmas Memorial Wreaths M 59 to *295 Attractive wreaths with leaves, berries and pine cones in various artistic combinations for cemetery use. If you wish, we will be happy to fill your mail orders promptly and carefully. Second Floor « yeniimenU expreaaed by . FUNERAL g SPRAYS OF * LOVELY | FRESH FLOWERS \ * \ Priced at \ Other sprays in smaller sizes y arranged to your order. $2.00 A and up. Delivery Service on 2 all funeral orders. 5 CiC^wju^SWiei £ 808 14th St. MEt. 7433 609 12th St. MEt. 9369 J 804 17th St. MEt. 7945 923 F St. MEt. 7404 “O. K. ” What It Means to You That little notation, "O.K.," on your charge sales slip, is the badge of honor of your store charge account. It means that your credit is good— that you pay your bills promptly and according to agreements made, it means that the mer chant has confidence in your integrity. A Good Citizen Must Have Good Credit Credit to most of us means the ability to acquire something of value without having to pay for it immediately, but it has a more important aspect. It functions today as an economic stimulus to better living and we should safeguard it and con serve it as we do our health. Remember, if you want to be respected and well regarded, "Guard your credit as a Sacred Trust." . » The Credit Bureau Operated by the Associated Retail Credit Men of Washington for the Purpose of Furnishing Credit Information. 1221 G St. N.W. National 0680 « This is the sixth of a series of advertisements concerning sound credit policies. '■ \ •k “ P \