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! f OAL MM Ml raaranteeS. nmukl; umiM. DellftrM k» ***n track •r In ban aa reeaaataO. FREE STORAGE finnans Pennsrlvaala AntkrnelW White Ash Stove-12.65 Chestnut. 12.35 Em —12.35 Buckwheat 9.55 Pee . .10.85 l VIRGINIA ANTHRACITE Pee, 8.75, Stove or Nut, 10.2S POCAHONTAS—The highest ! quality soft coal for homo use. > Egg 11.25; Nut 9.90; Stove 11.00 MARYLAND SMOKELESS EGG. No smoke or Gas-9.75 FAIRMONT EGG . -.8.50 • B. J. WERNER 1937 5th N.E. NORTH 8 8 1 3 *f Knee-Hi Gives Lesson In Safety to 850 Colored Pupils Children Yell Their Appreciation Of Instruction Smartly clad in a red sweater with her name on it, Knee-Hi, the safety fox terrier, acted as teacher yesterday at Third street and Mary land avenue S.W., before 850 enthu siastic colored children of the George Bell School. The safety lessons were arranged through the co-operation of Mrs. E. P. Derricotte, principal of the school, who expressed confidence that “the children won’t get hurt in the " - 1 future If they follow Knee-Hl’* ex ample.” Announcer Jack Dalton repeated the canine’s safety poem to the chil dren, who yelled their appreciation: “Stop, look and listen before you . cross the street, “Use your eyes, use your ears and then use your feet.” The program was opened by Sergt. Thmoas HefTernan, who praised the schoolbay patrol for Its safety work and asked the co-operation of the children in noting down the license numbers of automobiles involved in accidents. The little wire-haired terrier also gained a canine recruit in her safety campaign. As Knee-Hi was trot ting through her lessons, another dog of nondescript breed ran out into the street, apparently to get better acquainted with Knee-Hi. Dr. George E. Brunson, Knee -Hi’s teacher, took the attitude, however, that Knee-Hi’s lessons were intended for children only and chased the fiewly-acqulred pupil away. Knee-Hi is sponsored by The Star. In co-operation with the Board of Education, the Police Department and the Department of Motor Vehi cles and Traffic. Marriage License Applications Ormond W. Guerin. 33. Receiving Station, and Caroline R. Diefenbach, 28. 2248 Shannon pi s.e.: the Rev. Frank Y. Jaggen. Cleveland Howard. 26. 211 Mass ave. n.w.. and Vivian Chasten. 24. 745 2nd st. n.w.i the Rev. Sylvester Moss Kelsey D Cash. 22. and Marv K. Thomason. 22, both of Canton, Ga.; the Rev. Edward H. Pruden. Oliver N. McDorman, 26. 3612 Yuma st. n.w.. and Ruby L. Saunders. 24. 5115 42nd st. n.w.; the Rev. H. W. Burgan. Emmet Sullivan. 23. 623 Harvard st n.w., and Eileen G. Brown 22. 1717 Euclid st. n.w.; the Rev. Patrick McCormack Stanley J. Michaleskt. 24. 1330 Columbia rd. n.w.. and Frances J Multerer, 20. 1020 Spring rd. n.w.. the Rev. L. J. Wempe. Joseph A. Deslllier. 22. Watch Hill. R. I.. and Edith E. Peterson. 21. 4517 Western ave. n.w.: the Rev. Carl C. Rasmussen Edward G. Hern. 18. 1039 4th st. n.e.. and Dorothy S. Morsonelli, 18. 315 Seaton pi. n.e.; the Rev. John E. Briggs. John K. Knoch. 36. 2566 14th st. n.e.. and Helen F. Graser. 27. 623 Mississippi ave . Silver Spring, Md.; the Rev. John A. Pfeiffer. Hudson McCrea. 23. 1705 13th st. n.w.. and Hattie M. Jacobs, 21. 1422 8th st. n.w.; the Rev. Benjamin D. Ji^getts. Harold E. Randall. 24. and Thelma Douglas. 20. both of Alexandria. Va.; Judge Robert E. Mattingly. Ernest F. Beach. 32. Bradbury. Md.. and Ella V. Htssey. 18, 224 S st. n.e.: the Rev. H. M. Hennig Joseph G. Levitov, 23, 2135 Lee highway. Arlington. Va.. and Anna Rubin. 20. 1309 M st. n.w.; the Rev S. H. Metz. Milton M. Lleberman. 26, 2013 Mass. ave. n.w., and Evelyn Karp. 26. Philadelphia, Pa.: the Rev. Norman Gerstenfeld, George W Collinson. 25. Deale. Md.. and Anna M. Damall. 18. 3313 9th st. n.e.; the Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel. Milton Kolman. 22. and Rena Fleishman. 20. both of Baltimore, Md.; the Rev. Solomon H. Metz. John Becker. 56. 1001 63rd st. n.e.. and Katherine Churchill. 58: Llarzies, Va.; the Rev. Carroll McK. Edwards. Clark P. Halstead. 35. 1648 21st st n.w, and Madelyn E Ralph. 3.7. 4437 Green wich parkway n.w.; the Rev. U. G. B. Pierce. Hugo Stellabotta. 20. 505 Mass. ave. n.w . and Dorothy V. Richmond. 2.7. 4208 Ala bama ave. s.e.: the Rev. John E. Briggs Arthur F. Giacalone. 26, 1444 Oglethorpe st. n.w.. and Josephine Marino 25, 914 5th st. n.w.: the Rev. John H. Zerhusen. Robert Browu, 39. and Bernice L. Pressey. 33. both of 1442 Swann st. n.w.; the Rev. C. T. Murray. Oeorge Combs. 21. 802 R. I. ave.. and Martha A. Harris, 18, 1019 Fairmont st. n.w.: the Rev. A. A. Birch. George Somerville. 25, 1.765 1st st. a.w.. and Helen Ward. 24. 467 K it. s.w.; the Rev. J. Harvey Randolph. William Turner. 22. 1000 Columbia rd n.w.. and Arthuree Ferman. 18. 2914 11th st. n.w.; the Rev. E. C. Smith. Lonnie Ramseur. 23. and Madeline McP. THAT’S THE WAY TO GET HURT—“A football isn’t as impor tant as your life,” says Knee-Hi to Howard Lynch, 11, of the George Bell School, as Howard goes under a truck to get the pig skin. The canine safety teacher gave a safety demonstration before pupils of the school yesterday at Third street and Mary land avenue S.W. —Star Staff Photo. Matthews. 21, both of 4524 Iowa ave. n.w.; the Rev. Benjamin H. Whiting. Theodore Burton. 21. 815 13th st. n e., and Bertha Jackson, 17. 821 1.1th st. n.e.l the Rev. James T. Morris. George Ferrell. 20. 1410 8th st. n.w.. and Mae R Johnson. 24, B05 Oerard at. n.w.; the Rev. William A. Randolph. Kackville. Bernard K. Steen. 25. and Elva J. Geach. 21, both of Takoma Park. Md. Kent S. Taylor. 25. and Kathryn M Tym chek. 24. both of Takoma Park. Md. Wilmer J Dielh. 16. and Mary E. Kessler, 2H, both of Washington. John E Buffington. 21. and Viola Shank. 20. both of Germantown. Md. William S. Foster. IB. Spencerville. Md... and Pearl L. Jenkins. IB. Burtonsvllle. Jacob' Miller. 15. Cleveland. Ohio, and Adele Hosko. 27. Pittsburgh. Pa. Norman W. Lelgear. 10. Gatthersburg. Md.. and Isabel M. T. Cummings. 20, Cabin John. Md. William M. Bierletn. 28. Ballston. Va.. and Virginia Fulton. 19. Washington. Ralph C. Hensley. 28. and Alethla E. Clark. 21. both of Washington Golan M. Saufley. 27. Martlniburg. W. Va.. and Virginia Davis RudasllL 25. Pooles ville. Md. N Robert Young. 25. New York. N. Y. and E. Shame. 21. Richmond. Va. Jav L White. 7*’ and Doris E. Quade. 21. both of Washington. Charles F Waters. 10 and Frances Let Varney. 29. both of Washington. Sentenced to Church OTTUMWA, Iowa, Dec. 5 OP).— Three men who pleaded guilty to intoxication charges in Ottumwa Police Court were sentenced to church. Attempting a new remedial course of court practice, Police Judge C. C. Maddy sentenced each of the three men to 30 days In jail, then sus pended the sentences with the pro vision that each man attend church at least once a week for 30 weeks. Mexico is pushing Its government irrigation projects. Surgeons to Meet The Brooklyn-Long Island Chap ter of the American College of Sur geons has accepted an invitation to meet at the Army Medical Center on December 8, the War Depart ment announced yesterday. Sev enty-five members of the chapter, many of whom are prominent sur geons in the New York area, are expected to attehd. Deaths Reported Etta If. Weiper, 70. 8207 Broad Braneb rd. Mary T. Fdtlong. 78, 8314 N at. Katherine V. Ask ini, 74, 210 Cromwell ter race n.e. William L. Borden, 73. 1850 Harvard et. Dora Oeyer, 88, 2300 18th at. Robert Frank 84. 530 25th It. Q. Frederick Rott. 82. 1220 Shepherd it. Augusta Oue, 80. 3720 Upton at. Rota Holland. 58. OalllnVer Hospital. Jesse I. Marshall. 55. 311 Indiana ave. Thomaa 8. Allulal. 40, Sibley Memorial Hoepltal. Albln L. Oemeny, 49. 4102 13th st. ne Claude Mallard. 48, Oalliuger Hospital. Ernes tT. Davis. 48. 285o Wisconsin ave. John Vlrgadls. 40. Providence Hospital. Ellra Todd Daniel. 80. 1040 Blltmore et. Sarah Mason, 77 Oalllnger Hospital, grcd Hacker, 78 Walter Reed Hospital. Katie L. Dodds. 72. Walter Reed Hospital WilliamiF Wicks 72-Walter ReedHospital. Albert C. Vlett. 86. Emergency Hospital. Aiexander M. Miller, Jr.. 85. Walter Reed nOCpitll. Mary Josephine Flster. 63. 4516 New Hampshire ave. Adolph C. Koster. 53. Capitol Park Hotel Willis E. O’Donnell. 38. 100 Emerson st Stewart K Hill 38. 1108 13th at BhW?°dZ,;U’ .34’ Casualty Hospital Milton S. LcweJ, Jr., 32. rear of 812 Buchanan st. Infant. Marlowe. Blblev Hosoltal i Ida Smith. 72. 2824 Sherman ave Mary Crawford. 68. Preedmen's Hospital Pl7a" ' 081 ' 8t' Dalltlhl> ««: Simpson, 80. 5055 A st. s e. A^nti ShnUi*’Ko”aSa)Unser Hospital. Hospital. yeorgla Johnson, 30, Emergency HosDltal Thomas H. Hill. 43, 2850 Wisconsin are" Hjchard i Coleman, 33. Oalllnger Hospital William A. Adams. 4, 020 3rd st Infant Delores Mode. 754 Girard st Dent. 73. Freedmen's Hospital. J°hn C Ruston. 45. 2850 Wisconsin ave Luther W. Orastv. 44. 1743 p «t Margaret Wilson 30. Preedmen’s Hospital Oalllnger HospltSl.51*1 N°pUal" 28, Fteedmen’s Hos B,^e.y-Blrber>, ?,? Oalllnger Hospital. Infwnt Epps. Oalllnger Hospital Infant Tates. Oalllnger Hospital. Makie Freedmen's Hospital. Infant Jones. Preedmen’s Hospital Births Reported Wesley and Lois Clark, girl. Richard and Ruth Worrell, girl, william and Reva Webb. boy. Simon and Meryon Lebowltz. girl. Walter and Vesta Disney Jr., girl. Alvin and Ann Kremer boy. Jerome and Jessie Beuchert, boy. Howard and Lillian Powell, girl. Leonard and Mary Harding, girl. Michael and Elisabeth Baker, girl. James and Helen Johnson, girl. Oeorge and Esther Clark, girl. Thomas and Veronica Devlin, girl. Cecil and Violet Purman, boy. James and Sara Luttrell. girl. John and Lorena Jordan, girl. Stanley and Margaret Jones, girl. Chester and Augusta Sweeny, boy. Pred and Lena Horton, boy. Thomas and Anna Huston, girl. Roland and Anita McGee, boy. Philip and Esther Mallory, bov. Lionel and Dorothy Gant. girl. Clarence and Mary Thomas, bov. James and Agnes Robinson, boy. $cka£ dot /&matal&x£t / (MUSICAL* 1 Bugles, U. S. $0.95 Regulation - * Guitars - $595 Ukuleles.~$ | .95 and $2-95 Trumpets, gold lacquered, $49-00 made in the United States Clarinets, American $07.50 made -- Violin $ 10.50 Outfits - * ' Accordions, slightly shop- $| JJT worn, 120 Bass Wurlitzers *oa Accordions, new 120 $ I QC bass_ 1 73 Saxophones, F Flat Altos, $ 1 AA made by Martin- ■ ^ Saxophones, B Flat Ten- $ 19c * ors, made by Martin- ' - Martin E Flat Alto $ I AC Sax _ Drum Outfits, Leedy all- $pi white special sets- 7 • TRANS-LUX THEATER Announces STARTING TODAY In Addition to Regular Release* of Fox, M-G-M, Paramount and Universal Of the Great REDSKIN-GIANTS FOOTBALL GAME A FULL REEL FILM COVERING ALL SPECTACULAR HAPPENINGS FILM BY MOVIETONE* ED. THORGESEN, Commentator LESSONS If you want instruction on any instrument, we can arrange lessons for you in our studios at a nominal cost. All teach ers are experienced and competent—all lessons PRIVATE. Very Easy Termt OPEN EVENINGS Arthur Jordaa PLiXO COMPAan* 1239-G Street - Cor. 13- N.W mu | GIVE THEM THESE Studebaker Keys, to Happiness ! A 1940 Studebaker Champion QtA Stdan, ittastratod, $700 delivered at factory r^T 1 lT a thrilling Christmas this can for yo*r family... with a beauti ful new Studebaker as your gift! You can’t put the car itself underneath the Christmas tree, of course. But you can present your loved ones with the keys to it—in a handsome jewel box. And if you make up your mind at once, we’ll see to it that the Studebaker of your choice is ready and waiting outside your door on Christmas morning. Studebaker, as you know, is the most en vied car that courses the streets today ... designed by internationally famous Ray mond Loewy... built by the motor car in dustry’sablest craftsmen... engineered to give more miles per gallon of gasoline than any car of its price. And you have three beautiful S tudeb akers from which to make your choice—the lux urious President, the impressive Com mander or the biggest new-car success in 10 years—the stunningly beautiful, restful riding Studebaker Champion. But remember Christmas is just a few days away—so come in now and let us help you make all the arrangements for your gift of a new Studebaker. Your present car should cover much of " the down payment, perhaps all of it—and you may handle the balance on liberal C.I.T. budget plan terms. ' I, fcl-Z^^rrvv .p,,"s : 11 STUDEB AKt k $ ^ / I r rw aMPXqN g7 f ill21 21st St. N.W. ALBER & McNEIL Jfc' 1418 P ST. N.W. 1 WILLIAMS MOTOR CO. * COLMAR MANOR, MO. LEE D. BUTLER, INC. FEDERAL MOTOR SALES, INC. HILLER MOTORS 2011 14th ST. N.W. SILVSR SPRING, MD. MARKS MOTORS COLLEGE PARK AUTO PLACE Ui MWT„ ARLINGTON, VA. COLL1GI PARK, MD. Phone District 0110 DIBB MOTORS, INC. BETHESDA, MD. . BOYD-CARLIN MOTOR CO. ALEXANDRIA, VA. SPECIAL FOR XMAS KRYPTOK INVISIBLE BI-FOCALS For both new and fw vision (lenses only) of genuine* f ground-in untinted glass. 9 Every pair made to Indl- - B vidual needs. A BEAL VALLE! COMPLETE with any style frame, examination included. No •• M ADDITIONAL CHARGES Special—Regularly $12.SO j • COMPLETE GLASSES ( • CHOICE OF 10 . I I DIFFERENT STYLES I • SINGLE VISION < • FRAME OR RIMLESS • EXAMINATION^ • CASE A CLEANER Sx.TfMMiJUiitoj st TRIBBYS Jeweleri-Onttctans 617 7th St. N.W. Call NAUaaal *077 I -- §• ESTABLISHED 1865 • | NO "AIR RAIDS" | To Misleod or Confuse If It's o Barker policy to ovoid 1 r the use of cloims and boasts p to influence prospective eus- p f tomers. Instead, we merely ft ft point to the fact that 74 years § ft of succeuful operation is oar ft § best gearantee to all of fair If p dealing and dependable service, p GEO. M. BARKER! | • COMPANY • | LUMBER and MILLWORK 1 649-651 N. Y. Ava. N.W. | I 1523 7H. St. N.W. I CALL NA. 1348 | Occasional Pieces °f Lifetime Furniture for Christmas Giving 18th Century Type Sofa ..... $110 Horsehair Filling . . . Grand Rapids Made An exquisite sofa styled and built in the quality way at Grand Rapids. Curled black horsehair and clean cotton felt filling. Re versible spring seat cushions and upholstered in a blue predominating figured cotton and rayon damask. Choose your own fabric if you wish .. . many from which to choose. Coffee Table $17.50 All mahogany and with removable glass tray. Fine Grand Rapids make and dexterously finished. One of many small tables in our Christmas display. Mayer & Co. Curio Cabinet $110 A Sheraton style and all ma hogany, expertly inlaid. Two center drawers and cupboard compartments. Two glass end doors in upper section. Mayer’s. ■ Pembroke Table $17 A lovely table and Just the right size to go alongside a sofa or high arm chair. Solid Honduras mahogany; one drawer. Mayer's. Magazine Baskets Top—Empire design. Brass end spindles. Size 15"xl2"xl4". Price ___$4.95 Lower illustration is a Chippen dale type, 16y2"xll"xl6". Price____$5.95 Hundreds of Other Gift Pieces Shown MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ^ A