Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices on Page A-3 CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time 23c line..$ .69 3 times 20c line...1.80 7 times 19c line (consecutively) 3.99 Transient advertisements cash. Additional space pro rata. Claims for errors must be made in time for correction before the sec ond insertion. Situations Wanted Reduced Rates 3 lines, 1 time 20c line-1 .60 3 lines, 2 times 18c line-1.08 I lines, 3 times 15c line-1.35 DEATH NOTICES—$1.25 per in sertion for 10 lines or less. 15c per line for additional lines. Business advertisements under Situations Wanted will be charged the regular classified rate. •me Star is the peat "Want Ad” medium of Washington, and the rates charged are far lower than those of newspapers in other large cities. Nothing is so cheap consid ering the results obtained. _LOST_ BRIEF CASE, near 3218 Wisconsin ave. n.w. Call Mr Crook. Stohlman Chevrolet, Michigan 1646 or Woodley 9189._ BRIEF CASE, black; lost Saturday; con tains flies of typewritten pages; reward. Chestnut 6817.• _ CHARM, shape of 2 leaves, 3 diamonds in each, pearl droD In center. Reward. Call Kichols Co- Met. 0316._ CHOW. male, smali type, red, scar over right eye No collar or tag. Reward. Gail National 1724 or Woodley 2477._ IRISH SETTER PUPPY, female. 6 mos. old; In neighborhood of Bethesda. Please call Wls. 6755-W or Bethesda Police Sta tlon.» MUFF, black Persian lamb, on 13th and D »t. car going n.e. Liberal reward if re turned to 1361 Conn. ave. or 415 4th st. n.e. Hobart 2615. _ POCKETBOOK black suede, zipper purse; contents valuable to owner. Lost 4906 block 4th st. n w ; reward. Shep. 6679-J. POCKETBOOK. containing money and other valuables. Will person who found purse return contents to Mrs. John Lally, 3218 Macomb st. n.w. May keep money. also reward.__ POLICE SERGT S BADGE, gold plated. No. 2: lost Monday. Dec. 4th. somewhere In city. J. J. Knight, No. 10 Police._8* RIMLESS GLASSES in dark red case (The Hecht Co. name in easel, lost Friday. Reward. Call Shepherd 2910-R._ TOOL BOX. electrician's, on 21st st. n.w.. naar Mass, ave_Reward._North 0038._ WATCH, gentleman's thin gold-faced Ham ilton. chain and locket with diamond in center. Initials "C. M. W.” Liberal reward._Call North 7072.___ WATCH. Longines. nurse s, in vicinity Le droit Park bus line and 7th st. n.w Lib eral reward. Return to L. Miller. 718 Fla. ave, n.w . Washington. D C._ WRIgT WATCH; 16th and Quincy ats., bug Arlington. Va.. fr. Wash. 4:40 p.m. Mon day. Chestnut 3751. reward.• DIAMOND RING, during November. Call after 6 p.m.. Col. 8141._ WRIST WATCH, lady's. 15th st.. Saturday. Submit description Cosmos Club, Box W-l HELP MEN. AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS, only experi enced men on Dodge and Plymouths need apply. Have opening for 2 sober, reliable men. preferably married; steady work all year 'round. See Mr. Schall at Fred Motor Co., 4100 Georgia ave. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN on Dodge and Plymouth new and used cars; must be sober, reliable: good opportunity for right man. Fred Motor Co.. 4100 Georgia ave. BOY. experienced, for delicatessen. Apply 7715 Georgia ave. n.w.__ BRICKLAYERS colored. Apply Powhatan st. and Bashford lane, Alexandria._ _ CARPENTER. first-class. Apply Mr. Thomas. 4210 32nd st., Mt. Rainier, Md. CLERK, retail package liquor store, ex perienced only. Apply Clark's, Inc.. 705 14th st. n.w. ELECTRICIAN and helper, lst-class.. State wiring experience, knowledge of D. C. Code, whether have car and tools. Box 38-X, Star. FARM HAND, married man, experienced in general farm work; house, firewood and monthly wages furnished. Give refer ences. Box 340-X. Star. GROCERY CLERK, experienced in cutting meats: good references required. Apply 6315 Wls. ave. GROCERY CLERK for lst-class store; must have experience and good references; good salary. Box 217-X, Star._ HOUSEMAN, colored, single, waiter: city reference; $20 month, room and board. Call after 7:30 p.m.. 1210 Vermont ave. LAUNDRY ROUTEMAN—I have opening for honest, hard worker Interested in an assured future. Please do not answer this •d unless you can qualify. 2216 8th st. n.w. • MAN. not over 35, for service in sales de partment. previous sales experience not necessary but must be neat appearing and hard worker. This position is permanent and offers excellent opportunity for ad vancement. Apply 2 to 4. 979 National Pres s_Bu tiding._ MAN. young. 19 to 30. to be trained and filaced as dealer for local company, in Ar ington County; sales experience helpful but not necessary. Write Box 379-X, Star. MAN. owner able to drive light car. to call on regular customers in a restricted area. Write Box 362-X, Star._ MAN. must be experienced in shade and Venetian blind installation. Apply 3rd floor. 911 K st, n.w._ MAN. colored, reliable and competent, do housework in residence. In replying state age and give reference. Box 23-X, Star. MAN. over 21. for vacancy in customer's department. 8tart about $25 week. 1427 Eye st. n.w., Rm. 210. 9:30 to 3._ MAN, young, 21-30 yrs. old, married, for outside collection department. Car neces sary. See Mr. Murray. Rm. 422, Bond Bldg., 14th and N. Y. ave. n.w, MAN. young, men's furnishings dept., ex perienced: permanent position. Wonder ful opportunity for right party. Blech man's. 700 H st. n.e._ MEN. I am looking for intelligent men will ing to work 3 hours evenings on a digni fied and profitable selling proposition of unusual appeal. Interview will require 2 hours. Apply 604 Earle Bldg.. Thursday flight at 8 p.m. sharp. No other time._ MEN (41 to complete crew, work with man ager: 1Q0'7 co-operation: excellent prop osition: expenses. Inquire 9-12 am. Wednesday and Thursday, 218 Colorado Bldg.. 14th and O sts. n.w._ MEN. vnung (4), alert, for vegetable and meat salesmen, must be experienced. Box 275-V. Star.6* men (2i. young. 18-25. high school gradu ates. clean-cut. ambitious to contact busi ness and executive people in Washington. Bee Mr. Chard. Fox Hotel. 916 14th st. n.w., 8 p.m. tonight.» SALESMEN to sell a new Hospitalisation Insurance Plan; individual, family and group; money-making proposition. Apply Insurance Underwriters, Inc., 931 Barr Bldg- 910 17th st, n.w. SECRETARY, temporary; $30 per week. Must be rapid and accurate. State qualifi cations. age. religion and political affllia tions. Box 41-X. Btar._ SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, experi enced, to take charge of busy station at night. See Mr. Shaw. 122 G st. n.w. be fore 5 p.m. SHOEMAKER, colored. Call at 7 N st. s.w., F. Howell, proprietor.fl* ELATE ROOFERS, experienced only. Apply 3608 14th st. n.w.__ UPHOLSTERERS. first-class mechanics only; good pay. Master Upholstering Co., 6700 Os. ave. n.w. Ra, 9875.6* UPHOLSTERERS, experienced, only first class need apply; steady job. Apply in person. 2447 18th st. n.w. WINDOW TRIMMER wanted by large na tional brewery for permanent year- round work in Washington on salary basis. Give age. experience and all details. Box 374-Y, Btar. FIVE MEN Wanted who want steady, year-around work, with no lay off or part time, where they can earn $20 to $30 weekly, serving regular customers. No expense neces sary. WE TRAIN YOU. If yiu are will ing to work 8 hours a day. 5 days a week, ypply 9-11 a m, 613 K st. n. w._ PERMANENT POSITION. GUARDIAN SERVICE has openings in their sales and service depts. for 3 neat appearing men with cars; selling experience helpful, but not essential, NOT CANVASS ING. Two weeks’ training with pay; ad vance commission draw to start; salary. $140 and bonus per month when qualified. Men selected will have their work arranged weekly in advance. Calling on prospects by appointment only. Rapid advancement to ambitious men. Apply Wednesday, 1 p.m. only. 3548 14th st. n.w. __ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. We have more prospects than we can handle. We have the outstanding new home coverages in Silver Spring. If you really want to make money and can sell, come in and see me. No "triHers.’’ "has beens” or "Just sitters" wanted. 8everal new developments will soon be ready, in addition to what we already have. This It a real opportunity for a real man. F. R. SPEAR, 8422 Geo. Ave., Silver Spring. Shep. 6678, Men, white, over 21 years of age, with D. C. permits, to drive Diamond Cabs. FREE INSTRUCTIONS. For further details see Mr. A. L. Livsie between 3 and 5 p.m. Room No. Ill, 1735 14th st. n.w. HELP MEN AND WOMEN. COUPLE, white, under 36. on poultry farm. S40 per mo., modern houae. Phone Borvema Parle 166. COMPANION-TUTOR FOR 2 YOUNG BOYS. WASHINGTON TEACHERS' AGENCY. 938 Natl. Press Bide Republic 1712. AGENTS. AT CHRISTMAS season have few open ings for sales help, excellent extra money io be made, guaranteed quality of mer chandise. Selling Is simple during this season. Call for samples. Gramont Wholesalers. 803 Penna. ave, SALESMEN. MAN. young, single, ambitious, good per sonality, to represent nationally known manufacturer making styled quality line popular-priced shirts and sportswear for haberdasher and department stores. Terri tory Washington. Baltimore and adjacent section. Weekly drawing against commis sions. Exceptional opportunity. Llondale Shirt Corp., 1107 Broadway. New York. SALESMAN, experienced in selling whole sale trade and sales promotion work through the dealer organisation. Such a man can make an excellent connection with a local distributor (wholesale only) handling the latest development In winter air conditioning for small homes. Apply Thursday morning. 9 a m. to 6:30 p.m., Lafayette Hotel. I8th and Eye sts. n.w. Embassy Room. WANTED. 2 experienced used-car men. for our lot at 18th and M sts. n.w. Liberal commission and bonuses Only 4 men work on lot. Best location In city. See Mr. Burke. Logan Motor Co., ISth and M sts. n.w. _ EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. 2 NEW-HOUSE SALESMEN. To cover builder’s own houses. Several new groups Just being completed. Must have D. C. and Md. real estate license and car. See Mr. Baker between 11 a m. and 2 P.m. daily. BAKER REALTY CO . INC . 1420 K N.W. HELP WOMEN. BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced; steady position. Apply Virginia’s Beauty Shop, 8248 Ga. ave.. or call Shepherd 6783. BEAUTY OPERATOR, experienced, for part time. No phone calls. May's Beauty Salon, 1101 Vermont ave. n.w., Room 202. BEAUTY SALON RECERTIONIST. with some knowledge of the business. Apply between 9 and 11 a.m.. Emile. Inc., 1221 Conn, ave. BOOKKEEPER or cashier for large club. Must be experienced and capable of han dling large sums of money rapidly. Con genial surroundings: chance for advance ment. Single person between 30 and 40 preferred State site, age. exp. and per sonal qualifleatIons. Box 248-X. Star. FINGER WAVER and manicurist; must be expert; permanent position. Duke Beauty Salon. 810 ifith st. n.w._ LADIES—Extra money to be earned during Christmas season, lines can be handled from your home if you have a few leisure hours. Investigate. 803 Penna. ave. n.w. LADIES, young, ages 19-23. handle pub lisher’s contracts. Free to travel Southern States. Salary to start. Transportation furnished. Advancement. Apply Miss De Ment; 5-7 p.m., Cairo Hotel. Room 228. TEACHERS, for private primary and ele mentary school: also substitutes. S’ate qualifications and salary expected. Box 491 -X. Star. _H ELP DOMEST]C._ COOK, colored, laundry, general house work: ST per week and carfare. Refer ences. Phone Woodley 4435._ COOK-HOUSEWORKER. colored, live in: Chevy Chase. Md.. on bus line; 2 In family; only lst-class. Apply in own handwriting. S5Q mo._Box 28S-X. Star. GIRL, light colored, must be very good cook. Call after 6. Ad. 9340._•_ GIRL, white. 21-36. l.h.w, part care two children: D. C. references; begin S25 mo.; private room Wis. 6639. WOMAN, middle age. white, for g.h.w. In SITUATIONS MEN.' ACCOUNTANT, expert: part-time bookkeep ing. books started, audited, balanced: tax reports; city refs.: reas. Randolph 3131. ACCOUNTANT, junior, sales, credits, col lections. general office, knowledge of law. good references. Rand 8664._7* BOY. colored, with permit, wants evening job as elevator operator. Call after 1 p.m„ Decatur 0175.__• CHAUFFEUR, colored, first class, age 25. college education, neat, honest; experienced: references. Box 4H0-Y. Star._ _<)•_ CHAUFFEUR, houseman, colored, reliable and dependable: references: 10 yrs.' experi ence._Dupont 9677. C. Jackson._ COLLEGE PROFESSOR, unemployed, de sires temporary or permanent business con nection. Box 382-Y, Star.8* COOK. Filipino, experienced, wants position in private home; city. out. Box 3S9-Y, Star.__ 7* MAN. young, colored, experienced floorman and painter, desires steady work of any kind. Michigan 1326._8* MAN. young, employed, desires connection with established firm, prefer food line, have car, excellent references. Box 381-Y, Star;__« MAN. young, colored, wishes work as por ter, elevator operator. Janitor or general houseman. Phone North 9411. MAN. colored, as general helper, porter, laundry machine operator, housework. Col. 8456; MAN. alert, depend., personable, sales ability, will Invest $50 and services Xmas season. Adams 6472. MAN. yo'ing. colored, wants work as house man. delivery or store work; city refer ences. Michigan 2614. LAUNDRY FOREMAN. 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. BOX 196-X, STAR. SITUATIONS WOMEN. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR experienced, with typing experience, desires position; references. Box 396-Y. Star.__7*_ DENTAL ASSISTANT, also office work, ex perienced. references. Taylor 4620, 8* GIRL, colored, neat, desires work in tea room or cafeteria. 9:30 till 2; references. Hobart 5027.» GIRL, white, care of child and home;~no Sundays; go home nights; references. Call Col, 5017. LADY, young, desires position, 2 yrs.' ex perience, typing, bookkeeping, office clerk. District 0083._7* LADY, very capable, position attendanT. semi-invalid or companion; free to travel. Box 363. Greenbelt, Md.8»_ LADY, young, white, 20, desires work, anything considered, waitress preferred. Oxford 0571-W.» LADY, capable, settled, desires night work, experienced cigar stand, hotel or drug store. Box 379-Y. Star.7*_ MATURE WOMAN of culture and refine^ ment desires poslton as hostess, companion, housekeeper or one where executive ability is required. Best references. Du. 8261. « NURSE, trained /or Infants; speaks several langauges; also am capable of taking entire charge of home; dietitian; eltv ref. Col. 5567._ PRACTICAL NURSE; can give hypo. Dr.’s reference: work reasonable. Col. 0827. RARE opportunity. Neat, ambitious, pleas ing personality. Young lady desires honest let-live position; must live home; exp. sales lady. waitress, office, etc. Col. 9692. 7* STEAM TABLE SUPERVISOR and salad pantry, experienced, dependable; pleasant personality; age 30; local references. Box 393-Y. Star._• STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST, type over 50 words minute; dictation. 100; gen. office exp. Miss Miller. Natl. 5450._6*_ C'l'L'VATfll A nvyBin <ltvntO*TS ence. age 24. worked doctor’s and hospital offices: $18 Wis. 7549.» WIDOW, white, refined, desires position as housekeeper In motherless home or small family. Lincoln 0418._ WOMAN, white, child 3. as companion housekeeper to Iadv or invalid: live In. 809 14th st. n.w., Room 18.* WOMAN, young, desires position as re ceptionist or stenographer. Adams 7371. 8* WOMAN, white, middle-aged, practical nursing or companion for aged lady. refs, if desired Columbia 2579. _» WOMAN, white would like position as nursemaid or second work; exp. and ref erences. Taylor 2479.* YOUNG LADY wishes position as P. B. X. switchboard operator; experienced. Call Wis. 4061.•_ SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. CHAMBERMAID (colored) In guest house, $35 mo., full or Dart time, maid's work req. Atl. 0778-J._•_ COOK, white, excellent, desires steady employment In home or Pastry cooking: city references. Phone Randolph 7398, 8* COOK, excellent and competent, with ref ence; expects good pay. Michigan 1894. * GIRL colored, reliable, experienced, for g.h.w.. cook: references: live out. Dls trlct 7671. GIRL, colored, reliable, wants part-time or day's work; reference. Michigan 8267. GIRL, colored, wants part-time Job morn ings. good cook; city references. Hobart 7138. GIRL, colored, wants work as nursemaid, housework. plain cooking; reference. Hobart 1512. GIRL, colored, wants morning work, no Sundays. Call between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Atlantic 5211-J. GIRL, colored, light, high school graduate, wants job, maid, mother's helper, office maid. Experienced. Refs. Hobart 7837. GIRL colored, wants housework, good plain cooking or cleaning office. Call Du. 9873. ♦ GIRL wishes work as maid, full or part time, g.h.w.. plain cooking, no laundry: experienced. Adams 9609._« GIRL, colored, wants day cleaning Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday; neat: experienced. Call Hobart 1839. GIRL, colored, wants g.h.w. or care for children: not stay nights. Atlantic 7012. GIRL, colored, wants g.h.w. or part time; references. Atlantic 2934. _ GIRL. neat, colored, wishes work, g.h.w. or part time: $8 week. District 8964. GIRL, colored, wishes g.h.w. or mother’s helper: age. 18; ref. Alberta Stroud. Dls trlct 6403. GIRL colored. 10 years’ experience, wishes job as general houseworker: city reference. Hobart 5656. GIRL colored, general house cleaning. light laundry. Decatur 0647. GIRL colored, experienced, wishes part time or day's work: good laundress: refer ence. Call Atlantic 6467-J. b JANE AND FRED'S CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE By GEOFF HAYES —=»-- - -- "NOWHERE ARE YOUR NAMES AND I'M MI6HTY GLAD YOUR DEEDS ARE ALL GOOD NOT ONE OF THEM BAD. H ^ r\ ...v--—r vi wr — \*1f~yovLl~juTF~follow~me ru SHOW YOU THE TOYS THAT 1 GIVE EVERY YEAR m , TV GOOD GIRLS 0ND BOYS." I - ————— ■ ™ THEY CAME TO A NOUS 9 WITH A LONG glass top •COME IN/ SAID SANTA, “TO MY HOTHOUSE SHOP. *AND NOW YOU WILL LEARN WHAT VERY FEW KNOW, NY JOB IS QUITE SIMPLE m 1 FOR ALL MY TOYS GROW.0 —^—lmmm—— SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. (Continued.) CURL, reliable, colored, wants g.h.w.. full or part time: references. Dupont 0881. QIRL. colored, refined. Intelligent, desires full or part time work: good cook, best ref erence. Col 5370._ GIRL wishes lob as a h.w. and cook, fond of children; good reference. Call Hobart 2178. GIRL, colored, wants g.h.w., full time, no Sunday; city ref. Ml. 0502._ OIRL colored, wishes Job. g.h.w., stay nights or some nights: experienced, has good reference. Decatur 3617-J._ GIRL, colored, wants work, has experience and references. Call Hobart 778B._ GIRLS, two. colored, wish part-time work morning or evening; eexperlenced cook and maid, Dupont 6007._ MAID OR WAITRESS, colored, city ref. Met. 5713._ » SCHOOLGIRL, reflned. colored, wishes work after school: best of city references: good cook. Michigan 8285. WISH TO PLACE my cook and g.h.w.. colored, for adult family or employed couple: sleep In. Shepherd 6707-W. WOMAN, exp., reliable, wants day’s work Thursday and Friday: good laundress and cleaner: ref. Dupont 1584.__ WOMAN, colored, settled, wants plain Southern cooking, housework; reliable; references. Atlantic 7257-R._ WOMAN, colored, wants part-time or day’s work. Dupont 6263.__ WOMAN, young, colored, wants part-time', morning work or day’s work cleaning apart ments: references. Atlantic 1441-W. WOMAN, colored, wishes part-time after noon or day s work: ref. Phone North 3803._ WOMAN, colored, wishes position as cook, capable of taking complete charge; ref. Dupont 6153. WOMAN, colored, wishes part-time or day’s work, no Sundays Met. 4825.• WOMAN, colored, reliable, with references, wants part-time work or three days a week. Michigan 0878. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES’ _BUSINESS._ «uu stenograpners. typists. Dooueepers, accountants, dictaphone operators, male female. for dally openings; no charge unless placed. BOYD lest. 22 yrs ), 1333 F at. AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 632 Southern Bldg. Rep. 0333. Register Now—Immediate Openlnta. MARCHANT CALCULATOR (F>. experienced only, age 23 to 30, rail road office. Good salary. X-RAY TECHNICIAN IF!, clinical laboratory experience, doc tor’s office, age 25 to 35. Salary, S100 month. SHOPPER 1M1. Investigative leaning, unattached. Free to travel, age 23-30. Good salary. Advancement guaranteed in 60 days. PERSONNEL SERVICE. 1311 O 8t. N.W._ _ DOMESTIC_ RELIABLE AGENCY. Dec. 5561. 1402 11th, has cooks, maids, nurses, g.h.w., part-time day workers, couples, housemen.__7* INSTRUCTION COURSES. " LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE — Modern scientific training. Positions secured. Nakon Beauty School, 1434 Park rd. n.w. AUTO LESSONS—Reliable white man. any hours; cars furnished: permits secured: parking for tests. Noel. Emerson 5653. * LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. WARFLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE 1210 O 8t. N.W.. Over Nugent’s Dress Shop. District 1762. THE MABELLE HONOUR Beauty Trained Operator Is In Demand. FREE CATALOG—EASY TERMS. 1340 N. Y. Ave. (Est. 22 Yrs ), Met. f778. GIRLS! LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. "The Modern Way." Licensed school Graduates placed Mod erate tuition, easy terras. Start any time MODERN SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE 1317 F 8t N.W_Natl 4771 Editorial Clerk, Special. Begin now. The Civil Service Preoara tory School. 520 12th st. n.w. Met. 6337. • CHRISTMAS Give a real and lasting present, a BOYD course It PAYS dividends all year round. Beginners’ and QUICK review courses in shorthand, touch typing, comptometry. etc. START TODAY. NAT 2340. BOYD SC"2)CL test 22 yrs ). 1333 F st PERSONAL HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY MY own method Results effective for a life time or money back. Write for booklet. No drugs or surgery. DR SOMMERWERCK. 1365 Columbia rd. Adams 0388. NURSE RETURNING TO CALIFORNIA would care for invalid or children going to the coast. In return for transportation: references exchanged. Call Columbia 8780-W._• MISS FLOODS PRIVATE K3NDEROAR ten 1322 Massachusetts ava. n.w.: school of dancing and nursery: hour, day or week 8:30 to 5:80 BEAUTIFUL PARLORS. ALSO VERY large hall for meetings or dances. Reason able. Inquire MRS PATTERSON. Grafton Hotel. District 4020.___ HAVE YOU A LOVED ONE NEEDING REAL home? Kind care, good food. Call NURSE Columbia 2213-J.___ ARISTOCRATIC. CULTURED WOMAN teaches well-bred English; self-confidence, poise, freedom from self-consciousness; Spanish, public speaking; speeches written. Individual lessons. Mich. 6565. Ext. 502. • FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT Private Waiting Rooms. Robt. B. Scott. Dental Tech Rms. 001-002. Westory Bldg- 605 14th at F Met. 1833. DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED. CLEANED. POLISHED Modern Dental Laboratory Room 802. Westory Bld».. 14th and F N.W. NA 0773. PERMANENTS, $1.25. Fingerwave. 18c: mar.lcure. 18c. Met. 7778. Mabelle Honour School, 1340 N. Y. ave. SOCIAL INTRODUCTION BUREAU. Making of acquaintances to those of cul ture and refinement la often difficult. This bureau is conducted to help you in this matter. People of all ages have found companionship through assistance of MRS. MARTHA TAYLOR HUGHES. Dupont 3249. for appointment. Strict confidence. MOTOR TRAVEL. CALIFORNIA VIA SOUTHERN ROUTE. leaving about Dec. 16; want two passengers to help drive, share expenses. MR. DUCK, Hobart 7124 after 6 p.m. GOVT. EMPLOYE DRIVING ATLANTA, Georgia. Saturday: 1939 Plymouth sedan; t ake 3; very reas.; refs. Randolph 5869. ♦ RICHMOND, FRIDAY, DECEMBER & Re turn Sunday: make trip often with sedan. Georgia 4429 after 3 p.m. BEAUTY PARLORS. EXCESSIVE WEIGHT safely reduced: won derful French method used. Dr. Della Ledendecker 3028 O st n w, Mich 1120 CAMERA SERVICE b REPAIRS. CAMERA REP A tit 1140. FULLER ft d’ALBERT INC.. 818 10th St. N.W Phone National 4711 BICYCLE REPAIRS. BICYCLES overhauled, painted, etc., for Xmas.. $2 up. For estimates, Mich. 0100. Georgetown Bicycle Shop, 1611 WIs. ave. HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES! ROOFING, asbestos siding, basementi water proofed; Bird ft Son 3-year payment Plan. American Rerooflng Co., lnc„ Wl». MOO. PAPER HANGING; room. *4.80 up. Work guaranteed. 1940 samples. J. Jones. 810 23rd st. n.w. Republic 0387. MODERNIZE YOUR HOME NOW! HEATING PAPERING PLUMBING PAINTING ROOFING IN8ULATINO REMODELING SIDING PLASTERING CARPENTRY *6 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 20 Years of Satisfactory Service. TABOR'S HOME RENOVATING CO.. Office and Showrooms. 1420 Irving St. N.W. Adams 7*00. » GUARANTEED HOME IMPROVEMENTS From Cellar to Attic. Deal With a Reliable Firm. NO CASH DOWN. Small Monthly Payments. Free Estimates. Federal Contracting Co., Inc., 818 New York Ave. N.W. Natl. 74X8. Night. NatL 7417. S* HEP AIKS & SERVICE. BEDDING MATTRESSES box springs and pillows reno. ■ best price* and oromot del wash. Mattress Co.. 319 L st. a.w Nat. 8879 BRICKLAYING by the day or contract. Rates reasonable. Call day or nlxht. North 10175._7* CARPENTRY, painting, sash cords, locks, weather stripping, flooring: every repair about the house: free estimates; small jobs solicited. R. W, Neely Co.. Col. 0838. CARPENTRY, commercial, residential re modeling and repairing at positive savings. LAN. Repair Service, Line. 6583-W. » CARPENTRY, repairs, remodeling, all kinds, also caulking: reliable. Mr. Riggs. Dupont H837 before 7 evenings.___• CHIMNEYS—FIREPLACES' Retain Walls. Walks and Steps. WISCONSIN 4821. Ask "AL" for an Estimate. ELECTRICAL 8ERVICE. wiring of any kind; repairs; 24-hr. prompt servige. Reasonable. No job too small. Adams 6128. ELECTRIC WIRING * ‘ *1 lets, repairs: old houses a specialty. Regal Elec. Co.. 840 Upshur n.w. Randolph 8391. FLOOR SANDING. ?0n;k son able L. T. folk Woodley 0528_ FLOOR WORK EXPERT—Old floors mad# like new. W. C. Deaton. 3921 Kansas ave. Randolph 7flfl2.__ PAINTING Papering, rms.. 85 up: rnuuimy, floor „nding; work guar_ anteed Jordon's. Plat. 24IV_7* PAINTING, paper hanging, carpenter, and leaking roofs: all work first-class J. Au brey Smith. 70fl A st. s.e._L!nc.j4992. PAPERHANGINO done at once. 54 room and up. including paper; work guaranteed, do my own work. Georgia 0024. __fl» PAPER HANGING and pair, ting: special low prices this month: duality assured. Call Metz. Taylor 0390. any time. PAPER HANGING this week only Sfl 50 per room 1939 washsble. sunfast papers work guarantee* Michigan 5315_ PAPERTNfl Rooms $.3 up. Prompt a ni orUDU, service 1940 natte-ns. Also painting. White mechanics. Atl. 4052. PLASTERING, stucco, cement, chimneys, painting, waterproofing basements, damp walls, leaky roofs. Minnlck, Lincoln 5071. FTP PLASTERINO AND CEMENT WORK—No 1ob too far or too small Dlst. 4570. Wm. Thomas. 707 M st. n.w 7* PLUMBING AND HEATING, jobbing and remodeling a specialty 24-hour service. Harry E Williams North 0248 RADIOS REPAIRED—FREE ESTIMATES. Radio Doctors, Met. 8221. Radio Trouble? RS.I&EftSS;. MID-CITY Radio Shon. 0-9 p.m NA 2802, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ' GROCERY, n.e corner: *45 rent: *500 wkly. bus.: $2,000 handles NA. 9054 WINFIELD * THURM. 908 10th ST N W ROOMING HOUSE, large, detached, cor ner Conn, ave. in Chevy Chase. Llnkins Co.. 1022 H st. n.w. DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY for"sale7 gross $150 week, more in season. Phone Mleh 4813 for further details._ 0* GROCERY, does $750 wklv.: good corner: rent. $75. with 0 -ms. and double garage: well stocked: owner has other business: price, $0,500: terms: real bargain. Jos. Hollander. 907 Tower Bldg Met. 4«13._ DELICATESSEN and liquor store, nearby Maryland: rent *35, with apt.: does *400 wkly: price. *3.000; terms. Jos. Holland er. 907 Tower Bldg. Met. 4813 MOTOR TRUCK HAULING CONTRACT— Large national organization wants Immedi ately responsible men who can place sub stantial down payment purchase new or good used motor truck: long-time contract provided to pay notes: all expenses, good living: excel, return Investment. Pull details request: references. Box 328-V, Star, CLEANING, laundry and shoeshlne store, estsbllshed: good location; for tale. Phone Michigan 3094. WOOD AND COAL, followed by seed. feed, fertilizer and garden Implements In spring: splendid location, long lease, low rent: es tablished. landscaping business, equipment. Need capital. Box 373-Y. Btar._• GAS AND GARAGE LOCATION, near alr port: long lease, low rent. Jackson 2003. • GROCERY STORE on splendid business corner: rent. $30.75; lease: all new stock. Must sac. account sudden illness fixtures, stock and 4 month’s rent: full price. *050. 1901 12th st. n.w.. 9 a m. to 3 p.m. 8* SERVICE STATION located near Govt, bldgs.: fully eouioped: doing 18. non month ly: price, *2,000. Must have *750 cash. No brokers. Box 22-X. Star._ FOUNTAIN-LUNCHEONETTE. *375 guar anteed weekly: rent, *55. close 10 p.m. and all day Sunday. *2.800 cash. Box 287-X. Star._ DRY CLEANING STORE, very chrpp for quick sale acct. other Interests. 713 E st. n.e. Phone Franklin 1228. 10* RESTAURANT, doing *2.000 wkly.. food only: closes 8 pm.: air-conditioned; clears *1.000 oroflt monthly; statement avail able: fine n.w. location: rent *400: 5-yr. lease: price. *25.000: >4 cash. Bob Hol lander. Rm. 907 Tower Bldg. BEAUTY SHOP for Immediate disposal, owner has to leave Dec. 12 for Ela : shop established 0 yrs.. worth S2.100; will take *1.000; no triflers. Clifton Beauty Shop. 14th and Clifton its, n.w. Col. 10062. 8» GASOLINE. AOCES. corner, mixed gaso lines. eq. and stocked: long lease; price, *900. Box 377-Y. Star,•_ EXTERMINATING BUSINESS for sale, cheap: good opportunity. Call Col. 7295, 0-8 o’clock p.m.7* DELICA . CONE , corner, equipped, stocked: low rent; 5-year lease: price. *700. Box 370-Y. Star._•_ ROOMING HOUSE, downtown; 11 rooms: rent. *60: h.-w.h.; total price. *550; terms: a bargain. WINFIELD & THURM, 908 10th N.W._Natl. 9054. __ ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ROOMING HOUSE SELLERS We sure are busy. Can sell your fur niture and business in a few days. Now Is the time to sell. Plenty prospects. Phone or see EDWIN L. ELLIS, Lons Established Rooming House Broker, tvuviii I . tinu. UOSO. GUEST HOUSE. Mass, ave., 20 rms .; rent, 1162; only *1,800 terms, or *1.600 cash. KEACH & FORBES, 1010 Vt.. Rm. 314._Rep. 2910. • REAL ESTATE—BUILDING. ~ Old established Washington firm with many years’ building experience and un limited references Is desirous of forming connections with one or two Investors who would finance low-cost housing projects: can have active part If desired. We have several good locations and reasonably priced ground. Write for personal inter view and state how much cash you would invest If the Plan meets your approval. Box 410-V, 8tar ROOMING AND APTS., downtown: 22 rooms. 6 baths; reasonable rent; heat and dot water furnished; 4 Prlgldalres: total price only *1.290: terms. WINFIELD & THURM, 908 lQth N.W.Natl. 9664. BOARDING HOUSE,10 RMS. 5 BATHS—$90 RENT. 17th. near K it. n.w. (14 room and warders in house, 30 outside table hoard ers Quoted by owner), completely lurn. with average: price, *1,750: easy terms. EDWIN L. ELLIS, 1010 Vermont Ave., Room 217, Natl. 3310. » RM8., APTS., 22 rms.. 4 baths: rent, $115; Inc., $400: owner here 6 yrs.; $2,400; terms. KEACH & FORBES, 1010 Vt- Rm. 314.Rep. 2919. * ROOMING HOUSE. Irving st., near 14th— D rooms; rent, $70; garage; total price, *600: down payment, $300. WINFIELD & THURM, 908 10th N.W. Natl. 9654. GUEST HOUSE, 17 RMS. $120 RENT—$750 DOWN. Near 20th and Conn. ave.. Dupont Circle location- formerly legation: rm. and board. EDWIN L. ELLIS, 1010 Vermont Ave., Roont.217. Natl. 3310. « BOARDING HOUSE. Girard st., near 14th —15 rooms, 2 baths, oil heat, yard; rent, *86; clean; filled; price. *1.500: terms. WINFIELD, & THURM, 908 10th N.W.NatJJJ654. _ ROOMING HOUSE, 11 RMS. Near 21st and P n.w. First time I have >ffered this business lor sale; price, S1.650; ;erms arranged. _ EDWIN L. ELLIS,. L010 Vermont Ave.. Hoorn 217. Natl. 3310. • ' CAFETERIA^ CENTRAL DOWNTOWN LOCATION. Long established lunch and dinner bust seas, near several large Qpvt. offices. Xx sellent and complete euu pment. Seats tpprox. 130. Owner must leave city. Will BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. (Continued.) ROOMING HOUSE, 16th, near R »t.—13 rooms. 4 baths, oil heat, garage: rent. $125.00; furniture and houae In excellent condition: price $2,200 cash. See this. WINFIELD & THURM, 908 10th N.W.Natl. 9654. GUEST HOUSE. 15 rms.. 5 b.. pub. dining room: lnc.. $1,600: long atralght lease: $5,500: terms. REACH & FORBES, 101O Vt„ Rm. 314._Rep, 2919. * BOARDING HOUSE. Mass. eve., near Thomas Circle—17 rooms. 3 baths; reason able rent: price. $1,350; terms WINFIELD & THURM, 908 10th N.W. Natl. 0654. Wash ’s Largeat Rooming House Broker!. HAMMOND ft COMPANY OFFER AT DUPONT CIRCLE Rooming House. 15 rooma. 2Vi baths. Rent, $115. Income. $318. Well furnished. Price. $1,200. R. HOUSE, 10 RMS., 3 BATHS Good Northwest location. Rent. $75. New furniture. A bargain for $700. ROOMING HOUSE, $2,000 Within walking distance. 15 rooms. 4 baths. Income. $340. Very profitable. RESTAURANT—DOWNTOWN Doire mer *HO dally. Excellent location. Rent. $75. Best buy in town. $4,000. terms. BEAUTY SALON, $1,000 Brin* sacrificed to liquidate estate Fine street floor shop, with new equipment. I HAMMOND & COMPANY 911 13th St. N.W. RIP. 0911 tiifAva ■ a aiPAi ir r An c A l r ACCORDIONS, used 12 bass Instruments. *19.50. Also values In larger sizes. Easy terms. Natl 4730. Kitt s, 1330 O st. OPEN EVENINGS._ ANDIRONS. SI.75 pair up; antique art nieces in brass and bronze. For unusual gifts of endurance, shop at the GEORGE TOWN BRASS SHOP. 3033 M st. n.w._ ANTIQUES—Pattern glass, old china, dec orated chests and chairs and other furni ture Mirrors, lamps, silver, etc. Hamilton Arms. 31st. bctween M and N. ANTIQUE flat silver, unusual 3-plece coflee service, large stock of hollow ware trays, etc : lot of fine jewelry, suitable for gifts; side-street prices. Murray Galleries, 1724 20th st n.w._ ANTIQUE CHESTS, sofas, chairs and all kinds of rugs: special prices. Fine selection of slightly used furniture. Open until 9 Dm. The Lincoln Furniture Co. 807 Penns. ave. n ,w._ AUTO GENERATORS repaired, exchanged. *3.50 un. new guarantee. Electric r> pairs, any car. Clift’s. 2002 K n.w. Met. 6232 BABY FURNITURE—Crib, walker, car riage: also double mattress: good condition: reasonable._Emerson 6279._ BATH TUBS, brick, heating plant, roof slate, lumber, sash and doors. 618 T at. n e Mich. 7987_* BEDROOM, walnut (out of storage). A good suite and very reasonable. We ll give you a year to nay OPEN AT NIOHT Acme Storage Co. (showroom). 4630 14th st. n.w. Georgia 3432. BEDROOM, twtn beds (mahogany). Mr. Oreen says. "This is a beautiful suite. The 'highboy' Is the last word. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD and we ll trade in your old suite." OPEN EVENINGS. Green Furniture, 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223 bedroom! twin beds with springs and mattresses: perfect condition. Also studio upright piano and Gov. Winthrop desk. Must be sold Quickly. PRICED RIGHT. Open at night Convenient budget pay ment plan Acme Storage Co. (show room ). 4630 14th st. n.w. Georgia 3432. BEDROOM, mahogany: model home furni ture. can’t tell it from new. OPEN AT NIGHT Priced at a sacrifice Take a year to pay Acme Storage Co. (show room). 4fl3(l_14th st n w_Georgia .3432. BEDROOM—Mr. Green says. "Talk-of-the town value." 3-pc walnut, with coil spring and inner-spring mattress and 3 boudoir lamns. WE LL TRADE YOUR SUITE. Make the family happy this Xmas. Here’s the price—$89.75, com plete. Your own suite can be used as the down payment. 30 suites to choo e from in walnut, maple, sun tan, mahogany. Mr Green says. “Your credit Is Rood and we re open evenings." Green Furniture. 330(1 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223._ BEDROOM, living rm,. dinette combina tion, complete with spring and mattress; only at Acme can you get such a com bination. Just Imagine, everything for the price of $129.75. Terms to suit. Liberal credit to responsible party. This looks like new furniture. Remember the address. 4630 14th st. n.w. OPEN NIGHTS OPEN NIGHTS. _ Acme 8torage Co.. Georgia .3432._ BEDSPREAD' tablecloths chair backs, pil lowcase edgings, etc. Mrs Lucy Marino, 401 8. Market st., Frederick, Md._7* BICYCLES—New Rollfasl. Colson. Her cules and others. $18.50 up: also used bikes. $8 un D. Gilbert.. 1106 H st. n.e. BICYCLES—See our complete stock. Trade-ins wanted. Open to 9 p.m. George town Blcvcle Shop, 1611 Wls. ave., Ml. (H00,___ BRICK. LUMBER & PLUMBING materials at bargain prices from hundreds of wreck ing lobs reconditioned and neatly_ar ranged for easy selection at HECHINGER 8 You'll save time as well as money by coming to any of out four yards We quote delivered or undelivered Phone Atl. 1400 HECHINGER CO.. Used Material Dept lbth and H Sts N.E 6th and C Sts aw 5025 Ot Ave N W 1905 Nichols B.E BUILDING MATERIALS—A large stock of new and used building materials at rock bottom prices All our lumber is recondi tioned and free of nails. Come to our yard for easy selection. ACE WRECKING CO.. „„„„ 56 F St. S.W ReD 3060. BILLIARD and POOL TABLES. PING-PONG TABLES accessories, supplies, repairs Conn 810 Bth at n.w District 4711 BULOVA WRIST WATCHES. 21-17-15 Jewels; also other makes for men and women; unredeemed pledges m perfect condition at less than */a retail price. Rosslyn Loan Co.. Rossiyn. Va._ CARD TABLES—Mr. Green says—-'By pop ular demand, I am again offering those elegant card tables—those very beautiful, visible score, heavy wood card tables. REMEMBER, they were originally $5. but on a cash-and-carry basis. $1 39. While they last, only two to a customer. Open every evening. Your credit is good. They won’t last long and you will never get another *1 39 value like this, so shop early. Green Furniture Co., 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223.___ CHAIRS—Mr. Green says, "We have all kinds of chairs, so come out and make your selection.” Your credit Is good. OPEN EVENINGS. "Talk-of-the-town prices” Green Furniture. 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223,_____ CHAIRS—A beautiful lounge chair for $13-96. Covers in wine, blue, green and rust. These chairs look like Anne Hath away models. Many others to choose from. All "talk of the town.” All "talk-of-the town prices.” Open every evening. YOUR CREDIT 18 GOOD. Green Furniture. 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223._ CHESTS (silver chests)—Mr. Green says. "Folks. I can’t say enough for this tre mendous and sensational value. In addi tion to the beautiful chest, which can be used as a cellared with storage space for linens (HERE’S THE SURPRISE), you Bet 63 nleCM ^ GUARANTEED SILVER isery ice for 8), ALL FOR #18.05. You CANT pay cash. Pay $1 down and *1 a week. Open evenings. Supply limited (1 to a cus tomer). YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Green Furniture. 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223. CHESTS (cedar chests)—Mr. Green says. "Prices have been slashed’ on about 12 of these beautiful chests. Some with th«s top inner tray.” some with combination locks, but all beautiful walnut. A perfect "lift. Buy It NOW and we'll lav It away for you. Open evenings. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Green Furniture. 3800 Georgia ave. Geor gia 2223._ CLARINETS, reconditioned metal Instru ments In very good condition, some re laeauered. $19.75. Very easy terms. Natl. ♦730 Kitt’s. 1330 O St. OPEN EVENINGS. CLOSING OUT KITCHEN EQUIPMENT. consisting of new 3-seetion elec, waffle Iron. Griswold griddle plate, white-enameled urn stand, metal sinks and tables. Priced right. A. 8. Johnson Co., 1240 8th st. n.w. CLOTHING—Large selection of slightly used overcoats, topcoats and suits. $5 and up. Berman's. 1122 7th at. B.w. Open eves, and Sun, mornings. _ COAL Wood A Oil STOVES Furnace pipe repair parts * grate bars Stove pipe ft fit tings Circulating Heaters. HECHINGER CO. COAT, new. large size, dark green: genu ine lynx collar; $25. 3836 McKinley at. n.w. Woodley 7504. COUNTERS, shelving, wallcases. tables. ■cales. meat sltcers. grinders, refrigera tors. walk-in box. etc.; sacrifice. Edgar Baum, 307 0th a.*. it MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) DAVENPORT-BED (with bedding com Sartment). It’s like a living room sofa, ut it makes up into a double bed with a flick of the finger. Beautiful cover and very reasonable. OPEN AT NIGHT. De ferred payment plan invited. Acme Stor age Co. (warehouse), 4630 14th st. n.w. Oeorgla 3432. DEN FURNITURE; bedroom, complete; chairs, lamps, rug. garden tools, O. E. washing machine. Emer. 3810._ DESKS—Gov. Wlnthrop and secretaries (authentic interiors). These are beauti ful pieces, says Mr. Green Serpentine fronts, lovely drawer pulls, spacious, and the prices are the "talk of the town." For an appropriate gift, inspect these lovely creations. OPEN EVENINGS. Your credit is good. Green Furniture. 3800 Oeorgla ave. Oeorgla 2223._ DESKS—Mr. Green says. "For a nice gift for the boy or girl, a lovely student’s desk. $8.95.” You'll be amaaed. so come in and look them over. Also desks with typewriter compartments. OPEN EVE NINGS. Your credit is good Green Fur nlture, 3600 Oeorgla ave. Oeorgla 2223. DIAMOND. 3-5 carat white diamond in dia. and plat, mounting: $04 Arthur Markel. 618 F at. n.w.. Suite 211. Natl. 5040. DIAMOND®—Elaborate platinum pin. con sisting of 04 beautiful diamonds. $185; I'h carat diamond solitaire. $225; 1-carat dia mond. $150; Vi-carat pure white solitaire diamond. $96. I will sell separately If de sired Call Oppenheimer’s. 903 F st. n.w. DINETTES—Walnut. 7-pc.: maple. 5-pc. (corner cupboard and other pieces to se lect from': mahogany (Duncan Phyfe ped estal). 5-pc. porcelain-top tables in white af|d black, white and red. green, etc. Mr. Green says. ’These are all beautiful, so come in and be convinced that for 'talk of-the-town values.' for treatment that will make you feel at home and for liberal credit terms, we can't be beat.” OPEN EVfNINGS. Your credit is good. Green Furniture^600 Georg 1 a_a ve. Georg I» 2223. DINING ROOM, mahogany. Duncan Phyfe, out of model home. Also one in walnut. One 7-pc. dinette. One 5-pc. breakfast ret. $900. All our furniture is priced at a sacrifice Convenient budget payments. Come early and you won’t be disappointed. OPEN AT NIGHT. Acme Storage Co. (showroom), 4630 14th st. n.w. Georgia 3432. Credenza style. Mr Green says. 'What a beauty and what a price. Your own suite will be traded in liberally, so don't delay, folks, come in. we re ooen from ft to A each day and evening." YQUR CREDIT IS GOOD Green Furniture. 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223_ DINING ROOM, ten-piece, beautiful solid walnut. This suite used one month, but it doesn't fit in my home, so want to sell to quick cash buyer. Original cost. $450. Will sacrifice. Call 7717 17th st. n.w._ DINING ROOM SET. walnut, line condi tion; bargain. 3016 Tilden st. n.w. Woodley 0245. __ _ DRUM OUTFITS, used but In good condt dition. $34.50. Terms. Natl. 4730. Kltt's. 1330 G st._OPEN EVENINGS.__ ELECTRIC APPLIANCES — Nationally ad vertised household electric appliances: bar gains every day until Christmas. Mitchell Hardware Co. 5019 Wisconsin ave. n.w Woodley 3337. Open eves, until ft._ ELECTRIC RANGES, used and floor sam ules. as low as $19.50: all popular makes; terms. Pay with your light bill. Electrical Center. 514 10th st. n.w. National 8872. ELECTRIC RANGE, bargain for cash, new Westinghotise Dictator, never been un crated. Call Chestnut 4348.* ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, stove. Hot point. de luxe, brand-new. Also living room suite, antique spool bed. Atl. 1584-M. 1834 C st. s.c . Apt. 1. after 6:30 p m. 7* ELECTRIC TRAINS, Lionel and American Flyers and accessories; new models with complete lines: special bargains daily. MITCHELL HARDWARE CO.. 5018 Wis consin ave. n.w. Woodley 3337. Open eves, until 8. Sunday. Emerson 8883. ENAMELED SINK, good used. 18x24 roll rim with back $2.49: big bargain for homes, summer cottages, etc. Hechlnget Co. FAIRFAX SALAD FORKS. 8; 3 serving spoons: initial O. Eng. M.; reasonable; no dealers. Box 371-Y. Star._ FLOORING, used: free of nails; special $13.50 per 1.000 bd ft. delivered: smaller quantities slightly higher, Hechlnger Co. FUR COAT, beautiful seal, trimmed with Siberian squirreel. cost about $200; sell S25: size 16. Atlantic 2581._ FUR COATS. 1940 models, absolute close outs. Pew left. Roxy Studio, 1731 Conn. ave;_Michigan 5804._ FURNITURE—Repossessed, lust like new: bargain prices on bedrm.. din. rm.. living room suites. On saie daily. 9-5. at METRC POUTAN WAREHOUSE. 50 Florida ave. n e. FURNITURE—If you want a quality suite, whether it be a bedroom in mahogany, wal nut or maple: dining room. Duncan Phyfe ilO-pc. mahogany!; dinette <7-pc walnut): living room in mohair and 1 In frieze odd chests, dressers etc., mirrors and tables. We repeat. QUALITY FURNITURE. Some of it looks LIKE NEW Some of It out of model homes. Some of It out of our storage warehouse, but everything PRICED AT A SACRIFICE OPEN EVERY NIGHT. Liberal credit terms tThls week only.) OPEN SUNDAY from 11 to 3. ACME STORAGE CO. I SHOWROOM ADDRESS I. 4630 14th st n.w. Georgia 3432._ FURNITURE—Household and artistic fur niture reasonable. Must dispose of at ance. No dealers. Adams 4123. FURNITURE—Contents of model home at sensational savings; brand-new llv. rm.. din. rm.. 3 bedrms . chairs, tables, springs, mattresses, rugs, lamps, etc. 4515 44th st. n.w, Emerson 1063._Int. Decorator._ FURNITURE BARGAINS — Fine quality floor samples at great savings for cash. 8TAHLERra 625 F st. n.w. Open until 8. FURNITURE—9-piece walnut dining rm. suite, in good condition, $32.00: 4-pleee maple bedrm. suite, $35': ftxl2 felt-base rugs. $3.00: 5-piece stainless porcelain-top breakfast set. $16; new douhle part-wool blankets. $1.75 pair; console model radios. In working order. $5 each; new maple baby high chair. $2.95. We have a large stock of new and used furniture at Vg price. This is an opportunity to get all kinds of furniture very reasonable Don't buy until you see our selection. 1307 7th st. n.w. Dealer. FURNITURE—Govt, employe leaving town. Modernistic living room and dinette fur niture. maple bedmfim suite, twin beds. 2 chests of drawers. Call evenings after 6. Chestnut 0931. 7* GAS RANGE—Enameled 4-burner, (lde oven, (torace apace, used, good condition' big bargain; $7 50 delivered. Hechlnger Co. GAS RANGES, brand-new factory samples: less than wholesale. Rebuilt. $7.75 dellv ered. J. 8. Le Ferre. 2007 K n.w._ GAS 8TOVES. used, good condition. Very reasonable. C. A. Snow Co., 710 8th at. n.w. National 1P21._ LIVING ROOM—25 beauties: mohairs, ve lours. friezes, tapestries: 2 pieces from $59.75: sagless construction, webb bot tom. Mr. Grean says. "NOW IS THE TIME —now is the time for all good men to remember the ‘little woman'—surprise her this Xmas." YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD OPEN EVENINGS. Also beautiful lounge chairs and secretaries in mahogany. For "talk-of-the-town prices" and a selection that will amaze you. visit our store. Hours from 9 a m. to 9 p.m. Green Furniture, 3800 Georgia ave. Georgia 222.3._ PHONOGRAPHS—Portables. $6.95 com plete and up. R. C. A. electric.. $4.95. Open eves. Apex Radio Co.. 709 9th st. PIANO—During our big Xmas sale. $2 down will deliver any new piano in our store to your home. Many fine makes, new and used, to choose from: Knabe, Chlckering, Steinway (used). Everett, Ca ble-Nelson. Fischer, Chase and Baker, Gul bransen. Settergren. Shonlriger. etc.; slight ly used spinets. $129 up. Out of the high-rent district, we can offer you the lowest prices in the city. OPEN EVE NINGS. The Plano Shop. 1015 7th st. n.w. Republic 1590.__ PIANO, concert grand, Steinway; $400. 1403 Perry pi. n.w. PIANO, used. Hugo Worch, plain case ma hogany apartment upright, in splendid condition: $186; very easy terms. Na tional 3223. Arthur Jordan Plano Co., corner 13th and O sts. OPEN EVENINGS. PIANOS—We have a few special values in floor samples and slightly used spinets that we are closing out at reduced prices: several good makes—Fischer. Wurlitzer. Estey. Mathushek. Lenox, etc., at prices from $160 up; very easy terms; all have full keyboard! Call Natl. 4730. Kltt’s. 1330 G st. n.w OPEN EVENINGS, except Saturdays._ PIANO, smallest size, latest model Wurlitzer baby grand, slightly used, but In splendid condition, very special, only $276. Very easy terms. Natl. 4730. Kltt’s. 1330 O st. OPEN EVENINGS, except Saturdays. PIANOS—Sterling baby grand. $200. Up rights. Parklyn. $90; Strond. $60; Krohler Campbell. $30: aoartment. size. Others Smith’s Storage Co.. 1813 You st. n.w. North 3343 PIANOS FOR RENT—New spinets and small uprights, only $6 monthly. Money paid as rental will apply on purchase price if you decide to buy later. Natl. 4730. Kltt's 1330 O St. OPEN EVE NINGS. exceptSaturdays. PIANOS—If you are interested In a good grand piano we.have aeveral used Stein ways in practically new condition that we are closing out at savings over their orig inal prices: Very easy terms. Natl. 4730. Kltt’s, 1330 O *t. OPEN EVENINGS. PIANO. Aeolian: $60; coat $600; In spien dld condition; recently toned and refelted. Call Lincoln 8688-W after 6 p.m. A MISCELLANEOUS/OK SAL1. PIANO latest model Huntington full 88 note snlnet. $198. Used, but for only a short time. It's an unusual value at this greatly reduced price. Natl. 3223. Arthur Jordan Plano Co., comer 13th and O sts. OPEN EVCNINOS_ PIANOS—We have several small-slze 73 note spinets, slightly used, that we are closing out at $99 each: Ideal lor the smaller home or apartment: easy terms. Natl. 4730. Kites, 1330 O st. n.w. OPEN EVENINGS, except Saturdays._ PIANO, small size latest model Hunting ton Colonial spinet. $169. Ha« been used for a short time on rental, but looks like new. Very easy terms. Natl. 3223. Arthur Jordan Plano Co., comer 13th and O sts. OPEN EVENINOS._ PIANO. Oulbransen. small apt. size. 1 yr. old, like new; cost $300; will sacrifice $120. Steiner baby grand Piano, cost $1,000, will sacrifice. $188. 1307 7th st. n.w. Dealer. POOL TABLE. 4Vix9, regulation size, in good condition; reasonable. Phona Emer son 7231.__ RADIO—Public address speaking system, microphone; recording turn table, for records and all accessories; Ideal for home, hall or small speaking auditorium; a.c. current. SACRIFICE. Acme Storage Com pany (SHOWROOM). 4630 14th st. n.w. Georgia 3432. OPEN NIGHTS. Liberal credit.___ RADIOS — Brand new 1940 models: all standard makes; also late used models; as low as SB Terms. ELECTRICAL CEN TER, 514 10th st. n.w. Natl. 8872. RADIOS—^Clearance sale small sets, $5.95 complete and up. 25'p to 50'"- off on many models Open eves. Apex Rad>o Co., 709 9th st, n.w.. at O._ RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS, brand-new 1939 model full console size Phllcos, with geml automatlc reproducer. $39: brand-new automatic record-changing sets, $79.50. We stock R. C. A.. Victor. Phileo. General Electric. Zenith. Stewart-Warner and De trola combinations. 10 DAYS’ TRIAL. Call Republic 1690. The Plano Shop, 1015 7th st. n.w. OPEN EVENINGS._ RADIO-PHONO. COMB., table model.-wlays 10 and 12 In. records with lid closed; $-0 cash. Open eves. Apex Radio Co., <09 9th st. n.w.. at G. __ RADIO SERVICE—Free eitlmates on all makes anywhere in D. C.:, service. Apex Radio Co- 70Q 9th at- n.w. RECORDsTbc each, slightly used: others, 3 for 25c. Thousands to select from. Open eves. Apex Radio Co.. 709 9th st. .uiPime?.- 58V E«?„ terms. P. O SMITH. 413 H n.e. Un. 6050._ REFRIGERATORS, new and used. $20 up. guarantees up to 5 years. Easy terms. P. O. Smith, 413 H st. n.e.. Lin. 6050 REFRIGERATORS, rebuilt and floor sam ples. All popular makes greatly reduced to make room for fall merchandise. Terms. Pay with your light bill. Electrical Center. 514 10th st. n.w National S8<2._ REFRIGERATORS, washers, troners. Ben dix hor-p laundrv, beer coolers, showcases compressors. Bargains. Act Quickly. Moving. 131 * T4th st. n.w._ REFRIGERATOR. Norge. 5 coble, ft,. $40; range. Universal. $4(i 6110 14th st. n.w.. Apt. 3. Randolph 51P3._ REFRIGERATOR. 7*/» cu. ft double-door Westinghouse; real bargain. J. C. Harding Co 517 loth st. n.w,___ REFRIGERATORS—REMOVAL SALE We are moving to.our ov.n building Atlas Appliance Co.. WASHINGTON'S LARGEST APPLIANCE HOUSE, will sacrifice at deep cut prices Frigidai-e. Norge. Westinghouse. General Electric. Kelvinator. Crosley and others A group of floor models ss low as $30.50. Brand-new refrigerators In orig inal factory crates at discounts up to flSet off. Repossessed refrigerators as low a* $27. Easy terms Unusually liberal trade in allowance. WASHINGTON S LARGEST APPLIANCE HOUSE. _ „ ATLAS APPLIANCE CO ._ 713 O St N W.. OUR ONLY SALESROOM. District 3737. Open Eyes. Until 9 PM. REFRIGERATOR. Westinghouse. medium size, good condition; reasonable. Woodley 2884 after 6.* REFRIGERATOR, white porcelain. Phont Georgia 4653___ SAXOPHONES, completely reconditioned ln struments. some relacquered. $60 up. Terms. Natl. 4730. Kltt'S. 1330 O at. OPEN EVE NING8.___. SEWINO MACHINES, portable elec., per fect cond $17.50; Singer treadles. $5. Rents, repairs. 2412 18th. Col. 3245._ SEWING MACHINES. Singer d.h.. mechani cally perfect. 1-year guar.. $7.50: shopworn console, new-maehlne guar . $35 reduction with fr;e sewing course. 3337 Conn. SEWING MACHINER $5 uo Treadles, portables, consoles. Rents. Repairs. 2605 14th st. n.w. Open eves. Columbia 3244. SEWING MACHINES, reconditioned. Singer dropheads. at a sacrifice. Priced for quick sale. Some real bargains. Open evenings. 611 12th st. n.w._ SOFA. Virginia sofa with solid mahogany frame The price will surprise you. Used very little, actually in NEW condition. Open nights Liberal credit Acme Storage Co. (Showrm.). _ 4630 14th St. N.W. Georgia 3432. STOP WATCH, specially made. Swiss re peater; cost $725. sell for $300; perfect condition. Box 442-Y. Star._6*_ SUITS, men's; salesmen s samples; latest models. All sizes. Reasonable. Phone Columbia 1540._• TABLES 3. large committee, mahogany; flat and roll-top desks, letter cabinets, safes, carnet runner 4Vi ft. by 45 ft., map file, etc.; sacrifice. Edgar Baum. 307 Oth n.w.__ TABLES—From $2 35: end. occasional, lamp, cocktail. Mr. Oreen says. "Here you are folks, those beautiful GLASS TOP tables that look like real walnut—no more mars and scars: 'heat-treated.' and the prices will .'amaze' you.” Don’t delay— shoo NOW for Xmas, we'll lay any pur chase away for you and deliver Xmas eve. OPEN EVENINGS. Your credit Is good. Green Furniture. 3600 Georgia ave. Geor gia _22231__ TABLES—Mr Oreen says, "Ladies and gentlemen, even If you don't enter our store for that 'warm welcome.’ come out and •peek' in the window, see these tables with their beautiful glass tops, the lovely orna mentations and the price starts st $2.06. Talk about, 'gifts,' we have them, tables, chairs, lamps, rugs, cedar chests, etc. Everything marked at talk-of-the-town prices.” OPEN EVENINGS Your credit Is good. Oreen Furniture. 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia 2223. TRUMPETS. relacquered. reconditioned Conn instruments that play and look like new. $45: other makes. $10 up. Etiy terms. tri.ii. non Cl W»7t OPTO ZVZ. NINOS. _ ■ TYPEWRITERS—American Co.—Sell rent. repair Established 27 yrs. Away from high rents. Closing out 150 machines. $15 up Open eves. 1431 East Capitol st. Lincoln 0082. __ TYPEWRITER Rental Service. 5718 18th n.w.. Geo. 1883—Underwoods. $1.85 mo.. 4 mos. In adv„ $5.55: no del.: $1 add], dep. TYPEWRITER, portable, used 10 days. $27.50: cost $40 4010 Kansas ave n.w. Oeo. 8719._11* TYPEWRITER, Royal portable. A-l shape; only $22.50: guaranteed 1 year. Mac DONALD Typewriter Co., 1435 Eye st. n.w. TYPEWRITER, portable, standard. $15. New portables, 75 cents wk. 1448 Park rd.. Apt. 7, Columbia 4825. Blausteln's, TYPEWRITERS. Corona portable. $14.95. New portables. $1 week. Central Type wrlter Co.. 923 O st. n.w. National 8129. VACUUM CLEANERS—Hoovers. $12.95; Eurekas, $8.95: Electrolux, with attach.. $16.95; rebuilt, guar, like new for 1 year. BEST BRANDS CO.. 805 11th St, N.W. National 7773, 6« VACUUM CLEANERS, rebuilt and floor samples; one yr. guar.: all popular makes as low as $9.95. Electrical Center. 614 10th n.w. National 8872. VACUUM CLEANER. Hoover, with motor driven brueh; excellent condition; $20. Atlantic 0671-W. VACUUM CLEANERS, rebuilt models as low as $9.95. J. C. Harding Co.. 617 10th st. n.w. VIOLINS, good selection at $10.50 each. Natl. 4730. Kltt'a. 1330 O st. OPEN EVENINGS. WALLPAPERS, large assortment, sacrifice. Also wlndowshades; reas. KLESNER'S. 929 H st, n.w.. phone Met. 8742. 11* WASHER, Bendlx Home Laundry. $1.3950; terms; pay with your light bill; liberal trade-in on youi old washer. Electrical Center 514 10th St. n.w National 8872, WASHERS—A. B. C. spinner washer, nrae tlcally new; price; A. B. C. spinner, per fect condition; $35. J. C. Harding Co.. 517 10th st. n.w. WASHERS AND IRONERS, used and floor models; A B C., Apex.. Maytag. O. E„ etc., from $14.95; terms. Electrical Center. 614 10th st. n.w. National 8872. WASHERS—Brand-new 1938 model Gen eral Electric maehlnei, with pump only. $36.95. Also values In other makes, May tag, ABC. Apex etc.; the largest se lection In the city. 10 DAYS’ TRIAL. Re public 1590. The Plano Shop. 1015 7th st. n.w. OPEN EVENINOB. WASHING MACHINES—REMOVAL BALE —Sacrificing brand-new washing machines In crates at 60% off list prices. Used. Westingbouse, General Electric, ABC. Easy, Maytag, Norge. Thor, and others, $9. Liberal trade-in allowance. Terms as low APPLIANCE7HOUSgH1NaTON * ATLAS APPLIANCE CO . 713 O ST. N.W. OUR ONLY SALESROOM. District 8737. Open Eves. Until 9 P.M. GONE WITH THE WIND—Black-lace shawl and cape, worn ate as dreea decora tlon. flat. Dupont 6276. |* MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI. REBUILT AND USED WASHERS. Marts* and A. B. C. 1 A. B. C. (planar washer, practically MW. $59 50. f Brand-new Maytag and Bendtx washers, 1.00 a weak. J. C. Harding, lne„ 617 0th at. n.w_ SELLING OUT OTT/’IQ Complete Stock IvUtJO CAPITOL RUO CO., 2nd Floor. 2821 14th, at Harvard. RE-UPHOLSTERING. Three-piece living suit* upholstered for $45; covering and new Inside material In cluded: made like new In finest tapestry and frlezette: workmanship guaranteed. LA FRANCE UPHOL8TERINO CO . 2609 14th Bt. N.W. COLUMBIA 1017$. Mr. Green Says: — “Imagine” A $2.00 Valet NOW »5c Cash and Carry While Ther Last U nfinithtd Baautiat GREEN FURNITURE CO. 3000 GEOBGIA AVE. Open Evening.—“Tear Credit I. G«o4^ FURNITURE SALE 3 ROOM COMBINATION In cluding apring and mottreg* *I2975 I Quality Furniture OPEN NIGHTS Liberal Credit A mV STORAGE A ivl Hi COMPANY (ShewTonm) 4630 14th St. N.W. GEorgia 3432 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. BEDROOM, dining, living room furniture wanted: contents of apts. or homes, also odd pieces. WE DO MOVING CAREFULLY AND REASONABLY. Georgia 1413._ CLOTHING—Highest price, paid for men'* used clothing. Berman's. 1122 7th at. n.w. Met. 37B7. Open eve. Will call. ELECTRIC WATER COOLER, good. used. small, pressure tyoe. Write Mr. Davis. Bethesda Theater. Bethesda. Md._ FURNITURE ruga, household goods etc. Best prices paid For best result# call NatL 5244: after 8. Lincoln 5488 Reliable mov ing done, lowest prices FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, china, glassware. rugs, silverware, paintings: highest cash prices paid. Call Murray, Taylor 3333. FURNITURE—Want at. once some good used household good.: also .mall Plano. Call evenings after 7. Republic 4228. 7* LOCKERS, metal, large and smell, with locks. Phone Riverside Stadium. Republie 2950. _ SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types, repair: hemstitching. buHons covered, pleat* ing, 917 F st. Republic 1900._ WE NEED gold sliver and diamonds for manufacturing. Will nay more than regular market price. Oppenheimer. now Kahn OP penhelmer. 903 P st n w_ WILL PAY $45 for latest edition Encyclo* pedia Brittanlca: must be In good eondl* tlon Box 288-X. Star_^ . OLD GOLD DIAMONDS JEWELRY. WATCHES: HIGHEST CA8H PRICES PAID. A MARKED RM 211 918 P ST N W. GOLD- -BRINO YOUR OLD GOLD SIL VER PLATINUM TEETH DISCARDED JEWELRY W* PAY CA8B A KAHN INC 47 YEARS AT 935 P OLD GOLD sliver platinum purchased fof manufacturing use maximum prices oald. BURN STINE’S 919 F 8T N W Since 188R __ CASH POR OLD GOLD. Silver, watches diamonds and old dl^ carded lewelry. full cash value paid. SELINOER'8. 818 P 8t K.W_ WE PAY WAR PRICES. For batteries, tires. Iron, copper, break aluminum, furnaces, boilers, other metals. CALL REPUBLIC 4882. CATTLE AND LIVE STOCK. BEAUTIFUL black saddle horse, good Jump er; 16ba hands. 7 yrs.: leaving town; gacrl flce. Apt. 501. Woodley 0259. HUNTER — THOROUGHBRED. 4 yearfc 18t4 hands A bold Jumper. Sacrifice. Shepherd 2246-J. L_ RIDING AND WORK HORSES, ponlek $15.00 up Will trade 8ee DriscolL rear 738 12th s.e. Atlantic 9292.12* COAL, WOOD, FUEL OIL. SEASONED OAK. hickory: lasts longer, heats better. Prompt, courteous delivery. $10 per cord. Call Ashton 3821_ OAK FIREPLACE LOGS, round and split. $10.50 cord; 4-hr. del. anywhere, anv time. Georgetown Firewood Co.. Mich. 1008. FIREPLACE WOOD. oak. birch, pine mixed, seasoned, any size. S7.50 cord, delivered. Write Leo Ngzdln. Spring Hill. Md. FIREPLACE* LOGS. hardwoods. oak. hickory, etc. Any length chunks. $9.50 per cord. Greenwood 4593 eves._ ARLINGTON COAL CO. 2.240 POUNDS TO THE TON. CARRIED IN FREE. Pocahontas stove_$11™) Pocahontas pea - 8.00 Blue Banner egg -.8 go Penna. hard stove--— 12.65 Virginia hard stove or nut-10 25 Virginia hard pea- g-75 757- run of min« __ .. < -50 KINDLING WOOD, CORD. S8. JACKSON 1880. pogsTfets, etc. IRISH SETTER PUPPIES, champion stock. registered. Inoculated. $25 to $<5. Budd. Poolesvllle (Md.) 51.__ COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, pedigreed: country raised: shown In city by appolnt ment. Call Marlboro 24-F-ll. * CHIHUAHUAS. Rio Grande direct, lari* upstanding ears, perfect type, house trained. Mile. Dubarry. Seabrook. Md- » COCKER SPANIEL 6 mos. old. black and white, genuine bred, pedigree supplied: reasonable. Emerson 5778._ SCOTTIE PUPPIES. 6 weeks old. pedigreed. Call Alexandria 2403-W._ COCKER PUPPIES, excellent blood lines: reasonable. At stud. Son of Champion Cold Cash. Robard Kennels. Riggs rd. and District line n.e. Randolph 8918. POR SALE—Black and tan female rat terrier pup, age 10 weeks. 940 Randolph at,. Apt. 8.^ V^UVikDiv ornmawc. Show stock, beautiful red puppies, male and female, excellent pedltree; Sir Bomo seen II at stud. 536 Ingraham_sLjLW.__7^ FARM AND GARDEN. WELL-ROTTED COW MANURE, quality and quandty guaranteed; also soil direct from farm. Waters. Wisconsin 4198. WELL-ROTTED COW MANURE. 75c. 100 lb. sack; 800 lbs.. $5: 1 ton. 910. Rich garden dirt. 50c. 100-lb. sack: 800 lbs.. $2.50; 1 ton. $7 50. Delivered. Olenhurst Dairies. Bethesda. Md„ or Wisconsin 7829. INSURANCE. Your evergreens and shade trees may be made more lasting and beautiful by proper shearing, fertilising and cultivating. Rich manures, topsoil and peat most delivered and applied by experts. Free estimates. Jackson 208.3,_==^as APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. HAMILTON COURTS. 2140 N ST. N.W — Attractive 3 and 4 rm. kit., bath apts.. $42.50 and $47.50. Elec refg. Res mgr. UNtQN STORAGE CO.. North 0104._ 1108 HOLBROOK ST. N.E—3 ROOMS, klt-hen. bath, back porch, basement. Heat and hot water furnished. Rent, $45. Apply HIMMELFARB PROPERTIES. 474 K St. n w. Met. 1107.___ 1617>A KENILWORTH AVE. N.E.—4 RMS., kitchen, bath. Heat and hot water fur nished. Rent. $40. Apply HIMMELFARB PROPERTIES. 474 K St. n.w. Met. 1107. 1624 EASTERN AVE. N.E. KENILWORTH D. C.—4 rooms, kitchen, bath. Rent. $40. Apply HIMMELFARB PROPERTIES. 474 K st. n.w. Met. 1107, SPECIAL REDUCTION. OVERLOOKS ZOO Park—Ant. 500. 2707 Adams Mill rd : 2 rms,. din., kit, b.. Frlgldalre.8* _ 4223 14th ST. N.W —3 RMS.. KIT.. BATH. Frlgldalre on house current: newly decor.; janitor service: $45. Call Adams 1344. 1575 SPRING PL. N.W. (861B 18th ST.)— 2 r. kit. bath; near cars, buses: large lawn: Frlgldalre; newly decorated; $52 50. THE ROY ALTON. B18 M ST. N.W.—5 rooms and bath: most attractive; down town; $50 per month up. Open. J. A. HAYDEN, agent, Natl. 7312. 3.32 2nd «T. N.E . APT. 204—1 ROOM, kitchen, bath. $35. Sea janitor or phone O.eenwood HOP,_ 5810 KANSAS AVE. N.W.—ENT. 2nd FL 2 rms.. kit., bath, scr. porch; Frlgldalre, heat, hot water lncl.: adults: ref.: $45. 4043 GRANT ST N.B.—6 RMS. BATH: heat, not water lncl.: $48.50. MR. CAMPBELL. Apt, 2,_, WOODRIDGE. 1605 KEARNEY ST. N.E — 3 rms.. kit., pvt bath; heat, elec., gas. Frlgldaire Included. Dupont 8428.__ 220 DOUGLAS ST. 31. APT." 4—2 AMS., kit and bath, screened porch; oil heat and hot water lncl.: $48 mo.; will redecorate. Call Bteusrt Bros., Inc.. DIst. 2484. 1808 C ST S.E.. APT. 4—MODERN Du plex; 2 large rooms, kitchen, bath, dinette, screened porch: oil heat, hot water Includ ed: redecorated; very reasonable, District 2484. Other apartments available. (Continued on Kbit Page) V f.