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.National City Church To Honor Members Of 50-Year Standing Many of 19 Remember When They Worshiped With President Garfield The morning service tomorrow at the National City Christian Church will be in honor and recognition of 19 men and women who have been members of the congregation con tinuously for 50 years. Many of these remember the little frame church in which they worshipped with President James A. Garfield. All of them were leaders in the Vermont Avenue Church under the ministries of Dr. F. D. Power and Dr. Earle Wilfley. They were ac tive in the plans for the building of the National . City Christian Church. The program tomorrow morning Is made up of request numbers in music and presentation of memorial Bouvenirs to the 19. Dr. Raphael H. Miller will preach on “The Pro cession of Faith; From Generation to Generation." The following are ! members to be specially honored. Miss Kate Dungan. Mrs. Emma Lat timore, Mrs. De Forest Gray, Mrs. Ernestine Schneider, Miss Susanna Moore, Mrs. H. P. Maxwell, Mrs. A. E. Coming, Mrs. M. S. Emory, Mrs. E. G. Siggers, Mrs. John Henderson, Miss Mildred Saunders. Miss Katie Wick, Mrs. T. K. Saunders, Mr. E. W. Davis, Mrs. E. W. Davis, Mrs. C. C. Galloway, Mrs. Jeanette P. Smith, Mrs. Belle Sweet and Mrs. J. M. Pickens. At the Young People’s Round table next Tuesday evening Mrs. Raphael H. Miller will conduct an Informal discussion on young peo ple’s problems in which she can be of special guidance. The meeting will be held in the Vermont avenue building. On Thursday, following the church dinner, the series of Bible studies will be continued, with the ' topic, “The Sin of Man and His . Redeemer.” The Rev. Ivan Dugan, associate pastor, will teach the les son. Indian Mission Head To Preach at St. John's The Rev. James R. Helms, su perintendent of the Good Shepherd Mission to the Navajo Indians at Fort Defiance, Ariz., will preach at the 8 o’clock service tomorrow eve ning at St. John’s Church, Six teenth and H streets N.W. At the 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. serv ices the Rev. Dr. Oliver J. Hart, rector, will preach on “The Word of God.” The choir of men and boys under the direction of Arthur TT AtTTA p Arrronicf n n rtliAitmin etrtt* will sing. At the 11 a.m. service Dr. Hart will dedicate church fittings In memory of Harriet Riddle Davis, for many years a member of St. John’s. Celebration of the holy com munion at 8 a.m. Services and meetings next week are as follows: Dally prayer serv ice, 12:05 to 12:10 p.m. throughout the week. Holy communion services on Wednesday, 7:30 am.; Thursday, noon; and Friday, 7:30 am. Men's Club, Monday. 8:15 p.m. Junior Auxiliary, Wednesday, 4:30 pm. Rev. S. Carroll Coale Announces Sermon The Rev. S. Carroll Coale will preach at Brightwood Park Method ist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. on "The King’s Face.” The children's •tory will be "Pay Your Way.” At S p.m. he will speak on "The Ques tion Living in Every Heart.” The musical program will consist of Christmas anthems by the choir and Christmas hymns by the con gregation. This is a part of the mu sical program arranged for Decem ber by Elsie Harvey Weaver, musical director, which will culminate in a choral drama, "The Birth of Christ,” on Christmas Sunday. The three young people’s groups will meet at 6:45 o’clock. Miss A dele Reese will preside over the Epworth League, in which Miss Jessie Smith will conduct a conservation on “The Significance of the Recent Evange listic Campaign.” The Young Men’s Class will meet on Tuesday evening, with Clarence Harlowe presiding. The Downs Bible . Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Jane Brown, 737 Hamilton street N.W., Tuesday evening. The Cole Class Club will hold a business meet ing and social on Wednesday eve ning. The Church of Christ' • Dr. C. K. Ray's Topic Dr. Clifton K. Ray, pastor of Ep worth Methodist Church, will preach on "The Church of Christ” at 11 ».m., and on "What Every Methodist Should Know” at 8 p.m. Dr. W. L. Darby, executive secre tary of the Washington Federation of Churches, will be the guest teacher of the Hummer Memorial Class at 9:30 a.m. There will be a combined service of the Wesley Fellowship and the young people’s department at 7 . p.m. The service will be a musical under the leadership of Miss Dor othy Goebel, with music under the direction of Miss Irma Norwood. Members of the young people’s department are distributing Christ inas bags for the children of the Central Union Mission. The bags are to be filled and returned in time for the mission Christmas party just before Christmas. Mrs. F. E. Nelson Is anxious that all persons having the soap wrappers and coupons needed to provide a more liberal Christmas gift for the Home for Aged at Gaithersburg hand them in to her or other representatives in ample time to obtain added value before Christmas. Georgetown Lutheran “The Magna Carta of Christen dom” will be the subject at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Harold E. Beatty. The service will be in keeping with the observance of Universal Bible Sun day. “Great Christian Hymns” will be the topic in the young people's meeting at 7 p.m. Ruth Bruntsch, leader. “The Parables of the Kingdom" will be the topic Thursday at 8 p.m. The members of the Ladies’ Bible Class will be the guests of Mrs. Hilda McCord, 2314 North Madison atreet, Arlington, Va., Friday, 8 p.m., in their annual Ohriqjnas party. News of the Bible Classes Activities of Interest to Local Organizations By PAGE McK. ETCHISON, President Organized Bible Class Association. A meeting in commemoration of Universal Bible Day will be held by the Organized Bible Class Association on Monday at 8 p.m. in the National Baptist Memorial Church. Dr. A. B. Potorf of American Uni versity will speak on ‘‘Old Translations and New Manuscripts." Vice President Noah R. Robinson will preside; greetings will be brought by the Rev. A. Lincoln Smith, assistant pastor. The song service will be led by nenry a. rviagnuson, woo win a. iso be the soloist. Mrs. Lucille Shan non Etchison will be the pianist. The adult Bible classes of the church will entertain the members of the association at a social follow ing the meeting. The Everyman’s Bible Class of Woodside Methodist Church joined the association and received the c e r t i dcate of members hip. The officers are E. C. Elting. president; L. C. Gill, vice presi dent; P. H. Len hart, secretary; C. W. Hake, treasurer; R. R. Baum, chief welcomer; H. R. Smith, choris ter; H. J. How land, class rep resentative on Mr- Etchl®°n the Central Committee of the asso ciation, and Paul M. Lehman, teacher. Mrs. Henry J. Smith will teach the Philathea Class of Petworth Baptist Church tomorrow morning. The monthly meeting will be held Monday evening and the children of the Baptist Home will be enter tained at a Christmas party, at which each child will receive a gift. Harold S. King will show motion pictures and refreshments will be served. Miss Mary Hutchinson is in charge. The Randall Bible Class of Po tomac Heights Community Church will co-operate with the organiza tions of the community in the Christmas relief program and the allev services on Christmas Eve. Dr. Robert M. Charles will speak to the class tomrrow morning on "Re actions to the Good News.” The Mary-Martha Class of Mar vin Methodist Church elected the following officers; Mrs. Elva New man, president; Mrs. Leona Otter son, vice president, and Mrs. May Coon, secretary. Dr. Ralph B. Kennard will be guest teacher of the Drake Bible Class of Calvary Baptist Church to morrow morning. W. O. Handy will preside; C. G. Cruikshank. soloist; Clarence White, song leader, and Leo Berndt will read the lesson and lead in prayer. The Tower Class of Gunton Temple Memorial Presbyterian Church met last Tuesday evening at the home of Albert Gaffney. Tribute was paid the teacher, Andrew M. Smith. The class recognized Mr. Smith's approaching retirement from service in the Treasury De partment and addresses were deliv ered by Dr. Bernard Braskamp, for the church; Howard Waldo, for the session; Andrew Ross, superintend ent of the Sunday school, and Myron Anderson, for the class. Pres ident Willard S. Lines presented Mr. Smith with a set of books as a gift from the class. Judge Bolitha J. Laws will address the A. B. Pugh Bible Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church to morrow morning on “What Shall We Do for Christ's Kingdom?” John Brayshaw, adult department superintendent, will speak to the w Joint meeting of adult classes at 9:30 a.m. on “The Lord’s Laborers.” The Friendship Class of the Memorial United Brethren Church will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Fisher, 7 Adams street N.W., on Monday at 8 p.m. The class president, Mrs. Albert Browning, will preside and plans will be made for the Christ mas activities. Dr. Lucile Dooley will speak to the Comparative Religion Class at All Souls’ Church tomorrow morning on “The Freudian System and Its Bearings on Religion.” The Brotherhood Bible Class of Hamline Methodist Church will hold a memorial service tomorrow morn ing for the late Dr. John R. Lap ham, former president of the church brotherhood. Dr. Cloyd Heck Mar vin. president of George Washington University, will speak. The Rev. Edward H. Tuller will be the guest teacher of the Vaughn Class of Calvary Baptist Church to morrow morning. Linn Elmore will be the soloist, accompanied by Dr. Nelson M- Blake, pianist. Harvey Cooke will have charge of the “buddy period.” There will be a meeting of the junior cabinet of the class on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cooke. Edward L. Tolson, Jr., has been appointed chairman of the 1940 Bancjuet Committee. The men’s Bible class of Trinity Methodist Church will hold a busi ness meeting and social Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Thomas Fitch, 807 East Capitol street. The Burrall Class of Calvary Bap tist Church will be taught tomorrow morning by Mrs. William S. Aber nethy. The topic will be "Christmas in me uospeis. beginning tomor row the Choral Ensemble will be assisted in the musical programs during December by Miss Evelyn Scott, violinist. The Rev. William H. Hantzmon will speak to the Box Bible Class of Emory Methodist Church tomor row morning on “Reactions to the Good News.” The Mizpah Class of Hamline Methodist Church will hold a Christmas party Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Blanche Neff. 6407 Third street N.W. Miss Neff will be assisted by Mrs. Alice Smith, Mrs. Leslie Brooks, Mrs. G. W. Tro vena, Mrs. W. O. Carruthers. Mrs. Anna Hall, Mrs. Mamie Alley and Miss Ollie M. Saunders. Charles C. Haig will speak to the O. W. L. Bible Class of the Cov enant-First Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning on “The Tri umph of Christ.” The George H. Winslow Men’s Bible Class of the Eastern Presby terian Church will hold its monthly meeting in the classroom on Monday at 7:45 p.m. Miss Elsie Green will be the teach er of the Florence M. Brown Class at Calvary Baptist Church tomor row morning. The class will have charge of the meeting at the Re ceiving Home for Children tomorrow at 3 p.m. The business meeting will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. 'The Iron That Swims’ Theme Tomorrow Of Dr. Steelman Combined Choirs to Give Christmas Program At 8 P.M. At the 11 a.m. service in Petworth Methodist Church, Dr. Frank Steel man will preach on “The Iron That Swims.” The senior choir, directed by Ardis Atkinson Cannon, will sing “O Thou That Tellest Good Tid ings," by Handel, A women’s choir will sing “Sweet Jesu, Heaven— King,” by Stair. The Intermediate League will be gin their special Christmas pro grams with a service on “Christ mas Here and Everywhere” at 6:30 p.m. The young people will meet in the chapel at 7 p.m. for a candle light vesper service. At 8 p.m. the combined choirs of 100 voices will present the first of the Christmas musical programs. Dikran Kaval jian will be the guest violinist. Num bers by the choirs will include “On a Morning Long Ago,” Spanish carol; “How Far Is It to Bethle hem?” by Shaw; “Let Carols Ring,” a folk melody from Sweden; “The Holly and the Ivy,” traditional: “Jesus Bambino,” by Yon. Organ numbers by Mrs. Cannon will be “Noel,” by Daquin, and “On Two Christmas Hymns,” by Guilmant. The choirs will lead the congrega tion in singing carols. The round table will meet with Mrs. Minnie Knapp, 610 Farragut street N.W., Monday at 8 p.m. for a Christmas party. The Thursday service at 8 p.m. will be in charge of Dr. Steelman. Friday at 8:15 p.m. the junior de partment will present a Christ mas operetta, “The Magi's Gift.” Albright Memorial Victory Service Albright Memorial Evangelical Church will celebrate in a victory service tomorrow morning the suc cessful conclusion of the financial campaign. $20,000 was raised in cash and pledges last Sunday. The Rev. George E. Schnabel will preach tomorrow on "wnere do we go From Here." At 5 p.m. the girls’ choir will sing and Fred Bunke will give a violin solo. The Bible studies will be re sumed with the congregation bring ing Bibles and participating in the service. The theme will be ‘‘Great Truths of the Bible.” The fellow ship tea will be sponsored by the friendship class. On Tuesday night the brotherhood will meet with the president, George Corbin, directing entertainment. The guest speaker will be Representative Lowell Mason of Illinois. He is a member of the Dies Committee and will speak on ‘‘It Is Happening Here.” The men of the community will be guests. A buffet lunch wiil follow the address. Prayer meeting on Wednesday night will be in charge of the official board. Rev. Charles W. Findlay To Preach at St. Thomas' The guest preacher at St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church tomorrow at 11 a.m., in the absence of the Rev. Dr. Howard S. Wilkinson, who will be preaching at the Pennsylvania State College, will be the Rev. Charles W. Findlay, rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Albany, N. Y. The Rev. Mr. Findlay is a native of England, a graduate of Harvard University and a classmate of Dr. Wilkinson at the Episcopal Theolo gical School in Cambridge, Mass. Cathedral Services To Include Second Of Advent Series Bishop Freeman And Dean Powell Will Preach The second of his series of Advent sermons, “Facing Reality with Christ,” will be preached by Bish op James E. Freeman at the peo ple's evensong in Washington Ca thedral tomorrow at 4 p.m. At 11 ajn. the Very Rev. Noble C. Powell, dean of Washington, will deliver the second of a series of Advent sermons with the general title, “Judgment.” The choir of men and boys, un deg the direction of Paul Calla way, organist and choirmaster, will render the music at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. tomorrow. Celebration of the holy communion in the Bethlehem Chapel of the Holy Nativity at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Holy com munion is celebrated at the Cathe dral on weekdays at 7:30 a.m. Pilgrimages through the Cathe dral, led by Cathedral aides and members of the Cathedral brother hood, will take place at the close of the 11 and 4 o’clock services. The Bishop’s Garden will be open from 12 to 2 o’clock tomorrow. A general confirmation service will be held in the Cathedral De cember 12 at 4 p.m. Bishop Free man will confirm the candidates. Miss Gilliland to Speak At Mission Service Miss Laura Gilliland, who recent ly returned from Liberia, Africa, where for 24 years she served as nurse in the mission station of the United Lutheran Church of Amer ica, will be the speaker at the thank offering and mission service tomor row at 11 a.m. in the Takoma Luth eran Church; the Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer, pastor. The service has been arranged by the Women's Mis vuvic. iutuiucio ui i/iU/ vigatii zation will present their annual thank-offering boxes at the altar. A group of 14 new members will be received. The women will meet Wednesday evening to sew for the patients at Blue Plains. The annual white gift service will be held December 17. At its meeting this week the vestry elected the following officers; Presi dent. Phil Johnson; vice president, Richard Martin; secretary, Ralph Mahr; treasurer, J. J. Gruenbaum; assistant treasurer, Ernest Gerner; financial secretary, Wayne Potter; assistant financial secretary, Ray Thompson; visitation director, Carl Hickman; assistant visitation di rector, George Sprehn; attendance secretary, August Klippstein; as sistance attendance secretary. Har vey Brake, sr.; representative on Sunday School Board, Ray Thomp son. Waugh Methodist The subject of the sermon tomor row morning is "The Light of the Centuries.” The evening subject is “To Seek and to Save.” Special music by th echoirs at both services. The Rev. Clarkson R. Banes is the pastor. On Wednesday at 8 p.m. will be a meeting of the Church School Board. The Rev. Dr. A. H. McKinley, for mer pastor, will preach December 17 at 11 a.m. That night a special Christmas program, "The Gold of the Wise Man.” a program of music and story, will be rendered. White gifts will be brought to the altar of the church to provide Christmas baskets for needy families. 1 r . — A Lesson for the Week Calling Public Men Names Was Fashion in Lord's Day By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. Eyes for life, for the commonplace life that surges about us, to what most of us need. Jerus perceived eternal teachings In the everydayness of life. From the children In the street, from the flowers of the field, from the farmer amidst his crops, from the merchant in his bazaar, He drew sermons that have outlasted the centuries. Our lesson’s first example of this is a quotation from the petulence of children at olav. Thev had made a*— mock wedding, with pipes playing and their fellows did not respond by dancing. Then they had staged i make - believe funeral, but the others did not beat their breasts In mourn lng. It seems as If noth ing they could do would satis fy otners — an early lesson upon the futil ity of trying to please every body. Two sharply contrasting prophets were w. T. eiiii. in the public eye—John, the sterr and hairy ascetic of the desert and Jesus, the genial town man who ate and drank with the peopl* and shared their festivities and talked winsomely about God as Father. Like the unresponsive chil dren at play, the religious leaden rejected both; the hermitlike Johr because his sternness seemed U them demon-possession; the sociabl* Jesus, because he acted like othei folks. In a word, nobody can pleas* everybody. The person who tries t< do so Is In for unhappy hours. B* yourself—your best self—and speali the word of truth that is given you Then, come blame or come praise ho o t noare "Men need thee, love thee, prais< thee not; The Master praises, what are men.’ Jesus moved In a maze of mis understanding. They even cailec him Beeelzebub, but He went righ on with His work as usual. Thi best answer to criticism is consisten continuance in one's own appointee way. A Large Life With Little. As we contemplate this humai figure of Jesus, trudging the dust; roads of Galilee with a rather un kempt group of followers, pausini for wayside halts or sleeping in thi open—doubtless bandying jests witl His companions and recounting thi incidents of the day—enjoying i good meal when one was to be ha< and cheerfully dining on bread am water when the days were lean ever on the lookout for services t< the needy, we are impressed witl the meagerness of His equipment Jesus had no organization, no "homi base,” no financial support In re serve. It was just His life and per sonal power confronting the world. A quaint poem portrays his pov erty: “They borrowed a bed to lay Hi head When Christ the Lord cami down; They borrowed the ass in the moun tain pass For Him to ride to town; He borrowed the bread when thi crowd was fed On the grassy mountainside; He borrowed the dish of broken fisl With which he satisfied; But the crown that He wore ant the cross that He bore Were His own—The cross was Hi own. “He borrowed the ship In which to sit To teach the multitude; He borrowed a nest in which to rest, He had never a home so rude; He borrowed a room on His way to the tomb The Passover Lamb to eat; They borrowed a cave for Him, a grave; They borrowed a winding sheet; But the crown that He wore and the cross that He bore Were His own—The cross was His own.” Nevertheless, this lowly Nazarene spoke with the authority of a supreme judge. Into the midst of our lesson is thrust Christ’s blis tering condemnation of the cities at the northern end of the Lake of Galilee, amid which He had done , His greatest works. The three cities, , Chorazin, Bethsaida and Caper naum, are now but heaps. Once I had the hardihood to visit Chorazin. Pew travelers have dared adventure those stony miles back into the hills where a few remains of Chorazin lie. I would not at ' tempt it again.. But it was worth the trip to be able to muse upon the meager remains of a once-proud city that had missed its opportunity; it had Jesus in its midst and rejected ! Him. Implicit in this passage is the , truth that God deals with cities and countries, as well as with individ ’ uals. Wiser Than the Wise. There is a deep understanding of ! life which is greater than the wis a.# ..UaaU TUIa (a the basic truth of democracy, with , its supreme trust in the common [ people. ; We muse over the Master’s words ■ in our lesson, wherein He thanks the ; Father "that Thou didst hide these 1 things from the wise and under standing, and didst reveal them unto babes.” This saying was aimed at the prideful scribes and Pharisees, [ and was meant for the comfort of r all the humble souls who saw the . Father in the Son. Simplest saints , are often more discerning in spirit | ual things than the professionally j learned. Wise men have written . controversial books about Jesus, but [ plain folk have understood and ac I cepted Him as He is. I Not until I once stood amid the , chips and shavings of an old-fash i ioned carpenter shop in Nazareth i did I realize that the Carpenter’s work had been chiefly the making « of yokes and plows. It was a skilled . mechanic, who had turned out many . a comfortable yoke, who said “My yoke is easy.” It was the Carpenter, comrade of all who toil, who cried, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give 1 you rest.” One recent writer has pointed out ! that the great mistake in all old-age pension schemes is that they plan to withdraw the elderly from all labor; whereas the aged’s real need is for useful work that will sweeten the declining years. Significantly, 1 Jesus summons to rest in labor and not from labor. He offers the peace ful heart as the reward of those who , wear the easy yoke and bear the light burden. The Sunday school lesson for December 10 is "Reactions to the Good News.”—Matthew 11 and 12. j Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Brookland. “Confusing the Wisdom of Men” will be the topic of the Rev. M. C. Stith at 11 a m. The young peo ple’s choir, under the leadership of Harold B. Carleton, will sing, with Mrs. Flora Bennett at the organ. “The Struggle for a Crown” will be the pastor's topic at 8 p.m„ with the quartet singing. On December 24 at 7:30 *p.m. the church will have a Christmas celebration, led by the pastor and young people's choir, combining the Christmas message in Scripture with song. Bethany. “Listening to the Highest” is the pastor's subject tomorrow morning and in the evening “The Referee’s Word Stands.” Several of the young people will assist in the evening service. The junior church, under the leadership of Mrs. Watt, will meet at 11 a.m. The young people's so cieties meet at 6:45. The officers and departmental superintendents of the church school will meet Monday evening at the home of I. D. Cock erille. The Amoma Class will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wallace Perry. Wisconsin Avenue. “Is the Bible Inspired?” will be the topic at 11 a.m. of the Rev. C. R. Ferguson. Miss Elizabeth Fox win icau uic »■» e pel service for the Home for the Incurables. The pastor will speak on "The Quick and Powerful Word of God.” The pastor will preach at 8 p.m. on “Justified by Faith.” Petworth. Hie Senior B. Y. P. U. will con duct the evening service. The Rev. Henry J. Smith will speak on “Un applied Power and Aimless Energy.” Morning service at 11. Subject, "Hie Eternal Test of Values.” 9 - Takoma Park. The Rev. William E. La Rue will give an Advent sermon tomorrow morning, entitled “The Word Made Flesh.” At the evening service the latest talking picture version of “Ten Nights in a Barroom” will be given under auspices of the Anti Saloon League, O. G. Christgau, field superintendent, presenting the pic ture and the address. Second. The Rev. Aaron B. Kelly, assistant pastor of the Clarendon (Va.) Bap tist Church, will preach tomorrow morning and evening. The young people will meet at 6:45 pm. Elec tion of church and Bible school offi cers will he held Friday night. On December 17 the Rev. Bela Udvamoki, president of the Baptist Seminary andBaptiMConventlon of Budapest, Hungary, will preach a both services. It will also be thi white Christmas observance. Vermont Avenue (Colored). At 11 a m. the Rev. C. T. Murra; will deliver the message. At 11:21 am. services will be held in thi junior department, the Rev. S. W Williams, director. Holy communioi at 3:30 pm. The Rev. T. Ewell Hop kins will preach at 8 pm. On Mon day at 8:30 p.m. a musical concer will be given by the Davis and Wisi Singers of Philadelphia, Pa. Or Friday at 8:30 pm. a Bible drama will be presented. Rehoboth (Colored). The Rev. Mr. Johnson will de liver the morning message, whili the senior choir will sing. In thi afternoon he will serve the Lord’, supper. Music by the Hallelujal Chorus. The evening song servici is at 8. On December 15 the pasto will lecture and show pictures o the New York World’s Fair. Mount Moriah (Colored). Dr. J. Harvey Randolph will preacl at 11 am. on “The Message of th Cross.” The junior choir will sing At the evening service the pastor wi] speak on “The Shepherd’s Heart.” Tenth Street (Colored). The Rev. U. S. Brown, assistan pastor, will preach, and at 7:30 the sermon will be by the Rev. S. I Barbour. Music by choir No. 2, Ad die Kemper, directress. In the after noon the men’s chorus will sine a Sixth and P Streets Baptist Churci the Rev. Brown preaching. Friendship (Colored). “Mercy and Truth Versus Right eousness and Peace” will be the sub ject of the Rev. B. H. Whiting a 11 a.m. The Rev. Hobart William will preach at 8 p.m. Mount Bethel (Colored). Dr. K. W. Roy will preach at 1 am. on “The Cry of the Child c God.” At 8 pm., sermon by the Rei W. G. White of New York Cits Young people’s meeting Thursda night. Second (Colored). Dr. J. L. S. Holloman will preacl at 11 am. on “Jehovah, the Patien Teacher.” Communion service at pm. In the evening he will preacl on “The Mind of Christ.” Good Will (Colored). Dr. James L. Pinn will preach ii the morning on “The Appeal Fror Macedonia” and in the evening o: “A Life Unmoved by Externalities. Zion, Southwest (Colored). The Rev. A. Joseph Edwards ha for his subject at 11 am. "Incredibl Optimism.” Music will be by th vested choir, under the leadership c Mrs. Jennis Green ^nith, organist ; director. In the evening the pastor i will preach. At 3:30 p.m. the Usher Board will celebrate its 41st anniversary. The guest preacher will *be the Rev. ’ Hampton T. Gaskins, pastor of the l Liberty Baptist Church. Music by ; the choir of the Liberty church. On Friday night the Pageant i Committee will present “Once in Bethlehem,” a Christmas play, Mrs. ■ Lorraine Pinchback directing. Emmanuel (Colored). i The Rev. F. D. Thornton will . preach at 11:45 a m. on “The Power of God.” At, 3 p.m. his subject will be “My Redeemer.” Morning and evening holy communion. Third (Colored). ■ Dr. George O. Bullock's topic In i the morning is “The Way of Life.” i In the evening there will be a mu s sical program by the senior and ' junior choirs. C Christian Third. 1 The Rev. C. R. Williams will > preach at U a m on “How Do You . Look?” The Lord's supper will be 1 observed. Park View. Sunday will be observed as t woman’s day. The subject of the . sermon by the Rev. J. Lloyd Black '• at 11 a.m. will be “Shining Lives." ■ At 8 p.m. the Missionary Society will ■ present a dramatization, “As Often.' t - i» Fifteenth Street. At 11 am., sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on "Reach Me That Book.” The junior choir will " render special numbers. Women’s ' day will be observed at 8 p.m., 1 with Mrs. J. H. McCallum, misskm 5 ary to Nanking, China, as guest speaker, and Miss Wetjin as guest soloist. I The annual fellowship dinner for f the congregation will be held . Wednesday. This will be followed .’ by election of church officers. On Thursday at 8 pm. the Bible School Council meets. Congregational 1 Peoples (Colored.) 1 Sunday is loyalty day. The Rev. 1 A. F. Elmes will preach in the mom 1 ing on “To Him That Hath.” The Pilgrim and Young Adult Fellow ships will meet at 5:30 and 6:30 pm. j * Plymouth (Colored). 1 The Rev. Arthur D. Gray will i preach on "We Never Have.” Holy communion will be celebrated. s Lincoln (Colored). : Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak on s "God’s Requirements and Our Fail f ures.” The vested chorus choir, with - Miss Cleota jpollini as soloist and director, will render music. Holy communion. The Men's Brotherhood meets at 10 am. The guest speaker, Walter L. Savoy, principal, Garnet-Paterson Junior High School, will discuss "A Three-Fold Community Program.” The Young People’s Club will meet at 6 p.m. “Young People and a Vital Church Program” will be discussed. Episcopal Trinity. A program of chorals will be sung at 4 pm. Sunday by the junior choirs of Trinity Church and Grace Church (Woodsidei, under the direc tion of Mrs. Ruth F. Vanderlip and Mrs. Jean Appel. At 11 a.m. the Rev. Mr. Harp will be the preacher. Holy communion at 8 a.m. and the children’s service at 9:30 am. Church of the Ascension. At 11 a.m. the service will be morning prayer and litany, with ser mon by the Rev. Raymond L. Wol ven. Celebration of the holy com munion at 8 am. All Saints’. The Rev. Henry Teller Cocke will preside at the holy communion serv ice at 7:30 am. and at the morning prayer service at 11 am. the speaker will be the Rev. James R. Helms of the Good Shepherd Missions at Fort Defiance, Arlz. The Young Peoples’ Fellowship will meet at 6 pm. for supper, followed by a business meeting and an illus trated lecture by Edward Hopper, associate director of the Washing ton Studios of Animation, on “The Motion Picture in the Making.” Church of Our Saviour. Holy communion at 7:30 am. At 11 a.m., confirmation service and sermon by Bishop James E. Free man. On Tuesday at 8:15, in the parish hall, the Silver Spring Singers, un der the direction of Elizabeth Clay ton Bacon, will present a program of quaint Christmas carols of all nations and living pictures of the Nativity. Costumes from the Holy Land over 100 years old are being used in the pictures, arranged by Minnie Frost Bauds of Washington, dramatic chairman of the District Federation of Women’s Clubs. Anne O’Brien, harpist, and Thelma Nixon, at the piano, will supply the musi cal accompaniment. St Agnes’. The monthly corporate com munion of young people will be held at the 7:30 am. mass tomor row. At the communion breakfast following the service the speaker will be Horace Varian, Jr., of Balti more, who was one of the delegates to the International Conference of Christian Tjputh held in Holland V* last summer and who will tell abou the meeting. The rector will preach at th sung mass at 11 am. and again a 7:30 pm. AU Souls’ Memorial. At 8 p.m. tomorrow the choii assisted by the junior choir, unde the direction of Dr. W. H. O. McGe< will sing "The Church Year,” set t music, in memory of Miss Prance C. Harrison, organist and choir di rector of the church for 25 years. Lutheran Inner Mission Society. The Lutheran Inner Mission So ciety will hold Sunday school classe in the children’s sanatorium a Glenn Dale tomorrow at 10 am. Mrs Carl Ackerlind, Mrs. Frederick C Umhau and L. G. G. Wiemer wi: teach the classes at Gallinger Hos pital. The service at the Home fo the Feeble Minded at Laurel will b conducted by Miss Frances Dysingei The monthly meeting of the Work ers’ Conference will be held in th Luther Memorial Church at 8 p^i Friday. Plans will be made fo Christmas and the roll call. Th group will also make ornaments fo trimming the trees in the hospital: St. Stephen's Evangelical. At 11 the Rev. Sam H. Komman: will have for his theme “Adver Hope.” The council meeting will b item auuounj aw u St. Mark’s. "The Forgotten Appointment” wi be the theme of the second Adver sermon at 11 am. by the Rev. . Luther Frantz. On Wednesda evening the Alpha Bible Class an the Brotherhood will meet in th church. On Thursday at 8 p.n service at the Central Union Mis sion. The pastor will have charg of this service. Atonement. On Sunday morning the Re' Howard E. Snyder will preach o "The Bible,” in observance of Uni versal Bible Sunday. The Rei James T. Powers will preach o: "The Book of the Ages” at the.ves per service. On Friday evening the Boy Scou Troop 70 of Atonement will spon sor a motion picture. The public 1 invited. Mount Olivet (Colored). Universal Bible Sunday will b observed, with a special sermon b the Blv. W. Schiebel on "The Trut That Makes Men Free.” The com m unicant class is composed of Mis Marjorie Brown, Miss Eileen Brow and Robert Carter. The Sunday school is beginning new series of Bible stories for th Advent and Christmas season take from thr Testament. "TO t Birth of John the Baptist” is the ' first story in the series. . t Methodist Aldersgate. Universal Bible Sunday is b»ing ■t observed and at 11 a.m. the Rev. r P. L. Morrison will preach on “The ,t Bible—The Word of God,” and at 3 8 pm. on “The Price of Privilege.” 5 North Carolina Avenue. Dr. Charles E. Porlines, president of Westminster Theological Sem inary, Westminster, Md.. will preach at 11 am tomorrow. This service will commemorate Universal Bible . Sunday and the theme is “The 5 Truth That Makes Men Free.” t The Epworth League meets at 6 i. pm. for an informal tea and for a ’ discussion period at 7. with Robert j Timmons leading. The subject is . “Reactions to the Good News.” [ Lewis Memorial. , Universal Bible Sunday will be ’ observed. The Rev. John A. Trader * will preach at 11 am. on "The Text for Our Times.” Short song serv ice in the evening, led by Mrs. Joseph Stimson. Sermon subject, “The r Epistle Easily Understood.” Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 am. Charles W. . Sherier will have charge of the les son. Maj. E. W. Brown, first vice president, will preside. Dr. Kiri A. Kester, pastor, will give a short talk. rage McKay Etchison, president, Or . ganized Bible Class Association, will . be the guest speaker. The lesson , theme is "What Shall We Do About ' Christ's Kingdom.” j The Rev. H. J. Magonigal will preach at 11 am. and 8 pm. will be ® Harrison Bible Class night. The ' Young People’s Society meets at ' 7 pm. Lincoln Road. Dr. Reginald H. Stone will speak on "We Have Seen His Star” at '• 11 am. Reception of members. 1 Youth Council meeting at 7 pm. At " 8 p.m„ there will be a 20-minute '• gospel song service, under the leader 1 ship of William Stevens, after which ’ a sermon on “Messianic Prophecy Fulfilled.” The annual Christmas 1 party of the Hiller Bible Class will * be held Tuesday at Mrs. L. E. 5 Brashears at 2700 Fourth street NR. / Gorsnch. The Rev. Richard T. Scholl will e preach Sunday morning on “The y Foundation of Life.” George Miles l will preach in the evening. On - Thursday evening the fellowship s forum will hold a “sock social.” i All friends are invited. . Eidbraoke. e "Making Christ Live” will be the tt subject of the Advent sermon of Dr. 8 (See ACnvhlRS, Pag* A-17.) Dr. C. C. Rasmussen To Discuss 'In Whom Gentiles Trust' Luther Place Church Pastor to Continue Advent Series ‘In Whom Gentiles Trust" Is ttas subject of the Rev. Dr. Carl C. Ras mussen, pastor at Luther Place Memorial Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. This is the second sermon in his series of advent sermons. The solo parts of the choir’s anthem, “O Thou That Tellest Good Tid ings,” will be sung by Mrs. Mitchell Marques. The choir will sing “A Babe Is Born.” The thank offering service at 8 pm. will be sponsored by the Mis sionary Societies. Miss Laura Gilli land, many years a medical nurse on the mission field at Liberia, Africa, will be guest speaker. The Junior Choir will sing for the first time. Miss Hazel M. Anderson’s Bible Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Janet Plugge, 3209 McKinley street N.W., Monday evening.- Cars will leave the church at 7:30. Members of the Luther League will be the guests of Miss Ruth Blackburn, 2002 P street N.W., Mon day evening. Rehearsals for the 15th annual presentation of "The Other Wise Man” will be held in the church parlors Monday and Thursday eve nings at 7:30. The Young People's Fellowship Christmas party will be held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Gould Wickey, 7516 Sixteenth street N.W., Tuesday evening. Cars will leave the church at 7:45. Edgar Bergdahl is in charge of the games and re freshments. All young people are invited to bring a toy for use by the Inner Mission Christmas Com mittee. The two catechetical classes will meet at 3:30. Barron Will Address All Souls' Church Class Bryton Barron of the Department of State will address the Current Problems Class in connection with All Souls’ Unitarian Church School at 10 a.m. on “Foreign Policy Infor mation in a Democracy.’’ At the same time Dr. Lucile Dooley will speak before the Comparative Re ligion Class on "The Freudian System and Its Bearings on Relig ion.” Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce will preach at 11 a.m. on "Religion Speaks for Itself.” At 5 p.m. Lewis Atwater, organist, will be assisted ' in a half-hour program of modem French music by George Irving Chandler, tenor. At 5:30 pm. Cul ver B. Chamberlain will review Carl Crow's “The Chinese Are Like That.” The hostess at the tea served from 6 to 7 o'clock is Mrs. Howard M. Bollinger. At the mo tion picture hour at 7:30 the fea ture will be “Three Smart Girls Grow Up.” A meeting of the Board of Trus tees is scheduled for Monday eve ning. The 25-35 Club will meet at the home of Miss Louise Bebb Tuesday and the Ark at the church Wednesday. The Business and Pro fessional Women's Club will pay its annual visit to Friendship House Wednesday with dinner and a talk by Miss Lydia Burklin, head resi dent. Miss Katherine Koetz will speak before a group of the same organization Thursday evening on "Experience of an Amateur Astron omer.” Meetings of the Junior Bridge Club are scheduled Friday. Dr. Hill Will Preach At Fifth Baptist Dr. John B. Hill, executive secre tary of the Sunday School Board of Richmond, Va., will be the guest preacher at the Fifth Baptist Church at both services. Dr. John E. Briggs, the pastor, continues to im prove from an illness and plans to attend the morning service. At 9:30 a.m. the Rev. Francis J. Lukens will teach the Darlington Berea Bible Class: William M. Pier son, Jr., the Mooney Baraca Class, and Deacon J. R. Tune, the Phil athea Class. Baptist Training Union meeting at 6:30 p.m., with a playette, “A Light Unto Our Paths,” written and directed by A. V. McKee, with mem bers of the Devotional Life Commis sion participating. On Thursday will be the annual day of prayer for foreign missions, with the gathering in of the Lottie Moon offering. This service will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. At 8 p.m. Dr. George W. Sadler, former missionary to Africa and co-laborer with Dr. George Green, but now secretary to Europe, Africa and the Near East for the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, will be the guest speaker. Dr. Bernard Braskamp To Conclude Series Dr. Bernard Braskamp, pastor of the Gunton-Temple Memorial Pres byterian Church, who has been preaching a series of sermons on the general theme, "No Black-Out Here,” will conclude that series at 11 am. tomorrow with his special subject, "No Black-Out of the Chris tian Home.” The Women's Guild, of which Mrs. William E. Boulter is presi dent, will meet in the parlors on Wednesday at 11 am. The subject will be: "The Madonna In Art.” Leader, Mrs. Reginald Bailey. The Board of Trustees will meet Wednesday evening In the pastor's office. The Thursday evening meetir.3 for Bible study and prayer will Yo led by Dr. Braskamp. The members of Mrs. Steerr s Bible Class will hold their month meeting In the parlors Priday ev - ning Universal Bible Sunday Universal Bible Sunday will Ic observed at Rhode Island Aver, 5 Methodist Church tomorrow. Dr. E. A. Sexsmlth has as his subject in the morning "The Old Book for the New Times,” and at 8 pm., "Capital ising Our Calaihltles.” The choir will present "Built on the Rock,” by Christianson. The Young People’s Christian Endeavor Society is making a social problem tour of this city this after noon, and will discuss their findings at their meeting tomorrow at 7 p m The topic will be "Our Own City,” and will be directed by Pearl La