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^-tecz&n hid behind a pillar to watch^% t ^ The story so far: Santa has taken a gift to the King of West phalia. a doll made by the fairies so she can talk after midnight. Eric, the son of Lightning, who wanted the doll, has been put to sleep for a day and a night by the fairies. IX—The Glass Man. For an hour that night Leezen eat silently watching the King of Westphalia. He stared motionless Into the leaping fire. It was so silent in the great hall that Leezen could hear the soft swish of snow against thy windows. She reached for a little gold box on the table and opened it. There lay a flashing sapphire. She held it up to the fire and turned it in the light so that pink lights darted from it. "Oh, I wish Eric could see this," she thought. Then the stone felt queer in her fingers. She looked sharply, and as she did it turned into a little man, only 2 inches high. He seemed to be made of blue-white glass. He bowed. "Why, who are you?" whispered Leezen. "I'm just a thought some one is thinking of you," said the little man. “Usually I lie asleep in that sapphire. But when any one picks me up I can reflect the thought of a friend.” "I see.” said Leezen. "But who Is thinking of me?" "Look," said the little man. He pulled out a tiny flute, no bigger than a pin ,and began to play "Lee ren. Lee-zen." "It's Eric," said Leezen with shin ing eyes. A Sad Tune. The little glass man played on, but he played so softly only Leezen heard. She whispered. "How is Eric?” Then the little man played a very sad tune. "Oh, dear," sighed Leezen. "I must escape from here and find him." She put the little man back into the gold box, and as she closed the lid over him he disappeared and only the round sapphire lay there. Then Bhe rose from her chair so cautiously the King didn't notice her. She backed away from him and into the far shadows of the great hall, where Bhe found a wide staircase lit by candles. So she tripped silently down them and came out on a courtyard, where there stood two guardsmen dressed in armor with crimson plumes waving from their helmet. They leaned on their spears. Along the top of the courtyard wall great flares of light burned. An iron gate opened onto the road. Leezen hid behind a pillar to Watch because she wanted to take one of the horses tied near the gate. Then she saw the guardsmen walk over to stand under one of the flares. They bent to look at the hilt of a fine sword. Quick as a breeze Leezen slipped •cross the courtyard. In a twinkling Bhe was on a big white horse and he was galloping out of the court yard. onto the drawbridge and down the road. “Faster, Faster.” She leaned over to whisper to the horse, “Quick. To Toyland before dawn.” for then I became like a Etone.” The horse pricked up his ears and sped. The strong white horse ran and ran until his eyes Were red. But it was many, many miles to Toyland. and the woods grew deeper and more lonesome. After the two had ridden through tall pine trees for three or four hours, Leezen saw two bright spots by the side ot the road. It was the glowing eyes of a young wolf that had just awaked and was stretching himself. Then she saw an old crow on the branch of a pine tree take his head out from under his wing and yawn. He cackled after them, "Who are you, w:ho are you?” “Oh, dear,” sighed Leezen. "It’s near dawn.” She leaned over the horse and whispered, "Faster, faster.” He pulled his muscles tauter. His steps became great leaps. But try as he would he was still galloping through the woods when the sun sent out its first streak of pink. “Wait.” shouted Leezen. The horse pulled up short. She slipped to the ground and ran into the woods. At the foot of a great tree she stopped. She was only a lifeless doll that couldn't see nor hear nor talk. The horse whinnied w h fright and galloped off. Leezen was alone and lost. Tomorrow: Three trolls steal Leezen. CHRISTMAS isSfc GIFTS !*5&S Send them out of town economi cally right from y^ur home, store or office by Railway Express. Care ful handling. We call and deliver in all cities and principal towns without extra charge. Just phone Railway Express or Western Union. Railway Express agi ncy Inc. Use Air Express for super-speed! If Your Dentist Hurts You Try DR. FIELD PLATE EXPERT Double Suction I ruarantee a Tirht Fit in any Mouth Vinlrt Ray Treatment for Pyorrbca Extractions. *1 and *2. Also Gas *10 to *35 Gold Crowns_ SO up Fillinrs _ . si up DR. FIELD 406 7th St. N.W. MEt. 9256 Over Woolwortb 5e A lOe Store 6“EXTRA”HELPS quickly relieve DISTRESS of CHILDREN'S C0UGHS~C0LD$ DON’T “take chances" with unknown products to relieve discomfort of your child’s spasmodic croupy coughs caused by colds. Use “Children’s” Musterole! Musterole gives such QUICK relief be cause it’s not “just an ordinary salve.” Rub it well on your kiddie’s chest, throat and back. 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Sagless construction. * Pillow-back, down-filled, Grip-arm Chair, the grip-arms and legs are of carved fruit wood, decorators’ custom covers over lux- ^ J urious construction. ~ E Colonial Wing-back Chair in beautiful linen or crash upholstering over luxurious con struction with ruffled valance base. Re- ^ J Vy versible spring-filled seat cushion. * F London Club Lounge Chair. It’s roomy de sign affords complete relaxation. Roll arms, tf ft high back, carved ball feet. Lovely boucle ^ J \A covers over quality construction. Leatherette Chair and Ottoman. A typical chair for the men. Deep-seated sagless con struction with graceful roll-front arms, ^ VVJ complete with Ottoman to match. ~ High-back Barrel Chair. Carved base and feet, reversible T-shape cushion, choice of ft ft decorators’ custom covers, quality construe- ^ V Vy tion. -*■ i+> I Club-type Chair. Massive ball feet, T-shape yi reversible seat cushion. Sagless spring con- M <2 struction. ^ Am A (T D Channel Back I (I) Deep Lounge ;<H> High Channel , Back ij Button Back Fan Back Leatherette Chair And Ottoman (D) Down and Feather Pillow Back Colonial Wing Chair (F) V London Club Open a 66J L" Budget Account 909 F ST# N.W* Where Most Smart People Shop