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1,000 Youngsters Applaud Knee-Hi In Alexandria • Traffic Demonstration Conducted at Busy Intersection One thousand cheering young sters from Washington and Lee public schools and St. Mary's Paro chial School gave Knee-Hi a rousing reception as the safety dog spon sored by The Star staged a demon stration in Alexandria yesterday afternoon. Under the guidance of Dr. George E. Brunson, who taught her the simple rules of traffic safety, the little wire-haired terrier illustrated the precautions which safeguard against accidents on streets and highways. Knee-Hi demonstrated that streets should be crossed only at intersec tions, that all traffic regulations should be rigidly observed, that children should not play in the streets, should never try to cross a street in the face of oncoming vehicles, should not play around automobiles and should stop, look and listen before crossing thorough fares. Performs at Busy Corner. The demonstration was conducted at Washington and Queen streets, one of the busiest intersections in the Virginia city, with Jack H. Dal ton, chief assistant to Dr. Brunson, explaining the various phases of the demonstration with the aid of a public amplifying system. Police Chief John S. Arnold, Supt. of Public Schools T. C. Wil liams and Fire Chief James M. Duncan co-operated in putting on the demonstration, the second in which The Star has presented Knee Hi \in nearby Virginia. The first was staged Monday at James Mon roe School in Arlington County. Photographs Available. Previously the little terrier had staged demonstrations for school children in Washington and nearby Maryland. Yesterday’s demonstra tion was her 797th in three years and her audience ran to more than 2.000.000, the number of school chil dren before whom Knee-Hi has per formed. Mr. Dalton announced. Mr. Dalton informed the Virginia pupils that photographs of the little dog may be obtained by writing Knee-Hi, in care of The Star. Rules for traffic safety are printed below the dog's picture. Eight Oystermen Fined HEATHSVILLE, Va„ Dec. 13 (/$>).— On pleas of guilty, eight oystermen I were convicted on charges of dredg ing for oysters in the Potomac, fined $100 each and given 30-day jail sen tences. The jail sentences and half the amount of the fines were sus pended by Judge E. Hugh Smith, however, and the men put on pro bation for two years. KNEE-HI IN ALEXANDRIA—Knee-Hi shown with Capt. John S. Arnold of Alexandria, Va., police during the dog’s safety program before students of the Washington and Lee School there.’ ____ —Star Photo. Stalin Rule Doomed By Death of 'Front/ Says Kerensky World Dictatorship Aim Of Communists Forced Into Open, Meeting Told By the Associated Pres*. NEW YORK, Dec. 13.—Breakdown of the popular front In the United States, Great Britain, Prance and Spain, together with the invasion of Finland, has doomed the Stalinist dictatorship, in the opinion of Alex ander Kerensky, former Russian Premier. Kerensky, who released Josef Sta lin from exile in Siberia in 1917 when Stalin was “just another name," spoke at a mass meeting last night under auspices of the Democratic Federation in protest against the Red invasion of Finland. He and Oscar Tokoi, first Premier of Finland after the fall of the Czarist regime, were principal speak ers, Tokoi predicting that should the Soviet finally establish a puppet government in Finland, similar gov ernments would follow in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Kerensky said the fall of the popu lar front in the four countries had forced into the open Stalin's fight for a world Communist dictatorship and that this was aiding in what seemed nis defeat. Hostility (or Russians Assailed. As leader of an anti-Bolshevist movement among Russian "demo crats' which has had headquarters in Paris for the past 14 years, Ker ensky said that "the shameful, bar baric action of Stalin has aroused unjustified hostility against the Rus sian people abroad.” "I strongly protest against this unfair confusion of Russia and the Russian people with the Bolshevist dictatorship,” he said. “For more than 22 years the people of Russia have been struggling against this dictatorship of terror without re ceiving even moral support from the free outside world.” Kerensky said that “if the Russian people are freed by the war that Stalin has provoked they will con sider it their duty to compensate the Finnish people for their suffer ing and to help also to restore a free Poland." Democratic Russia Necessary. He said an “amicable under standing” on frontier revisions with Finland could be achieved “only with a democratic Russia which would not inspire fear and dis trust.” In an interview later he said he meant the restoration of “an eth nological Poland which would leave the city of Lwow and sections of Eastern Galicia that are "purely Russian” under Russian rule. He said Carpatho-Russia, now part of Hungary, “is a little reservation where 600.000 Russians have pre served their orthodox religion and the purest Russian language for 1,000 years. Its restoration is his torically inevitable.” Helsinki (Continued From First Page.) the Finnish port of Mantyluoto yes terday that the attacker was a Rus sian undersea craft. There was no positive identification. The captain, second officer and radio operator were killed when the submarine fired 15 shells into the vessel. Lloyd’s Register lists a German freighter Bolheim, 3,324 gross tons, engaged in ore trade between North ern Africa and the Netherlands before the European war. A Reuters, British news agency, dispatch said the freighter was en route from Bjomeborz, Finland, to Germany, carrying 500 tons of wood pulp. Red Drive Reported Within Arctic Circle STOCKHOLM, Dec. 13 OP).—Half a million troops of the 9th Soviet Russian Army were reported concen trating their attack on the Tornio Rovaniemi Railway just north of the Arctic Circle yesterday and endan gering Finnish communications. The correspondent of the news paper Dagens Nyheter, who was not permitted to locate Finnish head quarters or give a clear extent of the Russian advance, said hard fighting had taken place along a 15-mile front in the last 40 hours. The battle had swirled about the village of Kohmo, he said. The Red Army, driving in this sector across the frozen steppes to cut Finland in two, already has re ported the capture of Salla, 40 miles from the Russian border and ap proximately one-fifth the distance to the Swedish frontier. Their objective apparently is Rovanlemi, important communica tions center on the Kemijoki River, and the Tomio Valley along the Swedish-Finnish border. D. C. Officials Invited To Luncheon for Knee-Hi The Commissioners and other District officials have been Invited to attend a luncheon Friday at 12:30 p.m. at the Willard Hotel in honor of the Knee-Hi safety program sponsored for the children of Wash ington and the nearby counties by The Star. The luncheon is sponsored by the District Motor Club of the Ameri can Automobile Association and according to Washington I. Cleve land, manager of the club, the pro gram will include brief addresses by John L. Vandegrift, chairman of the District Advisory Board: Supt. of Schools Frank W. Ballou: Inspec tor L. I. H. Edwards of the Police Department: B. M. McKelway, managing editor of The Star, and S. H. Kauffmann, assistant busi ness manager of The Star. Mr. Cleveland said Knee-Hi will be presented a harness with appro priate inscription. White House Police Promote Three Men Sergt. Ole Jacobson, for 16 years a member of the White House police force, has been promoted to acting lieutenant. Capt. H. L. Marcy of the White House police also announced Pvt. Dick Ballard and Pvt. Paul W. Proc tor had been made acting sergeants. These promotions were made in an ticipation of leigslation which will increase the White House police force this winter, at which time these acting officers will be made permanent. Sixth Grade Closed As All Pupils Quit To Get Married *r the Auocleted Presi. GAFFNEY, 8. C., Dec. 13 — Cupid eliminated the sixth grade at a colored school near here. The teacher, turning back the free text books issued for her grade, explained: "Every one of them has quit to get married.” There were five pupils in the grade, all 16 to 18 years old. FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT ROBT. B. SCOTT. DENTAL TECH. .... BOS 14th at F. Rm>. 901, ItOi MEt. 1833. Private Waiting Rooms BILIOUS? Kara it Amazing Raliaf of Conditions Dus to Sluggish Bowats If you think all laxative# art alike, just try thi _ - vegetable laxative. |l~- mild, thorough, refreshing, invigorating. De pendable relief from sick headaches, bilious spells, tired feeling when awociated with constipation llfilliAfd Dial# grt a 25c box of NR from your niUHIIIl HI«H druggist. Make the test—then if not delighted, return the box to us. We will refund the purchase price. That*s fair. ^t!l7SflMr!PFk Gvt NR Tablet, today L 0%off All Men's LUGGAGE and Leather Goods Thursday and Friday Only Includes valises, mil itary sets, week-end cases, trunks, hand bags, etc.—a variety of styles and leathers ' —all 25% off for two days. If you're giving him luggage and leather goods YOU’LL SAVE MORE HERE. Initials Frss Visit Onr Retail Show Room m_ Open Eveningt Until 9 P.M. }^j L Ample at. J| p°rl(i"9 0060 Jlf fSBBSSSSBBSSBSBBBSBBSSB Hugo Worth Sole Agent 1110 G St. N.W. present the &C&040MIC BUILT BY JSaf&toin — Ac finest mall piano ever beilt. In this modem j internment, Baldwin engineer* offer harmony to the eye aa well a* to the ear. Compact, yet retaining a foB-aised tone, the Acmcnic piano meets Ae demand of today's mailer moms and mote limited epaer I 6 Reasons Why It Pays to Buy From A. P. Woodson Co. (1) QUALITY FUEL OIL We’ve built our reputation for quality, and for over 20 years we’ve been selling only the best. (2) DEGREE DAY SYSTEM With sudden changes in loral tem peratures this helpful service swings into action, checking tanks and re filling. (3) AUTOMATIC METER j PRINTERS Our trucks are equipped with a tested meter-printer. Records accurately every drop of oil that goes into your tank. (4) VENTALARM SYSTEM We will eauip your tank with an automatic ventalarm whistle which permits delivery of oil without the driver ever entering the home. (5) FLEET OF TRUCKS These dependable fuel oil trucks are manned by a courteous crew who fol low our demands that nothing must stand in the way of service. (6) CHARGE ACCOUNTS We invite regular 30-day charge ac counts. Let us open one in your naipt A. P. WOODSON CO. COAL—FUEL OIL—DELCO OIL BURNERS 1202 Monroe St. N.E. ||ll QOflA A 1313 H St. N.W. UU- «UU M To Hundreds of Cities Turn the extra savings on reduced holiday fares by Greyhound into extra Christmas gifts. You’ll be doubling your pleasure—having more fun on your trip, and more fun when you get where you’re going. Super-Coaches are warm and com fortable in any weather—schedules are timely and frequent. Get into the holiday spirit—get aboard a Greyhound Super-Coach—get extra miles for every dollar—get going! Merry Christmas! GREYHOUND TERMINAL 1*07 N»w York Are. N.W. Telephone National 8000. Blur Rider, Phone Mrtropolitan 1.13.7. Alexandria, Va., inn North Washington St. Telephone Alex. 300. with the money you'll save on GRimiOUND'S A'eatcceet HOLIDAY FARES Sample Round-Trip Faroe CHRISTMAS EXCURSION FARES Effective December 19 ALBANY-$10.20 HARRISBURG $3.95 NEW YORK .. 6.45 SCRANTON .. 8.00 WILMINGTON 3.10 SYRACUSE.. 12.70 PHILADELPHIA 3.85 BINGHAMT'N 10.05 BALTIMORE.. 1.15 BOSTON.... 12.95 RICHMOND.. 3.85 PORTLAND.. 16.10 TRENTON ... 5.55 CINCINNATI 14.40 PARKERSB'RG 10.20 OTHER ROUND TRIP FARES HAGERSTO'N $3.60 LEXINGTON, CLEVELAND. 13.50 VA._$4.80 WINSTON- KNOXVILLE. 10.80 SALEM_ 6.85 CHICAGO... 21.15 ST. LOUIS... 20.75 DETROIT_19.20 NORFOLK 6.75 ATLANTA... 13.25 PITTSBURGH 10.35 I > t t w x W For Him! r 17-JEWEL HAMILTON *37-50, The "Bagley"— 10K natural gold filled case, with loop ends. Budget Terms For Her! SOLITAIRE > DIAMOND Magnificent soli taire diamond in mm a fine I4K not- / J ural gold mounting. Budget Terms 17-Jewel BULOVA "PRISCILLA" *2475 Dainty square case in the color and charm of natural gold. Univex Iris Candid Camera Take action shots on standard film! Sharp lens—accurate shut ter. Budget Terms 10 Diamond WEDDING BAND M9" A Christmas feature at Swope—14K natural gold; 10 matched dia monds. Terms k 3 Diamond \ 1 BRIDAL PAIR X I Matched I4K gold set- »< f tings, with a gorgeous solitaire engagement. Budget Terms Compact ZENITH RADIO *12” Smart streamlined plas tic cdfce housing an AC DC Zenith chassis! Built in aerial. ,'N'ss^Budget Terms ) JEW£lry Company I »14 F STREET \.H AM «, Columbia Theatre I V evening to help you SH0P I