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I I Arcadia Maid Shoots 405 With Help of 52 Franked Pins Bowlers and Alley Men Will Contribute to Christmas Fund By ROD THOMAS. Alice Cole of the B. Y. P. U. League stood to collect one prize and share another in the annual Eve ning Star yuletide bowling tourna ment. Shooting with the Petworth Church team at the Arcadia Miss Cole rolled 160 for the highest game recorded by a woman in the qualifi cation round in which virtually all the organized bowlers in the city competed. It ended yesterday. Returns from the preliminary are incomplete, but Miss Cole’s 160 seems certain to win the $20 prize that goes with top game. With a handicap of 52, she totaled 403 for three strings and equaled the score of Mary Brown, achieved with a 42 stick handicap in the American Mixed League at the Georgetown Recreation. If a check reveals none higher. Miss Cole and Miss Brown will split a prize of $25. Busy Time for Alley Men. Bowling alley managers, having just finished the biggest clerical job in the history of the sport here, in the tabulation of scores, today were busy making out schedules for quali fiers who will roll next week for the bulk of the prize money of nearly $1,000. Twenty-five per cent ot those who competed at each establish ment are eligible. The alley men also were busy ; helping Santa Claus, a campaign having been started today to boost The Star's Christmas Heart Fund with contributions from bowlers' and bowling promoters. The alley men will turn in a nickel for every person who competes in The Star tournament rolloff. This figures to net a considerable sum, but the alley men hope to up the sport’s contribution substantially with gifts from the bowlers. One man ager said he would ask each of the participants in his section of the rolloff to match his nickel Durkpinnrrs Generous. Bowlers always have been gen erous to benevolent causes. It will be remembered that during the Mid western flood crisis several years ago they kicked in with nearly $1,800 for The Star Red Cross fund, and they did it in a hurry, many of the leagues giving one evening’s prize money and all of the alley owners contributing either $50 or $25. Arville Ebersole, secretary of the Washington City Duckpin Associa tion and treasurer of The Star tour nament, will handle the bowlers’ Christmas fund. His office is in the Evans Building and his home ad dress is 616 M street N.E. Alley managers are requested to send their roll-off schedules to the writer for publication. The big scramble will open next Wednesday and continue throughout the week. From the Press Box Here Is One More Poll, Adrift on High C's By JOHN LARDNER, Special Correspondent of The Star. NEW YORK, Dec. 18 (N.A.N.A.), —Pending a final check of the re sults of our official unassociated poll on "the 10 best-dressed left-handed woman athletes of 1939"—without which, where are you?—we hereby list the outcome of our poll on "the 10 best athletes whose names be ‘ gin with C” No unassociated poll is more sig nificant. than this one. It comes in six shades—peach, blush pink, Nile green, Egyptian sand, dirty blue and early yellow. It represents the vote of 456 sports editors. all of them familiar with the rudiments of Eng lish, but not too familiar in other respects, if you know what I mean. Briefly, these boys can be trusted, and frequently have been. The payoff is 10 points for first place. $6.40 for place and $3.60 for show. Man Can't Raise Head If Not in Poll. A man hardly can raise his head In his own town if he ain't been polled in this poll. On the other hand statistics show that eight out of 10 sports editors can t raise their heads anyway without a strong ef fort, and when they do you are tempted to ask yourself "Was it worth it?” There is no answer to this question. The results of this year's poll are very interesting. To relieve the sus pense here are the 10 leading ath letes whose names, begin with C for 1939. Any man or beast whose name began with C prior to 1932. the year of the great bend, is eligible: George Cafego—116. Challedon—115. Eddie Collins—98. Nile Kinnick—72. Patrick Edward Comiskey—57. C-Biscuit—43. Billy Conn—35. Harry Craft—29.7. Hugh Casey—18. Henry Cotton—2. v,aiego. tne au-everytning irom Tennessee, shows appreciable prog ress since 1914, when he was un ranked. unborn and unscored on. Every time they handed this tough back the ball he gained 1 or more yards, which is great going in any man s league. They tell a very droil story of Cafego in the Alabama game. I would like to print it, but I haven't got space. Challedon was in there punching nil the time. They tell a very funny story about Challedon. which I would print if I could remember it. I've got plenty of space. The high vote for Eddie Collins Is very encouraging. One of these days Eddie is going to get the recog nition he deserves. One sports edi tor speaks from the heart when he says, in the course of a warm tribute, “Boy, how he could play that out field!” The fellow is thinking of Tv Cobb, whose name also begins with C, but it's not the words so much in a case like this as the spirit behind them. 72 Sports Editors Spell Kinnick With C. Nile Kinnick is a good example of the trouble you run up against in these unassociated polls. When you consider that 72 sports editors thought Kinnick s last name began i with C, you wonder why they shot William the Second of England (not ' the Conqueror, but the Conqueror's son). Patrick Edward Comiskev was in there punching all the time. Nothing remains to be said about C-biscuit. He said it for himself out there on that old race track. (Say, Miss Jones, is that the way you spell that horse's name?) Billy Conn came along like a house afire in 1939, jumping from eighth place to seventh at a single bound. And Billy deserved every bit of it. No quieter, more unassuming spalpeen ever saddled a winner. Keep up the good work. Billy! Harry Craft was in there punch ing all the time. Speaking of Hugh Casey, a sports editor writes: "Though the Boston Bees finished seventh ill the Na tional League, Casey was very pa tient with his young pitchers.” I don't think he knows what he's talking about. When the poll was over we were minus two votes, so we gave them both to Henry Cotton. He was in there punching all the time. Pilot Aims to Speed Conn's Start in Dudas Fight B? the Associated Press. PITTSBURGH, Dec. 18.—Billy Conn, champ of the light-heavies, will start training soon for his 10 round go with Heavyweight Steve Dudas in New York, January 10. Johnny Ray, Conn’s manager, said today. The match was announced by Promoter Mike Jacobs Saturday,! the day after Dudas smacked down an up-and-coming fellow New Jer eeyan. Pat comiskey. Conn Needs Faster Start. Ray indicated he will concentrate on trying to get Conn to start ploughing in from the opening gong. The Irishman has a habit of letting the first few rounds go—he can’t explain why. ‘Td feel better about it if this were a 15-round bout for Billy, but It’s not, and I guess he’ll just have to get started fast, that’s all,” Ray Bald. Ray looks upon Dudas as “a smart fellow, rather slow and he doesn’t punch hard enough to bother Conn.” Both Conn and Ray are anxious for a bout with Heavyweightt King Joe Louis. Looks for Weight Gain. "By next summer Billy should weigh around 185-190 pounds,” the manager said. ‘‘That’s good enough for Louis. And even at that weight Billy will be the fastest heavyweight to step into the ring since Corbett.” Billy snow scales around 171 after hard training. His only appearance in the heavy weight division so far was against Gus Dorazio, who he stopped at eight rounds in Philadelphia. i i Skins Reserving For '40 Season The Washington Redskins an nounced today that applications for 1940 season tickets now are in order. No down payment is required, with the eventual price depending on whether the Red skins play six or seven home games. Half again as many season tickets were sold this year as last, when the number was three times as great as were sold in 1937. Spare Hit in Final-Frame Pinch Earns Blanche Wootten Top Davis Sweepstakes Prize Distinguished today as the fifth woman bowler ever to win the Meyer Davis Sweepstakes, oldest of all fem inine money duckpin tournaments, Blanche Wootton, the Rosslyn star, moved a step nearer her goal as one of the country's first 10 ranked wom an duckpinners. a spot she relin quished two years ago. Miss Wootton won in the 12th annual tournament last night at Lucky Strike with a 10-game score of 1,191, which nosed out by four pins Lorraine Gulli, eight times the winner of the exclusive Washington bowling event. OfT to a great start as she flashed to the front with a first game of 133, the comely Rosslyn team leadoff roller counted top set of the tour nament to lead the afternoon block with a 5-game score of 626. Her closest rivals were Lucile Young in second place with 593 and Miss Gulli in third place with 587. Road Rough Near Finish. When the final game rolled around, Blanche needed a game of 107 to win by one pin over Lorraine, who had turned a brilliant final block effort of 600 for a 10-game score of 1.187. Lucv Rose, the Ross lyn bowling teacher and Blanche's teammate, had clinched third place with a nifty finish. After a 554 first block score, Mrs. Rose turned on the heat in the windup for a rous ing 625 and 1,179. Blanche swung into the final game with a spare in her first frame. Counting six pins on the mark she reached the eighth frame needing 28 sticks for the necessary 107 count and victory. But she chopped out only six pins in the eighth. A mark now was necessary for her to win Down went nine pins on the first ball in the ninth frame. She missed for the spare, but got the pin on her third roll. Fights for Needed Spare. Blanche heaved . her first shot straight into the poicket in the final frame and down went nine pins, leaving No. 5 standing in the middle of the alley. Jumping the ball-return railing, Blanche dashed to a bench several alleys away and put her hands to her face, exclaiming, “I don't want to shoot at it.” But she did, and made it. And followed with a 5-pin rolloff. The first three places were worth (35. $20 and $10. Stimmy Hart, a southpaw of Chevy Chase Ice Palace, rolled a game of 165, a tournament record. Pierce Bows, but Wins Table Tennis Cup Although he lost last night's com petition, Bill Pierce was in posses sion of the Stanley Fields Trophy Cup today as reward for winning the Chevy Chase Ice Palace table tennis tournament with a total of 29 points. Lou Gorin was second with 27 points and Jules Bernard third with 25 points. Jim Limerick, an outsider, upset the champion last night, 19 to 21, 21 to 19, 22 to 20. However, Pierce had done his winning during past weeks and opponents were unable to overcome his lead despite his final loss. Official American League Batting Averages, 7939 STANDING OF CLIBS. SEASON 1939. N Y. Bos. Clev. Chi. Det. Wish. Phil. St L. Won. Lost. Pet. New York R 15 18 13 15 18 19 106 45 .702 Boston 11 — 11 8 10 15 18 1(1 89 62 .o89 Cleveland i:::::":.; 7 11 — 10 11 14 18 15 87 67 .565 rhirflpn 4 It 12 *—■ 12 14 11 18 85 69 .65. Detroit - 9 12 11 10 — 14 11 14 81 73 .526 Washington "" 7 7 8 8 8 — 12 15 65 87 .128 Philadelphia .._ 4 4 4 11 11 8 — 13 56 9. .3h St. Louis ..._ 3 6 6 4 8 7 9 — 43 111 -.9 Lost 45 62 67 69 73 87 97 111 „ . Ties—Philadelphia at St. Louis. July 16. second game, score 5-5. New York at Boston. September 3. second game, score 5-5. St. Louis at Detroit. September 4. aecond game, score 5-5. ' 9 STANDING OF CLIBS AT CLOSE OF SEASON—1»3». HOME AND ABROAD. At At At At At At At At At N Y Bos. Clev. Chi. Del. Wash. Phil. St.L. Abd. Home. Season. W.L W.L W.L W.L. W.L. W.L W.L. W.L. W.L. W.L W.L Pet N Y 3 5 9 •' S 3 7 4 7 4 9 2 11 0 54 20 52 25 106 45 .11 - Boston 6 5 6 5 2 9 6 5 8 3 9 2 10 1 47 30 42 32 89 62 ,o89 , Clove. 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 7 4 8 3 43 34 44 33 g. 6. ...>65 Chicago 1 10 5 6 6 5 38 65 56 9 2 35 42 50 2. 85 69 ,o52 Detroit 5 6 7 4 6 5 2 9 6 5 6 5.4 39 .18 4. .15 81 .3 ■ ■>. 1 Wash. 3 8 4 7 3 8 3 8 3 8 6 4 6 5 28 48 37 39 65 8. .1.8 Phils. 2 9 2 9 0 11 5 6 6 5 4 6 8 3 27 49 28 48 5q 9, .36 St L .3 8 5 6 3 8 2 9 4 7 2 9 6 5 2o 52 18 o9 43 111 ...9 AT HOME. N Y. Bos. Clev. Chi. Dot. Wash. Phil. St L. Won Lost. Pet. New York . 5 6 10 6 8 9 8 .V2 25 .6.5 Boston 5 - 5 6 4 7 9 6 4. 3- ?68 Cleveland 2 5 - 5 5 8 11 8 44 33 .q.l Chicago .. . 3 9 6 - 9 8 « 9 60 2; .649 Detroit 4 5 5 8 - 8 5 7 42 3o Washington 4 3 5 5 5 - 6 9 3. 39 18. Philadelphia 2 2 4 6 5 4 - 5 28 48 .368 St. Louis O 1 3 2 .4 » S - 18 o9 -34 ABROAD — N Y. Bos. Clev. Chi. Dot. Wash. Phil. St L. W?m Lost. Pet New York ... - 3 9 8 7 7 9 11 54 20 ..30 Boston _ 6 - 6 2 6 8 9 10 4, 30 .610 Cleveland_ 5 6 - 5 6 6 7 g 43 34 .5o8 Phieago- 1 5 6 - 3 6 5 9 36 is '1a5 ! Washington !I 3 4 3 3 3 - 8 6 28 48 .368 Philadelphia .. 2 3 0 * 6 4 - « |. 48 $$ Note—Records of the g*me of September 12 between cnicwo ana which protest was allowed and game replayed, are Included In club batting and :neiamg. | individual batting and fielding, and pitching: also, one game has been added to tne j team totals of Chicago and Washington, as well as the individual totals of all Chicago and Washington players, w'ho appeared In protested game. CI.FB BATTING. j G SB R OR H T.B. 2B. 3BHR8H. 8B LB_ RBI Pet Boston 152 5..70S 890 795 1.543 2.316 287 57 124 149 42 1.143 833 .291 | N. York 152 5.300 987 558 1.521 2.388 259 55 168 92 72 1,215 903.-8, C'eve 151 5.310 79* 700 1,49o 2.194 291 79 8.-> 120 .2 1.149 ,30.-80 1 Detroit 155 5.320 849 702 1.487 2.270 277 67 124 146 88 1.168 806 j Washing. 15! 5 334 702 797 1.183 2.022 249 79 11 131 94 1,220 618 -^8 Chicago 155 5.279 755 737 1.451 1.975 220 56 64 lo4 113 1.1,4 681 Phila 15:: 5.109 711 1.0°'’ 1.438 2.124 282 55 98 138 60 1.159 666. ,1 St. Lotus 156 5.422 733 1.035 1.453 2.068 242 50 91 132 48 1.189 696 .-68 42 594 6.404 6,404 1 1.866 17.357 2.107 498 796 1.056 589 9.417 5.963 ‘279 INDIVIDUAL BATTING. Ten or More Game* Name and Club. Bats. G Ab. R. H Tb 2b 3b Hr Sh. 8b Cs Pet Chandler. Spurgeon F.. New York R 11 5 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 .400 : Hutrhinson. Fred. D»troit L 13 34 5 13 14 1 o 0 0 0 0 .38- | Di Maggio. Joseph P.. New York R 120 462 108 176 310 32 6 30 6 3 0 381 : Fcxx. James F. Bniton R 124 467 130 16S .724 31 10 35 5 4 3 .360 Dean. Alfred L. Philadelphia L 80 77 12 27 31 4 0 0 3 0 O j Johnson, Robert L., Philadelphia R 150 544 115 184 301 30 9 23 10 In 5 .338 [ Tro.-ky. Harold A. Cleveland L 122 448 89 150 264 31 4 2r> 10 2 3 .3. In Killer. Charles. E. New York L 111 398 87 133 199 21 6 11 11 6 3 .3.4 Kimberlin. Harry L. St Louis R17 9 o 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .333 Rolfe, Robert A New York L 152 648 1.79 217 321 46 10 14 1 7 6 .3-9 Marcum. J. A.. 16 St. L.. .78 Chi. L 54 79 10 26 27 1 0 0 0 0 0 .3-9 Williams. Theodore. Boston L 149 565 131 185 344 44 1 1 .71 3 2 1 .32, Keltner. Kenneth F. Cleveland R 154 587 84 191 287 35 11 13 10 6 6 .325 Gehrinaer. Charles L.. Detroit L 118 406 86 1.72 221 29 6 16 11 4 3 .3-n McNair. Donald Eric. Chicago R 129 479 62 155 204 18 5 7 16 1, 9 .324 Kreevich Michael A . Chicago R 145 541 85 175 2.36 30 8 5 22 23 10 .3-3 Pearson, Monte M„ New York R 22 5.3 9 17 22 3 1 0 5 0 O .3-1 Lewis, John K . Washington I. 110 536 87 171 256 23 16 10 19 10 9 .319 Doorr Robert P , Boston R 127 525 75 167 235 28 2 12 10 1 10 .318 McQuinn, George H„ S'. Louis. L 154 617 101 195 318 .77 1.7 20 18 6 5 .316 Appling. Lucius B,. Chicago _ R 148 516 82 162 19ft 16 6 O 9 16 9 .314 Greenberg. Henry. Detroit R 1,78 500 112 156 .711 42 7 33 11 8 3 .31' Hale. Arne'.l Odell Cleveland R 108 25.7 36 79 111 lfi 2 4 8 4 5 .312 McCosky, W. Barney. Detroit L 147 611 120 190 263 3.7 14 4 9 20 4 .311 Cramer, Roger M . Boston L 1.77 589 110 18.7 225 .70 6 O 15 .7 3 .311 Weatherlv, Roy. Cleveland L 95 32.7 43 100 131 16 6 1 2 7 2 .310 Finney. L K. 9 Phila. 95 Boston L 104 271 44 84 111 is .7 1 5 2 5 .310 Wright. Taft S., Washington L 129 199 77 151 217 29 1 I 1 9 1 2 .309 Cronin, Joseph E.. Boston R 113 520 97 160 256 33 .7 19 20 6 6 .308 Moses, Wallace. Philadelphia L 1 15 437 68 1.74 185 28 7 3 5 7 4 .307 York. P. Rudolph. Detroit R 102 329 66 101 179 16 1 20 4 5 O .30, Ruffing. Charles H.. New York R 41 114 12 35 39 1 O 1 .7 1 0 .30, Selkirk. George A. Nrw York L 128 418 103 128 216 17 4 21 8 12 5 .306 Walker. Fred. Detroit L 43 154 30 47 7.7 4 5 4 8 4 1 .305 Grace. Joseph L. SI. Louis L 74 207 35 6:1 87 11 2 3 .7 .7 2 .304 Wasdeli. James C., Washington L 29 109 12 3.7 10 5 1 O 2 3 1 .303 Case. George W.. Washington R 128 530 103 160 200 20 7 2 7 51 17 .302 Dickey. William N . New York . L 128 480 98 145 246 23 3 24 4 5 0 .302 Myer, Charles S., Washington I. 83 258 33 78 07 10 3 I 2 4 1 .302 McCoy, Benjamin. Detroit L 55 192 38 5s 86 13 6 1 6 .7 1 .302 Thompson. R. L.. 1 Chi., .70 St. L. L 31 86 23 26 .74 5 0 1 4 0 0 .302 Kuhel, Joseph, Chicago L 1.79 546 107 164 251 24 9 15 11 IS 6 .300 Laabs. C P . 5 Dot,. 95 St. L. R 100 .73.7 5.7 1(8) 163 21 6 10 5 4 1 .300 Berger. Louis W„ Boston R 20 30 4 9 11 2 0 0 2 0 0 .300 Miles. Wilson D.. Philadelphia L 100 320 49 96 128 17 6 1 8 3 4 .300 Mazzera. Melvin L.. St. Louis L 34 111 21 33 51 5 2 3 2 0 0 .297 Fox. Ervin. Detroit R 141 519 69 153 210 24 6 7 5 2.7 12 .295 Hoag. Myril O. St. Louis R 129 482 58 142 203 2.3 4 10 8 9 5 .305 Lyons. Theodore A., Chicago Both 21 61 5 18 21 3 O 0 6 o O .295 Siehert. Richard W . Philadelphia L 10i 402 58 118 170 28 3 6 10 4 1 .294 Baghv, James C, jr.. Boston R 21 34 10 10 15 2 O 1 2 0 O .294 Travis, Cecil H.. Washington L 130 176 55 139 192 20 9 5 10 O 3 .292 Heath. John Geoffrey. Cleveland L 121 431 64 126 213 .31 7 14 0 8 4 .292 Walker. Gerald H , Chicago R 149 598 95 174 265 30 11 1.7 12 17 6 .291 P.rnrk pr. Farle F ph.lo HplntOo P 17° 1R 56 76 1 5 1 .7 2 0 1 .291 Chapman. Wm B. Cleveland R 140 545 101 158 225 31 9 6 20 18 6 .200 Gantenbein. Joseph. Philadelphia L 111 348 47 101 135 14 4 4 5 1 5 .290 Tabor. James R. Boston R 149 577 78 187 258 33 8 14 8 18 10 .289 Sullivan. William J . ir , St Louis L 118 332 53 98 138 17 5 5 4 3 3 .289 Rlnodworth. James H.. Washing. R 83 318 34 92 130 21 1 1 5 3 1 .289. Campbell. Bruce D. Cleveland L 130 450 84 129 202 23 13 8 7 7 8 .287 Chapman. Fred. Philadelphia R 15 49 5 14 17 1 1 0 1 1 0 .280 Frasier. Victor. Chicago R 10 7 0 2 2 0 0 o 0 0 0 .288 Gordon. Josgnh L.. New York R 151 587 92 101 287 32 5 28 4 11 10 .284 Hayes. Frank W . Philadelphia R 124 431 88 122 220 28 5 20 12 4 1 .283 West. Samuel B., Washington L 115 390 52 110 155 20 8 3 14 1 1 .282 Ferrell. Richard B.. Washington R 87 274 32 77 92 13 l O 7 1 1 .281 Henrich. Thomas D. New York L 99 341 84 98 149 18 4 9 7 7 0 .277 Gallagher, J. E . 14 N. Y . 71 St. L.'R 85 307 49 85 141 17 3 11 8 1 1 .277 Peacock, John G. Boston -__L 92 274 33 78 95 1140911 .277 Vosmik. Joseph F.. Boston R 145 554 89 153 215 29 6 7 17 4 3 .276 Higgins, M. Frank. Detroit R 132 489 57 1.35 188 23 2 8 14 7 4 .276 Rosar. Warren V. New York R 43 105 18 29 38 5 1 0 3 4 0 .276 Shilling. James R., Cleveland R 31 98 8 27 38 7 2 0 1 1 0 .276 Fstalella. Roberta. Washington R 82 280 51 77 131 18 6 8 3 2 3 .275 Eisenstat, Harry, 10 Det., 26 Clev.L 36 40 .3 11 11 0 00300 .275 Welai. John. Jr., Washington R 63 201 23 55 73 11 2 1 5 13 2 .274 Glenn. Joseph C.. St. Louis_R 88 280 29 78 106 13 1 4 3 4 4 .273 Berg. Morris. Boston R 14 33 3 9 13 1 0 1 0 0 0 .273 Clift. Harlond B. St. Louis R 151 520 90 142 216 25 2 16 11 4 3 .270 Chapman. Samuel B . Philadelphia R 140 498 74 134 215 24 6 15 4 11 4 .269 Grimes. Oscar R, Cleveland _R 119 384 61 98 140 20 5 4 11 8 3 .269 Croucher. Frank D , Detroit_R 97 324 38 87 117 15 0 5 11 2 2 .209 Spindel, Harold 8.. St. Louis_R 48 119 13 32 37 3 1 0 1 0 2 .209 Pytlak. Frank A,. Cleveland_R 63 183 20 49 61 2 5 0 6 4 1 .268 Heffner, Donald H. 8t. Louis_R 110 375 45 100 117 10 2 1 11 1 7 .287 Kelley, Harry L-, Washington_R 15 15 1 4 4 0 0 0 2 * 0 .267 Rosenthal. John L„ Chicago __.L 107 324 50 86 147 21 5 10 10 6 4 .265 Gryska, Sigmund 8.. St. Louis . R 18 49 4 13 15 2 0 0 0 3 1 .265 Sundra. Stephen R„ New York Both 24 49 7 13 18 5 0 0 2 0 0 .265 Radcllff. Raymond A . Chicago _.L 113 397 49 105 140 25 2 2 10 6 4 .284 Averlll, H. E„ 24 Clev.. 87 Det._.L 111 364 66 90 169 28 6 11 11 4 3 .204 Webb. James L.. Cleveland .R 81 269 28 71 93 14 1 2 7 1 1 .264 Hemsley. Ralston B . Cleveland_R 107 395 68 104 135 17 4 2 11 2 4 .203 Early, Jacob W.. Washington L 32 84 8 22 33 7 2 O 2 O 0 .262 Tebbetts. George R.. Detroit . R 106 341 37 89 127 22 2 4 8 2 1 .201 Lodlgiani. Dario. Philadelphia._.R 121 393 48 102 150 22 4 6 7 2 0 .260 Tresh, Michael, Chicago * .. R 119 352 49 91 100 5 2 O 11 3 2 .259 Rich. Woodrow E. Boston L 21. 27 2 7 7 0 0 0 1 0 0 .259 Boudreau. Lcuis. Jr.. Cleveland.. R 63 225 42 58 81 15 4 0 3 2 1 .258 Vernon. James B.. Washington L 76 276 23 71 97 15 4 1 9 1 1 .257 Berardino. John, St. Louis R 126 468 42 120 169 24 5 5 8 6 2 .256 Gelbert, Charles M., Washington R 68 188 36 18 71 7 5 3 3 2 0 .255 Mffnar, Albert J., Cleveland „.L 41 79 11 20 25 5 0 0 0 0 o .253 Nagel. William T . Philadelphia R 105 311 39 86 149 19 4 12 6 2 1 .252 El ten. Nicholas R.. Philadelphia. _ L 43 155 2(1 39 63 11 2 3 3 O (1 .252 Beiam. Aloysius F . Chiiago R 90 307 52 77 116 9 3 8 10 1 3 .251 Kress. Ralph. 13 St L„ 51 Det. R 64 200 24 50 61 8 o 1 5 3 1 .250 Giuliani. Angelo J.. Washington. R 54 172 20 43 63 6 2 O 6 O 1 .250 Donald. R Atley, New York L 24 60 715 181 10001 .250 Beckman. William A . Philadelphia R 27 52 5 13 13 0 0 0 6 0 0 .250 Hayes. Minter C.. Chicago . R 72 289 34 67 85 12 3 O 8 O 3 .249 Rowe. Lynwood T., Detroit_R 31 61 7 15 20 0 1 1 3 1 1 .246 Powell. Alvin J.. New York _R 31 86 12 21 30 4 1 1 2 1 2 .244 Qaiek. J. Harold. Washington _.R 12 41 3 10 11 1 0 0 0 1 O .244 Russo, Marius. New York _R 21 41 4 10 12 0 1 0 2 0 0 .244 Desautels, Eugene A.. Boston_R 78 226 26 55 69 14 0 0 10 3 1 .243 Carey. Thomas F., Boston _R 54 161 17 39 49 6 2 0 4 0 0 .242 Harshany, Samuel, 8t. Louis. R 42 145 16 35 37 2 0 0 1 6 I .241 Cullenblne. Roy J.. Detroit _ Both « 1?9 31 « 74 9 j 5 !i ! ?40 Nonnenkamp, Leo. Wm., Boston L 68 76 IS 18 22 9 I 0 0 0 I .240 Aimada, Melo, St. LouU__L 42 154 17 83 59 8 i 1 I I 0 .930 ft 1 Collins, Edward T. jr . Phila L 32 21 8 ft 8 10 0 0 10 .238 Owen. Marvin J. Chicago R 58 104 22 48 55 0 0 o 8 4 ft .237 Solters, J. J . 4 1 Clev , 40 St L R HI 233 33 55 80 1.3 3 2 0 3 1 .238 Dahlgren. Ellsworth T. New York R 144 531 71 125 200 18 8 15 13 2 3 .235 Bell. Roy C II St. Louis. 54 Det. R 85 188 18 30 51 5 2 1' 0 0 1 .235 Prirbard. Robert. Washington L 28 85 8 20 23 ft O 0 2 0 2 .233 Mills. Howard R St Louis L 34 47 4 11 1ft 1 o 1 2 O O .234 Crosettl. Frank P. New York R 152 858 100 153 218 25 5 10 0 11 7 .233 Schlueter. Norman J Chicago R 34 58 5 13 17 2 1 0 3 2 0 .232 Tipton. Eric. Philadelnhia R 47 104 12 24 35 4 2 1 4 2 0 .231 Rogell. William G, Detroit Both 74 174 24 40 58 8 3 2 8 3 1 .230 Auker. Elden L. Boston R 31 53 8 12 10 1 O 2 3 0 0 .228 Allen. John T. Cleveland R 34 71 10 18 18 2 o o 2 0 O .225 Newsome Lamar A . Phila R HO 248 22 55 88 0 1 O 15 5 7 .222 Ieonard. Emil J.. Washington R 31 03 2 21 24 3 O O 13 O O .221 McKain. Archie R. Detroit Both 32 41 7 0 10 2 1 2 O O 0 .220 Christman. M. J . 8 Det . 70 St. L. R 85 2.78 27 52 88 8 3 O 8 2 1 .218 Dietrich. William J. Chicago R 25 37 5 8 14 3 0 1 2 0 0 .218 Harris, Robt A . 5 Det . 20 St. L. R 34 42 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 .214 Feller. Robert W. Cleveland R 30 00 14 21 28 5 1 0 8 O O .212 Ambler. Wayne H Philadelphia R 05 227 15 43 81 13 0 0 14 1 0 .211 Trout. Paul H, Detroit R 35 57 7 12 18 210200 .211 Brown. Clinton H. Chicago L 81 10 o 4 4 0 0 0 4 o o .211 lla'nrs. Joseph W-. Washington R 27 87 8 It 13 I O O 2 0 O .209 Caster. George J.. Philadelnhia R 28 43 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 O .200 Krakanskas. Joseph V.. Wash I. 39 77 8 18 21 3 I 0 3 O O .208 Ross. Lee R. Philadelphia R 20 58 2 12 14 2 0 0 7 O O .207 Brancato. Albert. Philadelphia R 21 88 12 14 22 5 0 1 2 1 0 .208 Rigney. J Dungan. Chicago R 35 SO 4 18 20 4 0 0 5 0 0 .200 Rensa. George. Chicago R 14 25 3 5 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 .200 Zuber, William H Cleveland R 18 5 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 .200 Bridges. TTinmas D. Detroit R 29 71 1 1 14 18 2 0 o 8 o o .197 Newsom. L N . 8 St L . 35 Det R 41 115 8 22 25 1 1 O 4 0 0 .191 Nelson. Lynn B. Philadelphia L 40 80 3 15 17 2 0 O 0 o 1 .188 Hudlin. O Willis. Cleveland R 27 48 1 9 13 1 O 1 3 o n .188 Heving. Joseph W,. Boston R 48 32 5 8 7 1 O O 3 0 o .188 Hildebrand. Oral C. New York R 21 44 5 8 9 1 0 0 3 0 0 .182 Murphy. John J. New York R 38 11 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 .182 Potter. Nelson T. Philadelphia L 41 87 8 12 14 2 0 O 4 o o 179 Hadley. Irvin* D, New York R 28 82 3 11 13 .2 0 0 2 10 .177 Silvestrl. Kenneth J., Chicago Both 22 75 8 13 22 3 0 2 1 0 1 .173 Stembacher. Henry. Chicago _ L-71 ill 18 19 28 I I 1 1 0 0 .171 Lawson. Roxte. 2 Det . 37 St. U 47 8 8 11 1 1 0 8 o 0 .170 Chaae. Kendall F.. Washington. L 32 89 8 13 18 3 O O O 0 0 .189 I arrasquel. Alejandro. Wash. R 40 12 3 7 12 2 O 1 ft O O .Hi7 Lee. Thornton 8 , Chicago L 33 91 8 15 18 3 0 O 0 0 0 .185 Kennedy. L V.. 4 Det., 34 St L. L 38 74 9 12 18 4 O 0 10 O 0 .182 Ostermueller. Fred R. Boston L 34 58 4 9 11 0 1 O 5 0 0 .181 Appleton. Peter W„ Washington R 40 23 1 4 3100300.1*0 Wilson. John F.. Boston __ R 37 8.3 8 10 ■ 10 0 0 0 A 0 0 .159 Masterton. Walter. Washington __B 21 13 O 2 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 .154 Blnece. Oswald L.. Washington R 18 39 ft 9 9009010 -433 Mack. Ray J. Cleveland R 38 112 12 17 28 4 1 1 1 0 2 .152 Gomez, Vernon. New York .. .1 2d 73 3 11 13 2 0 0 4 0 0 .151 Knott. John H . Chicago _R 25 ft.3 3 8 8 0 9 0 ft 0 0 .151 Sewell. James L., Cleveland R18 20 1 3 4100200 .150 Gill. George L.. 3 Det . 27 St. L R 30 28 2 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 .143 Harder. Melvin L. Cleveland R 29 72 8 10 15 O 1 1 8 0 0 .139 rviMUiri. IIUIIU n . OI LiOUlS rt ,<> no ct If A, L 6 A , II V .1.10 Grove Robert M. Boston L 25 67 3 9 12 0 0 1 9 0 0 .134 Parmelee Leroy E. Philadelphia R 16 15 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .13:1 Pippen. H. H . 25 rhtla.. 3 Det. R 2ft 40 1 5 5 0 0 0 3 0 o 125 Smith. E. 3 Phiia. 20 Chi Both 32 52 5 6 7 1 0 0 5 0 0 115 Trotter. William F. St Louis R4I37 2 ♦ 4OO07OO .108 Benton. Alton. Det roil R 37 44 5 4 4 0 0 0 7 0 O .091 Hughes. Roy J. St Louis R 17 23 6 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 .087 Joyce. Robert E Phiia R 30 35 2 3 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 .086 Wagner. Charles T. Jr. Boston R 11 14 2 1 l o O O 0 0 o .071 Thomas. L. B . 2 P. 4 W . 27 D R 33 14 0 1 1 o n 0 1 0 0 .671 Galehouse. Dennis W . Boston R 30 47 O 3 4 1 6 0 4 0 0 .664 Dlckman. Emerson. Boston R 48 36 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 0 0 .056 Dobson. Joseph G Cleveland R 35 18 O 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .056 Whitehead. J H . 7 C'hi.. 26 Si L. R 33 26 1 1 1 o 0 o 6 6 0 .038 Wade. Jacob F. 20 Bos. 4 St. L L 24 17 1 O O o O O o II o .066 Broaca. John J. Cleveland R 22 12 2 O 0 6 6 0 6 0 0 .066 Humphries. John Wm. Cleveland R 15 7 O 6 0 6 6 0 0 O 6 .606 Coffman. George D. Detroit R 23 5 6 O 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 .006 AMERICAN LEAGUE PLAYERS WITH TWO OR MORE CLUBS DURING THE 19.39 SEASON. This table is arranged alphabetically, the player's record with his first club on top. Name and Club. G. Ab. R. H. Tb. 2b. 3b. Hr. Sh.8b. Bb Hb. Rbi. Cs. So. Pet Averill. Cleveland .. 24 5% 815 26 8010 6 6071 12 .273 Averill Detroit 87 309 58 81 143 20 6 10 11 4 43 1 58 2 30 .262 Beil. St Louis ..,11 .1! 4 7 111 0 1 1 6 4 1 5 0 3 .219 Bell, Detroit 64 134 14 32 40 4 2 0 8 0 24 1 24 1 16 .239 Christman, Detroit 6 16 0 4 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .250 Christman. Si. Louis 79 222 27 48 66 6 3 6 6 2 26 6 26 1 10 .216 Eisenstat. Detroit 16 8 0 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 2 .37 5 Eisenstat, Cleveland 26 32 3 8 8 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 8 .250 Finney. Phiia. 9 22 1 3 3 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 1 0 0 .136 Finney. Boston 95 249 43 81 108 18 3 1 5 2 24 0 46 5 11 .325 Gallagher. New York 14 41 8 10 180 1 2 2 1 3 1 90 8 .244 Gallagher. Si. Louis 71 266 41 75 123 17 2 9 6 0 IT 1 46 1 42 .282 Gill. Detroit 3 2 6 0 0000 6 00 6 00 2 .000 Gill. St Louis 27 26 2 4 4000100010 5 .154 Harris. Detroit 5 5 1 2 2 6 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 .460 Harris. St. Louis 29 37 2 7 7 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 8 .189 Kennedy. Detroit 4 7 0 2 20000 0 6 00 0 1 .286 Kennedy. Si. Louis 34 67 9 10 14 4 0 O 16 o .3 6 6 0 10 .149 Kress, St Louis 13 43 5 12 13 1 O 0 1 1 6 6 8 6 2 .279 Kress. Detroit 51 157 19 38 48 7 0 1 4 2 17 0 22 1 16 .242 Laabs. Detroit 5 16 1 5 8 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 .313 Laabs. 3l Louis 95 317 52 95 155 20 5 16 5 4 33 1 62 1 62 .300 Lawson, Detroit 2 4 6 6 0 0 0 6 1 0 6 o o 0 6 .006 Lawson. St. Louis 37 43 6 811 11 6 5 00010 8 .186 Marcum. St Louis 16 22 3 16 11 1 6 6 0 6 1 0 5 O 2 .455 Marcum, Chicago 38 57 7 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 5 O 12 O 1 .281 Newsom. St. Louis 6 is 0 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 2 .222 Newsom. Detroit 35 97 6 18 20 o 1 o 4 0 1 o 7 o 16 .186 Pippen. Phiia. _ 25 35 1 3 3 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 6 .086 Pippen. Detroit __ 3 5 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 o o 0 O 6 0 .406 Smith, Phiia 3 O 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Smith, Chicago 20 52 5 6 7 1 0 o ft 0 9 O 3 0 15 .115 Soltcrs. Cleveland 41 102 19 28- 45 7 2 2 O 2 9 O 19 1 15 .275 Solters. St Louis 40 131 14 27 35 6 1 0 0 1 10 0 14 0 20 .206 Thomas, Philadelphia 2 3 0 0 OOOOOOOOOO 1 .000 Thomas, Wash. 4 2 O O OOOOOOOOOO J .OOO Thomas. Detroit _ 27 9 O 1 10001 0 0000 6 .111 Thompson, Chicago 1 O 0 0 0000100010 0 .000 Thompson. St. Louis 30 86 23 26 34 5 0 1 3 0 23 1 7 0 7 .302 Wade. Boston . 211 12 1 O OOOOOOOOOO 5 .000 Wade. St. Louis 4 5 0 O OOOOOOOOOO 3 .000 Walkup, St. Louis 1 0 0 0 OOOOOOOOOO 0 .000 Walkup. Detroit 7 2 O 1 10000 0 0 0 00 1 .500 Whitehead. Chicago 7 9 o 0 OOOOOOOOOO 7 .000 Whitehead. St. Louis 26 17 1 1 1000 0 0 2010 1 .059 INDIVID!'AL BATTING RECORDS. Players in Less Than 10 Games. Name and Club Bats. G. Ab. R. H Tb. 2b. 3b. Hr. Sh. 8b, Bb. Ho. Rbi Cs. So Pet. Gerlach. J. G.. Chicago R3 202 2 0000000000 l.OOo Walkun. James E. R 8 20110000000001 .500 tl St. Louis. 7 Detroit.1 Page. Scmuel W . Phila. L4 “0 3 30001010003 .429 Lein. Edgar, Wash. R 9 32 4 11 12 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 4 .341 Evans, Allred, Wash. R 7 21 2770000050102 .333 Eaves. Valllc. Chicago R2 6022000000010? .333 Stromme. F. M. Cleve. R 5 .3 0110000000000 .3.33 Lillard. W. B. Phila. R 7 19 46710010 .3 0101 .316 Le Febvre, W. H.. Boston L710 33300000201 02 .30(1 Kennedy. R, Chicago R 3 80220001000100 .250 Lucadcllo. J. St. L. Both 9 30 0 7 9 2 o O 1 0 2 0 4 0 4 .233 McNamara. R.. Phila. R9 902 3 1000010 3 01 .222 Aderholt. M. W„ Wash. L7 25 6 5 8 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 4 1 6 .200 Gedeon, E., Washington R 8 16 1330000020105 .200 De Shnng, J.. B.. Wash. R7 15 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 01 .200 Neighbors. R., St. Louis R711 3 260010000101 .182 Wynn, Early, jr„ Wash. R 3 60110001010101 .167 Renlnger, J. D„ Phila. R4 60110000000001 .167 Knick'b'er, W. H„ N. Y. R 6 13 2 2 3 1 0 (I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .154 Gehrig, H. L„ New York L8 28 2440000050101 .143 Sayles. W. N„ Boston R5 701100000000 0 6 .143 Ferrell, W. C.. New York R 3 80121000000102 .126 Pitko. A.. Washington R 4 80110000010103 .125 Wagner, H. E., Phila. _.L 5 801 100000000 0 3 .125 Fleming. Leslie, Detroit-. L 8 16 0000000000104 .000 McCrabb. L. W„ Phila... R 5 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 .000 Loane, R. K., Wash_R 3 92000000049104 .000 Bildilli, Emil, St. Louis. _R 2 50000001010001 .Ooo Weaver, M. M„ Boston.. L 9 40000000000001 .000 Herring, A. L., Chicago _R 7 41000000010001 .000 Johnson, F. E., St. Louis R5 40000001000000 .000 Sullivan. P. T„ Cleveland L7 3000000000000? .000 Naymlck, M.. Cleveland. R 2 3 000000000000 3 .000 Giebell, Floyd, Detroit _L9 20000001000000 .000 Drake. T. K., Cleveland R 8 20000001000000 .000 Pyle. Ewald. St. Louis _.L6 20000000000001 .000 Masters. Walter. Phila... R 4 20000000000001 .000 Shea, M. J, Detroit R4 20000000000001 .000 Lynn. James M., Detroit R4 20000000000000 .000 Lary, L. H. Cleveland R3 2000000000 0 001 .ooo Van Atta, R.. St. Louis L 2 2000 0 0000 0 0001 .000 Bass. R. W.. Wash. R1 20000000000000 .000 Cole. (Kisloski), E., St.L. R6 10000 0 0000 7) 0 0 1 .000 Parsons, E. D, Detroit R 5 100 0 0000010001 .000 Cox. W. D., St Louis R 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Hanning. Loy. St. Louis R 4 1 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .OOO Dobernic. A. J., Chicago R4 10000000000001 .(810 Boyles, Harry, Chicago R 2 1 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Dykes. J. J.. Chicago R2 1000 OOO 0000000 .000 Gallke. F. S., Boston R 1 100000000 0 0 100 .000 Newhouser. H., Detroit LI 10000000000000 .000 Siber, E. J., St. Louis _.R1 100000 0 0000001 OOO Jorgens, A.. New York R 3 0100000 0 000000 .000 Holland, W., Washington L3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .000 Thnman. L., Washington R3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .000 Muncrlef. R. C., St. Louis R2 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .000 Jacobs. N. 8.. Wash. __ .R 2 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .000 Palagyl, M.. Washington R1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .000 O'Neill, H.. Philadelphia. R 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .000 Smith, D. M.. Phila_R 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOO .000 sss^^fru^kis t mtimnun m ■ . ' ,.. : • » I FREE THROW—FREE BALJ^-After Oklahoma's Aggies had missed a 1-pointer last night two City College of New York players, David Laub (left, in air) and Harvey Lozman (right, in air) leaped high to take ball on the rebound. Aggies shown are Vern Schwertfeger (29), Jess Renick <20) and L. J. Eggleston (5). The Aggies won, 36-24. —A. P. Wirephoto. C. U. Alumni Bruised After 41-31 Loss To Card Quint Catholic University alumni ac tivities have been abruptly curtailed indefinitely pending the recovering of a large group of “old boys” who bravely faced “Fod” Cotton s varsity tossers yesterday—and lost, 41-31. It was not a bad showing the alumni made in the first half, during which they led the varsity, 12-8, but the bogey of mounting years, soft living, non-training and less prac tice overtook them in the second and they staggered home a beaten team. Charley horses, aching backs and a variety of other ailments, all not strictly attributable to the game, plagued the boys today, but the dis grace of losing probably is more painful than their physical discom fiture. Bob McVean paced alumni scoring with 10 points, while Joe Carrig. with nine, led the varsity. Sachon and Carrig, forwards: Carmen Pirro, center; Johnny White and Gene Daly comprised the starting varsity line-up. Eddie White, Bernie Lieb, Gene Augusterfer, Bingo Flynn, Dick Galliher, Abe Rosenfield and Johnny Jankowski rounded out the alumni forces. PANTS MADE TO ORDER WE MATCH YOUR COAT or VEST Also READY-MADE PANTS Fit Rite Pants Co. 910 H ST. N.E. MATINEE Sat.—Sun.—Hoi 2:30—ft:30 PM NIGHTS, 8-11 P.M. Phnnr NAt- 0801__ Four Capital Bowlers Share in Baltimore Stake Awards 8ppcial Dispatch to Th* Star. BALTIMORE. D ec. 18. — Four Washington bowlers finished among the 16 prize winners in the Frank lin open sweepstakes here last night, as Joe Harrison topped the Capital's big brigade with a sixth place score of 1.292. which netted him $30. In eight place was Fred Murphy. Harrison’s District League Arcadia teammate, with 1.272. He pocketed $25. Two Rosslyn shooters. Karl Gochenour and Perce Wolfe, copped ! llth and 12th places, with respective scores of 1.268 and 1.266, to win ■$17.50 and $15. Baltimore sharpshooters walked off With most of the coin, winning the first five places. With a 10-game score of 1,322, Albert Neubert of the host alley, was victorious. Ray Fiorentino. also a Franklnn Alley representative, finished second with 1.309. Bill Brozey, Ray Haines and J Nova Hamilton copped third, fourth and fifth places with scores of 1.299. 1 1.298 and 1.295. The tournament attracted 100 leading Southern bowlers, the third largest field to compete in a major sweepstakes this season. Bottled and Distributed by AMERICAN SALES COMPANY Washington, D. C. Georgia 4800 SAM SNEAD Player mentioned is retained on Wilson’t Advisory Staff IT’S WILSON TODAY in Sports Equipment * WINS JUG McSPADEN Miami $10,000 Open Golf Tournament (AT MIAMI SPRINGS, FLORIDA) Demonstrating the amazing performance features of the NEW WILSON GOLF BALL FOR 1940 AND WILSON GOLF CLUBS “Equipped with true temper step down shafts” ' The “Pros,” when in a tough contest like the Miami Open, have no time for anything but the best ball available. So much depends upon getting the last inch of distance, the last degree of controllability on fairways and greens, that only the finest in modern golf ball construction is acceptable. That the Winner and other top ranking stars in this tournament mad? their scintillating shots with the New 1940 Wilson Golf Balls and Wilson Woods and Irons is a tip for you when you consider golf equipment to improve your game. See your Professional or Sporting Goods Dealer and examine this new 1940 equipment. Wilson Sporting Goods Co., Chicago, New York and other leading cities. ZZWiUmi GOLF EQUIPMENT 1