Newspaper Page Text
Major Gains Scored In Foreign Division Of Bond Market Scandinavian Issues Are Principal Leaders Of Advance Bond Averages CO 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F’tn. Net change. —.1 +.1 unc. —.1 Today, noon 57.7 101.5 95.5 49.3 Prev. day.. 57.8 101.4 95.5 49.4 Month ago. 59.8 101.3 96.2 50.2 Year ago... 57.7 98.1 91.0 62.3 1939 high.. 64.9 101.6 97.5 64.0 1939 low .. 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64 6 42.2 1928 high.. 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_ 111.1 Prev. day 111.1 M'nth ago 110.5 Year ago. 110.1 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 , (Compiled by the Associated Press.) the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Dec. 20.—Gains of major fractions to a point or two in a group of foreign dollar bonds, principally Scandinavian. over shadowed movements in other divi sions of today's market. A feature in afternoon trading was A sudden pickup in Porto Rican American Tobacco 6s. stamped and unstamped, which advanced 5 to 6 points. Brokers said new buying interest in • such issues as Norway 6s, 4s and 4'2s. find City of Oslo 412s appar ently was based on belief of trad ers these loans were due for at least a technical comeback of some pro portions after their lengthy dip fol lowing outbreak of the Finnish Russo War. The decision of the Allied War Council to aid Finland as well as the $100,000 contribution to that republic by Americans, cre ated a better view of the "North country" prospects, it was said. Domestic loans in demand at ad vances of fractions to more than a point included Loew's 3'2s, Penn sylvania General 4'2s, Union Pacific 3‘2s and Utilities Power <fc Light 5s. Unchanged to a shade lower were Nickel Plate 4'2s, Southern Pacific 4’2s. Walworth 4s. International Hydro Electric 6s. and Erie 5s. United Slates Government kept in the background with lasses of 2-32 to 4-32 of a point, offset by gains up to 11-32 for some of the' longer term treasuries. Collins & Aikman Reports Higher Net Bv the Associa'ed Press. NEW YORK, Dec. 20 —Collins & Aikman Corp. and subsidiaries, mak ers of pile fabrics, reported today for the quarter ended November 25 indicated net profit of $1,287,783, equal to $2.19 a share on common 6tock. This compared with $163,290, or 19 cents a comrtion share, in the preceding quarter and $909,619. or $1.51 a share, in the comparable 1938 quarter. Plants are In Penn sylvania, Rhode Island and North Carolina. v. New York Produce NEW YORK. Dec. CO —Eggs. 28. 101: steady. Mixed colors. Fancy to extra fancy. C.312-C412: standards. 23: firsts C<v2. seconds 1034 -1812: mediums. Id14 dirties. No. 1. l.VU-ld'a: average checks l.V4-52. Refrigerator, fancy and heavy weights. 10. standards. 15’4: firsts. 14’4 4? seconds. 14: mediums 1334- dirties. 14 Whites Resale of nremium marks. 27*4 a nearby and Midwestern, premium marks. 25,4-203i: exchange specials. 2434 exchange standards. 233j. Resale of rx change to fancy neaiby heavier mediums CO'2-24. Nearbv and Midwestern, ex change mediums. If*12-2<>: pullets. 18. R° frigerator nearby specials. lO'i-Co'^ nparby and Midwestern standards. 17-17*2 firsts. lO-ltt‘,2. Browns Nearby, fancy to extra fancy 24 ’ i-2 5. Nearby and Midwestern, ex change specials. 24: exchange standards 23'4: exchange mediums. 20. pullets. 17*2 Duck egss. 2.3-2 7. Butter. 800.4.38; unsettled. Creamery Higher than extra. .31‘4-32: extra <0‘J score' 303 4-31 ; firsts (88-01). 2734-30, seconds <84-H7>. 25,4-27,4. Cheese. 230.380: quiet and steady Prices unchanged. Rye spot easy No. 2 American, f.o.b New York. O.W No. 2 Western, c.i.f New York. 0434 Barley easy; No. 2 domestic, c.i.f. Ne* York. 0034. Lard barely steadv Middle West. 7 20 Other articles steadv and unchanged Foreign Markets LONDON Dec. 2o P>.—Stock prices D’cked up a little forward momentum as tr> session progressed today, industria, leaders, especially textiles, slanted higher after an uneven start. British Government bonds closed unchanged to slightly ahead and Far Eastern loans maintained initial gains. Coppers were a strong spot in the metal section and kaffirs chalked up a majority of small advances. PARIS. Dec. 20 t/P*.—Price weakness persisted through Bourse dealings from start to finish today. Both foreign and domestic equities were effected. Rente; closed 20 to 205 centimes lower. AMSTERDAM. Dec 20 </?>.—The Bourse fteadied in late trading today, after an uncertain start, despite the poor recep tion given the Netherlands 4 per cent con folidavion loan. LIVERPOOL. Dec 20 • .$»•.—Cotton fu tures dropped 13 to 20 points today. Active liquidation and hedging followed declines at New' York and Bombay. Jersey City Livestock JERSEY CITY. N J . Dec. 20 <&' <U S Department of Agriculture'.—Cattle, sal £ble. 30n. total. 450. Steers lacking, cow; and bulls slow, about steady. Mediuir cows. 5 75-6.50: odd head. 7 00: cuttei and common 4.50-5.50: canners. 3.75 4 25. Few good sausage bulls. 7.25-75 medium 6.50-7.00: cutter and common 6 75-6.25. Vealers and calves, salable. 60; total 26n Vealers slow, mostly 25-50 lower good and choice, nearbys. 0.00-12.50; com mon and medium. 8.00-8.50: culls. 5.50 7 25- lew thin kinds. 4 00-4.50. Nc Southern vealers or heavy calves on sale. Hoes, salable. 20 on Jersey City. 50 or New York: total 2.740. Butchers. ? higher: top. 5 SO for good and choice. 20C pounds * Sheep and lambs, none salable; total 1.400. Market nominally steady. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. Dec. 20 —A revival o: finished goods business by converters wai reported in WTorth Street textile marketi today and cloth cutters were busy on sprint lines. Gray goods continued quiet. Traders felt approach of the inventors taking period would limit buying unti after the turn of the year unless some fresh incentive appeared. Silk markets were influenced hr the er ratic course ot prices in the raw com modity and buyers avoided commitments Woolen markets continued quiet. Mill! meanwhile were busy on production oi sprint toods. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Dec. 20 (4>>.—Federal Lam Bank bonds: Kate Mo. Year. Bid. Asked 4s July 1040-44_1124 1123.. 34a May 1955-45_lot3, 108> 3s3a July 1955-45_1084 107 3s Jan. 1050-48_1084 107 3s May 1958-48_ 1064 107 London Gold and Silver LONDON. Dec. 20 dpi.—-Bar silver 53iid. off 'Equivalent. 42.50 cents oi the dollar basis. $4.03.) Bar gold 168! unchanged 'Equivalent. $33,85.) New York Silver NBW YORK. Dec. 20 '45*—Bar Bllvei #64. up 1. { I BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE St private wire direct to The Star. - T R EASU R Y. High. Low. 2'55. 2%s 1949-53_ 105.9 105.9 105.9 2%s 1950-62_ 105.11 105.11 10641 2%s 1945-47_ 109. 109. 109. 2*is 1951-54_ 107.7 107.7 107.7 2V4s 1958-63_ 106.14 106.10 106.10 2»is 1960-65_ 106.10 106.5 106.7 2Tts 1955-60 _ 107.20 107.16 107.16 3s 1951-55 _110.5 110.6 110.5 3%s 1946-49_ 111. 111. 111. 3 %s 1943-45 109.22 109.22 109.22 3 %s 1940-43 Jun 102.16 102.16 102.16 3%s 1943-47 109.1R 109.18 109.18 4s 1944-54 114.29 114.29 114.29 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 2'\s 1942-47. . 105.6 105.4 105.5 3s 1944-49 _ 108.3 108.3 108.3 314s 194 4-64 ... 108.9 108.8 108.8 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3s 1944-52 107.23 107.23 107.23 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low 2:66 /ibitlbl F&P 5s 53 52 52 52 Agr MtR B Col 6s 47. 27% 27% 27% I Akershus4s68 _ 60 60 60 Antloqula 7s 45 B_ 16% 16% 16% Antionuia 7s 45 C_ 16% 16% 16% Antwerp 5s 58 69 68*4 68% Argentine 4s 72 Feb 80% 79% 80% Argentine 4s 72 Apr 80% 79% 80% Argentine 4%s 48 .. 94V. 94% 94% Argentine 414s 71 ... 87 8fi% 87 Australia 4%* 56 ... 75% 75 75H Australia 5s 55 _ 81 80*. 80% Ravaria S 6%s 45 12.% 12% 12% Belgium 6s 55 89% 89% 89% Belgium 7s 55 100 99% 100 Berlin C El 6%s 59 15 15 15 Brazil 6%s 1926-57 14% 14% 14% Brazil 6%>s 1927-57 14% 14% 14% Brazil C Rv El 7s 62 12% 12% 12% Rrazil 8s 41 18% 17% 18% Breda Ernesto 7s 54 98% 98% 98% Buen Air 4%-4%s 77 66% 56% 56% B A 4%-4%s 76 Aug 56% 56% 56% Canada 2%s 44 _ 95% 95% 95% Canada 2%s45_ 96 96 96 Canada 3s 67 _ 85% 85% 85% Canada 3%s 61_ 90 89% 90 Canada 4s 60_ 98% 98% 98% Canada 5s 52_ 106';.. 106% 106% Chile 6s 60 _ 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s 60 assd . 11% 11% 11% Chile 6s 61 Feb assd 11% 11% 11% Chile 6s 62 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s 63 assd 11 % 11% 11% Chile 6s 61 Sent .. 15% 15% 15% 1 Chile Mtg Rk 6s 61 15 14% 14% Chile Mtg B 6s 61 asd 11% 11% 11% Chile Mtg Rk 6s 62 14% 14% 14% | Chile Mtg B 6s62 asd 10% 10% 10% Colombia 6s 61 Jan 33 32% 32% Colombia 6s 61 Oet 33 32 32% Copenhagen 4 %s 53 40 39%. 40 Copenhagen 5s 52 43 42% 42% Cuba 477 . .. 57'- 57% 57% I Cuba 5s 191 4-49 .. 102% 102% 102% Cuba5%s45 _ 75 75 75 Denmark 4 %s 62_ 45% 44% 44% Denmark 6s 42 65 64% 65 El Salvador 8s 48 ct . 15% 15% 15% | Finland 6s 45 36 36 36 I Frankfort 6%s 53 11% 11% 11% ! Ger C A Rk 6s 60 July 13% 13%. 13% GerC A Rk 6s 60 Oct 13% 13% 13% ! GerC Ag I.n 6%s 58 13% 13% 13% | Ger Gen Klee 7s 45 . 25 25 25 i Ger Govt 5 Us 6.5 _ S’4 7*4 8*4 I Ger G 5i&s 65 un st4*4 4*4 4** rinrmnn flnvt 7e 40 Ifl G > . Q.\. : Ger Gov 7s 49 un st 6 6 6 Heldelberp 74* 50 R 8 8 Hungary 44s 79 ext 21% 21% 21% I Italy 7s 51 684 68% 68% Mex 4s 1910-45 asst '■ ’■ 4 Milan 64s 52 49% 494 49% New So Wales 5s 57 784 784 784 New So Wales 5s 58 78 78 78 Norway 4s 63 69 674 69 Norway 4 4 s 65 70' 68% 704 ; Norway 4%s.56 754 754 754 i Norway 6s 43 92 90% 92 | Oslo 44s 55 70% 70% 70% | Panama 5s 63 st asd 69% 69', 69% Pernambuco 7s 47 6 6 6 | Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 94 9% 94 ' Peru 2d 6s 61_ 94 9% 94 Peru 7s 59 _ 94 94 9% Poland gs 50_ 9 9 9 ! Prussia 6s 52 ..__ 11% 114 114 I Prussia 64s 51_ 114 11% 114 Queensland 7s 41 ... 974 97 974 Rhine W El P 6s 53._ 13% 13% 13% Riode Jan 64s 53... 7 64 64 Rio ds Jan 8s 46 74 T% 7% Rio Or do Sul 6s 68*.. 7% 7 7 RioGr do Sul 7s 66... 74 7 7% Rio Gr do Sul 7s 67 ... 7 7 7 Rio Gr do Sul 8s 46 .. 7% 7% 7% Sao Paulo C 6 4s 5774 74 74 Sao Paulo St 6s 68 .. 7 7 7 Sao Paulo St 7s 4 0 21% 204 21% San Paulo St 8s 50 s 8 8 I Shln’su E P 64s 52 62 62 62 ! Sydney 54s 55 84% 84% 84% IJru 3% -4-4 %s adj 79 444 444 44% Warsaw 7s 58 7 7 7 DOMESTIC BONDS Adams Ex 4 4 s 46 st 106 108 108 Alh Per W P 6s 48 52% 52 52% I Alb P W p 6s 48 ww 55 55 56 All) ft Bus 3 4s 4 6 82 82 82 Allep Corp 5s 44 764 764 76% Allep Corp 5s 49 674 674 6714 Allep Corp 5s 50 std 40 394 40 Allep Valley 4s 42 . 106% 10HV1 106% Allied Stores 44s 51 96 96 96 Allis-Chalmers 4s 52 110%, 110% 110% Am & For P\v 5s 2030 61% 61% 61% Am 1 G Ch 6 4*49 103', 103 103 Am Inti 54s 49 _ 103% 1034 103% Am T & T 3 %s 61_ 108% 108 108% AmT&T3%s 66 ... 108% 1084 108% Am T&T 5 4*43 .. 109 108)1108% Am Type Fdrs cv 50. 1054 1054 105% Am Wat Wks 6s 75 1074 1074 107% Anaconda db 44* 50 1064 1064 106% Armour ( Del) lst4s 55 99% 99% 99% ArmourtDel )4s 57 99% 99% 99% A TftS Fe adj 4s 95 st 884 874 88’ A iTft-S Fe pen 4s 95 105 1044 104% A T&S Fe 44* 48 1034 1034 103% Atl ft Cb A L 5s 44 95 95 95 Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52 74 734 73% Atl Coast L clt 4s 52 64 64 64 Atl Coast L 44s 64 59 59 59 Atl Coast L 5s 45 714 71 71 Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48 . 37 37 37 Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 . 29 29 29 Atl Gulf & W 1 5s 59 70 70 70 Auburn Auto 44s 39 . 45 45 45 Aust & Northn 5s 41 80% 80% 80% B & O 1st 4a 48 . 66 654 65% B & O conv 4 4s 60 — 16% 16 16 B & O 4 4* 60 ct_ 15% 15 15% B & O 1st 5s 48 _ 68% 68 68% B & O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 67% 66% 67% B ft O ref 5s 95 _ 264 26% 26% B & O ref 5s 95 cf_ 26% 26 26% B & O 5s 96 F _ 264 264 26% Msuas'jti t ct _ z*iH Zn 2K4 B & O ref 5s 2000 D 26% 26% 26k B A O rf 5s 2000 Dct 26% 26 264 B AO ref 6s 95 28% 28% 28k B A O ref 6s 95 ct _ 284. 274 2K B A O LEAWV 4s 41. 58 58 58 B A O Swn 5s 50 46 46 46 B A O Swn 5s 60 ct 44% 44% 44k RAO Toledo 4s 59 52 52 52 [ BancAAroos cn 4s 51 73 73 73 Banc A A%-cv 4s 51 st 73% 73% 73k Bsnc A Aroos 5s 43 102% 102% 102 Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B 116% 116% 116k - Beth Steel 3V*s 59 F 100% 100% 100k i Beth Steel 3%s 66 . 104% 104% 1044 Beth Steel 4%s 60 . 107% 107% 1074 Bos A Me 4 4s 61 JJ. 44 43% 44 Bos A Me 5s 55 .. 44 434 44 Bos A Me 5s 67 . 44% 43% 44 Bklyn Ed cn 3Us 66 109% 109% 109k Bklyn Man T 4%s66 84% 834 834 Bklyn Man 4 %s 66 ct 83% 83% 83k Bklyn Un El 5s 50 . 88% 88% 88k Bklyn Un Gas 6s 50 _ 95 94% 94k Bklyn Un G 5s 57 B 105% 105% 105k Buff RAPcn 4%s57 38% 38% 38k B R A Pen 4%s 57 ct 38% 37 38k B C R A N cl 5s 34 . 5 5 5 ; Bush Term cn 5s 55 _ 40% 40 40 Bush Ter Bldg 6s 60 51% 51% 51k Calif Orec Pwr4s66 1024 102% 1024 Canadian NH 4 %s 61 101% 101% 101k Can NR 4 %s 66 .. 101% 101% 101' Can NR4«4s55 _ 103% 103% 103k Can NR 5s 69 Oct ... 105 1044 1044 Can Nor 6%s 46 .. 112 112 112 Can Pac db 4s pern 60% 60% 60' Csn Pac 4%s 46 ... 80% «80% SO' Can Pac 4%s 60 ... 71% 71% 71k 1 Can Pac 6s 44 .. 107 106% 106' Celotex 4 %s 47 ww.. 89 88% 88k Cent Foundry 6s 41_ 81 794 81 Cent of Ga cn 6s 45... 64 64 64 Cent of Ga 6s 69 C— 3 3 Cent of Ga 5 %s 59_ 3% 3% 3k Cent N Eng 4s *1_ 40% 40% 40k 1 Cent of N J 4s 57. .. 13% IS 13 Cent of NJ sen 6s *7. 15% 15 154 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 74 73% 73k Cent Pacific 6a SO_ 50% 50 504 Cent Steel *s 41 -112 112 112 Cert'd deb 6 % s 45- 754 75% 754 Cheat Ohio 3%s 63 F 107 107 107 i H eh. Low. 2'S5 Ches ti O 3Mb 96 D .. 99% 99% 99v Ches & O 3 %s 96 E _. 99% 99% 99V C * O gen 4%s 92 .. 122% 122% 122V C & O R&A 2d 4s 89.. 103V* 103% 103V Chi & Alton 3s 49 ... 12V* 12% 12V Chi B&Q gen 4s 68... 89 88% 8841 Chi B&Q 4%s 77 ... 76 74% 75 Chi Burl & Q 5s 71... 79% 78% 79V C B&Q 111 div 3%s 49 95% 95V* 95V C B&Q 111 div 4s 49 100% 100 100 Chi &E 111 6s 61 .. 19% 18% 19 Chi * E 111 »s 51 ct.. 18% 18% 18V Chi & Erie 5s 82 ... 85 .. 85% 8Sv Chi Ort West 4s 59 24% 234, 24 Chi Ind & Lou 5s 66 64, 6% 64 Chi Ind & L gen 6s 66 6% 6% 6V Cht Mil & St P 4s 89 24% 24 24 CM&StP 4 %s 89 C .. 24% 24% 24V CM&StP 4>%s 89 E .. 24% 24% 24V Chi M&St P 4>5is 89 .. 25 25 25 Chi Mil & St P 5s 76 . 6% 64* 6V CM&StP adj 6s 2000 1% H, IV Chl&NW gen 3%s 87. 13% 13% 13v Chi & NW gen 4s 87 .. 14 13*. 134 Chl&NW gn 4%s 87 . 134* 134, 134 Chl&NW 4 %s 2037 9 9 9 Chl&NW 4>*s 2037 C. 8% 8% 84 Chi & NW cv 4 5* s 49 3% 3% 3' Chl&NW 44*8 87 ... 14 14 14 Chl&NW gen 5s 87... 15% 15 15 n *, s r, _ jr>i, iq,4 xo' Chi R1&P rf 4s 34 .. 6'» 5'i 5' Chi R1&P rf 4s 34 et 4'* 4H 4' Chi Rl&P 4 Hs 52 A 6". fi 6 Chi Rl&P4Hs52A efs 5 5 5 ChlRI&P cv 4 Hs 60 2H 2H 2V Chi Ray 5s 27 46H 4SH 46’ Chi TH&S Inc 5s 60 . 51 51 51 Chi TH&S rf 5s 6n 61H 61H 61V Chi Un Sta 3 ».s 63 106'. 106'. 106', Chi & W Ind cv 4s 52 88'4 8H 88" Chi & W Ind 4 Hs 62 88'. 88'. 88' Childs & Co 5s 43 5OH 50H 50' Cln G & E 3 Hs 66 10!) 108H 109 On Un Term 3Vi 71 108 108 108 CCC&StL rf 4 Hs 77 51 504* 50' Clev Un Ter 4Hs 77.. 74H 74'* 74' Clev Un Term 5s 73 _ 82', 82 82 Clev Un Trr 5 Hs 72 91H 90 90 Colo & So 4 Hs 80 . 34 31 34 Col G & E 5s 52 May 103'i, 103', 103'* Col G & E 5s 61 .. 104H 104 104 Colum RP&L 4s 65... 109’, 109'* 109' Coma Ed 3 Hs 68 . 124H 124'* 1247 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 59 59 59 Cons Ed N Y 3 Hs 46 106 106 106 Cons E NY db 3Hs 48 106H 106H 106' Cons Ed N Y 3Hs 58 107', 107', 107' Consol 011 3 Hs 51 105 105 105 Consol P.ys 4s 55 J&J 15 15 15 Consum Pwr 3Hs 65 10714 107', 1077 Conswm Pwr 3 Hs 67 108', 108)* 108V Consum Par3Hs 70 109", 10!) 109v Consum Pwr 3 3* s 65 105?) 105?) 105? Conti Oil £H* 48 . 107,107 107 Container deb 5s 43 102 101’, 101', Crojan C&S 4s 50 105 105 105 Crown C * S 4 Hs 48 102'* 102', 102', Cubs Norlhn 5 Hs 42 31 30 30 Del & Hud ref 4s 43 . 61', 60', 611 Den & R G con 4s 36 8H 81, H> Den & R O 4 Hs 36 . 8H 8H S" Den & R G W 5s 55 . 2H 2', 2' D& R (1 W 5s 55 ast 2'4 2', 2' Den & R G W rf 5s 78 S', 5H S' Duquesne Lt 3 Hs 65 109', 109S 1098 j Elec Auto 1.1 4s 52 110'i 110 110 ! Eriecv4s53A_ 20', 20H 20' I Erie 1st 4s 06 _ 47', 47 47' Erie gen 4s 96_ 21", 21 21" Erie ref 5s 67 _ 15', 15 15 Erie ref 5s 75 ... 15 14:« 15 Fed Lt & Tr 6s 54 R _ 102', 102', 102V Firestone T 3 Hs 48 105’, 105', 105' Fla E C Ry 4 H-S 50 53H 53', 53' ! Fla E C Rv 5s 74 7'* 7'* 7V Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ctfs 7 7 7 Gen Stl Cast 5Hs 40 67'* 67’, 67' Goodrich 4 Hs 56 104", 104'* 104" Grt Nor Ry 3Hs 67 . 72', 72'. 72' Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G 102 101', 101' Grt Nor Ky 4s 46 H 90 90 90 Grt NR 4 Hs 76 D 82 82 82 Grt N R cn 4Hs 77 E 82 82 82 | Grt Nor Ry 5Hs 52 9!) 98', 99 | Gulf M&N 5s 50 _. 81 81 SI Liuir M&.N 5 Vs 50 _ 85V 85V 85' Gulf Sta Stl 4 Vs 61 98V 98 V 98' Gulf St L’tll 3 Vs 69 107V 107V 107' Har Riv & P 4s 54 55 55 55 Hudson Coal 5s 62 A 34V 34V 34’ Hud & Man inc 5s 57 13V 13V 13' Hud & Man ref 5s 57 4KV 46 46' 111 Cent 4s 52 ... 46 45V 46 111 Cent 4s 63 _ 44V 44V 44' 111 Cent ref 4s 55 .. 46V 46V 46V 111 Stl deb 4 Vs 40 A.. 101A 101A 101,' 111 Cent 4S,s 68 _ 43 42V 42' 111 Cent ref 5s 55 _ 52 51V 51' tCC&ST NO 4 Vs 63 . 43 43 43 ICC&StL NQ 5s 63 A 46V 46V 46V Indust Rayon 4 Vs 48 101V HU', ion Int R T 1st rf 5a 66 74V 74 74 Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 74V 71V 74' Int RT 6s 32 . 30', 30V 30' Inter RT 7s 32_ 73 73 73 Int R T 7s 32 ct _ 73 73 73 Int Agr 5s 42 stp 102V 102V 102? Int Grt Nor 5s 66 B 12V 12V 121 Int Grt Nor 5s 56 C 12V 12V 12' Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52 lv IV [' Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52 14', 14V 14' Int Hydro El 6s 44 72V 71* 71 Int Mer Mar 6s 41 68 67 68 Int Paper 1st 6s 47 103 102V 102T Int Paper ret 6s 55 90 95 95 Int Ry C A 6 Vs 47 95 95 95 Int T&T 4 Vs 52 .. 39V 38 39 , (nt T&T 5s 55 12 41', 42 Iowa C 1st & ref 4s 51 lv IV H Jones & L Stl 4 Vs 61 94V 94 94' Kans C FtS&M 4s 36 27V 27V 27’ Kans City So 3s 50 66V 66', 66" Kans City So rf 5s 50 64'« 64 64' Kan City Term 4s 60 107', 107'*', 107* Kans G & E 4 Vs 80 104 104 104 Kings Co El 4s 49 .. 88V 88 , 88" Kings Co Lt 6s 97 . 156V 156V 156' Koppers Co 4s 61 104V 104V 101' Kresge Found 3 Vs 47 105V 105V 105' Kresge Found 4s 45 .. 105V 104V 104' Laclede Gas 5 Vs 53 . 43V 43 43 Leh Val C 5s 64 std ._ 30 30 30 Leh Val C 5s 74 std _ 30 30 30 Laclede G 5 Vs 60 D . 42 42 42 Leh Val Har 5s 64 40", 40", 40 Leh Val N Y 4 Vs 40 42 42 42 L V Rli 4a 2003 asd 13V 13V 13’ L V RR 4s 2003 asd rf 11V 11V 11' L V RR cn 4 Vs 2003 14V 14V 14' L V RR 4 Vs 2003 asd 13", 13', 13" L V RR con 5s 2003 16 Hi 16 L V RR os 2003 asd 15V 14V 15" Ligg & Myers 5s 51._ 129", 129 129 Ligg & Myers 7s 44 ... 126V I26V 126' Lion Oil 4 Vs 52 __ 97V 97'a 97' Loew s 3 v» 46 102V 102V 102' Long lsld ref 4s 49 88V 88 88 La & Ark 5s 69 .. 82V 82V 82' L&Nash 3Vs 2003 . 80V 80V 80' L & N unit 4s 40 .. 100ft 100', 100' L & N 4 Vs 2003 . .. 92 V 92 92 L & N 5s 2003 B 100 100 100 L & N Atl&K C 4s 55 101V 104V 104’ MeCentral 4Vs 60 51V 51V 51' Manatl Sugar 4s 57 39V 39V 39' Manhat Ry 4s 90 78V 7SV 78' ! Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct 78V 78V 78' : Man Ry 2d 4s2013 cfs 42 ■, 42', 42' Metrop Ed 4 Vs 68 112 112 112 1 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 101 100", 101 I Mid RR N J 5s 40 __ 10 10 10 MStP&SSM cn 4s 38 6 6 6 MStP&SSM 5s 38 rtd 64 6 6 MStP&SSM 54s 49 . 14 1% l> MStP&SSM 54s 78 . 50 50 50 MStP&SSM 6s 46 .. 24 24 2' Mo 111 5s 59 _ 634 634 63' Mo K & T let 4s 90... 28% 274 28' Mo K&T 4> 62 B ... 14 134 14 Mo K&T 44* 78_ 144 144 14' Mo K&T 6s 62 A _• 174 164 16 Mo K&T adj 6s 67_ 74 714 7' Mo Pao 4s 75 _ 34 34 3' Mo Pac 6a 65 A_ 14 134 13’ Mo Pao 5s 77 F _ 144 14 14 Mo Pao 5s 77 F ct_ 13% 13% 13’ Mo Pac 6s 78 G .... 144 14 14' Mo Pac 5s 78 Get_ 134 134 13’ Mo Pao 6s 80 H_ 14 14 14 Mo Pac 5s 81 1_ 144 14 14 Mo Pac 64s 49 _ 24 2 2 Mob & Ohio 6s 38 ... 32 32 32 Mohawk & M 4s 91... 604 504 50' MonoriB P S 44s 60 .. 109 1084 108’ Mont Pwr 34® 66 100 100 100 Morrls&Es 3 4s 2000 414 404 41' Morris & Es 4 4s 55 34% 34<i 34' Morris & Es 5s 55 40 40 40 , Mount'StT&T 34s68 1084 1074 108' Nassau Elec 4s 51 43% 43% 43 Nat Dalrv34s51 ww 106% 1064 106' , Nat Distil! 3 4s 49 1044 104 104 , Nat Steel 3s 65 1014 101% 101’ New Orl P S 5s 52 A 1064 1064 106' 1 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 63 67 67 67 , New Orl T&M 5s 54 B 33 33 33 New Orl T&M 54s 54 36 36 36 N Y Central 3 4s 52 60 59% 60 N Y Central 3 4 s 46 75% 74% 74’ N Y Central 4s 42 .. 86 86 86 N Y Cent con 4s 98 68% 684 68' N Y Cent 44s 2013 A 53 52% 52’ N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 . 694 59 59' , NYC Mich C 34* 98 - 564 56 56' , N Y C & St L 34» 47. 834 834 83' N Y Chi & St L 4s 46. 80 80 80 N T Chl*StL44»7l- 56% 56 56' , N Y C&StL 6 4s 74 ▲. 63 63 63 High Low. 2:56. N Y Chi & St L 6s 41. 734 784 734 N Y Dock 4s 61 494 491, 494 N Y G E H&P 4s 49.. 1174 1174 1174 NY NH A H 34s 47.. 14 14 /14 NY NH A H S 4s 66.. 134. 134 134 NY NH AH 4S 66- 154 164 154 NY NH A H 4s 67 .. 54 44 6 NY NH AH 44s 67 174 17 174 NY NH AH cl 6s 40 254 25V. 254 NY NH A H cv 6s 48 174 174 174 N Y OAVV gen 4s 55 34 24 24 N Y OAW ref 4s 92 54 54 54 NY Steam 34s 63 105 105 105 N Y SAW ref 5s 37 94 94 94 NY tel 34s 67 109 109 109 1 NYTr Rk 6s 46 stpd 87* 87 87 NYWAB4 4S 46 34 34 34 ' Nlag Falls P S4s 66 110 110 110 1 Nlag Sh 54s 50 10.34 1034 1034 Norf Southn 5s 41 55 55 55 1 Norf Southn 5s 61 ct 104 104 104 Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047 39 384 38\ 1 Nor'n P gn 3s 2047 rg 354 35 35 Nor'n Pac 4s 97 654 65 654 Nor'n Pac 44s 2047.. 42 414 414 Nor'n Pac 5s 2047 C .. 434 434 434 Nor'n Pao 6s 2047 D 434 434 434 1 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 524 51 514 North Sta Pw 8 4s 67 109 1084 109 Ogden LC 4s 48 . 74 74 74 Ohio Edison 34s 72 . 106', 1064 106'» Ohio Edison 4s 65 .. 1084 108'. 108V. Ohio Edison 4s 67_ 1084 1084 1084 Okla r.iCrR “Ui « fifi inou mm. mm. Ont Pur Nias 5s 43 _ 107% 107% 107% ureg Sh Line 5s 4« __ 116% 116% 116% Oregon W nil 4s 61 104% 104% 104% Otis Steel 4 Vis 62 76% 76% 76% Pac Gas * El 3 %8 66 108% 108% 108% Pac G & E 3 % s 61 . 111% 111% 111% Pac G & E 4s 64 112% 112% 112% i rac Mn 1st 4s 38 __ 75% 75', 75% Pac T&T 3 % s 66 C . 109% 109% 109', Param't Pie 3 %s 47 . 85 84 84 Parmelee6s44 __ 43% 43 '43% Tenn Co 4s 63 __ 102 10|% 102 Penn O&D 4 Vis 77_ 96', 96% 96‘, Penn P& L 3 t2s 69_ 107% 107% 107% Penn P&L 4 %s 74_ 107% 107% 107% Penn FtIl3Vis52 _ 85 84% 84', Penn HR 3 % s 70 _ 88% 88% 88% Penn RR 4s 48 113% 113% 113% i Tenn Jilt cn 4s 48 stp 113 113 113 Penn fill 4 %s 60 . 117% 117% 117% Perm HR gn 4 %s 65 .. 101% 101 101 Penn RR db 4Vis 70 . 87'% 86', 86% Penn RR gen 5s 68 . 108 108 108 Peoria & E 1st 4s 40 68 68 68 Pere .Marquette 4s 56 54% 54% 54% Pere Marq 4 %s 80 57% 56% 56% Pere Marq 5s 56 65% 65% 65% Phelps Dodge 3 %s 62 lit 111 111 Phila Co 5s 67 106 105% 106 Phila Elec 3 V2s 67 110% 110% 110% Phila R C & Ir 6s 49 3% 3% 3% Phillips Petrol 3s 48 110% ]li % 110% PCC&StE 4 %s 42 B 107% 107% 107% I PCC&St i. 5s 75 B 105% 105% 105% Pitt* W Va 4 Vis 68 A 44 44 44 l’ilt&W Va 4 %s 60 C 41 44 44 Port Gen El 4 %s 60 81 80% 80% Porto liico A T 6s 42 55 52% 55 Porto !i A T 6s 4 2 st 55 50 55 Postal Tel & C 6s 63 17 16% 17 Pub S vc E&G 3 V»s 68 111 111 111 Pub Svc N 111 3 %s 68 108% 108% 108% Purity Baking 5s 48 104 104 104 R-K-O 6s 41 50% 50% 50% Reading Jer C 4s 51 . 57% 57% 57% Rem R'd 4 Vis 56 wur 98% 9s 98 Republic Stl 4Vjs 56 95% 95% 95% Reading R 4 Vis 97 A 69 69 69 Republic Stl 4 %s 61 94% 94% 91% Roch G&E 2 Vis 69 106% 106% 106% Saguenav Tu- 4 % s 66 96', 96% 96% St L IM&S RAG 4s 33 55 54% 65 StGIMA-SR&G4s33 ct 53% 53 , 53 % St L-San Fr 4s 50 ct 9% 9%, 9% St E-San Kr 4 %s 78 10 9% 10 St E-S F 4 %s 78 ct st 9% 9 . 9% St E-San F 6s 60 B 10 10 10 St E-S F 6s 50 B ct 9% 9% 9% St E S \V 1st 4s 89 59 58% 58% St E South Wn 5s 52 20 20 20 St E S \\ ref 5s 90 . 10% 10% 10% . StPKSLl % s 41 6 5% 5% San A&A Pass 4s 43 53 53 53 , Sun Diego CG&E 4s65 110',, 110% 110% ! Schulco 6>is 46 A stp 18% 18'-., 18% Seabd A E 4s 50 stp 14% 14 14% | Seabd A L rf 4s 59 S', 5% 5% ■ j Seah'd A L con 6s 45 8% 8% 8% >'« Uli I ^4 i i ' b Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct 3', 3K 3', Shell Un 011 2 14s 54 951. 95 95 i Silesian Am 7s 4 1 __ 25‘. 25'« 254, . SimmonsCo 4s 52... 99 , 99', 99', . Skelly Oil 4s 51 ... 105*4 105'. 105'. , So Bell TAe T 3s 79_ 103', 103', 103'; Sonthn Cat G 4s 65 110 no 110 , Southn Kraft 4 k*s 46 97>, 974 97'. , So Natl G 414s 51_ 1064 106'. 106'. So Pac 34*s 46 _ 54', 54 54 ; So Pac col 4s 49_ 45 44', 45 , So Pac ref 4s 55_ 63', 63'. 634 So Pac 414s 68 _ 46', 45'. 46't SoPac4l4s69_ 461, 45s 46'. , So Pac 414s 81 46', 45'.. 46 ! So Par Orec 4 M,s 77 47'. 47'. 47*« , ! So Ry cm 4s 66 A 59', 59s 594 , So Ry 5s 94 88 , 86 88 1 So Ry cm 6s 56 77’, 77', 77*, So Ry 6 Us 56 80', 80'. 60 . 1 So Ry St I, div 4s 51 71', 71' • 71 , I S W Bel] Tel 3s 68 Id?'., 107'. 107'. , Stand Oil N J 2 »*s 53 I0(', lrl4•, 104', Stand Oil N J 3s 61 104'. |04:. 104 . Studehaker cv 6s45 98 96 , 97'., Texarkana 514s 50 SS'-i 85'. 88', Texas Corp 3s 69 104 ', 104'. 104’, t Texas Corp 314s 61 106', 106 , 106', Texas & Pac 5s 77 B 69', 69 69 Texas & Pac 5s 79 C 69 69 69 ' Tex & Pac 5s 80 D 68T* 68', 68', * Tex&Pac 1st 5s 2000 110'* 110', 110', • Tex &P MPT 514s 64 95 95 95 Third Av ref 4s 60 49'-, 48 48 " Third Av ad1 5s 60 13', 13*4 13V* » Tol & Ohio C 3 'Sis 60. 871* 871* 87v, , Un El Chicago 5s 45 . 6'4 6', 64 , Union OillCal )3s 59 101', 101’, 101’, Un Oil!Cal)6s 42 A-. 112'/, 112', 112', Un Pacific 314s 71 .. 964, 96'. 964 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 114 lifts, 114 Un Pac ref 4s 2008 107'i 107 107*4 Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 US'. 113'. 113', • United Biscuit 5s 50 108', 108'* 1084 United Drug 6s 53 804 79', 80>: * U S Steel 3V4s 48 1 OSS 105'. 105', ’ Utd Stkyds4 lisulww 89 , 89', 89': * Utah LAiT 5s 44 102'* 102', 102', • Utah Pwr & Lt 6s 44 103 102', 102', Utility P& L, 5s 69 so*, 80', 80', » Utility P& L5V4S 47 80'. 80', 804 Vanadium 5s 41 _ 106', 106’, 106', , Va Ry 1st 31*s 66 108 108 108 » Wahash 4',4s 78 C_ S', 8'* 8', Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 36 344 354 2 Wahash 2d 5s 39_ 194 • 19'* 194 4 Wabash 5s 76 B_ 8', 8', 84 , Wabash 5s 80 D_ 8'* 84 84 Wabash 5%s 75 84 84 84 Walker H&S 4 V*s 45 1061, 106', 106': k Walworth 4s 55 64:« 64;» 644 Walworth 6s 55 74 74 74 j Warner Bros 6s 48 83*i 83’, 83", Warren Bros cv 6s 41 37 36'/, 364 l Westcht L gn 3 4-s 67 107'. 107'* 1074 West Sh 1st 4s 2361 47 46'., 464 West Md 1st 4s 52 84‘, 84** 84', Went Mri 51,6« 77 87 86*. 87 West Pac 5s 46 A as 18's 18% 18% 4 West Union 4 %a 50 63% 63% 63% West Union 5s 61 .. 68% 68% 68% West Union 6s 60 65% 65% 65% k Wheel Steel 4 %s 66 98% 98 98% Wilson & Co 4s 55 103% 103% 103% Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 t7% 17 17 ” W C 1st gn 4s 49 cfs 16 16 16 ’ WisC S&DT 4s 36 ct 7 7 7 Youngst'n S&T 4s 48 109% 109% 109% 9 ‘ Dividends Announced * NEW YORK Dec. 20—Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co. Initial. " Pe- Stk. of Pay * Rate. riod. record, able. Scott Paper $4 pf_50c . _ 12-18 12-22 Hotels Statler Co ... $1 .. 12-15 12-18 Extra. F R Publishing Corp 50c.. 12-22 12-28 i North & Judd Mfg Co 40c . _ 12-21 1-2 4 Sonoco Prod 25c 12-18 12-21 Increased. 4 Sonoco Prod 25c Q 12-18 12-21 Accumulated. i Hotels Statler 7% pf 81.75 12-15 12-18 Do. «<7 pf 37%c 12-15 12-18 * Regal Shoe 7C7 pf SI.76 12-15 12-26 Regular. i American Can SI Q 1-25 2-15 Am Oak Leather SI 11-16 * Do pf $1.25 Q 12-21 12-31 Apex Elec Mfg . .. 25c 12-20 12-26 Baldwin Co 40C 12-22 12-23 Cans Car Heating 75c Q 12-3(1 1-15 Detroit Edison Co $2 12-29 1-15 Diamond Ginger Ale 25c Q 12-19 12-22 . Dow Chemical Co 75c Q 2-1 2-15 * Do. pf $1.26 Q 2-1 2-15 Eastern Steel Prod Ltd SI 1-15 2-1 4 P R Publishing Corp 25c Q 12-22 12-28 . Metal ft Thermit Corp $1 12-20 12-25 * Montreal Tram's Co $1.50 Q 1-4 1-15 » Nat Cash Register 25c Q 12-30 1-15 4 N Y Hotel Statler. $3.40 12-15 12-18 4 North A Judd Mfg 4nc 12-21 1-2 ’ Rochester Button . 25c 1-lti 1-2C Do. pf _37VaC Q 2-20 3-1 t Sonoco Prod Pf $1.25 Q 12-18 12-21 TexAmerica Oil_8Hc 12-27 1-2 Young J S_$1.50 Q 12-22 1-2 i Electric Production Reaches All-Time High for Week Output Is IT.6 Per Cent Ahead of Comparable Period for 1938 By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Dec. 20.—Electric power output, at record levels for the last few months, mounted to a new all-time high during the week ended December 16, the Edison Electric Institute reported today. TVip Int.pcf tntol nf 9 find rtfifl kilowatt hours was .7 of 1 per cent ahead of 2.585.560,000 in the. pre ceding week and 11.6 per cent above 2,332.978,000 in the comparable 1938 I wreek. Despite the record outturn, the j gain was less than seasonally ex pected. Hence the Associated Press 1 Power Index, based on 1929-30 as 100, declined to 127.8 from 129.1 in , the previous week. A year ago the | index, which is adjusted for sea ; sonal and long-term trend, was 116.8. Range for recent years follows: l rent jo.'fR may in.'ic 1024-25 Hleh rttl.2 117.2 125.2 110.8 105.5 Low 112.2 102.8 111.8 102.0 01.0 Percentage gains over a year ago were reported as follows by the in- I stitute: New England. 12.i; Middle Atlantic, 8.4, Central Industrial, | 15.4; West Central, 7.8; .Southern States, 12.1; Rocky Mountain, 5.2; Pacific Coast, 7.4. Washington Produce BUTTER—00 score. 1-pound prints. Ml: tub. Mo U-pounri prints. M2: 02 score, tub Ml I-pound prints, M2: ‘4-pound prints. MM MEATS-—Choice beef. IX; good beef. 10 1-1?: calves. 1111 a: spring lambs. M: veal, in down pork loin. 1M-14: smoked regular ham ix-in smoked skinned ham. 1X-10. large smoken skinned ham. 1 J* bacon, sliced 22-24' bacon, niece. 15-10; com pound. x-!» pure lard X‘ , - .LIVESTOCK — Pigs, ion-120 rounds. d<l 1’kht pigs. 12n-i‘in pounds. '»- L > - 5. ?0 210-240 pounds. 5 15-5 45: 2»n-MO<t pounds. 4.X5-5.15' calves, good grade. IO-11 sows. 4 M5-4.on stags, 4 15 down: weightier sows. 4 20-5 in ‘Prices paid net f n b Washington > EGGS—Market about steadv For e*gs candled and traded in Washington «De cember 2‘»»: Whites. U S ex’ras. large .*> u S extras, medium*. 21. U S standards large. 24. U S. standards, mediums. 10 U S trade*, i: For r.rarbv ungraded ergs, current receipts, white* 2n to 21 mixed colors. IS to 10 LIVE POULTRY—Marker dull, live tur keys weak, prices lower Fowl, colored, all size*. 14 to 15; No 2s. 10 roosters, x !o '* Chickens Viremia Rock* broilers and frver all *ize8. j j jsjfI •> jo Dela wa’e Rock* and crosses broilers and fry er* ail sizes, it No. 2s in; mixed col ored frver ll »o 12 Turkey*, young torn*, i ■> pounds and up 15 to lb; young hens, in pounds ar.d un. Mi to 21. Young guinea keat* 1 4 pound* and un lb a pound o.o Keats. 10 a pound Cap n* b pounds an?T°onm?1 T’ Nn and sLps. IK r LOR IDA jug* avocado* Mb bushei baskets peppers in M2-qt crate* kum d ,1al5 •"*, .'n-pound crates pineapple.*. 2? •jn-Dound crates lomatoe* CALIFORNIA 12 20-Dound lug- times m*ORTH CAROLINA—2, bushef baskets PENNSYLVANIA—288 2-pound baskets 1 mushrooms UNKNOWN ORIGIN—27 crates m xed I vegetables 5 m.xea APPLES—Mark"! steadv. Truck rerriD’s moderate Bushel baskets and 1 = ,-bushel jnd'■ M- MarJlann Pennsylvania Vlrcima and Wes, Virginia. V 3 No 1- Grimes *-mch minimum 50-75: 2'.-inch mm. j imuin 0fi-i .nn 234-inch minimum, i.n'n I ,i Staymans. 2',-inch minimum 85-75 - <-mch minimum 1,00-1 10 •n.-inrh i Yorks. 2’,-inch mm ; .mum. 8.,-.10: . ‘.-Inch minimum. 00-1.(10; i-inui mmimuin mostly around 1 nil: Black Twigs. 2',-inch minimum 75-85 23. inch minimum. 00-1.00 Delicious. 2‘.-inch minimum. 00-1 00 ~ Ct?,lden Deocious. ‘J14-inch mln ;*Vurn *o: ^'a-inch minimum 1.10-1 J5; ■ ■4-inch minimum. 1.2ft. Jonathans 2*4 o(lmin-nU'n.1 oo-fS5; 2 1 ;-mch minimum. .L ' -‘‘♦-inch minimum. J.Oo-i.U); u°ILtuler? Sp>'8. Baldwins. McIntosh and Hubbardstone&. .0<». according to size and quality. Bushel boxes and carton*: Pennsylvania. Virginia ar.d West Virginia, fancy Delicious. 113s-163s. 1.35-1.ftn M|s-100s_ 1.60-1.7ft; Staymans., ' 64s-loos. i fto-i.6ft; Paragons. b4s-12os 1.25-1 fto POTATOES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. inn-pound sacks U S. No 1; New Yon;. round whites. 1fair condi tion. l *>ft. Pennsylvania, round whites fair condition. 1.65: few best, j 7ft. Maine. Green Mountains. Cnippcwas and Katah : din 2-inch min.mum. 2.15-2.25. Size A Greer. Mountain. 2 0n-2.lft: Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 2.‘.'5-2 3ft. Florida bushel crates. B:. • Triumphs. U S No 1. 40-2.fto. CAB1AGE—Market stead:-. Truck re ceipt. iioeral. Packed ioca!i> l^-bushel ' hamper^, domestic round type. North Car | olinn fair quality, ftn. Virginia, l.uo; bushel hampers 6n-'ft. New York ftn Pound sacks. Danish type. 6n-?o. Florida. l!j-oushci hampers, domestic round type. CARROTS- Market steady. California. L A crates, bunched 3 25-3.5o; fair con dition. 3.00. Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, lopped, washed 8ft. CAULIF’LOWER—Market steady. Crates. California 1 35-1.50; Arizona. 1.65-1 .'Ift. CELERY—Market steady. California. ’a-crates, individually washed. 2^-6-dozen. 2.5n-2.7ft: New York. 2»-crates. in the rough. 8-dozen. mostly around 2.7ft. LETTUCE—Market steady Arizona. L. A crates. Iceberg type, ft-doz.en. 2.50-3 Oo. mostly 2.50-2.75; Florida. Eastern crates. Bie Boston type 2-dozen, 75-85. ONIONS — Market steady. fto-pour.d sacks. U. S No. l yellows. New York. 7ft. Ohio. 8ft: sweet Snanish. 3 inches and j larger. Idaho. 1 00-1.10. PEAS—Western stock: market steady. Southern stock, market weak Bushel ham I oers. California, pole peas. 2 2ft. Florida. I best. 2.00; fair condition. 1.7ft. SWEET POTATOES — Market steady. Bushels Maryland, baskets. Goldens. 75 I 8ft; hampers. Jersey type. 7ft-8ft; Virginia, baskets. Nancy Halls. IT. S No. 1. 1.00 I 1.10. TOMATOES—Market dull. Lugs. Texas. : green, ripcs and turnin':, wrapped. 6x6 and | lareer. IJ. S No. i. 2 2.5-2.fto. fair condi ! tion. 2.00: u S No 2. all sizes, ordinary ; to fair condition. 7ft-1.5o; Florida ripes and turning wrapped 6x0 and larger. • 2.2ft-2.fth; ordinary to fair condition. 75 l.fto. BROCCOLI—Market steady. Crates, California. 2'2-dozen 3 00-3.25; Pennsyl vania. 1-dozen. 1 2.5-1 3ft. SNAP BEANS— Market weak. Truck re ceipts liberal Florida, bushel hampers. Bountifuls. 1.75-2.00: Black Valentines, few best. 2.fti»: fair quality. 2.00. SQUASH—Market dul. Truck receipts moderate. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped. 1.25-1.50: yellow crooknecks. 1.25-2.00 PEPPERS—Market weak. Truck receipts moderate. Florida. Pa-bushel crates. Cali fornia Wonders. 2.50-3.00: bushel ham pers World Beaters, mostly around 1.50 STRAWBERRIES—Market dull. Florida. 36-pint crates. 30 per pint. CUCUMBERS—Market dull Truck re ceipts light. Florida, bushel baskets. U. S. No. 1 mostly around 4.00; poorer lower. KALE—Market steady. Truck receipts light Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 40-45. COLLARDS—Market steady Truck re ceipts light Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets 40-45. TURNIP GREENS—Market slightly weaker Truck receipts very light. Vir ginia Norfolk section, bushel baskets, 40 4ft. LANDCRESS—Market steady Truck *4 ceipts very light Virginia. Norfolk section. buchel baskets, l.on. HANOVER SALAD—Market stead v. Truck receipts very light. Virginia. Norfolk section bushel baskets. 40-45 rnnor »MT Cnnnl iec (nciiWniint in quote. LIMES—Market steady. Florida. V« boxes. Persians, very few sales. 1.00-1.25. AVOCADOS-—Market dull Florida, flat crates, very few sales, best. 1.00: fair quality. 75. SPINACH—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Bushel baskets. Savoy type: Texas, 85-00: Virginia, fftirfolk sec tion. 05-75. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—Market weak. California 25-pound drums. 1.75-2.00. BEETS—Texas, 'A crates, 1.25-1.40. CRANBERRIES—14-barrel boxes. Massa chusetts. early varieties. 2.75-3.00: New Jerse* late varieties. 3.25. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania 3-pound baskets. 30-05; mostly 00. PARSNIPS—Pennsylvania. '2-bushel bas kets. 40. RADISHES—Florida, crates. 6 dozen bunches 1 75 ESCAROLE—Florida 11 i-bushel ham pers. ordinary. 1.00: Eastern crates. 1.00. ROMAINE—Florida. 1 'A-bushel hampers. l.O'i: Eastern crates. 75. CHESTNUTS—Italian and Portugese. 0-10 per pound. GRAPES—Lugs. California. Cornichnns. J 1.50-1.05: Fmperors. 1.50-1.00: White " Malagas 2 00. j ORANGEc—Florida. standard boxes. 1.50- 7.00. few 2.75: wire-bound boxes. 1.50- 1.75. GRAPEFRUIT—Florida, boxes. 1.50-2.00. as to grade and size TANGERINES--Florida <s-bushel boxes. 1.25-1.50. few higher, as to grade and size LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1. 5.50- 0 00: No. 2. 4.50-5.00, as to size PEARS—Oregon, boxes. Bose. 2.00-2.25: D Aniou. 2.00-2.25. PERSIMMONS — California. 20-pound lugs. 00-1.00. PECANS—Georgia and South Carolina: Bchleys 20-23; Stuarts. 13-15: Frotschers. 12-13; 8uccess. 12-13: Van Denman. 12 13: Seedlings. 10-11 per pound. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3.50-4.00. CHRISTMAS WREATHS — Maryland, boxes containing 1 dozen, with artificial berries. 1.00-1.25. i NEW YORK CURB MARKET nv DFiTiu wire aireci u me ntr Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 2:56 Aero Sup B 20g_. 3 4% 4% 4V, Air Assoc (.60)_ 2 10% 10% 10V, Air Investors 2 2% 2% 2k Air Invest cv pf 2 19 19 19 Alum of Am (6a) 250* 137 136 137 Alum Co pf (5) 100*114 114 114 Alum Goods (lg) 3 16% 16% 16k Alum Ltd(4.25a) 150* 96 96 96 Am Book (4) 50* 43% 43% 43V Am City PAL(B) 2 1% 1% IV Am Cynam B 60a 5 33% 32% 32V Am A For P war 2 A A d Am Fork & H.70g 100* 13 13 13 Am Gas&E 1.60a 3 37% 37% 37V AmGAElpfU) 75*113 112% 113 Am Osneral 4 3% 3% 3V Am LtATrsc l.*0 3 15% 15% 15V Am Meter (3.10g) 1 32 32 32 Am Kepubltcs 23 7% 6% 7V Am Superpower 47 % A V Am Superpwr pf 2 14% 14% 14V Arctur Had T (r) 10 A A H Ark Nat Gas A 14 2% 2% 2V Ark Nat G pf.60g 1 6% 6% 6 Ark PA L Pf (7) 10* 92% 92% 92V Art Metal W.40a 17 7 7 Ashland O&It .40 10 5% 5 6V Assoc Gas & Elec 3 % % V Assoc G A E IA) 6 % A V Asaoc GasAEl pf 5 4% 4% 4* Atl Coast Fish 15 3 2% 2V Atl Coast L (lB) 20* 22% 22% 22V Atla* Corn war _ 2 # % V Automat Prod . 1 1% 1% 1> A vlntlnn A Trane 1 :tat 3% 3v Alton Fisher A 30s 454 45 45 Babcock A Wll 1 224 224 227 Baldwin L.o war 1 74 . 74 7( Bartum Stain Stl 14 4' BarlAReel A 1.20 l.r0s 94 94 9V Bath .rnn 9 11 11 11 Beech Aircraft 2 8 74 7' Bellanca Aircraft 17 7 7 Bell Aircraft 2 18 18 IS Bell Tel Can (8). 10s 127 127 127 Berk A (lav Fur 6 4 4 * Bliss t RW l 2 144 144 14* Blue Rldee .211 1 Rlumenthal (8) 1 64 64 6V Borne Scry 3.50g 100s 25 25 25 Bourjois (ltr) 2 44 44 4 Bowman Rllt 1st 200s 54 54 5* Bowman B 2d nf 2 1 1 1 Brazilian T A T. 9 74 74 7* Breeze Corp .50e 1 64 64 61 Rrewst Aero 20e 81 10") 104 10* Rrlrtapt Machine 4 24 24 21 Brill (A) 1 24 24 2* Brill nf 60s 30 30 30 Brown Co rf (r> 200s 294 284 20 Brown FAW 20a 2 44 44 4' Brown For Diet 3 14 14 1* Brown Rubber 1 44 44 4* Runker Hill 75a 3 14 134 13* Calamha Rue 1.60 1 164 164 167 Can ('01 Airwave 1 6*4 64 6* 1 'an Marc W'Ire 1 H 1 CapCItvPmd 125s 74 74 7' Caro PAI. Pf (7) 60s 994 094 09" Carrier Corp 26 124 12 12 Catalin Am 15a 2 24 24 27 Celan t>tc nf *7a) 50s 109 100 100 Celluloid Coro 2 34 34 3> Celluloid pf 25s 214 214 21> Cellu'd 1st 3.50k 200s 674 65 65 Cent A Sown Util 7 4 1 Cent States Elec 19 4 4 > Centrlf Pipe 40 6i 4 4 4 Charts Corp .55g 100s 64 64 61 Chi Flex S (5a) 100s 664 664 66 Childs pf 125« 22 21 22 Cities Service 5 44 44 4' Cities Service Df 6 654 654 65! Cities SPAL 16 pf 20s 105 105 105 Claude Neon I, 1 A A 1 Clev Elec 111 (2a) 200s 424 424 42' Clev Tractor 64 54 5' Colon Develop 15 14 14 1" Colts Pat F A 2a 200s 824 814 81* Col G A E Df (51 100s 64 64 64 Oolumh Oil A Gas 35 24 14 2 Comwlth Dis ,07a 3 1.1 1 Comwltb A S wa- 52 A A 1 Com P A I. 1st Df 175s 45 4"4 45 Com'ty P S 2 15a 150s 33 31 33 Compo Shoe 11) 1 17 * 174 17' Consol Biscuit 2 34 3 3 Cons GAE Ha 3 6ft 2 80 794 79 Consol GasAElec Cons Ketatt Strs 8 3 3 3 Consol R S pf (S ) 10s 96 96 96 Cook Ta int .(Fa 100s 9 9 9 Copoer Ranee 150s 4*4 4:« 4 Copperweld .80 S 16‘* 16v* 16' Creole Petm 50a 6 22*. 22** 22’ Croft Brewing 1 A A Dayton Rub 1.45g 1750s 19 IS** 18 DavtonR(AMJ) 10s 28 28 28 Decca Rec 60g)_ 5 7** 7V. 7‘ DlvcoTwln 40g 2 7T4 7*4 7" Driver-Har 55g 2 29', 29', 29' Duke Power! 4p) 125s 78*4 78 78' FlaKle richer.20g 1 11', 11', 11' East’n Gas A F 5 2*. 2s* 2" East’n OasAFuel pr pf (4.50k) 300s 4 1*. 39 41s Eastern Sts of B 125s 171, 17', 17 Eisler Klee ,('8k 1', lty* 1' Flee Bonn A Sh 83 7’.. 71. 7' Elec R & S of (5) 2 5.9 . 58*. 5 Piter BA S iif ( 6 i 4 *17' , 67 67 Electro! vtc 6 1!' Emo G A- F "4 pf 175s 7.3 72 73 Emp G A F 8r, pf -,0s 73 73 73 Equity Coro 2 ' Esquire i 60> 2 4'» 4'. 4 Fairchild Av.40g 1 KM, 10\ 10 Fansteel Metal 21 11*. IF. 11 Ftdelio Brew 1 fr, rti Fisk Kunber 14 14*. 14', 14 Fisk Rub pf (6) 100* 10 4 103', 103 Fla PAL of 5.68k 100s 95 94*. 94 Ford Can B) (1) 75s 17'. 17'. 17 Ford Ltd (,16g) 1 2*. 2** 2 Froedert (60g) . 2 li>*» 1(H, 10 Froedt cvpf 1.20 1 17*, 171, 17 Gen Alloys 4 l'« l'« 1 Oen El Ltd!.67b) 1 14*, 14', 14 Gen Kireprf 1.20g 2 13*» 131, 13 Gen Invest 4 *4 '. Gen Sharehold . 1 1>* F, 1 Gen Tel Df (3) - 1 52 52 52 Gen \VGAK.40a. 1 8*4 8*. 8' Ga Power of (6) 25s 98 98 98 Gladd'K McBean ,00s 5 5 5 GlenAldenC 25g 16 6*4 6 6 Godchaux (Bi l 8S 8*. 8 GAAP 1st of 17) 25s 132 132 132 Greenfield TAD 1 8*. 8*. 8 Guard tnv 3 >» '» Gulf Oil of Pa11) 5 39 38V. 39 Hearn Deo Sts pf 50s 17'. 17*4 17' Hecla Min <.35g> 4 6'. 6*4 6' Hewitt Rub ( Ik 1 1 12*, 12*, 12' Heyden Ch 1.60a 1 63 63 63 Hires (A) (2a) 150s 49T4 49', 49' Horn A Hard (2) 50a S3 33 33 Humble Oil 2.50 9 63', 62 63 Hummel-Rs .20g 3 5'. 5*4 5 Hvarade Food 1 2'» 2*4 2! Huyler's (Del) _ 10 ** *4 i 111-la Power pf 2 23*4 23*. 23 111-la Pwr div ct 2 5*. 5*4 5 Imp OH Ltd 60a 7 12 IF. 11 ImpOllreg 60a 1 IF* IF* IF Ind Pipe L F&0g) 1 5T« 57* 5 lndPLpf6TU 110» 110*, 110*. 110 Ins Co N Am 2a 300s 73*, 72*. 73 Int Cigar M (2) 2 21*. 21'. 21' Int Hvdro El pf 1 13*, 13', 13 Int Indust lOg 4 1*. 1*. F Int PaAPwr war 1 3V. 3** 3' int Petrol 1 60a 16 17*4 17*4 17' Int Utilities <B> 10 % % ' Int Vitamin .30* 6 3% 3% 3 lnterst Hos Mills 1 11 -11 11 lnterst P Del t>f 50s 3% 3% 3 Iron Fire vte 1 20 60s 15% 15% 15' Ital Sunerpwr A 1 Vi % i Jacobs Co . 12% 2% 2> Jones A Lau Stl 1 34% 34% 34' Kingsbury Brew. 1 % % ' Kirby Petroleum 3 2% 2% 2' Kopperspf(6) .. lOe 85 85 85 Lake Shore M(3) 12 20% 20% 201 Lakey Fdry & M 1 3% 3% 31 Lef court Rea 1 pf. 17 7 7 Lehigh Coal 10* 40 2 2 2 Leonard Oil 12 & fl, 1 Line Mater’i .50g 100s 9% 9% 9' Lone Star .70* . 3 10% J0% 10! Lon* Island Lt* 4 1 VI Lon* lal Lt* pf B 475s 37% 36% 37! Laoudon Packing 3 1% 1% p La Latid & E 35g 17 5% 5% 5! McCord Kad i B) 4 2 2 2 Mo W turns DredS 2 9 9 9 Majestic Radio 4 A % 1 Marlon St ShoTel 1 3% 3% 3! Mass Util Assoc 3 2% 2% 21 Master Eld.70a) 50s 22% 22% 22' Mead John Ital 25s 164% 164% 164T MAMptpf<2a) 50s 29 29 29 Merr I’hipi So 2 4% 4% 4' MrC&S pfA 6.50k 25s 65 65 65 Mesabl Iron 1 % % " Metal Text!.35*) 1 2% 2% 21 Met T pt pf 3.25a 20s 38% 38 38 Mich Sugar 1 « « i Mid St P(A)1.25g 1 4% 4% 41 Mid St Pet B .20* 2 % % 1 Midvale Co 6.50* 60* 112 111% 112 Midwest 011 90 1 7% 7% 7! Minn M&M 2.40* 250* 58% 58 58 Miss R Pw pf (6). 10s 116% 116% 116! Mock Jud V (1).. 2 10% 10% 10 l biock ana salts— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlzh Low. 2:56 Molybdenum 1 64 54 64 Monarch M 1.60g 1 £64 264 264 Mont Ward A (7) 40s 1684 1684 1684 Mon LHAP 1.60 60s 224 224 224 MooretT)Dis(r) 14 4 4 Mount City C.15g 2 4 4 4 Mount Prod (.60) 10 64 54 54 Nat Auto t.25g) . 3 84 84 84 Nat Bella Hsss 16 4 ft ft Nat Contain ,40g 1 94 94 94 Nat Fuel (las (1) 9 124 124 124 Nat Oil P 1.85k - 3 44 44 44 NatPALefi«> 375* 924 914 914 Nat Sug Ref (lg) 3 104 104 104 Navarro Oil 40a 2 12 114 114 New Eng P Assoc 50* 134 134 134 N E P A of <5k 1 75* 724 7214 724 N Eng T&T 6.50g 40* 1234 123 1234 New Idea (,60a)) 3 124 124 124 NJ Zinc (2a, 100* 634 63 634 Newmont (3.50g) 1 704 704 704 N ! P&Lt of (7) 40s 117 1164 117 N T Water 8vc pf 80s 224 22 224 Niag Hudson Pwt 29 64 54 6 Niag Hud A war 13 ft ft ft Niag Hud 1st (5) 150* 844 844 844 Niag Hud 2d (5) 20s 744 744 744 Niag S Md B .25g 1 44 44 4vt NlpissingM.log 4 14 1 14 Noma Elect.30g) 1 44 44 44 Not Am Lt & Pwr 2 4 4 Ji ! Nor Am LAP of 275s 704 694 704 N A Ray A 2.50g 2 274 274 274 Nor Am Util Sec 1 ft ft ft Vnrt hn I nri P G ' i 6% pf 14 50k) 10s 100% 100% 10()i. ' North'n PL. 30g 1 5% 5% 59 : North n Sta P1 A ( 9 13 12% 12% 'j MVEng <1.50g) 1 17% 17% 178 Ohio Kdls pf <fi> 50a 10.7% 105% 105% ‘ j Okla Nat Gas (1) 1 18'. 18% 189 i Oldetyme Dlst 2 1% 1% 19 , Pacific Can (lg) 2 13% 13% 13 PacGas 6".pt 1.50 3 33% 33% 339 Pariieuec 011 17 4% 4% 49 P'k’b g R & R 50g 19 9!) Pat Plymth (7a) 30s 34% 34 34 Pennroad (.10g) 15 1% 1. 19 Pa-Ceni Alrllnee 1 10% 10% 10 Penn P&L pf (7) 25s 111 111 111 Phiia Co ( Bag) 1 8% 8% 88 | Phillips Pkg .25g 2 6 6 6 Phoenix Secur 1 68> 6% 68 Phoenix Secur Df 60a 32% 32% 329 Pierce Gov (,40g) 4 10 10 10 I Pitne.v-Bow 40a 1 78, 78, 78 ! Pitts Forg.40g 1 11% 11. 11', 1 Pitts & R E 3.50g 220s 53% 52% 529 Pitts Metal (lg) 1 10 10 10 Plough. Inc (.60) 2 9% 9 « 98 j Pneu Scale 1.75g. 25s 13% 13% 138 Potrero Sugar 1 (j) j# j Powdrell A1 ,50g _ 1 4% 4% 4' Pressed Metals 2 9*. 9 9 PubSvlndJBpf 150a 47i„ 46% 47 PS Inn |7 Dr pf 175s 87% 87 87' Pueet Sd P $5 Df 75s 77 76% 76’ Pugel S d P $6 of 125s 2.3% 23% 23' Puget Sd P * T 4 124. 12% 12 Pvle National 25a 9% 9% 9' Quaker Oats i5) 100s 120 120 120 . Kwv&Rl Secur 150a 8% 8'« 8' Red Bank Oil 1 2% 2% 2' , Republic Aviat'n 5 5% 5'-a 5 ■ ( Reynolds Invest 6 jit -fa i Rice Styx D G 1 4% 4 „ 4 ij Roes & Pend (la). 1 11 11 11 . Root Petroleum 2 2% 2% T \ Royal Typ (3) 50s 60ia 60% 60' . Russeks Fifth Av 1 3 3 3 - Rustless Ir 25g 4 14% 14% 14T Rverson H .. 2 1% 1% 1 " | St Regis Paper . 13 38. 3% 3' 'J Salt Dome Oil 3 7 a 7% 7! Samson United 2 1 1 1 " , Scovill Mfg 1.2Sg 4 30% 30 30' '• ! Scranton R (2g) 150s 23 23 23 * Sculiin Steel 3 9 9 9 ‘ Sculiin Steel war 5 1 1 1 * Segal Rock 1 ^ j, , Selberlint Rub 2 9 9 9 Select Industries 9 9. % » Sel Ind al ct 5.50 25f)» 51*. 51% 51* * Sel Ind or pf 5.50 100s 51% 51% 51* Shattuck-D 275g 2 6 6 6 Sher-Wilins 2.7f,g 400g 9P-, 91 91 ‘ Sher-Will pf 15 ) 70s 113% 112% 113' i Sher Will of Can 50s 11 11 11 ‘ Simmons H & P 4 1% 1% 1‘ Solar Mfg 1 1% 1 , 1* : Soss Mfg (.50) 5 4% 4% 4' So Penn Oil 1.50a 1 37% 37 j 37' S Cal Ed pf 1.50a 60s 44 44 4» SC Ed pi B 1.611 1 29*. 29% 29' ’ S C Ed Df C 1.375 1 28% 28% 28 * SolandF.oy.30g. 2 5'a 5% 5 * Spalding (new) 3 2% 2% 2' " Spalding 1st pf . 140s 12% 12l, 12 i Spencer Shoe 1 1% 1% 1 Stahl-Meyer 2 1% 1% 1 * Sid i'&S cvpf 1.60 50s 18 IS 18 a Stand Impsf nf 1 .^0# Id Q'i. Id z Stand Oil Kyi la) 1 IS** US-- IS* i Stand Pwr& Lt 6 u, i, i 3 , Stand P & L nf 50s 25 25 25 k Stand Prod 26g 2 9*y 9H 91 Starrett vtc 8 1 1 1 , Sterchi Bros ,2''g 14 4 4 3 , Strooek & Co lg 50s 9 9 9 3 < Sullivan Mach I 9*k 98, 9 , Sunray Oil ldg 10 1 > 1», 1 , Sup oil of Cal 11 ) 2 34', 34 . 34' v lacgart 11 6 5'„ 6 « Technicolor tig). It 13 ■, 13-k 13 Texon 011 1 20 2** 2* Tob Prod Exp.40g 1 1!, 4 » 4 5 j Todd Sliipd 2.50g 25s 66 66 66 •. Trans-Lux 2 m li« 1 Trl Conti war 12 *k H ’ Tubize rhatillon 5 10 , 10 10; fe Tubize Ch(A) 2g 20Cs 3S;.» 35 35 Tung-Sol 1. .10g 1 2:» 2"e 2: Tune Sol L pf 80 1 To, 7', 7 , Unit Chemical 1 12 12 12 4 UtdCgi Wh Sirs 1 »s *8 1 k Unit Gas 19 l*. 1*. 1 » Unit Gas war 6 A a Unit Gas pf (Sk) 3 91 90 90 4 Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 21 1V« 1 1 3 Unit Lt&Pwr (B) 3 111 3 Unit Lt & Pwr pf 11 33*. 33', 33 k Unit Sh M Z.M'a 175s 81 SO', 80' k Unit Specialties 7 4U 3>, 4 U S Foil (Bl 4 4'k 3"t 41 4 US&lntlSecur 2 *8 V U S it In S pf (5k) 175s 60', 60 60 U S Lines pi 1 3 3 3 I’niv Con O 1.50g 1 7 i 7*4 7* , Univlnsur(l) 50s 17H 17*« 17' Utah-Idaho Sug 11 1*» 1S> I* , Util P&l pfin 50s 19 19 19 k Utility Equities 11 11 Utility Eq pf 2k 150s 53:» 531, 63l Utility & Indus 8 L *■» l * Utility & Ir.dpf 2 1** 1»8 1* 3 Valspar pf 1.25k 25s 13*4 18*4 18* Venezuela Petrol 1 1'4 1 4 11 4 Va Pub Serv pf 20s 65 64U 65 VoghtJIfgl.log 1 11*8 11*8 11* Want & Bond B 1 :8 7« 7 4 WayneKnit 1.25g 1 13*. 13*4 13* » Wellington 011 5 2:-« 2:s 2: 8 Wentworth 2ug 1 ll» 17» r .4 West Va C &C 3 2*8 2'» 2' 4 Western Air Exp 2 4*4 4*4 4* , Western Grocery 50s 5% 5*4 5" 4 Wichita Klv 011 1 5*8 5*8 5 , Wllson-Jones 50| 1 7*4 7*t 7" „ Wolverine T 40g 2 6'-, 6I4 6' v Woodley Fet 40 2 5 5 5 ,, Wrignt Harg.40a 4 6t« 6l» 6' 3 r in oankruptcy or receivership or Bern reorganized under Bankruptcy Act 0 * securities assumed oy such companies 4 Rates 01 dividends in the foregoing taoi 4 are annual disbursements based on the ias quarterly or semi-annual declaration On less otherwise noted special or extra divl i denfls are not Included vd Ft dividend ir Ev rlffhts ■ Alt , extra or extras r Paid last year f Pay able tn stock r Declared or oaid so fa « this vea: n Cash or stock k Accumx * lated dividend oaid or declared this yeai ur Under rute tw With warrants, xi 4 Without warrants war Warrants, fa - l Chicago Produce k CHICAGO. Dec. 20 (Jfr.—Poultry, live four cars. 52 trucks, broilers and turkey easy, balance firm: springs. 4 pounds up n colored. 12*4; Plymouth Rock. 13*2: Whit . Rock. 13 4: ducks, 4*4 pounds up. whirr 13. small, colored. 10: small, white. 10 geese, over 12 pounds, 13*2: 12 pound and down. 144: turkeys, toms. old. 11 . young. 18 pounds un. 12: under 18 pounds 14>2 other prices unchanged. 1 Butter, 635.250. steady: prices un » changed. Eggs, 10.116: unsettled; curren receipts, 17\a: refrigerator extras. 1434 * standards. 14 4; firsts, 14: other prices un * changed. » (United States Department of Agricu! a ture).—Potatoes. 83: on tra$k. 323: tota U S. shipments. 370: best quality all sec tions steady demand fair, fair qualit: slightly weaker, demand slow; supplie - rather liberal; sicked, per hundredweight Idaho Russet Burbanks. U S. No 1. fe* » sales. 1.724-06: large. 1.05: U. S No. 2 r few sales 1.374-40; Nebraska Bliss Tri umps. cotton sacks. U. S. No. 1 washed few sales, 1.05: 00 per cent U S. No. I 4 unwashed 1.55; burlaps sacks, so to 00 p^ cent U. S No. 1. washed. 1.KO-P0: fai quality, washed l.oo; unwashed. 1.26 North Dakota Red River Valley sectloi Cobblers. 85 per cent U. S No. 1. 1.25 i unclassified. l.OO-JO: Bliss Triumphs. 0< , per cent U. S. No. 1. lew sales. 1.20; Wis consin round whites. U. S. No 1. 1.23 less than carlots, California, bushel crates 1 Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No. 1. few sales , 2.00 a crate. b - . New York Sugar NEW YORK. Dec^SO (/Pi.—Sugar futures l No. a. owned l lower. January 1 S4b . March. 1.94b; Mav. 1.98; July. 2.01b; Sep ■ tember. 2.04. b Bid. . L Downward Trend Of Steel Production f Goes Unchecked Survey Shows Stocks, Except Tin Plate, Are Not Excessive B> the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Dec. 20.—A check of » steel inventories in the hands of consumers and distributors showed no excessive stocks, with the pos sible exception of tinplate, Iron Age said today in a weekly survey. Stocks of tin plate in the handi of can companies and mill ware houses, however, the survey said, would indicate a rather sharp de cline in production of this item dur ing the next several weeks. The review added: "The downward trend in steel orders and specifications which has UCCU 111 CVlUClIbC UU1 lllft LHC |JdSt 1CW weeks has not been checked, but is assuming no more than usual year end proportions. While some con sumers are relaxing pressure for shipments, presumably because of inventory and seasonal considera tions. others are taking steel as rapidly as mills can supply them. “Automobile manufacturers are ; pressing for steel deliveries as their i assemblies reach almost record breaking totals.” A decline of 2 points in ingot pro duction this week to 89.5 per cent of capacity was attributed by the magazine principally to curtailment incident to plant repairs in South ern Ohio. Some mills were expected to taper operations as little as pos sible next week, but a further de cline in ingot output was looked for . in view of the Christmas holiday. The sixth consecutive weekly de cline carried the Iron Age scrap composite down to $17.83 a ton. a drop of 25 cents. Mill buying of 1 scrap wras extremely thin, Farm Income Estimated at $7,625,000,000 By the Associated Press. [ The Bureau of Agricultural Eco j nomics estimated today that Amer ican farmers received $7,625,000,000 j from marketing of products during ; 1939. This compared with a 1938 ! estimate of $7,627,000,000. j This year's cash income was sup | plemented. the bureau said, by Goy ' | ernment benefit payments of $675. 000.000 to farmers who co-operated | with the Federal crop control pro gram. Similar payments last year were given as $482,000,000. 1 The 1939 income from marketing _ represented an increase of 63 per , , cent during the last seven years, i The farm income slumped to a low mark of $4,682,000,000 in 1932 after climbing to $14,436,000,000 in 1919. : j The bureau said that this year s | cash income would average about j $1,100 a farm, or about $238 a per I son on farms, compared with $717 and $151, respectively, in 1932. I Not included in the income esti mate was the value of products re ' tained for consumption on farms, i Those products were estimated to be worth $2,000,000,000. The bureau also estimated that farmers received * about $2,000,000,000 from non-farm sources. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC H;ch. L~w I PM. Ala Power 5 s OR 108 106 left Am G A E 5s 2028 1"*-;% 108% 108% .Am PAL os 2" lo 102*4 102% 10 « Appnlach E P 4%s 48 57% 57 -7 Ark PAL 5s o' lo6% 1 *»»'“» 106% As C» A E l%s 49 2.. 21 21 As G A E 5s 5" 2o% 26% 28% As T A- T 3%« 55 A To To To •V Coy El :?%« oi 1 o» % ioo% < •;1 i B^il TA C 5s 5TB 114 114 1*4 Bum El 4 %s s 05 % I'.M :». % Birmine Gas 5s v»___ 94% :»t% 94% Can N1 r Pur 5s 51 98s* 96% po% Con: E* Ei 5%s 51 IS IT3* 17s* Cm S'r Ry Os 55 B 85 85 85 Ci’.rs Svc 5s 5o T7% 75% 7 7% Cities Svc 5s 58 78% 7 4% 75*4 Cities Svc 5s 89 _ 75 75 75 C;t S P a 5 % s 52_ 91% 92 92 , Cl; S P<V-L 5%: 49 91% 92% 91% ‘ Comn'v PAL 5s 57 91 % 91%, 91% 1 Com GAE 5s 58 A _ 91% 91% 91% « Det Int Be O' j s 52 6 5% 5% Fast G A F 4s 58 A 78% 78% 7 8% & El Pw L' 5s 2010 79 7 8% 7 9 k Fed Wat 5%s 54 97 97 97 Florida PAL 5s 54 lni% 103% 10.1% i Gen W WAE 5s 41 A 98% 98'* 98% ! Gl?n A'.den Cl 4s 85 7o% 70% 76% 111 Pw A Lr 5%s 57 . 100% 100% 100% a III Pu A L 5%s 54 B 101% 1 043- 164*4 Indiana Svc 5s 50 A. 70 89% 70 v Indianap Gs 5s 52 _ 85% 85 85 Ind PAL 1st 1%s 88 los 1 oR 1<)8 K Inti P Sec 8%s 55 C_ 40% 46% 46% Ia-N LAP 5s 57 A_105% 105% 105% * Kan FI Pw 3%s 66 A _ 125 125 125 Ken U R'-s 48 D 165% 105*4 105% Libby McNAL 5s 42 M2% 102s* 162-% Lone Is I.r 8S 45 _ 164% 104 164% 1 Midlar. VRR 5s 41 71 71 71 * Mid S Pu 8%s 45 A lnn%10n%100% t Miss Pou* 5s 55 102*a 102% 162% Miss PuAL 5s 5 7 10.1% 16.1% 161% Nat PAL 5s 2010 B 167 167 167 Nrbr Pu r 4 %s 81 109% 109'4 109% j Nevad Cal El 5s 58 78s* 76% 76% , New F GAE 5s 4 7 88% 88% 68% 1 New E GAE 5s 50 69 68% 69 ' New E Pw 5s is 98% 98s* 98% New F Pw 5* as 54 997* 99% 997* 1 N Y S EAG 4 % a SO 104% 104% 104*4 » Nor A LAP 5%s 56 162s* 102% 162s* ; No Con U 5*as 48 A 48% 48% 48% . ! No Ind GAE 6s 52 107 107 107 , Okla Nat G 3%& 53 167% 107% 107% * Pac GAE 6s 41 B_109% inp% 1097« Pac LAP 5s 42 _ 94% 94% 94% ' Penn C PAL 5s 7 9 104% 104% 104% * Peop GLAC 4s 61 D. 97 96% 96% * Pitts Steel 6s 48 _ 99% 99% PP% Portland GAC 5s 46_ 82% 82% 82% * 1 Potomac E 5s 56 E 108% ins% 108% i Pw Cp C 4%s 59 B _ 88 88 88 * Pue Sd PAL 5%«s 49. 99% 98% 98% Pue S PAL 5s 50 C_ 96% 96% 96’* w Pue S PAL 4%s 50 D 92s* 92% 92% * Saf* H Wa 4%s 79 ___ 116 116 HO j Scripps 5 * as 41 __ 102% 102 s* ln2% Shw WAP 4%s 70 D .... 94% 91% 94% S E PAL 6s 2025 A _ _ 111 111 111 «■ Sou Cal Ed 3%s 60 109% 109% 109% » Sou Co G of Ca! 4 %s 68 105% 165% 165% r Std G A E 6s 48 st 65s* 65% 65% i Std O A E 6s 48 cv st 65% 63** 65% » Std Gas A' El 6s 66 B 66% 66** 66% \ Texas Elec 5s 60 104s* 104% 164*2 Tex Pw A' L 5s 56 167% 107 167% 1 Tide Wat P 5s 79 A 102 102 102 *• Ulen A- Co 6s 56 IV st 6 6 6 tv , Unit Lt A Pw 5%s 59 168% 108% 108% * . Unit Lt A Pw 6s 75 84% 84% 84% , Unit L A* R D 5%< 52 92% 92 92% 1 . Unit L A R M 6s 52 A 1 18*4 118% 11 g% * Va Pub Ser 6s 46 101 101 101 ■ r Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 0% 9% 9s* \ FOREIGN. Chile M B 6s 34 mat 14%. 14% 14*2 J MnHoKn 1 "c (U 1-.^. 1 XI 1** I Terni-Soc fi'?s 5.3 A 4.3'j 433» 43'j Unit El Svc 7s 56 A 43'2 43'j 43>j . : ww With warrants, xw Without warrants. , B New st <stp> Stamped. ; SNegotiability impaired by maturity. s New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Dec. 20 i/Pi.—Investment 1 Bankers’ Conference. Inc.: * Bid Asked. Bank of Man <.80a) _ _ 18’4 17*4 Chase '1.10) . ... 35*4 37*4 . . City (1) _ _ 27*4 29*4 x Commercial <8> _ 185 171 * First National (100) _1880 1920 I Public <1*2* _ 29*4 31*4 Bankers' <2* _ . 5734 59*4 Brooklyn Trust <4* 74 79 Central Hanover <4> __ 1<*0*4 103*4 Chemical »1.80> _ 48 50 . Continental <.80> 13 14*'a Corn Exchanee <3) _ 59*4 60*4 I Empire <.t»o» _ ll*a 12*4 Guaranty <12) . __ . 279 284 Irvine i.80> 11V* 12** ; Lawyers' Trust <1 40) _ 28 3] . Manufacturers’ < 2) 37'2 39*4 N Y Trust (5) 109’* 112‘a Title Guar A Tr__ 3*4 4*/« a—Also extra or extras. > -- 4 Crude Rubber Futures NEW YORK Dec. 20 (JV—Crude rubber futures opened (i t0 17 lower March 19.30: May. 18.95-99; July. 18.75-78. London Tin Prices LONDON. Dec 20 up, —Tin spot. *256 - bid: £258 5s. asked: futures. *255 bid: £255 5t, asked. f