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SPECIAL MERCHANDISE (or THURSDAY L- Each Week this page will appear in Wednesday Evening Star A Each Merchant on this page offers a special value for Thursday Only A&N Trading Co. Formerly Named Army & Navy Trading Co. (Same Firm) 8th & D Sts. REpublic 2545 Our Only Store Christmas Gift for “Him" • Cowhide Gladstones With Ft > In tials THURS. ONLY $6.95 Value Split leather cow ; hides, walrus grain, | black or brown. 24 and 26 inch size. INITIALS FREE ||| ★ Open Mies ’Til 9 PM.—Saturday ’Til 10 PM. ★ We Accept Equitable, Mutual fi? Post Exchange j Orders. ^ Eree Parking on Steele’s Lot. I! a a a tr i •»■___ || J nu viiur HU hiuii Uf /\/| AN •*!■/% £ order*, no deliverie* . . . Mor / V 1 Lv^l I J ton’* tell* the newe*t fa*hion* I ,/ n , „ Of turpritingly low CASH 314-16 Seventh St. N.W. price*. Reversible Raincoats with separate Hoods and 165 better Winter Coats THURSDAY ONLY Rich tweed and fleece rever I sibles. lined with fine cotton If gabardine, in fitted or boxy styles . . . every one with reversible hood to match. Also 165 warm winter coats. including Chesterfields, of all wool j Melton or Tweed boxy or fitted style and others. ' Sites 12 to 20 <a few 38 to 44. but no reversibles in 38 to 4t.) OPEN EVERY EVE NING 'TIL 9:30 Until Xmas ' Including Friday and Sat.) Hechinger Co. Four Great Building Material Stores MAIN OFFICE BRIGHTWOOD ANACOSTIA DOWNTOWN 18th A H N.E. 8928 Ga. Atc. 1998 Nichols Ate. fith A C S.IV. TENNIS TABLE TOP The Ideal Christmas Gift! THURSDAY ONLY • Phone Orders ATlantic 1400 |TOP ONLY | • TOP ONLY. Fir ply. jj wood, full % in. thick; regula | tion size, 5-ft. x 9-ft. ★ Open Every Saturday to 5:30 P.M. D. J. Kaufman 1005 Penn. Ave. 14th & Eye 1744 Penn. Ave. Reduced ... in time for the Formal Season Topper TUXEDOS Regularly $30 THURSDAY ONLY Pure silk lined unfinished worsteds. Midnight blue or black. Single or double breasted Sizes 34 to 46. Chas. Schwartz & Son SINCE 1888 .. . HOME OF PERFECT DIAMONDS 708 Seventh St. N.W. Phone Me. 0060 The Lowest Price Flex Camera Now at a Still Lower Price! ralcon-rlex CAMERA THURSDAY ONLY Regularly £5.95 Ideal Christmas Gift The Falcon-Flex camera is built on the popular twin-lens reflex pattern. The upper lens allows you to watch your subject on the ground glass up to the instant you snap the shutter. Made with the customary Falcon precision, the Falcon-Flex will enable you to make sharp pictures of which you can be justly proud. “1^^^ Peerless ‘MAr INVESTMENT IN BETTER LIVING” c Fine Furniture 817-819*821 7th Street N.W. Special Purchase 3-Way Indirect TORCHIER (With Glass Shade) THURSDAY ONLY Regular $10.00 Value 3-Way Indi rect Torch ier; complete with glass shade. Choice of Chrome and Brushed Brass finish. Heavyweight base, sturdy and durable. Makes i pleasing Christmas Gift for your borne or for your friends. SORRY, NO PHONE ORDERS! HAVE IT CHARGED' J FREE PARKING ON LOT IN REAR OF OUR STORE! I_ __ i Zlotmck, The Furrier On the Corner of 12th & G Sts. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG WHITE BEAR Pieced Persian Lamb Coats THURSDAY ONLY Our Regular Prices Ranged to $19S Pine quality coats. All rein forced for hard wear. All are guaranteed. Real values. The ideal Christmas gift. Use Our Christmas Gift Club Budget Plan All sales final—no exchanges —no refunds. ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE bhah Optical Lo. Specialist 927 F St. M.W. OPTICS KRYPTOK INVISIBLE BIFOCAL LENSES Highly polished, crystal line white lenses, ground out of one piece with no lines or seams that show A perfect lens for BOTH far and near vision Examination at no extra cost. Oculist prescriptions included THURSDAY ONLY I ) For the post 27 years the name "SHAH" has been associated with the optical profession in Washington. This signifies that our aim to satisfy is well founded. George's Radio Co. 814-816 F St. N.W. 1111 H St. N.E. 2017 14th St. N.W. 3107-09 M St. N.W. 3038 14th St. N.W. R.C.A.-VICTOR PORTABLE RADIO Every One BRAND-NEW in factory sealed cartons— completely self-powered with efficient Built-In Loop Aerial—no Extra Wires necessary—Plays Anywhere —Aeroplane-type covers. Reg. 5I995 ON SALE AT ALL STORES Irving's WASHINGTONS LEADING RIDING OUTFITTERS i Corner 10th and E N.W. MEt. 9601 WOMEN’S, GIRLS’ & BOYS’ 4-PC. RIDING OUTFIT CONSISTING OF BOOTS, BREECHES, SWEATER AND RIDING CROP THE COMPLETE OUTLET vv Tnm a m r C'"' " "* 1 I 1VJAOL/A I ONLY A $9.69 VALUE! Completely equipped to ride, for only "" l $8.88! What a wonderful gift idea this One hour free parkins is. Boots are field type, and a regular J‘t«Ci?"nV?.U“®n *”*' *4.95 value. Breeches are whipcord 1 with reinforced cloth seat and leather r- ■ reinforced knees, and sell regularly for E«uit»bie. Mutual and $2.95. Sweater is reg. $1.00 quality. Crop Post Exchanse orders ac is worth 79c. A total saving of *2.81. r,ptpd' " r CI e a n - R11 e VACUUM STORES 925 F St. N.W, Store Hrs.: 9 A M, to 9 P.M. FREE PARKING LOT of 9th & G PI. N.W. Rebuilt Electrolux The Cleaner of 101 Uses! CnmnWplv rphllilt thrroitrVi- >—A, A— out by our expert mechanics • and backed by CLEAN- , RITE'S famous 1 GUARANTEE BOND —for the same length of ] time as a new machine— ONE FULL YEAR! THURSDAY ONLY • < ] i 1 Liberal Allowance on J j Your Old Cleanei If you can’t call—Write or phon* for a free Home Demonstration CALL METROPOLITAN 5600 Peoples Hardware Free Delivery, Phone Nearest Store or Line. 4044 or 10430 14 CONVENIENT STORES, WASH., MD. & VA. NO FINER GIFT FOR CHILDREN Than a GOOD dWACON P* (Illustrated.) Body 28"xl3" |) double disc wheels, rubber ' tires, all-steel body and equip ped with "Congo" steel bear ings. Value of $3.25 THURSDAY ONLY This is the last call for Christ mas shoppers, all our stores are open late for last-minute shoppers, for a merrier Christ mas, shop at one of our 14 convenient stores. Open tonicht till 8 o'clock. Thnnday nicht till 9 o'clock. Friday nicht till 10 o’clock. Saturday nicht till midnicht. Blackistone, Inc. 1407 H St. N.W. DIst 1300 CHRISTMAS YULE LOGS THURSDAY ONLY Phone and Charge It Attractive natural birch logs with two red candles filled with boxwood, red berries, natural greens and cones. A beautiful table centerpiece or mantel decoration. Members of F. T. L). Association Flowers by Wire Phone Dist. 1300 Charge It Free Delivery Service Ideal Bedding Co. 622 E STREET N.W. "Ideal" Gift for the Home *895 BOUDOIR CHAIR Choice of colors in attroctite prints. Coil spring bottom on ruggedly constructed frome with rolled arms and com pletely finished with welt edges. Fully pleated sknt. THURS. ONLY! I 1 1 \ ! Indispensable for milady's boudoir—this beautiful chair will lend a colorful background for your per sonal room. MILSTONE’S Acme Liquor Store RETAILERS—IMPORTERS 927 Penn. Ave. N.W. Open Till 9 P.\l. HOLIDAY WINE SALE! WORLD FAMOUS IMPORTED FRENCH CHATEAU WINES. YOUR CHOICE OF: 1 CHATEAU D' YQUEM 1935 WHITE CHATEAU LA FITE ROTHSCHILD.... 1925 RED CHATEAU COUTET A IARSAC_1934 WHITE CHATEAU CARBONNIEUX_1931 WHITE CHATEAU MARGAUX 1933 RED CHATEAU LA TOUR BLANCHE_ 1933 WHITE CHATEAU HAUT-BRION _ 1925 RED CHATEAU DERAYNE_1934 WHITE | All of these famous wines were bottled at the i hateau where they were made. They are the rtnest that Prance produces. Regular Price $1.89 THURSDAY ONLY! S | .29 FULL FIFTH GALLON All Our Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest in Washington, Virginia ar Maryland—One Price to all! _ I bport Center "Where Sportsmen Meet 8th and D Sts. N.W. REpublic 2545 Washington s Largest Official Boy Scout Headquarters Ladies' and Men's Regular $8.80 Figure Ice Skate Outfits ——--— THURS. ONLY! Ladies’ white, men’s black, finest elk leather shoes, web tapes at instep, leather heels. Hollow ground alloy steel nickle plated figure blades^^ OPEN NITES 'TIL 9 P.M.