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President and Family Will Attend Church Services Monday Dr. Blackwelder Will Preach at Covenant-First Presbyterian President and Mrs. Roosevelt and their families will attend the annual Christmas service, held under the auspices of the Washington Federa tion of Churches, on Monday at 11 o'clock at the Covenant-First Pres byterian Church. The public is Invited. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder. pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, who will have for his subject, "America Needs the Manger." The Rev. Alvin L. Wills, rector of the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, will preside as chairman of the Committee on Public Meetings. Other ministers, who will participate are: Dr. Albert J. McCartney, pastor of Covenant - First Presbyterian Church: Dr. E. H. Sexsmith, pastor of Rhode Island Avenue Methodist Church; the Rev. J. Lloyd Black, pastor of Park View Christian Church, and Dr. W. L. Darby, execu tive secretary of the Federation of Churches. There will be special music appro priate to the occasion by the chancel choir of the host church under the direction of Theodore Schaeffer. Only the front entrances of the church will be open; these are on 18th street. If it is necessary to seat an overflow audience, the large Sunday school room is available. The service will conclude in about an hour. The headquarters of the Federa tion at 1751 N street N.W. will be open for inspection following the service. Two Festival Services At Augustana Lutheran The Augustana Lutheran Congre gation will observe its first Christ mas in its new church with two festival Christmas services, the one a midnight adoration service Christ mas eve at 11 o'clock and the other a “Julotta” service, the one big Swedish service of the year, Christ mas morning at 6 o'clock. Special music. Dr. Hjelm’s theme at the Christmas eve midnight service will be “Blessings Proclaimed in the Birth of Jesus.” At the Christmas morning service he will preach on ‘‘The Simple But Profound Message of Christmas.” At 11 am. tomorrow Dr. Hjelm will preach on "When Jesus Is Our Friend" - The Bible study hour will be con ducted by the pastor Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. A meeting of the Board of Administration of the congrega tion will be held at 8:30 p.m. Senator Ernest Lundeen will be the guest speaker at the program sponsored by the Luther League New Year eve at 9 o’clock. Re freshments and a social will follow. From 11:30 to 12 a New Year watch service will be held. Students Will Take Part in Service At the West Washington Baptist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. the Rev. Charles B. Austin will preach on “The Christmas Tree Angel Trimmed.” At 8 p.m. the theme will be "The Message of the Master— for Such a Time as This.” The following college students will take part in the service: Solo, Kathrvn L. Taylor. Coker College. Hartsville, S. C.; “A Personal Experience,” Helen Banks, Wilson Teachers’ Col lege; “For Planning My Life,” Mary Hudson, American University; “For Changing the World,” Haley Scur lock, president of District of Co lumbia and Maryland B. S. U. The service Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Will be in charge of the Senior B. Y. P. U. The annual Sunday school Christ mas entertainment will be held Fri day evening. Dr. Pierce Announces His Sermon Topic At 11 a.m. tomorrow at All Souls’ Unitarian Church Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce will preach on “The Christ mas Gift Supreme.’’ The church school will participate in a special Christmas pageant, "The Christmas Light,” at 9:45 a.m. Miss Carol Hogan will act as reader. Following the half hour of Christ mas music at 5:30 p.m.. Dr. George Gaylord Simpson of the American Museum of Natural History’, New York, will give an illustrated talk on “Patagonia.” Miss Kate D. Buck nam will act as hostess at the fel lowship tea at 6 p.m. For the young people, there will be a Christmas carol service at 6:30 p.m. At the motion picture hour at 7:30 p.m. the feature will be “You Can't Take It With You.” 'Christmas Essentials' Dr. Braskamp's Topic Dr. Bernard Braskamp, pastor of the Gvinton-Temple Memorial Pres byterian Church, will take as his subject at the 11 a.m. service “The Essentials of Christmas.” There will be special music, vocal and instru mental. Several young men who are home for the holidays will as sist in this service. The young people will hold a fel lowship tea in the chapel at 6 p.m., when the young people who are home for the Christmas season will be the special guests. Gordon Leech a student in Princeton Theological Seminary, will lead the meeting. The meeting on Thursday at £ p.m. will be held in the parlor rooms and will be led by Dr. Braskamp Trinity Episcopal Church The festival Christmas service will begin at 11 p.m. Christmas eve There will be a Christmas greet ing by the Rev. Reno S. Harp. Or Christmas Day there will be holy communion and sermon at 10 a.m The children will bring gifts ol food to be presented during theii Christmas service tomorrow at 9:3( a.m., and which will be given tc the Episcopal Home for Childrer and to the city missioner for hi; work. The children will present i Nativity tableau at their service Other services tomorrow are holy communion, 8 am., and morning prayer and sermon by the rectoi at 11 a.m. The children’s Christ mas party will be Thursday at 3 p.m. Boston Pastor to Preach At Eldbrooke Church The Rev. Marlon S. Michael, as sistant minister of Harvard Street Methodist Church, Boston, will be the guest preacher in Eldbrooke Methodist Church tomorrow morn ing. His subject is “We Have Seen His Star.” At 9:45 p.m. trumpeters will play Christmas carols from the church portico. At 10 p.m. the Christmas cantata, “The Christ Child,” by Hawley, will be presented under the direction of Clara Young Brown, with Thomas J. Reynolds as organ ist. Featured in this service will be vibraphone selections rendered by Robert Ray Fox. The service will be rendered by candlelight with deco rations by Boy Scout Troop No. 19. Prayer meeting at the Home for Incurables will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Carol Service Planned Tomorrow Night at St. Thomas’ Church Garfield Swift, Guest Soloist, to Sing at Morning Hours A carol service will be held tomor row night at 11 o’clock at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, with the Rev. Dr. Howard S. Wilkinson, rec tor, presiding. Holy communion will be observed. Garfield Swift, concert, radio and theater baritone, will be the guest soloist tomorrow at the 11 am. service and also on Christmas Day. There will be celebration of holy communion at 8 am. on Monday and choral eucharist and sermon by Dr. j Wilkinson at 11 am. Special music has been arranged for this service. On St. Stephen's day, Tuesday, at 10 am. holy communion will be ob served On Wednesday, St. John the Evangelist day, will be holy communion at 8 a.m. From 3 to 5 pm. will be a Christmas party for members of the kindergarten and \ primary departments of the church I school. On Thursday, Holy Inno cents day, will be holy communion at 11 am. and a Christmas party from 3 to 5 pm. for members of the junior church school. A Christmas party for the high school students will be on Friday from 8 to 10:30 pm. All Saints' Episcopal Tire Rev. Henry Teller Cocke will have as his theme at 11 a.m. “The Joy of Christ.” Holy communion at 7:30 a.m. Tire Christmas eve service will begin at 11:30. Services on Christmas morning j will begin with holy communion at I 7:30, followed by the service at 11 a.m., when the rector will speak and preside- over the festival holy com munion. i There will be special services on Tuesday at 10 a.m. and again on Thursday morning. St. Andrew's Episcopal Owing to the Christmas eve prep arations this congregation will not hold its 4 p.m. services tomorrow at St. Thomas' Church, but will cele brate holy communion at 9:30 a.m. Keller Memorial Lutheran Rededicates Church Auditorium Six New Stained Glass Windows Will Be Consecrated Tomorrow Keller Memorial Lutheran Church will rededicate Its newly renovated church auditorium tomorrow at 11 a.m., when six new stained glass windows will be consecrated. The windows consist of one large rose window, 24 by 12 feet, and five smaller windows along the Mary land avenue and Ninth street N.E. sides of the building. The large rose has in Its center medallion a figure of the ‘‘Agnus Dei,” the "Lamb of God,” bearing the banner of the cross, the symbol of His sacrifice. The center medallion is flanked by eight quatrefoils bearing the sym bols of God, the Father; the Holy Spirit, the four Gospels and the sacraments. Beneath the large rose are three Romanesque lancets bear ing a large central figure of the exalted Christ surrounded by seven medallions depicting the principal events of Christ’s life. The window is of full-colored antique glass with jeweled treatment. The chancel windows are of a rich ornamental freehand treat ment, producing a tapestry effect. Shields in the windows carry the symbols of the Passion and Resur rection. The remaining three windows are of typical grisaille pattern, with a jewel-like treatment. The center lancet of each window bears a fig ure, the first symbolic of law, the second of prophecy and the third of the church. The Rev. J. Harold Mumper will be in charge of the services of dedi cation. The dedicatory sermon will be preached by the pastor emeritus the Rev. Dr. Samuel T. Nicholas At the carol-vespers at 6:30 p.m. the Rev. Edward G. Goetz, pastor oi Zion Lutheran Church and presi dent of the Eastern Conference oi the Maryland Synod, will bring the greetings of the synod. Mount Tabor Church Christmas Programs Dr. G. Ellis Williams, district superintendent of the West Wash ington district, of the Methodist Church, will preach the Christmas sermon at 11 am. at Mount Taboi Methodist Church. The Rev. W. K Lyons will conduct the service. The junior and senior choirs will sing At the carol candlelight service at 8 p.m. the Rev. Mr. Lyons will preach on "The Old But Ever New Story.” After the lighting of the nativity scene in front of the church ! at 10 o'clock, a group of carolers will leave by truck to sing carols through the streets of Georgetown The Christian Endeavor Society will visit a colored alley Christmas Eve to light a Christmas tree, tel' the Christmas story and distribute food and clothing. The Young People’s Bible Class will have their Christmas party De cember 28 at the home of Miss Mary Ellen Dowden, 2134 Thirty-seventh street N.W. News of the Bible Classes Activities of Interest to Local Organizations By PAGE McK. ETCHISON, President Organized Bible Class Association. The Brotherhood Bible Class of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church elected the following officers: H. R. Felllnger, president; C. C. Moberly, vice president; T. E. Lynn, secretary; G. P. Lelshear, treasurer; Rev. J. Luther Frantz, teacher, and Austin M. Cooper, assistant teacher. The class Is sponsoring a Christmas pageant tomorrow at 7 p.m. The Men’s Bible Class of St. Paul’s Methodist Church joined the Organized Bible Class Association <• ana received me -ceruncare oi mem bership. Bernard L. Amiss is teach er; Harry L. Slye, president, and D. H. Johnson delegate to the Cen tral Committee of the association. The Sadie Bowen Philathea Bible Class of Clarendon Baptist Church installed the following officers: Mrs. Louise Lukens, teacher; Mrs. Elsie English, associ aiv- n l n v u w , . Mrs. Pemmie ' Yetton, presi- : dent; Mrs.; Louise Brawner, j Mrs. Pauline Hough, Mrs. j Helen Lewis, vice presidents; Mrs. Anna Waller, recording secre tary; Mrs. Sadie Fox, assistant; Mrs. C u s t y s Hightower, Clara Norris, Mr- Etchison. assistant; Mrs. Edith Washington, corresponding secretary; Miss Bertha Horner, historian; Mrs. Betsy James, hostess; Mrs. Sadie Pergusson, pianist, and Mrs. Marlon Stockett, assistant. The Rev. William H. Hantzmon will speak to the Box Bible Class of Emory Methodist Church tomorrow morning on “The Child and the Kingdom." "Christmas in Bethlehem” will be the subject of Mrs. William S. Abernethy tomorrow morning at the Burrall Class of Calvary Baptist Church. The Burrall Ensemble, as sisted by Miss Evelyn Scott, violinist, will present a program of Christmas music. The Men’s Bible Class of Mount Rainier Christian Church will assist in the alley Christmas Eve program. The business meeting and installa tion of new officers will be held Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. The annual photographic exhibit will also be held. Carl Bock will teach the lesson tomorrow morning. Dr. Wesley M. Gewehr, professor of history at American University, will deliver an address to the Men's Bible Class of Eldbrooke Methodist j Church tomorrow morning on i “Some Aspects of the International Situation.” President Alden W. Hoage will preside, i The Golden Page Class of Ana costia Methodist Church will honor their teacher. Mrs. Elizabeth Page, tomorrow morning, which will be her 85th birthday anniversary. Mrs. Page has taught a Bible class for more than 40 years. Miss Ann Strickland will tell a Christmas story in the Vaughn Class of Calvary Baptist Church tomorrow morning. Special music will be given by the orchestra, assisted by Miss Ida Jeanne Dagger, pianist; Robert Gasser, cornetist, and Mrs. Erna Embrey, soprano soloist. Mrs. W. A. McMillan will speak to a joint meeting of the adult Bible classes of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church tomorrow morn ing, on "Broadening Vision and Sympathy.” Mrs. C. E. Ruffner will sing. The A. B. Pugh Bible Class will be taught by Justice Bolitha J. Laws. President Frank E. Amick will pre side. The Randall Bible Class of Poto mas Heights Community Church will hold a “white gift service” to morrow morning for the benefit of the aged women's home in George town. Motion pictures of the sum mer conference of the Organized Bible Class Association, taken by M. H. Hess, were shown at the monthly business meeting. A large delegation from the class attended this conference. Mrs. Charles Goude has been appointed chairman of the committee in charge of the distri bution of baskets to needy families. The Rev. E. E. Overholt will be the guest teacher at the P. W. Jef fries Class of Francis Asbury Metho dist Church tomorrow morning. Mrs. Henry J. Smith will teach the Philathea Class of Petworth Baptist Church tomorrow morning. Mrs. Judith King has been elected class representative on the Central Com mittee of the Organized Bible Class Association. The Phi Gamma Kappa Class of Metropolitan Baptist Church elected the following officers: Jack Frost, president; Fletcher Harper, vice president; Theodore Williams, sec retary; David Clamp, assistant sec retary, and Cleo Morrill, treasurer. The installation service will be held in January. Miss Frances L. Gus chewsky is the teacher. George E. Harris, executive sec retary of the Organized Bible Class Association, announces a meeting of the association on January 15, at | the Metropolitan Baptist Church. H. C. McClintock, president Na ; tional Federation of Men's Bible Classes, announces that the Ad visory Committee met in New York City last Saturday and voted not to hold a convention in 1940. He further states that the General Council will hold a meeting at West ern Maryland College in connection with the 19th Annual Convention of the Organized Bible Class Associa tion of the District of Columbia. Officers and members of committees of the national federation, as well as officers of State and regional federations, will be invited to this meeting. Bishop Freeman To Deliver Sermon Christmas Morning Carol Service to Be Given at Cathedral Tomorrow at 4 P.M. Bishop James E. Freeman will de liver the sermon at the festival serv ice of holy communion and sermon at 11 a.m. on Monday, Christmas Day, in Washington Cathedral. Other services on Christmas Day will include celebration of the holy communion in Bethlehem Chapel of the Holy Nativity at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 am. and evensong at 4 p.m. At the Christmas carol service to morrow at 4 p.m. the choir will sing, unaccompanied, carols from the gal lery of the north transept. Bishop Freeman will give a brief Christ mas greeting. Carols by two for mer organists of the Cathedral, the late Edgar Priest and Robert Bar row, will be sung at this service. The Very Rey. Noble C. Powell, dean of Washington, will be the preacher at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Cele bration of the holy communion in the Bethlehem Chapel of the Holy Nativity at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Holy communion is celebrated on weekdays at 7:30 a.m. Pilgrimages will follow the 11 and 4 o'clock services tomorrow, led by pilgrim aides and members of the Cathedral Brotherhood. The bishop’s garden will be open from 12 m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow. 'Mystery of Christmas' Topic of Rev. C. H. Jope At Ninth Street Christian Church programs celebrating the birth of Christ will be held tomorrow in the Sunday school departments. At 11 am., Christmas music and a sermon by the Rev. Clifford H. Jope on "The Beautiful Mystery of Christmas.” The junior church, under the lead ership of Andrew Shannon, will meet at 11 a.m. Joseph Scott will give the Christmas story and Betty Ann Shepherd will lead. ^Others participating on the program will be Clara O’Neill, Robert Dixon and Faith Caulfield. The combined adult and junior choirs and the orchestra will pre sent a candlelight service of music at 7:45 p.m. After church tomorrow evening, the Forum and Young People’s C. E. Societies will sing Christmas carols to the shut-ins of the church and return to the church for refresh ments and the closing friendship circle. There will be no prayer meeting Thursday evening. Dr. Raphael H. Miller Announces Theme Dr. Raphael Harwood Miller, pastor of the National City Chris tian Church, has for his theme to morrow morning “Christmas Gifts for the Christ of Christmas.” Special music will be given. At 5:15 p.m. a candlelight service will be presented by the church, under the leadership of William E. Braithwaite. Sixth Presbyterian Yule Plans Made “You Shall Find” will be the sub ject of the Christmas sermon tomor row at 11 a.m. in the Sixth Presby terian Church by the Rev. J. H. Gamer. There will be an inter polated reading of the Christmas story. The Sunday church school will have a Christmas program at 9:45 a.m. with participation by children and others. Awards for perfect at tendance will be made. The pro gram will be in charge of-C. J. Parnell, superintendent. The College Age Young People will meet at 7 p.m. The Senior Hi Young People will meet in the form of an alumni pro gram, with Jane Del Vecchio as topic leader, Kent Ellis in charge of devo tions and Edward Stahl as forum leader. First Congregational Will Have Music, Drama and Sermon Further White Gifts Will Be Received at Christmas Observance Christmas worship in music, drama and sermon will mark to morrow at the First Congregational Church. At 11 a.m. the Rev. How ard Stone Anderson will preach on “The Angels’ Two-Fold Announce ment.” An ambitious musical pro gram of six anthems will be sung by the Washington A Cappella Choir. Further white gifts will be received. At the 5 o clock vesper a mod- I ern Christmas play, “Mimi Lights I j the Candle," by Edith Isham Coul j ter, will be given by a cast, in- j j eluding Mrs. Gail Whiton Gable, ! Mrs. Adeline McNally, Marion E. Radley, Doris Mae Radley, Lois Ann Conklin, Sylvia Duerksen, Harry j Hughes. Amy McNally and Mrs. I I Elizabeth Blanchard. Director of ! , the play is Mrs. Howard Stone An- i derson. The Tuxis Club will rent a bus and will go Christmas caroling after the vesper service. The Scrooby Club will not meet, but members of the club are planning to join the Tuxis Club's caroling expedition. There will be no Young Women's Club meeting on Tuesday or church dinner or service on Thursday. The Tuxis Club is sponsoring a ; Christmas frolic on Thursday at 8:30. Dancing and entertainment will feature. 'Why Obey?' Is Subject Of Radio Hour Sermon ‘‘Why Obey?” will be the subject of the sermon by the Very Rev. Ignatius Smith tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. on the Catholic Radio Hour from the Church of the Immaculate j Conception. It will be broadcast by WOL. Music will be rendered by the boy choristers. The Rev. Joseph E. Gedra will preach the sermon at high mass at noon. It will be celebrated by the Rev. Joseph Bradley. The boys will sing. Philosophy of Slate' Meeting at C. U. Dec. 28 and 29 Churchmen to Discuss Topic Suggested by Late Pope Pius XI In response to the appeal of the late Pope Pius XI in his encyclical to Catholic University on the occasion of the university’s golden Jubilee, the American Catholic Philosophical Association will meet at Catholic University December 28 and 29 to discuss various phases of the general theme "Philosophy of the State.” More than a score of papers covering every pnase cf the si,b»act will be read and discussed at the meeting and at the annual dinner in the university dining room on Decem ber 28. The speakers at the dinner will be the Very Rev. Martin C. D’Arcy, • recently of Oxford University and now head of the department of philosophy at Fordham University, who will speak on “Philosophy in Europe Today”; the Right Rev. Ful ton J. Sheen, who will speak on "Philosophy and the World Crisis,” and the Rev. William P. O’Connor, - president of the association, who will speak on "The Political Philos opher.” ' Prof. Francis E. McMahon of the University of Notre Dame will preside and the Right Rev. Msgr. Corrigan, rector of the uni versity, will extend the greetings of the university. Three broadcasts in connection with the meeting are as follows: December 28 at 10:15 p.m., on WOL and the Mutual Broadcasting Sys tem, Dr. Martin C. D’Arcy, on "Philosophy in Europe TodayDe-» cember 29 at 1:15 pm., the Rev. Dr. Charles A. Hart, secretary of the association, will speak from Station WOL and intercity stations on "The Church and the State,” and De cember 29 at 10:45 p.m., Prof. Mc Mahon will speak on Station WRC on “The Philosophy of the State.” All the sessions of the meeting will be held in the McMahon Hall and are open to the public, as is also the annual dinner. Wallace Memorial Plans . Carols and Lights Service A service of carols and lights will feature the observance of Christ mas eve tomorrow in the Wallace Memorial United Presbyterian Church. At 10:45 p.m. carols will be played on the memorial tower chimes and then again at midnight, immediately following the service. There will be special music and carol singing by the congregation. Dr. C. E. Hawthorne will speak cn “Lights and The Light.” A student minister, Eugene Allen, home cn vacation, and one of the older mem bers of the congregation, Mrs. Eff ? Laing, will bring brief messages. This service will take the place cf the usual 8 o'clock worship. At 9:30 a.m. a special Christmas worship program will be given, one feature being a‘reading by Mrs. John M. Wilson. The 11 am. service will also com momorate Christmas in several special organ and vocal musical numbers and Dr. Hawthorne will preach a Christmas message. The sacrament of infant baptism will be administered at this time. The Junior Christian Endeavor i Society, under the chaperonage o! its advisers, will go caroling about 7 pm. and the Intermediate and Senior Christian Endeavor groups I will sing carols in other home* for ■ shut-in members. They will also I sing carols early Christmas morning at the District Jail and Columbia Hospital. On Wednesday evening the Senior C. E. holds its annual banquet at Wesley Hall. Metropolitan Memorial Plans Special Program At 9:45 a.m. the church school of Metropolitan Memorial will observe Christmas with a special program of pageantry and music. At 11 a.m. the Rev. W. A. Keese will preach the Christmas sermon on “Our Lord Immanuel.” Festival music will be given by the organ and the choir. A special Christmas litany, written especially for Christ mas, by the minister, will be used in the worship. New members will be received. The rite of Christian baptism will be administered to infants at the conclusion of the morning service. The candlelight and carol serv ice will begin at 10:30 pm. with an organ recital by Mrs. James Shera Montgomery, organist. A service of candlelighting will precede the pro cessional hymn. Carols from foreign lands will be sung by the choir. The Gothic church will be lighted only by hundreds of candles on the altar, in the chancel, and along the cleres tory and nave. The minister will give a brief meditation, “And For Christ—What?” Christmas Services At Church of Brethren At the Church of the Brethren at 9 a.m. and 11 a m. Dr. Warren D. Bowman will preach on ‘‘The Un known Savior.” Special Christmas music. The junior choir will sing at the first service and the senior choir at the second. The rite of baptism will be administered at 3:30. At 8 p.m. the pastor will speak on the Christmas carol, ‘‘O Little Town of Bethlehem.” Special music. At 5 p.m. the senior B. Y. P. D. will go to an alley where they will decorate a Christmas tree and give each child in attendance a present. The intermediate B. Y. P. D. will meet at 6:50. Their subject will be ‘‘Christmas Around the World.” A number of their group will give talks on Christmas celebrations in other countries. The young people will hold their Christmas party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Bowman, 2910 Twentieth street NJE., Monday. The program will consist of the singing of Christmas carols and the reading of a Christmas story. Waugh Methodist The sermon subject of the Rev. Clarkson R. Banes tomorrow morn ing will be ‘‘The Angel's Message.” Christmas music. At 8 p.m. will be a Christmas program, including a pageant, "Christmas Voices,” pre sented by the young people. The monthly musical evening given by the choirs will be Decem ber 31 at 10:30 pm. This pro gram will be followed by a watch night aerrica at 11:30 pm. 1 Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Brookland. The Rev. J. M. Gillum will preach in the morning on “Putting Christ Into Christmas.” The next service will be a midnight singing of carols, j with brief address by the pastor, from 11 to 12 o'clock. Special | Christmas anthems by the chorus choir at both services. - I Petworth. Services in the morning will have as the Christmas theme. “The Unchanging Persistence of God,” Pastor Henry J. Smith preaching. In the evening Mrs. Ruth Davis will direct the “White Christmas” pro gram, with the presentation of white gifts for the King. The quartet will sing. i Fountain Memorial. ! At 11 a.m. the subject will be “What Can I Give to Christ for Christmas?” At 6:30 p.m. the young people are having a special Christ mas play. At 7:45 p.m. the Christ mas pageant “The Birth of the | Christ Child” will be presented. A feature will be the presentation by the various departments of a part each of the model of the new church. Each part will contain some gift to go toward the new church building, which is to be erected this spring. East Washington Heights. A combined service of the church and Sunday school will be held at 10:30 am. The superintendent of the school, Clifford H. Jenkins, will conduct the opening part of the service bringing the story “The Other Wise Man.” The Rev. Glenn B. Faucett, in his message of the morning, will use the Sunday school lesson as a background. Ai 7:30 pm. Prof. Oscar Autritt, who was born in Russia, will illus trate with lecture “Palestine, the Land of the Bible” with five reels of motion pictures. Chillum. The Rev. George W. Griffin will preach tomorrow morning on “The Christ's Influence Today” and in the evening on “Youth Choosing Christ.” Trinidad (Colored). At 11:30 a.m. tomorrow the Rev. Spencer D. Franklin will preach on “God’s Love for a Perishing World.” At 8 p.m. the Rev. I. J. Barbee will preach on “Who Can Save the World?” The Missionary Society officers will be installed. Liberty (Colored). Dr. Hampton T. Gaskins will preach at 11 a.m. on "True Worship” and at 8 p.m. on “The First Noel.”. On Monday, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., Christ mas Day service. Good Will (Colored). Dr. James L. Pinn will speak in the morning on “God's Unspeakable Gift.” At 2 p.m. he will conduct services at the District Jail. In the evening a Christmas program will be given by the Sunday school, under the direction of Norman S. Anthony. Emmanuel (Colored). The Rev. F. D. Thornton will use as his subject “The Wonderful Name” at 11:45 a.m. and at 8:30 pm. "The Deity of Christ.” Four churches In the Southwest section have united *> with this church in a union revival beginning January 1, to continue until February 7, one week at each church. A chorus of 100 voices wit sing each night, beginning a! Delaware Avenue and going frorr church to church. Mount Bethel (Colored). Dr. K. W. Roy will preach at 11 a.m. on “The Wonderful Christ"; f p.m.. sermon by the Rev. W. B Marsh. On Chrisfmas Day at 11 a.m. the pastor will preach on “God’s Christmas Gift to the World.” Second (Colored). Dr. J. L. S. Holloman will preach at 11 a.m. on “The Ministry ol Angels.” There will be special music by the choir. In the evening the choir will render special Christmas music. The pastor will deliver 8 brief sermon. The Christmas Unior Service with Mount Carmel Baptist Church will be held in this church on Monday at 11 a.m. Mount Moriah (Colored). Dr. J. Harvey Randolph wil preach at 11 a.m. on “The Message of World Joy.” At 4 p.m. and 5:3( special union Christmas carol serv ices will be conducted in Allen anc Dixon courts S.W. Committees frorr the Calvary Baptist Church, Eighth street N.W., and the Presbyteriar Church, Chevy Chase, will visit anc distribute gifts to the families ir these courts. Tenth Street (Colored). At 11 a.m. the sermon will be bj the Rev. J. L. Henry. At 4 p.m. the annual candlelight carol servic< by the combined choirs. At 6 p.m the combined choirs will sing Christ mas carols at the lighting of thi Christmas tree for the Community Civic League at Tenth and U street! N.W. At 7:30 p.m., preaching serv ice. Music by the senior choir. Third (Colored). Christmas will be observed tomor row. Dr. George O. Bullock wil preach in the morning on “Thi Birth of Christ, A Miracle of A1 Ages.” In the evening the Sunday school will have their Christma: Cantata. The senior choir will sing Pilgrim (Colored). “The Christmas Message” will b< the subject of the Rev. John S Miller tomorrow at 11 a.m. He wil preach at the Second Baptis Church, Southwest, at 3 pm. Thi Pilgrim Baptist will join with thi Second Baptist in their last com munion in 1939. Vermont Avenue (Colored). At 11 am. Dr. C. T. Murray wil preach on “The Other Side of thi Manger.” At 11:20 am. service will be held in the junior depart ment, with the Rev. S. W. William preaching. At 8 p.m„ program by th senior choir. On Monday at 5 a.m. Christma prayer service will be held. At 11:41 a.m. the pastor will deliver th Christmas message. On Wednesda; the Sunday school will have . It Christmas exercises. Friendship (Colored). “The Spirit of Christmas” will b the subject of the Rev. B. H. Whit ing at 11 am. The Rev. G. W Coleman will preach to the Sunda; | school at 3:30 pm. Music will b 4 furnished by the Rosebud Chorus and Third Baptist Church School Orchestra. The Rev. P. O. Dosumer of Africa will speak at 8 p.m. The Rev. T. R. Peters will preach at noon Christmas Day. Music will be fur nished by volunteer choir. The North Baltimore Spiritual Singers will render a program at 8 p.m. Florida Avenue (Colored). The Rev. P. P. Samuel of Phila delphia will be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. Music by the young people’s choir. At 8 p.m., sermon by the Rev. Robert H. Rollins. On Christmas at 4 a.m., prayer service. At 11 a.m., sermon by the pastor. McKinley Memorial (Colored). Dr. S. Geriah Lamkins will preach at 11 am. on "Glory to God in the Highest.” Sermonet and song serv ice at 8 p.m. Christmas tree Wednesday night. Capitol View (Colored). The Rev. J. Clarke Griffin will preach on “The Birth of Christ” at 11 am. Christian Endeavor at 6 p.m. Topic, "Good Tidings of Great Joy.” At 8 pm. the Rev. Mr. Griffin will preach on “Good Tidings.” Sunday school Christmas tree Tues day night. Christmas cantata pag eant by the choir Wednesday night. Christmas program by the junior choir on Friday night. Christian Columbia Heights. “White gifts for the King” will be received at all services on Sunday. The Rev. A. P. Wilson will take for his morning topic "Following the Star.” In the evening, the Rev. James Hamilton from Jerusalem will 1 present a stereopticon lecture on “Palestine, Ancient and Modern.” Following the evening service the young people’s groups will sing Christmas carols to the shut-ins. Third. “What Is Back of Christianity” ; is the topic tomorrow at 11 a.m. by the Rev. C. N. Williams. The . Lord's supper will be observed. ’ Congregational Lincoln (Colored). Christmas exercises will be held ! Sunday morning. Dr. R. W. Brooks : will speak on “Humanity Needs a 1 Savior.” The vested chorus choir ; will render special music. The Men’s | Brotherhood will meet at 10 a.m. ! Dr. John Mixon, director of the social welfare department of the Washington Federation of Churches, will discuss “The Spirit of Christ I mas.” The Young Peoples’ Fellow , ship Club will meet at 6 p.m. The ' program will be “Christmas for Students of High School and College ’ Age.” Plymouth (Colored). The Rev. Arthur D. Gray will 3 preach on “The Visit of the Wise ' Men.” At 6 p.m. the Sunday school, ! assisted by the HP Montgomery 1 Glee Club, will present a Christmas 3 program. Holy communion will be celebrated at 6:30 am. on Christmas Day. ; Episcopal Church of Our Saviour. r Holy communion at 7:30 am. i Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills will speak on "Projecting the Christmas Spirit Across the Years.” At 10:30 pm. Christmas music and at 11 p.m. holy communion. On Christmas Day there will be a cele bration of the holy communion at 9 am. Chapel of the Redeemer. The singing of Christmas hymns and carols will constitute the mu sical portion of the morning service tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. There will be a brief address. At 9 pm. there will be a pre-Christmas celebration of the holy communion, and on Christmas Day at 10:30 a.m., there will be festival service, holy com munion and sermon by the Rev. M. M. Perkins. Church of the Ascension. The services of Christmas will be gin with a carol service at 11:30 pm. tomorrow, to be followed at midnight by a celebration of the holy communion. On Christmas at 11 am. there will oe a festival service of holy communion with sermon by the Rev. Raymond L. Wolven, minister in charge. Tomorrow there will be the usual services at 8 and 11 am. The Christmas party for the church school will be held in the parish hall on Thursday at 7:30 pm. St. Agnes’. The Christmas Eve services will begin at 11:15 p.m. with a musical prelude. Solemn high mass at 11:30 pm. On Christmas Day there will be a low mass at 7:30 a.m. and a sung mass at 9:30 am. On Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday there will be daily masses at 7 and 9:30 a.m. Transfiguration. On Sunday the services are at 7:30 and 11 a.m. Christmas services are as follows: 12 o'clock midnight, Christmas Eve, and 11 a.m. Christ mas. Special music will be rendered by the choir. St. Mary’s (Colored). Holy Communion will be cele brated at 7:30 am. The playlet given by the children of the Sunday school will begin at 9:15 a.m. Morn ing prayer and sermon by the rector at 11 am. He will preach on “The Sword and Good Will.” The Christmas midnight service will begin at 11:45 pm. The music will be furnished by the choir, holy communion will be celebrated and a short sermon will be preached by the rector. From 11:20 to 11:45 p.m. the organist will give a recital. On Christmas Day at 8 a.m. there will be a celebration of the holy com munion. Lutheran Trinity. The Rev. H. M. Hennig's topic to morrow is “John the Baptist’s Wit ness of the Deity of the Christ.” The Christmas eve service will be held at 11 pm. The Christmas Day service, German, at 10 am. The children’s Christmas service Christ mas night at 7 pm. Georgetown. "Like the Stars of the Morning" will be the subject at 11 am. by the Rev. Harold E. Beatty, pastor. At the midnight service, beginning at 11 p.m., the choir will sing. The program by the Sunday school will be given Christmas day at 7 p.m. The junior choir will sing. Mount Olivet (Colored). The second in a series of two ad vent sermons on “The Surpassing Christ” will be preached by the Rev. Mr. Schiebel at 11 a.m. His subject will be “Christ and Moses.” The children’s Christmas service will be held on Christmas morning at 10:30 o’clock. The program is “The Nativity.” The sermonette on Christmas morning by the paster will be on “The Significance of the Stable Scene.” Gifts are to be dis tributed to all children taking part in the presentation of the program. Special Christmas music. Methodist Chevy Chase. “The Christmas Love” will be the Rev. Edward Gardiner Latch’s theme at 11 a.m. The Christmas eve carol and candlelight service will begin at 11 o’clock. Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 am. William N. Payne, jr„ third vice president, will preside. Thomas G. Luckett will have charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Kester, pastor, will give a short talk, Dr. Elmer Louis Kayser, dean of George Washington University, will be (the guest speaker. The lesson theme is “The Child and the King dom.” Dr. Kester will preach at 11 am. There will be no night service. Congress Heights. “God’s Supreme Gift” be the subject of Rev. George L. Conner at the morning service. The regular schedule of evening meetings will be omitted and instead a special service will be held at 10:30 p.m., when an original painting, “Christ— the Way,” by John Eldon Edgerton, will be unveiled. This painting will be on exhibit daily from 8 to 9 pm. during Christmas week. The public is invited. Lincoln Road. Dr. Reginald Heber Stone will speak on “The Word Was Made Flesh” at 11 am. Special music. At 8 pm. the story of Christ's birth will be told with colored pictures. Singing from the screen, assisted by the choir. McKendree. Christmas service at 11 a.m. Ser mon by the Rev. Samuel E. Rose on “The Christmas Song.” Christ mas selections by the choir. Service will be held in the Masonic Hall, Rhode Island and Mills avenue N.E. “The Christmas Cradle” is a pro gram which will be given at 8 pm. Christmas entertainment by the Sunday school in the old Langdon Church on Wednesday at 8 pm. The first quarterly conference will be held in the old Langdon Church on Thursday at 8 pm. with the Rev. Dr. E. A. Beery, district superin tendent, presiding. Gorsuch. The Rev. Richard T. Scholl will preach Sunday morning at the an nual white gift service on “Love Came Down at Christmas.” There • \ will be a candlelight service at 8 p.m. The church school Christmas entertainment will be held Thursday evening. Union. Christmas will be observed in all the services tomorrow. Dr. J. R. Edwards will preach at 11 a.m on “The Star Rediscovered.” There will be special music. A candlelight Christmas carol service will be pre sented at 7 p.m. The following will participate: Miss Dorothy Palmer, Miss Janet Bradham and Hard Lee. After the service carols will be sung in the immediate neighborhood. Dr. and Mrs. Edwards will be “at . home” to members and friends of i the church on December 30, 3 to 6 pm. Ebenezer (Colored.) At 11 a.m. the Rev. F. F. King will deliver the Christmas sermon on “Let Us Now Go and See”; 6:30 p.m., the Epworth League will have a special Christmas service; 8 p.m., a Christmas cantata will be rendered by the Wistaria Club entitled “Ye That Sit by the Fire.” A sunrise prayer meeting will be held Christ mas morning. Israel C. M. E. The Right Rev. C. L. Russell, pre siding bishop of the ninth Episcopal district, will preach at 11 am. on “God's Greatest Gift.” The senior choir will render the music. Jones Memorial (Colored). Christmas services tomorrow. At 9:30 a.m. the church school will render a special Christmas program, at 11 a.m. Dr. Julius S. Carroll will preach on “Goins to See the Kiny ” Ebenezer A. M. E. The senior choir will sing Christ mas carols at 11 am. and 8 p.m. The Rev. J. T. Bailey will speak at 11 am. on “Comfort From the Cradle,” and 8 p.m., “How God Visits Men.” At 3 p.m. the Sunday school will sponsor a playlet, “Christmas Hearts.” John Wesley A. M. E. Dr. Stephen Gill Spottswood will preach at 11 a.m. on “Bethlehem.” Music will be furnished by the Ca thedral Choir. At 8 p.m. the annual Christmas eve service will be fea tured by the three choirs. Metropolitan Wesley A. M. E. The Rev. David Cecil Lynch will preach on “Reviewing the World in Which Jesus Came” at the 6 o’clock service Sunday morning. The gospel chorus will provide the music. “God’s Love Expressed” will be the topic at 11 a.m., the senior choir will sing. The senior choir will sing at 8 p.m. Miles Memorial C. M. E. The Rev. L. Q. Brown will discuss at 11 a.m. “Reasons for Christmas Gladness.” At 8 p.m. a Christmas pageant will be presented. The Sun day school will hold its Christmas program at 5 pm. The Epworth League will meet at 6:30 pm. Allen A. M. E. At 11 am. Dr. G. Oliver Wing will speak on “The Manger Babe the Wise Men Sought.” The senior choir will sing Christmas carols. At 8 pm. "union candlelight service” with eight churches participating. (See ACTIVITIES, Page B-7 “ 4