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APARTMENTS UNFURMSHED. (Continued.) 1808 C ST. S.E.. APT. 4—MODERN DU Plex. 2 large rooms, kitchen, bath, dinette, screened porch; oil heat, hot water In cluded: redecorated; very reasonable. Dlst. 2434. Other apartments available._ 1676 SPRING PL. N.W. (3816 Kith ST.) — 2 r„ kit., bath; near cars, buses; large lawn: Frlgldalre: newly decorated; $60. HILLCREST, 3213 ALABAMA AVES.E^ 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, refg . heat, gas, elec. Adults. Atlantic 2252-R. DOUGLAS ST. N.e!. 212. APT 2—-TWO rms., kit., bath, din., screened pch. Oil heat and hot water included. To inspect call at apt or call STEUART BROS., INC., District 2434__ 22ft PA. AVE. S.E.—4 ROOMS. PRIVATE Datn, n.-w.n.: back porch, front balcony; c.n.w., gas, electricity. Reasonable HAMILTON COURTS. 2140 N ST, RW.— Attractive 3 and 4 rm.. kit,, bath epts., 54—50 and $47.50. Flee. refg. Res mgr. UNION STORAOF CO . North 0104.__ 1327 COL. RD.—ENTIRE 3rd FLOOR; 2 rooms, kit., private bath, elec, refrigerator. heat, light, gas._ 2021 4th ST. N.E,—4 ROOMS AND BATH, s.m.l.. newly decorated. Open. $35. Con venlent location. Phone North 031)8. 1721 " 1st ST. N.W.— TWO ROOMS, kitchen, bath: Frlgldalre. two large closets, large kitchen: $45. Res. mgr.__24*_ 538 50—-LOVELY CORNER: *2 EXPOS*: 1 large rm.. dinette, kit., tile bath. refR. The Fairlee. 1321 Kenyon, nr. 14th and Park rd. 2222 EYE ST. N.W.. MILTON HALL— fieautlful apt. In new bldg : living room. edtoom. solarium, kit. dinette; reas. Res Ident manager. Rep. 2808. TILDEN GARDENS. 3016 TILDEN ST. n w.. Apt. 203—Newly dec . 3 expos., liv. rm . bedrm.. sunrm.. dm. rin.. k.. b. To ln gpect see tan. or Wo. 4357 or Geo 0008 1266 OWEN PL N.E —2 ROOMS * KITCH en. private both, rear perch, screened; heat, hot water, elec . gas. Frigldaire furn. Adults only. At. 8734-J._ PELHAM COURTS. 2115 P ST. N.W.— Available Jan. 1st—Bachelor apt.. 1 room. 2 large closets; Frigidaire on house cur rent; $36. *302 5th ST. N.E —3 LARGE BRIGHT rooms, kitchenette and bath, oil heat. Frig idaire: lanitor service._ _ CONGRESS HEIGHTS. 3514 BROTHERS PI. s.e.—Entire first floor of semi-bungalow consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms and bath: oil heat: continuous hot water. Owner liv ing in basement apartment: $55 month. Heat, gas and electricity included. Ariuits. Available Jan 1.__24* DUPLEX. 2 RMS . KIT., BATH. NEW home: all mod. conven.. pvt entr. Im mediate possession. Apply 422 10th n.e. or call Atlantic 7S55-W. APT. 1—6320 14th 8T. N.W_$45.00 Apt. 101—6.320 14th st. n.w. . 52.60 Apt. 101—1421 Somerset, pi. n.w 52 50 Apt. 102—1404 Tuckerman st. n.w. 52.50 All above apts. consist of 2 rooms, kitch en. dining alcove and bath. (Heat, hot water, refrigeration and gas Included in rent.) E. M WILLIS & SONS. 816 Investment Bldg._ Nad 747!). 3*008 TO 3044 R ST N.W Newly modernized 5 r„ b. elec., with heat and ianitor service: per mo.. $42 50 to $45.00. A. L. GR1NDLEY. 836 N. Y, AVE._ 1106 D ST. S.E—2 R., K„ B„ ELEC., h.-w.h . $30. of ovauiii pj. n.w.—d r.. Dam, vice., h.-w.h . $37.50. 1222 Neal st. n.e.—3 r.. k.. bath, h.-w.h.. tlec.. $32 50. 2331 40th st. n.w—2 r.. k., bath, refg., $45 1408 Girard st. n.w.—4 r., k, bath. $47.50. _ 1315 Park rd. n.w.—3 r.. k., bath. refg.. $47.50. 2000 N st. n.w.—6 r., bath, refg.: heat turn : $50. 2854 Conn. ave. n.w.—4 r., k , bath, refg.. $57.50. 1753 Col. rd. n.w—4 r., k.. bath, refg., $60. 1710 M st, n.w—2 r . k.. bath. $75. THOMAS P. BROWN. 615 4th St. S.W,_Natl. 6872. TAYLOR. 4027 13th St. N.W. 2 rms., kit., bath, free refg., $50. WHITECROFT APT.. 1301 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. 8 rms., kit., bath, refg., $50. 3124 14th St. N.W. 4 rms., kitchen, bath, $50. 1372 Kenyon St. N.W. 8 rooms, kitchen, bath. $45. ATLANTIC, 1305 10th St. N.W. 3 rooms, kit., bath, refg., $45. 805 H St. N.W. 8 rooms, kitchen, bath. $35. 1821 16th St. N.W. 1 room, kitchen, bath. $27.50. 4905 Hampden Lane, Bethesda. 8 rooms, kit., bath, refg., $52.50. DUPLEX. 1250 HOLBROOK TERRACE N.E. 8 rooms, kit, bath, 538.50. 1522 V ST. S.E. 8 rooms, kitchen, bath, refg., $40. 843 V ST. S.E. 8 rooms, kit., bath. $38,50. Open for Inspection. FRANCIS A. BLUNDON CO., 805 H St. N.W._ 1921 2nd ST. N.E. 208 “T” ST. N.E. See these attractive apartments of 2 •nd 3 rooms, modern kitchen and bath and screened porch. A real homey aDt. in a high elevation convenient, to grade and high schools, parochial schools, cars, buses and stores. Open for inspection, 10 a m. to f> p.m WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., 1519 K St. N.W._District 1015. 1600 A ST. N.E., JUST FAST OF LINCOLN PARK. Five large moms and bath, porch. Eastern High School, buses and chain •tores at the comer. Only $45. HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W. Dist. 7877. APARTMENTS unfurnished. FORD APTS., 524 13t.h ST. N.E. Two rooms, dinette, kitchen and bath, front ant... #49.50: a as and refrigeration incl. in rent; new building. See Janitor on premises or call Lincoln 8741._ 3100 CONN. AVE. N.W. Opposite Zoo Entrance. Unusually large rooms and closets; all electricity free. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath_#55.00 up 3 rooms, kitchen and bath #70.00 Resident Manager. Columbia 2145. HAMPSHIRE COURTS, 5001 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen, dining alcove, bath, $52 50 «nrt $00.50. Gas and Refrigeration Included in Rent. To Inspect, See Res. Mgr., Mrs. Kite, Rand. 0213. _WEAVER BROS., INC._ CONN. AVE.—3221. 2 r.. k., b. shower, foyer, elevator, 849.60. 339 17th ST. S.E. 3 Rms.. Bath. H.-w.h., Elec., #30. ^DAVENPORT TERR ACE7~ 4800 CONNECTICUT AVE Two exposures; safe for children, spa cious playgrounds: school nearby. 2 rms , kit. and bath; $50 to $57.50. 3 rms.. kit. and bath: $05. Resident Manager. Emerson 1012. THE CHASTLETON, 10th and R Sts. N.W. 1 room and bath. $30.00. 24-hr. ele vator. switchboard and front desk service. Phone MR. STILSON. mgr.. Dupont 1000. “ 2700 CONN. AVE. N.W. AT WOODLEY RD. OPDOsite Wardman Park Hotel. Exclusive Environment. All Electricity Free. 3 Rooms, Kitchen and Balh; $S0. 4 Rooms. Kitchen and Bath; #95. 24-Hour Switchboard and Elevator Service Resident Manager. _Columbia_JKIJIO. 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W. 4 rooms, kitchen. Jiath. $62.50. < 713 3rd ST. N.W. $42 SO .l-room and bath apt., heat and t • hot water furnished. Newly Redecorated—See Tenant in Apt. 2 KELLEY. STEELE & BRANNER, Dlst. 7749._Eves., Green. 3771-J, ROYAL ARMS, 3121 Iflth ST. N.W. 2 rms . kit . dinette, bath, porch, $50.50 Elec. Included. Res, mgr., Adams 1380-W New Bldg.—1524 F St. N.E 2 rooms, kitchen and bath*. $43.50 and $44 50 includes heat, hot water, refriger ator. cabinets and dividing cabinet, storag room, electrir washing machine, etc Open till 0 p.m. Office in bldg, or ring ben in_l°bby for janitor._ New Holbrook Terrace Apts NOW AVAILABLE. $30.00 TO $51.50. 1. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen, bath. 122( to 1240 Holbrook terrace n.e. Heat, ho watpr, refg furnished; stippled, paintec walls. Representative on premises Oper till 0 n m. HAMILTON CONSTRUCTIOb CO., 1524 F st. n.e. Atl. 2038,_ Y-- » . - ■ ' — — —— ' ■ =i ! 4 rooms, kitchen and bath S50 Loudoun Apt. 314 East Capitol St., Within 3 block* from U. S. Capitol. W. J. HARPER National 7023 or Wise. 3013 Evenings THE CHASTLETON I6tj F urnithed if if'i. Deiired at Slight yy . Additional Coit 2 rooms, kit. CCQ ig Cgg bath & porch v ,w Unfurnished UTpS 560 *• *80 Unfurnished ti-hour elevator, switchboard and front desk service. Phone Mr. StUson, Mcr.. Dap. 1000 RENT REDUCED 8407 MAPLE AYE. SILVER SPRING Large living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bath, porch, rear yard. $10.50. incl. heat. hot water, janitor service. Near schools, churches, stores and bus. Move in now. Start rent February 1st. Open for Inspection Out Ga. Ave. to SI (in block, turn H Mock west on Maple Ave. Phone Georgia ~.106. Do You Desire Apartments with High Standards of Comfort and Convenience? Inspect These || MIRAMAR 15th & R. I. Ave. N.W. Right Downtown Short Stroll to Office or Stores. Rentals from $52-50 FEATURES: Frioidaire current tree, ventilating doors: 2\ hour switchboard ana elevator service. Radio in every apartment. Carpeted corridors. Bellboy service. Sun garden. Resident Manager, Michigan 5H00. Ogden Gardens 1445 Ogden St. N.W. Nr. 14th & Park Rd. Efficiency Apts. Rentals from $47 50 Inspect the efficiency units in this modern building. Located close to stores, amusements, etc. Reasonable rentals. FEATURES: Outside all-electric kitchens. Venetian blinds, ventilating doors, carpeted corri dors, larqe closets. 2k hour switchboard and elevator service. Re*. Mgr., ADams 6130 Exhibit Ant. by Peerless Furniture Co. 2000 CONN. AVE, Overlooking the City Pleasantly situated • and ultramodern In de sign and equipment. Close to everything! Rentals from *57-50 FEA TUBES: Outside all-electric kitchens. Venetian blinds: ventilatina doors: p arauet doors, carpeted corridors; 2i hour elevator and switchboard se r v i ce. Sun aarden. Resident Manager. Michigan 3000. [Open and Lighted Until JO P.M. 14th & K Sts. CAFRITZ District 9080 End Your Apartment Hunting Here! STONELEIGH COURT Conn. Ave. at L 1 room and bath FURNISHED $50.00 1 room, foyer kitchen and bath _$fl<.50 2 rooms, foyer, kitchen and bath _T-r5.s500 Gas and electricity included. Res. Mgr., MRS. DOVE, Na. 2268. BLAIR PARK APTS. 7819-23 Eastern Ave. rto right of Ga. Ave. at p C. Line) 1 room, kitchen and bath $40 00 1 2 rooms, kit . din. ale.. Res. Mer. MRS BLAEUER. SH. 4713. 5922 13th St. N.W. Corner 13th and Peabody Sts. 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath __ __$52.50 Gas Elec Refg Included in Rent. Res. Mgr MRS SEABROOK. RAndolph 5515. GlTDE COURTS. New Fireoroof Buildings. 928-34 Montgomery Ave. Silver Spring. Md. Living room, bedtoom. kitchen, dinette, bath, large glass inclosed Porch-$61.50 - All utilities included in rent. Res. Mer., MRS. REED, SH. 4978. BLAIR PARK GARDENS (1 block east of Ga. ave.) 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and foyer _$57.50 3 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath and foyer _ $07.50 Res Mgr . MRS. BLAEUER. 7823 Eastern Ave. 6H. 4713. MACOMB GARDENS 3725 Macomb St. N.W. 1 room, dinette, kitchen, bath, dressing closet and foygr_$45.00 2 rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and foyer_$00.00 Gas for refrigeration and cooking in cluded in rent. Res. Mgr., MRS. HERTERT, EM. 6663. 1314 Massachusetts Ave. 1 room, kitchen and bath_$47.50 Living room bedroom, foyer. kitchen dinette and bath_$74.60 Gas. electricity and refrigeration In cluded in rent. 24-hour elevator and switchboard service. Res. Mgr.. MRS. BALL. MEt. 3477. | APAKTMfcN 15 UrtN UAILT AINU tVtNINU run lINdrEWNWlN Dai. ""issiBi I *»•• BROS inc B,<* ^BSSBS--asBSs HimC • ' a^lUkdi r - k APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. Y JVntltMHG T«t Ca«MH RP WAITER REI» THE NORNAIVDIE • 6817 Georgia Avenue New apartment building with air-cooled halls, roof garden, elevator and sec retarial telephone service. Some units with porches. Lane livinr room, dreiilnl closet, Isrre extra closet, kitchen, dinette. cn bath .$43.50 Larre livinr room, bedroom, kitchen, dinette, batbi spacious ... closets $60.00 Livinr room', sun porch, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dinette, bath; four ... . . closets. $88.50 LlRht ami Gas Included Resident Aler., GE. 5909 ' mnm t BHOtm \^ MALTMS 9»O0 OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK | s Modern Kitchen Equipment \ Magic Chef Ranges J Hostess Sinks A few desirable bedroom. liTinp room. v dinette, kitchen, bath and porch units now available. I Carpeted corridors swimming pool, gym nasium. billiard room. 24-hour Elevator and Switehboaro Service. | f APARTMENTS OPEN AND LIGHTED Resident Manager—Columbia 57H HARVARD HALL 1650 Harvard St. N.W. ELBOW ROOM For All the Family I I I 10 Minutes CLIFTON From Downtown Northwest Large, airy, high-ceilinged rooms are a feature of Clifton Terrace apartments . . . Safe playground for children . . . 24-hour elevator and switchboard service. 1 rm., kitchen and bath, spa cious closets, $40.00 2, 3 and 4 rms., kitchen and bath, $50.00 “P I 1 Resident Manager. H. L. RUST CO. 1001 15th St. N.W. X At tonal 8100. COLORED—BROOKLAND. 310(1 13th ST n.e.—3 rms. kit,, bath. Areola heat; $34.50. Hobart 2387. APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. COLONIAL HOTS., VA^ — 4-RM. APT., bath, shower; new air-cond. home; gas, elec., heat incl.; $55._Oxford 1513. NEARBY VIRGINIA. 2001 NORTH CLEVE land st.. Arlington. Va.—2nd-floor am., 3 rms.. kitrhen. be»h. Frigidairp. $40. to quiet adults, with refs. Col. 6368. Before 10 am nr aftpr 6 pm. HOUSES FURNISHED. TAKOMA PARK—NEW. MODERN BRICK, large living room, dining rm„ tile kit.. 2 bedrms., 2 baths: elaborately furnished: liehts. gas beat, phone, everything fur nished: available while owner is in Florida; $0o. 004 Erie a\v._Shepherd 6195. * BEVERLY HILLS. VA.* 3 MILES FROM DOWNTOWN Beautifully furn. 6-rm.. 2-bath, de tached brick home. Every modern ap ' pointment. Oil burner. Will lease for congressional fprm or longer. Exceptional value HARRY ROD. 817 O St. N.W._Natl. 4525, HOUSES FUR. OR UNFUR. NEAR 16th AND KENNEDY—6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, breakfast room: oii heat; Frigidaire; garage. Shepherd 3335._ 5405 N. H AVE.—8 RMS.. 2 B„ ALSO extra kit., h.-w.h„ gas. elec.; $05 mo.: $80 furn. Key 5401 N H ave. Geo, 1883. HOUSES UNFURNISHED. 6 ROOMS. If -W H : NEWLY DECORATED: yard. W. B CATON, 2528 Pa. ave. s.e. Atlantic 3517._ CHEVY CHASE. D. C.~(> RMS.. BA.. TO 12 rms.. 2■A ba., $70 to $110 mo.: also near by Md. and Va.. 5 to 8 rms.. ba.. $40 to $57.60. FULTON R. GORDON 1427 Eye st. Dist. 6230. Office open also 7 to 9 p.m. Brokers, attention._ 715 SHEPHERD ST. N.W.—7 BRIGHT rooms, bath, cellar, auto. heat, garage; house lust renovated; convenient churches, schools, trans. Taylor 2847._ 2826 28th ST. N.W.. NR. WARDMAN PARK —6 rms.. 2 incl. porches, oil heat, c.h.w., garage; newly dec,; $80, Columbia 6087-J. COUNTRY CLUB HILLS. VA.. 37 lit N. Wakefield st.—Convenient to Washington Golf and Country Club: new house on cor ner lot. gBmeroom with fireplace In base ment. living room with fireplace dining room, reception hall, lavatory and beauti fully equipped kitchen on first floor; three bedrooms, dressing room and two baths on 2nd floor: two-car garage; $135 monthly. Phone National 5000 and ask for superin tendent's office___ 100 8th ST. N.E.—7 ROOMS, BATH7H. w.h„ electricity, $50 month: newly deco rated._LINKINSjpo. lic::; H st. n.w._ 1362 B ST. S E—6 R.. B„ ELEC.; h.-w.h. $45 00 101 F st. n.w.—7 r., b, elec., lat. 5(1.00 fi'lO IP vr nun c a R * K h.-w.h„ gar 55.00 • THOMAS P. BROWN. 015 4th 81. S.W National_6872._ FOXALL. 6 rooms, double rear porches, gas heat, fireplace, garage deep yard. Natl. 1040 OP Em 7250. 4 BEDROOMS—$57.50. 226 Seaton st. n.e.—Semi-detached brick. 8 rooms, cellar, l’/a baths, oil heat. - Frigidalre: convenient to everything. L. J. MILLS. National 4561._ BRAND-NEW. 6 ROOMS. $57.50. Only 10 mins ' drive. 20 mins.’ bus to downtown. Brick, fireproof const., Briggs beautyware bath, full basement, oil heat, Slenty yard room: all conveniences; 10c us. Cross Memorial Bridge, out Lee blvd. to traffic light at Glebe rd„ left to nth st. South and furnished exhibit home. A genuine Christmas bargain. Phone CH. 7222; evenings. CH. 4540._ FOR RENT. Modern houses, well located. Please call at office or phone for details. GEORGE I. BORGER. 643 Ind. Ave, N.W,_Natl, 0350. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 1212 Hemlock st. n.w.—R r. and b. _ $06 1022 3d st. n.e.—6 r. and b._$50 317 You st. n.e.—6 r. and b._ $50 3015 Warder st. n.w.. corner $00 HOWENSTEIN REALTY CORP., 1418 H St. N.W._Dist,. 7877. 816 TEWKESBURY PL. N.W.; modern, brick, newly decorated: 6 rms.. bath. auto. heat. refg.. gar.: $55. Key at 728 Somerset pi. n.w DIXIE REALTY CO.. National 8880. Eves, and Sun.. Randolph 3702._ 6 RMS., BATH, $50. 523 Somerset pi. n.w.—Modern brick, new stove, h.-w.h. Apply on premises. DIXIE REALTY CO.. National 8880, FOXALL RD. SECTION, 4836 Conduit rd. n.w.—$85. Brand-new group home, 6 rms., 2 baths, air conditioned, beautiful recreation rm. Living rm. 14x21; many con veniences. THOS. V. LAKE, Re public 1621. 1906 M st. n.w. COLORED—$35—BRICK. 6 ROOMS AND bath. 613 N. H. ave. n.w. Gas and elec tricity; good condition. Phone Cuney. North 9818. J, 88* HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. 6 OR t! ROOM FURNISHED HOUSETD. C. or suburban; must be reasonable. Box 330-X, Star,_ JAN. 1st—SMALL, COMPLETELY TORN, house or apt., in good n.w. school district; 2 adults. 1 child aged 12, Box 474-X. Star. _HOUSES FOR SALE. 1441 CHAPIN ST. N.W—8 r. 2 b.. 3 gar ages; lot. 30x150: new condition: $260 cash: rent or exc. Open. North 017(1. _____26* NEW BRICK HOME. MUST SELL. 2Vi baths, (i rins.. recreation rm„ attic: air elevation: facing nark. OWN ER AND BUILDER, (1500 Luzon ave. n.w. Randolph 421)3.__ ROOD BUY, D. c. bungalow! open! ~~8 Sheridan si. n.w. (1 rms., attic, ga rage. District 3121. FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CALL LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO.. MET. 6400. YOUR GOOD FORTUNE. ONLY $7,050; excellent n.w. location, near schools, churches, stores and transp.: semi-detached brick, 0 large rms . 2 baths, deep lot. This J* a bargain. No more at this price. REALTY ASSOCIATES. Natl. 1438. BY OWNER—NEW BRICK ' HOME. COR~ ner Potomac ave. and Newark st. n.w., overlooking Chain Bridge and river. (3 rooms. 3 baths, large room and bath 1st n., recreation room. 2-car garage. Emer son 5103 or 1852. Petworth, NeaFstTGabriePs. ONLY ONE LEFT—OPEN ALL WEEK. The home vou are looking for—50(3 Al lison n.w. semi-det.. 7 rms.. 2 b., air conri . insulated: see and compare. THOS. D. WALSH, INC., _818 11th N.W._Dlst. 7558, T? XT T T T XT m n A nrN A T”*T 10 rooms. .'{ baths, lst-floor lavatory, •/ ‘‘xtra lavatories, automatic heat; de tached masonry construction, double ga rage; large lot. See at once. Estate must be closed 540M Colorado ave. n w Georgia _ WASHINGTON’S CLOSEST-IN NEW HOMES. 46 GIRARD ST. N.E. SMALL CASH—$57.50 MO. INCLUDES TAXES AND INSURANCE t> r I°tm bath, recreation room, h.-w h . JU HEAT OIL BURNER, front and rear porches, furred walls, insulated. Open 1-!> daily. North Capitol at. to Girard, right to homes STEUART BROTHERS, INC. _Dupont 0061. VERY EASY TERMS OR TRADE. OPEN daily. New riet. hriek 6 ROOMS—2 BATHS—$9,950. 708 UNDERWOOD ST. N.W. _ ROGER MOSS. DISTRICT 1 ■> 1 $350 DOWN PAYMENT, $44.50 PER MONTH. Jutd; completed—Group ot ultramodern •’ .a,rlcl room de luxe homes; priced at NU.di. Featuring brick-and-stone con strucuon, air-conditioned heat, beautiful tile bath, modern kitchen, with refg., stove; fu . ary basement; copper water pipes: fully insulated: iurred walls; weather stripped and caulked and beautiful land scaped lot. Conveniently located For ap pointment to inspect call Randolph 4f5?d between 10 am. and u pm “investors! $5,950 AND $7,350. I have two of the best homes for buyers F’or information, call “m ™ndoTnhS?*x Dl5trlCt :iIU0~ after i— i ‘New Georgetown1 4700 Reservoir Road (Open Sat. & Sunday) New corner brick with side yard, oil heat, garage. En trance hall, reception-living room, maid’s pantry-bath. Second floor living room, tterplace. kitchen and din ing and two bed rooms, bath (can be used as two apts). ! COLORED — BEAUTIFUL CORNER. 0 ' rooms, h.-w.h , gas. electricity, excellent condition; $7,250. $700 cash, terms. R. W. HQRAD.Michigan 7929. Open evenings. FOR COLORED—1947 H ST. N E —#5 R . I inclosed porches, extras, new condition; $300, $50 mo. Open North 0170. 25* COLORED BEATTTTFUL EASTLAND GARDENS. Re Snrp and Inspect Today. 1102 and U04 Kenilworth Ave. N.E. New six-room brick houses, tile bath, hardwood floors: porches, h.-w.h.: side walk. deep lot; every convenience; price, $.">.950. HOWARD S GOTT. Colorado Bldg. T ine. 0893-J. Salesman on premises, F. M. Chives. 11 a m, to 8 p m. _HOUSES WANTED TO BUY. I PAY HIGHEST ALL-CASH PRICES FOR >ld D C houses: no commission MRS. KERN 2832 Woodley pi n w Col 2li75 CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR PRAM White or colored, any condition. E. A. | TARRY. 3431* 14th st n w Columbia <(08,: H TO r: RMS.. PREFER N.E OR S.E.. MAY consider close-in n.w • all cash Immediate settlement. E A GARVEY. Dist 4508: eve and Sun . Ge._Ui!*o _ 11 ‘7Vt ave. DO YOU NEED CASH IN A HURRY? I will personally buy and pav cash for your D C. property No commission E. H PARKER._1515 K st. n.w District 3100. \\E HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR YOUR D C property if th» orice is right. Frame or brick, large or smal': condition immaterial. R A HUMPHRIES. | 80S No. Cap Realtor. Natl. 0878. I " ' “ --- SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. CHARMING 0-RM., CEDAR SHINGLE bungalow: must dispose promptly: will sell equity or rent with option to buy. Fails Church 2062-J SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. CHERRYDALE—SMALL 5-ROOM BUNGA low, out toilet: nr. .schools, stores; elec., city water: 10 min. cityMow rent. CH. 2877. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW—EXTRA ROOM ON 2nd floor: good location: $90 mo. Shep. 3444._Sunday and evenings. Shep. 6494. ARLINGTON—NEW ti-RM. BRICK. OIL heat; good location, near Lee highway; splendid view: loc bus. Chestnut 359]. AVAIL. JAN. 2, 5-ROOM MODERN BUN galow. unfurn., 15 mins, downtown. 1 blk. Lee highway, $5o mo. Call Ch. 3524 for information to reach. __ 24* NEW. FIVE ROOMS. FURN. OR~UNFURNn everything new; screened porch, garage: Beverly Hills, Va. Temple 4399-J._25* ALEXANDRIA. VA.. EXCLUSIVE BELLE Haven section—3 bedrooms, oil heat. 2-car garage, strictly modern; nr. country club; $85. Available Jan. 2. HELEN R. MAR SHALL. 518 King st. Phone Alexandria 3801 or_evenings Temple 4299. VIRGINIA HIGHLANDS—4-RM. BUNGA low and garage, newly decorated, steam heat: immediate possession; .$42.50 in cluding water. HELEN R. MARSHALL, 518 King st. Phone Alexandria 3801 or eves., Temple 4299. 4 ROOMS. 2 BEDROOMS. OIL HEAT, GA rage: block bus: 10c fare. 812 loth st. s., Arlington. Temple 2903._24* 9 ROOMS. 1 *2 BATHS. BREAKFAST nook; large lot; house 3 years old; very nice house for reasonable rent. Falls Church 1192-W SUBURBAN PROP.—SALE OR RENT LEE HEIGHTS—6 ROOMS. FIREPLACE, basement, oil heat, garage. 4S09 25th rd. North. Ar 1 i:;g: on._Va._Dec. 3473-W. 24* INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. NEW BR. DET. 3-FAMILY APT. IN N.w’ oil; (>5-ft.-front lot; paved street; 100'/* rented: annual rental. $1,740; $2,400 cash, easy payments. (No brokers.) Owner leaving city. Box_3 1 33 Wash.D. C. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. MODERN BRICK BUILDING IN 2nd COM mercial zone. 32x100. W’ith offices; suitable for general automobile repairs or ware housing: 2 blocks from Southwest District testing station. Call National 0438._ FOR SALE OR RENT—GARAGE OR warehouse, about 13.500 sq. ft., at 1325 14th st. n.w. STEUART BROS- INC , DIST. 2434. FARMS FOR SALE. THIS IS AN ACCEPTABLE TIME FOR prospective home owners. Never before have so many unusual opportunities been offered on terms that can be met by so many people. As I see it. if one can aliord to rent, then one cannot afford "not to buy." In other words, why not add a little to a month's rent and make a down payment on a small, modern suburban home? JOHN A. BRICKLEY. Suite 200-210. Barr Bldg._Dist. 7321. REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCHANGE. 300 RANDOLPH PL. N.E.—10 R. 2 B.. 2 kit.: *300 cash, $50 mo.; bargain. Ooen. North >070. 25* LOTS FOR SALE. 47x100—AMER UNIV PARK—$1,250: suburban Md.. any size 10c sq. ft. (mini mum $720 each' GEO E. DIFFENBACH. Lot Specialist. Emerson 4117. 1101 Ver mont ave___ ACREAGE FOR SALE 100 ACRES OR LESS. WITH WATER AND sewer available: excellent for small-house development: terms. W. S. HOGE, Jr., Chestnut OfiOO Eves., Chest. 4719. ^ OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. $1,000 CASH—PUTNAM CO., FLA—0-R, house, good cond., 3 lots, outhouses, etc. on main highway. 17 south, 2 mi. nearesl town: excel. Ashing, hunting In vicinity. Inf, at H40 C st. n,e._24* TWO ADJOINING BUILDING LOT3 IN heart of Dade City, Fla., $225 each. Hobart 6370. 24* » I _OFFICES FOR RENT. _ DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN our modern, centrally located building. 1333 O st. n.w., second National Bank. See building superintendent._ OF’CICE ON K ST.. NR CONN. AVE., WITH 3 exposures: 3 communicating rooms with lavatory: reas. rent. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 1731 K st. n.w._ 1822 H ST. N.W.—2nd FLOOR, FRONT, 3 rooms and bath. UNKINS CO., Dis- • trlct 3522.___ SUITABLE FOR DOCTOR'S OR DENTIST’S office: entire 2nd fl. of 2037 K st. n.w.. 3 l-ms . lavatory. Rent only $47.50. PERCY H RUSSELL CO.. 1731 K It. n.w. STORES FOR RENT. SMALL STORE. 19x25 FT.. DESIRABLE location: dress shop, millinery, florist, none In the neighborhood; also suitable any other small business 1421 22nd st. n.w. Apply MR THOMPSON, 2152 P st. n.w._ GROUND FLOOR OF 1712 CONN. AVE. n.w. with mezzanine floor. Suitable for office or store. For particulars, see PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 1731 K at. «l.w. _ CORNER STORE, EXCELLENT SUBURBAN location, Hyattsvllle Hills, on bus line; 2 attractive display windows; $35 month. O B ZANTZINGER CO., 045 K at. n.w. National 5371._ 1745 N. CiVPITOL, CORNER S ST. Bargain basement, not equipped as store, but suitable for printer, bookbinder or other business not requiring show windows. Will make exceptionally low price to right tenant. Dlst. 7~4(L_ STORES WANTED. DOWNTOWN SPACE, SUITABLE FOR small newsstand. Send details to W. P. HALL. Jr., 1717 East Capitol at.. Apt. 208. _24 « WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. SPACE AVAILABLE IN MODERN FIRE proof warehouse. Locate your office In same building. Delivery service In connection. Jackson 1750._ MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS TO D. C.. MD.. VA. HOMEOWNERS; also indorsed, co-maker and collateral loans: low rates; easy terms; no delay. SECURITY FINANCE CORP.. _828 Investment Bldg._Dist. 8078._ QUICK, LOW-COST LOAtfS TO D. C.-MD.-VA. HOME OWNERS. Colonial Investment Co., 14211 L ST. N.W. DIST, 0150. 2D* OFFICIAL NOTICES. TO MARY F. GALE, OWNER OF RECORD. If living, if dead, unknown heirs of. You are hereby notified to remedy a condition existing on unimproved land between First and Half. N and O Streets S.W., lot B. square 652. In violation of law. consisting of an accumulation of garbage, unclean rags, papers, etc. This condition should be remedied on or before the 15th day of January. 1040. Upon your failure so to do the work will be done by the District authorities and the cost thereof, with the cost of this advertisement, will be taxed against the said property. M. C. HAZEN. D McCOACH. Jr.; G. E. ALLEN. Commis sioners.^ C._de22,23.20 __ TO MARY J. EDWARDS. OWNER OF REC ord. If living, if dead, unknown heirs of. You are hereby notified to remedy a con dition existing on unimproved land between First and Half. N and O Streets 8 W, lot F. square 652, in violation of law. consist ing of an accumulation of garbage, unclean rags, papers, etc. This condition should be remedied on or before the 15th day of January. 1040. Upon your failure so to do the work will be done by the District authorities and the cost thereof, with the cost of this advertisement, will be taxed against the said property. M C. HAZEN. D McCOACH. Jr.; G. E. ALLEN. Commis sioners. D. C._de22,23.26 TO WILLIAM F. WEISMAN, OWNER OF record. If living, if dead, unknown heirs of. You are hereby notified to remedy a condition existing on unimproved land ad joining 23 O Street 8.W.. lot 2. square 653, in violation of law. consisting of an ac cumulation of unclean rags, papers, bottles, garbage and miscellaneous refuse on lot. This condition should be remedied on or I before the 15th day of January. 1040. 1 Upon your failure so to do the work will I be done by the District authorities and the ; cost thereof, with the cost of this advertise i rrvent. will be taxed against the said prop i erty M C HAZEN D McCOACH. Jr.; G. E ALLEN. Commissioners, D. C. j de22.23.26__ TO EMMA L. YODER. OWNER OF REC ord. If living, if dead, unknown heirs of. You are hereby notified to remedy a condi tion existing on unimproved land between Half and First, N and O Streets S.W.. lot D. square 652 in violation of law. consist ing of an accumulation of garbage, unclean rags, papers, etc. This condition should be remedied on or before the 15th day of January. 1040 Upon your failure so to do tlie work will be done by the District authorities and the cost thereof, with the cost of this advertisement, will be taxed against the said property M. C. HAZEN. D McCOACH. Jr.; O. E. ALLEN. Commis sloners. D C. _rie22.23.26 _ LEGAL NOTICES. FRANK STETSON, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States lor the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.921. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letter* of Adminis tration c. t. a. on the estate of Adelia C. Collins, late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims aeainst the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 14th day of December. A.D. 1940: otherwise the'- may by lew be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this J4th day of December. 19.39. RUTH COLLINS. 5.110 Reno Road N tv. (Seal I Attest: THEODORE COGSWFLL. Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _de23.flu.lafl JOHN J. O'BRIEN, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED Stales for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.578. Adminis tration.—This is lo Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtainrd from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Charles Edward Tippett late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on ot before the 14th day of December. AD 1940: otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate. Giver under my hand this 14th day of December, 10.79. GRACE L. TIPPETT. 50 N. Y. Ave NW (Beal l Attest: THEODCRE COGS WELL. Register cf Wills for the District ol Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. de23.30.lat3_ BRUCE BAIRD, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court—No. 55.910. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Ancillary Letters ol Administration on the estate of Elizabeth R. Ashurst. late of the State of Arizona, deceased. All persons having claims against th^deceesed are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on ot before the 5th dav of December. A.D. 1940: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under Its hand this 15th day of December, 19.79 NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COM PANY, By: DAVID BORNET. Vice Presi dent. (Seal 1 Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District ol Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. • de23.30.Jafl___ wjciiuli euuiu Kjr ins uni I eL States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 54.530. Adminis tration —Thi* is to Give Notice That the Subscriber, who was by the District Court of the United States for the District of Co lumbia granted letters testamentary on the estate of William F. Norris, deceased, has with the approval of the District Court oi the United States for the District of Co lumbia. holding a Probate Court, appointee Saturday, the 3rd day of February. 1940 at 10 o’clock AM., as the time, and sale Court room as the place, for making pay ment and distribution from said estate, un der the Court’s direction and control, wher and where all creditors and persons entitled to distributive shares or legacies, or thf residue, or parts thereof, are notified t( attend, in person or by agent or attorney duly authorized, with their claims againsl the estate properly vouched. Given undei its hand this 19th day of December. 1039 THE NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK OF WASHINGTON By: HAROLD A KERTZ, Assistant Trust Officer. HARRY J DALY. Attorney (Seal.) Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills foi the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Pro bate Court. de23,30.Jat3 B. W. PARKER, Attorney. ^ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITE! States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.903. Adminis tration—This is to Oive Notice: That thi subscriber, of the District of Columbia ha: obtained from the Probate Court of thi District of Columbia. Letters Testamentar] on the estate of Irene M. Everett, late o: the District of Columbia, deceased. A1 persons having claims against the deceasec are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, legally authenti cated, to the subscriber, on or before thi 18th day of December. A D. 1940: other wise they may by law be excluded from al benefit of said estate. Given under mj hand this 18th day of December. 1989 GEORGE N. EVERETT. 3134 Ellicott St NW. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District ol Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _de23.30.1afl_ LINDAS A BRADLEY, Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITE! States for the District of Columbia Hold ing a Probate Court.—Estate of Mlnnli Abbott. Deceased.—No. 55.955. Adminis tration Docket 119.—Application havint been made herein for probate of the Iasi will and testament of said deceased, ant for letters testamentary on said estate, bj Blanche Yates, it is ordered this 19th daj of December. A.D. 1939, that the unknowr heirs at law and next of kin of the salt Minnie Abbott, and all others concerned appear In said Court on Tuesday, the 30tt day of January. A.D. 1940. at 10 o’clocli A.M.. to show cause why such applicatlor should not be granted. Let notice hereol be published in the "Washington Law Re porter’’ and "Evening Star,” once in eacl of three successive weeks before the returr day herein mentioned, the first publicatior to be not less thant thirty days before salt return day. Witness, the Honorabli ALFRED A WHEAT. Chief Justice of salt Court, this 19th day of December, A D 1939. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District ol Columbia. Clerk of the Probata Court. da33.80.Jafi t LEGAL NOTICES. DISTRICT COURT" OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—Nc. 54.424. Adminis tration.—This Is to Give Notice That the Subscriber, who was by the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia granted letters of administration c. t. a. on the estate of Estelle M. Fisher, deceased, has. with the approval of uhe District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, holding a Probate Court, appointed Monday, the 15th day of Januaty. 1940, at 10 o'clock a m . as the, time, and said Court room as the place, for making payment and distribution from said estate, under the Court’s direction and control, when and where all creditors and persons entitled to distributive shares or legacies, or the residue, or parts thereof, are notified to attend, In person or by agent or attorney duly authorized, with their claims against the estate properly vouched. Given under my hand this 15th day of December. 1930. SOPHIE G B FISHER By CROMEI IN, TOWNSEND, BROOKE A KIRKLAND. THOMAS M. RAYSOR. Attorneys. (Seal.) Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. _de23.30.la0_ FREDERICK A. THUEE. Attorney. 1010 Vermont Ave. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing a Probate Court.—Estate of Mary E. Wormersley. Deceased.—No. 55.010. Ad ministration Docket 110 —Application hay ing been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate, by John F Free, it Is ordered this 12th day of December. AD. 1030. that Jacqueltn Wormersley. Oretchen Wormersley. Char lene Worm.ers.ey. minors, and Mrs. Irene L McFarland, custodian, and all others con cerned. appear In said Court on Tuesday, the 23rd day of January. A D. 104(1. at 10 o’clock A M., to show cause why such appli cation should not be granted Let notice hereof be published In the ’’Washington Law Reporter” and Evening Star, once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first pub lication to be not less than thirty davs before said return dav Witness, the Hon orable ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice of said Court, this l~th day of D°combe»\ 'Se“1 ) A,tpst: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate gourt___del 0.23.30 AUSTIN HARVEYCUTTER, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.094, Adminis tration^—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, of the State of Ohm and the District of Columbia, respectively, have ob tained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of James D Buhrer. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or before th* ]th day of December. A D 7J)4n: otherwise th< v may by law be excluded from all benefit of i ejtate # Given under our hands this 1 loth day of Dec^mh^r. 1 PAUL M M BUHRER ] 4 th St NW. Washington D. C. <SeM ) Am-st • THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills *£r.the J?istrict of Columbia. C’^k of the Probat e_Co urt._ de‘2a .'{0 j n fi PERCY H. RUSSELL, Jr., Attorney. rxiu i L'UUK r OF THE UNTTFD States for the District of Columbia. Ho'd lng Probate Court —No. Adminis tration—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Massachusetts f1®8 lip;ained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Mary Paul Wilson, late of the District uf Columbia, deceased All persons having,claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated to the subscriber, on or before the 20th day of Decemher. AD JS140: otherwise thev may bv law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 20th day of D’ofmber 1 ELIZABETH WEBB WILSON. 1 Waterhouse Strtet Cambridge. Mass I8eal.) Attest; THECDORF COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. de23.30.fa6_ JAMES R. KIRKLAND. Attorney. 4366 Naff Press Building. DTSTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED StRtf J,for the District of Columbia. Hnid lng a Probate Court.—Estate of Charles Thomas Groom. Deceased.—No. 55 1)02. Administration Docket 110.—Application having been made herein for probrte of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate Dy Ingeborg Johenne Groom, it is ordered this Uth day of December. A.D 1030. that the unknown heirs at law and next of km ot Charles Thomas Groom, deceased, and unknown heirs at law and next of kin of John Groom, deceased. Walter Groom, de ceased. Alfred Groom, deceased. Arthur Groom deceased, and Albert Groom, de ceased. and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Tuesday, the 23rd day of January. A.D, 1040. at 16 o'clock AM. to show cause whv such application shou’d not be granted Let notice hereof be pub lish'. Jn tt)e “Washington Law Reporter" and 'Evening Star." once In each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the firs’ publication to . no:.less than thirty days before said . Witness, the Honorable ALFRED ■?s.Y1tEAT'Jl!stice of said Court, this .da£_?I December AD 1930. (Seal) Attest: THEODOPE COGSWELL Register I r°r ,he District cf Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court_del 6.23.30 t. 8. FLANNERY, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold lng Probate Court—No. 54.368. Adminis tration—This is to Give Notice That the Subscribers, who were oy the District Court of the United States for the District of Co lumbia granted letters testamentary on the estate of George W. White, deceased, have with the approval of the District Court of the United States for the D,strict of Co lumbia. holding a Probate Court, appointed Thursday, the 4th day of January 1046. at 10 o clock a m., as the time, and said Court room as the place, for making pay ment and distribution from said estat”. under the Court's direction and control. ? . Pi 5n<* where all creditors and persons entitled to distributive shares or legacies or the residue, or parts thereof, are notified to attend. In person or by agent or attorney duly authorized, with their claims against the estate properly vouched. Given under pur hands this Ith day of December 1039 I&DISEC WHITE. THE NATIONAL MET ROPOLITAN BANK CF WASHINGTON By: HAROLD A. KERTZ. Assr. Trus* Of 6ber (Seal 1 Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. deH.lo.g.t BARKY J. DALY. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED .-S nielfor the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.174. Admims *fat'01.’C_This is Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of thp District of Columbia. Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Delia T. Dougherty. »Me of thc District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore tl?e J1at day of October. A.D. 1940 otherwise they may by law oe excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under 5U,„?,a,n.d Jfii? ■ of December. 1839. CECILIA PRATICO. 1823 Fort Davis St. w£-TT(%aI,). Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Cleric of the Probate Court. del*. 16,23 GUY MASON, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.970. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Florence P. Graves. “>te of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 30th day of November. AD 1 f>40: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 30th day of November. 2939 CARRIE W GRAVES, c o GUY MASOR Tower Building. Washington. D C (Seal ) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Cleric of the Probate Court. de9.18.23 ALBERT BRICK. Attorney. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia. Holding Probate Court.—IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY E. NELLIvjAN. DECEASED —Administration No. 55.895.—NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. —Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament and appointment of executor of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate, by Albert Brick, it is ordered this 8th day of December. AD. 1939. that Leonardo McCabe, Raphael McCabe. Mrs. L. G. Brown. Joseph V. McCabe. Philip L. McCabe. Ann McCabe Pottinger, Lawrence McCabe. Joseph McCabe. James McCabe. Rose Mary McCabe. John McCabe. Cather ine McCabe Wach and Margaret McCabe Bahan and all others concerned, appear In said court on Tuesday, the 18th day of January. 1940, at 10 o’clock A M., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Letjiotice hereof be published In The Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star once in each of three suc cessive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. WITNESS, the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice of said Court this 8th day of December. A.D 1939 (Seal.) Attest: VICTOR S. MERSCH. Deputy Reg ister of Wills for the District of Colombia. Clerk of the Probate Court._de9.18.23 T. STANLEY HOLLAND. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Hold ing a Probate Court.-Jistate of Eugene W Weaver. Deceased—No 55.932. Adminis tration Docket 119.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament and CODICILS of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate, by William P. Metcalf and the American Security and Trust Company, it is ordered this 19th day of December. A.D. 1939. that Jessie M. Cooke. Josephine Good and any unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Eugene W. Weaver, deceased, and all others concerned. aDpear in said Court on Tuesday, the 30th day of January. A D 1940. at 10 o'clock A M.. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the “Washington Law Reporter” and "The Evening Star,” once in each of three suc cessive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT, Chief Justice of said Court, this 19th day of December. A.D. 1939. (Seal.l Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. <to23.30.Jae LEGAL NOTICES. GODFREY L. MUNTER, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED Stales lor the District of Columbia, Hold ing a Probate Court.—Estate of Margaret Henry Ashe, Deceased.—No. 55,786, Ad ministration Docket 119.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last Will and testament and codicil of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate, by Godfrey L. Munter. it Is ordered this 6th day of Decemoer. A.D. 1939, that Allen Henry Wilcox, The Mohawk. Old Forge. N. Y., and all others concerned, appear In said Court on Tues day. the 16th day of January. A.D. 1946, at 10 o'clock A M., to show cau3£ why such application should not be granted. Let notice uereof oe published in the "Wash ington Law Reporter" and Evening Star, once in °ach of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Wltnes. the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice of said Court, this 6th day of De cember. A.D 19.39 (Seal.) Attest: THEO DORE COG8WELL. Register of Wilis for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Pro bate Court._de9.16.23 ARTHUR PETER AND W. H. BADEN, Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 65.907. Adminis tration.—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Ancillary Letters of Administration on the estate of Florence F F Dana, late of the State of Florida, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit tm same. with the vouch-rs thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be foie the 29th day of November. A.D 1940; otherwise they may oy law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under rov hand this 7th day of December. 1989. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. By LEONARD MARBURY. „Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: MERSCH. Deputy Register of WUs for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._de9.10.28 MILDRED B. SISI.ER. Attorney, 4838 W St. N.W., Washington, D. C. IN THE DISTRICT COURT CF THE United States for the D.strict of Co ir E. Sawyer. 4*88 W St. N W., Plaintiff, vs. Granville W. Sawyer, also known as Thomas W. Sawyer, ad dress unknown. Defendant.—No 404H. Civil Action.—The object of this suit is to obtain a judgment of absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds of deser tion tor more than two years and the custody of minor child of the parties. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 14th day of December. 1989. ordered that the de fendant Granville W. Sawyer, also known as Thomas W\ Sawyer, cause his appear ance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays occurring after the day of the first publication of this order: other wise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law R< porter, and the Evening Star Newspaper before said day. JAMES M PROCTOR. JiS;?)P,n^fSpaU Attest: CHARLES E STEWART. Clerk. By ELEANOR E JOBE, Assistant Clerk. __del_0.23.3u W. CAMERON BLRTOnTAttorney. uioxniui COURT OF THE UNITED States for the D.strict of Columbia. Hid ing Prebate Court.—No. o5.K12. Adminis tration—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Admin istration c. t. a. on the estate of Effie Law, late of the District of Columbia, deceased Ah persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 12th day of December. AD 1940: they may by law b» excluded from all benefit of .-aid estate. Given under my hand this 12th day of December, 1039. FRANK A LAvV. Jr., fctifi Varnum St. N W (Seai.1 Attest: VICTOR S MERSCH. Dep uty Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. delfi.23.3d _ A. B. KEEFER, Attorney: DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. SJ.fHS. Adminis tration—This is to Give Notice That the suoscriber. of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the Distric» of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Margaret Me Mackin. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same. w:th the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 11th day. of December AD 1 !»}<». otherwise thev mav by law b'* ex cluded from all benefit of said esta-e G ven under my han^ thi^ ilth dev of December l!»di» ELIZABETH A LAUXV^NN. Co Ninth St. SE <Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills fr.r the Dis trict or Columbia. Clerk of the Probate 29* rt-___del6 23.30 i,n^!LuLIAM W* STICKNEY. Attorney. 110b Chandler Building. Washington. D. C. ^TT TH5 DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States in and for the District of T~™ ’ - * ' “ h s. I *!!,abest,.n' West Va.. Defendant. — Civil Ac.ion No. 4,29.—ORDER PUBLICATION -ABSENT DEFENDANT.-™ object of for, an. abs°idte divorce on the 'oluntary separation for five consecutive years On motion of the plain ORDFHFn1 h.‘t htsay j0t. December. 19.29. nnn'?vD.. h. t wthe d£fen(lant. CARRIE iViStu' .cause her appearance to be en exems^v. Ofno°n i,r before thp fortieth day. e Suhday5 and legal holidays oc tSJTSy Kf:er Lhe day of the first publica tion of this order: otherwise the cause will : bper,?;^Ti with, a* ‘fi case of default ] a .c9py 9* thls order be published once a week for three consecutive w**eks in ! ^Washington .Law Reporter Jnd th? Star, oefore said date M- proctor. Justice. (Seal ) A True Copy. Test: CHARLES E. STEWART C1defl.l®23tLEANOBE- JOBE’ AssT. Clerk.' MENDELSON * MENDELSOxTAttorneysT nug.Kini (-OUK1 OF THE UNITED . s‘atel f°r the District nf Columbia. Ho.d inc a Probate Court—Estate of Antonia Riccuiti, Deceased.—No. .">5.892. Adminis tration Docket IIP.—Application havirg been made herein for letters of adminis tration on said estate, by J. Thomps Nelson a ri5 thl* 7th day of December. a u. 1JU9. that the unknown heirs at law anr next of kin of Antonia Riccuiti de ceased. and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Tuesday the leith day ol January. AD 1940. at 10 o'clock AM, to show cause why such application should'not be granted Let notice hereof be published ™ lhiL Washington Law Reporter'’ and The Evening Star, once in each of three successive weeks before the return dav herein mentioned, the first publication to be not. less than thirty days before said return day. Witness. the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT. Oile* Just ce of said court, this . th day of December. AD U-rri (leal' Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of toe Probate Court. _ _de.9.1 ti.23 T. STANLEY HOLLAND. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Ho d Ing Probate Court.—No 55.852. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, of the District of Columbia have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Adelia Minnie Stewart, also known as Adele M. Stewart, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or before the 18th day of December. A.D. 1940; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under our hands this lsth day of December. 19:;9. J. FLORENCE MURRAY AND AMERICAN SECURITY * TRUST COMPANY. Bv: EARL G. JONSCHER, Assistant Trust Of ficer. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _de33.30.Ja6 HERBERT W. REICHELT, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.894. Adminis tration.—This is to Give NnCce: Tha’ the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court ai the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration c. t. a. on the estate of William H. Fendnei. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 29th day of November. A.D. 1940: otherwise they may by law be ex cludea from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 29th day of November. 1939 MABEL F CHRISTENSEN. 5.if; First St. NE. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court df9.1(1.23 CARL C. SHUCK, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED Slates lor the Digtrict of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.802. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testament?!? on the estate of Katie Williams, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 4th da? of December. AD 1940: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 4th day of December. It).'!!). FRANCIS M CANNON. No. 25 Atlantic St. S E. iScal ) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. de9.lfl.23 ELDEN J. MILLER. Attorney. 4211 2nd Road N., Arlington, Va. Filed Dec. 5. 1939. Charles E Stewart. Clerk. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia.— IN RE COMPLAINT OF STANLEY M COHEN FOR CHANGE OF NAME—Civil Action No. 502.3 —STANLEY M CCHEN. having filed a complaint for a Judgment changing his name to STANLEY M COWAN, and having applied to the Court for an order of publication of the notice required by law in such cases, it Is. by the Court, this 5th day of December. 1939, ORDERED that all persons concerned show cause, If any there be, on or before the 29th -lay of December. 1939, why the prayers of said complaint should not be granted: PROVIDED. That a copy of this order be published, once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day In Eve ning Star Newspaper Co., and The Wash ington Law Reporter JAMES M. PROCTOR. Justice (Seal.1 A true copy. Test: £H4Sy5£LN-.STEWARJ‘- Cl«k- By JOHN O. BOWEN, Aast, Clerk. deO.16,23 _ LEGAL NOTICES. LEO A WALSHE, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.639. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Julia McCarthy Ready, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenti cated. to the subscriber, on or before the 29th day of November. A.D. 1940: other wise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 29th day of November, 1939. KATE READY 5018 Iowa Ave. N.W. (Seal ) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of_the Probate Court._cte9.lfl.23_ JAMES C. WILKES. JAMES E. ARTIS, Attorneys. Denrike Bldg., 1010 Vermont Ave. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.825, Adminis tration —This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of William Thomas Clazett. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated. to the subscriber, on or be fore the 30th day of Noyember. A.D. 1940 otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 30th day of November, 1930. GEORGE MARSHALL CLAGETT. Oo8 Irving St. N.E. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE CCGSWELL. Register of Wills for the Di - trict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _de9.16.23_ JOSEPH FITZGERALD, Jr., Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.925. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Maryland has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Nixon M. Kranz. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 12th day of December. A D. 1940: otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 14th day of Decem ber. 1939. PRESTON H TAYLOR. 805 Transportation Bldg. (S^al.) Attest: VIC TOR S. MERSCH. Dimity Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. del 6 23.30 TRAILERS FOR SALE. YOU EXPECT MORE in a VAGABOND and you get it. See them at Cherry H 11 Camp, U S. 1. Berwyn. Md._21* TRAILERS, new and used: easy to deal with. Elcar Coach Co . Canary Trailer Camp Rt. 1. Berwyn. Md. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. OLD or late model wreck cars bought; highest prices paid Phone District 3070. Glassers. 2nd and Florida ave. n.e. 1-5* DON’T sell until you see us: will pay your unpaid balance Rive you difference in cash. Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st WANTED LATE-MODEL CARS. We’ll pa*- top cash prices for any late model car Open evenings Call North 7557 The MANHATTAN AUTO * RADIO CO. 1709 7th st n w_ CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAY OFF THE NOTES. Leo Rocca. Inc . 4301 Conn Avc_ _Emerson 7900 ^ CASH AT ONCE FOR CARS', Whether car is paid for or not. Superior Motors, 14th-P sts. AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. FORD 1937 panel delivery: $195: perfect condition. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecti cut. Woodley *40T_ FORD 1937 157-in. flat body, power winch; bargain for Quick sale. Box 304-X. Star. Trucks! Trucks! Trucks! Due to fortunate purchase at receiver’s sale you can buy these trucks at bottom prices Each one must be seen and driven to appreciate its value Ford 2-ton with dual pneumafics. larce stake body this car is mechanically per fect and appearance eaual to new. A snap I at $495. Ford 1 ij-ton sedan delivery. $295. Ford 34-ron panel. $245. Chevrolet 1-ton panel. $375 Easy Terms Can Be Arranged. Manhattan Auto & Radio Co., 1709 7th St. N W. I_AUTOMOBILES FOR^SALE._ BUICK 1939 four-door sedan: radio, heater; , immaculate; $795. Flood Pontiac, 4221 j Connecticut._Woodley 840JL_ CHEVROLET 1933 four-door sedan; one i owner: immaculate; $120. Flood Pontiac, i 4221 Connecticut._Woodley 8401._ : CHEVROLET 1938 four-door sedan; one owner; $390. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Con nee ncut._Woodley 8401._ I CHEVROLET 1934 four-door sedan. $129. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401.__ CHEVROLET 1936 coupe: one owner: im maculate, $246 Flood Pontiac. 4221 Con nect icut__Woodley SHU._ CHEVROLET 1937 four-door sedan: one owner: immaculate: $350. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401._ CHEVROLET 1939 master de luxe two-door ! sedan: one owner- immaculate- $560. Flood j Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401. CHRYSLER 1930 2-door sedan: new bat i tery. radio, heater: original owner Car in i perfect condition: owner leaving city. Call Mr. Garrett, jr . Met. 4466. between 9 and 5 pm. Price _$300.__ DODGE 1936 two-door sedan. O-cyl : 1 owner: immaculate: $270. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut Woodley 8401._ DODGE 193S 2-door trunk sedan: abso lutely perfect throughout, low mileage, new custom-built seat covers: owner must sell: can arrange to take trade-in: terms. Mr. Newman. Tr.ylor 2900._ DODGE 1938 de luxe two-door sedan im maculate: Chevy chase car: $485. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. Woodley S4Q1. DODGE 1935 de luxe coupe: immaculate: «1S5 Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8101.__ DODGE 1938 de luxe coupe: one owner: immaculate; $400. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connectleut. Woodley 84(»l._ DODGE 1934 de luxe sedan, owner: ar.y demonstration:Jgl40 cash. Line._1836. 24• FORD 1938 de luxe coupe. $379. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Conn. Woodley 8401._ FORD 1939 Tudor sedan: 1 owner; Im maculate; $477. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Con necticut. Woodley $401._ FORD 1936 de luxe phaeton: one owner: immaculate; $246. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401.__ FORD 1939 de luxe sedan; radio: prac tically new car: will transfer to responsible party for unpaid balance. Mr. Sommer ville. parking lot. 219 2nd st. n.w_ FORD 1937 V-60 Tudor: almost new: driven less than 9.000 miles by careful driver and kept in private garage. Seme one will buy the best car for the money in Washington. Will permit strictest inspection. Woodley 7828 after 6 p m.__ radio, heater: $250. Leaving city. Phone Adams 5256.__ FORD 1930 de luxe sedan, equipped with $7o radio, heater and defroster: A-l con dition: will sacrifice: must sell this week. Call Mr. Stamper, Stidham Tire Co., 1336 14th st. n.w._ FORD 1935 de luxe coupe: $180: immacu late Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. Woodley S4nl.__ FORD 1935 Fordor sedan de luxe: $185. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401.____ FORD 1937 **85” de luxe convertible coupe: reasonable: privately owned. Call Emerson 0595._No dealers._ FRANKLIN 1932 sedan; used by university pnf.: immaculate: $200. Flood Pontiac, 422l_Conn. Woodley 8401._ GRAHAM 1933 four-door sedan: $38. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut Woodley 84m . NASH 4-door sedan: starts easy, runs good: $40 eash._Adams 0011._24* OLDSMCB1LE 1938 convertible coupe: 1 owner: immaculate: 8268. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 810Jn_ OLDSMOBILE 1939 6-cyl. coupe: 1 owner: immaculate: $571. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut._Woodley_8401._ OLDSMOBILE 1935 2-door sedan; low mileage, perfect condition, 3 new tires, heater, radio: reasonable. Sheriff Motor Co.. 909 Rhode Island_ave. n.e._ OLDSMOBILE 1937. Chevy Chase, two door; immaculate; $420. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut._Wood 1 ey 8491._ PACKARD 1938 four-door se dan. 120: radio, heater: one owner; immaculate: $599. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Conn. Woodley 8401._ PLYMOUTH 1937 four-door sedan; one owner; immaculate condition: $350. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401. PLYMOUTH’1938 four-door sedan; 1 dr. owner: immaculate: $380. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401._ PONTIAC. 1939. 6-cyl.: 1 owner: immacu late: $571. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Conn. Woodley 8401.__ PONTIAC 1937 sport coupe: opera seats; 8-cyl.: $340. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Con nectlcut._Woodley 8401._ PONTIAC 1939 two-door sedan. 6-cyl.; 1 owner: immaculate: $550. Flood Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401._ PONTIAC 1939 two-door sedan: large six; radio; 8.000 miles; immaculate; $665. Food Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut Woodley 8401.__ PONTIAC 1936 coupe. 6-cyl.: 1 owner; lm maculate: $260. Food Pontiac. 4221 Conn. Woodley 8401_ PONT a AC 1938 club sport coupe: radio; immaculate; 1 owner; $535 Food Pontiac. 4221 Conn. Woodley 8401._ PONTIAC 1938 convert, coupe; one owner; $470. Food Pontiac, 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401 PONTIAC 19.38 four-door sedan. 6-cyl.; on# owner: immaculate; $490. Flood Pontiac. 4221 Conn. Woodley 8401._ PONTIAC 1936 de luxe two-door sedan! one owner, school teacher; $265. Food Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut. Woodley 8401. PONTIAC 1937 two-door sedan: Immacu late: $387. Food Pontiac, 4221 Connec tlcut. Woodley 8401. _._ PONTIAC 1939 station wagon: s™5.-, Wood Pontiac. 4221 Connecticut'. Wooalti 8401. ^