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Notes From the Social Calendar of Washington and Its Environs —-*.. . ■■ —-- ■■■ - ... .... -A ■■ ■ & Social Notes of Official And Diplomatic Sets In the Capital Ropers Will Give Reception This Afternoon to Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mrs. Cordell Hull will be among those assisting at the reception which former Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Daniel C. Roper will give this afternoon from 5 to 8 o'clock to celebrate their golden wedding an niversary. Mrs. Roper has recovered from an illness and will receive with the former cabinet member. Others who will assist are Mrs. Henry A. Wallace, Mme. Ertegun, Senora de Recinos, Mrs. Close, Mme. Munthe de Morgenstierne, Mme. Fotitch, Mrs. Stanley Reed. Mrs. Hugo L. Black, Mrs. William B. Bank head, Mrs. William E. Borah, Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, Mrs. Bennett Champ Clark. Mrs. Charles L. McNary, Mrs. Sol Bloom, Mrs. Schuyler Otis Bland. Mrs. Harry F. Grady. Mrs. Ernest G. Draper, Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross. Mrs. James M. Helm, Mrs. George H. Dern, Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, Mrs. Wilbur J. Carr. Mrs. Augustin Lonergan, Mrs. Jacob Leander Loose. Mrs. Bernard B. Jones, Mrs. Bruce Kremer, Mrs. John Allan Dougherty and Miss Mabel Boardman. The Acting Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Charles Edison are spend ing Christmas in West Orange, N. J. They expect to return to their apartment in the Hay-Adams House the latter part of the week. Mrs. H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld, wife of the United States Minister to Finland, who is in Washington this season, has been joined at the Ward man Park Hotel bv her two sons, Mr. Douglas Schoenfeld, a student at Princeton, and Mr. Derek Schoenfeld, who is attending St. Albans. The two younger children. Aida. 10. and Scott, 3. also are with her at the Wardman Park. Representative and Mrs. John C. Schafer of Wisconsin have returned to their home on Capitol Hill to spend the holidays with their daughters, Shirley, Lorraine and Leslie. The Attache of the French Embassy and the Countess de Gramont are entertaining the former's mother, Mme. Victor Hugo, who has been living in New York. Count and Countess de Gramont, who make their home at 2230 Decatur place, will return to their home in France early next year. Mme. Hugo is staying at Wardman Park Hotel. Lt. Baxter L. Russell, U. S. N.; Mrs. Russell and their daughter, Miss Patricia Russell, have come from Norfolk, where Lt. Russell is on duty, and are guests of Mrs. Russell s mother, Mrs. I. Cameron Foley, in her apartment at the Wardman Park Hotel. Lt. Ccmdr. A. W. Barnes. U. S. N., and Mrs. Barnes have with them their daughter. Miss Frances Barnes of San Diego. Mr., Mrs. Shouse Give ‘Brunch’ Party P'or Miss Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Jouett Shouse gave an unusual party yesU^-v for the latter’s daughter, . Joan Dodd, when they were host = at a midday breakfast—which thev designated on their invita tions as a "brunch” party. The house was decorated with pine trees, holly and a bit of mistle toe and a pavillion with pine trees about the exterior was used for dancing. The guests were all young people and were asked for 12:30 o'clock. Miss Griswold Engaged to Wed Col. Oscar W. Griswold. U. S. A., and Mrs. Griswold of Fort Benning, Ga., announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Matile Griswold, to Cadet Wil liam Lyon Porte, United States Military Academy, class of 1940. son of Mr. and Mrs. 'William S. Porte of Washington. Miss Griswold is the grand daughter of the late Gen. Leon A. Matile and attended South ern Seminary, Buena Vista. Va., and George Washington Uni versity. Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. Roderick Shehyr announce the birth of a daughter Marielle Marian, Saturday, Decem ber 9, in Columbia Hospital. Col., Mrs. Ramsey Give a Tea for Miss Buchanan Miss Rosalyn Buchanan, who will be presented this afternoon by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wesley Buchanan, was the guest in whose honor Col. Frederick Ramsey, U. S. M. C., and Mrs. Ramsey entertained at tea yesterday afternoon. Col. and Mrs. Ramsey arranged the party for the latter's daughter, Miss Nancy Williard, who re ceived with the hosts and the guest of honor. Miss Buchanan wore a gown of powder blue moire and had a bouquet of red and j white carnations. The hostess was dressed in long black velvet skirt with a lame blouse and her daughter had a frock of black silk brocade sent from China to Miss Williard by her aunt, Mrs. William Orr. The skirt was very full and she wore the short jacket made with short puffed sleeves, and had a shoulder bouquet of orchids. Miss Fleishell To Become Bride Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fleishell announce the engage ment of their daughter, Miss Jean Fleishell, to Mr. Albert J. Hammer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hammer of this city. The wedding will take place Saturday, February 3 in the rectory of the Church of the Nativity. ANNUAL JANUARY SALE FLEXEES GIRDLES AND COMBINATIONS 4 SAVE AND MORE - i 6 i Superb garments that fore cast Spring fashions . . . for every figure, every costume, every occasion I With or with out lacing . •. and all comfort > ablel But shop early to be sure of finding your favorite Flexees among these once-a year values. "•* "io,«"1 ilnliDt) 1)01*11 F0UND^°rAL0N "l» K!y Kn— F »« M MISS ALICE KING LEAKE, The daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Payton Leake, who an nounce her engagement to Mr. Fred S. Lawless, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Lawless of this city. i;-- ii Suburban Social Notes Mrs. Decker of Bethesda Is Visiting Her Sister in Etchison, Md. Mrs. Peter L. Decker of Bethesda, Md„ has gone to Etchison, Md„ to spend several days with her sister, Mrs. George Moyer. Mrs. Decker entertained at a din ner yesterday for the members of her family and a few close friends and on Friday she gave her annual Christmas tree - trimming party, having as her guests four young children who live near her home in Bethesda, including Lauriston Tay lor, Francis Kershner, Jean Myers and George Myrick, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tallman W. Peel entertained at an old-fashioned tree-trimming party last evening at their home in Sligo Park Hills, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Neale Miller and daughter Nancy of Kensington, Md., are spending the holidays with Mrs. Miller's parents in Evansville, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laufer, with their children, June and Arthur Laufer, will return tomorrow from New’ York City, w’here they went for the holiday. Mrs. Will H. Williams of Takoma Park has gone to California to visit her daughter, Miss Gertrude Wil liams, head supervisor of the pedi atric department of the clinic at the White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles. Later Mrs. Williams w’ill visit her i son-in-law’ and daughter, Dr. and j Mrs. Leon Harrop, and their small daughter Marlene in Raymondsville. Tex. She will return in March. Mrs. R. L. Reading of Colonial Village has as her guest for an in definite stay Miss Lora Glascock of Prince William County, Va. Mrs. 'Vernon Brewster will give a luncheon Wednesday in honor of her sister, Miss Aline Wharton, who is here from Bennington College, Bennington, Vt., to spend the holi days with her mother. Mrs. George Wharton, in Washington and her sister-in-law. Mrs. George Wharton, jr., of New York, who is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Edward Ver million. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chase Bauer are occupying their new home. Bauerlee, in Lanham, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pleasants and Mrs. Pleasants' sister. Miss Loraine Crager, are entertaining Mr. Ivan Crowder of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Mr. Crowder is dean of men at the Canadian Junior College. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Aitken oi Arlington. Va., have gone to Tampa Fla., for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Ayres have as their guests for Christmas Mr. Ayres’ parents. Mr. and Mrs Alfred Ayres of Batavia, N. Y. Prof. John Neff joined Mrs. Nefl last week in Bardstown. Ky„ where they are with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamii: Poor. They will return to theii home in Takoma Park after Christ ; mas. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hemlinger ol Arlington Village are spending a few days in Newcomertown, Ohio. Miss Huntington’s Parents Give Tea In Her Honor Mr. and Mrs. William Chapin Huntington gave a tea yesterday afternoon for their daughter, Miss Joanna Huntington, who was presented in June at a large tea. The party yesterday after noon was for young people and the several hundred guests were asked “after 5 o’clock” and many lingered well into the evening hours. Mrs. Huntington wore a pale green crepe gown after a Greek mode, and her daughter was in black velvet, made with long and full skirt and fitted bodice which had a square neckline and short, puffed sleeves edged with point de Venice lace. Miss Edith Huntington, younger sister of the debutante, assisted, and was dressed in blue crepe trimmed about the neck and down the front with bands of silver. Mrs. Huntington was assisted during the afternoon by Mrs. Ru dolph Max Kauffmann, Mrs. Levi Cooke and Mrs. John Carruthers, who presided at the tea table. Serving punch were Mrs, Her bert Fales, Miss Alice Gudger, Miss Mary Dora Thompson, Miss Virginia Cooke, Miss Julie Camp, Miss Louise Burke, Miss Chris i tine Gawne, Miss Elizabeth Sa bine, Miss Anne Sterrett and Miss Diana Rowland. Miss Virginia Koons Hostess at Supper Miss Virginia Elizabeth Koons, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Lovel Koons, was hostess at a buffet sup per Friday for Miss Jean Fugitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fugitt. Miss Fugitt will leave Washington very shortly to accept a position in Greensboro, N. C. Other guests included Miss Jane Ramseyer, Miss Frances Brainerd, Mrs. Lee D. Sinclair, Mrs. Daniel Andersen, Mrs. Benjamin Plotnicki, Mrs. Maurice Ager, Mrs. John E. Peurifoy, Mrs. A. P. Burgess, Mrs. David Thomas Clements and the mother of the hostess. Dr. and Mrs. Cajigas Give Yule Party Dr. and Mrs. Tomas Cajigas gave their annual Christmas Eve party yesterday when they were at home from 5 to 9 o'clock and many of their guests lingered well after the hours designated. The hostess, wearing an orchid lame gown, was assisted by her daughter. Miss Anita Cajigas, and in the dining room Senora de Fernandez, wife of the new Minister of Paraguay; Mrs. ! Charles McEnerney, Mrs. L. B. Nor ris, Mrs. W. L. Bruckhart and Mrs. Neitah King assisted. Miss Mariana Fagan To Wed Mr. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mervin Fagan of this city announce the engagement of their daughter, Mips Mariana Louise Fagan to Mr. Cor nelius Rector Newton, jr., son of Mrs. Newton and the late Mr. New ton of Arlington, Va. No date has been set for the wedding. i Storewide | Ml i-MElt-SiLI Drastic reductions on entire stock, 0 excepting new Southern tv ear styles. 0 I Coats | for dress and sports | 0 0 formerly to 69.50, now-29'^ | 0 formerly to 79.75, note-48'^ | | formerly to 110.00, nou>.— 58‘^ | 0 formerly to 145.00, now — 68*^ | r, a Weddings of Interest Here Miss Watkins and Mr. Schumaker Wed in Somerset, Md. Miss Mary Lee Watkins and Mr. Willard George Schumaker were married Saturday afternoon in the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Watkins, In Somerset, Md. The bride did her undergraduate work at George Washington Uni versity, where she was an active member of Zeta Tau Alpha. She also has done graduate work at the University of Maryland and the Uni versity of Wisconsin. Since grad uating from college she has taught in the Montgomery County (Md.) schools at Damascus and for the last two years at Montgomery Hills. Mr. Schumaker has done grad uate work in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin. He is on the teaching staff of the Bay Village (Ohio) High School. The wedding ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Dr. J. Hillman Hollister, pastor of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. Both the bride and her sister. Miss Louise Stewart Watkins, who was her only attendant, wore street length dresses of wool crepe. The bride’s dress was of a soft shade of rose and with it she wore accesso ries of dubonnet color. The dress was made with a round “little girl” neckline and short sleeves. The bridesmaid’s dress was of powder blue wool made with a short jacket and her accessories were of the same shade as the bride’s. Both the bride and bridesmaid carried muffs of dubonnet color satin. The bride’s muff was trinlmed with a cluster bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid's flowers were a corsage of deep red roses, which were fastened to her muff. Mr. Elmer Zabor of Cleveland, was the best man and there were no other attendants. After the wedding the bride’s par ents entertained at a tea in honor of the bride and bridegroom and the relatives and close friends who at tended the wedding. Mrs. Watkins wore an afternoon dress of black velvet with a corsage of deep lav ender-color sweet peas. Poinsettias and Christmas greens were used in the dining room similar to those in the living room, where the ceremony took place. Bowls of cut flowers were used on the tea table. Mrs. David Meade Lea pre sided at the tea table. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Schumaker left for a short wedding trip, the bride wearing a teal blue coat trimmed with fur and a hat of the same color. After Jan uary they will make their home in Cleveland. Out-of-town guests who came for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schumaker of Cincinnati, parents of the bridegroom, and his two sisters. Miss Verna Schumaker and Miss Mildred Schumaker: Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Allen and Mr. Robert Brown of Bridgeport, Conn., and Mr. Elmer Zabor of Cleveland. Davis-Hornbeck Wedding In Newburgh Church. The wedding of Miss Barbara Cameron Hornbeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bingham Horn beck of Newburgh, N. Y., and Lt. De Atley Ingalls Davis, U. S. N„ re tired, of Washington, took place in the First Presbyterian Church at Newburgh Saturday evening at 6 o’clock. The bride was given in marriage by her father and the Rev. Dr. Charles K. Imbrie, rector, officiated. A reception for the im mediate members of the families followed in the home of the bride. Christmas trees, evergreens and madonna lilies decorated the church and chancel and bunches of lilies and evergreens marked the pews which were roped off with ropes of ground pine. As the guests assem bled Mrs. Le Roy Carnright sang and Mr. Robert Williams played the piano. The bride wore an empire gown of ivory satin, which was made with heart-shaped neck, lonj fitted sleeves and a court train. Her veil, a family heirloom, was of rose point lace, which formed a coronet for her hair and fell to the end of the train. The face veil was of tulle and was caught to the coronet on either side with clusters of orange blossoms. She carried calla lilies. Miss Marjorie Hornbeck, the bride’s younge" sister, was maid of honor and Mrs. Edwin Mayne Smith of East Orange, N. J., was matron of honor. The bride’s other at tendants were Mrs. John Albon Hornbeck of Balmville, Mrs. Ells worth Davis of West Point and the Misses Phyllis Cassedy of Newburgh and Emmie Langer of Bismarck. N. Dak.; Mary Maloney of Phillips burg, N. J., and Eleanor Chasteney of Summit, N. J. The maid and matron of honor wore gowns ol cerise velvet, made with V necks, puffed sleeves and short trains. Their bandeaux of velvet leaves and shoulder-length veils matched their gowns. The bridesmaids wore holly green velvet gowns, with matching bandeaux. All the attendants car ried white snapdragons. Lt. Ellsworth Ingalls Davis, U. S. A. of West Point, was his brother’s best man. Ushers were Mr. John Albon Hornbeck, jr., of Balmville, brother of the bride; Lt. Russell Broshaus and Capt. James Grier of West Point, Mr. David Ingalls of Elizabeth. N. J., cousin of the bride groom; Mr. Chester W. Pursell of Phillipsburg, N. J., and Mr. J. Harris Broiderick of Orange, N. J. The bride attended Quassaick Hall School and Mount St. Mary’s Academy in Newburgh and is a member of the senior class at Bar nard College, where she will resume her studies following the Christmas recess. She is a member of the Newburgh Junior League and the Powelton Club. Lt. Davis prepared at the Colum bian Preparatory School in Wash ington and was graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1931. He is the son of Mrs. Muriel Ingalls Davis of Washington and the late Col. Arthur James Davis and is a grandson of the late United States Senator John James Ingalls i of Kansas. Lt. and Mrs. Davis will make their home in St. Petersburg after February. Miss Eakin Married To Mr. Emile Despres. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Despres will make their home at 412 Edgewood avenue. Silver Spring, Md„ after (Continued on PageTB-4j QUALITY AFTER CHRISTMAS SPECIALS I An Opportunity to b purchase fine guar Ranteed Furs at BSharp Reductions ^ (2) DYED CHINA MINK COATS. (3) BLACK PER SIAN LAMB COATS. (4) GREY PERSIAN COATS. 195.00 (6) HOLLANDER - DYED HUDSON SEAL COATS, formerly $239.50 129.50 (12) SEAL-DYED CONEY COATS, formerly $120, 59.50 STORE - WIDE REDUCTIONS / ON ALL FURS! M Charge Accounts Invited p CAPITOL FCR SHOP 1208 GEE STREET FREE PARKING—CAPITAL GARAGE—13Hi fr N. Y. AVE. Wmmtssn,. ■Hi'' 4 A Residential Social Notes Mrs. Richard Byrd And Daughter Visit Mrs. Flood Mrs. Henry D. Flood is entertain ing in her apartment in the Shore ham for the holidays Mrs. Richard E. Byrd of Winchester, Va., and her daughter, Miss Margaret Byrd, and Mrs. Flood's nephew, Mr. Robert Portner of New York. Mrs. T. Septimus Austin and her daughter, Miss Madeleine Austin, who recently returned from six month motor trip in South America, have taken an apartment at Ward man Park Hotel. Miss Ella Harllee, daughter of Col. and Mrs. W. C. Harllee, enter tained at a dinner dance at the Chevy Chase Club Saturday night. closed her apartment in the Shore close dher apartment in the Shore ham and gone to her former home at Dallas, Tex., to spend Christmas and the holidays. Dean and Mrs. Henry Grattan Doyle have with them for the holi days their daughter, Miss Marion Wade Doyle of the 1940 class at Radcliffe College, and their sons, Mr. Robert Carr Doyle of Harvard, class of '42, and Mr. Henry Grattan Doyle, jr., a senior at Harvard. --- • Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Silver and their daughter, Miss Bettie Silver, left Saturday for a vacation trip to Mexico City. They expect to return about January 10. niCAfluucr UOiUmDUS IS spending the week in St. Petersburg, F1&, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lippold of Pelham Manor. N. Y.. are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles W. Lippold. Mr., Mrs. Richberg Give Reception Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richberg gave an afternoon reception yes terday which was a housewarming and also celebrated the anni versary of their marriage. Their new home. Hickory Hill, is hidden from the road by age-old trees and stands on a low hill with ample grounds about, although the place at 4710 Woodway Lane is within the city. Their several hundred guests included officials and many who. like the hosts, came to Washington in official capacities and after retiring chose the Capital as their home. Miss Eloise Richberg, who is home for the holidays, assisted. The house had a festive at mosphere with the quantities of Christmas decorations, the tea table having a miniature Christ mas tree lighted by candles in the center. fARTCRAFT'S-! | Pre-Inventory 11 I