Newspaper Page Text
’ Most Bonds Score Fractional Gains In Dull Trading Carrier Issues Lead Corporates in Gains And Volume Bond Averages . 20 10 10 10 Ralls Indust. Util F sn. Net change unc. —.1 unc. +2 Today, noon 57.4 101.6 95.7 49.9 Prev. day.. 57.4 101.7 95.7 49.7 Month ago. 59.1 101.4 962 49.7 Year ago 58.4 97.9 91.4 61.6 1939 high.. 64.9101.7 97.5 64.0 1939 low 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low 462 93.0 85.8 59.0 10 Low-Yield Bonds. 1932 low 45.8 40.0 64.6 422 1928 high 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 Noon - - 111.1 Prev. day 111.1 M'nth ago 110.8 Year ago 110.5 1939 high 112.6 1939 low 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low 106.7 1928 high 104 1 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) * j B» the Associated Press NEW YORK, Dec. 26—Bonds generally gained fractionally in light trading today. Rails led the corporates in both number of plus signs and volume near noon, but turnover was slow throughout. Australian issues were strongest among the foreign government loans, with the 4’is gaining more than 3 points. Other foreign liens Were uneven and largely disre garded. United States Governments main . ly rose small fractions. Corporate gainers included Bal timore & Ohio convertible 4’is, St. Paul 5s, Chesapeake & Ohio 3tsiS, Erie 5s of 75, Frisco 4’is of 78, Utility Power & Light 5s and Na tional Dairy 3?*s. Issues unchanged to slightly lower Included Continental Oil 2-?4S, Good rich 4ViS, Alleghany stamped 5s of ’50 and International Telephone 5s. Shipments of Automotive Casings Decrease Special Dispatch to The Star. ’ NEW YORK, Dec. 26.—Shipments of automotive casings during No vember, 1939, are estimated to have been 4.243.791 units. This is 18.2 per cent lower than the 5,187.942 units shipped during October and 3.7 per cent under shipments for November, 1938, according to sta tistics released today by the Rubber Manufacturers’ Association, Inc. Replacement shipments declined seasonally during November to 2, 296,164 units. This is 29.1 per cent less than October replacements and 9.8 per cent under replacement ship ments for November, 1938. Shipments of casings for original equipment purposes are estimate to have been 1.822.987 units, an increase of 1 per cent over October and 2.6 per cent over November, 1938. Export shipments are estimated to have been 124.649 units for Novem- ! ber winch compares with 144.4651 units for October and 83,523 units during November. 1938. November production, estimated; at 4.866.753 units, was 10.4 per cent I lower than October and 17.6 per cent! more than' November, 1938. This | was greater than for any November since 1928. Automotive casings in the hands of manufacturers November 30 are estimated to have been 9,243,792 units. This represents an increase ' of 6.8 per cent over October 31 stocks and 16.7 per cent over the November 30, 1938. inventory. Dividends Announced t . NEW YORK. Dec 2«.—Dividends de clared (prepared by Fitch Publishing Co.): Regular. Pe- Stk. of Pay Rate rlod record. able. Cent Hud G & E 20c Q 12-30 2-1 Final. De Vilbiss Co _ $1 __ 12-22 12-27 Decrease. De Vilbiss Co 50c __ 12-30 1-15 Arrears. A M Byers Co pf $1.75 1-13 2-1 A M Byers Co pf 41>iC 1-13 2-1 U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK Dec. 26 iff*.—Prices Quoted In dollars and thirty-seconds. Approx. 'Rate. Mo. Year Bid Asked. Yield. Isb Mar. 1940_100.9 _ l’z June 1940_101.28 101.30 3*2 Dec 1940_ 102.13 102.15 1*2 Mar 1941_ 102.14 102.16 - l3s June 1941_ 102.15 102.17 __ 1*4 Dec. 1941_ 102.22 102.24 1 34 Mar. 1942_ 103.30 104 2 Sept. 1942_ 105.11 105.13 .01 13 4 Dec 1942_ 104.17 104.19 .19 1*8 June 1943_ 102.20 102.22 .34 1*8 Dec 1943 _ 102.24 102.26 .40 •1 Mar 1944_ 101.26 101.28 .55 34 June 1944_ 100.24 100.26 .56 1 Sept 1944_ 102.3 102.5 .54 Metal Market NEW YORK Dec 2u W>.—Copper ateady: electrolytic spot. 12.50: export, f a s.. New York, 12.00-05. Tin steady; spot and nearby. 50 25. forward. 48.25. Lead steady; spot. New York. 5.50-55: East St. Louis 5.35. Zinc steady: East St. Louis spot and forward. 0.00. Pig Iron. No. 2. f.o.b. Eastern Pennsylvania. 24 00: Buffalo. 23.00: Alabama 10.38. Aluminum, virgin Oil per cent. 20.00. Anti mony. Chinese spot. 14.25. Quicksilver. 157.00- 100.00 nominal. Platinum, pure, 40.00. Chinese wolframite, duty paid, 82.00- 24.00. Domestic scheelite. 23.00. Odd-Lot Dealings By the Associated Press. The Securities Commission reported to day these transactions by customers with odd lot dealers or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for December 23: 1.646 purchases, involving 45.694 shares: 3.629 sales, involving 41.445 shares, in cluding 5 short sales involving 195 shares. Foreign Markets PARIS Dec 20 oPi.—The Bourse found a firm price footing today despite sharply restricted turnover. Rubber shares picked up Friday's rally following the sudden fall earlier last week Successful Finnish re sistance was a supporting factor in most Scandinavian stocks. Rentes closed 120 to 140 centimes higher. London. Amsterdam. Liverpool markets closed Federal Land Banks NEW YORK Dec. 20 (^.—Federal Land Bank bonds: Rate. Mo. Year. Bid. Asked. 4s July 1916-44_112,4 U23» 3V4s May 1955-45_1073« IO'I’h 3s July 1955-45_ 1O0V4 1<)634 3s Jan. 1950-40_106>4 l<)034 3s May 1950-46_IO6V4 10G34 Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Dec. 26 </PK —Crude rubber futures opened 1 to 0 higher. December, 20 05-70: March. 18.95b. May. 18.75b. b—Bid. New York Sugar NEW YORK. Doc. 26 UP\.—Sugar fu tures No 2 opened 2-4 power. January. 1.84: March. l.O.'ib: May. 2.01; July. 2.03b; September 2.06. b—Bid. — New York Bar Silver NSW YORK, Dee. 26 (IP).—Bar silver, 34%, off %. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE 5i trlntr wire direct U The Star TREASURY. High Low 2:56 2s 1948-50 _ 1U2.27 102.27 102.27 2 % s 1951-53_ 102.26 102.26 102.26 2%s 1949-53 ... 105.13 105.12 105.13 2%s 1950-62_ 105.14 105.14 105.14 2*4s 1951-54 ... 107.8 107.8 107.8 2s 1956-59 ... 106.16 106.16 106.16 2%s 1960-65 100.12 106.12 106.12 2T*s 1955-60 107.27 107.22 107.24 2 Vs 1955-60 rg 107.22 107.22 107.22 3s 1951-65 110.5 110.5 110.5 3%s 1949-52 .. 111.28 111.28 111.28 3*48 1941 ... 105.9 105.9 105.9 3%s 1944-46 .. 110.8 110.6 110.8 33*s 1946-56 .. 114.18 114.18 114.18 48 1944-54 114.26 114.26 114.26 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3s 1944-52 *07.26 107.26 107.26 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low 2:6ft. nbltlbl P&P 5s 53 62% 52% 52% Antioquia 7s 45 D 15 15 15 Argentine 4s 72 Feb 81% 80% 80% Argentine 4s 72 Apr 81% 80% 80% Argentine 4 %s 48 . 94*4 93% 93% Argentine 4 %s 71- 87% 87% 87% Australia 4 %s 56- 80% 79% 79% Australia 6s 55 _ 83% 83% 83% Austria 7s 57 - 7% 7% 7% Berlin City 6s 58_ 11% 11% 11% Berlin C 6 %s 60 ... 13 13 13 Brazil 6%s 1926-57 14% 14% 14% Brazil 6 %s 1927-57 14% 14% 14% Brazil C Ry El 7» 52 14 13% 14 Brazil 8s 4 1 18% 18 18% Breda Ernesto 7s 54 98 98 98 Brisbane 6s 60 86 86 86 Budapest 6s 62 6% 6% 6% Buen Air 4%-4%s 77 56 56 56 Buen Air 4 *%-4 %s 75 67% 57% 57% Canada 2*4s 44 _ 96 96 96 Canada 2 %s 45_ 96 96 96 Canada 3s 67 _ 87% 87 87% Canada 3s 68 _ 87% 87% 87% Canada 3*4s 61_ 91% 91% 91% Canada 4s 60_100% 99% 100 Canada 6s 52_ 106% 106% 106% Chile 6s 60 _ 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s 60 assd _ 11% 11% 11% Chile 6s 61 Febr_ 15'* 15V* 15V* Chile 6s 61 Feb assd.. 11% 11% 11% Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 15% 15V* 15% Chile 6s 63 _ 15% 15% 15% Chile 7s 42 .. 15% 1S% 15% Chile 7s 42 assd_ 11% 11% 11% lk X5 oa 01 nau ivy* iv/j Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62 14'* 14(4 14(4 Chile M B 6Vis 57 asd 10'* 10(4 10(4 Chile Mtg Bk 6-\s 61 14'* 14(4 14(4 Copenhagen 4 Vis 63.. 411* 41*4 41*4 Cuba5Vis45_ 75 75 75 Cuba 6 Vis 53_ 100 100 100 Denmark 4 Vis 62_ 48 48 48 Denmark 5 Vis 55_ 5614 56(4 66(4 Denmark 6s 42_ 66 66 66 Dominic 5 Vis 61 ext— 71 71 71 Dorn 1st 5 Vis 69 ext„ 71 71 71 El Salvador 8s 48 ct_. 14(4 141* 14** French Gov 7V4s 41— 102 102 102 Ger Govt 6 Vis 65. .. 8 8 8 Ger G 5Vis 65 un st_ 5*4 5** 54* German Govt 7s 49.. 10(« 10 10(* Ger Gov 7s 49 un St— 6(4 6(4 6(4 Hamburg St 6s 46 .. 10(* 10(4 10(4 Helsingtors 6 Vis 60 .. 24 24 24 Italy 7s 51 69** 6914 69'i Japan 5Vis 65___ 607« 60(4 60(4 Japan 6 Vis 64- 79v» 79*4 7914 Medellin 6 Vis 54_ 14(* 14 14 Mendoza 4s 64 70(4 70(4 70(4 Met Water 5 Vis 50_ 79 79 79 Mexico 4s 54 assd- 14 *4 1* Mexico 5s 45 asst_ ** 1» *4 Mexico 6s 33 ast _ (4 V» V4 Minas Geraes 6 Vis 58 8 8 8 New So Wales 6s 67.. 80 80 80 Norway 4s 63 71(4 71(4 71'4 Norway 4V4s65_ 74 72(4 74 Norway 4 Vis 56_ 76(4 76 76 Norway 6s 44 _ 93 93 93 Oriental Dev 6s 53_ 57(j 57 67(4 Panama 5s 63 st asd .. 71(4 71(4 71(4 Peru 1st 6s 60 - 9'j 9 9 Peru 2d 6s 61 __ 9>* 9(4 9(4 Poland Ss 50 _ 8 8 8 Porto Alegre 7 Vis 66. 774 7(4 7(4 Prussia 6s 52 11'* 11'-* 11(4 Rlode Jdn 6V4« 53 .. 7 7 7 tuo Gr do Sul 6s 68- 7(4 7(4 7(« RioGr do Sul 7s 66 .. 8 7'/* 7(4 Rio Gr do Sul 7s 67—. 71* 7V» 7(4 RioGr do Sul 8s 46 .. 8(4 8(* 8(4 Rome6Vis52 _ 58 68 58 Rumania 7s 59 _ 8(4 8(4 8(* Sao Paulo St 7s 40 25 25 25 Silesia Pr 4 Vjs 58 asd 6'* 5'4 6(4 Tokyo City 5s 52 38(4 38'* 38(4 Tokyo City 5 Vis 61.. 56'* 56'* 56'* Tokyo El Gt fis 53 57 56'’* 56*. Warsaw 4 Vis 58 assd 6 6 6 Westphalia E P 6s 53 12*4 12*. 12-V. DOMESTIC BONDS Alleg Corp 6s 44 77b 77b 77b Alleg Corp 6s 49 68b 67b 67b Alleg Corp 6s 60 ltd 39b 39 39 Alleg Valley 4s 42 . 106 106 106 Allied Stores 4 bs 51 96b 96b 96b Allls-Chalmers 4s 52 110 6 110b 110b Am & For Pw 6s 2030 64b 62b 64b Am lGCh 5 bs 49 102b 1026 1026 AmT&T3bs61 .. 108b 108b lOSb Am T & T 3bs 66 1086.108 108 Am T & T 514s 43 ... M)9jS 108« 109A Am Wat Wks 6s 76 108 108 108 Anaconda db 4b» 50 106b 106b 106b Anglo-Chll Nitr db 67 37b 37 37b Ann Arbor 4s 95 49 49 49 Armour! Del) lst4s 65 100b 100 100b Armour! Del )4s 67 109 100 100 A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 105b 105b 105b A T&S Fe 4 bs 48 1026 102b 102b A T&S Fe CA 4b® 62 1076 107b 107b A T&SF TC StL 4s 58 110b 110 110 Atl Coast L 5s 45 71 71 71 Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48 36b 36b 36b Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 _ 29b 29 29b B & O 1st 4s 48 .. 65b 65b 65b B & O conv 4bs 60... 16b 16 16b B & O 4bs 60 ct ... 156 15b 15b B & O 1st 5s 48 _ 67 67 67 B & O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 676 67b 67b B & O ref 5s 95 _ 266 26b 266 B & O ref 5s 95 cf_ 26b 26b 26b B & O 6s 96 F _ 26b 26b 26b B & O 5s 96 F ct ._ 26b 26b 26b B & O ref 5s 2000 D . 26b 26b 26b B & O rf 5s 2000 D ct 26b 26b 26b B & O ref 6s 95 - 28b 28b 28b B * O ref 6s 95 ct 28b 28b 28b B&OLE&WV4S41 58b 58b 58b B&OPUE&W V4s41ct 57 57 57 B & O Swn 5s 50 456 45b 456 Bang & Ar cv 4s 51 st 73b 73b 73b Bang & Aroos 5s 43 101b 101b 101b Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B 116 ,116 116b Bell TeHPalfis 60 C 133b 133', 133b Beth Steel 3bs 69 F 100b 100b 100b Beth Steel lbs 52 107b 106b 107b Beth Steel 3^s 66 .. 1046 104b 104b Beth Steel 4 b s 60 _ 107b 107b 107b Bos & Me 4 6s 61 JJ_ 44 44 44 Bos & Me 5s 65 ... 44 44 44 Bos & Me 5s 67 446 44 44b Brklyn City R 5s 41 65b 65b 65b Bklyn Ed cn 3 >,is 66 1086 108b 1086 Bklyn Mah T 4bs 66 84b 84 84 Bklyn Man 4 bs 66 ct 83b 83b 83b Bklyn Q C&S cn 5s 41 39 39 39 Bklyn Un El 5s 50 88b 88b 88b Bklyn Un El 5s 50 ct 86b 86b 86b Bklyn Un Gas 5s 45 1126 1126 1126 Bklvn Un Gas 5s 50 95 95b 95b Buff R&P cn 4bs 57 38b 38b 38b B R & Pen 4bs 57 ct 38 38 38 B C R & N cl 5s 34 5b 5b 5b Bush Term cn 5s 55 . 40b 40 40 Bush Ter Bldg 5s 60 50b 50b 50b Canada South 5s 62 84b 84b 84b Canadian NH 4bs 61 103b 102b 103b Can NR 4 bs 56 . 103 103 103 Can NR 4b* 51 -- 103b 103 103 Can NR 6s 69 July .. 104b 104 104b Can NR 5s 70 ... 106b 106b 106b Can Pac dbjls DerD--. 62b 62* 62 Can Pac 4 ba 46- Sib 81b 81b Can Pac 4 bs 60_ 72b 71b 72b Can Pac 5s 44 . 107b 107b 107b Can Pac 6s 64 - _ 81 81 81 Caro Cl & Oh 6s 52 ..- 108b 108b 108b Celotex 4 ba 47 ww.. 87b 87b 87b Cent of Ga cn 5s 45_ 6b 6b 6b Cent of Ga 6s 59 C... 3b 3 3 Cent ofN J4s87. — 15 15 15 Cent of NJ gen 6s 87. 17b 17 17b Cent N J gn 5s 87 rg. 16b 16b 16b Cent Pacific 5a 60 ..'50b 50b 50b Cert’d deb 5bs 48 ... 7»b 73b 73b Ches & O 3 bs 96 D - 99b 99b 99b Ches&O 3bs 96 B . 99b 99b 99b C & O gen 4bs 92 ... 123b 123b 123b Chi & Alton 3s 49 ... 15 14b 14b Chi B&Q gen 4s 58... 89b 89b 89b Chi Burl &Q 6s 71... 81 80b 80b C B&Q 111 div 4s 49.. 100 99b 100 Chi & B 111 6s 51 ... 18b 18b 18b Chi Grt West 4s 69 . 24b 24b 24b Chi Ind & Lou 5s 66 6b 6b 6b Cht Ind & So 4s 56 . 60 60 60 Chi Mil* St P 4s 89 23b 23 23 CM&StP 4 bs 89 C 26 25 25 CM&StP4!4*89 E .. 25b 25 25 Chi M*st P 4b» 89.. 26 26 26 Chi Mil & 8t P 6s 76.. 6b 6b 6b CM&StP adj 8a >000.. lb lb lb High. Low. 2:55 Chl&NW 414s 2037 9V 84 84 Chl&NW 4 4s 2037 C 9 9 9 Chi & NW cv 4*s 49 34 34 34 Chl&NW gen 6s *7 15V 154 15V Chl&NW rf 5s 2037 . 94 9V 94 Chl&NW 64s 36 - 16V 164 16V Chi Rwy 5s 27 _ 45 45 45 Chi Rl&P rf 4s 34 54 54 54 Cht RI&P rf 4s 34 ct 4V 4V 4V Chi RI&P wen 4s 88 134 134 134 Chi Rl&P gn 4s 88 rg 11V 11V 11V Chi Rl&Pgn 4s 88 ct 12 12 12 Chi Rl&P 4 4s 52 A 64 64 64 Chi RI&P44S52A cfs 54 54 54 Chi Rl&P cv 4 4s 60 24 2 2 Chi Un Sta 3 4s 51 1054 1054 1054 Chi Un Sta 3•'Vis 63 1074 1074 1074 Chi & W lnd cv 4a 52 90 90 90 Chi & W Ind 414s 62 90 894 894 Childs & Co 6s 43 464 46V 464 CCCC&StL gen 4s 93 63 62V 62V CCC&StL rf 4 4a 77 504 494 494 Cloy Un Ter 44s 77 744 73V 744 Clay Un Term 6s 73 81V 804 81V Clev Un Ter 5 4s 72 90 894 90 Colo P & Ir 5s 43 1064 1054 1054 Colo & So 4 4s 80 32 314 314 Col G&E 6s 52 ADr 104 104 104 Col G & E 5s 52 May 1044 104 104 Col G & E 6s 61 1044 104 1044 Colum RP&L 4s 65 1094 1094 1094 Comv Ed 3 4s 68 125V 125V 125V Coma Ed 3 4s 68 1104 1104 1104 Cons Coal Del 5s 60 60 60 60 Cons Ed N Y 34s 46 106 106 106 Cons E NY db 3 4s 48 106V 106V 106 V Cons Ed N Y 34s 66 106V 106V 106V Cons Ed N Y 34s 68 108 108 108 Consol Oil 3 4s 51 105 1044 105 Consol Rys 4s 65 J&J 15V 15V 15V Consol Rys 4s 66 15 15 15 Consum Pwr 3 4 s 66 105V 105V 105V Consum Pwr 3 Vs 65 105V 105V 105V Container 6s 46 105 105 105 Conti Oil 2Vs 48 1084 107V 107V Crucible Steel 4 4s 48 103V 10SV 103V Cuba R 1st 6s 52 . 35 35 35 Del & Hud ref 4s 43 61 604 61 Den * R G con 4s 36 8V 8'- 8V Den & R G W 5s 65 2V 24 24 D & R G W 5s 65 ast 2V 2V 2V Den & R O W rf Rs 78 6 5V 6V Des M&F D 4s 35 ct_ 34 34 34 Elec Auto Lt 4s 52... 1064 1064 1064 Erie cv 4s 53 A_ 204 204 204 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 49V 494 49V Erls wen 4s 96_ 214 214 214 Erie ref 6s 67_ 15". 15* 15* Erie ref 6* 75 _ 15* 15 15 Erie Gen Riv 6s 57 ... 48 48 48 Firestone T 3*s 48.. 105* 105* 105* Fla E C Ry 4*s 59 _. 53* 53* 53* Fla E C Rv 6s 74 8* 7% 8* FlaECRy Bs 74 ctfs 7% 7% 7* Fonda J&G 4s 82 ct . 1* 1* 1* Gen Am Inv 5s62 .. 105 105 105 Gen Cable 5*s 47 100* 100* 100* Gen Mot Arc 3*s 51 106* 106* 106* Gen Stl Cast 5 *s 49 66 66 66 Goodrich 4*s 66 . 104* 104* 104* Grt Nor Ry 344*67.. 71* 71 71* Grt Nor Rv 4s 46 G 101* 101* 101* Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H 90* 90* 90* Grt N Rv 1st 4%s 61 104* 104* 104* Grt NR 4*s 76 D 81 81 81 Grt N R an 4*s 77 E 81 81 81 Grt Nor Rv 5*s 62 99* 99":. 99* Gulf Sta Stl 4*s 61 98* 98* 98* Gulf St Util 3 *s 69 107* 107* 107* Har Riv & P 4s 54 58* 58* 68* HoelRllst mt(t 44 78 78 78 Housatonic cn 5s 37 47 42* 42* Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 3.2% .73* 33% Hud & Men ine 5s .67 12% 12% 12% Hud & Man ref 5s 57 46* 46 46* 111 Cent 4s 52 46* 46 46 111 Cent ref 4s 55 46 45 45 111 Cent 4%s 66 42* 41* 42 1CC&ST NO 4*s 63 41* 41* 41* ICC&StL NO 5s 63 A 46 45% 45% Indus* Ravon 4 *s 48 102* 102* 102* Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 74 73% 74 Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 74* 73% 74* Tnt R T 6s 32 .70* 30* 30* Inter RT 7* 32 72% 72* 72* Int R T 7s 32 ct .. 73 72% 72% Interlake Iron 4s 47.. 89 89 89 Int Grt Nor Ss 66 R . 12 12 12 Tnt Grt Nor 5s 56 C 11* 11* 11* Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52 1% 1% 1% Int Hvdro El 6s 44 71% 71% 71% Int Mer Mar 6s 41 70 69", 70 Int Pat>er 1st 5s 47 103 102* 10.3 Int Paper ref 6s 55 97". 97* 97* Int Ry of C A 5s 72 . 81 81 81 Int TAT 4*s 52 38% 38* 38* Int T&T 5s 55 41* 40* 40* Iowa C 1st & ref 4s 51 1* 1* 1* •Tames F & C 4s 59 50 50 60 Jones & I. Stl 4%s 61 94 94 94 Kans C FtS&M 4s 3* 28* 27* 28* KansCitv Po 3s 60 66", 66 66* Kans Cltv So rf 5s 50 65 64* 65 Kans O & E 4 %s 80 104 104 104 Koppers Co 4s 51 104* 104 104 Kresee Found 3*s 47 105* 105* 105* Kresjre Found 4s 45 104* 104* 104* Laclede Gas 5s 42 83 82 82 Laclede Gas 5%s 53 43% 43% 43% Laclede G 5 %s 60 P 43% 43 43 Lake S & M S 3 %s 97 82 82 82 Lautaro Nitrate 76 31% 34% 34% Leh Val C 5s 64 std .27% 27 1 27% Leh Val C 5s 64 std 27% 27% 27% Leh C&N 4%s 54 A 50% 50 50' . Leh C&N 4%s 54 C - 48 47% 47% Leh Val Har Bs 54 41% 41% 41% Leh V NY 4 %s 40 asd 44 44 44 L&N 1st 4s 2003 88 88 88 L V RR con 4s 2003 15 15 15 L V RR 4s 2003 asd 14% 13% 14% L V RR cn 4%s 2003 15 15 15 L V RR 4%s 2003 asd 14% 14% 14% L V RR Es 2003 asd 16% 16 16 Lex & E Rvs 5s 65 117 117 117 Lone Star G 3%s 53 108% 108% 108% Long Isld ref 4s 49 88 88 88 La & Ark 5s 69 82% 82% 82% L& Nash 3%s 2003 84 83% 83% L&N unlf 4s 40 ... 101% 101% 101% L&N 4%s 2003 ... 94% 94% 94% L&N 5s 2003 B 102 102 102 L&N Atl&K C 4s 55 105% 105% 105% Manhat Rv 4s 90 78% 78% 78% Man Ry 2d 4s2013 cfs 42 42 42 Me Central 4 ijs 60 52 52 52 Mead Co 6s 45 105% 105% 105% Metrop Ed 4%s 68 112% 112% 112% Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 101% 101% 101% Mil Spa & NW 4s 47 14% 13% 13% Minn & St L 4s 49 1% 1% 1% Minn & St L 5s 34 ct. 5% 5% 5% MStP&SSM cn 4s 38 6% 6% 6% MStP&SSM 5s 38 gtd 6% 6% 6% MStP&SSM 5%s 78 52% 52% 52% Mo K&T 1st 4s 90 28 27% 28 Mo K&T 4S 62 B .. 13 13 13 Mo K&T 4%s 78 ... 13% 13% 13% Mo K&T 6s 62 A ... 17% 17 17% Mo K&T ad.i 6s 67_ 7% 7% 7% Mo Pac 4a 75 3% 3% 3% Mo Pac 5s 65 A _ 14% 14 14 Mo Pac 5s 65 A ct_ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 5s 77 F _ 14% 14 14 Mo Pac 5s 77 F ct_ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 6s 78 G _ 14% 14% 14% Mo Pac 5s 80 H_ 14 14 14 Mo Pac 5s 811 . 14% 14 14 Mo Pac 5s 81 let_ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 5%s 49 .. 2 2 2 Mob & Ohio 4%s 77.. 27% 27% 27% Mob & Ohio 5s 38 32% 32% 32% Montr Tram 5s 41 81 81 81 Monong P S 4%s 60 109% 109% 109% Monong PS 6s 65 110% 110% 110% Mont Pwr 3%s 66 100 99% 100 Morris & Es 4%s 63 35 34% 34% Morris* Es 5s 55 40 40 40 Nassau El 4s 51 ctfs 43 42% 43 Nat Dairy 3%s 51 ww 106 105% 106 Nat Distill 3%s 49 104% 103% 103% Nat R M 4%s 57 asst % % % New Orl T&M 5s 54 B 33% • 33% 33% New Orl T&M 5%s 54 36% 36% 36% N Y Central 3 t&s 52 59% 59% 59% N Y Central 3Hs 97 76% 76% 76% N Y Central 3\a 46 75 74% 74% N Y Central 4s 42 . 86 86 86 N Y Cent con 4s 9* 57 57 57 N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A 62 51% 61% N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 58% 58 58 N Y C L Sh 3 %s 98 57 56 56 NYC Mich C 3 l*s 98 56W 54W 54W NYC&StL3%s47 83W 83 83W N Y Chi & St L 4s 46 80W 80W SOW N Y Chi&StL 4 Its 78 5544 54V4 54W N Y C&StL 514s 74 A 62W 62 62 N Y Dock 4s 51 _ ._ 4974 4914 4914 NY NH & H 3Hs 66-. 1514 15 15 NY NH & H 4s 56_ 17 17 17 NY NH & H 4s 57 .. 5'4 514 514 NY NH & H 414s 67-. 1814 18 18 NY NH & H cl 6s 40.. 2714 2714 27W NY NH& H cv 6s 48. 18*4 18 1814 N Y OAW ref 4s 92... 514 514 614 N Y S&W ref 5s 37 ... 9 9 9 N Y S£W Ter 5s 43— 39 39 39 NYW&B41&S 46 414 414 414 Nlag Falls P 314s 66 110V« 110V« 11014 Niag L & O 5s 55_ 10944 10944 1091* Nlag Sh 614s 60 ... 103*4 103W 103W Norf Southn 6s 61 . 11 1014 101* Norf & W 1st 4s 96 122 122 122 North Am 314s 49 106 106 106 Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047 3814 38W 381* Nor'n Pac 4s 97 _ 6514 651* 651* Nor'n Pac 41*s 2047.. 40W 3944 391* Nor'n Pac 5s 2047 C.. 44 44 44 Nor’n Pa« 6a 204T D.. 484* 48 484* Nor'n Pao la 1047_ 61V* 601* 604* A f'\ i Hish. bow 2:56 North Sta Pw 3 Vis 87 109% 109% 109% Oregon W RR 4s SI 105% 106% 106% Otis Steel 4 Vis 62 75% 75% 75% Pao Gas * El 3 Vis 66 108% 108% 108% Pao G A E 3%s 61 .. 112 111% 111% Pao G A E 4s 64 ... 113 113 113 Pac Mo 2d 5s 38 74% 74% 74% Par Broad wy 3s 66 ct 46 45% 46 Param't Plo SVis 47 83% 83% 83% Penn Co 4s 63 102% 102% 102% Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A 99% 99% 99% Penn O&D 4 Vis 77 .97% 96% 96% Penn PAL 3%s 69 .. 108% 108% 108% Penn RR 3 %s 52_ 84% 84% 84% Penn RR 3%s 70_ 88 87% 87% Penn RR 4V4s 81_ 96 96% 95% Penn RR 4%s 84_ 95% 95% 95% Penn RR 4 Vis 60 . 117% 117% 117% Penn RR gn 4Vis 65 101% 101% 101% Penn RR db 4Jis 70 85% 85% 85% Penn RR gen^s 68 107% 107% 107% Peoples GLAC 5s 47 115% 116% 115% Peoria A E Inc 4s 90 8% 8% 8% Pere Marq 4 Vis 80 57% 57% 57% Pere Marq 6s 66 65% 66% 65% Phelps Dodge SVis 62 110% 110% 110% Phlla Co 6s 67 105% 105% 105% Phlla Elec 3 %s 67 . 110% 110% 110% Phlla RCA Ir6s73. 11% 11 11 Phlla RCA Ir6s 49 3% 3% 3% Philippine Ry 4s 37 6% 6% 6% Phillips Petrol 3s 48 110% 110% 110% PCCAStL 4 Vis 77 98% 98 98% PCCAStL 5s 75 B 105 105 105 Pitts CAlr 4%s 62 98 98 98 Pitt&VV Va 4%s 58 A 42% 42% 42% OlMA.IV Va illeAnr A 1 AO AO Port Gen El 4 Hs 60 81 80*. 80*4 Porto Rico A T 6s 42 60H 60*4 60'i Porto R A T 6s 42 st 61' . 60H 60H Postal Tel & C 5s 53 16'* 16 16*4 PubSvc N III 3 H* 68 108** 108*4 108** Pub Svr E&O 3<4s 68 111 111 111 Purity Baking 5s 48 104 104 104 Reading Jer C 4s 51.. 66'4 56 H 56*4 Reading R 4H« 97 A- 71 71 71 Rem R'd 4V*s 66 ww. 98*4 98*4 9814 Republic Stl 4V4a 61. 94*4 94', 94*4 Republic Stl 514s 64. 107*4 107*. 107*4 Richfield Oil 4a 52 .. 108*4 108'4 108*4 Rio G VV col 4s 49 A.. 11V4 11*4 11*4 RlA&L4Hs34_ 7'-, 7*4 7*4 Saguenay Pw 4 *4s 66 97 97 97 St L 1A1&S R&G 4s 33 55 55 55 St L F&.MV 6s 48 .. 2214 22*4 22*4 St L-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 10*4 10 1014 St L-San Fr 4s 60 ct.. 10 9*4 10 St L-San Fr 4 H» 78 . 10*4 9** 10V4 St L-S F 414s 78 ct st 91* 9*4 914 St L-S F 5s 60 B ct... 10 10 10 St LS W 1st 4s 89... 5914 59 59 StLSW ref 5s 90... 914 914 914 St P K S L 4 H s 41 .. 6 6 6 San A&A Pass 4s 43 . 5.3 52*4 52*4 Schulco 6Hs 46 A stp 18'4 18V« 1814 Seabd A L 4s 50 stp._ 14 13*» 13** Seabd A L rf 4s 69 .. 6 4*4 414 Seabd A L adj 6s 49 . 1*4 1*. 1*. Seab'd A L con 6s 45 . 8*4 8*4 814 Seabd A L 6s 45 ct 7*4 7*4 714 Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct. 3*4 3*4 3*4 Shell Un Oil 2*4s 64 95*4 95*. 95*4 Silesian Am 7s 41_ 26 26 26 Simmons Co 4s 62 .. 99*4 99*» 99'* Socony Vac 3s 64 10414 10414 10414 Southn Cal G 4Hs 61 107*4 107*4 107*4 Southn Kraft 414» 46 97*4 97*4 97** So Pac 3Its 46 . 53 52H 52*. So Pac col 4s 49_ 44'4 43*4 43*4 So Pac ref 4s 65_ 62*4 61*4 62 So Pac 4 Hs 68 _ 46 45** 46V. So Pac 4 Hs 69 .. 45*4 45'v 45'.. So Pac 4*4s 81 ... 45*4 44*. 44’. So Pac Oreg 4Ha 77.. 47*» 46** 46** So Ry gen 4s 56 A_ 69 58*. 59 So Ry 5s 94 _ 87 87 87 So Ry ffen 6s 66 _ 77H 77 77 So Ry 6 H» 66 -. 80*. 80*. 80*. S W Bell Tel 3s 68 .. 107H 107H 107*4 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 105 105 105 Studebaker cv 6s 45 99 98H 98H Swift & Co 3*»s 50 106 106 106 Texas Corp 3s 59 105*4 105 105 Texas Corp 3Hs 51 106*. 106*. 106*. Tex&Pac 1st 5s 2000 110H 110H 110*4 Texas* Pac 5s 79 C 68V. 68*» 68*. Tex & Pac 5s 80 D 68 68 68 Tex & P MPT 5 Vs 64 95 95 95 Third Av ref 4s 60 49?i 49% 49V Third Av ad) 6s 60 13% 13V 13V Tide Wat Oil 3 V* S2 106V 106V 106V Un EliMo)34«s 62 106% 106% 106% Union Oil (Cal i3s 59 102 102 102 Un Pacific 3 Vs <0 96V 96V 96V Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 . 114 113% 114 Un P»c ref 4s 2008 . 106% 106% 106V Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 _. 113% 113% 113% United Drug os S3 . _ 80 79V 80 U S Steel 3<4* 48 ... 105V 105% 105V Utah L&T 5s 44 . 102% 102% 102% Utah Pwr & Lt 5s 44 • 103 103 103 Utility P& L 6s 59 83V 82 83V Utility P & L 6 Vs 47 83V 82 83V Wabash 4 Vs 78 C_ 8% 8% 8% Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 38V 37V 37v Wabash 2d 5s 39_ 18V 18V 18% Wabash 5s 76 B _ 8V 8% 8% Wabash 5s 80 D .. 9 8% 8% Warner Bros 6s 48 84 84 84 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 36V 35V 36V Westcht L gn 3 Vs 67 108V 108V 108V West Penn P 3 Vs 66 112 112 112 West Sh 1st 4s 2361 45V 44% 44% W Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg 41V 41 41 West Md 1st 4s 62 84 83% 83% West NY&P gn 4s 43 107% 107% 107% West Pac 6s 46 A ss_ 17 16V 17 West Union 4 Vs 50.. 65V 65 65 West Union 5s 51 ... 68V 68 68 West Union 6s 60 .. 66V 66 66V Wheel Steel 4 Vs 66 98Ti, 98V 98V Wilson & Co 3 %s 47. 97% 97% 97% Wilson & Co 4s 55 103% 103% 103% Wts Cent 1st gn 4s 49 16% 16% 16% Wis El Pw 3V» 68 - 108% 108% 108% Youngst'n S&T 4s 48 109V 109 109V Youngst’n S&T 4» 61 106 106** 105** Lead and Zinc Expected To Hold High Levels Bpeclal Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, Dec. 26—Consump tion of the non-ferrous metals, lead and zinc, has shown very pro nounced advances in recent months and gives promise of remaining at high levels for some time to come, according to the Financial World. Lead shipments set a new post depression peak in October and probably rose still further in Novem ber, while deliveries of zinc in each of the last three months have been the largest since these figures were first compiled in 1920, the magazine points out in its forthcoming De cember 27 issue. “Since production has not been increased correspondingly," contin ues the publication, “stocks have been sharply reduced and now amount to less than a full month’s requirements. There is a possibility that the reduction in the tariff on zinc last year may find further re flection in higher imports should demand outside the United States undergo any slackening, but to date imports have not been a serious problem. “It is merely necessary to enumer ate the principal outlets for these two metals to demonstrate the fact that their consumption prospects are excellent,” concludes the article. “Lead finds its largest use in storage batteries, with paint ranking second and cable covering still holding third place. The metal is also used ex tensively in the building industry and in the making of ammunition. The principal uses of zinc are in galvanizing and brass making. All these customers are expected to maintain their requirements at high levels.” Failures Total Down NEW YORK, Dec. 26 (^.—Busi ness failures in the United States totaled 200 during the week ended December 21, Dun & Bradstreet re ported today. This compares with 203 in the previous week and 229 in the comparable 1938 period. Desert Plants Useful The ancient Indians of Arizona utilized desert plants for many pur poses. From the agave, or mescal plant, alone they obtained food, drink medicine, soap, wood fiber and needles. $60,000,000 Offering For L. & N: Weighed Later in Week Largest Rail Financial Operation in Three Years Awaited By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Dec. 26— A public offering of $60,000,000 In bonds of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co —the biggest rail financing oper ation in more than three years—may be made later this week, it was re ported in bond circles today. Together with $9,243,000 in cash for the road’s funds, the proceeds would be used for repayment of $69,243,000 in unified 4 per cent bonds which mature July 1, 1940. An underwriting syndicate of 75 investment houses, headed by Mor gan Stanley & Co., Inc., has been formed to market the issue. Five hundred or more security dealers throughout the country- also are ex pected to participate. The new loan will be evenly di vided between 10-year 3>,^s and 20 year 4s. In 1936 several large-scale rail flotations were carried out, includ ing $60,000,000 for Southern Pacific and $60,300,000 for the Virginian. Washington Produce BUTTER—!*0 score. 1-pound prints. 31; tub. 30: 1*-pound prints, 32; 92 score, tub. 31: 1-pound prints. 32; U-pouhd prints. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 18; good beef. 16 17 Vi: calves. 10Vi; spring lambs. 9; veal. 10 down; pork loin, 13-14: smoked regular ham 18-19; smoked skinned ham, 18-19; large smoked skinned ham. 19; bacon, sliced. 22-24; bacon, piece. 15-16; com pound. 8-9; pure lard. 8Vi. LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 100-120 pounds. 5.35-5.60; light pigs. 120-190 pounds. 5.45-5.70: 210-240 pounds. 6.15-5.45; 240300 pounds. 4.855.15; calves, good grade. 10-11: sows. 4.35-4.60; stags. 4.15 down, weightier sows. 4.20-5.10. From Agricultural Marketing Servlc# (prices paid net f.o.b. Washington): EGGS-—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington (Decem ber 26); Whites U S extras, large. 25; U. 8. extras mediums. 20; U. S. standards, large, 23: U. S. standards, mediums. 18; U. S. trades, 16. For nearby ungraded eggs. Current receipts: Whites. 20 to 21; mixed colors. 18 to 19 LIVE POULTRY—Market weak. Fowl; Colored, all rizes. 13 to 14. No. 2s. 8 to 10; roosters, * to 9. Chickens; Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 14; No. 2s. 10. Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 13 to 14; No. 2s. 8 to 10; mixed colored fryers 11 to 12. Turkeys: Young toms. 15 pounds and up. 15 to 10; young hens. 10 pounds and up. 20; young guinea keats. 134 pounds and up. pound. 1 16. old keats- 10. Capons, o pounds and over. 18 to 20; No. 2s and slips., 10. Fruits and Vegetables. (Compiled by the market news section 1 of Agricultural Marketing Service.) Sales , to 8 a m on this morning's wholesale market in less than carlot quantities. APPLES—Marget steady. Bushel baskets and l1^ bushel boxes—Maryland. Penn | sylvania. Virginia and West Virginia. U. ! S. No 1. Grimes. 2V^-inch minimum. 6(>a I 05: 2V2-inch minimum. *5a9o. 234-inch | minimum. OOal.lo; Staymans, 2*2-inch minimum, ooal.ou; 2^4-men minimum. I l.loal.25; Yorks. 2*,i-mch minimum. 75a 90; 234-inch minimum. ooal.oo. 3-lnch minimum. l.OUal.10; Golden Delicious. 2V4-inch minimum. 05a?5: 2Va-incn min imum. ooal.oo; 2J4-inch minimum, l.ioa 1.15; Delicious. 2;4-inch minimum. 85a9(>; 2 Vi-Inch minimum. l:15al.26; Black J Twigs. U^-inch minimum. Ooal.OO; 2^4 | inch minimum. 1.Goal.10: Romes 2 V* i inch minimum. 85a90. 23/4-inch minimum, l.ooai.lo: Janatiians. 2V4-inch minimum. 05a75; 2Hi-inch minimum. 90al.00. Bushel boxes ana cartons—Combination U. 8. No. 1 and U. S. Fancy. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia. Staymans. 100s-ll5s, 1.25al.35; O4s-00s, 1.35al.5o; Paragons. 113s-115s. 1.26: 04s-loos. 1.35al.40; Golden Delicious. 113s-15os. 1.25al.35; 88s-l()0s. 1.40al.6o: Delicious. Fancy, 100S-103S. 1.35a 1.05: 72s-90s. 1.60al.85; POTATOES—Market steady 100-pound sacks, U. S No. 1; New York, round wnues. l.'Io; Maine. Oreen Mountains, size A. 2.05a2.10, Katahdins. 2-inch mini mum. 2.lua2.1&: Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 2.25*2.30; Florida, bushel crates. Bliss Triumphs U. S No 1. 2.25a2.3&. CABBAGE—Market steady: 1‘2-bushel hampers, domestic round type. Florida. 1.35; South Carolina, packed locally, l.uu. CARROTS — Market slightly weaker. California. L. A. crates, bunched. 3.00 I 3.25. CAULIFLOWER—Market steady. Crates, J California. 1.50-1.65: Arizona. 1.05-1.75. 1 CELERY—Market steady. California. V2 i crates, individually washed. 2Va-6-dozen. ] 2.50-2 75; New York, ^-crates, in the ! rough. 2.50-2.75: mostly 2.50. LETTUCE—Market steady. Arizona. L. A. crates Iceberg type. 5-dozen. 2.50-2.75: Florida. Eastern crates, Big Boston type. 2-dozen. 90-1.00. ONIONS—Market slightly stronger. 50 pound sacks U. S. No. 1. yellows. New Nork. 85-90: Ohio. 90: sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger. Colorado and Idaho, 1.00-1.10. PEAS—Market weak. Bushel hampers. California, pole peas. 2.00-2.25: Florida, smali-podded varieties, mostly around 1.50. SWEET POTATOES — Market steady. Bushel baskets. Maryland. Goldens and bushel hampers. Jersey type. 75-85; Vir ginia. Porto Ricans. 75-90. TOMATOES—Market steady Truck re ceipts light Lug boxes, green, ripes and turning, wrapped. 6x0 and larger; Texas, U. S. No. l. 2.50-3.00: poorer lower; Flor ida. 2.50-3.00: poorer lower. BROCCOLI—Market slightly weaker. Crates—California, 2Va-dozen. 3.00; Penn sylvania. 1-dozen. 1.25. I STRAWBERRIES—Market slightly weak er. Florida. 30-pint crates, 25 per pint. Snap Beans Down. SNAP BEANS—Market slightly weaker. Truck receipts liberal. Florida, bushel hampers. Bountifuls. 1.50-1.75: Black Valentines. 2.00-2.25. few high as 2.50: fair quality. 1.50-1.75; holdovers, fair quality. 1.25-1.50 PEPPERS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Florida. l‘/a-bushel crates, California Wonders, large size. 2.50-3.00: small size, fair quality. 1.75-2.00. SQUASH—Market dull. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped. 1.25-1.50; Yel low Crooknecks. 1.25-1.60. CUCUMBERS—Market steady. Florida, supplies very light: bushel baskets. 4.00 4.50: few high as 5.00. KALE. COLLARDS and TURNIP GREENS—Market steady. Truck receipts very light. Virginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 45. LANDCRESS AND HANOVER SALAD— Supplies insufficient of quote. EGGPLANT—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very light. Florida. lVa-bushel crates, wide range in condition, best, 3.00 3.50: poorer. 2.50 LIMES—Too few sales to quote. AVOCADOS—Market dull. Florida, flat crates. 75-1.00. SPINACH—Market slightly weaker. Texas, bushel baskets. Savoy type. 75-85. BRUSSELS 8PROUTS—Market slightly stronger. California. 25-pound drums. 2.00-2.25. BEETS-—Texas. Vb-crates. 1.25. CRANBERRIES—‘/4-barrel boxes; Mas sachusetts. early varieties. 2.75-3.00; New’ Jersey, late varieties. 3.25. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. 3-pound baskets. 30-65. PARSNIPS—Pennsylvania, ‘2-bushel bas kets. 45-50 CHESTNUTS—Portugal and Italian, 9-10 ner pound. GRAPES—Lugs. California. Cornichons. 1.50-1.65: Emperors, 1.50-1.60: white' Malagas. 2.00. ORANGES —- Florida, standard boxes. 1.75-2.00; wire-bound boxes. 1.50-1.75. as to grade and size. GRAPEFRUIT — Florida, boxes. 1.50 1.75, few 2.00. as to grade and size. TANGERINES—Florida. S-bushel boxes. 1.25-1.50: fair condition, 1.00, as to grade and size. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1, 5.50 6.00: No. 2, 4.50-5.00, as to size. PEARS—Oregon, boxes. Bose. 2.00-2.25: DAnjous. 2.00-2 50. PERSIMMONS — California, 20-pound Jugs, mostly around 1.00. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3.50-4.00. LIMA BEANS—Cuba, bushel hampers, 3.00. SHALLOTS—Louisiana, barrels. 9.00. KUMQUATS—Florida. 32-quart crates, 8-10 per quart. Arrival*. TlivKrtlnna and Trark nf WraaK Fruits and Vegetables. APPLES—No carlot arrivals: one unbro ken car on track: relief, no carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. BROCCOLI—Two California arrived: two unbroken cars on track. CABBAGE—One New York arrived: no cars on track. CARROTS—Two California arrived; three broken cars on track. CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. CELERY—Four California arrived: two broken and four unbroken cars on track. GRAPEFRUIT—Three Florida arrived; one unbroken car on track. GRAPES—One California arrived: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. LETTUCE.—Seven Arizona arrived; nine broken and four unbroken cars on track. ONIONS—One New York, one Ohio ar rived: four unbroken cars on track. ORANGES—Two California, five Florida arrived: one broken and five unbroken cars on track. Relief—Three Florida arrived: four unbroken cars on track. PEARS—One Oregon arrived: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. PEAS—One California, one Texas ar rived; two broken and two unbroken cars on track. POTATOES—Four Idaho, five Maine, eight New York arrived: two broken and NEW YORK CURB MARKET hiitaiw wuv ■iicci id tu« bmn■ Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. HKh. Low. 2:56 Aero Sup B .20K-. 1 4% 4% 4% Ainsworth .25g-_ 3 6% 5% 6% Air Aaaoo 1.60) . 2 10% 10% 10% Air Invest cv pf. 1 19% 19% 19% Ala Grt Sou(8g) 60s 78% 78% 78% Ala Power Df (7) 10b 100 100 100 Alumof Am (6«) 630s 141% 140 140% Alum Ltd(4.26a) 100s 96% 96 96% Am Book 14) 60s 43 42 43 Am Boz Board . 5 7 7 7 Am Cap pf ,75k. 3 20% 18% 20% Am Centrifugal 4 ft ft ft ACP&LA3 375h 100a 31% 31 31 Am City PftLl B) 6 1% 1% 1% Am Cynam B.SOa 8 33 32% 32% Am ft For P war 5 ft % ft Am Fork & H.70g 200s 12 12 12 Am Gas&E 1.60a 2 37% 37% 37% Am G ft El pf (•) 550a 113% 113% 113% Am General ... 6 3% 3% 3% Am Gen pf (2) 50s 25% 25% 25% Am Laund M .80 1 15% 15% 15% Am LtATrac 1.10 3 15% 15% 15% Am Maracaibo 4 ft % % Am Meter (3.10k) 1 31 31 31 Am Republics 13 7% 7% 7% Am Superpower 91 ft % % Am Superpwr pf 4 14 13% 14 Appal El P pf(7) 10s 114% 114% 114% Arc‘ur Had T (r) 6 ft ft ft Ark Nat Gas 5 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas A 24 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gpf.60k 21 7% 7% 7%' Ark P ft L pf (7) 40s 92% 92% 92% Assoc G ft E IA ) 44 ft ft ft Assoc QaaftEl of 6 4V« 4% 4% Atl Coast Fish 2 3% 3% 3% Atl Coast L (IK). 100s 22% 22% 22% Atlas Coro war 7 ft ft ft Aviation ft Trans 18 3% 3% 3% Azton Fisher A . 60s 45% 45% 45% Babcock ft WU . 9 21% 21 21% Baldwin bo war 3 7% 7% 7% Bardstown Dtst .. 3 % % % Barium Stain Stl 2 % % % Basic Dol (,50g). 1 7% 7% 7% Bath iron .. 19 11% 11% 11% Beech Aircraft.. 1 7% 7% 7% Ball Aircraft 2 18% 18% 18% Berk ft Gay Fur.. 1 % ■% % Berk * uav war. 2ft ft ft Bickfords 1.60b . 100a 14 14 14 Bliss (EW> 2 1414 14 144 Blumenthal (S>_. 1 64 614 614 Boback(HC) 1st. 40a 26 26 26 Bourjois (lg)- 1 4V4 414 414 Bcwman-Bllt_ 2 4 4 14 Brazilian T A L . 2 714 7'* 714 Breeze Corp .50g. 1 514 514 54 Brewst Aero .20g 90 1214 1144 1214 Brill (A) 6 244 214 2V« BrllloMfg(A) .2. 270s 3044 3044 30** Brown For Dlst-. 7 1** 144 14« Brown Rubber .. 2 414 414 4(4 BNAEPofl.60 1 21'4 2114 2114 Bunker Hill .75g. 1 1414 1414 1414 Can Marc Wire 6 ;4 14 74 Cap City Pro .lag 25s 9 9 9 Carnegie Met . 9 44 *4 4* Carrier Corp 6 1244 1144 1144 Catalin Am 15g 4 24» 24* 24i Celluloid pf 25s 21 21 21 Cellu'd 1st 3.00k 20s 68 68 68 Cent NT Pwr of 6 30s 974 9714 97'4 Cent A Sown Util 10 ft ft ft Cent States Elec 34 V* 14 V* Cent St El cv pf 50s 24s 244 2*4 Cent Sts El 7*4 pf 25a 71* 7(4 74 Chesebro (4a) 200s 10844 10844 108*4 Childs pf 175s 21)* 204 21 Cities Service 16 54 5 5 Cities Service pf 5 6414 644 644 Cities Ser P & L $6 pf (12k) . 10s 104 104 104 Cities Ser P & L J7 pf (14k) 10s 1094 1094 1094 Clev Tractor 1 54 64 54 Club Alum Uten 13 3 3 Col Fuel A 1 war 2 644 6*4 64 Colts Pat F A 2a 150s 81 804 804 Columb Oil A Gas 29 2 1 4 14 Com with A S war 51 ft ft ft Com P A L lit tif 50s 43 43 43 Com’ty P 3 2.15g 100s 344 344 344 Consol Biscuit 1 34 34 34 Cons GAE Bs 3 60 3 80 79*. 80 Consol GasAElee Balto pf B 4.50 108 1174* 11744 11744 Consol Gas Util 4 111 Cone Steel Corp 4 5*» 54 54 Copper Range I50a 54 5 54 Copperweld 80 3 164 164 164 Cosden Petrolro 3 14 144 144 Creole Petm 50a 13 22** 22V. 224 Crocker Wheeler 2 54 54 5(4 Croft Brewing 6 ft 4 4 Crowley Milner.. 1 24 24 24 Crown Cent Pet 25 14 14 14 Cr*n C'k Int A lk 8 74 7 74 Davton R (A)(2) 20s 284 284 284 Decca Rec 60g) 2 7*4 7(4 74 Derbv Oil 13 1 44 1 44 1 4 Det Gasket(.75g) 2 104 104 104 Domln Stl A Coal 2 114 114 114 Dubiller Con .13g 1 14 14 14 Eagle Plcher.20g 6 114 114 114 Bast'DGaiftF 1 24 24 2. Eastn G&F 6 of 100s 19 19 19 East’n Gas&Fuel prpf (4.60k) 175s 42 42 42 Eastern States 1 4. v4 »« Eastern Sts pf A 50s 17V. 17". 17V* Eastern Sts pf B 100s 17v. 17V* 17V. Easy W(B).375g 1 3V* 3'* 3V» Elec Bond ft Sh 101 7‘* 7 7V* Elec B & S pf (81 4 67'* 67 67 Emp O * F 7* pf 50s 72V* 72V* 72V. Emp G & F 8* pf 60s 73 73 73 Eautty Corp 8*44 Equity cv pf 13) 200s 24V* 24 24 Fairchild Av.40g 1 10'* 10'* 10'* Fansteel Metal 3 124s 12V, 124* Fir* As Phlla 2a 30s 67*. 674* 67*. Fisk Rubber 65 14V* 14 14'* Fla P&E pf 6.68k 175s 96'* 96 96 Ford (Can) A (1) 2 16V* 16V* 16V* Froedt cvpf 1.20 2 17V* 17V* 17V* Fruehauf Trad) 2 28*. 28*. 284* Fuller Of (4) 25s 41 41 41 Gen Fireprf 1.20g 1 14 14 14 Gen Pub Svc pf 50s 37". 37V* 37V. Gilbert pf 3.50k 30s 40'* 40 40'* Glen Alden C 25g 33 6V* 6V* 6'* Godchaux <B) . 1 8v, 8V* 81* Gorham Inc of 150s 16 15V* 15V* Gorham Mf 3.25g 4 25". 25 25". Gray Mfe 1 84* 8*i 8V* G A & P nv 7.60g 75s 110V* 110V* 110V* GrtNoPap<2a) 100s 44 43*. 44 Grum'n Air 1.05g 1 16 16 16 Gulf Oil ,.f Pad 1 4 39 39 39 Gulf St Ut pf (6) 10s 112 112 112 Helena Rub (lg) 15 6 6 Heyden Ch 1.60a 3 68 67V* 68 Hollinger G 65a 7 11V* 11 lit* Horn & Hard (2) 25s 33V* 33V. 33V. Humble 011 2.50 6 63t* 63 63V* Hummel-Rs .20g 11 5V* 6V* 5V* Huy] Del of st(r). 50s 74* 74. 74, Hyerade Food 1 2V* 2V* 2V* llllnols-la Power 1 3V* 3V* 3V* 111-la Power pf 5 23V* 22*. 224. Ill-la Pwr div ct. 2 6V* 5 5 Imp Oil Ltd 60a 8 12 12 12 ImpTobCan 40a 1 12 ll*i 12 Ind Pipe L I.BOg) 1 54* 6** 64* lnd P L of 6.60 50s 110'* 110V* 110V* Ina Co N Am 2a 50s 724* 724* 724* Int Hydro El pf 4 13V. 13v* 13V* Int Induat ,10g 4 14* lv* IV* Int Pa & Pwr war 1 2V* 2V* 2V* Int Petrol 1 60a 38 17V* 174* 174* Int Safety Raz B 1 4* 4* 4* Int Utilities <B) 2 V. Vi V* Irvine Air C «la) 1 17V* 17V* 17V* Jacob* Co 2 2** 2 V* 2V* Jer CP&L pf 6.60 25s 89v* 89v* 89V* Jones A Lau St) 1 33V* 33V* 33V* Kans G&E pf (7) 10s 116 116 116 Ktngst’n P(.10g) 6 14. 14* ly. Hoppers pf (6).. 20s 83V* 83V* 83V* Lake Shore M(J) 21 224* 21V* 21V* Lane-Wells (1).. 2 9*. 9*. 94, Lefcourt Realty. 1 4* 4* 4* Lehigh Coal .10g 38 2Vi 2V* 2V* LeTourneaud) 2 35 34V* 35 Lone Star ,70g .. 3 9V* 9»* 9'* ■_■ _a a U li Long laid Ltg of 50s 404 404 404 Long 1*1 Ltg of B 325s 38 374 374 Loudon Packing 3 14 14 14 La Land & E 35g 26 5 4 5 4 54 Lucky Tiger .02g 3 4 4 4 Mo W 111ms Oredg 2 84 84 84 Maleetlc Radio 4 4 4 4 Massey-Harris 1 44 44 44 Master El(1.70a) 100s 234 23 4 234 Mead John (3a) 50s 163 168 168 Memph N G .50g 1 44 44 44 Mercantile Strs 260s 17 164 lV Mer & Mf A .30g. 1 34 34 34 Mesa bt Iron 14 4 4 Mich Steel T .70g 60s 74 74 74 Mid St P( A)1.25g 4 5 5 5 Mid St Pet B ,20g 8 ft tf « Mldl'd O cvpf.25k 50a 54 54 64 Midwest Oil 90 2 7 7 7 Minn MAM 2.40g 50s 58 58 58 Molybdenum 2 64 54 54 Mont-Dak U .24g 1 74 74 74 Mon LHAP 1.60 60s 234 23 4 234 Mount City C.lBg 3 44 44 44 Mount Prod« 60) 3 64 64 54 Mt Stats TAT(7) 10s 1374 1374 1374 Nat Auto ( 25g). 5 9 9 9 Nat Bella Hess 22 A A A Nat Brew (2).— 60s 27 27 27 NatlCont (.40g). 9 10 94 94 s DtUL'ft mil U OttlCa Dividend Rate. Add 00 High. Low 2:55 Nat Fuel Gas 111 1 12% 12% 12% Nat Pft L of <6> 275a 93% 93 93 Nat Rub M .30* . 1 5 6 6 Nat Sue Ref (1*) 6 10% 10% 10% Nat Transit .85*. 1 9% 9% 9% Nat Union Radio 7 % % % Nehi Corp (2a) 1 62% 62% 62% Neptune M A .50g 2 6 6 6 N E P A pf (5kl 150s 72% 72 72 NJ Zinc (2a) 800s 63% 63 63 New Mez ft Arts 1 1% 1% 1% Newmont (3.60*) 2 71% 71 71 N t P ft Lt pf (6) 10s 107 107 107 N T P ft Lt pf 17) 10s 116% 116% 116% Nil* Hudson Pwi 3* 6% 6% 5% Nla* Hud A war 1 ft ft ft Nlaa Hud 1st (5) 175s 85% 85% 85% Nla* Sh Md pf A 6 170s 94% 93% 94% Nlpissing M 15c 2 111 Not Am LftP pf 150s 74 73% 73% Nor Am Util Sec 1 ft ft ft N Ind PS 6%pf 6k 20s 100% 100% 100% North'n P L .*0g 2 6% 6% 6% North's Sta P> A > 5 12% 12% 12% Ohio Brass(B)l* 26s 21 21 21 Ohio OH pf (6) . 60s 98% 98% 98% Ohio Pwr pf <6) 10s 115 116 116 Okla Nat Gas (1) 2 18% 18% 18% OkNtGopf 6.60. 25s 112% 112% 112% Oldetyme Dlst 2 1% 1% 1% Pao Gaa ft Eleo 5%%pf 1.876 6 30% 80 30 PacGas 6*pf 1.60 6 33% 33% 83% Pao P ft Lt pf(7) 10a 90 90 90 PantenecOH 19 4% 4% 4% Paramount Mot 2 8% 3% 3% P’k’b’K R & R.50g 19 9 9 Pender Or A 3.60 60s 43 41% 41% Pennroad (.10c) 30 1% 1% 1% Pa-Cent Airlines 7 10% 10% 10% Penn P&L pf (6) 10s 110 110 110 Penn P&L pf 17) 75* 111 111 111 Penn Salt <6g) . 60g 166 166 166 Penn Sugar _ 50s 14% 14 14% Penn W&P 4.60* 150s 68% 67% 67% Pepperell (4*) 25s 86 86 86 Pharis T&R .76g 1 7% 7% 7% Phoenix Secur 116 6 6 Phoenix Secur of 1&0« 33 32S 33 Pines Winterft2 ft ft ft Pioneer Gold 40 1 144 14* 14, Pitney-Bow .40a. 2 744 74 74 Pitts B&BE 1.50. 60s 414 4144 414 Pitts Forg .40g. _ 1 1114 114 1114 Pitts & B E 3.50g IOUs 56 55 56 Pitts PI G1 (4g). 3 1004 1004 1004 Prosperity <B).. 7 6 414 41* Pub Sv Ind S« pf. 260s 4714 46S 471* P S Ind |7 or pf 225s 894 8814 89', Puget S’d P tS pf 25s 2314 2814 2314 Puget Sd P * T . 7 1214 121* 1214 Raym’d Concrete 60s 12 12 12 Raym'd Cone pf 3 60s 35 35 35 Red Bank OH 2 244 24. 244 Reiter Foster. 14 ft 14 14 Republic Aviat’n 33 64 64, 64 Reynolds Invest- 38 ft ft ft Richmond Rad 1 144 14* 14* Roosevelt Field-. 1 IS IS IS Root Petroleum 1 314 31* 314 Rossla lnternat’l 13 >4 l* 14 Rustless lr 25g 5 14S 14S 14S St Regis Paper 15 3 21* 214 Salt Dome 011 4 7H 7'.* 7H Schlff Co (lai — 1 12 12 12 Scranton B (2g)- 20s 24 24 24 Scullin Steel 1 8>4 81, 81, Scullln Steel war 6 1* 1* 14 Secur Corn Gen.. 2 S S S Segal Bock 2 S ,4 4* Select industries 23 4 ft ft Sel Ind al ct 6.50 100s 52 52 52 Shattuck-D 275g 3 6 6 6 Shawm VV & P .90 1 18 18 18 Sher-Will pf (6). 10s 116 116 116 Simmons H & P 5 Hi Hi 114 Simplicity Pat-.. 2 IS IS IS Singer Mfg i«a) ' 20s 1534 153’, 1534 Skinner Organ2 ft ft ft South Coast 2 2S 24. 24* South P B (,30g). 1 44* 44 44* Sou W P L (2) — 60s 2114 2114 211* Spalding <new) 1 2S 2S 2S Std CAS cvpf 1.60 200s 18 18 18 Stand Invest pf 200s 101, 10)4 1014 Stand Oil Ky(la) 5 19 181* 19 Stand Oil (O) la. 6 2814 284 2814 Stand Pwr & Bt 6 ft 4 S Stand P&Bnf . 150s 26 26 26 Stand Prod 2Sg. 2 9)4 9)i 9)4 Std Stl Sp 1.50g-_ 1 39 39 39 Starrett vtc 4 11 1 Sterchi Bros .20g 1 3S 3S 3S Sterl Brew ,075g. 2 114 14, 14, Sterling. Inc 2ba 1 24* 24* 24 Sullivan Mach 2 91* 94 9), Sunray Oil .10g . 3 H* IS IS SupOl) of CalU) 2 344 34 34 Taggart 2 6 6 6 Tampa Elec 2.24 3 36 35 35 Taylor (Ky) Dlst 3 4 4 4 Technicolor (lg) 14 124* 12** 124 Texon Oil 1 24 24 24* Tilo Roofing (la) 1 10S 10S 104, Tob& All Stks lg 100s 54 54 54 Tob Prod Exp.40g 1 44 44 44 Transwest Oil 12 34 3 3 Trl Conti war 14 4 4 Tublze Chatlllon 3 94 94 94 Ulen & Co pf A.. 6 4 *, S Ulen & Co pf B... 1 S S 4, uu uas un oua- o u* iiv* Unit Airc’t Prod 2 64* 6% 64* Unit Chemical 3 154* 14!* 14Va Unit Qaa 29 14* 14, 14* Unit Gas war . 4 ft ft ft Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 6 11* 1 IV* Unit Lt&Pwr (B) 5 ft tf ft Unit Lt & Pwr of 6 334. 334* 334. Unit Sh U 3.5()a 75s 81 81 81 Unit Specialties- 2 4 4 4 US Poll IB) 7 4V« 4 V* 4Vi U S & Inti Secur 1 4* 4. 4* U S & In S pf (5k) 100» 61 604* 61 US Lines pf 7 3V4 3 34. U S Plywood 2 19Vt 19 19V* U S Plvw pf 1.50 50s 28 28 28 U S Stores _ 1 V4 V* V* Unn Wall Paper 5 1V4 14. 14. Unlv Corn etc 3 2V* 24* 27* Utah-Idaho Sun 3 IS 14* 14* Utb P&L pf 3.50k 50s 61 61 61 UtllP&Lpfm 50a 1844 184* 184, Utility & Indus . 2 V* Vi V* Utility & Ind pf 1 1H IS IS ValsparCorp 2 Ti T* % Van .Norm Mt 2g, 100s 27 26‘* 27 Venezuela Petrol I IS IS IS Va Pub Serv of . 10s 66S 66S 664, Wentworth .2Us • 14* IS IS Western Air Exp 1 4S 4S 4S Wlll'ms RC .15* 16 6 6 Wilson-Jones 60j 2 74* 74* 74* WisP&Lpf 4.375k 10* 104 104 104 Wolverine PtC 14 4 4 Wolverine T .40g 1 64* 6S 6S r In oankruptcy or receivership or Peine reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or aecurlties assumed oy such companies. Rates ol dividends In the foregoing table ere annual disbursements based on ths last quarterly or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted special or extra divi dends are not Included xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras e Paid last year, f Pay able In stock, t Declared or oald so far this rear n Cash or stock k Aceuma lated dividend oald or declared this year ur Under rule ww With warrant*, xv Without warrants war Warrant*. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Dec. 26 UP) (U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture).—Salable hogs. 25.000: total 29.000; active: generally steady to 10 lower than Friday’s average; soots. 15 under best time: light weights at most decline; top. 6.00 freely; bulk good and choice. 160-220 pounds. 5.80 6.00; 220-240 pounds. 5.50-85; 240-270 pounds butchers', generally 5.50-60; most 270-330 pounds averages. 5.10-40* good and choice. 140-160 pounds, underweights. 5.75-6.00: bulk good 330-500 pounds, packing sows. 4.50-85. Salable cattle. 15.000: salable calves. 1.000: excessive run medium to average good grades weighty steers here; very few sold; few sales and most bids weak to 25 lower; most such cattle scaling 1.175 to 1.400 pounds: strictly good and choice yearlings and choice medium-weight and weighty steers scarce, steady: top. 11.25 paid for yearlings; several loads yearlings. 10.35-11.00; prime. 1.376 pounds, bullocks. 10.85; several loads choice heavies. 10.25: and several loads choice medium-weights. lw.ow ana iu.ow, uum wniiuy Mceia, lu.m) down; stock cattle scarce: heifers and siz able snpoly. weak: mostly si.00 down; cows scarce and active; cutters selling at 5.25 down; bulls strong to 15 higher, with outstanding weightier sausage bulls as high as 7.50; few selected weighty shipper vealers. 11.50; but bulk small veal calf crop. 10.00-11.00. Salable sheep. 17.000; total. 18.500; fat lambs weak to 25 lower than Friday: active at decline: good to choice lambs. 8.75-9.00; early too. 9.10 «n one load: best held around 9.25: sheen about steady; scat tered native slaughter ewes. 3.75-4.25. Visible Grain Supply NEW YORK, Dec. 26 VP).—'The visible supply of American grain shows the following changes from a week ago (in bushels): Wheat decreased 1,766,000, com increased 1.759.000, oats decreased 78,000, rye increased 784,000, barley decreased 290.000. Transparent paint that prevents window-glass shattering is on sale at London stores specializing in air raid precaution equipment. t B.&O. Net Advances To $3,423,282 Mark For November Result Contrasts With Only $1,674,985 in Same 1938 Month By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Dec. 26 —The Bal timore & Ohio Railroad reported today its net operating income for November totaled $3,423,282, com pared with $1,674,985 in the corre sponding month of 1938, or an in crease of $1,748,297. The road’s operating revenues amounted to $16,659,862 last month, compared with $12,131,521 for No vember, 1938. For the first 11 months of the year the road reported net operat ing income of $24,049,980, as against $13,112,123 for 1938, an increase of $10,937,857. Chicago, Milwaukee. The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co. reported net operating income of $1,559,845 for November, an increase of $563,518 over the like month in 1938. Net operating income for the 11 months ended November 30 totaled $6,839, 684, an increase of $2,572,332 over the corresponding period last year. iNorinern racinc. The Northern Pacific Railway re ported net operating income for November of $1,372,143, an increase of $462,222 over November. 1938. Operating revenues for the month totaled $5,700,668, an increase of $613,711 over November, 1938. The Wabash Railway reported its net operating income for Novem ber was more than twice as much as November, 1938—$585,432, com pared with $290,518. For the first 11 months of this year net operating Income was $2,913,301. compared with $852,531 for the similar period last year. Net operating income, before fixed charges and other income, of other railroads reporting today for No vember included: 1939 1938 Burlington $1,580,595 $1,866,925 Gt Northern .. . 1,882.597 1.680,827 Lehigh Valley ... 662,851 222.045 Louisville & Nash 1.741,665 1.315.997 New Haven . 1.113.761 704,501 Santa Fe _ 1.874.599 2.244,378 Bel , Lack. * West.,. 711.298 427,288 Dei. & Hudson 548,991 509,259 Frisco 527,818 164,23(1 Pennsylvania _~ 9,333,323 6,690.851 Seaboard Air_ 490,431 109,463 NEW YORK. Dec 26 I/Ft.—Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended December 28 In cluded: Dec. 23. Prev. wk. Yr ago. Baltimore & Ohio 44,563 46.964 37,596 Southern Rwy... 35.273 36.088 31.294 St. Paul ... ... 25.908 27.401 *4,392 Curb Bonds DOMESTIC— High. Low. 1 pm. Ala Power 4V*s 67_102V. 102V* 102V* Ala Power 5s HR _ 105 105 105 Am P & L 6s 2016_105V* 105 105V* Ark P & L 5s 56_106' a 1064* 106s* As El Ind 4>*s 53 ... 58V* 58V* 58V* As G & E 5s 50_ 27 27 27 As G & E 5s 68_ 26V* 26V* 26V* As G & E 5V*s 77_ 34 34 34 Bald Loco 6s 50 _11644 116 116 Bell Te C 5s 57 B_115 115 115 Bell Te C 5s 80 C_116 116 116 Birm El 4'/as 68 _ 06s* 904* 96V, Birming Gas 5s 59. . 94'* 94V* 94V* Can Pac 6s 42 . 78 77V* 78 Cent St El 5'*s 54 38 38 38 Cen St P&L 5V*s 53 . 72 72 72 Chi J R&USY 6s 40 . 100’* 1004* loo’* Cin St Ry S'*s 52 85 85 85 Cin Str Ry 6s 55 B 90 90 90 Cities Service 5s 58 76 75'a 75‘a Cit S P&L 5Vas 52... 92s. 92'* 92s* Cons O Util 6s 43 st _ 74’* 74’* 74’. Cont O & E 5s 68 A... 914* 814* 914* Cudahy Pkg 3*s 55 96 96 88 Det Int Bg 6V*s 52 6 6V* 8 East G & F 4s 56 A 78 78 78 Edis El Iliu 3V*s 65 HOVi 110'* 110‘* Ei Pw & Lt 5s 2030 _ 814* 801* 80’/* Emp Dis El 5s 52 _ 104‘, 104'* 104‘* Fla Pwr coupn 4s 66._ 98'a 984* 98‘a Florida P&L 5s 54 1034* 1034'* 1034* Georgia Pw 5s 67 ... 1064* 106s* 1064* Glen Alden Cl 4s 65_ 70 70 70 Grand Tr We 4s 50 ... 76‘a 76Va 76‘* 111 Pw & Lt 5VaS 57 _ . 100‘a 100V* 100‘-a 111 Pwr&Lt 6s 53 A 1054, 105s* 105s* 111 Pw & L 5s 56 C 1024. 1024* 102V. Indiana Svc 5s 50 A . 70 70 70 Inti Pw Sec 7s 52 F 45 45 45 Interst Pw 5s 57 63V* 63V4 H3V. Ken U 5V*s 55 F.... 103V. 103V. 103V. Long Is Lt 6s 45. _ . 1034. 103’. 103’* Minn P & L 5s 55_ 105 105 105 Miss Pw & L 5s 57_103'* 103V* 103‘. Mo Pub Svc 5s 60 96V* 96V* 96V. Nass & Su L 55 45 . . 99 99 99 Nat P & L 5s 2030 B__ . 107 107 107 Nevad Cal E 5s 56 ... 774* 77V* 77V. New E Pw 5s 48 _ 98V* 981* 96V» New E Pw 5‘*s 54 ... 100V. 100 100 N Y 8 E&G 4’aS 80 .. _ 105 105 105 No Ind G&E 6s 52 . 106s. 1064. 10644 Pac P & L 5s 55 94s. 94s. 94s* Park Lex Lshld 3s 64 . 43V* 43V* 43‘a Penn C L&P 4‘*s 77.. 103V. 103 103 Penn Elec 4s 71 F .. 104V, 104 V* 104V. Penn Elec 5s 62 H _ 1074. 1074* 107H Peop GL&C 4s 81 B... 95V. 95V. 95V« Pitts 8teel 6s 48 . 100 100 100 Potomac E 5s 56 E . 108s* 10844 1084* Pug Sd P&L 5Vas 49.. 98s* 98s. 984, Shw W&P 4V*s 67 A . 94s* 944* 944, S E P&L 6s 2025 A . Ill’* 111’, 111’* Sou Cal Ed 344s 60 . _ 1094. 109s, 109s* Sou Cal E 3s,s 60 B . 109s* 1094* 1094. Stand Pw & Lt 6s 57 __ 66 66 66 Tex Pw & L 5s 56 . _ 107'a 107'* 1071* Twin CRT 5'aS 52 A . 624* 624. 624. Unit L & R D 5Vas 52 92 V* 92 92 Unit L & R M 6s 73 A 80 V, 80 V« 80 V« Va Pub Ser 6s 46 .. 101 101 101 Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B .. 102 102 102 Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 10 9’i 9’* West Pa 5s 2030 .. 106s* 1064* 106s* Wis P & L 4s 66 105’. 105’. 105’* FOREIGN. Chile M B 6s 31 mat 14'a 14'a 14'* Lima City 6>as 58.. .. 9’* 9’. 9’, Medelin Col 7s 51_ 15V* 15Va 15', Pied El 6>ys 60 A. . 45'* 45'* 45'* Pomeran El 6s 53 _ 12s* 124* 12s. Russian 6'*s 19 mat 16 16 16 Sante F A 4s 45 st 69s* 694* 69s* Unit El 8vc 7s 56 A 45 45 45 ww With warrants, xw Without warrants, n New st istpi Stamped. SNegotiability impaired bv maturity. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. Dec 2fi UP).—Lack of Lon don leadership, where the market was closed for a holiday, kept foreign money dealings at a slow gait today. Sterling and the French franc rose a little in relation to the dollar, while other major units showed negligible changes. More indicative of underlying trends In currency trade, banking quarters said, was further improvement in sterling deliverable In the future. Ninety-day pounds could be bought at a discount of 5*4 cents, which compared with 6% over the week end. Late rates follow: Great Britain In dollars, others In cents. Great Britain, demand. 3.94: Great Britain, cables. 3.95: 00-day bills. 3.9184: 90-day bills. 3.89'2: Canada. Montreal In New York. 88.80: Canada. New York In Mont real. 113.00: Belgium. lfl.RT: Denmark. 19.3.3: Finland. 2.00n: France. 2 2.384: Ger many. 40.25n: benevolent. 17.50: travel, unquoted: Greece ,73n: Hungary, 17.fi0n: Italy. 5 05: Netherlands. 53.10: Norway. 22.73: Portugal, 3.H8n: Rumania. ,73n: Sweden. 23.83: Switzerland. 22.44: Ar gentina (official). 29.77: Argentina (free). 22.75: Brazil (official). R.05: Brazil (free). 5.10: Mexico. 17.25n: Japan. 2349: Hong Kong. 24.73: Shanghai. 7.85: Yugoslavia. 2.35n Rates in spot cables unless other wise Indicated. n—Nominal. - New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Dec. 20 HP).—'National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc.: ‘Quotations as of 2 o’clock ) Bk of Am NTS (SFi (2 40).. 33% 3f% Bank of Man (80a> ... 10% ftVt Bank of N Y (14) 437 447 Bankers' Tr (2) 58% 00*4 Brooklyn Tr (41 71% 70% Cen Han Bk Si Tr (4)_100% 103% Chase Nat (1.40) 35% 37% Chem Bk * Tr (1.80)_ <8% 5n% Commercial (8) xd _ 105 171 Corn Bk Si Tr (.80) _ 13% 14% Corn Ex Bk * T (3)_ 59% 00% Empire Tr (.00) 11 ^ 12 First Nat (Bosi (2) _ 45% 47% First Natl (100) _...1880 1920 Guaranty Tr (12) 282 287 Irvins Tr (.00) . _ 12 13 Manufacturers' Tr (2) _ 37% 39% Manufacturers Tr pf (2) _ 52% 54% Natl Cltv (1) .. . .. 28 29'2 N Y Trust (5) __ 109% 112% Public (1%) 29% 31% Title G Sc T ... 3% 4% a—Also extra or extras. Children Saw Hanging When the first legal hanging in Ariona was held at Yuma in 1873, school was dismissed for a week, so children would not see the execution on a gallows across the street. The entire population, including the chil dren, turned out for the hanging. *