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Capital Transit Net Reveals Sharp Gain During November Potomac Electric Power and Telephone Earnings Also Climb By EDWARD C. STOXE. Capital Transit’s earnings showed another sharp gain in November, reaching $46,585.95. an increase of $20,369.91 over November, 1938, or 77.7 per cent, the monthly statement filed with the Public Utilities Com mission discloses. The statement is the more im pressive when it is noted in the report that the transit company de ducted about $50,000 for the pay ment of back wages which were awarded employes following the recent wage hearings. Operating revenues totaled $1, 028,663.96, an increase of $61,261.97 or 6.3 per cent while operating ex penses amounted to $735,319.25, an increase of $48,476.57, or 7.1 per cent Taxes required $74,187.04 which was $15,995 less than last year; and de preciation totaled $111,601.43, an in crease of $6,440, leaving an operating Income of $107,556.24, an advance of $22,340.12 or 26 per cent. Deductions from gross called for $60,000, about the same figure as last year. Passenger traffic again bounded forward, revenue passengers num bering 14,749,799, an increase of 1,144,603, or 8.4 per cent, and one of the best traffic gains of 1939. Net income for the first 11 months Of this year was also reported to the -commission, a total of $531,716.63 disclosing a surprising gain of $312, 376.69 over last vear, or 142.4 per cent. Revenue passengers showed a jump of 9.929,242 or 6.8 per cent, the report stated. Potomac Power Net Increases. Net income of the Potomac Elec tric Power Co. in November totaled $352,174.97 which was an increase of $24,513.48 or 7.48 per cent, the report to the Public Utilities Commission revealed. Operating revenues total ed $1,342,532.09. a gain of $86,598.34. Operating revenue deductions re quired $391,787.35, leaving net operating revenues of $450,745.63, a r _ a.i_ _ __ it. _ r *nr im n ne £(1111 1U1 U1C ilU/UUl Ui Income deductions for bond inter est payments and other charges took away $98,143.87 from the gross earnings. In the first 11 months of this year the Potomac Electric Power Co. re ported operating revenues amount ing to $14,456,473.45, an increase over last year in the same period of $722,976.79 or 5.26 per cent. At the same time there was a sharp increase in expenses. After all the usual deductions for bond interest, taxes, operating ex penses and depreciation, the power company reported a net income for the 11 months of $3,850,631.17 against $3,910,299.39 in the like 1938 period, a small decrease of $59, 668.22 or 1.53 per cent. C. & P. Earnings Higher. The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. also reported an ex cellent November record to the Public Utilities Commission. Oper ating revenues totaled $1,051,786 against $973,411 last year; operat ing expenses of $741,072 against $702,860; taxes of $115,425 com pared with $95,309, leaving a net operating income of $195,289 in comparison with $175,242 a year ago. Non-operating income was slightly lower than last year. Interest de ductions called for $47,951 com pared with $39,108, leaving total net earnings for November of $149,205 against $139,243 in November, 1938, an increase of $9,962. In the first 11 months of 1939 operating revenues totaled $11, 130,719 against $10,371,762. After all deductions for expenses, total income amounted to $2,134,935 against $1,942,609. Interest deduc tions required $478,271, leaving a net income of $1,656,664 compared With $1,563,676, up $92,988. There were 252,682 telephones in services in Washington at the end of November, 1939, which was an increase of 1.539 telephones over the previous month. Telephone users in wasningion maae ju.smi.uuu cans during the month, or 2.450,000 more than in November, 1938. D. C. Store Sales Jump. Department store sales in Wash ington for the week ended Decem ber 23 were 13.2 per cent higher than in the corresponding week a year ago, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond reported today. Com pared with the previous-week this year, sales were off 5 per cent. In the four weeks ended Decem ber 23, retail sales in the Capital were 4.7 per cent ahead of the like period a year ago. Sales in the whole Fifth District for the week ended December 23 were 14 per cent ahead of last year and 6 per cent higher in the four weeks ended on the same date, the Richmond review said. Agents Win Convention Trips. John D. Marsh, general agent of the Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., announced today that the fol lowing agents, in addition to him self, have attained the production requirements to attend the com pany's national convention in Mi ami, Fla., January 8 to 13: Cecil B. Ray. Vaughn W. Summers. Bernard C. Mayberry and Hunter W. Madi son. The Washington agency is in 15th place in paid production for the year among the 50 honor roll agencies throughout the United States. Members and guests of the Secur ity Club of the American Security & Trust Co. enjoyed a post-Christ mas and pre-New Year card party and dance last night as they frol icked at 2400 Sixteenth street in A1 af AAmnnmr’r ontvi _ wav. wi uuiv/si — pletion of 50 years banking and trust service in downtown Washington, Prizes were awarded to winners by Miss Isabel Fill and Miss Dorothea Wassman. Daniel J. Murphy, presi dent of the club, and Robert Talley, social chairman, were in charge of the affair. C.,N.O. &T. P. Reports Gain in Income B> the Associated Press. CINCINNATI, Dec. 30.—The Cin cinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway Co. reported oper ating income of $446,435 during November, or 16.84 per cent more than the $382,100 for the corre sponding month last year. Rail way operating revenues were $1,598, 672. against $1,344,012 for November, 1938 For the 11 months ended Novem ber 30. operating income totaled $4,619,583, against $3,483,686 for the like period last year, or a gain of 32.61 per cent. k TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 1939. Stock and Bale*— Met. High. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low Close chie 71% 63 Abbott Lab (1.60a). 3 68% 68% 68% 49% 33% Abr & Strauss 1.50g 10a 42% 42% 42% - % 11% 6% Adams Exp (.25g).. 6 8% 8% 8% + % 27% 16% Addressog'ph (1.40). 1 17% 17% 17% 68 45% Air Reduction (la). 9 66% 66% 66% + % 1% % Air-Way Elec Appl. 3 % % % — % 10 6% Alaska Juneau .10*. 32 6% 6% 6% - % 2 % Alleghany Corp .. 25 1 % 1 20% 6% Allegh’y $30 pf ww. 9 13% 13% 13% - % 18% 4% Allegh’y $40 pf xw_. 1 11 11 11 + % 18 4% Alleghany pf gw— 2 11% 11% 11%+% 23% 8 Allegh’y prior pf.._ 8 15% 14% 15%+ % 28% 14 Alleg-Ludlum 60g. 10 21% 20% 21% + % 200% 151% Allied Chem (6a)... 2 176% 176% 176% +1% 16% 9% Allied Mills (lg)_ 6 13% 13% 13% + % 11% 6 Allied Stores _ 20 8% 8% 8% + % 48% 28 Allis-Chalm (la)_ 16 40% 39% 40% + % 3% 1% Amal* Leather .... 3 2% 2% 2% + % 21 12 Amalg Leather pf.. 1 15% 15% 15% 74% 60 Amerada (2) .. 3 64% 64 54% -11% 24% 16 Am Ag Ch Del 1.30g 8 20V, 20% 20% 47 16% Am Airlines . 15 46% 46% 45% -1% 17% 9% Am Bank Note_ 4 10% 10% 10% - % 8 3% Am Bosch _ 1 6% 5% 5% 67% 31% Am Brake Sh (la).. 6 45% 44% 44% -1 116% 83% Am Can < 4 ) ... 1 113% 113% 113% 40% 16% Am Car & Foundry. 7 31% 30% 31% + % 64 30% Am Car & Fdry pf _. 3 60 49% 60 + % 26% 13% Am Chain & C (lg). 3 22% 22% 22%+% 8% 6 Am Colortype .. 5 6% 6% 6% 11% 6% Am Comc’l Alcohol. 11 7 6% 6% — % 18% 6% Am Crystal Sugar.. 3 12% 12% 12% + % 5% 2% Am Encaustic Til.. 2 3 2% 3 6% 4% Am European Sec .16 5 6 3% 1% Am & Foreign Pur. 14 1% 1% 1% - % 26% 10 Am & For’n P $6 pf. 4 20% 19% 19% + % 30% 12% Am & For’n P $7 pf. 7 25% 24 "4 + % 9% 5 Am & For’n P 2d pf. 1 6% 6% 6% + % 33 12 Am llawa'n SS(la). 7 28% 28% 28%+ % 8 2% Am Hide & Leather. 2 5% 5% 6% + % 43% 25% Am Hide & L pf (3). 1 34 34 34 - % 69% 41% Am Home Pr 2.40a.. 6 60 59% 60 + % 3% 1% Am Ice . _ 6 2% 2% 2% + Vi 25 14% Am Ice pf - 1 23% 23% 23% + % 9 3% Am International_ 7 6% 6 6 30% 13 Am Locomotive .. 10 21% 21 21 - % 79% 41 Am Locomotive pf_. 6 56% 65% 65% — % 15% 11 Am Mach & Fy (.80) 4 14% 14% 14% - % 6% 2% Am Mach & Metals. 13 3 3 40% 22% Am Metal (1) . 7 24% 24 24% + % 7 3% Am Power & Light. 23 4% 4% 4% 49 28 Am P&L $5 pf (4k). 4 47% 47% 47% 58% 32 Am P&L $6pf 4.80k. 4 57 66% 67 + % 18% 8% Am Radiator .30*.. 47 10% 10 10%+ % 22% 11% Am Rolling Mills... 17 16% 16 16% + % 80% 60 Am Roll M pf (4k).. 2 68% 68 68 15% 10% Am Safety Raz 1.20 1 11 11 11 - % 20 9 Am Seating <.50g).. 6 10% 10% 10%+ % 63 35% Am Sm & Ref (2a).. 21 51 60% 50% + % 69 69% Am Snuff (3a) 1 67% 67% 67% 41 20% Am Steel Foundry.. 17 33 32% 32% — % 34% 15% Am Sugar Refining. 19 19% 18% 19% + % 18% 13% Am Sumat Tob (1). 1 14% 14% 14% + % 2-x.iii A Cl Ot i ci 1 j;... 4 141 iiu?1 l j um 874 73 Am Tobacco (5)_ 4 85VJ 85 854 + 4 894 754 Am Tobacco(B)(5). 15 87 864 864 + 4 84 44 Am Type Founder*. 5 54 5 5 144 84 Am Water Work*._ 13 114 11 Vi 114+ 4 154 34 Am Woolen _ 2 94 94 94 + 4 644 284 Am Woolen pf_ 9 454 45 45 — 4 12 4 Am Zinc 4 67* 64 67* 40 204 Anaconda (1.25?).. 48 30 294 £94 547* 35 Anaconda Wire & C 1 38 38 38 274 134 Anchor Hoc G1 .70? 1 204 20 4 204 - 4 34 14 A P W Paper 4 4 37* 4 +4 37 21 Arch-Dan-Mid 1.10g 1 324 324 324 + 4 84 34 Armour (111) ... 9 54 54 54 — 4 65 50 Armour (111) pf . ... 1 65 55 55 +2 68 314 Armstrong C (2?).. 4 37V* 37 37 -4 104 64 Assoc Dry Goods_ 11 84 77* 84 +4 424 21 Atch Top & S Fe .. 68 24 234 234 - 4 71 494 Atch T&S Fe pf (5). 5 504 504 504 - 4 307* 15 Atl Coast Line 4 224 224 224 + 4 264 54 Atl Gulf & W Ind... 1 15 15 15 + V* 247* 184 Atl Refining (1) ... 21 204 204 207* - 4 94 7 Atlas Corp (.50?)_ 3 84 84 84 54 14 Auburn Auto (r)_ 2 24 24 24 + 4 94 34 Aviation Corn __ 14 74 7 7 -4 21 Vi 94 Baldwin Loco ctrs- 23 174 174 174 84 37* Balto & Ohio ... 20 5 4 54 54 + 4 114 44 Balto & Ohio pf .. 6 74 74 74 - 4 304 114 Bangor & Ar 2.37? . 1 127* 124 124 + 4 87v* 49 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 10s 514 514 514 - 4 £14 104 Barber Asphalt .25? 5 144 14 144 13 6 Barker Bros .25?_ 2 84 84 84 194 114 Barnsdall (.90?) . 16 124 12V* 124 264 15V* Bayuk Cigar (,75a). 2 264 264 264 28 17 Beatrice Crea (la).. 5 28 274 274 + 4 94 74 Belding-Hem (.80) 1 94 94 94 + 4 334 164 Bendix Avia(1.50g) 1750s 314 31 31-4 224 1 77* Beneficial Ln 1.85?. 3 214 21 21V* + Vi 674 32 Best & Co (1.60a) 3 384 38 384 +14 100 504 Bethlehem Stl 1.50? 39 824 804 807* -1 174 84 Blaw Knox 13 104 104 104 — 4 364 134 Bliss&Laugh 2.50a. 1 224 224 224 - 4 344 164 Boeing Airplane .. 20 22 214 214 + 4 284 16 Bohn Alum & B (1). 1 23 4 234 234 + 4 634 51 Bon Aml(B)2.50a... 60s 634 634 634 24 124 Bond Stores 1.60a.. 2 234 224 234 +1 22 164 Borden Co (1.40?).. 5 214 21". 214 32 184 Bor?-Warner (la).. 13 254 25 4 254 + 4 44 14 Boston & Maine .. 2 24 24 24 +4 344 19V) Bower Roll B (2?).. 2 324 324 324 + 4 74 64 Brewing Corp (.60). 6 57* 57* 54 - 4 154 74 Bridgeport Brass... 8 114 114 114 — 4 317* 16V* Briggs Mfg 1.25g... 18 22V* 22 22Vi + V* 41 31 Briggs & Strat (3).. 1 38 38 38 +2 53 414 Bristol-Myers 2.40. 2 53 624 53 +4 154 74 Bklyn-Man Transit. 23 144 144 144 507* 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf 2 494 49V* 494 - 4 50 39 Bklyn-Man pf ctfs 3 49 49 49 144 54 Bklyn & Queens pf 1 124 124 124 + 4 IOT4 II DKiynflCVJU I1S pi CIS I IIHl 1^V4 Iz''4 30% 13% Bklyn Un Gas(.50g) 8 23% 22% 23%+ % 25% 9% Brunswick-B 2.75g 1 20% 0% 20% — % 13% 7 Bucyrus-Erie(.nOg) 7 9% 9% 9% — % 106% 94% Bucyrus-E pf (7)... 20s 101% 101% 101% S 4 Budd Mfg _ 23 5% 5% 5% + % 6% 3 Budd Wheel .. 4 5% 5% 5% + % 30 15% Bullard Co (.25g)_. 5 23 22% 23 -t-% 34% 21% Bulova Watch (2a). 1 30% 30% 30% -i- Vi 20% 11% Burlington Mills la 29 20% 19% 19% - % 18% 11 Burr's Add Mch .40. 12 11% 11% 11% + % 7% 1 Bush Terminal ... 2 4% 4% 4% 20 6% Bush T Bldgs pf_ 100s 10% 10 10 -1 9% 6% Butler Bros (,30g). 8 7 7 7 6% 2% Butte Copper _ 1 4 4 4— % 16% 7 Byers (AM) Co 3 12% 12% 12% - % 84% 25% Byers AM pf 12.571c 40s 80 80 80 +1 17% 11% Byron Jackson (1). 2 15 14% 14% 30 13% California Packing. 2 22% 22% 22% + % 3% % Callahan Zinc . 9 1% 1% 1% 10% 4% Calumet & Hec .50g. 7 6% 6% 6% 17% 9% Camb’ll Wyant ,60g. 2 15% 15 15% + % 20% 12 Canada Dry (.50g). 1 17% 17% 17% 6% 3% Canadian Pacific . 22 4% 4% 4% 41% 29% Cannon Mills 2.25g. 1 38% 3838% 8 4% Capital Admin (A). 5 5% 5% 5% — Vi 4 2% Carriers & Gen .15g 2 2% 2% 2% + % 94% 63% Case (J I) Co 3 73 72% 73 122% 110 Case (J I) Co pf (7) 20s 118% 118% 118% + % 64% 38% Caterpillar Trac(2) 9 54% 53% 53% — % 30% 13% Celanese Corp(.50a) 9 29% 29% 29%-% 109% 84 Celanese pr pf (7).. 10s 108% 108% 108% 19% 7% Celotex Corp 10 10% 10% 10% - % 30% 18% Cent Aguirre (1.50) 4 23% 23 23 - % 5% 2% Central Foundry . 9 3% 3% 3% 113% 103% Cent 111 L pf (4.50). 10s 112 112 112 -1% 14% 3% Cent Violeta (,25g). 6 8% 8% 8% - % 62% 32 Cerro de Pasco (4). 6 37% 37% 37% 13 5% Certain-teed ... 8 6% 6% 6% 47% 22 Certain-teed pf .. 120a 31 31 31 - % 30 17 Champ P& F (,10g) 1 25 25 25 - % 29% 3% Chesapeake Corp .. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 47% 27 Ches& Ohio 2.60a) 25 42 41% 41%+% 4 1% Chi & East 111 pf (r) 1 2% 2% 2% 4% 1% Chi Grt West pf;r). 2 2 2 2 14 9% Chi Mall Order (1). 1 11% 11% 11% % % Chi M St P&P (r).. 10 % % %-% 1% % Chi M StP&P pf (r) 10 % % % + % 1% % Chi&Northwn (r) 17 ft % %-ft 3% % Chi & Nortbwn pf(r 13 % % % 20% 10 Chi Pneu Tool _ 3 14% 14% 14%-% % % Chi R 1 & P (r)_ 4 % Vi %-% 1% % Chi RI&P 67. pf(r). 1 % % % 1% % Chi R1&P7% pf(r). 1 % % % 1>;74 iu L'liv v .luj. u *v% **v ,g 7» 13% 4% Childs Co - 2 5% 5 5 94% 63% Chrysler Corp (5s)- 44 90% 89 89% 14% 9 City Ice* F (1.20). 4 12% 12% 12% + % 4% 2% City Stores .. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 34% 15 Clark Equip 2.25s 1 31% 31% 31% - % 39 20% Clev Graphite 2.50s 2 36 35% 35% - % 60% 34% Climax Molib 1.20a. 25 39% 39% 39% -1% 88 21% Cluett Peab 2.75g--. 6 35% 35% 36%+% 133 105 Coca-Cola (5s) - 4 117% 117 117% + % 17% 11% Cols»te-Pal-P .50a. 26 18 17% 18 + % 37% 20% Collins* Aik (1) . 2 32% 32% 32%+% 111% 100 Collins* Aik pf(5). 10s 110 110 110 -1% 24% 11% Colo Fuel & Iron . . 4 18 18 18 8% 2% Colo & Southern . 230s 4% 4 4 - % 25% 14 Colum BC(A)1.50S- 7 24% 24 24 - % 25% 14 Colum BC(B>1.60s- 1 24 24 24 9 6% Columbia Gas & El 109 6% 6% 6% + % 16% 6% Columb Pic vtc 2%f 9 6% 6% 6% - % 30% 16% Columb Pic pf 2.41k 1 18% 18% 18% + % 96 73 Columb’n Car 4.50s- 1 92% 92% 92% 67 38% Cornel Credit (4).— 13 47% 47% 47%+% 60 42 Cornel Iny Tr (4)— 18 62% 62 62 — % 16 8% Cornel Solvents ... 41 14% 14 14 - % 32% 25% Comwlth Ed (1.80). 45 32% 32 32%+% 2% 1% Comwlth & South'n 139 1% 1% 1% + % 72% 46% Comwlth & S pf (3) 9 70% 69% 70 +1 30% 19 Consoleum (la) .. 2 23% 23% 23% 8 4% Conn Rwy * Lt pf.. 20s 5% 6% 5% - % 32% 16% Consol Aircraft .. 8 29 28% 28% - % 9% 5% Consol Cigar (,76s) 2 7% 7% 7% - % 85 73 Consol Cigar pf (7). 20s 80 80 80 11 4% Consol Cop M( .30g) 21 8 7% 8 + % 36 27 Consol Edison (2).. 35 30% 30% 30% + % 108% 101% Consol Ediapf (5).. 1 107% 107% 107% + % 2% % Consol Film . __ 1 1 1 1 12% 7% Consol Film pf(lk). 1 8% 8% 8% + % 7% 3% Consol Laundries_ 2 4 4 4 9% 6% Consol Oil (.80)_ 36 7% 7% 7% + % 6% 1 Consol RR Cubs pf. 1 2% 2% 2% + % 9 1% Consolidation Coal. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 17% 9% Container Corp 25g 6 16% 16% 16% +• % 22% 11% Conti Bakins (A).. 8 13% 13 13% + % 2 1 Conti Bakins (B)._ 7 1% 1% 1% 61% 32% ConU Can (3s)-_ 11 42% 42 42 «- la I Rich Low Dividend lute Add 00 Hlcb Low. Close, cbte 116 106 Conti Can pf (4.50). 2 113V* 113 113 - % 10% 6 Conti Diamond ... 1 7(4 7(4 7(4 + % 40% 29(4 Conti Insur (1.60a). 14 40% 40% 40% 6% 1% Conti Motor_ 20 3% 3% 3% 31% 19% Conti Oil (1)_ 16 23(4 23% 23% 32% 1644 Conti Steel (2g)_ 1 28% 28% 28%-% 61% 49 Corn Exchange (3). 80s 60% 60 60%+ % 67% 64% Corn Products <3)_. 10 64% 64% 64% + % 6 3 Coty, Inc (.65a) ... 3 4% 4% 4% - % 2% % Coty Internatl .20g. 4 111 38 16 Crane Co (,60g) ._ 15 23% 23 23% 110 93 CraneCocv pf (5).. 1103 103 103 +1 82% 26% Cream of Wheat<2) 1 32 32 32 + % 13 6% Crosley Corp .. 2 7 7 7 41% 20% Crown Cork & Seal. 12 27 26% 27 + % 37% 28 Cr’nC&Spf xw 2.25 2 37% 37 37%+ % 17% 9 Crown Zeller(.50g). 13 16% 16% 16%+V4 94 76 Crown Zeller pf (6). 10s 89% 89% 89% — % 62% 24% Crucible Steel.. 6 41% 40% 40%-% 8% 2% Cuba RR pf_ 20s 3% 3% 3% 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar... 16 7% 7% 7% + % 93 48 Cuban A S pf <4k)_. 10* 80% 80% 80%+ % 28% 26 Cuneo Press _ 1 26% 26% 26% + % 7% 3% Curtis Publishing.. 18 4 3% 3% - % 63% 38 Curtis P pf 2.375k— 6 44% 43 43 -1% 13% 4% Curtiss-Wright .. 64 10% 10% 10%-% 32% 19% Curtiss-Wr(A)(2g) 26 30 29% 29% - % 25 13% Cutler Hamm’r 75g_ 4 19% 19% 19% — % 10% 4% Davison Chemical.. 2 7% 7% 7% 26% 15% Deere & Co (,76g) . 10 23% 23% 23% 27% 23 Deere & Co pfl 1.40) 1 26 26 26 18% 11% Deisel-W-G (la)— 2 16 16 16 + % 28 12% Dei & Hudson _ 14 22% 21% 21%-% 8% 3% Del Lack & Wn ... 10 5% 6% 6% 1% % Den R Gr Wn pf (r) 8 % % % - % 126% 103 Detroit Edison (6g) 1 123 123 123 - % 32% 18 Devoe&Ray A ,25g . 140s 21 21 21 -% 34% 28 Diam’d Match 1.50.. 1 33% 33% 33% + % 44% 36% Diamond M pf 1.50. 1 42 42 42 + % 10% 6% Diam T Mot .40g_ 3 8% 8% 8% + % 20% 13% Distill-Seagr (2) _. 6 18% 18% 18%+ % 90 66 Distil Seagrpf (5).. 1 74% 74% 74% -1% 13% 9% Dixie-Vortex (lg) . 3 11% 11% 11% 22% 10 Doehler Die Casting 2 18% 18 18%+ % 34 20% Dome Mines (2) ... 4 23% 22% 23 + % 87% 55 Douglas Air (3g) — 5 82% 82% 82(4 143*101* Dow Chemical (3).. 1 143* 143* 143* -1* 17* 6 Dresser Mfg (.75g). 3 17 17 17 - * 19* 6 Dunhill Internatl... 11 7* 6* 7* + * 14 10 Duplan Silk (1)_ 1 13 13 13 188* 126* Du Pont <7g) _ 8 183 182 182 -* 31* 12* Eastern Air Lines . 40 31 "0* 30* —1 186* 138* Eastman Kodak (6) 3 167 166* 166* - * 30* 15* Eaton Mfg <2.50g)_. 7 30 29* 30 + '/, 3* 1 Eitington Schlld . 3 1* 1* 1* + * 40* 22* Elec Auto Llte(3g). 9 37* 87* 37*- V, 18* 8* Electric Boat(.60g) 18 15* 14* 15 + * 3Vh 1* Electric & Music 6 1* 1* 1* 12* 6* Elec Pwr & Light _ 20 7 6* 6*- * 38 184, Elec Pw & Lt $6 pf. 6 27 26* 27 + * 41* 20* Elec Pw & Lt pf ... 9 3l'i 31* 31*+ * 35 23* Elec Stor Bat (2)._. 5 28 27* 28 3* * Elk Horn Coal ... 2 1% 1* 1* + * 424, 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 3 41* 41* 41* - V, 55 32* Endicott-John (3).. 1 41* 41* 41* - ', 13* 7 Eng Puh Serv ice_ 16 11* 11* 11*4- * 1* * Eqult Office Bldg 4 * *, * + * 3 1 Erie RR tr) ... 5 1* 1* 1* 6 l* Erie RR 1st pf (r)_ 7 3 2* 3 + * 3* 1* Erie RR 2d pf (r) .. 1 1* 1* 14, 5* 3* Eureka Vacuum Cl. 4 4 3* 3* 13 6 Evans Products 3 8* 8* 8* 25* 14* Ex-Cell-O (lg) _ 2 23* 23* 23*+ * 2* * Exchange Buffet .. 3 * * * 43% 24 Falrbanks-M 1.50g. 3 39* 39 39* + * 38* 20 Fajardo Sugar (2).. 1 27* 27* 27*- * 9* 81 Fed Lt & Tr pf (6) 50s 98 98 98 + * 31* 29 Fed M&S new 1.50g. 3 29 28* 28% - * 1* *i Fed WaterSvc(A) 1 * * % 27* 18* Federal Hep St (lg) 2 23* 23* 234, 4 * 23* 14* Ferro Enamel (la). 1 18* 18* 18* + * 40V, 274, Fidelity Phoe 1.60a. 6 39* 39* 39', 25* 17* Firestone Tire (1).. 3 21 20', 20* - * 105* 99* Firestone pf (6)_ 1 104 104 104 - * 31* 15 Flintkote (lg) . 21 19* 19* 19%+ * 38 25 Florence Stove(3g). 1 35 35 35 + * 5 1* Follansbee Bro (r)_ 1 2* 2* 2* — * 37* 21 Food Mach 1.375g . 1 31* 34* 34* + * 29* 14 Foster Wheeler . 8 18* 18* 18* - * 90* 66* Foster Wheeler pf 10s 71* 71* 71’, 36 18V, Freeport Sulph (la) l 33* 33* 33*+ * 5% 2 Gair (Robert) .. 2 3* 3* 3* + * 18* 7* Gair < Robert) pf .. 2 16 15* 15* — V, 15* 9 Gamewell < 50g) 310s 14* 13* 14* +1* 9 5* Gen Am Invest .25g 4 6* 6* 6* — * 65 40 GenAmTran 2 375g. 2 56* 56* 56', + * 11 7* Gen Baking (.60)... 14 7% 7* 7* 18 9 Geo Cable _ 5 11 10* 11 -i * 35 17', Gen Cable (A)_ 2 22* 22* 22*+ * 75 43 Gen Cable pf _ 2 52’, 52* 62* + », 25* 16 Gen Cigar (1.75g)._ 2 18* 18* 18*- * 130* 106 Gen Cigar pf (7) .. 10s 113* 113* 113* +1* 44* 31 Gen Electric! 1.40g) 32 40* 40* 40*+ * 47* 36* Gen Foods (2a) .. 9 48 47* 48 + * 1* * Gen Gas & El (A).. 9 * * *- * 99 72* Gen Mills (3.75g) 2 94* 94* 94* - * t>b4 uen Motors (a.aug) v«zog dv» ova ovv* — »» 64 3V* Gen Outdoor Adv... 3 44 44 44 104 7 Gen Print Ink SOg.. 1 94 94 94 14 4 Gen Public Service. 3 4 4 4 28 124 Gen Rwy Signal .. 6 19 184 184 + 4 204 14 Gen Realty & U pf .. 1 18 18 18 41 194 Gen Refractor .50g. 2 324 324 324 -4 434 16 Gen Steel Cast pf 140s 29‘ 284 284 -4 154 84 Gen Thea Eq ( SOg) 7 124 124 124 +4 274 154 Gen Tlre&Rub 50g. 3 214 214 214 + 4 84 6a, Gillette Saf R (.60). 24 64 64 64 +4 64 434 Gillette S R pf (5).. 3 47 47 47 134 64 Gimbel Bros _ 15 84 8 8 244 14 Glidden Co <.50g)_ 10 174 164 17 +4 34 24 Gobel (Adolf) _ 12 24 24 24 + 4 24 14 Gobel Brew (,20a).. 9 24 24 24 244 134 Goodr!ch(B F)(lg). 9 194 194 194 -4 38*. 214 Goodyear Rub (1).. 42 234 224 23 -4 1094 87 Goodyear pf (5)_ 3 924 92 92 14 4 Graham-Paige . 14 4 4 4 104 44 Granby Consol 40g 2 74 74 74 104 94 Grand Union x ctfs. 1 94 94 94 154 144 Grand Un war ctfs. 2 144 144 144 224 10 Granite C’y S .125g. 3 154 144 154+4 334 164 Great North'n pf . 24 264 264 264 + 4 224 124 Gr’tNoOcfs 1.25g_ 7 174 174 174 +4 374 234 Great Wn Sug (2).. 4 28 274 274 - 4 354 244 Green (H L,) (2)_ 9 334 334 334 -4 214 144 Greyhound (la)_ 13 17 164 164 -4 6 4 Guantanamo Sugar. 4 24 24 24 + 4 224 11 Gulf Mob & Nor pf_ 1 164 164 164 -4 38 32 Hack Wat pf (1.75). 80s 364 36 364 184 8 Hall (W F) Prtg 9 184 18 184 + 4 334 17 Harb & Walker(lg) 3 264 264 264 -4 104 44 Hat Corp(A)(1.10g) 2 74 74 74 -4 44 2 Hayes Body . 1 34 34 34 +4 112 93 Hazel Atlas G1 (5)_. 1 1124 1124 1124 + 4 134 94 Hecker Prod (,60a). 5 10 94 94 - 4 184 10 Hercules Mot .50g.. 6 154 154 154 — 4 1014 63 Hercules P (2.85g)_ 3 89 89 89 +4 51 294 Holland Furn (2)_ 2 334 334 334 +4 114 64 Hollander (A)_ 2 54 54 54 - 4 214 84 Holly Sugar _ 6 134 13 13 66V* 47V* Homestake (4.50).. 10 59V* 584 584 - % 94 44 Houston Oil _ 1 54 54 54 354 214 Hudson Bay 1.75g._ 1 254 254 254 + 4 IV* 4 Hudson & Manhat_ 1 4 4 4 + 4 84 44 Hudson Motor_ 2 54 54 64 24 V* Hupp Motor__ 7 1 4 1+4 20V* 9 Illinois Central_ 10 124 124 124 -4 35 16V* Illinois Central pf.. 3 234 23 V* 23 V* - 4 49 384 Illinois C LL (4)... 20s 40 4 404 404 +4 94 44 Indian Refining_ 8 54 54 54 294 164 Indust Rayon .75g._ 7 28V* 274 284 +4 131 86 Ingersoll Rand(6g). 2 117 117 117 +2 98V* 67 Inland Steel (4g) .. 2 874 874 874 + V* 21 94 Inspiration Copper. 25 134 13 134 54 44 Insurshares (.20g)_ 7 54 54 54 + 4 164 74 Interlake Iron - 6 114 114 114 + 4 34 14 Inti Agricultural... 1 14 14 14 + 4 41 16 Inti Agricul pr pf... 1 36 36 36 +1 195V* 145 Inti Bus Mach (6a). 1 1854 1854 1854 - 4 71% 45% Inti Harvester 1.60. 6 61% 61 61 - % 166% 142 Inti Harvest pf (7). 2 165 165 165 8V* 3% Inti Hydro-El (A).. 10 4% 4% 4% 17% 2% Inti Mercantile Ma. 13 8% 8% 8% - % 10 6% Inti Mining (.45g).. 9 6% 6% 6% — % 55% 35 Inti Nickel Can (2). 42 37% 36% 36% 14% 6% Inti Paper & Power. 19 14% 13% 14 - % 67% 25% Inti Paper & Pw pf. 18 56% 65% 56% + % 60% 39% Inti RC A pf 5.75k 90s 51% 51 51 38 29 Inti Salt (1.50a)_ 1 36 36 36 -% 40% 31% Inti Shoe (1.50a)... 2 34% 34% 34% 9% 3% Inti Tel & Teleg 66 4% 4 4% + % 9% 4 Inti T & T for’n cfs. 4 4% 4% 4% + % 14% 7% Interstate Dept Str. 4 9% 9% 9% + % 32% 18 Island Crk Coal (2). ' 3 25% 25 25% + % 18 13 Jarvis (WB) 1.50s. 3 16% 16% 16%+% 105 69 Johns-Manv 2.75S-. 7 72% 72 72% + % 133 122 Johns Manv pf (7) 30s 129 129 129 -1 83 35 Jones & Laughlin pf 1 65 65 65 + % 19% 13 Kalamazoo Stov .50 1 14% 14% 14% + % 11% 5% Kansas City Sou. 2 7 7 7 + % 24 11 KansCity Sopf(lg) 3 18% 17% 17% -1 100% 85 Keith-Al-O pf 8.75k. 10s 94 94 94 -2 14% 7% Kelsey-Hayes (A). 3 11% 11% 11% - % 10% 5 Kelsey Hayes (B)_. 1 7% 7% 7% + % 99 79 Kendall pf (6) ... 50s 90 90 90 + % 46% 28 Kennecott Cop(2g). 46 37% 37% 37% 16% 8% Keystone Stl .80s-- 2 13% 13% 18% — % 37% 20 Kimberly-Clark (la) 8 38 38 38 + % 4 1% Kinney (GR)_ 2 2% 2% 2% - % 26% 20 Kresge (SS)(1.20)_. 7 25% 24% 24% 29% 23% Kress (S H)(1.60)„ 1 28% 28% 28%+% 29% 20% Kroger Groc( 1.60a) 2 28% 28% 28% 23% 12% Laclede Gas pf 100s 14% 14% 14%+ % 18% 14 Lambert (1.50) 4 15% 15% 15% + % 37% 25 Lee Rub &T (2.50a) 6 34% 34 34% 25 17 Leh Port Cmt 1.50g. 4 22 22 22 3% % Leh Valley Coal .. 4 1% 1 t -% 6% 2% Leh Valley RR (r). 5 3% 3% 3% + % 27% 20 Lehman Corp (.80). 9 22% 22% 22% - % 13% 9% Lehn& Fink 1.375g. 3 13 13 IS + % 66% 36% Libbey-Ow-F 2.75g. 5 62% 52 62 - % 10 4% Libby McN & Lib .. 6 6% 6% 6% - % 43% 33 Life Savers (1.60a). 2 41% 41% 41%+% 108% 95 Llgg& Myers (4a). 1 106% 106% 106% + % 109% 95% Ligg & Myers(B)4a 6 107 107 107 40% 20% Lima Locomotive_ 1 27% 27% 27% — % 47 31% Link Belt (la)_ 3 39% 38% 38% - % 20% 10 Lion Oil Ref (1)- 2 12% 12% 12% 19 13% Liquid Carbon (lg). 8 16% 15% 16% - % 36% 18% Lockheed Aire (lg) 43 32% 31% 31% - % 64% 80% LoeWe Inc (2a)_ 14 35% 35% 35%+% 21% 6 Loft Inc_ 13 18% 18% 18% 62 88% Lone Star Cmt(la). 8 46% 45% 46 4 ricr. ttfav otuvi muu omicm n«l Blah Low Dividend Rata Add 00. Blah Lew. Close, chae 6% 2 Long Bell (A)_ 7 3% 3 3% + % 22% 16% Loose-Wiles (1).... 1 17 17 17 24% 19% Lorlllard <1.40g)— 8 24% 24% 24% + % 169% 138 Lorlllard pf (7)_ 10a 155% 156% 165% 41% 67 36% Louis St Nash (5g). 2 57 57 67" 4 % 35 28 MacAnd & Forb(2a> 1 34% 34% 34% + % 83% 18 Mack Trucks ,50g__ 4 27% 27% 27% - % 43% 25% Macy (R H) Co <2). 12 29 28 29 41 6% 1 Manatl Sugar ... 1 3% 3% 3% 4 W 15% 6 Man Ry mod gtd (r) 2 14% 14% 14% 4 % 16 12% Man Ry mod gtd ct. 4 14% 14% 14% 4 % 2% 1 Maracaibo Oil ... 4 1% >1% 1% 6% 4% Marine Midl'd .32*. 20 5 4% 5 4 % 8% 3% Market St Ry pr pf. 480e 3% 3% 8% 4 % 17% 9% Marshall Field ,30g. 7 14% 14% 14% 4 % 45% 26% Martin (Glenn) lg.. 21 40% 40% 40% 4 % 8 2 Martin Parry 68 8% 8 8% 4 % 67% SO MasonlteCorp (1).. 2 37 36% 36%-% 37% 20% Math Alkilt (1.50).. 13 30% 30% 30% - % 63% 40% May Dept Strs (3).. 1 63 . 53 53 4 % 6% 3% Maytag Co _ 1 3% 3% 3% 4 % 36% 24% Maytag Co pf (3) ... 3 26% 26% 26% 41% 15% 10% McCall Corp (1.40). 2 16 15 15 17% 9% McCrory Strs (la).. 8 16% 15% 15%-% 55% 15% McGraw Elec (la).. 6 25% 24% 24%-% 69% 39 McIntyre Pore (2a) 1 46 46 46 18% 8% McKeesport Tin .. 9 11 10% 11 4% 10% 6% McLellan Strs .60g. 2 9 9 9 14% 6 MeadCorp 2 11% It 11% 4 % 29% 28% Melville Shoe(new) 3 30% 30 30%+ % 6% 3 Menge] Co . 2 5% 5% 5% 39% 25 Mesta Mach (1.60g) 4 29% 29% 29% 4 % 16% 6% Miami Copper 6 10% 10 10% 4 % 18. 11% Mid Cont Pet (.SOg) 23 15% 15% 15% 4 % 40 18% Midland Stl P (5g). 6 36% 36 36% 4 % 85% 44% Minn-Hon Ros (2)_. 2 49% 49% 49% -1% 6% 2% Minn-Moline Imp 4 4% 4% 4% 4 % 14% 8% .Mission Corp (.65g) 11 9% 9% 9% 2% } llo-Kan & Texas 9 1% 1 1% 4 % 9% 2% Mo-Kan & Texas pf 15 4 3% 4 4 % «* •'» 7» mu i dtmu (u w ; u T4 **4 +4 t Mi 21 104 Mohawk Carpet .75* 2 18 174 174 1144 854 Monsanto Ch (3r> 3 1094 1094 1094 +14 1224 112 Monsanto pf B 4.50. 30* 120 120 120 -14 67+* 404 Monte Ward (la) . 32 654 644 654 + 4 374 224 Morris* Es (3.875) 40s 28 274 28 +4 19 94 Motor Products - 13 12 114 12+4 174 10 Motor Wheel (1.60). 14 154 154, 154- 4 30 164 Mueller Brass 80*- 6 254 254 254 + 4 74 34 Mullins Mf* (B)_ 3 44 44 44 — 4 444 30 Mullins Mf* pf_ 70s 354 354 354 + 4 144 9 Munsingwear _ 1 104 104 104 + 4 704 60 Murphy (G C) 3.25* 1 694 694 694 + 4 94 4 Murray Corp _ 9 64 64 6+* 94 64 Nash-Kelvlnator-— 47 64 64 64 + 4 184 74 Natl Acme (.50*)—. 3 15 15 15 + 4 15 74 Natl A viatlont.75g) 3 134 134 134 + 4 284 214 Natl Biscuit (1.60). 12 224 224 224 + 4 174 104 Natl Bd & Inv ,80a- 1 154 154 154 +4 26V* 144 Natl Cash Reg (1 > . 9 154 154 154 + 4 16 84 Natl Cyl Gas (.50*). 4 124 124 124 + 4 184 124 Natl Dairy (.80) _ 5 164 164 164 + 4 84 44 Natl Dept Stores — 3 64 64 64 +4 284 204 Natl Distillers (2).. 4 244 24 244 + 4 164 84 Natl Gypsum(.25g). 22 114 11 114+ 4 106 83 Natl Gyps’m pf 4.50 1 914 914 914 -14 274 174 Natl Lead (,50a) 14 20 194 194 + 4 1734 152 Natl Lead pf(A)(7) 1 170 170 170 +4 354 144 Natl Malleable lg— 4 264 254 264 + 4 10 64 Natl Pwr & Lt 60— 15 84 84 84 + 4 82 62 Natl Steel (1.70*)— 4 714 71 714 + 4 154 54 Natl Supply — 14 84 84 814 + 4 20 10 Natl Supply J2 pf - 3 124 124 12-4 694 334 Natl Sup54 6875k. 4 39 38V, 384 - V* 54 24 Natl Tea Co .. 5 34 34 34 + 4 114 84 Natomas (80a) - 1 94 94 94 42 32 Newberry (J J1 (2) 3 404 404 404 + a. 1124 1054 NewberrytJJ)pft5) 20s 110 1094 110 + V* 17*. 84 Newport Indus_ 11 124 124 124 + 4 234 114 NT Centra! _. 77 184 174 18'.+ V. 254 104 N Y Chi & St Louts. 2 194 194 194 + 4 454 184 N Y Chi & St L pf 9 38', 37 4 374 -4 62 47 N Y Lack & W'n (5) 10» 524 624 524 -24 14 4NYNH&H(r) 4 4 4 4 54 14 N Y N H & H pf (r). 6 14 14 14 + H 14 4 N Y Ont * Wn (r)_ 9 4 4 4 17 84 N Y Shipbuilding _ 4 13 13 13+4 944 70 N Y Shiphldg pf 30a 93', 934 934 — 4 29V* 12*4 Nor Am Avia 1.40*. 36 26 254 254 264 18*4 Nor Am Co (120a) 21 224 224 224 144 7 Northern Pacific 44 9 84 84 + 4 113 100 Nor’n Sta Pw pf(5). 1 111 111 111 64 24 Norwalk Tire 15 5 5 104 6 Ohio Oil . 33 64 64 64 30 144 Oliver Farm Equip 3 204 204 20-, 20'4 12 Omnibus Corp 1 20a 5 134 13V* 134 + 4 84 44 Oppenheim Collins. 1 54 54 54 + u 274 154 Otis Elevator .90* . 16 174 174 174 - 4 16 7', Otis Steel 4 114 114 114+ 4 264 164 Outboard Mot 2.15g 1 2614 264 264 70 50 Owens-Ill Glass (2) 3 61* 60* 61 - * 7* 3 Pac Am Fisheries.. 1 5* 5* 5* + * 7* 2* Pacific Coast _ 30g 6* 6* 6* + * 15* 3* Pac Coast 2d pf . 10s 12 12 12 12* 9* Pac Finance (1.20). 5 11* 11* 11*-* 34* 27* Pac Gas & Elec (2). 3 33* 33* 33* 4 * 60* 41 Pac Lighting (3)... 1 48* 48* 48*- * 21* 9* Pac Mills 4 14* 14* 14* - * 7* 6 Pac Tin Consol .15g 3 7* 7 7* 4 * 11* 7 Pac Western O 40g 5 7* 7* 7* 4* 3 Packard Motor ... 31 3* 3* 3* 19* 9* Pan-Am Airways... 11 19* 19* 19* + * 2 * Panhandle 11 1 1 + * 60* 35 Paraffine (2.25g)_ 1 40* 40* 40* — * 14* 6* Paramount (.15g).. 43 7* 7* 7* + * 107* 72 Paramount 1st (6). 1 85* 85* 85* +1 13* 7* Piram't 2d pf ( 60). 4 9'(f 9 9 26 14* Park & Tilford ... 1 17 17 17 41 4 1* Park Utah Mines_ 7 2* 2 2* 4 * 47 36 Parke Davis 160a_ 2 44* 44* 44* 4 * 2* 1* Parmelee Trans_ 3 1* 1* 1* 4 * 13* 5* Pathe Film _ 3 10* 10 10 - * 11* 5* Patino Mines _ 3 6* 6* 6* 4 * 94* 74 Penney (JC) (3a)_ 2 94* 94 94* 4 * 4* * Penn Coal & Coke... 1 2* 2* 2* — * 5* 2* Penn Dixie Cem . 1 3* 3* 3* 4 * 17 11* Penn Glass S ct.75g. 1 16 16 16 .7* 15 Penn Railroad (lg) 44 23* 23 23* 4 * 45 30* Peoples G & C 2.50g 2 36* 36 36* 19* 7* Pere Marquette 1 11* ll’« 11* + * 40 13* Pere Marquette pf 110s 28 27* 27* 4 * 45 21 Pere Marq pr pf .. 90s 33 33 33 10* 6* Petrol Corp <.70g) _ 13 8 7* 8 4 * 8* 5* Pfeiffer Brew(.50g) 2 6* 6* 6* + * 47* 28* Phelps Dodge 1.50g 9 40* 40V, 40* 4 * 91 75 Phila Co pf (6)_ .1 82 82 82 -2* 1* * Phila & R C & I (r)_ 6 * * * 103* 74 Philip Morris (3a). 4 91 90* 91 + * 46* 31* Phillips Petrol (2). 615s 41* *1* 41*4* 9* 6 Pierce Oil pf .. 4 7* 7* 7* 4 * 31* 23 Pillsbury FI (1.60). 2 26* 26* 26* 4 * 12 2* Pitts Coal _ 1 5 5 6 4 * 32* 12 Pitts Coal pf_ 2 23* 23 23* 4 * 11* 4* Pitts Screw_ 12 8* 7* 8* + * 16* 7* Pitts Steel _ l 10* 10* 10* 25* 12* Pitts Steel 5% pf... 120a 18 18 18 - * 20* 6 Pitts* W Va .. 70s 15* 15* 16*+ * 24 17* Plymouth Oil 1.40a. 7 20* 20* 20* 17 6* Pond Creek (1.25g). 2 13 12* 12* 16* 7* Poor & Co (B) 1 12* 12* 12*4 * 2* * Port R Am To A (r) 1 1 1 1 4 * 16* 6 Pressed Steel Car 5 14* 14* 14* 4 * 16* 6* Pressed Stl C 1st pf 7 14* 14* 14* 65* 50* Proctor & Gam (2a) 8 66 66 66 4 * 119*112 Proctor* G pf (5) 60s 118* 118* 118*4 * 41* 31* Pub Svc (NJ) 2.50g 11 40* 40* 40* 4 * 417% 22* Pullman (1) _ 24 31* 30* 307%-* 11* 67% Pure Oil (.25g)_ 10 8* 8* 8*4 * 81* 63* Pure Oil pf (5)_ 2 78* 78* 78* 4 * 18* 10* Purity Bak (1.50g). 12 14* 14* 14*-* 16 11 Quaker Sta Oil 1.10g 1 14* 14* 14*-* 8* 5 Radio Corp (.20g)_. 61 5* 6* 5* 67* 53* Radio cv pf (3.50).. 6 60* 60* 60* 2* 1* Radio-Keith-Or (r). 81 1* 1* 1* - * 23* 16* Raybest-Man (la).. 1 20 20 20 - * 18* 6* Rayonler Co .. 14 19 18* 18*4* 28A. 12* Ravnnier Co nf .50k 1 28* 287* 28* 22H 10V4 Reading Co (1) ... 4 16 15*4 16 + Vi 28*4 20Vi Reading 1st pf (2).. 1 25 25 25 - V4 27 16 Reading 2d pf <2)__ 1 2114 2114 2114 + *4 10 614 Reliable Stors .50g. 18 8 8 1714 9*4 Remlng-Rand (.80) 18 10 914 914 7614 50 Rem-Rpf ww(4.50) 3 6114 5014 51 2*4 14 Reo Motor (r). 12 114 1*4 1*4 — 14 2814 1214 Republic Steel .. 76 22*4 2214 22*4 + 14 95*4 43 Rep Stl cv pf 7.50k- 2 9014 89 89 -2 89*4 42 Rep Steel pf A (6).. 3 74*4 7314 7414 +2*4 14*4 714 Reynolds Metals— 9 91» 914 t 9*4 + 14 11*4 5*4 Reynolds Spring—. 3 7y4 7 714 + 14 45 35 Reyn Tob B 2.30g_. 20 39's 39 3914 + V* 1014 6*4 Richfield Oil (.50g). 5 714 7*4 714 + 1* 34 15*4 Ruberoid (1.10g) - 2 19*4 1914 19*4 + *4 61*4 27*4 Safeway Strs 2.60a_ 12 47 46*t 46*4 + *4 109 8214 Safeway S pf (5).. 80s 104 10314 104 +!* 113 96 Safeway S pf (6) 10s 112*4 112*4 112*4 4914 27*4 St Joseph Lead(la) 5 4114 4114 4114 14 *4 St L-San Fran (r)_. 10 (4 V4 W 2 *4 St L-San Fr pf (r)- 5 *4 *4 *4+14 61s 3*4 St L-Southwn pf— 60s 6 5 6 -114 ric? LVOV Dtui>k BUU OBICf— HCk Rich. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. High Low Close, chge 17% 10 Schenley Distillers 16 11% 11% 11%+ % 1 % Schulte Retail S (r) 2 % % % 10% 8% Schulte R S pf <r)_ 1 6 6 6 + % 62% 44% Scott Psperil.60a). 2 4d% 48% 48%-% 1 % Seaboard Air L (r). 19 % % % 3% 1 Seaboard A L pf (r) 1 1% 1% 1% 24% 16% Seaboard 011 (1) .. 7 19 18% 19 +% 86% 60% Sears Roebuck (3a) 24 85% 84% 85% + % 18% 11% Servel Ino (la)_ 6 15% 15 16 + % 21% 10% Sharon Steel_ 3 13% 13% 13% 7% 3% Sharp & Dohme_ 4 5 5 6 11% 6% Sh»ttuck(F G) (.40) 10 6% 6% 6% - % 38% 28 Sheaffer Pen 2.75g.. 30s 37 36% 37 42 17% 9% Shell Un Oil (.50g). 4 12% 12% 12% 107% 98% Shell Un O pf (5.50) 1 105% 105% 105% - % 8% 4% Silver King (,25g).. 3 6% 6% 6% + % 32% 17% Simmons Co 1.75g.. 5 22% 22% 22% + % 28% 16% Simonds S&S 1.40g. 2 22% 22 22 29% 15% Skelly Oil i.75g) .. 8 19% 19% 19%-% 112 101 Sloss-Sheffpf (6).. 80s 111% 111% 111% - % 21 11% Smith (AO)_ 1 16% 16% 16% 24 12% Snider Pkg_ 2 20% 20% 20% + % 15% 10% Socony-Vac’m 60g. 42 12% 11% 12% + % 3% 1% So AmerGold .20g . 1 2% 2% 2% 35% 14 S Porto R Sug 1.25g 2 24% 24% 24% 18% 13 ' S E Greyh'nd 1.50g_ 1 15% 15% 15%+% 29% 23% Southn C»1 Ed 1.50a 6 29% 28% 29% + % 21% 10% Southern Pacific ... 37 14% 14% 14% + % 23% 11% Southern Railway.. 40 20% 19% 19% - % 36% 15% Southern Rwy pt .. 23 34% 34 34% + % 43% 34 Southn Ry M&0(4). 1 36% 36% 36% -2 3% 1% Sparks Withington. 2 2 2 2 22% 14% Spencer Kell(l.lOg) 1 21 21 21 + % 61% 36 Sperry Corp (2g)._. 20 45% 45 45%+% 34% 11 Spicer Mfg <2g) ... 2 33% 33% 33%-% 53 42 Spicer Mfg pf A (3) 60s 52% 52% .52%+% 16% 8% Spiegel. Inc (.30g)_. 12 10% 10% 10% 34% 18% Square D Co 1.75g _ 5 33% 33% 33%+% 7% 5% Stand Brands ,475g 62 6 5% 6 4% 2 Stand Gas & Elec... 6 2% 2% 2% + % 10% 4% Stand G&E *4 pf .. 2 6% 6% 6% + % 25% 13% Stand G&E 17 pr pf. 6 20 19% 20 + % 33% 24% Stand Oil Cal (la).. 34 25% 24% 24%+% 30 22% Stand Oil Ind (la).. 42 26% 26 26% H- % 53% 38 Stand Oil N J (la). 26 44% 43% 43% - % 80 65 Sterling Prod (3.80) 3 80 79** 80 12% 6% Stewart-Warn ,25g. 6 8% 8% 8% 7% 3% Stokely Brothers .. 4 4% 4% 4% 17% 8% Stone&Webster.25g 11 11% 11% 11%+% 10 5% Studebaker_ 28 9% 9% 9% + % 66 45% Sun Oil(l)_ ... 1 67% 57% 57%+% 11% 7% Sunshine Min 1.60.. 4 9% 9% 9% + % 38% ltf% Superheater (.50a). 1 27% 27% 27% - % 3% 1% Superior Oil _ 12 2% 2 2% 25% 17 Swift* Co 1.20)_ 7 22% 22 22 -% 37% 24% Swift Inti (2) 5 32 32 32 12% 4% Syming-Gould ww_. 7 9 8% 9 + V* 9% 3% Syming-Gould xw_ 1 6% 6% 6% + % 6% 3% Telautograph 30g_. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 9% 4 Tennessee Corp_ 2 6% 6% 6% CAT 401/ O’.__ O. __ / O . fit A A i 401 4 4.. 1 1 5% 34 Tex Gulf Prod 20g. 2 3% 3% 3% 384 26 Tex Gulf Sul <2) — 6 32% 324 324 11% 7 Tex Pac C&O (.40).. 23 84 84 84 9 54 Tex Pac Ld Tr.lOg.. 4 64 64 64 + 4 224 84 Texas & Pac Rwy .. 2 124 124 124 + 4 24 154 Thatcher Mfg (la). 2 16 16 16 + 4 54 34 The Fair_ 1 34 34 34 - V. 6 24 Thermoid _ 2 44 44 44 + 4 44 24 Thompson (JR)_ 3 44 44 44 +4 334 17 Thomp Prod (1)_ 2 304 304 304 - 4 34 14 Thompson-Starrett 4 24 24 24 +4 184 74 Thompson-Starr pf 6 174 17 174 + 4 144 94 Tide Wat A O 80g . 15 104 104 104 + 4 96 83 Tide W A O pf 4.50 1 90 90 90 25 104 Timken-Det Ax(2g) 18 234 23 234 + 4 644 34Vt Timken R B 2.50g 4 504 504 504 + 4 84 5 Transamerica (.50) 10 6 6 6 -4 12’* 64 Transcontl & W Air 14 124 154 12% - 4 104 54 Transue & Williams 2 74 74 74 + 4 4% 2 Tri-Continental 12 24 2% 2% 7% 3 Truax-Traer Coal.. 3 4% 4% 4% 264 11% 20th Century Fox.. 28 124 114 12 -4 3% 1% Twin City Rap Tr 4 24 24 24 + 4 354 174 Twin City Rap T pf 10s 244 244 244 + 4 \ 124 74 Twin Coach (.50g). 4 10% 104 104 - 4 4% % Ulen & Co .. 8 1 4 4 66 344 L’nderw-EIl-F (2).. 7 394 38% 38*4-14 134 6 Union Bag & Paper. 17 134 124 13 +4 944 654 Union Carb (1.90g). 10 87'* 86% 86%-% 19% 154 Un Oil (Cal) 1 05g.. 4 164 164 164 + 4 105 814 Union Pacific (6) .. 3 954 944 944 -1% 51 31 Unit Aircraft <2g).. 29 464 464 46%+ 4 164 74 Unit Air Lines .. 74 16% 154 16 - 4 694 52 United Carbon (3). 2 60 4 594 604 + % 3*4 2 Unit Corp .. 97 24 2% 2% 394 304 United Corp pf (3). 9 39% 39 39%+ 4 74 44 Unit Drug _ 11 5 44 44 8% 44 Unit Dyewood . . 2 4% 4% 4% + 4 74 544 Unit Dyew'd pf (7). 20s 59 59 59 84 34 Unit Electric Coal 2 5 5 5 354 25% Unit Eng&Fy 2.50g. 2 33 23 33 -4 95 62V, United Fruit (4) .. 1 854 854 854 - 4 15 11 Unit Gas Imp (1)... 13 144 14% 144+ 4 14 6% Unit Mer& Mfg_ 4 104 10% 10% + 4 7% 3% Unit Paperboard_ 3 5 44 5 +4 11 5% U S & For’n Secur.. 6 7 64 64 14 54 US Freight (,50g).. 2 10% 104 10%+% 113 654 U S Gypsum (2a)_ 2 83 4 83 4 834 -14 74 4 US Hoffman _ 3 4% 4% 4% - 4 29% 134 U S Indus Alcohol— 13 23% 23 234 - % 15V* 5% U S Leather (A) — 2 114 114 114+ 4 67 46 US Leather pr pf__ 2 664 664 664 + 4 49 32% U S Pipe & Fdy (2a) 4 36% 364 364 + V. 64 14 U S Realty & Im(r) 12 14 14 14 52% 314 U S Rubber 42 404 394 404 + 4 114% 86% U S Rub 1st pf(12g) 7 1124 111% 1124 + 4 684 48 U S Sm & Ref (4a) 2 614 61 61 -4 82% 41% U S Steel .. 112 66% 654 664 1204 984 U S Steel pf (7) .. 6 1174 117 117 +% 374 30 US Tobacco 1.76g_. 4 35 35 35 8% 6% Unit Stkyds pf 70.. 5 74 7 74 +4 2% 1% United Stores (A).. 1 2 2 2 + 4 1 4 Vadsco Sales _ 1 4 4 4 40 16 Vanadium (lg) 3 32% 334 334 - Vi 40 25 Van P.aalte (2.50a). 1 374 374 374 - % 44 344 Vick Chemical (2a) 4 444 44 444 + 4 5% 24 Va-CaroChem .. 2 2% 2% 2% - % 33% 17 Va-Caro Chem pf . 1 29 29 29 5% % Va Iron Coal&Coke 130s 2 2 2 15 44 Va Iron Coal & C pf 30s 7 7 7 3 % Wabash (r) .1111- 4 34 14 Wabash pf (A) (r). 5 1% 1% 1% - 4 23% 154 Walgreen (1.60) __ 3 21 204 21 +4 20% 144 Walker (H) pf (1). 1 164 164 164 +4 94 4 Walworth Co _ 11 5’* 5% 54+ 4 144 74 Ward Baking (A)_ 3 7 7 7 -4 44 21 Ward Bak pf 1.50k.. 3 224 22 22 -4 64 34 Warner Bros Piet.. 48 34 34 34 34 14 Warren Bros (r)— 4 14 14 14 + 4 354 19V* Warren F&P (2a). 2 314 31 31 -4 244 144 Waukesha Mot (1). 1 184 18** 184 + V* 324 20 Wayne Pump (2)_ 3 224 214 224 +14 34 14 Webster Eisenlohr. 2 34 34 34 + 4 284 16 Wesson Oil & Snow 3 254 254 25V* — 4 106 88 West Penn E pf (6) 10a 1044 1044 1044 + 4 1124 95 West Penn Epf(7). 100s 1124 1114 1124 194 154 W Va Pulp & P .20.. 2 184 184 184 +4 64 24 West’n Maryland... 3 44 44 44 + V* 2 *s West’n Pacific pf_ 2 4 4 4 37 164 West’n Union Tel__ 19 264 254 264 + 4 37V* 184 Westh'se A B ,625g. 6 274 274 274 + 4 121 824 Westhse Elec 3.50g 4 1164 1164 1164 - 4 145 126 Westhse El pf (3.50) 20* 1354 1354 1354 -1 284 104 Weston El Inst lg.. 2 284 28 284 + ** 39V* 15V* Westvaco (la) __ 3 37 364 364 — v* 394 29 Westvaco pf (1.50). 1 374 374 374 + 4 384 154 Wheeling Steel _ 6 314 31 31 - 4 78 45 Wheel Stl pr pf (5). 1 68 68 68 -3 154 7 White Motor _ 6 124 124 124 7 84 White Rock (.50g)_. 3 6 6 6 —4 44 14 White Sewing Mch. 1 44 44 44 20 14 White Sew prpf.50g 2 204 204 204 + 4' 44 24 Wilcpx Oil & Gas... 3 34 34 34 + V* 34 1 Willyw-Overland_ 1 14 14 14 74 24 Wilson & Co _.• 1 64 64 54 60V* 32 W’ilson&Co pf 2.25k. 3 62V* 62V* 624 314 15 Woodward Iron_ 2 23 4 23 4 234 604 36 Woolworth (2.40).. 11 384 38 384 + 4 234 104 Worthington Pump 4 184 184 184 + 4 1244 85 Wright Aero (2g)._ 40s 114 113 114 +4 33V* 184 Yale & Townei.60a) 3 244 24 24 —4 214 114 Yellow Truck _ 8 184 184 184 + 4 21V* 94 Young Spg & Wire. 4 11 104 11 +4 664 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T_. 21 46V* 45V* 454 - 4 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr (lg). 2 27 27 27 224 12 Zenith Radio (lg).. 8 16V* 16 16—4 34 2 Zonite Products_ 4 24 24 24 Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 ▲.M - . 240.000 12:00 Noon_ 660,000 1 Unit ot trading 10 sharas. r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganlged under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed bv such companies. Rates of dividend in the foregoing table are annual disburse* ments based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not In* eluded xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras, e Paid last year f Payable in stock, g Declared or paid so far this year h Cash or stock, k Accumulated dividends paid or de* flared this year Dividends Announced NEW YORK, Dec. 30.—Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co.: initial. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. rlod. record, able. Ohio Seam Tube_*2.68a/4 —12-23 12-28 Extra. Ely ft Walker Dr Gds 50c __ 1-4 1-15 Perfection Stove —$2.75 12-22 12-28 South Cal Ed Ltd Cal 40c 1-20 2-15 8 C E L C 5ft orig pf.40c 3-20 4-15 Accumulated. Easy W M 7ft pf _171iic __ 1-2 1-15 Nevada-Calif Elec 3ft cu 4ft non cum pf..75c — 1-15 2-1 Regular. Amer Metal Ltd_60e_1-19 2-1 Central Investors_10c -- 12-30 1-20 Chain St Prod cv pf 37'aC Q 12-20 12-31 Chicago Artificial Ice 40c -- 12-18 12-27 Ely ft Walker D Gds_2oc __ 2-19 3-1 E ft W D Gds 8ft 2d pf-*3 8 1-4 1-15 E ft W D G 7ft 1 pf_$3.50 8 1-4 1-15 Globe Knit Wks_30c -- 12-13 12-23 Harrisbury Railways . 15c __ 12-21 12-28 Hawaiian Elec Ltd__15c __ 12-15 1-25 Honolulu Gas Ltd_45c Q 1-12 1-20 Howe 8cale..$2 -.12-23 12-28 Howe Scale 6ft 2d pf..60c A 12-23 12-26 Louis Hend ft 8t L Ry $4 S 2-1 2-15 L. H ft S L Ry 5ft pf-92.50 8 2-1 2-15 Perfection Stove —37'Ac Q 12-20 12-28 Phillips Screw-25e Q 1-2 1-10 Rlce-Bti* Dry Odi_50c „ 1-8 1-22 t Seven-Op Texas Corp_15c __ 12-11 12-20 South Cal Ed Ltd..37%c Q 1-20 2-15 Wisconsin Tel 7% pf-S1.75 Q 1-20 1-31 New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK, Dec. 30 OP).—National Asso ciation Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bk of Am NTS (SP) (2.40._ 33% 35% Bank of Man (,80a)_ 10% 18 Bank of N Y (14) _42!) 439,, Bankers Tr (2) _ 59% HI’/a Bklyn Tr (4) .. _ 71% 7fi% Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_104% 107% Chase Nat (1.40) 35% 37% Chem Bk & Tr <1.80>_ 49% 51% Commercial (8) 105 171 Cont Bk & Tr (.80)_ 13% 14% Corn Ex Bk & T (3)_ 59% 00% Empire Tr (.00) 10% 11% First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 40% 48% First Natl (100) 1890 1930 Guaranty Tr (12) 286 290 Irvin* Tr (.60) 12% 13% Manufacturers’ Tr (2) 37% 39% Manufacturers' Tr pf (2)_51% 53% Natl City (1) _.. 28% 30 N Y Trust (5)_111) 113 Public (1%) _ 29% 31% Title G & T - 3% 4% Torrid India is worked because the war cut off its supply of electric fans. I Foreign Exchange Quotations furnished by W. B. Hibbs & Co. Nominal Sellin* gold checks value. today. London, pound_S4.8885 $3.95% Paris, franc _ 3.91%c 2.24 %c Brussels, belga_13.91c 18.78c Berlin, mark_ 23.82c Rome, lira - 5.28c 5.05c' Zurich, franc _19.3c 22 43%e Athens, drachma_ 1.3c Madrid, peseta _19.3c Vienna, schilling_14.07c Budapest, pengo ... . 17.49c I Prague, crown (nom.)_ 2.9K4C Warsaw, zloty _ 11.22c Copenhagen, crown .... 28.8c 19.33c Oslo, crown __ 28.8c 22 73c Stockholm, crown 28.8c 23.83c Montreal, 11A ft discount. Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, Md„ Dec 30.— Sales. STOCKS. High. Low. Close. 325 Eastern Sugar pf VT 30 29% 30 10 Finance Amer A 10 10 10 200 Mar Tex Oil Co ‘A” .33 .33 .33 25 Mt Ver W Mis pfd . 48% 48% 48% 50 New Amster Cas __ 13% 13% 13% 75 V S Fidel & Ouar _ 22% 22% 22% Stock Prices Remain In Narrow Groove At Year's Close Moderate Selective Gains Predominate; Many Unchanged Stock Averages 30 15 15 eo Indust. Rails. Util. Stka. Net change. +.1 unc. +2 +.1 Today, close 73.0 19.8 39.7 51.2— 72.9 19.8 39.5 51.1 Month ago. 71.2 20.3 39.2 50.3 Year ago... 77.1 23.5 36.1 53.2 1939 high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939 low... 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 1938 high- 79.5 235 37.8 54.7 1938 low... 49.2 12.1 243 33.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high.. 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 953 613 61.8 (Complied by the Associated Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.—Narrow f price changes, with small selective gains predominating, ruled in to days stock market as Wali Street ushered out 1939 with a left-handed salute. There was considerable churning throughout the brief proceedings and transfers for the two hours were in the vicinity of 550,000 shares. Tardy tax-sellers, brokers said. accounted for much of the activity and offerings for income statements again tended to dampen rallying ef forts in many cases. At that, re investment demand, especially for a few “blue chips," served to cushion liquidation. Numerous stocks were unchanged at the close, with one or two soft spots in evidence. While customer attendance in boardrooms was light, most commis sion houses appeared busier than usual due to work in connection with cleaning the slate for the forthcom ing 12 months. Du Pont and Allied Chemical ad vanced 1 to around 3 at the best. Minor gains were registered for Sears, Roebuck; United Aircraft, Chesapeake & Ohio. Sperry. Johns Manville, Consolidated Edison, Santa Fe, Southern Railway, Loew s, Ken necott and General Electric. Some slipped before the finish. Climax Molybdenum was a weak member in the wake of the com pany's announcement it would ob serve the administration’s “moral embargo" by discontinuing ship ments to Russia and Japan. United States Steel and Bethle hem gave ground in late deals. Business prospects for 1940 con tinued a heartening market factor, but traders inclined to step care fully in view of the two-day inter mission. The stock exchange will be closed Monday for the celebra tion of New Year. Foreign mar kets generally will also suspend. Most were in recess today. The lack of jubilation in financial quarters was explained in part by the fact the turnover in stocks for December of approximately 17,600, 000 shares was the poorest for any final month in 21 years. An aggre gate of some 262,000.000 shares for the year was the smallest since I 1923. Investing Companies NEW YORK. Dec. 30 (*>>.—National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc.; _, „, _ Bid. Asked. I Admin Fd 2d Inc_12.41 13.20 Affiliated F Inc_ 3.69 4.03 i ’Amerex Htld _17.875 19.313 Am Bus Shrs_ 3.36 3.72 ! Am For Inv _ 6.76 7.43 Am Gen Ea Inc _ .39 .44 Ai.i Ins Stocks . _ 3 625 4 00 •Bankers Nat Inv Corp A 6.75 7.8:5 Basic Industry __ 4 01 •Biair A- Co _ _ 1 25 2.25 Boston Fund Inc_ 15.98 17.18 Broad St Inv _ 24 29 25 98 Bullock Fund _ 13.875 15.25 j Can Inv Fund _ 3.50 4.10 .Chemical Fund _ __ __ 10.75 1103 Comwlth Invest __ _ _ 3 56 3.87 •Continental Sh pf __ 8.50 8.50 Corporate Trust _ 2.56 __ _ _ Corporate Trust A A_ 2.46 __ Corp Tr Accum _ 2.46 _ Corp Tr A A mod_ 2.93 __ Corp Tr Acc Mod _ 2.93 __ Cumulative Tr Sh _ 5.10 _ Depos Bk Sh N Y “A”_ 1.55 -_ Depos Ins Shrs "A” _ _ 2.89 Depos Ins Shrs “B'’_ 2.53 _ _ Diversified Tr C _ 3.85 Dividend Shrs _ 1.24 1 36 Eaton A- How Fund ‘‘A-l". 17 94 19 27 Equity Corp $3 pf. __ 24.25 24 75 Fidelity Fund Inc __ 19 25 2(172 •First Boston Coro _ 15 875 17 3:5 First Mutual Tr Fd _ 7 12 7 88 Fiscal JJund Bk Sh_ 2.50 2 77 Fiscal Fund Ins _ 3 34 3.72 Fixed Trust Sh A _10 27 Found Tr Sh A _ 4 25 4 SO Fund Investors Inc__ _ 17 77 19 no Fund Tr Shrs A _ 5 24 5 93 Fund Tr Shrs B _ 4 71 Gen Capital Corp _ _ _ 30 7.3 3.3 04' Gen Investors Tr _ 4 92 5 35 Group Sec Agricultural_ 5.66 6 16 Group Sec Automobile _ 4 78 5 •’! Group Sec Aviation__ 8 78 9 54 Group Sec Building _ 5.94 6 47 Group Sec Chemical_ 6 85 7 45 Group Sec Foods _ 4.48 4 89 Group Sec Invest Shrs __ 3.16 3 45 Group Sec Merchandising 5 43 5 91 Group Sec Mining 5 97 6 50 Group S“c Petroleum __ 4 40 4 «o Group Sec R R Equip __ 4 33 4 72 Grouo Sec Steel _ 5 62 6 1" Group Sec Tobacco_ 5.13 5 59 Incotp Investors _ _ 16 31 17 54 Independence Tr Sh _ 2 30 Instl Sec: Bank Group__ _ 1.09 1 21 Instl Sec: Insurance _ 1 34 1 48 Investors Fd "C" Inc_ 10 78 11 .51 Keystone Custodn B 1_ 26,34 "8 82 Keystone Custodn B 2 21 19 °3 "" Keystone Custodn B 3_I 14.38 15 77 Keystone Custodn K 1 _ _ 14 40 15 77 Keystone Custodn K 2_ _ 9 85 10 8.5 Keystone Custodn 8 2_ 13 85 15 26 Keystone Custodn S 3 _ __ 10 46 11.37 Keystone Custodn S 4 __ 4 06 4 57 Manhat B^nd Fund__ _ _ 6 95 7 67 Maryland Fund__ 5 10 5 65 Mass Invest Tr__ _ 2o 97 22 5.5 Mutual Invest _ 10 66 11 63 Nation-Wide Sec _ 3.84 Nation-Wide Voting__ 1 26 1 41 Natl Investors _ 6 06 6 4.3 New England Fund _12.91 13.91 N Y Storks. Automobile 5.42 5 88 N Y Stocks. Aviation _ 11.35 12 26 N Y Stocks. Bk S*ocks __ 8 68 9 39 V V 9*<w<ler Dm. a OA as co N Y Stocks. Chemical ... P40 loilR N Y Stocks, Ele- Equip. __ 7.97 8.62 N Y Stocks. Insurance_ 9.99 in 80 N Y Stocks. Machinery_ 7 72 8.35 N Y 8tocks, Oils _ 7.38 7 99 N Y Stocks. Railroad- __ 3.50 3.80 N Y Stocks. R R Equip.. 7.17 7.76 N Y Stock'. Steel. __ 7.26 7.86 North Am Bond Tr ctfs_ 47.875 _ Nor Am Tr Shares 1953... 2.45 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1955_ 2.97 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1950_ 2.91 _ Nor Am Tr Sh 1958_ 2.67 Plymouth Fund Inc_ 41 .40 Putnam IG) Fund _ 14 05 1503 Quarterly Income Sh 8.20 Rio •Schoellkopf-Hut & Pom . .50 1.25 Selected Am Sh Inc_ 9.20 10.03 Selected Income Sh-_ 4.38 Sovereign Invest _ 68 .70 Spencer Trask Fund_15.67 16.59 Stand Util Inc _ .47 .51 Super of Am Tr A _ 3.89 _ Super of Am Tr B_ 3.88 _ Super of Am Tr AA_ 2.63 Supervised Shrs _10.17 11,05 Trustee Stand Inv C_ 2.58 2.68 Trustee Stand Inv D 2.53 2.63 Trusteed Am Bk Shrs B _ .56 .62 Trusteed Industry Shrs_ .87 97 Wellington Fund _14.31 15.73 Quotations furnished by National As sociation of Security Dealers. Inc., which states they do not necessarily reflect ac tual transactions or Arm bids or offers but should Indicate approximate prices, and unless otherwise indicated, are as quoted by the sponsors or Issuers. •Asterisk indicates, “Not quoted by sponsors or Issuers." Metal Market NEW YORK. Dec. 30 OF.—Copper steady: electrolytic, spot. 12.50: export, f.a.s. New York 12.50. Tin steady; spot and nearby. 49.50: forward. 46.50. Lead steady: spot. New York, 5.50-55: East 8t. Louis. 5.35. Zinc steady; East St. Louis, spot and forward. 8.00. Pig iron, aluminum, antimony, quicksilver, plati num. Chinese wolframite, domestic schee Ute unchanged. Tokio, Japan, is pushing its plana for municipal ownership of all the city's traffic facilities. I A