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First Congregational Plans New Year Eve Vesper Musicale A Cappella Choir Will Sing Holiday Repertoire A New Year Eve vesper musicale will be presented tomorrow at 5 p.m. In the First Congregational Church. This is the final one of a series of five vespers. Tomorrow the Wash ington A Cappela Choir, Ruby Smith Stahl, director, will provide the program and will sing a holiday repertoire of eight numbers. The Rev. H. S. Anderson will lead in prayers for the New Year and will conduct the service. “The Gospel of Another Chance” Is the topic of the minister at 11 a.m. Dorothy Wilson Halbach will sing “but the Lord Is Mindful of His Own,” by Mendelssohn, and the anthem by the A Capella Choir will be “Holy Radiant Light,” by Gretch aninoff. The Scrooby Club will mqet for tea at 6 p.m. The pastor will speak at the program which fallows on "Onward With Scrooby Club in 1940.” Edward Connor, jr.. will lead the Tuxis Club's program at 6:30 o'clock. The church dinner will be re- \ sumed Thursday. After a brief de votional service there will be a busi- j ness meeting to nominate omcers of the First Congregational Society. Terms expiring are William W. Gil bert and David T. Coppenhafer, Trustees; Dr. Charles G. Abbott, president; Mrs. E. C. Alvord, Dana T. Angier. Mrs. Harvey W. Goddard and Harry A. Whiton, sr.. members of the committee; Daria T. Angier, clerk; Miss Marian Smith, areas urer, and Wales C. Brewster and Hugh S. Smith, auditors. New Year Pastor's Theme At National City Church Dr. Raphael H. Miller, pastor of the National City Christian Church, has chosen a New Year theme for his sermon tomorrow morning, "1940—the Undiscovered Country.” At the vesper service, 5:15, the third of a series of organ recitals will be given by Mrs. J. Horace Smithey. Miss Jeannette Bittner will assist in the program, singing “O Holy Night” and “Ave Maria.” Among the numbers played by Mrs. Smithey will be the “Christmas Suite” and “Chorale Prelude" from “Heaven Above.” by Edmundson, a Contemporary American composer. The Rev. Ivan Dugan, associate pastor, will be the special speaker for the Woman's Council meeting Tuesday at 11 at the Vermont Ave nue Building. Mrs. Leslie L. Bow ers will be devotional leader. On Thursday evening the church dinner and program will _ be re- : sumed, with Dr. Miller continuing his lessons on the Bible on “Cain and Abel” and “The Boyhood and Temptation of Jesus.” 'The Exile Heart' Is Topic Of Dr. Peter Marshall The Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall, min ister of the New York Avenue Pres byterian Church, will have for his topic tomorrow at 11 am. “The Exile Heart.” The choir, under the direc tion of Charles Dana Beaschler, will sing “A Joyous Christmas Song,” by Gavaert. “The Road to Hell” will be the 1 topic of Dr. Marshall at 8 pm. j Adams’ “O Holy Night” will be sung I by the choir. On Thursday at 7:30 | p.m. Dr. Marshall will conduct the; service. Because hundreds were unable to 1 obtain admission to the church on j the evening of December 17, and! because of numerous requests, it has been decided to repeat Handel’s “The Messiah” at 8 pm. January 7. 'On the Threshold' Is Pastor's Theme Emphasis will be placed on the ushering in of a New Year in the Sermons by Dr. C. E. Hawthorne in the Wallace Memorial United Pres byterian Church. At 11 a.m. his subject will be “On the Threshold,” and at 8 pm. “If You Had Your Life to Live Over Again.” On Tuesday the Hawthorne Circle will meet at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Jean Macomber, 4210 Fourth street N.W. At the same time their husbands ' will meet at the home of L. C. Evans, 710 Sheridan street N.W., all joining later for a social with the women’s section. The prayer serv ice on Thursday evening followed by the three Bible classes, will be re sumed. The Board of Trustees will post pone their regular meeting to Jan uary 8. The session will meet Wed nesday evening. Watch Night service At Petworth Methodist Dr. Frank Steelman will preach at 11 a.m. in Petworth Methodist Church. Instead of the regular league and church services at 7 and 8 p.m. a watch night program will begin at 9 o’clock with a pageant and candle light service. Musical parts will be taken by Mrs. Chester Calbeck, Miss Elma Lank, Mrs. Truston Cannon and Charles Hiller. Sixteen young women will take parts, representing the seasons and months of the year. Following will be a fellowship with refreshments. The watch night consecration service will begin at 11 o’clock and end at midnight. The official board will meet Tues day at 8 p.m. The women’s organi zations will hold their all-day meet ing Wednesday beginning at 10:30 a.m. Rhode Island Avenue ‘‘A Golden Rule for a Golden Year” will be the topic of Dr. E. A. Sexsmith's sermon tomorrow morn ing. Special music by the choir. The young people’s societies will mppt. at, 7 a m Dr. Edgar C. Beery To Be Guest Speaker At the North Carolina Avenue Methodist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Dr. Edgar C. Beery, district superintendent of the Washington East District, will be the guest speaker. The watch night service be gins at 10:30. Various groups will meet in designated homes from 8 to 10:30 for a social. The Southeast survey workers are invited to the Metropolitan Presby terian Church for an inspirational meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. Each worker is asked to Invite one un churched person or family to attend with them. Reformation Church To Hold Communion Rifes Tomorrow Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder Will Preach on 'Changing The Past' Services devoted to international good-will, personal consecration and holy communion will feature the Sunday evening program tomorrow at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation. Dr. Oscar F. Black welder will preach at 8 p.m. on "Changing the Past." Following this service will be holy communion. At 6:45 p.m. the Luther Leagues will hold a joint service. Dr. Blackwelder will preach at 11 a.m. on "In the Beginning God." a +• o .on A __ n... iir i Loew, assistant pastor, will speak on “The Year of Our Lord.” The evening circle of the Wom en's Missionary Society will meet on Tuesday at the home of Miss Freda Van Nest, 2810 Twenty-eighth street N.W. The Ladies’ Aid Society will hold a public luncheon Wednesday at 12 o'clock, to be followed at 2 o'clock by a meeting. A Boy Scout troop. No. 601, has been organized. It is sponsored by the Mens Club. The new Scout master is Joseph Weer. Ninth Street Christian Plans Watch Night Following the evening service to morrow there will be a watch night program at the Ninth Street Chris tian Church. This will be combined with the usual young people's social. Mrs. Eunice Bean, social life direc tor, will be in charge. The pro gram will begin at 6:30. At 7:45 p.m. the Rev. Clifford H. Jope W’ill preach on “Has It Been Worth While?” The men's chorus, under the direction of Joseph O. Harrison, will sing “Sail On” and “My Anchor Holds." There also will be a tenor solo by Dwight H. Truck sess. At 10:15 p.m. there will be a pro gram of music, skits and stunts: at 11:30 the pastor will conduct the closing devotions. At 11 a.m. the sermon by the minister will be “Resolutions." The choir will sing “Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings.” The junior church will meet at 11 a.m. Tne guest speaker will be Eston Johnson, superintendent of the intermediate department; Jayne Payne, Jack O'Connor and Ann Mc Donald will also have part on the program. The Women's Council will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. The program includes an address by Chaplain Walter Zimmerman of Fort Myer, Va., on “World Citizens.” The wor ship service will be led by group No. 10, of which Mrs. Marcy Gill is the leader. Services Arranged At Emory Methodist The Rev. Horace E. Cromer will preach in Emory Methodist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. on “Our Per sonal Representative.” A watch night service will be held from 9-12 pm. Representatives of the organ izations will speak at the 9 p.m. service. The minister’s topic is “Ring Out.” Fellowship will be from 10 to 11. The sacrament of the Lord’s supper will be administered at 11:30 to 12 p.m. The Box Bible Class will hold a business meeting Wednesday night. The Prettyman Circle of the Mis sionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. I. G. Beckwith on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Mrs. Gerald Keene will be assistant hostess. Dr. Cromer will speak on “A Day for Action” on Thursday at 8 pm. The Mabel Gatley Bible Class will hold a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. D. T. Blose on Friday at 8 pm. The theme for January will be “My Church.” Activities in Washington Churches (Continued From Page B-4.) 10 o’clock. A prayer meeting will be held. The pastor will speak on “The Spiritual Development of the Church.” The Senior Choir will furnish music. John Wesley A. M. E. Z. Dr. Stephen Gill Spottswood will speak on “The Passing of Old Things’’ at 11 a m. During the watch night service, which begins at 9 p.m., favorite hymns, sung from the screen, will precede the sermon by the pastor on "All Things New.” Pilgrim A. M. E. Sunday will be observed as "Mis sionary Day,” with a talk on “Mis sions Home and Abroad,” by Mrs. Inez Hauser, evangelist, at the morning service. Mrs. Bunday, evangelist of the Baptist Church, will be the speaker at the afternoon service. At 8 pjn. the Junior Mis sionary Society will render a pro gram, followed by a watch night service, conducted by the local preachers, with the Rev. Mr. Larkins as speaker. Ebenezer (Colored). The Rev. F. F. King will preach at 11 a.m. a youth day sermon on "Keeping Step With God." Music by the Crusaders' Choir. * From 6 to 8 p.m. the young people will give a sacred drama. At 8 p.m. the Rev. W. O. Hawkins will conduct a tes timonial and prayer service. At 11 p.m. the watch night service will begin. The pastor will deliver the sermon. ATaI.aMaIUam IMP At 11 a.m. sermon by the Rev. J. C. Beckett; 6:30 p.m., S. C. E. League service; 8 to 9 p.m., “The Life of Christ in Song and Story" by the junior choir; Prof. Elmer Hender son of Baltimore, guest speaker; 9:30 to 10 p.m., testimonial service, conducted by class leaders; 10 p.m. to 12 m., 10-minute messages by the Revs. S. T. Crawford, W. T. Hilder brand. Z. Hawkins, S. E. Paecock, S. F. Parks. S. N. White and J. C. Beckett. Music by the revival gos pel chorus. Alien A. M. E. Dr. G. Oliver Wing will speak at 11 a.m. on "Is the Golden Rule Prac ticable in Our Day?” The senior choir and the Allen chorus will sing at the morning and night services. At 9 p.m. watch night service. The pastor's subject. "Forgetting the Past or Our Yesterdays." Presbyterian Hermon. The Rev. Carl L. Bemles will preach at 11 a.m. on "Of One Mind"; 7:30 pan., Biblical drama, "The Talents." Westminster Memorial. The Rev. Harry V. Porter will preach on “Lest We Forget," The midweek service will be a cottage prayer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Depue, 306 Eleventh street S.W., on Thursday evening. Western. Dr. Dunham will preach Sunday morning on “At the Year’s End. ’ Week of prayer services will be held Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings in the chapel. Sherwood. The Rev. Thomas Law Coyle will preach at 8:50 and 11 a.m. on "Temptations Upward.” At 8 pun. he will speak on "New Year morn ing.” River Road l'. P. The Lord's Supper will be observed at 11 p.m. The Rev. Virgil M. Cos by will preach. New members will be received. The Upper-Room Pray er group will meet at 9:30. Youth Fellowship will have a "Resolutions” meeting at 7 pjn. Prayer and Bible study, Thursday at 8 p.m. Knox Orthodox. “The Dayspring from on High Hath Visited Us” will be the morn ing subject, concluding the series on “Christ’s Saving Relationship to Man.” “A Practical Message for New Year's Eve,” is the topic of the evening. Starting Thursday the Rev. Henry D. Phillips will conduct a study of the Epistle to the Romans.. Meetings are held at 1316 Vermont avenue N.W. Flftenth Street (Colored). “Looking Back With Rejoicing” is the subject of Dr. Halley B. Tay lor, at 11 a.m. Music will be rend ered by the choir, under the direc tion of Miss Virginia Williams. Universal Week of Prayer will be observed each evening, January 1 to 5, from 8 to 9 o’clock. Other Services Self-Realization. Brahmachari Jotin of Calcutta, India, will speak tomorrow morning at the Self-Realization Fellowship on “Wisdom of Jesus.” The public class in philosophy and yoga will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. Church of Two Worlds. “Look Ye What God Hath Wrought” will be the subject of the New Year eve address by the Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs tomorrow eve ning at the Hotel Continental. War ren Simpson, trumpeter, will be the soloist. A message service, following a short lecture, will be given by the minister Wednesday evening. Christian Science. "Christ Jesus” is the subject of the lesson-sermon in all the Churches of Christ Scientist tomorrow at 11 a.m. Services also include the Wednes day evening meetings at 8 o’clock. The golden text is from John, viii.12. “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Among the citations which com prise the lesson-sermon is the fol lowing from the Bible: “O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill and to thy taber nacles.” (Psalms, xliii.3). Theosophical Society. Smith Tassin's course of lectures on the occult interpretation of the Apostles’ Creed at 1216 H street N.W. | will be resumed at 8 p.m. tomorrow. He will speak on “The Communion of Saints; Prayer and Its Answer; Telepathic Interplay of Thought and Emotion; the Celestial Banquet Board: Light and Powerhouse of the Universe: Group-Consciousness, Co-Consciousness and Cosmic Con sciousness.” At 6:30 pm. the Chris tian Mystic Class will consider the approaching culmination of the present w'orld crisis. After the lec ture Mr. Tassin will conduct a ques tion meeting. Following there will be a New Year vigil, with music and refreshments. Other classes are called off. Business meeting, for members only, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Church of the Brethren. At 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Dr. Warren D. Bowman will speak on "Faithful Unto the End.” The junior choir will sing at the first service and the senior choir at the second service. At 8 p.m. the Rev. Virgil Weimer of Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chi cago, will speak on “An Old Faith for a New Year.” The Senior^B. Y. P. D. will hold a New Year eve meeting at 9:30 p.m. There will be a recreational period, followed by a New’ Year program entitled “Portals of 1940.” Memorial United Brethren. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty will preach at 11 a.m. on "My Own In ventory,” the story of his own min istry. C. E. Societies at 7 p.m. There will be no 8 p.m. service. The minister and congregation will join with the other churches in the com munity in a watch night meeting in the Rhode Island Avenue Methodist 1 —— ■ " '| ■ " ' — ■ Church at 10:30 p.m. Union week of prayer services will begin Monday and continue through Friday in the neighborhood churches. First Brethren. The Rev. Homer A. Kent will preach at 11 a.m. on "The Year 1940—An Untrodden Way” and at 8 p.m. on "What Is That in Thine Hand?” At 11 p.m. the watch-night service will be held, led by the Volunteer Band of the congrega tion. The midweek service will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m., with the pastor in charge. Potomac Heights Community. "Following Beyond the Star” will be the subject of the Rev. Albert E. Ginrich at 11 a.m. There will be a watch-night service beginning at 10 p.m. with a Fellowship and the singing of Negro spirituals, moun tain ballads, etc., followed by a worship service from 11:30 to 12:01 a.m. First Spiritualist. "Visions of the Future’’ is the subject of the lecture by the Rev. Alfred H. Terry, to be followed by a healing and message service at 8 p.m. at 131 C street N.E. Calvary Gospel. Dr. Miller will be returning from Florida and will resume his duties as pastor at 11 a.m. A young men's, Bible class will be organized, with Pori RriimKorlr crii-tnv,* ~ — i the teacher. The gospel hour will again be heard at 1 p.m. over WFMD. Young people meet at 6:30. Spe cial watch night service will be held following the evangelistic service. Communion will be served. T. J. Jones. Bible teacher from London, EnglSnd. will be speaking from January 2 through January 7. Services nightly at 7:45 p.m., with the exception of Saturday. Open Door Church. “Ye Have Not Passed This Way Before” will be the pastor’s subject at 11 a m. There will be no services at night. Healing Services. “Dreams That Come True,” from "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes,” by Glenn Clark, will be studied by the Prayer Circle of the Episcopal Church of St. Stephen and the In carnation in the parish hall Tues day at 10:30 a.m. Prayers for the sick will be offered. Holy communion, with the laying on of hands with prayer for healing will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. in the chapel. The Rev. Paul Duliver Wilbur will officiate. Fellowship of Peace. Dr. Port of England will give talks on “The World Fellowship of Peace” at the Grafton Hotel on January 2, 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. Old and New Years Atonement Topics At Atonement Lutheran Church the old and the new year will be noted Sunday morning and eve ning. The Rev. H. E. Snyder will speak on “The Passing of the Old Year” at the morning service. The Rev. Mr. Powers will speak on “The Coming of the New” at the evening service. Atonement pastors and choir will have charge of the New Year serv ices at the National Lutheran Home for the Aged January 7 at 3 p.m. The church vestry will meet Wed nesday at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. Nominations for office will be made. The Ladies’ Aid will meet Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the parish hall. The program for an intensive spiritual campaign during the first part of the year is completed. Organ Recital Set E. Power Biggs, English-American concert organist, will present a free organ recital at Washington Ca thedral January 8 at 8:30 p.m., to which the public is invited. It is being sponsored by the American Guild of Organists. People's Evensong Sermon to Be Given By Bishop Freeman Canon Edward S. Dunlap To Be Preacher at 11 A.M. Service Bishop James E. Freeman will preach at the people's evensong at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Washington Cathedral. At 11 a.m. the preacher will be Canon Edward S. Dunlap. Christmas music will be repeated tomorrow at both services by the choir, under the direction of Paul Callaway, organist and choirmaster. There will be celebration of holy communion in the Bethlehem Chapel of the Holy Nativity at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Holy communion is cele brated on weekdays at 7:30 a.m. Pilgrimages through Washington Cathedral and to objects of religious interest and devotion within the Cathedral Close will follow the 11 j a.m. and 4 p.m. services. These pil- ! grimages will be led by pilgrim aides and members of the Cathedral Brotherhood. The bishop’s garden will be open tomorrow from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Ilnitg Society of Waihington, D. C. 1326 Eye St. N.W. 11:00 AM.—SUNDAY—LECTUBE. S:00 and 8:00 cm. Tues.—Leoaonaln Truth. :00 cm.. Wed.—Healing and Proecenty. 12:20 to 12:40—Noon Day Silence. Unity Literature for Sale Tel. Met. IBM (Hljurrlf of 14th St. Church of Christ 3460 14th St. N.W. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a m.—“Looking Forward.** 8:00 pm.—“Faith and Expediency.** j Hugo McCord, Evangelist. _fcrutfr (firntgr A TRUTH CENTER MRS. APPLETON. Leader. 1713 K Street N.W. Sun. 11 a.m.—“Aria.—Shine!’* Tues.. 8:15—Dynamic Living. Thurs., 8:15—Healing. j Interviews Tues. ds Thurs.. 2-5: Wed.. S to ft p.m * (Ehurri? of (Sob CHURCH OF GOD 2407 Minnesota Avanue S.E. (Headquarters at Anderson. Indiana.) ORDER OF 8CNDAY SERVICES: Church School—Clasaes lor Every Age _10:00 a.m. Morning Worship . 11:00 a.m Youth and Junior Crusaders 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangelistic Service 8:00 n.m ESTHER M BOYER. Pastor. 1125 12th St. N.W. Phone RE. 0306 llmpgraaligt UNIVERSALIST NATIONAL MEMORIAL CHURCH Cor. 16th and S Sts. N.W. REV. SETH R. BROOKS, D. D., Minister 10:00 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship. Topic: “What the Old Year Has Brought Me.” Dr. John van Schaick. Jr. National Capital Choir. A Genuine Welcome to AIL Psychic Message Council House 1100 Twelfth Street Northwest Reading Room Open Daily for Prayer and Meditation Authorized and licenced practitioners available tor individual development, prayer healing, private readings or spirit message seance at Council House. Advance Appointment Advisable Telephone Metropolitan 3234. Message Meeting. Friday 2 p.m. _Deaconess De Long in charge. MRS. ELISABETH MCDONALD-—Message Service Thurs.. 2:00 p.m.. Apt. 5, 1116 G, Cor. 12th N.W. Met. 3365. Readings by appointment _ ___* MRS. SUIT, Psychic Medium, holds a mes sage circle Friday. S o.m. Advice on all affairs of life, 342:1 Holmead PI. N.W.. be tween 13th and 14th Sts. at Newton. Call Taylor 1488 for private reading. _ * Rev. Mrs. Carol E. McKinstry 1342 Gallatin St. N.W. at 5000 Block 14th St. Ordained bv the Intern'l General Assembly of Sviritualists "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matt. 5.4. Message Meetings, Tnea. and Fri. Eves., S p.m. Public welcome. All reached. Georgia B563.___* LONGLEY MEMORIAL 3423 Holmead Place N.W.. Cor. Newton St. Sunday, December 31. at 8 P.M. LECTURE BY REV. D. J. CAVE. Messages by Mrs. Eggers and Mrs. Suit. Message Service Wednesday at 8 P.M. MBS. JEAN HAMPSON IN CHARGE. • Unity Spiritualist Church 1326 Maas. Ave. N.W. No Services Sunday, Dec. 31._ MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Sunday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. Healing and Consultation dally 12 to ti p.m. Healing each meeting, 7 to 8 p.m. DR. F. L. DONCEEL. Teacher. 1342 B. I. Ave. NAV._V Jfattmtal Spiritualist Aanariatum The Church of Two Worlds Hotel Continental cIdiwi pu*. Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs, Minister Sun., 8 p.m., "Look Ye What God Hath Wrought." Wednesday, 8 p.m. Message Service J. K. Simmons, 1341 Newton St. N.W. Message Meetings every Thurs.. 8 P.M. Readings by Appt Col. 4343. The First Spiritualist Church Services at the Psychic Center. 131 C Street N.E., Sunday. 8 P.M. Lecture by the Pastor. REV. ALFRED H. TERRY Subject: "VISIONS OF THE FUTURE” Followed by Healing Service. Followed by Spirit Messages. SeaU Free. AU Welcome. Special Crystal Readings Thursday Evening. Next Sunday Experiment with Spirit Voices in the Trumpet. Consultations. Phone Lincoln 1672. • QlltrtHtamphiati Christadelphian Chapel 732 Webster St. N.W.i S. S., 10:10 a.m. Preaching. 11:15 a.m. Public_Invited._ THE WASHINGTON ECCLESIA. 8 8 10:00 am. Service. 11:00 a.m 808 Eye St. N.W_Public Invited. • CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN. 4 th and North Carolina Ave. S.E. DR. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Minister. 1 0:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.—“F a 11 hful Unto the End.” 10:00 a.m.—Church School. 8:00 p.m.—‘‘An Old Faith for a New Year.” by Rev. Virgil* Weimer. 9:30 p.m.—New Year Eve Program. ‘‘Portals of 1910.” by B. Y. P. D. Spiritual Sfrrigtifg Church of Spiritual Science Dr. <Z. A. W right, Pastor. 1329 N ST. N.W. SUNDAY SERVICE—7:30 p.m.. Address By DR. JOS. S. REILLY. Midweek Service Thursday. 8 P.M. Messages to all by clergy. Rev. M. Mc Farland, Dr. Z. A. Wright, Rev. J. Gray, Dr. Geo. D. Klinefelter and other ministers, with predictions for 1940. Seances. 4S0 N. J. Ave. S.E., Mon.. Wed., Frl. at 8 p.m. Line. 10027. * QUirtfltian ■ i CHRISTIAN ®1y Jfaltnnal (City Thomas Circle. RAPHAEL H. MILLER, v TVAN H. DUGAN, Ministers 9:45—Bible School. 10:50—Morning Service “1940 — The Undis covered Country.” 5:15—Organ Recital. Nittllf fctrrrt 9th A D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE, Minister. WM. GEO. ORAM, Assistant. Dilations.” me. y:so y.ui.—ociiiiuij. n,i It Been Worth While?” Clifford H. Jope. (Unlumbta iiicujIftH 1435 Park Road N.W. Arthur P. Wilson, Minister 11:00 a.m.—“The Messianic King dom of Micah." 7:00 p.m.—“The Way of the Cross” Park Kirin 627 Park Road N.W. J. LLOYD BLACK. Minister. 10:45 s.m.— 8:00 pm.— t (TIjrnHflpljy “I Believe in the Communion of Saints” Smith Tassin Sunday. Dec. 31. 8 P.M. Followed bv Question Meeting and New Year Vigil. 8:30 om—Christian Mystic Class. WASHINGTON LODGE T.S. 1216 H St. N.W._ Sun.. December 31. 8:1 A P.M—Talk "STOREHOUSE OF THOUGHT." Wed 8:15 p m Study Class. Library Open Wednesday. 7:30 PM. Saturday 1:30 to 4 P.M. United Lodge of Theosophisti Hill Bldg. 17th and Eye Sts. N.W. No Does. Fees or Collections i Unitarian ALL SOULS’ CHURCH I Sixteenth and Harvard Streets Minister ULYSSES G. a PIERCE. D. D. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship, ‘‘A NEW YEAR AND A NEW HEART” I 5:00 p.m.—Program of Hungarian Music. 5:30 p.m.—“The River.” 7:30 p.m.—Motion Picture Hour. “THE LITTLE PRINCESS.” 11:45 p.m.—Candlelight Pageant Service. Cnngrrgatimtal ^ptttpwfital AfifipmbltPH _ af Giob i. The ' Full Gospel Tabernacle 915 Mass. Ave. N.W. | Sunday School—9:30. Classes for all ages. Coming for Two Dayg Only j REV. T. J. JONES Bible Teocher of London, England. Will speak Sunday, 1 1 o'clock and 7:45. New Year's Day 2:30 p.m. and 7 :45. EVERYBODY WELCOME B. E. MAHAN, Minister. 1 he Uundersons [ Acting Supply Pastor Sun 11:00 a m.. 7:00 p m : Tu«< & Fri.. 7:45 pm.; Thurs, 1 p.m. S. S. 9:00 am. Bethel Tabernacle North Capitol & K Sts. _HARRY V. SCHAEFFER, Pastor i ' l “The Home of j Gospel The White l__ HaDr” Church w ith The Red Cross WFMD. Sun.. t P.M. »O0 Key SHI 1911 H St. N.W. Take Penna. Ave. Cars to 10th St. N.W. CALVARY GOSPEL CHURCH l Sunday School-0:110 a.m. i Worship __11:00 a.m. Young People_H:.‘lo p m. Organ recital---7:80 p.m. | Evangelistic -—-^lop.m. I Prayer Service at---‘4:00 p.m. i Wednesday -7:45 p.m. ! Friday _ • *4."> p.m. DR. JONAS E. MILLER. Minister. Everybody Welcome. _— Qlangrp^altnual MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1410 Columbia Road Fred Sherman Busehmeyer, Minister 11:00 AM. “WHAT TIME IS IT?” _Hnttefc Hrrthmt Memorial United Brethren Church North Capitol and R Sts. Rev. Simpson B. Daugherty. D.D . Minister. 9:40 a.m.—Sunday School. Sacred Con cert. 11:00 a m.—"My Own Inventory." Dr. Daugherty. < :00 pm.—3 C. E. Societies. No h o'clock service. Congregation will Join in union watch night meeting in R I. Ave. Methodist Church. Mr. Joseph M. M. Gray, preacher. At 10:30 Dm. Union week of oraypr services this week. Monday thr°U2h_Friday_ _£Mf-&raltzatimt SELF-REALIZATION _ A FELLOWSHIP Stf'e} Brahmachari Jotin of India “WISDOM OF JESUS” Sunday. December 31, at 11 A.M. Public Class in Philosophy and Yofa. Wednesday, January 3, at 8 P.M. 4748 Western Ave. N.W (Between Chesapeake and 49th Sts.) FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 10th & G StS. N.W. Howard "stone' Anderson Walter G. Borchers, Jr. 11:00 AM. "The Gospel of Another Chance" A sermon by Mr. Anderson for people who need one Anthem by'the A Cappella Choir of 60 "Holy Radiant Light"_Gretchaninoff Solo by Dorothy Wilson Halbach, contralto "But the Lord Is Mindful of His Own"_Mendelssohn C./M d u A New Year's Eve Vesper Musicale featuring the WASHINGTON A CAPPELLA CHOIR OF 60 Ruby Smith Stahl, director This Choir was organized in First Church when the late President Calvin Coolidge was a member and attendant. It has achieved just fame through its regular services twice each Sunday and through its appearances at Town Hall, at Chautauqua, on Coast-to-Coast radio networks, and before the National Federation of Music Clubs. At its 8th annual Lenten Concert, which last March was given In Con stitution Hall, there were 3,000 present. Program This New Year's Eve j I. "Glory to God in the Highest" I Pergolesi Il ia) "Christmas in the Wood" Daniels (b) "Cantata Domino"-Schutz lli III. (a) "Hew Far It It to Beth- | lehem?"-Shaw (b) "Bring a Torch" Traditional (e) "Lullaby"_Christiansen (4) "Welcome Yule"...Par^y I "Hallelujah Chorus," from "Tha Messiah"-Handel j Smusalm (SWEDENBORG I AN) CHURCH OF THE HOLY CITY I Oth above Q, X.W. 0 4."> a.m—S S. 10:00. Arcana Class. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship. Sermon. 8:00 p m—Study Circle Parish House. _Pastor, Rev. Paul Sperry_ - _Dtuttte ghrjrnrr_ First Divine Science Church Grafton Hotel. Conn. Are. at De Sale,. 11:00 a.m—“He Malteth My Way Perfect’* Thurs, 8 p.m —All-Inclusive Healing Service. Reverend G. L. Patch. Minister. JUarlii JfrUmtifiljip Dr. Elsie P. Port eh. D. D. C. N. D. World Teacher and Healer Hotel Grafton 1139 Conn. Ave. Jan. 2, 3, and 4 at 8 P.M. and Jan. 3 and 4 at 2:30 P.M. Creative Living. Peace and Prosperity. Overcome Fear. Dr. Port has lectured in all parts of the world for the World Fellowship of Peace and Service. Come and learn how to get the best from life. • Nszarcn* GUfriatian &ri*ttrp Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branchei of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd. and Euclid St. Second Church of Christ Scientist 111 C St. N.E. Third Church of Christ Scientist 13th and L Sts. N.W. Fourth Church of Christ Scientist 16th and Oak Sts. N W. SUBJECT “GOD” SERVICES— Sunday, ll A M. and R P M. Sunday School—11 AM. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING— b o'clock RADIO PROGRAMS SUNDAYS 10:45 AM. STATION • WJSV SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS. 111:45 P M . STATION WRC. READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St. N.W. Hours. 9 to 9 (except WEDNESDAYS, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays, 2:30 to 5:30'. SECOND CHURCH—111 C St. N.E. Hours, 12 to 5:30 p.m. week days. 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH —Colorado Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours 9 to 9 (Wednesdays. 9 to 7:30 and Sundays and holidays, 2 to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Riggs Bank Bldg., 3300 14th St. 9 to 9 week days; Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7; Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Holidays, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend our church services and use our reading rooms. First Church of Christ, Scientist Alexandria, Va. George Mason Hotel. Sunday Servile and Sunday School. 11 a m. Wednesday Service, 8 p.m Public Cordially Invited. Reading Room 110_S. Washington St. First Church of Christ Scientist EAST FALLS CHURCH. VA. At Little Kails Street Station Sunday Services and Sunday School. 11 AM. i Wednesday Services, k p.m. Reading Room at 3218 Wilson Blvd. Arlington. Va. iSaptiBt baptist CENTENNIAL 7th and I Streets N.E. Wilson Holder, Pastor. 9:30—Bible School 11:00 A M. “The Spirit in the Church” 6:15—Baptist Training Union. 8:00 PM “Youth and the Spirit” i BAPTISMS Thursday at 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study Meeting. Prayer for the Sick at Each Service. KENDALL »th Near Independence Avc. S W. Len Franklin Stevens, Minister. 11:00 a.m—Service by the Pastor. 8:o0 p.m.—Student Nish". SECOND 17th and East Capitol Sts. j 9:50 a.m.—Bible School. 11 .00 a m—“Spiritual Crusaders." I 8:00 p.m.—“The Living Past.” Preaching both Services. Rev. C. A. Brubaker. 6:45 p m—B. Y. P. U. TEMPLE f ?reetsnN.W. MINISTER. RANDOLPH L. GREGORY. 9:50 a.m.—Church School 2 1:00 a.m.—"Strengthen the Church.” 8:00 p.m.—"Not Great but Glorious.** ——--— - ^k 1 • | | N.E. Corner of Chillum NK».ar 9:50 a.m.—^Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon. 7:15 pm.—B. Y. P. Unions. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship and Sermon METROPOLITAN Sixth and A Sti. N.E. John Compton Boll, D.D. | REV. ROBERT CARLTON SAVAGE. | MORNING AT ELEVEN Spiritual meaning of Great Words From Messages of President Roosevelt and King Edward VI. “Deathless Words—at the Gate of the Years” EVENING AT SEVEN FORTY-FIVE Assistant Pastor Preaches. ; “On to Victory” WATCH NIGHT SERVICE 7:45 ton p.m.—Church Service. !* to 9:45 p.m.—Surprise Program. 9:45 to 10:80 p.m.—Debate. "Resolved, That It Is More Difficult to Live a Christian Life Today Than in the Days of Paul." 10:50 to 11:15 p.m.—Social Surprises. 11:15 to 12 p m.—Watching. 12:01 am—HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HOME TO BED. Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Ave. N.E. W. A. Emmans, Pastor We Preach \ Crucified > Risen Christ } Coming Again 11:00 am. “Prophetic Glimpses in the Book of Revelation.” 8:00 p.m. “Can a Christian Fall Away and Be Lost?” BAPTISM. GRACE 9th and South Carolina Ave. S.E. PASTOR F. W. JOHNSON 9:30 a m —Bible School Classes for All Sermon Topics: 11:00 a.m.—‘ The High Calling.'* 7:45 p.m.—“Let L's Go On." 0:45 p.m.—B Y P U. '3 Groups > Church Prayer Meeting. Thursday at 8 You Are Invited. WEST WASH1N GTON 31st and N Streets N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Pastor. 11am. and S p.m.—Mr. Austin Speaks. CHEVY CHASE Western Ave.. W. of Circle. Rev. Edward O. Clark. Pastor. 0:45 a m—Church School Session. 11:00 a m.—“How to Live in 1940.’ . S:30 p.m.—Bible Motion Picture: "The Rich Young Ruler." 11:00 p.m.—Watch Night Service. Baptism. i All Welcome! nrrn/nDTU 7th A Randolph Sts. rt 1 WUK 1 n Rev. H. J Smith, Pastor 11:00 am.—Sermon by Pastor “THE VOICE—HIS VOICE." S:00pm—Baptist Union Student Serv ice. Sermon and Special Music. Thursday—Prayer Service. 0 45 a .m -^S S Classes for All. Yaden Bible Class for Men. FIFTH E Near 7th St■ s w r IA 1 f? Dr. J. E. Briggs. Pastor. 11:00 a.m —Rev. Cecil M Perry. Guest Preacher. “Investment Securities.” 7 45 pm—Rev Perrv Preaching. “The Church Which Is In Th> House.” 9:30 am.—S S Mr. Dunkum teach ing the Bereas: Mrs. Mooney, the Baracas. Deacon Tune, the Philatheas. 0:30 p.m.—B T U. Services. Watch Nisht Service following the eve ning worship, closing with a Candlelight Communion. Tues.. S p.m.—W. M. S Meeting, wuth Mrs George Ross Speaker. Dr. Briggs Wishes You a Happy New Year T1YAUI Piney Branch Road 1 AKUIYlA & Aspen St. N.W. 11:00 am.—"The Year Is Dying.” 7:45 p.m.—Student Night. William E La Rue. Pastor. 8th and H Sts. N.W. REV. W. S. ABERNETHY, Minister Rev. E. H. Tuller, Assistant 11AM—"NEW TASKS BEGUN.” WATCH NIGHT SERVICE. / 9:00 p.m.—Musical Program. Westminster String Quartet. Choir and Soloists. 10:00 p.m.—Reading, Miss Ann Strickland. “THE PRINCE OF COURT PAINTERS.” Social Time. 11:00 pm —“JESUS, THE INCURABLE OPTIMIST.” Communion. rin CT 16th and 0 Streets N.W. I" I Kj I EDWARD HUGHES PRUDEN, Pastor 11 A.M.—“The Abiding Presence and Power of the Invisible.” Dr. Pruden j 8 P.M.—Student Night Service. Three brief talks by Students. ' Sunday School at 9:30 A.M.: B. Y. P. U. at 6:45 P.M. Swedish Service at 3:30 P.M. ■ LL nil. ■ X Liir » ' «-■ ^ St. N.W., M. P. GERMAN, Minister. RVe T^I-4 11:00 a.m.—‘‘The Paths of Yesterday.” * * 11 ** ’ * 8:00 p.m.—A Christmas Pageant. The Men’i Bible Clasa Invites Yon to Hear Horace Stevenson Give a Praetieal Interpretation of the Lesson. national Iiaptisft memorial 16th and Columbia Rd. N.W. Gove G. Johnson, Pastor. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—“WHEN THE UNDERSTANDING RETURNS.” ■ Christian Education Day Sermon by the Pastor. 8:00 p.m.—“THE MESSAGE OF THE MASTER FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.” Special Student Service. 9:40 a.m.—Bible School. 6:45 p.m.—Training Unions. Watch-Night Services. Closing Hour, 11 to 12. Thursday evening at 8, New Year’s Meeting. f *