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<£ar& of (Tfjattkfi SMITH. ANSON WESTON. The family Of ANSON WESTON SMITH wishes to thank the many friends whose kindness during their recent bereavement will never ba forgotten. MRS. SMITH AND SONS. Sratlffi ABRAHAMS. WILLIAM HENrV On Sunday. December 31. 1939. WILLIAM HENRY ABRAHAMS, beloved husband of Mary Louise Abrahams and father of Wil liam Henrv Abrahams, jr. Funeral services at the Chambers George- ' town funeral home. 31st and M sts. n.w., on Tuexdav. January 2. 1940. at 9:45 ; am. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Hopewell Cemetery. Port Deposit. Md. 2 ALLEN, JAMES. On Saturday. Decem ber 30. 1939. JAMES ALLEN, the beloved •tepson of Howard A. and Gertrude A. Alexander. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 517 llth st. se on Wednesday. January 3. 1940, at 10 a m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 2 ANDERSON. LAWRENCE K. On Wed nesday. December 27. 1939. at Walter Reed General Hospital. LAWRENCE K ANDER SON. lieutenant colonel. Dental Corps. U. S A., husband "f Fay C. Anderson. Col. Anderson rests at the Tabler fu neral home. 4217 9th st n.w.. until Tues day. January 2. 1940. when services will be held in the Chapel at Fort Myer. Va . at 11 a m.. followed bv interment with military honors In Arlington National Cem etery. 1* R4NT.S. 4V.If'F 41’DRFV On Snnrlav. December 31. 1939. ALICE AUDREY BANGS (nee McKay) nf 1019 Flower ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. beloved wife of Harry R. Bangs. Funeral will take place from the resi dence of her father. Mr. John McKay. 1250 Battery ave Baltimore. Md.. Tuesday. Jan uary 2. 1940. at 2 p.m. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery BOSWELL. CLARK MARION. Suddenly, on Sunday. December 31. 1939. CLARK MARION BOSWELL beloved husband of Ruby S. Boswell and father of Joseph Francis Roswell. Funeral from his late residence. 3318 South Dakota ave. n.e., on Wednesday. January 3. 1940 at 10 a m Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 2 BRASHEARS. IRA LANGDON. On Fri day December 29. 1939. IRA LANGDON BRASHEARS of Berwyn. Md.. beloved hus band of Dorothy K. Brashears and father of Donald and Katherine Brashears Funeral services at Chambers’ River dale funeral home on Tuesday. January 2. 1940. at 1:30 p.m Further services at Fort Myer Chapel. Fort Myer. Va.. at 3 pm. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 2 BRASHEARS, IRA. Columbia Lodge. No 285. A. F. & A. M . Arlington. Va.: A spe cial communication of Columbia Lodge is called for 2:15 p m. Tuesdav. January 2. , 1940. for the purpose of conducting Ma- i sonic rites at the funeral of Brother IRA ! BRASHEARS H R. COLF. W. Master. I BRASHEARS. IRA LANGDON. Mem bers of Snyder-Farmer Post. No. 3. American Legion. Hyatts aville. Md. are requested to I meet and conduct services for j>the late IRA LANGDON , BRASHEARS at the Chambers -w- Riverdale funeral home on Monday January 1. 1940. at 8 p m. i FRED J REHM. Commander 1 BROWN, LILLIAN T. On Saturday. De cember 30. 1939. at ber home. 202 Bilt more drive. Silver Spring. Md.. LiL—IAN 1 . BROWN, beloved wife of Roland H Brown. Services at the Warner F Pumphrcy fu meral home. S424 Georgia ave Silver Spring. Md.. on Tuesdav. January 2. 1!*4 0. • t 2 p m Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. BROWN. WILLIAM E. On Sat urSay. De cember 30. 103!*. at Sibley Hospital WIL LIAM E BROWN, father of Charles W. Brown and Mrs. Mavme E Smith. Re mains resting at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n^w Services at the above funeral home on Tuesday January 2. 1940. at ’- 0m Interment Washington National Cemetery. . BYRD. OTTO. On Friday. December 29 3939. at Mount Alto Hospital. OTTO ! BYRD, son of the late Perry and Elizabeth Byrd, brother of Mary Davis. Mack Byrd ’ and Lulu Quince He also leaves other rel- | atives and friends. Remains at 1he " • I Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. ( p.w. after 11 a m. Sunday December 31 . Funeral Tuesday. January 2 LUO. at l | p m.. from the above funeral church In- j ♦prmpnt Arlington National ( em**tery. Friends invited. CARROLL. ROSE L On Saturday. De cember Me. at her residence. | 34th st. n.w.. ROSE L CAT ROLL wife of the late De.niel J Carroll, mother of Miss Rose M. Carroll and Louis W Carroll of t Abington. Mass. Remains resting at tbe f Chambers funeral home 1400 Chapin st. j H w Services at the Calvary Methodist j Church at 1459 Columbia rd. n.w on j Tuesday. January 2. 1940. at. 2 p m. Rela tives and friends are invited. Interment j In Glenwood Cemetery. CONLEY. RFSSIE PENN. On Saturday December MO. J9M9. at her residence 152M T st n.w . BESSIE PENN CONLEY de- j parted this life. She (s survived bv her mother, Mrs. Charity Higger.boetham two sisters. Mrs. Catherine Harris and Mrs. Jeanette Gant: one brother. Henry S. Penn: one nephew. Franz Harris, and a piece. Celestine Harris, and John L. Gant, brother-in-law. Funeral Tuesday. January 2. 1940. at 1 pm . from Shiloh Baptist Church. 9th and P st«. n w CONLEY. BESSIE PENN. Officers and members of Ruth Chapter. No. s. O E S . are notified of the dpath of SisMr. BESSIE PENN CONLEY. Funeral from Shiloh Baptist Church. 9th and P sts. n.w,. on Tuesday. January 2. 1949. st 1 o m. Mem bers wear all black. SISTER MYRTLE BUSH. Worths’ Ma’ron. REV. REUBTN MINOR. Worthy Patron DANIEL. WILLIAM ROBERT. On Mon day. January 1. 1940. at. his residence 519 I N Jackson st.. Arlington. Va.. WILLIAM ROBERT DANIEL, aged 76 years, beloved husband of Ella R Daniel and father of Mrs H. A. Mevers. Mrs. J. P. Caban. Sam uel C and William Robert Daniel. Jr Funeral services at his late residence on j Wednesday. January M. at 2 c.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Coneres aional Cemeterv. • DAPRAY. FLORENCE NEVA. On Satur day December MO. 19M9. at George Wasn lngton Hospital. FLORENCE NEVA DA PRAY. beloved sister of Marie Rosalie Daprav. Friends are invited to call at Gawler’s. 1756 Pa. ave. n.w. Services will be held at St. Thomas Apostle Catholic Church. Woodley rd. and 27th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 2. 1940. where mass will be offered at 10 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. DE Rl'IZ, VIRGINIA R. On Saturday. December MO. 19M9. at her residence. 1,01 Massachusetts ave. n.w.. VIRGINIA R . DE RUIZ, beloved wife of Richard L. De Ruiz and sister of Mrs Ada R. Curran and aunt of Mary Elizabeth Sisson and Robert Page ^Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st, n.w.. on Tuesday. Jan uary 2. 1940. at 9:MO a.m Relatives and j friends invited. Interment Fort Line Un J Cemetery 1 DONAHUE. CHARLES ROSS. On Sun- j day December Ml. 19M9, CHARLES ROSS j DONAHUE, beloved husband of Genevie M Donahue (nee Higgsi and father of i , Charles and Joseph Donahue and Mrs. Charlotte Slant. Funeral from his late residence. .06 Pth st. s.e.. on Wednesday. January .1. 1940. at 9:MO a.m.: thence to St. Peters Church. 2nd and C sts. s.e.. where requiem mass will be offered at JO a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. DOTY, MARY CECELIA. On Sunday. December Ml. 19M9. at her residence. Lan ham. Md.. MARY CECELIA DOTY, beloved wife of Benjamin H. Doty Remains rest ing at Gasch s funeral home, 46 Md. ave., Hyattsville, Md. services ai me auuve ii'iiriw iiumc «»» Wednesday. January 3. 1040. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery^ DOWNS, MAMIE T. On Sunday. De cember 31. 1030, at Siblev Memorial Hos pital. MAMIE T. DOWNS, wife oi Edear Downs, mother of Mrs. Harry E. High. Mrs. M Omohundro. Edear S., Ernest W. and 6tanley O. Downs. Services at Chambers funeral home. 3400 Chaoin st. n.w , on Wednesday. Jan uary 3, 1040. at 2 p.m. Relatives ar;d friends invited. Interment in Cedar H'll Cemetery. ~ EDELIN, MABEL. Departed this life Sunday. December 31. 1030, at her resi dence 310 F st. s.w.. MABEL EDELIN. be loved wife of the late Joseph Edelin, mother of Martha Edelin, Marie Stover, Carrie Tuckson. the late Julia Carpenter and Ernest Edelin; sister of Henrietta Alberts, aunt of Marie Watts. She also leaves two grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Notice Of funeral later. Arrangements by Stewart s funeral home. 2 FECHNER. ROBERT. On Sunday. De cember 31. 1930. at Walter Reed Hospital. ROBERT FECHNER of lfir Fenno st.. Wallaston. Mass., beloved husband of Clare ^Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funtral home, 2801 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday. Jan uary 2, 1940. at 1 pm. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. FENLASON. GILBERT L. On Satur day. December 30. 1939. GILBERT L. FEN LASON. aged R1 vears. beloved husband of Agnes I. Calhoun Fenlason. Remains resting at his late dome, 933 G st. s.w. Funeral from Kendall Baptist church * Tuesday. January 2. 1940. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Arrrngements by P. A. Taltavull. FLING. JOHN W. On Saturday. De Monroe st. n.e.. JOHN W. FLING, beloved husband ol Alice L. Fling. Funeral from his late residence on Tuesday. January 2. 1940. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Ar rangements by P A. Taltavull. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee’s Sons CoT FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mast. Ave. N.E. Lincoln 5200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment 1009 H St. N.W, NaUonalP<2892 FUNERAL DESIGNS. ' GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT OlOfl °£S &S5? Cor. 14th b Eye GUDE BROS CO. Floral Pieces j - 1212 r St. N.W. National 4276 Dratlja GATEWOOD. LAMBERT L. On Satur day December 30. J93U. at Providence Hospital. LAMBERT L GATEWOOD, be loved husband of Louise Gatewood (nee Maver) of 1.(14 Ridge olsce s.e.. and eon of Julia Lamar Gatewood, and father of Mrs. Jane Ross. Doris. Donald and Edward Gatewood. Remains at the T. Frank Mur ray funeral home. 741 11th st. s.e. Notice of funeral later. GATEWOOD, LAMBERT L. Washington Lodge. No. 15. B. P. O. Elks, will convene in session of sorrow’ at. 7:30 p.m. Mon day, January 1. 1910, lor the purpose of paving trib ute to the memory of our late brother. LAMBERT L. GATEWOOD, enrolled Jan uary 14. 1931. died Decem ber 30. Elk services at chapel of 1. Frank Murray. 741 11th st. se. at 8 p.m HAROLD T. PEASE. Exalted Ruler. Attest: W. S. SHELBY, Secretary. GILCHRIST. G. CECELIA. Suddenly, on Friday, December 29. 1939, at her resi dence, 622 Mass. ave. n.e.. G. CECELIA GILCHRIST (nee Pitts), beloved wife cf Dr. Ectear Y Gilchrist and mother of Edgar and William T. Gilchrist, and sister of Mrs J. T. Mooney. William H., Join F., Charles T and Josech A. Pitts. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home, 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. until Tuesaty. January 2, 1940. at 8:30 am. tnence to St. Joseph’s Church. 2nd and C sts. n.e.. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 GILL, MARY A. On Saturday. Decem ber 30. 1939, at her residence. 660 Penn sylvania ave. s.e.. MARY A GILL, bfloved wife nf George R. Gill. She also is sur vived by six children and two sisters neral home. 400 xth st. s.e.. on Tuesday. January J5>4«». nr in a m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. GREENLEAF, KATIE. Departed this life Friday. December 20. 3 031*. at 0 10 a m., at her residence. 1032 C si. s e.. KATIE GREENLEAF. loving wife o' the late Nnrvaii Greenleaf. the beioved mother of Earl Greenleaf and Mrs. Rertha brown She also leaves eleven grandchildren and other relatives Remains resting it her late residence after noon today. Funeral Tuesday. January 2. 1040. at 2 pm., from the Rrown Memorial A. M. E. Church. 14th and R sts. ne.. Rev. r. H. Wesley officiating. Relatives and friends in cited. Interment at Rosemont Cemetery. • HACKER. ARTHUR NEWTON. On Sat urday. December 30. 1030. at his resi dence. 1815 Lamont st. n.w.. ARTHUR NEWTON HACKER, husband of Annie Brownlow Hackpr and father of Mrs. Ber nadette H. Forbes and Mrs. Anne H. Wilkes. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w\, on Tuesday. January 2. 1040. at 2:30 p.m. Interment. Wash ington National Cemetery. HAGER. HARRY L. On Sunday, De cember 31 1030. at his residence. 4325 Lee highway Arlington. Va HARRY L HAGER, beloved husband of Bessie M. Hager and son of Mrs John Hager. Also surviving are two daughters, four sons, three brothers and three sisters Remains rest-in# at the Ives funeral home 2s 17 Wilson blvd. Arlington. Va.. where funeral services wi’l be held on Wednesday. January 3. 1040. at 2 pm. Interment Mount Olivet Church Cemetery, Glebe rd . Arlington. Va. 2 HAYDEN. EDWARD ALONZO. On Fri day. December 20. 1030. at Providence Hospital. EDWARD ALONZO HAYDEN, be loved husband of Cora E Hayden (nee Cash). Funeral from his late residence. 2400 32nd st. s.e . on Tuesday. January 2. 1040. at 0:30 a m.: thence to St. Francis Xavier Church. 28oo Pa ave. s.e.. where mass will be offered at 10 am. Pela’ives and friends are invited. Interment Mount Dlil’Pr fonintorv 1 HOOPER. ANNA C. (NEE BUSCHER). On Thursday. December 28. 1030. a: Sib ley Hospital, ANNA C HOOPER (nee Buschert. the beloved wife of the late James F Hooper and beloved mother of Mrs. Flsie America. Mrs. Mary Jarboe and Mrs. Francis Hough and James E. Hooper. Funeral from her late residence. OH Shep herd st.. Kvartsville. Md . on Monday. Jan uary 1. .104(1. at 7:30 a.m.: thence to St. Jerome’s Catholic Church where mass will be said at 8 am. for the repose of her soul. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 JOHNSON. MARA' f. On Sunday. De cember 31. 1030. at the Stoddard Baptist Home. MARV F JOHNSON Remains ■ resting at Frazier s funeral home. 380 R. I. 1 ave. n.w Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON. WALTER. On Monday. Jan- ' uary 1. I!»40. WALTER JOHNSON. bu> □and of the late Daisy Johnson, lather of i Ofthia Oeorgp; brother of Moses and Louis | Johnson and Mrs. Mary Alexander. He also leave* nther relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by W. Frnest Jarvus. KERSHAW. JOHN W. On Wednesday, Docrmber 27. 1030. at La Plata. Md.. JOHN W KERSHAW, the husband of Ella Kershaw. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral I borne. 380 R I ave. n.w , where funeral ;ervices wrill be held on Tuesday January ,V 104ft at 1.30 p m Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 1 LAIR. FANNIE. Decarted this life Fri day. December 2ft. 1030 at Sandy Spring Hospital. FANNIE LAIR. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband, one sister, four niece* and six'nephews, other rela tives and friends. Remain* iruv be viewed Monday. January i. uuo. af. her late resi dence. Linden. Md. Funeral Tuesday. January 2. at 2 p.m., from the Sligo Church Linden. Md. In terment Sligo Church Cemetery. LEE. KATIE. On Thursday. December ‘.1039, at Freedmen’s Hospital. KATIE LEE of 121 K st. n.w. wife of the late William Lee. mother of Ecdie Ciayburn and Viola Tillman. Four grandchildren. ■>ne aunt, one nephew Nathaniel Makell. and other relatives and friends also sur vive her Funeral Tuesday January 2. 1040. at 2 1 a m.. from the Henry S Washington &: j sons funeral home. 407 N st. n.w. Inter ment Harmony Cemetery I LEGER. EUGENE. On Saturday. De cember 30. 103ft. EUGFNF LFGER. hus band of fiorenep F. Leger and father of Leland T-ec*r of New York City. Ei'gene Leger of Tinston. Mass., and Albert Leger Df Washington. D. r. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 14on Chaoin st. n.w., on Tuesday. January 1040. nf ]i a.m. Interment (private) Fort Lincoln Cemetery. LEGER, EUGENE. The members of /f\ Federal City Lodge. No. 20. I. O. (I \ O. F.. are requested to attend \\ thp InHpp fnnora I enrviPflt fnr Brother EUGENE LEGER. P. G . at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Cha pin st. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 2. 1040. at 11 am. THOMAS H. LYNN. JR., N. G. Attest: A. B. KEEFER. Sec. LYNCH. MICHAEL P. On Saturday, December 30. 1030 MICHAEL P. LYNCH. Deloved husband of Mary E. Lynch <nee cQueenry >. Funeral from his late residence. 5320 Illinois ave. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 2. *040. at 8:30 am Requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity at 0 a m. Relatives inri friends invited. Interment Mount >livet Cemetery. 1 LYNCH. MICHAEL P. The members of Keane Council. No. 353. Knights of Columbus. are 1 hereby notified of the death of Brother MICHAEL P. LYNCH of 5320 Illinois ave. n.w. on Saturday December 30. 1030. Members will as semble at 5320 Illinois ave. l.w. on Mondav. January 1. 1040. at 8 >.m JAMES F KEHOE. G. K. WILLIAM E. VOGELSON Financial Secretary. 1 McKEAN, RACHEL SLUTZ. On Satur- , lay, December 30, 1030. at the home of ier daughter. Mrs. James P. Benfer. OuOO 17th st. n.e.. RACHEL SLUTZ McKEAN. vidow of Dr. William McKean and mother )f John E. McKean. Kansas City. Mo.; Ftear Admiral Josiah S. McKean of Carmel. Dalif.. and Mrs. James P. Benfer. Services at the abo/e residence on Sun lay, December 31. at 4 p.m. Interment md services at Dover. Ohio, on Tuesday, January 2. at 1 p m., at the chapel. Ar rangements bv Thomas Frazier Co. 1 McKENZIE, DAISY LEE. On Sunday. December 31. 1030. at her residence. 2352 Pomeroy road s.e.. DAISY LEE McKENZIE. beloved wife of Vernon McKenzie. She also is survived by one son. a mother and father, four brothprs. thrpe sisters, three aunts and one "ncle. Remains may be seen Tuesday. January 2. 1040, at her late residence, aftpr 1 n m. ^ Funeral Wednesday. January 3. at 1 p.m., from St John’s C. M. E. Church. Stanton and Douglas roads s.e.. Rev. Threl keld. pastor. 2 MILLER, KELLY. On Friday. December ?0. 1030, at his residence. 2225 4th st. n u* PCITT T.V \fTT.T.ICR hoInveH hushfl.i.i nf Annie May Miller, devoted father of Kelly Miller, jr.: May Miller. Irene Miller Reid, Paul Miller and the late Isaac Newton Mil ler. Remains may be viewed at his late residence from 12 noon Sunday. December 31. until 11 a m. Tuesday. January 2. 1940: thereafter will lie in state at the Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel. Howard Univer sity. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, January 2, at 1 p.m. at the chapel. Ar rangements by Thomas Frazier Co. 1 MOORE. ELNORA. Suddenly, on Fri day. December 29. 1939. at her residence, L806 T st. n.w.. ELNORA MOORE. Remains may be viewed Monday. Jan lary 1. 1940. from 1 to 9 p.m.. at the Adams & Smoot funeral home. 2425 Nichols ave. s.e. Remains to be shipped to Columbia. Va. OWEN, ELIZABETH M. Suddenly, on Saturday. December 30. 1939. at her resi dence. 910 19t.h st. n.W.. ELIZABETH M. OWEN, wife of Cant. Jesse J. Owen. U. S. R. Friends arp invited to call at Gaw ler's. J756 Pa. avp. n.w. Services at Gawler’s chapel. 1750 Pa. ave. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 2. 1940. at 2 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cem ;tery. 1 PAGE. CLARA. On Friday. December 29. 1939. at her residence. 2026 14th st. n.w . CLARA PAGE, mother of the late Lorenza Page, beloved mother-in-law of Orace Page King. She also eaves other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. January 3. 1940. at 2 p.m.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral :hurch. 1432 You st. n.w.. Rev. W. A. Jer nagin officiating. 'Interment Harmony Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 1 PELUZZA. GIOVANNINA. On Saturday, December 30. 1939. at. 3 1:10 a m., at Sib ley Memorial Hospital. GIOVANNINA PE LUZZA. beloved wife of Cesare Peluzza and mother of Jerome^ Grace. Mary, Sova. Jo seph and Alfred Peluzza. Funeral from her late residence. 445 15th st. s.e.. on Wednesday. January 3, 1940. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to Holy Rosary Church, 3rd and F .sts. n.w.. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of ner rouI. Interment St. Mary* Cemetery. Relative* and friend* invited. ft Dr at ha POWELL, DAVID. On Thursday, De cember 28. 1939. at his residence. 629 2nd St. n e.. DAVID POWELL. He leaves a wife. Lucy Powell: a daughter. Pauline Anderson: a granddaughter. Vivian Ander son: other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e Funeral Tuesday, January 2. 1940. at 1 P.m., from Unity Baptist Church. Rev. firey officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 1 PRESTON. FIRMAN. On Friday. De cember 29, 1939. at Mount Alto Hospital. FIRMAN PRESTON, beloved husband of Maria Preston, Stepfather of Beatrice Dale. He also leaves one brother-in-law and other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. January 3. 1940. at 11 a.m.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n w.. Rev. William D. Jarvis officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 2 PUGH. CATHLEEN M. On Saturday. De cember 30. 1939 at her residence. Glenn Dale. Md.. CATHLEEN M. PUGH, beloved vife of Willoughby L Pugh. Remains resting at Gasch's funeral home. 10 Maryland ave.. Hyattsville, Md. Services Tom the above funeral home on Tuesday, January 2. 1940, at 2 p m. Relatives and rriends invited. Interment St George’s Cemetery, Glenn Dale. Md. 1 REDDING. ALICE M. On Sunday De cember 31. 1939. ALICE M. REDDING, iged 05 years, daughter of the late Wil iam and Mary E Redding. Remains resting in the chapel of P. A. raltavull. 430 Tth st s.w. Mass at St. Dominic's Church Wednesday. January 3. 1940. at 9 a m. Relatives and friends in cited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. REYNOLDS, HERMAN H. Departed this life Sunday. December 31. 1939. at his residence. 330 Fyp st. s.w.. HERMAN H. REYNOLDS, devoted husband of Janie. Reynolds, son of Mattie Reynolds and the late Samuel Reynolds. He also is survived by one brother. Rov Revno'ds. and ether relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Barnes & Matthews funeral home. 014 4th st. s.w Notice uf funeral later. THOMAS. CHARITY. Departed this life Saturday. December 90. 3999. CHARITY THOMAS She leaves to mourn their loss a loving husband. Harrison Thomas: one son Benjamin Thomas: one daughter. Daisy Bizzell: two grandchildren and other rela tives and lriends. Remains resting at the Barnes &. Matthews funeral home. 014 4th st. s.w. Funeral Tuesday. January 2. 1040. at 1 p m., from Shiloh Methodist Church. New burg, Md.. Rev. R. h. Johnson officiating. SAXTON. LOUIS MANLY. On Friday. December 29. 1999, at his residence. 1001 ftrgonne place n.w . LOUIS MANLY SAX ION. beloved husband of Elizabeth Sax ton and father of Lt. Lamont Saxton of West Point. N. Y.. and Louis M. Saxton. jr. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral tome. 2901 14th st n.w., on Tuesday. Jan uary 2. 1940. at 11 a.m. Interm-mt Ar lington National Cemetery. 1 WOOD. EMMA. On Saturday. Decem ber 90. 1999. at her residence. 1492 Cor coran st. n w.. EMMA WOOD, wife of the [aie Moses Wood, beloved mother of George Wood and Mrs Louise Bingham, grand mother of Mrs Addip Johnsbn. aunt of Miss Zada Dietz. She also ieaves orhrr relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at the W. Frnest Jarvis funeral church. 3 492 You st. n.w , after 4 d m. Tuesday. January 2. >940. Funeral Thursday. January 4. at 1 pm. from the above funeral church. Rev. R. M. Williams officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 9 YARBROUGH. JAMFS D. On Sunday. December 91. 1939. at his residence. 310 Baltimore blvd . Riverdalp. Md.. JAMES D. YARBROUGH, beloved husband of Ella 3. Yarbrough. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th r>. n.w. on Tuesday. Jan uary 2. 1940. at 3 p m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemeterv. In fHcmnriam BACKEMIEIMER. GUSTAVE; CHAP MAN. MARGARET L. In sacred memory bf our beloved husband and lather. GUS IAVE BACKENHEIMER. who went to his eternal sleep on December 31. 1H3B. and dear mother and grandmother. MARGARET L. CHAPMAN, who entered eternity Decem ber 31. 13.33. ABOAD AND CHILDREN. * nuun, .’i.iui ini.i.. aacrea :n me m. mory of mv devoted mother. MARY | HILL BAKER, who passed array two years j ago today. January i. IMS. Sleep '*n. dear mother, and take you: test. I We love yon. nor Gnd loves you best. DAUGHTER. MARGARET S(,OTl ! BERGMANS. WILLIAM F. In loving remembrance of our dear husband and j father. WILLIAM F PE \GMANN. who de- 1! this life five years ago today. January 1. 19;>"> BY HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND SONS. • BILLOWS. MARY E. JONES. A tribute 3f love and devotion to the memory of 3iir mother and gisnimother. Mrs. MARY K. JONES BILLOWS who entered into ; vernal rest twenty-two years ago today. January 1. 1918. LONELY DAUGHTER LILA. AND DE VOTED GRANDSON. J. ARCHIBALD SMITH COX. FLLEN ANN. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear mother. ELLEN ANN COX. who decartPd this life nine years ago today. January 1. iWl. The month nf January once more is here. To me the saddest, of the year. Because nine years ago today My dear mother passed away Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but all in vain: To have, to love and then depart Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. She had a smile for every one A heart a* pure as gold: To those who knew and oved her Her memory will never grow old. DAUGHTER. DURA. • DORRY. CHARITY. Sacred tn the pre vious memory of our devotee* motner. 1 JHARITY DORRY. who passed away five years ag<« todav. January 1. !9.ur> Our thoughts often wander, mother. Around y»»ur mnely grave. Where you are peacefully s’eepmg, The one wp could save. From this world of rain and sorrow. To a Jr.nd that s he best. God has taken »*ou. dear mother. Where von have found eterna' rest. 3ER DEVOTED CHILDREN MAGGIE CONI EE. MAMIE LOM \X. ERNEST DORRY. GERTRUDE DORRY AND DAN IEL DORRY. JOHNSON. REV. LOfiW Tn irving memory of our devoted father. Rev. LOGAN JOHNSON. D. n . who passed to the grtat aeyond eleven years ago today. Januaty L. 1929. CHILDREN • JOHNSON, ROSA LEE. Tn memory of ny dear mother. ROSA LEE JOHNSON, vho passed away two years ago today. Jan iarv i. I often sir. *nd think of you When T am aU a lope. For memory is the only lriend That P'rief can call its own. You are gone, but not forgotten, ixever shall your memory fade: Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Around .he ?rive where vou are ’a’d JER LOVING LAUGHTER, MRS. DOLLIE WALKER. • McABEE, FRANK. In memory of our 44 4-’«“ ""U uiuuin, rnni'ifi 'HnDLL. vno departed this life one year ago today, i fanuarv I. 1030. Dearest, how we miss you. Words cannot express: But some sweet day we will meet In the heavenly rest. We know you will be patiently waiting On the bright celestial shore. Where pain and sorrow is ended And there is joy forever more. MOTHER AND SISTER. McABEE. FRANK. Tn memory of my lear husband. FRANK McABEE. who passed iway one year ago todav. January I. 1939. I miss you now. my heart is sore: As time eoes by I miss you more. v Your loving smiles, your gentle face— No one can fill your vacant place. YOUR LOVING WIPE. PREDIGER. HENRY. Tn loving memory >i "Ur dear husband and father. HENPY 3REDIGER. who decaned from us eleven 'ears pko today. January 1. 1929 Every day brings back sweet memories. Every memory brings a tear; Deep within our hearts we cherish Thoughts of you whom we love so dear WIFE \ND DAUGHTER • SCIILICKLER. KATHERINE M. In lov our dear mother. KATH ERINE M. SCHTCKLER. who departed this ife four years ago. December 31. 1935. “Jesus. Thou Prince of life. Thy chosen cannot die! Like Thee, they conauer in the strife. To rPi D n f -•> Dr. L. F. Luckett Dies; Had Been Consultant At White House Physician Here 40 Years Was an Organizer of G. W. U. Medical Society Dr. Llewellyn Fleet Luckett, 68, White House consultant during the McKinley administration and a practicing physician in Washington for more than 40 years, died last night at his home, 1419 Rhode Island avenue N.W., after a lengthy illness. A graduate in 1895 of the medical school of Columbian College, now George Washington University, Dr. Luckett was one of the organizers of the George Washington University Medical Society. He was one of the best known of the older physicians in Washington, and at various times was consultant on the staffs of Garfield, Sibley and George Wash ington University hospitals. Dr. Luckett was born in Frederick County, Md., the son of the late Dr. William F. and Emma Luckett. He was a direct descendant of Capt. Henry Fleet, one of the first settlers }f Maryland, and also was descended from William Llewellyn, an early colonial seuier. With his parents, Dr. Luckett came to Washington in 1885. He attended the Emersofi Institute of Washington and Columbian College before starting his medical educa tion. After graduation from medical school he did graduate work at the Post Graduate Hospital in New York City. Dr. Luckett held memberships in the District Medical Society, the American Medical Association and the Washington Therapeutical So ciety. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Annabella Morgan Luckett, and two sons, Dr. William F. Luckett and Horace Peyton Luckett, an attorney, both of Washington. Rites Set Tomorrow For Mrs. Mary Dorsey Funeral services for Mrs. Mary F. Dorsey, 78, lifelong resident of Washington, who died Saturday, will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at her residence, 2551 Seventeenth street N.W., with the Rev. Ze Bar ney T. Phillips officiating. Burial will be in Congressional. Cemetery. Mrs. Dorsey had been a member of the Epiphany Episcopal Church from her early youth. Born in Washington in 1861, she was the widow of John T. Dorsey. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary E. Marmadmce of Takoma Park, Md.; one son, Francis A. Dor sey; two daughters, Mrs. Gertrude D. Heflin and Miss Susan B. Dor sey, and one grandson. Junior Corps Installs GAITHERSBURG, Md„ Jan. 1 (Special).—The Barber-Briggs Jun- j ior Drum and Bugle Corps, sponsored by the Barber-Briggs American Le gion Post, has elected and Installed these officers: Edith Orme, presi dent; Hazel Ward, vice president; Dorothy Plummer, secretary; Bar bara Walker, historian; Carlin Thompson, sergeant at arms. In fflmartam SKIPWUH. ERASMUS. A tribute ol , love and devotion to the memory ol my daihng brotner. ERASMUS SKIPwIIH. | who aeparied this lne live years ago today. January 1. 1935. Todav with sadness filling my heart. Why. oh why. did w,- have to part. T.ien c une .he answer, soft and sweet. I will m i hm a? Jesus' feet HIS LONllY SISTER SARAH SKIPWITH PETERSON. Ar’iaftton. Va. TAYLOR. WILLIAM H. ^ sad but lov ing remembrance M WILLiAM H. TAYLuR, our beloved fataer and husband ol the late Mary F. Taylor, wno departed this life eleven vears t-.go today. Januarv l. 1929. HIS CHILDREN. HFNRY TAYLOR. MA TILDA TAYLOR. LJCY McAPHEE AND THOMAS TAYLOR. • TOMPKINS. MARIA L. In sad but lov ing remembrance of my dpar mother. MARIA L. TOMPKINS, who died eight years ago. December 31. 1931. Somewhere back of the sunset. Where loveliness never dies. She Jives in » land nf glory. Mid the blue and gold of the skies. FLORENCE. • TURNER, EVELYN AUDREY. In loving memory of our dear daughter. EVELYN AUDREY TURNER, who departed this life five vears ago. December 31. 1934. We oftpn sit, and think of you. No eve*; can see us weep. But dpep within our aching hearts Your memory wo will always keep MOTHER AND SISTERS. * WILLIAMS. D. .IFANNETTE. Tn laving memory of r.ur wife and mother. D. JEAN NETTE WILLIAMS, who passed away two years ago today. January i. ’938. A mother who gave us the best of her life. WTho cherished our secrets, our sorrows and strife. Who taught us to love, who taught us to pray— Our mother in Heaven. God bless you today. HER LOVING FAMILY. * —_ In ONE OF THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. • ' expressed by FUNfRAL SPRAYS OF LOVELY FRESH FLOWERS 4 Priced at $e.oo Other sprays in smaller siies arranged to your order. $2.00 and up. Delivery Service on all funeral orders. C&C’Stauj&iSte’ieA' “ 609 12th St. MEt. 9369 923 F St. MEt. 7404 JU WWv^Xf'Xf-yTv."-' /.rraWAWW* < w//.v>T>f^» rmT^Wf • •■• •«»**. w •■•*»•■• -■• •-•-•-■> a-.-. •/••■•■•<■• •<• ■ • •• • • vw y>.w«»v tstfrrrV 'Mill Will w »<»■ ~ -m...... •. .,■ ••■••••. *■.••.••/■>'.■■•■■•* Men! **Choice of the House99 .: ' ■•• » . * i : Is Yours! Nothing Restricted! j P ' • ! II x5s p M ■' I I &S-; it ^ Overcoats s/ Formal Wear! |fc-.::xv:-:v:-x:<xv:-:x^:v:<-:**::v::-::vx-;v;v:v.:-:v:v>x-:v:-::v:vxv:v:;v:::-:v^v:v:x:: .x-xx. x:::x:v:x:vx:xvx:vXX-x:w:x:x-x-x;wXv>xv.-.». Every $25 Two-Trouser Lansbrook Suit; now-20*00 Every 29.50 One & Two Trouser Lansbrook Suit- .23*00 Every $35 Michaels-Stern Suit; now__28*00 Every $40 Goodman & Suss Suit; now__32*00 Every 19.75 Lansbrook Topcoat; now_13*80 Every 19.75 Lansbrook Zipper Coat; now_13*80 Every $25 & $30 Lansbrook Zipper Coat; now s20 & s24 Every $25 Tweedknit Topcoat; now...20*00 Every $30 Michaels-Stern Topcoat; now..24*00 Every $35 Goodman & Suss Topcoat; now-28*00 Every 13.75 Reversible Coat; now.-11*00 $30 and $35 Michaels-Stern Over coats; note _S24 & S28 $30 Paca-Gora Overcoats; note 24.00 $30 Tteeedknit Overcoats; note 24.00 ! 1 $25 to $35 Tuxedos and Full Dress_S20 to S28 4.95 to 7^50 Wool Slacks, 20% Off 12.75 All-Wool Sport Coats_10.50 Look at the famous names listed above . . . then look at the prices. These values speak for themselves. Remember, every suit, topcoat and overcoat in stock is included, even formal wear. You're bound to be suited. Many of these items have not been on sale before, this season. Buy on the 3-Month Budget Plan. Wear your suit, topcoat or overcoat now and pay Vi February 1st Vi March 1st Vi April 1st Lanshurgh's—Men’s Shops—Street Floor ... 4