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Governors Dedicate | 1940 to Balanced | Prosperity in South | Eleven Executives Issue i Identical Proclamations ij Outlining Program By the Associated Press. ^ ATLANTA, Jan. 1—Catching up || the challenge of a dawning decade, ^ eleven Southern governors today || dedicated the 1940s to a campaign ^ for balanced prosperity in the South. || Already well out of the one-crop || era, these State rulers are deter mined upon striking a balance that || will equalize crops with livestock, farms with factories, and economic || gains with progress in human wel- || fare. H Each executive has issued an iden- ^ tical proclamation laying 10 founda- ^ tion sills on which to build a decade || of progress. Enthusiastically, they ss planned for a 1950 worm s iair oi the South to celebrate achievement || of the goal H This is the second major cam- || paign of the Southern Governors Conference, already partially sue- || cessful in its fight for parity freight || rates. The campaigners are Govs. E. D. Rivers of Georgia, chairman; || Prentice Cooper of Tennessee. Prank || Dixon of Alabama. Fred Cone of || Florida. Burnet R. Maybank of || South Carolina, Clyde R. Hoey of || North Carolina, Carl E. Bailey of || Arkansas, Hugh White of Missis- ^ sippi, W. Lee ODaniel of Texas, || Earl Long of Louisiana and Leon || C. Phillips of Oklahoma. H Program of Balance. H Citing “the great traditions of || our States, the abundant human ^ and natural resources of our region, ^ the deep needs of our people, and || the high opportunities of our times, ’ || the governors projected a plan to ^ balance; H 1. Money Crops, including forestry, j with food, feed and fertility crops. ; || 2. All crops with livestock, con- || sistent with sound land use. ^ 3 Production progress with mar- || keting and transportation oppor- , tunitv free of trade barriers. ! || 4. Farms with factories. H 5. Land, water and mineral re- || sources with population needs. 6. Work with thrift and local in- || vestments. || 7. Owner prosperity with worker || prosperity. || 8. Increasing income with in- ^ creasing home ownership. s| 9. Wealth with beauty and culture. || 10. Economic gains with advances ^ in moral values and human welfare. || These broad objectives will be || delved into in detail and expanded || when the Governors' Conference || convenes in Nashville, Tenn., Janu- ^ ary 25 for a conference on interstate || problems. || The prosperity balance program is || no cut and dried scheme, the Gov- ^ ernors emphasized, but one Southern || citizens are urged to join with sug- || gestions and active support. System of Score Cards. Agricultural agencies will be asked ^ to promote balanced farm prosperity || and to provide at intervals surveys ^ showing progress and to double ^ check advances with a system of || score cards. Business men and chambers of || commerce will be urged to provide markets and sound financing for di versified farming and to balance || farms with new industrial and com mercial opportunities for the South- || am people. 1 A constant aim will be to increase ^ the income of Southern workers, rural ana uroan, Dy more wisely directed effort, more effective edu cation, increased skills, greater thrift and a square deal in all mat- ^ ters.” I The conference asserted that its ® program would reach into the small communities where citizens “so often • feel that Government knows and ^ cares little about them.” A sort of credo was expressed, || that “no man big enough for Gov- ^ ernment to tax is too little for Gov- ! ernment to encourage.” Each State in the conference will have committeemen as key figures \ ^ in co-ordinating campaign efforts. ^ All these had not been named today, ^ but the following were announced: || North Carolina. President Frank P. Graham of the University of ^ North Carolina; South Carolina, || D. W. Watkins, extension service ^ director at Clemson College; for Alabama, John Temple Graves, || 2nd, representing Southern dailies j ^ at Birmingham, and Tennessee, Chairman H. A. Morgan of the T. V. A. and Agriculture Commis aioner C. C. Flanery. j || In behalf of citizens’ organizations || and public agencies, the program was signed by Editor Clarence Poe of the Progressive Farmer, Raleigh, §5 N. C.: Chairman Walter R. McDon- ^ aid of the Georgia Public Service || Commission and Dean Paul Chap man of the University of Georgia’s College of Agriculture. Mr. McDonald emphasized that the program would create no new ^ agencies but would call upon united efforts of existing agencies. State, §| public and private, to achieve the js| Southern prosperity balance. || - I Motorist Arrests 1 Statistics show a total of 34,793 ^ arrests of motorists were made for ^ traffic violations during the months of August, September, October and || November. H EDUCATIONAL. H ---| Accountancy | Pace Courses: E. C. S. snd M. C. S. Degrees. C. P. A. , Preparation. Day and Even- ^ lng Divisions; Coeducational Send for 33rd Year Bosk. ^ BENIAMIN FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY || ^lOO 16th Street, N. W. at L RE 2262 National University | Law School | Winter Term Begins January 2,1940, at 6:30 P.M. ^ Standard three-year course lead- || ing to degrees of LL.B. and J.D. ^ Graduate courses leading to de- H grees of LL.M., MP.L., and S.J.D. 1 All classes held at hours conve- ^ nlent for employed students. School of Economics | and Government | Degree courses of collegiate grade || offered in Political Science, Gov- || ernment, Economics, Psychology, || History, Finance, Business and || Languages. Address Secretary NAtional 3480 818 13th St. N.W. M f . Open Arm Chair Of the Chippendale school. Ex posed frame solid Honduras mahogany, handsomely carved; and upholstered in peach velvet. Reduced $3 C from, $45...... J J According to SLOANE Custom OF UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE MODELS AT SHARP REDUCTIONS As we round out each half year we hold these clearance sales of up holstered pieces that have served as models during the six months. They are in perfect condition—some even will be duplicated for the coming season, with perhaps a slight change in design but with com plete new tailoring effects. Thus is the Sloane stock kept fresh and new.. Each piece is a master production — in strict accordance with th'e ^Innnp PYnrfinn cnprif irntinnc • ^ -I- ' — ~ - Exposed frames of genuine cabi net woods. Never a substitute. . Cushions filled with genuine goose down. Filling of genuine long black horsehair. Coverings in fabrics of finest quality; expertly tailored. Cavalier Sofa A true Chippendale design; exposed frame genuine Honduras mahog any, handsomely carved; genuine down filled cnshions Tailored in oyster white damask. A Q Reduced from $185___ I lO There may be only one of a kind—which means that prompt response is advisable. Brentwood Love Seot Of the 18th Century English period, ond in a size ideo! for use in pairs Exposed frame solid Amazon mahogany; gen uine down filled cushions Tailored in red damask. Reduced from $98_ Wythe Barrel Chair Typically Colonial in design; with semi-tufted back and ex posed frame of solid Honduras mahogany. Tailored in gold velvet Reduced, from $65_ Hepplewhite Sofa Exposed frame is solid Amazon mahogany; Cushions at back and seat are filled with gen uine down. Tailoring is in smartly striped damask. Reduced from $212_ /F English Barrel Back Chair Following the 18th Century motif. Exposed frame solid ma hogany; genuipe down filled cushi on. Tailored with chonnel back and covered in Burgundy brocotelle. Reduced $CQ from, $75- J 7 Chatfield Sofa || Georgian model with channel bock. Exposed |f= frame is solid Honduras mahogany. Cushions are I filled with genuine down. Tailored in green velvet. Reduced from $172... .*138 English Tuxedo Sofa A design both distinctive ond comfortable. Genuine down filled cushions; tailoring is ivory and peach brocotelle Reduced from $185... .*130 I Duncan Phyfe Sofa A faithful adaptation of an original Phyfe model The exposed frame is solid Honduras mahog any; brass claw feet ond down filled cushions. Tailoring in bisque tapestry Reduced from $149.50.. .... *120 Queen Anne Easy Chair With channel back and solid spring seat. Tail ored in rose brocade. Reduced from $79_ *63 Occasional Chair Eighteenth Century English design that will find ready use os an occasional chair in the living room Frame is solid maple, covered in smart ly striped fabric. Reduced from $40_ ... *32 Wing Chair | Early American type that found welcome place at Colonial firesides. The frame is solid maple; tailoring is in smart stripes. Reduced from $35... .... *27-50 Bedroom Chair Eighteenth Century English model with channel back. Tailored in moire damask. 1.Reduced from $35... .... *27-50 Tub Chair An attractive occasional piece built with tufted back and seat, and tailored in smart novelty weave. Reduced from $22.50_ . *17 Alcott Sofa English club model with separate down filled back and sect cushions. Tailored in mauve damask. Reduced from $151... .5119 Queen Anne Sofa Exposed frame solid walnut; with carved cabriole legs ond down filled cushions Tailored in figured tapestry. Reduced from $165. . .5132 Colby Easy Chair Typically a lounge model, with exposed frame solid Honduras mahogany, and down filled cush ions Tailored in blue damask Reduced from $80 ... ....... 559 English Lounge Chair The big generous roll back English type with low arm and deep seat; luxurious down filled cushion Tailored in green damask. Reduced from $110 .. .... $87-50 Standish Wing Chair The American thought of the Queen Anne School, with exposed frame of solid Honduras mahogany and down filled cushion. Tailored in rose damask. Reduced from $74.50... .$59 Bennington Fireside Chair Remindful of the New England type, with exposed frame of solid maple; handsome cobriole legs. Cushion is down filled and tailoring is green damask Reduced from $89.50. ...... $69 English Lounge Chair An ideal man's chair in its generous size; tailored in genuine top grain leather. Reduced from $75_ 559 Addison Chair Hepplewhite design with spade feet. Exposed frame solid Amazon mahogany. Cushion filled with genuine down; and the tailoring is striped damask. Reduced from $63.50.. ... $49-75 w&JSLOANE 711 TWELFTH STREET NOpen Arm Choir Hepplewhite design—an ideal occasional model. Consistently tailored in selection of fine fabrics. $10*50 Reduced from, $25- I 4? Courtesy Parking Capital Garage Lawson Easy Chair Like the Soto, a model of extreme comfort; exposed frame solid Honduras mahogany. Down filled cushion; blue damask tailoring. Reduced, from $79___ f Hancock Wing Chair A Colonial expression of Chinese Chippendale school with exposed frame of solid Honduras mahogany. Toil lored in turquoise figured brocade. Reduced from $66.50_ Charge Accounts Available