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D. C. Bank Clearings In 1939 Exceed 1938 By $59,432,311 Total for December More Than $7,000,000 Higher Than Year Ago By EDWARD C. STONE. Bank clearings in Washington in the year 1939 registered an upswing of $59,432,311.75 over the 12-month total for 1938. according to the re port made today by Manager George H. Bright of the Clearing House As sociation. Clearings in 1939 totaled $1,206, 088.029.07. in comparison with $1, 146.655.717.32 in 1938. the report re vctiicu. vvauc auuaianuau>v aucau of 1938, canceled checks in the Cap ital were not quite up to 1937, when the total stood at $1,255,990,906.39. With the exception of 1937. however, 1939 clearings were the best since 1931. the figure eight years ago being $1,233,276,777.02. Bank clearings in the Capital in December bote out the reports of record holiday trade, the figures reaching the highest December mark since 1930. Clearings totaled $115, 388.360.11, against $108,111,326.10 in the final month of 1938. an upturn of $7,277,034.01. The December, 1930, figure was $117,573,071.06. Clearings in 9 of the 12 months were ahead of the same periods last year, some of the larger gains being scored toward the end of the year, indicating a rather steady business pickup. The year was quite dif ferent from 1937, when the best gains were made in the early months and business took a tumble in the last half year. The first banking report for the full year is enlightening, optimistic and indicates a trend that is ex pected to run well into 1940. The monthly clearings for 1939 compare as follows with 1938: 1939. 1938. January _$96,424,506 $93,436,118 February ... 82.733.900 84.231,245 March_ 103.916.350 95.692.396 April . 99.730.563 101.104.372 May . 96.395.809 86.749.470 June, .. 108.466.851 101 841.824 Julv . 101.104.931 94.366.854 August ... 93.631.523 88.017.063 September .. 99.244.037 89.203,505 October 108.232.399 99.665.488 November _ 100.838.795 101.236.048 December 115.388.360 108.111,326 New Exchange Member Listed. Robert Lee O'Brien, connected With Folger. Nolan & Co., was elected a member of the Washing ton Stock Exchange today at the opening session of the new year. He has been active in the financial district for several vears and is the first new member added to the ros ter in many months. The first 1940 trading opened with a rush. First sales were in Capital Traction 5s, at 98'2. Washington Railway <& Electric 4s were aiso strong at 108. * Washington Gas Light preferred moved at 106 and 75 shares of Mer genthaler Linotype changed hands at 15’2. Capital Transit opened at 14 h and moved up to 1478 on a turnover of 110 shares. Real Estate Prices Rising. Definite upward trends in real estate prices and rentals through out the country are indicated in the results of a national survey of bank ing opinion on real estate prices and rentals published in the current issue of Banking, official publication of the American Bankers' Association. This conclusion is based on 2.068 re plies to questionnaires sent to bankers in all 48 States. Reasons upon which the bankers based their predictions varied from a shortage of good, moderate-priced homes in New York to better agri cultural conditions in Montana, in creased copper production in Ne vada and Arizona, and expectations of greatly increased tourist busi ness in Florida. California bankers held that real estate prices and rentals will be static in their area in the near future because of recent additions to housing facilities in that State. Hildt Leaves Alexander Brown. Thomas Hildt has withdrawn as a partner of the investment banking firm of Alexander Brown & Sons, it was announced today. He joined the firm as a general partner in 1923, after retiring as president of the Merchant's National Bank of Balti more. Mr. Hildt served as the partner in charge of the banking business, but commercial banking activities were dropped under Federal law. B. Howell Griswold, jrsenior partner, said “Mr. Hildt has been a most efficient partner. It is only natural that he should wish to return to the field of banking." Brokers Cheerful on 1940. Although the pace of industrial activity will continue to fluctuate widely in 1940, the outlook for the coming year may be viewed with out anxiety, in the opinion of Fen ner fc Beane, New York Stock Ex change firm. The increasing importance of do mestic political developments in business affairs, as well as war un certainties, has induced extreme caution in business operations and a pronounced sensitivity to news in these two fields. With a presiden tial election in the offing at home and with a major war in progress in Europe, the short-term character of business planning of recent years may even be intensified during the coming year. It appears likely, however, that the trends which characterized the major industrial groups in 1939 will persist during the new year, with rare exceptions, according to a forecast distributed here. Sipamfinat FliviHpnH Hooloroit Directors of the Norfolk & Wash ington Steamboat Co. have declared the regular semi-annual dividend of $2 per share, payable January 15, it was announced today. The stock is closely held by many Washing tonians, very little having been sold during the past year. Listed on the Washington Exchange, the low for the year was 60 and the high mark 65, the yield at this price being 6.15 per cent. The president of the steam boat line is Clarence F. Norment, jr. The midyear educational dinner meeting of Washington Chapter. American Institute of Banking, will take place at the Raleigh Hotel on Tuesday, January 16, when J. Stanley Brown, personnel director of the Chemical Bank & Trust Co., New York, will be the guest speaker Edward M. Blaiklock, Washington Loan & Trust Co., is chairman of the Educational Committee, and complete plans for the second semester will be outlined. jTRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE IKv Private Wire Hirer.t (n The Hter. I o wn n m l o wn n m o wn n in 2:30 D.m Prev. 1930 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low Close, chge 71% 63 Abbott Lab (160a>. 6 69% 68% 69 + \ 149% 120 Abbott Lab pf 4.50. 100s 144% 144 144% 45*1 11% 6% Adams Exp (.25g).. 2 8% 8% 8% + Vi 27% 15% Addressog'ph (1.40) 2 18% 18% 18% +1 68 45% Air Reduction (la). 9 57% 66% 57 4- % 10 6% Alaska Juneau 80g. 7 6% 6% 6% + % 2 % Alleghany Corp ..6 1 1 1 20% 5% Allegh’y 830 pf ww. 6 13% 13 13% + M 18 4% Alleghany pf xw 1 11% 11% 11% 28% 14 Alleg-Ludlum 50g. 1 21% 21% 21% + % 200% 151% Allied Chem (6a)... 3 176% 176% 176% 16% 9% Allied Mills (lg)._. 11 14% 14 14 +% 11% 6 Allied Stores. _ 8 9 8% 9 + % 48% 28 Allis-Chalm (la)... 17 41% 40% 41% + !( 19% 12% Alpha Port Cmt (1) 2 15% 15% 15%+ % 3% 1% Amalg Leather_ 1 2% 2% 2% - % 74% 50 Amerada (2) 3 66 55% 56 4 lH 24V, 16 Am Ag Ch Del 1.30g 1 20% 20% 20% 47 16% Am Airlines _ 25 46% 45% 45% + M 17% 9% Am Bank Note_ 5 10% 10% 10% + M 8 3% Am Bosch _ 2 6 6 6 + % 67% 31% Am Brake Sh (la)_. 1 44% 44% 44% 116% 83% Am Can (4) .. 14 114 113% 114 + % 40% 16% Am Car & Foundry. 5 31% 31% 31% - % 25% 13% Am Chain & C (lg). 3 23 22% 22%+ % 8% 6 Am Colortype . .. 1 6% 6% 6t4 + % 11% 5% Am Comc’l Alcohol- 3 7% 7% 7% + M 18% 6% Am Crystal Sugar 1 12% 12% 12% 86% 61 Am Crystal S pf (6) 40s 61% 81% 81% + % 5% 2% Am Encaustic Til 13 3 3 3% 1% Am & Foreign Pwr. 1 2 2 2 + b 25% 10 Am & For'n P 86 pf. 2 20+s 20% 20% + Ti 30% 12% Am & For'n P 87 pf. 1 25 25 25 +1 33 12 Am Hawa’n SS( la). 13 ;.9% 28% 29 + % 8 2% Am Hide & Leather 2 6 5% 6 + % 43% 25% Am Hide & L pf (3) 2 37 36 37 4 3 wv» 11+4 /vin nume rr (i.via.. 4 OU'/« mi OU 9 3% Am International.. 2 6% 6% 6% + x, 30% 13 Am Locomotive .. 3 21% 21% 21% + % 79% 41 Am Locomotive pf. 1 57 57 57 + H, 15x* 11 Am Mach & Fv(.80) 1 14% 14% 14% -t % 5% 2% Am Mach & Metals. 1 3% 3% 3% + % 40% 22% Am Metal (lg) 2 24% 24% 24% 7 3% Am Power & Light. 12 4% 4% 4% + % 49 28 Am P&L 85 pf (4k). 7 48% 47% 48%+ % 68% 32 Am P&L $6pf 4.801c. 10 58% 67 58 +1 18% 8% Am Radiator ,30g.. 60 10% 10% 10% 22X* 11% Am Rolling Mills 9 16% 16% 16x« + (( 15% 10% Am Safety Raz 1.20 2 11% 11% 11%+ % 46% 25% Am Ship Bldg 1.50g 20a 31% 31% 31%+ % 63 35% Am Sm & Ref (2a)_. 4 51% 51 51 % + x, 41 20% Am Steel Foundry.. 3 32% 32% 32% + % 18% 9 Am Stove (1.75g) .. 2 16% 16 16% 34% 15% Am Sugar Refining. 2 19% 19% 19% 98 75% Am Sugar R pf (7). 3 82% 81 82% +2% 171% 148 Am Tel & Tel (9)... 7 171% 171% 171% + % 87% 73 Am Tobacco (5) ... 4 85** 85 85% + % 89% 75% Am Tobacco(B) (5). 14 87% 86x« 87%+ % 153% 132 Am Tobacco pf (6). 1 149 149 149 +1 8% 4% Am Type Founders. 1 5% 5% 5% + % 14'% 8% Am Water Works.. 41 12 11% 11%+ % 15% 3% Am Woolen _ 3 9% 9% 9% + % 64% 28% Am Woolen pf 2 46 45% 46 +1 12 4 Am Zinc _ 2 7% 7% 7% + % 48 24 Am Zinc pr pf_ 2 39 39 39 40 20% Anaconda <1.25g)._ 36 30% 30% 30% + x, 4 1% A P W Taper 1 3% 3% 3% - % 37 21 Arch-Dan-Mid 1.10* 2 32 31% 31%- % 106 97 ArmourtDel) pf (7). 2 10S 106% 108 +2 8x* 3% Armour (111) ... 7 5% 5% 6% + % 60 33x4 ArmourdlDpr pf... 1 47% 47% 47% +1% 68 31** Armstrong C (2g)_. 4 38% 37% 38% +1% 42% 21 AtchTop&SFe .. 17 24% 24% 24% + •% 71 49% Atch T&S Fe pf (6). 2 51% 50% 51%+% 30% 15 Atl Coast Line .. 6 22% 22'% 22% + % 26% 5x4 Atl Gulf & W Ind . 2 16 16 16 +1 26 9% Atl Gulf&W Ind pf. 2 18, 17 17 + % 24% 18% Atl Refining (1) ... 1 20% 20% 20% 9% 7 Atlas Corp (.50g)__. 1 8% 8% 8% - % 48% 43% Atlas Corp pf (3)... 1 47% 47% 47% + % 5% 1% Auburn Auto (r)_ 2 2'* 2% 2% 9% 3% Aviation Corn ... 62 7% 7 7% + V* 21% 9% Baldwin Lococlfs. 6 ‘17% 17% 17% + % 8X4 3% Balto & Ohio _ 15 6 5% 6 -e % 11% 4% Balto & Ohio pf .. 1 7% 7% 7% + % 30% 11 % Bangor & Ar 2.37g . 4 13% 13% 13% + % 87% 49 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 100s 52 52 52 + *» 19% 11% Barnsdall t.90g) . 4 12% 12% 128. + 26% 15% Bayuk Cigar (.75a). 4 26% 26% 26xt + % 28 17 Beatrice Crea (la) 2 27% 27% 27% - % 128% 104% Beech-Nut Pkg(4a) 1 126 126 126 +1 9% 7% Belding-Hem (.80). 1 9% 9% 9% + % 33x4 16% Bendix Avia (1.50g) 24 32% 31% 32 +1 22% 17% Beneficial Ln 1.85g. 2 21% 21% 211* -t- % 56 48% Beneficial L pf 2.50. 1 56% 56% 56% + % *vv iiVTi UDimciitm tju 1* o_ -4 CU Ol T *» 184 154 Beth Stl 57. pf (1).. 3 18 18 18 + 4 1204 994 Beth Steel pf (7)... 4 1154 115 1154 + 4 324 154 Bigelow Sanf’d(lg) 2 31 304 31 +14 244 14 Black & Decker (1). 4 22 21 22 +14 174 84 Blaw Knox . 13 114 104 114 + 4 364 134 Bliss&Laugh 2.50a. 2 2S 23 23 + 4 344 164 Boeing Airplane _ 12 224 224 224 + 4 284 16 Bohn Alum & B (1). 1 23 4 23 4 234 634 51 Bon Ami(B)2.50a.- 40s 64 61 61 + 4 22 164 Borden Co (1.40g)_. 7 214 214 214 + 4 32 184 Borg-Warner (la).. 18 254 25 254 + 4 344 194 Bower Roll B (3)... 3 334 334 334 + 4 154 74 Bridgeport Brass... 2 114 114 114+ 4 314 164 Briggs Mfg 1.25g .. 4 224 214 22 — 4 53 414 Bristol-Myers 2.40.. 1 52 62 52 -1 154 74 Bklyn-Man Transit. 2 144 144 144 + 4 504 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf. 2 494 494 494 - 4 144 54 Bklyn & Queens pf. 2 13 124 13 + 4 304 134 Bklyn Un Gas(.50g) 6 244 234 244 + 4 254 94 Brunswick-B 2.75g. 11 224 214 224 +14 134 7 Bucyrus-Erie(.60g) 2 94 94 94 + 4 8 4 Budd Mfg _ 6 54 64 54 + 4 554 294 Budd Mfg pf_ 20s 41 404 41 + 4 64 3 Budd Wheel 2 54 54 64 — 4 344 214 Bulova Watch (2a). 1 31 31 31 + 4 204 114 Burlington Mills la 5 194 194 194 -4 184 11 Burr’s Add Mch 40. 8 124 114 124 +4 7a. 1 Bush Terminal ... 11 44 44 44 + 4 20 64 Bush T Bldgs pf.... 30s 114 11 114+14 94 54 Butler Bros (,30g). 1 74 74 74 +4 164 7 Byers (A Ml Co .. 2 124 124 12'. 30 134 California Packing. 17 25 234 244+24 53 484 Calif Pkg pf (2.50). 1 61 51 51 + 4 34 4 Callahan Zinc . 2 14 14 14 104 44 Calumet & Hec ,50g 4 7 7 7 +4 174 94 Camb’ll Wyant .60g 2 154 154 154 + 4 204 12 Canada Dry (,50g). 3 174 1714 174 +4 6V* 34 Canadian Pacific . 15 5 44 5 + 4 414 294 Cannon Mills 2.23g. 1 394 39‘. 394 +1 4 24 Carriers & Gen .log 2 3 24 3 + 4 1224 110 Case (J I) Co pf (7) 10s 1184 1184 1184 - 4 644 384 Caterpillar Trac(2) 2 544 54 544 +1 304 134 Celanese Corp(.50a) 7 294 294 294 +4 1094 84 Celanese pr pf (7).. 150s 109 109 109 + Vi 194 74 Celotex Corp 2 104 104 104 + 4 304 184 Cent Aguirre (1.50) 2 234 23 23 1134 1034 Cent 111 L pf (4.50). 10s 112 112 112 144 34 Cent Violeta (.25g). 1 9 9 9 +4 64 34 Century Rib Mills._ 2 54 54 54 + *4 624 32 Cerro de Pasco (4). 2 39 38 39 +14 13 54 Certaln-teed _ 8 7 64 7 +4 474 22 Certaln-teed pf_ 20s 324 324 324 +14 294 34 Chesapeake Corp... 10 44 44 44 + 4 474 27 Ches& Ohio 2.50a). 10 414 404 414 44 14 Chi Grt West pf(r). 5 14 14 14-4 14 94 Chi Mail Order (1). 1 114 114 114 14 4 Chi M StP&P pf (r) 10 4 4 4 14 4 Chi & Northwn (r). 3 ft ft ft + ft 34 4 Chi & Northxvn pf(r 11 4 1 204 10 ChiPneuTool ... 1 144 144 144 -4 14 4 Chi Rl&P 77, pf(r). 14 4 4 154 10 Chickasha C 0.25g. 1 114 114 114+4 134 44 Childs Co ... 3 54 54 54 + 4 944 634 Chrysler Corp (5g). 30 904 894 904 +4 144 9 City Ice&F (1.20). 3 124 124 124 974 79 City 1 & F pf(6 50). 130s 97 96 97 +4 44 24 City Stores 2 34 34 34 + 4 39 204 Clev Graphite 2.50g 8 36 354 36 + 4 604 344 Climax Molib 1.20a. 13 394 39 394 - 4 88 214 Cluett Peab 2.75g... 4 374 364 374 +2 133 105 Coca-Cola <5g) -. 1 118 118 118 + 4 18 114 Colgate-Pal-P .50a. 36 184 18 184 + 4 107 1014 Colg-Pal-P pf (6).. 1 1054 1054 1054 + 4 37 4 204 Collins & Aik (1)_ 1 334 334 334 +4 84 24 Colo & Southern_ 20s 44 44 44 + 4 94 34 Colo & So 1st pf .. 60s 54 5 54 + 4 254 14 Colum BC(A)l.S0g_ 2 244 24 24 254 14 Colum BC(B)1.50g. 1 24 24 24 9 64 Columbia Gas & El. 48 64 64 64 + 4 91 744 Col G&E pf(A)(6) 2 90 88 90 +24 154 64 Columb Pic vtc 24f 1 7 64 64 +4 304 154 Columb Pic pf 2.41k 2 184 194 194 +1 57 384 Cornel Credit (4)... 8 474 464 474 +4 60 42* Cornel Inv Tr (4)... 4 53 524 53 +1 16 84 Cornel Solvents _ 65 144 14 144 + 4 324 254 Comwlth Ed (1.80). 71 324 324 324 + 4 lu Oftmmlth 4 Smith'n 12 14 14 14 + 4 72% 45% Com with & S pf (3) 4 71% 70% 71% +1% 30% 19 Congoleum (la)- 2 23% 23 23% + % 32% 15% Consol Aircraft .. 7 29% 29% 29% + % 85 73 Consol Cigar pf (7). 20s 80 80 80 91 79% Consol C pr pf 6.50.. 10s 90 89% 90 +1 11 4% Consol Cop M(.30g) 2 8 7% 8 36 27 Consol Edison (2).. 21 31% 30% 31 + Vi 108% 101% Consol Edis pf ,5)„ 1 107% 107% 107% 12% 7% Consol Film pf(lk). 1 9 9 9 + % 7% 3% Consol Laundries— 1 4% 4% 4% 9% 6% Consol Oil (.80) _. 23 7% 7% 7% + % 9 1% Consolidation Coal. 9 4% 4 4% + % 17% 9% Container Corp .25g 6 16% 16% 16% + % 22% 11% Conti Baking (A).. 3 13% 13% 13% + % 2 1 Conti Baking (B)._. 6 1% 1% 1% 51V 32% Conti Can (2g) 6 43 42% 42% + % 40% 29% Conti Insur (1.60a). 5 40% 40 40 - *> 5% 1% Conti Motor ... 15 4 3% 3% 31% 19% Conti Oil (1). 8 24 23% 24 + % 61% 49 Corn Exchange (3). 870s 61 61 61 + V> 67% 64% Corn Products (3).. 6 64% 64% 64% - % 5 3 Coty, Inc (.50g)_ 3 4% 4% 4% + % 2% % Coty Internatl 20g. 2 1 1 1 38 16 Crane Co ( 60g) . 5 24 23% 24 + % 32% 26% Cream of Wheat(2) 2 32 31% 32 13 6% Crosley Corp 2 7% 7% 7% + % 40% 33 Cr'nC&S pfww2.25 30s 38 38 38 + % 37% 28 Cr’n C&S pf xw 2.25 1 37% 37% 37% 17% 9 Crown Zeller(.50g). 8 17% 17 17% + % 94 75 Crown Zeller pf (*) 20s 90 90 90 + % 52% 24% Crucible Steel _ 2 41 40% 41 + Vi 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar ... 7 7% 7% 7% + % 93 48 Cuban A S pf (4k).. 20s 81 81 81 + % 19% 9 Cudahy Packing— 1, 13% 13% 13% + % 28% 26 Cuneo Press_ 1 26% 26% 26% + % 7% 3% Curtis Publishing.. 2 4% 4% 4% + % 63% 38 Curtis P pf 2.3751c.. 3 45 44% 46 +2 13% 4% Curtiss-Wright_ 67 10% 10% 10% + « 4. Prev. 1039 Stock and Sales— Net High. Low.. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. close, ehge. 32% 19% Curtlss-Wr(A)(2g) 10 30% 30 30 + % 26 13% Cutler Hamm’r 75e. 1 20% 20% 20% + % 10% 4% Davison Chemical i 7% 7% 7% 112% 103 Dayton P&L pr 4.60 40s 112% 112% 112% 26% 16% Deere & Co (.75g).. 6 23% 23 23%-% 18% 11% Deisel-W-G (la)... 2 16% 16% 16%+% 28 12% Dei & Hudson _ 6 22% 22% 22% + l\ 8% 3% Del Lack & Wn ... 4 6% 6% 6% + V, 1% % Den R Gr Wn pf (r) 2 % % % + % 125% 103 Detroit Edison (6b) 1 124 124 124 +1 32% 18 Devoe&Ray A .25g.. 130s 22% 21% 22%+% 34% 28 Dlam'd Match 1.50.. 3 33% 33% 33% - % 20% 13% Distlll-Seagr (2) .. 14 19% 19 19%+% 13% 9% Dixie-Vortex (lg).. 3 12% 12% 12% +1% 34 20% Dome Mines (2) ... 4 23 22% 23 87% 65 Douglas Air (3g)... 15 83% 82% 83% +1% 144% 101% Dow Chemical (3).. 4 143 142 143 -% 19% 6 Dunhlll lnternatl— 2 7% 7% 7% -t- % 188% 126% Du Pont <7g) ... 8 182% 182% 182% + % 124% 112 Du Pont pf (4.50).. 3 122 122 122 31% 12% Eastern Air Lines . 21 30% 29% 30% + % 186% 138% Eastman Kodak (6) 4 166% 166% 166% — % 30% 15% Eaton Mfg (2.50g). 3 30% 29% 30%+% 3% 1 Eitlngton Schllrt . 7 1% Hi 1% 40% 22% Elec Auto Llte<3g). 2 :8% 88 38%+ % 18% 8% Electric Boat(.60g) 84 16% 15% 16% +1% 3% 1% Electric* Music .. 1 1% 1% 1% + % 12% 6% Elec Pwr* Light 6 7% 7% 7% + % 38 18% Elec Pw* Lt *6 pf. 8 28% 27 28% +1% 41% 20% Elec Pw & Lt pf .. 9 32% 31% 32% + % 35 23% Elec Stor Bat (2)... 1 28% 28% 28% + % 3% % Elk Horn Coal .. 1 1% 1% 1% 42% 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 2 41% 41% 41% 13% 7 Eng Pub Service . 14 11% 11% 11% + % 80% 62% Eng Pub Svc pf (5). 1 79% 79% 79%+ % 89 65% Eng Pub Svc pf 5.50 1 88% 88% 88%+% 95 69 Eng Pub Svc pf (6). 3 91% 93% 94% +2% 13 6 Evans Products_ 3 8% 8% 8% + % 25% 14% Ex-Cell-O (lg) ... 3 23% 23% 23%+% 43% 24 -fairbanks-M 1.50g_ 3 39% 39% 39jjg + % 38% 20 Fajardo Sugar (2) 2 27 27 27 — % 18% 11 Fed Lt* Trac (lg). 7 16% 15% 16%+% 98 81 Fed Lt & Tr pf (6) 40s 100 99 100 42 31%. 28% Fed Min * Sm 1.50g 2 28% 28 28 - % 27% 18% Federat Dep St (lg) 2 24 24 24 4 % 23% 14% Ferro Enamel (la). 1 19 19 19 + % 46% 27% Fidelity Phoe 1.60a. 5 40 39% 39% - % 25% 17% Firestone Tire (1) . 2 21% 20% 21% + % Cl OOt 1.4: I o CA 1 442 4 42 A 42 31+ 15 Flintkote(lE) . fi 20+ 20+ 20+ + + 38 25 Florence Stove(3g). 3 34+ 341 a 34+ — + 29v* 14 Foster Wheeler 2 19+ 19 191» + + 36 18+ Freeport Sulph (la) l 32+ 32+ 32+ — V* 3Vi IV, Gabriel (A) 1 2+ 2+ 2+ 5+ 2 Gair (Robert) _ 3 3'* 3V* 3+ + + 18+ 7+Gair (Robert) pf_ 10 17 16 17 +1 + 15+ 9 Gamewell (50b)_ 10s 14+ 14+ 14+ 7+ 3+ Gar Wood lndust .. 1 4+ 4+ 4+ + V* 65 40 GenAmTran 2.375c. 4 57 56+ 66+ 11 7+ Gen Baking ( 60) 3 7+ 7+ 7+ + Vi 18 9 Gen Cable .. 2 11+ 11+ 11+ -i + 25+ 16 Gen Clear (l.75c).. I 19 + 18+ 19+ +l 130+ 106 Gen Clear pf (7) 40s H3+ Il3+ Il3+ 44 « 31 Gen Electric! I.40b) 34 41 40+ 40+ + + 48 36+ Gen Foods (2a) .. 23 48+ 47+ 48++ V* l+ + Gen Gas&El (A) . 4 + + ++ + 65+ 39 Gen Gas & K cv pf.. 10s 40 40 40 -5 128+ 125+ Gen Mills pf (5) . I80s 129 128+ 129 + + 56+ 36+ Gen Motors (3.50b) 25 55 54+ 55 + + 92+ 85+Gen Rwy Sic pf (6). 10s 89 89 89 -l + l+ + Gen Realty & Util . 2 + + + 41 19+Gen Refractor .50b. 3 32', 32+ 32 + 43+ 16 Gen Steel Cast pf . 40s 30 29 30 +l + 20*a 13+ Gen Telephone! I a). 2 20 19+ 20 + + 15+ 8+Gen Thea Eq ( *nK) 8 13+ 12+ 12+ + + 27+ 15+ Gen Tire&Rub .50r. 2 22+ 22+ 22+ 4l 8+ 5+ Gillette Saf R (.60). 2i 6+ 6+ 6 + 13+ 6+ Gimhel Bros _. 2 8'* 8+ 8+ + 24V, 14 Glidden Co (.50b) 16 18+ 17+ 18++1 + 47 34 Glidden cv pf (2.25) l 38+ 38+ 38++1 + ;(v* 2+Gohel (Adolf) .. 3 3+ 2+ 3+ + V* 2+ l+ Gobel Brew ( 20a) . I 2+ 2+ 2+ + + 24+ 13+ Goodrich(B F) ( Ib)■ 6 19+ 19+ 19+ ♦ + 38+ 21+ Goodyear Rub (l>_. 13 24 23+ 24 +l l+ + Graham-Paige _ 13 + + '* 107* 4+Granby Consol 40g. 9 8+ 7+ 8+ + + 10+ 9+ Grand Union x ctfs. I 9+ 9+ 9 + 15+ 14+ Grand Un war ctfs. I 14+ 14+ 14+ + + 22+ 10 Granite C’y S .I25g. I 16 16 16 + l 35 24+ Grant (W THl.40). 5 33+ 33 33 - + 33V, 16+ Great North’n pf . 9 27+ 26+ 27 + + 22+ 12+ Gr’t No O cfs l.25g. 2 17+ 17+ 17+ - + 37+ 23+ Great Wn Sue (2).. 2 29+ 28+ 29+ + l + 35+ 24+ Green (HR) (2a) .. 2 33', 33 33++ + 21+ 14+ Greyhound (la)_ 94 17+ 16+ 17+ + + 12+ 10 Greyhound pf (.55). 2 ll+ ll+ ll+ 6 + Guantanamo SuEar. I 2+ 2+ 2 + 22+ ll Gulf Mob & Nor pf. 2 17+ 17+ 17+ +l + 18+ 8 Hall (W F) Prts -- 13 19+ 18+ 19 + Vt 33+ 17 Harb & Walker(lB) 3 27+ 27 27++ V, 4+ 2 Hayes Body . 3 3'* 3+ 3+ + + 112+ 93 Hazel Atlas Gl (5).. 9 111+ lll+ ll IV, - ». I3+ 8+ Hecker Prod (.60a). 9 10 10 10 + + 18+ 10 Hercules Mot .50g.. I 15 15 15 - V» I0l+ 63 Hercules P (2 *5b). I 89+ 89+ 89+ + + 19 14+ Hinde & Pauch (1). 1 18 18 18 +1 51 29+ Holland Furn (2)._ 3 33+ 33+ 33+ 66+ 47** Homestake (4.50).. 1 59 59 59 + + 17+ 8+ Houd-Her (B) 75b- 2 13+ 13+ 13+ 73+ 60v* Household Fin (4a) 1 68‘, 68+ 68+ — + 9+ 4+ Houston Oil .. 4 6+ 6 6+ + + 57 40 Howe Sound (3a)— » ss»* - % 35'* 21% Hudson Bay 1.75g_. 5 26 26 26 + % 8% 4% Hudson Motor 6 5% 5% 5% + % 2% % Hu pp Motor- 1111 20% 9 Illinois Central ... 3 12% 12% 12%+ V* 49 38% Illinois C L L (4).. 250s 40% 40 40% 9% 4% Indian Refining 2 6 5% 6 + % 29% 16% Indust Rayon .75g . 3 28a, 28% ?8at 4- u 157 147% Ingersoll-Rd pf (6) 60s 150% 150% 150% + a* 21 9% Inspiration Copper. 5 13% 13s, 13% + % 9% 2% Interboro R T (r) — 5 3% 3% 3% + % 46% 17% Interchem ( 40g) 1 43 43 43 -1 5% 2% Intercontl Rub .20g 2 4‘, 4% 4% — % 16% 7% Interlake Iron .. 15 12% 11% 12% + Vi 2% 1% Inti Agricultural .. 4 1% 1% 1% — % 41 16 Inti Agricul pr pf . 1 37 37 37 +1 195'* 145 Inti Bus Mach (6a). 2 185% 185% 185% — % 71% 45% Inti Harvester 1.60. 2 61% 60% 61% + Vi 8% 3*4 Inti Hydro-El (A).. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 17% 2% Inti Mercantile Ma. 160 10% 9V* 9*» +1% 10 5% Inti Mining (,45g) _. 1 6% 6% 6% + % 554* 3S lntl Nickel Can (2). 28 37% 36*t 37a. +1% 14% 6ai Inti Paper & Power. 50 14% 14 14% + % 67% 25% lntl Paper & Pw pf. 20 57'* 56'* 57 + % 6% 3% lntl Ry Cent Am . 1 4% 4% 4% 60% 39% lntl R C A pf 5.75k. 60s 51% 51 51% + % 40% 31% lntl Shoe (1.50a)- 1 35 35 35 + <4 9% 3% lntl Tel & Teleg . 15 4% 4% 4% + k 9% 4 lntl T & T for’n cfs. 2 4% 4% 4% 14% 7% Interstate Hept Str. 1 10% 10% 10% + % 87 76 Interstate DS pf(7) 10s 83 83 83 +2% 18 13 Jarvis (WB) 1.50g. 5 16% 16% 16% - k 105 59 Johns-Manv 2.75g . 2 75 74 75 42% 133 122 Johns Manv pf (7) 30s 128 128 128 -1 83 35 Jones & Laughlin pf 1 66 66 66 41 19% 13 Kalamazoo Stov .50 4 14% 14% 14% 11% 5% Kansas City Sou .. 8 7% 7% 7% + % 144* 7% Kelsey-Hayes (A).. 3 11% 11% 11% — k 10% 5 Kelsgy Hayes (B).. 3 7% 7% 7% 99 79 Kendall pf (6) - 10s 90 90 90 46% 28 Kennecott Cop(2g) 19 37% 37% 37% + % 38 20 Kimberly-Clark! la) 1 38a* 38% 38a* + a* 30% 12% Kinney J5 pf (3g) . 20s 26 26 26 + »* 26% 20 Kresge (SSH1.20). 2 25 24a* 24% 4 V* 29a. 23% Kress (S HHl 60) . 5 29% 29 29%+ % 29% 20V* Kroger Groc(l.60a) 13 29% 28a* 28a* 13% 7 Laclede Gas - 70s 8% 8% 8% 4 % 23% 12% Laclede Gas pf- 180s 15% 141* 15% +1% 18% 14 Lambert (1.50)_ 2 16 16 16 + % 5*4 3k Lane Bryant - 1 5 5 5 37% 25 Lee Rub &T (2.50a) 2 34% 34% 34%+ % 3% VI Leh Valley Coal . 3 1% 1% 1% + k 8** 1% Leh Valley Coal pf- 2 4 3a* 4 4 % 6% 2% Leh Valley RR (r). 3 3% 3% 3% + k 27a* 20 Lehman Corp (.SO). 7 23% 22a* 23% + % 56a* 36% Llbbey-Ow-F 2.75g. 7 63 52% 82a, 4. % 10 4% Llbbv McN & Lib 2 6% 6a* 6a* + k 43% 33 Life Savers (1.60a) 2 41% 41% 41% 108% 95 Ligg & Myers (4a). 1 106% 106% 106% + % 109a* 95V* Ligg & Myers(B)4a 5 107% 106a* 107% + V* 40% 20a* Blma Locomotive . 6 28% 28 28% + % 47 31% Link Belt (la) _ 1 40 40 40 +1% 20% 10 Lion Oil Ref (1) ... 3 12% lia, 12%+ k 19 13% Liquid Carbon (lg) 5 16 15% 16 4 % 36*1 18% Lockheed Aire (lg) 29 32% 31% 32 + k 64% 30% Loew’s Inc (2a) 12 37 35% 36% 41% 109% 101% Loew’s Inc pf (6.50) 1 106a, I06a* 106a, +1% 21», 6 Loft Inc ... 22 18a* 18% 184* + % 62 38% Lone Star Cmt(3a). 3 46% 46% 46% + % 6% 2 Long Bell (A) - 4 3a, 3% 3a* + % 2Z% 1614 Loose-wues ill- i iiwi i ‘v* t » 24% 19% Lorillard (1.40g)... 7 24% 24 24% 159% 138 Lorillard pf (7) ... 10s 156% 166% 156% +1 20% lb% Louis G&E< All.50. 1 20% 20% 20% + % 67 36% Louis & Nash <5g). 1 58% 68% 58% +1% 35 28 MacAnd & ForbCa) 1 34% 34% 34%-% 33% 18 Mack Trucks ,50g . 6 28% 27% 28% +1 43% 25% Macy (R H) Co (2). 8 29% 29 29%+% 19% 11% Madis Sq Gar 1.35g. 1 12 12 12 40 25% Magma Cop(2.75g). 1 34% 34% 34% + % 6% 1 Manati Sugar .. 5 3% 3% 3% 15% 5 Man Ry mod gtd (r) 2 14% 14% 14% + % 16 10 Manhat Shirt (la).. 1 15% 15% 15% 5% 4% Marine Midl’d 32g 6 5 4% 5 8% 3% Market St Ry pr pf. 20s 4% 4% 4% + % 17% 9% Marshall Field ,30g 7 15 14% 15 + % 45% 26% Martin (Glenn) lg 19 41% 40% 41% + % 8 2 Martin Parry __ 63 9% 8% 9% +1% 37% 20% Math Alkill (1.50).. 3 30% 30% 30%+% *6% 3% Maytag Co 1 3% 3% 3% - % 15% 10% McCall Corp (1.40). 6 15 14% 15 17% 9*« McCrory Strs (la) 6 15% 15% 15% 59% 39 McIntyre Pore < 2a) 1 46% 46% 46%+ % 18% 8% McKeesport Tin 3 11% 11 11%+ % 10% 6% McLellan Strs .60g. 1 9% 9% 9% + % 101% 88 McLellan pf (6)_ 10s 99 99 99 -1 14% 6 Mead Corp 2 11% 11% 11% 30% 28% Melville Shoe(new) 12 30% 30% 30%-% 6% 3 Mengel Co _ 1 5% 5% 5% + % 28% 14 Mengel Co 5% pf_ 40s 21% 21% 21%+% 39% 25 Mesta Mach (l.SOg) 1 29% 29% 29% 16% 6% Miami Copper ... 3 10% 10% 10%+ % 18 11% Mid Cont Pet (.60g) 10 16% 15% 16% + % 40 18% Midland Stl P (5g). 1 36% 36% 36% 120% 101 Mid Stl 1st pf (8).. 40s 116% 116% 116% + % 85% 44% Minn-Hon Ros (2).. 1 50% 50% 50% + % 6% 2% Minn-Moline Imp... 2 4% 4% 4% + % 54 36 Minneap-Moline pf. 2 40% 39% 40% 14% 8% Mission Corp (.«5g) 8 9% 9% 9% + % k a Prev. 1030 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 2% 1 Mo-Kan & Texas... 21 1% 1 1%+ V» 9% 2% Mo-Kan & Texas pf 4 4% 4% 4% + V* 1% H Mo Pacific (D_ 1 % % % + % 2% 44 Mo Pacific pf (r) 1 4* 4. 4* 21 1044 Mohawk Carpet .75g 1 1844 18% 1844 + 44 1144* 864* Monsanto Ch (3r> 2 10944 109% 109% + % 674* 40% Montg Ward (la) 16 65% 55% 55% + % 37% 22% Morris* Es (3.875) 60s 29% 28% 29 +1 19 9% Motor Products 3 11% 114* 1144-4* 17% 10 Motor Wheel (1.60) 1 16 16 16+44 30 16% Mueller Brass 80g. 4 26 25% 26 +% 7% 34* Mullins Mfg (B)._. 2 4% 4% 4% + % 44% 30 Mullins Mfg pf 100s 35% 35 35 - % 111% 105 Murphy <GC)pf(5) 10s 109% 109% 109% + % 9% 4 Murray Corp _ 4 6 5% 6 + % 9V* 5% Nash-Kelvinator .. 19 6% 6% 64i + % 15 7% Natl Aviatton(.75g) 5 14 13% 14 +44 28% 21% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 18 23% 22% 23 + % 26% 14% Natl Cash Reg (1).. 6 15% 15% 16%+% 16 8% Natl Cyl Gas (,50g) 1 12% 12% 12% - % 18% 12% Natl Dairy (.80) 14 16% 16% 16% + % 6% 4% Natl Dept Stores pf 2 6 6 6 28% 20% Natl Distillers (2) 11 24% 24% 24%+% 16% 8% Natl Gypsum(.25g). 2 11% 11% 11% + % 27% 17% Natl Lead (,50a) 8 20% 194* 20%+% 145 132 Natl Lead pf(B)(6) 60s 144 144 144 +% 10 64* Natl Pwr & Lt .60 . 1 8% 8% 844 + % 82 52 Natl Steel <1.70g)._ 3 72% 72 72% +1% I RlA RlU. K'r.t I C..rvv.l.. O Q Ql. — L* 20 10 Natl Supply 12 pf . 1 124 124 124 + 4 694 334 Natl Sup BV4 6875k. 1 39 39 39 + 4 64 24 Natl Tea Co . .. 1 34 34 34 + 4 174 84 Newport lndi*_ 2 1*24 124 124 + V« 234 114 NY Central 23 184 184 184+4 254 104 N Y Chi & St Louis. 2 20 20 20 +4 454 184 N Y Chi & St L pf... 2 384 384 384 +4 14 4 N Y N H & H (rj . 1 4 4 4 • 54 14 N Y N H & H pf (r). 3 14 14 14 17 84 N Y Shipbuilding 4 134 1 14 134 + 4 217 168 Norfolk & \Vn< 10a). 1 217 217 217 +24 294 124 Nor Am Avia 1.40g. 37 264 26 264 + 4 264 184 Nor Am Co (1.20a) 29 23 224 23 + 4 594 524 North Am 67. pf (3) 1 58 58 58 + 4 144 7 Northern Pacific . 12 9 84 84 40 29 Northwest Tel (3).. 30s 314 344 344 + 4 64 24 Norwa Ik Tire _ 15 5 5 104 6 Ohio Oil . 13 74 64 74 + 4 30 144 Oliver Farm Equip. 1 204 204 204 + 4 204 12 Omnibus Corp 1.20a 1 134 134 134 1134 1004 Omnibus pf (8) . 10s 1034 1034 1034 + 4 .74 154 Otis Elevator HOg . 3 174 174 174 + 4 16 74 Otis Steel 9 114 114 114+ 4 264 164 Outboard Mot 2. log 1 27 27 27 + 4! 70 50 Owens-Ill Glass 12) 2 624 624 624 +14 74 3 Rac Am Fisheries . 4 54 54 5V* + 4 154 34 Pac Coast 2d pf . 10s 12 12 12 344 274 Pac Gas & Elec (2). 3 : 34 334 334- 4 504 41 Pac Lighting (3)... 3 494 484 484 H 4 214 94 Pac Mills 4 154 144 154 + 4 114 7 Pac Western O 40g 1 74 74 74 + 4 44 3 Packard Motor 86 34 34 34 +• 4 194 94 Pan-Am Airways 40 204 194 204 +1 2 4 Panhandle __ 4 1 1 1 144 64 Paramount (.15g) . 22 74 74 74 + 4 1074 72 Paramount 1st (6). 2 85 85 85 — 4 4 14 Park Utah Mines _. 4 24 24 24 47 36 Parke Davis 160a.. 3 444 44 444 21 114 Parker Pust (la)_ 3 20 194 20 + 4 24 14 Parmelee Trans_ 2 14 14 14 + 4 134 5% Paths Film _ 3 104 104 104 + 4 11% 54 Patino Mines ._ 16 7 64 6-4 + 4 944 74 Penney (JC) (3a).. 3 95 944 944 44 4 Penn Coal & Coke . 1 24 24 24 + 4 54 24 Tenn Dixie Com 1 34 34 :'4 + 4 •-74 15 Penn Railroad tig) 24 234 234 234 + 4 45 304 Peoples G & C 2.Lug 1 37 37 37 + 4 40 134 Pere Marquette pf 70s 274 27 27 — 4 45 21 Pere Marq pr pf . 140s 334 33 334 + 4 474 284 Phelps Dodge 1.50g 9 404 40 40 — 4 1034 74 Philip Morris (3a) . 2 914 904 90% - 4; 464 314 Phillips Petrol <2). 5 414 414 414 — 4 94 6 Pierce Oil pf . 3 8 8 8 +4 314 23 Pilisbury FI (1.60). 1 264 264 264 12 24 Pitts Coal 6 54 54 54 + 4 324 12 Pitts Coal pf .. 2 2"> 244 25 +14 144 4 Pitts Coke & Iron . 1 84 84 84 + 4 95 50 ritts C & lr pf (5).. 10s 704 704 704 + 4 114 44 PitisScrew 8 84 84 84 + 4 204 6 Pitts & W Va 90s 154 15 15 - 4* 24 174 Plymouth Oil 1.40a. 3 21 204 21 + 4 164 74 Poor & Co (B) 1 124 124 124 + 4 24 4 Port R Am To A (r) 1 14 14 14 + 4 164 6 Tressed Steel Car 4 144 144 144 - 4 66 504 Proctor* Gam (2a) 3 67 654 67 +1 1194 112 Proctor & G pf (5) 60s 1184 1184 1184 414 314 Pub Svc (NJ) 2.50g 11 404 404 404 +4 166 147 Pub SvctNJ )pf (8) _ 10s 1614 1614 1614 - 4 414 224 Pullman (1) 7 32 314 32 +14 114 64 Pure Oil 4.25k) ... 9 84 84 84 + 4 184 104 Purity Bak (l.GOg). 2 15 144 15 + Vj 84 5 Radio Corp (20g)__ 45 54 54 54 + 4 674 634 Radio cv pf (3.50).. 1 604 604 604 + 4 24 14 Radio-Keith-Or (r) 11 14 14 14 IQ PavnnlarPn TO 1Q|_ 1Q7. IQ J. W 224 104 Heading Co (1) 4 164 154 164+ 4 174 94 Reming-Rand (.80) 6 104 104 10'« + 4 24 4 Reo Motor (r) _ 1 14 14 14 + 4 28>, 124 Republic Steel . 24 234 23 234 + 4 954 43 Rep Stl cv pf 7.50k.. 1 90 90 90 +1 894 42 Rep Steel pf A (6)— 2 75 744 75 + 4 204 9-4 Revere Copper .. 8 144 14 144 — 4 404 214 Revere Copper (A). 2 29 29 29 +2 45 35 Reyn Tob B 2.30s . 12 40 394 394 + 4 104 64 Richfield Oil (.50g). 4 8 74 8 + 4 614 274 Safeway Strs 2.50a. 4 474 47 47 + V* 109 824 Safeway S pf (5> . 60s 105 101 105 +1 113 96 Safeway S pf (6).. 10s 1124 1124 1124 1164 1044 Safeway S pf (7) 30*114 114 114 +4 494 274 St Joseph Leed(la) 3 414 414 414 + 4 4 4 St L.-San Fran (r) . 1 4 4 4+4 23 104 Savage Arms 1.25g. 1 204 204 204 174 10 Schenley Distillers 4 124 124 124 + 4 1 4 Schulte Retail Sir) 2 4 4 4 524 444 Scott Paper! 1.60a l l 484 484 484 + 4 1174 105 Scott Paper pf 4.50 30s 114 114 114 + Is, 1 4 Seaboard Air L. (r) 17 4 4 4 34 1 Seaboard A E pf (r) 2 14 14 14 864 604 Sears Roebuck (3a) 16 86 854 86 + 4 184 114 Servel Inc (la) 2 154 154 154 + 4 214 104 Sharon Steel _ 2 14 14 14 + V, 74 34 Sharp & Dohme . 3 54 54 54 + 4 114 64 Shattuckt F G) (.40) 1 64 64 64 + 1* 384 28 Sheaffer Pen 2.75g 20s 374 37 a 374 + 4 174 94 Shell Cn Oil (,50g). 1 124 124 124 + 4 32*4 174 Simmons Co 1.75g4 234 224 234 +14 294 154 Skelly Oil (.75g) 1 204 204 204 + 4 127 70 Sloss-Sheffield(3g). 10s 112 112 112 +1 21 114 Smith (AO) 1 16*4 164 164 174 9 Smith & Coro(.50g). 1 104 104 104 + 4 154 10Vi Socony-Vacm 50g. 44 124 124 124 + 4 3V, 14 So Amer Gold .20g . 2 24 24 24 - 4 184 13 S E Greyh'nd l.oOg 1 154 154 154 + 4 294 234 Southn Cal Ed 1.5Ua 7 294 29'. 294 + 4 214 104 Southern Pacific . 13 15 144 144 + 4 234 114 Southern Railway.. 9 204 20 20 + 4 364 154 Southern Rwy pt 1 344 344 344 — 4 34 14 Sparks Withington. 1 24 24 24 +4 514 36 Sperry Corp (2g)... 16 454 454 454 + 4 344 11 Spicer Mfg (2b)_ 1 34 34 34 + 4 Prev. 1039 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close, chce. 63 42 Spicer Mfg pf A (3) 20a 62% 52% 52%-% 16% 8% Spiegel. Inc <.30g) 5 10% 10% 10% + % 76% 57% Spiegel, Inc pf 4.50- 50a 60 60 60 34% 18% Square D Co 1.75g ._ 12 33% 33% 33%-% 7% 6% Stand Brands ,476g 130 6% 6 6% + % 10% 4% Stand G&E $4 pf-- 3 6% 6% 6% + % 20% 10 Stand G&E 16 pr pf 2 16% 16% 16% +1 25% 13% Stand G&E 87 pr pf. 8 20% 20 20%+% 33% 24% Stand Oil Cal (la)__ 27 25% 25 25%+% 30 22% Stand Oil Ind (la).. 28 27% 26% 27%+% 63% 38 Stand OilNJ(la) 23 44% 44% 44%+ % 36 20% Starrett (LS) 1.25g 1 33% 33% 33% - % 80 65 Sterling Prod (3.80) 4 80% 80 80%+% 12% 6% Stewart-Warn ,25g. 1 8% 8% 8% + % 7% 3% Stokely Brothers 4 5% 5 5% + % 17% 8% Stone&Webster.25g 15 12% 11% 12 + % 10 6% Studebaker .. 15 9% 9% 9% 11% 7% Sunshine Min 1.60.. 3 9% 9% 9% + % 38% ly% Superheater (.50a). 1 27% 27% 27% - % 3% 1% Superior Oil . -. 2 2% 2% 2% + % 30% 22% Sutherl d Pap 1.20.. 1 29% 29% 29% + % 25% 17 Swift&Co 1.20).... 3 22% 22 22%+% 37% 24% Swift Inti (2) 6 32 31% 31%-% 12% 4% Syming-Gould ww. 1 8% 8% 8% — % 7% 4% Talcott (J) (,50g) . 1 5% 5% 6% + % 43% 33% Talcott (J) pf 2.75.. 20s 34% 34% 34%+% 9% 4 Tennessee Corp_ 1 6% 6% 6% + % 50% 32% Texas Corp (2) _ 11 45% 44% 45%+% 38% 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2).— 7 33 32% 33 + % 11% 7 Tex Pac C&O (.40).. 3 8% 8% 8% + % 9 5% Tex Pac Ld Tr.lOg.. 1 6% 6% 6% - % 22% 8% Texas & Pac Rwy... 2 12% 12% 12%+% 6 2% Thermoid _... 1 4% 4% 4% — % 3% 1% Third Avenue_ 3 3% .7% 3% + % 4% 2% Thompson (JR). 1 4 4 4 - % 3% 1% Thompson-Starrett 1 2% 2% 2% + % 14% 9% Tide Wat A 0.80g 31 11 10% 11 +% 25 10% Timken-Det Ax(2g) 2 23% 23% 23%+ % 54% 34V* Timken ft B 2.50g _ 2 50% 50% 50% + % 8% 5 Transameriea (.50) 4 6% 6 6% + V« 12% 6% Transcontl & W Air 32 18% 12% 13% + % + >» z i ri-uonuneniai .. is zv-j z'h 24 + 4 7*4. 3 Truax-Traer Coal 1 4% 4% 4% 26% 11% 20th Century Fox 3 12V* 12 12 34% 19% 20th Cen-F* pf 1.50_. 1 244 244 244 +% 124 74 Twin Coach (.50g). 2 104 104 104 + % 4% % Ulen & Co -.11 1 1+4 66 344 Underw-Ell-F (2)._ 1 39% 39% 39% +1 134 6 Union Bag & Paper- 73 134 124 134 + 4 94% 654 Union Carb (1.90k). 15 88 87 87 + % 118 108% Union EKMo)pf(o) 120s 114 113% 113%+ 4 19% 154 Un Oil (Cal) l.Oog.. 3 16V, I64 164+4 105 814 Union Pacific (6) 1 95 95 95 + 4 24% 204 Un Tank Car 1.20a.. 4 234 23% 234 +% 51 31 Unit Aircraft (2g)_ 35 474 47 474 + % 164 74 Unit Air Lines _ 56 16% 164 164 + 4 18% 14% Unit Biscuit (1) ... 1 15% 15% 15%+ % 694 52 United Carbon (3). 1 60 60 60 — % 3% 2 UnitCorp 24 24 2% 24 + 4 394 304 United Corp pf (3) . 4 39% 39% 39% + % 74 44 Unit Drug . 6 54 5 54 s % 74 64% Unit Dyew'd pf (7). 60s 59 59 59 84 34 Unit Electric Coal . z 5V* 5 5% + V* 95 624 United Fruit (4) .. 7 859 854 85% + 4 15 11 Unit Gas imp (1)... 14 14% 14% 14% + 4 14 6% Unit Mer & Mfg ... 4 114 114 114+ 4 7% 3% Unit Paperboard 1 54 54 5% + % 11 5% U S & For'n Secur.. 1 6% 6% 6% - 4 74 4 US Hoffman .. 1 44 44 44 + % 29% 134 U S Indus Alcohol - 1 24 24 24 + % 154 5% L'S Leather (A) . 2 11 104 104 — % 49 *32% U S Pipe* Fdy(2a) 6 36% 36 36%+ 4 38 284 U S Play Card (2a). 1 34 34 34 64 14 U S Realty & imlr) 1 14 1% 14 52% 31% U S Rubber 23 414 40% 414+1 114% 86*4 U S Rub 1st pf(12g) 1 112% 1124 1124 - % 68 , 48 U S Sm & Ref (4a). 5 6Mj 61 61 82 9 41% U S Steel . 50 67% 664 66% + % 1204 964 U S Steel pf (7) . 7 117'. [16% 117 37', 30 U S Tobacco 1.76g 2 354 35 354 + 4 46% 39 U S Tobacco pf 1.75 40s 434 434 434 — 4 4 19 Unit Stockyards 1 2% 24 24 +4 85 604 Univ Leaf Tob(4a). 1 68 69 68 +1 78 454 Univ Pictu 1st pf 10s 69 69 69 40 16 Vanadium ilg)" 3 34 334 34 + 4 44 34% Vick Chemical (2a) 1 44% 44% 44% + % 299 18% Victor Chem 1.40g 1 3o ::0 30 + V, 33% 17 Va-Caro Chem pf 2 30 29 30 +1 5% % Va Iron Coal&Coke 90s 2 1% 1% — 4 15 44 Va Iron Coal & C pf 30s 6% 6% 6% — 4 101 644 Vulcan Detin 6.50g 20s 93 93 93 3 % Wabash (r) 1 1% 1% 1% + 4 34 14 Wabash pf (A) (r). 2 1% 1% 14+ 4 984 85 Walgreen pf (4.50). 2 954 95', 954 50% 30% Walker (H)(4)_ 4 344 33% 344 +14 9V* 4 Walworth Co . 3 6 5% 6 + 4 44 21 Ward Bak pf 1.50k. 2 22% 21% 21% - 4 6% 34 Warner Bros Piet 11 3% 3% 34+ % 58 36 Warner Bros Pic pf 20s 47 47 47 — »4 3% 1% Warren Bros (r) .. 1 1% 1% 1% — 4 35% 194 Warren F&P (2a). 1 31 31 31 24% 14% Waukesha Mot (1). 1 194 194 194 + ** 32% 20 Wayne Pump (2)... 2 224 224 224 + % 3% 14 Webster Eisenlohr. if 34 34 34 284 16 Wesson Oil & Snow 5 26V* 26 264 +1 79 55% Wesson O&S pf (4). 1 734 734 734 +24 107% 85 West PennE(A)(7) 40s 106 105% 106 + % 106 88 West Penn E pf (6) 20s 105 105 105 -r 4 1124 95 West Penn E pf(7). 10s 112% 112V* 112% - 4 1 1 £ IftRls \\7 r> v, O *-N + * CA 1 11C -lie , 1 * 19 k 154 W Va Pulp & P .20-. 1 194 194 194 + V* 364 204 West'n AutoS (2a). 6 364 364 364 114 34 West'n Jld 2d pf __ 1 74 74 74 +4 37 164 West’n Union Tel _ 61 284 264 284 +14 374 184 Westh'se A B ,625g 2 274 274 274 121 824 Westhse Elec 3.50g 6 117 1164 117 + 4 284 104 Weston El Inst lg. 6 29 284 29 + 4 39V* 154 Westvacoila) 2 37 37 37 + 4 97 74 Wheel & EE pf 5.50 10s 95 95 95 384 154 Wheeling Steel ... 8 324 314 324 +14 154 7 White Motor 1 124 124 124 44 14 White Sewing Mch 2 44 44 44 + 4 20 14 White Sew prpf.50g 2 204 204 204 44 24 Wilcox Oil & Gas 1 34 34 34 + 4 34 1 Willys-Overland 2 14 14 14 + 4 64 24 Willys-Overl'd pf1 34 34 34 74 24 Wilson & Co 4 54 54 54 + 4 114 1054 Wise EP&E pf (6) 10s 116 116 116 +24 o04 36 Woolworth (2.40) 43 39 384 39 + 4 234 104 Worthington Pump 5 18*. 18 184 + S 1244 85 Wright Aero (2g) 50s 1144 114 1144 + 4 334 184 Yale & Townet.60a) 4 244 244 244 + 4 214 114 Yellow Truck 8 184 184.184 + 4 214 94 Young Spg & Wire 2 114 114 114+ 4 564 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T 10 47 464 47 +14 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr (lg) 3 284 274 284 +14 34 2 Zonite Products . _ 1 24 24 24 +4 Approximate Sales ot Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange 11:00 A.M .. 130.000 12:00 Noon_ 240.000 1:00 P.M_ 360.000 2:00 P.M_ 440.000 s Unit o: trading 10 shares. r In Bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganised undag Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed bv such companies. Rates ot dividend in the foregoing table are annual disburse ments bastd on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not In cluded xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras e Paid las’ year, f Payable in stock g Declared or paid so far thia year h Cash or stock, k Accumulated dividends paid or de clared this year New Coin Demand Indicates Recovery By th« Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 2. —The Philadelphia Mint has produced a record number of coins in the past three months, and that, said Supt. Edwin H. Dressel, means business conditions are improving. "The demands of banks for new coins is one of the best barometers of business," Dressel said. Dressel said the mint has been operated 24 hours a day. seven days a week for several months. Production records since Septem ber show: September. 88.983.000 coins valued at $3,709,690: October, 104.428,519 valued at $4,161,397: No vember, 105,109,000 valued at $3,959, 750; December (up to today), 84, 939,387 valued at $5,004,231. Factory Construction Expected to Jump CLEVELAND. Jan. 2.—A 20 per] cent rise in volume of industrial construction was predicted for 1940 today by Georga A. Bryant, jr„ ex ecutive of the Austin Co., engineers and builders, on the basis of “con ditions today.” Bryant declared the cost of many manufactured articles “could be cut materially and in some cases enough to permit a one-third reduction in the selling price and still leave the manufacturer a good profit" if available new machinery and ad vanced production methods were applied generally in modern plants. To Film 'White Orchid' Miss Li Hsiang-lan, leading ac tress of a Manchukuo motion pic ture company, has arrived in Tokio, Japan, to take part in the filming of “The Song of the White Or chid.” New York Bar Silver NEW YORK. Jan. 2 (£>).—Bar sil ver, 34%, unchanged. l Order for Utilities Power Plan Will Be Appealed Final Court Action Opposed by Common Stockholders By the Associated ss. CHICAGO, Jan. 2.—The Atlas Corp.’s plan for reorganization of the $44,000,000 Utilities Power and Light Corp., which has been in liti gation since 1936. was given its final stamp of approval today by Federal Judge William H. Holly. Willard King, counsel for a group of common stockholders for whom no provision was made under the plan, announced immediately he would appeal the order to the Cir cuit Court of Appeals. ■Tiide-e Hnllv’s order terminated the existence of the giant holding company, whose assets are to be transferred to the Ogden Corp., its successor. The plan of the Atlas Corp., which was the chief creditor of I. P. L.( included the following provisions: All claims prior in rank to de bentures are to be paid in full. Debenture holders would receive $400 for each $1,000 of indebtedness, plus six shares of preferred, $50 par value stock in the new company, 50 shares of common, $4 par value stock, and one share of common for each $6 of interest on old debentures. Holders of the 7 per cent accumu lative preferred stock would receive common stock on a five-for-one basis. No provision was made for holders of class A, B or common stock, they having been found to have no equity in the assets of the corporation. It was this group which announced it would appeal. Judge Holly said he would let the Securities and Exchange Commis sion fix the fees in the lengthy case, which involved many attorneys. Armour & Co. Moves To Merge Subsidiary 6j the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Jan. 1.—Directors of Armour & Co. of Illinois have ap proved an agreement to turn over their 202 branch houses to its sub sidiary, Armour & Co. of Delaware, as a step toward the eventual mer ger of the two companies. The Illinois company owns all the common stock of the Delaware subsidiary and guarantees the divi dends on the $57,782,000 of pre ferred stock of the Eastern com pany, which is publicly owned. Consolidation of the two com panies, which would bring a total of 300 branch offices in the United States and foreign countries under one direction, has been under con sideration for several years. The step was taken to eliminate the dual sales organization. Lehman Brae Arlrlc Two New Partners Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, Jan. 2.—Lehman Brothers are announcing today the admission of William S. Glazier and John Randolph Fell as general part ners in their firm, as of the first of the year. Mr. Glazier, who has been with the firm since 1929, has had a large part in building up its investment advisory service. He was graduated from Yale with the class of 1928, having prepared for college at Ex eter. Mr. Fell, who has been associated with the firm since 1937, is a great grandson of Anthony Drexel of Philadelphia and a step-son of the late Ogden Mills; he was formerly associated with Mergenthaler Lino type Co., of which he is a director. He attended St. Paul’s School at Concord, N. H„ is a member of the Racquet & Tennis Club and the Meadowbrook Club and is a well known polo player. i Stock Leaders Gain Fractions to $1 in Slow Session Traders Take Usual Predictions With Grain of Salt Stock Averages 30 15 15 AO Indust. Rails. Util. Stks. Net change +.3 +.1 +2 +2 Today, noon 73.3 19.9 39.9 51.4 Prev. day.. 73.0 19.8 39.7 51.2 Month ago. 71.3 20.3 39.3 50.4 Year ago... 76.5 232 36.3 52.9 1939-40 high 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939-40 low 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 1938 high.. 79.5 23.5 37.8 54.7 1938 low— 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high..146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press ) n.. i’i/'tad rt'Dtvir Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Jan. .2.—The stock I market nodded cordially to 1940 today and then proceeded to work I up a slow-going advance. The list showed forward leanings at the start of another 12-month i stretch, but the ticker tape never , really got warm. While gains ranging from fractions to a point or so were well distributed at the j close, transfers held to around 600, 000 shares for the five hours. Traders apparently took with a grain or two of salt the usual batch of New Year predictions which, hopeful for the most part, still were tinged with caution. With Congress getting under way tomorrow, many potential stock buyers held aloof to await clues regarding taxes and forthcoming election-year political trends. Strength in major commodities was a buoying influence, brokers be lieved. Wheat and cotton futures were brisk movers. Relaxation of tax selling and the appearance of investment purchasing here and there seemed helpful influences. Pciflc ti'Pro nnnnlar in ttap hnnrl Hp« I partment. Foreign securities mar kets turned a bit mixed. Chicago Grain Bj the Associated Pr' CHICAGO, Jan. 2 —Wheat prices shot up 3 cents a bushel today in the first market session of 1940. Expectations of improved flour de mand. a pessimistic railroad crop ! survey in the winter wheat belt and some mill buying were factors I in the trade. The price rise caused execution of numerous stop loss or ders on the part of previous “short" sellers, which accelerated the ad vance. Wheat closed at the best levels of the day, 2-!1-3,i cents higher than Saturday. May 1.067g-l.07, Julv l.tHU-'H; com, 5g-7g up. May sg1-.-*,, July 5978-74: oats '4-14 higher. WHEAT— open. Hieh Low. Close Mav 1.04 1 OT 1 04 1 OH7,-07 Julv _1.01s, 104s, 1.01s, 1.041 *-s, Sep 1.007, 1.03s, l.OO7, 1.03s, CORN— j May _ . _ .58s, .59*4 .58s, .59'4-H July .59*, 597» .591, .5n7,-84 Sep .59s, .HO3, .59s, .60s, OATS— May .35'a .40 39'a 40 July . . _ .351, .3512 .35', .3584 Seo 33s, 33s, .33', .338, SOY BEANS— May _ 1.21 1,21s. 1.2084 1.21 July ..1.18 1 IS': 1.178a 1.1884 RYE— May _.77 .77 .7584 .78ss-84 Julv .74s, 75s, .741, .75', Sep . .74 .75’, .73s, .74s, LARD— Jan. 6.07 6.20 6.07 6.15 Mar, . . 6.67 6.77 6.67 6.77 May _ . 6.82 6.92 6.80 6.90 July . .. . 6.97 7.07 6,97 7.05 BELLIES— ' T Jan. __ 6.50 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat- No 3 red. 1.10: No. 1 yellow, hard 1.0034; No. 3 mixed. 1.08; No. 2. part hard (tough». 1.00 4 Corn: No. 3 mixed. 58*4-82; No. 1 yellow. 58*4 503 4: No 2. 58-50; No. 3. 5712-5814: No. 1 white 85*4-*2. No 2. 85*2: sample grade 57 * 2-58* 2. Oats: No. 2 white • thin*. 4<»34: No. 3 (thin>. 4034: sample grade, ^hite. 40*2-41: sample grade, mixed. 38. Rye Sample grade. 80’2. Soy beans: No. 2 yellow. 1.20*2: No. 3, 1.1034 Barley: Malting. 54-85 nominal; feed 40-4^ nominal; No. 3 barley. 80-84: No. 3 malting 85. Timothy seed: 4.15 4(> nominal. Red clover 12.50-15.00 nom inal. R^d top 8 50-0.00 nominal. Al sike: 14.00-17.00 nominal. Alfalfa; 17.50 22.50 nominal. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 2.—Cotton pushed up another $1 a bale today on Bombay. Liverpool and domestic trade buying. Strength in foreign markets stim ulated demand. Most of the selling came from a large spot house on limits and was believed by the trade to be hedges against loan equities. Midafternoon prices held 8 to 22 points higher. March, 11.15; May, 10.83; October, 9.96. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures grad ually moved to net gains of 10 to 14 points in light early trading today Firmness In outside markets, notably lard and grains, encouraged renewed Wall Street buying covering A little profit taking and realiz ing developed on ihe scale-up. March at noon sold at 7.23. May 7 33. July 7.41. Crude oil was Quoted 8 cents, nominal. In the Southeast. Valley and Texas. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. *2 </P*.—Strong loreign markets and trade buying advanced cotton futures here today and at noon prices were 17 to 20 points net higher. High. Low Last. March . .. . 11.30 11.18 11.29 May __ . 10.95 10.85 10.95 July _ 10.58 10 48 10.56 October _ _ 9.99 9.90 9 98 Cottonseed oil opened steady. January. 6.50b; March. 6.67b; May. 6.80; July, 6.89. b Bid. Safeway Store Sales Rise 4.41 Per Cent Special Dispatch to The Star. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2.—Safe way Stores, Inc., reports sales of $31,456,074.69 for the four weeks ended December 23, 1939, an in crease of 4.41 per cent as compared with $30,128,345.38 for the similar period of 1938 For the 52 weeks ended December 23, 1939, sales totaled $385,428,138.76, a gain of 4.73 per cent over sales of $368,007,824.30 reported for the like period of 1938. Stores in operation totaled 2,873 this year against 3,153 a year ago. Dark-Fired Tobacco Markets Reopened By the Associated Press. LYNCHBURG, Va„ Jan. 2.—Dark fired tobacco sales were resumed at Lynchburg and other markets in the belt today. Adverse weather last week kept the breaks light. Selling moved briskly at the ware houses here, and prices were re ported fairly good. Less than 150,000 pounds were sold, the auctioneers completing their task about coon. L