Newspaper Page Text
Rail Loans Lead Extended Advance On Bond Market Gains Range to More Than Point as Gains Of First Day Widen Bond Averages Rails. Indust. Util. F'pn. *20 10 10 10 Net change +.4 —.1 +.1 +.2 Today, noon 59.6 102.0 96.2 50.8 Prev. day .. _ 59.2 102.1 96.1 50.6 Month ago 58.8 101.3 95.8 48.8 Year ago 61.6 98.7 92.5 62.4 1939-40 high 64.9 102.1 97.5 64.0 1939-40 low 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high _ 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40 0 64.6 42.2 1928 high .101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon... 111.7 Prev. day 111.6 M'nth ago 110.9 Year ago 110.9 '39-40 hi'h 112.6 39-40 low 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low- 106.7 1928 high 104 4 1932 low 86.8 •New 1939-40 high. (Compiled by the Associated Press.) me Associaica t ress. NEW YORK. Jan. 3.—Low and medium priced rail loans blazed the way for an advancing bond market today. Gains ranged to more than a point—some much more—near the start of the final hour as prices extended the advances chalked up in the first session of the new year Western Union 5s spurted nearly 2 on the Federal Communications Commission's proposal for a tele graph system consolidation. The market seemed to draw strength largely from a cessation of the recent year-end liquidation plus re-investment demand and the ceaseless accumulation of unem ployed funds in hands of institu tions and individuals. Some Scandinavian issues ex panded their previous rally. Norway 4s rose a point. United States Treas ury loans most!.' pointed a little higher in keeping with the main trend. Conspicuous gainers in the cor porate list included Pittsburgh West Virginia 4’2s. Nickel Plate 4’2s International Telephone 5s, Boston & Maine 5s. General Steel Casting B'2s and International Railways of Central America 5s. it-;—T-;-1 uougias i axes Presidency Of Mutual NEW YORK, Jan 3 (A5).—Lewis W. Douglas today was at his desk in his new post as president and trus tee of Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York. He took office yesterday, succeeding David F. Houston, who became chairman. Mr. Douglas, former member of Congress and Federal director of the budget, has for two years been principal and vice chancellor of McGill University, Montreal. Eastern Airlines Set Passenger Record By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Jan. 3—Capt. E. V Rickenbacker. president of Eastern Air Lines, today estimated revenue passenger miles for December were the best in the company's history and 70 per cent above December. 1933. Revenue plane miles increased 60 per cent in the same period. In December. 1939. for the first time, the company flew more than 1.000.000 route miles, and flew more than 10.000.000 passenger miles. Furniture Production Advances in 1939 By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.—Production of household furniture in the United States in 1939 was estimated today by Seidman & Seidman. furni ture industry accountants, at $405. 000.000. compared with $345,000,000 In 1938. The year's output, however, was well below the $500,000,000 produc tion in 1937 and $460,000,000 in 1936. Manufacturers enjoyed a larger flow of business last year stemming from the 35 per cent rise in residen tial building. Furniture buying re sulting from this increase is ex pected to continue into the new year. Dividends Announced NEW YORK Jan. 3.—Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co.: Resumed. Pe- Stk.of Pay Rate.riod.record. able Marion Manufacturing S3 12-12 12 — Extra. Avondale Mill- *c 12-15 12-28 R I Elec Protec Co 50c 12-lo 1-2 Special. Mode o' Day Coip 10c 12-19 12-22 Accumulated. 1 *i.ll ii:IS il:li Regular. Am Hr & F H". 1 pf-$1.59 Q 12-2* ,1-2 Atlantic Steel *2 15 12-15 1--20 Berkshire Women *- 12-lo 12-29 Corn IW B) Co loc O 1-1.3 2-1 Do pf $1.75 Q 1-13 2-1 Hall <C Ml Lamp 30c 1-10 1-25 Hemmermill Paper 50c 12-12 12-2/ Julian Kokenge .oc S 1-2 1-15 Kawneer 30c 12--. 2 12 - 2 .H Lane Co . .$2.50 l2-2o 12-22 Mode o’ Day Corp 15c Q 12-30 1-15 Monroe Calculat Mach *1 l’2-’2’2 12-~f Do pf *1.75 Q 12-22 12-2S Ohio Fa & Mach C *1.50 |2-o 12-15 p1' I^1 Elec A*M% *1°8S § ifrlk "l>o.inpf °n °*S L*L12Va Q i'-31 t\( New York Produce NEW YORK. Jan. 3 P —Eggs. 42.261 weak. Mixed colors: Fancy to extra fancy 223-4-23i«: standards, 22*.-a: firsts. -0. sec onds, 1644-18’.’: medium, 16-16'*: dir ties. No. 1. 15'a; average checks. 14\ Refrigerator, fancy and heavyewights. lb v lfl'-a: standards. 16: firsts. 15-15 *. sec onds. 14'*-34 • mediums. 14-14'4. dirties 14'4 Butter. 1.571 325: firmer Creamery Higher than extra. 31'*-32: extra <9. score). 30»-*-31. firsts (88-91). 29-30',2 geconds (84-87). 20Va-28ta. . Cheese. 407.673: steady. Prices un Changed. . Flour firm spring patents. 6.80-,. 10 goft winter straights. 6.35-60; hard win ter .straight*, 0. 60-85. Rye spot firm: No. 2 American, x.o.c New York. No. 2 Western, c. 1. 1 New York. O.V* Barley firm No. 2 domestic, c. 1. 1 New York rtfi1-*. Pork firm: export. I. a _s. New York mess. 18.75; family. 17.25 Lard firm: Middle West. ft.85. Greases steady: yellow and house. 5,;i nominal. , 4 __ Beans steady: marrow. 4..»0-85; pea 3 po-4.00: red_ kidney. 4.90-5.00; whit a kidney. 5.75-85. Other articles steady and unchanged The "depressed classes” of In dia total about 60 millions, one fifth of the total population of Hin dus with whom they are classed. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE Bj private wire direct to The Star. T R EASU R Y. tiigh. Low 2-55 2s 1947 _ 103.6 103.4 103.4 2s 1948-50 _ 103.5 103.5 103.5 2*4s 1951-53_ 103.5 103.3 103.3 24s 1948 _ 107.22 107.22 107.22 24s 1949-58_ 105.21 105.19 105.21 234s 1945-47 109.11 109.9 109.11 23ie 1945-47 rg 109.6 109.6 109.6 2 44s 1951-54 107.19 107.13 107.19 2 44 s 1960-65 106.20 106.15 106.20 24s 1955-60 108.1 107.30 108. 24s 1955-60 rg 107.30 107.30 107.30 3s 1946-48 ... 110.23 110.23 110.23 34s 1949-52_ 111,30 111.30 111.30 3V«S 1943-45_ 110. 109.29 110. 3 *4 s 194 4-46 ... 110.16 110.14 110.16 4» 1944-54 __ 114.29 114.29 114.29 44s 1947-52 120.4 120 4 120.4 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1944-49 108 9 108 9 108.9 HOME.OWNERS' LOAN 3s 1944-62 107.30 107.30 107.30 FOREIGN BONDS High uO< 2:55 •ibltlbl P&P 5s 53 534 534 534 Agr iltg B Col 6s 47 274 274 274 Antwerp 5s 58 674 67 67 Argentine 4s 72 Feb 804 804 804 Argentine 4s 72 Apr 81 804 81 Argentine 44s 48 944 94 94U Argentine 4 4s 71 «8 88 88 Australia 4 4s 56 794 78l4 794 Australia Rs 55 84 83*1 834 Australia 5s 57 _ 85 85 85 Belgium 6s 65 944 944 944 Belgium 64s 49 ... 1004 100 1004 Belgtum 7s 65 102’, 1024 1024 Brazil 64s 1926-57 15', 154 154 Brazil 6%s 1927-57 14% 15% Brazil C Rv El 7* 52 13% 13% 13% Brazil 8s 4 1 18% 18 18% BA41i-4«,s'8Apr 56% 56% 56% Canada 2’is 44 . 96% 96% 96% Canada Ss 67 _ 88% 88% 88% Canada 4s 60_ 101% 101 101 Canada 5s 62 _ 106% 106% 106% Chile 6s 60 _ 16% 16% 16% | Chile 6s 60 assd _ 13 11% 13 Chile 6s 61 Jan 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 61 Jan assd 12% 12% 12% Chile 6s 61 Febr .. 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 62 _ 16% 16% 16% ! Chile 6s 63 .. 16% 16% 16a, chile 7s 42 _ 16% 16% 16a, Chile 7s 42 assd 13 12% 13 Chile Mtc Bk 6%s 57 16 15a, 16 Chile M B 6 % s 61 asd 12 12 12 Chilean Mun L 7s 60 15 15 15 Chil Mun Ln 7s60 asd 10% 10% 10% Colombia 6s 61 Jan 31 31 31 Colombia 6s 61 Oct 31 31 31 , Copenhagen 4Vfcs53 42 42 42 Copenhagen 5s 52 44! 44'$ 44V$ ' Cuba 5Mi8 45 75 75 75 Denmark 4 VAs 62 48 48 48 Denmark 5 Vfcs 55 58 58 58 Denmark 6s 4? fifi’i 66'* 66M Dominic 2d R Vts 40 71 71 17 Dresden 7s 45 11'**. 11% 11%' Finland fis 45 4% 40 40 French G 7s 49 un st 106 106 106 French Gov 7 J£s 41 103 103 103 , Gcr Govt 5 Hs 65 9 8% 9 1 GerG5^s65 un st 6 b 6 German Govt 7s 49 11 >4 11 11 Vi I Ger Gov 7s 49 un st 8'* 8'4 8*/4 Good H S & I 7s 45 19 19 19 Italy 7s 51 72 71'$ 71‘4 Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B 75 75 75 Ital P U Crd 7s 52 54»i 53% 54V4 .Japan 5VAs 65 60% 60% 60V* Japan 6V^s 54 . _ 79T* 79** 79n4 Medellin 6»As 54 14 14 14 Met Water 5M>s 50 82 82 82 Mexico 4s 54 assd 1 1 1 | Mex 4s 1910-45 asst 111 Mexico 5s 45 asst 1 1 1 Milan 6 Vas 52 53% 52% 53% j Minas Geraes 6 V&s 58 8 8 8 1 New So Wales 5s 57 80% 80% 80% j Norway 4s 63 71 71 71 Norway 4148 65 72% 72 72 Norway 4 %s 56 76 76 76 Norway 6s 43 92% 92% 92% Norway 6s 44 92 90% 92 Oriental Dev 5%s 58 52% 52% 52% Oslo 4 %s 55 71 71 71 Paullsta Ry 7s 42 70 70 70 Peru 1st 6s 60 9%, 9% 9% Peru 2d 6s 61 9% 9% 9% Peru 7s 59 .. 9% 9% 9% Poland 4 %s 63 asd 6% 6% 6% Prussia 6s 52 11% 11% 11% Queensland 6s 47 90% 90% 90% Rhinel U 3%s 46 asd 16% 16% 16% Rio de Jan 6%s 53 7% 7% 7% Sao Paulo C 8s 52 7% 7% 7% Sao Paulo St 7s 40 24 24 24 ; smrrsu b rb‘i>sii2 02*4 tizv ozv Sydney 5"4s 55 86 86 86 Taiwan Elec 5 Vs 71 56', 55V 56'/, Tokyo City as 52 29 39 39 Tokyo City 514s 61 56 V 56V 56V Tokvo El I .t 6s 53 58 58 58 Uruguay cv 3 V s 79 43' 4", '. 43' Urn 3*, 4-4 %s add 79 44'. 44*. 44V Uru 4 -41 .-4 *4 78 Feh 4-'. 48', 48', | ; Warsaw 4 '4s 58 assd 7', 7", 7V j Vokohama6«6' '9'. 59V 59V DOMESTIC bonds Ala Grt Southn 4s 43 167', 107'-, 107*4 Alleg Corp 5s 44 78 78 78 Alleg Corp 5s 49 70", 70'. 70V Alleg Corp 6s 50 std 44 43 44 Alleg Valley 4s 42 106V 106V 106v Allied Stores 4 14s 61 96', 96 9fi'4 Allis-Chalmers 4s 52 110*. 110", 110*. Am & For Pw 5s 2030 63V 63', 63', Am 1 G Ch 644s 49 103 103 103 Am Inti 514* 49 104V 104V 104V Am T & T 3 "4s 61 .. 108V 108V 108V Am T & T J14s66 108', 108V 108V Am T&T544S43 109 108« 108# Anaconda db ♦ Hs 60 107 106*. 106V Anglo-Chil Nitr db 67 37', 37',» 37V Ann Arbor 4s 95 50 50 50 Armour' Del 11st4s 55 100', 100V 100V Armour'Del )4s 57 100', 99T» 100V A TAS Fe gen 4s 95 106V 105*. 106V A TAS Fe 4 Vs 48 102 '. 102V 102V Atl Coast L 1st 4s 62 76 76 76 Atl Coast L clt 4s 52 65 64V 65 Atl Coast L 4 Vs 64 62 61V 61V Atl Coast L 5s 45 75 74V 75 Atl A Dan 1st 4s 48 40 40 40 Atl A Dan 2d 4s 48 33V 33 33V Atl Gulf A W 1 5s 59 71 71 71 Atlantic Refln 3s 63 106 106 106 Auburn Auto 4sis 30 46 46 46 BaIdwln Loco 5s 40 101V 101V 101V B A O 1st 4s 48 70V 71) 70 BAG conv 4 V s 60 18*. 17V 18V B A O 4 Vs 60 ct 18 17V 18 B A O 1st 5s-48 .70 70 70 B A O 1st 5s 48 ct 70 70 70 B & O ref 5s 95 cf 29% 28*. 29% B A O 5s 96 F 29 29 29 B & O ref 5s 2000 D 29'/. 29 29% B A O rf 5s 2000 D ct 29',. 29W 29% B A O ref 6s 95 ct 30% SOW 30w BAOPLKAW V4s41ct 59 58*. 59 B A O Swn 5s 60 47 46% 47 I B A O Swn 5s 50 ct 46 45% 46 B A O Toledo 4s 69 56W SOW 56W Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B 115% 115% 115W Bell Tel (Pa) 5s 60 C 133 133 133 Beth Steel 3%a 59 F 100*. 100% 100‘i. Beth Steel 5 Vis 52 107*. 107'/. 107% Beth Steel 3\s 66 104W 104% 104% Beth Steel «%s 60 108'. 107% 108% Boa A Me 4%s 61 JJ 45*. 45 46*. , Bos A Me 6s 65 46W 45% 46Vi Bos A Me 5s 67 45% 45W 45% Bklyn C RR 5s 41 cfs 62 62 62 Bklyn Man T 4 Vis 66 85% 86W 86% Bklvn Man «‘is 66 ct 84W 84'/. 84W Bk Qu CAS cn 5s41 ct 38 38 38 Bklyn Un El 5s 60 90 90 90 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45 113:,» 113% 113% Bklyn Un Gas 6s 50 95 95 95 Bklyn Un G 5s 67 B 105% 105% 105% Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47 113 112% 113 . i Buff G E 4 Vis 81 112% 112% 112% Buff RAP cn 4 Vis 67 41 41 41 ; B R A Pen 4 %s 67 ct 40 39% 40 Bush Term cn 5s 55 42 42 42 Calif Ores Pwr 4s 66 103% 103% 103% i Canada South 6s 62 85 85 85 Canadian NR 4 Vis 61 103 103 103 Can NR 4 Vis 66 103% 103% 103% Can NR 6s 69 July 106W 105% 106W Can NR 5s 69 Oct 107W 107% 107% • Can NR 5s 70 1U7 107 t07 Can Nor 6Vis 46 113% 113% 113% Can Pac db 4s perp 61% 61'. 01% Can Pac 6s 44 107% 107% 107% Can Pac 4 Vis 46 SOVi 80% 80% , Can Pac 4 Vis 60 70% 70 70% Can Pac 5s 54 80 79% 79% Celotex 4 Vis 47 ww 88% 88*. 88% Cent Fourdry 6s 41 76% 76% 76% Cent Foundry 6s 41 75 75 75 ' Cent N Eng 4s 61 46% 46% 46% Cent of Ga 5s 59 C 3% 3W 3% Cent of N J 4s 87 18 17 18 Cent of NJ gen 5s 87 20% 19% 20 ' Cent N J gn 6s 87 rg 19 17% 19 Cent Pac 1st rf 4a 49 73 72% 73 Cent Pacific 6a 60_ 63% 52% 63% Cerfd deb 6 Via 48- 75% 75 76% High uom 2:85 Ches & Ohio 3 Vis <3 F 107% 106% 107 Ches&O 3%s 96 0 _ 99% 99% 99% Ches&O 3%s 96 B _ 99% 99% 99% Chi & Alton 3s 49 16% 16 16 Chi B&Q gen 4s 63 .. 89% 89% 89% Chi Burl & Q 6s 71. 86 85 86 C B&Q 111 dlv 3 %s 49 96 96 96 C B&Q 111 dlv 4s 49 100% 100% 100% Chi &E 111 6s 61 19 18% 19 Chi Grt West 4s 69 24% 24 24% Chi Mil & St P 4s 89 26 25 26 CM&StP 4 %s 89 C 25% 25% 25% Chi Mil * St P 6s 76 7% 7% 7% CM&StP adj 6s 2000 2% 2% 2% Chl&NW gen 3%s 87 13% 13% 13% Chi & NW gen 4s 87 14% ’ 14% 14% Chl&NW 4 %s 2037 9% 9 9% Chl&NW 4 %s 2037 C 9% 9% 9% Chi & NW cv 4 6»s 49 4 3% 3V, Chi & NW 4-\s87 16 15 15 Chl&NW gen E*^ 16% 16% 16% Chl&NW rf 6s 2037 9% 9% 9% Chl&NW 6%s 36 17% 17% 17% Chi Rl&P rf 4S 34 6% 6% 6% Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 ct 5% 5% 6% Chi Rl&P gen 4s 88 14% 14% 14% Chi RI&P cv 4 %s 60 2% 2% 2% Chi Un Sta 3 %s 61 105% 105% 105% Chi Un Sta 3»*s 63 108 107% 108 Chi Un Sta 4s 63 D 107 107 107 Chi & W Ind cv 4s 52 92 92 92 Chi & W Ind 4%s 62 92 92 92 Childs* Co 6s 43 51 49% 51 Cin Un Term 3% 71 108% 108% 108% CCC&StL rt 4 %s 77 54% 54 54% Clev El 111 3»«s 65 109% 109% 109% Clev Short L 4 %s 61 82% 82% 82% Clev Un Term 5s 73 82 81% 82% Clev Un Ter 5%s 72 89% 89% 89% Colo & So 4 %s 80 34 34 34 Col G&E 5s 52 ADr 104% 104% 104% Col G & E 5s 52 May 104% 104% 104% Col G & B 6s 61 104% 104 104 Colum RP&1.4S 65 109% 109% 109% Com w Ed 3 % s 68 130 129 % 129% Com* Ed 3 %s 68 110% 110% 110% Cons Ed N Y 3V«s 46 107 107 107 Cons E NY db 3%s 4S 107 106% 107 Cons Ed N Y 3%s 56 107 107 107 Cons Ed N Y 3%s 58 108% 108% 108% Consol Oil 3 %s 51 105% 105% 105% Consum Pwr 3 %s 66 106% 106b 106b Consum Pwr 3 %s 70 110% 110% 110% Consum Pwr 3%,s 65 105)fe 105)8 107)8 Conti Oil 2*,s 48 109 109 109 Crown C & S 4 %s 48 102% 102% 102% Crucible Steel 4 %s 4* 103b 103b 103'., Cubs Northn 5%s 42 30 30 30 Dayton P&L 3 %s 60 107% 107% 107b Del & Hud ref 4s 43 63% 61% 63% Den & R O con 4s 36 9% 9% 9% Den & R G W rf 5s 78 6b 6% 6% Det Edison 3%s66 11.0% 110% 110% Duquesn# Lt 3 %s 65 109 108% 109 E T V & Ga cn 6s 56 91% 91% 91% Elec Amo Lt 4s 52 108% 108% 108% El P&S W 5s 65 stp 69 59 59 Erie cv 4s 53 A __ 24% 24% 24b Erie cv 4s 53 B _ 24 24 24 Erie cv 4s 53 D_ 21 21 21 Erie 1st 4s 96 _ 57 56b 57 Erie een 4s 96 _ 25%, 25b 25% Erie ref 6s 67 18 17b 18 Erie ref 5s 75 18 17%, 18 Erie & Jersey 6s 55 54 54 54 Fed Lt & Tr 6s 54 B 101%, 101%, 101%. Firestone T 3 %s 48 105% 105%, 105% Fla E C Rv 5s 74 8% 8% 8% Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ctfs 8% 8% 8% Gen Cable 5%s 47 101b 101% 101% Gen Mot Acc 3 %s 51 106% 106b 106% Gen St I Cast 5 % s 49 70 69% 69b Goodrich 4 %s 56 105b 105b 105b Grt Nor Ry 3Us 67 74 74 74 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 O 104 103% 104 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H 91 91 91 Grt N Rv 1st 4%s 61 105b 105% 105% Grt NR 4 %s 76 D S3 82, 83 Grt N R cn 4%s 77 E 82*. 82'-, 82% Grt Nor Rv 5%s 52 100 99% 100 j Green Bay & VV db B 8% 8% 8% | Gulf M&N 5s 50 83b S3b 83% Gulf St Util 3%s 69 108b 108% 108% Hoei F! 11st mtR 44 80 79% 80 Housatonic cn 5s 37 46 46 46 Hudson Coal 5s 62 A 35 34 35 Hud & Man inc 5s 57 13b 13b 13b Hud & Man ref 5s 57 46b 46 46b 111 Cent 4s 51 _ 91 91 91 HI Cent 4s 52 . 48 47 48 HI Cent 4s 53 . 46%, 46% 46% III Cent ref 4s 65 ... 48% 48b 48% 111 Cent 4^s 66 46% 45% 46% 111 Cent ref 5s 55 65 54 55 1CC&ST NO 4%s 63 45% 45 45% ICC&StL NO 6s 63 A 50% 60 60% Inland Steel 3A,s 61 109b 109b 109b Int R T 1st rf Ss 66 75 74% 75 Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 75 74b 74% Int R T 6s 32 .. 30% 30'. 30% Int R T 7s 32 ct .. 7S'» 73% 73% Interlake Iron 4s 47 . 90 90 90 int o.i i m t c. re icv ic ul Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52 1% IS IS Int Hydro El 6s 44 74 73', 7374 Int Mer Mar 6s 41 71 70S 70S Int Paper 1st 5s 47 . 1034 103 10374 Ipt Paper ref 6s 55 97 97 97 Int Ity of C A 5s 72 _ 87 84 87 Int Ry C A 6Hs 47 97 97 97 Int TAT 4 748 52 43S 42'i 434 Int TAT 5s 55 46 457* 43S James F & C 4s 59 53 .",3 53 Kansi FtS&M 4s 36 31 31 31 j K C FS&M ft 4s 36 ct 29', 29 297* Kans City So 3s 50 68', 68', 68', j Kans City So ri 5s 50 664 6574 664 i Kings Co El 4s 49 cfs 8H 88 88 | Kresge Found 3 >*s 47 1057* 105'-* 10574 i Laclede Gas 5s 42 8277 82 82 Laclede Gas 5 7ts 53 457* 44 44 Lake S & M S 3 7*s 97 82S 82S 82S Lautaro Nitrate 7 5 37'4 36', 37', Leh CAN 4 4s 54 A . 49S 49S 49S Leh Val C 5s 54 std 27 27 27 Leh 7ral C 5s 74 std 27 26', 27 L V RR con 4s 2003 16 16 16 L V RR 4s 2003 asd 16 15'* 16 L V RR 4s 2003 asd rg 1274 12'i 1274 L V RR 4 74s 2003 asd 16 15% 16 L V RR 5s 2003 asd 17'4 16% 1774 Ligg & Myers 5s 51 130', 130', 13074 Ligg & Myers 7s 44 1274 127 1274 Lion Oil 4 4s 52 974 974 974 Loew s 3 4s 46 102», 1024 102% Lone Star G 3 4s 53 10874 108 10874 Long Isldref4s 49 884 88s, 884 La & Ark 5s 69 834 834 834 LAN unlf 4s 40 10HI 101% 10HJ LAN 44s 2003 934 93', 934 Me Central 4 4s 60 5374 5374 5374 Manati Sugar 4s 57 40 40 40 Manhat Ry 4s 90 79 79 79 Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct 79 79 79 Mead Co 6s 45 105 105 105 Mich Cent 3 4s 52 92 92 92 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 1017* 1014 1014 Mil Spa A NW 4s 47 154 157, 154 MStPASSM cn 4s 38 64 64 64 MStPASSM cn 5s 38 54 54 54 MStPASSM 5s 38 gtd 64 64 61, Mo 111 5s 59 65 65 65 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90 31 30 304 D. 'T' J ^ C •» D 1C| . K 1 til/. Mo K&T 5s 62 A ... 19 18% 18% Mo K&T ad.i 5a 67 ... 8% 8 8% Mo Pac 4s 75 _ 4 3% 3% Mo Pac 5s 65 A _ 15 14% 15 Mo Pac 5s 77 F ... 15% 14% 15% Mo Pac 5s 77 Fct_ 14% 14% 14% Mo Par 5s 78 G ... 15 14% 15 Mo Pac 5s 78 Get_ 14% 14% 14% Mo Pac 6s 80 H - 15 15 15 Mo Pac 5s 811 ... 15 15 15 Mo Pac 5s 81 let ... 14% 14% 14% Mo Pac 5%s 49 2% 2% 2% Mob & Ohio 4%s 77 29 28% 28% Mob* Ohio 6s 38 33% 33% 33% Mob & O Mont 6s 77 23 23 23 Monong PS 4%s60 109% 109% 109% Monong P S 6s 65 111% 111% 111% Mont Pwr 3%s 66 100 100 100 Morris&Es 3 %s 2000 43 42% 43 Morris & Es 4 %s SS 38 37% 38 Morris & Es 5s 55 42% 41% 42 Mutual Tel 5s 41 . 101% 101% 101% Nassau Elec 4B 51 44% 43% 44 Nat Dairy 8%s 51 ww 106% 106% 106% Nat Distill 3 %s 49 104% 104% 104% Nat R M 4%s 67 asst % % % Nat Steel 3s 65 102% 102% 102% New E T&T 4%s 61 126% 126% 126% New Jer-P&L 4%s 60 107% 107% 107% New Orl P S 6a 52 A 105% 105% 105% New Orl P S 5s 65 B 106% 106% 106% New OrlT&M 4%a 66 33% 33% 33% NOT&M 5s 35 A ctfs 25 25 25 New Orl T&M 6s 54 B 37% 37 37% New Orl T&M 5%s 54 39% 39% 39% N Y Central 3 %s 62 63% 63 63 N Y Central 3 %s 97 79 79 79 N Y Central 3%s 46 75 75 75 N Y Cent con 4s 98 62 61% 61% N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A 56% 55% 56 N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 62 61% 62 N Y C L Sh 3 %s 98 58% 58% 58% NYC Mich C 3 %s 98 58% 58% 58% N Y Chl&StL 4%s 78 59% 58% 59% N Y C&StL 5%a 74 A 66 65% 66 NY Dock 4s 51 52 51% 52 N Y Edis 3 % s 65 D 109% 108% 109% NY NH & H 4s 56 16% 16% 16% NY NH & H 4s 57 .. 6 6 6 NY NH & H 4%s 67. 19 19 19 NY NH & H Cl 6s 40 33 33 33 NY NH & H cv 6s 41 19% 19% 19% N Y O&W gen 4s 65.. 3% 3% 3% N Y 0&W ref 4a 91... 6% 5H 6H N Y Putnam 4a 98—. 61 61 61 Hum Low. 2 68 N T Rich G 6s 61_ 104V 104V 104V N Y Stesm 8 Vs <3 .. . 106V 105 105V NY SAW ref 6s *7_ 9V 9V 9V N Y Tel 3 Vs 67 110 110 110 N Y WAB 4 Vs 46 ... 6 6 6 Norf Southn 6s 61 12V4 12V 12V Norf Southn 6s 61 ct. 12 12 12 Norf A W 1st 4s 96 123V 122V 123V North Am 3 Vs 49 .. 106 106 106 North Am 3 Vs 64 .. 106 105V 106 North Am 4s 59 107V 107V 107V Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047 42V 42 42V Nor’n Pao 4a 97 68V 68 68V Nor'n Pao 4 Vs 2047 47V 46V 47V Nor’n Pso 6s 2047 C 61 60V 61 Nor’n Psc 6s 2047 D 51 50V 61 Nor’n Psc 6s 2047 60 58 59V Okla GAE 3Vs 66 110 110 110 Okla GAE 4s 46 105V 105V 106V Oreg Sh L 5s 46 gtd 118V. L18V 118V Oregon W RR 4s 61 105V 106V 106V Otis Steel 4 Vs 62 76V 76V 76V Pac G A E^ Vs 61 112V 112V 112V Pac G A E 4s 64 113 113 113 Psc TAT 3 Vs 66 C 110 V 110V 110V Param’t Pic 3V* <7 84V 84V 84V Parmelee 6s 44 44 44 44 Penn Co 4s 52 E 104V 101V 104V Penn O&D 4 V« 77 97V 96 V 97V Penn PAL 3 Vs 69 108V 108V (08V Penn PAL 4 V* 74 .. 108V 108V 108V Penn RR 3 Vs 62 ... 86V 86V 86V Penn RR 3 V s 70 ... 89 88V 89 Penn RR 4s 43 _ 109 109 109 Penn RR 4s 48 ... 114 114 114 Penn RR 4 Vs 81 96V 96V 96V Penn RR 4 Vs 84 96', 96 96 Penn RR 4 Vs 6^ 117V 117V 117V Penn RR gn 4 V» 65 101V10I' 101V Penn RR db 4 V» 70 87V 87'v 87V Penn RR gen 5s 68 108V 108 I08V Peorta A E 1st 4s 40 69', 69 69V Pere Marquette 4s 56 68 S7V 58 Pere Marq 4 Vs 80 60 59V 60 Pere Marq 6s 56 66 66 66 I helps nonge 3Hs 52 1104 1104 1104 Phila R&W 4s 43 110 110 110 Phila B&W 44* 77 C 107 107 107 Phila R&W on 5s 74 . 115 115 115 Phila Co os 67 106 1054 1064 Phila Elec 3 Hs 67 110% 1104 1104 Phila K C& lr 6s 73 114. 114 114 Phila RC& Ir6s49 34 3. 3% Phillips Petrol 3s4* 111 ltl 111 PCC&StL 4 Hs 77 99 99 99 PCC&StL 5s 70 A ... 1024 1024 1024 Pitts C&lr 4 H® 62 98 98 98 Pltt&W Va 4Hs 58 A 454 45 454 Pltt&W Va 4H» 60 C 454 444 454 Port Gen El 4H» 60 814 804 814 Porto R A T 6s 42 st 63 62 63 Postal Tel * C 5s 63 184 184 184 Pub fivr N III 3 Hs 68 109 109 109 Purity Raking 5s 48 104 104 104 R-K-O 6s 41 65 55 55 Reading R 4 Hs 97 A 744 74 744 Rem R'd 4 Hs 66 ww 994 99 994 Republic Stl 4 Hs 56 954 954 954 Republic Stl 4 Hs 61 .944 944 944 Republic Stl 6H* 64 1074 1074 1074 Revere Cop 4 Hs 56 1004 1004 1004 i Rio G W col 4s 49 A 124 124 124 ' Ssguenav I’w 4 <4s 66 974 974 974 j St L I.M&S K&G 4a 33 614 61*. fit", StLIM&SR&G4s33 ct 62 62 62 i St L-San Fr 4s 50 A 114 114 114 St L-San Fr 4s 60 ct 114 114 114. St L-San Fr 4 Hs 78 114 M4 Hi./ St L-S F 4 H" 78 Ct st 114 n 114 ' St L S F 6s 60 B ct 114 114 114 St LSW ref 5s 90 104 104 104 San A&A Pass 4s 43 55 644 65 Schulco 6H» 46 A stp 184 IS", 184 Seabd A L 4s 60 stp 154 154 154 Seabd A L rf 4s 59 ct 4". 44 44 Seab’d A L con 6s 45 84 84 84 Seabd A L 6s 45 ct 74 7*4 7". j Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct 34 34 34 Seabd A F 6s 36 B ct 34 34 34 Shell Un 011 2 Hs 54 96’. 954 954 Silesian Am 7s 41 294 294 29 Simmons Co 4s 62 100 100 100 Socony Vac 3s 64 1054 105', 1054 : So Bell T& T Ss 79 1054 105", 105}, j Southn Cal G 4s 65 1094 109’. 109'.! Southn Cal G 4 Hs 61 1084 108’, 1084 So Natl G 4 H* 61 1064 106' , 10H'j So Pac 3Hs 46 ... 574 574 574 1 So Pac col 4s 49_ 48", 474 484' So Pac ref 4s 55_ 64 4 634 644 1 So Pac 4 Hs 68 _ 50’, 49", 50". So Pac 4 Hs 69 _ 504 494 504 So Pac 4H* 81 50 494 50 So Pac Ores 4Hs 77 52 514 52 So Pac S F Ter 4s 50 80 794 80 So Ry gen 4s 86 A 61% 614 61H So Ry 5s 34 88', 8$ 884 So Ry gen 6s 66 _ 79 79 79 So Ry 6H» 66 8.34 83 834 S W Bell Tel 3Hs 64 1114 1114 1114 Southwn G*E 4s 60 1064 1064 1064 Stand Oil N J 28}a 63 1054 1054 1064 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 105 1044 105 CtnHahllrae Ca 1C 1 A A ' . 1AA 1 Am Swift & Co 3*is 50 me 106 106 Tenn C&l RR 5s 51.. 126% 126'* 126% Texas Corp 3s 60 105% 105% 105% Texas Corp 3 4s 51 106', 106% 106% Texas & Pac 6s 77 B 701* 70 704 Third A v ref 4s 60 52 51% 52 Third Av ad1 5s 60 IS1* 15 154 Tide Wat Oil 3Us 52 107 107 107 Tol & Ohio C 3%s 60 87 87 87 Un fell i Mo )3 % s 62 108 108 108 Union Oilil'al )3s 5D 1024 1024 1024 Un OiliCal)6s 42 A 1124 1124 1124 Un Pacific 3 4s 71 974 974 974 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 114 113% 114 Un Pac ref 4s 2008 108 107% 108 Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 il44 1144 1144 Utd Cgr W Strs 5s 52 65% 65% 65% United Drug 6s 53 814 814 814 Utd N J R 4s 4 4 110 110 110 U S Steel 3>4S 48 106 1054 1054 Utd Stkyds4V4s51ww 90 90 90 Utah L&T 5s 44 1024 102 1024 Utah Pwr & Lt 5s 44 1034 103 103'* Utility P&L 5s 59 884 88'.* 884 Utility P& L 5 4a 47 884 884 884 Va Ry 1st 34*s 66 108% 108% 108% Va S W con 5b 58_ 624 624 624 Wabash 44s 78 C_ 9% 9% 94 Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 384 384 384 Wabash 5s 76 B_ ' 9% 94 94 Wabash 5s 80 D_ 9% 9% 9% Wabash 54s75_ 9% 9% 9% Walworth 4s 55 _ 68 67% 68 Walworth 6s 55 .. 77 77 77 Warner Bros 6s 48 85 85 85 West Penn P 34* 66 1114 1114 1114 W Pa Pw 1st 5s 63 E 118% 118*. 118% West Sh 1st 4s 2361 50% 50% 50% VV Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg 44 44 44 West Md 1st 4s 62 844 844 844 West Md 6 4s 77 90 90 90 West Pacific 5s 46 A 18% 184 18% West Union 4 4* 50 664 66 66 West Union 6s 51 70 694 964 West Union 6s 60 694 684 694 Wheel Steel 4 4s 66 98% 98% 98% Wilson & Co 4s 55 104% 104% 104% Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 19 18% 19 W C 1st gn 4s 49 cfs 19 184 19 founest'n S&T 4s 48 1094 1094 1094 Younesfn S&T 4g 61 105** 105*4 105*4 Foreign Markets LONDON Jan. 3 i>P.—Trade in gilt edged Issues and kaffirs at advancing prices bulked large in stock market dealings to day. Home rails reacted sharply as support dried up and Industrial leaders faltered ! near the finish Most oils held early im provement while base metals stayed in the background. New buying helped Japanese ; bonds. PARIS. Jan. 3 i.P.—Profit taking on the heels of recent substantial gains tinged the Bourse with irregularity today. For the first time in weeks Ottoman Bank shares declined sharply. Rentes closed 10 to 35 centimes lower AMSTERDAM Jan. 3 OP.—American shares overcame early unevenness In the Bourse, most closing with slight gains. Do mestic equities failed to maintain all of morning advances. — LIVERPOOL. Jan. 3 OP.—Cotton futures bounded 8 to 17 points today on buying from Bombay, the trade and outside in terests. Support was stimulated by strength of other cotton centers. U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK, Jan. 3 OP.—Prices quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds: AP. Pet. Mon Yr. Bid. Asked. Yld. lVa June. 1040 .... 101.25 101.27 lVa Dec., 1940_ 102.13 102.15 . l>/j Mar., 1941_ 102.18 102.20 l*. June. 1941_ 102.19 102.21 1 V<4 Dec,. 1941_ 102.28 102.30 !»•« Mar.. 1942 . 103 31 104.1 2 Sept., 1942 105 14 105.10 l^i Dec.. 1942 . 104.20 1 04.22 .15 It, June. 1943 . 102.28 102.30 .27 IV, Dec.. 1943 ... 102.31 103.1 .35 1 Mar.. 1944 ... 102.1 102.3 .49 % June, 1944 ... 101.00 101.2 .50 1 Sept.. 1944 _ 102.8 102.10 .50 Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Jan. 3 OP.—Domestic wools were mostly quiet on the Boston market today. Quotations were unchanged com pared with last week, and were largely nominal because of the very quiet trade. Worsted manufacturers and top makers were showing some interest in foreign ap parel class wools for import. Alaska has some of the highest mountains on the continent. i U. S. Chamber Group Asks Revision of Securities Ad Committee Advocates Repeal of 'Stringent' Provisions By the Associated Press. A United States Chamber of Com merce Committee said yesterday that new investment capital would flow into employment-creating enterprise if "the stringent and repressive pro visions” of the Securities Exchange Act were removed. Elimination of those provisions, the Industrial Financing Commit tee said in its annual report, would not affect “essential objectives” of the law. It recommended that the 1933 and 1934 acts be consolidated into a single statute. Among other recommendations were: The prospectus required in con nection with new issues of securities should be shortened and simplified. The waiting period after the filing of registration statements should be eliminated. The right of civil action arising from a “material misstatement or an omission of material facts” in the registration statement and pros- j pectus should be allowed only upon \ proof that the damage resulted from i a, "material misstatement or an omission of a material fact.” Washington Produce BUTTER—90 score. 1-pound prints. 31; tub. .*lo; U-Pound prints. 32: 92 score, tub. 31. i-pound prints, 32; 14-pound prints. 3 > MEATS—Choice beef. 18 good beef. 10 17*2: calves. 12: iambs. 9; pork loin, 13-14; smoked regular ham. 18-19. smoked skinned hams. 18-19: large smoked skinned ham, 19: bacon sliced. 22-24: bacon, piece. 15 lb; compound. 8-9: pure lard. 8l,a. I LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 100-120 pounds, ! 5.35-5.00; light pigs, 120-210 pounds, j 5.00-5 25; 210-240 pounds. 4.75-5.00. ; 24o-300 pounds- 4.25-4.75: calves, good ! grade. 10.50-J1.50; sows 3.50-4.00; stags, 4.15 down weightier sows. 4.20-5.10. j • Prices paid net fob. Washington) EGGB—Markpt steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington 'January 3>: Whites. U. S Extras, large. 23; U. S extras, mediums. 20 U 8. standards, largp. 21 U S standards, mediums. 18; U 8 trade." 10. For nearby ungraded eggs, current receipt*: Whites. 19*20. mixed colors. ITalH UVE POULTRY—Market steady Fowl Colored ail size* 14al5: No. 2s. Halo; roosters. Ha9 Chickens Virginia Rocks, bioilr. > and fryers all sizes. 14a 15 No. 2s. 10. Delaware Rocks and crosses, broil ers and fryers ah sizes. 14a 15; No. 2s, Halo; mixed colored fryers. llalC. Tur keys young toms. 15 pounds and up. 15a lb young hens, lo pounds and up 20. Young guinea keats. 1 * pounds and up. 1'* a pound; old keats. 10 a pound Capons. « pounds an dover !Ha20; No 2s and slips, lb. Other Markets. Florida—27 lugs limes. 22 bushfil baskets snap beans 20 30-pound lugs omatoes. Louisiana—2 barrels shallots. California —«> bushel crates limes. Pennsylvania— 248 3-pound baskets mushroom." Unknown origin—12 crates mixed vegetables. APPLES—Market dull. Truck receipts ; lign . Bushel baskets and 1'3-bushel boxes. Maryland. Pennsylvania Virginia and West Virginia U S. No. 1 Staymans. 2*z-inch minimum, l.oo-l.lo, 234-mch minimum. 1 10-1.15; Grimes. 2*4-inch minimum, bo b5 2*.-2-inch minimum. h5-90: 234-inch minimum. 90-1.00: Yorks 2‘4-mch mini mum. bO-bo: 2*2-ifCh minimum 7 5-H5: 234-inch minimum. 90-i.oo Black Twigs. 2*2-inch minimum 75-90 234-ineh mini mum 90-1.oo: Delicious. 2'4-inch mini mum 85-90 2*2-inch minimum l 15- ; l''5 Golden Delicious 2*4-inch minimum. <5: 2*2-inch minimum. 90-1.00: 234-inch i minimum. ^10-1.15: Jonathans. 2'4-inch I *>*”>-7o• 2*/2-inch minimum. 85 90 2j4-inch minimum, mostly around l.oo Spys. 2'2-inch minimum. 75. Bushel boxej and cartons: Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia fancy. Staymans. 113s 150s 1.35-1 4o b4s-l00s 1 40-1 00: De licious, 113s-183s. 1 35-1 50: 72s-100s, 1.50-1 75 Golden Delicious. 113s-lR3s. 1.25-1.40: 88s-loos. 1.50-1 .H5: Paragons. , •11 sizes. 1.25-1.50 POTATOES—-Market steady Hundred- 1 pound sacks. U S No 1: New York, round whoes. 1.75 Maine. Green Mountains. U. s No l Size A 2.10-2 15: Katahdms. U. a No. 1 2-inch minimum 2.15-2 25: Idaho. Russet Burbanks, mostlv around ~25 Florida, bushel crates Bliss Tri limnhc TT c: Nn i o 1 s.o os CABBAGE—Market steady. Truck re- i reipts liberal Florida and South Carolina, i truck receipts. Pi-bushel hampers dr. mestic round type, packed locally. I New York. AO-pounri sacks. Danish tvpe. 70-7 5 CARROTS—Market steadv California L. A crates bunched mostly around 2 75 Tex^s half crates bunched. t °5; Pennsyl van'°. bushel baskets, tapped, washed 85-00 f’AULI^OWER—Market about steadv Ar-- ^ '“5-1 «>o CELERY—Mark'»t steadv Florida sta^d ard_ rT*}f- individually washed 4-dozen -•*'5-2.75. mostlv “.25-2.5o- O-dozen “75- i M "O mostly 2.75: Ss to XXs 2 75-3.00, mostlv a-ound 2.75. California. V--crates ind;v:d”'’ilv washed. 3-4 dozen 2.50-2.75. LETTUCE —Market dull. Arizona L A crate-; Iceberg type. 5-dozen 2 25-2.50: Florida Eastern crates Bic Boston tvpe ! 2-dozen 75 ONIONS — Market steady. 50-pound sacks. U. S No. 1: Yellows. New York. 75-85: Ohio mostly around 85. Sweet Spanish. 3-inches and larger: Colorado. 1.10-1.15. PEAS — Florida market weak: bushel nampers. small-podded varieties, best 1.25: fair quality, l .00; California, market steady, bushel hampers, pole peas. 2.00. SWEET POTATOES - Market steady. Bushels- Maryland, baskets Goldens. 85 00: Anne Arundel County, hampers. Jersey type and Porto Ricans. 85-00. TOMATOES — Market steady. Lugs, green, ripes and turning wrapped: Florida. 0x0. best. 2.00-2 25; fair condition. 1.00 1.50: Texas. 0x0 and larger, best. 2.25 2.50: fair condition, l.50-2.00. BROCCOLI—Market steady. California, crates. 2.50. STRAWBERRIES—Market steady. Flor ida. 30-pint crates, is per pint. SNAP BEANS—Market steady. Florida, bushel hampers Bountifuls. 1.50-1.75. mostly 1.5o; Black Valentines. 1.75-2 00; fair condition 1.25. PEPPERS—Market steady. Florida 1 Va- j bushel crates California Wonders, large , size. 2.50-2.75. mostly 2.50; small size. 1 1.50- 1.75; Texas, bushel baskets, large size 1.50-1.75. EGGPLANT—Market steady. Florida. 1’-a-bushel crates. 2.25-2.50; fair quality, 1.50- 2.00. SQUASH—Market dull. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped and yellow. 1.00 1.50: best mostly 1.25-1.50. CUCUMBERS—Market steady. Supplies very light. Cuba, bushel crates. 3.00. KALE AND COLLARDS—Market steady. Truck receipts light. Virginia. Norfolk sec tion. bushel baskets. 40-50. TURNIP GREENS—Market steady. Truck receipts very light. Virginia. Norfolk sec tion. bushel baskets. 00. HANOVER SALAD—Market steady. Truck receipts very light. Virginia. Norfolk sec tion. bushel baskets. 50. ITRP—_Mnrlf»t. stpnriv Sunnlies very light. Florida. 1 'i-bushel hampers, l.OO. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Florida, flat crates. 75-1.25. LIMES—Market stronger. Truck receipts light. Florida. V< boxes. 1.75-2.00. SPINACH—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Bushel baskets. Savoy type: Texas. 80-85. mostly 85 Virginia. Norfolk section. 05-75 BRUSSELS SPROUTS—Market steady. California. 25-pound drums, mostly around 1.75. LIMA BEANS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Florida, bushel hampers. 3.25 3.50: small size. 3.00. Arrivals, diversions and track of fresh fruits and vegetables: APPLES—No carlot arrivals: one broken and three unbroken cars on track. CABBAGE—One New York arrived: two broken and two unbroken cars on track. CARROTS—No carlot arrivels: one bro ken and one unbroken car on track CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals: one unbroken car on track. CELERY—One California arrived: one car diverted: five broken and one unbro ken cars on track GRiCPEFRUIT—Two Florida arrived: one broken and three unbroken cars on GR:APES—No carlot arrivals; one bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. LETTUCE—No carlot arrivals; six bro ken and four unbroken cars on track. ONIONS—One Ohio arrived: one un briOcen car on track. ORANGES—One California, two Florida arrived; three broken and five unbroken cars on track PEAS—One California arrived: two bro ken and four unbroken cars on track. PEPPERS—No carlot arrivals: one bro ken car on’track POTATOES—Three Maine arrived: two broken and 12 unbroken cars on track. SPINACH—No carlot arrivals: three broken cars on track MIXED VEGETABLES—One Texas ar rived: seven broken and three unbroken cars on track. BANANAS—Seven cars arrived: three unbroken cars on track. RHUBARB—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. RUTABAGAS—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. AVOCADOS—No carlot arrivals: one car diverted- no cars on track. CRANBERRIES—New Jersey. y«-barrel boxes, late varieties. 3.00-3.25. Mushrooms — Maryland and Pennsyl vania. 3-pound baskets, 30-75: mostly 60-65 PARSNIP S—Pennsylvania, ti-bushel baskets. 40-50 ORANGES—Florida, boxes. 1.25-2.00, as to grade and size. GRAPEFRUIT—Florida. boxes. 1.50 t oo few special marks higher TANGERINES—Florida,- H-bushei boxes, 1.00-1.25; low hlihtr. s NEW YORK CURB MARKET Br private wire direct to The Iter Stock end Selee— Dividend Rate. Add 00 Rlkh. Low. 2:65 Aero Sup B .20*.. 2 6% 5 5 Air Akaoc (.60).. 3 10% 10% 10% Air Investors . 3 2% 2% 2% Air Invest war 1 % % % Ala Power pf (7) 20s 101 101 101 Alum Co Am(6g) 200s 141% 140% 141% Alum Ltd (4.25g) 200s 99% 98% 98% Am Book (4) 60s 44 43 44 Am Capital (A).. 1 2% 2% 2% Am Centrifugal 2 % % % Am Cltv PAL(B) 1 1% 1% 1% Am Cynam B.60a 16 34 33% 33% Am GasftE 1.60a 17 39 38% 39 AmO A El pf (») 1850s 114% 113% 114% Am Inv(Ill) 2.40. 225s 41% 41% 41% Am Laund M 80 6 16% 16% 16% Am LtATrar 1.10 6 15% 15% 15% Am Maracaibo... 1 % % % Am Republics .. 6 7% 7% 7% Am Superpower 1 % % % Am Superpwr pf 11 16% 15% 16% Am Sup lstpf(6) 60s 74 74 74 Am Thread of .26 3 3% 3% 3% Arctur Rad T (r) 1 ft ft ft Ark Nat Gas 4 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Oas A 4 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat G pf ,60d 6 7% 7% 7% Ashland OAR .40 3 5% 5% 6% Assoc G A E i A) .2 ft ft ft Assoc GasAEl pf 5% 5% 6% Atl Coast Fish 1 3% 3% 3% Atl Coast L (lg) 10s 23 23 23 Atlas Corp war 1 ft ft ft Atlas Drop For* 1 3% 3% 3% Atlas Plyw’d .26* 100s 15% 15% 15% A vtatlon A Trans 28 3% 3% 3% Akton Fisher A 60s 52% 52% 52% Babcock A Wll 4 21% 21% 21% Baldwin Lo war 20 8 7% 8 Raldw L pf 2.10 50s 25 25 25 Baldwin R .375g 17 7 7 d>.i ad.«i a 1 on inn. oi ru m, Hath ,run 45 13% 12% 13 Beanult Mills ... 1 6% 6% 5% Beech Aircraft 3 7% 7% 7% Bellanca Aircraft 5 7% 7% 7% Bell Aircraft 3 21 20% 20% Bell Tel Can (8) 10* 132 132 132 Rens & H pf (3d) 25s 45 45 45 Bickfords 1.60g 100* 14 14 14 Bliss (EW I 9 14% 14% 14% Borne Scry 3.50g 200* 30 28% 30 Breeze Corp 50g 7 6% 6 6% Brewst Aero 20g 17 11% 11% 11% Brldep't Machine 2 3% 3% 3% Brlllo Mfg (.80) 1 12% 12% 12% Brlllo Mfg< A) .2 60* 31 30% 3%0 Brown Co pf (r) 100* 27% 27% 27% Brown Rubber 1 4% 4% 4% B'keye P L 2.50g 60* 28% 28% 28% B N&EF of I «0 3 22% 22% 22% B/5’*EP 1st <51 60* 107 107 107 Cin Car & Fy pf 25* 22 22 22 Can Col Airwav* 7 6% 6% 6% Cap City Pro .15g 75* 9% 9%* 9% Carnegie Met 2 A A & Caro P&L pf • 6> 100* 93 93 93 Caro P&L pf i71 120* 102 101 102 Carrier ("orp 40 15% 14% 15 Catalln Am 15g l 2% : % 2% (.'elan ptc pf <7a i 100* 107 107 107 Cellu’d 1st 3.50d 10* 72 72 72 Cent HU&E t.80) 6 14% 14 14 Cent Me I5 pf (7) 10* 106% 106% 106% Cent NT Pwr pf 6 90* 98 97% 98 Cent P & L pf (7 I 25*110 110 110 Cent & Sown Util 2 % % % Cent States Elec 1 % % % Cent Sts El 7% pf 50* 8% 8'-* 8% Childs pf 25* 24 24 24 Cities Service 5 5 4% 5 Cities Service pf 3 58% 57% 57% Cities Ser P&L J6 pf (12k) 10s 87 87 87 City Auto St 30g 1 5% 5% 5% Claude Neon L 4 % % % Club Alum Uten 2 3 3 3 Clev Elec 111 (2a l 50s 4.5 45 45 Clev Tractor 1 5% 5% 5% Cohen & Rosen 1 8% 8% 8% Colts Pat F A 2a 50s 83 83 8:; Col O & E pf (5) 75s 65 65 65 Columb Ull & Oa* 8 2% 2% 2% Com with Dis 07* 1 1% 1% 1% Coinwitii & S wai 6 A % % Com P&L 1st of 125* 43% 43 43% Com'ty P S 2.15* 350s 35% 34% 3.5% Cons G&K Ha 3 61' 4 82 82 82 Consol (las Util 7 1% 1% 1% Consol M&S (la) 50s 37% 37% 37% Cons Retail Strs 1 3% 3% 3% Cona^Steel CorD 2 5% 5% 5% Conti Roll & Stl 17 7 7 Cooper Bess 3 10 9% 10 Copper Ranee 150* 5 5 5 Copperweld 80 3 16% 16% 16% Cor&R pf A 6.50k 10* 73% 73% 73% Cosden Peirnlro 2 1% 1% 1% Courtaldsl .136g) 1 7% 7% 7% Creole Petm 5Ua 4 22% 22 22% Crocker Wheeler 2 5% 5% 5% Cuban Tobacco 2 2% 2% 2% Curtis Mfg .25g _ 150* 6% 6% 6% Dayton Rub 1.25g 150s 194 19 194 Davton R (A)(2) 20s 294 294 294 Decca Rec 60g) 40 8 74 8 Derby 011 12 2 2 Det Paper Prod 7 1 4 4 Divco Twin 40g 2 8 8 8 Domln Stl & Coal 2 124 124 124 Duke Po\veri4g) 50s 77 77 77 Eagle l’lcher.20g 8 124 12 124. East n Gas & P 4 3s 34 34 Eastn G&F * nt f>5<1 p 2 T» 204 214 E G&F prpf 4.50d 275s 474 454 474 Eastern Sts p( B 50s 18 18 18 Eisler Elec .08g 2 14 14 14 Elec Bono & Sh 115 84 74 8 4 Elec B & S pf < 5 ) 1 604 60 s 604 Elec B & S pf (61 2 694 69 694 Elec P & L war 1 34 34 34 Elec P&L 2d pf A 60s 1S4 184 184 Equity cv pf i? i 800s 234 234 234 Esauire (.60) 4 44 44 44 Fairchild Av.40g 12 114 114 114 Falstaff Brw ,60a 1 74 74 74 Pansteel Metal 4 13 124 124 Fisk Kunber 27 154 15 15 Flak Rub pf (6) 175s 1074 107 107 Fla P&E pf 1.75k 125s 99 98 984 Ford Ltd (.16*) 2 24 24 24 Fruehauf Trad) 3 28-4 284 284 Gen Alloys 1 14 14 14 Gen Pub Svc pf 10s 394 394 394 Gen Sharehold 3 14 14 14 Gen Share pf (6h ) 10s 754 754 754 Gilchrist 1 44 4*. 44 Glen Alden C 25g 22 8 74 74 Gorham Mf 3.2og 1 26 26 2’i Gray Mfg 19 9 9 G A A P nv 7.50g 25s 1094 1094 1094 Grt No Pap (2a) 100s 444 444 444 Greenfield T * D 2 84 84 84 Grum'n Air l.Oog 4 1(54 164 164 Gulf Oil of Pad ) 7 394 394 394 Harv’d Brew 05* 8 14 14 14 Hat Corp B 1.10g 1 64 64 64 Hecla Min (.35g) 3 64 64 64 Helena R(A)(1) 50s 84 84 84 Heyden Ch 1.60a 1 70V* 7040704 Holllnger G 65a 1 114 114 114 Holophane 1.25g 1 134 134 1354 Hormel G d.50) 60s 294 294 294 Horn & Hard (2) 200s 35 344 35 Humble 011(2.50) 6 674 67 674 iiuiiiiiici ivo .-V'6 i «» 74 u *4 1 Hvgrarie Food 1 2% 2% 2% Hygrade Sy <2g) 100? 29 29 29 Illinois-la Power 4 3% 3% 3% 111-la Power pi lfi 25% 24% 25% 111-la Pwi div ct 21 6 5% 5% Imp oil Ltd 60a 5 12% 12% 12% ImpOllreg 50a 2 12% 12% 12% Imp Tob Can 40a 1 13% 13% 13% Imp T GB 1.116k 1 23 23 23 lnd Svc 6% pr 60s 15% 15 15 lnd Svc 7% pf 10s 15% 15% 15% lnd PL of 6.60 10s 111% 111% 111% Indus Flnan vtc 1 A & £ Ins Co N Am 2a 200s 71% 71% 71% Int Cigar M (2) 1 21% 21% 21% Int lndust lOg 1 1% 1% 1% Int Metal Ltd A 50s 11% 11% 11% In 1 PaftPwr wai 6 3 3 3 Int Petrol 1 60a 9 18% 18 18% Int Ut pf'1.3125k 50s 18 18 18 Int Util nrpf 3.50 60s 33 33 33 Interst H Eq .50 1 7% 7% 7% Interst P Del nf 25s 5% 5% 5% JacobeCo 3 2% 2% 2% Jer CP&L of (7 » 10s 103% 103% 103% Jones &LauSt) 2 35% 34% 35% Kennedy's ( 70g) 2 6% 6% 6% Kgs C Ltd pf D 5 10s 68 68 68 Kingst’n P(.lOg) 12 2 2 Kopperspf(6) 30s 87 86% 87 Lack RR NJ (4) 10s 42% 42% 42% Lake Shore M<3) 13 25% 25 25% Lehigh Coal 10g 4 2% 2% 2% Leonard 011 2 % % % Line Mater’l .60g 360s 10% 10 10% Lit Brothers 1 1% 1% 1% Lone Star 70g 16 10% 10% 10% Long Island Ltg 33 1% 1% 1% Long Isld Ltg pf 150s 46% 46 46% Long Isl Ltg pf B 475s 43% 42% 43 La Land & E 35g 16 6 5% 6 Lucky Tiger 02g 2 % % % Ludwlg-B pf vtc 20s 21 20 21 Me Wlllma Dredg 9 9% 8% 9% MaJestto Radio 8 * % % Mapes Consol 2a 2 27 26% 27 Massey-Harrla 15 6 5 Merr-Chap & Sc 1 4% 4% 4% Mesabl Iron 1 ft ft ft Midland Steel (2) 60s 18 18 18 Mid West Corn... 6 8% 8 8% Midwest 011 .10-. 2 7% 7% 7% t Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate Add 00. High Low 2:65 Minn M&M 2.40g 250s 58% 58% 58% Molybdenum 26 6% 6 6% Mont Ward A 17) 100a 169 168% 169 Mount City C.15g 3 4% 4% 4% Mount Prodt 60) 4 6% 6% 6% Mount State Pwr 1 % % % Nachman Sp ,25e. 1 11% 11% 11% Nat Auto (,25e) . 1 8% 8% 8% Natl City L, (lg). 4 16% 16% 16% Natl Cent (,40g) . 10 10% 10% 10% Nat Fuel Oa* <1) 10 12% 12% 12% Nat Oil P 1.85g . 1 44 44 44 Nat P* Lot 16) 60* 94% 94% 94% Nat Sugar Refin 1 10% 10% 10% Nat Transit 85g_ 6 9% 9% 9% Nehl Corp (2a) 1 69 69 69 New Eng P Asaoo 25a 13% 13% 13% NEP As pf 1.50k 200a 75 74 74% N Eng T&T 6.50g 20a 124% 124% 124% New Idea ( 60a)) 1 12% 12% 12% NJ Zinc (2a) 250a 65 64% 65 Newmont (3.60g) 1 72% 72% 72% N Y Hon R 4.25g 300a 27 26% 26% NyP&Ltof (61 10a 107% 107% 107% NTPiLtof (71 10a 117% 117'% 117% N Y Water Svc pf 160s 23% 22% 23% Ntag Hudson Pw> 31 6% 6 6% N'iag Hud B war 1 % % % Niles-Bem-P( lg) 1 67% 67% 67% Noma Elec(.30g) 1 4% 4% 4% Nor Am Lt & Pwr 8 1% 1% 1% Nor Am L&P pf 126a 82% 81% 81% Nor Am Util Sec 1 ft ft ft N A Ray B 2.50g 1 26% 26% 26% Nor A H Drpf (3) 60s 49% 49% 49% N I I* S 7'.e pf (7k) 10s 106% 106% 106% North n St* P'Ai 8 15 15 15 Novadel-Ag (2a) 4 37 36% 37 Ohio Brass (B) 60s 21 20% 21 , Ohio Oil pf (6) 150s 98%, #8% 98% Okla Nat Gas <1) 2 19% 19% 19%' Okla Nat G pf<3> 100s 47 46% 46%; On^.4 1 tfi O 04 007 04 PacP&Lt pf(7) ins 90 90 90 Pantenec 011 19 54 5 54 J P'k’b'g R & R.50g 3 94 94 94 Pat Plymth (5a) _ 30s 354 354 354 Pender Gr A 3.60 60s 434 434 434' Pennroad (.10g) 12 24 2 24 Pa-Cent Airlines 30 124 124 124 Penn P&L pf <71 125s 1114 1114 1114 Penn Salt (6g) . 50s 1684 1684 168'i Penn \V & P (4) 150s 674 674 674 Pepperell (4g) 50s 89 89 89 Pharis T&R 75g 4 84 8 84 Phlla Co ( 55g) 18 8 8 Phillips Pkg ,2og 16 6 6 Phoenix Secur 39 7 64 64 Phoenix Secur of 1000s 384 364 38 i Pioneer Gold 40 10 14 14 14 Pltney-Bow 40a 6 8 8 8 Pitts & L E 3.50g 350s 574 56 574 Pitts Pi G1 <4g) 2 100'. 100 100 P\v Corp Can .60 25s 84 84 84 Prosperity <Bi 15 5 5 Prudenl Inv .25g 1 64 64 64 Pub Sv Ind $6 pi 75s 504 494 504 PS Inn 17 or of 150s 914 904 914 PSOk pr In pf(7) 10s 110 11(1 110 Pueei Sd I 16 pt 100s 79 784 79 Puget Sd P 36 nf 600s 254 244 254 Pueet Sd P & T 5 124 124 124 Pyrene (.90g) 2 64 64 64 Rwy&Lt (.30g) 175s 94. 94 94 Ken Hank OH 1 24 24 24 ' Reed Roll B (la) 1 254 254 254 Republic Aviat'n 14 64 6 64 Rverson H 8 14 14 14 Root Petroleum 13 3 3 Rustless lr 25g 5 144 144 144 Si Regis Paper 27 34 34 34 St Regis Pap of 150s 604 60 604 Salt Dome Oil 4 74 74 74 Scullin Steel 1 94 94 94 Sculiln Steel war 11 1 1 SeemnBros3Hg 1 394 39V. 394 Selby Shoe 625g 60s 104 104 104 Select Industries 21 ft ft ft Se] lnd al ct 6.50 100s 63 53 53 Shattuck-D 27og 6 6 54 6 Shawln tV & P 90 1 184 184 18ft. Sher-VVilms 2.75g 450s 954 944 95 Silex Co 1.20a 2 144 14 14 Simmons H tt P 3 14 14 14 Singer Mfe . 6a I 10s 152 152 152 Solar Mfc 1 14 14 14 j Sonotone < log) 1 14 14 14 | So Penn Oil 1.50a 8 44 434 43' S C Ed Df C I 375 1 294 294 294 S Cal Ed pf 1.50a 50s 45 45 45 So Col Pwr (A) 3 2 14 2 ] South P L (.30g) 1 44 44 44 Spalding iniwl 1 24 24 24 i Stand C&S 1.60a 2 144 144 144 Std < S-S cvpf 1.60 50s 194 194 194 1 Stand Dredge 1 14 14 14 Stand Oil Ky(la) 9 204 20 204 Stand OiliOl la 4 32 314 314 I Std Stl Sp 1.5Ug . 1 404 404 404 ! Starrett vtc 5 14 IV. 14 ! Sterchi Bros .20g 4 4 4 4 i Sunray Oil lOg .2 2 2 2 Sup uti or can 1) 2 35 34% 35 laEgari 3 6 5% 5% Tampa Elec 2 24 1 35 35 35 Technicolor (Ig) 25 14% 13% 14% Todd Shipd 2.5Ug 50* 65% 64% 65% Toledo Ed pf (71 10s 112 112 112 Trl Conti war 7 ft % ft Tnhize Chatillon 1 in-. 10% 10% Tubize Chi A) 2g 100s 35. 35% 35% Udylite (.125g) 5 4 4% 4% Ulen Ac Co pi A 11 I l Uii I’rern 1 M l i 4 IS I 7% IS S Unit Airc't P ,10g 5 6% 6% 6% Unit Chemical 1 14 14 14 I I'trt i gi W i. Strs 3 % ■% , Unit Cor" war 1 % ", j Unit Gat, 4 2 1 % 2 i Unit Gas wat 3 ft % United Gas pt Sd 6 96 95 96 \ Unit Gi*Pwt (At 13 1% 1% l , I Unit Lt & Pwr pf 17 37% 35% 36% ] Unit Milk 2.75g 25s 24 24 24 Unit Sb M 2 6ua 150s 83% 83V, 83% I U S Foil l B > 3 5 4 % 5 1 I U S & I S pf 1.17k 100s 61 61 61 U S Lanes pf 3 34 34 34 U S Plywood , 6 214 21 21 UtP&Lpf 1.17k 150s 294 294 294 Unit Stores new 2 4 4 4 Unit Wall Paper 2 2 14 2 j Univ Insur (1) 200s 174 174 174 J Uth P&L pf 3.50k 100s 63 624 63 Util P&L Df<r> 500s 204 19 4 20 1 Venezuela Petrol 12 14 14 14 ! j Wentworth 2Ug 4 2 14 14 j ! Western Air Exp 14 54 5 54 j | Wichita Kiv Oil 3 54 54 54 I Will'ms KC log 1 *74 7V» 74 i | Wilson-Jones 60* 1 74 74 74 , j Wolverine T 40g 3 7 64 7 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. tStocks so marked arp fully listed on the Curb Exchange. All others are dealt in on an unlisted trading basis. Rates of divi dends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. xd Ex dividend. xr Ex rights, a Also extra nr extras, d Accumu lated dividends paid last year, e Declared ; or naid so far this year. f Payable in 1 stock e Paid last year, h Cash or stock, k Accumulated dividends paid or declared this year, ur Under rule, ww With war rants. xw Without warrants. war War rant* i TTnlt r\t trsHin# loee tVian 100 shares: sales are given in full. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Jan 3 Jv.—National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid Asked, j Bk of Am NTS iSF> (2.40) 351. 37% Bank of Man (.Soai 16Va IS Bank of N Y (14) 431 441 Bankers Tr (2) 59% til3. Bklyn Tr 14» _ 73 78 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4) 103% 108% Chase Nat (1.40) ._ 3H% 38% Chem Bk A Tr (180) _ 40% 51% Commercial (Si _ 187 173 Cont Bk A Tr ( 8(1) ]3% 15 Corn Ex Bk A T (3) fin3. 81% Empire Tr (.80) __ in3. n% First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 47 49 First Natl (100> _ 1915 1955 Guaranty Tr (12) 292 297 Irvine Tr (.00) _ 12V. la'/. Manufacturers Tr (2) 38% 40% Manufacturers Tr pf (2). 51% 53% Natl City (1) _ 28% 30 N Y Trust (5) 112 115 Public <1%> _._ _ . 30 32 Title OAT ... 3% 414 a Also extra or extras. Jersey City Livestock JERSEY CITY. N. J.. Jan. 3 OF) (United States Department, of Agriculture).—Cattle. 3.50 salable; total. 670. Cows and bulls fairly active, fully steady: medium cows. 0.25-7 00; few 7.15: cutter and common. 5.00-5.75: canners. 4.25-75. Good sausage bulls. 7.50-8.00; few 8.25; medium. 7.00 7.25; cutter and common. 6.25-75. Vfalers and calves. 50 salable: total. 1.029 Vealers fairly active and steady: good and choice nearbys. 10.50-14.90; common to medium. 8 00-9.50; culls. 6.75 7.50: few thin kinds. 4 00-5.00. No South ern vealers or heavy calves on sale. Hoes 90 salable (Jersey City. 30: New York. 60); total. 2.710. Butcher hogs mostly 20 lower; good and choice. 203 pounds. 5 95 8heeo and lambs. 250 salable: total. 7.070. Lambs slow, mostly 25 lower; one load good 88-pound fed Westerns, 9.75. No other sheep or lambs on sale. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Jan. 3 OPI.— 4s July. 1948-44 _112'/, 112% 3V4b May, 1955-45 _107% 108% 3s July. 1955-45 ...... 108% 108% [li uaV. ikm ::::::: m 188% Steel Industry Sees Signs for 1940 As 'Auspicious' Fourth-Quarter Output Highest on Record For Three-Month Period By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.—The steel industry and some of its principal consumption outlets is heading into 1940 under the most auspicious circumstances since 1929, Iron Age said today in a weekly survey. The review included 1937 in this forecast, which was the* best year for steel business in the last decade. “Steel production in the fourth quarter of 1939 was about 16,000.000 gross tons, the highest on record for any three-month period," the magazine said, “while automobile output was about 1.163,000 units, which is slightly above the previous peak for the fourth quarter of a year, established in 1926. Pig iron production is holding at a high level; additional furnaces have gone into blast during December. * • • “Operations this month will be uujMerea somewnat dv tne necessity faced by some steel companies for rebuilding badly-depleted stocks of ingots and semi-finished steel. • * • "A favorable indication is that the decline in prices of steel scrap over the last three months has ap parently been checked. The Iron Age steel scrap composite price has been reduced every week since the first week of October until this week, when it remains at last week’s figure of $17.67. * * • “Ingot production this week has rebounded from the low of 74 per cent in Christmas week to 86 per cent.” - : ■ I DOMESTIC. High. Low. 1PM. A a Power 4>2.s 67 . .. 1023, 1023, 102% Ala Power 5s 48 A 107 HIT 107 Am G A E 5s 2028 _ 106", ]06*, 10634 Am P A L 6s 2016 104', 104 1041,* Appalach E P 4s 63 1111, 111 111 Ark P A L 5s 50 lfifi3, Him3, 106*. As El Ind 4'2f 53 oo'2 60', 60'j As G A E 4'as 48 28'2 2s'2 *]8'j As G A E 4*28 49 26 26 26 As G A E os 68 2834 -‘S', °S34 As G A E o'2? 7T 3412 34 'a 34'a As TAT S'iS 55 A 72*4 7234 72*4 Bald Loco 6s 50 117‘a 117‘g 117*2 gfU Tel C 5s 57 B 115’, 1157, 1153, Birm El 4'2S 68 98', OS', 98', Biraung Gas os 50 94’, 94’, 94’, Can Nor Pwr 5s 53 99‘g 993, 99'2 Cent St El 5s 48 _ 39 39 39 Cent St El 5'2s 54 39*4 39 39', Cen St PAL .V2.7 53 75*, 75‘, 751. Cin St Rtr 5'2s 52 85 85 8.5 Cities Svc os 50 77’s 763, 77 >4 Cities Svc 5s 08 76 75 76 Cit S PAL o' 2s 52 911-2 91’, 91 > 2 Cit S PAL o'2s 49 921, 92 02", Comntv PAL os 57_ 93 12 9014 Cons GELVP .'is 69 107*4 HIT3, HU3, Cons G Util 6s 43 st _ 82*4 82'4 82*, Cent G A E os 58 A 92 91', 91s, Cudahy Pkt! 334s 55 9o3, 951, 951, Del El Pw 5*25 59 Ion'2 106‘i loe:'* East G A F 4s 56 A 78 77’, 78 Edi? El Illit 312s 65 111 111 111 El Pv; a Lt 5s 2030 So’, 80*2 Si:’4 Ei Pas El os 50 A 105'2 1051-2 1051,2 Fed Wat o'.-s 54 99 9.8*4 9S3, Fla Pwr co’ipii 4s 66 98 :1 ski, 9.8*, Flotida PAL os 54 1 041, 1 0334 1 04>, Gary E-'.-G 5s 44 st__ Hu-s, jno3, in-.-, Gen Pub >»t 6'2s 56 99 96*4 99 Gen W WAE os 43 A _ 96*a 9314 9614 Georc;. Pw 5s 67 loo'2 106'» lo6i, Georgia PAL 5s 78 67 66'a 67 , Glen Aiden Cl 4s Ho 71'a '7112 7 1 '4 Gotel Inc 4'2S 41 A 76 75 76 Grocery Str 6s 45 6" 6" 6° Idaho Pwr 3*as 67 108 los ins 111 Pw A Lt 51,S 57 98*4 98'-4 98*4 111 Pw A L os 56 C ln.'i'a 103', 10314 Indiana Svc 5s 5" A_ 73 71*, 73 Indiana Ser os 6.3 A_ 71>-4 701, 71‘4 Indianap Gs os 52_ 6.312 63>2 6.314 Ind PAL 1st 3*4s 68._ 109 109 109 Inti P Sec 6!2s 55 C_ 41 41 41 Inters! Pw os 57_ 68 ST'4 68 Interst Pw 6s 52_ 50 50 50 Jackson G 5s 42 stp_ 4534 453, 45*4 Long Is Lt 6s 45_104'. 104', 1041. n os 40 sla_ .it 70 70 Mid S Pw fi'2 45 A_ 100*, 100*4 100*4 Miss Pow 5s 55_102*4 102*, 102*4 Mo Pub Svc 5s 60_ 9T>2 971, 97*4 Nass & S« L 5s 45_ 00 99 99 Nat P A L 6s 2026 A... 111 1 .• 111' 3 11114 Nebr Pwr 4'2s 61 _ 106*4 ]0S*4 in,6*4 Nevad Ca! El 5s 56_ 797, TO7* TO7, New E C, A E 5s 4T_ 69 69 69 New E G A E 5s 50_ 69 66*, 69 New E Pw 5]2s 54 _ . 100'4 loo*, 10014 New Or P S 6s 49 A __ 107*2 102*, ]A"*, No Con U 5'rs 4“ A 48 4,8 48 Ohio Power .'t',s 08_10K lbs 106 Tac PAL 5s 55 91*4 9412 94'4 Penn c L A P 4' s 77 109 103 103 ’’enn E':- is 6- 71 inT'~ 1071410714 P-rm o> E 54-s 50 B ion ' ion ]06 Peon O* AC 4s 6! n 96 98 98 To' OL*T 4s sj p 90,1, «,;i 96*4 Riti C-?1 i’s "1 lot', 10* *, 1114*4 portid G i-c 5s 4,1 :u' * 951, s."> 951, P" C C 4*-, 59 B 891, S 614 881, r"U- PAL 5' ■ s 4 9 99', 99 99', Pile Si nAL 5s 50 98* 1 <4*514 48*, P11 Si PAL 414s 50 931, O'”, 93*, Saf' H Wa 4'3s 79. 109W 109*, 109*4 Shw WAP 45 -c 67 A 95'4 9514 95*4 Sodding 5s 89 _ 50 50 SO - Std GA-E 6s 48 st __ 68 67'2 67'4 Std Gas A El 6s 51 A 68 68 rs S'd Gas A FI 6s 66 B 68 68 68 Stand Pw A 1/ 6s 57_ 67 67 67 Starret Com 5s 50 21 21 21 Tex Pw A L 5s 56_108', 10T7, 108'4 Tide Wat P 5s *9 A _ 107*4 102*4 102*4 Ulen A Co 6s 50 TV st__ 9 9 9 Unit Lt A Pw 6s 75.. 83*, 83% 83*4 Unit Lt A- Pw 6!,s 74 . 85*2 95'2 85'4 Unit LAR D 5';s 52__ 93', 93 93 Unit LAR M 6s 57 A _ IIS', 118', 118*4 Va Pub Ser 6s 46 inn*, ino», inn*. Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B 1 01 *, 101 *, 101 *4 Wis PAL 4s 66_ 105*4 105*4 105*, FOREIGN BONDS. Fin R M B 5s 61 st_. «2>, 22*2 22*4 Gcr Ccn Mun 7s 47.. 17*, 12*4 12*5 Isarco Hvd F! 7s 57.. 47 46*3 47 Rio dp Jen 6*4s 59_ 9 8 8 ww With warrants. xw Without war rants n New st (stpi S'amned. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. Short-Term Securities (Reported by Smith. Barney A Co 1 Bid. Offer. Alleghany ep Cv 5s 1944 76>2 79’4 American Tel A- Tel 5‘2s ‘43 108*, inn'4 Austin A- Northwest 5s 1941 80 86 Baldwin Loco Works 5s 1940 101 101 H Central Foundry fly 1941 93 100 Chicago Union Sta 4s 1944 106*4 106'a r'hilds Co 5s 1«4'( 48', 49*. ■ Colo FupI A Iron 5s 1943 105*, Container Corn 5s 1943 ini', 107*4 Cuba Northern Rwys 5*4s '42 29*4 29*4 Delaware A Hudson 4s 1943 62 62*2 Gr Rapids A Ind 4’3S 1941 104** Illinois Steel 4>3s 1940 100*, 101V, Int! Hydro-Electric 6s 1944 72'4 74 Interna Mercan Mar 6s '41 68', 70 Laclede Gas Light 5s '42 80 85 Lake Erie A- West 5s 1941 80 82>4 Lehigh Val Term Rwy 5s '4 1 49*. LOUIS A- Nasn K R 4s 194" 101% Midland R R of N J 5s 1949 9% 1214 N Y & Long Br 4s 1941 75 Norfolk A* Southern 5s 1941 54 57 Pennsylvania Co 3%s 1941 10214 Pcnn-Dixle Cement 6s 1941 94 98% Penna R R Co 4s 1943 109 109% Peon Gas L*. A- Coke 6s 1943 115 116 Peoria A- Eastern 4s 1940 684, 6944 Phila. Balt A Wash 4s 1943 109% 110 Studebaker Cd 6s 1945 99% 99% Tex A- New Or 5s 1943 50 69 Union Oil of Calif 6s 1942 112% 114 Vanadium Corn 5s 1941 105% 106% Warren Bros 6s 1941 34 38 West N Y A- Pa 4s 1943 107% 108 White Sewing Ma 6s 1940 101% _ ' Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Jan. 3 (45.—Poultrv. live. on« ." car. 41 trucks; irregular; hens. 4% pounds up 17: under 4% pounds. 15: Leghorn m hens. 13; springs. 4 pounds up. colored 14: White Rock. 15%; roosters. 10: turkeys, young toms under 18 pounds. 14; hens. 15%: other prices unchanged. Butter. 890 584: firm: creamery. 93 score. 30%-31; .92. 30: 91. 29%: 90. 29%; 69. 28%: 88. 28: 90. centralized carlots. 29%-% Eggs. 13.035: unsettled; refrigerator ex tras. 15: standards. 14%; firsts. 14; other Brices unchanged. United Stales Department of Agricul ture.)—Potatoes. 94; on track. 225; total United States shipments, 522: old stock. Northern barely steady, slightly weaker undertone: Western slightly weaker: sup plies moderate- demand fair: sacked, per hundredweight. Idaho Russet Burbanks, U. S. No. 1. 1.80-90: U. S. No 2, 1.57% Colorado Red McClures. U. S No. 1 1.90: Nebraska Bliss Triumphs. 85 per cent or mocf U. S. No 1. washed. 2.00-10: un washed 1.55-65: Michigan Russet Rurals. U S. No 1 1.30: Minnesota, Red River Valley section. Early Ohios. U. S. commer :ials. 1.15: North Dakota Red River Valley section Cobblers. 75 to 85 per cent U. S. No. 1. few sales 1.20-30- U S. No 1 1.35: Bliss Triumphs. 80-85 per cent U. 3. No. 1. few sales 1.25-32%: new stock, unsettled, demand verv slow: supplies moderate; street sales. Florida Bliss Triumphs, bushel crates, U. S. No. 1. very few sales 2.10 • irate. London Gold and Silver LONDON, Jan. 3 (45— Bar silver. 21%d. )f! % penny. (Equivalent 39.22 centi m the dollar basis $4.03.) 133 *5 f ^ 18®*' uac“u>**^- (■tulvalent •l