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Wtnese guarantees §MEATS SAVE ME MONEY I -BECAUSE I NEVER I MAKE A “POOR BUY" n kmm mmmmm wmM fklmmm wm wUm mim ?ood eating meats mean less waste, cut down your meat bills. Buy all our meats from Sanitary for one full week. Start today . . . and see if you don’t like Sanitary meats better! Remember—money back if you ever get a cut of meat from your Sanitary that fails to please. • .— iHtfaiaaMtfMMfMMft HMHHMMMi I PORK LOINS Tender Chuck Roast "ix «> 17c Rib Roast of Beef.»>• 23c Fresh Spare Ribs.2 »>•• 25c Bulk Sauerkraut.2 «>• 15c ^ Smoked Shoulders »> 14c Smoked Hams hock and * 19c i’V Sanitary Ks Sausage - • "> 19c jgmSliced Bacon Standard • « • lb. 17c Briggs Scrapple - •*> 10c yK! %r Bacon Briskets 2«>* 25c SANICO *3 FRYERS Scientifically raised especially for table purposes—freshly killed every g* gm day right here in Washington and lb. OQC delivered to your Sanitary in re frigerated trucks. MbV SANICO 8= BACON As fine as money can buy . . . top gm mm quality sugar-cured bacon at a lb. *1CC moderate price. Try it once . . . ”■ you’ll use it always. fcw i SANICO *2, HAMS J Trimmed of nearly all I waste—the hock bone re- Whole g^g^ f moved, giving you a max- or lb* *1QC f imum of edible meat for Hock M || I your money. End fcW f VOGT’S « HAMS / Here’s a ham thoroughly Whole .. I cooked to the bone. No „ 1L |1 |IS ■ parbolllna or baklns needed or ID* H K You'll like Its flavor and Hock # approve of Its economy. - . LU V Have one for the. week-end. ^ I ZZtlAu., n/'. f fx&'iss^zr** m r-'f ” M £j*to>‘222fD£L'V£*,£Si orer*' ::fupn^ce,r7^z ty ^ m$: I ''^B*e/^C.S«'eed I ” . Cold Weather Calls for I HEINZ SOUPS I Choice of Asparagus, Bean, Vegeta- ■ ble Beef, Celery, Mock Turtle, Mush- S room, Chicken Noodle, Chicken H with Rice, Onion, Pea, Pepper Pot, ■ Spinach, Tomato, Vegetable, Corn M Chowder, Oyster, Scotch Broth, ill Genuine Turtle or Vegetarian. 2 cans I Clam Chow- Hn der. Con- Iwa somme, Con somme Ma drllene or r-„ MM Chicken can 1 O u m b o lyj| Creole. Krispy Crackers-lb bo* 15c Fresh Zion Fig Bars-,b pke- 10c Graham Crackers-lb Pkg. 10c Ginger Snaps!_|b pk* 10c { Flako Pie Crust-pk«- 10c j Post Toasties_2pke» 11c j Corn Kix Cereal-2 pks*. 23c ] Cream of Wheat_14 «>*. Pkg. 14c Standard Tomatoes-3 nil 7c I Standard String Beans-3 «»2. 17c J Standard Peas-3 25c Whopper Peas-2 «« 25c Stokely's .nd'wEit. Limas- — « * 9c Timely Fruit Cocktail-««nl 11c Catalina Tuna Fish-2 a* 25c ■ Gorton's Codfish_2 «« 23c Davis"!.".* Codfish__ 9c Keep a Supply on Hand Rock Creek GINGER ALE or Soda Did you use up your a 74 OT JfcBi supply over the holi- , ' l|CQ days? Better have VI bot- #Zl some on hand. conts. fcW IDinty Moore Irish Stew_2^ 29c j Dinty Moore Beef Stew_22A„t29c Hormel's Spam__^_,i." 29c Corned Beef Hash_2 «« 29c Anglo Corned Beef _ -1 tin*' 17c 1 Phillips' Spaghetti_6c Phillips' Blackeyed Peas_18£„“- 6c Phillips'Mixed Vegetables_2 11c Phillips'Tomato Juice __4 2e0.nV 25c Stokely's Tomato Juice_2^ 19c Campbell's Tomato Juice_3 “z 20c Libby's Tomato Juice_3 ^20c Grapefruit Juice h.»._3^ 19c Red Wing Grape Juice_“LflOc Sunsweet Prune Juice_&*». 17c | Hunt's Italian Prunes_2 25c Coral Sea Pineapple_15c ! “Save Time and Money at Your Neighborhood SANITARY" SAUERKRAUT £: 2 15° HOMINY *"*•... 2N15C Cl AIIR Va. Sweet 20 oz. C({ rLUUIl PANCAKE _pkg g CHAMPION 25c PHILLIPS rn»». Cc run i ips -*• B&M BEANS_15° MARGARINE banquet.. Ib10c CDDV ciinDTCMrar 3 lb' C4e Ml -- QUAKER _ <r |7« PRUNES sw^r.15‘ MACARONI &. 3“10‘ SPAGHETTI &. 3pl,'10* LUX SOAP.■•‘•5* P&G SOAP.3—1Q18 RINSO.19* The Luxury Tea With the Thrifty Price Canterbury Is no mild-mannered tea! It's rich, lusty and tradi tionally fine. A blend for worldly folk, like yourself, who want true time-honored tea flavor. On these nippy days, cheer your family with Canterbury. CMTEIBIIY 2 5C Clicquot Club Soda Gln*Vr Alt-2 Bot? Cents. 19c Heinz Pork & Beans T8.™‘.#_18.s* 10c Heinz Ketchup_kr 12c__ 14b.~16c Bread & Butter Pickles,_14c Sanico Peanut Butter_iib. j«rl7c Sanico Mayonnaise_35c Salad Dressing ■•Slu*™_?« 25c Stokely's Baby Foods_3 «"■ 22c Black-eyed Peas_ 1 lb. cello, pkg. 9c Idaho White Beans_ 1 lb. cello, pkg. 7c Baby Lima Beans_ _1 lb. cello, pkg. 7C Sanico Preserves_ 24 oz. Jar 25c Sanico Asst. Jellies_ 8 oz. glass 10c Apple Butter_2 38 oz. Jars 27c r-il_\A/_I. ^*1_ in VWHWII Tf VIIV WIUTC9_pair I Ut Bab-0 Powder_ can 10c Sanico Paper Napkins_ pkg. of 80 5c Safe Home Matches_3pkg». 10c 0. K. Laundry Soap_ bar 3c Octagon Soap Powder_2 p*g» 9c Viking Toilet Tissue_3 roll* 10c Kleenex Tissues ok*, of 200 2 for 25c % Kleenex_ pkg. of S00 28c I_I nu Here's Health Sratory ft. of orange juice, P^ i al resistance. Begm now Snrsebrve I«sPhPorLge juice to your ianuly least 3 times a day. FUToRAMGES 10-27*1 I pr&PEFRUIT sl 5 * i8c a GRAPEFRUIT-S' I Hew Cabbage - ^ 5c I Old Cabbage.’ ^ 1Qc 1 Collards -.; .. 3 lbt. 10c 1 Fresh Kale. J_ CPPC JUMBO "U. S. Gov't Grade B" DoL CAOC samico , “U. S. Gov't Grade A" Doz' i DIITTCD jumbo ull 11tlf roll roH LAND O’ LAKES BUTTER -.>» 36* ECONOMY EGGS c°rt°n °* °ne <*°xen_21® PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP_5* LIFEBUOY TOILET SOAP_^ 5e CAMAY or LAVA SOAP...^ NO. 33 LIQUID BLEACH.... & 10* Prices are for the District ef Columbia until the close of business Saturday^ January A. 1040. Due to the Maryland and Virginia Unfair Trade Feaetice Acts, some prlees are hither in those States. NO 8ALES TO DEALEBS. mm i h m