Newspaper Page Text
Federal Issues Score Gains in Uneven Bond Market Scandinavian Issues Retreat on Fears Of War Spread Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Ut^. F'an. Net change. —.1 unc. unc. —.1 Today, noon 59.7 102.3 96.4 50.6 Prev. dav.. 59.8 102.3 96.4 50.7 Month ago. 58.6101.4 95.8 47.7 Year ago.. 61.5 98.8 92.6 62.5 1939-40 high 64.9 102.3 97.5 64.0 1939-40 low 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 . 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon ... 111.8 Prev. day 111.7 M'nth ago 110.7 Year ago 110.9 '39-40 hi’h 112.6 '39-40 low 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 5.—United States Governments recorded new gains running to around >2 point in an uneven bond market today. Scandinavian issues were offered at lower prices following foreign reports the northern countries were in danger of direct involvement in the Russo-Finnish War. While the market generally set a narrow course, losses of fractions to around 2 points were numerous near midday in the Scandinavian list. The losers included Oslo City 4'2s. Norway 4'is, Denmark 5'2s and Norway 6s. The Scandinavian group in recent sessions had recovered substantially from the first shock of the Russian Invasion of Finland. * A few rail and utility issues, mostly In the lower-rated classes, were in demand at higher prices, but buying “ and selling orders were rather closely matched in the general list. Up a point or more at one time were Burlington 5s, Laclede Gas 6s, Nassau Electric 4s, Utilities Power & Light 512s and Radio-Keith 6s. Texas & Pacific 5s jumped 4 on sale of five bonds. Western Sugar Refiners Cut Quotations By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5.—Two western sugar refiners cut prices 10 cents per 100 pounds today. Whole sale cane went to $4.60 and beet to $4.50. Cuts were made by both California and Hawaiian and Western. The latter announced its eastern terri tory price was reduced only 5 cents to bring it to $4.60 for cane. Bank Reflects Allied Purchases in Balkans By the Associated Press. BASLE. Switzerland. Jan. 5.— Allied buying in the Balkans to re move raw materials from Ger many's grasp was reported to be the main factor yesterday in an in crease of 21.100.000 Swiss gold francs ($6,234,000) in the total bal ance for international settlements. Until recently there have been heavy withdrawals from the inter national clearing house, but yester day's report—the first signed by the new American president, Thomas McKittrick—showed an increase as of December 30. The change in December figures was due mainly to increase^ in cash deposits of central banks from 18, 800.000 to 46.500.000 Swiss gold francs ($5,554,000 to $13,757,000). Financial quarters said the in crease was the result of deposits by the Bank of England and the - Bank of France for clearing al lied purchases in the Balkans, where the allies have been fighting with cash German attempts to barter for raw materials. Bureau Issues Data On Cotton Imports By the Associated Press. The Customs Bureau announced today that imports of cotton staple I1* inches or more from September 20 to January 3 filled 13.253,903 pounds of the quota of 45.656,420 pounds for the year ending next September 20. Egypt and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan shipped 13.060,739 of the to tal and Peru 193.083 pounds. Imports of staple under 11« inches totaled 1,327,030 pounds of the 14, 516.882-pound annual quota. Larg est shipments were 689.753 pounds from India, 308,103 from Mexico, 297,951 from Brazil. In the same period imports of cotton card strips and waste amounted to 1.472.548 pounds of the 5.482,509-pound annual quota. The United Kingdom supplied 1,199,30C pounds and Canada 239,690. Chicago Reserve Bank Reports Lower Net By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Jan. 5.—The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago reported today for the year ended Decembei 30, i939. net earnings of $982,917 which compared with $1,090,752 ir 1938. Profit on sales of United States Government securities de clined to $487,913 from $932,996 ir the previous year. The bank paic $819,531 in dividends during 193£ and transferred $158,265 to surplus Total resources of the Chicagc Reserve Bank were $2,904,321,710 or December 30, 1939, as against $2, 639.536,099 a year earlier and $2,186, 767,507 two years ago. Paris Exchange Rates PARIS. Jan 5 (IPi.—The United State dollar was 43.80 francs (2.283 cents to th franci in foreign exchange trading todai compared with the franc at 2.230 in Ne’ York overnight. Exchange on Londor 176 625 • # In bourse trading 3 per cent rentes nr tshed 76.80 francs: 4‘is "A," 85.10; 4Vi, 1937. 224.95. Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Jan 5 Crude rubbj futures opened 4 to 10 lower March, 18.9, IUr. 18.65b: July. 18.50. b—Bid. k k BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By print* wire direct to The Star. T REASU R Y. High. Low. 2:55. 2s 1947_... 104.28 103.28 104.28 2s 1948-50 _ 103.11 103.8 103.11 2%s 1951-53_ 103.16 103.10 103.16 2%s 1949-53 . 105.28 105.20 105.28 2%s 1949-53 rg .. 105.23 105.23 105.23 2%a 1951-64_ 107.27 107.24 107.27 2%s 1960-65_ 106.25 106.26 106.26 2%s 1966-60_ 108.9 108 3 108.9 3s 1946-48 _ 110.28 110.28 110.28 3s 1951-65 _ 110.26 110.26 101.26 8%a 1943-46_110. 110. 110. 3 %s 1944-46 110.18 110.L8 110.18 3%s 1941-43 Mar 104.22 104.24 104.24 3%s 1946-56 ... 114.30 114.30 114.30 4S 1944-64 ... 114.29 114.29 114.'29 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1942-47 105.14 105.14 105.14 FOREIGN BONDS. high Low 2:66 Antloquia 7s 45 C .. 16% 15% 15% Argentine 4s 72 Feb 81 80% 80% Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 81% 81 81% Argentine 4 M>s 48_ 94% 94% 94% Argentine 4 %s 71_ 88% 88 88 Australia 4 %s 66_ 80% 80 80 Australia 5s 65_ 86% 85 85 Australia 5s 57_ 85 84% 84% Belgium 6s 65 _ 93% 93 93 Belgium 6%s 49_100% 100% 100% Belgium 7s 55 __ 102% 102% 102% Brazil 6%s 1926-57.. 15 15 15 Brazil 6%s 1927-57 15 15 15 Brazil C rtv FI 7s 62.. 14% 14% 14% Brisbane 5s 57 _ 78% 78% 78% Brisbane 5s 58 . 75% 75% 75% Buen Air 4%-4%s 77. 59 58% 59 B A 4%-4%s "ii Apr . 58 57% 58 Buen Air 4 %-4 %s 75. 58% 58% 58% Bulgaria 7 %s^8_ 11% 11% 11% Canada 2%s 45_ 90% 96% 96% Canada 3s 67 _ 88% 88% 88% V <t tie'll Canada 4s 60_101% 100% 100% Canada 5s 52_ 106% 106'* 106% Chile 6s 60 _ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 13% 13 13 Chile 6s 61 Jan _ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 61 Jan assd . 13% 12% 12% Chile 6s 61 Sept assd. 13 13 13 Chile 6s 62 __ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 63 ... 16% 16% 16% Chile Mtg Bk 6s 61 . 16 16 16 Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 67 16 16 16 Chile M B 6%s 57 asd 12% 12% 12% Chil Mun Ln 7s60 asd 11% 11% 11% Colombia 6s 61 Jan 30% 30% 30% Colombia 6s 61 Oct 31% 30% 30% Copenhagen 4 %s 53 .. 40 40 40 Copenhagen 5s 52 43% 43 43 Cordoba City 7s 57 st 61 60 61 Denmark 4 %s 62_ 46% 45% 45% Denmark 5%s 55_ 55 55 55 Denmark 6s 42 _ 65% 65 65 El Salvador 8s 48 ct.. 14% 14% 14% Finland 6s 45 ... 40 40 40 GerC A Bk 6s 60 Oct. 14 14 14 Ger Govt 5 %s 65 ... 8% 8% 8% German Govt 7s 49... 11% 11% 11% Ger Gov 7s 49 un st . 8% 8 8 Grt C El Jap 6%s 50. 72 72 72 Helsingfors 6 Hs 60.. 24% 24% 24% Italy 7s 51 _ 70 69% 69% Japan 5%s 65_ 60% 60% 60% Japan 6%s 54 - 79% 79% 79% Lombard El 7s 52_ 71 71 71 Milan 6%s 52 50 50 50 Minas Geraes 6%s 59 8% 8% 8%, Norway 4s 63 .. 701* 70 70% Norway 4 %s65__ 71 70 70% Norway 4 %s 56_ 75 75 75 Norway 6s 44 _ 89% 88% 89 Oriental Dev 5 %s 58 . 53 53 53 Oslo 4 %s 65 ... 68% 68% 68% Pernambuco 7s 47_ 7% 7 7% Peru 1st 6s 60 . 9% 9% 9% Porto Alegre 7 %s 66. 7% 7% 7% Queensland 6s 47_ 91% 91% 91% Queensland 7s 41_ 100% 100% 100% Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68_ 8 7% 8 RloGr do Sul 7s 66 ... 7% 7% 7% Rio Gr do Sul 8s 46_ 9 9 9 Rome6%s52 __ 59% 59% 59% Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 8% 8% 8% Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 8% 8% 8% Serbs 7s 62 _ 11% 11% 11% Shin’su E P 6%s 52.. 62 62 62 j Taiwan Elec 5%s 71.. 56% 56% 56% 1 UlVj U V»> I l J U 370 Wi—. DU 3 t»U7J Tokyo El Ut 6s 63_ 58* 58 58 Vienna 6s 52 _ 8* 8* 814 Uruguay cv 3Ms 79.. 43* 43* 43* Uru 35*-4-4 Vks a da 79 45 44* 45 Westphalia E P 6s 53 14 14 14 Wuertemberg 7s 56 . 14 14 14 Yokohama 6s 61 59* 59 59* DOMESTIC BONDS . , Alb&Sus3*s46 85 85 85 ' Alleg Corp 5s 44_ 80* 80 80 ; Alleg Corp 5s 49 __ 70* 70* 70* Alleg Corp 6s 60 std 42 41* 42 Allied Stores 4 *s 51 97 97 97 Allls-Chalmers 4s 52 110'* 110* 110* Am & For Pw 5s'2030 64* 63* 64 Am 1 G Ch 5*8 49 . 103* 103', 103* 1 Am lntl 5*s 49 _ 104* 104* 104* Am T & T 31,s 61_ 108* 108* 109* AmT&T3*s66_ 108* 108', 108* Am T & T 6 *s 43 ... 109 108|j 108J5 Am Wat Wks 6s 75 108'-, 108* 108* Anaconda db 4 *s 50 107 106* 107 Anglo-Chll Nitr db 67 40 39* 40 AnnArbor4s 95 49* 49* 49* Armour! Del 1 lst4s 65 100* 100* 100* Armour! Del )4s 67 . 100* 100* 100* A T&S Fe adj 4s 95 86* 86 86* A T&S Fe adj 4s 95 st 86* 86* 86* A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 . 107 106* 107 A T&S Fe 4^8 48 102* 102* 102* A T&S Fe r.A 4 *s 62 107* 107* 107* A T&SF Hilt dv 4s 65 100* 100* 100* Atl &Ch A L 4%s 44. 95 95 95 Atl Coast L. 1st 4s 52 77 77 77 i Atl Coast L. clt 4s 52. 66* 66* 66* Atl Coast L 4 *s 64 _ 61* 61* 61* ! Atlantic Refln 3s 63 . 106', 106* 106* Auburn Auto 43/4S 39. 48* 48* 48* B & O 1st 4s 48 .. 69* 69 69 B&Oconv4*s60_ 18 17* 17* B & O 4*s 60 ct_ 17* 17 17* B & O 1st 5s 48_ 70 70 70 B * O ref 5s 95 _ 28* 28* 28* B & O ref 5s 95 ct_ 28* 28 28 B & O 5s 96 F _ 29 28* 28* B & O 5s 96 F Ct_ 28* 28* 28* B & O ref 5s 2000 D . 28* 28* 28* B & O rf 5s 2000 Dct. 28* 28 28 B * O ref 6s 95 - 30 29* 29* B & O LE&WV 4s 41 61* 61* 61* B&OPLK&W V4s41ct 58 58 68 B & O Swn 5s 60 ... 47 47 47 B & O Swn 6s 80 ct_ 46* 46 46 B & O Toledo 4s 59_ 56* 56* 56* Dt II X Ui X CL V O i u _liu l • ev' Bell Tel(Pa)5s 6U C-. 133 132% 132% Beth Steel 3%s 59 F_ 100% 100% 100% Beth Steel S%s 52_107% 107 107 Beth Steel 3%s 66— 105% 104% 105 Beth Steel 4 V4s 60 . 108% 108% 108% Bos & Me 4%s 61 JJ. 45% 45 45 Bos & Me 5s 55 __ 46% 44% 44% Bos & Me 5s 67 — 46 45 45 Brklvn City R 5s 41 . 66% 66% 66% Bklyn C RR 5s 41 cfs 64 64 64 Bklyn Ed cn 3%s 66 109*% 109% 109H Bklyn Man T 4%s 66 86% 85% 86% I Bklvn Man 4 %s 66 ct 85% 84% 85% I Bklvn QC&S 1st 5s 41 46 46 46 Bklyn Q C&S cn 5s 41 39% 39% 39% Bklyn Un El 5s 50 90% 90 90% Bklyn Un El 6s 50 ct. 88% 88% 88% Bklyn Un Gas 5s 50 95% 95% 95% Bklyn Un G 5s 67 B_. 105% 105% 105% Buff G E 4%s 81 .. 112% 112% 112% Buff R&P cn 4 %s 67 41 40 40 B R & Pen 4%s 67 ct. 39 39 39 B C R& N cl 5s 34.... 5% 5% 6% B C R & N 5s 34 ct... 5% 5 5 Bush Term cn 6s 56_ 42 42 42 Calif Oreg Pwr 4s 66 103% 103% 103% Can NR 4 %s 66 . 103 102% 103 Can NR 4%s 67 _103% 102% 102% Can NK 6s 69 July... 105% 105% 105% Can NR 6s 69 Oct_106% 106% 106% Can NR 6s 70 _106% 106% 106% Can Nor 6%s 46 _113% 113% 113% Can Pac db 4s perp— 61% 61 61% Can Pac 6s 44 __107% 107% 107% Can Pac 5s 54 .... 80 80 80 Caro Cl & Oh 6s 62-.. 108% 108% 108% Celotex 4%s 47 ww__ 89 89 89 Cent of Ga 5s 59 C .. 3%* 3 3 Cent Ga M&N 5s 46 6 5 5 Cent HudG&E 3%s65 109 109 109 Cent N Eng 4s 61 47 47 47 Cent of NJ gen 5s 87 20% 19% 19% Cent N J gn 5s 87 rg 18% 18% 18% Cent N Y Pw ?%s 68 110 109% 110 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 73% 73% 73% Cent Pacific 6s 60 52% 52% 52% s Cert’d deb 5 %s 48 77 77 77 5 Ches & Ohio 3 %s 63 F 105% 105% 105% r Ches & O 3 %» 96 D 99% 99% 99% , Ches & OS*l 96 E . 99% 99% 99% C & O gen 4*s 92_124% 124% 124% ' Chi & Alton 3s 49 ... 15 14 14 Chi B&(J gen 4s 68... 92% 92 92% Chi B&Q 4 %s 77 - 82 82 82 Chi Burl & Q 6s 71_ 90 88% 88% C B&y 111 dlv 3 *s 49 96% 96% 96% C B&y 111 dlv 4a 49-. 100% 400% 100% r Chi AE 111 6s 61- 18% 1.8% 18% : Chi * EUl 6a 61 ct— 19 18% 18% i High, bow 2:66. Ch! Grt West 4s 69_ 24* 23* 23* Chi Ind & Lou 6s 66.. 7 7 7 Chi Mil & St P 4s 89.. 25* 25* 25* CM&StP 4*s 89 C .. 25* 25 25 Chi M&St P 4*s 89_ 26 26 26 Chi Mil & St P 6s 76.. 7 6* 6* CM&StP adl 6s 2000.. 2 2 2 Chl&NW gen 8*s 87. 13* 13* 13* Chl&NW Ken 4s 87.. 14 14 14 Chl&NW gn 4s 87 st.. 14* 14* 14* Chl&NW 4 *s 2037 .. 8* 8* 8* Chl&NW 4*§ 2037 C. 8* 8* 8* Chi & NW cv 4%is 49. 3* 3* 3* Chi & NW 4*8 87 ... 16 15 15 Chl&NW rf 5s 2037_ 9* 9 9 Chl&NW 6*s 36_ 17* 16* 16* Chi Rwy 5s 27 _ 47* 47* 47* Chi Rl&Prf 48 34 ... 5* 5* 5* Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 ct.. 5* 5* 5* Chi Ri&P gen 4s 88.. 14 13* 13* Chi RI&P 4 *s 62 A 6* 6* 6* Chi RI&P4 **52A cfs 6* 5* 5* ChlRI&Pcv 4*s60 2* 2 2 Chi TH&S Inc 5s 60.. 53* 53* 53* Chi Un Sta 3 *s 61... 105 105 105 Chi Un Sta 4s 44 ... 106* 106* 106* Chi Un Sta 4s 63 D . 106* 106* 106* Chi & W Ind cv 4s 62. 92* 92 92* Chi & W Ind 4*s 62 92* 92 92 CCCC&StL gen 4s 93. 66* 66 66* CCC&SIL rf 4*8 77 54 53* 53* CCC&StLStL dv 4s90 66 66 66 Clev El 111 3*s 65 110*110*110* Clev Short L 4 %s 61. 83 83 83 Clev Un Term 6s 73 . 82* 82 82 Clev Un Ter 5*s 72.. 89 89 89 Colo F & Ir 5s 43_ 106 105* 106 Colo E & Ir os 70_ 68* 68* 68* Colo & So 80 34* 33* 33* Col G & E 5s 52 May. 104* 104* 104* Col G & E 6s 61 104* 104* 104* Com w Ed 3 *s 68_ 128* 127* 128 Contw Ed 3*s 68 .. 109* 109* 109* Cons Coal Del 5s 60 . 59* 59* 59* Cons Ed N V 3*s 46 107* 107* 107* Cons Ed N y 3%s 56 106% 106% 106% Cons Ed N y 3%s58 109% 109 109'% Consol 011 3 %s 61 . 105% 105% 105% Consum Pwr 3 VjS 67. 109% 109% 109% Conti 011 244s 48 _ 109% 109% 109% Crown CAS 4s 50 . 105% 105% 105% Cuba Northn 5 U.s 42 30% 29% 30 Cuba R 1st 5s 52 .. 36% 36% 36% Dayton PAL 3 %s 60. 109% 109% 109% Del & Hud ref 4s 43 . 62% 61% 62% Den A R O eon 4s 36.. 9% 9% 9% Den A R G W 5s 55 .. 3 3 3 D A P. G W 6s 55 ast 2% 2% 2% Den A R G W rf 5s 78 6% 6% 6% Des MAP D 4s 35 ct . 4% 4% 4% Pet Edlsrtn 4s 65 111% 111 111% Duquesne Lt 3%s 65 . 109% 109% 109%, Elec Auto Lt 4s 52_ 109 109 109 Erie pen 4s 96_ 25% 24 24 Erie ref 5s 67 - 17'% 16% 17 Erie ref 5s 75 ... 17% 17 17 Erie Gen Rlv 6s 67 .. 55% 55% 55% Erie A Jersey 6s 55... 54 54 54 Fed Lt A Tr Rs 54 R . 102% 109 109% Firestone T 3 %s 48 . 106 106 106 Fla EC Rv 5j74 .. 9% 9% 9% Fonda JAG 4s 82 ct _ 2% 2% 2% Gen Am Inv 5s 52 . 105 105 105 On Mot Are 314s 51. 106% 106% 106% Gen Stl Cast 5%s 49. 69% 69% 69 Goodrich 4 14s 56 _ 105% 105% 105% Grt Nor Rv 3% s 67 .. 74% 74% 74% Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G . 104 103 103 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H 91% 91 9] Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61 106 105% 106 Grt N R pn 4%s 77 E 93% 91% 93% Grt Nor Ry 5s 73 .. 90% 90% 90% Grt Nor Rv 5%s 52 _ 100 99% 99% Gulf MAN 5s 50 93% 93% 33% Gulf St Util 3%s 69 . 109% 109 109%, Housatonlc cn 5s 37 . 46% 46% 46% Hudson Coal 5s 62 A 36 35 35% Hud A Man Inc 5s 57 13% 12% 13 Hud A Man ref 5s 57 47% 47 47 111 Bell Tel 3 %s 70 B 112% 112% 112% 111 Cent 4s 53 _ 46% 46 46 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 49% 47% 47% 111 Cent 4 54 s 66 _ 46 45 45 111 Cent ref 5s 55 _ 55 55 55 ICCAST NO 4%s 63 .. 45 44% 45 ICCARtL NO 5s 63 A. 49% 49% 49% Ind 111 A Iowa 4s 50__ 61 61 61 Ind A Louisv 4s 56 12 12 12 (ndust Rayon 4 %s 48 102% 102% 102% Inland Steel 3 54s 61 . 109 109% 109 Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 76% 75% 75% Int R T 1st rf 6s 66 Ct 76% 75% 75% Int R T.rf 5s 66 reg._ 75% 75% 75% lntRT«t»32 .. 31% 30% 31% rn»a« D T 1 a ev. eve Int R T 7s 32 ct . ... 74 73* 73* Interlake Iron 4s 47.. 90 90 90 Int Grt Nor 5s 56 B . 13 13 13 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 15% 15% 15% Int Hydro El 6s 44_ 74% 74% 74% Int Mer Mar 6s 41 ... 71 71 71 Int Paper 1st 5s 47... 103% 103% 10.3% , Tnt Paper ref 6s 55_ 97% 97% 97* Int T&T 4 *s 52 _ 43% 43* 43* Int T&T 5s 55 _ 46% 46 46% Jones & I. Stl 4*s 61 94* 94* 94* Kans C FtS&M 4s 36 .31 .30 31 Kans City So rf 5s 50 66* 66* 66* Kan City Term 4s 60 108% 108% 108% Keith's 6s 46 __ 103 103 103 Kings Co El 4s 49 90 90 90 Kopprrs Co 4s 51 . 104% 104% 104% Kresge Found 4s 45..'105 105 105 Laclede Gas 5*s 53 . 47 46 46 Laclede Gas 6s 42 A . 42 42 42 Lake S & M S 3*s 97 83* 83* 83* Lautaro Nitrate 76... 39% 39* 39* Leh C&N 4*s 64 A... 51* 51* 51* Leh Val C 5s 64 std.. 26% 26% 26% Leh Val C 5s 74 std._; 26 26 26 Leh Val Har 5s 64 ... 44* 44 44 Leh V N Y 1st 4s 45.. 32 32 32 L V RR 4s 2003 asd 15% 15* 15% L V RR 4*s 2003 asd 16 16 16 L V RR con 5s 2003 .. 17% 17* 17* L V RR 6s 2003 asd . 18 17* 17* Lex & E Rys 5s 65 .. 117*117*117* Ligg & Myers 7s 44 .. 126% 126% 126% Lion 011 4*s 52 . 98 98 98 Long Isl ref 4s 49 st. 88 88 88 Lorillard.Ss 51- 126* 126* 126* La & Ark 5s 69__. 83* 83 83* L & N unlf 4s 40_101% 101}J 101% L&N 1st 4s 2003_ 86* 86* 86* L & N 4 %» 2003 _ 94* 94* 94* L & N 5s 2003 B_ 100* 100* 100* McCrory Strs 5s 51_X07 107 107 Manatl Sugar 4s 67._ 40* 40* 40* Me Central 4 *s 60... 53% 53% 53% Manhat Ry 4s 90 _ 79* 79* 79* Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct . 79% 79% 79% Manhat R 2d 4s 2013 43 4.3 43 Man Ry 2d 4s2013 cfs 4.3 42* 42* Mead Co 6s 45 ... 105* 105* 105* Mich Cent 4 *s 79 ... 66% 66% 66* Mich Cons Gaa 4s 63. 101% 101* 101* MStP&SSM cn 4s 38.. 6* 6 6 MStP&SSM cn 6s 38 . E* 5* 5* tfCSinortnii r. nn ..a r* . . n n MStPASSM 5%s 49_ 1% 1% 1% Mo K&T 4s 62 B ... 15% 14% 14% Mo K & T l#l 4s 90_ 30% 30 30 MoK&T 4 % S 7 8_ 16 15 15% Mo K&T 5s 62 A _ 18% 18 18 Mo K&T edj 5s 67_ 8 7% 7% Mo Pac 4s 75 __ 3% 3% 3% Mo Pac 6s 65 A_ 14% 14% 14% Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 14% 14% 14% Mo Par 5s 78 G _ 14% 14 14 Mo Pac 6s 78 Get_ 14 14 14 Mo Pac 6s 80 H_ 14% 14% 14% Mo Pac 5s 81 1 - 14% 14% 14% Mo Pac 5 % s 49 * .. 2% 2 2% Mob & Ohio 4 %s 7-7_ 29 29 29 Mob & Ohio 6s 38 ... 34% 34 34 Monong PS 6s 65 . 111% 111 111 Monong Ry 1st 4s 60. 105% 105% 105% Mont Pwr 3%s 66 100 100 100 MorrisAEs 3 %s 2000 45 45 45 Morris A Es 4 %s 65.. 38% 38% 38% Morris A Es 5s 65- 43% 43% 43% Nashv CAL 4s 78- 67 67 67 Nassau Eleo 4S 61.... 46 44% 43% Nassau El 4s 61 ctfs. 46 44% 46 Nat Dairy 36is 51 *f 106% 106% 106% Nat Distill 3 %s 49— 104 104 104 Nat Steel 3s 65 - 102% 102% 102% Now on PS 5s 52 A.. 105% 105% 105% New on P S 6s 65 B 10614 106% 106% New Orl TAM 6s 54 B 37% 37% 37% New Eng RR 6s 45 .. 36 36 36 N Y Central 3%s 62.. 62% 61% 61% N Y Central M4S 46.. 76% 76% 76% N Y Cent con 4s 98 .. 62 61% 61% N Y Cent 4%s 2013 A 55% 54% 64% N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 . 61% 61 61% NYC Mich C 3 %s 98 59% 59% 59% N Y CASt L3%s 47. 82 82 83 N Y Chi A St L 4s 46 81% 81% 81% N Y ChlAStL 4%s 78 68% 57% 57% N Y CAStL 5%s 74 A 66% 66 66 N Y Chi & St L 6s 41 78% 78% 78% N Y Conn 1st 4%s 53 105% 105% 105% N Y Dock 4s 51 52 52 52 N Y Edis 3 %s 65 D 109% 109% 109% N Y Edis ref 3%s 66 109% 109% 109% N Y LAW 1st 4s 73... 55% 65% 55% NY NH A H 3%s54.. 15% 15% 15% NY NH A H 3%s56— 15% 15% 15% NY NH A H 4s 55 — 16% 16% 16% NY NH A H 4%s 67— 19 19 19 NY NH AH cl 6s 40.. 32% 32% 32% NY NH A H cy 6s 46. 19% 19 19 N Y OAW gen 4s 55— 3 3 3 N Y OAW ref 4s 91_ 6% 6% 6% N Y Rich G 6s 51_ 105 106 105 N Y Steam 3 %s 88.. - 105% 105% 105% N Y Tr Rk 6s 46 st»d- 87% 87% 87% i High. Low. 2:58. N Y W&B 4Ha 46 ._ 5% 6% 6% Nlag Falls P3%s66_ 110% 110% 110% Nlag L. & O 6s 66_108% 108% 108% Nlag Sh 6 %s 50 _103% 103% 103% Norf Southn 6s (1 .. 13% 13 13 Norf Southn 5s 61 ct. 12% 12% 12% North Am 3 %s 49- 106% 105% 105% North Am 8% s 64 ..106 106 106 Nor'n Pao gn 3s 2047. 42% 42% 42% Nor’n Pao 4s 97 .. 68 67% 67% Nor'n Pao 4%s 2047.. 46 46 46 Nor'n Pao 6s 2047 C-_ 60% 60 60 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 . 68% 67% 57% North Sta Pw 3%s <7 109% 109% 109% Ohio Edison 3%s 72.. 106% 106% 106% Ohio Edison 4S 65_109% 108% 109% Ohio Edison 4s 67_109% 109 109% Okla G&E 3%s 66_110 110 110 Okla G&E 4s 46 .... 105% 105% 105% Oregon W UR 4s 61.. 105% 105% 105% Otis Steel 4 %s 62 ... 76% 76(4 76% Pao Gas* El 3%s 66 109% 109 109% PacG&E354s61- 112% 112 112 Parmelee 6s 44 _ 43% 43% 43% rat & P G E 5s 4 9- 124% 124% 124% Penn Co 3%s 41 B_102% 102% 102% Penn Co 3%s 44 D_ 106 106 106 Penn Co 4s 52 E_104% 104% 104% Penn Co 4s 63 __ 103% 103% 103% Penn P&L, 3%s 69_108% 108% 108% Penn P&L 4 %s 74_ 108 108 108 Penn RR s 62_ 86% 86% 86% Penn RR 3%s 70_ 89% 89% 89% Penn RR 4%s 81_ 98% 97% 97% Penn RR 4%s 84_ 98 97% 97% Penn RR 4 %s 60 __118% 118 118% Penn RR gn 4%s 65.. 102 101% 102 Penn RR db 4%s 70.. 89 F8% 89 Pere Marq 4 %s 80_ 60% 60% 60% Pere Marq 6s 56 _ 67 66% 66% Phelps Dodge 3 %s 62 111% 110% 111 Phlla B&YV 4%s 77 C. 107 107 107 Phlla Co 5s 67 .. 106 105% 105% Phlla R C & Ir 6s 73.. 11% 11% 11% Phlla R C & Ir 6s 49.. 3% 3% 3% I i>iM|<Uiiio ujr 13 0 1 .. OVti n ‘ O'* Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 110% 110% 110% PCC&StL 4 %s 40 A.. 103 103 103 PCC&StL 4 %s 77_ 99 98% 99 PCC&StL 5s 75 B ... 107 107 107 Pitt&W Va 4%s 58 A. 46 46 46 Port Gen El 4%s 60 . 81% 81% 81% Porto Rico A T 6s 42. 61 60 60% Porto R A T 6s 42 st_. 61 60 60% Postal Tel & C 6s 63.. 18% 18% 18H ProvSec4s57 . 5 4% r Pub Svc E&G 3%s 68 110% 110% 110% Purity Baking 6s 48 .. 104 104 104 ft-K-O 6s 41 _ ... 57 67 57 Reading Jer C 4s 51.. 67 57 67 Reading R 4 %s 97 A. 75 75 75 Reading R 4%s 97 B 75 75 75 item Rand 4 %s 56 xw 99 99 99 Rem R'd 4%s 56 ww. 99% 99% 99% Republic Stl 4 %s 66.. 95% 94% 95% Republic Stl 4%s 61. 94% 94% 94% Republic Stl 5%s 54. 107% 107 107 Revere Cop 4 Us 56 . 100% 100% 100% Saguenay Pw 4 %s 66 97% 97% 97% St L i.M&S R&G 4s 33 61% 61% 61% St L-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 11% 11 11 St L-San Fr 4s 60 ct.. 11 11 11 St L-San Fr 4%s 78 . 11 10% 10% St L-S F 4%s 78 ct st 11 10% 10% St L-San F 6s 60 B .. 11% 11% 11% St L-S F 6s 50 B ct .. 11% 11% 11% St L South Wn 5s 52. 17% 17 17 St L S W ref 6s 90_ 10% 10% 10% StPKSL4%s41 .666 St P Un Dep rf 5s 72. 114 114 114 San A&A Pass 4s 43 57% Rfi 57% San Antonio P S 4s 63 107% 107% 107% Seabd A L rf 4s 69 . 5% 5% 6% Seabd A L rf 4s 59 ct. 4% 4% 4% Seabd A L 4s 50 stp . 14% 14% 14% Seab’d A L con 6s 45. 8% 8% 8% Seabd A L 6s 45 ct _ 7% 7% 7% Seabd A F 6s 35 A ct. 3% 3% 3% Shell Un 011 2 %s 54.. 95% 95% 95% Simmons Co 4s 52... 100% 100% 100% Skelly Oil 4s 51 _ 104% 104% 104% Socony Vac 3s 64 ... 105% 105% 105% So Bell T& T 3s 79 .. 105% 105% 105% So Bell T&T 3U* 62.. 108% 108% 108' Southn Cal G 4s 65 . 109% 109% 109% Southn Cal G 4%s 61 108% 108% 108% Southn Kraft 4 %s 46 97% 97% 97% So Pac 3Us 46 _ 56% 56 56% So Pac col 4s 49_ 47% 47% 47% So Pac ref 4s 55_ 65 64% 64% So Pac 4 % 8 68__ 50% 50 50% So Pac 4%s 69- 49% 49% 49% So Pac 4%s 81 _ 49% 49 49 So Pac Oreg 4%s 77.. 52 61 51 So Pac S F Ter 4s 50.. . 80% 80% 80% So Ry gents 56 A_ 61% 60% 60% So Ry 5s 94 _ 88% 88% 88% So Ry gen 6s 56- 79 78% 79 So Ry 6 %s 56 _ 84% 84 84 5 W Bell Tel 3s 6* ... 1074 1074 1074 5tand Oil N J 3s 61... 1054 1044 1054 Studebaker cv 6s 45 — 1024 102 102 Swift & Co 3%s 50 .. 105V, 1054 1054 fer RR As StL 4s 53. 1094 1094 1094 rexas Corp 3s 63 . 1054 1054 1054 rexas Corp 3 4s 61 . 1064 1064 1064 rexas & Pac 6s 77 B. 72 72 72 rexas & Pac 5s 79 C— 714 714 714 rex & Pac 5s 80 D ... 72 72 72 rhird A v ref 4s 60 .. 514 514 514 rhird Ave 1st 5s 37.. 954 954 954 I'hird A v ad1 5s 60 154 144 144 ride Wat Oil 34s 52 1074 1064 1074 rri-Contl 5s 43 _ 108 108 108 Un Eli Momis 62... 10S4 1084 1084 Un Pacific 3 4s 70 . 964 96*4 964 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 114 1134 1134 Un Pac ref 4s 2008 .. 1074 1074 1074 Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 . 1134 1134 1134 United Biscuit 5s 50 1084 1084 1084 Utd Cgr W Strs 5s 52 664 664 664 United Drug 5s 53 .. 794 794 794 Utd Bys St L 4a 34... 374 374 374 U S Steel 314s 48 . 1064 106 1064 Utd Stkyds4!4s51ww 92 92 92 Utah Pwr & Lt 5s 44. 1024 1024 1024 Utility P&L. 6s 69 . 904 904 904 Utility P&L 54s 47 91 904 91 Vanadium 5s 41 .. 105 105 105 Va El & P 3 4s 68 B.. 1094 1094 J094 Va By 1st 34s 66_ 1084 1084 1084 [Vabash 4 Hs 78 C_ 84 84 84 Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 384 38 38 Wabash 2d 5s 39_ 19 18 v 18 Wabash 6s 76 B_ 84 84 84 Wabash 5s 8ft D_ 84 84 84 Wabash 64s 75_ 84 84 84 Walworth 4s 55 _ 684 68 68 Warner Bros 6s 48 .. 85 85 85 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 354 35 35 Westcht L gn 3 4s 67 1094 1094 1094 West Md 1st 4s 52 85 844 85 West NV&P gn 4s 43. 1074 1074 1074 West Pacific 5s 46 A. 184 184 184 West Pac 5s 46 A as.. 18 174 17% West Union 44s 60.. 664 664 664 West Union 5s 51- 714 71 71 West Union 6s 60 .. 694 694 694 Wheel Steel 4 4s 66.. 984 984 984 Wilkes B&E 5s 42 13 13 13 Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 194 19 19 Wls C S&D T 4s 36 84 84 84 WisC S&DT 4s 36 ct 74 74 74 Wis El Pw 34s 68 109 109 109 Youngst'n S&T 4s 48 1094 109 109 Youngst'n S&T 4s 61 103 105 10 64 New *i ork bank Mocks NiivV YOnik, jail. 5 lal.—National Asso ciation Securities Dealers. Inc.: (Quotations as o£ 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF> (2.40). 30 3» Bank Oi Man (.Boa)- *b% l»% ^ana ot n Y (14) -43o 44o cankers' Tr (2) - 60 62 Brooklyn Tr (4) . - >o po Cen Han Bk <fc Tr (4)-14 10. Chase Nat H.40I 3<‘/« 39% Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)- SU-t* 5-% Commercial (8) 168 1{4 Cont Bk & Tr (.80) _ 13% J°% Corn Ex Bk & T (3)- 00/* 61% Empire Tr (.60) 11% lg% First Nat (Bos) (2)-,48% 48% First Natl (100) -1920 1960 Guaranty Tr (12)-294 -99 Irving Tr (.60) 12% 13% Manufacturers' Tr (2) 3» 41 Manufacturers’ Tr Df (2)-- 6. 64 Natl City (1)-,?9% 31% N Y Trust (5)-113 116 Public (1%) 30*4 3- a Title G & T - 3% 4% a—Also extra or extras. New York Produce NEW YORK. Jan. 5 OP).—Butter. 497, 602; firmer: creamery, higher than extra, 31%-32%; extra (92 score), 31%-%: firsts. (88-91), 29-30%; seconds (84-8.), 26% 28%. Cheese, 68.431: steady: prices unchanged. Eggs, 17,811; irregular; mixed colors, fancy to extra fancy. 22-23; standards, 21V firsts, 20- seconds, 16%-18; mediums, 1H; dirties. No. 1. 16%; average checks, 14%-3*: refrigerator, fancy and heavy weights, 17%-20: standards. 17: firsts, 16; seconds, 14%-15; mediums. 14-14%: dirties, 14%. Whites: Resale of premium marks. 25 27%' nearby and Midwestern premium marks. 23-24%; specials. 22%: standards, 22 Resale of nearby heavier mediums 20%-23. Nearby and Midwestern me diums. 20; pullets. 18. Pacific Coast Jumbo and premiums. 25%-37: specials. 24-24%; standards. 22%-23: mediums. 20%-21; pullets. 19%-%. Refrigerator, nearby and Midwestern standards. 17%-18? firsts, lfiBrowns: Nearbv fancy to extra fancy. 22*4-83%, Nearby and Midwestern spe cials. 22%: standards, 22; mediums. 20; pullets. 10%. i Retail Trade Keeps Substantial Gain Over Year Ago Week's Volume Shows Little Reaction After Holidays 3y the Associated Press. NEW YORK,1 Jan. 5—Showing but little reaction from the holiday spurt, the past week's retail trade continued to run well ahead of the same period last year, Dun & Brad street reported today in its weekly survey. Sales comparisons with a year ago recorded estimated gains of 4 to 10 per cent, compared with 2 to 6 per cent in the preceding week. “Retail stores,” the review said, “usually dependent on clearances and white goods promotions for the bulk of early January volume, re ported an exceptionally strong de mand for heavy apparel and other winter necessities. “Merchants who had launched January white sales reported initial results fairly satisfactory, although strong consumer interest in apparel was evidently tending to withdraw some volume from these depart ments. “Despite the unseasonal weather in December and the slowness with which retail purchases of winter goods got under way, merchants were generally cheerful about in ventory conditions. "All regions reported some year to-year improvement, the most sub stantial being that for the South and the mildest that for the Pacific Coast.” Washington Produce BUTTER,—93 score, tubs, 33; 1-pound prints, 34; U-Pound prints. 35; 92 score, tubs. 32; 1 -pound prints. 33; 14-pound prints. 34: 91 score, tubs. 31 'a; ]-pound prints. 321 a • ‘'4-pound prints. 33Va: 90 score tubs. 3114: 1-pound prints, 32*4; U-nound prints. 33'4 H9 score, tubs. 3oV2; 1-pound prints. 31 la; ‘4-pound prints. 321 a: hs score, tubs 30; 1-pound prints. 31. '4-pound prints. 32. MEATS^—Calves. 12; lambs. 9. Other prices unavailable today. LIVESTOCK - Pigs. 120-210 pounds. 5.00-5.25: 210-240 pounds. 4.75-5.00; 240 3oo pounds. 4 25-4.75; calves, 10.50-11.50; sows. 3.50-4.00. Prom Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net f ob. Washington: EGGS—Market steady For eggs can died and graded in Washington 'January 5»: Whites U S. extras large. 23: U S extras, mediums 20 U S standards, large. 21; U S standards, mediums. 18; U S. trades. 10 For nearby ungraded eggs Current receipts, whites. 19 to 20; mixed colors. 17 to 18 LIVE POULTRY—Market steadv. Fowl; Colored, all sizes. 14 to 15: No. 2s. 8 to { lo roosters. 8 to 9 Chickens Virginia Rocks broilers and fryers all sizes 14 tQ 15 No 2s lo: Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and frvers. all sizes. 14 to 15 No. 2s. 8 to lo mixed colored fryers. 11 to 12. Turkeys Younc tom' 15 pounds and up. 15. young hens, in pounds and up 17 to 18. Young guinea k°ats. 1 n4 nounds and up 10 a pound old keats 10 a pound. Capons: 0 pounds and over. 18 to 20; No. 2s and slips 10 Fruits and Vegetables. Compiled bv the market news section of Agricultural Marketing Service Sales to 8 o'clock on this morning s wholesale market in less than carlot quantities APPLES—Market steady Truck receipts licht Bushel baskets and l’.-s-bushel boxes. Marviand. Pernsvivama Virginia and W’est Virginia U S No. 1. Staymans. 2,2-inch minimum. 1.00-1 15: 234-inch minimum. 1.15-1.25: Grimes. 2’4-inch minimum. 00 75: 2’2-inch minimum 85-90 234-inch minimum. 90-1.00: Yorks. 2’2-inch mini mum. 75-85; 2s«-inch minimum. 90-1.00; U 8 utility. 50-75. as to siz*> Delicious. 2,/4-inch minimum. 90-1.00: 2‘a-inch min imum. mostly around 125: Golden De licious. 2*2-inch minimum. 90-1.00: 2*4 inc'n minimum. 1 15-1.25: Black Twigs. 2lj inch minimum. 85-90: 234-inch minimum. i .{-men minimum, mostly around 1 15: Jonathans. 2*4-inch minimum. 65-75: 212-inch minimum. 80-90: 2 3*-inch mini mum. 100-1.15 8prs, 2*2-inch minimum. 75-85: 234 and 3 inch. ripe. 60-65. Bushel boxec and cartons. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, fancy. Staymans. 113s 150s. 1 35-1.40 64s-190s. 1 40-1.60; De licious. 1 13s-l 63s. 1.35-1.50; 72s-100s. 1.50- 1.75' Golden Delicious 113s-163s. 125-1.40: S8s-100s. 1.50-1.65; Paragons, all 5<7*s. 1 -’5-1.50 POTATOES—Market steady. 100-pound sacks. IT. S No 1. New York, round whites, 1.75; Maine. Green Mountains and K**ah dins. U S No 1. size A. 2 10-2.15; U 6 No. 1. 2-inch minimum 2 15-2.25; Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 2 25-2 35: Florida, bushel crates. Blis* Tr-wnnhs. U S No 1. 2 00. CABBAGE—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate Floiida and South Caro lina. 1'* 2-bushel hampers, domestic round type, packed locally. 1.00; New York. 50 pound .‘acks. Danish type. 70-75. CARROTS—Market steady California, L. A crates, bunched. 2.65-3.00; Texas, half crates, bunched. 1 25: Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, topped, washed. 80-90. CAULIFLOWER—Market slightly weaker. California crates. 1.75. CELERY—Market steady. Individually washed. California. 1 i? crates. 3-4‘a dozen. 2.50; 6-dozen. 2.75-3.00; mostly 2.75; Florida, standard crates. 4-6 dozen. 2.50 2.75: mostly 2.50: 8-10s. 3.00-3.25: most ly 3 oo ONIONS — Market steady. 50-pound sacks. U. S. No 1, yellows. New York, 80 85: Ohio. 85-90: sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger. Colorado. 1.10-1.15. PEAS—Market steady Bushel hampers. Florida, small-podded varieties. 1.25: Cali fornia. doIp peas. 2.00; fair condition. 1.75. LETTUCE — Market slightly stronger. Arizona. L. A. crates. Iceberg type. 5-dozen. 2.25- 2.75: mostly 2.50: Florida. Eastern crates. Big Boston type. 2-dozen. 75. SWEET POTATOES — Market steady. Truck receipts light Bushel hampers. Maryland. Goldens. 85-90; Anne Arundel County. Jersey type and Porto Ricans, 85-90. TOMATOES—Market steady. Florida, mostly ordinary to fair condition, lug boxes, green and rurnlng. wrapped 6x6. 75-1.50. according to condition: few. best, 2.00-2.50; repacked cartons. 10 1-pound boxes. 75 1.25. BROCCOLI — Market steady. Crates, California mostly around 2.50; Texas, 2.25- 2.50 STRAWBERRIES—Market steady. Sup plies very light. Florida. 36-pint crates. 20 per quart. SNAP BEANS—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts very light. Florida, bushel hampers Bountifuls. fair quality. 1.75; Black Valentines. 2.00-2.50. PEPPERS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Flori4a. IVa-bushel crates. California Wonders. 1.50-2.25. according to quality. Texas. 1^6-bushel crates. 1.25 1.50. EGGPLANT—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Florida. lVa-bushel crates, 2.50- 2.75; fair quality. 1.25-2.00. souasn Prices steady. SQUASH—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very light. Florida, bushel ham pers. white, wrapped, ordinary to fair condition. 1.00-1.50: yellow, supplies In sufficient to quote. CUCUMBERS—Supplies insufficient to Quote. KALE—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts light. Virginia, Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 50-B0. COLLARDS—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts light. Virginia, Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 50. TURNIP GREENS —Market slightly stronger Truck receipts very light. Vir ginia. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 60. ESCAROLE—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Florida. 1 '/a-bushel hampers, 1.00-1.25. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Florida, flat crates. 1.00-1.25: few, 1.50. according to quality. LIMES—Market steady. Florida, V* boxes, very few sales 1.25-1.75. SPINACH—Market steadv. Truck re ceipts light. Bushel baskets. Savoy type: Texas, 85-00: fair condition, 80; Virginia, Norfolk section. H5-76. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—Market steady. California. 25-pound drums. 1.75-2.00. LIMA BEAN8—Market steady. Truck receipts very light. Florida, bushel ham pers. 3.00-3.25. CRANBERRIES—New Jersey, Vi-barrel boxes, late varieties. 3.00-3.25. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. 3-pound baskets. 30-80. PARSNIP S—Pennsylvania, ti-bushel baskets, 40-50. ORANGES—Florida, boxes, 1.50-2.00. as to grade and size GRAPEFRUIT—Florida. boxes, 1.50 2.00: few special marks higher. TANGERINES—Florida, ^.-bushel boxes, 1.25-1.50: poorer. 1.00. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1. 5.00 5.50: No. 2. 4.00-4.50 PEARS—Oregon, boxes d'AnJous. 2.25 2.50 PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3.50-4.00. BEETS—Texas. Vi crates. 1.25. CHESTNUTS—Portugal, 5-8 per pound. PERSIMMONS — California. 20-pound lugs. 1 oo- poorer 50. KUMQUATS—Florida. 5-8 per Quart. RHUBARB—California, boxes. 1.00-1.10, ROMATNE—Florida. Eastern crates. 75. GRAPES—California, lug boxes. Emperors. 1.75-2.00: Almerias. fair condition. 1.50 TTJRNIPS—Pennsylvania, ‘/i-bushel bas kets. topped, 25-50. Arrivals, Diversions and' Track of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. APPLES—One Washington arrived: two unbroken cars on track. CABBAGE—One New York arrived: twj broken and three unbroken cars on track. CARROTS—One California arrived: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. K NEW YORK CURB MARKET I di priT»« wire Direct tv add did*. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blsh. Low. 8:56 Ainsworth .2Dg_ 7 614 614 6% Air Invest war 1 H H 44 Ala Power pf (7) 100s 102 102 102 Alum Co Am(6g) 200« 142»4 142 142 Alum Co pf (6). 150s 115S 11614 11514 Alum Goods (lg) 1 1714 17V* 17V* Alum Ltd (4.25g) 850s 99V* 99 9914 Am Book <4) 80s 4314 43 43 AC F&L A 3.375h 25s 3114 3114 3114 Am City PAL(B) 2 144 IS IS Am Cynam A.60a 20s 3114 31 3114 Am Cynam B.60a 20 34 3314 34 Am Fork & H.TOg 100s 12 12 12 Am Gas&E 1.60a 10 3914 39 3914 AmG* El pf (<> 1775sll6 I14S 11414 Am Inv(IU) 2.40. 26s 40S 4(>H 40S Am Lt&Trae 1.20 4 16 16 16 Am MfgCo (lg). 100s 22 22 22 Am Maracaibo... 1 tt Am Republics . 4 714 7 7 Am Seal-Kap.50g. 2 614 5 614 Am Superpower 10 ftr 14 ft Am Superpwr pf. 9 1614 16 1614 Ark Nat Gas_ 2 2S 2S 2S Ark Nat Oaa A 1 214 214 2S Ark Nat G pf .60d 2 714 714 714 Ark P* L pf (7). 110s 97S 96S 9714 Ashland O&R .40. 2 514 614 614 Assoc G & E (A) 9 & ' S & Aviation & Trane 39 3S 314 3S Azton Fisher A-. 120s 49 48 4814 Babcock & WU . 4 22 2114 2114 Baldw L of 2.10.. 450s 26 251* 25S Bath Iron ... 23 12S 12V* 12'* Beech Aircraft 3 7v* 7s 7S Bellanca Aircraft 2 7H 7S 7S Bell Aircraft . 4 2014 20 20 Bell Tel Can (8).. 20s 135S 13514 135S Bickfords 1.60g_. 60s 14S 14S 14S Bliss (EW) 1 1414 1414 1474 Blue R cvpf (3h> 7 4IV* 41 41V* Borne Scry 3.50g 200s 31H 3014 3014 Bowman Blit 1st. 100s 7S 7S 7S Brazilian T & L 2 7S 7S 7H Brewst Aero 20g 17 11S 1014 11 Bridgp’t Mach pf 10s 49 49 49 Brlt-Am O cp (1) 2 1914 19V* 1914 Brown F&W .20e 1 4S 4S 41* Brown Fence A 2. 2 18V* 18 18 Brown Rubber .. 3 414 414 414 B N&EP Df 1 60.. 8 22S 221* 22S B N&EP 1st (6) .. 150s 106V* 106 106V* Uill d 141 14 14 Burry Biscuit ... 4 1V« lit It Can Col Alrwaya. 4 6'* 6M 6M Can Marc Wire.. 10 <* )* Carman <B)._ 2 5m 5m 5>a Carnation (la)... 1 39 39 39 Carrier Corp .. 11 14M 14 14 Casco Prod (la). 1 11 11 11 Catalin Am 15g.. 3 3M 314 3M Celan utc pf <7a) 25s 105 105 105 1 Cent HG&E i.*0) 7 15 14M 15 Cent NI Pwrpf# 10s 97M 97M 97M Cent States Elec 4 A flr A Chi Flex S (6a).. 150* 73 72M 73 Childs pf _ 25s 23 23 23 Cities Service... 3 5 47t 47t Cities Service pf 2 57 56M 57 Cit Ser P&Lpf (7) 60s 95 94 95 Claude Neon L 2 i & i Clayton & L .lflg 1 4M 4‘t 4‘t Clev Elec 111 (2a) 50s 45 45 45 Clev Tractor 4 6It 5M 6‘t Cohen & Rcsen 1 8M 8 V* 8*4 Colon Dev 6(« pf. 2 4V* 4M 414 Col G & E pf (6) 125s 67M 67 67 Col urn b Oil & Gas 10 2H 214 214 Comwlth A S war 3 A A A Com PAL 1st pf 175s 43‘« 43 43m Com'ty P a 2.15g 150s 35M 35 35 Cons GAE tta 3 60 2 82M S2M 82't Consol Gas&Eleo Balto pf B 4.50 50s 117 117 117 Consol M&S (la) 400s 39M 38M 39M Cons Steel Corp 3 5M 5M 5M Conti G&E prpf 7 50s 97 97 97 Conti Oil (Mex) l M M M Copper Ranee 100s 4M 47t 4'4 Cor&U pf A 1.50k 10s 74 74 74 Creole Petm 50a 15 2214 21M 22 Crocker Wheeler 2 6V« 6M 6>» Croft Brewing 2 14 V* M Darby Petroleum 1 414 4V« 414 Davenp't H l.oOg 1 17V* 17M 17V4 Dayton Hub ,25e 200s 19 m. 19 m 19M Dayton H (A)(2) 110s 29 29 29 | DeccaRec.20e 17 77t 7M 7Vt ! Det Gasket <.25e) 1 10M 10M 10M Det G&M pf 1.20. 1 16M 16M 16M DivcoTwln 4Ug 4 8 8 8 DominStlACoal 1 12M 12M 12M Duval. Texas Sul 1 b7t 67t 67t Eagle Plcher.20g 1 1214 1214 12M East'n Gas & F 1 3M 3M 3M Eastn OAF 6 pf 400s 21(4 20 20 KGAFprpf 4.50d 175s 47M 47 4714 Easv W(B>.375a 7 4M 4 4 Elec Bond St Sb 76 84 84 84 Elec B A 8 pf (6) 2 614 61 614 Elec B & S of (6) 7 694 684 69 Elec P&L war.. 13 3 3 Electrol vtc 2 14 14 14 EmpQAF7*pf 25* 634 634 634 I Equity Coro 4 4 4 4 Equity cv pf (t) 175* 234 234 234 Esquire (.60) 1 44 44 44 Fairchild Av.40g 21 124 12 12 Fedders Alfg.65g 1 64 64 t>4 Fisk Rubber 40 144 144 144 Fisk Hub pf (6) 250* 107 106 107 Fla r&L pf 1.75k 500* 102 994 102 Ford (Can i A (1 ■ 1 164 164 164 Fruehauf Trad) 6 284 284 284 Gen Fireprf 1.20g 1 144 144 144 Ga Power pf (6) 100* 100 99 100 Glen Alden C 25k 8 74 74 74 Gorham Alfg .50g 4 264 264 264 G A & P nv 7.60g 25*1114 1114 1114 GA&P 1st pf 17 ) 50s 1314 130 130 GrtXoPap(2al 200s 454 45 454 Grum'n Air l.Oog 8 164 164 164 Hartford Rayon. 2 14 14 14 Hazeltine 3.50g._ 2 284 284 284 Hearn Dept Strs. 1 24 24 24 Hecla Alin (.35g) 1 64 64 64 Hewitt Rub tig). 2 124 12 12 Heyden Ch 1.60a 2 73 724 73 Hollinger G 65a 1 114 114 114 HormelG 11.50) .60s 294 294 294 Horn & Hard (2) 200s 344 344 344 Humble Oill2.50) 3 674 674 674 Hummel-Rs .20g 1 64 64 54 Hygrade Sy 12g) 100s 294 294 294 llllnots-la Power 3 34 34 37* 111-Ja Power pf 14 26 254 254 111-la Pwr div ct 9 64 54 64 ‘ImpTobCan 40a 1 124 124 127* lnd Svc 6% of 80s 154 154 154 lnd Svc 7% pf 120s 16 154 164 lnd PL of 6.60 30s 113 1124 113 Indus Flnan vtc. 2 A it & Ins Co N Am 2a 50s 714 714 714 Int Hvdro El bf-- 3 16 144 144 Int Indust log .. 1 14 14 14 Int Pa&Pwr war. 9 24 24 24 Int Petrol 1.60a 10 184 18 18 Int Ptr reg 1.60a. 1 184 184 184 Int Utilities (B) 7 b 4 & Int Ut pf 1.3125 . 200s 184 184 184 Int Util prpf 3 60 100s 344 344 344 Int Vitamin 30g_ 1 34 34 34 llllCl.'l. 11 .«V. A IT4 1 T* I 4 Interst P Del pf 150s 5% 5% 5% Jeanette Glass _ 1 1% 1% 1% Jer CP&L of (6) 10s 98 98 98 Jer CP&L of 17 1 10s 104% 104% 104% Jones & l*au St) 2 35% 35% 35% Kennedy's (.65e) 3 6% 6% 6% Kirby Petroleum 1 2% 2% 2% Knott Corp (,45g) 1 7% 7% 7% Kopperspfc6) 80s 87 85 86 Kreuger Brew .50 2 6% 5% 5% Lake Snore M(3) 7 25% 24% 24% Lakey Fdry & M 1 4% 4% 4% Lehigh Coal .10g 8 2% 2% 2% Le Tourneau (1) 1 35 35 35 Line Mater’l .50g 50s 10% 10% 10% Lone Star .70g 3 10% 10% 10% Loos Island Ltg 7 1% 1% 1% Long Isld Ltg pf lOOf 45% 45% 45% Long Is! Ltg pf B 200s 43% 42% 42% La Land & E 35g 2 5% 5% 5% La P & Lt pf (6) 10s 103 103 103 Lynch Corp (3) 100s 26% 26% 26% Mo W lllms Oredg 3 9% 9 9 Majestic Radio 8 % % % Manatl Sug war. 3 % % % Mead John (la) 226s 165% 164% 164% Memph N G .50g_ 1 4% 4% 4% Merr-Chap & Sc 2 4% 4% 4% Metal Text(.35g) 1 2% 2% 2% Met T pt pf 3.26a 10s 42% 42% 42% Mich Bumber 10 % % % Midl’d O cvpf.25k 50s 6% 6% 5% Mid West Corp 8 8% 8 8 Midwest Oil 90 1 8 8 8 Minn M&M 2.40g 50s 58% 58% 58% Mo Pub Sve 20g 1 4% 4% 4% Molybdenum 18 6% 6% 6% Mont Ward A )7) 20s 169 169 169 Mon LH&P 1.50 50s 24% 24% 24% Mount City C.fBg 3 4% 4% 4% Mount Prod (.60) 1 6% 6% 5% Muskegon 1.70g.. 1 15% 15% 15% Nat Auto (.25e).. 6 8% 8% 8% Nat Bella Hess 7 % % % NatlCont (.40g). 14 11% 11% 11% NatPuelGaail) 8 12% 12% 12% Nat Oil P 1.15b— 1 42% 42% 42% Nat P * L pf <€>. 876s 97% 97 97 Nat Rub M .30g— 1 4% 4% 4% Nat Sugar Refln. 2 10% 10% 10% Nat Transit .S5g. 1 9% 9% 9% Nat Tunnel * Min 1 1% 1% 1% Nehl Corp (2a)— 1 68 68 68 Nelson H(.50g).. 16 6 6 Neptune M A .50b 16 6 6 K DMKI1 BUU . oairs Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. Low. 2:65. [ Nestle Le Mur A. 1 (4 (4 ’A . NHP As pfl.SOk 75s 74'/* 7314 7314 N Eng T&T 6.50* 20s 126 126 126 . New Idea (,60a)) 1 1214 1214 1214 I N J Ztno (2a) .. 300s 65 64'/* 6414 | Newmont (3.50*) l 7214 7214 7214 N I PftLtof (1) 10s 11814 11814 11814 N Y Water Bvc of 160s 29 26 2714 Nla* Hudson Pwi 24 6 514 6 Nla* Hud 1st (6) 60s 8714 87 8714 Nla* Had 2d (6). 20s 76 76 76 Not Am LAP of 300s 80 7914 80 Nor Ind PS pf 6d. 100s 101(4 10014 10114 N I P S pf (7d) — 10s 108 108 108 North'n P L. .30*. 1 614 614 614 ! North'n Sts Pi A) 6 16 1414 1414 Oho Brass (B) 1* 60s 20 20 20 r Ohio P 8 of A(7 > 10s 113 113 113 , Okla Nat Gas (1) 1 1914 1914 1914 ‘ Ok Nt G o pf 5.50. 26s 114 114 114 ( Oldetyme Dlst... 3 1(4 114 1(4 . PacGas 6%pf 1.60 5 34 3314 34 PacP&Lt pf(7) 20s 91 91 91 Panieuec OH 21 514 514 614 ■ Pender G (B) 1*., 2 12 12 12 Pennroad (.10*). 11 214 2(4 2(4 1 Pa-Cent Airline*. 12 1214 1194 lilt 1 Penn Salt (6*) .. 100s 17314 170 173(4 . Penn W & P (4).. 400s 71 69(4 71 1 PharlsT&R 75*. 4 8% 8V* 8(4 Phlla Co (.25e) .. 3 8(4 8 8 < Phillips Pk* .25* 1 6(4 6(4 61* ] Phoenix Secur 40 7(4 7(* 7% ^ Phoenix Secur pf 600s 38 36s* 37(4 , Pioneer Gold 40 6 IV* 11* l** ' Pltney-Bow .40a. 2 7(4 71* 7(4 Pitts BALE 1.50. 25s 41 41 41 1 Pitts Forg .40* - 1 11V* 111* 11V* ! Pitts & L, E 3.60* 90s 61(4 60 61 Pitts Metal (1*). 1 10(4 10(4 10(4 Pitts PI G1 (4*) 6 102(4 101(4 102 Pleasant VW.10* 7 1(4 11* 114 Pw Corp Can .60 60s 8(4 8(4 81 Pratt&Lam 1.75* 1 21'/* 21(4 21(4 Premier Gold .12. 14 1(4 1(4 11s Prosperity (B> . 2 5(4 5 5(4 Prud Inv pf (*).. 100s 97'4 97'4 97'4 PbSvCol pf (6).. 20s 1061. 106% 106s* Pub Sv Ind S6 pf. 25s 491* 49v* 491* P S Ind 37 Dr pf 250s 93 92 93 PS Ok pr In pf(7) 10s 110 110 110 Puget Sd P 35 pf 400s 81 ‘4 79‘4 81'/* Pueef S'll PIft nf 1 19Sa 9£L<. PueetSdPAT _ 3 134 135* 1354 Quaker Oats pf C 100s 153 153 153 Raym’d Concrete 100s 124 124 124 Republic Avlat'n 11 64 6 6 Rice Styx DG.50e 1 54 654 54 Rio Gr V G vtc .. 6 4 4 5-* Roosevelt Field.. 1 lft lft lft Root Petroleum 4 3 3 3 Root Petrolm pf. 1 754 74 74 1 Royal Typ (le)__ 60s 62 62 62 Rustless Ir .25g.. 17 15ft 154 154 Ryeraon H__ 2 lft lft lft St Regis Paper_13 3ft 34 34 Salt Dome Oil2 7ft 7ft 7ft Selberling Rub 1 81, 84 84 Select Industries 6 ft ft ft Select Ind cv pf 150a 64 6 64 Sel Ind al ct 6.60 100s 53 53 53 Sentrv Saf Con 1 ft ft ft Sher-WUms 2.75g 300s 965, 96 96 Simmons HAP. 1 lft lft ift Singer Mfg (6).. 20s 154 154 154 Sonotone (.15g)_. 6 lft lft lft Alfg (.50) .. 10 44 4 4 S Cal Ed pf 1.50a 10s 45 45 45 S C Ed pf B 1.60 4 30 30 30 So Penn Oil 1.50a 3 44 43ft 43ft SouthnUnGas 3 2ft 24 25*, SoUnGaspfA.. 125s 154 144 154' Span & Gen reg . 3 ft ft ft Stand C&S 1.60a 2 144 14ft 144 1 Std (AS cvpf 1.60 100s 20ft 204 20 ft, Stand Oil Ky(la) 10 20ft 205a 204 I Stand Oil (O) la 3 30ft 304 304 j Stand Pwr A Dt 1 ft ft ft Stand P & L Df 150s 27 27 27 Std Stl Sp 1.50g . 1 3954 394 3904 Starrett vtc 6 14 14 14 Sterchi Bros .20g 2 4ft 4ft 4ft Sterl Alum(.75g) 2 6 54 6 Stroock & Co lg 50s 10 10 10 Sullivan Mach 1 9ft 9ft 9ft Sun Ray Drug .80 1 104 104 104 Sunray Oil .10g._ 2 2 2 2 Taggart .. 1 64 54 554 Tampa Elec 2.24 1 344 344 344 Taylor (Ky) Dlst 2 4 4 4 Technicolor (lg) 7 14ft 14ft 14ft Texon Oil. 1 2ft 2ft 2ft Thew Shov l.oOg 250s 205a 195a 205a Todd Shipd 2.50g 75s 70 694 70 Tol Ed pt (6) .. 20s 1054 1054 1054 Toledo Ed pf (7) 10a 11*4 1134 1134 Trans-Dux - 2 14 14 14 Tubtza ChatlUon 1 10ft 10ft 10ft I luoize LulAI Zg 008 004 304 304 Cdylite (.125g).. 3 4% 44 44 Ulen&CopfB ..11 1 1 Un Gas Can .80a. 1 12 12 12 Un Prem ISlll 2 194 184 194 Unit Airc't P .10g 4 64 64 64 Unit Chemical 1 134 134 134 Utrt Cgr Wh 8trs 11 $ 4 4 Unit Corp war .. 5 4 4 4 Unit Uaa 16 24 2 2 United Gas pf Sd 1 97 97 97 ’ Unit Lt&Pwr lA I 10 14 14 14 Unit Lt&Pwr CB) 7 14 14 14 • Unit Lt & Pwr of 43 374 354 364 Urni 8h M 2 6Ua 450s 824 82 82 Unit Specialties 14 4 4 U 8 Poll IB! 12 64 64 54 U 8 & Inti Secur 7 4 * i, ! U S & I 8 pf (od). 25s 614 614 614 ! U 8 Lines pf 2 34 3 3 U S Plywood 5 214 214 214 U 8 Plyw pf LSO. 100s 284 284 284 U 8 Radiator_ 1 14 14 14 Unit Wall Paper. 6 2 2 2 UnivCorpvtc . 13 3 8 Ut l'&L pf 1.17k 60s 65 65 65 Utility .Equities. 8 1 11 Util Eq pf (2d) 700s 534 534 634 Utility & Ind pf 1 14 14 14 Valspar Corp 3 14 14 14 Van .Norm Alt 2g 50s 264 264 264 Venezuela Patrol 1 14 14 14 Va Pub Serv pf 10s 75 75 75 Waco Aircraft 15 5 5 W Tax Ut *6 pf S 20s 964 964 964 Wey berg Sh.7og 50s 7 7 7 Wolverine T .40g 3 74 74 74 Wright Harg.soa 24. 64 64 64 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. tStocks so marked are fully listed on the Curb Exchange. All others are dealt in on an unlisted trading basis. Rates of divi dends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last auarteriy or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. xd Ex dividend. xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, d Accumu lated dividends paid last year e Declared or paid so far this year. f Payable In stock g Paid last year, h Cash or stock, k Accumulated dividends paid or declared this year, ur Under rule, ww With war rants. xw Without warrants. war War rants. z Unit of trading less than 100 shares: sales are given in full. Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. Jan. 5 t4b.—National Asso ciation of Securities Dealers, Inc : Bid Asked Aetna Cas <4a> _126% 130% Aetna Ins (1.tidal_ 52% 5414 Aetna Life (1.20a)_ 3114 3314 Am Eouit (1) _ 20*4 2214 Am Tns Nwk (>2a)_ 13 141a Am Reins (1 .HO)_ 4H14 4814 Am Reserve (11a)_ 2414 2(1 Am Surety (2!a>_ 49 la 511* Automobile (la) _ 3314 3514 Balt Amer (.20a)_ 7 8 Carolina (1.30) 28*4 3014 City of N V (|.20) _ 23*4 2514 Conn Gen Life (.80)_ 27*4 2014 Contin Cas (1.20a)_i__ 3514 37% Fid & Dep (4a) _ 123 127'4 Firem s Nwk (.40)___ 0*4 li% Frank Fire (la) _ 3214 3414 Gen Reinsur (la)_ 4.3'4 45*4 Georg Home (la) _ 23% 2514 Glens Falls (1.60)_ 4114 4314 Globe fr. Ren (14)_ 10% 1214 Giobe & Rut _ 17 20 1 Gt Amer Ins (la)_ 28*4 3014 Hanover (1.20) _ 26*4 2814 Hartford Fire (2a)_ 83'/a 8fiVa Home Fire Sec _ 2 3% Home Ins (1.20a)_ 3314 3514 Homestead (1)_ 20 211a Knick'bk'er 1%)_ 8*4 0*4 , Lincoln Fire_ 214 2*4 Maryland Cas _ 2*4 3*a Mass Bond (314)_ 641a 67 Merc Ins Pr. _ 3 414 Natl Fire (2) ___ 62*4 64*4 1 Natl Liberty (.20a) _ 714 8'4 N Hampshire (1.60a)_ 47*4 40*, . N V Fire (.80)_ 15*. 17>4 ' Nor East Ins_ 314 4 >4 Nor River (1)_ 26% 27*4 Phoenix (2a) _ 81 85 Prov Wash (la) _ 3414 3614 Rep Ins Tex (1.20) _ 28% 20*4 Revere (P> In (1.20a)_ 26 27‘4 Rh Isl Ins .. _ 3 414 St Paul Fire (8) _ 241 247 Springfield (414a)_124 128 Sun Life (15) _ 280 330 Travelers (16)_ 420 430 U S Fid * G (1)_ 22% 2.3% U S Fire (2) _ 63 56 1 Westchester (1.20a) . _ 34% 36% a Also extra or extras. , Quotations furnished by National Asso- 1 ciation of Securities Dealers, Inc., which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions nr firm bids or offers, but should indicate approximate prices. Odd-Lot Dealings By the Associated Press. The Securities Commission reported to- 1 day these transactions by customers with | odd-lot dealers or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for January 4: 4.933 purchases, involving 132.792 shares: 4.086 t sales, involving 101.462 shares. Including < 42 short sales involving 1.212 shares. c i ). & H. Announces >4,000,000 Order j :or Locomotives Pennsy Lets Contract For 50,000 Tons of New Steel -Rails ly the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 5.—A $4,000, 00 order for locomotives by thsi Jelaware & Hudson was added to lay to the rail equipment Industry’* lacklog of orders. The D. & H. ordered 20 Mallett ,ype engines from the American Lo :omotive Co. It was described as th* lrst substantial order for motlve i lower the road has placed since 1918. The Pennsylvania Railroad irders for 50.000 tons of nev ails. Carnegie-Illinois Steel C04 Jnited States Steel subsidiary, was illotted 25,000 tons of the order, 3ethlehem Steel 22,000 tons of Illie lois Steel Co., also a United States Steel unit, was given 3,000 tons. j The 50,000 tons, the railroad said, ire in addition to a previous 50,000 ;on order last September. Steel circles said the order waS ;he largest for the new year thus ar and a major contract since th* ailroads resumed spending for imf arovements on a large scale early ast year. Steel rail is quoted at >40 a ton. ■ r 1 New Securities Gain Sharply During Week NEW YORK. Jan. 5.—The sale )f new securities picked up sharply luring the week ended yesterday is corporations and municipalities :alled upon the capital markets for :he largest amount of funds since ;he week ended August 10. New issues totaled $95,901,471, :ompared with $21,055,749 the pre vious week and $6,426,500 a year igo. Poor's Publishing Co. reported :oday.* About 96 per cent of thje funds, however, were obtained fci :he purpose of paying off existing iebts, only 4 per cent representing new money. Comparisons follow: Municipal. » Last week. Previous week. Year ago., $6,862,000 $14,715,549 $6,426,500 Public Utility. 18.594.(K*0 2.250.000 _ Railroad. 67.600.000 ___ _ Industrial. - 4.059,000 _ Stock. 2.845.471 31.200 _ Tota.l 95.901.471 21.055.749 6 426.500 Curb Bonds DOMESTIC. High. Low. 1 P M. Ala Fewer 4%s 67_103 103 103 Ala Power 5s 46 A_ 107 107 107 Ala Power os 51 _ 107 107 107 Am G & E 5s 2028_106% 106% 106% Am P & L 6g 2616_164103% 104% Ark P & L 5s 50 _106% 106% 106% As El Ind 4%s 53_ 61 % 61 % 61% As G & E 4%s 40__ 26% 26% 26% As G & E 5s 50 _ 28s, 28% 28% Atl City El 3%s 64_lo7 107 107 Bell Tel C 5s 57 B_115% 115% 115% Beth Steel 6s 98 __ 142 142 142 Birm El 4%s 68 _ 98% 98% 98", Birming G»r 5s 59_ 94% 94% 94% Broad River P os 54_100% 100% loo3. Can Nor Pwr 5s 53_99% 99% 99% Cent Si E] os 48 _ 39% 39% 39% Cent St El 5%s 54 ... 4o 39% 39% Cen St P&L 5%s 53 _ 75% 75% 75% Cht Rys 5s 27 cod _ 48 48 48 Cities Svc 5s 50 _ 77.% 77% 77% Cities Svc os 58__ __ 16 76 76 Cil S PAL 5%s 52.. 92% 92% 92% Clt S PAL 5%s 49 ... 92% 92 92% Comnty PAL 5s 57 93% 93 93 Cons G Util 6s 43 st .. 82% 82% 82% Corn G A E os 5S A 92% 92% 92% Cudahy Pkg 3%s 55 . 96% 96% 96% East G A P 4s 56 A . 79 78% 79 El Pw A Lt 5s 2030 . 81 % 81 81 Pla Pwr COUD11 4s 60 99 99 99 Florida PAL 5s 54 . . 104% 104 104% 3ary EAG 5s 44 st 100% 100% 100% 3en Pub Ut 6%s 56 _ 100% 100 100% 3en W W&E 5s 43 A 97 97 97 3eoraia Pw os 67 _ 106 106 106 3eorgia P&L 5s 78 _ 66% 66% 66% 111 Pw & Lt 5'/as 57_ 99% 99% 99% 111 Pwr & Lt 6s 53 A .. 106 105% 106 111 Pw & L 5s 56 C_103% 103 103% Ind Hyd Elec os 58 __ 99% 99% 99% Indiana Svc 5s 50 A_73% 73% 73% Indiana Ser 5s 63 A _ 72 72 72' Interst Pw 5s 57 68 68 68 Iowa P&L 4 1 as 7.8 A... 109% 10#% 109% Etal Su Pw 6s 63 A _ 41 41 41 Jer C P&L 5s 47 B .. 103% 103% 103% ler C P&L 4%s 61 C 105% 105 105 Ky Utilities 5s 61 -103% 103% 103% Kentucky U 5s 69 I 102% 102% Id0*, Libby McN&L os 42_102% 102% 10"% Long Is Lt 6s 45 _105', 105% 105% La Pw & Lt 5s 57. .... . 107% 107% 107% Mengel Co 4%s 47 90% 90% 90% Mid S Pw 6%s 47. A ... 100% 100% 100% Vliss Pw & L 5s 57 104 104 104 Vat P&L 6s 2026 A . 111 % 111 % 111 % Sevad Cal El 5s 56 __ 79% 79% 79% Sew E G & E 5s 47 _ 69% 69% 69% Sew E Pw 5s 48 _ 99% 98% 98% Sew E Pw 5%s 54 ._ 100% 100% 100% s Y S E & G 4%s 80 105% 105% 105% So Bost Ltg 3%s 47 105 105 105 Ogden G Co 5s 45 11 o% 11 o% 11 n*4 Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62 109 109 109 ?ac P A L 5s 55 _ 95% 94% 95% Penn C L & P 4%s 77 103% 103 103% "enn C P & L 5s 79 104% 104% 104% Penn Oh E 5%s 59 B 106% 1061, 106V, Peop O L * C 4s 61 D 98% 98% 98% Peop G L & C 4s 81 B 96% 96% 96% Phila Rap T 6s 62 96 96 96 "ortland G&C 5s 40 mat 91 87 91 ’ortland G&C 5s 40 cod 90% 90 po% "w CD C 4%s 59 B 90 90 90 "UR Sd P & L 5%s 49 inn 99% 100 ’ug Sd P & L 5s 50 99% 99% 99% "lug Cd P & L 4%s 50 94% 94% 94% 5uee G & E 5%s 52 __ 99 98 99 Vale H Wa 4%s 79 _ 108% 108 108 Schulte Real E Hs 51 65 65 65 Shw W & P 4%s 67 A 96 95% 96 5 E P & L 6s 2025 A . Ill % 111 Vi 111% Sou Ca! Ed 3%s 60 1101,110 110V, "ou Cal E 3%s 60 B_110% 110% ] in% Sou Caro 5s 57 _100% 100% 100% Souw P&L 6s 2022 A.- 104 104 104 StH OJt'IT He A W c-t AO col/ on 3td O&E fis 48 cvst_68% 68% fis»i 3td Gas&E] fis 51 A_ fi!> fip fip !5td Gas A- El fis 57 68% fls% fist 3td GasA-El fis fifi B_ fip 68% fip 3tand Pw&Lt fis 57_ fis fi7% fis rexas Elec 5s «o_ 1047, 104% 1114% rex P A; L 5s 5fi_107% 107% 10-s, ride Wat P 5s 70 A _ 103 m3 103 rwin CRT 5%s 52 A _ fi4 R3% fi4 Jnlt Lt * Pw fis 75_ 83% 83% 8334 Jnlt It&Pw fi'-s 74 .. 8fi 85% 8fi Jnlt L&R D 5%s 52__ fl.'P, 93% 03% Jnlt L&R M 6s 73 A__ SO7, 807:, 8034 /a Pr.b Ser fis 4fi_ 00% 09% 90% /a Pub S 5%s 46 A_102% 102% 102% 7a Pub Ser 5s 50 B_ 102 102 102 Vest News U fis 44_ 53% 53% 53% fork Rwy 5s 47 st_ 08% 08% P8% FOREIGN. sarco Hyd El 7s 52_ 48V, 48% 48% Jnlt El Svc 7s 56 A_ 453, 45% 45% ww With warrants. xw Without war ■ants. n New. st (stpl Stamped. SNegotlabllity impaired by maturity. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Jan. 5.—Dividends de lared. Prepared by Pitch Publishing Co.: Initial. Pe- Stock of Pay Rate rlod. record, able, lelton Mfg. 0C4 nf_85c_12-11 12-28 Year End. V T Grant Co _50c __ 1-23 1-31 Regular. (m Gen Equities -l%c 1-6 1-15 Ires Con G M & M-2c Q 1-31 2-15 Sreenfleld Gas Lt__ —75c __ 12-15 12-28 lorn & Hard Co N Y_50c Q 1-12 2-1 daho Maryland Mines__5c M 1-10 1-22 Aiwell Elec Lt_00c Q 1-6 1-13 ■ac Lt Corp_75c Q 1-20 2-15 ’rentice. G E Mfg_50c Q 1-2 1-15 lhaler Co A_50c Q 12-27 12-28 lhaler Co B_10c_12-27 12-28 Jnited MolassA Co Lth. (m Dep rec reg 12.1c 12-1 1-fl lureka Pipe line 50c 1-15 2-1 it North Iron Ore ctf 75c 1-16 1-31 .ehigh Port Cement 37%c Q 1-13 2-1 ^ew York Sugar NEW YORK. Jan. 5 OP.—Sugar futures Jo. 3 opened unchanged to 2 lower. Jen lary. 1.70b; March. 1.01; May, 1.P4; July. .97; September. 2.01. bBid. .ondon Bar Silver LONDON. Jan. 5 OP —Bar silver. 21 Ad; ip %. (Equivalent. 39.10 cents on basis ot ollar at $4.03.) Bar gold. 168s; un hanged. (Equivalent, 533.85.) I