Newspaper Page Text
Scandinavian Bonds Again in Demand; Corporates Rise Fractional Advances Cover Wide Range of Domestic Issues Bond Averages •:n 10 io 10 Rails. Indust Util. F'gn. Net change, line. .1 unc. —.1 Today, noon 59.5 102.6 96.4 50.5 Prev. day. 59.5 102.5 96.4 50.6 Month ago 58.0 101.4 95.7 48.4 Year ago... 61.0 98.9 92.6 62.7 1939-40 high 64.9102.5 97.5 64.0 1939-40 low 53.4 95.8 90 4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low.. 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon 112.0 Prev. day. 112.0 M'nth ago 111.0 Year ago 111.0 39-40 hi’h 112.6 ’39-40 low 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) 1, —- —’ By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 8.—The bond market looked over week-end re ports of the war in Northern Europe and decided Scandinavian loans were a good buy. While bonds of such neutral coun tries as Denmark and Norway stayed pretty near the previous close, buyers appeared when any offerings came out. In the corporate division the gen eral tendency was toward higher price levels. Gains for the most '■ part were fractional, but the market | sampled a wide variety of rail, in dustrial and utility loans. Brokers admitted. however, traders were apt to keep their activities in low gear until they had a better idea what Congress was Up to. Cheering, nevertheless, was an nouncement by the underwriting syndicate that the new issue of American Gas & Electric Co. deben tures met a good demand soon after books were opened. Corporate gainers included Stude baker 6s, Youngstown Sheet & Tube 4s. Great Northern 3'-s. Common wealth Edison convertible 3r.s, North Western 434s of '49 and Alleghany stamped 5s of 50. A handful of United States Treas- ' urv issues appeared on the tape, mostly at slight declines. I By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 8 —S. H. Kress • Co. reported today December sales i of S15.232.484. a gain of 5.6 per cent j from $14,428,795 in December. 1938. Total 1939 sales amounted to $84, 851.373. or 3.2 per cent more than $82,187,173 in the preceding year. The company has a chain of na tional outlets for low-priced mer chandise. New Agency to Direct Norge Advertising Special Dispatch to The Star. DETROIT. Jan. 8—Appointment of Seiler. Wolfe & Associates, Inc., \ newly organized Detroit advertising j agency, to direct advertising of home appliances manufactured by Norge division. Borg-Warner Corp., was officially announced here by - James A. Sterling, Norge general merchandise manager, following the ! annual convention of Norge dis tributors. The appointment of the new agency by Norge division. Borg Warner Corp., Mr. Sterling explains, is in recognition of the experience and ability of the Seiler, Wolfe per sonnel and of the facilities offered by the agency. A. W. Seiler is president of the agency; Ralph L. Wolfe, vice presi dent and general manager; Clare Jickling. secretary; John Dow, treasurer: C. P. Howley and O. Jay Blake, directors of public relations. Seiler will serve as supervisor of the Norge account and will assume executive responsibility for direc tion of media. Sterling announced plans for the largest national advertising campaign in Norge history and a new sales record for units sold dur ing the annual distributor conven tion. More than 40.000 Norge home appliance products were contracted for by distributors during the con vention period. The volume sets a new all-time high for Norge. Boston & Providence Hearing Scheduled By the Associated Press. The Interstate Commerce Com mission has ordered oral argu ment for January 18 on a proposed plan of reorganization of the Boston & Providence Railroad The commission acted after excep tions had been filed to the proposed plan of Examiner Harvey H. Wilkin son, who recommended that the Bos ton fz Providence be purchased by the New York. New Haven & Hart ford at terms proposed by the New Haven. Under Wilkinson's proposal the New Haven would pay $3,039,213 In fixed interest bonds. $1,467,520 in in come bonds and $1,467,520 in pre ferred stock for the Boston* & Providence. The Provident Institution for Sav ings in Boston, which holds the en tire funded debt of the Boston & Providence, contended the price proposed by Wilkinson was “not adequate.” Chemical Exports Soar < Above 1938 Levels Mr the Associated Press. Chemical exports, the Commerce Department says, increased to $19, 321.000 in November, compared with *12.612,500 in November, 1938, but declined from the all-time monthly high of $24,594,000 set in October. Odd-Lot Dealings Br the Associated Press. The Securities Commission reported to day these transactions by customers with Odd-lot dealer* or specialists on the New York Stock exchange for January «: g.1.5 purchase*, involving 59.6R4 share*. Z-09Q sales involving 52 95R shares including k 29 short sales involving 940 shares. . ' V .-... --■■■ . BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE w irintr wire direct te The Star. T R EASU R Y. High Low. 5:66 2s 1947 , _ 104.29 104.27 104.27 2 74s 1951-53_ 103.14 103.11 103.11 2 Va® 1948 _ 107.24 107.24 107.24 2 74a 1949-53_ 105.27 105.24 105.24 2Hs 1950-52_ 105.26 105.26 105.26 2*.is 1945-47_ 109.10 109.10 109.10 2*is 1961-54_ 107.21 107.21 107.21 284 a 1956-69_ 106.31 106.28 106.28 284a 1958-63_ 106.18 106.18 106.18 2 84 a 1960*65_ 106.19 106.16 106.19 2Hs 1966-60 __ 108.3 108.3 108.3 2 74s 1955-60 rg. 107.31 107.31 107.31 3s 1951-56 ... 110.17 110.17 101.17 3Hs 1946-49.... 111.18 111.18 111.18 3 74s 1943-45 ... 110'. 110. 110. 3 74S 1944-46 110.13 110.13 110.13 3%s 1941-43 Mar 104.21 104.21 104.21 4a 1944-54 114.26 114.26 114.26 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1944-49 108.10 108.10 108.10 HOME OWNERS' LOAN 2 74s 1942-44 104.18 104.18 104.18 3s 1944-52 107.30 107.30 107.30 FOREIGN BONDS. Rich Low 2:55 rthltlbl 5s 63_ 53S 53S 53H Antloquia 7s 45 B_ J4»« 14H 14»« Antloquia 30 7s 57_ 1374 13'4 1374 Antwerp 5s 68 .. 69'j 69'« 69H Argentine 4s 72 Feb_. 80H 80>4 80'4 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 81 80s 81 Argentine 4 77 s 48 ... 94H 94S 94'4 Argentine 4 Hs 71_ 88 87H 88 Australia 4HS 56_ 81 80H 81 Australia 6s 55_ 85H 85 85'4 Australia 5s 57_ 8574 86 8574 Belgium 6s 55 _ 95 95 95 Belgium 6Hs 49 .. 100 100 100 Brazil 6Hs 1926-57.. 15 15 15 Brazil 6Hs 1927-57 . 15 15 15 Brazil C Ry El 7s 62 1414 14'4 14H Brazil 8s 41 19 18H 19 Buen Air 4H-4Hs 77 59 59 59 R A 4»j,-4»4s "6 Apr 58', 5874 58'4 Kuen Air 4 % -4 % s 75 59 59 59 Canada 3s 67 _ 88% 88% 88% Canada 3s 68 _ 88% 8S% 88% Canada 3%s 61_ 92% 92 92 Canada 4s 60 _ 101% 100% 101% Canada 5s 52_ 106', 106 106 Chile 6s 60 _ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s «o assd _ 13 13 13 Chile 6s 61 .Ian . 16% 16% 16% Chile fis 61 Jan assd . 13 13 13 Chile 6s 61 Febr _ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 63 _ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 63 assd_ 13% 13 13% Chile 7s 42 assd ... 13% 13% 13% Chile Mtg Rk 6s 61 16 16 16 Chile Ally B 6s 61 asd 12 12 12 Chile Mig Bk 6%s 57 16 16 16 Colombia 6s 61 Oot 30% 3(1% 30% Copenhagen 4 Vis 53 40 39% 40 Cordoba city 7s 57 st 63 62 63 Cuba 41.5s 77 ... 57% 57% 57% Denmark 4‘is 62_ 45 44% 45 * Denmark 5 Vis 55_ 54% 54% 54% Denmark 6s 42 _ 63 63 63 Ger Govt 5‘is 65 ... 9 8% 8% Ger G 6%s 65 un st... 7 7 7 German Govt 7s 49 _ 12 11% 12 Italy 7s 51 70% 70% 70% Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B. 76 76 76 Japan 5‘is 65_ 61 61 61 Japan 6%s 54 _ 81 81 81 Mendoza 4s 54 _ 72 72 72 Mex 4s 1910-45 asst % % % Mexico 6s 33 ast _ 1 % % Norway 4s 63 _ 70% 70% 70% Norway 4%s 65_ 71 70% 71 Norway 4 %s 56_ 75 74% 74% Norway 6s 43 _ 90 89% 90 Norway 6s 44 _ 90 89% 90 Oriental Dev 5‘is 58 52% 52% 52% Oriental Dev 6s 53 57% 57% 57% Oslo 4 Vis 5a .. 70V, 70 70% Panama 5s 63 st asd . 71% 71% 71% Peru 1st 6s 60 .. 9% 9% 9% Prague Grt 7‘is 52... 12% 12% 12% Prussia 6s 52 _ 12 12 12 Queensland 7s 41_ 100 100 100 Bio de Jan 6‘is 53 .. 7% 7% 7% Sao Paulo C 6‘.-jS 57_ 7% 7% 7% Sao Paulo C 8s 52__ 8% 8% 8% Sao Paulo St 6s 68_ 8 8 8 Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 8 8 8 Serbs 7s 62 _ 12% 12% 12% Serbs 8s 62 _ 11% 11% 11% Tokyo City 5 Vis 61... 56% 56 56 Tdkyo FI Lt «s 53 58% 58 58 Uru 3%-4-4 V»s adJ 79 45 45 45 uru i a r eu as so 40 Westphalia E P 6s 53 15 15 15 Yokohama 6s 61 59*. 59'. 59'i DOMESTIC BONDS Ailams Ex 4 !ts 46 st IDS', 1081 - 10814 A14) Per W P 6s 48 __ 59". 59*. 59*. Alleg Corp 5s 44 _ 80 80 80 Alleg Corp 5s 49 _ 70*4 69*. 69*4 Alleg Corpus 50 std 42 41 '4 42 Alleg Valley 4s 42 . 106', 106', 106U Allied Stores 4 Us 51 97 96*. 97 Allis-Chalmers 4s 52 110*. 110',. 110*. Am & For Pw 6s 2030 64 63*. 63*. Am Inti 5Us 49 _ 10454 104', 104!, Am'1 & T 3 54s 61_109’. 109 109 Am T & T 3 5.s 66_109U 10854 109U Am T & T 554s 43 ... 108*. 108*4 108*, Am Wat Wks 6s 75 109 109 109 Anaconda db 4 Us 50 107 107 107 Anglo-Chll Nitr db 67 40 39' j 4u Armour I Del ilst4s 55 100', 100', 100*4 Armouri Del )4s 67 „ 100', 100'. 100'. A T&S Fe gen 4s 95-. 1065, 106-. 106*4 A T&S Ke 4 *,ts 4 8 102*. 102*. 102V. A T&S Fe DA 4 U® 62 108 108 108 Atl Coast L, clt 4s 52 67', 67u 675, Atl Coast L 5s 45 75', 75', 75', Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48 _ 38!, 38!, 38U Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 . 32U 32U 32', Auburn Auto 454s 39_ 48', 48', 4854 B&0 1st4s48 .. 67*4 67*. 67*4 B&Oconv4Us60_ 17U 17 171, B & O 454s 60 ct_ 16*. 16U 16*. B & O 1st 5s 48_ 70', 70', 7054 B & O ref 5s 95 _ 28', 28', 28U B & O ref 5s 95 cf ... 28'/. 28', 28'. B & O ref 5s 2000 D._ 28', 28V, 2854 B * O ref 6s 95 __ 30'i 29", 30 B & O ret 6s 95 ct_ 29*. 29*. 29*4 B & O Swn 6s 50 ct .. 46', 46U 4654 Bang & Ar cv 4s 51 st 70 70 70 Bell T of Pa 5s 48 B 116 11554 11554 Beth Steel 354* 69 F 101 101 101 Beth Steel JUs 62 .. 107 107 107 Beth Steel 3Us 66__ 105V. 10554 10554 Beth Steel 4Us 60_ 108*. 108*. 108*. Bos & Me 4 Us 61 JJ. 45 44U 45 Bos & Me 6s 65_ 45*4 45*4 45*4 Bos* Me 6s 67 _ 46 44*4 45V, Brklyn City R 6s 41__ 70 70 70 Bklyn Man T 4Us 66 86U 8654 86U Bklyn Man 4 %s 66 ct 86% 85% 85% Bklyn QC&S 1st 5s 41 47% 47% 47% Bklyn Q C&S cn 5s 41 41% 41% 41% Bklyn Un El 6s 60 90% 90% 90% Bklyn Un ElJ»50 ct. 89 89 89 Bklyn Un Gaflls 50.. 96% 96 96 Bklyn UnG5»67 B._ 106% 106% 106% Bush Term cn 5s 65.. 43% 43% 43% Bush Ter Bldg 6s 60. 62 62 52 Canadian NH 4 %s 61. 101% 101% 101% Can NR 4 %s 66_ 102% 102% 102% Can NR 4%s 57_102% 102% 102% Can NR 4^3 65 _ 104% 104% 104% Can NK 6s 69 July_104% 104% 104% Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 106 106 106 Can Nor 6%s 46 ... 112% 112% 112% Can Pao db 4s perp... 61% 60% 60% Can Pao 4%s 60_ 70% 70% 70% Can Pac 5s 44 _107% 107% 107% Can Pac 5s 54 79% 79% 79% Caro Cl & Oh 6s 52... 109 109 109 Car & Gen 6s 50 _ 96 96 96 Celotex 4%s 47 ww . 89% 89% 89% Cent of NJ gen 6s 87. 19% 19% 19% Cent N Y Pw 3%s 68 110 110 110 Cent Pacific 5s 60 53 53 53 Cerfd deb 5%s 48 77 77 77 Cham P&F 4%s 35-50 105 105 105 Ches & Ohio 3 %s 63 F 105% 105% 105% Ches & 03%s96 D... 99% 99% 99% Ches & O 3%S 96 E... 99% 98% 99% Chi & Alton 3s 49 ... 14% 14% 14% Chi B&Q gen 4s 5S— 92 92 92 Chi B&Q 4 %s 77 _ 82 81% 81% Chi Burl & Q 6s 71-— 88% 87% 88% C B&Q 111 dlv 3%s49 97% 97% 97% C B&Q 111 dlv 4s 49.. 102% 102 102% Chi & E 111 6s 34 _11S% 118% 118% Chi Grt West 4s59... 24% 24 24% Chi lnd & Lou 6s 66.. 7 7 7 Chi Mil & St P 4s 89.. 24% 24% 24% CM&StP 4%s#9 C_ 25% 25% 25% CM&StP 4%s 89 E ... 25% 25% 25% Chi Mil & St P 6s 75.. 7 6% 7 CM&StP adj 6s 2000.. 2 1% 1% Chl&NW gents 87.. 14 14 14 Chi & NW cv 4%s 49. 3% 3% 3% Chl&NW gen 6s 87 ... 15 15 15 Chi&NW rf 6s 2037.. 9 9 9 Chi&NW 6%s 36 ... 16% 16% 16% Chi Rl&P gen 4s 88— 14 14 14 ChlRl&P cy 4%s 60_. 2 2 2 Chi TH&S inc 5s 60.. 53% 53% .18% Chi Un Sta 3%s 63 . 108 108 1M Chi & W lndcv 48 52. 93% 93 »% Childs* Co 5s 43 61% 51% 5§% CCCCAStL gen 4s 91. 66% 66% «|Mr, CCC&SLL rf 4%s 77.. 5* 53% Bt/tf Clev Un Ter 4%s 77— 73% 73% 73% men. uow z oo Clev Un Term Ss 73... 82% 82 82% Clav UnTer6H«7*„ 89% 89% 89% Colo F ft Ir 5s 70_ 68 68 68 Colo ft So 4 %■ *0_ 33% 33% 33% Col G&E 6a 52 Aor... 104% 104% 104% Col G ft E 5s 62 May- 104% 104% 104% Col G ft E 6s 61 _104% 104% 104% Comw Ed 3 %s 68_127% 127% 127% Com* Ed 3%a 63- 110% 110% 110% Conn R Pw 3% 61 ... 109% 109% 109% Cons Ed N Y 3 %s 68 109 109 109 Consol 011 3%s 51 105% 105% 105% Consum Pwr 3 %s 68 106% 106% 106% Consum Pwr 3%■ 70 111 110% 111 Conti Oil 2%s 48 110% 110% 110% Crown C & S 4 %s 43 102% 102% 102% Crucible Steel 4%s 41 103% 103% 103% Cuba Northn 6%s 42 29% 29% 29% Del ft Hud ref 4s 43 . 61% 61% 61% Den ft R G con 4s 38.. 9% 9% 9% Den ft R G W 5s 55 .. 2% 2% 2% D* R G W 5s 66 ast 2% 2% 2% Den ft R G W rf 5s 78 6% 6% 6% Det Edison 4%s 61 109% 109% 109% DetTerftTun 4%s 61 100 100 100 Dow Chemical 3s 51 107% 107% 107% Duluth M&1R 3 %s 62 107 107 107 Duquesne Lt 3 %s 65 109% 109% 109% Elec Auto Lt 4s 62... 108% 108 108% Erie 1st 4S 98 _ 55% 55 65 Erie yen 4s 96_ 25 24% 24% Erl* ref 6s 67_ 17% 17 17% Erie ref 6s 75 _ 17% 17 17 KrleGen Riv 6s 57 ._ 55 55 55 Erie ft Jersey 6s 55 54 54 54 Fed Lt&Tr 6s 42 _ 104 104 104 Fla EC Ry 6s 74_ 8 8 8 Gen Cable 5%s 47_ 101% 101% 101% Goodrich 4 %s 66 ... 105% 105% 105% Grt Nor Ry 3%s 67 .. 75% 74% 75% Grt Nor Uy 4s 46 H . 91 91 91 Grt N Ry 1st 4%s61. 105% 105% 105% Grt NP. 4 %s 76 D 83% 83% 83% Grt N R pn 4%s 77 E 84 83% 83% Grt Nor Ry 6s 73 90% 90% 90% Grt Nor Ry 5%s 52 . 99% 99% 99% Gulf Sta Stl 4%s61._ 98% 98% 98% Houston 011 4 % s 64 .. 97% 97% 97% Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 37% 36% 37 Hud ft Men Inc 6s 57 . 13 12% 12% Hud ft Man ref 5s 57 47% 46% 47% 111 Bel! Tel 3%s 70 B 112% 112% 112% 111 Cent 4s 53 _ 46% 45% 45% 111 Pont i.VcKK JR JR ! Ill St I deb 4 4*40 A.. 100jl lOOtf 100(j ICC&ST NO 4 4s 63 . 454 454 454 ICC&StL NO 5s 63 A 494 494 494 Indust Rayon 44* 48 1024 1024 1024 Interlake Iron 4s 47 894 894 894 Int I! T 1st rf 5s 66 76 754 754 Int R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 75*. 754 754 Int R T 7s 32 ct 734 734 734 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 154 154 154 Int Hydro El 6s 44 __ 744 744 74*. Int Mer Mar 6s 41 ... 71 71 71 Int Paper 1st 5s 47... 10.3 103 103 Int Paper ref 6s 65_ 984 974 984 Int T&T 44* 52 _ 434 434 434 Int T&T 5s 65 _ 464 46 464 Kan* City So rf 5s 50 664 664 664 Keith's 6s 46 ... 103 103 103 Kings Co El 4s 49 904 904 904 Kresge Found 3 4s 47 1054 1054 1054 Laclede Gas 64s 53 . 474 474 474 Laclede G 5*4 s 60 D 474 474 474 Lake S & M S 3 4s 97 83 824 83 Leh C&N 4 4s 54 A... 53 52 53 Leh C&N 4 4* 54 C... 51 51 51 Leh Val C 5s 64 std._ 27 27 27 Leh Val C 5s 74 std._ 284 28 284 Leh Val Har 5s 54 ... 444 44 444 L V RR 4s 2003 asd 154 154 154 L V RP. 4 4s 2003 as.. 154 154 154 Ligg & Myers 6s 51.. 1.30 130 130 Loew s 3 4s 46 .. 1024 1024 1024 Long Isld ref 4s 49... 884 884 884 La & Ark 6s 69 __ 844 844 844 L&N 1st 4s 2003_ 864 8*4 864 L&N unlf 4s 40_ 1014 1014 101*. L&N 44s 2003 . 944 944 914 L&N So Mon It 4s 52. 754 754 754 McCrory Strs 5s 51... 107 107 107 j Me Cent RR 4s 45_ 80 80 80 M« Central 4 4s 60 ... 644 544 544 Manatl Sugar 4s 57_ 404 404 404* Manhat Ry 4s 90 ... 794 794 79H Manhat Ry 4* 90 ct . 794 794 794 Manhat R 2d 4s 2013 43'. 43 43 Marion St Shov 6s 47 674 674 674 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63. 101*. 101*. 101*. Mil No con 44* 39_ 29*. 29*. 294 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90... 30 294 30 Mo K&T 4s 62 B_ 14 13*. 14 Mo K&T 5s 62 A _ 17 17 17 Mo K&T ad1 6s 67.... 74 74 74 Mo Pac 4s 75 34 34 34 Mo Pac 5s 65 A_ 144 144 144 Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 144 144 144 MO rac »« i 5 U_ 14 14 14 Mo Pac 5s 80 H_ 144 14 14 Mo Pac 5s 811_ 144 14 144 Mo Pac 54s 49 _ 24 24 24 Mob & Ohio 6s 38 .... 34 34 34 Mononc P8 6s So_ 110 109', 109', Mont Put 3%s 66_ 1004 1004 1004 Montr Tram 5s 41 ... 85% 85% 85% Montr Tram 5s 55 A . 55% 55*, 55% Morrls&Es 3 4s 2000 454 454 454 Morris A Es 4 4s 55 .. 37% 37% 37'. Morris & Es 5s 55_ 434 43 43 Nashv CAL 4S 78 ... 67% 674 674 Nassau Elec 4s 61 .. 48 47% 47% Nassau El 4s 51 ctfs 47 47 47 Nat Dairy 3%s 61 ww 106% 106% 106% Nat Distil; 3 4S 49 1044 1044 1044 Nat Steel 3s 65 1024 102% 1024 New Jer-P&L 44* 60 108 108 108 New Orl P S 6s 55 B 1054 1054 1054 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 53 68 68 68 New Orl TAM 5s 54 B 38 38 38 NOT&M 5s 56 C - 36 36 36 N Y Central 34s 62.. 62 62 62 N Y Central 3 4s 46.. 764 764 76*4 N Y Cent con 4s 98 61 60% 60% N Y Cent 44s 2013 A 554 55 554 N Y Cent rf 5s 2013 614 61 614 N Y C L Sh 3 4s 98 59 59 59 N Y C A St L 3 4 s 47. 83 83 83 N Y Chi A St L 4s 46 814 814 814 N YChlAStL44s 78 59 58% 59 N Y C&StL 64s 74 A 67 664 664 N Y Chi A St L 6s 41 80 79 80 N Y Conn 1st 44s 53 1054 1054 1054 NY Conn 5s 53 .. 107 107 107 N Y Edis 3‘/,s 65 D... 109% 109% 109% N Y LAW 1st 4s 73... 60 584 60 NY NH A H 4s 57 .. 6% 64 6% NY NH AH 44s 67.. 19 19 19 NY NH A H cv 6s 48. 19.4 194 194 N Y OAW ref 4s 92... 54 54 54 N Y Steam 3 4s 63.. . 1054 1054 105% N Y S A W 4 4s 37... 54 54 64 N Y WAB 4 4s 46 6% 5% 6% Niag Falls P 34s 66 1104 1104 1104 Norf Southn.5s 61 .. 134 13 13% Norf AW 1st 4s 96_123% 123% 123% rtorm amansBi-luo’a luo-s ion's North Am 4s 69 107% 107% 107% Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047. 41% 41% 41% Nor'n Pac 4s 97 67% 67% 67% Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 C— 60% 50% 50% Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 57% 56% 57% North Sta Pw 3%s 67 109% 109% 109% Okla G&E 4s 46 . 105% 105% 105% Ont Pwr Nlag 6s 43 108 108 108 Oregon W RR 4s 61— 105% 105% 105% Otis Steel 4 %s 62 76% 76% 76% Pac Coast 5s 46_ _ 60 60 60 Pac Gas A El 3%s 66. 109 109 109 PacGAE3%s61_112% 112% 112% Pac G & E 4s 64 _113 113 113 Pac Mo 1st 4s 38 ... 76 76 76 Pac TAT rf 3%s66B 109 109 109 Param’t Pic 3%s 47 — 86% 86% 86% Parmelee 6s 44- 45 45 45 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 103% 103% 103% Penn PAL 3%s 69_108% 108% 108% Penn PAL 4%s 74_108% 108% 108% Penn RR 3%s 52_ 87 86% 87 Penn RR 3%s 70_ 90% 90% 90% Penn RR 4s 48_114 114 114 Penn RR 4%s 81_ 98% 98% 98V. Penn RR 4%s 84- 98 98. 98 Penn RR gn 4 %s 66.. 102% 102% 102% Penn RR 4%s 60 ... 118% 118% 118% Penn RR db 4%s 70— 89% 89 89% Penn RR gen 6s 68 .. 108% 108% 108% Peoria A E 1st 4s 40.. 69 68% 68% Peoria A E lnc 4s 90.. 7% 7% 7% Pere Marq 4%s 80— 60% 60 60% Pere Marq 6s 66 _ 67 67 67 Phelps Dodge 3%s 62 111% 111% 111% Phila Co 6s 67 106 106 106 Phlla Elec 3 %s 67 — 111% 111 111 Phila RCA Ir 6s 73.. 12 12 12 Phlla R C A Ir 6s 49.. 3% 3% 3% Phillips Petrol 3s 48. Ill 111 111 PCC&StL. 4%s 42 B— 107% 107% 107% Pitts CAlr 4%S 62 ... 98 98 98 PittAW Va 4 %s 60 C. 45% 45 46% Port Gen El 4%a 40— 81% 81% 81% Porto Rico AT 6s 42. 60% 60% 60% Porto R A T 6s 42 st. 60% 60 60 Postal Tel A C 6s 6l. 19 18% 19 Potomac EP3%s 66. 109 109 109 Pub Svc N 111 3%s 68 109% 109% 109% Rem R’d 4%s 66 ww. 99% 99% 99% Republic Stl 4 %s 66. 95% 94% 94% Republic Stl 4%s 61. 94% 94% 94% Republic Stl 6%s 54. 108 107% 108 Roch GAE 3 %s 69 .. 107% 107% 107% Rutland RR 4%s 41.. 8% 8% 8% St L South Wn 5s 62. 17 16% 17 St LrSan Fr 4s 60 A— 10% 10% 10% St D-San Fr 4s 50 ct.. 10% 10% 10% St l*-8 F 4%s 78 et at. 10 10 10 St L-San F 6s 60 B_ 11% 11% 11% St L. S W lit 4s 18.... 64 64 64 h aian. u>w *:65. St LSW ref 6a 90 ... 9% 9% 9% St PE G T'k 44*s 47- 4% 4% 4% St P Un Dep rf 6e 72. 114% 114% 114% San A&A Paas 4a 43 . HO 69% 69% Schulco 6 4*a 46 B atp 29% 29% 29% Seabd A L 4a 50 atp__ 16% 14% 15% Seabd A L rf 4a 69 6% 5% 6% Seab'd A L con 6a 46.. 8% 8% 8% Seabd A L 6a 45 ct ... 7% 7% 7% Seabd A F 6s 85 A ct. 3% 8% 3% Shell Un Oil 2%s 64.. 96% 95% 95% Simmons Co 4a 62_ 100% 100% 100% Socony Vac 3s 64 ... 105% 105% 105% Southn Kraft 4%8 46 97% 97% 97% So Pac 3 % a 46 .. 66% 56% 66% So Pac col 4s 49 reg_ 45 45 45 So Pao ref 4s 65_ 64 64 64 So Pao 4%a 68_ 60% 49% 50 So Pao 4 4*a 69- 49% 49% 49% So Pao 44*s 81 . . .. 49% 49 49 So Pac Ore* 44*a 77— 52 61% 52 So Ry *en 4a 66 A_ 61% 61 61 So Ry 6a 94 _ 88% 88% 88% So Ry gen 6s 56_ 79 78 79 So Ry 64*8 66 _ 83% 83% 83% S W Bell Tel 3s 68 _ 107% 107% 107% S W Bell Tel 3%s 64. 111% 111% 111% SpokaneInt6s 55 . 19 19 19 Stand Oil N J 2%* 63 105% 105% 105% Stand Oil N J 3s 61 ... 105% 105% 105% Studebakei cv 6s 45— 105 102% 104 Swift & Co 3% a 50 .. 105% 105% 105% Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 109 109 109 Texas Corp 3s 69 .. 105% 105% 105% TexasCorp 34*s 61 . 106% 106% 106% Texas & Pac 6s 77 B 70% 70% 70% Tex & Pac 6s 80 D 70% 70% 70% Tex & P MPT 54*s 64 97% 97 97 7 hird Av ref 4s 60 .. 53% 52% 53% Third Av adj 5s 60... 15% 15% 15% Union Oil<Cal)3s 59.. 102% 102% 102% Un Pacific 34*a 71 ... 97% 97% 97% Un Pacino 1st 4s 47.. 113% 113% 1131* Un Pac ref 4s 2008 .. 108 107% 107% United Biscuit 5s 50.. 108% 108% 108% United Drug 6s 63_ 80% 79%‘ 80% Utd Rys St L 4s 34... 37% 37% 37% U S Steel 3%s 48 _ 106% 106% 106% Utd Stkyds4 >4s51ww 92% 92 92% Utah L&T 5s 44 . 102% 102 102% Utah Pwr & Lt 6s 44. 103 103 103 Utility P& L 5s 59 . 92 91% 91% Utility P& L5 4*a 47. 92 91% 92 Va Ry 1st 3%s 66_108% 108% 108% W a h;i s h 4 J L a 7 8 f* I i. «i _ fi Li i Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 38% 38% 38% Wabash 2d 5s 39_ 18 18 18 Walworth 4s 65 _ 67% 67% 67%. Warner Bros 6s 48 .. 85 85 85 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 34% 34% 34% West Penn P 3%s 66 111 111 111 W Pa Pw 1st 5s 63 E. 118% 118% 118% West Sh 1st 4S 2361.. 50% 50% 50% West Aid 1st 4s 52 85 8a 85 West NY&P gn 4s 43. 107% 107% 107% West Pacific 5s 46 A. 18% 18% 18% West Union 5s 51 ._ 71% 71 71 West Union 5s 60 .. 69% 69% 69% Wheel Steel 4 %s 66.. 98% 98% 98% Wilkes B&E 5s 42_ 12% 12% 12% Wilson & Co 4s 55... 105 105 105 Youngst n SAT 4s 4* 109% 109 109% Youngst n S&T 4s 61 106% 106 106 Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. Jan. H National Association Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid Asked. Aetna Cas (4a» . .. 1.41*2 Aetna Ins (] ,«»0a > . 52 54 Aema Life (1 2oa> _ .41'a .4.4** Am Equir (1) 2034 22!4 Am Ins Nwk t'.-a) __ 1.4 14*2 Am Reins il.tfo) _ 4ti1 a 4M* Am Reserve M'a). ___ 24,a 2t> Am Surety <21 a> _ 50 52 Automobile Ma> __ _ .4.4‘2 .45*a Balt Amer <.20a) _ ?*4 *‘4 Carolina (1.40) - - ._ _ 2W*4 .*lo*4 City of N Y H.20) . .. . 2.434 25'4 Conn Gen Life <>0> 27'2 20 i Coniin Cas ( 1.20a) .t.Va .47Va I Fid A I>p <4a’ _ 120 12S Firem’s Nwk (.40) 034 ll'4 Frank Fire < 1 a» _.__ .4.4 45 Gen Reinsur (la). _ 4.4* 4 45‘> Georg Home Mai _ . . 2t’4 *’.V4 Glens Falls il.nm _ . _ 4I34 4-4 *4 Globe A Rep Pa)_ _ ln34 12V4 Globe A* Rut _ 1* 21 Gt Amer In# (la) _ 2*'a -4o Hanover (1 20) _20‘a 20 Hartford Fire (2a) __ S4 *7 Home Fire Sec _ ___ 2 .4’* Home Ins (120a)--._.44 .40 Homestead (1> _ 20 21*4 Knickerbocker (*/f)__ . *3< p’4 Lincoln Fire _ __ 2 2'» Maryland Cas _ 23* v« Mass Bond (.4'^)..H434 00>4 Merc Ins Pr _ _ .4 4>a Natl Fire (2) _ H2*2 04** XT . , 1 T.W^r... i - t N Hampshire (1.80a) . - 4 7*2 49,-a N Y Fire (HO)-. 15*4 i7'4 Nor East Ins _ __ .'{‘2 I*3 Nor River (1) __. 28* a 28 Phoenix (2a> 82 88 Prov Wash (la> _ 3414 38«4 Rep Ins Tex < l .20) _ 2814 2o34 Revere (P» In (1 20a)_ 28*4 2734 Rh Isl Ins __ 3 4'a St Paul Fire (8) _ 242 24 7 Springfield (4'2a) _ _ 12312 128 Sun Life tin) 2Ho 330 Travelers (18) 433 443 US Fid A: 0(1) _ . 22'2 24 U S Fire (2) 5334 5534 Westchester (1.20a) 34'4 38*4 a Also extra or extras. Quotations furnished by National Asso ciation of Securities %^alers. Inc which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions or firm bids or offers, but should indicate approximate prices. Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Jan 8 opt.—Poultry, live. 21 trucks: fully steady; hens. 4>a pounds up. 15'2: under 412 pounds. 1412: Leghorn hens. 1112; broilers, 2*2 pounds and down, colored. 14; Plymouth Rock. 18: White Rock. 10; Leghorn chickens. Id: springs. 4 pounds up. colored. 1.3: Plymouth Rock. 15 * a '• White Rock. Ift*/*: under 4 pounds, colored 14: Plymouth Rock. 18: White Rock. 15*2 bareback chickens. 10; roosters. 9 *2: Leghorn roosters. 9 iJ2; ducks. 4 *>2 pounds up. colored. 10‘i; W’hite. lUfc; small, colored. 9*->: white. 10: eeese over 12 pounds 11: 12 pounds and down 13: turkeys, toms. old. 11: youn«, 18 pounds up. 12*2: under 18 pounds. 14: hens. 15*2; capons. 7 pounds up. 18; under 7 pounds. 18. Butter 883.048: firm: creamerv. 93 score. 3034-3i‘«: 92. 30*4: 91. 30: 00. 30; i 89. 29*a; 88. 28*2; 9o. centralized carlots, 30-30*4 Eggs. 0.8I8: firm, fresh graded, extra firsts. 20: firsts. 19; current receipts. 17: refrigerator extras. 15*4; standards. 15: firsts. 14 »<4. Potatoes. 2(Hj on track. 301: total U S. shipments Saturday. 832: Sunday. 44; best quality Northern whites firm, other sec tions all varieties steady, supplies mod erate. demand good: sacked per cwt. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1. 1.75-95: mostly 1.85: Nebraska Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No 1. washed. 2.10-15: 75 to 90 per cent U S. No. 1. washed. 1.80-2.00: unwashed 1.82*'2-85: Colorado Red Mc Clures. U S. No 1. few sales. 1.75-95: North Dakota Red River Valley section Cobblers. 75 to 90 per cent U. S. No. 1. 1.20-35: best. 1.30-35: unclassified. l.K); Bliss Triumphs 80 to 85 per cent U 8. No. 1. few sales. 1.25-30: Earlv Ohios. 85 per cent U 8. No. 1. 1.20: Wisconsin Katahdlns. U. 8 commercials. 1.30: new stock weak supplies moderate, demand verv slow; too few sales to establish a Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. Jan. 8 (Pi.—Paced by an upturn of nearly 1 cent In the pound sterling, the majority of European monies moved against the dollar today. The guilder and belga each advanced 0.2 of a cent, the French franc added .on*£ of a cent, while the Swiss franc was un changed. Foreign exchange men associated the advances with the British cabinet shake up which many experts said augured a decisive change in allied war policy. Late rates follow: Great Britain in dollars, others In centa. Great Britain, demand. 6.96: Great Brit ain. cables. 6.94: 60-day bills. 6.91: 90-day bills. 6.89: Canada. Montreal, in New York. 87 81*4: Canada. New York in Montreal. 114.00; Belgium. 16.76; Denmark. 19.66; Finland, 1.95n: France. 2.26*6: Germany. 40.26n: benevolent. 17.50: travel unquot ed: Greece. .76n: Hungary. 17 60; Italy. 5.05: Netherlands. 56.60: Norway. 22.76; Portugal. 6.65n: Rumania. 76n: 8weden. 26.86: Switzerland. 22.46: Yugoslavia. 2.65n: Argentina (official). 29.77: Argen tina tfree). 22.50: Brazil (official). 6.05: Brazil ifree). 5.10; Mexico. 16.85n: Japan. 26.49: Hong Kong. 24.56: Shanghai. 8.15. Rates in spot cables unless otherwise in dicated. n Nominal. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Jan. 8 up>.—National As sociation Securities Dealers, Inc.: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.i Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (Sr* (2.40) 35*. 3754 Bank of Man (.80a)_ 1854 18'/. Bank of N Y (14) _ 435 445 Bankers Tr (2) HO 82 Brooklyn Tr (♦) .. _ 78 83 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_104 107 Chase Nat (1.40) 37V. 39y, Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 50'/, 52'/, Commercial <8) _1H8 174 Cont Bk & Tr (.80)_ 1354 15'/, Corn Ex Bk * T (3)_ 50'* 6(iya Empire Tr (.60). 11'/, 12V. First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 46>* 481* First Natl (100) 1020 1000 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 205 300 Irvlnt Tr (.80) __ 12'* 13'.* Manufacturers Tr (2)_ 39V, 41'/. Manufaucturers Tr pf (2)_51*4 f.354 Natl City (1) _ 20V, 31 y. N Y Trust 15)_113 118 Public <1'*) _ 31 33 Title G & T_- 31* 4'* Paris Exchange Rates PARIS Jan. 8 —'The United Skates dollar closed unchanged at 43.80 francs (2.283 cents to the franc) in foreign ex change dealings today.' The rate com pared with the franc at 2.230 cents in New York over the week end. Exchange on London. 178 625. Three per cent rentes In the Bourse were 75 95 francs. 45*s "A." 84.10; 41*1, 1937. 225.00. I Piper Aircraft Nets Profit of $84,569 In Fiscal Year Sales of Light Planes Expected to Climb Further in 1940 B» the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Jan. 8.—Piper Air craft Corp., which manufacture! the light "cub” airplanes used bj many sportsmen and student flyers reported today net profit of $84,569 or 79 cents a common share, fbr thi fiscal year ended September 30. As the present company, whicl has its plant at Lock Haven, Pa. began its income account on No vember 14, 1937, no exact com parison of earnings is possible, bu’ the lO'/i-month period ended Sep tember 30, 1938, resulted in net in come of $14,031. W. T. Piper, president-treasure! of the company, reported to stock holders the delivery of 1,374 “cubs’ in the last fiscal year, compared with 631 in the previous 101/ months, and asserted that 60 pei cent of all light planes sold in th( first nine months of 1939 were “cubs.” “We estimate,” said Piper, “thai our 1940 production will be aboui 2.500 units—nearly double the pasi fiscal period. This is due to bettei general business conditions, in creased advertising, a stronger dis tributor organization and, above all new and improved models.” I---1 Washington Produce BUTTER—93 score, tubs. 33’*: 1-pound prints 34; 4-pound prims, 34‘a; 92 seme tubs. 32Vs: 1-pound prints. 33 >4-pound prints. 331 j; ill score, tubs. 32; I-pound prints. 32'a; '--pound prints. 33; 90 score, tubs 311'*: 1-pound prints. 32; *4-Pound prints. 3*>,a: 89 score, rubs. 31; i-round prints. 31 'a; '/♦-pound prints. 32'?: 88 score, tubs. 3(» 1-pound prints. 31; >4 pound prints 32. MEATS—Prices on mean unavailable today LIVESTOCK—Calves 11'a; lambs. 9 Other livestock prices unavailable on Mon day. From Agricultural Marketing 8ervice. Prices paid net f o b Washington EGGS -Market steady For egg* can died and graded In Washington Uanuary 8. 1940): Whites U 8 extras, large. 23; U. S. extras mediums. 20; U S stand ards large. 21: U. 8 standards mediums. 18; u. S trades. 10 For nearby ungraded egg* Current receipts whites, m to 20; mixed colors'. 17 to IK LIVE POULTRY—Market steadv Fowl: Colored, all sixes. 14 to 15: No 3s. K to 10; roosters. K to 9 Chickens Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers. a>l sixes 15 to 1« No. 2s. 10: Delaware Rocks and crosses, broil ers and frvers. all sixes. 14 to 15: No. 2s. 8 to 10; mixed colored fryers. 11 to 12. Tur keys. young toms. 15 pounds and up. 15: young hens. Jo pound* and up. 17 to 18 young guinea keats. i34 pounds and id Id a pound: old keats. Hi a pound Capons: rt poundv and over. 1M to 20. No. 2s and slips. lrt. Fruits and Vegetable*. Compiled by the Market News Section ol Agricultural Marketing Service Sales tc 8am on this morning's wholesale market in less tnan carlot cua mines: APPLES—Market steady. Truck receipt? very light. Bushel baskets and 1‘s-bushel boxes, Maryland. Pennsylvania and Vir ginia and West Virginia. U. S. No. 1. Stay mans. 212-inch minimum. 1.00-1.15: 2% inch minimum. 1.15-1.25: Grimes 2’4 inches minimum. 00-75; 2'j-lnch mini mum. 85-90: 2‘4-inch minimum.; Yorks. 2‘2-inch minimum. 75-85: 3\-inch minimum. 90-1.00 Delicious. 2‘4-inch min imum 90-1 00: 2!2-inch minimum, mostly around 1.25. Oolden Delicious. 2'2-inch minimum. 234-inch minimum. 1.15-1 25 Black Twigs. 2'2-inch minimum. 85-90; 334-tnch minimum l.oo-l in. Jona thans. 2'4-inch minimum. 05-75: 2‘2-inch minimum. 80-90; 2*4-inch minimum. 1.00 1.15. Bushel boxes and cartons. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia fancy. Stay mans. 113s-l 50a. 1.35-1.40; 04s-100s, 1.40-1 Oo; Delicious. 113s-103s. 1 35-1.50; 72s-lOOs. 1.50-1.75; Golden Delicious. 113s JH3s. 1.25-1.40, 88s-loos. 1.50-1.05; Para gons. all sizes. 1.25-1.50. POTATOES—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts very light, inn-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1, Maine. Green Mountains, size A. 2.15-2.25 Chippewas and Katahdms. 2-inch minimum. 2 25: New York, round whites. 1 85-1.90: Pennsylvania Katah dins. 2.25: Idaho. Russet Burbanks, mostly around 2.25: Florida bushel crates Bliss Triumphs. U S No. 1. 2.00. CABBAGE—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. 112-bushel hampers. Flor ida. domestic round type, freight receipts. 1.00: pointed tyDe. truck receipts, packed locally, small size 80-85: South Carolina, domestic round type, l.oo: truck receipts, packed locally. 75-85; New York, 50-pound sacks. Danish type. 75. CARROTS — Market steady. Bunched. California. L. A crates. 2.75 Texas, half lettuce crates. 1.25; Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, topped washed. 1.00. CAULIFLOWER—Market steady. Cali fornia. crates 1.75-2.00. CELERY—Market steady. Individually washed. Florida, standard and 10-inch crates 4-0 rio^en. 2 50-2.75. California. *2 crates. 3-8 do7en. 2.50-2.75. LETTUCE—Market steady. Arizona. L. A. crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen, 2.50 3.00. ONIONS—Market steady. 50-pound sacks. U. S. No. l. yellows. New York. 85; Ohio. 85-00: Sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger Colorado and Idaho. 1.10-1.15. PEAS—Market dull. Bushel hampers. California. Dole peas. 1.75-2.00: Florida. small-Dodded varieties, best, 1.25; fair condition. 1.15. Sweet Potatoes Steady. SWEET POTATOES—Market steady. Bushels. Maryland, baskets. Goldens. 7 5 85; Anne Arundel County, hampers Jer sey type and Puerto Ricans. 85-00. TOMATOES—Market steady Florida, mostly ordinary to fair condition, lug boxes green, ripes and turning wrapped. 0x0. best. 2.00-2 25; ordinary to fair condition. 73-1.50: repacked. 10-pound cartons 75-1.25. mostly l.oo. BROCCOLI—Market steady. Crates. Texas. 2.25: California. 2.50. STRAWBERRIES—Supplies insufficient to. quote. SNAP BEANS—Market steady Truck receipts light. Florida, bushel hampers, Bountlfuls. 1.25-1.50; Black Valentines. 2 25-2.40 PEPPERS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Florida. 1 ^-bushel crates. California Wonders 2.25: bushel ham peCSi } Texas- l'a-bushel crates. 2.25. LIMA BEANS—Market steady. Truck ieceipts very light Florida, bushel ham pers. 3 25 EGGPLANT—Market steady Florida. 1 Va-bushel crates, few best. 2.50; poorer. 1 00: bushel hampers. 1.75. SQUASH—Market steady Truck re ceipts very light. Florida, bushel hampers, white, wrapped. 1.25-1.50. fair rnnHi uon. ,n-i.wi. CUCUMBERS—Market steady. Supplies very light. Cuba, bushel crates, 3.00. KALE—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts light Virginia Norfolk section, bushel baskets 50-86. COLLARD8—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts light. Virginia Norfolk sec tion. bushel baskets. 5U-H0. E8CAROLE—Market steady. Truck re cepts very light Florida, 1'4-bushel hampers 1 00-1.25. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Florida, flat crates. 76-1.50. mostly 1.00-1.26. LIMES—Market steady. Florida, Vi boxes. Persians, 1.50-1.75. SPINACH—Market steady. Truck re ceipts light. Bushel baskets. Savoy type: Texas. 00-1.00: Virginia Norfolk section. 75-85. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. :i-pound baskets. 30-75; mostly 60-85. PARSNIPS — Pennsylvania. '4-bushel baskets, 40-50. RHUBARB—California, boxes. 1.00-1.10. ORANGES—Florida, boxes. 1.50-2.00. as to grade and size. GRAPEFRUIT—Florida. boxes. 1.50 3.00 as to grade and size: few special marks higher. TANGERINES—Florida. *s-bushel boxes. 1.00- 1.50. as to grade and size. LEMONS—California boxes. No. 1. 5.00- 5.50- No. 2, 4.00-4.50. CHESTNUTS—Portugal. 8 per pound. PERSIMMONS — California. 10-pound boxes. 1.00. PEARS—Oregon, boxes, D'Anjous. 2.00 2.50. KUMQUAT8—Florida. 5-8 per Quart, according to condition BEETS—Texas, one-half crates, 1.25. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 3.00-4.00. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—Market steady. California 25-pound drums, mostly around 2.00. Arrivals, Diversions and Track of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. APPLES—One Washington arrived; three unbroken cars on track. BROCCOLI—One California arrived; two unbroken cars on track. CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals; two bro ken and three unbroken cars on track. CARROTS—Two California arrived; three unbroken ears on track. CAULIFLOWER—No carlot arrivals; two broken cars on track. CELERY—No carlot arrivals; three bro ken cars on track. GRAPEFRUIT—Two Florida arrived: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. GRAPES—No carlot arrivals: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. LETTUCE—One Arizona arrived; one car diverted: live broken cars on track. ONIONS—One Michigan, one New York arrived: two broken and two unbroken cars on track. _ ORANGES—One California, two Florida arrived: five broken cars on track. PEPPERS—No carlot arrivals; one bro ken car on track. . _ . , POTATOES—One Idaho, one Florida, five Maine, one New York hrrived; one ear diverted: two broken and 10 unbroken cars on track. K NEW YORK CURB MARKET By private wire dlreet te The Star. Stock and Bales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlkh. Lew. 2:55. Aero Sup B .20g_. 9 6 5 5 Air Assoc t.tOl . 1 10% 10% 10% AleJower pf (<). 10a 93% 93% 93% Ala Power pf IT) 20s 104% 103% 104% Allied Prod (la). 160s 10% 10% 10% Alum Co Am(6g) 3150s 153 147 160 Alum Co pf (<) 100s 116 116% 116 Alum Ltd (4.25k) 200a 99 98 99 Alum Ltd pf 1.1). 100s 105 105 106 Am Beverage_ 2 1% 1% 1% Am Book (4) ._ 210s 42% 42 42 Am Centrifugal.. 2 % % % AmC PALt(A) ww 2.75 H_ 4 31% 31% 31% Am City PAL(B) 1 1% 1% 1% ' AmCynam A.tOa 30s 33 33 33 Am Cynam B.60a 10 33% 38% 33% Am A For P war. 1 A ft A Am Gas&K 1.6oa 7 39% 39% 39% ; Am G A El pf (6) 452Bsll4% 113% 113% Am General ... I 3% 3% 3% Am Gen pf (I)... 200s 25% 25% 25% Am inv(lll) 2.40. 25s 40% 40% 40%. Am L.tATrae 1.30 1 16 16 16 1 Am Maracaibo .. 1 U A U Am X’ot&C 4.75g_ 60s 88 88 88 Am Seal-K.ap.50g 1 6% 6% 5% ■ Am Superpower.. 2 % % % Am Suparpwr pf. 6 17 16% 17 Anchor Post F_ 1 1% 1% 1% Ark Nat Gas_ 7 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas A 11 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat G pf ,60d 6 7% 7% 7% Assoc GasAEl pt. 3 5% 6% 5% ' Atlas Corp war _ 1 % % % Atlas Drop Forg 1 3% 3% 3% Atlas Plyw’d 26g 1 15% 15% 16% Auto Vot M .60-.. 1 6% 6% 6% Avery A Sons_ 2 6% 6% 6% Aviation * Trans 94 4% 3% 3% Azton Fisher A.. 10s 49 49 49 Hancock A Wll... 1 21 21 21 , Baldwin Lo war.. 1 7% 7% 7% Bath Iron 19 lz% 12 12% Beau Brumrn .50g 1 5% 5% 6% Beecn Aircraft 2 7% 7% 7% nertanca Aircran 3 1% /% 7% Bell Aircraft __ 2 19% 19 19 Bell lei Can 18). 30*135 *135 135 Berk ft Cay Fur.. 1 ft ft ft BUs* iKW I _ 3 15 16 15 Blue Kldge ... 3 IS IV* IS Borne Scry 3.50g 750s 35% 33 35 Bowman-Blit_ 3 ft ="• % ft Brazilian 1 ft L_ 15 7% 7s 7S Breeze Corp .jug. 7 5% 5% 5% Brewsl Aero .2Ug 10 11% 11 11% Brill lA) 1 2% 2% 2% Brit-A T br ,868g 1 18% 18% 18% Brown Co pr ir). 100s 26% 26% 26% Brown For Dist.. 1 IS i% 1% Brown itubber .. 1 4% 41* 4% B N&EP pf 1.60.. 1 22% 22% 22% Bunker Hill ,75g. 5 14 14 14 Burry Biscuit .. 1 1% 1% 1% Can Col Airways. 11 7 6% 7 Can Marc Wire.. 10 ft ft ft Carnation (la)__. 2 39 39 39 Carnegie Met ... 2 % % % Caro Pfti. pf (7). 40s 103% 103 103 Carrier Corp . 7 14S 14'/* 14% Caialin Am 15g 1 3% 3% 3% Cellu'd 1st 3.dud 10s 71 71 71 Cent Isi Pwr pf 6 10s 96 98 98 Cent P ft L pi (71 60s 115 115 115 Cent ft Sown Util 1 % % % Cent Stales Elec 5 V* % V* 1 Cbesebro (4a) . 50s 113 113 113 Chi Hivet (.65gJ_ 1 9% 9% 9% Childs pf - 25s 22% 22% 2z% Cities Service... 2 4% 4 * 4% Cities Service pf 2 57% 67 51% Cit Ser P&L,pft7) 20s 97 96 97 City Auto St .30g 16 6 6 Clev Elec ill (2al 250s 45 45 45 Clev Tractor ... 1 5% o% 5% Colon Develop . 3 1% 1% 1% Col U ft E pi 16) 125s 70 68 70 ColumD cu ft Gas 10 2% 2% 2% : Cemwlth ft S war 1 ft ft ft Com P ft L. 1st pf 275s 43% 43% 43% Com'ly P S 2.16g 100s 34% 34 * 34 % Cons GftE ba 2.60 1 83 83 83 Consol Uas Util 1 IS 1% IS Consol Al&S (1*1 200s 39% 39 39% Cons ttetall Sirs. 1 3!* 3% 3% Cons Steel Corp.. 2 5% 5S 5% Cosden Peirolra 1 1!, 1% 1% Conti UftE prpf 7 170s 98 97% 97S Conti lloll & Stl 1 7% 7Vi 7% Cook l’aint ,60a . 50s 9% 9% 9% Creole Petm .5Ua o 21% 21% 21% Crown Drug .U5g 1 1% 1% 1% Decca .20e 14 7% 7% 7% 1 Det Cray irn .Ola 2 1% 1% 1% Det Mich Stove 3 IS IS IS lJe Vilbiss l3gl 10s 26% 26% 26** Diveo Twin 40g 1 7% 7% 7% j Durham Hos (B) 11 1 1 uuro-iest i zs z11* z s Duval. Texas Sul 3 7% 7% 7% Eagle Plcher.20g 2 12 11% 12 EaslnQas&F 1 3% 3% 3% Eastn G&8 6 pi 900s 22% 21% 22 E G&F prpf 4.50d 100s 48 48 48 Easy W(B).375g 2 4 4 4 Elec Bond ft Sh 51 8% 8% 8% Elec B & S pf <6 > 4 70 69% 70 Elec P&E 2d pf A 50s 19 19 19 Electro! vie _ 2 1% 1% 1% Emsco Derrick... 1 11 11 11 Equity Corp .. 5 % % % Equity ct pf (3). 75s 23% 23% 23% Esquire (.60) ... 2 4% 4% 4% Eureka P L (2).. 200s 23% 23% 23% Fairchild Av.40g 6 12 11% 11% Fanny Fai 1.50a 50s 23% 23% 23% Fedders Alfg.6og 3 7 7 7 Fire As Phila 2a 20s 68% 68% 68% Fisk Kubber 31 15 14% 14% Fisk Hub pf (6) 100s 107 107 107 Fla P&L pf 1.75k 150s 102 102% 103 Ford (Can) A (1) 7 17 16% 16% Ford Ltd (.16*) 1 2% 2% 2% Fruehauf Tra( 1) 3 28V* 2814 28% Gen Fireprf 1.20g 1 14 14 14 Gen invest . 1 ft ft ft Gen\VG&E.40a 1 9% 9% 9% Ga Power pf I6i 50* 101 100% 101 Glen Alden C .25g 8 7% 7% 7% G A & P nv 7.60g 50s 113 113 113 Grt jNo Pap (2a) 100s 46 45% 46 Grum'n Air l.Oag 5 16% 16 16 Gulf Oil of Pail i 1 39% 39% 39% Hat Corp B 1.10g 1 6% 614 6% Hazeltine 3.50g . 1 28 28 28 Hecla Min (.35g). 35 7Vi 6V4 7% Heyden Ch 1.60a. 3 76 75% 76 Horn* Hard (2) 325s 34% 34V* 34% Humble Oil(2.50) 7 67 67 67 Hygrade Food 2 2% 2% 2% Hygrade Sy <2g) 100s 29% 29% 29% 111-la Power pr . 7 26% 25% 26% 111-la Pwr div ct- 3 6 6 6 Imp Oil Did .60a- 1 12% 12% 12% lnd Svc 6* pf_ 40s 16 15V4 16 lnd P Ld( 6.60.. 20s 112% 112% 112% Indus Finan nf ll)0s 9% 9 9 Ins Co N Am Za . 50s 71'/t 71V* 7114 Int Hvdro El pf.. 2 15V* 14% 14S Int Metal Ltd A 50s 12 12 12 Int Pa&Pwr war. 1 2S 2S 2H Int Petrol 1.60a . 9 17*4 17S 17S Int Products 4 4*4 4*4 4*4 Int Util pr pf 3.50 100s 37 36 37 Int Vitamin 30g_ 2 3V* 314 314 Interst P Del pf 25s 5'4 51* 514 Iron Fire vto 1.20 100s 17 17 17 Jacobs Co 1 2*4 2*4 2*4 JerCFALpf (6). 10« 97 97 97 Jonss 44 Lau Stl 3 34*4 341, 34*4 Kennedy's' (,65e). 3 7 6S 7 Kingst'n P(.10g). 1 114 114 114 Kleinert (lg) . .. 1 1014 101, 1014 Kreuger Br.l25g 8 614 614 614 Lake Shore M (3) 5 2414 24*, 2414 Lakey Fdry A M 6 4l> 41* 414 Leonard Oil 2 A fc A Le Tourneau (1) 1 351, 3514 351, Line Mater’l ,50g 100s 10 10 10 Locke Steel 1.20 50s 13*4 13*4 13*4 Lone Star.70g .. 15 10V* 10 10 Long Island Ltg 23 IS IS IS Long laid Ltg pf 50s 431, 431, 4314 Long Ikl Ltg pf B 150s 4214 42 42 Laoudon Packing 2 IS IS 1*4 La Land & E 3og 1 5S 6S 5H Lucky Tiger .02 g 1 14 1, 14 Mo Wlllma Dtedg 1 914 914 914 Majestic Radio . 3 S S S Manatl 8ug war. 1 74 74 14 Margay Oil (1).. 1 101, 1014 1014 Mead John (*a). 100* 163 160 160 Meaabi Iron ... 2 *4 *« S Micb Bumber .. 1 H S V, Mid St Pet B .10e 2 « A ft Midland Steel (2) 100s 18 18 18 Midvale Co 6.50g 25*112 112 112 Minn MAM 2.40g 100s 58V* 5814 58V* Molybdenum 11 7 6** 614 Mount City C.15g 4 4V« 414 4V* Mount Prod(.60). 2 6*» 5*4 5*4 Nat City Lpf (2) 100s 47 47 47 NatlCont (.40g). 14 1114 1114 1114 NatFualGasU) 3 12V* 1214 1214 Nat Oil P 1.85g . 1 43S 43*« 43*1 Nat PA Lpf <l) 275s 97S 96S 96S Nat Transit ,i5g. 1 9*4 »S 9*4 Navarro Oil .40a. 2 12** 121, 1214 Nehi Corp (2a) 1 67S 67*4 67S N EP As pf 1.50k 125s 75 74 75 N J Zinc (2a) 150s 6314 63V* 6314 Newmont (3.50g) 6 72 72 72 NTPALtpf ill 10(11814 11814 11814 NT Shlpbld fd sb 1 13 13 13 N T Water Bvc pf 190s 281* 2714 2814 l Nlag Hudson Pwi 86 6V4 614 614 i Stock and Salta— Dividend Rate. Add 00 High. Low. Z:S5 Nlax Hud 1st (6) 60s 88 88 88 Nlag Hud Id (6). 80a 78 78 78 Nlag Hud B war.. 1 *4 44 , Niles-Bem-Pf lg) 1 67 67 67 Nlplssing M ,15g. 1 114 1'* 114 Nor Am LAP pf.. 200a 81 80 80 N A Ray A 2.50g_ 1 2614 2614 2614 Nor Ind FS pf 6d 70a 1024, 1011* 102*, NIPSpf(Td) .. 80a 111 110 111 North'n P L .30g. 2 714 714 7, North'n Sta Pi A) 2 14*, 14*4 144, Ohio Edia pf (6). 25a 1071% 1071* 1071% Ohio OH pf (6) 150* 98 * 981* 981* Okla Nat G pf(3) 100a 461* 461* 461* Pac Gas A Eleo 64%% pf 1.175 1 311* 311* 311* PacGas 6%pf 1.50 4 341* 34 34 PacFALt pf<7) 20s 92'. 91', 92'* Pant*D*c 011 12 5, 5, 514 P’k’b’g R A R.50g 2 10', 101* 10'4 Pender Gr A 3.60. 10s 44', 44, 44, Pennrosd (.log). 4 2, 2 21* Pa-Cent Airlines 3 12, 121* 12, Penn Salt <6g) .. 25s 173, 173, 173, Penn Sugar ,25g 100s 13** 13, 13% Penn WAP (4) 160s 71, 71 71 PharlsTAR 75g_ 6 8 8 8 Phoenix Secur. 70 8, 7** 8, Phoenix 8ecur pf 500s 38 37, 37'* Pioneer Gold .40 7 2 1, 1, Pltney-Bow ,40a. 6 8, 8 8 Pitts BALE 1.50. 25s 41, 41, 41, Pitts PI G1 <4g) . 2 102,102 102 Premier Gold .12. 12 1, 1 1, Pressed Metals.. I 9, 9, 9, Producers Corp 10 i k Provid Gas(.70g) l 8% 8% 8% Pub Sv Ind 16 pf 250s 49, 48, 48*« P S Ind 87 or pf 150s 93, 92** 92, Puget Sd P 16 pf 275s 84, 83, 84, Puget S'd P 16 of 2000i 29, 27 29 Puget Sd PAT. 4 13, 13, 13, Quaker Oats pf 6 30s 151, 151, 151, P.aym'd Concrete 150s 13 12 13 Raytheon Mfg _. 2 , , , Reeves <D) .60-.. 1 5, 5, 5, Reuublic Aviat'n 9 6 5, 5, Richmond Rad ..12 2 2 Root Petrolm pf. 2 7% 7% 7% Rustless Ir 25*.. 1 15% 15% 15% St Regie Paper_ 6 .3% 3% 3% Salt Dome Oil... 1 7%’ 7% 7% Sehiff Co (la) ... 1 12% 12% 12% Scovill Mfg 1.25* 3 30 30 30 Scullln Steel war 2 % % % Selberline Ru6 4 8% 8% 8% Shattuck-D 275* 1 6% 6% 6% Singer Mfg (6) 30« 155 155 155 Sonotone 1.15*) 1 1%, 1% 1% So Penn Oil l.EOa 9 44 43% 43% So Col Pwr (A) 3 2 2 2 South P D (..iOg). 1 5% 6% 5% Soulh'n UnOu.. 28 3 2% 2% So Un Gas pf A_ 45s 15% 15’, 15% Spalding 1st pf 60s 12% 12% 12% Sid CAS cvpf 1*0 100s 21% 21% 21% Stand Oil Ky(la) 9 20% 20% 20% Stand OH (O) la. 2 31% 31% 31% Stand Pwr & Dt.. 1 % % % Stand Prod 25*.. 2 9% 9% 9% Stand Silver-Ld. 2 % % '% Starrett vtc 26 1% 1% 1% Sterchi Bros .20* 2 4% 4% 4% Stroock&Colg 200s 10% 9% 9% Sunray Oil .10g._ 1 1% 1% 1% Taggart 3 5% 5% 5% Taylor (Ky) Dist 1 % % % Technicolor (lg) 13 15% 15% 15% Thew Shov 1.5Ug 300* 20% 20 20% Trans-Dux _ 1 1% 1% 1% Trl Conti war .. 2 % % % Tublze Chatlllon. 1 10% 10% 10% L'dylite (,125g) . 15 4% 4 4 Un Gas Can 80a 1 12% 12% 12% Unit Alrc t P .10g 4 6% 6% 6% Utd Cgr Wh Strs 11 Unit Corp war— 1 % % % Unit Gaa _ 10 2% 2% 2% Unit Gas war_ 3 % % % Unit Dt&Pwr (A) 15 1% 1% 1% Unit DtftPwr (B) 5 1% 1% 1% Unit Dt * Pwr pf 18 '38% 33 38% Unit Protlt Snar. 3 % % % Unit Sn M 2.boa 350* 81% 80% 81% Unit Sh M pf 1.50 20s 43% 43% 43% US Foil (B) *2 5% 5% 5% U S & 1 S pf (5d) 150* 62% 62% 62% U S Dines pf 2 3% 3% 3% US Plywood 4 21% 21% 21% U S Plyw pf 1.60 50* 28% 28% 28% Unlv Corp vtc 2 3 3 3 Utah-ldaho Sue 2 1% 1% 1% Ut PAD pf 1.17k 150* 66 65% 65% Utilitv ft ind pf 6 1% 1% 1% Valspar Corp 1 1% 1% 1% Va Pub Serv pf _ 30s 76 75 76 Walker Mining . 5 1% 1% 1% Wentworth .20* 2 1% 1% 1% Western Air fclxp 1 4% 4% 4% West Tab & S 2g . 50s 15% 15% 15% Willson Prod.Tog 75s 11% 11% 11% wolverine c o 4* 4‘j 44 Wolverine T .40g 3 7!* 7'j 71 a Wright Harg.40a 45 6'* 6'« 64 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies tStocks so marked arp fully listed on the Curb Exchange. All others are dealt in on an unlisted trading basis. Rates of divi dends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless other wise noted, special or extra dividends are not included xd Ex dividend. xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras d Accumu lated dividends paid last year, e Declared or Daid so far this year f Payable m stock g Paid last yeaf. h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends paid or oeclared this year, ur Under rule ww With war rants. xw Without warrants. war War rants. 7, Unit of trading less than 100 shares: sales are given in full. Joins Blyth Staff NEW YORK. Jan. 8 (Special).— Blyth & Co., Inc., announces that Robert B. Garman has become as sociated with the firm as sales rep resentative in its Philadelphia of fice. Mr. Garman has been asso ciated with the Philadelphia office of Salomon Bros. & Hutzler for the last 15 years. New York Produce NEW YORK. Jan. 8 <.■'!*».—Butter. 380. 904, firm. Creamery: Higher than extra. 31*4-32*4: extra <02 score). 31'*; firsts <88-01). 29*2-31: seconds <84->>?>. 27-29. Cheese 143.305 steady State whole milk flats, held 1938. 21-22: Junes. 193« 20: other fresh. 18-L8*'2. Eggs. 15.503: firm. Mixed colors. Fancy to extra fancy 22-23: standards. 21-"V firsts. 20*a: seconds. 10* »-JS mediums. 10: dirties No. 1. 10: average checks. 14 - 15*4 Refrigerator. fanc> and heavy weights. 17*2-20: standards. 17: firsts. 10*4: seconds 14^-15*4: mediums. 14 14*4: dirties. 13*4. Whites. Resale of premium marks. 25 27*4: nearby and Midwestern premium marks. 33-24*2: specials. 22*fe: standards, 22. Resale of nearby heavier mediums, 20*2-33. Nearby and Midwestern mediums, °ll- rtllllpfc IK Poptflc Pfiocl Inmhn ..rirl premiums. S.Vfe-.I.Il*: specials. 24-24 *'2: standards. 22‘a-’i.'l: mediums, 20-20,-2: pul lets. 1H \a -n\ . Refrigerator, nearby and Midwestern standards. lR-lS’a: firsts. 17 ir»/2. Browns: Nearby fancy lo extra fancy. 2234-2.‘J,2. Nearby and Midwestern spe cials. 22*/2* standards, 2*’; mediums, :*<>: pullets. lfiVi. Duck e*gs. 22-25. Foreign Markets LONDON Jan. 8 UP'.—The •'boom'' mar ket for gilt-edged securities continued to day. Heavy institutional and public buy ing combined with scarcity of offerings to force prices sharply higher Demand for Industrial leaders Increased as the ses sion wore on. but elsewher irregular price tndencies prvalled. Kaffirs moved uneven ly. base metals retreated fractionally, oils drifted duietly and home rails showed little change. PARIS—Bourse securities were ham mered lower all along the line today. Selling pressure was not especially sever but pries gave ground readily. Removal of Hoee-Belisha as British war secretary was believed to hint at an Important change In allied war policy. AMSTERDAM.—American shares leveled off in late Bourse dealings after slight early declines. Domestic equities were rslstant. Metal Market NEW YORK. Jan. 8 UPi.—Copper steady: electrolytic spot. 12.50: export f.a.s. New York. 12.50. Tin steady: spot and nearby. 47.27V2: forward. 4(5.00. Lead steady: spot. New York 5.50-55: East St. Louis. 5.25. Zinc steady: East St. Louis, spot and forward. 5.75. Pig iron No. 2. f.o b. Eastern Pennsylvania. 24.00: Buffalo, 2,2.00: Alabama IP.28. Aluminum, virgin. 00 per cent. 20.00. Antimony. Chinese spot 14.25. Quicksilver. 158.00 1(50.00 Platinum, pure. 40.00. Chinese wolframite, duty paid 22.00-24.00 nom. Domestic scheelite, 22.00, nom. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Jan. 8 (/Pi (United Slates Department of Agriculture).—Trade was very quiet on the Boston wool market to day. Buyers were making a few Inquiries to check upon supplies, and prices of wool offered, but they were doing very little buying. Quotations on domestic wools were unchanged as compared with last week. Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Jan. 8 MV—Crude rubber futures opened quiet, no sales Bids March, 19.05; May. 18.75; July. 18.46. i Steel Rate to Rise To 86.1 Per Cent In Current Week Institute Report Cites 5T.7 Per Cent Pace 1 Of Year Ago By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Jan. 8.—Steel mills in America will operate at 86.1 per cent of capacity this week, the American Iron and Steel Institute estimated today. This compared with 85.7 per cent in the preceding week and further broadens the recovery from the Christmas holiday lull of 73.7 per cent of capacity. A month ago output was at 91.2 per cent and a year ago at 51.7 per cent. CLEVELAND. Jan. 8 (/P).—Steel production the first week of 1940 re bounded near the peak reached just before the holidays lull. The magazine Steel reported today an operating rate of 86'a per cent of capacity for last week. The pre vious week dropped to 75 *2 per cent. The preceding peak was 9012 per cent. "Mills as a whole can see near capacity business for the full first quarter and in some cases for prac tically all the first half," Steel said. ‘'Buying is light at the moment. But consumers have not accumulated | heavy inventories and most tonnage shipped is going into use promptly. This promises steady buying." December pig iron production was a record for that month. Its 3.767.605 tons represented a gain of 1.27 per cent over the preceding month. : Little railroad inquiry is current, but distribution of orders was started by the Delaware & Hudson's request for 20 locomotives and Pennsylvania Railroad's requirement of 50.000 tons of rails. The scrap price composite dropped 8 cents to $17.50. continuing s steady decline from a high of $22.36 in October. The iron and steel com posite is off one cent to $37.09. Buffalo was the only district re porting decreased production last week. Its contraction of 7*2 points to 67 per cent was caused by repair work. Zinc Production Rises Sharply 1 In December By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 8.—Produc‘>n of zinc in the United States in D° I cember rose to 57.941 tons from 53.524 in November, the American Bureau of Metal Statistics reported \ today. These figures compare with 45.345 tons produced in December, 1938. Stock at the end of December to taled 65.995 tons, compared with 61.522 at the end of November and 126.769 at the end of December, 1938. Domestic shipments of zinc in. December were 53.468 tons com pared with 64,407 in November and 39.354 in December. 1938. Curb Bonds High. Low. 1 P M. Ala Power 4%s 67 1 id3, 10’.’% 163% 1 Ala Power 5s 46 A 107 107 lot i Am G A E .Vs 303' 106% 106% kh.% Am PAL 6s 3016 105’s 105% 105’, Appalach E P 4s 63 111 111 111 As El Ind 4%s 53 63% 63 63 As G A- E 5%s 17 34s, 34% 34% Bald Loco 6s 50 . 117 117 117 Birm El 4%s 6S !IS% 98% 38% Cent St El os 48 4 1 41 4 1 Cent St El 5%s 54 41% 41 41% Cen St PA*L 5%s 53 74% 74% 71% Chi M A- 111 4 %s 56 A J05% 105% 105% Cities Svc 5s 50 78% 78 78% Cities Svc 5s 66 80 8o 80 Cit S PA'L 5%s 53 id3* 31’a 33 Cit S P&L 5%s 10 03% 33% 33% Comun'ty P&L 5s 57 03% 33% 33% Cons G Util 6s 43 st 83 83 83 Cont G A E 5s 58 A 03% 33% 03% Cudahy Pkg 3%s 55 06% 36% 96% Del El Pw 5%s 59 105% 105% 1 (.!.">% Ea. i G A- F 4s 56 A 80% 79% 80% El Fw A- Lt OS 3030 83s, 83 8.1% Fla l’wr courn 4s 66._ 39 99 99 Florida P A- L 5s 54.. 104% 104% 104% Gen Pub Ut 6%$ 56 „ loo% 100% 10o% | Gen W W & E 5s 43 A 37 97 97 ; Georeia Pw 5s 67 . 106% 106% 106% Gobel Inc 4%s 41 A ... 74 74 74 i Hou Gulf G 6s 43 A _ 104% 104% 101% 111 Pw & Lt 5%s 57_ Oil’s 993s 99% 111 Pw A- l.r 6s 53 A 105% 105% 105’, : 111 Pw & L 5s 56 C_103% 103% Hi:.% ' Indiana Svc os 50 A.. 73 11% 73 i Indiana Ser 5s 63 A 7 1'* 71% 7 I % | Ind P A- L 1st 3’is 68.. 10(1% ]0!i% 109% Interst Pw 5s 5 7.. _ 67 66% 61 Ia-N L A- P os 57 A . 106% 106% 106% Jer C P & L os 47 B _ 10.3’, 103’, 103% Jei C P A- L 4%s 61 C 10.5% 105% 105% La Pw A- Lt 5s 57 _. 107% 107 107 Metropn] IT, 4s 65 O 109% ]09% 109% Mil G & E 4%s 67_lol 101 10] Minn P A- L 4%s 78_103% 103% 103% Miss Pow 5s 55 _lol 103s, 104 Miss Pw & L os 57_103% 103% 103’, l Mo Pub Svc 5s 60 .. 90 96 96 1 Nat P&L 6s 3036 A _ 1 1 1 % 1 1 I % 1 I 11 a Nat P A- L 5s 36.30 B 107 107 107 Nevad Cal El 5s 56 _ 79% 79 79% New E G & E 5s 50_ 09 s* 69 % 69% New E Pw os 48 _ 99% 99 99 New E Pw 5%s 54_loo’, ]oo% I0o% No Con U 5%s 4w :A__ 40 49 49 Pac P A: L 5s 55 9.5% 95% 95% Penn C LAP 4%s 77 10.3% 103% 103% Penn C P&L 3« 79 104 104 lot Penn Oh E 6s 50 A 109 109 109 Penn P Svc 6s 47 C Ini’, 107’, 101% Pa WaAP 4%s 68 B 163% 103’, 103% Peop GL&-C 4s HI D 98% 98% 98% Peop GL&-C 4s 81 B 97% 97% 97% Phila E! P 5%s 73 114 114 114 Portland G&-C 5s 40 mat 89% 89% 89% Po'omac E os 56 E los%]08% ins’. Pug Sd FAL 5s 50 Oil7, nn', pin; Pus Sd PAL 4'.-s 50 !t«>2 P.V PK'2 Shw WAP t'.-s 07 A fid7, p«7, Pfi7, S E PAL Os 7075 A 1 1 I >, 1 in7. 111', Sou Caro 5s 57 1 on' 4 ] him , Jm>> , Sou Ind P.v 4s 51 51', 51', 51', Std GasAEl Os 51 A 71'- 71 71 Sid GasAEl Os 00 B 71'; 70’; 71 Stand PwALt Os 57 . 70’, 70’, 70’, Starret Corn 5s 50 71', 71', 71', Texas Elec 5s on 104 '2 10414 104' a Tex Pw A L 5s 50 __ ins in7’, in7’. Tide Wat P 5s 70 A in.t' inn', ln.T, Twin C RT 5'is 57 A 04'2 04', 04'j Unit Lt&Pw fis 75 8fi'2 So', Rfi'2 Unit LtAPw (>' s 74 SS R7'i RR Unit LAR D 5'2s 57 P.l'i P3', p.7'i Unit LAR M fis 7:i A 87 Sl'2 87 Utah PAL 4'>s 44 ion inn inn Utah pal fis 7077 A inn'; inn'; inn'; Va Pub Ser fis 4fi inn’, inn’, ion’, York Rwy 5s 47 st PR PR RR FOREIGN. Maranhao Br 7s 58 II7, 111 ll7i Pied El fi'/2s fin A 45 45 45 Russian 5'is 71 mat '? 'i ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New st (stp)—Stamped. JNegotlabllity Impaired by maturity. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. Jan 8 Mb.—Although trading In principal textile markets at the outset of the week got oft to a slow start price, were firm. Worth Street selling agents for lead ing mills reported only routine business. The few sales made last week at '» cent a yard concessions were said to have been done virtually by one source and prices stiffened when this selling dis appeared. Turnover in rayon goods was moderate, with print cloths and pigment taffetas, as well as some types of rayon crepes, leading the demand at firm prices. Silk trading was restricted The weaving of silk for both dresses and undergarments continued to be sharply curtailed by the high raw prices in both foreign and domestic markets. Dealing in woolen goods also was at a slow oace. although demand for spot overcoatings continued. Freight Loadings NEW YORK. Jan. R MV—Revenu# freight carloadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended January 6 in cluded: Jan. fi. Pv. wk Yr ago. Balto. A Ohio „ 41.300 37.454 35.250 New York Sugar NEW YORK. Jan R Mb.—Sugar ftl turea No. 3 opened guiet no sales. Jan uary. l.ROb; March, l.nnb: May. 1.94b. July. 1.97b: September, 2.01b. b»d. ■ I