Newspaper Page Text
Sratlja BAXTLR. FRANK 8. Suddenly, on Monday. January 8. 1940. at his residence. 1212 6th st. n.e . FRANK S. BAXTER, be loved husband nf Mrs. Mary B. Baxter and father of Frank H.. John W . Frederick and Thomas P Baxter and Mrs. Doris Thrift. Funeral services at the Wm. H. Sardo & Co funeral rhaDrl 412 H st. n.e.. on Wednesday. January 10. at. 2 D.m. Serv ices private. Interment Rock Creek Cem etery. BERRES, ALBERT .1.. SR. On Sunday. January 7. 1940. ALBERT J. BERRES. Sr., beloved husband of the late Daisy Berres (nee Riley) and father of Albert J. Berres. jr. Funeral from the residence of his broth er Frank J Berres. 3212 17th st. n.e.. on Wednesday. January 10. at 0 a.m. Re quiem mas*: at St Joseph’s Church. 2nd and C sts. n.e.. at 9:30 a.m Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Chaillet, funeral services. • BIGGS. REV. CHARLES SHANNON, United States Army Reserve (retired chap lain). On Monday. January 8. ]040. at Veterans' Hospital. Rev. CHARLES S. BIGGS. »ced 72 years, beloved husband of Lena Steffev Biggs. Remains resting at the rhaDfl of P. A. Taltavull, 436 7th st. s.w Funeral from R.vland M F. Church. 10th • nd n s w. on Wednesday. January 10. at 1:30 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery BLACK. FLSIF.. On Saturday. January 6 1940. at her residence. 617 2nd st. s.w* . ELSIE BLACK, devoted daughter of Joseph and FHa Barnes, sister of Mrs. Maria Har vey. Mrs. Gracie Carter. Miss Ida Ander son Joseoh and Lindsay Barnes. Remains resting at hrr latr residence. Funeral Wednesday. January 10. at 1:30 P.m . from Fi^st Raptist Church. 6th and G s»s s.w Tntrrmmt Payne's cemetery. Arrangements hv John T. Rhinos & Co.. 3rd a»d Fvp pts, *.*• BLOCHER. ROBERT GARLAND. On Monday. January 8. 1940. at his residence. 6712 44th st n.w. ROBERT GARLAND BLOCHER. beloved husband of Ruth E Blocher <nee Kieoper) and father of Phyl lis Jane Rlocher. Services at the S. ^H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 9. at 7:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Gettysburg. Pa. 9 BOWMAN. MAUDE. On Sunday. Jan uary '. 1940 at her residence. 3215 Adams Mill road n.w . MAUDE BOWMAN, beloved widow of the late Charles A Bowman. She also is survived bv two grandsons. Charles A. and Frank RiDley. Remains res; me at Hysong's funeral home 1300 N st n.w.. whpre services will be held on Wednesday. January 3 0. at 2 pm Relatives and friends invited to at tend. Interment Abbev Mausoleum. BOYINGTON. JOE. On Sunday. Jan uai y •. ;•! III' rfNiucuti • ^ n.w.. JOE BOYINGTON. beloved nusbanci of Carrie Royington. father of Daisy Hay wood. Janie Harden. Georgetta Dickerson. Joseph, ir : Jerrv. Carrie and Ruth Boy ington son of Maria Presfer. He also leaves two brothers, four grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Remains resting at ihe W. Ernest Jarvis funeral Church 143*’ You «t n.w. Funeral Thursday January 11. at 1 :•*«{ pm . from the Goodwill Baptist Church. U st between loth and lHth sts. n.w . Rev. J T Finn officiating Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited I” FROWN. HORACE. Depaited this Me On Saturda\ January 0. 1940 HORACE BROWN devoted father of Dorothy Ram son. Helen Frazier. Joseph. Wilbur. Ran dolph and Frnest Brown; brother of Mary Marshall. Nelli, Jcnkin*. Lillian Jernagin. Edward and Walter Brown. He also leaves a host of grandchildren and other rela tives and friend*- Remains may oe viewed at. his late residence. 72 M st. s.e.. after 4 p.m. Tuesday. January 9 . 1 Funeral Wednesday. Januarv 10. at l.Jn p m from First S D A Church. «th and F sts n.e. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Arrangements by Eugene Ford. 1309 South Capitol st. 9 Bl'RKF. CATHERINE T. On Sunday. Januarv r. 194(1. CATHERINE T BURKE rnee Murphy), beloved mother of Miss Mary C . John M and M. Joseph Burke. Funeral from Chambers' funeral home. 517 ii*h st. «.e.. on Wednesday. January 19. at 9 39 a m thence to St. Dominic's Church where mass will be offered at 10 a m Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 9 DISNEY. ROSA DOBSON. On Monday January >* 1940. at the home of her daughter. Be&sie R. Lawson. 4135 Larcom lane Arlington. Va . ROSA DOBSON DIS NEY. tb« beloved wife of the late Irvin Porter Disney and mother of Bessie B. Lawson. Edward I.. Lindsay P. and Curtis I. Disnev. , . Remains resting af the t/Ce funeral home. 4th st and Mas* ave. n e . where services will he held on Wednesday January 10. at lem Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. (Baltimore and Norfolk papers, please copy ) DONCH. KATHARINE. On Sunday. Jan uary 7. 1949. a* her residence. 513 F st. n e . KATHARINE DONCH. beloved daugh ter of the iatp Fckhard an« Katharine Donch and sister of Mrs. Mary Dorncn. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st and Mas*, ave n.e.. w-here services will be held on Wednesday. January 10. at 11am Relatives and friends invited in terment Addison Chapeb Seat Pleasan„, Md. 9 FOREMAN. SAMVEL. On Monday. Jan uary * 1949. at hi* residence. Brinklnw. Md.. SAMUEL FORFMAN. beloved husband of Martha Foreman, father of Charles Foreman and Alma Mitchell. He also leaves a brother. Charles Foreman, also grandchildren and great-grandchildren Funeral Wednesday. Januarv 10. at .. p m . from Sharp Street Church Sandy Spring. Md.. Rev. J W. Dockett officiating. Arrangements by Snowden A Davis. GRAHAM. WILLIAM. On Monday. Jan uary H ]940. at hi* residence. 1209V? Wvlie st. nr. WILLIAM GRAHAM, hus band, Of Ella M. Graham fnee Snowden), father of Ella May Graham He also leaves two sisters. Fdith Graham and Helen Martin: one nenhew. James Wilson: one brother-in-law. Rev. J G. Martin, and other relatives end friend*. Notice of funeral later. Services by Prewart'.* funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. In HANNA. BENJAMIN J. On Sunday. January 7. 1040. BENJAMIN J. HANNA, husband of Anna L. Hanna Funeral from his late home. #30 Law rence st. n.e.. on Wednesday. January 10. at 8:30 a m Requiem mass at St. An thony's Church at 0 a m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Services by Chambers Riverdale funeral home. 0 HARRIS. I.ENA SONDHEIMF.R. On Mondav. January 8. 1040. in Baltimore. Md.. t en A SONDHETMER. beloved W ife »i the ’ate WiUiam Harris. Funeral from Sondheim Home. 100.. Eutaw nlace Baltimore. Md . on Wednes day January 10. at 10 a.m. Interment Washington Hebrew Cemetery at 12 noon. HARRIS. JF.NINIF BURRS. Suddenly, on Sunday. January 7. 1040. at her resi dence. 183? 1. st n.w*.. JENTNIE BURRS HARRIS, beloved mother of Margaret Smith sister of John and Louis Burrs, morher-in-law of John Smith and sister in-law of Mrs Myrtle Burrs. Sh*» also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. January 10. at 1:30 cm from Boyd's funeral home. 1S40 L ct. n.w HARTMAN. ADA L. On Sunday. Jan uary 7. 1040 at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home. ADA L. HARTMAN. Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 I4*h st. n w.. on Wednesday. January 10 at 1 p.m. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. o HASLUP. LOUISE GERTRUDE. On Monday. January 8. 1040. LOUISE GER TRUDE HASLUP ‘nee Baldwin!, aged 41. beloved wife of Fmorv P. Haslup. Funeral services at Centenary Me’hodist Episcopal Church. Laurel. Md . on Wednes day January in. at ° .30 n.m Interment National Capital Memorial Park Cemetery. HEDENSTIERNA. CARRIE. On Tuesday January 0 1040. at Siblev Memorial Hos pital. CARRTF HFDFNSTTFRNA. beloved wif« of A WilHam Hedenstierna (Haden) of T anham. Md Notice of funeral later. HENRY. FI LA R. Suddenly. Sunday. January 7. 1040. a‘ her residence. 220 Elm st. nw ELLA R. HENRY, beloved mother of Chandler W. Chinn and Dorothy B. Henry She also is survived by a sister. Mrs Mamie Clements: a brother. James Whitlow*, and many other relatives and friends Remains may be viewed after noon Wednesday. January JP. Funeral services at hpr la‘e resid nice Thursday. January n. at 2 n.m. Inter ment H?rmonv Cemetery. Arrangements br McGuire. 10 HENSON. HENRY. On Mondav. Jan uary 8 1040 at. Gallinacr Hospital. HENRY HFNSON of 120 Virginia ave. s.w.. beloved husband of Mrs. Laura Henson. He also leaves one sister. Mrs. Sadie Pat terson; one brother. Robert Henson, and other relative* and friends. Remains resting a* the Morris A Carter & Co. fu neral home. *'nd and F sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. HERRMANN. CHARLES F. On Monday. January «. 1040. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. CHARLES F HERRMANN, beloved husband of Marie W. Herrmann ‘nee We in) of 2100 4 th st. n.e. Services at the T Frank Murrav funeral home. 741 11th st s e . on Thursday. Jan uary 11. a’ 2:30 n m. Relative* and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. great beyond on Monday. January S. 1040. GERTRUDE HOf.MFS. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted sister. Mrs. Fannie Harried: one brother-in-law, George Har ried. and a host of other relatives and friends . ,, . , Funeral Thursday. January 11. at 1 pm. from the George F Clarke funeral parlor. 14 10 Florida ave. n.e . Rev. Whit ing officiating. If>* JACKSON. LORAINE. Departed this life on Saturday. January 0. 1040. at Cas ualty Hosoital after a brief illness, LOR AINE JACKSON, beloved daughter of Eleanor Nelson and Charles Young, sister of Novntor. William. Peter. Horace. Mel vin Clyde Harold Cordova. Aviator end Estoria Nelson She also is survived by s host of other relatives and friends Re mains resring at the Langston funeral home. "304 Georgia ave. n.w. Funeral services will be held at the Tenth Street Bantlst Church Thursday. January 11. at 1:30 n m . Rev. J. L. Henry officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. TUNEKAL DIRECTORS. V7L7SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connecteo with the original W R Sneare eatabliahment 1009 H St. N.W. <tiationa|D(M»f J. William Lee’s Sons Co. WUNERA1 DIRECTORS Crematorium MR art Maas. Aee^N.E. Unewte BMO Sfatlfa JOHANSON. RALPH E. On Monday, January 8, 1949. at hla residence. 81# 8. Lincoln at.. Arlington. Vg„ RALPH E. JOHANSON. beloved husband of Helen L. Johanson. Remains resting at the Tves funeral home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va., where funeral services will be held Wednes day, January 10. at. 1 p.m. 0 JOHANSON. RALPH F. A special com munication of Columbia Lodge. No. 286, A. F. A A. M . Arlington. Va.. is called for 12:15 o.m Wednesday. January 10. 1940. for the purpose of conducting Masonic rites at the funeral of our late brother. RALPH F. JOHANSON. By order of H. B. COLE. Master. JOHNSON. GEORGIA. On Saturday. January 0, 1040. at Emergency Hospital. GEORGIA J0HN80N. mother of Rosa Wil liams. sister of Louisa Jenkins. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home, 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 10 JOHNSON, RAV. On Saturday. January fl. 1940, RAY JOHNSON of 1628 O st. n.w., son of William A. and the late Besale John son and brother of Mrs. Bernice Oalnea. William A. Johnson. Jr., and Mrs Floyd Allen. Surviving also are other relatives and friends Remains resting at the Mc Guire funeral home Notice of funeral later. KEHOE, SUSAN E. On Sunday, Jan uary 7. 104n. at her residence. 1439 Clifton st. n w„ SUSAN E KEHOE, beloved wife of the late Edtvard T Kehoe and mother of Edward T. Kehoe. Jr.: Mrs Susan B Rein burg. James F. and William A. Kehoe. Services at the above residence on Wed nesday. Janunrv 10. a* 8:30 a m Mass at. St. Paul’s Catholic Church. 16th and V sts. n.w.. at it a m Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount. Olivet Cemetery. Services bv Chambers’. 9 KEITH. HATTIE. On Saturday. Jan uary H. 1040 HATTTF KEITH sister of *rank and Harry Marshall. She also Is survived bv several pieces, nephews and other relatives mil friends Funeral from the Malvap * Schey fu neral home. V J, ave. and R st. n.w.. Wednesday. January 10. at 8:30 a m., fol lowed bv mass at Holy Redeemer Church at 9 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. • KELLEY. DANIEL. On Monday. Jan uary 8. 1940. at his residence, 324 L st. s.e.. DANIEL KELLEY, beloved husband of Mamie Kelley. loving father of Oscar. Jo seph and Walter Kelley brother of Grant and .John KHl*v. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains at the John T Rhtnes Ar. Co. funeral chanel. 3rd and Eye sts. s w Notice of funeral later. LIPPHARD. LAURA V. On Sunday January 7. 1949. LAURA V LIPPHARD Inee Pfell). beloved wife of William C. Lipphard and mother of Helen May and ! William C. Lipphard. fr. Funeral from her sister’s residence. Mrs. Arthur A Lipphard 1238 llth st. se. on I Wednesday January 111. at " p m Rela [ lives and friends invited. Interment Rock LOCKARD. THOMAS F. On Monday. January 8. 1940. THOMAS E. LOCKARD husband of A1 lie T. Lockard and father of Mrs. Glennye L. Thompson. Lloyd Lockard and Willard Lockard. Remains resting at Chambers’ funeral horn#*. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Services at Fort Myer Chapel. Fort Myer. Va.. on Thursday. January 11. at 11:30 a m. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 10 MAHONEY, MARY 3. On Thesdav. Jan uary 9. 1940. at her residence. 3837 Ches apeake st. n.w . MARY J MAHONEY, wife of the late Frank Mahoney, mother of James Mahonev. She also leaves to mourn their loss one grandson. Norman Brown: three nieces, four nephews, other relatives and friends Remains resting at Eugene Ford’s funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st. Notice of funeral later. MCDONALD. RFV. RODIF A. On Sat urday. January 0. 1949. at 9 D.m.. Rev BRODIE A. MCDONALD, devoted uncle of Mr. O. W. McDonald Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co funeral chaDel. 3rd and Eyp sts. s.w., where funeral services will be held Wednes day. Januarv 10. at 11 am. Rev. A J. Edwards officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Me WAIN, JOHN. Suddenly, on Monday. January 8. 1940. at hi* residence. 400 4th st s.e.. JOHN McWATN. friend of Mrs. Lena A Williams. Remains resting at the Morris A. Carter A Co. funeral home, 2nd and f sr«. * w Notice of funeral later. METCALF. WILLIAM P. On Monday. Januarv 8. 1940. at Emergency Hospital. WILLIAM P METCALF of 1122 l«th st. n w. Friends are invited to call Gawler's. 17n6 Pn nve. n.w Services wiij be he’d at Gawler’s chapel. 1a30 Pa ave. n.w., on Thursday January 11 at 3 30 p.m. Interment Columbus, Ohio. jO MILEY. JESSIE MAE. On Sunday. Jan uary 7. 1940 JESSIE MAE MILEY. be loved wife of Thomas Miley mother of Griv Mtlev, daughter of Jessie Jennings, sister of Ethel Fulmer, Griv Leslie an(t PhilliD Jennings She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Thursday. January 11. at 1:30 pm from the 8alem Baptist Church. N st. between 9th and 10th sts. n.w.. Rev. R D Grymes officiating. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 10 MONTAGUE. AMELIA ft. On Monday. January 8. 1940 at 6:20 o m.. at her resi dence. 1326 T st n-W.. AMELIA B. MON TAGUE Piprr). beloved wife of the late William D. Montague and mother of Mrs Aiexzme Montague Cobb. She is survived also by her grandson. Dr W. Montague Cobb, and great-granddaughters, Caroline and Amelia Cobb. Funeral Thursday. January 11. at 1 P.m.. from her late residence. Interment Harmony Cemetery. (New Bedford. Mass . and Oakland. Calif., papers please copy.) 10 MUCH. GEORGE W. On Sunday, Jan uary 7. 1940. at his residence. 427 N. Fill more st.. Arlington. Va., GEORGE W. MUCH, beloved husband of Emma Virginia Much and father of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lindane and George W. Much. He also is survived by two brothers. Robert L. and James H. Much, and thre* sisters. Mrs. Ada Johnson. Mrs. Nellie Taylor end Mrs. Mamie Wakefield. Remains resting at his late residence | until Wednesday. January 10. at 1:15 p.m.: thence to the Annandale Methodist Church. Annandale. Va.. where funeral services will be held at 2 n m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery 9 ntLLitA3. ninnii- r.. on Monday. January R. 1940. near Damascus. Md., MINNIE E. MULLICAN. formerly cf Rock ville. Md Funeral services (private) at the Co lonial funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pum phrey. Rockville. Md.. on Wednesday. Jan uary 10. at ii a m.. Interment Private. Kindly omit flowers. NEWLON. F.THFL, On Monday. Jan uary 8. 1940. at Charlottesville. Va.. ETHEL NEWLON of 1805 N. Monroe st.. Arlington. Va.. beloved wife of Lynn B. Newlon and mother of Elmore L. Newlon. She also i# survived by her mother. Mrs. Sallie Lewis Fields: one brother. Percv L. Fields, and two sisters. Mrs. Thelma Met calfe and Mrs Aivertn Chaires. Remains resting at the Ives trneral home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. where funeral services will be held Thurs day. January 11. at 2 pm Interment Oakwood Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. 9 PIMBLE. HENRY. On Saturday. Jan uary 8. 1940. HENRY PTMBLE. beloved brother of Rancho. Lemuel and Gabriel Pimble and Martha Wilkins and father of Henry and Edward Pimble Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1492 You st. n.w.. where funeral services will be held Tuesday. Jan uary 9. at 5-90 p.m.. Rev. j. T. Harvey officiating Friends invited. Interment Orangeburg. 8. C. 9 POSS, ALTA VI AN A. On Monday. Jan uary 8. 1940. ALTA VIANA POSS. the beloved wife of Ruben V. Poss and mother of Ruben V. Poss. ir ; daughter of John A. and the late Louella M. Allen: niece of Etta Kelso: cousin of Flora M. Maloney. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s e.. on Wednesday. January 10, at 2 p.m. Relative* and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. • QUICK LEV. HATTIE. Departed this life on Saturday. January 8. 1040. at her residence. T64 Park road n.w.*. HATTIE QUICKLEY Sh* leaves to mourn their loss two sisters. Mrs. Alice Blackron and Mrs. Lena Robinson: one brother. John W. Jackson: two niece#, two nephews, one sister-in-law. one brother-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. January 10. at 1 p.m.. from t.h»» Rible Wav Church, New Jersey ave between L and M sts. n.w.. Rev. S. F. Williams officiating. The remains can be seen at William T. and Ruth B. Tol bert funeral home. 3 908 8th st. n.w. In terment. in Pavne’s Cpmeterv. • ROTHWELL. DANIEL. On Tuesday, January 9. 1940. DANIEL ROTHWELL, beloved husband of the late Matilda J. Rothwell and father of Richard R.. Frank lin E. and Robert D. Rothwell. Mrs. Min nie Thompson and Mrs. Bessie L. Payne. Funeral from thp W. W. Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w . on Friday. January 12. at. n p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 11 SMITH, SAMUEL KING. On Monday. January 8. 1940. at his residence. 2400 16th st. n.w.. SAMUEL KING SMITH. He is survived by his wife and daughter. Funeral services at Christ Church. Greenville. 8 C.. on Wednesday. January 10, at. :t pm. SPRANSY. GEORGE. On Sunday. Jan uary T 1040. at. Durham. N. C.. GEORGE SPRANSY beloved husband of the late Estelle Spransy and father of Joseph W. and Brower C Spransy. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.e., where services will be held on Wednesday. January 10. at 2:30 p m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. # SPRANSY, GEORGE. Members of the Association of Oldest Inhabitants are re quested to attpnd the funeral of our late associate. GEORGE SPRANSY. from Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., on Wednesday. January 10. 1940. at 2:30 p.m THEODORE W. NOYES. President. JOHN B. DICKMAN. Sr.. Secretary. SPRANSY, GEORGE. A special com munication of Lebanon Lodge. No. 7. F A, A M . is hereby called for Wednesday, January 10. 1040. at 1:45 P.m.. at the Masonic Temple, to conduct Masonic serv ices at the funeral of our late brother GEORGE SPRANSY. EDWARD L. PAYNE. Master. STERLING. JOSEPHINE CAROLINE. Or Sunday. January 7, 1940. at her resi dence. 131.3 N. Herndon st.. Arlington. Va. JOSEPHINE CAROLINE STERLING (net Raley), beloved wife of the late Charlei E. Sterling and mother of Mrs. Edni Sterling ross. Josephine. Charles ant Holmes Sterling. Funeral will be held from the abovt residence on Wednesday January 10, at I a m Requiem mass at St Charles’ Church Arlington. Va. at 9:30 a.m. Intermen Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives ant friends invited, • J.C.W. Beckham Dies; Former Kentucky Governor, Senator Veteran Political Leader III Since Stroke of Paralysis in August By the Associated Press. LOUISVILLE, Ky„ Jan. 8.—J. C. W. Beckham, 71, former Democratic Governor of Kentucky and United States Senator, died here early today. Mr. Beckham, then Lieutenant Governor, became Governor in 1900 after the assassination of William Goebel. The veteran political leader and lawyer, ill since a stroke of paralysis last August, was a leading figure in Kentucky political history nearly a half century, beginning with his elec tion over his own protests as a State representative when he was 24. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1914 and served one term. In recent years he tried in vain to win election again for both the gov ernorship and the Senate. His most recent office was that of chairman of the State Public Service Commission. Mr. Beckham actively supported Gov. (now Senator) A. B. Chandler in 1938 in his unsuccessful effort to win the senatorial nomination from Senate Majority Leader Barkley, backed by President Roosevelt. Mr. Chandler went to the Senate last fall to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Logan, also , a Democrat. v_iu v. \jucuci waa aaaa^umtcu ui January, 1900, while en route to a joint legislative session while he and the Republican nominee, W. S. Taylor, both were claiming election. His slayer never was identified. Mr. Taylor assumed office armed with a certificate of election which Mr. Goebel refused to recognize. The Legislature declared Mr. Goebel elected. Frankfort, the State capital, was an armed camp for six months. Mr. Beckham, declared Gov ernor by the Legislature after Mr. Goebel’s death, set up office in a hotel. Mr. Taylor stayed in the capitol. Both were surrounded by troops. In May, Mr. Taylor left office after the United States Supreme Court ruled the Legislature acted within its rights in ousting him. Spates ST. GERMAIN. HORACE L. On Mon day. January 8. 194fl. at Naval Hospital. HORACE L. ST GERMAIN. husband of Lola Mary 8t. Germain. Remains restint at. Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w . until 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. Jan uary 10. Services at Western Presbyterian Church. 1900 H st n w.. at 2 p.m. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. THOMAS. ELIZABETH B. On Sunday. January 7. 1940. at her residence. 1713 S at. n.w., ELIZABETH B. THOMAS Funeral from her late residence on Wednesday. January in. at ? p.m. Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Ar rangements by McGuire. TREVEY. FLORENCE V. On Monday. January 8. 1940 at her home. Travllah, Md. FLORENCE V. TREVEY. in her 82d year, beloved wife of the late Dr. J. C. Trevey Funeral services at the Colonial fu neral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrev. Rockville. Md.. Wednesday. January TO. at 2 p.m. Interment Darnestown, Md. 9 TYLER. HENRY. Departed this life Sunday. January 7, 1940. at his residence. 1730 Vermont, ave. n.w . after a brief ill ness, HENRY TYLER. He leaves to mourn their loss three sons. William. Walter and Harrison Tvter: two daughters. Mrs. Ella Dorsey and Mrs. Josephine Martin: twenty two grandchildren and a host of great grandchildren: one devoted daughter-in law. Mrs. Elsie Tyler, and one son-in-law. Wesley Martin, and a host of other rela tives and friends Remains resting at Rollin's funeral home. 4339 Hunt place n.e. Funeral Wednesday. January 10. at 1:30 p.m.. from Emanuel Baptist Church. Gar field. n c. Rev o. o. Wing officiating, interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. WHITE, WILLIE. On Monday, January 8. 1940. in Philadelphia. Pa.. WILLIE WHITE, husband of Mrs Helen White of 1622 9th st. n.w . Apt. 1. Arrangements bv Allen k Morrow funeral home. 1326 V at. n.w. YOIJNG. ARTHUR G. On Saturday, January 6. 1940. ARTHUR O. YOUNG. He is survived by hla wife. Mildred Yount: a brother-in-law and a sister-in-law and one brother. Funeral services Wednesday. January 10. at 2 om., from the Robinson & Co. funeral home. 1342 4th st. n.w. Friends mav view remains after 6 p.m. Tuesday. January 9. at. the above-named funeral home. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. in ittrmnriant BAKER, LUVENIA. Tn memory of my dear wife. LUVENIA BAKER, who passed away three years ago today. January 9. 19,37. Let me think of her today. Sleeping, resting, lost away: Resting where no shadows fall. In perfect peace she awaits os all. HUSBAND. JAMES W. BAKER. * BAKER. LUVENIA. Tn memory of my devoted mother. LUVENIA fVENIE' BAKER, who departed this life three years ago today January 9. 1937. Sad today is my troubled heart. My eyes are dim with tears: For death has robbed me of the one I thought, was mine for years. They say time heals a broken heart. Rut. oh. it. seems untrue: Because three years my heart has ached. Mother, dear, for you. SON, RUSSELL. • BAKER. LUVENIA AND JAMES A. In memory of my dear brother. JAMES A. BAKER, who departed this life one year ago. January 4. 1939. and m.v dear, de voted mother. LUVENIA BAKER, who passed away three years ago, January 9, 1937. Till memory fades and life departs, You'll live forever in my heart: Time takes away the grief. But memory turns back every leaf. DAISY V. WIOHTMAN. • CHISLEV, JAMES E. In loving memory of our dear husband and father. JAMES E. CHISLEY. who departed this life nine teen years ago. January 9. 1921. Loved In life, remembered tn death. LOVING WIFE AND DAUGHTER. * • CLARK, FRANCES I. Tn loving memory of our dear mother and wife. FRANCES 1. CLARK, who departed this life ten years ago today, January 9, 1930. THE FAMILY. • MUSE. MARY CATHERINE. In sacred memory of our devoted mother and grand mother. MARY CATHERINE MUSE, who was taken from us eight years ago yester day. Jannary S. 1932. Loving memories will always be sealed within our hearts for thee. _ DAUGHTER. CATHERINE V. M 8M1TH; SON-IN-LAW AND GRANDCHILDREN. • O’CONNELL, JEREMIAH. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear father. JEREMIAH O'CONNELL, who died seven years ago today. January 9, 1933. May his soul rest in peace. THE FAMILY. • SMITHSON. LYDIA A. Tn "ad but lov ing memory of our dear wife and mother. LYDIA A. SMITHSON, who departed this life two years ago today. January 9 1938. Father, in Thy gracious keeping. We have left our loved one sleeping. HUSBAND AND FAMILY. SNYDER. ALBERT FRANKLIN. In mem ory of my dear son, ALBERT FRANKLIN SNYDER, who departed this life eight years (go. January 9. 1932. Gone i« the face we loved so dear. 8ilent Is thd voice we loved to hear: Too far awav for sight or speech. But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him who once was here And who, though absent, la lust as dear. MOTHER AND FAMILY. • ■ TAW rVITOrm Tn lnvln> mamAP* of ELIZABETH STONE, who departed this life January n. 10.17. Nothing but memories aa we Journey on. Longing for a smile from a loved one gone; None knows the depth of our deep regrets, But we remember when others forget, HUSBAND AND DAUGHTER. * WEBB, CARRIE V. In memory of my dear mother. CARRIE V. WEBB, vho de parted this life seventeen years ago today, January o. 102.1. • She left loving memories In my heart to stay. To eomfort and sustain me Upon life's wav. LOVING DAUGHTER, ROSA J. TAYLOR. • WEBB. CARRIE V. In memory of our beloved aunt. CARRIE V. WEBB, who de parted this life seventeen vears ago today, January B. 1021. Your tired hands are now at rest, Your voice is forever stilled; As a devoted aunt, vou were the beat And your Place can never be filled. 1 DEVOTED NIECES. BLANCHE U. WILSON AND MAMH l HAWRINS. • Citizens' Association Told Playground Fight Won Several years of effort by the Congress Heights Progressive Citi zens’ Association for a playground have been rewarded by success, members of the association were told by Dr. Edward E. Richardson at meeting last night. Dr. Richardson said four acres on Alabama avenue between Randel place and Seventh street S.E. had been approved as the site and that "work probably would begin in the early spring." Claiming that the District ruling which declares participants in high school sports ineligible for other teams outside the school is “unfair," Milton I. Lewis, guest speaker of the evening, argued that there is no necessity for such ruling, and it should be changed. An example given by Mr. Lewis was the case of the American Legion junior base ball teams, which, he said, are not allowed to use players who wish to be members of the school team. His appeal was for citizens’ associations to join in an attempt to bring about a new ruling. Lt. John W. McGinness of No. 11 police precinct told the association that although four streets have been designated for sledding, there are. not enough policemen in the pre cinct to allow for the maximum protection that is required by law and so must refrain from roping off all these sections. This problem may be solved by the loaning of private or public owned property where uniformed protection will not be obligatory, he said. Objectives for the coming meet ings were outlined as follows: A branch bank, establishing of a branch horary, a new post office, the paving of Fifth and Tenth streets S.E. and the building of South Capi tol Street Bridge. The meeting was held in the Con gress Heights School. \ Survey of Water Front Backed by Association Members of the I^ark View Citi zens 'Association last night indorsed a motion by Fred S. Walker that the Federation of Citizens’ Association support the Board of Trade s plan for a survey of the waterfront of the District of Columbia. Mr. Walker sated that the survey would embrace the entire water front and would offer a permanent plan for commercializing certain areas, while converting other sec tions into parks and playgrounds. A request from the Piney Branch Citizens’ Association asking support in their request to the Federation of Citizens’ Associations that a com mittee be apopinted to straighten out the Hampshire Citizens’ Associ ation boundary rights was approved. The treasurer read a brief financial statement and asked authorization to pay a bill from the lawyer for the association. Payment of the bill was approved. The meeting was held in the Park View School. Election of officer* was postponed. j FUNERALDESIGN 8. j GUDE BROS CO. PH»ral Piece* _1 * 1 * r St. N.W_Hetteaal HU GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRE8STV* FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT U1M °SS *£«,*£• Cor. 14th fir Eye Injured Sewer Worker Treated in Hospital A 36-year-old sewer worker was reported In “fairly comfortable" condition in Georgetown Hospital today, where he was undergoing treatment for injuries received when a mine car crushed him yes terday in the Rock Creek diversion sewer project. The man, Alvin Padgett, 36, of 4610 Georgia avenue N.W., was injured when the car, which he was pushing, rolled 10 feet. A foreman took him to the hospital, where he was found to have suffered a crushed chest, crushed right foot and lace rated right arm. Brig. Gen. J. H. Rice Dies; A. E. F.'Ordnance Chief By the Auoelated Pres*. PELHAM MANOR. N. Y., Jan. 9.— Brig. Gen. John Hodgen Rice, 70, chief ordnance officer of the Amer ican Expeditionary Force in France during the World War, died of a heart attack Sunday night at his home. Gen. Rice, then a major, placed orders for $700,000,000 worth of ordnance and equipment in Wash ington before going overseas in June, 1918. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal and made a Commander of the Legion of Honor for his service in France. He retired from active service at his own request in 1921 and became vice president of the American Ma chine & Foundry Co. Born in St. Louis, Gen. Rice was graduated from West Point in 1893. His widow and a son, John A. Rice of Pelham Manor, survive. Burial will be in Arlington Na tional Cemetery Thursday. Husband-Beater Stays in Jail WHEELING. W. Va.. Jan. 9 <A»>.— Mrs. Ethel Wolfson kissed and made up with her husband at the Jail where she is serving a 30-day sen tence for beating him with a hair brush. But Police Judge Charles Bonnes sen wasn't impressed. He refused to set aside the sentence. C. F. Herrmann, 71, Dies; Manufacturing Jeweler Charles F. Herrmann, 71, of 2100 Fourth street N.E., well-known man ufacturing Jeweler, died yesterday after a week’s illness in Sibley Hos pital. Mr. Herrmann, a native of Washington, had been in business here 48 years. He was a life member of Dawson Lodge, No. 10, of Masons, and was a member of the Elks Club of Washington and the Association of Oldest Inhabitants. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Marie Wein Herrmann, and a son, Carl F. Herrmann. The Elks will conduct funeral services tomorrow at 7 pm. at the Murray funeral home, 741 Eleventh street S.E. Masonic rites will be held Thursday at 2:30 pm. at the funeral home, with burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Requiem Mass Tomorrow For Mrs. Susan E. Kehoe Requiem mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. tomorrow in St. Paul’s Catholic Church for Mrs. Susan E. Kehoe, 77, who died 8unday at her home, 1439 Clifton street N.W. Burial will follow in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mrs. Kehoe was the widow of Edward T. Kehoe, sr„ an employe of the Bureau of Engraving and Print ing, who died November 15. Married for 57 years, Mr. and Mrs. Kehoe had never been separated. Although doctors Issued a certificate giving coronary thrombosis as the cause, they said grief apparently hastened her death. Bom in New Orleans, La., on New Years Day, Mrs. Kehoe was the daughter of the late James Weldon, who established the Weldon Iron Works in Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Kehoe were married in Brook lyn when she was 18 years old. They came to Washington 49 years ago, when Mr. Kehoe entered Gov ernment employ. Three sons, Edward T., jr.; James P. and William A. Kehoe, and a daughter, Mrs. Susan Reinburg, all of Washington; 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild survive. Albert J. Berres Dies; Rites to Be Tomorrow Albert J. Berres, 66, retired mo tion picture official and labor au thority, died Sunday at the home of his brother, Frank J. Berres, 3212 Seventeenth street N.E. He had been ill since April. Born in Washington, Mr. Berres was educated in parochial schools of the District, and started working as a pattern maker’s apprentice at the Navy Yard. He was employed at the yard many years, and in 1912 was elected secretary-treasurer of the metal trades department of the American Federation of Labor. President Wilson appointed him to the Shipbuilding Labor Adjust ment Board. He was also a member of the war-time Naval Wage Board of Review. Mr. Berres went to California in 1926 as industrial secretary of the Motion Picture Association, remain ing in Hollywood until his retirement five years ago. In 1934 he was drafted by President Roosevelt to serve on the Federal Aviation Com mission. He leaves a son, Albert J. Berres, Jr., manager of the American Red Cross in Detroit, Mich.; two grand sons, John Paul and Albert J. Berres, 3d, both of Detroit, besides his brother. Funeral services will be held to morrow at his brother's home at 0 am., with requiem mass at 8t. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Burial will be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. -■— • ~OVER 60 services] BIG MODERN NOTICE mamma* a* to Families of FUNERAL World War HOMES Veterans W. W. Chamber* is $the Veteran’* Bu reau Undertaker and has been for mml,y ye,rs- W. W. Complete funeral with this beauti- Chamber* is the ful modern, half-couch casket. taker, rreater bene Reol quality with over 60 services. au are derived. FACTS concerning CEDAR HILL CEMETERY Despite the improvements, the popularity, and admitted superiority of Cedar Hill, desirable plots (containing space tor from one to sixteen graves) may be purchased at mos^ moderate prices and on convenient terms. Prices begin at FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) per grave site and include perpetual care. (ed&r Hill Washington’s Most Beautiful Cemetery Located at the end of Penn. Ave. S.E. Gales open until 7:00 o’clock — _ Complete funeral with this hand some solid metal, half-couch cas ket. An endearing tribute which is included with over 60 services. HpRFJHB ——■ 1 — ■ ■■ ■■■■■—■■ w w . . . into the Comic Section of ffye Pundajj ptaf YOU will be thrilled by this new, rapid-moving Western adventure feature. YOU will follow with sincere interest the exciting experi ences of the King of Cowboys, Gene Autry, and his wonder horse, Champion. YOU will, when Gene Autry is in danger, become anxious for his safety; and when Gene Autry triumphs over his enemies—you will cheer for him. A New Exciting Feature in Bright Colors _.. . ^ * (