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I SPECIAL MERCHANDISE for THURSDAYl I i Each Week this page will appear in Wednesday Evening Star I ^ Each Merchant on this page offers a special value for Thursday Only ^ v D. J. Kaufman 1005 Penn. Ave. 14th & Eye 1744 Penn. Ave. \ Reg. $25 Young Men’s Sizes 32 to 40 2-Pants SUITS % OFF THURSDAY ONLY l • Long wearing worsteds and tweeds. • Silk linings and talon fas jj tenings. \ • Single or double breasted models. I None Sold for Cash OPEN A CHARGE ! ACCOUNT 4 MONTHS TO PAY Shah Optical Co. SpS,'.t 927 F St. N.W. KRYPTOK 'HSgftf CLASSES COMPLETE WITH FRAME Yes, genuine Kryptok invisible THURS. ONLY bifocal lenses. One pair to see far and near. Complete with high-grade frame. Eyes exam* ined by registered optometrist. For the post 27 years the name “SHAH" has been associated with the optical profession in Washington. This signifies that our aim to satisfy is well founded. I Murphy's At F and G Between 12th and 13th Sts. N.W. 810 7th Street N.W. 3128 14th JSt. N.W. Alexandria, Va. Silver Spring, Md. Cotton Plaid SHEET BLANKETS iMPZK 60x74 in. THURSDAY ONLY 39 A Regular 59c Value These blankets were featured at 59c during 1939. Bought for Murphy’s January Economy Sale. Blue gold, rose and green plaids on white background. ■ Sport Center ® Where Sportsmen Meet 8th and D Sts. N.W. REpublic 2545 Washington's Largest Official Boy Scout Headquarters / Ladies' and Men's $8.50 Hockey and Figure Ice Skate Outfits THURS.! ONLY j i Ladies’ white, men’s black, finest elk leather shoes, web tapes at instep, leather heels. Hollow ground alloy steel nickle-plated figure blades. Open Nites 'til 7 P.M. Ice Skates Sharpened by Factory Experts A&N Trading Co. Formerly Named Army tj Navy Trading Co. (Same Firm) 8th & D Sts. REpublic 2545 Our Only Store MEN'S *1.39 CLOVES Lined and Unlined Leathers, Also Wools 1 I I f ~~j THURSDAY ONLY 1 8 7C Imported leathers, u n 1 i n e d capeskins, pigtex gloves and smart suedes, snap-on i or slip-on styles. Lined gloves in black or brown—both styles. All sizes. ★ Open Nites ’Til 8 P.M.—Saturday ’Til 10 P.M. | ★ We Accept Equitable, Mutual & Post Exchange Orders. * Free Parking on Steele’s Lot. Chas. Schwartz & Son SINCE 1888 HOME OF PERFECT DIAMONDS 708 Seventh St. N.W. Phone Me. 0060 A Value You Musrit Miss! Bronze Finish FLOOR ASH RECEIVERS 11 THURSDAY ONLY Heavily constructed footed base, beautifully decorated. Stands 27 inches high. Will not tip over. Complete with removable glass tray. The last time they were ad vertised they were grabbed up—so come early for yours tomorrow! George's Radio Co* 814-16 F St. N.W. 1111 H St. N.E. 2017 14th St. N.W. 3107-09 M St. N.W. 3038 14th St. N.W. All Stores Open Till 9 P.M. District 1900 NEW 1940 MAJESTIC RADIO PHONOGRAPH THUR. ONLY ■ ; >|g95 ON SALE AT ALL STORES Blackistone, Inc. 1407 H St. N.W.DIst. 1300 Urn of Flowers for Anniversaries, Party, Hospitals or Birthdays THURSDAY ONLY $1.50 Complete Phone and Charge It Gorgeous colorful Spring flowers. Beautiful arrangement suitable for Birthdays, Anniversaries. Parties and Hospitals. Arranged in j|j Paper Mache Jardinieres, deliveries made Thursday or Friday. Phone DIst. 1300 Charge It Free Delivery Service Open Thursday A A m. / evenings till 9 P.M. S (Saturdays Till 9:30) Seventh & D Streets N.W. A Breath-Taking Group of $69.50 and $49.50 FUR COATS and JACKETS THURSDAY ONLY *33 Styles and furs I you’ve dreamed about ... fitted or boxy coats . . ■ short or i long ones. Mink-dyed coney, seal-dyed coney, caracul, raccoon, beav er-dyed coney and others. j Cross-dyed fox and silver-dyed fox. 24 and ' 25 inches long. Also black Jackets. \ I > ■■■■■V MORTON’S— Downstairs ■ .I Peerless "AN INVESTMENT IN BETTER LIVING” Fine Furniture 817-819-821 7th Street N.VV. 3-PIECE E LUXE POSTER BED OUTFIT Free Parking Lot Rear of THURSDAY ONLY Store * X A —. $I4-98 Complete This 3-piece poster bed outfit includes: Guaran teed coil spring, exception ally comfortable, fluffy “Slumber - Land” Mattress, and a heavy stock poster bed in choice of walnut, mahog Don't Miss This any or maple. All standard sizes Outstanding Value available, 3 pieces complete. Irving's RIDING—MILITARY—SPORTS—CAMPING Corner 10th and E N.W. MEt. 9601 SAVE ALMOST HALF ON MEN'S BOOT and BREECH OUTFIT REG. $2.95 MEN'S BREECHES AND $3.95 LACE BOOTS COMPLETE OUTFIT THURSDAY ONLY Sturdy breeches in whipcord that are tailored for hard wear and com fort. PLUS genuine all-leather lace boots 16" high. A great outfit for hiking and all winter sports. j One hour FREE parking at Conoco Equitable. Mutual and Post Ex station opposite Irvine’s. chance orders accepted. Sommer's Camera EXCHANGE 1410 New York Ave. N.W. ME. 1782 Dual 9Ya in. Photo Reflectors with 7-ft. Stand Two detachable Parabolic alu minum reflectors direct maxi mum illumination where you want it. Telescopic stand ex- 1 i tends to 7 ft. 4 in. Used by pro fessionals and amateurs alike. Reg. $5.00 Value j . i \ | I THURSDAY i i 1 ; ONLY i i Open Evenings I Until 9 P.M. It's a Snap to Catch That Expression. I “I Hechinger Co, Four Great Building ^ Material Store* MAIN OFFICE BBIGHTWOOD ANACOST1A | 15th t H N.E. BBSS Go. At*. 1905 Nichols At*. 6th * C 8.W. For Comfort, Health and Savings! STORM SASH Every Home Should Have Them! ■ssliiJL[i...].....ij.L'..ii!mai»BBM^I SAVES FUEL I** H (Pays for Itself) ! i|| Neat Appearing f | No Steamy Windows Eosily Attached I THURS. ONLY Size 28'/i"x48" $1.84 j| | Delivered | ' All Sizes Reduced || Phone Orders, AT. 1400 -- J ★ We Recommend Reasonable Carpenters Zlotmck, The Furrier On the Corner of 12th & G Sts. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG WHITE BEAR Gray American Broadtail Processed Lamb COATS With HAT and MUFF included THURSDAY ONLY $49.50 Our Former Price Was $100.00 An Entire Ensemble, Coat, Hat and Muff. A real value in our January Sale of Furs. All sales final —no ex changes—no refunds. ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE Clean-Rite VACUUM STORES 925 F St N.W, Store Hrs.: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. FREE PARKING LOT at 9th b G PI. N.W. REBUILT ELECTROLUX The Cleaner of 101 Uses!_ Completely rebuilt throughout by our expert mechanics and backed by CLEAN-RITE’S famous GUARANTEE BOND —for the same length of time as a new machine—ONE FULL YEAR! ft THURSDAY ONLY Complete with Attachments! SI6 TEEMS ARRANGED j Fully Guaranteed If you can’t call—Write or phone for a free Home Liberal Allowance On Demonstration. Your on cleaner Call MEtropolitan 5600 MILS TUI\ is s Acme Liquor Store BETAILER8—IMPOSTERS 927 Penn. Ave. N.W. Open Till 9 PM. "Home of Low Prices” IMPORTED SHERRY SALE! THE WORLD-FAMOUS WILLIAMS and HUMBERT CEDRO SHERRY The firm of Williams and Humbert is known the world over as the makers of the finest sherries in Spain. This is a very fine, pale dry sherry that we recommend very highly. REGULAR PRICE $1.69 THURSDAY $1.39 1 - ONLY! I FULL FIFTH GALLON Dolvas 1926 vintage—rich, full port olio available for tbs tame price. We Believe All Our Prices to Be the Lowest in Washington, Virginia or Maryland—One Price to all! —————J '