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10 Pet. 'Super-Tax' On Income Levy Considered President Is Reported In Favor of Plan to Pay Defense Costs Bf the Associated Press. President Roosevelt looks with favor on a 10 per cent “super-tax” on the income tax to pay emergency national defense costs, administra tion ofacials said today, but he wants congressional leaders to take the initiative in framing proposals. The “super-tax,” although still an informal idea, might be applied retroactively to 1939 income as well ' as to 1940 income. A taxpayer would compute his levy In the usual way and then add 10 per cent to the total. These sources predicted that the response to the President’s budget message request for $460,000,000 in additional taxes probably would be developed after ChairmaVi Dough ton, Democrat, of North Carolina consults the House Ways and Means Committee, Chairman Harrison, Democrat, of Mississippi consults the Senate Finance Committee and both confer with the President and Secretary Morgenthau. Other Sources Eliminated. Officials said the President virtu ally eliminated all but income tax sources for new revenues when he specified that the new taxes ought to be “according to ability to pay and avoid taxes which decrease con sumer purchasing power.’’ He also has indicated support of the reported “super-tax” by talk ing publicly of the success of a similar levy which he sponsored when Governor of New York. He was represented as liking the super-tax idea particularly because of its mathematical simplicity. It involves no complicated changes in tax rates. If a corporation calcu lated its income tax at present rates to be $1,000, it would know imme diately that its tax under the pro posed law would total $1,100. Some officials in the administra tion have wondered whether the proposed 10 per cent boost would apply to all kinds of Federal taxes, but others doubted that the Presi dent. in ruling out new consumer taxes, would favor increasing the excise taxes on such items as gaso line, theater tickets, automobiles and refrigerators. Broader Base Discussed. The budget also has caused some officials to wonder whether the time might be ripe for broadening the Income tax base, a project previously indorsed in principle and rejected as impractical by many Treasury officials and the President himself. This would involve lower exemptions and higher rates for persons in the lower and middle income brackets. About the only sure administra tion tax proposal this year will be the taxation of interest from future issues of Federal, State and local bonds. This project, opposed by many State and local officials, would apply only to future issues, however and its immediate revenue import ance is slight. Treasury tax experts, without op posing the plan, point out that it might be impractical to add 10 per cent to the taxes of persons in the high brackets. They argue that, as it is possible for multi-millionaires to pay 79 per cent of their income in taxes, the 10 per cent additional would take about half the income left after paying the regular tax. Warden Seeking Fugitive Faces Ouster Demand By the Associated Press. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 11.—An Oklahoma warden came here today to demand that Ohio surrender Carlton Chilton, 1913 bank robbery fugitive, and found himself the cen ter of charges that his institution is a "hell hole.” The charges came from Mrs. Mabel Bassett, Oklahoma commis sioner of charities and corrections. She demanded the ouster of Warden Fred Hunt and told Gov. Leon C. Phillips “the story of the terrible cruelty, of the suffering" at Granite Reformatory, where Mr. Hunt is warden, “can never be fully told.” Warden Hunt said Mrs. Bassett was seeking political publicity and called the charges “a joke.” Gov. Phillips said he would investigate. Friends of Chilton, now a re spected Cleveland citizen, rallied to resist Oklahoma’s extradition de mand at today’s extradition hearing. Martin L. Davey, predecessor to Gov. John W. Bricker of Ohio, refused in 1936 to surrender Chilton. Chilton fled from Granite Reform atory in 1914 after serving one year of a two-year term. He escaped no tice until a routine police circular led authorities to him in 1936. Cleveland Park Citizens To Install Officers E. C. Moyer will be installed as president of the Cleveland Park Businessmen’s Association tonight at the Wardman Park Hotel. Other officers who will be installed are Dr. W. H. Whittlesey, vice presi dent; T. E. Norris, treasurer; Ber nard Elman, secretary, and Libbie ; Myers, Albert T. Miller, Frank C. i Ford and F. Leslie Kohler, directors. ■ ■■ i THEY CAME BACK—Mike Savage, 12, once a victim of infantile paralysis, demonstrates the ex tent of his recovery on Jimmy Braddock, former heavyweight champion—and another comeback —while Arch McDonald, the radio announcer, stands by to pick up the pieces. Mike told on the radio last night how treatment at Warm Springs, Ga., had aided his recovery to point where he can now play football, baseball—and can box. -- - Anesthetic Is Found Relieving Swelling After Operations First Advance in 30 Years In Treatment of Ailment Reported By tbe Associated Press. CHICAGO, Jan. 11—The dis covery of an anesthetic which gives dramatic relief from the painful swelling frequently following opera tions was reported today in the Journal of. the American Medical Association? It was 'called the first improve ment in SO years in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, in which a blood clot forms in a vein, usually in the leg, causing inflammation and fever—and sometimes sudden death. The ailment has been on the in crease. The report, made by Dr. Alton Ochsner and Dr. Michael de Bakey, both of New Orleans, said that in a test of 15 patients the results of the injections were “quite dramatic," because there was “prompt and permanent relief of pain in all instances.” In half the cases, they said, tem perature returned to normal within 48 hours and in the other hall within a Week. In more than half the cases the swelling cbmpletely subsided in eight days and in the others within 12 days. “Sixty per cent of the patients were discharged from the hospital as cured within eight days,” they reported. The anesthetic’s healing action was attributed to its Interruption of nervous impulses causing constric tion of blood vessels, thereby re establishing the normal exchange of fluids inside and around the in flamed vein. Medical education costs almost twice as much per student as does any other of the various types of professional education, the A. M. A. reports. Instructional cost per stu dent, on a credit hour basis, was given as $26.96 in medicine, as com pared wfth $15.87 for dentistry, $14.51 for agriculture, $11.05 for law, $10.52 for engineering, $502 for commerce and $4.06 for education or teaching Malformations at birth appear to depend on conditions which affect the germ cells before conception and probably aren’t influenced by factors arising during pregnancy, the A. M. A. Journal concluded from a study made by Dr. D. P. Murphy of Philadelphia. An editorial said the study indicated that malforma tions are not due to syphilis or any other disease of the parents. Dunbar P.-T. A. to Meet The Dunbar Parent-Teacher As sociation will meet tonight at t i o’clock In the school library. " a 11 M FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT BOB1 B. SCOTT. DENTAL TECH MIS 14tb at F Bml. 901 90* MEt 1833 Prlntt W sit ins Booms REMODELING Prom Basement to Attic Low, Easy Payments SUPERIOR CONST. CORP. 1331 G St. N.W. MEt. *4*3 RECIPK / fi«h / _ in / ml the DEEP! I Here’s deep sea cod from Georges Bank, with that tempting just-caught flavor. Here’s mealy potato from B Maine’s rich loam, fully peeled and eyed. Here’s blend- jH ing and seasoning the old New England way. Here’s B a treat! B I Ready so quickly, too. Just shape into small Dalis, <deep fat fry, and serve sizzling hot with vegetables* B Your family will "go” for this "quick feast”-for B breakfast, lunch or dinner. Order now from your B grocer. S FREE with libel of any Gorton product, 40 page, ^B color-illustrated recipe book, “134 Delicious j^B Deep Sea Dishes.” Send to Gorton-Pew Fish* ^B erics, Gloucester, Mass. j^B Gorton's I Ready~to~Fzy I Cod Rsh Cakes I _OWE OF 3> PWOPUCTS _ J J i i f f I t < , ■ Ji QB^S vi '*-/■& y^.;i;V 'V-;7; Louis XVI Group in beechwood, finished in traditional French parchment tone. Eight *250 pieces, with twin beds . Was $375 Eighteenth Century Group in sat inwood, with bandings of mahog any; floral decorations in oil. Eight pieces, with twin *435 beds __ Was $650 Provincial Louis XV Group done after the manner of the period in French walnut and beech; hand somely carved. Eight *625 pieces with twin beds... Was $950 Early American Group in solid cherry, which has been given the antique finish. Eight *179 pieces with twin beds — Was $265 Chippendale Group in the Chinese expression, with those graceful serpentine fronts. Construction is genuine Cuban mahogany. Eicjht pieces with twin $450 beds_ ^ Unusual Old Silver and Antique Jewelry Moderately Priced LOUIS ABRAHAMS 711 G St. N.W. FLOOR MODELS OF BEDROOM! GROl'PS At Sharp Reductions Just because we insist upon keeping our stocks fresh we have these Clearance Sales of floor models twice a year. These Suites are true to the periods in de sign and to the Sloane‘invariable rule—that only GENUINE CABINET WOODS enter into the con struction—the two things that make Sloane Furni ture so outstandingly different. American Hepplewhite Group. Illustrated genuine Honduras ma hogany construction. The new sun-tan or Colonial red finish. Eight pieces with twin *220 beds Was $325 Chippendale Group of the Ameri can School. Genuine Honduras mahogany construction with the Colonial red finish. 8 *325 pieces with twin beds Was $415 Hepplewhite Group, in curly ma ple; finished in deep amber, dec orated in oil. Twin *198 beds -- Was $495 Louis XV Group, each piece an adaptation from a French orig inal. Construction is French beech and Cuban mahogany, fin ished in the natural color of the woods. Eight pieces with *625 twin beds - Was *675 was COURTESY PARKING MET O I f»T M ITT' CHARGE ACC0UN1 CAPITAL GARAGE WV * J Jh AVAILABLE 711 TWELFTH STREET niiiimmmmmmmmm TIP-TOP PANCAKES You’ll enjoy making pancakes so easily... and seeing them turn out such a beautiful golden browns so tender, so delicious! Jmit Add Milk •r Wafer pf—1 I_\WKmBlEwEBEB&N^ NATIONALLY FAMOUS LU-RAY PASTELS „ Here’s a rare opportunity to own a set of genuine “Lu-Ray” Pastels . . . dishes that have created a new rage in distinctive. dinnerware the nation over. China-styling at its finest ... in exquisite shades of Windsor blue, Sharon pink and Persian cream. Dinnerware sets that not only dress the table in extreme delicacy of good taste, but lend an air of gay. colorful charm. 10% 1/AW* l mussg ^ ,.v4 Givett tip Mis U Wm>/9W TRUETVNE Easy Terms As low as *a PorWsok s MODERN FEATURES • Dual-Purpose Tubes give 9-Tube Power • 3-Band Program Reception • Powerful Superheterodyne Circuit • Electro-Dynamic Speaker • Full-Range Tone Control Guaranteed Satisfaction or Your Money Back! Here'S How ' We Do It! As one of America’s largest distributors, our huge buying power and direct-from-factory dis tribution methods enable big savings in handling merchandise. Then, nationally known factories were glad to concede big dis counts for after Christ-1 mas delivery . . . wrej pass these savings ea to you. Rare, distinctive beauty combined with truly outstanding radio per formance. Standard broadcast . . . Police, Domestic and Foreign short* wave reception. Rich, mellow life like tone. Cabinet is of selected wal nut veneers, hand-rubbed to a lus trous finish . . . adds an air of grandeur to any surroundings. !ne Captskin j •*" GLOVES Drltlng — Dress — Hooting Heal quality. Expertly made with latest full-seam and "fourchette" tailoring. 100r/o Pure WEARWELL l S.A.E. 30 & 49 New! Fresh! Contain* no re-refined Ingredients. Ex cell* for safe, dependable lu brication at low cost. ■ 7 All-Winter ANTI-FREEZE Protection ve Qal. Can Safe! Positive! Economical! Protects to 28* below *ero when mixed 50-50 with water. Non-polsonou*. No un pleasant odor. 4-Polnt Guarantee DAVIS ^a^hj^ips And equally important you don’t sacrifice ONE IOTA in the way of quality, performance or service to obtain these sensational savings. Davis Safety Grips are genuine first-line quality. Built and tested in one of the nation's huge reliable tire factories. Proved on thousands of cars all over America. Backed by a definite written guarantee. GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS Don't wait! Come in NOW . . . get all the tires you need or will need in the near future while these low prices are in effect . . . our Lay Away Plan enables you to se lect fires now at these low prices for later use , . and without a big outlay of cash. ' V'W'l L,8DTAVrrS'C£ »*“**"« ,AEAc!!,C£ tAFETY-CRIP CACH IN PAIRS 4.50- 21 $10.25 $6.66* $6.15* 4.75-19 10.45 6.79’ 6.27* DAVIS Tubes assure max- 5.00-19 11.55 7.51* 6.93* imunv service from your 5 9^17 n nA . A new DAVIS Tires. ?***"J' J*-** 7.35* 0.78* 5.25-18 12.20 7.93* 7.32* 5.50- 17 12.80 8.32* 7.68* 6.00-16 13.95 9.07* 8.37* 6.50- 16 16.95 11.02* 10.17* Olhcr Sixes— ‘Include trade-in Similar Savings of old tin?. Extra Liberal Trade-in Discount on all other DAVIS Tires NOW 6 BIG STORES in WASHINGTON, D. C. LOCATED** 3140 M ST / Visit Our New M Street Store After January 15th! s 728 13th ST. N.W. 911-15 H ST. N. E. 3113 14th ST. N.W. I - 923-25 7th ST. N.W. 1213 GOOD HOPE RD.