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Building News B—1 Realty Prices Up In 23 Per Cent Of U. S. Cities Semi-Annual Survey Notes Stability Of Rents Real estate prices are higher than a year ago in 23 per cent of th( cities in the United States. In a number of cities, the under supply of dwellings has increasec despite the stride of new hom< building. Rents are stable, but the trenc Is predominantly upward, and mort gage interest rates are still falling Those are findings released today in the 34th semi-annual survey made of America's real estate market by the National Association of Real Estate Boards. The figures were based on con fidential reports from real estate boards of 261 cities. Pointing out that real estate prices have risen in almost one city out of every four, the N. A. R E. B. said the rise amounts to 1C per cent as a median. Market Activity Gains. Market activity is greater, it was said, in 57 per cent of the cities surveyed than it was a year ago. The association cited some ele ments, which, it said, if taken to gether indicate a healthy base foi real estate commitments. They in Prices are at least on the level oi n year ago in 87 per cent of the cities they have fallen in only 13 per cent of the cities (although it should be noted that the drop, where it oc curred. like the price rises where they occurred, had a median of 1C per cent). Market activity is at least as high as last year in 92 pet cent of the reporting cities. Shortage of single-family dwell ings is more prevalent than at any time since new home building got into stride. It is reported in 45 per cent of the cities, as against 34 per cent a year ago, and only 3 per cent now show oversupplv. In 52 per cent there is a normal supply. Rents of all kinds show a high degree of stability. What move ment there has been in the past If months is predominantly upward and the outlook is for this situation Interest Rates Decline. Interest rates, for the first time In real estate history in this coun try, have smashed below the ole 6 per cent rate as the commonest rate for first mortgages on new moderately priced homes. They are at the lowest level and- are the most nearly uniform, geographical ly. that the country has ever known And they are still falling in 41 pei cent of the reporting cities, are ris ing in only 3 per cent of the cities while money supply for real estate * financing remains adequate or ir excess of available loans in 92 pei cent of the cities. Better demand has stiffened rent; for downtown business spare in 21 per cent of the cities, but oversup ply ir, business buildings is still com moner than shortage. The largest cities are the one; most frequently showing highei prices and advance in market vol ume, with 67 per cent of them or the up side as to sales volume anc 33 per cent showing advance ir prices, while only 11 per cent show decline in either prices or volume Regionally, better selling price; than last year are most frequentlj reported in New England (by 32 pei cent of the cities), in the South east (by 32 per cent), in the South Central region (by 31 per cent) Percentage showing increased price; In other regions: Northwest, 29 pei * cent.; Great Lak^, 27 per cent: Cen ' »dee~PRICES. Page~B-3.) THE HOME CLINIC Housewife should take time out to check over insurance policies By MARGARET NOWELL. Let 's get down to brass tacks about household insurance. How much and what type do you carry for the protection of the things you have spent the better part of your life collecting? It is time that women thought about this and that we talked it over —for twro reasons. Woman today runs the home. She buys every thing for it. And she runs it with an efficiency never known before. Men, however, still buy the insur ance, and considering the fact that only about 60 per cent of the annual fire loss and 20 per cent of the burg lar's yearly bill is covered by in surance, it becomes clear that a woman might offer a suggestion or two in that direction. It's a woman's business to be a shrewd shopper, to get the most and the best for the money her husband brings home. Aside from the heart break of having the things she loves burned or stolen, it is not good management to purchase merchan dize for her house without investing in protection, any more than it is wise to pay the doctor to prescribe for an ailing child and then not pur chase the cod liver oil he orders. Neither is it a good plan to be fear ful and overzealous. purchasing all kinds of insurance only to find that you are paying on two or more poli cies that give you the same coverage. In other words, that you are paying twice for the same protection. Inventory of Coverage. When you begin to work out a budget for household insurance, the first task is to take inventory of the coverage you now have. Get out all your policies and go over them care fully with your insurance agent. Find out what they insure—and most particularly what they don't Have your insurance man explair every phrase and ask questions— every question that enters your heac —never mind even though they dt sound silly. (He will quietly decidt that women just don’t know aboul these things and be patient, anc that will be score 1 for your side.) Fire insurance may well be youi first consideration. Check th< amount of coverage carried on bott dwelling and contents. Very ofter 1 insurance policies are renewed yeai after year at the same amount with out any consideration for the de preciation of contents or the nev baby grand piano father gave yoi for Christmas. There is no effl eicencv in being either over or unde: insured. How about your garage ! toolhouse or guest house if it i: ! not attafched to your house? I might not be insured. All unat tached buildings are insured only b; ; indorsements added to your regula: policy. Find out also if you havi a supplemental contract, a six-poin coverage that insures your homi against damage by hail, windstorm explosion, aircraft, wild motor ve hiclas, riots and civil commotion ! If you have it, do you want it? I you don't, would it be wiser to in j vest in it? Liability is no less important, ant in considering this type of insur ance be careful of the limits. Thi (See CLINIC, Page B-4 ) ‘ ... ■ .. . . I ON WORTHINGTON DRIVE—Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Stoll recently took over this home at No. 18 Worthington drive, in Maryland’s “Yorktowne Village.’* It was built and sold by L. E. Breuninger & Sons, Inc. —Star Staff Photo. A LAWYER’S HOME—Bernard I. Nordlinger, local attorney, and his wife have purchased this house at 3539 Chesapeake street N.W. Shannon & Luchs, Inc., made the sale for Columbia Builders, Inc. —Star Staff Photo. Real Estate Forum To Begin Thursday A 10-week forum on phases of the real estate business will be conducted by the Washington Real Estate Board, beginning Thursday night according to Joseph A. Herbert, jr. chairman of the board's Committee on Education. The weekly sessions will be held i in the United States Chamber ol Commerce Building and will be oper ; to all active and associate member; of the Real Estate Board. The opening speaker will be Free A. Smith, board president, who wil discuss "The Real Estate Busines: , and the Realtor." Other dates, speakers and topic; are: January 25. J. Wesley Buchan an. "Selling Brokerage Houses" February 1, Raymond M. Taylor 1 "Business Property Sales anc | Leases"; February 8. William J Flather, jr., "Financing the Horn; ; Buyer"; February 15 J. Garret ; Beitzell, "Closing the Sale"; Febnu ' ary 29, Joseph A. Herbert, jr., "Prin ; ciples of Appraising": March 7, S Miles Montgomery, "Fundamental: of Property Management”; Marcl 1 i 14, Roger J. Whiteford, "When Doe: a Broker Earn His Commission?" 1 March 21. Harry J. Kane, jr., “Title: • and Settlements." and March 28 ■ Norman Bull. "Advertising Tha : Brings Results." Walter Brown Firm Marks 50th Year The firm of Walter A. Brown, prominent District realtors, yester day celebrated the 50th anniversary of their entry in the real estate, loan and insurance field. The business was founded January 12, 1890, by W'alter A. Brown, and since his death nearly three years ago has been carried on by his son, Walter A. Brown, jr., and his daugh ter, Miss Ruth M. Brown. Both were associated with their father for many years. The company's original office was located at 1423 Pennsylvania avenue N.W., and after two subsequent moves, to 624 Fourteenth street N.W. and the corner of Fourteenth and H streets N.W., it is now at 1415 I street N W. Reviewing the firm's success through the last half century and looking toward the next, the Brown partners foresee "a continued im provement in business conditions and a further development of Greater Washington. I -- . . _" District Foreclosures Hit New Low in '39—Only 343 There were fewer real estate fore closures in Washington last year than at any time since 1928, when the Washington Real Estate Board first started keeping records in this respect. According to the board's compila tions there were 343 foreclosures in 1939, as against 486 for 1938 and 443 for 1937. The decrease in foreclosures was viewed by Fred A. Smith, presided of the Washington Real Estate Boart as conclusive evidence of the sounc value of local real estate and a: added proof of the stability of thi real estate market here. Mr. Smith regarded the compara^ | tivelv few foreclosures as “remark able in a city of approximately 50.001 home owners and many investors it ! real estate." The foreclosure figures since 1921 are as follows: 1928, 1.125: 1929 1553; 1930, 1578; 1931, 1.067; 1932 1.115; 1933. 1.358; 1934. 1.319: 1935 871: 1936. 500; 1937, 443; 1938, 486 and 1939, 343. SI fn) fnJ fnl fnJ (nJ lnJ fSl fn3 fnJ frO TO frO 173 RQ frQ frD fnl FrD fnJ fnl fn3 fr31 Outside Lights Valuable Proper exterior lighting of the house contributes to safety as well as to comfort and convenience. Overhead lights on the side of the house, next to the driveway, and over garage doors prevent bad stumbles over carelessly parked bicycles, scooters, roller skates, and garden tools which somebody forgot to put away. A well-lighted driveway offers an added advantage—it dis courages prowlers. D. C. Building Permits Double , Previous Week Private Construction Repairs, Remodeling Make Up List Doubling the figure for the pre vious week, permits totaling $278,380 were issued last week by Building Inspector John W. Oehmann for private construction, repairs and remodeling. The more important permits , granted follow: Harold Prank, owner: Harold Frank Construction Co.. 3517 Adams Mill road N.W., builders: Edmund W Dreyfuss, 1524 K street N.W., de signer; to erect six 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings. 4631, 4633. 4637, 4639, 4643, 4645 Twelfth street N.E.: to cost $30,000. B. Tracy Construction Co., 907 Fifteenth street N.W.. owners and builders; Edmund W. Dreyfuss, 1524 I K street N.W., designer; to erect six 2-story brick and cinder block | dwellings. 3930, 3932, 3934. 3938, 3940, ! 3942 East Capitol street; to cost $30,000 Morris Frank, 907 Fifteenth street N.W., owner and builder: Edmund W. Dreyfuss, 1524 K street N.W., architect; to erect six 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings, 1210, 1212. 1214, 1218, 1220, 1222 Allison street N.E.; to cost $30,000. Aristo Cleaners & Dyers, owners; j builder not selected: Earl Von Reich (See PERMITS? Page B-2.) AMER. UNIV. PARK New detached brick homes. 6 rooms, tile bath, storage attic, full basement, automatic heat; large lots; all street improve ments included. § ONLY $8,250 The finest materials and work manship, complete modern equipment. A delightful loca tion, convenient to everything. 46l6Windom PI. N.W. Furnished by Hilda Miller Drive out Mass Ave. to IGth St., ripht to Windom PI., left to ex hibit home. Open Daily Until 9 P.M. Not. Built by Em son ! | 9452 HUGH WARREN 4894 | An Outstanding New Home in HILLCREST 2326 34th St. S.E. H roems. bath daylight recreation room, attached garage with over ; head doors screened porch, furred walls, insulated, wooded lot 5tixl45. air-conditioned heat. Built by David j Lorenz. Open Daily and Sunday . TO REACH: Out Pa. Ace S.E to Branch Are . right to Alabama Ace.. left to 3ith St., right to house. PAUL P. STOKE Realtor Taylor 2244 4 fy Invest in REAL if Jj SECURITY 1 • Since time immemorial well )jK W\ selected rest estate has been \® <§|> recognized as the soundest j type of investment. This par- oft Pr-J ticularly is true in Washing- >&§ XST; ton, with its steady, subslan. }»y tiai growth, and its assured rtfip M- future development. We are ifa tgfi’ offering an opportunity for ‘«a you to acquire a house— -1§l W; oi'her as a sound Investment m J or as a home—in one of the h?j|a jg-» city's choicest sections. These K® SSl, are new. semi-detached, air. iS® conditioned homes in the area t jSa f§*> adjoining two of Washing. ;«S Jcl? • greatest thoroughfares, Wisconsin and Nebraska Ave- -*4gjr S%V nues. These substantia'ly '8% built brick houses can be '•/$&§ KL* bought on liberal terms, and J&L &T* ran be returned by the pur- C^&r Qr'-J ehaser for considerably more than the menthly oaymerts. ?j|I ff T.° ,yspprT: Drive o»t Wit. Hlf 8®'~ Are^ tn^ Warren St.. left to ! Jm. Jf ljp^ ONLY ONE i FINISHED HOME IN I LYYDALE P 3000 M Street S.E., at the g corner of Minn. Ave. and i M St. ^ This exceptional home is S semi-det. with a side S porch, oil heat, air condi* g| tioned. Boulevard street £ newly paved 40 feet wide 2 in concrete (all assess- y, ments paid for). This £ home has an extra item, 2 a complete bath in the % basement. Priced at $6250. a May be purchased on ex- 2 tremely easy terms. IS A large number of Lyn- 2 P dale .homes are under | construction for early £ NG Spring delivery and res- 2 P ervations may be made H now for one of these Kg homes. Visit our exhibit home at < ra 7.129 Af Street S.E., furnish- [s( KG ed by Palais Royal, bv driv- g la ing across the new Philip 5 wy Sousa Pa. Ave. Bridge to a |8| Minn. Ave.. then left i » IfC blocks to property. a J. Wesley Buchanan if ® 1732 K Street N.W. 2 P Lyndale Atlantic 2880 3 Myron P. Irey, Sales » . // ptys io consult a REALTOR a member of ike WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE BOARt . Second Trust Notes We will buy monthly payment de ferred purchase money second trust ' notes, secured on owner-occupied private dwellings. UNION FINANCE CO. BIB Woodward Bids NA 7036 HAVE YOU HEARD? Indian Spring Club Estates } Will Rive free club memberships to first purchasers. For Further Information JCall^ KAYDEVELOPMENT CO. SHep 6622 , _; NEW HOME s5,775 | $575 Cash, Approx. $38 per mo. F, H. A. Inspected and Approved Large lot (77x140 ft.) with many beautiful trees; a 5-room Cape Cod with fireplace and full basement, automatic air conditioned heat, floored attic with 2 dormer windows suitable for future bedroom, full tiled bath and many other features. Excellent residential section, 1 block to bus, close to stores. THE FAIRFAX REALTY CO., INC. ! Builders i i Fells Church. Ve. Phone Falls Church 1188 To reach: Over Memorial Bridge, turn right, drive out Lee Blvd. to i! Hillwood, turn right into Broad St. j of Falls Church, through traffic light and continue f blocks to Oak St., turn right to houses. A outstanding Location *8,250 3810 W St. N.W. ) Just 2>/, mi. from White House. 1 talk to bus 4 blks from stores 2 blks to new school. 6 blks to Georgetown University adjoining and overlooking beautiful Govt j park with lots of trees, ideal Diace for children. 1st floor Living room dining room, kitchen, front and back Dorches. 2nd floor bedrooms 2 baths. Basement’ knotty Dine recreation room, laundry room and lavatorv Out Wisconsin are. to Calvert st . left to 39th. left to W and home. Wm. H. Saunders Co. 1519 K St. N.W. Dist. 1015 --- BU‘K 10 L Bradley Woods I 1 When yo£avSUtheStaSnt?,,or«*n^ ■ K& bniid * ho-ne .or ‘ I grttfn* the, nhMdut* S£h«!& I 1 ""the fine M^‘”mSrT Count-.. I SSfcsSSsKnsf 1 1 rharacterues the »lu Brad- ■ I companv Selert sny where >n ■ l i.v Woods or hntld the ■ | washin«ton--»nd *e . I home you wam^ DS I 1 TO INSPECT BRADLEY , I drive n.1^ n Lane. If It I 1 ?Xc°«*£‘"°nr,Qht j 1 Chevy I S*' WvJSSuS I SSSjmjft ^Screened re.' | with oil h»»t. (ett deer ■ porch. «.'o 05O. U Priced »t *»- Conn ■ to INSPECT: prii'. Tiiht to I /.ie 'o Nf|,r"s ^ Paftenon S'-; I ,12 nd St-• ,crT Wn 2215 Patt?T ■ left t»hTw 1 son St. N.W. j r I -,.1-- Built In I ri^aby Woods L | srissjg .hsr^CS I 4 lot. 10 by g£ Price. *l3flSU' I 1 side porch. t00' -y drive I TO XB*CH,S'R?„ A CM' I I out Conn Ave. 52,,(cm Aven“* I I circle, riffht J^ur,t Circle to I 1 &■«-<” « »■""• ■*" | rtJrsr^'“m i Nebraska Ave;> | 1 Here's »" ‘'ln't*Jt' environment ■ ! I I I TO SEE I 1 fohoute—5JH0 Nebraska- | PAUL T. STONE, l »27J5»$t.N.W. NA.085S * FIRST TRUST LOANS TYLER & RUTHERFORD, INC., 1519 L Street N.W. Natl. 0175 I tor SO yean Loan Correspondent for The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Ce. QC A low cash I payments, buys 3 Bedrooms—ZY2 Baths ! Spacious semi-detached homes, op posite a larae U. S Government ! reservation. Exhibit Home 316 SHERIDAN ST. N.W. Furnished bv Hilda Miller Monthly payments of *57.SO. In clude all interest and principal. Automatic heat Large lots, near schools, transportation and stores. REALTY ASSOCIATES Realtors ; 150B K St. N.W. NA. 1438 l B r COLORED^! I Hava You Seen II ■ 5325 Ames St. N.E. fff | IN CAPITAL VIEW? ■ Hi pay a<; 5 R"om' B m ' Tile Bath LOW AS Shower ■ saa.oo ■ B ■ ■■ I Basement Bi||| M llll Hot Water VH B n „ . H«t « ^B rer IVlonth Recessed |B - Radiators ftl B NO RENEWALS O* TRUSTS! B B Buy on Easy Monthly Terms! Il | TO REACH: ■■ Drive out E. Capitol St. to ■ I 5*rd St N.E.. left 1 block to U M Ames St., right to house; or mm ji take Capital Transit bus at II west end of Benning Viaduct, m H get off at HXrd and E. Capi- V M tol St—/ block north—right I B ji | to house. ft Capital View II REALTY CO.. Realtora, ftl BWWl. V. Are. N.W. Na. H7H7 IJ .7001 E. Capitol St. LI. 3AI0 IM Glover Park s250 CASH 7-Room, 2-Bath Homes Exhibit Home 3616 Whitehaven Pkwy. N.W. Recreation Room and Bath in Base ment. Masonry Porrh. QCA Southern Exposure_ ^Uf3JaJU TO REACH—Whitehaven Street just completed between 3Mh and 37th Streets N.W’. One block north of T St. N.W. [ Owner and Builder \ PAUL D. CRANDALL REALTOR i( •TIA Tower Bldi. Dlit. 9'ilfl wmmmmmmmmmmmtmmimmtm You don't hare to own a ear to live in the delightful surround ing* of Kenmore in Arlington County. Va. It’s only a few minute* by hu*—a 10c ride— from downtown Washington. Take an Arnold bus from 12th * G Streets or pick it up any where along K Street to George town. That’s just part of the economy of living in Kenmore. In addition, you’ll live in the luvurious surroundings of an air- conditioned, automatically oil heated home, with three spacious bedrooms, colored tile bathroom. Venetian blinds throughout, washable wallpaper, large, fenced-in lot. covered con crete front porches . . . and all you pay for a semi-detached, tapestry brick home in this de sirable neighborhood Is W.3-10 —*650 cash—*46.50 a month. FHA financing. To Reach by Auto: Drive over Arlington Memorial Bridge to Wilton Blvd.. out Wilson through Clarendon to North Nelson Street, left to No. the exhibit home. O.XmMM. Cm* 1 INC. Mill, Building CHntnut 98JM Including Interest, Princi pal, Taxes and Insurance, *5,990 . . . and Woodmoor alone . . . offers you an opportunity like this. For here only can you have your choice of numerous lovely wooded home sites, a variety of architectural styles and the home of your desire built to order.. It will be on a minimum 70-foot front lot, contain two bedrooms and both, be either one or two stories, completely nir conditioned with gas or oil heat. And the price is still $5,990 complete. |g TO INSPECT WOODMOOR: B From traffic light on Georgia Avenue jflK in Silver Sprint, bear right on Colet- * /O’ uille Road, just beyond Indian Sprint I Club to Woodmoor and THREE exhibit 3 hornet. M ■ MOSS REALTY A. S COMPANY Igi B Tower Ride. WOODMOOR JKj B ME. 1776 SH. 4817 1 IPurletti) | 1936 37th Street j New-house condition Semi-detached Reasonable Cash and i $60 per month ! will buy this bargain 8 rooms and bath Automatic gas heat Two porches Built-in garage OPEN SUNDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. Sj Realtors 1 Investment Bldg. DI. 1481 SPRING DELIVERY If you wont your home in April or May, NOW is the time to com | plete plans and financing. ■ » j 3 3 3 I t 3 0 3 : 1 405 Forest Glen Rd. I *5890’”“' WWW FINANCING | Other Homes, $5,550 up 3 Visit this FHA approved sub | division. Two sample homes a are ready for your approval—a j popular brick bungalow—and a two-story model. We build to a order on the lot of your choice. \ \ ; I DIRECTIONS—From traffic lioht in =J Silver Spring, drive nut Colesnlle x Pike to Forest Glen Rood (entrance. j I to Indian Spring Clubt left to homes. j 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 _ In Lovely Chevy Chose, D. C. Adjoining Wakefield 6 Rooms and Bath ONLY 4 LEFT! S?« Th?m N°w 38th St. N.W. 3739 Appleton St. Barkley - Built Homes Detached—Garages —Air Conditioned , V h BIG LOTS Open Pailv ?' and Sundav Drive out Connecticut Avenue to Albemarle Street, left to Thirty eighth Street, right on Thirty-eighth one square to Appleton Street. A. f* 4