Newspaper Page Text
Rails Take Lead In Irregular Rally On Bond Market Missouri Pacific Issues Stage Sharp Advance On I. C. C. Action Bond Averages CO TO TO TO Rails Indust. Util. Fen. Net change -.2 unc. —.1 unc. Today, noon 57.9 102.1 96.2 50 1 Prev. day _ 57.7 102.1 96.1 50.1 Month ago. 57.6 101 4 95.5 49.2 Year ago 60.8 98,9 93.3 62.6 . 1939-40 high 64.9 102.6 97.5 64.0 1939-40 low 53.4 95 8 90.4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 930 85.8 59.0 1932 low .. 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon. 1118 Prev. day ill 8 M’nth'aeo 111.1 Year ago 111.3 ’39-40 hi’h 112.6 '39-40 low 103.6 1938 high 110 7 1938 low 106 7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—Rails took the lead in an irregular bond mar ket rally today. Missouri Pacific issues rose frac tions to more than a point following announcement of Interstate Com merce Commission approval of a re organization plan, providing for a sharp cut in fixed charges. Also showing gains ranging to more than a point in late trading were Alleghany 5s of 1949. Illinois Central 4,s, Delaware A: Hudson refunding 4s. Southern Railway 4s and Baltimore & Ohio first 5s. * Many utility loans, however, tended slightly lower, including American & Foreign Power 5s. Columbia Gas A: Electric 5s of '61 end Portland General Electric 4'2s. United States Governments were around 6 32ds of a point advanced to 4 32ds down. Uneveness ruled the foreign dollar division. Advancing were Denmark 6s of 42. Belgium 6s and Poland 8s. while retreating were German 7s of r49. Norway 6s of 44 and Canada 4s of 60. Missouri Railroad Reorganization 0. K/d ky the Associated Prc. > The Interstate Commerce Com mission approved today a plan of reorganization for the Missouri Pa cific Railroad system. The plan calls for consolidation in a new company the properties of all of the 26 debtors composing the pieaeiu xvu»uuj i raaiK: r.\ cept the Missouri-Illinois Railroad Co. No plan was approved for the latter company. There would be a reduction in total capitalization from $671,205. 664 to $340,478,900 and a reduction in total annual charges from $29. 108.019 to $21,695,499. Fixed interest would be reduced to $7,286,804 from the present $24 770.052. Dog Saves Family • From Death in Fire By the Associated Press. WINCHESTER. Ky.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hackett and their four children slept soundly while fire ate its way across the roof of their home. Outside neighbors turned in a fire alarm and sought to awaken the family by shouting to them. Infcide. "Tucky.” a bull terrier, was heard barking loudly. Finally, the dog dashed upstairs, jumped on the bed of one of the children, and began scratching her face with his paws. The girl quickly awakened other members of the family and all escaped without injury just before the roof caved in. . New York Produce NEW YORK Jan. 17 .T .—Eggs. *.28 03*2; firm Mixed colors, fancy to extra fancy. Cl'j-C.'lU standards. 114: firsts -.*<»1 ; seconds. i8'4- 4 medium.- J* dimes. No. 1 18. average checks. 1»>'2-17 Refrigera tor. fancy and heavyweights. 1 s-*2o standards. 17»<. firsts. 17: seconds. 1 •>*-* 16,4 mediums l.Va- dirties. ]Tv Whites: Resale of extra special'. *2o TI7 12 nearby and Midwestern, extras, j 4 12: specials. standards. 1 *» Re sale of nearby heavier mediums. •:i,r,:4 Nearby and Midwestern, mediums. !il: Bullets. i»i2. Browns: Nearby fancy to extra fancy. 1 2*234-723,a. Nearby and Midwestern, spe cials. 2- standards. 721'2 mediums. *20; pullets, is. Duck eggs. *2*2-*25. Butter jr2.'».37\:. miner. Creamery, higher than extra 31‘4-3'21 extra i<i*2 score'. .’Ub-1 firsts 'SN-Pn, 30-3] U; •econds 484-87v •27l2-,20,i. Cheese. 318.81*2: firm State whole milk flats. June. 1034-*2t»,4: others un changed Rye soot, easy No. *2. American f ob New York 8?1a: No. *2. Western, c.i.f. New York 8H'a Barley steady; No *2. domestic, c i f. New York. «3V Tallow easy, sppcial. loose, o'4. nomi nal extra loo.r. o3« Or eases, easy yellow and house. Hay. Arm No. J. 20.on; No 2. C2on; No :i. i n mo-20 oi»; feeding ih.ou. Straw Arm No 1 rye. 25.on-27.oo, Other articles steady and unchanged. - Short-Term Securities (Reported by Smi'h. Barney A Col Bid. Oder. Ala Gt Sou "A-" 5s 45._ 10P . Alleghany Corn cv 5s 44_ 713« Kit Am Tel A Tel 5'js 43__ 1(181* 108 Austin A Nnrthw 5s 4 1 _ Ku 82 Baldw Loco Works 5s 40_. ini loi3. Central Foundry 6s 41_ P5 SSI* Chicago XJn Station 4s 44__ lnn-’n HIT Childs Co 5s 45 _ __ 501 * 51 Colo Fuel a Iron 5s 45._ 105', 10HV* Container Corn 5s 43 — 10]** 102 Cuba Nor Rwys .V2s 42 .. 29 29'.' Delaware A Hudson 4s 43. , 54 S0»» gr Rap A Ind 5>*s 41 __ 105 linois Steei 4".s 40. ion3, ini'* Inti Hydro-Eleciric (is 44 „ 73'* 75 Int. Merc Marine 6s 4!__ 7 1 723» • Laclede Gas Light 5s 43__ 77 K23, Lake Erie A Wes. 5s 41 . 7 8 85 Lehigh Val Ter Ry 5s 41. _ 5" _ Lou A Nash R R 4s 4o._ 1015, _ Midi R R of N J 5s 40 — Hi 12', N Y A Long Br 4- 41- . 75 Norfolk A Southern 5s 4L__ 54s* 5 7 Pennsylvania Co 316s 4 1... 102', Penn-Dixie Cement (is •*]-_ 97 9s3, Penna R R Co 4s 45.. 109 T(IO>* Peo G Li A Coke 6s 45.. 115 Jlii Peoria a Eastern 4s 4ii__ 65 67 Phila Balt A Wash 4s 43.. 109*41 110*,* Studebaker Corn 6s 45.. 101*, 103 Tex A New Orleans 5s 43__ 53 58 Jlnion Oil Of Calif 6s 42.. 112*4 .. . Vanadium Corn 5s 41_102 HH'j Warren Bros 6s 41...r._ 33*4 34', West N Y A Pa 4s 43.. 107’a 108 White Sew Mach 6s 40_. 1012a - Jersey City Livestock JERSEY CITY N. J.. Jan. 17 <7H fUnitfd States Department of Agriculture!. —Cattle, salable. 000: total. 440; two loads medium Canadian-holdover steers. K.oo H .5 cows active. steady to 25 higher: medium 8 mi-n 25: cutter and common. 5 25-75. fanners. 4.25-5.00: bulls fairly active mostly steady: Rood sausage kinds. ' -3-75 medium 8.50-7.00; cutter and common. h.oo-8.25. Vealers and calves: salable. 80 :total. 410. vealers scarce steady: good and choice nearbys 10.50-14.00; common to medium P.oo-l o.oo: culls. 7.00-8.00; nothing done early on light supply calves. Hogg salable 00 i]0 on Jersey City HO rr New York*: total. 1.530: butchers mostly 5 lower good and choice. 105 pounds. 5 oo good and choice. 210-218 pounds. 5 75-80. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE priT»ie wire direct to xbc si»r. T REASU R Y. High. Low 2:55. 2*1948-50 _ 102.30 102.30 102.30 2 4is 1951-53_ 102.27 102.24 102.27 2 44s 1950-52_ 105.16 105.12 105.13 28,s 1951-54_ 107.9 107.9 107.9 2 84s 1956-69_ 106.12 106.12 106.12 284s 1958-63_ 106.3 105.31 106.3 2»*s 1960-65_ 106.4 105.29 106.4 234s 1965-60_ 107.18 107.11 107.15 3 448 1943-45- 109.30 109.30 109.30 3448 1944-46 110.13 110.1 1 110.11 3*sS 1940-43 Jun 102.8 102.8 102.8 3 84 8 1 9 4 3 - 47_ 109.21 109.21 109.21 3>4s 1946-56_ 114.23 114.23 114.23 4s 1944-54 114.22 114.22 114.22 4 44 8 1 9 4 7 - 52_ 120.13 120.12 120.13 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3 445 1944-64 108.13 108.13 108.13 ‘ HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3s 1944-52 107.29 107.29 107.29 FOREIGN BONDS. H'.en. Low 2 55. aihitibl P&P 5s 53_ 54', 52', 54'a Antwerp 5s 58 _ 69 69 69 Argentina 48 72 Feb.. 81>4 8114 81’i Argentine 4s 72 Apr- 81', 80’, 80’» Argentine 4Hs 48_ 95 95 95 Australia 4 44 * 56 _ 80'4 SO’i 80'j Australia 5s 55_ 85’, 85 85V, A n c t r« 11 n He C T o:i. or or Belgium 6s 65_ 90 90 90 Belgium 7s 55 ... 1014 1004 1004 Berlin C El 6V£s 51... 154 154 154 Brazil Sijs 1926-57_ 144 144 144 Brazil 64s 1927-57 . 144 144 144 Brazil C Ry El 7s 52 . 14 134 134 Brazil 8s 41 _ 18 18 18 Brisbane 5s 57 . 77 77 77 Buen Air 4V*-4%s 77. 604 604 604 Canada 25*s 44_ 954 954 954 Canada 3s 67 _ 874 874 874 Canada 3Vis 61_ 914 91 91 Canada 4s 60_ 1004 1004 1004 Canada os 52 _ 1054 1054 1054 Chile 6s 61 Jan assd . 13 13 13 Chile 6s 61 Sept assd. 13 13 13 Colombia 6s 61 Jan.. 294 294 294 Colombia 69 61 Oct_ 29 274 29 Col Mtg Bk 7s 46_ 26 26 26 Copenhagen 5s 52_2. 414 41 41 Costa Rica 7s 51_ 204 20 20V* Cuba 4 V2 s 77 _ 56', 56 56 Cuba 5s 1914-49_ 103 103 103 Cuba 5 J»s 53 _ 104 1034 104 Denmark 4Us 62_ 424 414 414 Denmark 5 t/Vs 55_ 554 544 554 Denmark 6s 42_ 644 63V, 634 Finland 6s 45 _ 43 43 43 German Govt 7s 49 ... 114 11', llv, Greek G 6s 68 pt pd_. 144 144 14V* Greek G 7s 64 pt pd ... 16 16 16 Hungary 4 '-s 79 ext. 25*, 254 254 Hung Con M 7s 46 . 7 7 7 llung L M 74s 61 A .. 7 7 7 Italy 7s 51 . 704 694 694 Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B. 68 68 68 Japan 6Vis 54 .. 814 814 814 Mex 4s 1910-45 asst_ 4 4 », Mias Mill if 7a 56_ 184 184 184 Milan 6V*s 52_ 50 50 50 Norway 4s 63 _ 66 63 63 Norway 4 Vis 65_ 67 67 67 Norway 4Hs56_ 724 704 704 Norway 6s 43_ 89 89 89 Norway 6s 44 _ 894 88 88 Oriental Dev 5V4s 58. 534 534 534 Oriental Dev 6s 53 584 584 584 Oslo 4 V£s 55 _ 684 684. 684 Panama 5s 63 st asd .. 734 73 73 Peru 1st 6s 60_ 94 94 94 Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 94 94. 94 Peru 7s 59 _ 104 104 104 Poland 4 V&s 68 asd_ 64 64 64 Poland 4 V2s 63 asd_ 6 6 6 Poland 8s 50 _ 7', 74 7v, Queensland 6s 47_ 954 954 954 Queensland 7s 41_ 99 99 99 Rio Gr do Sul 7s 67_ 74 74 74 Rumania 7s 59 _ 9 9 9 Sao Paulo C 6’2s 57_ 74 7 74 6ln PdiilaPfe Cl C O o Sao Paulo St 8s 36_ 14'. 144 144 Sao Paulo St 8s 50_ 84 8 8 Serbs 8s 62 _ 124 124 124 Taiwan Elec 6 4* 71- 554 554 554 Tokyo City 54s 61... 554 554 554 Tokyo El Et 6s 53 .. 59 584 59 Un Stl Wk 6 'is 47 A . 23'. 234 234 Un Stl U'k 64s 51 A 234 234 234 Uru 3Vt-4-4 4s adr 70 46 46 46 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Exp 4s 47 102 102 102 AUeg Corp 6s 44_ 774 774 774 Alleg Corp 5s 43__ 684 68 68 Alleg Corp 6s 50 std.. 414 414 414 Allee & Westn 4s 98 594 52 59 Allied Stores 4 4s 61 964 964 964 Am & For Pw 5s 2030 614 614 614 Am Inti 54s 43_ 104 104 104 Am TAT3Vis61_ 109 109 109 Am T & T 3 4s 66_1084 108 108 AmT&T5V4s43 . 108« 108$ 108tf Anaconda db ♦ 4s 60 106, 1064 1064 Armour! Del)lst4s 55 1004 1004 1004 ArmourlDelMs 57 .. 1004 100 1004 A T&S Fe gen 4s 95__ 1054 1054 1054 A T&S Fe 44s 48 . 1024 1024 1024 Atl&Ch A L 44s 44. 95 95 95 Atl Coast E 1st 4s 52. 744 744 744 Atl Coast E 4 4s 64__ 58 574 574 Atl Coast E 5s 45 _ 74 74 74 Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 .. 334 334 334 Atlantic Refin 3s 53 . 1064 1064 106', Aust & N'orthn 5s 41. 82 82 82 B & O 1st 4s 48 __ 654 654 654 B & O conv 4 4s 60_ 154 154 154 B*O44s60ct_ 154 154 154 B & O 1st 5s 48 _ 684 684 684 B&0 1st5s48ct__ 66 66 66 B AO ref 6s 95 _ 264 254 264 B & O ref 5s 95 Cf_ 254 264 254 B A O 5s 96 F ct _ 26 254 26 B A O ref 5s 2000 D . 26 254 254 B & O rf 6s 2000 D ct- 254 254 25 4 B A O ref 6s 95 _ 274 274 274 B A O ref 6s 65 ct_ 274 274 27' , B & O Swn as 50_ 444 44 414 B & O Swn as 60 ct .. 424 424 424 Bell T of Pa 5s 48 B . 1154 115-4 1154 Beth Steel 3Vis 69 F 1004 100 4 1004 Beth Steel 3 4s 52 .. 1054 105 10,V* Beth Steel 3%s 66_ 1054 1054 1054 Beth Steel 4Vis 60 . 1084 108 1084 Bos & Ale 4 Vi s 61 JJ. 421y, 414 424 Bos A Me 5s 55_ 43', 414 424 Bos & Me 6s 67 _ 43 42 424 Brklyn City R 5s 41.. 69 69 69 Bklyn C RR 5s 41 cl's 684 684 684 Bklyn Ed cn 3Vis 66 . 1094 1094 1094 Bklyn Man T 4%s 66 844 844 844 Bklyn Man 4 4s 66 ct 84 834 834 Bklyn Un El 5s 50 . 90 90 90 Bklyn Un El 6s 50 ct. 874 874 874 Bklyn Un Gas 5s 45.. 1124 1124 1124 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 50_ 944 944 944 Bklyn Un G 5s 67 B.. 105*. 1054 1054 Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47.. 113 113 113 Buff R&P cn 4Vis 57. 374 37 37 Calif 5reg Pwr 4s 66 1034 1034 1034 Canadian NR 4 4s 51 1014 101 1014 van nu i wu__2 iUl'2 Can NR 4 %s 57_ 101% 101% 101% Can NR 4%s 55_ 103% 103% 103% Can NR 5s 69 July_104% 104% 104% Can NR 5s 69 Oct_105% 105% 105% Can Nor e'/js 46 _111% 110% 111% Can Pac db 4s perp_ 62% 62% 62% Can Pac 4%s 46_ 84 83% 83% Can Pac 4 %s 60_ 73% 73 73% Can Pac 5s 44_ 108 108 108 Can Pac 5s 54_ 81% 81% 81% Cent Foundry 5s 41... 76% 76% 76% Cent of Ga cn 6s 45... 7 6% 6% Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 68 68 68 Cent Pacific 5s 60_ 51 50% 50% Cert'd deb 5%s 48 .. 75% 75 75 Ches & Ohio 3 %s 63 F 104% 104 104'* Clies & O 3%s 96 D._. 99% 99% 99% Ches & O 3 %s 96 E_ 99% 99% 99% Chi B&Q gen 4s 58... 90% 90% 90% Chi B&Q 4%s 77_ 80 80 80 Chi &E 111 6s 61_ 17% 17% 17% Chi Grt West 4s 69 ... 25% 25% 25% Chi lnd & Eou 5s 66.. 7% 7 7% Chi lnd & E gen 6s 66 7% 7% 7% Chi Mil & St P 4s 89.. 24% 24% 24% CM&StP 4 %s 89 C_ 25 25 25 CM&StP 4 Mb 89 E_ 24% 24% 24% Cht Mil & St P 6s 75.. 6% 6% 6% CM&StP adj 5s 2000.. *1% 1% 1% Chi&NW gen 3 %s 87. 12% 12% 12% Chi & NW gen 4s 87_13% 13% 13% Chl&NW 4%s 2037... 8% 8% 8% Chi&NW 414s 2037 C. 8% 8% 8% Chi & NW cv 4lis 49. 3% 3% 3% Chi&NW rf 5s 2037_ 9 9 9 Chi Rl&Prf 4s 34_ 5% 5 5 Chi Rl&P gen 4s 8/_13% 13% 13% Chi Rl&P 4%s 52 A— 6 5% 5% ChlRI&Pcv 4%s 60.. 2 2 2 Chi Un Sta 3%s 63... 107% 106% 106% Chi Un Sta 4s 63 D—_ 106% 196% 106% Childs & Co 6s 43_ 50 50 50 Cin G & E 3%s 66 109 109 109 CCC&StECW&M 4s91 46 46 46 CCC&StE rf 4 V^s 77.. 50% 50% 50% Clev El 111 3 %s 65- 1091a 109% 109% Clev Un Ter 4 %s 77.. 73% 73 73% Clev Un Term 5s 73.. 79% 79% 79% Clev Un Ter 6^s 72.. 90 89% 90 Colo F & Ir 6s 70_ 70% 70% 70% Colo & So 4 %e 80_ S3 S3 33 4* High. Low 2:65. Col G & E 6a 52 May.. 106 104% 105 Col G & E 6a 61 _104% 104% 104% Colum RP&L 4s 65... 108% 108% 108% Comw Ed 3 %s 6S_128% 127% 127% Coraw Ed 3%s 68-110% 110% 110% Conn R Pw 3% 61_109% 109 109 Cons Ed N Y 314> 46. 106% 106', 106% Cons Ed N Y 3 %s 66. 106% 106% 106% Consol 011 3 %s 61 . 104% 104% 104% Consum Pwr 3 \*s 66. 106 105% 106 Consum Pwr 3Hs 70. 110% 110% 110% Container deb 5s 43.. 102 102 102 Crane Co 3 %s 51_ 105 105 105 Crown C&S 4s 50_ 105 104% 104', Crown C & S 4%s 48 103% 103% 103% Crucible Steel 4 %s 4* 101% 101% 101% Cuba R 1st 5s 62 ... 35 35 35 Cuba RR 7%s 46 A... 45 45 45/ Del & Hud ref 4s 43 60 59% 59% Den & R G con 4s 36.. 8% 8% 8% D * R G W 5s 55 ast.. 2% 2V* 2% Det Edison 4s 65 .. Ill', ill m% Duouesne Lt 3%s 65. 107%. 107% 107% Elec Auto Lt 4s 52... 107% 107% 107% Erie cv 4s 53 A_ 19 19 19 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 53% 53 53 | Erie gen 4s 96__22% 22 22% Erie gen 4s 96 reg_ 19% 19% 19% Erie ref 6s 67_ 15% 15% 15% Erie ref 5s 75 ... 15% 15% 15% Erie & Jersey 6s 55... 51 51 51 Firestone T 3 %s 48 __ 105% 105% 105% Francisco Sug 6s 56.. 60 50 50 Gen Cable 6%s 47 .. 102% 102% 102', Gen Mot Acc 3 %s 51. 107 106% 106% Gen Stl Cast 5%s 49.. 66% 66 66% d r\r\A risk 4 1/ e CC 1/11 : 1 o it. i/t / , Grt Nor Ry 3 6is 67... 72 72 72 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G_. 1004 994 99', Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 884 884 884 Grt N Ry 1st 44s 61. 1054 105'., 105', Grt NR 4 Hs 76 D 814 81.4 814 Grt N R gn 4 4s 77 E 824 814 82 Grt Nor Ry 6s 73 ... 914 914 914 Grt Nor Ry 54s 52... 974 974 97', Gulf M&N 54s 50 ... 854 85 85 Gulf Sta St! 4 4s 61.. 964 964 964 Gulf St Util 34s 69.. 1084 1084 1084 Har Rlv & P 4s 54_ 61', 614 614 Hoe(R)lst mtg 44_ 764 76 764 Housatonic cn 5s 37.. 44', 44', 41*, Houston 011 4 4s 54_. 974 97', 97', Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 344 334 844 Hud & Man Inc 5s 57. J34 13 134 Hud & Man ref 5s 57. 474 47 474 111 Bell Tel 314s 70 B. 1104 1104 110', 111 Cent 4s 52 - 45 45 45 111 Cent 4s 53 _ 45 45 45 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 47 464 47 111 Cent 46,s 66 _ 45 444 45 111 Cent ref 5s 55 _ 53 5*', 53 ICC&StL NO Ks 63 A.* 484 47', 484 Ind Bloom & W 4s 4" 994 994 994 lndust Rayon 4'is 48 102 1014 1(114 Inland Steel 364s 61.. 109 109 109 Int li T 1st rf as 66 74', 744 744 lnt R T 1st rf 5s 66 ct 744 744 744 lnt RT 6s 32 _ 314 31 3P, IntRT7s32ct _ 734 734 734 Int Grt Nor 5s 56 B... 12 12 12 Int Grt Nor as 66 C ... 124 12 12 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 14 14 11 Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52. 14 14 14 Int Hydro E! 6s 44_ 72 714 72 Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 704 704 70', Int Paper 1st 5s 47... 103 1024 103 Int Paper ref 6s 55... 984 98 99 Int T&T 44s 52_ 39i, 394 394 Int T&T 5s 65 _ 43 424 424 Jones & I. Stl 44s 61 944 91 94 Kans C FtS&M 4s 36. 29 284 29 Kans City So 3s 50 68 67 67 j Kans City So rf 5s 50 664 66 06 Kans G & E 4 4s So . 1041, 1014 1044 Hoppers Co 4s 51 ._ 1044 104 1044 Kresge Found 4s 45__ 105', 1054 1054 Laclede Gas 5s 39_ 90 894 90 Laclede Gas 5s 42 ... 834 834 834 Laclede Gas 54s 53 . 49 484 48', Laclede Gas 6s 42 A . 434 42*. 424 Lake S & M S 34s 97. 824 824 924 Leh Val C 5s 64 std... 264 26', 26'i Leh Val C 5s 74 std... 264 264 264 Leh Val Har 5s 54 ... 41 44 44 L V RR con 4s 2003.. 154 154 154 L V RR 48 2003 asd 154 15 154 L V RR 44s 2003 asd 154 154 154 L V RR 5s 2003 asd.. 164 164 164 Llgg & Myers 5s 51._ 1294 1294 1294 Loew s 3Hs 46_ 102 .• 102 102', 51_ 1264 1264 1264 Lorillard 7s 44_ 1264 1264 126', La & Ark 5s 69 ... 84 84 84 L & Nash 36,s 2003.. 82 82 82 L & N unit 4s 40_1014s 10144 101j{ L & X St L 3s 80 _ 81 804 81 Me Central 4 4s 60—_ 544 544 54', I Manatl Sugar 4s 67_ 40 40 tot Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct 80 80 80 Marlon St Shov 6s 47. 65 65 65 [ Mead Co 6s 45_ . 105', 105 1054 alien e ons uas is HU'* HU'a HU 4 I Mil & St Line 3 Vis 41. 29!» 294 294 Mil Spa & NW 4s 47.. 14 14 14 | MStP&SSM cn 4s 38.. 54 54 5', | MStP&SSM 54s 49.. 14 14 14 ! MStP&SSM 6s 46 ... 14 P, 14 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90_ 28 27'* 27'. Mo K&T 6s 62 A _ 174 174 174 Mo K&T adj 5s 67_ 7 7 7 Mo Pac 4s 75 _ 34 34 34 Mo Pac 6s 65 A_ 14 14 14 Mo Pac 6s 77 F_ 15 134 144 Mo Pac 5s 78 G_ 144 144 144 Mo Pac 5s 80 H_ 144 14 144 Mo Pac 5s 81 1 _ 144 14 14 . MoPac5V4s49 _ p, 14 14 Mob & Ohio 5s 38 .. 324 32 32 Monong P S 4’js 60.. 1094 1094 1094 Monong P S 6s 65_ 1104 1104 1104 Mont Pwr 3?*s 66_ 1004 100 1004 Montr Tram 5s 41 86 86 86 I Morrls&Es 3 Vis 2000 434 434 434 Nasbv C&L 4s 78_ 67 67 67 Nassau Elec 4s 61... 474 474 474 Nat Dairy 3Vis 51 ww 106', 106'. 106', Nat Distill 34s 49... 104 104 104 Nat Steel 3s 65 .. 1024 1024 1024 New E T&T 4 Vis <1 125 1244 125 New Jer-P&L 4 '2s 60 107', 107», 107', New Orl G N R 5s 83. 70 694 70 N>w ".IPS 5s 52 A 1034 1034 1034 Ni Dr) Ter 1st 4S 53 68 68 68 j N* ., T&M 6s 54 B 35 35 35 New orl TAM 5‘is 54 364 364 364 N Y Central 3 Vis 62.. 584 58', 58*. N Y Central 3 Vis 97 . 79 78V. 784 N Y Central 3&,s 4676 754 754 N Y Central 4s 42 ... 86 86 86 N Y Cent con 4s*)8 594 59 594 N Y Cent 4‘is 2013 A 524 52 524 N Y Cent rf 6s 2013.. 584 58 584 NYCL Sh 3 Vis 98 .. 564 564 564 N Y Chl&StL 4s 46.. 79 79 79 N Y Chl&StL 4‘4s 78. 544 54 544 N Y C&StL 5V4s 74 A. 62 614 62 NY Chl&StL 6s 41. 82 82 82 NY NH & H 3 Vis 54.. 15 16 15 NY NH & H 4s 55_ 164 16 16 NY NH & H 4s 56 ... 16 16 16 NY NH & H 44s 67.. 19 19 19 N Y O&W ref 4s 92... 5*4 54 5'. N Y Steam 3‘.is 63.. . 1044 104!, 1044 N Y Tel 3Vis 67 _110 110 110 Norf & W 1st 4s 96... 124 124 124 North Am 4s 59 .. 1074 107!4 1074 Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047. 41 404 404 Nor’n Pac 4s 97 66 654 654 Nor’n Pac 4 V4s 2047.. 444 44 44 Nor’n Pao 6s 2047 D.. 47', 474 474 Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 C_ 474 47*» 474 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047_ 544 644 644 Ohio Edison 3 s,is 72.. 106', 106', 106*. Oreg RR & N 4s 46_ 1104 1104 1104 Oregon W RR 4s 61_ 1054 105 1054 ^ac G & E 3 V, s 61_1114 111 1114 Pac G & E 4s 64_1124 112** 112*. Pat & P G E 5s 49_ 1244 1244 1244 Penn Co 4s 63 .. _1034 1034 1034 Penn O&D 4 Vis 77_ 974 974 974 Penn P&L 3 Vis 69_1084 1084 f0g*» Penn P&L 4%s 74_ 108 1074 1074 Penn RR 3 Vis 62_ 854 854 854 Penn RR 3 9is 70_ 884 88*. 884 nn 4. a o 1 no 1 no 1 r. 11 Penn RRcn 4s 48 stp. 1X3% 113% 113% Penn RR 4%s 81_ 97% 97% 97% Penn RR 4%s 84_ 96% 96% 96% Penn RR 4%s 60_117% 117% 117% Penn RR en 4 %s 65_102% 101% 102 Penn RR db 4%s 70_86% 86" 86 Penn RR een 6s 68 107% 107% 107% Peoples GL&C 5s 47.. 116 115% 116 Peoria & E 1st 4s 40.. 66 66 66 Peoria & E inc 4s 90.. 8 8 8 Phelps Dodge 3 %s 62 110% 110% 110% Phila B&W 4s 43_109% 109% 109% Phila B&W 4%s 77 C. 107% 107% 107% Phila B&W 4 Va s *1 D. 107 107 107 Phila Co 6s 67__%105% 105% 105% Phila Elec 3%s 67_111% 111% 1U% Phila R C & Ir 6s 78.. 11 10% 11 Phila R C & Ir 6s 49_ 3% 3% 3% Philippine Ry 4s 37._ 6% 6% 6% Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 111% 111 111 PCC&StL 4%s ,77_ 99 99 99 Pitts C&Ir 4%s 52 .. 98% 98% 98% Port Gen El 4 %s 60.. 80% 80 80% Postal Tel & C 5s 53 18% 17% 18 Pub Svc E&G 3%s 68 111% 111% 111% Rem R'd 4%s 56 ww. 99% 99V* 99% Republic Stl 4%s 56. 95 95 95 Republic Stl 4%s 61. 94% 94 94 Republic Stl 6%s 64. 108 107% 108 Revere Cop 4%s 56... 99% 99% 99% Roch G&E 3%s 69_107% 107% 107% R I A & L 4 %s 14_ 7% 7% 7% | Rutland RR 4Us U„ 8% 8% 8% High. Low. 2:55 Satuenay Pw 4 4* 66 98 98 98 St L LM&S K&G 4s 3i 61 60 60 St L-Ran Fr 4s 60 A.. 11 104 11 St L-San Fr 4s 60 ct.. 104 104 104 St L-San Fr 44* 78... 104 104 104 St L-S F 414s 78 ct at. 10 10 10 St L-San F 6s 60 B_„ 114 114 114 St L-S F 6s 60 B ct... 11 11 11 St LS Wist 4s 89_59 rtO 59 St L South Wn 6s 62. 164 164 164 St P Un Dep rf 5s 72.. 114 114 114 San A&A Pass 4s 43 . 654 554 554 Schulco 64s 46 A stp 184 184 184 Seabd A L 4s 50 stp.. 144 .14 144 Seabd A L rf 4s 59 . 54 54 54 Seabd A L rf 4s 59 ct. 44 44 44 Seab'd A L con 6s 45.. 84 84 84 Shell Un Oil 2 4s 64.. 954 95 954 Silesian Am 7s 41_ 28 274 274 Simmons Co 4's 52_ 100 99-4 994 Socony Vac 3s 64 ... 1054 1054 1054 So Bell T& T 3s 79 ._ 1044 1044 1044 So Bell T&T 34s 62.. 1084 1084 1084 SouthnCal G4s 65 .110 110 110 Southn Cal G 4 4s 61 108 108 108 Southn Kraft 44s 46 994 984 994 So Pac 34s 46 _ 54 54 54 So Pac ref 4s 55_ 62 614 614 So Pac col 4s 49_ 454 454 454 So Pac 4 4*68_ 474 46'* 47 So Pac 44s 69- 464 464 46'* So Pac 44s 81_ 46'. 464 46'. So Pac Oreg 44* 77.. 504 494 50 So Ry ten 4s 66 A_ 58'* 584 584 So Ry 5s 94 _ 874 87 874 So Ry ten 6s 56- 754 75', 754 So Ry 64s 56 80'* 804 804 S W Bell Tel 34s 64 . Ill 111 111, Stand Oil N J 2»*s 53 1054 1054 1054 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 .. 1054 1054 105', Sturiebaker cv 6s 45.. 1014 1014 1074 Swift & Co 3s 50 106 1054 1054 Ter RR As StL 4s 53. 108'* 108'-.. 1084 Texarkana 5 4s 60... 894 894 894 Texas Corp 3s 59 .. 1054 1054 105’, Texas Corp 34s 61 . 107 1064 1064 Tex & New Orl 5s 43 58 58 58 Texas & Pac 6* 77 B_ 70 70 70 Tex*Pac 1st 5s 2000 1094 109', 1094 Tex & P MPT 54s 64 96 954 954 Third Av ref 4s 60 .. 514 514 514 Third Av ad1 5s 60 . 144 144 144 I IU« VTHl Ull nm'i l"t>4 lOh'3 To] & Ohio C 3\s 60. 87 87 87 Tol St L&W 4s 50 -. 654 654 654 L'n El Chicago 5s 45-. 84 84 84 Un El(iMo)3 4s 62_ 108 108 108 Un Pacific 3 4s 70_ 97>j 974 97'.. Un Pacific 3 MtS 71_ 974 97 4 974 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47.. 11.34 11.34 1134 Un Pac ret 4s 2008 ... 1074 1074 1074 Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 .. 1144 1144 114'. United Biscuit 5s 50. 109 1084 1084 United Drug 5s 53 79 79 79 U S Steel 3>4s 48 1064 1064 1064 Utd Stkyds4!/*s51ww 924 924 924 Utah L&T 5s 4 4 1024 1024 1024 Utah Pwr & Lt 5s 44. 103 103 103 Utility P & L 5s 59 . 89 874 89 Utility P & L 54s 47. 854 874 894 Vanadium 5s 41 _ 1034 10.3 103 Va Ky 1st 3%s 66_ 1074 1074 1074 Wabash 4 ».£s 78 C_ 84 84 84 Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 40 394 40 Wabash 5s 76 B_ 7 » 74 74 Wabash 2d 5s 39_ 18 18 18 Wabash 5tjs 75 ..... 84 84 84 Wabash Om 3 4s 41.. 13 13 is Walworth 4s 55 ... 654 65-4 654 Warner Bros 6s 48 . 84 » 844 S44 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 334 334 334 W Pa Pw 1st 5s 63 E. 120 120 120 West Sh 1st 4s 2361 . 49 48 49 West Md 1st 4s 52 844 844 844 West N Y&P pn 4s 43 . 107', 1074 1074 West Union 4 50 - 65 65 65 West Union 5s 61_ 704 704 704 West Union 5s 60_ 68 674 674 Wheel & L E 4s 49 1144 1144 1144 Wheel Steel 4 4s 66 .. 974 974 974 Wilson & Co 3%s 47-- 98 98 98 Wilson&Co 4s 55 104 104 104 Wis Cent 1st gn 4s 49 17 17 17 WisC S&D T 4s 36— 74 7 7 Wis El Pw 3 4s 68 ... 1084 1084 1084 Wis Pub Svc 4s 61... 1094 1094 1094 Youngst'n S&T 4s 48 107 106 4 1064 Youncst'n S&T 4s 61 106 106 106 Baltimore Tobacco Sales Total 37,261 Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Jan. 17.—Total re nnin4o ..,.7-1 4.1__ . JHWU IUWOC.VU n t UJC Baltimore markei during the 1939 season were 37.340 hogsheads, of which 374 hogsheads were 1939 crop ground leaves, according to figures just compiled. The market closed just before Christmas and will re open in the spring. Total sales during the period were 37.261 hogsheads. The figures indicate only a small carry-over in sellers' hands of the 1938 stock. During the five weeks before the end of the year the receipts of Maryland tobacco totaled 755 hogs heads and sales reached 1.011 hogsheads. There were no receipts of Ohio tobacco and sales totaled 18 hogsneads. U. S. Dollar Is Steady In Terms of Francs Bj the Associated Press. PARIS. Jan. 17.—The United States dollar closed unchanged at 43.80 Irancs (2.283 cents to the franc i in foreign exchange trading today, compared with 2.250 cents to the franc in New' York overnight. Exchange on London. 176.625. In bourse trading 3 per cent rentes were 73 80 Irancs; 4'-s "A," 82 10 4i/2s 1937, 217.00. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK- Jan. 17 -P .—The foreign money market discovered a smoother price trail to follow today after the bumpy fluc tuations of the last few days. Aside from a j-cent drop in the British pound leading European currencies re mained unaltered in relation to the dollar. Late rates follow (Great Britain in dol lars. others in cents»: Canada. Official Canadian control board buying rate for U S dollars, lin.w); selling rate lll.Od. Open market rates. Montreal in New' York. 88.12‘2; New York in Montreal, 113.58 V4. Europe. Great Britain, demand. 3.05: cables. 3.85*4: 8<i-day bills 3.»3»4. tto-day bills. 3.01*4 Belgium 10.85; Denmark. 18.33; Finland I.OOn. France. 2.25: Germany. 40.25n: benevolent. 17.50; Greece. .73n: Hungary. 17.H0n: Italy 5-05; Netherlands. 53.20: Norway. 22.7 3: Portugal. 3.87n: Ru mania. .73n: Sweden 23.83; Switzerland. 22.43, Youngstown, 2.35n. Latin America. Argentina official. 29 77 free. 22.801 Brazil. 0.05; free 5.10; Mexico. lfi.SOn. Far East. Japan. 23.49; Hong Kong. 24.68. Shang hai. 8.15. (Rates in spot cables unless otherwise Indicated. n Nominal). Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co Rate. Pe- Stock of Pay riod. Record, able. Extra. Silex Co_ 5c . 1-31 2-10 Regular. Bourne Mills . 20c Q 2-1 2-15 Crown Ck & Sea) Ltd 40c Q 1-31 2-15 Erie A Kala R R_.S1.37 ‘a .. _ 1-2H 2-1 Gemmer Manufac B 25c 1-20 2-1 Hanna. M A Co. $5 pf SI.25 « 2-15 3-1 Oswego Falls _ 15c 1-20 2-1 Silex Co 30c Q 1-31 2-10 Walker. H. Good A Worts. Ltd SI Q 2-27 3-15 Walker. H. Gooderham A Worts pf.. 25c Q 2-27 3-15 Barnsdall Oil _15c _ _ 2-20 3-9 Continental Oil_25c . 3-4 3-25 General Foods _.50c Q 1-26 2-16 New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Jan. 17 dPi.—(National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc.); , Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS ISFI (2.40)_ 35U 37'» Bank of Man ( 80ai _ ltp4 is'/4 Bank of N Y (14) _ 430 440 Bankers Tr (2) __ __ 57 59 Bklvn Tr (4) so 85 Cen Han Bk A Tr (4>_103 lot; Chase Nat (1.40) 35 37 Chem Bk A Tr (1.8(1)_ 4934 5134 Commercial (8) 170 176 Corn Bk A Tr (.80) _ 1 334 I5t4 Corn Ex Bk A T 13)_ 59 «(> Empire Tr (.HO) __ 11‘a 12‘a First Nat (Bost (2) _ 457s 477> First Natl (100) __ _1910 •I960 Guaranty Tr (12) __ 291 29H Irving Tr (.60) ___ _ 12'a l.i'a Manufacturers Tr (2' __ 39 41 Manufacturers Tr pf (2)_ 51 W 53 W Natl City (It_ 29 Vi 30»4 N Y Trust (5)_108 111 Public (lVa)-_.. 31 33 Till* a * *_-_ 8 W AW Morgan, Stanley Co. Asks S. E. C. Hearing On Dayton Issue Wants No Repetition Of Consumers' Power Bond Dispute By the Associated Press. Morgan. Stanley & Co.. New York investment bankers, beat competi tors to the draw yesterday and asked the Securities and Exchange Com I mission to investigate the propriety ! of the company’s underwriting a proposed $25,000,000 bond issue of the Dayton Power & Light Co. Attorneys lor the bankers told the commission that the question of Morgan’s relation to the utility probably would come up anyway, and the bankers wanted the ques tion settled as soon as possible. They indicated they did not want a repe tition of their experience in han dling financing for the Consumers Power Co. of Michigan, which was held up several days by hearings. At the bankers’ request, the com mission ordered a hearing January 24. saying: “It appearing to the commission that Morgan. Stanley & Co. may stand in such relation to the Day ton Power & Light Co. that there is liable to be or to have been an absence of arm's length bargain ing with respect to the transaction whereby the Dayton Power & Light Co. proposes to sell in excess of 5 per cent of the total offering of the aforementioned bonds to Morgan. Stanley & Co., it (the hearing) is ordered. * * *” I ' 1 Washington Produce BUTTER—score tubs. 1-pound I prints. :t:J'2. '4-pound prints. :t4 PM i score, tubs, :iM l-nound prints. .T!1 j. '4- ! j pound prints :t.'t !H score tubs. :tl V 1-1 1 pound print .'tM‘«. U-pound prints h.'k*4. 1 !M» score tubs ;j l14 1-pound prints. hm >4. ‘4-pound prints .’JM1* K!‘ score, tubs y.l'j. l-nound print" ‘4-nound prims. I •T-'a: *8 score, tubs. 1; 1-pound prints.! :U'.> '4-pound prints :$M LIVESTOCK— Calves 11'*: lambs. !>*a: I pigs. l*.’o-l4o pounds 4 75-5 no; HO-Mlo pounds 5 ■,’5-5 5o M*’o-M4o pounds. .V<ni- , 5 Mo. M40-:too pounds 4 50-5.00 sows. . :t 50-4 00. whole undressed calves. 10-! 1 IP' ‘Prices paid net fob.. Washington * EGGS—Market steady For eggs can- j died and graded in Washington 'January 17* Whiter u S extras, large. M.'t cents: U S extras, mediums M’o cents. U S. i standards large Ml cents; U S standards. , mediums IK cents U S trade'. It; cents For neaibv ungraded eggs Current re ! ceipts Whiles 11» to Mo cents; nnxed col ors t" to 1 s cents. I.IVE POULTRY Marke- 'teady Fowl I Colored all sizes 15 to 1 *» cents No *’s. s to 10 cen's rooster s to !• cents ; Chickens Virginia Rocks Broilers and frvers ail sizr> 1 to If. ceir No M". Iti cents Delaware Rocks and crosses Broilers and fryers, all size? Ii‘y to 15 rents No Ms. v »o ]" cents mix. d colored fryers 11 to im cents Turkeys Young roms. 15 pounds and up. 15 cents young hens, in pounds end up. Ik to 10 rents. Younr guinea keatfi 1 *4 pounds, and up 1». cent' a pound old kea* ]<i cents a pound Caoons »i pounds and over. IK to MO cents -No. Ms and slips. It; cents. Other Markets. FLORIDA—lugs avocados ALABAMA—Five bushel boxes water cress LOUISIANA—Two barrels shallots. PENNSYLVANIA—Two hundred and sixtv-fou*- .’.-pound baskets mushrooms UNKNOWN ORIGIN — Thirty-three crates mixed veeetables APPLES—Market dull Bushel and 1 : . bushel boxes Maryland Pennsylvania. Vir- 1 Kinia and Wes' Virginia U. S No 1 Grimes M'4-mch minimum. 05-75. M'» mch minimum. K5-oo *>;*4-inch minimum mostlv around 1 oh Sravman's. MU-mrh minimum, 75-85 M'2-inch minimum !•«» 1 on Yorks M14-inch minimum 05-7 5; \!'a-inch minimum. 85-1.00. Black Twigs j •IP-inch minimum. oo-l 00. Mn4-inch j minimum and .‘{-inch minimum. 1 oo-l lo j Jonathans M «-inch minimum mostly around ‘.‘a-incn minimum, n.v.mi, up j licious. 2,4-inch minimum 05-75; 2*2 , inch minimum mostly 1 on. Northern Spvs S'ark.' and McIntosh. 5o-1 <»0. as *o size end condition Ganos 2 ’ 4-21 „• inches. tn-5n mostly 4n. Bushel boxes and car- ; tons Pennsylvania* Virginia ana West Vir- , I Kinia. fancy. Staymans. 11 :is-1 50s. 1 35- | 1 1 5m. *>4s-!oP. 1.40-1.05 Delicious. 113s ! 1 *>. is 1 35-1. 5m 72s-1 OOs. 1.50-1 75 1 Golden Delicious 113s-lH3s. 1.25-1.35: ; ; x*s-lOOs 1.4»i-l.Om combination U S * l fancy and U S. No. 1 Paragons, all sizes. | | 1.10-1.50. POTATOES—Marker slightly .stronger. Maine lMM-pound sacks. Green Mountain. U S No 1 size A 2 15-2.25 U S No. 1. ‘.’-inch minimum. 2.25-2.35. New York. ; lMM-pound sacks round whiles. U. S. No. 1 I ! *10-2.00. Pennsylvania loo- pound sacks Kaiahdins and Green Mountains. U. S No ; 1 2 25 round whiles. U S No. 1 l .no. Idaho loo-pound sacks. Russet Burbanks i ’ U S No 1 2 25: bushel crates Bliss Tri | umphs. U. S.%No. J. Florida. 2 no; Texas, j S 1.7 5-2 Oil. CABBAGE—Market steady Truck re ceipts modeiate. Florida. 1'2-bushel ham pers domestic round type, freight. 1.1 it; j truck, packed locally fm-1 on New York, oil-pound sacks Danish type 70-75. CARROTS—Market steady California. I.os Angeles crates bunched. 3.25. Texas, halt crates, bunched. 1.35-1 •tic Pennsyl tania. bushel baskets, topped, washed. 1 on CAULIFLOWER—Market slightly weak er. California crates. 1.40-1.35. CELERY — Market steady Florida. Id inch crates individually washed. :: dozen. 7 7-V.j tt dozen- 7.50; k-io dozen. 2.75: California. 3-tj dozen half crates, indhid i ually washed, 2.50-2.75: lti-mch crates. ! 2.50 LETTUCE—Market, steady Lo<= Angeles : 1 crates Arizona 5 dozen 2 50-3.00: 0 doz | en ordinary to fair condition. 2 on2.50 California. 5 dozen. 3.25. > ONIONS—Market steady 50-pound sacks yellow s. U S. No. 1 New York. 80 s5 Ohio }»o: Colorado and Idaho^ 50 pound sacks. Sweet Spanish. U. S. No. 1. • 3 inches and larger 1.10-1-15. PEAS—Market dull Truck receipts very j light. Florida, bushel hampers, small pods, fair condition. 1.25. SWEET POTATOES—Market steady Maryland, 'bushel baskets. Goldens. U. S No. 1 85-04): bushel baskets. Nancy Halls. 75-85 Anne Arundel County, bushel hamp ers Nancy Halls 85-00. North Carolina, bushel baskets. Puerto Ricans, packed lo cally. 75. , _ . TOMATOES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very light. Florida, truck, lug boxes, ripes and turning, wrapped. 0x0, 1.50-2.00; few best. 2.50. BROCCOLI—Market about steady. Cali fornia. crates. 2.25-2.50. fair condition. 2.00. STRAWBERRIES—Market weak. Truck receipts light. Florida. 30-pint crates, per pint. 10-17. , . AVOCADOS—Market steady Truck re ceipts light. Florida, flat crates, 1 25 1.50: fair condition, l.oo. LIMES—Market steady Truck re ceipts light. Florida, quarter boxes Per sians. 1.50*1.75. SPINACH—Mai ket steady Truck re ceipts light. Bushel baskets Savoy type. Texas. 1.4)0-1.10: Norfolk section 75. SNAP BEANS—Market dull. Truck re ceipts very light Florida, bushel ham pers. Black Valentines. 1.50-1.75: fair condition. 1.25. , LIMA BEANS—Market dull. Truck re ceipts very light. Florida, bushel ham pers. 2.75-3.00. PEPPERS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts very light. Florida, bushel ham pers. green. 1.25-1.50. SQUASH and CUCUMBERS—Supplies insufficient to quote. EGGPLANT—Market dull Truck re ceipts liRht. Florida. Pi-bushel crates, fair quality. 1.25-1.50. COLLARDS—Market w'eak. Truck re ceipts moderate. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 45-55. KALE—Market steady. Truck receipts iight. Norfolk section, bushel baskets. 55-05. HANOVER SALAD—Market steady. Truck receipts very light. Norfolk sec tion, bushel baskets. 05-75. T-T1 nVTTn rT'FVnO in.xfGnl.Mf In quote. ESCAROLE—Market dull Supplies very light. Florida. l'2-bushel hampers, very few sales. 75 BRUSSEL SPROUTS — Market slightly stronger for best stock. California. 25 pound dtums. 2.25-2.50; fair condition. 2.00 MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. :t-pound baskets. 30-65; mostly 40-50 PARSNIP8—Pennsylvania.12-bushel bas kets. 40-50. RHUBARB—Michigan. 6-pound cartons. 50. ORANGES—Florida, boxes. 1.50-2.00. as to grade and size GRAPEFRUIT—Florida. boxes. 1.60 2.00. as to grade and size; few special marks higher. TANGERINES—Florida, ‘-.-bushel boxes. 1.00- 1.50. as to grade and size. LEMONS—California, boxes. No. 1. 5.00- 5.50; No. 2. 400-4 25. CHESTNUTS—Portugal. 5-8 per pound PERSIMMONS — California. 10 - pound lugs 1.00. PEARS—Oregon, boxes. D Anjou. 2 00 2.50 KUMQUAT8—Florida. 42-quart crates, 2.00- 2.25. BEETS—Texas. crates. 1.25. PINEAPPLES—Crates. Florida. 5 00 5.50: Cuba. 3.00-4.00; poor, low as 2.00. PARSLEY—Texas. '* crates. 1.25 GRAPES—California, lugs Emperors. 1 75-2.00; Almerias 2.00: Ribiers. fair condition. 1.50. A standard cord of wood has about the same heating value as a ton of coal. NEW YORK CURB MARKET Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. HIzh. Lew 2:55. Ala Power Df (7) 20* 1054 1054 1054 Alum Co Arn(6g) 560*1514 150 1514 Alum Co of (6).. 50*116 116 116 Alum Ltd <4.25g) 200* 1014 1004 1004 Alum Ltd pf («)_ 100* 105 105 105 Am Beverage- 1 14 14 14 Am Cap pf 1.25d 2 20 20 20 Am City PALI B) 2 14 14 14 AmCyriam A.60a 20a 334 334 334 Am Cynam B.60a 14 334 33 334 Am Expt L (.65*) 8 164 164 164 Am Gas&K 1.60a 4 364 364 364 Am Gen pf (2)... 175a 254 254 254 Am Hard R 2.50* 100a 124 124 124 Am Laund M .80. 1 16 16 16 Am Maracaibo... 1 4 »4 4 Am Pneumatic_ 1 4 4 4 Am Republics.-. IS 7 64 7 Am Superpower.. 28 A 4 4 Am Sup lstpf(6) 300s 714 684 684 Am Thread pf .25 1 34 34 34 Appal El P pf(7). 10s 114 114 114 Ark Nat Ga* A .. 2 24 24 24 Ark P A L pf (7). 40a 984 984 984 Ashland O&R 40 1 54 54 54 Aaaoc Gas ft Elea 1 A A & Assoo GasftEl Df. 4 24 2-4 2 4 Atlas Drop For* 1 24 24 24 Atlas Plyw’d .26* 1 144 144 144 Azton Fisher A.. 120s 50 50 50 Ayshire Patoka.. 1 34 34 34 Babcock ft WU... 1 204 204 204 Baldwin Lo war. 1 64 64 64 Baldw L pf 2.10.. 100a 25 25 25 Bath Iron ... 4 114 11 11 Baecb Aircraft.. 3 7*7 7 Ballanca Aircraft 3 64 64 64 Bell Aircraft .. 5 19 184 19 Bell Tel Can (8) . 40a 1344 1344 1344 Bens & 11 pf (3d) 25a 46 46 46 Bliss (EWl_ 3 134 124 124 Blue Ridge .. 2 14 14 14 Blue R cvpf <3h). 3 42 42 42 Bowman-BUt_ 1 4 4 4 Bowman B 2d pf. 1 14 14 14 I Brazilian T ft L, . 2 7 7 7 I Breeze <2or pf .50*. 3 54 5»» 54 Brewst Aero .20* 81 11', 114 114 Brldgp't Machine 1 24 24 24 I Brill (A) .. 1 24 2-4 24 ! Brlt-A T hr .868*. 1 19 19 19 , Brown HuDber 47 24 24 24 1 B'keye P L 2.DO*. 250a 334 33 334 I B N&EP Df 1.60.. 4 21', 214 214 i B N&EP 1st (6).. 50a 1054 1054 IO04 ] Cab El Prod vtc 2 ft )) Can Col Airways 4 64 64 64 I Cap City Pro .15* 50s 84 84 84 Carneeie Met .. 2 4 4 ! Caro P&L pf <7)_ 10s 104 104 104 Carrier Corp ... 7 iz4 124 124. Catalin Am .15*.. 4 24 24 24 Celluftiid pf _ 50s 23 23 23 Cent N Y Pwr pf 6 70s 994 99 99'; Cant P& L pf (7) 50a H04 1104 1104 Chesebroda) . 50s 113 113 113 j Clues Service_ 4 44 44 44 Cities Service pf 1 564 564 564 Cit Ser P&Lpf (6) 20a 91 91 91 Cit Ser P&Lpf (7) 20s 96 96 96 Clev Tractor _ 2 54 54 54 | Colts Pat F A 2a_ 5"s 80 80 80 Col G ft E pf (51. 100s 674 674 674 Comwlth ft s war 10 A A A Consol Gas Util.. 4 1* 14 14 Conti G&E prpf 7 20s 97 96 96 Copper Range .. 150s 44 44 44 Copperweld .80.. 2 154 154 loS Cosden Peuolm . 2 14 14 14 Creole Petm ,5ua 5 214 214 214 Cr n C'k lnt A 2,7k 1 74 7 . 74 Payton Rub ,2ie 200a 174 174 174 Mecca ltec 2tie 9 7', 74 74 P<. jay Stores ,2"e 1 44 44 44 Dei G&.\1 pf 1.20. 1 174 174 174 Pet Gray Irn .via 1 14 14 1 , Diam’d Shoe (2). 75s 264 264 26', Divco Twin 4Ug 2 74 74 74 Domln Stl & Coal 1 114 IP, 114 Dubilier Con ,13g 2 14 li 14 Eastn G&F 6 pf 100s 20 20 20 E G&F pi pf 4.50d 100s 434 434 434 Eisler Elec .08g_. 1 14 14 14 Elec Bond ft Sh . 14 74 74 74 Elec B ft S pf (5) 1 58 58 58 Equity Corp _ 4444 Equity cv pf (8). 75a 24 24 24 Esquire (.60)_ 1 4 •» 44 44 Fairchild Av.40g 1 104 104 104 Fanny Fai 1.50a. 100s 234 234 234 Fansteel Metal.. 2 11 11 11 Fldelio Brew ..3 4 4 4 Fire As Phlla 2a. 10s 67 , 67 4 674 Fisk Rubber 12 144 11, 144 Fla P&L pf 1.75k 100s 1004 100 100!; Fruehaut Trad) 13 294 29 294 Gen Alloys _ 3 l-. Pi p, Gen Sharehold 1 14 14 14 Gen Share pf(6h) 60s 734 724 724 Gen Tel pf (3 I 2 504 504 504 Gen T&R pf A (61 10s 104 104 104 Glen Alden C .25* 8 64 64 64 Goldfield Consol. la A A Gray Mf* ... 1 104 104 104 G A & P nv 7.5(Jg 25s 110 110 110 GA&P 1st pf (7). 25s 134 134 134 Grocery Prod . 5 2 * 24 2', Grum'n Air l.Oag 6 15 15 Id', Gulf Oil o# Pat 1 I 12 364 364 364 Gul St Ut pf 5.50. 150s 111 1104111 Hartford Rayon. 1 14 p, p, Hazeltine 3.50* . 1 284 284 284 Ma.'i rn Han Ct r n# Qdfla Ort 1 ft <*,» Hecla Min (.3og) 5 74 64 74 Heller < WE).4Ua 1 84 84 84 Heyden Ch 1.60a 100s 70 70 70 Hires (A) (2a) 100s 54 54 54 Humble 011(3.50) 3 62 614 62 Huyl Del pf st(r). 50s 74 74 74 Hvgrade Food . 5 24 24 24 Hvgrade Sy (2b). 50s 304 304 304 Ul-la Power pf.. 6 26 254 26 111-ia Pwr di v ct_ 3 54 54 54 Imp Tob Can ,40a 2 124 124 124 Imp T GB l.llfg. 4 224 224 224 Ins Co N Am 2a.. 50s 714 714 714 Int Metal Ltd A 150s 124 124 124 Int Pa&Pwr war. 3 24 24 24 Int Petrol'( 50a). 13 174 174 174 Int Utilities (B). 2 4 4 4 Int Vitamin 30g_ 2 34 34 34 Interst H Eq .50 3 74 74 74 Interst Hos Mills 1 12 12 12 Iron Fire vtc 1.20 350s 164 16 164 Jacobs Co 1 24 24 24 Jer CP&L pf 6.50 25s 90 90 90 Jones & Lau Stl.. 2 294 294 294 Lake Shore M(3) 1 244 244 244 Lane-Wells (1).. 2 94 94 94 Lehigh Coal .10g. 1 24 24 24 Line Mater’i .50g. 60s 94 94 94 Locke Steel 1.20.. 60s 134 134 134 Lone Star .70s_ 3 94 94 94 Long Island Ltg. 2 14 14 14 Long Isld Ltg pf. IsOs 45 444 45 Long lal Ltg pf B 325s 424 424 424 La Land & B ,35g 2 54 £4 54 Ludwig-B pf TtC. 50s 26 25 25 Majestic Radio.. 1. 4 4 4 Mead John (la).. 25s 155 155 155 Memph N G .50g. 1 44 44 44 Mercantile Strs.. 60s 154 154 154 Metro Ed pf (6).. 40s 1054 1054 1054 Mich Bumher_ 30 4 4 4 Mich Sugar 1 H tt fj Mid St Pet B .lue 1 4 -4 4 Minn M&M 2.40g 300s 584 584 584 Molybdenum 2 64 64 64 Mont Ward A (7) 30s 171 171 171 Moody ptc pf (3). 25s 26 26 26 Mount City C log 1 34 34 34 Mt State T&T(7) 10s 1384 1384 1384 Nachman Sp .25e. 1 114 114 114 Nat Auto (.25e)_. 18 8 8 Nat Fuel Gas (1). 11 124 12 12 Nat Oil P 1.85g._. I 41 41 41 Nat P & L pf «8). 400s 944 94 94 Nat Rub M .30g.. 1 34 34 34 isat t ransit .sag. » s*1** p »'/4 Nat Tunnel & MId 1 lb lb lb Nebr Pwr pf (7). 10s 116 116 116 NEPAspfl.aOk 50s 75 74 b 75 NJ Zinc (2a) ...100s 66 6S 66 Newmont (3.50g) 6 72b 71b 711» NT Shipbld fd ah 1 16 16 16 N T Water Svc pf 30s 27 27 27 Nlag Hudson Pwr 64 5S 5b 5 b Niag Hud A war. 21 4 4 4 Nlag Hud 1st (5) 25s 87 87 87 Niles-Bem-P(lg) 1 59b 59b 59b N’tpissing A1 .lag- 1111 Noma Elec(.30g) 1 4b 4b 4b Nor A R orpf (3). 30s 51b 51b 51b North’n P L. .30g, 1 6b 6b 6b North'o Sta P<A) 3 12b 12b 12b Novadel-Ag (2a). 2 36b 36b 36b Ohio Edis pf (6). 25s 108b 108b 108b Oldetyme Dlat_ 6 lb lb lb PacGas 6bpf 1.50 3 33b 33b 36b PenderG (B) lg. 2 13b 13b 13b Peninsul Tel ,50e 100s 33b 33b 33b Pennroad (.10g). 2 2 lb lb Pa-Cent Airlines. 3 lib lib lib Penn P&L pf (7). 25s 112 112 112 renn W &P (4).. 100s 72 71b 71b Pharis T & R ,15e 1 7b 7b 7b riiiia Co (.25e)._. 2 7b 7b 7b Phoenix Secur 3 7 7 7 Phoenix Secur pf 160s 35b 34 35b Pitts PI G1 (4g).. 2 101 99b 101 Polaris Mining . 2 lb lb lb Pratt&Lam 1.75g 1 20b 20b 20b Pressed Metals . 19 9 9 Pub Sv Ind Jfi pf 50s 48 48 48 ' PS Ok pr In pf (6) 60s 104b 104b 104b Pug Sd $5pf 1.25k 200s 85 84 84b Puget 8'd PM of. 175s 80(4 29b 29b *> -.. > wi.n nuu MBita— Dividend Rate Add 00 High. Low 2:35 Puget SdP&T 1 12% 12% 12% Republic Avlat’n 20 6% 5% 6 Reynolds Invest. 1 i -k i Rio Gr V G vtc .. 20 % % % Roes fc Pend( la) 1 12% 12% 12% Rustless Ir .25g_. 2 14 14 14 Ryerson H_ 7 1% 1% 1% St Regis Paper _ 1 2% 2% 2% St Regis Pap pf.. 225s 62% 60 62% SchilT Co (la).4 14 1.1% 14 Scullin Steel 18 8 8 Scullln Steel war 5 % % % Segal Lock .... 1 % % % Selberllng Rub 3 7% 7 7% Sentry Saf Con . • 2 % % % Shattuck-D 275g 3 6 6 6 Sher-Wilms 2.76g 250s 94 94 94 Simmons H&P_. 1 1% 1% 1% Singer Jlfg (6)_. 10s 153% 153% 153'.. Sonotone (.15g).. 2 1% 1% 1% So Penn Oil 1.50a 2 43 43 43 S C Ed pf B 1.60 1 30 30 .30 S C Ed pf C 1.375. 6 29 29 29 So Col Pwr (A) 5 1% 1% 1% South P L <.30g)_ 2 5% 5% 5% Spalding (new).. 1 2% 2% 2% Stand C&S 1.6oa 4 14% 14% 14% Std CAS cvpf 1.60 50* 20% 20% 20% Stand OH lvy( la) 3 20% 20% 20% Stand Prod 25g. 1 9% 9% 9 % Sterling, Inc .20 . 2 2% 2% 2% SunrayOil.log.. 1 1% 1% 1% Tampa Elec 2.24. 2 35% 35% 35% Technicolor (lg). 5 14 14 14 Texon Oil 1 2% 2% 2% Thew Shov 1.50g 250s 19% 19 19% Tol Ed pf (6)_ 30s 106V* 106% 106% Trl Conti war 1 % *, TubizeCh(A) 2g 60s 33% 33% 33% C'dylite (.125g)._ 3 4% 4% 4% Uni Cm WhStra 7 »« •% % Unit Coro war_ 1 % % % Unit Gas 21 1% 1% 1% Unit LtSPwr (A) 1 1% 1% 1% Unit Lt&Pwr <R) 10 1 l l Unit Lt & Pwr pf 4 35 31% 34% Unit Sh M 2.60a 175s 80% 80 80 Unit Specialties.. 1 4 , 4 * 4% L' S Plywood_ 5 21 21 21 U S Stores _ 1 % % % Unit Wall Paper. 6 2% 2% 2% UnlvCorpvtc . 2 3% 3% 3% Ut I'&L pf 1.17k 100s 63% 63 63% IT Ml PA-I rf 1 r 1 •jru\r~ i *7 1*? 1 Utility & Indus . 1 Vi ><4 t4 Utilitv Ac Ind pf_ 1 l>a na na Valspar Corp_ 1 1U I), it, Waco Aircraft _ 3 4A4 4'„ 4\ West Tab & S lig. 100s 14* 14* 14 * West Vac&C 1 2‘4 2»-4 2 * W ichita Klv OH 1 &■■»„ 5-H 5 l* Willson Prod.Tug 200s 10 10 10 Wolverine Pt C . 1 4 , 4 4 Wolverine T .4Off 1 0-* b-4 * •! Wright Harg.40a 14 6% »i . r In oankruP'cy or rrcnvershiD or beins reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act ot seeuntif'F assumed by >uch eompanieb ■Stock.'- sr> murker! art- fullv listed on the Curb Exchange All o?hers are dealt in or an unlisted trading basih Rates ol divi dend. :r. the foregoing table arc annua disbursement.- ba'Pri on ’he la."' quarterlj or semi-annual declaraiion Unless other ^>e no’cd special or exira dividend.' ar» no* included xd Ex dividend xr L> rich's a Ai>o extra or extras d Accumu la'eri ow.riends paid last ypar e Declarer or oaid "ti far this year f Pav.-.ble ir stock e Paid last ypar h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividend* paid or upclarer tins year. 111 Under rule ww WIU w<*r runt." xw Without warrants war War ran'' 7 T'; 11 r of trariine less than lU( shares: sales are Riven in full Libby, McNeill & Libby Bonds Placed on Market Special Dispatch to The Star. CHICAO. Jan. 17.—Glore. For gan 6c Co. and an associated grouj ot underwriters are making public offering today of $11.000000 Libbv McNeill <N Libby first mortgage 15 year sinking fund 4 per cent bond) at a price of 100 and accrued in terest. Other members of the under writing group include Harrimar .Ripley <N Co.: Blyth <V Co.. Inc.: thi First Boston Corp.: Lehman Broth ers; Goldman. Sachs & Co : Hay den. Stone & Co.: Hornblower 6 Weeks: Kidder. Peabody 6c Co. Lazard Freres & Co.: Lee Hig ginson Corp., and White, Weld & Co Of the proceeds to be derivec from the sale of the bonds $9.197.93( will be used to retire the company'; first-mortgage 5 per cent 15-yeai bonds, which will be called for re demption April 1. 1940. The bal ance will be added to working cap ital and applied to the reduction o! bank loans. In addition to the present under writing. Libby. McNeill's financia plans include the conversion of tht outstanding 6 per cent S100 pai preferred stock into common stock At a somewhat later date public offering may be made by Glore Forgan and associated underwriter; of the Libby common stock repre senting the shares owned by Swift Co., which, after the preferrec stock conversion, will amount tt 3.018.639 shares of a maximum oi 3.627.985 shares expected to be out standing. Swift & Co. has made i tentative agreement under whicl these shares may be sold to Glore Forgan & Co. and other under writers during 1940. but has not ye! made a firm commitment. Celotex Corporation Net For Year Is $741,756 By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Jan. 17.—The Celotex Corp. and wholly-owned subsidiaries reported today for the fiscal year ended October 31. 1939. net earnings of $741,756. equal to 93 cents a share on the common stock This compared with $518,358. or 58 cents a share on the common based on present capitalization in the preceding fiscal year. Net sales for the year were the largest in the corporation's history, amounting to $12,317,935, as against $10,574,242 in 1937, previous sales record. Bror Dahlberg. president, said that notwithstanding the European war. present indications were that IUUU1L1UIK> ftliClLlilg tllC CUipUIH* t ion's business would continue favorable. Low Interest Rate To Continue, Says Potter By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—William C. Potter, chairman of the Guar anty Trust Co., looks for a contin uation of the low rate of interest on borrowed funds prevalent, in recent years. Speaking at the bank's annual meeting today, he said: "The slightly increased demand for credit has improved the outlook for bank earnings, but with the large volume of excess funds at the disposal of banks, it would be un reasonable to expect an early change in. the easy money conditions that have prevailed in recent years.” He noted the condition statement of New York's leading banks at the end of 1939 showed nearly 40 per cent of total assets were in cash and nearly 71 per cent in cash and Government securities. Mr. Potter said the “somewhat exaggerated” ideas of the extent to which the European war would stimulate American business “have moderated considerably," although it was still generally believed i1 may help. Industrial production in Italy Is breaking records. _1_ Steel Industry Maintains Output With Backlogs ;j Buying Rate Will Not Show Change Until February, Is Forecast { By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 17 — Steel mills are maintaining production at a high rate largely at the expense of back logs. Iron Age said today in & weekly survey. Operating schedules were cut only one point to 85 per cent of the in dustry's capacity this week, the re view pointed out. but new business is now averaging only about 50 per cent of shipments. “*. * * Many consumers are living J off their inventories, which, though | still not dangerously high, are suffi I cirnt in manv instances tn carrv through the next month or two, longer if consumption should de cline.” the steel magazine said. “Considering this situation, steel companies do not expect much change in the rate of new buying until mid-February at the earliest. Meanwhile there will probably be a gradual reduction in steel operations, together with a balancing of con sumers' inventories in line with con sumption. which remains high in many industries, notably automobile manufacture, railroad equipment construction. shipbuilding. farm equipment manufacture and some household goods, such as refriger ators. “Export demand continues to show ; promise. Tin plate is one of the | items most sought after in the Unit ed States, inquiries and orders com i ing from many former customers of belligerent countries.” The Iron Age composite price for scrap steel remained at $17.67 : for the fourth week as the trade awaited clarification of the steel outlook. Two Manassas Banks Elect Officers | Special Dispatch to The Star. | MANASSAS. Va. Jan. 17.—An drew S. Robertson was elected pres ident of the Manassas National Bank at the annual stockholders meeting. succeeding the late Charles R. McDonald. Other officers elected were R S. Hvnson. first vice president: George B Cocke, second vice president: W. T. Thomasson, John H. Burke and R. S. Hvnson. Finance Com mittee. Directors are Robert Hutch inson, W. E. Trusler, John H. Burke. William Hill Brown, O. O. Holler. Andrew Robertson. R. S. Hjnsosn. George B. Cocke and W. i T. Thomasson. Directors named at the People's National Bank of Manassas are B. George Baker, E. R. Conner. A. A HOOH. T. R Hurst. T. E. Dld i lake. G. Raymond RatcliSe and C. A. Sinclair. Mr. Sinclair was re-elected pres . ident of the People's National Bank. . j and G. Raymond Ratcliffe was re .1 elected vice president and cashier . of that bank. Stockholders of the First National . Bank of Quantico elected the fol lowing directors: C. C. Cloe, G. W. Herring. T. F. Joyce. A. E. Mcln teer. J. F. Mclnteer. H. Ewing Wall ! and Lt. Col. Louis E. Woods. -- Chemical Industries Set Pace in Construction B> ihe Associated Press. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—Construe - , tion in the chemical process in 1 dustries is setting a hot pace in 1940. Contracts awarded on cur , rent construction projects total $8,154,000, compared with $443,000 a year ago. Chemical and Metal lurigcal Engineering reports in its January issue. Proposed work now under con sideration totals $23,730,000. Out ! standing among the proposed proj ects reported this month was the construction of- an alkali plant at Corpus Christi. Tex., for the South ern Alkali Co., at an estimated cost of $13,000,000. Curb Bonds DOMESTIC HiBh. Low. 1 P M. Ala Power t %s 07_in.'! 10.4 10.4 Am PAL Os COlrt IOC’s 101% 101% Appaiach E P 4s H:l _ 110 1 lo 110 Appaiach EP 4%s 48 . 107’. 107% 107*, As El Ind 4%s 5.4 53% 5.4 54% As G A E 4%s 49 . _ 17>, Id’, 17's As G A E 5s 50 _. 17’. 17 17% As G A E 5s 08 _ 17% 17 17% As G A E 5%s 77 . 17’, 17’, 17’, A' T A* T 5%s 55 A_ 08% 08% 08% Atl City El 3%s 04 __ 107% 107% 107% Bald Loco Os 50 : 1 07’, 107 >., 1 07 % Bell Tel C 5s oo C ___ 110% llfi 110% Broad River P 5s 54_101 % 101 % 101 % Can Nor Pwr 5s 5.4 . 99% 99 99', Caro Pw A Lt 5s 5* __107 107 107 Cen St PAL 5%s 54..... 72% 71% 77% Chi Rys 5s 27 cod __ 49 49 49 Cin Str Ry Os 55 B _ 90 90 90 Cities S'C 5s 50 _ 75% 75% 75% Pitips Svr is AS Cities Svc os HO_ 77% 77 77 Cities Svc 5s 65) _ 75 75 75 Cit S PAL 5%s 57 . 110', !I0% 00% I Cit S PAL 5%s 40 ««', SO", SO’, | Comnty PAL 5s 57 07% 07 07% ! Cons G Util os ).') st _ so so so I Cnnt G A E os 5s A Ml1, 0]', 91% ' Cudahy Pkg 3%.* 55 95% 95% 05’, Del El Pw 5%s 50. 106 106 106 ! East GAP 4s 56 A . 78% 78’, 78% Edis El IIlu :t%s 65.. 11 O’, 11 O’, 11 O’, El Pw A Lt 5s 7030 80 70', 80 Fed Wat 5%s 54 08 08 p* Fla Par coupn 4s 06 _. OP', PP', PP’i, Florida PAL 5s 54 104% 104% 104', Gen Pub Ut 6%s 56 . PSN PS 98’, Georgia Pw os 67 __ 106 106 106 Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 .. 70% 70% 70', Houston Gulf H',s 43 107 107 107 111 Pw A Lt 5%s 57 08', 97% P7% 111 Pwr A Lt 6s 53 A _ 106', 106 106 111 Pw A L 5%s 54 B . '104% 104% 104% 111 Pw A L 5s 56 C . 107 107 107 Ind P A L 1st 3%s 68 . 10P% 10P>« lOP'i Iowa PA L 4%s 58 A 108’, 108% 108% Jackson G 5s 47 stp __ 45% 45 45 Libbv McN A* L 5s 47 _ 107 ". 107,*. 107,*, Mil G A H 4%S 67_101% 101% 101% Miss Pow 5s 55 .. 107% 107% 107’, Nat PAL 6s 7076 A ..111*, 111% 111% Nat PAL .is 7030 B 106 100 100 i New E G A E 5s 47 .. 65 64% 65 1 New E O A E 5s 48 65 64% 65 i New E G A E 5s 5n _. 05% 65 65% ! New E Pw 5%s 54. . PP', 99’, PP’, New Or P S 6s 49 A .107', 107 10° N Y S E A G 4%. SO 104% 104% 104% N Y A- W 1/ 4s 7004 104’, 104 104’, Ohio Pub Svc 4s 67 109 108’, nut Pac Invest 5s 48 A_ 04 94 p» Pac PA L 5s 55 _ PH’, PH 06% Penn C LAP 4%s 77.. 101 % 1 01 % 101 % Penn Elec 4s 71 F. _. 104% 104’, 104% Penn Oh E 5%s 50 B 107 107 107 PeoD GLAC 4s 61 D6 07% 07% P7% Peop GLAC 4s 81 B__ 06% 96', PR% Potomac E 5s 56 E_. 108’, 108’, 108’, Pur Sd PAL 5%s 40.. 100 PP’, 100 Pug Sd PAL 4%s 50.. 05% P4% 95% Safe H Wa 4%s 79_. 108’, 10P% 108’, S E PAL Hs 7075 A.. 110% 110% 110% Sou Cal E 3%s 60 B__ 100’, 100% 109% Sou Caro 5s 57_ 100’, 106% 100’, So C Gas of Cai 4%s 68 105’, 105% 105% Std O A E Hs 48 st__ 04% 04', 04% Std GAE 6s 48 rv st__ 64', 64% 64% Std Gas A El 6s 51 A.. 64 63% 63% Std Gas A El 6s 57.. 64 64 64 Std Gas A El Rs 66 B_ 64 64 64 Stand Pw & Lt 6s 57.. 63', 63% 63% Texas Elec 5s 60_1 04’. 104’, 104’, Tex Pw A L 5s 56 .. 167% 107% 107% Tide Wa' P 5s 70 A__ 101% lot ini Twin C RT 5%* 57 A 64 04 64 Ulcn A- Co 6s 50 IV st 10 10 10 Unit Lt A-Pw fis 73 83% 83% 83% Va Pub Ser 6s 46 09’, pp’. pp’', Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B 101 % 101 N lot % Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 0% n% 9% | Wet News U Os 44 53>8 53% 53% "Vis P A L 5s 66 loot, loot, ino% York Rwy 5s 47 st _ 08 98 98 FOREIGN BONDS Unit E! Svc 7s 56 A.. 43% *3% 43% ww With warrants xw Without war rants n New. st (stp" Stamped sNetotlabtllty lm Dated Or maturity. *